2010 Spectator: Move Up Day

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S P E C TAT O R 1500 West Kennedy Road Lake Forest, IL 60045

Volume 88 Number 8





June 4, 2010

End-of-Year Awards SENIOR PRIZES

Alexander Award............................................................. Aaron Beck For the senior boy who best exemplifies the spirit and ideals of LFA.

American Legion Award................................................ Aaron Beck For the senior who exemplifies honor, courage, scholarship, leadership, and service.

Butler Award.................................................................. Remy Ndiaye For the senior who has earned academic achievement through perseverance.

D.A.R. Award.............................................. Elizabeth Duckworth For the senior who exemplifies the ideals of service, leadership, patriotism and dependability.

Faculty Award................................................................. Dan Sambor For the student who has in thought, word, and deed embodied the ideal of scholarship.

Freeland Award........................................................ Jessica Anderson For the senior girl who best exemplifies the spirit and ideals of LFA.

Waldie Award.................................................................... Joseph Lee For the senior who, by the nature of his or her presence, has substantially impacted LFA.

Hixon Award........................................ Art Azarenko and Suvia Yuan For the senior who is outstanding in friendliness and concern for others.

Speidel Award............................................................ Emily Robinson For the senior girl who is outstanding in sincerity, courtesy, and thoughtfulness.

Vaile Award....................................................................... Matt Paige For the senior who has most imaginatively discharged administrative responsibilities.

Wetzel Award................................................................. Rachel Fybel For the senior girl who has best exemplified the spirit of Ferry Hall.

DEPARTMENTAL AND UNDERCLASSMEN AWARDS Service Above Self Award: Nataly Alvarado and Biniyam Melesse Jonathan Fremd Award: Jane Strudwick and Nancy Wang McLaughlin Prize: Ariana Bhatia Jewel J. Jackson Award: Rickey Larke E.J. Barry Language Award: Kallan Benjamin and Charlie Nesler Nelson Award: Dan Sambor Overdorf History Prize: Graham Harwood and Sarang Kumar English Award: Bianca Bryant and Emily Robinson Dana W. Niswender Prize: Cody Watson Sophomore Narrative Prize: Nina Varilla English as a Second Language Award: Nancy Wang Ainsworth Award: Rex Tang Mathematics Department Award: Matt Stevens Louch Award: Dan Sambor McCormick Prize in Drama: Bryan Chou McCormick Prize in Music: Sam Putnam McCormick Prize in Visual Arts: Rory Higgins Everett E. Grace Music Prize: Joseph Lee Fine Arts Department Award: Jessica Anderson Pridmore Award: Joey Lieberman Taylor Award: Niki Torskiy Palantir Award: Hannah Jung and Rickey Larke Spectator Award: Sarah Jacobson, Andrew Kingsley, and Roma Mirutenko Library Prize: Josh Brass Playwriting Award: Molly Rosenbaum Raymond Delaplaine Burnet Prize in Economics: Erika Stanford Cum Laude ( Juniors selected for induction next year): Kiran Chilamkurti, Graham Harwood, Hannah Jung, and Sean Kim. Cum laude (Seniors inducted this year): Jessica Anderson, Aaron Beck, Kallan Benjamin, Caton Brewster, Zach Carlins, Elizabeth Duckworth, Emily Ferguson, Kevin Han, Anne MacCarthy, Harry Matheson, Charles Nesler, Matt Paige, Dan Patterson, Dan Sambor, Sam Shin, Erika Stanford, Rex Tang, Karn Techapalokul, Marlon Weng, Jessixa Xu, Cindy Yang.


All-School President: Kiran Chilamkurti Discipline Committee Chair: Natasha Patel Prefects: Lamees Esmail, Graham Harwood, Ruben Kim, Emily Kulas, Sophia Salsbery, Sandy Cho, Natasha Patel, Rickey Larke, Charlie O’Connor, Jack Schweighauser, Jenna Madeley, Hannah Jung Dorm Council: Henry Lopez, Justin Kim, Austin Pejovich Kamal Kariem, Alex Wang (Atlass) Kenny Chavez, Ryan Arnett, Dylan Scandinaro, Mike Hong (Warner) Ellena Sea, Rachel Riccio, Haley Wilhelm, Tracy Liu (Field) Sarah Hong, Aline Feijo, Claire Que (Mac) Proctors: Peter Ryu, Simon Lee (Atlass) Dimitri Kapetan, Julian Rutkowski (Atlass) Mary Joo, Olivijia Cepaite (Field) Senior Class President and Reps: Brandon Eason, Joanie Davis, Tom Gallagher, Sean Kim Junior Class President and Reps: Ariana Bhatia, David Rowe, Casey Coulter, Carolyn Gilette Sophomore Class President and Reps: Will Shoemaker, Kemmer Cope, Palmer Taylor, Nancy Wang

Photo by Kathleen Kennedy

Science teacher Ed Shaughnessy has been invited to speak at graduation.

Long-Time Science Teacher to Speak at Graduation

By Lucy Irungu Staff Writer

With Graduation taking place tomorrow afternoon, speculation is still rife in the LFA community about who has been chosen as the guest faculty speaker at the ceremony. Every year, the seniors vote on which faculty member they would like to make a speech at the ceremony. This year, the senior class has chosen Physics teacher, Mr. Edward Shaughnessy to speak.

“This is not my first time speaking at Graduation,” Shaughnessy commented. “I’ve spoken three times before during my time here at LFA. Each time I have been chosen it has been a big honor.” Shaughnessy has spoken to the graduating classes of 1999, 2005, and 2006. He has been teaching at LFA since 1994, but began teaching Physics in 2006. “I have had many memorable

Graduation Speaker continued on page 2

Senior Class Gift: Dedidated to Chris Lee By Mary Kate Hayes Staff Writer The tragic passing of Chris Lee affected so many people in various ways, but all in all it brought the community of Lake Forest Academy closer together. The senior class of 2010 has decided to continue his memory and the unity his tragedy brought with its senior class gift. “The class gift is going to be an extension of the Atlas patio, somewhere that Chris used to enjoy hanging out,” said senior Rachel Fybel, who noted that somewhere on the renovated patio will be a plaque that will remember Chris’ positive and outgoing personality. “I really appreciate that the seniors decided to have this year’s senior gift in honor of Chris,” said Lee’s former roommate, Joseph “Mojo” Lee. “When Matt Paige told me what the plan was it really blew me away. I am thankful that we haven’t forgotten Chris and that he

will always be a part of our school.” “Our budget was really based upon our project,” says senior class advisor Catherine Wilensky. “Our goal was for 100% participation, and while we are not at that point yet, we hope to be there by graduation. There was no minimum amount, because we wanted everyone to participate at a level with which they would feel comfortable.” The class of 2010 has been thinking about their senior class gift ever since Move Up Day during their freshman year. “When Chris’ accident happened, students made it very clear that they wanted to leave a gift in memory of him,” Wilensky says. “We tried to come up with an idea that would honor his memory and help people remember Chris’ fun spirit and his place in the LFA community.” Many seniors feel a special bond with this class gift, a connection that may not have been as common in earlier years. Senior Class Gift continued on page 2

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