PHMC: GOALS & OBJECTIVES PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUES: Lead in the identification of and response to existing and emerging public health issues • Promote intra-program data collection and analysis to identify public health issues and trends across programs/people served • Create strategic alliances/partnerships with external researchers, practitioners and public health organizations to identify existing and emerging public health issues • Promote increased collaboration among PHMC components and affiliates • Explore the feasibility of developing additional services/centers to address public health issues and trends identified in data analysis, research and practice • Increase public awareness of public health issues • Centralize tracking systems to identify trends and issues
SERVICE TO COMMUNITY: Initiate, expand and maintain programs and services that are best aligned with the needs of the people and communities we serve, always inclusive of the underserved and those hardest to reach • Expand public awareness of and trust in PHMC services and operations • Identify and engage community partner agencies and government agencies at all levels • Integrate services internally to provide the best service possible • Utilize data and other resources to identify new service areas
INFRASTRUCTURE: Create and maintain the organizational and operational infrastructure needed to support programs, services and growth • E nhance enterprise-wide database systems and integrated operations • I mplement systems to enhance enterprise-wide coordination and communication • E nhance educational offerings and better measure impact across staff skills •D evelop and maintain centralized operational support services to allow the organization to function optimally
FINANCIAL VIABILITY & GROWTH: Promote financial viability and growth through existing and new programs, services and affiliations • I dentify internal programs and other models for replication • I nitiate enterprise-wide fund raising activities and development capabilities • I dentify cost saving benefits, consolidation of functions (e.g. grant writing, fund raising), etc. • E xplore new models of funding
ORGANIZATIONAL VITALITY: Promote financial viability and growth through existing and new programs, services and affiliations
Identify and implement metrics to assess the quality, safety, and effectiveness of programs and services provided, to ensure accountability
• E xpand efforts to retain/develop staff through training / education / development
• Identify and implement best practices
• Align compensation program to the market and competitive with performance based incentives
• Implement enterprise-wide electronic medical/client record systems • Implement enterprise-wide quality assurance process to ensure adherence to safe and best practices • Implement consumer and employee satisfaction systems
• Create “career ladders”
• I mplement succession planning throughout the organization •H ighlight expertise and successes with internal and external audiences
260 South Broad Street | Philadelphia, PA 19102 | 215.985.2500 PHONE | 215.985.2550 FAX