Burberry Fragrance Advert

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Evaluating Fragrance Advert Burberry Body This advert is Burberry’s attempt to reach a new audience or to metaphorically dig its trench deeper to keep hold of its young sexy audience but at the same time grab the attention of those ‘go get it’ young party animals. It does depend on a raw sexual quality, it makes no pretences, the location, the choice of the actress and the bottle reinforce the notion that if you want to be with the nouveau riche, you better get putting on this perfume. Nothing says Burberry more than the classic trench coat, like it or not it is the iconic trench coat that epitomizes this British heritage brand. Born from a single coat, this 158 year old brand released its new fragrance, Body Tender, with the bushy browed Cara Delevingne as the face of their new campaign. A decision that was stating their intent to make this perfume and product take the market by storm. Photographed by Mario Testino, this shoot took place on a luxury yacht along the very sunny River Thames. This iconic London landmark underpins the brand’s British heritage, which factor has perhaps contributed to its global success. The sunny summer weather, or the light in the shot makes

the city look the place to live and be and the yacht represents this luxury lifestyle, which happens to be the type of consumer Burberry is trying to target. This advert works for me. Its construction is simplistic and has connotations of freedom and sexuality with a focus on being natural, and denotes an extremely successful sexual woman in total control. This purposely links with the wealthy status of youngish extremely attractive rich young woman living in and being successful London. Using fellow Brit, Rosie Huntington Whiteley as their last model for the Burberry Body fragrance campaign, whomever Christopher Bailey choose was going to have some big shoes to fill. I feel that Cara Delevingne is a very clever, interesting choice of model selected by Chief creative officer Christopher Bailey. He said “ Caras natural beauty and vibrant energy lit up alongside London’s magnificent architecture” The photographer has captured a relaxed and playful look attitude. She represents the millennial consumer that Burberry are targeting making her a great brand ambassador as not only is she one of the most talked about models at the moment but she is also very current and young. The styling and editing of the photograph complements one another. The model has minimal

make up on as well as a very ‘simple’ styling. Wearing just the iconic cream trench coat keeps the attention towards the fragrance but allows the consumers to make the connection with the brand Burberry. The clothes, hair and make up combined add to the relaxed yet playful attitude of the advert. The editing of the photo enhances the warm colours and natural look of the advert. The freedom is suggested through the natural hair styling – and the relaxed positioning of the model and there is a subtle ‘fragrance’ to the uniform colouring of the image – you can almost smell the fragrance through the colouring. I find this image is incredibly sexual as her eyes focus on the advert’s reader and this is supplemented and achieved by the juxtaposition of the erect perfume bottle standing almost as an iconic piece of London architecture standing next to the model, yet in her total control. This immensely very strong image suggests feeling that this women, because of her perfume is in complete control of her sexuality. As a female I find it powerful but equally many men buy perfumes and could easily be seduced by this image, and possibly secretly hope that this perfume will give their partner the sexual power presented in the advert. Indeed, this sexual energy and playfulness makes her tremendously appealing to the target audience. The use of an enhanced natural colour again reinforces a subtle warmth and sexuality, reinforcing the power of the model. The adjectives used describe this new version of Body are tenderness, eternal youth, serenity, ease and charisma. The composition opens with fresh aromas of lemon, apple, peach and absinthe. The core of the composition includes essences of rose, tea leaves, jasmine and sandalwood, all placed at the base of cashmere accords, vanilla, and musk.

The positioning of the text allows the reader to identify the brand without having to look to closely into the advert. Using minimal text again keeps the advert very simple and easy to read therefore is a lot more engaging for the consumer and people are more likely to remember the fragrance name. The different font sizes work well as the most important aspect that the brand want you to take away is the name of the perfume. Using traditional and well-established fonts connected with the brand emphasis the strength Burberry have to make instant connections with the brand. The silver and metallic colours compliment the adverts theme. This advert was placed at the launch of the Burberry Body fragrance. It is almost a tease for the video advert that uses the same shots as the still photograph in the advert. The advert is powerful enough to capture the consumer’s attention, draw them in and make them aware of this successful Burberry Fragrance. My only critique towards this advert would be is this just another perfume cliche. Will the use of a models name set it apart, extend and attract another customer base? Or will it just be another pretty sexy women advertising a nameless brand of perfume. A high risk strategy for Burberry entering an already overpopulated market. Only time will tell....

However just when you thought Burberry couldn’t top using Britians most current and exciting model, last week via social networking site Instagram, it was revealed that one of the most iconic supermodels, Kate moss will be teaming up with Cara for the next perfume campaign, due Autumn this year. This marks the first time that the pair, arguably the world’s most famous models at the moment will be photographed together. Surely it doesn’t get much better than that! By Phoebe Reid

Sources http://www.salesforce.com/uk/customers/stories/burberry.jsp http://www.scentsationalperfumes.com/blog/cara-delevingne-for-burberrys-latest-perfume-body-tender/ h t t p : / / w w w. h u f f i n g t o n p o s t . c o m / 2 0 1 3 / 0 3 / 0 1 /c a r a - d e l e v i n g n e - b u r b e r r y - b o d y - t e n d e rfragrance_n_2788762.html http://www.vogue.co.uk/beauty/2013/03/cara-delevingne-burberry-body-tender-fragrance-campaign http://fashion.telegraph.co.uk/videos/TMG9902221/Cara-Delevingnes-Burberry-Body-Tender-advert.html http://www.vogue.co.uk/beauty/2014/03/12/cara-and-kate-moss-for-burberry/gallery/1150511

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