Philadelphia Boat Supply SALES - PARTS - SERVICE - STORAGE
Jim Stevenson 9371 ROOSEVELT BLVD. PHILADELPHIA, PA 19114 215-698-7000 Phone: 215.332.5117 8900 State Rd. Phila., PA 19136
Vol. XV No. 20 (Issue 694)
“The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”
@phillyrecord 820 Bristol Pike, Morrisville PA • 215-295-7610
Value 50¢
May 16, 2013
Democrats Rally For Primary Full Picture coverage P. 6-7 & 18
Why No TV Coverage?!
CONGRESSMAN and Party Chairman Bob Brady announces slate of endorsed Democratic primary candidates from stage at Sheet Metal Union Hall.
Laborers Promote Omar Sabir For Traffic Court Variety of Cigarettes • Cigars • Pipes • Hookahs • Novelty Items Lottery and More! $2 Off Total Purchase 10% Off Boxed Cigar Sets with this ad Exp. 5/31/13
Lowest Prices in the Area!
LOCAL 98’S Rat Mobile was asking for fair salaries for Fox29 workers, but didn’t get the station’s coverage, though parked outside of its offices at 4th & Market Streets. Protest was part of nationwide effort to get fair wages for Fox stations’ employees around nation. Story Page 2.
ONE of Phila.’s potent get-out-thevote organizations, Laborers Local 332, has launched major effort to get one of its own elected to Traffic Court, Omar Sabir, 2nd from left. In photo, from left, are Andrew Robinson, secretary-treasurer of Local 332; candidate Sabir; Ryan Boyer, business manager of Laborers District Council of Phila. & Vicinity; Eric Oree, PAC coordinator; Samuel Staten, Jr., business manager of Local 332, and Cory Robinson, president of Local 332. JUDICIAL CANDIDATE Vince Giusini tried to bring his truck into gala, but doors wouldn’t permit. See more pictures starting Page 6.
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302-798-7079 15 minutes from South Philly. 5 Minutes from Commodore Barry Bridge. From the North, take I-95 South towards Delaware, as you approach Delaware, bear Right on I-495, go 500 feet, and take first exit on Right, which is Naamans Rd. (rt. 920 Bear left at fork on ramp and make a Left at light next to K-Mart.
INJURED AT WORK! If you have been injured on the job site, work site, waterfront doing loading or repairing work. You need our free advice....We fight for your right to benefits and we never ask you to pay a fee.... We have successfully helped get money for thousands of injured workers over ALSO OFFICES IN PHILADELPHIA, the last 30 years. MEDIA, LANCASTER Do you want your claim settled for Maximum Value? Are you being bullied by your employer and need the real facts about your rights?