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Vol. VI No. 8 (Issue 281)
Jim Stevenson 9371 ROOSEVELT BLVD. PHILADELPHIA, PA 19114 215-698-7000 PhillyRecord.com
The Only Union Newspaper Reporting South/Southwest Philly The Way It Deserves
Johnson Bill Provides AVI Tax Relief
Repent For Lent
February 21, 2013 by Rory McGlasson CONTRARY to popular belief, Lent is not a time to start a diet. Fast by all means. But if your motivation is to shed vanity pounds, then you might want to look into a mirror and indulge in some serious self-reflection. “Lent gives us a time to reflect, repent, restore and renew your faith,” according to a South Philadelphia cleric, Father (Cont. Page 2)
Legislation To Help Vulnerable Homeowners With Property Tax Hike LUIS LOPES, 28, a native of Guatemala, receives ashes on Ash Wednesday from Father Vincent Farhat, outside
by Rory McGlasson of St. Maron’s R.C. Church, 10th & Ellsworth Streets. Ash Wednesday opens Lenten season for Christians. It’s COUNCILMAN Kenyatta a time to reflect, repent, restore and renew. Photo by Rory McGlasson Johnson will introduce a bill in TRI-STATE MALL City Council today that will proClaymont, Delaware vide property-tax relief for resiLiggett Monarch Marlboro Camel dents hit hardest by the new $ .99 $ $ .97 50 48.35 55 property-tax hike. 5 Minutes from Comm. Barry Bridge,
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Johnson feels the City’s AVI assessment might force some low-income (Cont. Page 2)
Panepinto COUNCILMAN KENYATTA Johnson, seen here with a constituent at 23rd & Bainbridge Streets, will introduce bill in City Council to provide relief for homeowners with property-tax increase.
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