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Panepinto Jewelers

Ron Panepinto Karen Panepinto-Minarcik 700 Sansom St. • Phila., PA 19106 Tel: 215-923-1980 email:

Vol. VII No. 38 3 (Issue (Issue328) 363)

Jim Stevenson 9371 ROOSEVELT BLVD. PHILA., PA 19114




The Only The Union Only Union Newspaper Newspaper Reporting Reporting South/Southwest South/Southwest PhillyPhilly The Way The ItWay Deserves It Deserves

September January 11, 16, 2014

Sister Paula’s Guadalupe Project Needs Your Help by The Editorial Staff South Philadelphia was home to a real live saint for over a score of years and now a group, which has continued her legacy, wants to make her last wish a reality. The saint, obvious to those who knew her, is Sister M. Paula Beierschmitt, IHM, a nun blessed with abundant artistic talent and vision, a sculptress who became the first religious to graduate from the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Short in stature, she often reminded those who knew her saw her as a walking, talking doll, 6915 Essington Ave. dressed in the habit of her religious order. She spoke first of God, second of the welfare of Best Warranty & Service! this country and thirdly of her dedication to promoting the religious arts in whatever form. Pope John Paul II, now (Cont. Page 2)


Page 2 The South Philadelphia Public Record • September 11, 2014 • 215-755-2000

South Philadelphia Business Association Oldest Business Association in South Philadelphia – Chartered in 1897 To join as a member of the SPBA, please call: (215)-336-1108

P. O. Box 31425• Philadelphia, PA 19147 (215)-336-1108 (215)-336-1149 (fax) Executive Board- President: Daniel Olivieri Treasurer: Jackie Fitzpatrick

Board Members

Vice-President: Vince DeFino Esq. Secretary: Gaeton Tavella

John Savarese Mark Rago

Louis Galdo Dr. Jim Moylan Vince Giusini Bill Ciampitti

All Invited To Mass, Free Lunch At Basilica Of Sts. Peter & Paul (Cont. From Page 1) canonized a saint, had been an artist in his own right. In 1993 Sister Paula answered his call to artists worldwide to promote religion through art. She formed the American Academy of the Sacred Arts in a two-story building at 1629 Porter Street. Though often broke, without any funding, Sister Paula’s entreaties brought in help for the Academy from everywhere, especially from organized labor: the Masons’ Local in South Philadelphia, led then by a soft-hearted union boss by the name of Mike Fera, made needed structural repairs at no charge. Others donated. The Public Record ran a special fundraising supplement. Our columnist/photographer Maria Merlino would often write columns about her activities and became one of Sister Paula’s most trusted friends. She would go everywhere that Maria went and soon became a well-known figure to those in the political world. Worried about a tough pe-

riod the paper was going through, Sister blessed our facilities with holy salt. It worked. Sister Paula got the Academy up and running and it has since promoted religious art in many ways, principally by facilitating communication between institutions seeking such art and the artists who were ready and able to create it. One day she burst into the offices of the South Philadelphia Public Record, excitedly waving a glossy photo of a picture she had taken of a mosaic of Our Lady of Guadeloupe on the grounds of Mount St. Mary University in Maryland. It showed two Our Lady of Guadeloupe figures, with the second image of the Virgin floating in front of the mosaic. We thought it was her camera malfunctioning, but she had already checked out the picture with two professional photographers, who ruled out any possibility of the images resulting from tampering. We thought we had waved her off. But back she came

asking about a sliver of open space, wide enough to hold a car or two, adjacent to Carto Funeral Home, 2212 S. Broad Street. She stated emphatically, “That’s the site.” We gave her Nunzio Carto’s number. Next thing we knew, he had given her permission to fill the south side of the space with a grotto. The owner reasoned it wouldn’t hurt to have a religious piece of art next to his funeral home. So beginning in 2008, Sister Paula was on another “mother of missions”. She knew she would commission one of her artist friends to make the sculpture, while she raised the money to make it happen. Fueling her enthusiasm was her belief the Guadalupe image, showing Our Lady pregnant, defined her as the patroness of life. The new sculpture would promote respect for human life from conception to natural death. Commissioned was master sculptor Steven Kilpatrick, who would create the statue which would be, when com-

pleted, a six-foot-high replica of the original image which appeared on the tilma or leather apron of a peasant named Juan Diego in 1531. Her board of directors rallied around her ambition. They resolved to raise an estimated $200,000 to ensure it would be a world-class effort. Their efforts were interrupted by her sudden death. She passed in her sleep on the morning of Sep. 28 last year. In the confusion that followed, one thing remained constant: Board members found themselves united in the resolve to ensure Sister Paula’s mission would be successful and in place prior to the Holy Father’s visit here in September for the World Meeting of Families. The mission is now called the AASA Guadalupe Project. On the first anniversary of her death, Sunday, Sep. 28, a Solemn Mass at 11 a.m. will be celebrated in her remembrance at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter & Paul, 18th & the Parkway. All are welcome to attend, especially those from around

St. Monica’s Parish where she served her duties. Following the Mass, a free luncheon will be held in the Neumann Room at the Cathedral. Those attending will have a chance to donate to what will become a permanent prayer site set prominently on S. Broad Street. Archbishop Chaput has blessed the project, with the Archdiocese giving its permission to display the image in the Cathedral Basilica itself during the World Meeting of Families. William J. Maffucci, interim president of the AASA, is asking those unable to attend to make out checks to “The American Academy of Sacred Arts” and mail them to either AASA Guadalupe Project, 1629 Porter Street, Philadelphia, PA 19145 or to PO Box 20049, Philadelphia, PA 19145. Sister Paula has a bit more power these days looking from above. It was tough to say no to her when she was with us. Now who dares ignore this chance to make her dream and vision a reality?

Bikers Ignore Squilla Legislation Street Fundraiser For Scholarships

CITY SIGNS appearing on S. 8th Street call for no bike traffic. A cyclist attempted to tear this sign down, causing a shouting scene at 8th & Federal Sts., which included shoving, “the finger” and a flood of cellphone calls. S. 8th Street at night is proving to be dangerous drive for autos, as a mostused and narrow bike artery. Key complaints by drivers include: bikes with no lighting, riders without proper clothing to increase visibility, bikes racing through red lights and stop signs and by auto blind spots, riding in wrong direction, giving no signals, and riding abreast to block auto traffic. Councilman Mark Squilla’s landmark cycle bill details defining rules but unfortunately is not enforced. The bill also warns motorists not to open car doors into the flow of traffic. Cyclists comprise less than 3% of 8th Street traffic, but majority Photo by Joe Stivala of traffic headaches.

The Scholarship Trust Fund of the S. Philadelphia Business Association will be the beneficiary of a street block party held outside Olivieri Jewelers, on the 2500 block of S. Broad Street 5-8 p.m. Sep. 17. Dan OIivieri will offer wine and cheese and a gift raffle. A $20 donation is required, with all proceeds going into the scholarship fund.

The Philadelphia Public Record (PR-01) (ISSN 1938-856X) (USPS 1450) Published Weekly Requested Publication ($20 per year Optional Subscription) The Philadelphia Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila., PA 19147 Periodical Postage Paid at Philadelphia PA and additional mailing office POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to: The Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila. PA 19147 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099 EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun, Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Contributing Editor: Bonnie Squires CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Dan Sickman: Veteran Affairs Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: Ron Taylor Photographers: Harry Leech Kate Clarke Leona Dixon `Bill Myers Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Advert. Director: John David Controller: John David Account Exec: Bill Myers Circulation: Steve Marsico Yousef Maaddi The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. ©1999-2014 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public.

The South Philadelphia Public Record • September 11, 2014

HOSTS Linda & Victor Baldi, right, welcome Councilman Kenyatta Johnson, his wife Dawn Chavous and their soonto-be son to gala in his honor in Reserves. Event was well attended.

Page 3

Victor & Linda Baldi Host Kenyatta

ENJOYING backyard-pool area were SHARING moment with Councilman Kenyatta Michael Mattione, Councilman Johnson, Johnson were Henry Rossi, host Victor Baldi, Tony Stagliano, Vincent DeFino and host Vincent Novello and 11-year-old Victor, Jr. Victor Baldi. • 215-755-2000

The Public Record • September 11, 2014

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Kane TV Ads Invite Viewers In by Joe Shaheeli Plumbers Local 690 Business Manager John Kane launched his first television ad of the State Senate campaign running on broadcast and cable TV, and on the internet. The ad features John’s family, including his wife of 24 years, Lori; his daughters Gabby, 17, Sam, 22, and Maddie, 14; and his son Johnny, 20, literally inviting viewers into meeting his family. A plus effort. In the ad, Kane says he is running for State Senate to “put back the $1 billion Corbett cut from education and make sure corporations and natural-gas drillers pay their fair share.” Kane goes on to say, “It’s time to close to loopholes for the tax cheats.” The ad can be viewed at: “I am incredibly proud of this ad, and so happy that my family was able to join me in making it,” said Kane. “As I cross the district, knocking on doors and talking to voters, I hear over and over again that people are angry

that their schools are not getting the funding they need and their property taxes are going up, while corporations and shale drillers are getting sweetheart deals.” Kane is the Democrat running for State Senate in the 26th Dist. that lies in Delaware and Chester Cos. His opponent is Tom McGarrigle, County Council Chairman. The 26th Dist. is viewed as the mostcompetitive legislative race in Pennsylvania this year. The seat is held by Republican State Sen. Edwin “Ted Erickson” who is retiring. Humane Society Puts $$$ Behind Fitzpatrick

The Humane Society Legislative Fund, the nation’s leading political advocacy organization for animal welfare, has endorsed Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick (R-Bucks) for reelection in the 8th Dist. It cited his strong leadership and advocacy on animal-protection policies. Now if pet owners come out in response to the Society’s call, Mike will do well. The HSLF publishes an an-


SABATINA JR. 174th District 8100 Castor Ave Phila, PA 19152 T: 215-342-6204 • 215-755-2000



3503 ‘B’ St. 215-291-5643 Ready to Serve you

Rep. Rosita

Youngblood District 198th District 310 W. Chelten Ave. Phila PA 19148

P: 215-849-6426

State Rep. Cherelle

]|ÅÅç W|Çà|ÇÉ GOP (215) 468-2300 State Rep.

William Keller 184th District 1531 S. 2nd Street


Parker 200th Legislative District 1536 E. Wadsworth Ave. Phone: (215) 242-7300 Fax: (215) 242-7303

Rep.Maria P.


D-185th District 2115 W. Oregon Ave. Phila PA 19145 P: 215-468-1515 F: 215-952-1164

nual Humane Scorecard of Congress to give voters a snapshot of every federal legislator’s record on animal-protection issues. Three times Fitzpatrick achieved a perfect score of 100 for votes in favor of animal-welfare measures before the US House. When Polls Say The Same Thing

Robert Morris University reports a new finding that confirms other bad-news polls for Gov. Tom Corbett. Although the election-day poll is the final poll, it is hard to continue to ignore polls when they all point in the same direction. The F&M poll wasn’t a “junk poll” as Team Corbett claimed, and a whole summer’s worth of attack ads haven’t bought the Republican Governor a better shot in November. National Journal is calling this race a “near-automatic pickup” for Democrats. Even GOP firm Harper Polling says Democrat Tom Wolf holds an 11% lead over Republican Gov. Tom Corbett among Pennsylvania likely voters, giving voters a feeling he is the winner. It shows Wolf holds a comfortable lead (5835%) in the Southeastern region, the race is a draw in the South Central (48% Corbett, 45% Wolf) and the Southwest (48% Wolf, 46% Corbett) regions. Sixty-one percent said,

regardless of personal preference, they expect Wolf to win the November election, compared to 33% who expect Corbett to win. The polling memo says 8% of Corbett voters are supporting the Governor, despite expecting him to lose. 26th Ward GOP leader Jim Dintino wonders why Corbett’s campaign hasn’t played up his differences with President Obama, whose polls show he has no coattails for Dem candidates to hang onto. He cited Jul. 1, 2014 when income, payroll, capital gains, dividend, and estate taxes went up under the Affordable Care Act. He advises, “Not one Republican voted for these taxes.” This could be an ace up Corbett’s sleeve; but he must play it, not leave voters to guess at it, if he wants to reverse polling trends.

Republican 2nd Congressional Dist. candidate Armond James is finding out he is getting some traction in his challenge to Congressman Chaka Fattah. If he had some big donors, he could possibly make a difference in the general-election outcome. More voters are learning he is a Temple grad who has been mentoring at-risk children at an advocacy program for some time now. RCC Exec. Dir. Joe DeFeState Rep.


Brendan F. 170th Dist. 14230 Bustleton Ave. Phila., PA 19116



State Representative

State Rep.

W. Curtis Thomas

Kevin J.

530 W. Girard Avenue Phila., PA 19123 P: 215-560-3261 F: 215-560-2152 Getting Results for the People!


State Representative

172nd Dist. 7518 Frankford Ave. Phila., PA 19136

215-331-2600 State Rep.

Stephen Kinsey

Mark B.

201st Legislative District 5537 Germantown Ave Phila PA 19144 Phone: 215-849-6592 Fax: 215-560-1824


Local 14 Insulators & Asbestos Workers jointly held their picnic with Local 19. Greeting rank and file were Business Mgr. “Steve P”, President Jim Cunningham and Business Agents Robb Cellucci and Ron Rickert, who greeted membership at daylong Clementon Park event. Photo by Tom Russian lice ponders the question, “Had this been a Democrat primary, would James upset Fattah as did Fattah in his uphill victory in the 1994 primary over Lucien Blackwell?”

COHEN 202nd Legislative District

6001 N. 54th St., 2nd Fl. Philadelphia PA 19120

Sen. Toomey Visits All 67 Penna. Counties Again

US Sen. Pat Toomey (RPa.), who understands “all (Cont. Next Page) State Representative

RONALD G. WATERS 191st Leg. District


1st District City Hall Room 332

WELCOMING rank and file to end of summer daylong picnic at Clementon Park and Splash World were Gary Masino, business manager of Local 19 Sheet Metal Workers, center; Bryan Bush, assistant business manager; Business Agents Lou Coppolino, Tony Iannucci and Charlie Burkert; and Mike Guinan, organizer. Joint sellout event was co-hosted Photo by Tom Russian by Local 14 Insulators.

Now If Fattah And James Were In Democratic Primary...



Locals Host Picnic At Clementon

6027 Ludlow Street, Unit A

215-748-6712 State Senator


Larry Farnese


First Senate District

ROOM 134

Tel. 215-952-3121

City Hall 215-686-3464

1802 S. Broad St.• Phila. PA 19145

Councilman Wm.


Room 506 City Hall P. 215-686-3446/7 F. 215-686-1927

State Rep.


Taylor (R) 177th Dist. 4725 Richmond St. Phila., PA 19137


TURNING out to show their support for Register of Wills Ron Donatucci, 2nd from left, at The Pennsylvania Supreme Seaport Museum gala in his honor were City Court heard oral arguments Controller Alan Butkovitz, Dominic Sabatini, this week in a case challenging Paul Fera and Lynn Mascher. Photo by Maria Merlino Philadelphia School District’s (Cont. Next Page)

NECA Political Consultant Ken WARD leaders honoring Register of Adams share moment with State Wills Ron Donatucci included Bill DolSen. Larry Farnese at Donatucci bow, Matt Myers and John Sabatina. Photo by Maria Merlino Photo by Maria Merlino fundraiser.

The Public Record • September 11, 2014

Charter Vs. Public School Limits On S.C. Agenda

Seaport Museum Site Of Donatucci Fundraiser VIPs Show Their Support For Ron Donatucci

Page 5

(Cont. From Prev. Page) politics is local,” has visited all 67 Pennsylvania counties during the 113th Congress which began in January 2013. The Senator accomplished this goal during the previous Congress as well. “Since joining the Senate, I have made it a priority to visit each county of our great Commonwealth every Congress,” said Toomey. “Pennsylvania is a beautiful state full of history, culture, and most importantly good, hardworking people. After speak-

ing with thousands of people from Pike Co. to Greene Co., and everywhere in between, it’s clear to me Pennsylvanians are worried about our sluggish economy, unemployment, and a federal government that lives beyond its means. They’re concerned about their jobs being threatened by red tape and rising taxes. I am pleased to have heard from so many Pennsylvanians and pledge to continue my efforts to fight for you in Washington.”

The Fight For Justice Continues

ED CORYELL, executive secretary-treasurer/business manager of Metropolitan Regional Council of Carpenters, informs Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf of need to break illegal lockout imposed on carpenters and Teamsters Unions.

STATE REP. Maria Donatucci enjoys FOUR LEGAL MINDS! Supporting Register chat with former DA, and perhaps REGISTER of Wills Ron Donatucci of Wills Ron Donatucci were attorneys Carmen mayoral candidate, Lynne Abraham welcomes Ophthalmologist-in-Chief of Wills Eye Hospital Julia Haller, Nasuti, Kevin Rankin and Jack Capak. at Register of Wills fundraiser. Photo by Maria Merlino Photo by Maria Merlino MD. Photo by Maria Merlino • 215-755-2000

Former Congressman Joe Hoeffel, immersed in politics for three decades, is how signing copies of his book, The Iraq Lie: How White House Sold The War. He’ll be signing books at Abington Township Public Library, 2-4 p.m., this Sunday,

Ella Butcher Will Run As GOP Commissioner

Ella Butcher, noted 36th Ward Republican activist, has revealed she will be among those seeking nomination for City Commissioner in the Republican primary. She has a series of legislative amendments which she feels can become law if she can promote them from that

position. Her group reported a host of irregularities in past elections, for which she found no existing legislation to curb those practices. Another Republican seeking a seat is John Featherman, who was reported in local media as eyeing the GOP nomination for Mayor. He intends to run for it, should he not receive party endorsement. Daily News Says No To 2nd Casino

Supposedly worried over the impact another casino will



Over A Quarter Century of Experience




ocal 3


ocal 3


Bravo Joe Hoeffel, Now An Author

with net proceeds going to the library, which is located at 1030 Old York Road in Abington.



Page 6*

(Cont. From Prev. Page) decision to place limits on charter-school enrollment. The School Reform Commission, a state-appointed body that runs the School District, set the enrollment limits in August of last year as part of a series of cost-saving measures that required the suspension of certain parts of


The Public Record • September 11, 2014

the state’s public-school code. The West Philadelphia Achievement Charter ES filed a lawsuit in March challenging the enrollment limits.

Remember - Do It Right , Do It Safe, Do It Union.



State Rep. Michelle Brownlee (D-N. Phila.), as others in the Democratic Caucus from Philly have done,

distributed state-related materials and free bookbags with school supplies at five locations in her district on one day last Friday. She also advised constituents not to expect legislative reports in the mail because of House rules that prevent the material going out for the next two months until election day. So we suggest you check here periodically. She is responsible for a great many benefits going to her district. City GOP At Phillies Fundraiser Tonight

Rick Heilberg believes the Phillies are playing their best, with new faces, and are exciting to watch. Which is why he states GOP Night this evening at the Phillies will draw many of the Republican faithful to this party fundraiser. Chairman John Taylor will be present from 5:30 p.m. on, at the rooftop in right field. Pregame party costs $65. Ticket for game are $38 or $20. For tickets call (215) 561-0650 or Rick at (610) 585-6789. (Cont. Page 19)

Honoring America’s Unions

License # PA010759


ROOFING • Residential • Commercial • Industrial U • 215-755-2000

Brownlee Gifts Students With School Bags, Supplies



have on the one now in existence because of casino closings in Atlantic City, the Philadelphia Daily News editorialized the Gaming Commission should not award the second casino to Philadelphia. Look at plans for one of the four bidders, Casino Revolution. It proposes to create a true entertainment revolution, turning no-use land in South Philadelphia into another Disney-type casino-hotel-golf course and amusement-park complex, providing hundreds of jobs six months earlier than any of the other casino applicants – just what Philly needs. Look at the taxes we have been losing without a second casino in operation! So a dunce cap for the editorial department at the News for trying to protect the sandbox casino at Delaware & Frankford Avenues.

1 198


33rrdsary ive




• New Roofs • Repairs • Hot Asphalt • Rubber & Modified Systems • Shingles • Slate & Tile • Skylights • Siding • Gutters & Downspouts


12260 Townsend Road




Saluting the 27th Annual Labor Day Parade Discounts for Union members and their family contact:

Jim Stevenson 9371 Roosevelt Blvd. Phila, PA 19114 215-698-7000 X 249 JSTEVENSON@CHAPMANAUTOGROUP.COM WWW.CHAPMANCARS.COM

Page 7 The Public Record • September 11, 2014

“PHL Local Gaming pledges more local jobs... sooner than the other bidders.” This Labor Day, as we do each year, we honor the men and women of organized labor, in our community. Especially during this time, we are proud to report that, should PHL Local Gaming win the available Philadelphia casino gaming license, our casino property will create 1,369 direct, permanent jobs, which would translate to $38.9 million in annual wages. In addition, during the construction phase for our proposed $428 million project, we will provide 1,235 construction jobs, with a $65.2 million construction payroll.

Joseph G. Procacci Chairman

Because we are aware that it's much better to have new jobs sooner rather than later, we are proud to be the only bidder, among the four remaining companies vying for the final Category 2 gaming license, whose site will permit us to open six months earlier than the others. That will allow PHL Local Gaming to create 600 jobs, $10 million in wages and $54 million in city and state taxes, before any of the other bidders can open for business.


PHL LOCAL GAMING, LLC • 3333 South Front Street • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19148 • 215-755-2000

Finally, if PHL Local wins the bid it will add to its gaming facility a family-oriented entertainment complex that will create 598 new jobs, in its first three years, more than 6,059 direct and indirect employment opportunities by its tenth year of operation, and ultimately add $278 million in improvements to South Philadelphia and $3.7 million in annual property tax revenue. At PHL Local Gaming, we are committed to job creation, and to positively impacting the economics in our local community.


Page 8



Union Labor…Building it right for a better and stronger community And promoting renaissance of North Broad St.

CITY COMMISSIONER Stephanie Singer turned to her 8th Ward stomping ground for “Women for Stephanie” funder hosted by prominent progressives, among them, from left, Jacqueline Buhn, Singer, Gloria Gilman and Pamela Freyd.

Kids’ Letters To Guv Read ALL DAY LONG on first day of school, civic leaders took turns in front of Gov. Tom Corbett’s office at Bellevue reading letters from Philly children imploring him to fund their schools. Mayoral candidate Terri Gillen is at mic in this photo.

Laborers’ District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and vicinity is comprised of four unions: Local 332, Samuel Staten, Jr., Vincent Primavera, Jr. Business Manager/Co-Chairman L.E.C.E.T. Co-Chairman Local 135, Daniel L. Woodall, Jr., Damian Lavelle Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 413, James Harper, Jr., Fred Chiarlanza Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 57, Walt Higgins Harry Hopkins Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Laborers District Council, Ryan N. Boyer, Business Manager. • 215-755-2000

Singer Gets Women’s Support


The Public Record • September 11, 2014


Laborers’ District Council promotes a safe work environment, jobs completed on time and on budget, and represents union members, who are well trained, productive, professional, and take pride in their work. Union labor…building better and safer communities in Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery Counties. This ad is presented by LECET


The Laborers Employers Cooperation and Education Trust 665 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123 Telephone: 215-922-6139 Fax: 215-922-6109 Web: Juan F. Ramos Administrator

Home Grown Music Festival In Germantown This Friday and Saturday is the first Philadelphia Homegrown Music Festival. The Philadelphia Homegrown Music Festival is the first music festival that brings together local musicians, bands and singers/song writers to perform in Philadelphia Urban Farms and Community Gardens. On Saturday, Sep. 13, there are two concerts that are within reach of the Germantown community at 6:00 p.m.: at Hansberry Gardens, corner of Hansberry Street & Germantown Avenue, and at the same time at Weaver’s Way Farm on Henry Avenue Access to both of those concerts is on a pay-what-you-will donation basis.




No Fee Unless You Win

215-546-7035 123 S. Broad St. Ste. 2140 Philadelphia, PA 19109

by Michael A. Cibik, Esq. American Bankruptcy Board Certified Question: Why is your lender making it harder to make your payments? Answer: You tried every possible way to avoid it, but you finally decided you had no choice-you filed a bankruptcy. But you want to continue to

pay some creditors, like your house payment and your car payment. But when you go to make a payment online, or set up a bank draft, you find your lender won’t let you do it. It’s tempting to think they want you to default so they can take your stuff, but I really don’t think that’s the case. (Cont. Page 10)

help (888) 512-2770. Tom has been serving automotive customers in the Philadelphia area for over 20 years as a salesman and then General Manager of Pacifico Auto Group. Rocco is a top automotive consultant.

We Invite You To Capitalize On The 20 Years Of Experience And Skill Of Attorney

Deborah M. Truscello Call and schedule a free initial consultation. Practice Areas: Workers Compensation Divorce and Family Law Personal Injury Social Security Disability 206 West State Street Media PA 19063


Philadelphia Boat Supply 8900 State Road Philadelphia, PA 19136 (215) 332-5117 1st Notice Information that all rights, title, and interest in a boat or any related equipment shall be transferred to the marine business by operation of law unless the boat or any related equipment is redeemed within 30 days of the date of the second newspaper publication. 1. 1985 Bayliner 2450ciera Reg# PA6414AU HIN# BIYA45BG889 Amount Owed- $6162.20 2. 1975 Catalina 25’sailboat Reg# 11C HIN# FL254020c570 Amount Owed- $4697.47 3. 1985 Wellcraft BowRider Reg# PA3551CR HIN#WELF1985D585 Amount Owed- $2027.96 Trailer- LOMAC- VIN# L27TB22B8JX000692 4. 1993 FourWinns 190Horizon Reg# PA5641CX HIN# 4WNMTA59C393 Amount Owed- $2902.32 5. 1985 Bayliner 23 Reg# NJ0286GE HIN# BP1B115BJ485 Amount Owed- $4408.79 • 215-755-2000

by Tom Flynn and Rocco DeGregorio Question: I want to trade my car in. I bought it used not that long ago and I still owe some money on it. I looked up the KBB value and the dealer trade in value says it’s less than private sale? Why is that? Answer: There are several reasons you get less money when you are going to a dealer. When going to a dealer we have a lot of costs involved in that transaction. We have to pay the costs of reconditioning the car for sale, advertising, sales commissions and other costs. Also, there is the time involved in arranging financing for the vehicle you will be trading it in for. Private sale can cause a lot of trouble oftentimes. You can waste a lot of time waiting for people to come out to look at it and in the end still not get as much as you wanted for it. The other thing is, when you trade in at the dealer the money you get for the trade-in goes right toward the purchase of your new vehicle in an easy transaction. Good luck with whatever you choose to do. If you have any more questions, we are happy to

The Public Record • September 11, 2014

ability or SSI benefits. A person who experiences impairment of renal function due to any chronic renal dis-

Page 9

by Michael P. Boyle, Esq. People who suffer from renal (kidney) disease may qualify for Social Security dis-

ease that lasts or can be expected to last at least 12 months may meet the criteria of Listing 6.02. To do so, an applicant must show that she undergoes chronic hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis (Listing 6.02A.), or received a kidney transplant (Listing 6.02B.). Someone who received a transplant is considered disabled for 12 months. After that, SSA will evaluate any residual impairment. Hemodialysis/dialysis refers to the removal of toxic metabolic byproducts from the blood by diffusion in an artificial kidney machine. To meet Listing 6.02C., a claimant must exhibit persist(Cont. Page 10)

Page 10 The Public Record • September 11, 2014 • 215-755-2000

(Cont. From Page 9) ent elevation of serum creatinine to 4 mg per deciliter (dL) or greater or reduction of creatinine clearance to 20 ml per minute or less, over at least three months, and exhibit one of four symptoms or signs. These include renal osteodystrophy manifested by severe bone pain and acceptable medical imaging show-

ing abnormalities such as osteitis fibrosa, significant osteoporosis, osteomalacia, or pathologic fractures; persistent motor or sensory neuropathy (nerve damage); persistent anorexia with weight loss determined by body mass index of less than 18, calculated on at least two evaluations at least 30 days apart within a consecutive 6 month period; or persistent fluid overload syndrome with diastolic hypertension greater than or equal to diastolic

blood pressure of 110 mm Hg, or persistent signs of vascular congestion despite prescribed therapy. Listing 6.06 can be met by showing nephrotic syndrome with anasarca (massive fluid accumulation), persisting for at least 3 months despite prescribed therapy, accompanied by serum albumin of 3.0 grams per dL or less and proteinuria of 3.5 grams or greater per 24 hours, or proteinuria of 10 grams or greater per 24 hours.

In The Court of Common Pleas Philadelphia County Civil Action – Law No. 140501507 Notice of Action in Mortgage Foreclosure Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Champion Mortgage Company, Plaintiff vs. The Unknown Heirs of Edward Martin, Deceased, Brenda Harvey Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Edward Martin Deceased, Linda Kwenah Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Edward Martin Deceased, Lorraine Miree Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Edward Martin Deceased, Pricilla Walker Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Edward Martin Deceased & David Miree Solely in His Capacity as Heir of Edward Martin Deceased, Mortgagor and Real Owner, Defendants To: The Unknown Heirs of Edward Martin, Deceased, Brenda Harvey Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Edward Martin Deceased, Linda Kwenah Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Edward Martin Deceased, Lorraine Miree Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Edward Martin Deceased, Pricilla Walker Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of Edward Martin Deceased & David Miree Solely in His Capacity as Heir of Edward Martin Deceased, Defendants, whose last known address is 7124 Grays Avenue a/k/a 7124-26 Grays Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19142. This firm is a debt collector and we are attempting to collect a debt owed to our client. Any information obtained from you will be used for the purpose of collecting the debt. You are hereby notified that Plaintiff, Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Champion Mortgage Company, has filed a Mortgage Foreclosure Complaint endorsed with a notice to defend against you in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, docketed to No. 140501507, wherein Plaintiff seeks to foreclose on the mortgage secured on your property located, 7124 Grays Avenue a/k/a 7124-26 Grays Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19142, whereupon your property will be sold by the Sheriff of Philadelphia County. Notice: You have been sued in court. If you wish to defend against the claims set forth in the following pages, you must take action within twenty (20) days after the Complaint and notice are served, by entering a written appearance personally or by attorney and filing in writing with the court your defenses or objections to the claims set forth against you. You are warned that if you fail to do so the case may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered against you by the Court without further notice for any money claimed in the Complaint for any other claim or relief requested by the Plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other rights important to you. You should take this paper to your lawyer at once. If you do not have a lawyer or cannot afford one, go to or telephone the office set forth below. This office can provide you with information about hiring a lawyer. If you cannot afford to hire a Lawyer, this office may be able to provide you with information about agencies that may offer legal services to eligible persons at a reduced fee or no fee. Community Legal Services, Inc./Law Center North Central, 1410 W. Erie Ave., Phila., PA 19140, 215-2272400/215-981-3700. Phila. Bar Assoc., One Reading Center, Phila., PA 19104, 215-238-6333. Alyk Oflazian, Atty. for Plaintiff, KML Law Group, P.C., Ste. 5000, Mellon Independence Center, 701 Market St., Phila., PA 19106-1532, 215.627.1322.

(Cont. From Page 9) There is a reason why lenders won’t set up automatic payments, or continue to draft payments that you always paid that way, or sometimes even send you bills. That reason is based in the automatic-stay provisions of the Bankruptcy Code, which is one of the most-powerful protections offered by the Code, and one

of the main reasons people file bankruptcy. The automatic stay provided for in section 362 of the Bankruptcy Code is effectively a court order that goes into effect, automatically, as the name would suggest, when the case is filed. The automatic stay prevents creditors taking any action to collect a debt, including asking you to make a payment (i.e., send a bill) or draft your bank account. So, in order to avoid even a

technical violation of the stay, lenders will stop sending bills, stop drafting payments, and even stop allowing you to make online payment, depending on the type of draft. Trust me; they want you to make your payments. You may just have to do it the old fashioned way – by check or money order. Next Week’s Question: Your bankruptcy information: Is it more like fish or red wine?

Page 11 The Public Record • September 11, 2014

19152. RSVP Dan (732)6703299. Sep. 18- Mt. Airy Street Fare on Germantown Ave. between Sedgwick and W. Mt. Airy Aves., starting 6 p.m. Sep. 18- GOP fundraiser for Bill Pounds at Kildare’s in Manayunk, 4417 Main St., 69 p.m. $50 per person, couples $85. Open bar and light appetizers. Make checks payable at door to Friends of Bill Pounds. Sep. 18- City of Hope TriState Labor & Management Council Award Reception at Tendenza, 969 N. 2nd St., 6 p.m. RSVP $250 per person, open bar and dinner and VIP valet service. Honoring Ron Donatucci, Keith Holmes and Larry Pitt, Esq. For info (800) 344-8169 or (215) 985-0869. Sep. 18- LaSalle Univ. presents Disney Inst.’s approach to quality service, stressing attention to detail makes difference, at Union League, 140 S. Broad St. For fees and other info Blair Saba (215) 9913575. Sep. 19- Al Stewart hosts 11th Ward Fish Fry at Lou & Choo’s, 21st & Hunting Park Ave., 5-9 p.m. Donation $10.

Sponsored by V. Tutie Edwards. For info (215) 2283134. Sep. 19- State Sen. Mike Stack hosts Senior Expo at National Guard Armory, 2700 Southampton Rd., 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Businesses, health and government agencies on hand to provide seniors with information. Refreshments provided. Sep. 20-21- Egyptian Festival hosted by St. George Coptic Orthodox Ch., 411 Dekalb St., Norristown. Pa. For info (610) 279-9797. Sep. 20- Phila. Horticultural Soc. Fall Festival at Navy Yard, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Familyfriendly event on parade grounds on Broad St. Sep. 25- Mayor’s Office of Community Empowerment & Opportunity and United Way of Greater Phila. & Southern N.J., hosts Shared Prosperity Roundtable at United Way Bldg., 1709 Ben Franklin Pkwy., focusing on challenges facing ex-offenders in Phila., 9-11 a.m. Sep. 25- Dee Adcock For Congress hosts Fundraiser at Paddy Whacks, 9241 Roosevelt Blvd., 5:30-8:30 p.m.

Food, beer, wine and soda. Tickets $35. Sep. 25- Megan Rath is hosted Fundraiser for Congress at Waterfall Rm., 2015 S. Water St., 6-9 p.m. Tickets $50/$100/$250/$1,000. Checks payable to “Megan for Congress”. Sep. 25- 10th, 22nd & 50th Ward GOP hosts Fundraiser for Robin Gilchrist for State Senate at Commodore Barry Cl., 6815 Emlen St., 6-9 p.m. Cash bar. Tickets $50. Sep. 26- Insulators Local 14 holds Mesothelioma Fund Golf Tournament at Philmont C.C., 301 Tomlinson Rd., Huntingdon Valley, Pa., 10 a.m. Registration, 11 a.m. Lunch, 12:30 p.m. Shotgun Scramble, 6 p.m. Cocktails, 7 p.m. Dinner. Golfers $225, Hole Sponsors $300, Flag Sponsors $500. For info (215) 289-4303, ext. 3. Sep. 26- Kevin Pasquay celebrates 30 years as 45th Ward Leader at United Republican Club, 3156 Frankford Ave., 7-11 p.m. Tickets $50. Sep. 26- Marian Tasco hosts Great “Party For The People!” at H & H Banquet Hall, 2036 Haines St. at Limekiln

Pk., 8 p.m. BYOB. Tickets $35 in advance. For info or (215) 437-4294 ext. 209. Sep. 27- 2-Stock Music Fest at EOM Cl., Front & Moore Sts, 9 a.m.-9:30 p.m. Sep. 27- State Rep. Vanessa Lowery Brown hosts Senior Information Day at Christian Stronghold Ch., 4701 Lancaster Ave., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Affordable Care Act, Housing, Disability, Safety, Funerals discussed. Sep. 28- Vendemmia Festival of winemakers at Stephen Girard Pk., 2-7 p.m. For info and tickets (215) 551-3859, Sep. 28- Join Councilman Jim Kenney at Independence Beer Garden, 100 S. Independence Mall W., 3 p.m. and watch 49ers vs. Eagles. Food, beverages, parking included. Tickets $50. RSVP Lindsey (267) 275-2120. Sep. 28- Democratic 65th Ward Pre-Election Gala at Three Monkeys Café, 9645 James St., 4-8 p.m. Tickets $30 per person. Watch Eagles on giant screens. Checks or money orders payable to For info John Donohue (267) 3343775. • 215-755-2000

Sep. 12- Greater N.E. Phila. Chamber of Commerce hosts Breakfast with State Sen. Mike Stack at Wesley Enhanced Living, 8401 E. Roosevelt Blvd., 8:30 a.m. Democratic candidate for Lt. Gov. $10 at door. (215) 332-3400. Sep. 12- Kick-Off Rally for Hero Thrill Show at 12 m. in front of 1818 Market St. Sep. 12-13- Pa. Democratic State Committee meeting at Sheraton Phila. Downtown Hotel, 201 N. 17th St., starting 2:30 p.m. Friday followed by sessions, meetings, and annual Jefferson Jackson Dinner. General Meetings on Saturday. For info and tickets Peggy Grove (717) 920-8470. Sep. 13- Phila. Socialism Conference at Ch. of the Advocate, 1801 Diamond St., 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. For info or (610) 931-2615. Sep. 13- Councilman Kenyatta Johnson hosts Resource Brunch for ward leaders, committee persons and block captains at Galdo’s Catering, 20th & Moyamensing Ave., 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Sep. 13- Goodwill Tabernacle Baptist Church 2nd Annual Community Day, at 5625 Haverford Ave., 12-4 p.m. Sep. 13- 56th Ward in conjunction with the 35th, 41st, 53rd, and 55th Wards will host annual picnic at Burholme Pk., Cottman & Central Aves. Candidates & PACS minimum $100. Make checks payable to “Friends of 56th Ward”, mail to 7720 Castor Ave., 2nd fl., Phila., PA 19152. Sep. 13- Peace March/Rally at Hartranft Plg., 8th & Cumberland Sts., 2-7 p.m. Attending will be State Sen. Shirley Kitchen, State Rep. Curtis Thomas and host of others. Sep. 13- Asian American Association of Business Owners & Professionals host Musical Dance Night, 6 p.m., Maple Point MS, 2250 LanghorneYardley Rd., Langhorne, Pa. For info (215) 681-8679.

Sep. 13- Citizens for Sheriff Jewell Williams invites you to his 2014 Birthday Bash at Sheraton Downtown Hotel, 17th & Vine Sts., 8-11:30 p.m. For info (267) 702-0450. Sep. 14- Historical Marker Dedication for Mathew Carey at 324 Market St., 9:30 a.m. For info Celeste Morello (215) 334-6008. Sep. 14- Black & White Affair at Crab Tavern, 201 N. MacDade Blvd., Darby, Pa., 2 p.m. Tickets $10. Call Donald Townes (267) 577-5776. Sep. 16- American Legion Henry Hill Post 385 presents seminar by Robert Esposito, Esq., on ”Why Everyone Should Have A Will And A Living Will” at United Health Care Community Ctr., 1900 S. Broad St., Broad & Mifflin, 2 p.m. Refreshments will be served, hosted by Post Commander Billy Denny and Chairman Amin Halliday. Sep. 17- Wine & Cheese Fundraiser for S. Phila. Business Ass’n’s Scholarship Fund at Olivieri Jewelers, Broad St. between Porter and Shunk Sts., 5-9 p.m. $20. Gift raffle included. For info call Secretary Gaeton Tavella (215) 3361108. Sep. 18- Kelvin A. Jeremiah, PHA CEO and President, is guest speaker for monthly GOP Breakfast Series at Racquet Cl., 215 S. 16th St., 7:15 a.m. Event free. Light breakfast. For info Denise Furey (215) 387-5641. Sep. 18- Portrait Unveiling of Hon. Pamela Pryor Dembe, president judge emeritus, at City Ha. Courtrm. 653, 4:30 p.m. Reception follows Rm. 201 City Hall. Sep. 18- Councilman Curtis Jones, Jr., hosts Emerging Leaders Reception at Vango Lounge & SkyBar, 116 S. 18th St., 5:30 p.m. Sep. 18- Fundraiser for State Rep. John Sabatina, Jr. at Café Michelangelo, 11901 Bustleton Ave., 6-8 p.m. Gold Sponsor: $1,000, Silver Sponsor: $500, Tickets: $50. Checks payable to: “Committee to Re-Elect John Sabatina, Jr.” and mailed to 7720 Castor Ave., 2nd fl., Phila., PA

IT WAS Family Day at Clambake for Councilman David Oh and family. On his right is cousin Mary Logan and seated is his mother-in-law Imja Chung with his children Joshua and Hannah Oh. Photo by

WELCOMING COMMITTEE led by Republican City Committee Chairman State Rep. John Taylor met guest of honor Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley. From left are Daniel Grace, Jim DiVergilis, Cawley, Taylor and State Sen. Dominic Pileggi.

LT. GOV. Jim Cawley was pleased to see he had support of Charles Oblon, Bill Pettigrew, Joe McColgan and Walt Vogler.

PHILA. REPUBLICAN City Committee Chairman State Rep. John Taylor invited many candidates who attended Clambake. Photo by Robert Mendelsohn

ENJOYING Clambake included this crew of Conrad Fuller, Ines Reyes, Ella Butcher and State Republican Coordinator Ryan Sanders.

RANDY ROBINSON, left, shares moment with Gary Cobb, Ella Butcher and Dorrance Singleton.

SHARING photo moment were Linwood Holland, Domenic Chiavarli, Nick Campione and Ward Leader Craig Melidosian.

FORMER Councilman Jack Kelly and his wife were well received.

FIREFIGHTERS Joe Schulle, 3rd from left, enjoyed FORMER Bail Commissioner Tim O’Brien chats with Ward Leader Shawn Dillon. company of this stalwart group.

A N N I E Havey hangs on to Jennifer McCusker and Gary Feldman for breather, after making sure some food items were on proper display. • 215-755-2000

The Public Record • September 11, 2014

Page 12

Republicans Pack Cannstatter For Annual Summer Gathering

REMEMBERING past Clambakes were Aaron Finestone, Bill Ivers and Doc Quinan.

MRS. JOHN PERZEL remains center of attraction as she herself amid these top Republicans, including Gary Feldman, Sharon and Calvin Tucker and Ward Leader Walt Vogler, and, seated, Joe Vacca and Michael Meehan.

SHAWN DILLON, Teamsters Local 860 president Dan Grace and 1st Ward’s Tom Rumbaugh were sharing political notes.

Robert Mendelsohn

Photo by Robert Mendelsohn

RELAXING at picnic table were M a r y R y a n , D i a n e Charlton, G i n a Thomas and Ron McNeil.

CENTER CITY reps were included in this group. From left were Joe Eastman, Lou Lanni, Stephen Zicker, Dennis Hunter and Travis Unger.

PLEASED at great weather were Ward Leader M i k e C i b i k , Monika Czapla and P e t e r Dacker.

JERRY ASPITE, standing in middle, enjoyed clams; chicken; roast pork with his family, Antonio, seated; 4year-old Antonio, Jr.; 1-year-old Nicholas; and, standing, Corinne O’Connor and Jack Morley.

Cibik Hosts GOP’s Rob Gleason

City Of Brotherly Hugs Page 13

AMONG guests at reception for Rob Gleason were RCC Exec. Dir. Joe DeFelice, Bill Iezzi, Beverly Kessler and Joe Eastman.

ANNIE HAVEY, Rob Gleason and DAVID LYNN and Rob Gleason shared JUDY Camiel and Karen Chizek were among GOP VIPs at event. Charles Coyne enjoyed this photo op. many insider quips.

Common Sense Politics reaves Associates to conduct a feasibility study to a validate whether the general design concept, which included completing the bridge over I-95 and Columbus Boulevard from Chestnut Street to Walnut Street and creating a tilted park down to the river, was possible from an engineering perspective and to ascertain the cost and forecast the economic benefits of such an ambitious undertaking. The master plan, which was released in 2011 and adopted by the City Planning Commission in early 2012, was forecast to yield $1.6 billion in returns to the City and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Spruce Harbor Park, Penn’s Landing’s pop-up park, is an example of the DRWC’s successful revitalization efforts. Spruce Harbor, which was originally scheduled for a two-month season from Jun. 27 through Aug. 31, will now remain open until Sep. 28. Spruce Harbor, which was designed by the architectural firm Groundswell Design Group, is literally an oasis in the city complete with floating barges, fountains, lily pad water gardens, an urban beach, and a pop-up restaurant and bar. Groundswell Design Group, led by David Fierabend, also designed the Philadelphia Horticultural So-

ciety’s pop-up beer garden in Center City. Spruce Harbor’s extended stay demonstrates that the $700,000 project, which was partially funded through a $310,000 grant from ArtSpace America, is meeting expectations in terms of traffic, revenue, and public perception. The park has averaged 35,000 visitors a week and almost doubled that number Jul. 4 weekend. According to the Philadelphia Business Journal, Mayor Nutter personally asked the DRWC to keep the park open another month as public demand was so high. The purpose of Spruce Harbor is to make the waterfront a destination for both residents and tourists. According to Emma Fried-Cassorla, DRWC communications manager, “The park is probably one of the most-successful projects the DRWC has launched in terms of reinvigorating a waterfront space, introducing a new group of Philadelphians to the waterfront and creating a buzz about the future successes of the waterfront.” The DRWC has also experienced success with the pop up concept with its Winterfest, which runs from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Eve. Approaching its second season, Winterfest, which was also designed by Groundswell Design

Group, features a pop-up holiday village, a winter garden, a holiday market, a 400-person warming-tent restaurant, a light show and, of course, ice skating at the Blue Cross RiverRink. Winterfest was the major contributing factor in the RiverRink’s record breaking 2014 season. According to DRWC VP Jodie Milkman, close to 70,000 skaters visited the RiverRink despite the rink being closed for a record 13 days due to bad weather. This represented a 14,000 increase over 2013 and 10,000 more than the best prior seasons. The DRWC is betting on another successful Winterfest and has improvement plans underway including deploying a ski-lodge theme and enhancing the restaurant atmosphere. The DRWC has had other recent successes. On Aug. 15, it formally launched the Washington Pier which was previously Pier 53, the site of the City’s immigration station and the nation’s first navy yard. The park design, which pays homage to its history as both navy yard and a point of entry for new immigrants, features panoramic views of the Delaware River, Center City, and the Benjamin Franklin and Walt Whitman bridges; a path allowing visitors to reach the tip of the pier; an elevated

Happy Birthday Leona!

CELEBRATING her Birthday is Photo Journalist Leona Dixon’s this week with her son Kraig and his wife Karen and Leona’s fiancé Dave. We wish we had been there.

boardwalk; and a 55-foot spire that allows visitors to climb a 16-foot spiral staircase to see views up and down the river. The $2.15-million park, which was designed by Applied Ecological Services, was

funded through the William Penn Foundation, The Pennsylvania Dept. of Conservation & Natural Resources, the Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection and DRWC capital funds.

CITY OF PHILADELPHIA Public Hearing Notice The Committee on Global Opportunities & Creative/Innovative Economy of the Council of the City of Philadelphia will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, September 15, 2014, at 10:00 AM, in Room 400, City Hall, to hear testimony on the following item: 140595 Resolution authorizing Council’s Committee on Global Opportunities and the Creative/Innovative Economy to hold hearings on the level of care and backlog of services for veterans in the City of Philadelphia. Copies of the foregoing item are available in the Office of the Chief Clerk of the Council, Room 402, City Hall. Immediately following the public hearing, a meeting of the Committee on Global Opportunities & Creative/Innovative Economy, open to the public, will be held to consider the action to be taken on the above listed item. Michael Decker Chief Clerk City of Philadelphia • 215-755-2000

by Leonora Cravotta and Scott Adams The Delaware River Waterfront Corp. is turning Penn’s Landing into one of Philadelphia’s premier destinations for outdoor recreation and entertainment. It has been more than five years since the dissolution of the Penn’s Landing Corp., which was marked by corruption and closed-door dealings, including the involvement of Leonard Ross, the former law partner of Mayor John Street and the head of his first transition team. Ross, who was overseeing the bidding process for the development of Penn’s Landing, was found guilty of committing acts of extortion against the developers and of providing inside information to a lobbyist in exchange for a favorable personal loan. But that’s now ancient history. A new day has dawned for Penn’s Landing under the management of the DRWC which created a $250-million master plan. The master-planning process which began in 2009 leveraged Penn Praxis’s 2007 “Civic Vision for the Central Delaware and the Action Plan for the Central Delaware” which reportedly involved the input of nearly 4,000 Philadelphians. DRWC engaged the landscape architecture firm Harg-

NOVEMBER PROJECT Phila. Co-Leaders Suzanne Allaire and Dan Layo along with members Fred Druding, Jr., Megan Murphy, and David Bernstein were in Madison, Wisc. representing Philly in North Face Endurance Challenge. Also on team, but not pictured, is Marinna Marotta. “We don’t trust handshakes, only hugs,” says Dan Layo, coPhoto by Clare Greene leader of NPP.

The Public Record • September 11, 2014

STATE GOP Committee Chairman HOSTS honoring Rob Gleason were Rob Gleason chats with Dr. Mahn Suh Monika Czapla and Mike Cibik at their Park at party hosted by 5th Ward home in Society Hill. Leader Mike Cibik.

Page 14 The Public Record • September 11, 2014 • 215-755-2000

Last week a historic marker honoring COMMODORE JOHN BARRY was placed on Delaware Avenue. The successful erection of the marker was in large part owing to the hard work of Republican Committeewoman CELESTE MORELLO. Morello, a local historian, has been instrumental in the siting of other historic markers in the area. JOHN ELLIOTT was the financial sponsor of the sign. He was also the member of the Delaware River Port Authority who in 1974 successfully petitioned the US Congress to name the Commodore Barry Bridge after the Father of the US Navy. REV. DANIEL RUFF, SJ of Old St. Joseph’s Church blessed the sign. RICHARD SAND of the Pennsylvania Historic & Museum Commission represented GOV. TOM CORBETT at the ceremony. COUNCILMAN MARK SQUILLA presented City Council’s citation honoring Barry. FRAN O’BRIEN represented the Navy League at the event. US SEN. PAT TOOMEY could not attend, but sent a representative, JAMES FITZPATRICK. The crowd was entertained by Emerald Society Bagpipers led by JOE TOBIN, and JOHN HOULIHAN of the Barry Society of Brooklyn sang the US and Irish national anthems. Barry was a native of Wexford, Ireland. He was first commissioned officer and Secretary of the Navy by GEORGE WASHINGTON during in 1791. He led the fight in many naval battles during the Revolutionary War and remained in the US Navy until his death in 1803. (Cont. Page 21)

On Tuesday, I went to Eakins Oval on the Benjamin Parkway to cover, but not necessarily take part in, an attempt to break the World Record for the World’s Largest Line Dance. (I say cover but not take part in, not because I lack civicmindedness, but because I try and avoid line dancing whenever possible. I avoid Electric Slides, Cha-Cha Slides and anything that has the word “slide” in it unless I’m on a playground. In fact, if I should ever get married and you hear that a song for a line dance was played at my reception, please know that the DJ was probably fired immediately afterward.) Now some of you may not know this, but Philadelphia is already renowned in this regard. A group of community leaders, the folks at Radio One and others got together a little over three years ago and organized what ended up being the world’s Largest Soul Train Line in front of the Art Museum steps. At the time, all of us who came of age in the 1970s and believed that everyone was sitting in front of their television sets at noon on Saturdays watching “Soul Train” just like us were mourning the deaths of “Soul Train” host Don Cornelius and Grammy-winning chanteuse Whitney Houston. One of my most-vivid memories of that day, other than the fact it was a chance to be among friends and dance in the name of putting Philly on the map for something other than the Philadelphia Eagles and gun violence, was the sight of E. Steven Collins, Radio One’s director of national advertising, in a fairly large afro wig, enjoying the festivities while helping make sure everything went the way it was supposed to. (Cont. Page 20)

Yo! Here we go again with this tale of the Indians and the weather forecasters. It’s late fall and the residents on an Indian reservation in Montana asked their new chief if the coming winter was going to be cold or mild. Since he was a chief in a modern society, he had never been taught any ancient lore about the weather. When he looked at the sky, he couldn’t tell what the winter was going to be like or even what tomorrow’s weather would be like. He did not have access to the Farmer’s Almanac either. Nevertheless, to be on the safe side, he told his tribe that the winter was indeed going to be cold and that the members of the tribe should collect firewood to be prepared. But, being a practical leader, after several days, he got an idea. He would get the official government forecast. So he got on the phone and called the National Weather Service. Of course he did not tell them who he was. He asked, “Is the coming winter going to be cold?” “It looks like this winter is going to be quite cold,” the meteorologist at the weather service responded. So the chief went back to his people and told them to collect even more firewood in order to be prepared. A week later, he called the National Weather Service again. “Does it still look like it is going to be a very cold winter?” “Yes,” the man at National Weather Service again replied, “it’s going to be a very cold winter.” The chief again went back to his people and ordered them to collect every scrap of firewood they could find. Two weeks later, the chief called the National Weather Service again. “Are you absolutely sure that the winter is going to be very cold?” “Absolutely,” the man replied. “It’s looking more and more like it is going to be one of the coldest winters we’ve seen in a long time.” “How can you be so sure?” the chief asked. The weatherman replied, “The Indians are collecting a lot of firewood.” And now you know how some of the long-range weather forecasters make their predictions. Indeed, the meteorologists are always and I mean absolutely 100 % correct with their predictions – about yesterday’s weather.

ALL THE HYPE about Gov. CORBETT’S Medicaid agreement – by delaying until reelection year, the State lost $600m in Medicaid funding. Thanks a lot!... How about the passing of our former DA Emmett FITZPATRICK, who was colorful and loved? As a supporter of all incumbent DAs since Jim CRUMLISH, I would say Jim and he were fine examples of a DA. They provided a continuum and path for follow-on DAs such as dynamic Lynne ABRAHAM. Joe SANTAGUIDA, Esq. lost his dad – a best friend in life.... The headlined PROBE of the State Attorney General is actually an INQUIRY. And it looks REPUBLICAN. Enough said. Kathleen KANE did assert the Sandusky probe was delayed a long time. That is HER RIGHT. A review found no evidence of it. That puts the matter to rest. KANE did not delay the independent review; she was for it! On the Navy Yard development claim, and as one who has spent four decades at the Navy Yard, I would say it turned the corner in development very recently. When the Boston Navy Yard closed, it was estimated that 30 years were needed for a NAVY YARD to recover. The Boston yard is a wee one compared to ours…. PARADE FOR VETERANS advocate Joe EASTMAN took some hits when he scored city officials. But Joe TOOK THE HIT for ALL VETS. Our region has the thirdlargest vet population in the nation. Pols are not scared of vets whose groups are often not cohesive. And vets vote MAINSTREAM. Vets need a PAC, and should line up ward leaders. (Cont. Page 21)

Well-known philanthropist and businessman HAROLD HONICKMAN along with his lovely wife hosted a plush fundraiser for City COUNCIL PRESIDENT DARRELL CLARKE at the Rittenhouse Hotel. The guest of honor was former GOV. ED RENDELL, who praised Clarke for his service. Rendell indicated Clarke would be a great Mayor of Philadelphia “if he chooses to run.” Many will be paying attention to whether he does in fact choose to run. Among those at the forefront is likely mayoral candidate STATE SEN. ANTHONY HARDY WILLIAMS. Among the notable attendees at the Clarke event were COUNCILMAN MARK SQUILLA, power attorney BILL SASSO, STEVE KLEIN and Clarke Finance Chair CHARLES GIBBS, ESQ. Attorney KEN JARIN hosted a very successful fundraiser for TOM WOLF and MIKE STACK at the law office of Ballard Spahr in Center City. The event reportedly raised over $400,000. Among the notables in attendance were Ballard Spahr Chairman JOHN STEWART, former Democratic City Chairman DAVE GLANCEY and the peripatetic Ed Rendell. On the same night as the Ballard Spahr fundraiser was an FOP fundraiser for the top of the ticket. FOP PRESIDENT JOHN McNESBY hosted a packed house at the union’s new digs on Caroline Drive in Northeast Philadelphia. Among the notables were 55TH WARD LEADER BOB DELLAVELLA, 57TH WARD LEADER PAT PARKINSON, 66A WARD LEADER SHAWN DILLON and numerous other ward leaders. COUNCILWOMAN BLONDELL REYNOLDS BROWN was in attendance and so was COUNCILMAN MARK SQUILLA. The crowd represented a diverse and strong cross-section of all the Philadelphia political and financial establishment. State Sen. Mike Stack as well as STATE REPS. GENE DiGIROLAMO and TOM MURT were honored at a reception at Penn Ryn mansion for their work on drug and alcohol issues. The event was held to raise funds for DASPOP’s legal fund. DASPOP is a statewide trade organization for nonprofit drug- and alcohol-addiction treatment providers. These legislators have worked for over a decade to provide and improve treatment services to families afflicted by drug and alcohol addiction. Also attending this event was 55th Ward Leader Bob Dellavella, who is well known for his work in this field.

Chief Cultural Officer Helen Haynes stated the Office of Arts, Culture & the Creative Economy will use a portion of an arts grant to provide the winners with $500 each in prize money. Adding that to the corporate contributions already raised by Councilman Oh, the total prize money each winner will receive is now $1,000. In addition, each category winner will receive additional prizes including studio recording time, music video, expert consultation and photography. The Councilman created PHL LIVE Center Stage to focus on Philadelphia’s rich music talent and history as a

Vettesse of WXPN and many other stars. Jim Stephens, a jazz musician and founder of the nonprofit ER3, is an organizer along with Stephanie Seiple, co-founder of TriState Indie Music, Jodie Saueraker of Exponent Entertainment, Brad Dennenberg of Seed Philly, Homer Jackson of the Philadelphia Jazz Project and others. Talented and enthusiastic musicians have begun registering at It’s free. There are 10 music categories to choose from. Musicians simply submit a video of themselves performing to the website. It’s easy and anyone can do it. Submissions close on Sep. 30. Up to five finalists are selected by the judges and invited to perform live at some of Philadelphia’s top venues such as World Café Live, Hard Rock Café, Underground Arts, Time, Relish and Silk City. The awards show will be held at the Trocadero Theater on Dec. 5.

“Vulnerability” by Sheila Fox, acrylic on canvas. 16/20”

Archetypal Dreamwork

COUNCILMAN David Oh stresses his belief Phila. is home to potential national talent, which is why he’s hosting cashprize award PHL LIVE Center Stage competition.

The Sacred Landscape of Dreams: Sheila Fox, LCSW,LMFT I am pleased to announce that I am expanding my psychotherapy practice in Archetypal Dreamwork. This work continues to transform my life, and I want to offer others the opportunity to begin an inward journey towards the truest part of ourselves. If we let them, dreams will guide us towards the home of our soul, what Carl Jung calls the Self. We can enter dreams by the feeling experience they offer. Archetypal Dreamwork ignites this spark bit by bit. I invite you to this journey. Please contact me at if you would like to know more about this work for yourself or your clients. Archetypal Dreamwork’s co-founders are Marc Bregman and Christa Lancaster. This work began over 40 years ago.

by Maria Merlino

LITTLE German girls Sophia Clark, Natalie Smith and Cecilie Clark model traditional costumes for Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley. Photo by Maria Merlino

Ringside With The Shadowboxer

Irish Return To Philly

IRISH BOXING returned to Philly after a few-year hiatus with an 8-bout card that saw the Irish edge out the Philly team 5-3 before a packed house at Cannstatter. Flanking George Hanson, Jr. were two of the Philly winners, Christian Carto and Raul Serrano.

RINGSIDE for Irish Boxing matches were FOP President John McNesby, Irish Boxing Committee member Fred Druding, Jr., Judge Kevin Dougherty and VBA President Charlie Sgrillo.

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OPENING stage for talented artists were James Ayrton, Joseph Conyers, Jim Stephens, Chill Moody, GoGo Morrow, Shelly Easton, Aaron Camper, Carvin Haggins, Roberto Diaz, Councilman David Oh and Shawn “Froggy” Banks. WORKING closely with Councilman David Oh, center, to make it all happen are Roberto Diaz, who heads Curtis Institute of Music, and Carvin Haggins, a Grammy winner.

way of further developing the creative and innovative economy. The initiative is a citywide effort that is volunteer-based and relies on private donations. It has drawn overwhelming and passionate support from some of our city’s top musicindustry professionals, including two-time Grammy Award winner Carvin Haggins, Grammy Award winner DJ Joe Logic, two-time Grammy Award winner Dai Miyazaki, Lady B of 100.3, Brother Marcus of Praise 103.9, Bennet of Wired 96.5, Bex of Wired 96.5, Mark Razz of 92.5Xtu, Shelly Easton of 92.5Xtu, E. Ness, Chill Moody, GoGo Morrow, Roberto Diaz (president and CEO of Curtis Institute of Music), Grammy Award nominee Aaron Camper, Wendy Rollins of 104.5, Daniel Han (first violin, Philadelphia Orchestra), Jeri Lynne Johnson (founder of Black Pearl Chamber Orchestra), DJ Greg Nitty of Hot 107.9, Pastor Alyn Waller of Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church, John

V.P. Cannstatter’s Chris Hess and Al Tautenberger welcome Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley, center, to its 142nd Volksfest. Photo

The Public Record • September 11, 2014

Councilman David Oh held a press conference in City Hall to announce the grand prize and category prizes for PHL LIVE Center Stage, his exciting new music initiative that provides local musicians with a real opportunity to gain recognition and success. First Deputy Commissioner Susan Slawson, Dept. of Parks & Recreation, announced the grand prize for all 11 category winners is a concert at the Dell Music Center, which seats 6,000, in which the PHL LIVE winners will share the stage with a worldclass headliner. In addition, select winners will open for headliners at the Dell.

Wunderbar! Cawley Visits Cannstatter’s 142nd Volksfest/Oktoberfest

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Councilman Oh Brings Philly Artists To Stage, Proving Locals Have Makings Of Star Power • 215-755-2000

The Public Record • September 11, 2014

Page 16

FOP Demonstrates Political Prowess With Tom Wolf Gala by Maria Merlino The crowd at the FOP’s Michael G. Lutz Room was buzzing with excitement. Butlered hors d’oeuvres, a carving station, martini glasses of hot potatoes and toppings, and a sweet station and bar kept the crowd happy as they waited for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf. The conversations were upbeat and “labor-intensive”. The enthusiastic reception Wolf received when Wolf entered the event caused Danny Bauder from the AFL-CIO to comment, “Labor is 100% behind, united for Tom Wolf. He has the endoresement of the AFL-CIO. Tom is all for working families without a doubt.” FOP President John McNesby worked the room, talking up Wolf. “Tom is a true gentleman,” he said. “When he talked to us, he was sincere and honest. He will do good things for the police and Philadelphia. He’s the man we’ve been looking for to lead Pennsylvania for the next four years.” American Federation of Teachers leader Ted Kirsch, who often wears his ABC button (Anybody But Corbin), feels Wolf is genuine. “He’s real. The first time I met him, I was impressed,” he stated. “What you see in his commercials

is a sensitive guy, but that is not just for the commercial. Through the years I’ve seen many candidates; many of them you can see through. He will be good for kids. He will be good for teachers.” Joe Schulle, president of Firefighters Local 22, is open to ideas that will help his members keep public safety out front. “It seems unions are being chipped away,” Schulle worried. “We will not support any anti-union behavior. We believe neither will Tom.” State Rep candidate Mike Driscoll is looking forward to working with Wolf as the next Governor. “My goals are his goals: public-education and senior-safety issues,” he said. When he addresssed the crowd, Tom Wolf was advocating for a better Pennsylvania and a better Philadelphia. “I’ve lived in York, Pa. my whole life, in my family home. But five years ago, we rented a condo in the city. It’s nice to live here,” he told the local crowd. “The FOP makes me feel safe.I want to make Pennsylvania a better place. With two months to go, we will continue to work with Katy McGinty. It’s a tough race but we’re taking a new direction with the state.”

KENYATTA LEE, executive finance director for Live 5, tells Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf he’s a winning candidate. Photo by Maria Merlino

FOP President John McNesby welcomes Democratic gubernatorial candidateTom Wolf to FOP’s Michael G. Lutz Room for campaign fundraiser and meet-and-greet. Photo by Maria Merlino

DEMOCRATIC gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf and 1st Dist. City Councilman Photo by Maria Merlino Mark Squilla.

FIREFIGHTERS Local 22 President Joe Schulle assures Tom Wolf of support of Photo by Maria Merlino city firefighters.

AMAZED and pleased is Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf at FOP endorsement and turnout at fundraiser in his honor sponsored by FOP President Photo by Maria Merlino John McNesby.

CONNECTING with union heavyweights, Tom Wolf meets up with Donnell Martin, VP Local 2187 of DC 47, Sherman Harris, DC33, and Photo by Maria Merlino Vanessa Fields, VP DC 47. NECA liaison Ken Adams tells Tom Wolf he has broad-based support, much of which has switched from Gov. Tom Corbett. Photo by Maria Merlino

EVERY ONE IN this picture is a vote-getter. From left are Ward Leaders Bob Dellavella and Bill Dolbow, Karen Borski, Tom Wolf, AFLCIO’s Danny Bauder, PASNAP President Patty Eakin, and Ward Leaders Shawn Dillon and Pat Photo by Maria Merlino Parkinson. IF STATE SEN. Mike Stack wins Lieutenant Governorship, FOP President John McNesby would be a likely candidate to fill seat. McNesby is convinced it will happen. So look for him in special election for Senate Dist. 5. Photo by Maria Merlino

TED KIRSCH, president of State American Federation of Teachers, pitches educational needs to Tom Wolf. Photo by Maria Merlino

KATIE McGINTY is full steam ahead in her mission to elect Democratic Gubinatorial Candidate Tom Wolf. After losing in primary, McGinty focused supporting Wolf and has become a great team Photo by Maria Merlino member.

FOP President John McNesby and State RepElect Mick Driscoll have gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf smiling at their confidence. Photo by Maria Merlino

NATIONAL Electrical Contractors Association liaison Ken Adams, lieutenant gubernatiorial candidate State Sen. Mike Stack running, City Controller Alan Butkovitz and his staffer Bill Rubin seeing pow-wowing over polls showing strong Wolf lead. Photo by Maria Merlino

Page 17 The Public Record • September 11, 2014 • 215-755-2000

For Information Contact: 1608 Walnut Street • Philadelphia, PA 19103 1-800-344-8169 • 215-985-0869

Page 18

Heard on the Hill And City Hall

The Public Record • September 11, 2014

Senate Leaders Demand Mtg. With Tobacco Moguls Two members of the Philadelphia State Senate Caucus have reached out to cigarette-industry leaders to ask them to meet with regards to their vigorous lobbying against the cigarette-tax bill that is needed to fund Philadelphia schools. State Sens. Shirley M. Kitchen (D-N. Phila.) and Democratic Whip Anthony H. Williams (D-W. Phila.), wrote the following letter to Martin J. Barrington, Chairman and CEO of the Altria Group, Inc., and Susan M. Cameron, President and CEO

of R.J. Reynolds. Together these two companies control 78% of the cigarette market in the USA. “Dear Chairman Barrington and President Cameron, “We are writing at this time on behalf of the Pennsylvania Senate Philadelphia Delegation to request a meeting with you and your respective lobbyists immediately. To our knowledge, a meeting was never requested with Sen. Shirley Kitchen, Chair of the Philadelphia Delegation, or Sen. Anthony Williams, sponsor of the cigarette-tax bill. “As you are aware, we most recently proposed a $2per-pack cigarette sales tax in

order to close the School District of Philadelphia’s $93million deficit. The revenue generated from this tax will provide the Philadelphia schoolchildren with critical funding. Once enacted, this tax was projected to generate approximately $45 million this year and $83 million next year. “Nevertheless, the current projection for next year is now reduced to $69 million because of the delays. After much hard work over the last two years, we were very hopeful this legislation would finally pass both in our State House and Senate. However, it has come to our attention

you and your agents have been meeting with our colleagues about this legislation, without involving the Philadelphia Delegation members. You may or may not be aware or concerned about the impact of these delays within our communities. “We have included articles from our Philadelphia newspapers which highlight your role in denying the passage of this critical legislation which would in turn help our schools and the thousands of families who will be impacted by this funding. “Every week that this tax is not enacted, the School District of Philadelphia loses $1.6 million. We do not believe this is how you want yourself or your company represented in this situation. “We recommend that a meeting take place right away

employer. The bond, which is good for six months and is worth $5,000, acts as a guarantee to the employer that the applicant will be an honest worker by covering loss from theft, forgery, larceny or embezzlement. Those interested in the program can learn more about it by visiting or by contacting Waters’ office at (215) 748-6712 for assistance with the process.

to address all of these issues.”

Federal Bonding Prog. Gives 2nd Chance State Rep. Ronald G. Waters (D-W. Phila.), Democratic Caucus secretary, is encouraging anyone having trouble finding a job due to an “at-risk” status to apply for the Federal Bonding Program. “Getting a job is hard enough, but some people in our community are getting rejected before they even get in the door because of a mistake they made in their past,” Waters said. “The Federal Bonding Program is so important because it gives people a second chance to make good on their potential and allows them to finally give back to their community.” The Federal Bonding Program incentivizes employers to hire “at-risk” job applicants by providing them with fidelity bond at no cost to the

Committee People! Old timers and those newly elected from both Republican and Democratic Parties!

McCarter’s Senior Fair Is On In Elkins Park State Rep. Steve McCarter (D-Northeast) is hosting his second annual senior fair from 10 a.m. until noon today at Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel, 8339 Old York Road, Elkins Park. “Last year’s event was a tremendous success, and I expect this year’s senior fair to be equally, if not more, successful,” McCarter said.




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Pettigrew Hosts Daughter’s Champagne Sendoff

GOP Ward Leader Bill Pettigrew and wife Debbie are inviting friends to a champagne sendoff for the wedding of their daughter Nicole Pettigrew to John Stalmaster at Quaker City Yacht Club, 7101 N. Delaware Avenue. The event is Sep. 20 at 6 p.m. If you received an invite you need to RSVP at (215) 743-2000 ASAP. The couple will wed on Oct. 4.

HISTORIAN Celeste Morello, who is responsible for dedication of historical marker honoring Commodore John Barry, discusses agenda with Father Daniel Ruff, SJ, of Olde St. Joseph’s Church, as other participants look on prior to unveiling. Sponsor is John M. Elliott, Esq.

Consultant Randy’s 2-Day Birthday Binge

ANNUAL Coast Day & Delaware River celebration lit up again this year with ferry rides, cabin-cruiser rides, paddle swanboats, kayaks, face-painting, ship models, bus trip to Waterworks (on the Schuylkill) – all free! Monica Santoro, Penn’s Landing operations officer, greeted Navy Commander John Huber from the Navy Research Center in Washington, D.C. to exciting port event. Photo by Joe Stivala

JUDGE Sierra Street, Laborers’ District Council’s Ken Washington, Daine Gray, Esq. and other fans flocked to two-day cigar-birthday celebration for political consultant Randy Robinson, 3rd from right, in University City. Reports to Public Record state Philly GOP is Photo by Joe Stivala interested in Randy as an at-Large candidate for City Council!


Fumo Back As Adviser To Terminal Operator

Kudos to former State Sen. Vincent Fumo, now working with major Port Terminal operator John Brown, Jr., as an advisor. Fumo’s services will come in handy especially now that Southport, the proposed new port terminal on an old Navy Yard site, is up for dibs with the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority studying whom best to lease the terminal to.

JOHN M. ELLIOTT, Esq., sponsor of Commodore Barry marker , chats with Commodore Barry relative, John Barry Kelly, a member of Independence Park Service.

HERIBERTO TORRENS (photo taken in 2002)



215-227-1020 • 215-755-2000

A little over eight years ago, Pennsylvania Secretary of State Pedro Cortés found himself being sued to prevent counties from using electronic voting machines. Those suing said the machines do “not create a permanent record of each vote” and violates the Pennsylvania Election Code, as well as the Pennsylvania Constitution. A few months later, a divided Commonwealth Court rejected efforts by the Dept. of State to dismiss the legal challenge against touch-screen voting machines. The Secretary of State appealed that decision to the State Supreme Court, but in late 2008, Pennsylvania’s high court denied that appeal, allowing the lawsuit to be considered by Commonwealth Court. A little more than two years ago, Commonwealth Court rejected several of the lawsuits’ claims. That ruling prompted an appeal to the State Supreme Court, with the State’s high court in late July agreeing to hear oral arguments. The big question, if SC rules electronic voting no longer legal: Who pays the millions needed to replace them, and with what? Paper ballots?

The Public Record • September 11, 2014

(Cont. From Page 6) Pa. Supreme Court To Rule On Eight-Year Voting Case

Montgomery Co. lawyer Mark Schwartz is urging members of the General Assembly to support legislation banning ex-felons from becoming lobbyists. Schwartz cites a number of them. Is he worried about competition? No Pennsylvania law prohibits ex-legislators or their aides from lobbying, which offers a median salary in Pennsylvania of about $100,000 a year, according to human-resources data and those in the industry. Schwartz is a former aide to the late Democratic Speaker K. Leroy Irvis of Pittsburgh.

Host With The Most On River

Page 19

No Respect For Ex-Cons As Working Pa. Lobbyists

The Public Record • September 11, 2014

Page 20

OUT & ABOUT (Cont. From Page 14) That’s what E. Steven was good at. Making sure that things worked while having fun doing it. So when I got a press release from the folks at Radio One saying they were going to use Tuesday, the anniversary of E Steven’s death, to try and break the record, my Significant Other and I went to take part. We danced a little, which was the whole idea. We heard people share their memories of E. Steven, including his kids, Raheem and Langston. And most importantly, we found out that the E. Steven Collins Memorial Scholarship at Temple University had been endowed. The fundraising effort for the scholarship raised $50,000 and the first one will be given in 2015. The scholarship will go to support students studying

broadcasting at Temple’s School of Mass Communications. E. Steven was inducted into SMC’s Hall of Fame last year. Somehow, I think the news about the scholarship would have made him really, really happy. Education was important to him and was a big part of what he did as host of “Philly Speaks” and just about everything else he did. On Tuesday, all of us who knew E. Steven Collins were reminded of the hole he left in the universe when he left us. Knowing that a broadcasting student at Temple will have the distinction of being an E. Steven Collins scholar doesn’t fill that hole ... but it’s a start. If you would like to contribute to the E. Steven Collins Memorial Scholarship Fund, and I’m hoping you all will, because we’ll need your help to keep it going, go to and give what you can.


PUBLIC NOTICE • 215-755-2000


Corbett Adds More Jobs

Join the Philadelphia Public Record as we honor this city's Italian Americans, TIOGA TERMINAL warehouses have been modernized to accommodate thousands of tons of wood fiber unloaded in these containers which will be used in America to make all sorts of paper goods.

Copies of the agenda to be considered at each meeting, will be available upon request, prior to each meeting, at the Gas Commission office, 1515 Arch Street, 9th Floor, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. These meeings are open to the Public. Marian B. Tasco, Chairwoman

active in the fields of politics, business, religion and community life. Our special Edition marks the 521st anniversary of the Great Explorer's Discovery of America.

TIOGA TERMINAL operator Delaware River Stevedores’’ Bob Palaima welcomes Rev. Dr. Peter Stube, executive director of Seamen’s Institute, and Boise Butler, president of Loal 1291 ILA. Butler’s union has been a major player in helping Tioga land contract.


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SONGLESS CITY City Love Song Wasteland Part 177/180

Tuesday September 23, 2014 Tuesday October 21, 2014 Tuesday November 18, 2014 Tuesday December 16, 2014 Tuesday January 13, 2015 Tuesday February10, 2015 Tuesday March 10, 2015 Tuesday April 14, 2015 Tuesday April 28, 2015 Tuesday May 12, 2015 Tuesday June 9, 2015 These meetings will be held in the Commission’s hearing room, on the 18th Floor, 1515 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania beginning at 10:00 A.M.

Everyone's Italian On Columbus Day!

I received this May 18, 1998 letter from MERYL LEVITZ, CEO, and the Greater PhiladelphiaTourism Marketing Corp., re: “Dear Mr. Argentina ...Our current advertising campaign is focused around celebrity spokespersons the driving message... we will not utilize a "Philadelphia" theme song at this time."



On August 13, 2014, Philadelphia went "head to head" with the city of New York to host the Democratic Party's 2016 national convention-. Party leaders were greeted with local foods and musicians, and received Philadelphia-themed give aways. However, what was missing was a "Philadelphia love song" because "there ain't no love at all without a song. " Interestingly, New York has several good songs, which are embedded Visit Philadelphia CEO, Meryl Levitz (L), is seen in most everyone's memory. Mr. Rendell, a long time carpet bagger from here with her patron, Edward Rendell (R) New York, adores the spot light on on May 15, 2014 at himself, and has only himself to blame if Philadelphia loses the contest. Franklin Square —Nicola Argentina (c) 2014

P.S. Last week’s letter from the Chair of the PA Democratic Committee, Jim Burn, wrote that its program theme when it meets here Sept. 12 & 13 “to convince the DNC that Philadelphia has the energy, enthusiasm and capacity to be the host City for... another historic Convention” is “TSOP” (the sound of Philadelphia). Sir, one can not have an “effective sound” in the city of Philadelphia without an “effective song” because “there ain’t no love at all without a song.”

WALKING (Cont. From Page 14) Promote candidates who served in the military.... The VETS MULTI-SERVICE Center Golf Tourney Fundraiser got off well, thanks to hard-charging Dir. Tim MESERVE. Bernice HILL’S 63rd Ward held a tremendous pre-election breakfast with Bob BRADY, Councilpersons Ed NEILSON and Blondell Reynolds BROWN, Controller ALAN BUTKOVITZ, State Sen. Tina TARTAGLIONE and Ward Leader John SABATINA. One

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of BERNICE’S committeepersons, BRIAN EDDIS, is now Chief of Staff for Neilson. Brian NEVER lets us forget the AOH Hunger Project and phony justice for the Molly Maguires! A lot of pols place too heavy a reliance on FACEBOOK to announce events. POLS use Facebook because it is too convenient. But Facebook alone WILL NOT get them reelected.... Joe RISPO, Local 19 Sheet Metal Workers Political Director, got out tons of literature on Tom WOLF for GOVERNOR. CZW Wrestling used to draw big crowds in S. Philly

until the arena closed for renovation. They moved to the Flyers Training Center in Voorhees. Our arena is now renovated. D. J. HYDE, please return CZW to Philly! Ken WONG, Chinatown businessman and my American Legion buddy, is off to upstate New York to participate in a canoe race. He just got back from riding out a hurricane in Hawaii... My Regimental buddy, Col. James WONG, is being promoted to Brigadier General as Special Advisor to the Director of the Guard and Reserve in the Pentagon. Hooahhh!

The Public Record • September 11, 2014

(Cont. From Page 14) At this point I am handing the quill to a female in the herd. The Democrats have reached a new low in trying to paint Republicans as antiwomen. Democratic National Committee Chairwoman DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ stated, “SCOTT WALKER has given women the back of his hand....” She further commented, “Republican Tea Party extremists like Scott Walker are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back.” Wasserman Schultz believes Walker’s positions on the minimum wage and enhanced unemployment benefits are the equivalent of physical violence. Wisconsin’s female Lieutenant Governor, Republican REBECCA KLEEFISCH, said she was “shocked” and Wasserman Schultz’s remarks were “absolutely hideous” and “despicable.” Can you envision what would happen if Republican National Committee

based on O’Reilly’s airing of State’s JEN PSAKI’S inept handling of a press conference and his subsequent comments. He stated, “That woman is out of her depth.... It does not look like she has the gravitas for the job.” Harf called these comments sexist and charged O’Reilly would not say this about a man. She obviously did not hear his description of PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA’S new male press secretary as “befuddled” and “lacking.” While O’Reilly’s comments were insulting, they were clearly not sexist.

Page 21


CHAIRMAN REINCE PRIEBUS compared those who disagreed with him to deviant criminals? I am a female and believe that increasing the minimum wage materially will result in many people losing their jobs. Does that mean I am abusive? No, it means Gov. Walker and I share a different view on economics from most Democrats. Wasserman Schultz’s comparing Walker to an abusive husband is immoral. While I am disappointed in Wasserman Schultz, she is a politician representing a political party. The recent accusation by State Dept. spokesperson MARIE HARF that Fox News commentator BILL O’REILLY is sexist is more disturbing. Based on what I saw of O’Reilly’s comments, Harf’s accusations are a stretch. Is the Kerry State Dept. engaging its employees in the DNC’s waron-women propaganda campaign? These people should not be involved in partisan politics. Harf’s allegations were

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The South Philadelphia Public Record • September 11, 2014

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Page 22

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The South Philadelphia Public Record • September 11, 2014

ADOPTION PERSONALS A childless successful woman seeks to adopt. Will be hands-on mom with large extended family/friends. Financial security. Expenses paid. Habla Español. Juana & Adam. 1-800-790-5260. ADOPTION: Pregnant? Caring adoption agency is here for you. We’ll work together to find the perfect family. Financial support.

Page 23

Public Record Classifieds: small ADS BIG Deals • 215-755-2000

The South Philadelphia Public Record • September 11, 2014

Page 24

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