Online CELTA Flier

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Cambridge CELTA Online Course The new Cambridge CELTA Online Course is an excellent alternative to a face‐to‐face course if you require a more extended program time or are not able to attend a face‐to‐face course due to location or other restrictions. With the online course you can access the materials at a time which suits you best, thus allowing you the flexibility to plan your CELTA work around your other professional and personal commitments. The course leads to the same CELTA qualification as the face‐to‐face course and all CELTA courses are assessed and moderated according to the same criteria.

Course Features:  The course aims to achieve the same objectives as face‐to‐face courses ‐ that being the development of effective, principled teaching practice.  The course is blended with both online and face‐to‐face elements.  Teaching Practice (TP) is face‐to‐face and the interactive online materials have a strong practical emphasis.  Candidates are provided with online interactive tasks, guided video observation and forum discussion.  For each course there is an Online Course Tutor (OCT) and Teaching Practice Tutor(s) (TPT).  All Teaching Practice takes place face‐to‐face at the Academy over an intensive 2 week period (weeks 17 & 18 of the course) Course Duration: 24 weeks (4‐5 hours per week online) Course Dates: 23 April – 5th October 2012 Course Fees: $2900

Course Requirements: As a guide you should plan for a time commitment of 80 – 120 hours over the length of the course. This time is divided between lesson preparation, assignment completion and additional reading. More detail on the individual components of the course are detailed below: Online Units: You will be required to complete 31 units in the course. You should expect to spend on average 2 hours to complete each. Assignments: There are 4 assignments of 750 – 1000 words each, timetabled throughout the course. Online Delivery Schedule: Week Online Activity Units 1 Orientation to live room  The Learner First Forum  Helping Students to Understand Texts: Reading 2 Forum  Dealing with Language  Classroom Management 3 Forum + live room  Using the Course book 1  Lesson Planning 1 4 Forum  More about the Learner 5 Forum  Checking Understanding 6 Forum + live room  Anticipating Problems  Using the course book 2: Language Focus 7 Forum  Helping Students to Understand Texts: H:\Admin Groups\Teacher Training\CELTA\Online CELTA\Online CELTA Course Flier v3.doc

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Forum Forum Forum + live room Forum Forum + live room Forum Forum + live room Forum Forum + live room



Teaching Practice at Phoenix Academy Teaching Practice at Phoenix Academy Forum

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Forum Forum Forum Forum + live room Forum


         

Listening Lexis Practice Activities Correction and Reformulation Pronunciation 1 Grammar Speaking Lesson Planning 2 Writing Reading and Recycling Language Authentic Materials

       

Discourse Beyond the Course book Pronunciation 2 Language Review Literacy and Varieties of English Testing and Exams Learner Training Electives: o Younger Learners o ESP o Different Contexts  Beyond CELTA

Teaching Practice (TP) Schedule (13th‐24th August 2012) You will be required to attend the Academy for the Teaching Practice component of the course. During the TP program you will teach English language students for 6 hours, spread out over 8 lessons in the 12 days scheduled for TP in weeks 17 & 18 of the course. You will also observe the lessons taught by others in their TP group and take part in lesson preparation and feedback. Week1 Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 12.00 Online tutor Online tutor – 1.00 Stage 1 Stage 1 1.00 – Teaching Teaching Teaching Teaching Teaching Teaching 2.00 Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Preparation Preparation Preparation Preparation Preparation Preparation 2.00 – Teaching Teaching Teaching Teaching Teaching Teaching 5.00 Observation Observation Observation Observation Observation Observation 5.00 – Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 6.00 Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback H:\Admin Groups\Teacher Training\CELTA\Online CELTA\Online CELTA Course Flier v3.doc

Week 2 Time




Thursday Online tutor Stage 3 (as required) Teaching Practice Preparation Teaching Observation Lesson Feedback

10.00 – 1.00

Online tutor Stage 2

Online tutor Stage 2

1.00 – 2.00

Teaching Practice Preparation

Teaching Practice Preparation

Teaching Practice Preparation

2.00 – 5.00

Teaching Observation

Teaching Observation

Teaching Observation

5.00 – 6.00

Lesson Feedback

Lesson Feedback

Lesson Feedback



Teaching Practice Preparation

Teaching Practice Preparation

Teaching Observation

Teaching Observation

Lesson Feedback

Lesson Feedback

Frequently Asked Questions: 1. What is the application & selection process? The completed application form together with your application fee should be submitted a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the course commencement date to: The Registrar Phoenix Academy PO Box 256, Leederville 6903 Western Australia 1. A non‐refundable application fee of $200 must accompany your application. An interview will not be conducted without this part of the fee. Interviews (face to face or skype) will take place shortly after your application has been received. You will be notified of acceptance into your intended course in writing no later than one week after your interview. 2. The remainder of fees must be paid no later than Monday 14 days prior to course commencement to confirm or your place will be automatically cancelled. SELECTION PROCESS Candidates must:  have reached a standard of education equivalent to university entrance level  be 20 years of age or be currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree programme  be competent in written and spoken English in order to follow the course successfully  complete a written application and pre‐interview task  attend an interview – this could be a skype interview for those applicants who are not locally based. Note: Acceptance is not automatic. In the case of an unsuccessful application, Phoenix cannot enter into correspondence or discussion concerning the reasons for a place on the course not having been offered. This rigorous selection process is undertaken in the interest of candidates and to ensure a high level of success on the course. Successful applicants will be given a comprehensive pre‐course learning task to be completed prior to the course commencement. H:\Admin Groups\Teacher Training\CELTA\Online CELTA\Online CELTA Course Flier v3.doc

2. If I am not local where can I stay during my Teaching Practice in Weeks 17 & 18? Phoenix Academy has its own On‐Campus Student Residence – Beatty Lodge. This is a convenient and cost effective accommodation option for you if you are from out of Perth. The lodge offers:  Single, twin, triple and dorm rooms  Clean, modern self‐catering facilities  A friendly, welcoming staff  Onsite recreation facilities including: swimming pool, BBQ, pool table, Foxtel & DVD players  Email and internet access 24 hours/day. More information on Beatty Lodge can be found at 3. What if I want to cancel or withdraw from my course?  Any refund will be made for withdrawals received in writing between 5 and 9 working days prior to course commencement is at the discretion of the Academy.  No refund can be made for withdrawals received less than 5 working days prior to course commencement. Full Refund You are entitled to a full refund of fees and charges (less the application fee) where:  You are not accepted into the course  You decline the offer of a place on the course in writing a minimum of 10 working days after receipt of offer letter.  Your written advice of withdrawal or transfer is received a minimum of 10 working days prior to course commencement.  A course/qualification or unit is cancelled or re‐scheduled to a time unsuitable to you;  You are not given a place due to maximum number of places being reached  You accept an offer of a place in a university. In this situation, you must provide a copy of the letter of offer with you refund application.  If class is cancelled due to lack of applicant numbers, no available tutor, or due to other circumstances caused by the Academy Pro Rata Refund A pro rata refund of fees and charges may be approved if an applicant withdraws for reasons of personal circumstances beyond their control. In all cases, relevant documentary evidence (for example, medical certificate) is required. For more information on this course please contact: The Registrar Tel. +61 92275538 Email:

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