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Pablo likes deep seas

SOLID COLORS WATER MIXABLE SILKY OIL PASTEL Ground to very fine consistency, vivid color, silky stroke. Length of the oil pastel can be adjusted by rotating the end of the pen. It can also be dyed with water to create the clear and fresh effect like watercolor. Safe and non-toxic.








BSOP6835 Plastic case + 1 brush

BSOP6842 Plastic case + 1 brush

FR Pastel a l'huile, soyeux, qui peut se mélanger avec de l'eau - ES Pastel al óleo, sedoso, mezclable con agua - IT Pastello ad olio, vellutato, miscelabile con acqua - PT Pastel de oleo, sedoso, misturavel con água - DE Ölpastellkreide, seidig, wasserlöslich NL Zijdezacht, in water oplosbaar oliepastel - PL Pastele olejne, jedwabiste, rozpuszczalne w wodzie - RU Масляные пастельные карандаши, которые смешиваются с водой

WATER MIXABLE SOLID OIL PAINT STICKS Refined linseed oil blended with a quality pigment and solidified into a convenient stick form for various tools. It can be mixed and blended with oil mediums and water. Ideal for sketching and outlining. Remove the self-sealing protective film on the stick by peeling it away or rubbing it off gently before use. Safe and Non-Toxic. FR Peinture à l'huile, dans un format solide, qui peut se mélanger avec de l'eau - ES Pintura al óleo, en formato sólido, mezclable con agua - IT Pittura ad olio, in formato solido, miscelabile con acqua - PT Pintura óleo, em formato solido, misturavel com água - DE Ölfarbe in fester form, wasserlöslich - NL Olieverf in solide vorm, in water oplosbaar oliepastel - PL Farby olejne, w formie stałej, rozpuszczalne w wodzie - RU Твердые масляные краски, которые смешиваются с водой Φ19.8x mm x 124mm




SETS COLORS WATER MIXABLE OIL PAINT Appears and works just like conventional oil paint. Special ability to thin and clean up with water. Hazardous solvents are not necessary and children can enjoy a safer painting environment. They are with high light fastness and can be kept well for long periods. Safe and non-toxic.

12 colours

18 colours

BO5913 20ml.

BO5920 20ml.

FR Peinture à l'huile, qui peut se mélager avec de l'eau - ES Pintura al óleo, mezclable al agua - IT Pittura ad olio, miscelabile con acqua - PT pintura óleo, misturavel com água - DE Wasserlösliche ölfarbe - NL Olieverf, vermengbaar met water - PL Farby olejne rozpuszczalne w wodzie - RU Масляные краски, которые смешиваются с водой


A range of top quality ingredients gives an exceptional quality product, drying to a bright, satin, non-soluble finish. The smooth formulation gives a strong and even coverage. These acrylic colors can be easily mixed with water. They are suitable for all kinds of painting surfaces. Safe and non-toxic. FR Peinture acrylique - ES Pintura acrílica - IT Pittura acrilica - PT Pintura acrílica DE Acrylfarbe - NL Acrylverf - PL Farby akrylowe - RU Акриловые краски






BA3827 20ml.

BA3834 20ml.

The 12 unique eye-catching vibrant colors, with a rich consistency and excellent coverage, dry to a matt finish. Use with brushes, rollers, sponges and more tools for classroom, home art and craft project for kids. Can be washed-off easily from skin, fabric and surfaces with soap and water. Safe and non-toxic.





BP5715 20ml.

BP5722 20ml.

FR Temperas - ES Témperas - IT Colori a tempera - PT Temperas DE Temperas - NL Tempera - PL Tempery - RU Темпера

WATERCOLOR PAINT Watercolor. Ground to very fine consistency, from the best available pigments and gums. Highly soluble and drying to a delicate transparency. All colors are completely lightfast. An ideal range for children and students. Safe and non-toxic. FR Peinture d'aquarelle - ES Pintura de acuarela - IT Pittura ad acquarello - PT Pintura de aguarela DE Aquarellfarben - NL Aquarelverf - PL Farby akwarelowe - RU Акварельные краски





BW6064 15ml.

BW6071 15ml.

WATERCOLOR WATERCOLOR TABLET Each set includes 12 vibrant watercolor tablet with one brush and a tube of white color. Individual colors are easily snapped in and out of the trays. Fold-out lid can be used as mixing tray. Great for children and students. Safe and non-toxic. FR Aquarelles au format solide - ES Acuarelas en formato sólido - IT Acquarelli in formato solido - PT Aguarelas em formato solido - DE Aquarellfarben in fester form - NL Aquarelverf in solide vorm - PL Akwarele w formie stałej - RU Твердые акварельные краски Φ30x4mm + 1 plastic case + 1 brush + 1 tube of white colors







WATERCOLOR TABLET FR Aquarelles au format solide ES Acuarelas en formato sólido IT Acquarelli in formato solido PT Aguarelas em formato solido DE Aquarellfarben in fester form NL Aquarelverf in solide vorm PL Akwarelew formie stałej RU Твердые акварельные краски Φ28x4mm + 1 plastic case + 1 brush



WATERCOLOR TABLET FR Aquarelles au format solide ES Acuarelas en formato sólido IT Acquarelli in formato solido PT Aguarelas em formato solido DE Aquarellfarben in fester form NL Aquarelverf in solide vorm PL Akwarele w formie stałej RU Твердые акварельные краски Φ30x4mm + support palette plastic + 1 brush






MY COLOR PENCILS-ROUND Natural round shaped grip, pre-sharpened points perfect for color mixing and blending. Bright water soluble color creates excellent watercolor effects. The durable tube protects the pencils from damage. Safe and non-toxic. FR Mes crayons de couleur en format rond - ES Mis lápices de color en formato redondo IT Le mie matite di colore, formato rotondo - PT Os meus lápiz de cor, formato redondo - DE Meine buntstifte, rundes format - NL Mijn kleurpotloden, ronde vorm PL Moje kolorowe kredki, okrągłe - RU Цветные карандаши круглой формы







Φ0.7 x 17.78cm







MY COLOR PENCILS-TRIANGULAR Triangular shaped for comfortable grip, pre-sharpened points perfect for color mixing and blending. Bright water soluble color creates excellent watercolor effects. The durable tube protects the pencils from damage. Safe and non-toxic. FR Mes crayons de couleur en format triangulaire - ES Mis lápices de color en formato triangular IT Le mie matite di colore, formato triangolare - PT Os meus lápiz de cor, formato triangular DE meine buntstifte, dreieckiges format - NL Mijn kleurpotloden, driehoekige vorm PL Moje kolorowe kredki, trójkątne - RU Цветные карандаши треугольной формы Side Length 0.7 x 17.78cm

PAPER / FINGER DOODLE PAD Suitable for finger paint, gouache color, watercolor, acrylic. Safe and non-toxic. FR Bloc à dessin - ES Bloc de dibujo - IT Block da disegno - PT Bloco de desenho DE Zeichenblock - NL Tekenblok - PL Blok rysunkowy - RU Альбом для рисования 36 sheets, 160g/m2







WASHABLE FINGER PAINT KIT Designed to enhance early childhood development by allowing kids to explore artist techniques, tools, and materials as they create. Safe and non-toxic. FR Kit de peinture de doigts, lavable avec de l'eau - ES Kit de pintura de dedos, lavable con agua IT kit di pittura per le dita, lavabile con acqua - PT Kit de pintura de dedos, lavável com água - DE Set wasserlösliche fingerfarben - NL Vingerverfset, met water uitwasbaar - PL Zestaw farb do malowania palcami, zmywalne wodą - RU Набор красок для рисования пальцами. Смываются водой

20 ml. BF3001

6 colors, + 2 pcs pictures + 6 pcs white paperboards + 4 pcs shaped foams

50 ml. BF3018

6 colors + 3 pcs pictures + 3 pcs white paperboards + 2 brushes + 4 pcs foams + 2 pcs shaped foams + 1 pcs palette

ULTRA LIGHT MODELING CLAY ULTRA-LIGHT MODELING CLAY Perfect for your child to create a variety of dinosaur figures. A beautiful illustrated step-by-step instruction and sculpting tools are included allowing your kids to follow and create their loved ones by themselves. Safe and non-toxic. FR Pâte à modeler - ES Plastelina para moldear - IT Plastilina per la modellazione - PT Molde de plástico - DE Knetmasse - NL Boetseerplasticine - PL Miękka plastelina - RU Пластилин для лепки BSCA01: 6 clays x 20grs. + 3 tools + 1 instruction

COMPLEMENTS DISPOSABLE PALETTE Smooth coated surface suitable for paints and solvents. The disposable sheets eliminate messy cleanup and a thumb hole for easy handling. Safe and non-toxic. FR Palette jetable - ES Paleta desechable - IT Tavolozza monouso - PT Paleta disponível DE Einweg-palette - NL Wegwerp-schilderspalet - PL Jednorazowa paleta - RU Одноразовая палитра BAP6576: 254x305mm, 40 sheets, 60g/m2

PLASTIC PALETTE FR Palette plastique - ES Paleta plastico - IT Palette plastica - PT Paleta plástica - DE Kunststoffpalette NL Plastic mengschaal - PL Paleta plastikowa - RU Пластиковая палита BP2530. 17x23cm

BRUSH WASHER Plastic brush washer specially for children FR Lave-pinceaux - ES Lavapinceles - IT Lava pennelli - PT Lava pincéis - DE Pinselreiniger NL Penseelreinger - PL Pojemnik do czyszczenia pędzli - RU Емкость для мытья кисточек BPBW2295

KIDS APRON Material: Environmental PU and Polyester cotton 35% FR Tablier pour enfants - ES Delantal para niños - IT Grembiule per bambini - PT Avental para crianças DE Schürze für kinder - NL Schort voor kinderen - PL Fartuszek dla dzieci - RU Фартук для детей BAK6224. 44.5x48cm



Respects Nature

Ideal for gift

Easy Clean

No High Quality Powers Toxic Pigments Mind

Frida loves big flowers

Little big genius

PAE. PHOENIX ARTS EUROPE Pol. Ind. La Canaleta - C. Mas d’en Colom, 19. 1º.1ª. Ipsum Building - 25300 Tàrrega (Spain) Email. - Web.


Sin disolventes Solvent free

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