Public Health
DIRECTIONS IN THIS ISSUE: A Message from Richard J. Cohen (2)… PHMC’s Connect: The New Data Warehouse (2)... Health Promotion in HD (3)... Beyond Wires: Street Outreach Endures at PHMC (4)... John Loeb Retires after 40 Years with PHMC (5)... A Public Health Mission through a Social Media Lens (6)... PHMC Welcomes Its Newest Affiliate (6)... Targeted Solutions (8)... Helping Philadelphia Students Stay on Track (9)... PHMC Welcomes COO Wayne Pendleton (10)... CHDB Report: The Barriers of Limited Internet Access (11)
ccording to a 2010 Nielsen study,
José Rosa, a social worker for IHPS, pro-
the average teenager sends more
vides services to four families with children
than 3,000 texts a month1. But
ages one to 12. Like all IHPS casework-
not only teenagers; every age group has
ers, Rosa meets with each custodial
increased its text messaging usage2. Case-
parent in his care at least three times
workers from PHMC affiliate Best Nest,
per week. Additionally, he sees any
Inc. have taken advantage of the technol-
children under six years old twice
ogy trend to reach clients and their fami-
each week and any children over
lies. “A lot of our caseworkers and social
six once weekly. His responsibilities
workers will text parents in the morning
include accompanying clients to each
to remind them about an appointment,”
major medical appointment. “We are
says Kerri Barthel, program director of
in people’s lives a lot,” says Rosa.
Best Nest’s In-Home Protective Services
“We’re constantly calling and
(IHPS) program, which works with the
scheduling appointments.” Both
City of Philadelphia’s Department of Hu-
he and the parents he works
man Services to provide services to fami-
with find texting useful for
lies who struggle with the care of medi-
keeping the other informed of
cally fragile children. “It’s a quick and
schedules. “Knowing that we
easy way to send reminders to multitask-
are making a difference and
ing parents. All of our parents have cell
looking out for the safety of
phones and sometimes it’s easier for them
a kid is rewarding,” says Rosa. continued on page 7
if we reach them via text.”
“ We will text parents in the morning to remind them about an appointment. IT’S A QUICK AND EASY WAY TO SEND REMINDERS TO MULTITASKING PARENTS.” 1
Parr, Ben. “The Average Teenager Sends 3,339 Texts Per Month.” Mashable. 14 Oct. 2010. Web. 29 June 2011
a publication of
management corporation
A MESSAGE from Richard J. Cohen The first thing you might notice as you look through this issue is that our newsletter has changed.
ith the new name Public Health
work best—such as print messages that
right time for him, and even as we will miss
Directions and an updated de-
help address hypertension and diabetes—
him we can feel very happy for his next steps.
sign, we are emphasizing our
you’ll see that we engage our audience by
Finally, you’ll also read that we are wel-
role on the leading edge of public health
borrowing from the language of technology
coming someone new—and a new role—to
service, partnership, innovation, policy, re-
with our Black Men in HD initiative.
the ranks of PHMC. But this is just a teaser;
search, technical assistance and workforce
I’m someone who loves new technology;
look forward to more comprehensive infor-
development. These are all elements of our
ask anyone who knows me whether I can
mation on what’s new at PHMC in our winter
strategic plan that support our mission to
pass up the latest handheld innovation. But I
issue, where we will look at how we are plan-
create and sustain healthier communities.
also appreciate that tried-and-true methods
ning for the organization’s second 40 years.
We’ll go into more depth about the strate-
can have persistent value (I’ll never stop
With that in mind, please put the evening
gic plan in our winter issue.
reading newspapers…in paper form). That’s
of April 3, 2012 on your calendar. More in-
As an institute that helps to set the di-
a key message behind our story on street
formation to come…but we’ll be celebrating
rection for public health in our region, it is
outreach. As leaders in public health, we
PHMC’s 40th anniversary and we hope that
fitting that this issue explores the role of
must know the cutting edge but cannot be
you—our friends, supporters, partners and
technology in the work we do. From text
blinded by the next new thing. We must ap-
employees—will be with us for a great event.
messages to Twitter, from Facebook to web-
ply our experience and our analytic skills to
based applications, technology is helping
employ the right methods in the right places,
us to bring public health messages and ser-
for the right people, at the right times.
Yours in public health,
vices to a wider audience and gain greater
Some things never have a right time, such
understanding about those we serve. As the
as saying good-bye to a colleague and friend
Community Health Data Base article shows,
who has been with PHMC from the very be-
it’s also focusing a new lens on disparities in
ginning. However, as you’ll see, while one of
Richard J. Cohen, PhD, FACHE
access. Even where traditional technologies
our founders and leaders is leaving us it is the
President and CEO of PHMC
PHMC’s Connect: The New Data Warehouse
id you know that, last year, PHMC
data like these that help tell the PHMC
found in the Connect database helps illus-
and affiliate programs served more
story, putting demographic and geographic
trate the synergies among affiliates and
than 10,000 children under 18
data behind the work we do every day in
components across the organization—it
years old? Or that since 2007 our programs
our communities. In an age when funders
helps connect what each of us does in rela-
have served slightly more men than wom-
request robust, objective evidence of mean-
tionship to the other.
en? Or that 7 out of 10 clients we serve re-
ingful change in the lives of the people
side in Philadelphia County?
and communities served, PHMC’s Connect
PHMC’s Connect, our new data ware-
helps provide evidence that dollars are put
house project, offers insightful and useful
to good use. In addition, the information
page 2 PHMC.ORG
For more information about PHMC’s Connect, please contact Francine Axler at or 215.985.2521.
Health Promotion in HD
or Jennifer Lauby, PhD, senior re-
called Journey to Men’s Health to support
search scientist at PHMC, and her
the Black Men in HD project.
Research associate Lee Carson found the men “very savvy about their condition,”
research team, the campaign to cur-
Funded by the US Department of Health
but many of the men only gained the knowl-
tail rising rates of hypertension and type 2
and Human Services, Black Men in HD—
edge informally, over a long period of trial
diabetes in African-American males doesn’t
the H stands for hypertension and the D
and error.
start with a pill or a pin prick.
for diabetes—tackles the problem in a
Traditionally, men are not “help-seekers”
It starts with a pamphlet.
three-stage, three-year approach intended
by nature and, according to Chan, this high-
Lauby is the lead investigator for Black
to run through the fall of 2013. The first
risk population often gets information in a
Men in HD, a new PHMC research initia-
stage, now underway, involves conducting
piecemeal, rather than comprehensive, way.
tive intended to create culturally relevant
a series of focus groups at local homeless
Carson hopes the Black Men in HD team
materials, including paper pamphlets and
shelters, places of worship, drug rehabilita-
can overcome those barriers by gathering
videos, that target African-American men.
tion centers, and a local jail with the goal,
much of the informal knowledge in a cen-
Lauby hopes that increased awareness will
according to Lauby, “to reach those not re-
tralized source that is “as culturally spe-
help patients better manage these devas-
ceiving optimal care.”
cific as possible to black men.”
tating diseases.
At those sessions, the participating men
During the first stage of the project, the
“It’s not enough to focus just on medica-
review and critique a series of three pam-
team will use the feedback from focus group
tion,” Lauby explains. “We’re trying to help
phlets provided by the Agency for Health-
participants to develop new pamphlets and
men take more of a lead in taking care of
care Research and Quality (AHRQ), the
a short video based on the AHRQ materi-
project’s primary funder. AHRQ supports
als. Chan says the research team plans to
The need is clear. Data collected through
research that helps people make more in-
make the pamphlets action-oriented and
PHMC’s Community Health Data Base
formed decisions and improves the quality
functional. “Even if we make the language
shows that 14.5% of African-American men
of healthcare services.
simple it will still contain all the important
living in Philadelphia have been diagnosed
In the early stages of this research, the
information and be geared toward an adult
with diabetes compared with just 8.1% of
team has already confronted some of the
audience. We want to make it active and focused on care,” says Chan. In the second stage of
It’s not enough to focus just on medication. WE’RE TRYING TO HELP MEN TAKE MORE OF A LEAD IN TAKING CARE OF THEMSELVES.”
the project, the researchers will test the effectiveness of the newly developed materials in clinical and community
stage three, the Black Men in HD team will disseminate the materials at medical and community access
African-American men nationally.
challenges in addressing health literacy
points around the region.
Similar disparities between local and
and cultural relevance. Research associate
Although it’s too early to say exactly
national rates exist for hypertension, with
Kayshin Chan noted that many of the men
what the new materials might look like,
39.5% of local African-American men re-
participating in the focus groups indicated
Carson offered a few hints.
ceiving a diagnosis compared with 26.5%
“mistrust in the medical community” and
“Something with a sports theme,” he
of African-American men nationally.
felt as though the currently available pam-
said, “like a football game or basketball
phlets developed by AHRQ were written
game...a guide on how to play the game.”
Determined to reverse those trends, Lauby’s team partnered with Health Pro-
with too much clinical detachment.
“We really frame it as a lifestyle change,”
motion Council, a PHMC affiliate with a
As one focus group participant commented
history of promoting health and preventing
about the medical terminology, “Sometimes
chronic disease in at-risk populations. To-
the doctor uses a thousand-dollar word to
gether, they convened an advisory council
convey a five-dollar idea.”
Carson elaborated, “and an ongoing commitment to yourself and your body.” Big diseases, big changes, two little pamphlets.
Public Health DIRECTIONS SUMMER/FALL 2011 page 3
Both approach their jobs from intensely
der. He asked whether Tiru knew him. Tiru
personal perspectives. Tiru watched a child-
said he didn’t and, when the man introduced
Their supervisor, PHMC Associate
hood friend succumb to AIDS in the disease’s
himself as Seville, Tiru stood shocked. “He
Program Director Teresa Lamore*, calls
earliest days while Thigpen saw the virus
looked transformed,” Tiru says.
them pioneers.
ravage her father. Having grown up in the
Around his neck Seville wore the same
Tiru uses a more self-effacing term.
neighborhoods they first walked, Thigpen
chain, except that now the string held a
“We’re the last of the Mohicans,” he says
and Tiru felt the weight of their work innate-
gold-cut pendant reading “N.A.,” the abbre-
with a chuckle.
ly. “We went into shooting galleries and crack
viated symbol for Narcotics Anonymous.
For the last two decades Thigpen, an out-
houses like it was going home,” Tiru says. Twenty years later both insist that their
out a faded business card and handed it to
outreach field specialist, have been at the
work holds the same indispensable value.
Tiru. It was Tiru’s business card, the same
forefront of PHMC’s HIV prevention street
“If we’re not out there,” Thigpen asserts,
one he gave Seville nearly two decades
outreach efforts, spearheading the program
“the community doesn’t get the informa-
prior. “He still had that card,” Tiru says,
when it first began in the late 1980s at
tion they need.”
shaking his head as if he still can’t grasp
the height of the AIDS epidemic. First dis-
Citing the continued technological gap be-
patched to North Philadelphia, Thigpen and
tween rich and poor, Thigpen and Tiru note
These moments validate Thigpen and
Tiru have since crisscrossed nearly every
that many of those in the communities they
Tiru, both personally and professionally.
corner of the city, distributing educational
serve simply don’t have access to the Inter-
As Eugenia Argires, the PHMC program
materials and forging unlikely relationships
net or cell phones. “You have to be there and
director responsible for all these projects,
in some of the roughest neighborhoods.
meet them where they are,” Thigpen says.
explains, “We [in outreach] don’t just slap
In a world increasingly beholden to fiber optics, the place of street outreach certain-
But if someday the digital divide evaporated?
the impact he’s had on so many lives.
a piece of paper in front of someone...we forge relationships.”
ly seems tenuous. Just recently, in the field
“Nothing compares to knocking on some-
Thigpen and Tiru are so good at it that
of HIV outreach, the CDC administered a
one’s door,” Tiru insists. “It says we care
they’ve become public liaisons for Phila-
much-discussed Twitter town hall meet-
about you and we need you to come back to
delphia’s most underserved areas, guiding
ing for its national testing day. Meanwhile,
the clinic and get better.” Lamore agrees.
community activists, Philadelphia Inquirer
new campaigns like the Greater Than AIDS
“It’s something about that human connec-
reporters, and even top Centers for Disease
initiative rely on the bedrock of mass com-
tion that sets outreach apart,” she says.
Control and Prevention officials through the
munication, almost completely eschewing
The stories Thigpen and Tiru tell—tales of
door-to-door efforts. Amidst online support
crushing despair and unlikely resurgence—
The minor celebrity hardly fazes them
groups such as Daily Strength and informa-
reveal the truth in that statement. Thigpen
though, and both seem more motivated by
tional one-stops like WebMD, human inter-
still mournfully recalls the scene of a broken
their communities than their connections.
action feels quaint, almost obsolete.
mother prostituting her four daughters, just
“They’re the ones helping us,” Thigpen
as she celebrates the triumph of a former ad-
says of the resilient clients who continue to
dict turned local barbershop mogul.
inspire her. “Even though we’re out to give,
And yet, PHMC has maintained its street outreach efforts through the digital revolu-
battered streets they know so well.
tion. Initiatives such as the Philadelphia
Tiru tells of a heroin user named Seville
Hepatitis Outreach Project, the Phila-
who used to serve as the “gatekeeper” at a
delphia HIV/HCV Prevention Street Out-
shooting gallery in Germantown. “They used
reach Project, and the addiction recovery-
to call him Seville because he’d steal the Ca-
“We’ll be there with canes and wheel-
focused New Pathways Project continue
dillac emblem from cars and string it around
chairs doing outreach,” Thigpen says with
to play major roles in PHMC’s efforts, sig-
his neck,” Tiru says. After working with Se-
a hearty laugh.
naling the organization’s steadfast commit-
ville for a time, Tiru finally lost him in the
ment to personal service delivery.
shuffle of raids, busts, and rehab visits.
To understand that commitment one need only understand Thigpen and Tiru.
Fifteen years later, while walking in Center City, Tiru felt a man tap him on his shoul-
*Teresa Lamore served in this role at the time this story was written. She has since left PHMC.
Reaching into his wallet, Seville pulled
reach program coordinator, and Tiru, a care
page 4 PHMC.ORG
they give to us.” Suddenly the future of street outreach feels secure.
The manifest joy in her voice makes it hard not to believe her, and the essential goodness of her work makes one wish for such things to come true.
John Loeb Retires after 40 Years with PHMC
t’s what all major sport figures want to
fields one of the largest regional household
do: step down at the top of their game.
health surveys in the country and feeds the
If that’s the goal, then one of PHMC’s
public health work of more than 300 orga-
big players really got the timing right.
nizations in addition to PHMC.
PHMC’s Senior Vice President John Loeb,
Loeb helped lead the community’s pub-
one of the organization’s creators—from
lic health responses to critical challenges.
the grassroots initiative that led to PHMC’s
He provided leadership in framing PHMC’s
founding—and a driving force in its innova-
answers to homelessness and behavioral
tive work today, announced his retirement
health services for women and adolescents
just as this issue was going to press.
in Philadelphia. He played a major role
More than a quarter century ago, LOEB IMAGINED A WORLD IN WHICH PUBLIC HEALTH PLANNING COULD DRAW FROM PRIMARY DATA ABOUT INDIVIDUALS IN THE COMMUNITY—something unheard of at the time. In 1971, Loeb joined with a handful of
in helping PHMC address the HIV/AIDS
“My decision to retire is the culmina-
public health visionaries to create what
epidemic and chaired the planning process
tion of a long exploration on which my wife
was then called Philadelphia Health Man-
in Philadelphia. And Loeb helped make
Anna Belle and I embarked several years
agement Corporation, where he began as a
PHMC the pioneer agency in launching the
ago to decide upon the next stage in our
community organizer, served ten years as
Medicaid child health program in South-
life,” says Loeb. “I count myself as incredi-
deputy executive director and since then
eastern Pennsylvania to assure access to
bly lucky to have worked in the field of pub-
has held the position of senior vice presi-
health care for children.
lic health in a truly wonderful organization
dent. “He has been instrumental in spur-
Finally, Loeb—who holds a holds a bache-
with exceptional colleagues and so many
ring and guiding the agency’s growth from
lor of arts from Trinity College and a master
partners in the community. I’ve had a great
a small, experimental, federally funded
of social services from Bryn Mawr College
career in a city I love, and I look forward to
program to the nearly $180 million organi-
Graduate School of Social Work and Social
a new adventure in New Orleans.”
zation it is today,” says Richard J. Cohen,
Research, where he is a member of the board
But first, Loeb will stick around PHMC
PHMC’s president and CEO.
of advisors and in 2009 received the Alumni
for a few more months helping to transition
It’s hard to capture 40 years of leader-
Achievement Award—has marked his years
his treasure trove of institutional knowl-
ship in a brief article, so a few compelling
at PHMC by serving as a mentor to count-
edge…as befits a star player. “I am con-
examples must suffice.
less others who have become public health
tinuing to work with Richard, with our new
and social service leaders themselves.
COO Wayne Pendleton, and with the rest
More than a quarter century ago, Loeb imagined a world in which public health
“Everyone at PHMC will greatly miss
of the leadership team, to ensure as smooth
planning could draw from primary data
John’s insight, leadership and presence,” re-
a change in structure and responsibilities
about individuals in the community—some-
marks Cohen. “We wish him well as he em-
as possible,” says Loeb.
thing unheard of at the time. From this, he
barks on his next big project—living in New
developed and won funding for PHMC’s
Orleans and working in the art gallery world
Community Health Data Base, which now
there. In fact, I think we’re all a bit jealous!”
Public Health DIRECTIONS SUMMER/FALL 2011 page 5
A Public Health Mission through a Social Media Lens Did you know that 7% of Americans actively use the microblogging website Twitter and 41% maintain an active Facebook profile?1 According to Nielsen Media Research, interest in social media continues to grow. Currently, Facebook remains among the top 10 most-visited sites in the United States, but Twitter earns the title of fastest-growing social media site. PHMC and a number of its affiliates use Twitter and Facebook to share information about the latest trends in public health, events and more with social media savvy consumers. Public Health Directions profiled some of our social media stars to learn more about their use.
Public Health Management Corporation Account Manager: Kishwer Vikaas,
clients, funders and more.
Health Promotion Council
Copywriter and Social Media Coordinator
Purpose: Spread the word about PHMC and
Account Manager: Scott Booker,
Created: Fall 2009
affiliate programs and events; network with
Administrative Assistant
Facebook URL:
other nonprofits that share our mission.
Created: Spring 2011
Social Media Tips: “Always check whether
Facebook URL:
Facebook Fans: 300+
nonprofits you are working with already have
a social media presence online,” says Vikaas.
Fans: 70+
Twitter Followers: 700+
“Connecting with them on the web helps to
Audience: A wide audience including
Audience: Fellow public health institutes,
reinforce your relationship.”
funders, partners, program partici-
public health students and faculty, program
pants, board members and staff. Purpose: Provide instant health information at a low cost and continually stay in touch with program
Students Run Philly Style
participants, raising the visibility of
Account Managers: Heather McDanel,
Purpose: Promote events, such as happy hours
the organization.
Executive Director; Amalia Petherbridge, Youth
for fundraising. Volunteer mentors also use the
Social Media Tips: “Use social media
pages they have created to communicate with
as an advocacy tool and fundraising
Created: Fall 2007
youth about practices and get them pumped for
strategy,” suggests executive director
Facebook URL:
their runs.
Vanessa Briggs. “Social media are great
Social Media Tips: “You have to make updating
because it can get more staff involved
Fans: 1,300+
your social media a priority,” says Petherbridge.
in marketing programs and services.”
Audience: Potential and existing partici-
“Unlike a grant proposal or project, social media
pants and supporters. In addition, many of
do not necessarily have deadlines. It’s easy to let
the program’s volunteers have started pages
it go and not think about it. But if you do commit
for the schools with which they work.
to it, it can bring a lot of rewards.”
PHMC Welcomes Its Newest Affiliate
HMC added Metropolitan Career
force, helping them to achieve economic
technology program. The accredited Com-
Center (MCC) to the PHMC family
independence. To further its mission,
puter Technology Institute is an approved
as an affiliate on July 1, 2011. MCC
MCC’s Computer Technology Institute
training provider through the Workforce
educates, trains and places individuals to
offers degrees and programs in computer
Investment Act.
become valuable members of the work-
technology including a health information
page 6 PHMC.ORG
of Americans maintain an active Facebook profile.
National Nursing Centers Resources for Children’s Health
Account Manager: Jeanne Ciocca,
RCH, such as parents and community members,
Account Manager: Jamie Ware,
Executive Director
but who are not necessarily service providers.
Policy Director
Created: Summer 2009
Purpose: Share information and stories that
Created: Summer 2009
Facebook URL:
introduce people to the issues we address as a
Facebook URL:
Fans: 100+
Social Media Tips: “Using social media is
Fans: 100+
easy! But start slowly and gradually introduce
Twitter Followers: 10+
services as staff time allows,” advises Ciocca.
Followers: 800+
Audience: People who may not be in social ser-
“RCH, for example, doesn’t have a person dedi-
Audience: Nurse practitioners,
vices or health care, and therefore may not come
cated to blogging or a large amount of time for
nursing students and other people sup-
in contact with RCH, its staff or its programs.
media outreach, so we started small with the
portive of the nurse model.
People who may be interested in the work of
Facebook and Twitter pages.”
Purpose: Cross-communicate and cross-pollinate ideas, and expand people’s knowledge base on policies and practice in a way that affects their work. For instance, through Facebook a clinic
For direct links to the social media sites
in Indiana can learn something helpful from the work of a clinic in Washington.
mentioned in this article, go to our online
Social Media Tips: “Be thoughtful about what you post and share. I like
to keep the page as active as possible,” says Ware. “I think it’s important people are able to find us at some
point during the day.”
“Twitter Research in America: 2010.” Edison Research. 29 Apr 2010. Web. 29 June 2011.
Best Nest... continued from page 1 Other Best Nest caseworkers use text
we can exchange information about blood
tion directly during a visit. They feel more
messaging to directly communicate with
sugar numbers and I can remind them about
confident texting it later.” She receives an
older children. Nadia Lewis has worked
medical and therapy appointments.” Accord-
average of 100 texts each week from clients.
with children at Best Nest since 2009. Her
ing to Lewis, text messaging plays a role in
“Texting plays an important role in helping
current responsibilities include three fami-
furthering correspondence between case-
us communicate with families.”
lies with children ages three to 15. “I often
workers and clients. “Texting helps clients
text the older children I work with who have
verbalize more,” she says. “Some clients
diabetes,” says Lewis. “Through texting,
would rather not tell me medical informa-
To learn more about Best Nest, visit
Public Health DIRECTIONS SUMMER/FALL 2011 page 7
A Career Connection for Early Childhood Education ® links the region’s early childhood education providers with experienced, qualified, prescreened job candidates. For Childcare Providers Seeking Employees
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ChildWare Moves to the Web ChildWare childcare management software still provides everything you need to run your center better, faster and easier…but more so. Our all-in-one information tracking system keeps you up to date on:
What sets us apart? Custom-designed to track Pennsylvania-specific funding
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Professional development
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Visit our websites at and for more information or give us a call at 215.731.2407 to learn more. Go to our online edition at to link to comprehensive fact sheets. Developed by Targeted Solutions, the consulting practice of Public Health Management Corporation, is provided through SharedSource Pennsylvania, a comprehensive online resource center that brings early childhood education providers a centralized menu of options for saving time, reducing costs and improving quality.
Helping Philadelphia Students Stay on Track
ifteen-year-old high school freshman
of the court system and the child services
White as another example of a BIPS success
Kendall White loves his world history
system.” Although it is a new program,
story. After coming to BIPS in March, White
class. He dreams of joining his school’s
students are already showing notable im-
resolved to better his academics. “I got a lot
football team next year and maybe the hip-
provement. For example, one set of parents
of help at BIPS,” says White. “My grades
hop club. When he grows up, he wants to
reports that their son’s “grades have gotten
definitely improved. If I could give freshmen
become an architect or an artist. But before
better, he comes to the program on a regu-
one piece of advice, it would be: ‘Go to class
White came to The Bridge Intensive Pre-
lar basis and he recently had a job interview
and go prepared.’”
vention Services (BIPS) program, he would
with a museum,” says Wood. “This popula-
often skip school and was in danger of failing.
tion, and the field as a whole, does not al-
Spring 2011 marked the start of BIPS,
ways produce immediate success, but with
a collaboration among PHMC affiliate The
patience change can happen.” Wood cites
For more information about BIPS, contact Sulaiman Wood at or 267.350.7634.
Bridge and Philadelphia’s Department of Human Services (DHS) and Family Court. It helps students like White avoid truancy and achieve academic goals. A comprehen-
sive after-school program serving West and
Honors, Awards and Achievements
Reduced Risk of Unrecognized HIV Infection
Southwest Philadelphia, BIPS provides
The Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter of the
Among Black and Latino Men who Have Sex
intensive, in-home case management ser-
American Red Cross named the Honorable
with Men,” an article published online on
vices and counseling to students and their
Renée Cardwell Hughes, chair of the board of
July 31 by AIDS and Behavior. Lauby, with six
families. Staff members help youth develop
directors of Public Health Management Corpo-
other researchers, examined the hypothesis
social and civic skills, better their academic
ration, as its new Chief Executive Officer. Judge
that black and Latino men who have sex with
performance and avoid negative influences.
Hughes, who was chosen after a nationwide
men (MSM) and who have supportive social
“BIPS is very client-centered,” says Bridge
search, began her new position as CEO in May.
relationships with other people are less likely
Director Michael Ogden. “It’s specific to
Previously, Judge Hughes served as a trial
to have unrecognized HIV infection compared
each child. We want to help them achieve
judge in the Court of Common Pleas, the First
with MSM of color who report lower levels of
academically and also stabilize.”
Judicial District of Pennsylvania, which encom-
social support. The study used interviews with
passes the City of Philadelphia.
1,286 black and Latino MSM in three metro-
“The children here know that staff are genuinely concerned with their welfare,”
politan areas. The researchers found that men
says Program Director Sulaiman Wood.
On June 28, the DHS Parenting Collaborative
with supportive relationships were more likely
The BIPS staff includes Wood, three case
celebrated 10 years of providing parenting
to have recently taken an HIV test and were
managers, three counselors and other sup-
education as a means to prevent child abuse
less likely to report risky sexual behavior.
port personnel. DHS and the court system
and reduce the need for child protective
refer students to BIPS, which is located in
service interventions. The innovative public-
The August 2011 Best of Philly issue of Phila-
West Philadelphia. Participants begin each
private partnership uses parenting education
delphia magazine named Students Run Philly
weekday with a snack and homework. On-
to reinforce supportive behaviors of parents,
Style, a program of PHMC affiliate National
site staff assist students with homework
enhance parenting skills and teach alternative
Nursing Centers Consortium, the area’s “Best
before moving on to facilitate group ther-
approaches to child rearing. DHS Parenting
Kids’ Self-Esteem Booster.” The only program
apy sessions. Twelve students enrolled in
Collaborative operates through the support of
in Philadelphia that offers marathon training
the spring 2011 semester.
PHMC, United Way of Southeastern Pennsylva-
to help youth succeed in life, Students Run
nia, Institute for Family Professionals and the
Philly Style has served over 2,500 Philadelphia
Philadelphia Department of Human Services.
students, ages 12–18, since it began in 2004.
In addition to working directly with students, staff communicate with parents to facilitate growth and development. “We know
The program connects youth with an adult
that children thrive when they’re at home,”
Jennifer L. Lauby, PHMC’s senior research
mentor who helps them achieve both aca-
says Wood. “By working with the parents,
scientist, is the lead author of “Having Sup-
demic and fitness goals.
we hope we can better keep children out
portive Social Relationships Is Associated with
continued on page 10
Public Health DIRECTIONS SUMMER/FALL 2011 page 9
PHMC’s rapid growth and expansion. He has provided organizations with stra-
has also served as a senior manager at
tegic guidance and operational advances
Philadelphia Corporation for Aging, the
for over 10 years. Most recently, he has
largest office on aging in Pennsylvania and
focused his consulting efforts on partner-
fourth largest in the country.
ing with healthcare entities interested
Pendleton earned a bachelor of science
in sponsoring the nationally acclaimed
in psychology from the University of Pitts-
Medicare PACE program, and he has
burgh and a master of social administration
ublic Health Management Corporation
worked with PHMC in this area. Pendle-
from Temple University. He is a Pennsylva-
has spent much of the past year re-
ton will continue to bring this expertise
nia Licensed Social Worker, a member of
viewing its structure. One outcome
as part of his new role and will be instru-
the Academy of Certified Social Workers,
of that work was the decision to create the
mental in helping to institute structural
and distinguished as an Advanced Social
new role of chief operating officer. In July,
changes that respond to PHMC’s rapid
Worker in Gerontology.
Wayne Pendleton, LSW, ACSW, joined
growth and expansion.
PHMC as our first COO.
“PHMC is excited not only to welcome
Previously, Pendleton served as CEO of
Wayne and all he brings to the organiza-
Pendleton is a recognized leader in
an award-winning PACE program in the
tion,” says President and CEO Richard J.
pioneering models of health care who
Philadelphia area sponsored by Penn Nurs-
Cohen, “but also to create the new role of
founded a specialized healthcare consult-
ing, the first and largest PACE provider
Chief Operating Officer as a starting point
ing firm while serving as executive direc-
in the Commonwealth. Under Pendleton’s
to reenvisioning our structure and planning
tor of a developing PACE program and
leadership, the program almost doubled in
our second forty years serving the region.”
homecare and hospice agency with South
size while becoming nationally recognized
Look for more information on PHMC’s
Jersey Healthcare, the leading community
as an Innovative Model of Care by the Rob-
vision for the future in the next issue of
health provider in southern New Jersey.
ert Wood Johnson Foundation. Pendleton
Public Health Directions.
Notables continued from page 9
program for women in Pennsylvania, Interim
On May 9, PHMC affiliate Interim House be-
House has helped thousands of women con-
In the Spring 2011 issue of Directions, we in-
came one of 45 organizations based in North-
quer substance abuse and lead healthy, pro-
advertently listed the Philadelphia Department
west Philadelphia to receive an award from
ductive and satisfying lives.
of Human Services Parenting Collaborative as
the Northwest Fund. Presented by US Repre-
a program of PHMC affiliate Resources for Chil-
sentative Chaka Fattah, the awards recognize
PHMC President and CEO Richard J. Cohen
dren’s Health. PHMC’s Management Services
organizations that provide support for local
was named to the board of trustees of Penn-
administers the collaborative, which consists
groups involved in community building and
sylvania Presbyterian Medical Center, a hospital
of community-based parenting programs from
improving neighborhoods. The oldest residen-
located in the University City section of West
agencies throughout the city.
tial and outpatient substance abuse treatment
page 10 PHMC.ORG
The Barriers of Limited Internet Access
The 2010 Southeastern Pennsylvania Household
or the first time in history, the av-
a computer. This represents approximately
Health Survey shows that Internet use is linked
erage American online consumer
201,900 adults. The second most com-
to age; younger adults are more likely than older
reports spending as much time on
mon reason was lack of interest, cited by
adults to be daily Internet users and less likely to
the web as watching TV, according to a
31.7% of adult non-Internet users, or about
be non-Internet users.
2010 survey by Forrester Research . The
175,300 adults.
same survey found that Americans have
The survey also found a difference be-
78.2% of adults ages 18–39 use the Internet
increased their Internet use 121% over the
tween urban and suburban users. Phila-
at least once per day, and 6.5% of adults in
last five years. However, when it comes
delphia residents are more likely to be
this age range report that they never use the
to our region, findings from PHMC’s 2010
non-Internet users than are their suburban
counterparts. More than a quarter (27.3%)
Health Survey show that not everyone has
of Philadelphia adults do not use the In-
7 1.9% of adults ages 40–49 use the Internet at
the same access to the Internet. Limited
ternet, compared with 16.5% of Delaware
least once per day, and 11.4% of adults in their
access to the Internet can be a barrier to
County adults, 14.0% of Bucks County
40s report that they never use the Internet.
education, employment, health informa-
adults, 13.8% of Montgomery County
tion, social connectedness and other fac-
adults and 12.2% of Chester County adults.
tors that can impact quality of life. When asked how frequently they used the Internet, about two-thirds of adults in Southeastern Pennsylvania (SEPA), roughly 1.9 million adults, responded that
6 6.5% of adults ages 50–59 use the Internet at least once per day, and 16.6% of adults in their 50s report that they never use the Internet.
Philadelphia residents are more likely to be non-Internet users than their suburban counterparts
they used the Internet at least once per
54.6% of adults ages 60–74 use the Internet at least once per day, and 20.0% of adults 60–74 report that they never use the Internet.
day. While men and women in SEPA have similar Internet usage patterns (66.8%
Poverty was also a factor. Adults living in
24.0% of adults age 75+ use the Internet at
and 64.2%, respectively, use the Internet
poverty are much more likely to be non-In-
least once per day, and 30.8% of adults 75 and
at least once daily), they also are about
ternet users than are non-poor adults: 42.5%
older report that they never use the Internet.
equally likely to be non-Internet users,
of adults living below the federal poverty
with 17.7% of men indicating they do not
line do not use the Internet, versus 16.0%
use the Internet and 20.2% of women indi-
of adults living above the federal poverty
cating the same. In total, about one in five
line.2 Latino adults (34.7%) and black adults
adults in SEPA (19.1%) do not use the In-
(28.1%) are more likely to be non-Internet
ternet, representing about 563,000 adults.
users than white adults (15.6%). About one in five uninsured adults
The Community Health Data Base (CHDB) South-
Two-thirds of SEPA adults
(20.9%) and one in ten insured adults
eastern Pennsylvania Household Health Survey is
(10.6%) do not use the Internet, indicating
one of the largest regional health surveys in the
use the Internet at least once per day
that many of the same individuals who have
nation, covering Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Mont-
difficulty accessing health care may face
gomery and Philadelphia Counties, and now
barriers to obtaining health information.
Schuylkill, Lancaster, Berks and Centre Counties. It
For those who do not use the Internet, the most common reason cited was lack of access. More than one-third of adults who do not use the Internet (36.5%) indicated they did not have access or did not have
has been conducted every two years since 1994. The
For more information about PHMC’s Community Health Data Base 2010 Household Health Survey, contact Rose Malinowski Weingartner at
Pew Charitable Trusts, the William Penn Foundation, United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania and over 350 local agencies from the health, government, nonprofit and academic sectors help to support CHDB. For more infor-
Anderson, Jacqueline, et al. “Understanding the Changing Needs of the US Online Consumer, 2010: An Empowered Report: How Online and
Mobile Behaviors are Changing.” Forrester Research. 13 Dec 2010. Web. 29 June 2011. 2
mation on CHDB, visit
Poverty level is defined as below or above 100% of the federal poverty line. Poverty level is calculated based on family size and household
income. For example, a family of four with an annual income of $22,050 in 2010 was considered to be living in poverty.
Public Health DIRECTIONS SUMMER/FALL 2011 page 11
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PHMC provee servicios bilingues para nuestros clients sin costo alguno. A United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania Community Partner | Donor Code: 2050
© 2011 Public Health Management Corporation