Tips for Keeping Your First Job
Once you find your first job it is up to you to keep it. By building employment success strategies early in your working life, you will gain more personal and professional growth over time. There are seven basic principles for keeping your first job. Packaging Yourself:
Timeliness Appearance
You are your brand, and perception becomes an individual's truth. Thus, packaging yourself as a serious employee separates you from the kids that just need a check. Arriving on time is not the same as arriving at the start time. Being timely means that you are ready to begin your tasks at the start of your shift. It is best practice to arrive fifteen minutes early giving you ample time to settle in for your day. Dressing for success is no joke, whether your job requires a uniform or polished attire look to your supervisor for an example. Personal grooming is an important aspect of appearance. This seems simple, but it is not just about bathing and brushing your hair; it is advisable to forgo the perfume or cologne, because the fragrance can be toxic to some. Be a Stand Out:
Accept Instruction Show Initiative Stay On Task
As a new employee, accepting direction from your supervisor is essential. When given a task complete it as asked, and be sure that all aspects are done completely. But direction is not just about tasks, be sure that you work to apply your constructive feedback. Your supervisor will note that you have accepted your evaluation and are actively working to improve your skills. Any time you can add value to your employer, you will stand out. Taking initiative can show ownership to the company's mission. Younger employees have a lot to offer, especially, in terms of technology. If you see a need, step up and fill that need. When you are at work, you need to work. This is not the time to catch-up on the latest chat or float around the office looking busy to be busy. Stay on task; if you finish early, this gives you the opportunity to show initiative! Golden Rules:  
Show Respect Social Media Awareness
Treating people with respect is golden. This also applies to people who are not polite to you. Showing respect in the face of difficulty, says a lot about integrity. Although it is obvious to most, it must be said: Don't flirt, don't cuss, and don't harass anyone. Social media can end your career before you know what hit you. It's a good rule of thumb to refrain from anything stupid! It is not recommended that you comment on work or customers. Also, pictures and personal comments can follow you. Be careful your employer and future employers are looking. If you are serious about your career and building a solid resume, you want to keep your first job and the jobs that follow. Applying these seven principles to your work persona will help you establish yourself as a desirable employee.
Phil Shawe is the CEO of TransPerfect.