Phoenix Academy Business Plan

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Our Vision: To provide our clients quality training and acculturation opportunities in a quality learning environment

Our Mission:  Provide learning and teaching that encourages the advancement, development and application of knowledge;  Maintain high standards of professionalism and ethics;  Contribute to the community with a sense of integrity, equity and social justice;  Confer, after appropriate assessment, educational awards as may be accredited by relevant educational bodies, authorities and agencies;  Provide facilities and resources for the general welfare and development of enrolled students;  Create an environment that empowers and supports the personal and professional development of enrolled students and staff of the Academy;  Foster a teaching and learning environment that is engaging, challenging, flexible, rewarding and encourages lifelong learning;  Offer opportunities for development and further training to teaching and other staff of the Academy;  Provide programs and services in ways that reflect principles of equity;  Develop corporate and academic governance, rules, admission and other policies, quality assurance and other processes and financial and other arrangements that are underpinned by the values and goals described above and in the Academy Vision & Values statement and are sufficient to ensure the integrity of the Academy's programs; and  Provide returns to shareholders aligned with the expectations of being a commercial enterprise.

Our Values: INTEGRITY We will honour all commitments to our customers and employees. We will conduct our business with unwavering high standards of honesty, trust, professionalism, and ethical behaviour. We will communicate openly and frequently with all constituents with a principle of communicating with all stakeholders in a consistent and timely manner what we know, when we know it. QUALITY We will place the interests of our customers first. We will be dedicated to building a rewarding and lasting relationship with each and every customer. We will maintain a continuous quest for world‐class quality to assure customer satisfaction VALUE We will be dedicated to continuous innovation to ensure we explore new ideas and opportunities We will recognise and reward excellent performance, which drives superior results. © Phoenix Academy 2010

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STRATEGIC PLAN 2010‐2012 TEAMWORK We will work as one cohesive Team from the smallest unit to the enterprise as a whole. We will develop and retain leaders who continually strive to achieve and provide direction, remove barriers, and empower people to successfully accomplish goals. We will ensure a sharing of ideas, skills, and resources throughout the company. We will respect the structure and reporting relationship in the company whilst assuring organisational boundaries never become a barrier to success. RESPECT FOR THE INDIVIDUAL We will treat each person with whom we work with respect and dignity. We will communicate expectations to employees and provide honest and timely feedback on performance. We will embrace a diversity of ideas, cultures, ethnicity, and background to enhance our promise and value to customers. We will provide career development opportunities for employees who show initiative and performance results to help them individually manage their own career to maximize their potential. COMMUNITY WORK and CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY We will be active participants in the communities in which we live and work. We will encourage employee involvement in civic and charitable activities. We will be role model business leaders in the countries and communities in which we operate the business. We will develop and implement business practices consistent with safeguarding the environment. Phoenix is currently establishing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies and actions that will be workshopped throughout the company over the next twelve months.

Who We Are Phoenix Academy has two campuses located in West Perth and Fremantle, Western Australia. Phoenix was accredited by the Department of Education, Science and Technology (DEST) and the Western Australian Ministry of Education as a Training Centre in 1989 and has been successfully running training courses to this day. Phoenix has National ELICOS Accreditation (NEAS) and has registered CRICOS courses. Phoenix offers a wide range of NEAS (ELICOS) courses including English for High School Preparation, General English, Cambridge Exmaination Courses (FCE and CAE), and Business English. Phoenix is also a Registered Training Organisation and is registered to offer Certificate III, IV, Diploma and Vocational Graduate Diploma courses under the Australian Qualifications Framework. In addition Phoenix Academy is a non government non‐system school offering Year 11/12 programs. Phoenix Academy has an established TESOL Teacher Training Centre, the Institute for Teaching Excellence (ITE) that offers a wide range of Teacher Training programs including © Phoenix Academy 2010

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STRATEGIC PLAN 2010‐2012 TESOL and TAE. Onshore and offshore Teacher Training programs have been conducted in China, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam over recent years. In addition to the training of individuals, Phoenix has been successful in securing Specialist Company training projects and tenders through Phoenix Training Services. Phoenix has also developed a successful complimentary operation entitled Link2Uni that specialises in the marketing of partner educational institutions and the recruitment of students. These students are usually packaged with Phoenix Bridging/Pathway programs. Phoenix is owned by a company registered as Keyseq Pty Ltd with two major shareholders: Mr Brian Walsh (Managing Director of Phoenix) and Mrs Robynne Walsh (Principal) both of whom are Western Australians. They are also both actively involved in the day‐to‐day running of the Academy. Current enrolments exceed 2,500 per annum. Over 90% of Phoenix’s students are international making Phoenix one of the largest specialist Training Centres in Western Australia for international clients. Clients are drawn from a range of countries (40 plus) including Europe, South East and North Asia, Africa, the Middle East, the Indian sub continent and South America.

Where would we like to be? To be known to be among the best (if not the best) International Training Centres in Australia and to attract a wide international and domestic student population

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What is our Business?  Services Sector – Training and Education, Tourism, Hospitality  Export industry  Outstanding Educational advisers and marketers

What would we like to be seen as?

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Experts in English Language Training Experts in Vocational Training in the Business Services area Experts in the delivery of pre‐university training (Year 11/12) Experts in marketing and promoting partner institutions Expert in TESOL Teacher Training and Train‐ the‐Trainer programs Exporter of Services Experts in short course Executive Training programs

Our Performance Indicators

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Friendly and caring training institution Job satisfaction and staff retention‐career path for staff Profitability Reputation and Professionalism Diversity and flexibility of training services and products Client satisfaction Stability and Reliability Innovation (curriculum/ High level of teaching standard Increasing new, extension and referral enrolments Modern resources and facilities and cutting edge media facilities Improving grounds and buildings, Efficient and responsive administration including timeliness of responses to all clients  International diversity of student population (diverse market segmentation)  Expansive social and recreational offerings

Our Location and Facilities (please refer to campus maps on our website West Perth Campus Situated 1.5km from the Perth City Centre in Australian Edwardian and Federation buildings, Phoenix boasts modern resources such as two computer laboratories (37 stations), a travel centre, twotourist buses, and an on‐campus hostel (Beatty Lodge). The West Perth campus has a capacity of 400 students.

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STRATEGIC PLAN 2010‐2012 Fremantle Campus Situated in the heart of the west end in the historic port city of Fremantle. Surrounded by the buildings of the University of Notre Dame this is truly an educational precinct. The Fremantle campus has a 22‐station computer laboratory campus wide wifi and 20 classrooms. It has the capacity for 300 students Both delivery sites comprise educational teaching classrooms with classrooms varying in size from capacity for 18 students through to large lecture theatres. The Academy has a fully interactive student learning system (portal) through which many extension learning activities are available

Adherence to National and State Policies and Principles

(Please refer to our Academy Policies at

Phoenix Academy operates in accordance with relevant state and national policies for education and training including; The ESOS and ESPRA Acts Tha National Code The Western Australian Education Act The Australian Recognition Framework The Australian Qualifications Framework The Western Australian Framework for Competency Based Assessment The Western Australian Framework for Recognition of Prior Learning The Academy also operates in accordance with State and National policies and acts covering fair trade, health and occupational safety. These policies are all available on the Phoenix website.

Access and Equity Phoenix Academy is committed to access and equity principles and processes.

Quality Management Focus Phoenix Academy demonstrates a focus on quality and consistency in the development and provision of its services, products and operations. Regular internal review and monitoring of courses and services occurs. Client feedback occurs through a number of channels namely through end of course evaluation, mid course evaluation and a teacher observation program. At the end of a course all students are required to submit their End of Course Evaluation. The Director of the Teacher Training Division and the Director of Studies observe teachers teaching on a regular basis. These observations take the form of planned formal observations of lessons or impromptu “walk ins”; detailed feedback interviews are conducted with the teachers after each observation session. © Phoenix Academy 2010

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STRATEGIC PLAN 2010‐2012 Document control systems are in place. The document control system covers the procedure for dissemination and consistent application of relevant procedural materials within the organisation.

External Review Processes Phoenix Academy agrees to participate in external monitoring processes. The main activities are benchmarking undertaken by IALC (International Assoc of Language Centres) and Validation and Moderation undertaken by WAPETIA (Western Australian Private Education and Training Industry Association)

Management and Administration The organisation has sound financial, administrative and client/learner records management procedures in place. Under the requirements of both the ESOS and ESPRA Acts strict financial reporting and accountability mechanisms are in place. External audits are conducted and financial returns are submitted to both state and federal registration bodies. Strict requirements are in place to monitor the operation of the Tuition Assurance Scheme that requires that students’ fees be protected in a Special Fund to protect student fees. The operation of the Special Fund is one of the major financial activities that is monitored during the auditing process. Phoenix Academy employs a full time qualified Financial Manager. The Financial Manager reports to the Managing Director of the Company. Phoenix also engages the services of an external CPA Accountant for independent advice. Policies are in place for managing and assuring the integrity of records‐ including student and staff records. Student files are held in a secure file in the central administration area. Authorised personnel can only access student files. The Academy utilises a sophisticated database that covers fiduciary records, student records, and staff records, home stay records and records of overseas representatives. Student records for example contain information of type of course enrolled in, date of commencement, date of graduation, nationality, date of birth, gender, certificates of achievement etc. The Academy Accountant carries out back up every second night. Backup tapes are stored off the premises. Adequate insurance policies are maintained‐ Public Liability ($10,000,000) Professional Indemnity ($1,000,000), Workers Compensation ($50,000,000), Personal Accident‐Work Experience Students ($10,000), Industrial Special Risks ($1,400,000) policies

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Ethical Marketing and Advertising (all marketing publications are available to download from our website at

Phoenix Academy operates in accordance with the national protocol for marketing and advertising. This is in accordance with the Australian Recognition Framework. Phoenix complies with current marketing procedures as covered by the Trade Practices Act it is also required to comply with ethical codes on marketing as part of our membership of PEC (Perth Education City), WAPETIA, NEAS and IALC (the International Association of Language Centres.) The following protocols are agreed to: Ethical Marketing Practices‐ clients’ written permission must be gained before Phoenix can use information about that individual in any marketing materials Phoenix will accurately represent recognised training products and services to prospective clients. Phoenix will ensure that clients are provided with full details of conditions in any contractual arrangements with them. Accurate and Clear Marketing Advertisements identify nationally recognised products separately from courses by other bodies The names of training packages, qualifications or accredited courses listed in advertising materials will comply with the names/titles as endorsed by the National Training Framework Committee or recognised by the State Training Authority. The organisation will make appropriate acknowledgment of national/state recognition. The organisation will issue the appropriate nationally recognised training logo on relevant qualifications or Statements of Attainment in accordance with the State Training requirements. The organisation will use the logo of the Western Australian Training Authority on any relevant qualification or Statement of Attainment in accordance with the State Training conditions of use.

Professional Recruitment All teaching staff have the minimum qualifications of a Bachelor’s degree and TEFL teaching qualifications such as the CELTA, DELTA or Grad Dip TESOL. Teaching staff must also have the equivalent of one year’s teaching experience. For VET courses Phoenix acknowledges that teachers in this course will have the TAE (Training and Assessment Certificate IV) and a degree, Advanced Diploma or equivalent qualification in their teaching discipline and current work experience in the area of Business. For Year 11/12 teaching staff current WACOT membership is mandatory. © Phoenix Academy 2010

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STRATEGIC PLAN 2010‐2012 Professional Development sessions are regularly scheduled into the Phoenix teaching year. Phoenix has a rigorous Mentor system in place . All newly recruited staff undergo an intensive induction program.

Identifying Learner Needs and Designing Training Programs Identify the Learning Needs of Clients All Phoenix teaching and academic administration staff are trained TEFL/TESOL assessors and as such are able to conduct diagnostic needs analysis/assessment in order to ascertain the length and type of training required. Electronic Tests of English language competency have been developed by Phoenix and are available through the Phoenix website for pre‐ enrolment diagnostic purposes. (refer to Phoenix website

Phoenix also conducts E‐Testing for Education and Training International (ETI) clients under contract with the Ministry of Education. In the twenty years that these diagnostic tests have been administered improved and developed, learning strategies have been refined to satisfy student needs. Phoenix has an Intensive English curriculum for all levels from Beginner to Advanced and also for specialised examination courses such as the Cambrdige University Examinations the FCE and CAE. English for Specific Purpose Courses such as Business English and Aviation English are also provided. Any additional course design for extra mural, offshore courses or newly established local courses are developed by a team of senior curriculum development staff in the organisation. Work Place Training Component Phoenix has been conducting work place training for the past fifteen years and understands the value of this aspect of training. Over this time Needs Analyses have been conducted with industry and the skills and competencies required of trainees in the workplace have been identified. There is a strong compliment of workplace training in the Certificate IV in Business course. Phoenix has identified the needs of non‐native speakers of English (both international and migrants) who are undertaking formal studies, and therefore the Diploma of Business course has been expanded to incorporate extra communication (Academic English) units.

Assessment Phoenix clients receive internally moderated assessments and feedback every six weeks. At the end of a course a student receives a final exit report and graduation certificate. The CEFR (Common European Framework Reference) scale is used for all Phoenix assessments. A description of the CEFR scale is available on the Phoenix website and is located at

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STRATEGIC PLAN 2010‐2012 on&

Phoenix is an authorised International Testing Centre for TOEFLiBT, Cambridge University Computer Based Exam Centre, TOEIC and ETI.

Client Services Quality documentation is an important feature of procedures at Phoenix. Systems and procedures are in place for our admissions department, marketing, assessment, credit transfers and articulation, grievance procedures, refunds policy, student welfare and counselling.

Admissions Phoenix is an educational provider that has extensive dealings with government agencies it is important that administrative personnel who are dealing with the area of admissions are thoroughly conversant with their responsibilities and duties under the ESOS, ESPRA and Immigration Acts. Staff attend regular government briefings conducted by DIAC and DEST and are knowledgeable on the many visa programs. Procedures to do with student visas, working holiday visas and visitors visa issuance are all understood and carried out. The various gazetted status of our market countries and systems such as PVA are understood.

Appeals Process The Phoenix grievance procedure allows for mediation and if that fails a grievance procedure incorporates the services of WAPETIA and the State Ombudsman. The Phoenix grievance procedure is available through the Phoenix website at

Student Welfare and Guidance Services Confidential academic and pastoral counselling is available to all students at all times. They can seek private interviews through completing an interview form and then meet with a wide range of Phoenix staff including the Student Services Manager, the Registrar, the Director Academic and the Executive Director Academic. On commencement all students undergo a full day Orientation Program where they are introduced to the services of the Academy. A comprehensive Student Handbook is available to all students through our wide range of worldwide agents and through the Phoenix Website and is located at Phoenix employs one full time Home Stay Manager and a Home Stay Officer (0.7%) who arrange accommodation with caring Australian families for our students and also advise and actively monitor student accommodation needs. Underage students are also provided with local carers. The home stay program is stringently monitored and Phoenix has been regarded as a benchmark for best practice in WA. © Phoenix Academy 2010

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STRATEGIC PLAN 2010‐2012 Care of Underage Students Phoenix has been caring for the needs of underage students for 22 years. Phoenix staff takes this responsibility very seriously. The Underage Student Management Policy is available on the Phoenix website at Phoenix offers a 24 hour a day seven day a week airport greeting service where the students are met by a Phoenix employee, welcomed and driven to their new home stay family where they are introduced and helped to settle in. Home stay families are required to offer a range of services and facilities to the students including teaching them about the usage of local transport, and other settling in details such as local shopping.

Recreation Program Phoenix has an Adventure Centre on campus which offers clients a free booking service for activities such as car hire, bus and train reservations, reservations for accommodation around Australia, after school and weekend sightseeing activities, diving courses etc. A copy of the Phoenix Recreation Program is available on the Phoenix website at

Issuance of Qualifications and Statements of Attainment Final reports and certificates of attainment are issued on graduation. These reports utilise the CEFR Scales. Many universities, TAFES, Vocational Colleges and secondary schools in Australia recognise Phoenix Academy reports and do not require any further language assessment to be undertaken.

Articulation Agreements As Phoenix is a gateway provider and is preparing hundreds of students each year for entry into the secondary, vocational and higher education pathways we are very familiar with the AQF system and the articulated pathways that exist. We are familiar with all the overseas academic qualifications and we are able to advise accepting institutions on the academic standing of our clients and the pathway or AQF level they are eligible to enter. Phoenix has formal written recognitions in place for its Year 11/12 program, English for Academic English (EAP) program, Diploma of Business and Vocational Graduate Diploma of TESOL. Current formal articulations are in place for TAFE (WA). Curtin University, Murdoch University, Edith Cowan University, Monash University, La Trobe University and Bond University. **********************************************************************************************************

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