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Vol. XVIII No. 5

Issue 888

February 2, 2017

“The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”






4 Will Cheri Honkala Make It this Time?




OPINION BY CITY COMMISSIONER LISA DEELEY RESIDENT Donald Trump, as a candidate and as President of the United States, has made a number of unsubstantiated claims regarding “voter fraud” surrounding the 2016 Presidential Election. The President contends votes of as many as 3 million people were illegitimate. If this were true, it would be the largest case of voter fraud ever committed in the history of the United States. The reality is President Trump’s claims are simply not true – widespread voter fraud conducted by 3 million people would be near impossible to pull off. The Philadelphia Voter Registration Unit, which is overseen by the City Commissioners of Philadelphia, implements a series of procedures to be completed when a voter registration application is received. Employees determine if the application is new, meaning the application was filled out by a person who is not in our Pennsylvania SURE (Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors) system in any capacity. If the applicant is already in SURE, employees look to see if they are attempting to make changes to their registration, be it a change in political party, change in address, or a change in name. From there, a number of steps are taken, on a countywide and statewide level, to ensure the applicant’s information is correct and verifiable. For instance, if an applicant was attempting to commit voter fraud by registering to vote at multiple addresses

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throughout the state of Pennsylvania, our employees in the Voter Registration Unit would simply process their application as a change of address. They would not be registered in more than one county in Pennsylvania. It is possible a voter could be registered in more than one state at a given time — such as Tiffany Trump, Jared Kushner, Sean Spicer and Stephen Bannon are —but it is the responsibility of the voter to contact their county’s voter registration department when they move to a different state, to be removed from the voter rolls. It is not illegal for a person to be registered in two states; it only becomes illegal and is considered voter fraud if the person votes in both of those states. Last year, the American Civil Rights Union filed a federal lawsuit against the Philadelphia City Commissioners Office, claiming the voter registration rolls were bloated. What ACRU didn’t understand was that the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, the NVRA, best known for requiring most states to provide an opportunity to register to vote at motor vehicle bureaus and public assistance offices, also requires states to keep voter registration lists accurate and current. It prohibits states from doing list maintenance within 90 days prior to a federal election, and sets standards for when names can be removed from the rolls. Voters move around. Since voter rolls don’t clean themselves, someone has to do it. With that in mind, the 2002 Help America Vote Act proscribed list maintenance procedures which mandated and provided for the protection of the rights of voters.

Furthermore, under Act 3 of 2002, the PA Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors (SURE) was established as a centralized voter registration and election management system designed to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the Commonwealth’s voter registration records maintained by election authorities in Pennsylvania’s 67 Counties. The SURE system is a platform that supports the critical functions of the Commonwealths elections in determining voter eligibility, assigning precincts, and producing poll books. The Philadelphia Office of the City Commissioners is a user of SURE, which is operated and maintained by the PA Department of State. The City Commissioners Office use of SURE, a centralized uniform registry which is accessible to all county offices, greatly enhances the accuracy and integrity of the voter registration rolls and quality of voter services in PA. The aforementioned Federal and State Acts — HAVA, NVRA, and Act 3 — also prescribe guidelines for voter registration list maintenance. The ability to “clean up” the rolls is mandated by these Acts. There are baseline requirements for list maintenance aimed at addressing the following criteria: death, moving to another jurisdiction, a request from the voter to cancel the registration, a felony conviction (notification of convictions by Courts), and a declaration of incompetency under state law. A registered voter is marked as inactive by the county after having been sent a mailing by the county for failure to vote in five years and then fails to respond. Philadelphia, as a user of the

SURE system, utilizes these list maintenance procedures as prescribed by law. By utilizing these voter registration list maintenance programs as prescribed by law, not only does it provide us with the tools to maintain voter registration rolls, but also protects the rights of our voters which should be paramount to all. Donald Trump has no evidence to support his claims that millions of people committed voter fraud in the 2016 election that brought him to the presidency. He shows a lack of understanding of the federal and state laws that guide election officials in ensuring that elections run smoothly, and that every eligible person who

shows up to vote is able to express their voice. Trump’s claims make it much harder to encourage the American people to get involved in the political process and get to know their government. The more people partake in the democratic process and vote, the less voter fraud will be likely to occur. President Trump should focus his energy on encouraging voter turnout, especially among the younger populations. I am open to discussing ways in which we can improve turnout rates among all populations. Claims of widespread voter fraud by the President of the United States further discourage and disenfranchise citizens when we need them to get involved the most.


Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Rep. Robert A. Brady, Ranking Member of the Committee on House Administration, and Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn have sent letters to the 102 chief election officials and attorneys general in all 50 states and the District of Columbia requesting all cases in which their offices have determined that an individual who cast a vote in the November election was prohibited from doing so. “President Trump’s outrageous claim that millions of people have voted illegally is unconscionably dangerous to the future of our democracy. He has no proof for his assertions but eligible voters all across the country will suffer as a result. His comments denigrate the memory of those fought and died to secure

the franchise for future generations,” Brady said. White House press secretary Sean Spicer defended the President’s claim, stating: “He believes what he believes based on the information he was provided.” Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway said: “The president-elect has been talking to different people, including Kris Kobach of Kansas, about voting irregularities or the number of illegal votes that may have been cast, and I believe that he based his information on that.” Kobach served as secretary of state of Kansas. In June 2016, Cummings, Brady and Clyburn launched an investigation into an Election Assistance Commission action to amend the federal voter registration form to require proof of citizenship in Alabama, Georgia, and Kansas. In September, a federal judge blocked the action after finding that it would disenfranchise legitimate voters.

Copyright @2017 City & State PA LLC

Union Made

“As this new session gets underway, Rep. Hanna and I remain focused on making sure every Pennsylvanian has the opportunity to save for a secure retirement,” Driscoll said. “This legislation would offer portable retirement savings accounts to nearly every employee in Pennsylvania with no cost to taxpayers.” Driscoll, who for the past two terms has pushed studies on the benefits, added the plans would also not place any additional administrative or financial burden on private employers in Pennsylvania. No employer contributions would be required or permitted to an employee’s account. He cited an April 2016 Gallup poll showed 64 percent of Americans are “very worried” or “moderately worried” about not having enough money to retire.


‘Silver Tsunami’ would have devastating effects on both future retirees and the financial well-being of the state as a whole. Currently, there are over 2 million workers in the state without access to this type of retirement-savings account, which is simply unacceptable.” Under the Hanna-Driscoll plan, employers with five or more employees that don’t already offer a retirement plan would be required to enroll their employees in the Keystone Retirement Security Program. Workers could decline if they choose; otherwise, a small portion of their pay would be automatically deducted and deposited into an account with the state Treasurer’s Office. Treasury would manage the accounts similar to the way it manages the TAP 529 college-savings accounts.

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TATE REP. MIKE Driscoll (D-Kensington) and Mike Hanna (D-Clinton) are reintroducing legislation that would establish a Keystone Retirement Security Program. The legislation, similar to last session’s HB 2396, would provide private-sector employees without access to an employer-sponsored retirement plan the opportunity to save for retirement through automatic payroll deduction. Each participant in the program would have the opportunity to set the amount deducted from each paycheck, up until a certain percentage. “Retirement security is a serious issue for the state, especially as a large number of residents begin to retire without the savings needed to meet their expenses,” Driscoll said. “Ignoring this


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POLS on the STREET BY JOE SHAHEELI LMOST everywhere protests on behalf of poor people’s rights make the news, odds are the renowned, Minnesota-born co-founder of Kensington Welfare Rights Union and national coordinator of the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign, Cheri Honkala, can be found. She’s either pictured yelling through a



Vanessa Lowery Brown F E B RUA RY 2 , 2017

190th Legislative District

PATHWAYS to Education, a nonprofit that awards education scholarships to needy persons, administered by the Phila. Federal Credit Union, was kept busy distributing door prizes to the capacity crowd of over 500 at FOP Hall. In the photo are junior Police Officer Kieran Ward, 55th Ward Leader Bob Dellavella, Gina Carolyn, Maureen Mc Allister, Angie Dellavella; Carla and Myra Leese of the credit union and 65th Ward Chairwoman Coleen Scelici. Photo by Joe Shay Stivala

bullhorn, or sitting in the middle of some highway blocking traffic or building a tent city for a protest. She now is the Green Party candidate for the 197th Legislative Dist. We believe neither of the two major-party candidates running for office, DemState Rep.

William Keller 184th District 1531 S. 2nd Street

1435 N. 52nd St. Phila. PA 19131 (215) 879-6615


Always Hard At Work for You!

State Senator

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Anthony Hardy Williams 8th Senatorial District

2901 ISLAND AVE. STE 100 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19153 (215) 492-2980 FAX: (215) 492-2990 ---419 CHURCH LANE YEADON, PA 19050 (610) 284-7335 FAX: (610) 284-5955 6630 LINDBERGH BLVD.

2103 SNYDER AVENUE PHILADELPHIA, PA 19145 (215) 755-9185 FAX: (215) 952-3375 ---SENATE BOX 203008 HARRISBURG, PA 17120 ROOM: 11 EAST WING (717) 787-5970 FAX: (717) 772-0574

ocratic social-service-oriented nonprofit executive Frederick Ramírez and Republican clinical-research director Lucinda Little, can garner the attention of the national media like Honkala can. And who else has a son who is a movie star as known as Mark Webber? Her endorsement release says, “Cheri Honkala, a formerly homeless single mother, knows the struggles of the 197th Legislative Dist. in North Philadelphia, which is the poorest district

AMONG happy prize-winners at the Pathways to Education event in the FOP Hall hosted by Phila. Federal Credit Union were 66A Ward Leader Shawn Dillon and 64th Ward Leader Lorraine Bednarek with her husband Marty. Photo by Joe Shay Stivala

in Philadelphia. She has advocated for the rights and needs of people without homes and suffering in poverty for years. Her love and understanding of the community has compelled her to step forward in her district, ‘because it’s hurting, and I know its pain.’” Unlike her run for sheriff of Philadelphia in 2011 and as vice president in the US 2012 presidential election, when her races were symbols of protest on behalf of our poor and needy, this

State Rep. Jason

race puts her in the heart of a district from which many of her protests are launched. We say all this, because

City Commissioner

Lisa M.

District Office: 4915 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19124 (215) 744-7901 M. – Th.: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. F.: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Room 132 City Hall

Deeley Philadelphia PA 19107


State Rep.




McClinton 191st Leg. Dist. 6027 Ludlow St. Unit A Phila., PA 19139

1st District City Hall Room 332

T: (215) 748-6712 F: (215) 748-1687


D-185th District 2901 S. 19th St. Phila PA 19145 P: 215-468-1515 F: 215-952-1164

Room 506 City Hall P. 215-686-3446/7 F. 215-686-1927


Angel Cruz

District Office 3503 ‘B’ St. 215-291-5643 Ready to Serve you


198th District

310 W. Chelten Ave.

172nd Dist. 7420 Frankford Ave. Phila., PA 19136

Phila PA 19148

P: 215-849-6426

215-331-2600 State Rep.



(R) 177th Dist. 4725 Richmond St. Phila., PA 19137

195th Leg. Dist. 2835 W. Girard Ave Phila, PA 19130




Kevin J.



Rep.Maria P.

Councilman Wm.

State Rep.

Rep. Rosita

State Rep.

Honkala has created the image of a leader of the poor who can bring thousands (Cont. Page 5)

GREEN PARTY City Chair Galen Tyler, C, introduces well-known progressive activist Cheri Honkala, L, at GPOP nominating meeting. Honkala will enter the 197th Legislative Dist. race in a March special election. Photo by Wendell Douglas


Joanna E.

BEN FRANKLIN’S 311th birthday was celebrated with a wreath-laying by Kerry Bryan of the Benjamin Franklin American Legion of the Union League, with the assistance of Mr. B. Franklin himself at Franklin’s grave site. Photo by Joe Shay Stivala, post adjutant

Bullock T: (215) 684-3738 F: (215) 235-4629

City Councilwoman Cherelle L. Parker 9th District City Hall, Room 577, Philadelphia, PA 19107

215-686-3454 or 3455

Facebook: CouncilwomanCherelleLParker Twitter: @CherelleParker9

(Cont. From Page 4) together at almost a moment’s notice. Now we all will learn if she is a political leader with a following that will flock to the polls to vote for her, work for her, or carry signs and wear T-shirts alerting 197th voters she is the only choice to be made – or more a Wizard of Oz. She should easily get the endorsement of our city’s highly motivated dailies and more coverage in her campaign efforts than the other two. But of the three, she stands to lose the most. If she loses the race in this tiny district, where she has roamed its streets almost forever, that will mark the end of her national and local reputation as a leader of any consequence.

PROTESTORS thronged the streets of Center City as Republican Party national leaders gathered at Loews Hotel to plan strategy for 2017. Among the protestors were, L-R, Celeste Zappala, Rev. Terri McNamara of St. Luke’s United Church of Christ, Don Root, Bonnie Andrews, Karen Bustard and Eileen Gilkenson. Photo by Asmahan Luke

Gov. Tom Wolf is a quick learner. He has skirted some of the pitfalls that derailed his predecessor Tom Corbett’s expected second term. And he understands many of the positive reasons Pennsylvanians should reelect him is the fact he was able to stop state spending and balancing the budget. But where does he cut – especially when he needs votes from Philadelphia, where there is always a need for health and welfare, drug and senior services? That is why his decision to merge the Depts. of Aging, Health, Human Services, and Drug & Alcohol Programs into a single state agency should come as no surprise. He saves many dollars. The move has also earned him raves from some of the commonwealth’s bigger health-advocacy groups.


The Pennsylvania AFL-CIO condemns the passage of Senate Bills 166 and 167 by the State Government Committee. Vote was along Party lines. Pennsylvania AFL-CIO President Rick Bloomingdale stated, “This is a disappointing and undisguised attempt to attack workers’ rights. It is an unreasonable intrusion into the relationship between an employer and employee and the fundamental right of workers to collectively bargain.” Secretary-Treasurer Frank Snyder added, “It is imperative that we continue this fight on the floor of the State Senate. We urge Pennsylvania’s working people to call and write their State Senators and voice


Philadelphia Congressmen Robert Brady, Brendan Boyle and Dwight Evans, along with Mayor Jim Kenney, have decried the return of two Syrian families who were lawfully entering the United States through Phil-

adelphia International Airport. “It is outrageous that after they were apparently vetted for years, and finally having been approved for permanent residency in this country these families were held and returned to a third country within hours of deplaning. This action may be a death sentence for them and is another example of how braindead policy is dangerous and destructive,” said Brady. Evans weighed in, “The Trump administration’s ban on immigrants most certainly qualifies as cruel and unusual. Today was a very sad day in the city of Brotherly Love.” Boyle added, “As the son of an Irish immigrant, I am proud of my country’s proud tradition of accepting refugees who seek safety in the United States after a long and thorough vetting process. That tradition should continue. The fact that Trump issued these orders on Holocaust Remembrance Day adds a truly bitter irony to this horrible situation. The

President’s orders turn away 5 people fleeing the evil that we despise.” Mayor Jim Kenney stated, “I am sickened by reports that federal officials, without knowledge or cooperation of PHL Airport staff, detained and then turned away two Syrian families. By several accounts, these families waited months to obtain the proper documentation so they could come to our country legally. And still, they were sent back to a war-torn nation that has used chemical warfare against its own people. “The Trump administration very well may have just given these families a death sentence. Our city has welcomed approximately 260 refugees in recent years from these now-banned nations. “We must speak out strongly against this executive order so these new Philadelphians’ friends and families can also find safe harbor in the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection.”



their opposition to these bills.” Rather than address payroll deductions uniformly, Senate Bills 166 and 167 single out public-sector unions in a blatant attempt to silence workers. Corporations and insurance companies also collect payroll deductions from public employees, and those funds are also used to advocate on issues and lobby politicians. Corporate political contributions outnumber those from labor unions approximately 15 times over and yet the Pennsylvania State Senate seems unconcerned by their undue influence.

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NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY AS TO STUDENTS The Carpenters Joint Apprenticeship and Training Fund of Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties admits students of any race, color, religion, gender, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan agreements, and any other school-administered programs. Information can be obtained by writing to the Carpenters JATC, 10401 Decatur Road, Phila., PA 19154, by calling 215-824-2303 or at our web site

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Applications for Carpenter, Mill/Cabinetmaker, Millwright, Wharf & Dock Builder, Resilient Floor Layer, Lather and Drapery Worker apprenticeships will be accepted by the Carpenters Joint Apprenticeship Committee on the following dates February 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, Saturday February 18, February 21, 22 and 23, 2017. Applications will be accepted from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. only. The test day is Saturday, March 18, 2017. A non-refundable $35.00 administrative processing fee is required. Anyone interested must call 215-8242303 for further details.





GLAD to be out of rehab, Sheriff Lt. Paul Owens was welcomed by Sheriff Jewell Williams, L. Owens suffered multiple serious injuries from an elevator accident inside the Criminal Justice Center at 13th and Filbert streets last August and has been hospitalized ever since. Photo by Wendell Douglas

HARMONIA CLUB was overflowing with attendees paying tribute to the service of State Sen. John Sabatina, Jr. Attending were, L-R, John Macoretta, Dan Sulman, judicial candidate; Sen. Sabatina; Kathy Wersinger, aide to Councilwoman Cherelle Parker; John Sabatina, Sr.; and Carmella Jacquinto, judicial candidate. Photo by Joe Shay Stivala

JOINING the merriment at State Sen. John Sabatina’s Shrimp Night are, L-R, Ward Leader Robert Dellavella; George Twardy, judicial candidate; City Controller Allen Butkovitz; Ward Leader William Dolbow; and Zac Schaffer, Esq., judicial candidate. Photo by Joe Shay Stivala

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COUNCILMAN Curtis Jones’ wife, Jazelle Jones, holds the Bible as Judge Lori Dumas swears him in to sit on the Penna. Human Rights Commission. Photo by Wendell Douglas


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NEW STATE REP. Jared Solomon was treated to a congratulatory reception on Rittenhouse Square. He thanked a crowd of supporters, among them the event’s hosts, former congressional candidate Lindy Li and Solomon’s colleague, state Rep. Brian Sims.


MARK your CALENDAR Feb. 2- State Rep. Angel Cruz hosts Police Dept. Recruitment Drive at 3503 N. B St., Unit 7, 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. For info: (215) 291-5643. Feb. 2- Judge Dan Sulman is hosted Campaign Kickoff Party at Pagano’s Market & Bar, 2001 Market St., 5:30-7:30 p.m. Complimentary light fare. Suggested Contribution levels $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000. Payable to “Committee to Elect Dan Sulman” mailed by Jan.

30 to 1500 Walnut St., Su. 2000, Phila., PA 19102 or at door. To RSVP & for info: or (215) 370-1423. Feb. 2- Phila. Republican Party and House Speaker Mike Turzai host Winter Cocktail Party at Pyramid Club, 1735 Market St., 6-8 p.m. Sponsors $500. RSVP: Annie Havey (215) 561-0651 by Feb. 1. Feb. 3- Chapel of 4 Chaplains hosts Gala Awards Night at IATSE Ha., 2401 Swanson St. Tickets $100. Feb. 4- Green Party of Phila. hosts Welcome Party for new members at William Way LGBT Comm. Ctr., 1315 Spruce St., 1-3 p.m. Kristen Combs and Cheri Honkala speak. For info: (215) 843-4256. Feb. 7- Judicial candidate Anthony Kyriakakis is hosted Campaign Kickoff Party at 1518 Bar & Grill, 1518 Sansom St., 5-7 p.m. Special guest Ed Rendell. . Feb. 10- Ward Leader

Bobby Henon hosts 65th Ward Party at Maggie’s Waterfront Café, 9247 N. Delaware Ave., 6-9 p.m. Tickets $40. Checks payable to “Friends of the 65th Ward,” 9209 Torresdale Ave., Phila., PA 19114. For info: John Donohoe (267) 334-3775. Feb. 10- S.W. Phila. Dist. Services & Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell present African American History Month at Kingsessing Rec Ctr., 50th & Chester Ave., 6-8:30 p.m. Free dinner and admission. For info: Marcus Sharp, coordinator (267) 237-4283; Mike Ross, president (484) 250-9055. Feb. 13- Union League hosts Lincoln Day at 140 S. Broad St., Lincoln reads Gettysburg Address outside 12 m., Lunch 12:30 p.m., Parade to Independence Hall ceremony follows. Feb. 13- Lt. Gov. Mike Stack & State Sen. Sharif Street attend Pathways to Pardons

to find additional funding sources for programs to aid the poor and needy on several levels often leads it to

fall short of similar goals it shares with Jeremiah and the PHA. The city’s only route, as we see it, is to cur-

tail scores of duplicative programming, a move that could lead to a decrease in staffing.

Opportunity Fair at Dobbins HS, 2150 W. Lehigh Ave., starting 5 p.m. Feb. 14- 53rd Ward Democratic Committee hosts Petition Party at Nick’s Roast Beef, 2212 Cottman Ave., Banquet Rm., rear, 7 p.m. Light refreshments. Donations $100. For info: Janice Sulman (215) 470-7542. Feb. 15- 5th Ward Democratic Committee hosts Dinner Fundraiser for candidates at Meatballs & More, 214 South St., 7 p.m. Candidates’ admission $100. Checks payable to “5th Ward Democratic Executive Committee.” Feb. 17- 44th Ward Democratic Committee hosts Evening of Jazz & Petition Party at Danny Banquet Ha., 50th & Market Sts. Featuring Napoleon Black Redeemed & 61st St. Band. Tickets $150. Checks payable to “Ward 44” RSVP: (215) 4294819 by Feb. 13.

Feb. 17- 33rd Ward Democratic Committee hosts Sweetheart Dance Fundraiser at Juniata G.C., 1391 E. Cayuga St., 7-12 p.m. Parking, dancing, beer, wine, soda. Tickets $35, 2 for $60. For info: (215) 370-3689. Feb. 18- State Rep. Angel Cruz and 7th Ward

Democratic Committee host Candidates Fundraiser/Petition Party at Salsa, 2126 E. Lehigh Ave., 7-10 p.m. Friends $50, Candidates $100. Checks payable to “7th Ward.” For info: José Giral (267) 2287-7231 or elections2015@gmail. com.

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HEN KELVIN Jeremiah came to the Philadelphia Housing Authority, he had big shoes to fill. Granted, the path those shoes took got a bit muddy and resulted in the ouster of thenPHA executive Carl Greene, the Authority reshaped the community landmarks in this city. Gone were neglected, poorly maintained and crime-ridden skyscrapers rising out of pockets of poverty; they were replaced by communities of two-story housing with private parking places, small garden ar-

people hired under this program were Section 3 new hires. For FY 2016, PHA awarded over $3.3 million, or 9.64%, of its construction contracts to Section 3 businesses. That’s an improvement over the past two years. Jeremiah understands, as he says, “PHA is an economic engine for the city. Besides housing families and seniors, our objectives include business development and the self-sufficiency for our residents.” PHA also far exceeded its minimum goal of 3% in non-construction contracts awarded during that period. Over $47 million in non-construction contracts went to Section 3 businesses – that’s 14.14% of the total dollar amount of all such contracts awarded. The city’s desperate need

For Further Listing See “Calendar” Online At

March 3, 2017 Jim Donnelly hosts the

58th Ward Democratic 45th Annual Saint Patrick’s Day Bash at Knowlton Mansion, 931 Rhawn Street, Philadelphia, PA 19111, from 7 PM to 11 PM. Special guest Lieutenant

Governor Mike Stack. Tickets $50.00pp, food, drink, live music. Candidates $100.00pp R.S.V.P. Jim Donnelly 610-360-5682 or Skip Montell 267-444-7945

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eas and open spaces where would-be troublemakers were easy to spot. Jeremiah has filled those big shoes in a very positive manner. Under his leadership, PHA is outperforming federal goals in providing both employment and business opportunities to low- and very-low-income people in the city. That should earn him additional respect from the administration of Mayor Jim Kenney, who is hard pressed to do the same with what he has available to him. In congratulating the PHA, HUD’s latest report on the agency’s hiring program showed just over 54% of new hires under PHA’s capital-fund program were new hires under HUD’s Section 3 program, far exceeding the minimum goal of 30%. Put another way, 277 of 512



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HE SOUTHEASTERN Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) was honored by 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania with the 2016 “Excellence in Community Transportation Award” at 10,000 Friends’ Commonwealth Awards ceremony in Philadelphia. SEPTA was recognized for reconstruction and modernization projects to improve infrastructure, safety and reliability; a sustainability program that promotes environmental responsibility; service expansion proposals to bring public transportation to more areas of the southeastern Pennsylvania region; and community partnerships. “In many ways, SEPTA provides our region with elements of everything we are trying to accomplish: traffic relief, economic development, community revitalization, walkable centers, social equity, access to jobs, air quality and better, smarter land use,” said Bert Cossaboon, 10,000 Friends’ Vice Chair. “Transit enhances every mode of travel by getting people safely from where they are to where they need to be.” SEPTA was also honored for its advocacy work for the

SEPTA GM Jeffrey Knueppel, center, receives Community Transportation Excellence Award from 10,000 Friends’ President and CEO Jack Machek, as 10,000 Friends’ Vice Chair Bert Cossaboon looks

passage of Act 89, Pennsylvania’s transportation bill that provides billions of dollars in funding for transportation and transit projects across the Commonwealth over five years. Act 89 was passed in November 2013. “SEPTA is a mature, multi-modal transit system with infrastructure and facilities dating from the 19th century. The capital resources needed to make major investments to improve the system have not always been available,” said Jeffrey Knueppel, SEPTA General Manager. “Thanks to the efforts of the southeastern Pennsylvania legislative delegation to pass Act 89, and the voices of support from the legions of stakeholders and transit advocates, including 10,000 Friends,

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Legal Notice

we now have the dedicated capital funding needed to aggressively chip away at our $5 billion backlog in state of good repair projects and focus our efforts on rebuilding the SEPTA system to support the 1.1 million passenger trips we deliver each day.” Knueppel added, “With the doubling of our capital investment budget since the passage of Act 89, we continue to make major infrastructure improvements with our ‘Rebuilding the System’ program.” In addition to SEPTA’s award, 10,000 Friends also honored the Philadelphia Water Department with the Public Infrastructure Excellence Award and Drexel University with the Joanne Denworth Founder’s Award.

IN RE: Adoption of Baby Girl B, a minor female child (DOB: 8-8-2016), No. CP-51AP-00001194-2016 in the Family Court, Adoption Branch, Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, PA. To: David Vaughan: A Petition has been filed asking the Court to put an end to all rights you have to your child, a female child born 8-8-2016 in Delaware County Memorial Hospital in Drexel Hill, PA. The Court has set a hearing to consider ending rights to your child. That hearing will be held in Courtroom No. 5E before The Hon. Walter J. Olszewski at Family Court, Adoption Branch, 1501 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA on March 1, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. Your presence is required at the hearing. You are warned that even if you fail to appear at the scheduled hearing, the hearing will go on without you and your rights to your child may be ended by the Court without your being present. You have a right to be represented at the hearing by a lawyer. You should take this paper to your lawyer at once. If you do not have a lawyer or cannot afford one, go to or telephone the office set forth below to find out where you can get legal help: Philadelphia Lawyer Information Service, 1101 Market Street, 11th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215-238-6333). Law Offices of Deborah E. Spivack, Atty for Adoptions From The Heart, PO Box 56182, Philadelphia, PA 19130 (215-763-5550). BY THE COURT: THE HON. WALTER J. OLSZEWSKI JUDGE, FAMILY COURT

EVERYDAY PEOPLE BY DENISE CLAY ANNA KNOW which of Philadelphia’s worldclass museums is probably going to be the busiest over the next four years? The National Constitution Center. This monument to all things connected to our nation’s founding document stands to be the most popular building in the country over the next four years as journalists, religious scholars, immigrants and everyone else tries to figure out whether or not half of what


President Donald Trump does in a given day is actually covered by our laws. Over the weekend, the nation’s airports were crowded with protestors as immigrants, “green card” holders and refugees that had already been through at last three years of vetting before even getting on the plane from their native lands were taken into custody and in some cases, deported. This was the result of one of the many executive orders and presidential memoranda signed by the President since his inauguration last week. Some of the other things Trump either instituted or did away with by the stroke of a pen included the possibility of bringing back extraordinary rendition and enhanced interrogation (otherwise known as sending people to so-called “black sites” and torture), ending the discount on FHA mortgage rates, freezing federal hiring, beginning the dismantling of the Affordable Care Act, and the ban on im-

BY JOE SHAY STIVALA UNNY: Over the past eight years, the GOP HAMMERED AWAY over the use of EXECUTIVE ORDERS by Obama. Now they are as silent as CHURCH MICE over Executive Orders flowing like a MIGHTY RIVER from Trump(?) MORE FUNNY: In the DA’s race, one candidate proposed candidates not accept campaign contributions. Easy for him to suggest. His campaign managers have access to raising a lot of cash. His call




REDERICK RAMÍREZ won the Democratic ward leaders’ nomination election to fill the vacancy for the state rep seat formally occupied by LESLIE ACOSTA. The special election to fill the seat will be held in March. Acosta had been under fire for some time now after her secret guilty plea to federal money laundering was discovered. Now Ramírez will have a chance to bring all the different political subsections in that legislative district together. The feuds seem never-ending between the

justification for high-salary 9 FAT JOBS to be brought in. I read where the sister of Kathleen KANE was OUSTED from the Attorney General’s Office. I wondered: Was she physically removed or driven out with sticks? Our new State Attorney General, Josh SHAPIRO, would do that? NOPE. Paragraphs down it noted that she was ASKED to resign. Embellishment? In the trial of Sen. Larry FARNESE, prosecutors may have gotten into an area they are unfamiliar with: ward elections. This event is a personal and family-like matter. It is kind of like interfering with a Knight of Columbus election! The media have forgotten to mention the person who may have tipped the FBI off in anger (?). Does this mean ANYONE with a GRUDGE can go to the FEDS with a “tip”? Prosecutors Heberle and Kravis should have never been (Cont. Page 14)

networks, which usually consist of STATE REP. ANGEL CRUZ and his current allies, vs. CARLOS MATOS and the TARTAGLIONE family and all of their current allies. The allies often change constantly depending on who’s up and who’s down. But what’s really needed in that area is stability. The problem with Philadelphia politics has always been the divisions between factions. WILL ROGERS famously declared he did not belong to any organized political party … he was a Democrat. Disunity is how the Democrats lost the presidency to DONALD TRUMP. Trump, in the meantime, is causing mayhem all over the place with his executive order banning immigrants from seven suspicious countries. He neglected also to include the really suspicious countries of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. The word on the street is he has big business deals there and doesn’t

want them mess them up. How long his audacity will serve his interest remains to be seen. But so far, no one in his party will call him out on his nonsense. The issue of unity cost a leadership position to former PA House Appropriations Chair, Philadelphia STATE REP. DWIGHT EVANS. His own fellow Philadelphians voted against him and caused him to lose an important position for the city of Philadelphia. Evans showed his former colleagues that he did not have to take it anymore and recently won a seat in Congress. The only significant positions still held by Philadelphia in the legislature is that of minority Appropriations chair, which is held by STATE SEN. VINCENT HUGHES, and minority whip, which is held by STATE SEN. ANTHONY WILLIAMS. But there are only 16 Democrats in the Senate and Republicans are far less likely to deal fairly



also suggests he is as pure as the driven snow (?). The DA’s race is important in an era of EVOLVING treatment of defendants and inmates; so be sure to separate the SLUSH banter. It is no surprise TRUMP said FBI Dir. James COMEY can keep his job! His announcement in the last moments of the presidential campaign could have tipped a close race. We will never know if it changed the race, but it was BLARNEY! I was sorry to read that a developer will not preserve parts of the historical façade (as is common in that area) for the Jewelers’ Row high-rise. Part of a development is PROFIT, some should be loving and preserving our city scene. A column noted that reinventing government costs more (and big) money. True. When you hear calls for “REFORM” in government – feel your wallet shrinking in your pants or purse. REFORM is mostly a

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WAS ASKED last week to speak to a television reporter about my opinion of the Million Women marches. I declined initially because of concerns about being retaliated upon in the workplace, even though it has no official prohibition upon my speaking my opinions on politics publically. Annoyed at myself for my cowardice, I changed my mind a few minutes later. However, in that short time they found another Republican woman who was willing to go on camera.

about Trump – they are, but not in the way they hoped. They are making lukewarm or reluctant Trump voters into Trump supporters. Frankly, I am tired of being told that because I do not share progressive views, I am ignorant, stupid or evil (aka a “hater”). I am tired of sitting on trains, in restaurants and even at social events where people loudly call those who voted for Trump unpleasant names. I believe most of the people who are saying these patently distasteful things about Trump voters assume everyone within earshot agrees with them. They probably assume that all 63 million people who voted for Trump live in the boondocks or blue-collar neighborhoods. If they looked at the demographics of this country and pulled out their calculators, they would realize he had to have appealed to a larger base in order get that many votes. (Cont. Page 12) migration from seven mostly Muslim countries. It’s that last one, the socalled “Muslim Ban” or “Immigrant Ban,” that’s got folks so up in arms for a variety of reasons. One, some of the folks coming into the country as refugees are folks who served as translators for American soldiers during our various misadventures in the Middle East. They’ve been vetted for three years at least, and vetting is supposed to be what that particular executive order was supposed to be about. Two, if you have a green card, or permission to be here as a legal immigrant, that means you’ve been through the proper vetting and you’ve probably been here for a while. Thus, I don’t understand why these folks were kept away from their families. And three, the reason why it’s called a “Muslim Ban” was because it seemed aimed at, well, Muslims. (Cont. Page 14)

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I defend the marchers’ right to assemble peacefully (which they did). I understand they did not like the outcome of the election. I share their opinion to a point. I am disappointed that my choices in November were DONALD TRUMP, HILLARY CLINTON, GARY JOHNSON and JILL STEIN. I have a list of people whom I would rather see in the White House, but Hillary Clinton is not on that list. While marches had large numbers, they appeared not to be truly unified but amalgamations of disparate groups that consider themselves to represent women’s causes (lots of different women’s causes). They were protesting against Trump and “hate.” I was sensing “hate” – but not from the Trump administration, rather the hate of the Trump foes towards people like me. If these women and the other Trump haters think they are changing people’s minds

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O! HERE we go again. Julie Gattone and I went to school together and we had these same experiences growing up. Julie sent this to me to ask you, my readers, if you grew up in the ’50s or earlier: Was our childhood really all that bad? Judge for yourself: In 1952, the US population was less than 150 million. Yet you knew more people then, and knew them better – and that was good. The average annual salary was under $3,000, yet our parents could put some of it

ELEPHANT CORNER (Cont. From Page 9) I suppose I should count myself lucky that I was not the woman who was pelted with eggs on her way to the Inaugural Ball. She, like I, was a reluctant Trump voter, and in an op-ed she wrote in the Wall Street Journal, she stated she, too, is finding the vitriol on the left towards the election softening her view on Trump. I should also count myself lucky that I am surrounded by enough Republicans that I feel I have adequate support. An openly gay professor in San Francisco does not appear to feel so lucky. He stated in an op-ed (also in the WSJ) that telling friends and colleagues he voted for Trump was harder than coming out of the closet 20 years ago. Back to Philadelphia. While I have bought sodas in restaurants and at the

away for a rainy day and still live a decent life – and that was good. A loaf of bread cost about 15 cents and it was safe for a 5-year-old to skate to the store and buy one – and that was good. Prime time meant “I Love Lucy,” “Ozzie & Harriet” and “Lassie.” Nobody had ever heard of ratings, filters or parental-consent chips – and that was good. We didn’t have air conditioning, so the windows stayed up – and that was good. Half a dozen mothers ran outside when you fell off your bike – and that was good. Your teacher was either Miss Matthews or Mrs. Logan or Mr. Adkins, but not Ms. Becky or Mr. Dan – and that was good. The only hazardous material you knew about was a pile of dog manure in the alley – and that was good. Most families needed only one job, so Mom was always home when school let out – and that was good. You loved to climb into a fresh-

ly made bed with sheets dried on the clothesline – and that was good. People generally lived in the same hometown with their relatives, so “child care” meant grandparents or aunts and uncles, and that was good. Your Dad knew how to adjust everybody’s carburetor, and the man next door knew how to adjust the TV controls – and that was very good. Your grandpa grew tomatoes, peppers and a fig tree in the back yard with grapes growing overhead – and that was definitely good. And just when you were about to do something really bad, chances were you’d run into your highschool coach, or the nosy old lady from up the street, or your little sister’s piano teacher, or somebody from church – all of whom knew your parents’ phone number and your first name – even that was good. Things have definitely changed. But have they changed for the better?

movies in Philadelphia, I have not bought them in grocery stores since the first of the year. While at a State Committee meeting, I stopped in the Walmart in King of Prussia and bought soda. I also bought other products that I normally buy in the Walmart on Columbus Avenue. Last week, coming home from the movies in Bryn Mawr, I stopped at CVS to use a coupon that was about to expire. I chose that store so I could also buy soda. In the first month, I diverted my purchasing twice to suburban stores. In doing so, I diverted a significant portion of my monthly grocery and sundry items to these suburban stores. The city lost the sales tax on the taxable items, and local stores lost the revenue. Not all of the places I would have bought soda in Philadelphia are chains like Walmart; they include family-owned beer distributors

and corner stores. When are our elected officials going to stop imposing taxes that hurt the people they claims they are trying to help?

Join the Public Record BLACK HISTORY MONTH Special Issue

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CHINESE Ambassador Consul General Zhang Qiyue was hosted at reception at Phila. Zoo to promote area trade with her nation. She was greeted by State Reps. Martina White, L, and Mike Driscoll. Photo by Wendell Douglas CHINATOWN welcomed in the Year of the Rooster with Lion Dancers, street parades and fireworks – the beginning of a festive holiday season. Photo by Nicholas Koehler

AMBASSADOR Zhang conferred with Alpha Enterprise Group’s Chet Riddick, L, and NavPac Advisors’ Ken Wong. Photo by Wendell Douglas



THIS PHOTO brought many of area’s top new-car dealers together who proudly displayed spouses and family members. Among them you may recognize Pacifico Ford’s Kerry Pacifico, his wife and daughter, and Chrysler’s David Kelleher and his wife and Family Dodge staffers. Photo by Wendell Douglas

TUSKEGEE AIRMEN AT HARDY WILLIAMS ACADEMY SEEKING ways to increase juror turnout, Mayor Jim Kenney announced the formation of the Juror Participation Initiative Committee. He was joined by, L-R, Jury Commissioner Daniel Rendine, Common Pleas Court President Judge Sheila Woods-Skipper and Lynn Marks, who will chair the committee. Photo by Wendell Douglas

LOCAL MEMBERS of Tuskegee Airmen of World War II attended Awards ceremony at Hardy Williams Academy High School. They are (back to camera) Denise Payne, Dr. Eugene Richards, Melvin Payne, Ulysses Vance and R. Albert El, Civil Air Patrol. Photo by Leona G. Dixon.


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OV. TOM WOLF, legislators, local leaders and medical professionals together at Temple University’s Lewis Katz School of Medicine’s Center for Substance Abuse Research to address governmental concerns on how to more effectively fight the state’s opioid epidemic. “Ensuring that Pennsylvanians have access to the mental-health and substance-use care they need is a priority for my administration. Every day, we lose 10 Pennsylvanians to the disease of opioid addiction and 3,500 Pennsylvanians lost their lives in 2015 alone,” said the governor. “I applaud Temple University for recognizing that substance use disorder is a disease, not a choice, and I want to thank them for doing their part in battling this epidemic.” “It’s time we treat this like the true epidemic it is,” said Temple University President Richard M. Englert. “We need to mobilize our efforts similar to what we would do for an infectious disease. The Temple model does just that.” In late September, Wolf addressed a joint session of the General Assembly to outline a set of shared, specific legislative goals that would help tackle the opioid and heroin crisis. Together with Republicans and Democrats in both the House and Senate, Wolf made a commitment to prioritize helping the victims of substance use disorder and the communities that have been devastated by this terrible disease. During the fall session, the governor and legislators made significant achievements toward fighting this epidemic by passing five major bills strengthening the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program by restricting the number of pills prescribed to minors in emergency rooms, establish education curriculum on safe prescribing, and create more


City of Philadelphia Public Hearing Notice The Special Committee on Criminal Justice Reform of the Council of the City of Philadelphia will hold a Public Hearing on Friday, February 10, 2017, at 10:00 AM, in Room 400, City Hall, to hear testimony on the following item:

CITY COMMISSIONER Lisa Deeley joins with Hartranft Elementary School Student Council after supervising their election, using standard city election machines. Deeley is busy making the rounds of city schools explaining the election process. Photo by Jackie Tyer

locations for the drop-off of drugs among other important initiatives. Pushing against the epidemic is Auditor Gen. Eugene DePasquale, who is

auditing the Dept. of Drug & Alcohol Programs and similar agencies to determine the effectiveness of their drug-treatment initiatives.

160101 Resolution appointing members to the “Special Committee on Criminal Justice Reform,” who will conduct public hearings examining the Philadelphia criminal justice system for the impact of current policies, and offer recommended strategies for reform that are in the best interest of public safety and the public good. Immediately following the public hearing, a meeting of the Special Committee on Criminal Justice Reform, open to the public, will be held to consider the action to be taken on the above listed item. Copies of the foregoing item are available in the Office of the Chief Clerk of the Council, Room 402, City Hall. Michael Decker Chief Clerk

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and closing prisons, and Republicans are running to catch up to say it was all their idea. Those cuts tend to lead to the reduction of jobs. This is certain to have some kind of political effect. Family members and political sponsors tend to get upset

when job-holders that they sponsor are let go. But the bigger picture is how the whole thing will be perceived by the larger general public. Wolf can’t help anybody keep a job if he doesn’t have one himself. So the first order of business must be re-election.

Newly elected STATE SEN. SHARIF STREET is teaming up with LT. GOV. MIKE STACK for a “Pathway to Pardons” mega-workshop. This is Stack’s program to help people get a second chance and clean up their criminal records. Street has an event coming


a particular antipathy to, we don’t have a state religion. So when the President said Christians would be given preference for resettlement, folks thought it represented a violation of the law. (Granted, a planeload of Syrian Christians wound up getting deported, so that plan didn’t work either.) The ACLU sprang into action because, frankly, they were waiting for the President to overplay his hand. So did Councilwoman Helen Gym, who took to Twitter and called for protestors to come to Philadelphia International Airport. They did. So did Mayor Jim Kenney, Congressman

Bob Brady, Sen. Bob Casey and Gov. Tom Wolf, both of who came from the Academy Ball and were the only protestors in white tie and tails. In the end, the ACLU got a stay of the executive order nationwide and various federal judges around the country issued stays as well. But because this isn’t anywhere near over, and also because folks donated $24 million to the ACLU to continue the fight, chances are really good this isn’t the last word on this issue. So we all might want to make sure we have a few bucks for admission to the National Constitution Center. We’re gonna need it.


(Cont. From Page 9) with the Democrats than they were in decades past. GOV. TOM WOLF is outdoing Republicans in reducing the size of government. He’s merging departments

(Cont. From Page 9) Muslims. The seven countries listed on the ban – Iran, (which made me scratch my head a little, considering it is the best example I can come up with of “You break it, you bought it”), Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan and Yemen – are all predominately Muslim and have links to terrorism. (Of course, this doesn’t include the mother of all terrorist states, Saudi Arabia, but then again, our new president has financial interests there.) According to the First Amendment to the Constitution, an amendment that this administration has shown

up that May for 500 people. The upcoming Democratic State Committee meeting in Harrisburg is going to be all about the judges. All the state courts are open for election and there are vacancies that need to be filled. Blackrobe fever is taking over

and these off-year elections are the kind in which an endorsement from State Committee actually means something. Sam will trying to handicap those races, consisting of Commonwealth Court, Supreme Court and Superior Court, as the moment gets closer.

GOP WARD LEADER Gary Grisafi and Gary Feldman welcomed VP Mike Pence to Philly last week, and incidentally were the only two civilians in the motorcade to Loews Hotel in Center City.

WALKING (Cont. From Page 9) assigned to a case that should not have been opened. A ward leader is NOT an elected public official! The upcoming trial of State Rep. Vanessa BROWN is coming up – and NEVER should have been PROSE-

CUTED! The motions filed are NOT a delay tactic, but REAL CONCERN. I am under the impression the Ali relationship with Brown was not a stinger-stingee one. The plight of HARROWGATE GYM on Venango Street hangs in the balance after a court hearing. The plaintiff’s actions could

close an important element in CRIME REDUCTION among our youth, given its long history of service. I pray the Superior Court recognizes this!... Philadelphia has a treasure in its boxing gyms. The big mistake of the DAILY PRESS sports pages is NOT to cover these gyms and their inter-gym competitions. Doing so is about NEIGHBORHOODS and crime prevention. Consultant Joe RUSSO had to put his cat, Nina, to sleep after a long illness. She was 13 years old when she failed. She was a delight from birth and comforted Joe through some unfair media zaps. A pet is a continuum of a 15,000-year relationship with humans, and a family member. Though gone, they remain in our hearts. Proverbs says, “It is a righteous man that cares for his animal.” Tonight starts the judicial races with a kickoff of DAN SULMAN for judge. He was already appointed to the bench pending election. There are some 40-plus candidates known, with more to come “out of the woodwork.”

understanding BANKRUPTCY BY MICHAEL A. CIBIK, ESQ. AMERICAN BANKRUPTCY BOARD CERTIFIED Question: Why did rapper DMX file bankruptcy? Answer: When someone can’t get a passport due to child-support arrears, bankruptcy may be an option. Just ask rapper DMX. DMX filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy because his child-support arrearage exceeded $2,500, and the State Dept. will not issue passports for people who owe more than that amount.

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In The United States District Court For The Eastern District of Pennsylvania Civil Action - Law No. 16-05377 Notice of Action in Enforced Collections United States of America, Plaintiff vs. Ramon Natal, Defendant To: Ramon Natal, Defendant, whose last known address is 922 Carver Street, Philadelphia, PA 19124. This firm is a debt collector and we are attempting to collect a debt owed to our client. Any information obtained from you will be used for the purpose of collecting the debt. You are hereby notified that Plaintiff United States of America, has filed a Complaint endorsed with a notice to defend against you in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, docketed to No. 16-05377, wherein Plaintiff seeks to enforce collections. Notice: You have been sued in court. If you wish to defend against the claims set forth in the following pages, you must take action within twenty (20) days after the Complaint and notice are served, by entering a written appearance personally or by attorney and filing in writing with the court your defenses or objections to the claims set forth against you. You are warned that if you fail to do so the case may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered against you by the Court without further notice for any money claimed in the Complaint for any other claim or relief requested by the Plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other rights important to you. You should take this paper to your lawyer at once. If you do not have a lawyer or cannot afford one, go to or telephone the office set forth below. This office can provide you with information about hiring a lawyer. If you cannot afford to hire a Lawyer, this office may be able to provide you with information about agencies that may offer legal services to eligible persons at a reduced fee or no fee. Community Legal Services, Inc., Law Center North Central, 1410 W. Erie Ave., Phila., PA 19140, 215-227-2400/215-981-3700. Phila. Bar Assn., One Reading Center, Phila., PA 19104, 215-238-6333. Rebecca A. Solarz, Atty. for Plaintiff, KML Law Group, P.C., Ste. 5000, Mellon Independence Center, 701 Market St., Phila., PA 19106-1532, 215.627.1322.


Not infrequently, the celebrity was still making plenty of bucks, but his/her manager/accountant had not been paying the bills. Often, people in these roles have been siphoning the money to their own use. His Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing shows $1.24 million in back child support. Hopefully, he can earn more than that on his overseas tour, now that he can get a passport. Child support is not dischargeable in bankruptcy, so it still has to be paid. But the automatic stay allows him to get the passport. Usually we hear of big companies, like GM and Chrysler, filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy, but individuals can file too. In fact, if you owe more than a certain amount of debt, you cannot file Chapter 13 payment-plan bankruptcy, so you would have to file Chapter 11 to repay the debts. Being that the vast majority of his debt is child support that he has to pay anyway, looks like DMX made the right move. Also the right move to get new management. Next Week’s Question: Alternatives to bankruptcy: Debt settlement – is it feasible?

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