Each number below represents an individual human life changed. Each number below represents a transformation made possible by your generosity. It is in this spirit we share these numbers. Thank you for facilitating this impact through your giving and prayers. We invite you to join us in praising God for the lives He has transformed.
Jesus called men and women to follow Him. Today, Jesus is still calling college students to turn from their sin, trust in Him, and to come and follow Him. The gospel message is being shared and this year 1,313 students began following Jesus.
After the 12 disciples left everything to follow Jesus, He spent time establishing them in their new faith. He knew they needed a foundation to build a life upon. This year 2,958 students were discipled to follow Christ for a lifetime.
Jesus knew His mission would require leaders, so he trained his disciples to lead effectively. This year 2,341 students were trained in biblical leadership principles and practices.
After Jesus ascended to heaven, his disciples were mobilized to carry on His work in the world. This year 518 graduates were strategically mobilized to serve Christ in the community, church, and family. Campus Outreach began following Jesus through the ministry of Campus Outreach. Praise God that students are hearing of God's love in Christ and responding in faith.
Jesus said to go into all the world until you can go no farther. This year new ministries were started on 7 campuses in the U.S. and around the world.
Four years ago, Brooklyn attended a Campus Outreach retreat. There, for the first time, she had ears to hear about God's magnificent love for her in Jesus Christ. She would never be the same. Over the next two years, Brooklyn and Ashley would meet together to study God's Word, pray together, and share their faith with others. Eventually Brooklyn saw God move mightily in the lives of the women she was reaching out to. Guess what she did with them? Gathered them to study God's Word, pray together, and share their faith with others. "Every one, when he is fully trained, shall be like his teacher" Luke 6:40 Brooklyn is currently a Campus Outreach staff serving at UNCGreensboro. Her heart is to see God raise up a new generation of women who are passionate about Christ, the scriptures, and making Jesus known on the college campus and beyond. In a recent letter Brooklyn wrote to Ashley she shared:
"I am thankful for you two and the ministry you've engaged in. . .I am a product of that." This is an example of a story that we desire to see multiplied across the US and around the world. God is moving in the lives of students just like Brooklyn on hundreds of college campuses around the world. Thank you for your generosity to partner with us so that students like Brooklyn can hear about Jesus, begin walking with Jesus, and then turn around and assist others in doing the same.
When Phil and Matt met, Matt was a college student desiring to make a spiritual impact in his fraternity, but without a clue how to go about it. He was also wanting to honor Christ as he navigated a dating relationship towards engagement and eventually marriage. As Phil and Matt would meet and study God's Word, Matt grew in his spiritual confidence and competence. He began to see God use him to invest in others lives and share Christ. He also was experiencing more peace and excitement about engagement and marriage on the horizon. "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19 Matt currently works in finance in metro-Atlanta and is getting married in April 2016. His desire is to glorify God in his career and family as he encourages others in their faith journey. He was so thankful to see God change the lives of several fraternity brothers during college and wants to see Jesus continue to work in others' lives.
"Working in finance is a lot like fraternity life. . . everyday I'm getting to interact with and build relationships with people who need Christ. I'm excited about what God is doing." The college campus is not the only place that needs spiritual leaders. But the college campus is a great place to develop spiritual leaders for a lifetime of service in the marketplace, community, and family. Thank you for giving to support our ministry with Campus Outreach. Leaders are being developed on the college campus and leaders are being sent into the world to share the love of Christ.
As we look back to celebrate what God has done, we also look forward in anticipation of what God will do. We are trusting God to continue reaching students with the gospel, building them into maturing leaders, and launching them out into the world to serve Christ in their careers, communities, and churches. We invite you to join us in asking Christ to continue transforming lives by his grace in 2016.
Most students pass through college without encountering Jesus Christ. Therefore, Campus Outreach will continue starting new ministries in new locations to see most lost students reached, and more leaders developed and deployed.
Transitioning from four years on campus to a lifetime in the church is a critical season for graduates. Campus Outreach will build partnerships with churches that can function as mobilization hubs, positioning graduates for continued growth and impact after graduation.
International and ethnically diverse staff face significant challenges learning to lead in culturally relevant ways. We desire to continue learning and growing in developing these leaders for the next generation.
The need for equipping staff and students to lead in an increasingly complex world has never been greater. We will continue striving to uniquely develop men and women as leaders to face today's cultural challenges.
Throughout 2016 we will continue evangelizing and discipling Samford University students involved in Sigma Nu fraternity and Alpha Delta Phi sorority.
! Ministry(Snapshot
Who(is(Campus(Outreach?! In!1979,!two!men!at!Briarwood!Presbyterian!Church!in!Birmingham,!Alabama!realized!the!aggregate!number!of! students!at!small!regional!colleges!in!Alabama!was!greater!than!the!aggregate!number!of!students!at!larger,! well?known! campuses! (Auburn! and! Alabama),! yet! these! smaller! regional! schools! were! underserved! by! evangelical! campus! ministries.! These! men! had! recently! begun! ministering! at! nearby! Samford! University,! seeking!to!share!their!personal!faith!in!Jesus!Christ!with!college!students.!Within!a!few!years!what!began!as!an! earnest! endeavor! to! minister! to! students! on! local! campuses! in! Alabama! multiplied! into! a! second! regional! ministry!in!Augusta,!Georgia.!Over!almost!four!decades,!that!multiplication!happened!over!two!dozen!times.!! ! How(is(Campus(Outreach(distinct(from(similar(ministries?!! We!are!distinct!in!our!structure,'in!our'focus,'and!in!our'growth'model.!! ! Structure:!Locally!Led,!Globally!Connected.!Traditionally,!para?church!ministries!operate!as!independent!global! or! national! organizations! with! minimal! connection! with! the! church.! Campus! Outreach! is! distinct! in! that! we! operate!under!the!authority!and!leadership!of!independent!local!churches.!Each!Campus!Outreach!team!exists! as!the!official!college!ministry!of!a!particular!local!church,!sent!to!serve!campuses!in!regional!proximity!to!the! church.! Therefore,! there! is! no! Campus! Outreach! headquarters! and! none! of! the! ministries! exercise! any! directive! authority! over! one! another,! but! rather! collaborate! as! one! network! with! the! same! strategic! commitments.!! ! Focus:!Building!Leaders.!Most!ministries!traditionally!focus!on!evangelism,!discipleship,!mercy,!justice,!etc,!and! most!are!excellent!at!these!endeavors.!Campus!Outreach!does!engage!in!these!activities,!but!for!the!purpose! of!building!leaders.!God!is!uniquely!using!Campus!Outreach!to!build!the!next?generation!of!gospel!centered,! transformative!Kingdom!leaders!to!influence!all!of!society.!! ! Growth. Model:! Franchising.! Campus! Outreach! grows! through! each! regional! ministry,! under! the! authority! of! their!franchise!church,!multiplying!and!sending!a!staff!team!to!initiate!a!new!regional!campus!ministry,!under! the!authority!of!a!different!local!church.!This!is!a!delicate!process!between!the!sending!church,!the!CO!team! being!sent,!and!the!receiving!church.!In!other!words,!for!a!CO!to!begin!ministering!on!campuses!in!a!particular! region! an! existing! CO! franchise! church! must! send! an! expansion! team! and! a! receiving! franchise! church! must! "adopt"!the!new!Campus!Outreach!expansion!team!being!sent.!! ! This!is!distinct!from!many!ministries!for!whom!partnership!with!a!local!church!is!not!necessary!to!start!ministry! on!campus!and!is!also!distinct!from!many!ministries!that!can!be!started!by!students!forming!and!registering!a! student! organization! on! campus.!We! believe! that! the! local! church! is! the! vehicle! God! is! using! to! fulfill! his! mission!in!the!world,!and!our!desire!is!to!exist!as!part!of!and!under!the!authority!of!local!churches.!! ! ! ! !
! Ministry(Snapshot(
Where(does(Campus(Outreach(exist(and(is(Campus(Outreach(affiliated(with(any(particular(denomination?!! Campus! Outreach! is! dispersed! into! 25! “franchises”! spread! across! 110! campuses,! from! North! Carolina! to! California,! Minnesota! to! Florida,! and! in! 6! countries! (Brazil,! South! Africa,! England,! Thailand,! New! Zealand,! Australia).!Campus!Outreach!maintains!an!interdenominational!profile!on!campus,!yet!chooses!to!partner!with! reformed!and!evangelical!Presbyterian,!Baptist,!and!Bible!churches.!! ! Why(focus(on(college(students?!( Today’s!students!are!tomorrow’s!leaders.!Additionally,!college!students!are!the!most!available!and!accessible! of! any! population! on! the! planet,! orbiting! in! a! relatively! concentrated! area,! craving! exposure! to! new! experiences,! new! relationships,! and! new! ideas,! on! the! precipice! of! the! rest! of! their! lives.! There! is! no! more! strategic!time!to!reach!future!leaders!than!during!this!four!to!five!year!window.!!! ( What(does(Campus(Outreach(do(to(help(fulfill(the(Great(Commission?!! Campus!Outreach!is!a!leadership!development!organization!that!builds!today’s!college!students!into!the!future! leaders!of!our!churches,!companies,!and!communities.!We!are!focused!on!reaching,!discipling,!and!deploying! the! next! generation! of! gospel?centered,!transformative,! Kingdom! leaders! from! the! college! campus! into! the! marketplace,!vocational!ministry,!and!the!mission!field.! ! What(partnerships(does(Campus(Outreach(build?! The! Great! Commission! is! a! task! of! great! magnitude,! and! Campus! Outreach! could! not! engage! in! the! work! of! building!tomorrow’s!leaders!without!the!vital!partnership!of!like?minded!churches,!gospel?centered!ministries,! and!financial!and!prayer!partners.!! . Strategic.Ministry.and.Mobilization.Partnerships.–!As!a!ministry!narrowly!focused!on!developing!and!deploying! Kingdom! leaders! from! the! college! campus! to! the! world,! we! build! partnerships! with! other! ministries! to! effectively!help!graduates!transition!from!focused!influence!on!the!campus!to!sustained!influence!beyond!the! campus.! Therefore! Campus! Outreach! partners! with! non?profits! focused! on! urban! and! community! development,!international!mission!agencies!focused!on!unreached!people!groups,!established!denominations! as! well! as! church! planting! agencies,! and! entrepreneurial! businesses! and! start! up! companies! needing! quality! young!leaders.!These!relationships!are!able!to!provide!other!ministries!and!organizations!the!leaders!needed! for!service!in!incredibly!strategic!Kingdom!opportunities.!Filling!the!front?line!ranks!of!other!ministries!is!one!of! the!clearest!ways!Campus!Outreach!is!serving!as!an!effective!pipeline!of!Kingdom!leaders.! . Strategic. Resourcing. Partnerships! ?! Many! individuals! and! churches! are! passionate! about! reaching! the! next! generation!but!are!either:!1)!not!a!large!enough!congregation!to!support!a!CO!franchise,!or!2)!do!not!have!any! colleges!in!close!proximity,!or!3)!are!not!equipped!with!the!necessary!gifts!to!minister!to!college!students.!In! these! cases! individuals! and! churches! can! engage! alongside! Campus! Outreach! as! Strategic! Ministry! Partners.! Such!individuals!and!churches!choose!to!leverage!relational,!financial,!and!prayer!resources!to!the!front!lines! of!the!global!Campus!Outreach!movement,!making!it!possible!for!the!next!generation!of!students!to!encounter! Jesus!Christ.!!!