Pacific HIS Forum and PHIN HIS Workshop Program

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Health Information Systems

3-7 June 2013

Pacific Health Information Systems Leadership Forum & PHIN Workshop

Workshop sponsors The Pacific Health Information Network (PHIN) recognises the generous support of the following organisations: Pacific Health Information Network, HIS Knowledge Hub, The University of Queensland, Secretariat of the Pacific Community and the World Health Organization.



I n fo r m a t i o n S y s t



Knowledge Hub School of Population Health University of Queensland

Participants from the 2011 HIS Workshop

Pacific Leadership Forum & PHIN HIS Workshop | Deuba, Fiji | 3-7 June 2013


Health Information Systems Information and communications technology Ministry of Health National Department of Health Pacific Health Information Network Pacific Island Countries and Territories Secretariat of the Pacific Community University of Queensland World Health Organization WHO, Western Pacific Regional Office

Pacific Leadership Forum & PHIN HIS Workshop | Deuba, Fiji | 3-7 June 2013

Program overview Sunday 2nd June Shuttle bus Arrive at hotel Registration Social event

Group bus departing Nadi for the Pearl Hotel Guest check-in Guest registration for Leadership Forum & PHIN Workshop • Overview of program & introductions Welcome dinner and entertainment

Monday 3rd June HIS Leadership Forum

Day 1 agenda

Tuesday 4th June HIS Leadership Forum

Day 2 agenda

Wednesday 5th June HIS Leadership Forum

Day 3 agenda

Thursday 6th June PHIN Workshop Social event

Day 1 agenda Welcome dinner

Friday 7th June PHIN Workshop Special Session PHIN Business Meeting Shuttle bus

Day 2 agenda Surveillance and operational research needs for NCDs Event closed to PHIN members only Group bus departing the Pearl Hotel for Nadi

Saturday 8th June Depart hotel Shuttle bus

Guest check-out Group bus departing the Pearl Hotel for Nadi

*Refer to full agenda in the program booklet for daily proceedings.

Pacific Leadership Forum & PHIN HIS Workshop | Deuba, Fiji | 3-7 June 2013

Pacific Leadership Forum on Health Information Systems

Forum objectives • Delegates will broaden their perspectives on implementation options, challenges and roles related to health information systems (HIS) by interacting with colleagues from other countries and sectors • Delegates will develop a shared awareness of the roles of various sectors in strengthening HIS and the options and strategies for improving cross sector coordination • Delegates will explore leadership roles in managing health information systems as a national asset • Delegates and development partner participants will work together to develop preliminary action plans to promote stakeholder engagement, advocacy, leadership and sustainable commitment to HIS • Development partners will highlight relevant follow-on resources (information, financial and technical assistance) available in their respective sectors to strengthen HIS

Pacific Leadership Forum & PHIN HIS Workshop | Deuba, Fiji | 3-7 June 2013

Pacific Leadership Forum & PHIN HIS Workshop | Deuba, Fiji | 3-7 June 2013

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• MoH expertise on ICT, policy and informatics at early stages; reliance on technical cooperation; required skills may not be available in private sector SYSTEM & DATA • MoH information flows and data processes not fully INTEROPERABILITY defined, aggregation not feasible • Project specific systems • Standards not in use; data sharing not possible



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• MoH increasing expertise, HR development plan in progress; taps technical cooperation and private sector expertise • MoH systems has defined information flows and data processes, some aggregation • Parallel systems • Standards at early stages of adoption; some data sharing

• National coordinating or approval mechanism for large projects; agencies/sectors on key projects, some shared priorities • Priorities, projects: defined and linked to short-andmedium term goals • MoH provides limited incentives for data sharing and use • Stakeholders represented for large, cross-sector projects Planning specific to vertical projects, may not be led • Planning includes MoH for major vertical projects; by or include MoH cross-linkages developed by MoH Comprehensive national planning at early stages • National plan developed but not vetted with all Financing plan not established; funding linked to parties specific projects • Financing plan at early stages; project funds available; more sustainable sources of funding sought National policies at early stages • National policies emerging in priority areas; plan Overall picture of the relevant sectors not clear; elaborated for additional areas policies need to be identified, compiled and • Sectoral policies under review for alignment, reviewed comprehensiveness: gaps identified for new or revised policies MoH cannot meet international reporting obliga• MoH needs major international reporting tions obligations Information primarily used by projects • Information used for specific or limited decisionOverall health information picture not clear, metrics making not adopted • Information picture emerging, metrics adopted, efforts to transition/rationalize ICT supports specific projects or vertical programs; • Shared infrastructure between some projects, broader infrastructure investment push by private agencies or sectors; government policies sector, large donors increasingly support private sector investment

• National coordinating mechanism note established or at early stages; agencies and sectors operating independently • Priorities, projects: pilots, not usually linked, depend on donors and funds • Project stakeholders provide incentives for country/ project data sharing and use • Stakeholders represented at project level


HIS Country Ownership & Leadership Continuum

• MoH system had defined information flows and data processes, aggregation at all levels • Major systems connect; planning is standards-based • Standards for data and interoperability adopted; data sharing increasingly possible

• MoH able to draw on internal expertise, technical cooperation and private sector as needed

• Government investment in fundamental infrastructure, to be shared; efforts to stimulate investment and alignment of private sector, donors

• MoH meets all international reporting obligations • Information increasingly shared and used in broader decision-making context • Overall information picture defined, metrics adopted, planning for transition and use

• National policies adopted in priority areas; regular policy review established; impact being considered • Plan agreed for sectoral alignment; progress being made on new and revised policies

• National coordination mechanism: active national body with oversight, control; agencies and sectors involved • Priorities, major projects linked to medium-term goals, included in national plan • MoH provides broad and specific incentives for data sharing and use • Stakeholder participation in national planning process • Planning led by MoH , includes major stakeholders and sectors • National plan developed/adopted by major stakeholders • Financing aligned with priorities; donors, gov’t, private sector funding identified for medium-term

HIS Ownership and Leadership Continuum

When a government adopts the “ownership” approach to HIS, it takes a holistic view and examines rights, roles, and responsibilities of stakeholders involved in HIS, treating health information as a The HIS Ownership and Leadership Continuum can national asset. “Ownership” is proactive, rather than be used to discuss and compare HIS functions, which reactive: knowing where you are and what you have, may not all progress at the same rate. By thinking of knowing where you want to go, defining/delivering HIS in this way, we can gain a more holistic view of the steps to get there, understanding what others the HIS “ecosystem,” generate questions, and grasp are doing, and knowing what to ask for in an ongoing the complexity of everything being done, but it is not dialogue with all stakeholders, including donors and prescriptive. partners. The model includes seven functional areas:


• Governance and multisectoral engagement

Leadership is more important than ever, especially working with people from different cultures and perspectives. Leadership skills can be learned and practiced. In managing change, there can be a high risk of conflict, which damages trust and leads to a lack of buy-in. Good leadership is required at all levels to prevent it.

• Strategic planning and financing • Policy and regulatory environment • Information and use • Infrastructure • Human capital development • Systems and data interoperability The far right side of the Continuum represents a highly functioning HIS. As you examine the Continuum, consider where your country’s HIS system lies along the Continuum in each functional area.

The road to ownership is not easy, but effective leadership can help us get there. “Leader” does not just refer to the person “in charge.” Leadership is power – the ability to influence. This can include power from position (the formal authority to discipline or reward others), but can also be based on information, knowledge, and personal biases. It should be personally developed and earned. It transcends hierarchies and crosses borders.

Ownership Current challenges in the HIS environment include economic stresses, pressure to make aid more effective, greater private-sector involvement, and new partners in health. There is also a fragmentation of funding sources, and governments are in reactive mode. One response is a new emphasis on the concept of “ownership.” The aim of this approach is to increase recipient control over donor funds provided, with a focus on the policy and political level, rather than on the project level. It requires deeper knowledge of social values, political cultures, and policy processes. Donors need to harmonize their own approaches so as not to conflict. Pacific Leadership Forum & PHIN HIS Workshop | Deuba, Fiji | 3-7 June 2013

Strengths and gaps analysis Individual take-home tasks Instructions Please complete the Strengths and Gaps Analysis on the following pages to the best of your ability. This exercise is meant to enhance your knowledge and stimulate thinking about the current state of HIS in your country. You should use HMN data and any other resources available to you to help you assess the current situation. Please bring your completed analysis with you to the Forum. You will have the opportunity during a working group session to compare and discuss answers with the rest of your country team. This information will form the basis for your country action plans and the priority items you will address when you are back in your home country. Take a look at the Action Planning Template provided to you at the pre-Forum meeting. You do not need to complete this before the Forum, but it is a good preview of how the Strengths and Gaps analysis will be used at the Forum to initiate a plan of action.

Pacific Leadership Forum & PHIN HIS Workshop | Deuba, Fiji | 3-7 June 2013


HIS strengths and gaps analysis Governance and multi-sectoral engagement Gaps


Strategic planning/financing Gaps

Pacific Leadership Forum & PHIN HIS Workshop | Deuba, Fiji | 3-7 June 2013


HIS strengths and gaps analysis Infrastructure Gaps


Human Capital Development Gaps

Pacific Leadership Forum & PHIN HIS Workshop | Deuba, Fiji | 3-7 June 2013


HIS strengths and gaps analysis System & Data Interoperability Gaps

Pacific Leadership Forum & PHIN HIS Workshop | Deuba, Fiji | 3-7 June 2013

Agenda Day one: Monday 3rd June 2013 Time 08:00 - 09:45

Program Item Welcome

10:15 - 12:45

Introduction and overview

14:00 - 15:30

Working group session 01: HIS ownership and leadership

16:00 - 16:30

Group discussion

16:30 - 17:00


Objectives • Overview of forum rationale • Methodology and norms • Keynote presentation • Overview of health information systems • PHIN Regional HIS Strategic Plan • HIS Country ownership and leadership continuum • Country case-study • Redefining HIS In your country • Define the role of leadership in creating HIS ownership • Conduct a stakeholder analysis • Identify leadership and ownership gaps • Country teams to report back on working group session 01 • Reflections on day one • Overview of day two

Pacific Leadership Forum & PHIN HIS Workshop | Deuba, Fiji | 3-7 June 2013

Day two: Tuesday 4th June 2013 Time 08:30 - 09:45

Program Item Creating an information culture

09:45 - 10:45 11:15 - 11:45

Workshop groups session 02: Multisectoral engagement

11:45 - 12:30

Group discussion

13:30 - 15:30

Working groups session 03: HIS strengths and gaps analysis

16:00 - 16:30

Group discussion

16:30 - 17:00

Action planning

Objectives • Data-driven decision-making • Advocacy for HIS • Country case-study • Define the sectors involved in HIS • Identify the potential role of each sector in HIS • List information needs by sector • Prioritise resources needed for HIS strengthening • Sector teams to report back on working group session 02 • Conduct an assessment in relation to components and standards of a HIS • Define strengths and gaps in HIS ownership and leadership • Identify actions required • Country teams to report back on working group session 03 • Describe the template to be completed and presented on by Wednesday

Pacific Leadership Forum & PHIN HIS Workshop | Deuba, Fiji | 3-7 June 2013

Day three: Wednesday 5th June 2013 Time 08:30 - 10:15

Program Item Multisectoral collaboration

10:45 - 12:30

Working groups session 04: Action planning

13:30 - 15:30

Inter-team reporting and networking Resources to support HIS strengthening Closing ceremony

15:30 - 16:00 16:00 - 17:30

Objectives • Effective multisectoral collaboration • Country case-study • Identify next steps • Outline a plan for engaging country stakeholders • Develop action plan • Country presentations and feedback • Improving partner coordination • Process and timeline for next steps • Certificates

Pacific Leadership Forum & PHIN HIS Workshop | Deuba, Fiji | 3-7 June 2013

PHIN HIS Workshop

Background Regional HIS Strategic Plan In November 2010, a joint meeting was held with representatives from the Pacific Health Information Network (PHIN), the World Health Organization (WHO) Western Pacific Regional Office (WPRO) and the Health Information Systems (HIS) Knowledge Hub. The purpose of the meeting was to explore opportunities in supporting PHIN to develop a Regional HIS Strategic Plan, including enchancing local capacity in technical expertise, facilitation and communication, and evaluation and monitoring. In recognition of the strong desire for a regionally coordinated approach to addressing many of the common issues and challenges faced by Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs), and building on the Health Information Systems Strategic Plan for the Western Pacific Region developed by WPRO in 2005, PHIN in collaboration with the HIS Knowledge Hub and WPRO, developed a Regional HIS Strategic Plan (2012-2017).

An Implementation Plan has been developed, outlining key activities on HIS in the region for the next six years. The Plan provides a framework for the coordination of HIS activities in the region to enhance the capacity of HIS professionals, strengthen regional-level responses, mobilise resources, help countries achieve and report on national and international targets, and accelerate the momentum of HIS in the Pacific.

The Strategic Plan is the result of over two years of work, including consultative stakeholder meetings held in 2009, and reflects the key issues discussed at the 2011 Health Ministers meeting, and strong emphasis placed on working together as a group to address many of the collective issues surrounding HIS in the region. The Plan has six strategic areas for action: 1. Advocate for the recognition of and improvement to HIS within PICTs 2. Enhance the institutional capacity and opportunities for workforce development and training 3. Strengthen the application of information and communication technologies 4. Improve data integration, quality and sharing 5. Develop policies, regulations and legislation on HIS-related issues 6. Enhance HIS leadership and sustainable governance. Pacific Leadership Forum & PHIN HIS Workshop | Deuba, Fiji | 3-7 June 2013

Workshop objectives Pacific Health Information Systems The Pacific Health Information Network, in collaboration with the HIS Knowledge Hub, WPRO and SPC, are hosting a two-day HIS Workshop following the Pacific Leadership Forum. The HIS Workshop is part of the current HIS Hub and WHO partnership and joint strategy to support and strengthen Pacific health information, and is designed to support capacity development and strengthen health inofrmation system improvements in the Pacific. The Workshop will promote the importance of HIS leadership and governance, HIS systems development, strengthening of data and analysis of systems, training and advocacy; as well as provide high-quality education relevant to Pacific health professionals and support a better understanding of HIS and its use in health research and public policy and planning.

The potential role PHIN has to play in HIS strengthening in the region is vast, and ranges from a role in advocacy and empowerment, to becoming an ‘authority of knowledge’ on HIS through individual capacity building and human resource development in general. The PHIN network is increasingly being recognised in the Pacific region as a capacity development resource, with the network providing support for problem solving, advocacy, access to resources and peer motivation to a widely dispersed and often small group of HIS staff through the region. The HIS Workshop will provide further opportunity for the development and growth of HIS professionals in their roles within Ministries of Health. The following countries will be represented at the HIS Workshop: • American Samoa • Cook Islands • Fiji

• Kiribati Countries will share their experiences with HIS strengthening over the past 18 months as part of • Palau reporting requirements for the next Pacific Minister’s • Papua New Guinea meeting in July 2013. Expected outcomes of the Workshop include:

• Samoa

1. Reporting on HIS developments over the past 18 months from PHIN member countries

• Solomon Islands

2. Developing country case-studies to be included in the working papers at the Pacific Minister’s Meeting in July 2013

• Tonga • Vanuatu.

3. Sourcing potential resources for technical assistance with ongoing issues and challenges 4. Finalising the PHIN Sustainability plan 5. Updating the Regional HIS Strategic Plan’s priority actions for 2013-2014 6. Updating the Regional HIS Strategic Plan’s Implementation Strategy 7. Holding the 2013 PHIN Business Meeting Pacific Leadership Forum & PHIN HIS Workshop | Deuba, Fiji | 3-7 June 2013

Agenda Day one: Thursday 6th June 2013 Time 08:00 - 9:45

10:15 - 12:30

13:30 - 15:15

15:45 - 17:15

18:30 - 20:30

Program Item Welcome

Objectives • Define the workshop objectives and structure • Discuss outcomes from the HIS Leadership and Governance Forum • Clarify the role and purpose of advocacy in strengthening HIS Pacific Health Information Network • Define the role of PHIN at the country and • History and objectives regional level • Regional HIS Strategy • Discuss how PHIN operates in the region • Regional HIS architecture and how this could be improved • Update the HIS Regional Strategic Plan Country updates • Provide country-specific updates on HIS • Cook Islands improvements over the past 18 months • Palau • Discuss country-specific requests for addi• American Samoa tional technical assistance • Fiji • Develop country case-studies for inclusion in • Tonga the PHIN HIS Report to Minister’s of Health Country updates • Provide country-specific updates on HIS • Samoa improvements over the past 18 months • Solomon Islands • Discuss country-specific requests for addi• Kiribati tional technical assistance • Vanuatu • Develop country case-studies for inclusion in the PHIN HIS Report to Minister’s of Health Welcome dinner

Pacific Leadership Forum & PHIN HIS Workshop | Deuba, Fiji | 3-7 June 2013

Day two: Friday 7th June 2013 Time 08:30 - 10:30

11:00 - 12:30

13:30 - 15:00

15:30 - 17:00

Program Item Organisation updates • Secretariat of the Pacific Community • World Health Organization • Fiji National University Future directions for PHIN • Open discussion

Special session: Surveillance and operational research needs for NCDs PHIN Business Meeting

Objectives • Organisation-specific updates on HIS activities in the region • Source potential resources for technical assistance with ongoing HIS issues and challenges • Overview of PHIN Regional HIS Strategic Plan • Define the key aspects of PHIN for the future • List key activities for PHIN in the short-term • Define priorities for PHIN for 2013-2014

• Nominations for the next President and Vice-President • Review the Terms of Reference • Discuss the PHIN Sustainability Plan

Pacific Leadership Forum & PHIN HIS Workshop | Deuba, Fiji | 3-7 June 2013


Pacific Leadership Forum & PHIN HIS Workshop | Deuba, Fiji | 3-7 June 2013

Pacific Leadership Forum & PHIN HIS Workshop | Deuba, Fiji | 3-7 June 2013

Pacific Leadership Forum & PHIN HIS Workshop | Deuba, Fiji | 3-7 June 2013

Health Information Systems

Pacific Health Information Systems Leadership Forum & PHIN Workshop

Š Copyright The University of Queensland 2013

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