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Vol. VI No. 5 (Issue 278)
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Residents In Noisy Scrap With Recycling Co.
January 31, 2013
Kenyatta Johnson, Packer Park Residents Protest Against Penrose Ave. Car Crushing Plant by R. George Linton PACKER PARK residents threw the first punch in what might be a long scrap with a Penrose Avenue recycling company yesterday. Fifty PACKER PARK residents and Councilman Kenyatta Johnson held rally outside SPC Corp., metal-recycling comneighbors from the Packer Park community stood with Councilman Kenyatta pany at 2600 Penrose Avenue, on Wednesday. Neighbors are upset with the car-crushing plant for noise it makes Johnson at 2600 Penrose Avenue, home of a New Jersey(Cont. Page 2) -- primarily in early morning hours.
Sore Throat? There’s A Spritual Candle For That by Maria Merlino Having trouble clearing a nagging sore throat? Throw away your mentholyptus drops, and try some spiritual healing instead. While February may be the shortest month in the year, it is packed with holidays both real and pseudo. Of course Valentine’s Day is the major date, the one we all know best, but here are a few more: Groundhog Day, Super Bowl Sunday, Scout Sunday, Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, Presidents Day, CANDLES blessed for the feast day and Purim. But it’s Feb. 2 and 3 that of St. Blaise might help clear a sore (Cont. Page 2) throat.
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