Jim Stevenson 9371 ROOSEVELT BLVD. PHILADELPHIA, PA 19114 215-698-7000 JStevenson@ChapmanAutoGroup.com
Vol. VI No. 16 (Issue 289)
The Only Union Newspaper Reporting South/Southwest Philly The Way It Deserves
FDR Park Playground Rededicated
April 18, 2013
A Walk To Remember Southern HS Grad Harry Palumbo will walk 66 miles from Fox Chase Cancer Center in Northeast Philadelphia to the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City to raise money for the American Cancer Society, and honor his South Philadelphia parents.
Photo by Rory McGlasson
by Rory McGlasson
A Philadelphia schoolteacher will go on a 66-mile walk next week to raise money for cancer. Harry Palumbo, 45, will walk from Fox Chase Cancer Center in Northeast Philadelphia to the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City to raise money for the (Cont. Page 2)
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TEN MONTHS ago an arsonist burned down FDR Park playground. On Monday, thanks to public and private funding, children were playing again at Lakes playground, Mercruiser/Yamaha/Vlvopenta/Johnson 1500 Pattison Avenue. Christina Evinrude/Mercury/Honda/Nissan/Tohatsu Lurie, co-owner of Phila. Eagles; Mayor Michael Nutter; Don Smolenski, president of Phila. Ea(215) 332-5117 8900 State Rd. Phila. PA 19136 gles; and Councilman Kenyatta Sales • Service • Storage • Parts Johnson help rededicate new stateNew & Preowned • Shop online 24/7 of-the-art kids’ playground. www.philaboat.com Sales@philaboat.com
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Photo by Rory McGlasson
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