Version 8 April 2011
Complaints and Appeals
Complaints Any complaint will be treated seriously, investigated thoroughly and dealt with according to the merit of the complaint. Your formal written complaint will be reviewed within 10 working days of lodgment. You will be provided with a written statement of the outcome, including details and reasons for the decision. The Academy will take all reasonable measures to finalise the review process and implement any decision and/or corrective or preventative action required. Please note that there will be no change to your enrolment status during the review process.
Internal Appeal If you want to appeal the outcome of your complaint or you have been advised that you may wish to submit an appeal on another matter, you may appeal in writing to the Principal. Please note that you must submit an appeal within 20 working days of receiving the outcome of your complaint or upon receiving notice of intention to report for unsatisfactory attendance / course progress. Your appeal will be reviewed as per the above complaint process.
External Appeal If you wish to lodge an external appeal or complaint, you can contact the Overseas Students Ombudsman. The Overseas Students Ombudsman offers a free and independent service for overseas students who have a complaint or want to lodge an external appeal about a decision made by their private education or training provider. See the Overseas Students Ombudsman website or phone 1300 362 072 for more information. Alternatively you may choose to access the Department of Education Services (DES) mediation/conciliation service. The DES Conciliator will at your request, attempt to resolve your dispute with the Academy. There is no cost to you if you choose to access this service. DES Mediation/Conciliation Service: Ms Ann Duncan Tel: 9441 1950; Email: Your enrolment will be maintained throughout an initial external appeals process only. The outcome of that appeal will determine the continuance, suspension or cancellation of your enrolment and reporting to immigration.
H:\Admin Groups\Marketing\Website\College Policies\Complaints Appeals Notice V8 April 2011.doc