Becoming a Best Nest Adoptive Parent

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Changing a Child’s Life   Changing Your Life Become a Best Nest Adoptive Parent Have you ever considered bringing a child into your life through adoption? Opening your home to a child with special needs? If you are ready to explore the possibilities, Best Nest offers you guidance. Since 1993, we have been placing medically fragile children with families through our contract with the Statewide Adoption Network.

Our philosophy is that every child needs a strong family as the sturdy roots from which to grow and flourish. That’s why Best Nest offers a full range of adoption services including:

Adoption preparation, education and support services for prospective adoptive parents Family and child profiles to aid in effective matches Placement supervision that eases the transition to your newly expanded family Adoption aftercare services, because Best Nest is with you and your family at every stage

Adoption can change a child’s life…and your own. To learn more about adopting a child with special needs, please call us at 215.546.8060. We’ll give you the information you need to make an informed decision that’s right for you.

Best Nest’s mission is to provide a continuum of family-centered services structured to empower families while meeting the unique challenges of children with medical and emotional needs. We recognize the importance of honoring roots and diversity and are committed to supporting and strengthening families as the foundation of communities. 1709 Washington Avenue | Philadelphia, PA 19146 | 215.546.8060 PHONE | 215.546.8906 FAX

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