S P E C TAT O R 1500 West Kennedy Road Lake Forest, IL 60045
Volume 89 Number 4
January 28, 2011
Durand House move done Dorm project can now begin Photo of the 421 ton Durand House and support structure being moved to its new location. Taken from lfanet.org’s web cam of the move.
By Eric Clamage Editor in Chief
After four years of planning and preparation,
the first steps are under way toward the building of LFA’s new girls dormitory, Ferry Hall. The first step
in that project began this month with the moving of
Photo courtesy of LFA
Kerr, chief financial officer and director of financial
wheels. The building has been moving slowly across steel
distinct steps to complete.
uting the weight of the building. The building has been
two,” Kerr explained. “Step two will be to pivot the
in the support structure, so moving the whole building
aid, explained that the moving of Durand House is
plates, placed on the ground, that allow the wheels to roll
actually a complicated process that will require three
more easily upon the smooth surface by equally distrib-
towards McIntosh and give it the space needed for step
Kerr noted that, “there were 90 tons of steel
Once the Durand House move is completed,
“The first step is to move Durand House north
Durand House to clear the land that Ferry Hall will
building on its axis, reorient the building and prepare
ested parties were able to see daily pictures of the
pected to be completed by the time this issue of the
ing June, 2011.
eventually occupy. The lifting and moving of a whole
for step three. Step three will be to move the re-oriented
process on the LFA web site.
tion will start on the inside of the building, hopefully
newspaper went to press.
campus building was a major undertaking and inter-
building into its new location.”
The re-situation of Durand House was ex-
allowing faculty to move back into Durand House dur-
In a recent e-mail to the faculty, Mr. Andrew
Once the building has been re-located, renova-
To make the building mobile earlier this month,
it was lifted onto steel beams that were attached to
towed by a front-loader and large bobcat tractor.
and the support structure required moving 421 tons.” the new girl’s dormitory is expected to be completed
for second semester next year (2011-2012), according to Kerr.
To be able to view the moving of the build-
ing, go to, www.lfanet.org/construction. Pictures were taken throughout each day and the camera operates from 7:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m.
2 8-9 15
Sleep Deprivation
See page 2
LFA Superbowl Picks
See page 8
Boys Varsity Basketball
See page 15
lfa spectator
news 2
january 28, 2011
Put to bed sleep deprivation: 78 % of the students and faculty get 5-7 hours of sleep per night By Georgiana Wagemann Managing Editor “One more hour of studying, and I’ll be ready for the test,” you think to yourself as you force your eyes open with your fingers. The clock reads 12:00 a.m. and you anxiously focus your attention back to the biology notes that you now know you should have studied earlier. But are you really better off studying that extra hour than gaining a precious hour of sleep? The National Sleep Foundation and other trusted sources believe not. In 2007, The Specta-
tor analyzed the sleeping patterns of the LFA community. That survey found that 77% of LFA students were only getting 5-7 hours of sleep per night, which officially classified them as “sleep deprived.” Almost 18% of the students polled got four or fewer hours of sleep per night, which put them in a dangerously fatigued lifestyle risking loss of ability to function. According to the National Sleep Foundation, only fifteen percent of teens reported getting enough sleep on school nights; the NSF recommends 9.25 hours of sleep for healthy,
World News Roundup Assembled by Sophia Salsberry Photo Editor
Sudan vote to soon be decided
Information from the BBC News South Sudan has currently reached the 60% turnout that is needed to pass the referendum from the north. The polling centers have only been open for three days out of the seven that it will stay open for. The official turnout figures and the preliminary result are not expected until the beginning of February. Almost all of the registered voters live in the south. The poll was agreed upon as part of the 2005 deal to end the two-decade civil war that has engulfed Sudan. Both sides had suffered decades of conflicts, with an estimated 1.5 million people killed. Since then the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement has been running the region. If the referendum is passed Southern Sudan could become Africa’s 54th nation on July 9, 2011.
South Korea agrees to talk
Information from the BBC News After months of tension on the peninsula, South Korea agreed to military talks with North Korea but only if the agenda included two events that have soured the relations – the sinking of a warship in March and the shelling of a southern island. Officials at the South’s defense ministry say that the latest offer included a commitment to “exchange views” about the shelling and sinking.
Slept for more than 7 hours 5 % Slept for 5-7 hours
Slept less than 5 hours
growing teenagers. Sleep deprivation among teens is a national phenomenon affecting academic performances, physical health, as well as overall functionality. This month The Spectator again analyzed the sleeping patterns of the LFA community to see if positive changes, reflecting the recommendations of the NSF, had occurred. The results showed that there was good news and bad for the Caxy respondents. Of those who took the newest survey on sleep, the number of students getting 5-7 hours of sleep on a school night (still classifying them as sleep deprived) increased to 78%. But on the positive side only seven percent of LFA respondents got less than five hours of sleep this year. The remaining 15% have been getting more than eight hours of sleep per school night. Yes, these statistics do reveal that the LFA community has improved very minimally in attempting to obtain an acceptable amount of sleep; however,
the results are disturbing because according to the definition of “sleep deprived” (less than eight hours per night), 85% of the respondents are indeed deprived. According to the National Sleep Foundation, there are many negative consequences of not getting enough sleep each night. Lack of sleep can affect you physically by causing late-night hunger and weight gain, changes in complexion, as well as weaken your immune system and make you more vulnerable to catching illnesses. Mentally, sleep deprivation can limit your ability to concentrate, learn, listen, and solve problems- in turn affecting your grades negatively. So that extra hour of cramming for a test is not necessarily a good idea. Additionally, this lack of sleep can cause negative behavioral and mood changes when you are overcome by fatigue. This may cause you to lash out at friends or people who do not deserve your frustration. Also, when you are sleep
77 % 18 %
2011 9%
78 % 13 %
deprived and driving, it is as if you are driving the car with a blood alcohol content of .08. Sleeping drivers results in more than 100,000 crashes per year. Don’t panic yet, because experts say there are easy solutions to this epidemic. Develop a nightly ritual for your body so that it recognizes when slumber is near. Avoid napping before or close to your bedtime, which should be a regular and established time. Although it is difficult for busy teens to sleep at exactly the same time each night, try to develop a habit of falling asleep at least near the same time every night. Most importantly, it is crucial for students to manage their time properly. Scheduling your work and using your planner to check off completed assignments is truly a fool-proof method for improved organization, and in turn, more sleep. The Spectator survey graphically illustrates LFA students really do need sleep.
Massive floods ravage Brazil
Information from the BBC News The Brazilian floods and landslides have killed at least 655 people. Brazil’s military as stepped up the rescue and supply operations; with complaints that the authorities have been too slow to bring supplies of water, food, and medicine. 700 soldiers have currently been sent to help emergency personnel in the Serrana area, north of Rio de Janeiro. Remote mountain areas have been cut off for five days with the fear that there could be more bodies there. Photo by Kathleen Kennedy
Compared to a survey done in 2007, students at LFA have been getting less sleep.
news 3
january 28, 2011
Is it organized studying or an unfair advantage? By The Spectator Staff Eric Clamage, Ariana Bhatia, Rickey Larke, and Lucy Irungu contributed to this story. Cheating is a problem that students and faculty deal with daily at Lake Forest Academy. From plagiarism on the internet, to copying homework, to glancing at someone else’s test paper, everyone at LFA has heard about some sort of cheating taking place. Most people at LFA, however, may not have heard about an assembled file of old test papers, maintained by a group of students over the past several years, which could also be considered organized cheating. In an investigation this month, members of The Spectator staff confirmed the existence of such a multi-year test file, which could be construed as either a very organized method for studying, or a method for cheating in cases where teachers don’t change their tests from year-toyear. According to multiple student and faculty sources, there have been rumors that a group of international students have been collecting and sharing tests and quizzes with each other. The same sources suggest that students have taken the tests/quizzes
and uploaded them to a website for anyone who has the password to see. “I have probably known of the rumor about this file for two years,” stated Academic Dean Phil Schwartz. “I had never seen signs of its actual existence until two months ago.” Schwartz declined to comment on how the existence of the file was confirmed to him. “It’s interesting,” continued Schwartz, “because it (the test file) walks the line between what’s honest and what’s dishonest. Does having information from previous years’ exams give you an advantage on a current test? It only would if teachers didn’t change their exams.” According to Schwartz, using past tests as a study guide to master the skills that may have been assessed previously is a good way to study. But Schwartz emphasized that if a student were caught with materials that gave them an unfair advantage on a test, they would have to face the discipline of the Dean’s Office. When asked about this website, many students declined to answer. Many who were interviewed seemed to be uncomfortable talking about the subject. One anonymous international student stated that, “only a few students do this.” The stu-
dent continued by saying that it “was more popular in years past.” Another anonymous international student, who neither confirmed nor denied these accusations, noted: “Everyone cheats. It is a common theme among students.” “I started hearing about this test file three or four years ago,” stated AP U.S. History teacher Suzy Vaughn. “I don’t know if it’s just folk lore or reality, but as a teacher, the concept bothers me. I have never seen a student with a test or a quiz from another student, but I have heard students talking, and I have heard faculty talking about it.” When interviewed about the topic, Dean of Students Chris Tennyson addressed the issue of cheating as a whole in his responses. “LFA puts an enormous amount of trust in students,” said Tennyson. “We’ll continue to trust that (the students) do the right thing. If we suspect academic dishonesty, then we’ll follow through on it in order to stop it. Otherwise it would be crazy to follow up on every rumor. We may have conversations about those rumors but LFA can only act on a student being caught.” “Cheating is a huge problem right now in high schools
everywhere,” freshman Mary Kate Patton explained, “we, as students, feels so much pressure from everyone around us that we constantly attempt to find ways to earn an ‘A.’ Cheating as a whole in the LFA community has always been a very sensitive topic because of the serious consequences attached to the action. Senior Ella Peterson thought that passing down tests is, “ridiculous and unfair.” “It takes cheating to another level,” she said. “If a student was caught cheating,” added Tennyson, “a DC (Disciplinary Committee) would take place and, given that level of dishonesty, the DC would be able to consider probation or even dismissal. I just hope the student would learn from their actions and that the student would want to work to regain trust.” According to Schwartz, the physical evidence of a test file he has seen has been for AP material. “There are areas where this test file would help more than others,” he stated, “such as math and science, or, in general, any multiple-choice tests.” But Schwartz also felt that now (because of this story) that teachers would be more aware of the test file. They would
change their exams regularly, and the file would cease to be a great advantage anymore. “It probably takes me three hours or so to come up with a test for my sections because I have to look for new and fresh material in fear of students being dishonest. I ultimately think though it’s just making me do my job,” Vaughn continued, “As a teacher it is difficult to find new material to test students on, especially with AP classes.” “I have heard stories of people (in general) cheating, however I have never witnessed it. I think that the vast majority of LFA students are honest,” explained junior Matt Stevens. Vaughn wanted to students to know that, “those who cheat are cheating themselves but also cheating other students. They are cheating you out of college spots, scholarships, awards, or spots on the honor roll. “This is why it perplexes me why students who know this is going on don’t step up and say something,” concluded Vaughn. “I’m not saying to snitch on each other, but to suggest that a teacher change a test couldn’t hurt.”
Students have negative attitudes toward Winter Spirit Weekend By Mary Kate Hayes News Editor Students recently took part in LFA’s winter Spirit Weekend, an event that featured game shows, prizes, competitions, food, and resulting in negative attitudes and even hiding when it comes to mandatory events. Referred to as “Lock Downs,” Spirit Weekends make it mandatory for boarding students to participate in activities. But, according to administration, their intentions are to create a weekend filled with fun activities. “Requiring the boarders to stay on campus is a way to make sure that every student is involved in some entertaining informal events,” said English Department Chair and Director of Residential Life Jonathon Freeman. “This helps builds community spirit and injects the campus with energy.” “I think the idea of Closed Weekend is fantastic, trying to offer opportunities
for boarders to have fun,” said Shawn Shin. “But, the problem is that some of the activities that we are required to attend are rather not enjoyable.” The very fact that activities are labeled “mandatory” leads some students to dislike the entire weekend. “Without mandatory ‘fun’ it would be awesome. Seeing friends and living outside the campus is great, but the fact that events are mandatory just ruins everything,” junior Donwon Choi explained. “In spite of some boarders who do enjoy the required ‘fun,’ the number of students who do not care, or rather do not enjoy, is dominant.” “Sure the events are mandatory, but we like to think of it as mandatory fun,” commented Freeman. “Based on the enthusiasm we have seen at Spirit Weekend, most of our students remember the fun part more.” On the other hand, some students en-
joy the obligatory events. “I thought it was a pretty good time this year,” Haley Wilhelm said. “I loved the karaoke and DVDs they gave you.” “I thought Whirly Ball was an awesome activity and I had a ton of fun,” said sophomore Abby Ripoli.
But, across the board, it is agreed upon that there is room for improvement. “If the events were not required, closed weekends would be great,” commented Choi. But, not requiring boarders to go to the events would result in low number of attendees.
Shin thought of a plan that appeals to all, “I think the Closed Weekend can become better if the school would provide more choices of activities for each closed weekend so that we can choose based on personal interest and opinion of fun.
Photo courtesy of Hailey Arnold
Student of Lewis and Bird house particpate during the House Cup that took place over Spirt Weekend.
lfa spectator
Existance of secret test file discovered:
lfa spectator
news 4
january 28, 2011
ACT or SAT...which one to take?
Experts share their opinion on standarized tests By Mary Kate Hayes News Editor
In a recent article in
the New York Times, reporter Michelle Slatalla wrote that there are four factors to consider while deciding to whether to take the SAT or ACT college entrance examinations: the content differences in the test, your patience level, how hard you work in school, and your gender. According to Slatalla, both the SAT and ACT test roughly the same subject matter, but the SAT focuses on vocabulary while the ACT is more concerned with grammar, punctuation, and syntax. Both test reading comprehension, but the SAT includes a sentence completion portion, as well. Similarly, both contain math sections, but, additionally, the ACT includes trigonometry. A major difference between the tests is the lack of a science reasoning section on the SAT. Lastly, the ACT offers an additional essay section at the end, which will not be configured into the composite score, whereas the SAT’s first section is an essay and is factored into the overall score. Overall, “the ACT is a test of what you have learned in classrooms from kindergarten until the date you take the test,” said Senior Associate Dean of
College Counseling Andrew Poska. “The SAT tests your aptitude.” If maintaining focus is difficult for you, the ACT might be the right test to take. Without the optional essay, the ACT lasts two hours and fifty-five minutes. The SAT has a set time of three hours and forty-five minutes. The Times article also stated that students who successfully make it through school without exerting a lot of effort because of their inherent intelligence will find themselves doing better on the SAT, whereas hard workers tend to excel on the ACT. “The bright underachievers who are bored and get through school using one quarter of their brains will do better on the SAT, because you just need good reasoning skills for that,” said Scott White, director of guidance at Montclair (N.J.)High School when interviewed by the New York Times. “And the overachievers, I don’t want to call them grinds, but they’re the ones who get the highest grades in the toughest classes because they work really hard, will do better on the ACT.” An interesting trend is the tendency for boys to do better on the SAT, and girls to do better on the ACT. But, of course, this does not mean that every guy
Photo taken from Grizzly Media
A student concentrates on answering questions on a standarized test.
should only take the SAT, and every girl should only take the ACT. In fact, it is recommended to take both tests. Even a few small liberal arts schools don’t require testing in order “to go along with the understanding that the smaller the school, the more
time they take to get to know the student,” said Poska. But in general, schools don’t prefer one test to another. With more selective places requiring the submission of all test scores, including multiple attempts at the ACT, test prep has become more and more
popular. The College Counseling Department offers a test prep course at LFA to go along with experts’ recommendation of preparing for both tests.
Civic Weekend: An enriching urban service learning experience for LFA Students By Ariana Bhatia News Editor
During the approaching
winter weekend of Feb. 17-20, LFA and Northwestern University are partnering to hold the first joint Civic Weekend between the two institutions. Over the course of this special service learning weekend 18 LFA students, accompanied by Ms. Sarah Collins and Mr. Bill Dolbee, will spend their time learning about both human rights and urban affairs in this immersion program. During the four-day event, LFA students will not only be introduced to a variety of urban social issues
facing communities today, but
activities to be held will be mod-
only for service before,” said
they will also tackle those issues
eled after the university’s Civic
junior Sarah Hong. “It’s going to
Education Project programs.
be an enriching experience.”
students will take away a much
The program will combine both
better understanding of what it
weekend) run by professionals
hands-on community service
trip because it’s going to be
means to be without a home and
and they have access to dynamic
projects as well as workshops on
a whole weekend of service,
adequate food, and that what
leaders...the focus is much more
leadership. Among their many
instead of just doing a single
they do can make a difference, if
on active citizenship engagement
activities, students attending this
service project for an afternoon,”
they continue to stay engaged in
rather than sitting back and talk-
trip will work at a soup kitchen,
said sophomore Palmer Taylor.
the issue.
ing about it,” explained Collins,
work with inner city children,
“It’ll be an interesting experience
the director of Service Learning
learn about homelessness, and
because of how many different
modate 25 students and spots
at LFA.
attend lectures given by a variety
things we are going to be learn-
are still available. Applications
of leaders in this field.
ing and doing.”
and more information are on the
this service learning program
school website under the com-
is the first of its kind. While
alike have high hopes for what
the same.
Northwestern has held programs
this weekend will bring.
before, this is the first program
because it’s a good opportunity
exclusively for one school. The
because I’ve never been on a trip
“Because it’s (the
According to Collins,
Students and faculty
“I’m really excited
“I’m interested in the
Junior Sarah Clark felt “I’m excited to go
to get involved in our area,” she
Collins hopes that
The trip can accom-
munity page.
features 5
january 28, 2011
Page by Kathleen Kennedy The television show “Man vs. Food”, airing on the Travel Channel, stars food fanatic Adam Richman, a man best explained as eager to eat. Richman travels from coast to coast, deliberately searching for the “biggest and best eats” in the nation. Many episodes include Richman taking on the challenge of eating various regional mountains of food. For example, how does a seven-pound grilled cheese sandwich sound? To Richman, it sounds like delicious victory. The Spectator decided to bring the “Man vs. Food” concept to LFA. Addressing two aspects of the actual show, the staff arranged for two competitions: the first was a solo contest based purely on finishing a cheeseburger containing seven patties from Five Guys; the second was a timed eating competition between a teacher and a student involving “Blazin’ Hot” wings from Buffalo Wild Wings. For good reason, not many people would be willing to eat a cheeseburger weighing nearly four pounds. The weight of the burger, and the grease seeping out of the paper bag it was placed in, were enough to turn even the biggest burger fans away. There was, however, one LFA student who was up for the challenge. Football player Peter Lovecchio fearlessly took on the challenge of finishing the massive burger. Realizing before he started that perhaps he shouldn’t have had lunch only a period before the contest, Lovecchio had a rough start demolishing the four pounds of meat, and eight pieces of melting cheese that lay before him. However, with determination in mind, Lovecchio was able to completely finish the burger, buns
included. The last bite was taken with his head collapsed on the table, although nonetheless, he conquered his food. The timed spicy food challenge was a competition between confident wing demolisher Mr.Justin Jones, and a just as confident senior, Greg Major. The food gladiators had one minute and twenty seconds to eat as many “Blazin Hot” wings as possible. Jones came out ahead, having eaten eight wings in the time span, while Major found it difficult to eat four in the same period. For anyone who has tried “Blazin Hot” wings, it is well known that the spice is not initially “blazin.” When asked when they started to feel the spice, Jones replied, “Later that evening.” “I didn’t really feel the spice during the competition,” recalled Major. “I was too focused on chewing. Once I stopped eating my mouth was on fire!”
Lovecchio’s food challenge consisted of eating this seven patty cheeseburger from Five Guys.
The competitors were also asked if there was ever a time during the competition when they felt like calling it quits. “Sorry,” replied Jones energetically, “but I don’t understand the question, please define “quitting”… I ate almost ten wings after the competition because I was still hungry.” “In the first five seconds when Mr. Jones swallowed his first wing whole, I knew I was in trouble,” Major noted. After the timed food war Jones felt “Good, full, in need of a good milkshake.” Meanwhile, Major’s last words were, “heartburn to the max.”
Halfway through the challenge Lovecchio continued to eat without slowing down.
Major and Jones give each other a competetive glare before attempting the blazin’ hot wings challenge.
lfa spectator
LFA’s Man vs. Food Challenge
lfa spectator
features 6
january 28, 2011
LFA fan favorites: What are we watching? Lucy Irungu Features Editor The Spectator Staff surveyed the LFA community to see what shows were being watched the most. From sizzling reality shows to plot-twisting Sci-fi’s, LFA students seem to watch it all. “Jersey Shore” continues to be a crowd favorite, even after two successful seasons. “House” took the number one spot in the Drama category, beating out “Gossip Girl” by four votes. This show first debuded on FOX Network in 2004 and has keep its momentum even after seven seasons. For favorite Comedy, “The Office” scored the most votes, beating “Modern Family by eight votes. Sci-Fi also had a close tie between “CSI” and “Law and Order”, but “CSI” took the top spot by a handful of votes. Lastly, “Family Guy”, the highly controversial cartoon, beat out every other show in its category by a large gap.
Photo courtesy of www. nces.ed.gov
Search for the best pizza in town 4 DIFFERENT PIZZAS...
FERENTINOS COMES OUT ON TOP! By Taylor Jenkins Editor-in-Cheif Pizza is a magic food, an ambrosia. All teenage activity in its vicinity stops the moment pizza arrives in the dorms. Pizza seems to be able to salve wounds, heal broken hearts, and enhance the watching of televised sports. Pizza is so important that The Spectator staff recently undertook the mission to decide the best pizza available in the Lake Forest Academy area. In order to accomplish this, the staff took part in the grueling and stressful task of eating four different types of pizza. These included pizza from New York Slices, Costco Wholesale, the Homemade Pizza Company, and Ferentino’s. The twelve staff members that took part in the taste test were asked to rate the pizza in six different categories: the crust, cheese, sauce, appearance, structural integrity, and its overall quality. All the pizzas were cheese with no other toppings. Where they did differ, however, was in preparation. Both Ferentino’s and New York Slices were prepared completely in-store, while Costco and Home Made Pizza Company were heat-
Photo by William Murphy
Spectator staff is at hard work sampling pizza from different restaurants in the area.
ed in Hutch. Ferentino’s received the highest overall rating with an average of a 7.8 out of 10. Other benefits of this pizzeria include its close proximity to LFA (near the Lake Forest West train station) and its cheaper cost compared to the other delivery option, New York Slices. Its highest-rated categories include appearance with a 7.9 and sauce with a 6.9. Ferentino’s lowest-ranked category was crust with a 6.5.
“Burnt and virtually non existent,” is how staff member Andrea Shen described the crust on Ferentino’s pizza. The Homemade Pizza Company was a close second with an overall ranking of 7.75. Benefits of ordering from this company include proximity to LFA (near the East Lake Forest train station) but a big downside was no delivery option. Highest rankings included structural integrity (how well the pizza stays
together when you eat it), with an 8.2, and cheese, with a 7.6. “Good seasonings and herbs,” was how Shen described the pizza’s cheese. Costco brand pizza received the third highest ranking with an overall ranking of 7. Its highest categories included appearance, 7.8, and crust, 7.1, with its structural integrity receiving a low rating of 5.9. So if you want pizza that falls apart, this is your pick.
In last place was New York Slices, with an overall ranking of 6.7. Its highest categories were cheese and crust both with a 6.5. Seeing how this was the most expensive pizza and also the furthest away, it should not be considered when looking for pizza close to campus.
january 28, 2011
lfa spectator
App-solutely fabulous Apple apps:
features 7
LFA students pick their 10 favorite “apps” for their iPhone or iPad Page by Lucy Emery and Ariana Bhatia
Fruit Ninja
1) Facebook “It is a convenient way to check facebook without having to go on a computer” Natalie Bernstein
2) Fruit Ninja “I am more of a careful slicer not the random flailings that others do when it comes to my fruit ninja playing.” Graham Harwood
3) Shazam “Shazam is really useful when you're sitting in Starbucks and a song you don't know comes on that you like or even when you're jamming out to the radio. It helps you stay updated on good music!” Haley Wilhelm
Angry Birds
By Ariana Bhatia News Editor Experts estimate that there are more than one billion wireless device apps (applications) in use in the world today and new ones being advertised daily. There are few people – students or faculty -- at LFA that can go a day without using an app on their iPhone, iPod touch, iPad or Droid. From telling you the weather, to telling you what song is playing, apps can do almost anything. After surveying numerous members of the school community, the following apps made The Spectator’s Top 10 list of LFA apps:
4) Angry Birds “You just can’t stop playing it” William Duckworth
5) Pandora “It’s great for car rides, or if I want to listen to something new. In some ways it’s better than iTunes” Leo Rudberg
10) Emoji ”It’s really fun because it brings personality to your text.” Allie Matherne
9) Talking Tom “It’s perfect for breaking the ice in a conversation” Aline Feijo
8) FatBooth “FatBooth is like a zany mirror.” Sophia Smith
7) Doddle Jump “Of course I like doodle jump. Besides trying to beat my sister’s score, I always turn to doodle jump when I am bored.” Tommy Clarke
6) Kik messaging “It’s an easy way to talk to friends, whether you are out of the country or just want chats to be faster than text” Katie Reid- Anderson
Kik Messaging Images courtesy of Apple App Store
lfa spectator
features 8
january 28, 2011
LFA’s Super Bowl Choic Head or standing behin Page by Sophia Salsbery
As the 2011 Super Bowl approaches tension begins to rise between fan The question everyone wants to know is who will win? Which team is head or are you standing behind the steel curtain? In general the LFA c ary 6th at 6:00 pm ET you better be watching one of the most exciting
9th grade: Piper Benjamin: “The Steelers because I don’t like the Packers.” Snyder Carter: “The Steelers because they are an overall better team.” Margaux Boles: “I think Pittsburgh will win the superbowl because they are an experienced team with going to the superbowl and are good under pressure.” 10th grade: Grace Coburn: “My dad’s a huge Packer fan, so to avoid being disowned I’m going to have to hope for the Packers.” Christian Lomeli: “I think the Packers will win because they are an overall good team and have an amazing quarterback....unlike that one girl Jay Cutler.” 11th grade: Christian Buerkle: “The Green Bay Packer because their roster is full of playmakers from Aaron Rodgers to Charles Woodson and Tremon Williams, it’s just a matter of who steps up and makes the plays on any given day.” Shane Penman: “I think that the Steelers will win the Superbowl because they have the stronger defense between the two teams and they will be able to shut down Aaron Rodgers and the Packers offense.” Christina Nelson: “I think the Packers are most definitely going to win the Super Bowl because they are a really dedicated team and they have been around for just about the longest time and has dominated the bears in the championship game so they are fit for the Super Bowl.” 12th grade: Lindsay Hanig: “The Steelers. I want them to win because: 1.The Packers beat the bears BOOOO and 2.The Steelers beat the jets who beat the Pats.” Jay Gervens: “I want to say the Steelers, but Aaron Rodgers has been really good in the playoffs.” Mary Joo: “Steelers are gonna win because they can truck errbody in das world.”
Shaughnessy: ”I think it will be pre play-makers. I don’t feel it yet.” Mr. Kerr: “I think, and by “think” Steelers win!”
Dr. Barton: “I predict Pittsburg; mo
The Pittsburgh Steelers (14-4) are off to the 2011 Super Bowl to play the Green Bay Packers. The Steelers are advancing to their third Super Bowl in the last six years and have won a total of six championships. Their quarterback Ben Roethlisberger or “Big Ben” has led the Steelers to a Super Bowl before in 2005 and 2008 where they won both, which gives this 2nd seed team the experience to win. The Steelers might be playing without center Maurkice Pouncey due to a knee injury. Goodluck steel curtain fans!
The Green Bay Packers (13-6) gear up to face the Pittsburgh Steelers in the 2011 Super Bowl and with Aaron Rodgers as their quarterback, ranked #2 in the NFL, it looks like the Packers will have a good chance of winning this year. With a victory against the 2nd seed Chicago Bears the Packers are heading into the Super Bowl with confidence. The last time the Packers went to the Super Bowl was in 1998 against the Denver Broncos in which they lost 31-24. The Packers will also play without their center Jason Spitz who is injured. Goodluck Packer fans!
features 9
january 28, 2011
ns of the Green Bay Packers and fans of the Pittsburgh Steelers. s stronger? What does the LFA community think? Are you a cheese community goes with the steel curtain, but it is close. So on Februg football games of the year.
e Picks
edicted in over time. Both QB’s are I really mean “hope”, that the
ore experienced, better team.”
Football Team
Chris Boudreaux: “Well I think the Packers are going to win the Super Bowl because Aaron Rodgers is one of the best quarterbacks in the league and the Packers defense is unstoppable.” Eric Bauer: “I think the Packers will win the Super Bowl because Aaron Rodgers runs the offense really well and thinks on his feet when things do breakdown. The defense is good too, behind Clay Matthews’ long hair and a beastly secondary. The cheese heads should win the Super Bowl.”
History Picks
Mr. Dozois: “Green Bay seems to have the momentum and the better quarterback who is poised to take his place among the elite. Green Bay 24-20.” Mrs. Cooper: “Packers will win the Superbowl because Aaron Rogers has better receivers than Roethelsberger.”
Math Picks
Mr. Magarie: “The Packers will win the Super Bowl as long as nothing happens to Clay Matthews’ hair. Big Ben can’t be trusted around the ladies, so you know he won’t be able to take his eyes off of Matthews’ flowing golden locks.” Mrs. Strudwick: “STEELERS ALL THE WAY! I have rooted for the Steel Curtain since I was 10, no reason to stop now.”
lfa spectator
ce: Are you a Cheese nd the Steel Curtain?
lfa spectator
editorial & outlook 10
Caxy Rant:
january 28, 2011
Closed Weekend: Is Fun Really Manditory? By Rickey Larke Op-Ed Editor As a four-year senior at Lake Forest Academy, I estimate that I have sat on about 10 panels and talked to more than 25 parents about why their son or daughter would want to be at LFA. That’s primarily where I come across the question of: “Why is LFA so special?” I always give the same answer, tradition. LFA has a history and a past like no other high school in America and it is second to no school when measuring its tradition. However, recently I have begun to see a new tradition emerge with every change of the season. For example, the tradition of students hiding in the dorm rooms, showers, under beds, and even off campus just to escape the boredom and unoriginality that comes with some of the mandatory “fun” events planned for the students on Closed Weekend. When speaking to many of peers in Atlass, I found that most of my dorm mates didn’t even attend half of the mandatory events at the most recent Closed Weekend, not because they thought they were not fun but just because they were mandatory. Which brought me to another question: “If the events
planned were actually fun, would we have to make them mandatory? I think that if a student is going to enjoy the planned weekend activities it’s because they actually wanted to do it. Forcing students to go makes those students feel trapped or stuck at LFA, and actually makes them have less fun as a whole. I believe a major reason why there are so many AWOL students during Closed Weekend, especially among the upperclassmen, is because there has been little to no variation to the weekend schedule for the last four years. Maybe seniors should have a choice of what activities they do as a senior privilege. After all, seniors are one year away from being on their own at college; shouldn’t they begin to make decisions for themselves? I am not saying that Whirly Ball isn’t fun because, personally, I think it is; but some students do not, and if someone doesn’t like Whirly Ball, why continue to make them go every year? It’s understandable if the majority of students do want to continue to do an activity; as a community we should continue to do that. But if the majority of students don’t want to attend an LFA farce of
Photo by Sophia Salsbery
Three Atlass boys hide in the showers during a mandatory event on closed weekend. The Price Is Right, why are they being forced to do so? It’s a extremely bizarre concept that people are being forced to do something fun, and usually you don’t have to force kids to do things that are fun; but you do have to force them to do things that are not. So when you are forced to check under beds in Field,
and round up students like a police dragnet, which category do you think that activity falls into? When we continue to be forced to do things that we don’t really want to do, or would rather not do, then it makes us feel like our voices are not important. The few students who run student government or who are be-
ing asked if activities should be done should not have more of a voice then all regular students. Which makes me ask a final question: “Why don’t students get to pick what they will do on Closed Weekend, along with faculty?” If Closed Weekend is an ongoing tradition at LFA, it won’t be one that people look forward to unless some changes are made.
Catchy Cartoon Captions Students can submit their own witty captions for the cartoon by emailing them to wmurphy@lfanet.org and will then be eligible for a prize. The staff will select the best caption for the cartoon to the right and publish it in next months issue.
editorial & outlook 11
january 28, 2011
When students of the LFA community were asked their favorite or least favorite part of Closed Weekend, they responded:
“The Whirly Ball place was the worst part. We didn’t need to be there for three hours.” -Mary Joo
“The arcade was kind of cool. My least favorite part was that we could not really sign out.” -Julian Rutkowski
“I liked The Price is Right because it got everyone involved and everybody was very energetic.” -Brandon Eason
“I liked the House Cup, but I had to study the whole weekend.” -Aline Feijo
L a k e
F o r e s t
A c a d -
S P E C TAT O R STAFF LIST Editors-in-Chief News Editors Managing Editor Feature Editor Sports Editor Arts & Entertainment Editor Op-Ed Editors Entropica Editor Photo Editors Staff Writers Faculty Adviser
Eric Clamage Lucy Emery Taylor Jenkins Ariana Bhatia Mary Kate Hayes Georgiana Wagemann Lucy Irungu Chris Boudreaux Takia Broomfield Andrea Shen Rickey Larke Natasha Patel Erica Lewis Mark Yingling Kathleen Kennedy Sophia Salsbery Matt Stevens Grace Coburn William Murphy
PUBLICATION The Spectator is published eight times per year by the students of Lake Forest Academy and is a forum for student expression. The views and reporting herein are the sole product of The Spectator’s student reporters and in no way reflect the official views of Lake Forest Academy faculty, staff, administration or Board of Trustees.
EDITORIALS “Having to do the relay race was not really fun. It was like they were trying to force us.” -Jared Dimakos
“I really liked the House Cup.” -Matt Goad
Compiled by Natasha Patel
Goodnight and good luck There is, without a doubt, an issue of sleep deprivation at LFA: whether it is due to staying up until 2 a.m. cramming for a test, or staying up playing video games, or chatting on the internet, students are not getting enough sleep. This reflects a nationwide trend among teenagers. The Spectator’s recent sleep survey shows that the majority of LFA’s students’ sleep patterns have not changed in the last three years. In reality, there is no way LFA administrators can force sleep onto energetic and vigorous teens. There has been a recent attempt by LFA to compel LFA boarders to go to bed at earlier times with a new policy that shuts down internet access earlier at night. But what about the other 50 percent of the school (day students) that are also sleep deprived? Day students are lacking just as much sleep as LFA board
ers. Therefore, there should be an equal emphasis on the importance of sleep for all students, not just boarders. The attempt to oblige students to get more sleep is an ineffective method. LFA students still do not really see the effects of sleep deprivation, and the effects on each individual are often ignored. Making a small morning meeting announcement about how important it is to go to bed early, does not make students want or decide to go to bed any earlier. Maybe a better approach to the issue needs to be taken. Instead of trying to force sleep on half the LFA student population, wouldn’t it be more effective to teach students about the dangers of sleep deprivation and give students the tools to make healthy choices about sleep, instead? Instilling the idea in the minds of LFA students that taking care of your health is important,
and sleep is an extremely valuable aspect of one’s health, is how you will persuade students to go to bed earlier. We spend a lot of time educating students about other health dangers in seminar—why not sleep deprivation as well? A student will not be helped, unless that student is willing to be helped, and is willing to help themselves. This means that LFA students must see the effects of bad sleep habits and actually want to change them and make an effort to sleep more. It is important that students develop good sleep habits while attending LFA, because they will be even more crucial at college. LFA spends time trying to teach students about healthy choices in so many other ways, why doesn’t the school spend more of that year-long seminar time on healthy sleep choices as well?
Opinions of the staff are presented in the form of unsigned editorials. Personal views are bylined or presented as formal dissents.
SUBMISSIONS The Spectator welcomes submissions from the community. If you would like to write an article, please see Mr. Murphy (please note: if space is limited, priority goes to journalism students). We also welcome short stories and poetry for our “Featured Writers” column, and we are always interested in publishing student artwork and photographs. Please send all submissions to Mr. Murphy via e-mail at wmurphy@lfanet. org, or hand them to him directly.
LETTERS TO THE EDITORS The Spectator welcomes responses to its articles in the form of Letters to the Editors in addition to letters on subjects of the author’s choosing. Please e-mail Letters to the Editors to Mr. Murphy at wmurphy@lfanet.org.
The LFA Spectator has been awarded several very presigious journalism awards in recent years. 2008 The American Scholastic Press Association... 1st Place 2008 The Kempler Moraine Press Association... 1st Place 2009 The American Scholastic Press Association... 1st Place 2009 The Kemper Moraine Press Association... 1st Place 2010 The American Scholastic Press Association... 1st Place
quote of the month
“Journalism is literature in a hurry.” - Matthew Arnold
lfa spectator
Inquiring Photographer
T h e e m y
lfa spectator
ar ts & enter tainment 12
january 28, 2011
Great classics for a rainy day By Lucy Emery Editor-in-Chief
How many times have you found yourself nestled in a theater seat – or couch at home or in the dorm – waiting for the film credits to roll so you can escape the disaster that some director called his or
her movie? Instead of wasting your time watching overpaid actors give subpar performances, perhaps you should try and download or rent an old classic movie. The Spectator used movie review website, Rotten Tomatoes, to give an updated view on a few of the greats that are sure to leave you wanting more. It’s a Wonderful Life Released: 1946 Rotten Tomatoes Average Rating: 8.7 out of 10 Awards: Nominated for five Oscars It’s a Wonderful Life is a film about the meaning one man’s life can have on people. Through an unfortunate turn of events, George Bailey finds himself believing that his life has brought more harm than good, and tries to end his life. Through an alternate universe, he is able to see what impact he has had. Rotten Tomatoes calls it: “A holiday classic to define all holiday classics. It’s a Wonderful Life is one of a handful of films worth an annual viewing.”
Citizen Kane Released: 1941 Rotten Tomatoes Average Rating: 9.4 out 10 Awards: Won an Oscar Considered by many to be the greatest film ever to come out of Hollywood, is a story of a newspaper tycoon’s death and the meaning behind his dying word, which was “Rosebud.” Rotten Tomatoes says the following about this film: “Orson Welles’s epic tale of a publishing tycoon’s rise and fall is entertaining, poignant, and inventive in its storytelling, earning its reputation as a landmark achievement in film.”
All About Eve Released: 1950 Rotten Tomatoes Average Rating: 9 out 10 Awards: Won six Oscars A film about what happens behind closed doors, or closed curtains in the entertainment industry. It’s a story that follows one girl’s dream to become a star, what she will do, and what chances she will take to reach her ultimate goal. Rotten Tomatoes comments on the movie by saying: “Perfectly cast and solidly scripted, this dark Hollywood satire contains a brilliantly self-deprecating performance from Bette Davis. Smart, cynical, terrifically entertaining, and one of the greatest films ever released about the movie industry, All About Eve has retained its edge, and remains a sharp, beautifully-written gem.”
Photo courtesy of www.moviegoods.com
To Kill a Mockingbird Released: 1962 Rotten Tomatoes Average Rating: 8.7 out of 10 Awards: Won three Oscars To Kill a Mockingbird is a classic book-turned-film, in which two children “come of age” while watching their father stand up for what is right, even though the entire town is against him. This movie not only is fascinating but also carries an important message. Film critic Robert Mulligan called it remarkable in that, “It’s not a good film about children, but a good, serious film for children.”
Casablanca Released: 1942 Rotten Tomatoes Average Rating: 9 out of 10 Awards: Won three Oscars American Rick Blaine escapes Paris during World War II and starts a nightclub that becomes a haven for Europeans fleeing from the Germans in a north African city called Casablanca. One day, Rick’s former love waltzes in with her new husband, hoping to find away to escape to America. All of their old feelings coming rushing back, and Rick must pick between his love for Isla or what is right. Rotten Tomatoes calls it: “An undisputed masterpiece, and perhaps Hollywood’s quintessential statement on love and romance, Casablanca has only improved with age, boasting career-defining performances from Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman.”
Chicago: A leading city in the performing arts By Andrea Shen A&E Editor Chicago, where improvisational theater first originated, is the biggest town across the nation –– the biggest live theater town, that is. Bigger than New York or Los Angeles, Chicago is home to more than 200 theaters, ranging from small storefront theaters with 30 seats, to large theaters that house more than 5000. The different kinds of theaters allow Chicago to offer a diverse selection of productions, from smaller plays that stay local, to big theatrical shows that stop in Chicago for a number of weeks as they tour the country, such as Wicked. “I love the intimacy that you find in Chicago theaters that is hard to find elsewhere. The connection that these actors make with the audience is unbelievable,” said senior Jenna Madeley, who has attended more than 20 live theater shows.
Chicago’s live theater is also known for its unique remakes of old stories. “In Chicago, in particular, old stories are re-imagined and recreated differently. You have playwrights writing just for the theaters here in Chicago,” said Director of Performing Arts Mark Dryfoos, who is a member of the Citadel Theatre Company in Lake Forest. Unlike theaters in New York, many theaters in Chicago are non-equity, which means that actors aren’t required to be part of the union Actor’s Equity to work. “In Chicago, there are a lot of non-equity theaters, as well as equity theaters, so it allows actors a lot of opportunities to do different shows, without the management of those theaters having to pay big prices for actors,” said Dryfoos. “It also allows for actors to pick and choose productions that they would like to be part of, and that’s part of the reasons why there are
The Steppenwolf Theatre is one of the numerous live theaters in Chicago.
so many theaters in Chicago.” Many actors who work in Chicago are local graduates from the big theater schools around the area, including the theater schools of DePaul University, Roosevelt University, University of Chicago, and Northwestern University.
“Chicago theater draws actors to it because it allows them to work. This is a big working town for actors. Anybody who wants to practice his or her craft of stage work comes to Chicago, and they can move from theater company to theater company,” said Dryfoos.
Photo courtesy of online.wsj.com
“I’m always so inspired by the actors. They do these shows over and over again, but they never seem to be bored with it, and they always give it their all. It inspires me to pursue my dream in acting. Even the chorus members are so into it. It’s such a passion,” said Madeley.
ar ts & enter tainment 13
january 28, 2011
ByTakia Broomfield A&E Editor Alumnus,
Photo courtesy of www.adamlevinguitar.com
Adam Levin strums classical tunes on his guitar.
Adam Levin, returned to LFA this month to play classical guitar for listeners who attended his debut concert here on campus. Many students and staff watched as Levin strummed his guitar, playing buoyant yet tranquil music. The concert was a very relaxing experience, even for those who had never heard classical guitar before. The audience responded well to the music and the overall turn out was superb. Classical guitar has a very different sound to the rockand-roll guitars most people listen to today. The strings are played by fingertips, rather than with picks, and the instrument has a softer, more mellow tone. Musical pieces played on these guitars tend to be more from the classical music or baroque genre. Levin’s dream however, was not always to be a classical guitarist. He once had the goal of becoming a doctor and attending medical school instead.
A Chicago native, Levin was offered a Fulbright Scholarship in 2008 to study contemporary Spanish guitar in Madrid, Spain, and he embraced the opportunity. From then on, his dreams were shifted towards music and performing. He released his debut album in 2009 entitled In the Beginning, about which critics said he would “dazzle and entertain at every opportunity.” Levin began playing guitar at the age of seven. He was taught by his father, also a guitarist, who encouraged him to play often. “In the beginning, it was certainly a love-hate relationship. However, I grew to adore the instrument and the music as I got older,” said Levin. “The guitar has always been a central part of my life, and, moreover, a unifying factor in all my aspirations. It has also opened many doors for me.” At the concert, Levin began with a soft yet lively tune. Each note seemed to depict a different color and emotion, creating a vibrant mosaic. The music varied from slow and soothing, to vivacious and spirited, and the
music was organized very well. The LFA community enjoyed the music they heard. “It was so different. It was great to be able to see a concert and a unique performance that I doubt I would have ever had the chance to see outside of LFA,” responded junior Haley Wilhelm. Many people were calmed by the music, and the concert provided a great escape. “The music was very peaceful, like paradise. Hypnotic almost,” said LFA junior Kamal Kariem. “I felt like I was getting a taste of the Mediterranean,” agreed senior Ose Jackson, who knew that the classical guitar is most highly valued in Spain LFA musicians were impressed by the skill of Levin. “He was really good, and really talented, and there was no way I could do that with my flute,” sophomore Megan VanHellemont said humorously. Levin’s concert was a huge success and did much to make members of the LFA community new fans of classical guitar.
Behind the curtains:
A look at the winter musical’s Von Trapp children
By Matt Stevens Staff Writer The writer is a member of a faculty and has a part in the LFA winter musical. It is hard to find someone who does not like the musical, “The Sound of Music”, and those who do not will at least recognize it as a classic. A large part of its appeal is the singing group of adorable Von Trapp children. When casting for LFA’s winter musical version of “The Sound of Music”, there were many talented LFA faculty children available to vie for the parts of the Von Trapp children. Jason Smith, Angela Jiang, and Ani and Julia Plambeck all earned parts in the production. I am the fifth faculty child, playing the children’s father. Having so many faculty children in the cast has brought new, and sometimes peculiar, experiences for everyone. For these children, it will be the first time they have performed in anything of this magnitude. Although some have sang on stage before, doing a whole show is quite different, and
in many ways, much more difficult. “We’re asking a lot of them,” said director Mark Dryfoos, but added, “They have been very receptive.” It is difficult for a young child to come in after a long day of school and work for another two hours, but they do it many times a week and still focus and work hard. They all said, though, that they enjoy being in the show and don’t mind the commitment. Jason’s favorite part is the songs. While Ani and Angela enjoy the dancing aspect, Julia’s favorite part is singing her solo in front of her dad. Dryfoos said that they are very on task. Mr. Tim Plam-
beck, the music director, said that they bring a lot of energy to the show and joked that sometimes they can be more professional than the high school kids. We are lucky for this, because they are a crucial piece of the production. Having faculty children in the show has also created some interesting personnel arrangements. Tim and Peg Plambeck
Director of Music Tim Plambeck instructs the Von Trapp children as they rehearse a song.
both direct the music for the show. Because their two children are in the cast, they must act as both parents and directors, and are getting used to balancing the two. As the cast grows more comfortable and comes together as a family on stage, we are also coming together off the stage. Mrs. Plambeck said that
one of her favorite parts of working with the kids is seeing them bond and grow closer. “They come in excited to see each other,” she said, “and if any of them have one of the meltdowns that kids of that age are sometimes prone too, they are always there for each other and have each others’ backs.”
Photo by Andrea Shen
I also get a sense of community that is distinctly LFA. There is something unique about the fact that I waltz with the daughter of one of my teachers while he is right there playing the beat on the piano. I feel more and more like part of one big LFA family, and it makes me glad to be a part of this school.
lfa spectator
LFA alumnus and classical guitarist returns to alma mater for concert
lfa spectator
spor ts 14
january 28, 2011
Girls Varsity Hockey to remain driven as season draws to a conclusion By Hunter Johnstone Staff Writer
been the team’s strong point.
With a record of 5-7-3
this season, the LFA Girls Varsity
Hockey team remains confident
and determined to win their last few games of the schedule. Assistant Coach Kimberly
Clouthier, who is in her second year working with the team,
said that they are “focused and
positive” and that they need to play to their strengths in order to finish the season well.
“This year our team has
great chemistry and the new players are doing really well,”
said Kailee Heidersbach, the senior team captain. “Our team
works really hard and we hope to win the rest of our games.”
team’s leading scorer with 23 goals. Senior Sam Nelson has also been an offensive threat
for the Caxys this year, scoring
23 goals in the team’s 15 games.
Such a positive outlook
is good news for a team with four players that didn’t even play on
teams last season. Head Coach Jen Clouthier said that the new and veteran players have done
a great job at working together and that teamwork has always
that penalties have been their major setback this season, but
they say that they have always had “someone to pick up the team in a tough game.” The seniors have done well at sup-
porting the team in this way,
as shown in the game against Glenbrook where Heidersbach scored three of their four goals
(the other by Nelson) to tie the game. Despite having sev-
eral penalties in that game, the
Caxys were tough to beat even with fewer players on the ice.
Stankowicz has been one of those players who has tried
to pick up her team in a tough game. Stankowicz had
a strong season in the crease for LFA stopping 91% of the
shots she has faced, allow-
ing only 2.73 goals per game.
When asked about the
team’s position this season in the league standings, Coach Jen said that they’re “in the
middle of the pack right now
but would like to move up.”
“If we play through
some issues right now, we could still do pretty well,” she stated.
Photo Courtesy of Ruth Keyso
Senior Kailee Heidersbach is both team captain and leading scorer for this years team.
LFA set to begin building year for lacrosse: Looks to set foundation for succesful program By Erica Lewis
Photo Courtesy of bluestreakst.com
Lacrosse is one of the fastest growing sports in America.
Op-Ed Editor This coming spring season LFA students and faculty will be seeing something new on campus -- boys and girls practicing lacrosse. After a hiatus of almost 20 years, lacrosse will be offered again for boys; and girls will have lacrosse as an athletic option for the first time. Unfortunately for seniors, since the program will begin with only JV teams, senior girls and boys will not be eligible for the sport this year. Due to the significant ambitions of the boys new Head Coach Robert Degen, the upcoming season will be a crucial year in the building of a strong lacrosse program at LFA. “My goals are to lay the groundwork for a lacrosse program that will be as successful as the hockey and basketball programs,” said Degen. “The most important thing is
for the boys to have fun. Some boys will be learning the game for the first time and others will be returning to a sport where
Coach Robert Degan has said he aspires for LFA to be a “nationally recognized lacrosse program” in the next five years. they can continue to learn and increase their skills along with their knowledge of the game.” Since this season will be oriented around the building and development of the players, the competition against other schools will be limited, according to Athletic Director Kevin Versen.
The goals for this spring season emphasize the importance of the players understanding the game and increasing their abilities. With hopes of continuing to expand the lacrosse team, Coach Degen aspires towards a “nationally recognized lacrosse program” for LFA in the next five years. Degen is positive about one day competing in a Midwest prep school league, challenging teams such as Culver Academy and Western Reserve. Degen is also confident about the creation of a Varsity program in the follow year.
to girls Head Coach Lauren Kelly. Extremely enthusiastic about the upcoming spring season, Kelly plans to build the lacrosse program for a strong future while having fun with the team this year. “Ideally, I’d like to create an environment where lovers of the sport can gather, have fun, and get fit,” said Klly. “I have no illusions of winning every game, but as long as the players have fun and learn about the sport, I’m happy.” Margaux Boles, a freshman, looks to the approaching
towards the thought of being able to practice lacrosse again. “I am really excited for the lacrosse season because when I applied they did not have a team which bothered me because it was one my favorite sports,” said Boles. “I’m really looking forward to playing again!”
“I’m looking forward to getting back out on the field again and playing lacrosse. It used to be one of my favorite sports so I’m really excited about it coming LFA,” said junior David Rowe, a student enthusiastic about the addition of lacrosse to LFA sports. The girl’s lacrosse program seems to have a successful season ahead as well, according
spring season
with excitement
By: Taylor Jenkins Editor-In Chief LFA’s Boys Varsity Basketball team is off to a roaring start with a record of 9-3 (as of January 18th). They have won many big games against other high school teams including victories against Warren 57-53, Waukegan 67-65, Blair Academy 80-57 and St. Rita’s 65-63, and the team was recently ranked No. 1 in Lake County by a local newspaper . “Given the toughness of our schedule, I am very pleased with how well we’ve played. We’ve had some incredible wins thus far. Our losses have been to very strong teams as well, so overall being 9-3 is a great ac-
“Given the toughness of our schedule, I am very pleased with how well we’ve played” said Coach Matt Vaughn
Junior Charles Harris dribbles the ball up the court.
Photo Courtesy of Ruth Keyso
complishment for this team thus far,” said Matt Vaughn. The losses he talked about include to Kiski School, LaLumiere School, and Wilbraham and Monson. This initial success has not been without obstacles.
The team has lost two essential players -- Tyler Ennis and Melvin Pitt – decided to leave school during winter break. “Tyler had a great feel for the game, and had great chemistry on the floor with, not only his brother Dylan, but Charles Harris as well,” said Vaughn “Probably the worst part about him leaving is that he was only a sophomore, so it will hurt us the next two years as well.” “Melvin Pitt was a solid performer also, as he was essentially our 6th man and had some good moments early on,” added Vaughn. The loss of these players was balanced by the return of two former players: David Rowe and Keenan Johnson. David Rowe has been recovering from an injury received during football season and is just now eligible to play. Vaughn is also optimist about Johnson, who he describes as “freakishly athletic.” One of the team’s biggest moments came recently with a victory over local rival Lake Forest High School, 5741. Defeating their cross-town rival helped the Caxys prove their North Shore superiority.
Opinion: Michael Vick completes amazing, well-earned comeback
By Chris Boudreaux Sports Editor People are calling it one of the greatest comebacks in NFL history, and most of it didn’t even occur on the football field. Former convicted felon Michael Vick, following the Eagles loss to the Green Bay Packers, is in position to be considered for the Most Valuable Player award of the NFL. Although this has been a storied season for Vick, the perception of his previous years in the NFL was forever tarnished by his legal troubles. The former 1st round draft pick spent his first six
seasons with the Atlanta Falcons,
ally don’t understand that he has
where he became an NFL superstar and a fan favorite. This came crashing down however, when in April, 2007 Vick was implicated in an illegal dog-fighting ring and sentenced to 23 months at Leavenworth Penitentiary. This led to numerous sponsors dropping Vick and eventually bankruptcy. Responses, both nationally and at LFA, have varied, but according to ESPN and Fox Sports, the majority of the nation is in favor of the path Vick has taken and is willing to support him despite his past as a convict. That being said, it appears to be the same case at LFA. Personally, I believe Michael Vick’s crime deserved punishment, but the punishment handed out was much to harsh given the circumstances. I am thrilled that he has rehabilitated himself and his image and hope Vick continues to be a superb NFL player. “I feel that he was always a great player,” said senior Henry Lopez. “People re-
his own personal life outside of football and that’s why so many were shocked with his whole scandal; but he’s paid his debt to society and should be allowed to play where ever he wants, for however long he wants.” Senior Jess Kaminsky and freshman Mbasa Mayikana shared Lopez’s sentiments. “I think it’s good, yet surprising, that he’s becoming so successful again in the NFL, especially after his criminal history,” stated Kaminsky. “Michael Vick deserves to win MVP, his comeback from crime to superstar is unheard of” stated Mbasa Mayikana. However Vick’s MVP campaign ends, it has been an extraordinary run. Vick has made the most extraordinary comeback, both in terms of football and public relations, and it appears that he is poised to make a lot of money come next year.
Photo Courtesty of Matt Smith and the Express-Times
Michael Vick throws the football before a game.
lfa spectator
Basketball continues fantastic performances despite challenging schedule
The place where stuff happens
Where’s Wagemann?
Here’s “Where’s Wagemann” again and this time she is at the basketball game against Lake Forest High School. Try to find her but be careful, she’s sneaky/creepy.
Top 10: Worst ways to ask someone to be your Valentine By Mark Yingling Entropica Editor
I know most people don’t get into Valentine’s Day, but
there are some Lake Forest Academy students who do support it, which I can respect. However, don’t be too enthusiastic because that is definitely an amateur mistake. Just a fair warning; nobody really approves of the high school guy (or girl) who publicly declares their “interest” in someone in an over-the-top manner. Nothing says “stalker” like doing way too much for someone for Valentine’s Day.
So I have some words of advice that were said by a very
wise person (myself): “Keep it classy and don’t be too aggressive.” In order to help you abide by these wise words, I have created a list of the Top 10 worst ways to ask someone to be your Valentine, and help you keep the whole process as classy as possible: 10. Ask them to be your Valentine via Facebook status. Really? 9. Since everyone does it for dances, let’s try to stay away from doing a PowerPoint at morning meeting.
The students just don’t
need it all up in their faces. 8. Have your mom come to school and ask the person you’re too shy to ask yourself. 7. Threaten to kill a puppy if the person won’t be your Valentine. 6. Stuff their locker full of roses and chocolates to the point where they are falling out of it and onto the floor, which forces everyone to walk/slide around them and possibly break a collarbone. 5. Don’t give the person a million of the chalky candy hearts that Photo by Kathleen Kennedy
nobody even likes in the first place. 4. Don’t give the girl eleven roses instead of twelve, trust me girls are greedy/picky.
“I Spy”
3. Taking her to a “perfect Valentines movie” isn’t a perfect idea at all. Whose opinion of “perfect” do you use to decide on the movie? 2. Singing and playing the guitar for your potential Valentine, when your voice sounds a kitten getting run over by a car.
To continue the theme of trying to find people/ things around school, we have taken a picture of this object that is located somewhere within the school. This will test your knowledge of how well you really know your school. Where/what is it?
1. Act as if you are proposing, and get down on one knee and ask her to be your Valentine.
Caxy Match
Photo by Kathleen Kennedy Photo by Sophia Salsbery
Answer: This old thermostat is located right outside of Coach Ted Stewart’s
lfa spectator
january 28, 2011
Photo courtesy of topnews.in
This edition’s look-alike is a comparison between a LFA student and a famous comedian. Senior, Scott Kennedy, and comedian, Paul Rudd.