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Plumbers Local Union 690
Plumbers Local Union 690 Plumbers Local Union 690
Description of Work: Description of Work: Plumbers install, service, and maintain potable water systems, sanitary systems, and rainwaters. Local Union 690 Plumbers install, service, and maintain potable water signatory contractors employ the Local 690 members in many systems, sanitary systems, and rainwaters. Local Union 690 different construction applications. Plumbers work in the signatory contractors employ the Local 690 members in many heavy industrial, commercial, and residential sectors of the different construction applications. Plumbers work in the heavy industrial, commercial, and residential sectors of the partnering with contractors in providing sophisticated piping systems to the end user. From underground installation to partnering with contractors in providing sophisticated piping systems to the end user. From underground installation to required to have all the physical and mental skills needed to required to have all the physical and mental skills needed to
18 years of age or older 18 years of age or older
High School Diploma or GED High School Diploma or GED Clean drug test Clean drug test
Application Process Application Process
Applications are accepted during the second and third weeks of January and Applications are accepted during the second and third weeks of January and Applicant must come in person with a photo ID to pick up the application at the Plumbers Local 690 Union Hall – 2791 Southampton Road, Philadelphia, Applicant must come in person with a photo ID to pick up the application at PA 19154 the Plumbers Local 690 Union Hall – 2791 Southampton Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154 by check or money order only. by check or money order only. – all paperwork and check or money order must be received no later than the – all paperwork and check or money order must be received no later than the • If the applicant passes the test they will be invited for an interview. • If the applicant passes the test they will be invited for an interview.
Needs to Succeed Needs to Succeed
Applicants need the ability to work outside in the heat and cold Applicants need the ability to work outside in the heat and cold Applicants need the willingness to learn, work every day, and be self-motivated Applicants need the willingness to learn, work every day, and be self-motivated
2020 Hourly Wages 2020 Hourly Wages
Apprentices are paid a percentage of journeymen scale Apprentices are paid a percentage of journeymen scale
Contact Contact
Phone: (215) 677-6900 Phone: (215) 677-6900 Website: www.plumbers690.org Website: www.plumbers690.org Address: 2791 Southampton Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154 Address: 2791 Southampton Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154