IN THIS ISSUE A Message from Our President & CEO (2)… Research and Evaluation Expands Mapping Services (3)... One Book, Every Young Child (3)... Youth-led Solutions to Healthy Living (4)... Protecting Our Children (6)... Strengthen a Child's Tomorrow Today (8)... Targeted Solutions Client Spotlight (10)... Q & A with Margie Austin (11)... Serving Children at Every Turn (12)... Underage, Undercover (14)...CHDB Report: Children's Health (15)
DIRECTIONS ChildLink: Connecting Families to Early Intervention Services
eaching for things. Playing and
comes important to his family. Shortly af-
services for more than 60,000 children
exploring. Rolling over. Sitting up.
ter, Kathir began receiving services from
living in Philadelphia County. ChildLink
Talking. These are just some of
Terry Lubin, an early intervention special
designs the services for the individual and
the milestones that most young children
instructor with the KenCrest Infant and
provides them at no cost to families.
reach as they grow and develop. But what
Toddler Program. “Terry has been my
“Our services are family focused, not
if your child has difficulty mastering these
savior,” says Gethers. “I’m really, really
based on a medical model,” says ChildLink
skills? That’s what happened to Bernetta
impressed with ChildLink, they are all
supervisor Marilyn Edmond. “We look at
Gethers, whose 15-month-old son Kathir
really caring. They’ve met my needs and
everything; we look at the whole child in
made sounds to convey his needs instead
Kathir’s needs,” she adds.
the context of their family and community.”
of talking. His mother knew he should
Since 1992, ChildLink has provided
Within two weeks of a referral, a ChildLink
have been saying words; she has two
early intervention service coordination to
service coordinator visits the home to dis-
older children. During a health services
Philadelphia children, birth to age three
cuss a family’s concerns and the need for
visit to Children’s Hospital of Philadel-
with developmental delays or disabilities,
early intervention services. By the end of
phia, Gethers mentioned her concern. A
and their families. Under contract with the
that visit, the service coordinator sched-
social worker gave her the number for
Philadelphia Department of Behavioral
ules an evaluation to determine eligibility
ChildLink and Gethers soon received a
Health and Intellectual disAbility Servic-
for services. Eligible families receive an
home visit from her service coordinator.
es, PHMC administers the ChildLink Phil-
Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP),
ChildLink arranged for an evaluation for
adelphia County Program. Over the years,
continued on page 9
Kathir to determine the need for early
ChildLink has provided a gate-
intervention services and to achieve out-
way to early intervention
We look at everything; we look at the whole child IN THE CONTEXT OF THEIR FAMILY AND COMMUNITY. " a publication of
management corporation
A MESSAGE from Our President & CEO
e develop every program at
the City of Philadelphia, homeless shelters
PHMC and our affiliates to serve
and a range of service providers. The tobac-
a clearly identifiable need. At
co control work of our affiliate Health Pro-
the same time, we understand that every
motion Council (HPC) helps deter stores
population we serve faces a range of is-
from selling tobacco to underage customers
sues. The interplay of those challenges de-
even as it gives youth surveyors a valuable
fines what that population requires of the
perspective on smoking, an understanding
public health infrastructure. By bringing
of the legal system, the responsibilities
multiple programs, research projects and
and benefits of employment, and an in-
public health approaches together under
centive to achieve academically. Joseph J.
one organization, PHMC and its affiliates
Peters Institute, also an affiliate, ad-
offer a unique ability to respond.
dresses sexual abuse through treatment to
evant to serving youth. We repeat this es-
This issue of DIRECTIONS illustrates
both victims and offenders, and it collabo-
sential, dynamic role for every population
how our approach allows us to provide
rates with PHMC’s substance abuse treat-
we touch and we tease out and manage the
a broadly encompassing response even
ment programs to extend awareness and
still more complex intersections among
as we offer discretely focused, evidence-
knowledge to parents in recovery. Through
those populations.
based services. Take a look at the road
Philadelphia Urban Food and Fitness
This is the value that PHMC brings
map to our services for youth—the focus
Alliance, HPC connects 50 area youth,
daily—thanks to our employees, funders
group of this issue. You’ll find that more
numerous local organizations and efforts
and other supporters—as a comprehensive
than 25 youth-oriented programs collec-
from across the country to help transform
public health institute.
tively allow us to address this critical pop-
local food systems. Board member Margie
ulation from birth through age 21. Why a
Austin speaks of bringing together her
roadmap? Because we understand that we
background as a parent of a special needs
must be smart and intentional about the
child with governance of PHMC, data from
directions we choose to take and how we
across PHMC programs and the opportu-
navigate the intersections of our work.
nity to influence the after school program
These intersections emerge throughout
experience for children with disabilities.
the stories in this issue. The article on
In each of these examples, we stand
ChildLink reveals its role among tens of
strategically at a key intersection to keep
thousands of children and their families,
the traffic flowing and the interactions rel-
Yours in public health,
Richard J. Cohen, PhD, FACHE President and CEO of PHMC
Take a look at the road map to our services for youth. You’ll find that MORE THAN 25 YOUTH-ORIENTED PROGRAMS collectively allow us to
address this critical population from birth through age 21.
New in 2011: Research and Evaluation Group at PHMC Expands Its Mapping Services
PHMC briefs Honors, Awards and Achievements In fall 2010, four PHMC employees, Jeanne
HMC’s Research and Evaluation
U nderstand populations: Use geocoded
Ciocca, Francine Axler, Tinesha Banks
Group offers Geographic Information
locations of patients, program par-
and Jay Wussow, completed a six-month
System (GIS) mapping services. Pro-
ticipants and stakeholders to identify
program offered by the Nonprofit Executive
program reach
Leadership Institute (NELI) at Bryn Mawr
grams can use GIS to map and analyze data, including population data, geographic bound-
A nalyze trends: Model and predict envi-
College School of Social Work. NELI offers
aries and service locations. Use our Research
ronmental exposures, disease diffusion
nonprofit executives and ascending leaders
and Evaluation Group mapping services to:
or population changes
tools to hone their leadership and manage-
D emonstrate need: Show geographic differences in health, economic and social concerns across the population P lan programs: Visualize demographic and other indicators alongside local re-
ment skills, while teaching them more about
To speak with a Research and Evaluation Group expert at PHMC about your mapping and analysis needs, contact Francine Axler at 215.985.2521 or francine@phmc.org.
nonprofit management. Akil Pierre, MPH, project director of Sisters Informing Healing Living Empowering (SIHLE) and PALMS (Preventing
sources and transportation networks
AIDS Through Live Movement and Sound) Project, was featured as the October Personality in C2P Monthly, a newsletter for
One Book, Every Young Child
Connect to Protect® (C2P) Coalition. CP2 seeks to reduce the HIV/AIDS rates among
n March 29, 2011, PHMC took part
ence. Throughout the month of March,
young men who have sex with men through
in the Pennsylvania One Book,
early childhood education centers partici-
the collaborative efforts of local communi-
Every Young Child literacy pro-
pating in the PHMC-managed Keystone
ties and health researchers. Tiffany Bacon,
gram, a statewide campaign to highlight
STARS and Out-of-School-Time programs
SIHLE project specialist and on-air person-
the importance of early literacy develop-
pledged to read to more than 9,000 children
ality for Philadelphia’s 107.9, 100.3 and
ment in preschoolers ages three to six
throughout sites in Delaware, Montgomery
103.9 FM radio stations, was also featured
through a single, shared reading experi-
and Philadelphia Counties.
in the newsletter. In March, Lee Carson, PHMC research associate, was interviewed for a Community College of Philadelphia television show entitled The Tapestry of Life: LGBT Issues. The program discussed the diversity of sexuality and gender identity cultures and the behavioral health challenges faced by underserved populations. Carson spoke about LGBT issues in Philadelphia and his PHMC research focusing on LGBT health and HIV/ AIDS. Visit phmc.org to view the video.
Mayor Michael Nutter reads to children at Children's Village Child Care Center during Pennsylvania One Book, Every Young Child.
continued on page 5
Youth-led Solutions to Healthy Living "HEALTHY FOODS ARE NOT AVAILABLE IN MANY NEIGHBORHOODS,” a young
PUFFA is one of nine community-led
as how to advocate for change, and peer-
projects nationwide funded by the W.K.
to-peer learning opportunities with youth
female voice says as an image of a dis-
Kellogg Foundation’s Food and Communi-
from across the country. They also learned
tressed Philadelphia neighborhood flash-
ties Initiative to transform food systems
basic nutrition principles.
es on the screen, followed by another
and environments locally. On behalf of the
Through the conference, the Philadel-
with shelves full of potato chips, candy
Philadelphia partnership, Health Promo-
phia delegation learned of Food Empow-
and soda. “Corner stores put junk food
tion Council, a PHMC affiliate, adminis-
erment Education Sustainability Team
in the front so it’s in plain sight,” the girl
ters PUFFA.
(FEEST), a group formed in Seattle, WA.
continues. “The majority of the produce
The Photovoice project, led by PUFFA’s
is rotten,” she adds as images of rotten
lead evaluator Thomas Jefferson Medical
tomatoes appear on the screen, “and fast
University, is just one of the many ways
food is on every corner.” Another voice
PUFFA has engaged youth to become per-
intones, “There is faulty equipment at
sonally involved in creating an equitable
parks—rusted jungle bars, swings miss-
and just local food system. Findings from
FEEST gathers young people to prepare
“ Through PUFFA, youth are learning the IMPORTANCE OF EATING HEALTHY."
ing, basketball hoops with no nets…many
four Photovoice projects helped inform
and share healthy, delicious food in a
citizens told us they don’t like to go to the
PUFFA’s 2009 comprehensive community
space where they can become actively en-
park due to unsafe activities.” These im-
action plan. Now with the plan in hand and
gaged in issues of food resources. At the
ages and voices are part of a Photovoice
the goal of changing policies and environ-
end of each month, FEEST youth invite
assessment conducted in summer 2009
ments to support healthy people living in
neighbors of all ages to attend a communi-
by youth participants in Philadelphia Ur-
healthy places, PUFFA youth are working
ty potluck dinner, which regularly attracts
ban Food and Fitness Alliance (PUFFA).
diligently to shape their communities and
more than 50 community members to in-
The project documented the many barri-
teract with young people. Sankofa and
ers to healthy eating and active living in
Last year, two local high school stu-
Epps decided to bring the concept back to
four Philadelphia neighborhoods. Through
dents, Sarahn Sankofa and Omar Epps, at-
Philadelphia. They organized students to
Photovoice—a process that blends a
tended a conference in Chandler, AZ, spon-
cook monthly as a team. With the help of a
community-based approach to photogra-
sored by W.K. Kellogg Foundation. There,
nutritionist, the youth eat together family-
phy and social action—50 PUFFA youth
in a local delegation including members
style while learning more about food in
participants recorded and reflected their
from Fair Foods, the School District of
their communities and discussing ways to
communities’ strengths and concerns,
Philadelphia, the Enterprise Center CDC,
effect change.
identified issues and proposed solutions
Common Market, Southeast Philadelphia
“We’ve taken the model from Seattle and
to food access and fitness opportunities.
Collaborative, Nu Sigma Youth Services,
brought it here to Philadelphia,” says Tiffa-
What they saw: little or no access to fresh
the Philadelphia Department of Public
ny Spraggins, a senior at Temple University
food and produce, unsafe playgrounds
Health and Department of Parks and
who worked as a supervisor with the youth
and sidewalks, vacant spaces, and under-
Recreation, the Philadelphia Foundation
in the summer of 2010 and now serves as a
used resources. Their recommendations:
and the Pennsylvania Horticultural So-
youth engagement supervisor. “We have a
beautify communities, increase access to
ciety, the teens gained insight into what
nice little group. A lot of them are athletes.
healthier foods by making them more visi-
others around the country were doing to
Some of them are vegetarians. What makes
ble and affordable, and encourage citizens
promote healthy eating. They participated
them special is that they’re a select group
to exercise more.
in dynamic skill-building workshops, such
of youth-led youth who have come togeth-
page 4 PHMC.ORG
PHMC briefs New Grants and Contracts The Philadelphia Foundation awarded $30,000 to PHMC affiliate Best Nest for the implementation of a new communications and marketing strategy, including a promotional video, website, brochures and other marketing collateral. Students Run Philly Style, a program of PHMC affiliate National Nursing Centers Consortium (NNCC), received a $10,000 grant from the CIGNA Foundation, $5,000 from the Lenfest Foundation and $2,500 from the Douty Foundation for general operating expenses.
PUFFA youth pick corn with Cory Miller, program director, Southeast Philadelphia Collaborative, a PUFFA community partner.
The Pennsylvania Department of Health granted PHMC’s Research and Evaluation Group funding for the Economic Impact Study of the Pennsylvania Clean
er at such a young age to expand on food
Philadelphia’s WorkReady employer-paid
Indoor Air Act (CIAA) Evaluation, in part-
and nutrition.” The Philadelphia FEEST
summer internship program.
nership with Pennsylvania Alliance to
students first met in September 2010 and
Before joining PUFFA, many students
Control Tobacco. The group also received
remain consistent in their dedication to
were unaware of the importance of healthy
funding from the US Department of Health
each other and healthy eating. In February,
eating and regular physical activity. One
and Human Services, Agency for Health-
they renamed their project to reflect Phila-
student had never tasted the goodness of
care Research and Quality for a study tar-
delphia’s work: Students Advocating for
fresh sweet corn, not necessarily because
geting African-American men underserved
Lifestyle Transformations and Philadelphia
her family could not afford it but simply
by the healthcare system. Study findings
Urban Food and Fitness Alliance, better
because she and her parents were not
will inform the creation of culturally ap-
known as SALT and PUFFA.
educated on the health benefits of fresh
propriate print and video health materials
“Through PUFFA, youth are learning the
vegetables. Through PUFFA, students like
to educate and encourage African-Ameri-
importance of eating healthy and what it
Sankofa and Epps approach healthy living
can men to talk to their healthcare provid-
will mean for them in the long term,” says
seriously as they learn the importance of
ers and make informed decisions.
Diane-Louise Wormley, project director of
nutritious foods and how to bring the mes-
PUFFA. Partnering with WHYY, Wormley
sage to their local communities and schools.
Lead Safe DC, a program of NNCC, received
guided students through a 2010 series of
“These young people have the desire and
$16,500 from the DC Department of Housing
public service announcements and docu-
the capacity to change their circumstances.
and Community Development to continue its
mentaries, which can be viewed on WHYY's
That’s very good news,” says Wormley.
work connecting clients with lead housing
website. In 2010, the students also participated in a pilot texting campaign through
remediation services and conducting home
For more on PUFFA, visit hpcpa.org.
cleanup demonstrations for children who have experienced lead poisoning.
To view PUFFA youth videos, visit WHYY.ORG
Protecting Our Children
ast year, PHMC affiliate Joseph J.
fourth grade who demonstrate inappropri-
sions to educate and coach residential
Peters Institute celebrated 55 trail-
ate sexual behavior in school. In Septem-
and outpatient clients in recovery about
blazing years of protecting children
ber 2005, JJPI released its first child sexual
child sexual abuse prevention. These dis-
against the devastating results of sexual
abuse prevention program publication, en-
cussions have created an open forum for
abuse. At Protecting Children 2010, its
titled “Healthy Child Sexual Development:
exploring the issues surrounding child
event held in December, JJPI highlighted
Recognizing Appropriate, Inappropriate,
sexual development and abuse. By provid-
organizational accomplishments and the
and Problematic Behavior in Children.” A
ing this information to children, through
dedicated work of outgoing board chair
cornerstone of JJPI is its Prevention Servic-
their parents and caregivers, JJPI also
Paul J. Fink, MD. Protecting children is at
es program, which grew out of a national
establishes a solid foundation for children
the core of everything JJPI does.
campaign that combined community out-
to begin making appropriate and healthy
reach and education to encourage adults to
choices about their own behavior.
As one of the nation’s first programs dedicated to the treatment of sexual abuse, JJPI
take action before a child is harmed.
Stinson says, “Addiction recovery is a
is recognized as a national pioneer in the
JJPI created Prevention Services in 2006
process that presents many challenges.
behavioral health field. Through the years,
to provide a multidimensional curriculum
Providing support and resources that help
JJPI has played an important role in trans-
of programs focused on prevention and in-
parents successfully deal with this issue of
forming the lives of children and families, as
tervention across a broad spectrum of ages,
healthy child sexual development and safe-
demonstrated by numerous outcome stud-
developmental levels, populations and self-
ty is an investment that has the potential
ies showing symptom reduction in survi-
interests. Prevention Services educates
to pay huge dividends both now and in the
vors and low recidivism rates for offenders.
adults on how to recognize sexual behavior
future.” Through outreach and education,
JJPI’s pioneering work has earned numer-
directed toward children and how to stop it
JJPI’s Prevention Services program can
ous awards including a GlaxoSmithKline
from occurring.
help to protect the overall health and well-
International Impact Award in March 2002
Recently, JJPI and director of preven-
being of children in the community.
for leadership, dedication to quality care,
tion services, Michael A. Stinson collabo-
According to Theodore Glackman, ex-
commitment to serving people in need, im-
rated with colleagues from PHMC’s sub-
ecutive director of JJPI, the key to child-
pact on the local community and capacity for
stance abuse treatment affiliate Interim
hood sexual abuse prevention and treat-
meeting the needs of the underserved.
House, Inc. and programs Interim House
ment is approaching the issue in a “broad
In 2000, Paul J. Fink began his ten-year
West and CHANCES. They developed on-
and deep way by dealing with a wide spec-
role as an exemplary JJPI board chair. Dur-
site, moderated, parent roundtable discus-
trum of problems, across a wide range of
ing his tenure, JJPI more than doubled its annual operating budget and total number of clients served. At Protecting Children 2010, John P. Delaney, Jr., a deputy district attorney in Philadelphia and guest speaker at the event, remarked on Fink’s passion for the
JJPI mission and his ability to pound down
On December 2, 2010, Joseph J. Peters
Cardwell Hughes. Later in the evening, lo-
decision-makers’ doors to make change
Institute hosted Protecting Children 2010 to
cal and national luminaries spoke on the
happen. “While most people’s mission is to
celebrate its 55-year history of positively af-
accomplishments of JJPI and Fink. The
bring comfort to the afflicted, Paul’s mission
fecting thousands of children and their fami-
evening’s guests included John Delaney,
is to bring affliction to the comfortable,” said
lies in the region. This year’s event also hon-
Philadelphia deputy district attorney; Seth
Delaney. Translation: Fink shakes up the
ored retired JJPI board chair Paul J. Fink,
status quo to enact real change.
MD, one of the region’s leading advocates
Arthur Evans Jr., PhD, director of the Phila-
During the years Fink served as board
for children and victims of violence. Guests
delphia Department of Behavioral Health;
chair, JJPI began working with the Phila-
mingled at the historic College of Physicians
and Estelle Richman, chief operating of-
delphia Department of Human Services
of Philadelphia and were welcomed by JJPI
ficer of the US Department of Housing and
and the School District of Philadelphia to
Executive Director Theodore Glackman
Urban Development. Read Protecting Our
screen children in kindergarten through
and board chair The Honorable Renée
Children above to learn more about JJPI’s work.
page 6 PHMC.ORG
ages from children to adults.” Research
Most recently, Esther Deblinger, PhD, a
JJPI has made an indelible impact on the
shows that we most effectively protect the
nationally recognized licensed clinical
lives of children and families in the region
community by addressing the psychologi-
psychologist and professor at the Uni-
in the last 55 years. With much left to do,
cal trauma of both survivors and offenders
versity of Medicine and Dentistry of New
JJPI is preparing for the next half century
and by raising awareness and understand-
Jersey, facilitated a JJPI clinical services
of protecting children. The organization is
ing of the issue through prevention educa-
workshop. Deblinger is one of the origi-
updating its training materials to help par-
tion. “Sexual abuse and sexual misbehavior
nators of the Trauma-Focused Cognitive
ents and therapists talk to children about
are not uncommon,” says Glackman. “This
Behavioral Therapy model that JJPI has
sexual abuse, and it continues to increase
is an aspect of our society that we need
adopted as its standard of care for its
its level of involvement with the court
to recognize and respond to in ways other
work with child survivors of sexual abuse.
system. “Most childhood sexual abuse is
than just treating the survivor and punish-
JJPI regularly works with the Philadelphia
preventable,” says Glackman. “The goal
ing the offender.”
Court of Common Pleas to provide evalu-
is to reduce the incidence of childhood
JJPI’s holistic approach has garnered
ations, education and trial considerations
and other sexual abuse, which requires
attention locally, regionally and nation-
in the sentencing and parole processes.
a multifaceted approach and deep, com-
ally and positioned the organization among
JJPI’s experts also participate in Phila-
prehensive understanding of issues. Both
the foremost thought-leaders in the field.
delphia Department of Human Services
aspects are evident in the programs and
Biannually, JJPI hosts behavioral health ex-
(DHS) multidisciplinary review teams to
activities of JJPI.”
perts from across the country to speak on
make recommendations for especially dif-
new and established treatment approaches.
ficult DHS cases.
To learn more about JJPI, visit jjp.org.
“ The goal is to reduce the incidence of childhood and other sexual abuse, WHICH REQUIRES A MULTIFACETED APPROACH."
Pictured left to right: Arthur C. Evans Jr., PhD, commissioner, Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services; John Delaney Jr., assistant district attorney, City of Philadelphia; Paul Fink, MD; Estelle Richman, chief operating officer, US Department of Housing and Urban Development; and the Honorable Renée Cardwell Hughes (above). PHMC vice presidents Michael Bedrosian and Bill Weber with PHMC senior vice president John G. Loeb, MSS (top right). R. Seth Williams, district attorney, City of Philadelphia (bottom right).
Strengthen a Child’s Tomorrow Today
HMC affiliate Resources for Chil-
and families. “Our annual gala is a time
dren’s Health (RCH) held its annu-
to celebrate our past accomplishments
al gala, Strengthen a Child’s Tomor-
and raise funds for future programs,” said
row Today, on November 7. The evening
Jeanne Ciocca, executive director of RCH.
included wine tasting, live music and a
“The funds raised from the annual gala
silent auction at Oaks Cloister, a beauti-
help maintain services that provide par-
fully restored, turn-of-the-century private
ents with the support, education and re-
Philadelphia residence that overlooks
sources they need to raise their children.”
Fairmount Park. Proceeds from the event
RCH provides collaborative, community-
benefitted RCH programs that promote
based services to support parents in their
positive parenting, healthy pregnancies
efforts to develop and sustain an active
and the health and wellbeing of children
and positive parenting role.
“ The funds raised from the annual gala help maintain services that provide parents with the SUPPORT, EDUCATION AND RESOURCES THEY NEED ."
Oaks Cloister (above). RCH board member Petrina Fisher Wells with RCH executive director Jeanne Ciocca (top right). RCH board member Daniel Woodlin and his wife, Ahashta Johnson Woodlin, MD (bottom right). Event photos courtesy of Alex Brands.
page 8 PHMC.ORG
ChildLink for Homeless Children Homeless children comprise a special population
the Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health
who may need services to a ChildLink service coor-
served by a number of PHMC programs, including
and Intellectual disAbilities Services developed its
dinator specializing in homeless families. Families
ChildLink. Many homeless children undergo a vari-
Homeless Project, which works directly with child
receive care while at the shelter and after they
ety of changes and upheavals in their living envi-
specialists in eight Philadelphia homeless shel-
transition into housing. Last year, almost 3.5% of
ronments and lack a regular source of health care,
ters. There, a PHMC social worker screens young
ChildLink’s caseload had been homeless at some
so developmental delays can be missed. In 2007,
children for developmental delays and refers those
time in their lives.
which documents and guides the services
to talk. “He used play, made it a game for
appropriate. The child’s family, service
necessary to facilitate a child’s develop-
my son to learn to say what he wanted,”
coordinator and early interventionists be-
ment and enhance the family’s capacity to
says Gethers. “He involved the whole
come a team to help the child reach his
participate in that process. Once the IFSP
family and encouraged the other children
or her outcomes and maximum potential.
is developed, ChildLink obtains a service
to interact with Kathir to help him out,”
Progress is monitored at quarterly review
provider, such as Lubin, from a qualified
she adds. Now Kathir is saying individual
sessions in the home. Children reaching
early intervention provider organization. To
words and using sign language to better
age three who still need early interven-
be eligible for services, a child must have
communicate. Recently a speech therapist
tion services are transitioned to the Pre-
at least a 25% delay in one of the following
also began working with Kathir, who at
school Early Intervention system, which is
developmental areas: cognitive, communi-
two years old now can string words to-
responsible for early intervention services
cation, physical (including hearing and vi-
gether into sentences.
for children age three to school age.
ChildLink... continued from page 1
sion), social, emotional or adaptive; have a
What does Gethers like most about
“It’s important that families under-
diagnosed condition with a high probability
ChildLink? “The in-home thing is super
stand the services they are receiving,”
for a developmental delay; or have a 25%
convenient. I don’t know if I’d be able to
says Edmonds. All ChildLink paperwork
delay based on the informed clinical opin-
get to all those appointments,” she says.
is available in a variety of languages in-
ion of a qualified evaluator.
The staff work around Gethers’s schedule,
cluding Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese and
Last year, communication delays affect-
even coming on Saturdays. “ChildLink
French. In addition, interpreters are avail-
ed more than 60% of children referred to
works with you. They help you help your
able for visits with ChildLink service coor-
ChildLink. Over 60% were referred at age
child,” she adds.
dinators and early intervention providers.
12 months or older, when children typically begin talking and walking.
Early intervention staff from a variety
ChildLink provides early intervention
of disciplines, including teachers who spe-
services to almost 5,000 children each
Kathir’s special instructor, Lubin, used
cialize in early childhood development,
year, receiving as many as 500 referrals
a range of techniques to help the toddler
provide the services. Physical, speech and
monthly. “We just love working with the
deal with his frustration with his inability
occupational therapists participate when
babies,” says Edmonds.
Targeted Solutions Client Spotlight: Southeast Philadelphia Collaborative Marketing Strategy: Supporting and Sustaining Neighborhood Youth Organizations
he Southeast Philadelphia Collabora-
dy through the Technical Assistance Match-
control to get involved in an independent
tive (SEPC) brings together a group
ing Fund at PHMC to help cover the cost of
way is a testament to how we want to help
of neighborhood-based organizations
the Targeted Solutions services.
develop leadership skills,” Miller says.
dedicated to providing educational, safe,
“Our work with Targeted Solutions has
At the onset of the consultation with
fun and inspiring learning and social envi-
helped to ensure that the Southeast Phila-
Targeted Solutions, Miller expressed how
ronments for youth ages 12 to 18.
delphia Collaborative engages our youth in
important it was to include both Adult and
Since 1999, SEPC has served as the pri-
new and exciting ways,” says Cory Miller,
youth stakeholders in the decision-making
mary network for after-school programming
program director for SEPC. In May, SEPC is
process. “Throughout the entire consulta-
in Southeast Philadelphia, pooling the ex-
expecting to launch a new interactive web-
tion and process, Targeted Solutions staff
pertise, experience, programs and resources
site that emphasizes its use of social net-
made it easy for us to get the input of our
of nine youth-oriented organizations. More
working tools including Facebook, Flickr and
youth stakeholders. Holding meetings at
than 500 youth participate in SEPC’s arts
YouTube, as well as a new texting and email
times when our youth could attend and uti-
and culture, technology, health and wellness
digest campaign through which youth sign
lizing SurveyMonkey in our Teen Lounges
and after school programming each year. At
up to receive news via email or their mobile
allowed youth to have a vote and a chance
SEPC, youth not only enjoy a place to social-
phones. “Keeping up with our youth's com-
to share feedback throughout the design
ize and call their own, they have opportuni-
munication preferences will result in a web-
process, which led to our new tagline
ties to be responsible and accountable for
site that is interactive and fun, and that gives
Empowering Youth and the creation of a
their own space and activities.
the user multiple ways to easily get involved
more modern and youthful logo.”
Targeted Solutions’ consultation with
with the press of a button. Giving youth the
Visit SEPC at sephillyyouth.com.
SEPC began in spring 2009 with the development of strategic communications plans for the organization and for a broader coalition in which it participates. Targeted Solutions has since assisted with the plan’s implementation by creating a new logo and brand identity, stationery and e-blast templates, and a new website. The William Penn Foundation Matching Fund provided SEPC with a subsi-
Targeted Solutions, the consulting practice of Public Health Management Corporation, helps nonprofit organizations in the region address many of the challenges of today’s changing health and human services environment. From improving communications with funders and donors to carrying out mission-critical initiatives and increasing operating efficiencies, PHMC’s Targeted Solutions offers practical, strategic, proactive consulting services and products tailored to meet the needs of client organizations. For a full list of Targeted Solutions products and services, please contact Farrah Parkes at fparkes@phmc.org or 267.765.2343.
From the Board Room: Q&A with PHMC Board Member Margie Austin DIRECTIONS staff interviewed longtime PHMC board member Margie Austin, who has distinguished herself for her advocacy work on behalf of families of children with intellectual disabilities. Austin’s journey as an advocate started 18 years ago when her son Isaiah was born with Down syndrome. As a representative of these children and their families on the PHMC Board, Austin offers suggestions that promote inclusive communities. Her work has included providing insight for PHMC’s ChildLink program and gathering data on children with intellectual disabilities in other PHMC programs.
What Austin says every board member needs to know to successfully serve an organization: No question is a dumb question; remember that you are representing the members and the community. While it is a board member’s duty to speak up, be respectful of others’ opinions.
Who inspires you to give back to the community? My parents believed in volunteerism and inspired me at an early age. They always told me that if I want to make a difference, I must give of myself.
What are some of your current initiatives with the PHMC board? Two years ago, I helped to complete the Needs Assessment for Inclusive After School Programs for Children with
What, in your opinion, are some of the biggest challenges facing nonprofits? It can be a challenge to have strong leadership and it can also be difficult to find someone who has the ability to
Disabilities, an initiative that identifies
bring together people who want to better
the extent to which school-age children
their communities. Also, finding funding
What qualities do you bring
with intellectual disabilities experience
streams and experienced grant writers is
to the board of PHMC?
inclusion or exclusion and the reasons
another challenge for a lot of nonprofits.
I bring firsthand knowledge of the chal-
this occurs. Results from the needs as-
lenges and barriers people with disabilities
sessment, which includes data collect-
struggle against to have an everyday life
ed from PHMC programs that work with
in their homes and community.
children with intellectual disabilities, focus groups and other resources, laid
How did you come
the groundwork for a strategic plan that
to join PHMC’s board?
outlines supports needed to increase
I was asked to serve on PHMC’s board
the accessibility of community programs
through PHMC’s PersonLink program
to children with intellectual disabilities.
because of my work as an advocate for
This project corresponded with my own
children with intellectual disabilities
initiative, Change Agents for Inclusive
and the fact that I am the parent of a
Programs, which offers resources to
child with a disability.
families of these children.
“ My parents believed in volunteerism and inspired me at an early age. They always told me that IF I WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, I MUST GIVE OF MYSELF."
Serving Children at Every Turn PHMC’s and its affiliates’ programs and services range from teaching children about nutrition in the classroom to training teens to run a marathon. We believe that bettering the health of tomorrow’s generation begins now. Here are some of the programs we offer.
Asthma Link Line A community-based telephone center designed to coordinate medical appointments, asthma education and other services for parents of children with asthma.
National Nursing Centers Consortium Programs
Asthma Safe Kids
Nurse-Family Partnership
First Steps Autism
An in-home asthma education program for caregiv-
Client-centered, nurse-based home visiting services
A home visiting program for families of
ers of children under age 18 with asthma.
to first-time, low-income mothers.
children with autism.
Lead Safe Babies
Students Run Philly Style
Healthy Homes for Childcare
Lead prevention education for parents.
Marathon training to help young people improve
Assessment and training for family and
health factors and succeed in life.
group childcare homes.
Out-of-School Time (OST)
An early intervention service coordination program
Intermediary agency services to OST for the City of
for children, birth to age three with developmental
Philadelphia, providing after-school and summer
delays and disabilities, and their families.
programs to more than 20,000 Philadelphia children.
E-3 Center
Southeast Regional Key (SERK)
PALMS Project
A program of PHMC affiliate The Bridge, offer-
Management of Pennsylvania’s SERK, which serves
HIV prevention and health promotion for adoles-
ing opportunities for education and employment
childcare providers in the southeast region of the
cents and young adults between the ages of 12 and
training for out-of-school youth and youth in-
state and implements a system of program quality
21 using a theory-driven, theater-based approach
volved with the juvenile justice system.
improvements and professional development sup-
and trained peer actors.
ports for early childhood education.
page 12 PHMC.ORG
Resources for Children’s Health Programs
After-school and Summer Camp
Focus on Fathers
Health Intervention Program for Families
Safe out-of-school-time activities.
Parenting resources for fathers.
Home visiting and other support for families with children age 21 and younger with special health-
DHS Parenting Collaborative
Management of community-based parenting pro-
A home visiting and case management program for
grams from 43 agencies throughout the city.
parents of children age three and younger.
A comprehensive highway traf-
A program of Health Promotion Council providing
A program of PHMC affiliate Health Promotion
fic safety public education and
nutrition education and outreach to approximately
Council, WISE SNAC® (Wellness Initiative for the
awareness campaign for Phila-
14,500 students at 20 Philadelphia schools.
School Environment: Smart Nutrition and Activity
care needs.
delphia schoolchildren.
Collaborative) serves 35 elementary and secondary schools and many community partners to foster school-community partnerships that promote consistent educational messages and opportunities for healthy eating and physical activity.
Child Forensic Services
Homeless Teen Education Project
Best Nest, Inc.
A program of Joseph J. Peters Institute that pro-
Intensive case management and services for
A foster care and adoption agency meeting the
vides child custody evaluations to the courts when
homeless teens, ages 13 to 18, who are living
unique challenges of children with special medical
parenting fitness and physical custody of children
with their parents in emergency shelters or tran-
needs and providing a continuum of family cen-
after a marital separation or divorce are in question.
sitional housing.
tered services structured to empower families.
The Bridge Long- and short-term residential programs for up
Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths Assessment
to 35 adolescent boys with addiction-related is-
Assistance to the Philadelphia Department of Hu-
sues, and outpatient counseling for children, ado-
man Services in making decisions regarding foster
lescents and adults.
care placement.
CHANCES An outpatient and intensive outpatient substance abuse treatment program for up to 100 women with children.
Underage, Undercover: Teen Workers Help Identify Merchants Selling Tobacco to Youth
espite being underage, 16-year-old
with the tobacco product, becomes evidence
to amend Philadelphia’s youth access or-
RaeNa Johnson regularly buys ciga-
that can be used if a merchant chooses
dinance to increase the fine structure for
rettes. And she gets paid to do it.
to appeal the citation in court. In the sur-
those merchants that violate this ordi-
Johnson is one of ten youth surveyors, ages
rounding seven counties, store owners and
nance by selling tobacco to minors under
15 to 17, hired by Health Promotion Council
clerks each can be fined from $100 to $500.
the age of 18. This represents significant
(HPC) to try to buy tobacco products. As
Some stores have a zero tolerance policy:
movement toward changing the climate in
part of the Tobacco Control Program,
if a clerk is caught selling tobacco to mi-
the city around tobacco-related issues in-
HPC receives funds from the Philadelphia
nors, the store fires the clerk immediately.
cluding sales to minors. Johnson testified
Department of Public Health to monitor
All first-time merchant offenders receive a
before City Council about her experiences
Philadelphia-based stores for compliance
face-to-face 30-minute information session
as a youth surveyor and the frequency with
with the Youth Access Law, which prohibits
to ensure comprehension of the law.
which she is able to purchase illegally as
tobacco sales to those under age 18. HPC
Often, stores will sell individual ciga-
an underage minor.
recruits and trains youth surveyors who
rettes, or “loosies,” usually two for $1.
HPC is both the Southeast Regional
must maintain a B average in school. Once
Merchants cited for selling loosies receive
Primary Contractor for the Pennsylvania
trained, a new teen shadows a veteran
an additional $250 fine. A teen surveyor
Department of Health’s Tobacco Control
youth surveyor for a day or two. Youth are
who notices that the merchant has loosies
Program as well as the contracted agen-
paid an attractive $10 per hour.
for sale may ask to buy some. “We stress
cy for tobacco enforcement in the City of
Johnson can visit 25 stores in three hours.
to the teens that they should go with
Philadelphia. It runs compliance checks
“So many clerks sell to me without hesita-
what feels comfortable to them as they
on about 4,200 merchants within Philadel-
tion,” she says. Last year, 23.5% of Phila-
interact with the merchant,” says Gem-
phia, along with roughly 1,200 Delaware
delphia stores and 17.9% of stores in Dela-
berling. “They stare at me for about seven
County and Lancaster County stores.
ware County sold tobacco products to youth
seconds, and then they just go reach for
In addition to trying to limit access to
surveyors. Johnson likes the fact that when
the cigarettes and hand them to me,” says
tobacco, HPC works with schools in the
a store is fined “we’re teaching a lesson.”
Johnson. “They obviously don’t care about
seven-county southeast region of the state.
Clerks often will ask for identification, but
health or that we could get addicted to
“Instead of going into schools and doing a
only some will decline to sell to her. “Amaz-
nicotine at a young age.”
single presentation, we work with school
ingly, merchants will ask for ID, but then
According to the 2009 Youth Risk Be-
districts to build the capacity of schools
not look at the date of birth,” says HPC’s
havior Survey (YRBS), the regular smoking
with the goal to ultimately change social
program manager, Lauren Gemberling.
rate, defined as smoking during at least 20
norms among teens,” says Gemberling.
Youth surveyors are instructed not to lie if
of the past 30 days, among Philadelphia
HPC helps train school administrators and
a clerk asks for age or identification.
youth was 3.6%, representing the highest
staff on tobacco addiction, its effects on the
rate among large US cities. Youth smoking
adolescent brain, and writing and imple-
Teens who successfully buy tobacco products simply leave the store and report
rates vary by racial/ethnic group. White
menting effective tobacco policies. HPC’s
the sale to an adult surveyor,
youth are much more likely to smoke
Tobacco Control Program website provides
who accompanies them on every
(15.6%) than Latino (3.1%) or black
resources and information for schools,
visit and waits for them outside
youth (1.2%). Furthermore, more
community-based organizations, health-
the store. The adult surveyor com-
than one-third of youth smokers in
care providers and the community at large
pletes a form, noting what product
Philadelphia purchase their own
on tobacco control issues and schedules for
was purchased and a description of
cigarettes—the highest proportion
the clerk who sold it. Philadelphia merchants who sell to teens receive a $250 citation. The report, along
cessation classes throughout the region.
among large US cities. Philadelphia City Council voted in December 2010
Visit hpcpa.org to learn more about HPC’s tobacco programs.
MORE THAN ONE-THIRD OF YOUTH SMOKERS purchase their own cigarettes.
page 14 PHMC.ORG
The State of Our Children’s Health
HMC’s Community Health Data
M ore black (27.9%) and Latino (21%) chil-
Base (CHDB) 2010 Household
dren have asthma compared with Asian
(53.9%) are overweight or at risk for
(16.5%) and white (14.0%) children.
being overweight, compared with black
Health Survey took a comprehen-
sive look at the health of children birth
N early one-third of low-income children
to age 17 in Southeastern Pennsylvania
(31.6%, representing more than 50,700
(SEPA). Among other topics, CHDB in-
children) have asthma compared with
cluded questions about childhood asthma
15.9% of children from non-low income
and children who are overweight or at risk
of being overweight. For the first time,
More than half of Latino children
(48.4%), white (27.7%) and Asian (16.5%) children.
Nutrition in Philadelphia County Sugary beverages play a major factor in
CHDB added new questions about nutri-
Children and Healthy Weight
the childhood obesity epidemic. This year,
tion in Philadelphia County. Survey data
Studies have shown that children who
for the first time, CHDB added questions
show that, while children are typically in
are overweight when they are younger be-
to the Household Health Survey regard-
better health than adults, in SEPA many
come prone to obesity as adults, putting
ing children’s consumption of sugary
children either suffer from a chronic dis-
them at risk for a number of chronic con-
beverages. Findings showed that three-
ease or are at risk for a chronic disease
ditions, such as coronary heart disease
quarters of children under age 17 in Phil-
such as asthma or diabetes.
and diabetes. Nationwide, 17% of chil-
adelphia (74.8%) drink sugary beverages,
dren age 6 and older are at or above the
including sodas, juices, teas and fruit
Childhood Asthma
95th percentile for body mass index and
drinks. More than two in five children in
Asthma remains one of the most common
are therefore considered obese**. Region-
SEPA (42.1%) consume sugary beverag-
chronic illnesses among children and adoles-
ally, nearly one in five children (19.2%)
es, at least once per day. This represents
cents. Children with asthma may experience
are considered obese, and another 15.6%
approximately 156,700 children in SEPA.
more absences from school, learning difficul-
are between the 85th and 84th percen-
More than half of children living below
ties and hospital stays. Nationwide, 13.8%
tiles, thus considered overweight. Com-
the federal poverty line (52.2%) consume
of children suffer from asthma*. However,
bined, approximately 201,500 children in
these beverages at least daily, as do more
in the five-county SEPA region 18.5% of
SEPA, or 34.8%, are overweight or obese.
than one-third of children living above the
children—representing more than 175,400
Philadelphia County has the largest per-
federal poverty line (37.5%).
children—suffer from asthma. The percent-
centage of children who are overweight
Additionally, survey results show that
age of children diagnosed with asthma has
or at risk for being overweight (40.7%),
half of children ages three to 17 in Phila-
increased over the past 10 years. Nearly a
followed by Delaware (37.1%), Bucks
delphia (50.6%) eat less than three serv-
quarter of children residing in Philadelphia
(35.8%), Montgomery (30.4%) and Ches-
ings of fruits or vegetables each day, which
County (23.3%) have asthma, followed by
ter (28%) Counties.
represents approximately 147,600 chil-
children living in Delaware (20.7%), Mont-
dren. Boys are more likely to fall into this
gomery (15.4%), Chester (14.0%) and Bucks
Demographic Characteristics
category than girls, with 55.7% of boys and
(11.9%) Counties. And 20.5% of children in
The percentage of boys (15.8%) and
44.3% of girls in Philadelphia eating less
the SEPA area with asthma live with a smok-
girls (15.3%) who are overweight is
er who smokes inside the home, a known
comparable, however more boys than
trigger factor for an asthmatic episode.
girls are considered obese (22.3%, compared with 15.9%)
Demographic Characteristics of Childhood Asthma in SEPA
C hildren in SEPA living below the fed-
B oys are more likely to have asthma than
be obese as those living above the line
girls (21.8% vs. 15.1%, respectively).
eral poverty line*** are twice as likely to
than three servings of produce each day.
For more information about PHMC's Community Health Data Base 2010 Household Health Survey, contact Rose Malinowski Weingartner at rosemw@phmc.org.
(34.4% and 16.5%, respectively).
*National Health Interview Survey, 2008 **National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007-2008 ***Poverty level is defined as below or above 100% of the federal poverty line. Poverty level is calculated based on family size and household income. For example, a family of four with an annual income of $22,050 in 2010 was considered to be living in poverty.
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Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC) is a nonprofit public health institute that creates and sustains healthier communities. PHMC uses best practices to improve community health through direct service, partnership, innovation, policy, research, technical assistance and a prepared workforce. PHMC has served the region since 1972. For more information on PHMC, visit PHMC.ORG If you prefer to receive DIRECTIONS by email, know someone who would like to receive a copy or would like to request a change of address, please call
Richard J. Cohen, PhD, FACHE President and CEO John G. Loeb, MSS Senior Vice President Marino Puliti, MBA Chief Financial Officer Dina Wolfman Baker Vice President of Communications
PHMC provee servicios bilingues para nuestros clients sin costo alguno. A United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania Community Partner | Donor Code: 2050
Š 2011 Public Health Management Corporation
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