Se s s i on2
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
Session 2 will commence no earlier than 1:00pm
ex 4611
ex 4615
ex 4612 ex 4614
AUSTRALIA | Collections & Miscellaneous Groupings 4611 **/*/U 1913-65 Definitive Issues fairly comprehensive with some duplication on leaves with KGV era some mixed condition used majority cds, then mostly MUH/MLH thereafter and a few Postage Due low values. Roos comprise 1st wmk to 2/-, 2nd wmk 6d x2 and 1/- x2, 3rd wmk to both 2/-, SM wmk 6d to 1/-, CofA wmk 9d, 2/- and 5/-, smattering perf small ‘OS’ various wmks. KGV from 1d engraved x2 with all values and wmks incl all 1/4d, shades and some marked varieties (eg 1d Die II), ‘OS’ opts and perfins, KGVI and QEII periods with MUH/MLH blocks incl imprints, odd booklet pane and coil pair, helecon varieties. Most value in the Roos and KGV, inspection recommended. (100s) 4612 */U 1913-2010 Mostly Used Collection on leaves including Kangaroos 1st watermark to 2/- x2, 2nd wmk values to 5/-, 3rd wmk to 5/- x2 plus £1 brown & blue, SM Wmk to 2/- plus 10/-, CofA Wmk to 10/- plus £2, KGV issues complete all perfs and wmks to 1/4d including Single Wmk 1/4d block of 4, various 1d red shades, 4½d Die II CTO, 6d Kooka CTO, 1927-40 commemoratives with 5/- Bridge, some duplication of sets, KGVI with Robes and Arms (x3 sets), Navigators to 10/-, decimals, etc, variable condition but mostly fine. 4613 */** 1913-2012 Three Boxed Davo Albums with pages to 2012 and issues to 2010, next to no £sd issues, some decimals from 1970 and many issues from 1976 incl 1993 Women in Parliament pane 25, 1994 Zoo M/S ‘Melb Stamp Show’ opt, Kangaroo/ Koala M/S ‘Korea’ opt, 1997 $10 M/S, Dolls & Bears M/S optd Brisbane Stamp & Coin Expo, 2006 Commonwealth Games sheetlets, 2008 Olympics, 2010 Railways M/S with 57th Annual VPC Conference opt, many se-tenant pairs, strips, blocks, gutter pairs, peel & sticks, etc, some Internationals. Most issues are unmounted, also most AAT issues 1979 to 2005, Face Value $1,580+ (100s) 4614 **/*/U Selection comprising [1] 6d Engraved Kooka CTO with gum; [2] Second Wmk section of gummed paper, the width of two stamps, MUH; [3] Roos Third Wmk 6d grey-blue BW #19E marginal example with large-part ‘RECORDS/30JUN21/ MELBOURNE oval datestamp, gum largely retained; [4] 1964-66 £1 Navigators cream paper & white paper blocks of 4 commercially used; also [5] NWPI 1915 Third Wmk 2½d SG #74 horizontal pair, excellent centing used; fine condition. (6 items) 4615 */U/W Stockbook Array of Officials mostly used with Roos First Wmk perf Large ‘OS’ 4d x2, 6d (unused) & 2/- (small tear), Small ‘OS’ 5d, 6d x2, 9d, 1/- x2 & 2/- & perf ‘OS/NSW’ 4d x5, Second Wmk 2/- x4 (perf blemishes), Third Wmk 6d blue x3 & 2/- & perf ‘OS/NSW’ 6d Inverted perfin & 1/- Die IIB (mint), KGV perf ‘OS’ Single Wmk 1d red shades x35, 4d orange x4, 4d blue x2, Mult Wmk range to 5d, Optd ‘OS’ CofA ½d corner block of 8 CTO, a few varieties sighted, condition variable but generally fine. (100s)
AUSTRALIA | State/Roo Combination Covers NSW 1913 (Sep 12) use of 1d Roo on NSW 3d Registration Envelope, cancelled with framed ‘ULLADULLA/SP12/1913/N.S.W.’ 4616 * (A1-) with rare red & black registration label. Rare Commonwealth-State combination. [A very similar item realised $800 in Phoenix Auction #10.] NSW 1913 (Aug 3) use of Kangaroo 1d Original Die Letter Card ‘Queens Gardens Perth, W.A.’ BW #LC14 (108F, framed 4617 * rectangle illustration) in deep grey-green to Hungary uprated with NSW ½d tied by Broken Hill datestamp, ‘T/20CTS’-in-circle tax marking, weak Verbo backstamp, minor edge blemishes. 4618 * NSW 1913 (Jul 11) PPC (heavy crease, edge blemishes) to USA with ½d Roo & NSW ½d tied to view side by Tighe’s Hill datestamp, with another fine cds on message side, underpaid ½d but not taxed.
Bids can be made online at anytime. Otherwise you can email, fax, post or call us.
$450 $240 $120
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
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4619 4619
NSW (Apr 4) to Canal Zone with NSW ½d plus 2d Roo tied by St Peters datestamp, Empire (CZ) arrival datestamp on face, redirected to USA. Queensland 1913 (Feb 6) combination cover to New York franked 1d Roo Die I Plate C horiz pair incl White scratch from ‘L’ in ‘AUSTRALlA’ near coast [L37] BW #2(C)f and L38 (Gulf of Carpenteria flaw, not apparent) alongside Queensland ½d green BW #Q4. Queensland & Roo combo covers are scarce. Queensland 1920 apparently commercial cover to USA with Qld ½d & 1d plus KGV 1½d tied by Beaudesert datestamp, small blemishes.
South Australia: Domestic Parcel Rate 1913 (Jun 23) use of South Australia rare black/pink ‘INTER-STATE PARCEL POST label adhered to fragment of parcel-wrapping with Kangaroos 4d orange pair and 1/- brown Thick POSTAGE pair & single tied by ‘MT/GAMBIER/STH AUSTRALIA’ datestamp. Extremely rare combination franking. [The 3/8d rate paid for an interstate parcel weighing between 6 & 7 lbs]
Tasmania 1914 (Aug 27) 3d engraved Pictorial and ½d roo pair on registered cover from Adelaide, red S.1A label, to Perth. Rare and attractive. Victoria 1913 (Mar 31) overpaid commercial cover to USA with 1d Roo & Victoria 3d orange-brown tied by Melbourne machine cancel, peripheral blemishes. Western Australia 1913 (Dec 19) use of 3d Brown Registration Envelope with small boxed ‘REGISTERED’ to Canada with 1d Roo Die II pair plus WA ½d all tied by Esperance cds, red registration label, Sydney, Vancouver & Calgary backstamps, some tonespots & small tear. Rare. Ex Ron Butler.
$120 $220 $100
$400 $220 $1,300
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
ex 4628
ex 4626
ex 4627
ex 4630
ex 4631
ex 4629
ex 4632
AUSTRALIA | Kangaroo & Map Issues | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 4626 2/- Browns & Maroons in mixed fair only to fine condition on six hagners (prob about 50:50 cds and other cancels) with one 1st wmk parcel cancel, 3rd wmk browns x33 incl perf ‘OS’ x3, 3rd wmk maroons x15 with perf ‘OS’ x11, SM wmk x49 incl perf ‘OS’ x2; CofA wmk includes one strip of 3 and over 20 pairs with Die II x202 and redrawn Die x15. Newly listed varieties may be lurking here. Terrific value (retail as fine well over $5,000), bargain at under 10%. (315) 4627 U 6d Chestnut Official in postally used blocks of 4 with [1] 3rd Wmk deep shade Perf ‘OS’ prob BW #21Cba, NSW cds; [2] SM Wmk pale shade Perf ‘OS’ prob BW #22Bb, commercial cancel; [3] SM Wmk deeper shade with ‘OS’ opt BW #22(OS)A, Sydney registered cds. Unusual offering, min cat $440. (3 blks) 4628 * 9d Violet one of each wmk ex 2nd and each a bit off centre, 3rd wmk is Die IIB horiz pair; small imperfections, very fresh BW #24, 27-29 with current retail $480. (5) 4629 U Perf ‘OS’ all wmks collection in mixed fair only to fine condition with lower value duplication and odd variety - [1] 1st wmk large ‘OS’ x20 1d to 2/- incl 4d orange x3 and 5d x2, small ‘OS’ x21 ½d to 2/- (x2); [2] 2nd wmk 2d x2, 6d; [3] 3rd wmk x60+ with various dies and more duplication to 2/- brown x4, 2/-maroon x2 and 5/- x2; [4] SM wmk x11 to 5/- right marginal. Monster catalogue well into four figures, condition means inspection a must. (115+) 4630 U Perf ‘OS’ Array with First Wmk large ‘OS’ ½d, 1d Die I strip of 5 plus singles x2, 1d Die II, 2d, 6d x3; small ‘OS’ ½d block of 6, & 1d, perf ‘OS/NSW’ 4d orange (faded) pair; also Third Wmk 6d blue Die II & 1/- Die IIB CTO; condition variable but mostly fine. (14 items) 4631 */W Selected Issues mostly fresh well-centred and lightly hinged ex noted with [1] 1st Wmk ½d, 1d Die I, 2½d MNG, 3d (perf large ‘OS’) MNG; [2] 3rd Wmk 2d Die I, 2½d, 3d Die I (perf ‘OS), 6d chestnut, 2/- maroon; [3] SM Wmk 6d, 9d and 1/-; [4] CofA Wmk 6d, 6d opt ‘OS, 2/- redrawn. Nice lot, retail c$700 (excludes those without gum). (15) 4632 U Watermark Inverted Selection in mixed fairly roughly cancelled condition with [1] First Wmk ½d, 1d Die II, 2d, 3d Die I, 1/commercially cancelled (cat $500); [2] Third Wmk 2d Die I, 6d ultra Die II, 9d Die II. Local retail c$750, excluding 1/- which is POR most lists. (8)
ex 4633
ex 4634
$260 $125 $90
$250 $150 $225 $160
ex 4635
AUSTRALIA | Kangaroo & Map Issues | Stamps on Cover 4633 * with [1] 1914 PPC to France underpaid with ½d Roo x2 taxed with French 10c Due added; [2] 1914 censored to USA with ½d & KGV 1d x2, the ½d & one of 1ds with International Harvester Co perfins; [3] 1915 censored to Switzerland with First Wmk 2½d; [4] 1915 censored to USA with ½d Roo & KGV 1d pair; [5] 1916 Ingersoll-Rand censored to USA with Third Wmk 2d & KGV ½d; [6] 1919 with Third Wmk 3d Die I and 1921 Third Wmk 3d Die I, both paying foreign letter rate plus ½d War Tax; some blemishes, generally fine condition. (7) comprising [1] 1914 Melbourne OHMS ‘NOTIFICATION OF A CASE OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE’ with 1d Die II; [2] 1915 4634 * wrapper fragment with ½d pair addressed to British Columbia; [3] 1921 cover to USA with Third Wmk 3d Die II tied by Melbourne machine cancel; [4] 1940 CofA 9d (corner defect) paying concessional rate from Egypt to Adelaide; [5] 1943 with CofA 2/- & QM 1d paying 2/1d rate for surface mail Australia-USA then airmail to UK; condition variable. (5) AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - First Watermark | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 4635 U 1d Roos in home-crafted album with annotated varieties for all dies including Die IIA Large white spot on kangaroo’s back x3, White scratch through words of value x2, also shades, dated examples & possible NSW postmark interest including Bulahdelah, Burrell Creek, Glen William, Gurley Siding, Limeburner’s Creek x2, Lostock, South Singleton, toning issues in places. Worthy of close inspection. (100s)
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
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ex 4636
ex 4637
4636 U
½d to 1/- Selection comprising ½d x7 incl ROSTAGE [2L12] BW #1(2)e; 1d Die I x3 incl ROSTAGE [B/L1] BW #2(B)d, 1d Die II x8 shades incl Large white flaw left of ‘P’ of ‘POSTAGE’ [E/L35] and Diagonal white scratch off coast at Adelaide [F/R1] BW #3(E)f & #3(F)H, 1d Die IIA x6; 2d x2, 3d Die I x3, 1/- blue-green x3 incl marginal with Watermark inverted BW #30a cat $500 (way too high). Some commercial cancels but majority cds. There may be more varieties, mainly fine. (33) 4637 U ½d to 1/- Selection cds ex noted with ½d x2, 1d Die II, 1d Die IIA, 2d, 2½d pair (slogan cancel), 3d Die I clearly different shades, 4d orange shades, 5d, 6d pair; plus single 9d and 1/- with White flaws in Gulf of Carpentaria [2R2] BW #30(2)l cat $150. Mainly fine, cat $700+ (20) AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - First Watermark 4638 * ½d Green solo usage tied by Melbourne machine cancel to 1913 (Nov 6) Robur Tea advertising card addressed to Perth with printed message on reverse promoting Robur calenders, some minor soiling, previously sold for $460 in a 2010 Melbourne auction. Most attractive.
$175 $275
4643 4639 4639 ** 4640
4641 ** 4642 G 4643 **
1d Red Die I Plate B Coil Strip of 10 with Coil Join between 8th & 9th units, the unit with ROSTAGE flaw [L1], characteristic trimmed perfs at right, units 8 & 9 with black ink transfer on surface, otherwise fresh MUH. 1d Roo [1] Die I perf ‘T’, 1913 (Nov 4) use on OHMS Department of Agriculture and Stock cover; [2] Die IIA, 1915 (Jun 3) use on AMP cover. 1d Red Die I with Wmk inverted perf large ‘OS’, BW #2a, ba, couple of gum creases, fresh well-centred MUH, Cat $225+. 1d Red Die II with Watermark sideways - crown pointing to left, BW #3ab, nibbed corner perf in lower-left corner, Cat $500. 1d Red Die II Perf Large ‘OS’ BW #3(E)ba No Monogram left pane corner block of 10 with Large white flaw left of ‘P’ of ‘POSTAGE’ [L55], gum crease through two central units, tonespots on three upper units, excellent centring, MUH, Cat $2,000++.
$120 $65 $100 $150 $650
4644 F 4645 F 4646 *
1d Red Die II with ‘Extra Island’ (two Tasmanias) and Substituted [L25] BW #3(E)d & da, cds cancels, Cat $300. (2) 2d Grey pair Watermark inverted, SG #5a, fine York (WA) ‘24JE15’ datestamp, Cat $120+. 2d Grey perf small ‘OS’ on local 1914 Melbourne cover.
$100 $65 $120
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
4650 4647 4648 4649 4650 4651
F *
* * **
4652 F 4653 F 4654 *
2d Grey with Cut throat kangaroo perf small ‘OS’, only listed for 3rd Wmk so would be, BW #5(U)e. 2½d Indigo BW #9 tied by machine cancel to Felton, Grimwade & Co (Melbourne) small cover per “SS Sonoma” to USA. 2½d Indigo perf large ‘OS’, BW #9ba, MVLH, Cat $450. 3d Olive Die I BW #12, Cat $200. 3d Olive Die I BW #12A. Left marginal (watermark line), very fresh, Cat $450.
$100 $60 $200 $100 $200
3d Olive Die II Perf Large ‘OS’ BW #12bb, small wrinkle, Cat $350. 3d Olive Die II with White flaw over T of THREE [1L55] BW #12B(1)d, Cat $500, centred left, fine Dargo cds of 24SEP15. 4d Orange Perf Small ‘OS’ BW #15bb, Cat $1,000, tied by Registered Perth cds to locally addressed 1914 (Sep 15) registered Official cover, unclaimed and DLO markings. Attractive example of this scarcer puncture.
$150 $150 $350
4655 F 4656 ** 4657 *
4658 * 4659 W
4660 V 4661 V 4662 F 4663 *
4d Orange with White scratch from ‘G’ of ‘POSTAGE’ to Map BW #15(1)h, fine used, Cat $400. 5d Chestnut quite a pale shade, may be BW #16B, very fresh, Cat $550. 5d Chestnut pair BW #16 plus ½d tied by Registered Melbourne cds on 1914 (Apr 20) cover to Bethanien in German South West Africa, red GPO registration label, without backstamps suggesting it may have transited via locked bag, trivial small tear at top. Exotic destination. Previously sold for $1,150 at a 2008 Rarities sale in Melbourne. [The 10½d franking paid triple-rate plus 3d registration. The locked bag service was often utilised for forwarding mail between postal administrations] 5d Chestnut lightly hinged example of BW #16A, strongly inked with several coloured spots upper and lower left frame plus thickening of coastline in places. Very fresh, Cat $225. 5d Chestnut Perf Large ‘OS’ BW #16ba, excellent centring, without gum, Cat $475.
6d Blue with ‘DE[3]/1[3]’ (round 3) CTO cancel, plus ½d green (small fault) with ‘[DE]3/13’ (flat top 3) CTO cancel, BW #17wb,1wb, Cat $130. 6d Greyish-Blue with White flaw in Gulf of Carpentaria, BW #17(1)d, small crease, Cat $200. 6d Blue variety Retouched 2nd ‘E’ of ‘PENCE [1R60] BW #17(1)h, Cat $1,500. 9d Violet with Break in left frame opposite Albany [2L41] Pale shade prob BW #25B(2)m, couple slightly nibbed perfs, well centred, MLH, Cat $950.
$180 $225
$800 $80 $120
$80 $95 $500 $220
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
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4666 4664 4665 4666 4667
1/- Green with Watermark inverted BW #30a, Collingwood ‘DE30/13’ datestamp, Cat $500. Fine example. 1/- Blue-Green variety Watermark inverted BW #30Ca. Light commercial cancel, Cat $500. 1/- Blue-Green variety Watermark inverted BW #30Ca. Neatly struck Jan 8, 1914, s/ring Telegraph Office cds, Cat $500. 1/- Emerald DE3/13 CTO (Watermark inverted), BW #30wa, off centre, nibbed perf, Cat $100. PLUS 1/- Die IIB 3rd wmk with White flaw off Queensland coast #33(4)n, couple of nibbed perfs, Cat $90.
$240 $150 $125 $65
4668 4668
4669 V
2/- Brown BW #35 pair, plus 6d blue & 1d red Die II pair all tied by indistinct datestamp to rare black/red ‘INTER-STATE PARCEL POST’ label. The First Wmk 2/- is extremely rare correctly used on cover (Cat $4,000) so as a pair it is probably a unique franking. [The 4/8d rate paid for an interstate parcel weighing between 8 & 9lbs] £1 Brown & Blue with Broken tailed roo [L4] (#51(V)e, Cat $3,500) additionally with quarter cancel of Melbourne ‘[JY]17/[13]’ CTO datestamp, without gum. The purpose of this CTO is unknown and it is very rare and, in combination with a catalogued flaw, probably unique.
$4,000 $2,500
ex 4670 AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Second Watermark | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 4670 U 2d to 5/- Selection cds ex noted with 2d, 2½d x2 (one heavy commercial cancel), 6d x5 incl two pairs (one pair light commercial cancel), 9d with BSAP-listed Shading breaks between value circle and SA [2L8], one of 1/- x2 shades Break in diagonal of 1/- [2L13] BW #31(2)f, 2/- (perf tone) and 5/- (o/c, faults). Neat lot cat $1,050 (excludes 5/-), good value. (12) AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Second Watermark 4671 * 2½d Indigo BW #10 on 1916 (Aug 7) cover from Sydney to Red Cross Switzerland, endorsed “letter/for Germany/enclosed” at upper-left partly obstructed by ‘OPENED BY CENSOR’ tape in violet, Geneva backstamp. 4672 F 6d Blue BW #18 with unplated Major blue inking flaw off south coast of Victoria, postmark largely clear of flaw. 4673 * 6d Ultramarine BW #18A. Very light hinge traces, very fresh, Cat $400.
Your material could have been here! Contact us to find out how.
$200 $120 $80 $160
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
4674 4675 4676 4677
F * * F
6d Blue Perf ‘OS’ BW #18ba with unplated variety White flaw west of Tasmania, well centred, fine used. 6d Blue Perf ‘OS’ BW #17(C)bc. Small light stain, exceptionally well-centred, retail c$675. 9d Violet BW #25. Lightly hinged, very fresh, Cat $350. 9d Violet with Watermark inverted BW #25a, repaired upper-right corner, Clermont (Qld) datestamp, Cat $5,000.
$90 $225 $130 $480
4678 4679 4680 4681
2/- Light Brown BW #36A, well centred VFU, Cat $350. 2/- Light Brown Perf ‘OS’ BW #36A, fine used, Cat $350. 5/- Deep Grey & Yellow BW #43A, Sydney datestamp, Cat $675. 5/- Deep Grey & Chrome Perf ‘OS’ BW #43Bb. Couple short perfs, firmly struck ‘PARCELS POST/21JA19/BRISBANE’ cds. Well centred example of a difficult stamp, Cat $700.
$160 $140 $200 $125
4682 F
5/- Grey & Yellow with Doubly printed frame plate BW #43c showing a characteristically weak second printing 8mm below the first, rounded corner & other small blemishes, part Grahamstown cds, Cat $9,000. Ceremuga Certificate (2009) states “Extremely rare.” [Only a handful of used examples are recorded, with the two examples in the Royal Collection similarly used in Grahamstown]
ex 4683
ex 4684
ex 4685
AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Third Watermark | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 4683 U 2d to 10/- complete simplified Die I/II (ex 1/-) plus changed colours 6d and 2/- ASC #23-28 and 30-43. Reasonable centring, small imperfections, all cds. 2d and 3d are Die I, 6d dull blue is Die II, 5/- is deep yellow shade, 10/- (very woolly perfs) is aniline. Local retail $750+, good value. (9) 4684 U 2d to 10/- Selection majority cds with Die I 2d on small piece with Melbourne Ship Mail Room cds, 2½d x2 different shades, 3d shades x7; Die II 6d blue shades x3, 2/- brown x4, 5/- x2 (one parcel cancel), 10/- (thinned & rounded SW corner, part PMG’s Dept cds); changed colours 6d x7, 2/- maroon x2 (both parcel cancels), Nice range, retail c$750+ (excludes 10/-). (29) 4685 Die I Varieties comprising Watermark inverted o/c 2d and 3d BW #7a & 12a (cat $285), 2d grey w/c with Shading break under ‘W’ of ‘TWO’ [2R60] BW #7(2)j, 2½d indigo w/c with Heavy coastline WA [2R1] and top marginal watermark line [2R1]. Nice group, cat $465, good value. (4)
$180 $180 $130
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
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ex 4686 4686 U
4687 **/* 4688 *
4689 F
ex 4687
ex 4688
ex 4689
Die IIB Selection comprising 3d olive, 6d blue x5 shades, 9d violet x9 shades incl one with White flaw adjoining left of value circle [3L40] BW #29(3)f, 1/- blue-green x19 incl block of four plus two singles with varieties White flaw on left of ‘S’ of ‘SHILLING’ [4R6] and ‘1’ for ‘I’ in ‘SHILLING [4R38] BW #33(4)j and l. Some commercial cancels but majority cds incl noted varieties (these alone cat $365). There may be more varieties, mainly fine. (34) Perf ‘OS’ Die IIB group very lightly hinged (ex noted) with 9d violet BW #27ba cat $250, 1/- blue-green BW #33ba lower marginal pair with some woolly perfs at top cat $250, 6d chestnut BW #21ba vert pair MLH/MUH cat $150. Good to premium quality centring, very fresh. (5) Perf ‘OS’ selection in mixed fair to fine condition (some with perf and/or gum faults) with [1] Die I 3d olive BW #13b x7 shades incl horiz pair; [2] Die IIB 6d ultra BW #20b x2 cat $250 each but both have faults, 1/- blue-green BW #33ba x4 (two well offcentre), 6d chestnut BW #21ba x2 (both off-centre) plus a SM wmk BW #22b (rounded corner). Very high cat over $1,600, estimate based on fault-free stamps. (16) Selection 2d to both 6d, 2/- brown and 5/-, latter pale yellow shade with ‘POSTE RESTANTE PERTH’ cds. Couple shortish perfs, good colours, generally sound collectable stamps. (7)
$275 $120
$200 $100
part 4691 AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Third Watermark 4690 F 2d Grey Die I Watermark inverted BW #7a, four cds horiz pairs, couple small perf blemishes and one pair slightly aged. Reasonable centring, cds cancels, Cat $480. (8) 4691 * 2½d Blue (pinhole) tied to Western Australia Avis de Reception form (very late usage) by ‘REGISTERED/1DE21/PERTH WA’ oval datestamp, Guildford ‘DE 2/21’ arrival datestamp, accompanied by signed red/white AR receipt duplicate. 3d Olive Die I pair tied to 1919 (Nov 5) registered cover to Java by Doncaster (Vic) cds, red registration label, Tjikadjang transit 4692 * on reverse, Garoet arrival cds on face, minor aging & edge blemishes, Cat $600+ on cover.
4693 ** 4694 * 4695 4696 4697 4698
* ** * **
3d Olive-Green Die I BW #13, well centred MUH, very fresh premium stamp. 3d Olive Die I tied by 1917 (Mar 23) Albany cds to PPC addressed to War Refugee Committee Folkestone. Rare solo franking on postcard. [Overpaid 2d - may have been posted on board a ship with the rate miscalculated.] 3d Yellow-Olive Die II BW #13B pair, fresh MLH, Retail $750. 3d Olive-Green Die I-II block of 4 Die I-I/II-II, BW #13c, Die II units MUH, Cat $1,200+. A lovely block. 3d Olive-Green Die II-I Pair fine well-cented mint, BW 13KLc, Cat $600+. 3d Olive-Green Die II BW #13L, marginal MUH, Cat $1,200.
$100 $120 $240
$60 $110 $350 $500 $300 $400
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
4699 * 4700 U 4701 F 4702 **
4703 **
Page 85
3d Olive Die IIB on 1923 (Nov 21) cover from Melbourne to USA, cancelled with very fine British Empire slogan cancel. 6d Ultramarine Die II Substituted Cliche Die IIA pale shade BW #19A(1)ha. Perf damage at base, Sydney cds, well centred. Popular very scarce variety Cat $3,750. One of Australian philately’s icons. 6d Dull Grey-Blue Die II with Bite out of kangaroo’s left leg - State II, BW #19(2)da, small flaw at top of map, nice clear 1921 West Guildford cds, Cat $2,250. 6d Blue Die IIB single BW #20 with part Harrison two-line imprint, fresh MUH Cat $5,000 (as a pair with the complete imprint).
$1,350 $320
6d Ultramarine Die IIB top right corner block of 4 with Broken leg of kangaroo, BW #20(3)h, gum evenly aged, hinged in margin only, extrapolated Cat for MUH $6,500+. A rare positional block.
$100 $1,000
4704 ** 4705 ** 4706
6d Chestnut Die IIB pair right unit with Broken leg on kangaroo, BW #21(3)d, fresh MUH. 6d Chestnut with Broken leg on kangaroo [3L6] BW #21(3)d. Top selvedge attached (where hinge remains and pencil notation), very fresh, extrapolated catalogue $500+. 1/- Blue-Green Die IIB BW #33 rare solo franking tied by crayon cancel & Hobart datestamp to cover to USA, red registration label, fine condition. [Cover was sent from the Hobart Postmaster and probably contained stamps thus insured at 9d for up to £20 compensation (including registration fee) + 3d letter rate]
$180 $200 $200
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ex 4708 4707 V 4708 U 4709 U 4710 F 4711 F
4712 V 4713 ** 4714 G 4715 F 4716 V
5/- Grey & Yellow CTO BW #44w, excellent centring, without gum, Cat $300. 5/- Grey & Yellow constant varieties, small faults, [1] Cropped ears and long tail [R6]; [2] Two diagonal line across base of tail [R9]; [3] White flaw at top of right hind leg; [4] Black flaw below base of tail [R23]; [5] Missing inner frame line right of last A of ALIA [L39] 5/- Grey & Yellow constant varieties, small faults, [1] Cropped ears and long tail [R6]; [2] Two diagonal line across base of tail [R9]; [3] White flaw at top of right hind leg. 10/- Grey & Pink BW #48A, mild hinge staining, lightly cancelled, Cat $500. 10/- Grey & Deep Aniline Pink BW #48B. Well-centred, strong Sydney registered cds, retail c$475.
10/- Grey & Pink perf ‘OS’ CTO, BW #48wa, rough perfs. 10/- Grey & Pale Aniline Pink overprinted ‘SPECIMEN’ Type B with Shading flaws in Bight [R49], rounded upper-left corner, MUH, Cat $600 (mounted). £1 Olive-Brown & Pale Blue BW #52 (retail $3,250), centred low. Rare shade. £1 Olive-Brown & Pale Blue BW #52E, well centred, cds cancel & small crayon line, Cat $3,750. £1 Grey CTO BW #53w, Cat $750.
ex 4719
$130 $200 $120 $100 $120
$80 $200 $1,250 $1,250 $240
ex 4702
4717 * £1 Grey optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type C, BW #53xb, fine mint, Cat $375. 4718 ** £2 Purple-Black & Rose optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type C, BW #56Cxb, MUH with fluffy perfs, Cat $750. AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Small Multiple Watermark | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 4719 U 6d to 5/- Selection cds ex noted, with 6d x5, 9d x2 (one damaged), 1/- x5, 2/- x5 (two cds), 5/- x3 incl perf ‘OS’ CTO x2 (one og rounded corner, one MNG). High catalogue over $800 (excluding one 9d and one 5/- ‘OS’), inspection recommended. (18) AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Small Multiple Watermark 4720 */V 6d Chestnut , 6d ‘OS’ with Damaged lower left corner not recorded for this wmk would be #22(OS)(U)g, both MLH; Plus CofA 6d normal & ‘OS’ both CTO. (4) 4721 **/* 6d Chestnut part imprint block of 6 with perf ‘OS’, BW #22b, Cat $280, 2 units at top creased.
$95 $300 $180 $120 $90
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
4722 ** 4723 */V 4724 *
4725 *
9d Pale Violet block of 4 [4R50-51,56-57], gum slightly aged, top units gum faults, lower units MUH, nice looking block. 9d Violet MLH, plus perf ‘OS’ CTO, BW #28,28wb. 9d Pale Violet BW #28B plus KGV 1½d tied by Redcliffe (Qld) cds in violet to 1930 (May 12) registered re-used cover to infamous Hungarian stamp dealer Béla Sekula based in Lucerne Switzerland, festooned on reverse with Swiss Tell definitives (including se-tenants) from the original posting to Australia, opened on three sides with small blemishes. [The rate was for a letter weighing between 3oz-4oz charged at 3d for 1st oz + 1½d x3 for each additional oz, plus 3d registration] 9d Violet Plate 3 imprint pair, BW #28(3)za, MLH, Cat $450.
$300 $80
$160 $150
ex 4730 4726 4727 4728 4729 4730 4731
V * * F V F
1/- Blue-Green plus 2/- maroon & 2/- maroon perf ‘OS, all CTO, BW #34w,39w,39wb. 2/- Maroon BW #39, Cat $200. 2/- Maroon Perf Small ‘OS’ few nibbled perfs and evenly toned. BW #39b. 5/- Grey & Yellow-Orange BW #45A, nibbed perfs at top, tidy Late Fee cds, Cat $225. 5/- Grey & Yellow perf ‘OS’ CTO plus CofA 5/- CTO, BW #45wb,46w. 10/- Grey & Pink BW #49, couple of short perfs, Cat $700.
$80 $75 $100 $65 $120 $270
ex 4734 4732 F 10/- Grey & Pink with White flaw before POSTAGE [R16], BW #49(D)f, Cat $800, partly obscured by light postmark. 4733 F £2 Grey and Pale Rose-Crimson BW #57B, lightly cancelled, Cat $1,200. AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - CofA Watermark | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 4734 U Selection with some mixed condition comprising 6d, 9d x4, 2/- Die II x27 incl Chopped necked roo - State I [1L1] BW #40(1)d, Flaw on ‘S’ of ‘AUSTRALIA’ [2L45] BW #40(2)j and a cds block of 4; 3x 5/- (one CTO og). Plus £1 grey with large telegraph puncture and part Canberra cds and 2/- redrawn Die x6 not in cat c$550. (42) AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - CofA Watermark 4735 * 9d Purple BW #29C x2 on 1936 (Jan 28) British Motor & Cycle Co airmail cover to UK.
$360 $320
$125 $65
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part 4737 4736 **/* 4737 ** 4738
4739 **
9d Dull Violet Ash imprint block of 4 State II with Die II substitution [4R49], BW #29zc, lower units MUH, Cat $650. 2/- Maroon Redrawn Die left part pane of 42 (6x7), BW #41, with margins intact, uniform gum toning, MUH, Cat $840+. Research opportunity. 2/- Maroon Redrawn Die pair both with ‘A+R’ (Angus & Robertson) private perfin tied to cover by Sydney ‘6SEP/1946’ datestamp to USA, opening faults. Very rare private perfin on cover paying correct ½oz rate. 5/- Grey & Yellow marginal single [L42], BW #46B. Fresh appearance, lovely centring and perfs.
$400 $400 $160 $1,200
4741 4740 U 4741 * 4742 F 4743 F
10/-, £1 & £2 sound examples, £1 & £2, good ‘spacefillers’, all with Northern Territory cancels. (3) 10/- Grey & Aniline Pink (Cat $2,000+ on cover) & 6d Large Kooka on parcel tag for 61ozs of gold from Electrolytic Zinc, Wollongong to the Canadian Banking Corporation, San Francisco. 10/- Grey & Pink BW #50, Cat $275. 10/- Grey & Pink BW #50. Vignette very dark, crisp ‘LATE FEE’ cds, very fresh.
$300 $800 $100 $130
4747 4744 F 4745 **/* 4746 * 4747
10/- Grey & Pink BW #50A, nibbed corner perf, very well centred, melbourne cds, Cat $300. 10/-, £1 & £2 Overprinted ‘SPECIMEN’ Type D BW #50xe, 54x & 58x. The 10/- MUH, £1 sweated disturbed gum (prob when hinge removed), £2 minute gum disturbance. All very fresh, Cat $395. (3) 10/- to £2 Overprinted ‘SPECIMEN’ Type D BW #50xe, 54x & 58x, the £2 very well-centred with two varieties - duty plate White flaw in Bight and vignette Hunch-backed kangaroo [L17]. All VLH. (3) £2 Black & Red (Cat $3,000 on cover) & £1 grey (Cat $4,000 on cover) on parcel tag for 360ozs of gold from Electrolytic Zinc, Wollongong to the Canadian Banking Corporation, San Francisco.
$100 $130 $125 $1,000
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ex 4748
ex 4749
ex 4750
ex 4752
ex 4753
ex 4754
AUSTRALIA | Georgian Head Issues | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 4748 * 1/4d Greenish Blue shades all wmks single, SM P14, SM P13½x12½ (perf imperfections) and CofA BW #128-131. Lightly hinged and very fresh, retail $1,000+. (4) 4749 U 1/4d Used Stock mostly clean cds comprising Single Wmk x18, SM Wmk P14 (very dull shade), SM Wmk P13½x12½ x14, CofA Wmk x17. Range of shades most noticeably s/wmk, mainly fine, retail $1,300+. Value at less than 20%. (50) 4750 U 1d Reds on Hagners with 1913-14 engraved x27 (more than half cds); smooth and semi-surfaced paper x150+ includes Die II x11, Watermark inverted x3, perf ‘OS’ x17, perf ‘OS/NSW’ x12, one Die III, range BW-listed and other varieties; rough paper x39 with some more useful shades and incl Die II x4, one Watermark inverted, perf ‘OS’ x10. Mainly fine, just the engraveds, varieties and others mentioned retail well over $700 - and there’s likely to be more to reward the careful scrutineer. (c225) 4751 U 2d Red Accumulation on hagners comprising [1] SM wmk ‘TWO PENCE’ opts x11 and Dies II and III x55 not entirely sorted but incl ‘OS’ opts x5, perf ‘OS’ x6 (one may be from NSW), one Watermark inverted ex booklet; [2] CofA wmk x90+ with Watermark inverted x26 (retail $10 each), ‘OS’ opts x14, perf ‘G/NSW’ x6, and one perf ‘OS/NSW’. Majority fine cds, min cat $400. (150+) 4752 U 2d Red-Brown on hagners comprising [1] Single wmk x15 (one pair, one perf ‘OS) incl Damaged left frame [16R5] BW #97(16)k, BSAP flaws at 12L54, 16R6 & 36; [2] SM wmk P14 Die I x6 incl BSAP flaws at 12R43 & 51; [3] SM wmk P13½x12½ Die II x31 incl seven vendor-identified “Flyspeck” flaws. Majority fine cds, min cat $800. (50+) 4753 U 3d Blue Stock on hagners range comprising [1] SM wmk P14 Die Ia P14 x27 incl Type B, two BSAP-listed primary flaws and two perf ‘OS’; [2] SM wmk P13½x12½ Die Ia x24 incl Retouch in front of nose (Type B) [3,4R4], Retouch back of emu’s head [3,4R25] BW #107Be & 107Af, Thickening upper frame at right [3L22] BW #107Ag, one perf ‘OS’; [3] SM wmk Perf 13½x12½ Die II x27 with 7x perf ‘OS’ and couple minor flaws; [4] CofA wmk x25 incl 2x ‘OS’ opts (one CTO). Varieties identified by vendor displayed upside down - there may well be more! (100+) 4754 U 4½d Violet Die I SM wmk shades [1] Perf 14 x12 cds; [2] Perf 13½x12½ x5 cds, one slogan, Cat $320+. (18)
ex 4755
ex 4756
$300 $240
$100 $160
$240 $100
ex 4758
ex 4759 4755 U
4756 *
4758 V 4759 **/*
5d Browns and Surcharge Stock majority cds comprising Die I S/Wmk comb perf x31 (perf ‘OS’ x5), line perf x4 (one perf ‘OS’, one pair); Die II SM Wmk x14, ‘FIVE PENCE’ on 4½d x5, CofA Wmk x41. Collector had habit of displaying varieties upside down with pencil marks on back - we checked CofA and spotted CofA 2L8 and 3L40, may be more. Postmark possibilities (eg June 1922 oval Records Melbourne). Local retail $750+, some mixed condition, good value at well under 20%. (c95) 1913-22 Single Watermark hinged (ex noted) range from 1913 1d engraved x7 shades incl 3 pairs (4 stamps MUH). Then 1914-20 ½d green x6 shades incl Watermark inverted and two Electro 6 varieties [6L53 and 6R54]; comb perf 1d red smooth paper x13 with Plate 4 varieties [VII/7, 37 & 60 x2], rough paper x8 shades (one MNG) incl Plate 4 varieties [VIII/54 & 60]; 4d orange x3 incl variety [1L57]; 5d brown comb perf x2 incl BSAP variety [1L3]. Some small gumside imperfections mentioned for accuracy, generally fine and fresh, retail $950+. (39) 1922-24 Covers Collection in mixed condition mostly solo frankings with majority 2d reds, also 1½d greens and reds, odd 1d violet and 1d green with best probably long env with 4½d by 3rd wmk 3d Roo Die IIB and KGV 1½d green. Postal markings incl red ‘PAID AT/SYDNEY’ machine cancel, black ‘PAID AT/NORTHCOTE VIC’. OHMS envelopes incl Works and Railways, Canberra and Commissioner of Taxation. Strong Artarmon NSW flavour with many addressed to AC Smith either in an Audit Inspector capacity or at his home. Few oddments incl a couple inbound from NZ and USA (one from underpaid and taxed), also 1949 philatelic inbound registered from Ceylon. (55+) CTO Selection with SM wmk P13½x12½ ½d orange perf ‘OS’ BW #68w, ‘FIVE PENCE’ on 4½d BW #125w x3 shades MNG, 1/4d s/wmk perf ‘OS’ x2 og, CofA wmk x3 (2x og). CTO’s more and more popular nowadays. (9) Mostly Single Watermark Selection with ½d orange x12 including irregular block of 6, 1d violet x3, 1d green pair & marginal block of 12, 1½d black-brown x2, 1½d red-brown x7 including block of 4, 3d blue x7 including pair & corner block of 4 (MUH, Cat $300+), 4d olive-yellow x5 including strip of 3, 4d olive-green pair & single, 4d violet pair, 4½d violet pair; also LMult ½d pairs x3, 1d carmine strip of 3 (MUH), 1d green corner block of 6, block of 4 plus single with Flaw under neck; No Wmk 1d corner block of 6, 1½d block of 8; a few condition issues, stamps generally MUH or MLH/MVLH, Retail $1,750+ as single stamps. (34 items)
$100 $100
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ex 4763
ex 4760
ex 4762
ex 4761
ex 4764 4760 U
Mostly Single Wmk Accumulation in Stockbook with 1d green x350+, 1½d red x650+, 2d red x1,500+, 2d brown x35, 3d blue x100+, 4d violet x11, 4d blue x35 including Cooke Thin ‘FOUR PENCE’ - deteriorated state in vertical pair (mild staining, Cat $450+), 4d olive x13, 4½d violet x22, 1/4d x7; also LMult 1d green x41 & 1½d red x27, No Wmk 1d green x47, and range of multiple wmk issues including SMult P14 2d brown x7 & 4d olive x13; lots of annotated varieties particularly for Single Wmk 1d green, 1½d red & 2d red, plus shades, official & commercial perfins, and possible postmark interest. (approx 4,000) 4761 **/*/W Officials selection with [1] Perf ‘OS/NSW’ s/wmk 1½d brown x2 MUH (brownish gum) and 2d red MNG; [2] Perf ‘OS’ s/wmk 4d olive green block of 4 lower pair MUH (small adhesion), SM wmk P13½x12½ 3d blue pair MNG; [3] ‘OS’ Overprint SM wmk 2d x2 MH and 4d MNG. Mainly fine, local retail $500+ (without gum as FU). (12) 4762 U Selected Blocks of Four ex noted, all cds mainly fine and comprising single wmk 2d red, LM wmk 1d Harrison (strong compartment lines both stamps at left); SM wmk P13½x12½ ½d x2, 1½d red block of 6 perf ‘OS’ lower 3 units Slurred print BW #92bc&cd (cat $75+ each), 3d blue Die II perf ‘OS’; CofA wmk ½d x2, 1d, 2d, 3d and 5d plus 2d opt ‘OS’ and 3d perf ‘G/ NSW’. Interesting lot, cat c$500, good value at estimate. (14 blks) 4763 */U Varieties Selection comprising Single Wmk 4d orange Emu with egg VFU, 4d blue Thickening of frame area at left used, 4d blue White flaw on Roo’s hip, Rough Paper 5d bright chestnut perf ‘OS’ used (Cat $175); SMult P14 4½d Retouched left value tablet and numerals BW #119o mint; also Roos Third Wmk 9d Flaw over second ‘E’ of ‘PENCE’ VFU; fine condition. (6) 4764 U ½d Orange accumulation on hagners, mainly fine, some displayed upside down with pencil marks indicating varieties or flaws (we’ve not verified any of these). Comprises [1] Single Wmk shades x19 (majority cds) including perf ‘OS’ x5; [2] SM Wmk P14 x23 (only 9 cds), P13½x12½ x47 mostly cds with blocks of 4 x3, pairs x5 (horiz x3), perf ‘OS’ x3; [3] CofA Wmk x22 (all cds ex one) with ‘OS’ opts x16 incl blocks of 4 x3. (99)
ex 4767
ex 4766
ex 4765
ex 4768
4765 */**
½d Orange mainly fine and fresh MLH (ex noted) SM and CofA wmk selection with [1] SM P14 x9 incl single with “Egg” below emu’s breast [9R14] and a horiz pair with one unit ...”sporran” on roo [9R47]; [2] SM P13½x12½ x24 (2x perf ‘OS’) incl blocks of 4 x3 - two MUH, one of which includes Die Ia (as does one single MLH); [3] CofA Wmk x9, seven are ‘OS’ opts o/c incl horiz pair and single MUH. Nice study group, cat c$400. (40) 4766 * SM Watermark Selection shades in mainly fine and fresh condition with [1] Perf 14 3d Die Ia (Type A x3, Type B x2), 4½d violet x4; [2] Perf 13½x12½ ‘TWO PENCE’n 1½d x9, 2d red x25 Die II & III unchecked but including ‘OS’ opts x2 and perf ‘OS’ x4, 3d Die Ia x6 three each Type A & B, 3d Die II x8, ‘FIVE PENCE’ on 4½d (rounded corner), 5d brown x2. Centring varies, retail $1,250+ (excluding faulty items) (60) 4767 * 1d Green Selection of shades lightly hinged mainly fine well-centred and fresh with [1] No Wmk x10 incl BSAP-listed Damaged left frame [V/7] and “Ferns” [VII/54] BW #79(4)ia; [2] SM Wmk P14 x7 with one o/c perf ‘OS’; [3] SM Wmk P13½x12½ x10 incl ‘PENAVY’ [III/23] BW #81(2)d; [4] CofA Wmk x14 with ‘OS’ opt x9. Nice clean lot. (41) 4768 **/*/W 1d Red Selection of shades majority lightly hinged with odd gum imperfection noted for accuracy, mainly fine well-centred and fresh with [1] Engraved x8, three appear MUH; [2] Smooth Paper incl semi-surfaced x21, one MNG and two appear MUH; [4] Rough Paper x10, one MUH and scarlet aniline x4. Nice lot, retail c$375. (39)
$250 $100 $120
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
ex 4769
ex 4770
ex 4771
ex 4773
4769 U
1d Green stock on Hagners, small selection single wmk (9 with perf ‘OS’ x2) plus SM Wmk well over 100 each perf. Considerable numbers of listed (BW and BSAP) and unlisted (“flyspeck” type) varieties displayed upside down with pencil notations as to what and where the variety exists. While we haven’t checked them out for the most part, we did see BW-listed S/wmk VIII/13, SM wmk P14 with perf ‘OS’ x2, also “Ferns” VII/54 and VIII/13 again, P13½x12½ includes perf ‘OS’ x14. Inspection recommended. (270+) 4770 * 2d Red-Brown Selection of shades lightly hinged mainly fine well-centred and fresh with [1] S/wmk x5, one with Damaged left frame prob BW #97(16)k [16R5], another with compartment marks to help plating; [2] SM Wmk P14 x2; [3] SM Wmk P13½x12½ x5 with one left marginal, one Duplication of ‘LIA’ [2R42] BW #99(2)l, perf ‘OS’ x2. Nice lot, cat $380. (12) AUSTRALIA | KGV - Single Watermark | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 4771 1½d Browns & Greens Varieties Collection mainly fine used, some duplication, majority BW-listed with some official perfins. Black-brown shades x110+, from all Electros including Watermark inverted x5, over 50 so-called “scratched electro” (“tinsheds”?), perf ‘OS’ x8. Brown shades (incl chocolate and bright red-brown) x320+, from most electros with several more useful noting both states 5L50, first state 7R54, Watermark inverted x2, over 45 more of those “scratched electros”. Green x120+ similar. Good specialist lot with well over half cds, just the BW-listed items cat over $2,000. Great value. (550+) 4772 U 2d Oranges & Reds accumulation on hagners with many displayed upside down with pencil marks indicating varieties or flaws (we’ve not verified any of these). Comprises [1] Orange shades x160+ including perf ‘OS’ x30+, one perf ‘OS/NSW’, over 100 upside down; [2] Red shades x230+ including perf ‘OS’ x23, over 200 upside down. Looks to have more machine cancels than cds, inspection recommended. (c400) 4773 U 2d Oranges, Reds & Browns Varieties Collection mainly fine used, some duplication, majority BW-listed with some official perfins. Orange shades x110+ from most electros, includes perf ‘OS’ x16 with Watermark inverted x3, just BW-listed items cat c$550. Red shades even stronger x280+ along the same lines, not less than perf ‘OS’ x16 and some other perfins, also noting Retouched (Roman) nose [11R10], Recut ‘2’ at right... [12AR54], and some spectacular tin-shed types with just BW-listed cat over $1,100. Only six red-browns incl White flaw thru ‘2’ [12R27] and couple other BW-listed. Over half cds, very specialised, min cat BW-listed over $1,750. (c300)
ex 4774 4774 **/* 4775 * 4776 */** 4777 *
4778 U
ex 4775
ex 4776
ex 4777
ex 4778
2d Selection Mostly in Multiples with 2d orange blocks of 4 x3 plus mint pair, 2d red irregular block of 7, block of 4, pairs x4 (one with part Harrison imprint), 2d brown block of 6 with part Harrison imprint; some minor varieties mostly on 2d red values, generally fine with most lower units of multiples MUH, Retail $1,000+ as single stamps. 1914-20 ½d to 5d shades comprising ½d greens x5 (one very yellow-green); 1d red x5 look to be more common, includes “Secret mark” [VII/1]; 4d x2, one lemon-yellow BW #110c, one common orange shade; 5d x3 with two comb perf shades (one quite dark) and one line perf o/c. Hinge remains, very fresh, retail $500+. Good value. (12) 1918-23 Changed Colours ½d to 1/4d all values ex 1d violet and 2d orange, hinged ex 1½d black-brown and green MUH. Very fresh, retail c$380. (8) 1918-23 ½d to 1/4d mint mostly lightly hinged with ½d orange x8 incl pairs x3 and Watermark inverted x3; 1d violet x8 incl pairs x3 and BW-listed variety [VII/60] plus another unlisted; 1½d black-brown x5 and other brown shades x9 incl Watermark inverted and listed variety [4L60]; 1½d green x7 incl variety [13R56] and some over-inked types; 2d orange x8 shades with two listed varieties [1L1 & 4L20]; 2d red x2, 4d violet x2, 4d blue (small inclusion) and 1/4d (light foxing, woolly perfs). Some small gumside imperfections but mostly fine, reasonably well centred and fresh, retail $800+ (excludes 1/4d). (50) 1924 4d Olive and 4½d Violet Varieties mostly fine cds with [1] 4d Olive x15 shades with BW-listed [3L1, 4L18, 4L25, 4L37 in pair; 4R60], BSAP-listed [prob 3L9 x2, 3L10; 3R9; 4R13 x2], others uncertain; [2] 4½d Violet x8 shades with BW-listed [1L2, 1L24 (or BW #118g), 1R2 x2 (one in pair), 1R55 State 2], BSAP-listed [1R1], one uncertain. BW-listed alone cat c$350. (23)
$140 $150
$225 $180 $150
$225 $125
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ex 4779 4779 *
4780 */** 4781 * 4782 **/* 4783 *
ex 4780
ex 4781
ex 4783
ex 4782
1924 Changed Colours mint mostly lightly hinged with 1d green x5 incl Plate 4 varieties [VII/37 & 60] and one possible Dry ink; 1½d red shades x9 incl key varieties HALEPENCE and Thin RAL [2L22 & 28] and three No top to crown; 2d red-brown, 3d blue Die I x3, 4d olive and 4½d violet x3 (one with non-BW variety). Generally well-centred and fresh throughout, retail $450+. (22) 1924 New Colours lightly hinged, 1d green to 4½d violet SG #76-81 incl three distinct 1½d shades - one HALEPENCE MUH, 3d is Harrison Die I, 4d olive crease; plus No Wmk 1d green and 1½d scarlet SG #83-4. Very fresh colours, good centring, min retail $225. (10) Perf ‘OS’ ½d green (woolly perfs), 1d red shades x2 (one rough), 4d orange. Good centring, fresh colours, min retail $330. (4) Perf ‘OS’ Selected Issues lightly hinged ex noted comprising ½d green MUH and orange, 1d violet, 1½d green and red, 3d blue MUH light bend (may be dry ink) variety, 4d orange MUH and olive, 5d line perf. Very fresh, retail over $800. (9) Perf ‘OS’ Selection with ½d green (small inclusion), 1d pale violet x3 (two with light creases), 2d orange x4; 1/4d x2 very wellcentred, one a deeper shade with light storage-related bend; 1d green x2 (one with perf damage left). Better than usual ‘OS’ centring, fresh throughout, retail $700+. (12)
ex 4784
$140 $110 $80 $275 $175
ex 4785
ex 4786
ex 4788
ex 4789
ex 4787 4784 * 4785 **/* 4786 */**
4787 */** 4788 U
4789 **/*
Perf ‘OS’ Selection comprising ½d orange, 2d orange and red, 4d violet and 1/4d greenish blue. Lightly hinged and fresh, retail c$475. (5) Selected Issues fresh lightly hinged ex noted comprising ½d green top marginal MUH, 5d chestnut line perf, BSAP recorded Minute spot in Emu tail [1L47]; 2d scarlet Electro 8A variety Broken crown top and notches left and lower frames [R42] BW #96(8A)j; 1d green Thin ONE PENNY [VIII/14] BW #77(4)l, 1½d red x2 shades. Small imperfections, Cat $200+. (6) Selected Marginal Multiples comprising fresh blocks of 4 lower stamps MUH ex noted with ½d green bottom marginal incl White spot before ‘2’ in RVT [4R55], 1d violet top marginal all MUH, 1d green left pane part imprint incl “Ferns” and ‘RA’ joined, 2d red-brown left pane part imprint, 4½d left pane part imprint. Plus pairs with ½d orange Watermark inverted vertical pair, 3d blue Die I MLH, 4d olive lower marginal No imprint (Mullett) pair (block of 4 cat $250). Nice specialist lot, cat $670+. (8) Selected Multiples comprising fresh blocks of 4 1d violet all hinged, 1½d black-brown and 1½d red MUH, 2d red-brown (quite a bright shade) lower stamps MUH, 4½d violet lower stamps MUH (one faulty); horiz block of 6 1½d red MUH with top centre unit Eight wattles at left [25-28L26]. Nice clean lot, ex faulty 4½d, cat c$375 (least expensive shade). (6 blks) ½d Varieties Collection mainly fine used, some duplication, majority BW-listed with odd official perfin. Green shades x185+ from all Electros (ex 3 as usual) including Watermark inverted x12 and tin-shed types x7. Not many orange shades (x13) but includes Watermark inverted x4 and three other listed types. More cds than machine cancels, cat $1,700+. Good specialist lot. (c200) 2d, 4d and 1/4d Selection of shades majority lightly hinged mainly fine well-centred and fresh comprising 2d Orange x20 incl BSAP-listed White flaws in right wattles [UCV B19a] and one MNG, 2d Red x10, 4d Violet x7, 1/4d greenish blue x2. Some heavier hinges and small gum imperfections, retail $1,100+, good value lot. (39)
$160 $80
$240 $130
$325 $190
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
ex 4790 4790 **/* 4791 * 4792 U
4793 U
ex 4791
ex 4792
ex 4793
1d Violet and Green Selection of shades majority lightly hinged with odd gum imperfection, mainly fine well-centred and fresh - [1] 1d Violet x15, one has Flaw under neck [VII/37] BW #76(4)h; [2] 1d Green x8 with four MUH and a hinged pair with Kangaroo’s tongue out [VIII/56] BW #77(4)r (partially corrected). Clean lot, retail $200+. (24) Selection of shades majority lightly hinged mainly fine well-centred and fresh comprising ½d Green x18 two MUH, one MNG, one in scarcer yellow-green shade; 4d Orange and Lemon-Yellow x2 (one with rounded corner), 5d chestnut; also 3d blue x6, four appear Die Ia (one very deep shade). (29) 3d Blue Die I & Die II including BW and BSAP-listed varieties [1] Die I Harrison BW #104 shades x28 incl horiz pairs x3, two appears to be Dry ink BW #104c, BW-listed varieties x6 (perf ‘OS’ x2); [2] Die Ia Mullett BW #105, shades x17 (only one Type B seen) incl Retouch upper frame at right [4R54] BW #105n, BSAP-listed Primary flaws x2 [3&4L42 and R39]. All cds, cat $750+, good specialist lot. (45) 4d Orange over 100 shades BW #110 group including 20 lemons, mostly sound cds with dates 1915-29 (includes a few where there has been some “treatment” in an attempt to “improve” the shade - eg from common orange to lemon). PLUS 4d violet x5 less than perfect condition (3 perf ‘OS’), 4d olive x9 similar. (c115)
ex 4794
ex 4795
ex 4796
ex 4797
$90 $135
$200 $175
AUSTRALIA | KGV - Single Watermark 4794 U 1d Red Die I Accumulation in Stockbook mostly Smooth Paper with dated examples, annotated varieties, excellent range of shades, multiples with pairs & blocks of 4 x3, official & commercial perfins, etc. (1,800+) 4795 U 1d Red Varieties Collection fine to very fine annotated presentation on DIY pages, smooth and rough paper, 29 different BWlisted virtually complete, all cds ex three, wide range of shades. Includes Die I and II Substituted cliché [IV/34&35], several rough papers incl PENAVY and Rusted NE corner. Sure to be some better shades here, min catalogue (as least expensive) $655 - retail rather higher nowadays. (29) 4796 U 1d Red Varieties Collection on DIY pages, a comprehensive fine to very fine mostly cds annotated presentation of 137 different BW and BSAP listed varieties on smooth and rough papers. Includes all Die II positions, Die I & II Substituted clichés, wide range of shades, rough papers include PENAVY and Rusted NE corner, odd perf ‘OS’, odd Watermark inverted. Certain to be more useful shades here with not many needed to fill in the gaps - very high retail. (137) 4797 U ½d Green BW #63, shades accumulation on hagners including perf ‘OS’ x8. Some mounted upside down with pencil marks suggesting some sort of flaw or variety (we haven’t verified these). Over 100 cds, mainly fine, cat $400+. (160+) 4798 F ½d Pale Emerald Line Perf BW #64A, clear BSAP-listed variety White spot midway between forehead and inner white oval below ‘AU’ [3L2]. Well-centred with cds portion of lightly struck 1926 Melbourne machine cancel. Very nice, Cat $500 (without variety).
$400 $100 $225
ex 4799 4799 */** 4800
4801 F
½d Orange BW #66 selection includes Electro 6 MLH Two white flaws back of king’s head [6L11] and MUH block of 4 with upper right Breaks right frame opposite RVT [6R54], also Electro 7 White flaw behind roo’s head [7R24]. Plus MLH part imprint single from left pane, nine other singles and a horizontal pair. Fresh throughout. Nice study group. (21) 1d Carmine-Red Line Perf BW #70A tied by cds ‘SOUTHPORT/2-MR15/QUEENSLAND’ (late use) to stained and somewhat battered colour PPC of Chelmsford House, Southport, addressed to Neutral Bay, NSW. On cover min Cat $200. 1d Carmine-Red (G1) Line Perf with Thin ONE PENNY [VIII/14] BW #70(A)l. Premium-quality centring, part Aug 1914 Maylands (WA) cds. Line perf varieties far from common.
$100 $80 $140
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ex 4804
ex 4803 ex 4802 4802 ** 4803
1d Red Smooth Paper selection mostly multiples with blocks of 6 x2 (one block with large Blob on emu transient flaw), blocks of 4 x3, strip of 3, pairs x2 (one with part imprint), plus singles x5 of which four are aniline carmine shade, fresh MUH, Retail $650+ (as single stamps). (37) 1d Red Smooth Paper Die I (shades) selection comprising; [1] solo frankings (2), one to Rest Camp, Mont Park (rare inwards to military camp), other unclaimed at Cootamundra; [2] singles x2 perf ‘T’ or perfin ‘SH/&/Co LTD’ (S. Hoffnung & Co. Ltd) on cover to Apia with very light Samoan censor handstamp; [3] combination frankings (3) for 2½d Foreign letter (nice Melbourne ‘PASSED’ when in defective state), and 1½d and 2d Empire rates, latter with 1d for Late Fee, former late 1925 use, generally fine (7) 1d Red Smooth Paper Shades selection in combinations with other issues on covers (13) and postcards (2, one to New Caledonia), including bright red pair + ½d Roo (corner fault), reddish pink pair + ½d, deep red (aniline) pair + ½d, salmon + 2d Roo to Denmark, 1d + 3d Roo to US (1d pays Late fee), attractive late (1922) use x2 of an unusual shade which may be brownred, (BW #71W – exhibits characteristic ‘very bright red’ u/v reaction) + ½d & 1½d for the 4d Foreign letter to US, also underpaid item to US taxed at Brisbane but curiously scored-over, and six censored (one scarce provincial ‘PASSED’), odd fault, generally fine. Attractive group. (15)
ex 4806
ex 4808
ex 4809
4807 4805 * 4806 U 4807 **/* 4808 F 4809 U
4810 *
1d Red Die II BW #71(1)f. Very lightly hinged, common shade, exceptionally well-centred and very fresh. Min current retail $625. 1d Red Die II BW #71(1)f, hagner of 45 copies with range of shades, couple may even be rough paper. Postmark possibilities. 1d Red Smooth Paper Plate 4 Harrison one-line imprint strip of 12 with varieties Ferns & ‘RA’ Joined, mild uniformly toned gum, three units MLH others MUH, Cat $800++. 1d Red Rough Paper common shades cds ex noted with varieties Substituted cliché Die II [IV/34] x2 (one with ‘HELP TO WIN...’ slogan cancel) and Substituted cliché Die I [IV/35] with part Tasmania TPO cds July 1918, BW #72(2)ia&ja. Nice centring, retail c$325. (3) 1d Violet BW #76, two Hagners with range of shades incl one perf ‘OS’ and 35 mounted upside down with light pencil marks indicating a flaw or variety - we can verify BW-listed Plate 3 Damaged lower right frame [V/30] and Dot before ‘1’ [VI/21] x5, Plate 4 Wattle line [VII/31], ‘RA’ joined [VII/60] and Run ‘N’ [VIII/60]. Could be more lurking among the others (incl BSAP-listed and “flyspeck” types). Mainly fine, min cat c$475. (98) 1d Green Perf ‘OS’ with mild Offset BW #77(ba)ca, faint corner bend, MVLH, Cat $750.
‘My Auction Bidsheet’ on our website always shows you the current status of your bids.
$300 $100 $600 $80
$110 $200
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
4811 4811 **/* 4812 **/*
1d Green deep shade AJ Mullett horiz imprint block of 12 with three MUH listed varieties [VII/54 & 60, VIII/56], extension of BW #77B(4)zb. 1½d Brown Die I plate 8 part Harrison imprint block of 4, top two units with No top to crown [BW #85(8)j,k], gum a little aged, lower units MUH
ex 4814 4814 ** 4815
4816 F 4817 F 4818 *
ex 4815
ex 4813
4813 F
ex 4818
1½d Bright Red-Brown Die I varieties of BW #87A from Electro 12 [L9], 13 [L39], 14 [L4, 6 & 21]. Light cancels (cds x2), nicely centred and fresh, retail $300+. (5) 1½d Green Die I Selection of mostly multiples with corner blocks of 9 (3x3) and 8 (4x2), irregular marginal block of 8, block of 4, pairs x2 & two singles; a fews minor varieties, odd gumside blemish, generally fine MUH, Retail $550 as singles. (37) 1½d Red Die I BW #89, specialised Hagners varieties collection with some duplication from all electros 13-28 in widest possible range of shades incl 100s of ‘OS’ perfins, 90+ BW-listed varieties (cat over $1,200), 40+ per ACCC of NSW specialised catalogue, countless more heading into fly-speck territory, inking and other non-cnstant types, blind perfs, etc. Heaps still not fully studied (eg quantity No cross to crown), majority appear cds, min total cat $2,400. Very good value at around 12½%. (660+) 2d Orange with Cracked electro (State I) [9L8] BW #95E(9)f. Light indistinct Victoria cds, very well centred, Cat $500. 2d Red Die I with Watermark inverted perf ‘OS’, BW #96a, Cat $300. 2d Red-Brown Die I (shades) combination frankings of 1926-27, comprising [1] 2d + 1/- (Third wmk) for 1-2lbs interstate parcel posted at Paddington; [2] 2d + 1d for Foreign letter Adelaide to USA; [3] uprate of 1½d Stationery envelope Sydney to Holland (overpays 3d rate)
$120 $140
$300 $200 $180 $200
Current online starting prices are updated instantly whenever a bid is placed. When you have your email address registered with us we will email you updates when the status of your bids change.
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ex 4820 4819
4820 **/* 4821 ** 4822 *
2d Red-Brown Die I BW #97, with 1d green LM watermark BW #78, both tied Nov 27, 1924 SA slogan cancel to envelope of Commonwealth Bank in Adelaide addressed to Switzerland. Small peripheral blemishes, 2d single wmk on cover Cat $150, good usage. 2d Red-Brown bright shade horiz pair MLH incl Large white flaw LVT [16L4] prob BW #97E(16)f cat $150; plus MUH SE corner marginal single from Plate 12 and another MUH in deeper shade (yellowish gum). Very nice, cat c$225 (all as least expensive shades). (4) 2d Red-Brown with Lower frame missing [16L58] BW #97Ao. Selvedge attached, very fresh. 2d Bright Red-Brown variety Retouch SW corner - State II, right frame missing opposite emu [16L56] BW #97E(16)ia, better shade cat extrapolated $225 approx.
ex 4823 4823 U 4824 U 4825
$75 $100 $120 $100
ex 4824
3d Blue Die I used (82) on six album pages with over 60 cds. Absence of any Type B suggest most may be Harrison Die I, BW #104, Cat $820. 3d Blue Die I and Die Ia Hagner stock of shades noting varieties incl at least two BW-listed - Die I Broken emu leg [2L19] BW #104i, Die Ia Retouch back of emu’s head [3,4R25] BW #105f plus couple Type B and one each Die perf ‘OS’. Majority cds, cat $450+. (42) 3d Violet-Blue Die I perf ‘OS’ Dry ink, BW #104c, and 1½d tied to 1925 (Feb 23) Official cover (creased at far left) registered at Perth where unclaimed, ‘FOUND OPEN’ label at right.
$120 $120 $110
4827 **/* 4828 **
3d Blue Die I variety Dry ink BW #104c, tied to small envelope hand-addressed to Germany by Sydney Aug 5, 1924 slogan ‘BRITISH EMPIRE EXHIBITION/ALWAYS ASK FOR/AUSTRALIAN PRODUCTS’. Opened at left and partly at top, small peripheral imperfections, extrapolated on cover Cat $450. Excellent usage. 3d Violet-Blue Die I Plate 2 left pane part Harrison imprint block of 4 (lower units MUH) incl variety Large triangular flaw in right wattles [2L53] BW #104j. Excellent value positional block (full imprint block with variety cat $400). 4d Orange two more common shade like W #110H & I. Nicely centred and very fresh, cat $205 (if shades correct). (2)
$120 $130 $100
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
ex 4829
4829 U
4830 F
4831 ** 4832 **
4833 * 4834 * 4835 F 4836 *
4837 ** 4838 **/* 4839 F
ex 4830
Page 97
4d Orange Group BW #110 collection of shades with BW-listed varieties including Watermark inverted x15, one with left frame broken at top [2L7] BW #110(2)d. Plus 13 other listed varieties (one perf ‘OS/NSW’) including the useful Thin ‘FOU’ of ‘FOUR’ (retouch) [2L12], the popular Weeping ‘4’ at right [2L18] x3, the much better Line through ‘FOUR PENCE’ [2R12]. Only two without cds or registered oval cancels, just the listed varities cat c$1,000 (as least expensive shades - which definitely not all are). Good specialist study lot (43) 4d Orange Group ten shades with clearly dated postmarks in BW #110A-I range (sadly, no lime-yellow), all cds between June 1915 and Sept 1921. Two aniline shades with 1915 cancels, three so-called lemon shades with pmks in 1916 incl Kalgoorlie WA thimble, others with 1917 Allansford, a neat (and quite scarce) 1921 part Victoria Street/Richmond Victoria. Nice lot generally fine to very fine, may cover all the shades SG #22-22e. (10) 4d Orange variety Watermark inverted BW #110a, marginal example from top of the pane, mild gum bend, fresh MUH, Cat $175. 4d Orange common shade with Watermark inverted BW #110a. Nicely centred and very fresh, Cat $175.
4d Buff-Orange with Watermark inverted, BW #110Fa, Cat $150+, with White spot on King’s head [1L6], MVLH, short perf, few gum bubbles. 4d Orange Perf ‘OS’ two distinctly different shades of BW #110b. Neither aniline with the more orange-yellow shade a right marginal (watermark line). Very fresh, min retail $450 (least expensive shades). 4d Orange perf ‘OS’ Line through ‘FOUR PENCE’ [2R12], BW #110(2)h. 4d Lemon-Yellow with White scratch from crown to head [1R11] BW #110C(1)j. Heavily impressed watermark, hinge related gum imperfections, very fresh, Cat $600.
4d Orange with Plate 1 variety Break in upper right frame and white spot over ‘FO’ of ‘FOUR’ [1R58] BW #110(1)m, a few gum bubbles, MUH, Cat $120. 4d Yellow-Orange variety Line through FOUR PENCE in block of 4, BW #110I(2)h, lower units including variety fresh MUH, Cat $1,045. Drury Certificate 2012. 4d Pale Orange-Yellow with Line through ‘FOUR PENCE’ [2R12] BW #110E(2)h. Neat part cds ‘SYDNEY/2JA17’ (which may well be the earliest known date for this more difficult shade). Perfect perfs, nearly perfect centring, Cat $500. Very fine.
$100 $90 $85
$90 $200 $65 $200
$75 $850 $200
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ex 4840 4840 U 4841 U 4842 * 4843 U
4845 *
ex 4841
ex 4843
4d Violet BW #111 (one perf ‘OS’) including six plated varieties. Four BW-listed - Lower left frame worn [1L56], Weeping ‘4’ at right [2L18], White scratch behind emu and ‘PE’ of ‘PENCE’ joined [2R29&30]. Two BSAP-listed [1R57, 2R50]. Mostly cds, cat c$400 (excludes couple faulty stamps). (14) 4d Violet stock comprising BW #111 x5 incl BSAP-listed Bite out of LL corner [2R55]; perf ‘OS’ BW #111b x8 including BSAPlisted White spot in front of emu neck, etc [2L50] right unit in PO-patched pair (split in crown on other unit appears to be 2L49 - if so, why the patch?). All cds ex one, cat $400+, good value. (13) 4d Violet perf ‘OS’, BW #111b, (retail $350 with centring premium), MVLH, well centred with good perfs. A fine stamp. 4d Blue Cooke Plates BW #112 shades and varieties collection, many with clear pre-Aug 1923 cds. Eight BW-listed [1L54 in pair, 56 x2, 58, 1R58 x2, 2L7, 18]; noted BSAP-listed [1L6, 46, 1R5 x2, 1R7, 2R11 x2], there may be more among the others annotated but not verified by us. At least one certain pale milky blue shade, others more common types, nearly all cds and cat over $600. (29)
4d Pale Milky Blue Perf ‘OS’ and ½d green perf ‘OS’ tied by Registered Elizabeth St cds to 1923 (24 Aug) Official registered cover (265x95mm) to Mortlake. The ‘milky’ shade is rare as an Official on cover. 4d Blue Cooke Plates variety Horned Emu - retouched (Hornless Emu) [2R17] with the associated scratches below right wattles of the listed flaw BW 112(2)j untouched, hinge remainder, Cat $120 (as the listed flaw). [According to a BSAP Bulletin (Aug 2014) article by John Bozic this retouch is likely to have occurred in the latter period of the Harrison printing of the Cooke Plates.]
$140 $125 $160
ex 4848
4846 */** 4847 **/* 4848 F
4d Olive Plate 3 No imprint block of 4 (Mullett) BW #114(3)za. Some woolly perfs, upper pair and selvedge with hinge remains, lower stamps MUH. Nicely centred with strong colour Cat $250 (2007). 4½d Violet Die I BW #118, fresh block of 4, three units MUH, retail c$310. 5d Chestnut Smooth Paper Line Perforation varieties, three BW-listed Break in right frame... [1L21] BW #122g, both states Damaged NE corner [1L59], the second perf ‘OS’ BW #122o & 122ba&oa. Plus BSAP-listed Upper frame notch 2.5mm from right frame [1L9], another possibly small tin-shed marks. All well-centred cds, good perfs. (5)
$120 $120 $120
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
ex 4850 ex 4849 4849
4850 F
5d Brown registered covers [1] Line Perf plus ½d green Large Mult Wmk, both perf ‘OS’ on 1919 (Oct 30) cover from Melbourne to Mortlake; [2] Comb Perf on 1923 (Jul 30) cover from Brisbane to England. 5d Chestnut Die I Smooth Paper Comb Perf varieties, four BW-listed Broken NE corner [1L13], Retouch NW corner [1L25], Broken top to crown [1L30], Retouch NE corner - State III [1R59] perf ‘OS’ BW #123f, i, j and b/ub. Plus four BSAP-listed [1L4, 17, 43 & R3] and likely tin-shed and a ‘don’t know’. Mainly well-centred cds with good perfs, all cds ex one machine cancel. (10)
ex 4852
ex 4851 4851 * 4852 U 4853 ** 4854 *
ex 4854
1/4d Greenish Blue BW #128B, light hinge remains and o/c high, very fresh cat $250. Plus the same CofA wmk BW #131A, well centred but some very slightly toned perfs cat $150. Nice duo. (2) 1/4d Greenish Blue varieties cds ex noted Colour flaw in king’s hair [1R11] and Thick ‘1’ at right [1R57] (commercial cancel) BW #128Bh&m, plus two unplated - 2mm split in upper left frame 3½mm from top (top marginal wmk line), White flaw on Roo’s paw on perf ‘OS’ variety of BW #Bba. (4) 1/4d Greenish Blue Perf ‘OS’ BW #128ba. Quite a deep shade, o/c NW, very fresh, Cat $150. 1/4d Greenish Blue Perf ‘OS’ two distinct shades prob BW #128Bba & 128Eba. Centred a bit left, very fresh, Cat $200+ (retail c$225). (2)
$100 $120 $85 $80
4857 4855 * 4856 F 4857 *
1/4d Greenish Blue with Thick ‘1’ at right [1R57], BW #128Bm. Some woolly perfs, good colour. 1/4d Greenish Blue Perf ‘OS’ BW #128Bwa in o/c NW corner horiz block of 6, includes varieties Flaw emu’s tail and upper frame and Flaw in crown [1L2&3], indistinctly dated Melbourne cds x2. 1/4d Greenish Blue AJ Mullett imprint strip of 3 [1L60, 1R55-6], part BW #128za, Cat $3,500 (as block of 4). Quite a dull shade, hinge reinforcement gutter and L60, stains R56, scarce.
$150 $100 $360
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ex 4858
ex 4859
ex 4861
ex 4862
AUSTRALIA | KGV - Large Multiple Watermark | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 4858 U 1918-24 Varieties Accumulation BW-listed and others (including “flyspeck” types) on Hagners, some perf ‘OS’ and ‘OS/NSW’, some duplication, with [1] ½d Green shades x70 incl Watermark inverted and BW-listed x29 (cat $20 each); [2] 1d Carminerose Harrison x4 incl BSAP-listed at V/1; [3] 1½d Black-brown x36 incl Watermark inverted x3, Thin paper x5, BW-listed x5; [4] 1½d Brown shades x90 with Watermark inverted x2 (one perf ‘OS’), BW-listed x18 (includes 9R33 cat $50); [5] 1d Green x15 incl BW-listed VI/21 & 22, VII/1, 31 & 32, VIII/25, 56 (x3) & 60 (x2). Mostly fine roughly 50:50 cds and machine cancels. Highly specialised presentation with BW-listed varieties alone cat over $1,800. (c215) 4859 */** All Values hagner stock hinged (ex noted) comprising ½d green shades x12 (one MUH, two perf ‘OS’); 1d carmine-rose Harrison x4 (three reasonably well-centred); 1d green x22 incl lower left pane Plate 3 part imprint horiz block of 12 stamps MUH, selvedge hinges only (one unit damaged), four others MUH, two perf ‘OS’ (one “Ferns”). Centring varies, some light bends and adhesions mentioned for accuracy, mostly fresh appearance. Good value. (38) 4860 U All Values hagners stock hinged (ex noted) comprising ½d green shades x118 (perf ‘OS’ x23, ‘OS/NSW’ x30); 1d carmine-rose Harrison x35 (perf ‘OS/NSW’ x3), includes “Ferns”, min retail $700; 1d green x31 including 13 with flaws highlighted by pencil notations on back(!). More machine than cds cancels, mainly fine. Bargain. (180+) 4861 **/* Inverted Watermarks lightly hinged, ½d green x3 including horiz pair BW #65a (two distinct shades), 1½d black-brown x3 incl Thin paper BW #84a&aa. Good centring, very fresh, retail over $300. (6) 4862 **/* Selected Issues lightly hinged comprising ½d green horiz pair incl Thin fraction at right [5R43], 1½d black-brown x2 MUH, 1½d chocolate, 1½d deep red-brown x2, 1d green x2. Nice lot, cat $200+. (9)
$125 $160 $140 $85
ex 4863
AUSTRALIA | KGV - Large Multiple Watermark 4863 **/* ½d Green shades in multiples with varieties [1] yellowish-green block of 4, three units MUH incl White spot before ‘2’ in RVT [4R55] BW #65E(4)q; [2] yellowish-green block of 9, eight units MUH incl Thin fraction at right [5R43] BW #65E(5)m; [3] bluish green gutter block of 4, distinctive Jubilee lines (removable pencil marks in gutter). Excellent positionals. (3 blks) 4864 F ½d Green with Thin fraction at left BW #65(5)m. Much more difficult used than mint, Cat $250. 4865 * 1d Carmine-Pink Cooke Printing BW #73A, tiny inclusion noted for accuracy, lightly hinged and very fresh, Cat $400. 4866 U 1d Carmine-Pink Cooke Printing BW #73A, a horiz strip of 4 (left unit rejoined). The right unit F-VFU, others more or less faulty (nick, crease, large bite). Clear Victoria March 11, 1918 cds. Multiples are far from common. 4867 * 1d Dull Green and Single wmk 4d olive, both perf ‘OS’, tied by Registered Elizabeth St cds to 1925 (12 Mar) Official cover (265x110mm) to Mortlake, red registration label, two Melbourne backstampings. The 1d Official very scarce on cover. [5d: 1d Printed matter rate x2 + 3d registration.]
Thinking of Selling? Contact us today to discover how our superior service can help you achieve the best results with your consignment.
$125 $80 $150 $200 $100
Page 101
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
ex 4868
ex 4869
ex 4870
ex 4871
AUSTRALIA | KGV - No Watermark 4868 U 1924 Selection majority cds with [1] 1d Green BW #79 x5 incl Dot before right ‘1’ [VI/21], ‘NY’ joined [VIII/25], also BSAPlisted TLC notch [VI/16]; [2] 1½d Red BW #90 x10 incl Scratch ‘O’ of ‘POSTAGE’ to King’s neck [17L53]. (15) 4869 */** 1d & 1½d Selection lightly hinged ex noted with [1] 1d x5 incl pair with Flaw under neck [VII/37] BW #79(4)h; [2] 1½d shades x8, two horiz pairs and block of 4, latter incl ‘GE’ of ‘POSTAGE’ joined BW #90(18)o. Very fresh. (13) 4870 U 1d Green BW #79, Hagner with listed “Ferns” [VII/54] BW #79(4)ia, BSAP lesser types [V/56 & VIII/15], four displayed upside down with light pencil marks indicating flaws (and there may be more in the c35 others). Probably 30% cds, mainly fine, min cat c$435. (42) AUSTRALIA | KGV - Small Multiple Watermark Perf 14 | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 4871 U 1924-26 ½d to 4d Varieties Accumulation BW-listed and others (including “flyspeck” types) on Hagners, some perf ‘OS’ and ‘OS/NSW’, duplication, with [1] ½d Orange x13 incl Die Ia and BW-listed x8 (cat $40 each); [2] 1d Green uncounted quantity (could be 200+) with most BW-listed seen including retouches and re-entries; [3] 1½d Red also great quantity noting perf ‘OS’ Watermark inverted x8 (cat $20 each); [4] 3d Blue Die Ia x85+ including at least Type B x10 incl pairs, also at least 20 BWlisted flaws seen with many perf ‘OS’ (eg Retouch shading behind kangaroo x3 [3,4L41]) - huge overall catalogue; [4] 4d Olive x2. (100s)
$100 $100 $100
ex 4872
ex 4874 ex 4873 4872 F 4873 **/*
4874 **/*
Perf ‘OS’ Watermark Inverted unusual offering of 1d green and 1½d red shades x5 each all cds ex one 1d (cat $40 and $20 each respectively), 3d blue Die Ia x4 with cds x2 (one has rounded corner) cat $150 each. (14) ½d to 4½d all values ex 2d, singles and blocks (usually two units MUH) with some varieties with ½d orange top marginal block of 4 stamps MUH; 1d green singles x3, Plate 1 Pane 2 NE corner block of 4 with variety [II/8], Plate 4 with Pane 8 SE corner block of 4 x3 (two with full selvedge one may be translucent paper) each with varieties [VIII/54 & 60], Ash imprint block of 8 incl varieties [VII/54 & 60, VIII/56]; 1½d red singles x2, horiz pairs (one perf ‘OS’) x2 and a Mullett imprint pair (thinnish paper), blocks of 4 x2 (one perf ‘OS’); 3d with retouch [3,4R25], 4d MUH x2 (one creased), 4½d (one MUH) x3 incl variety [1R16] MLH. Complicated assembly, retail over $1,000. (qty) ½d to 4½d Mostly MUH Multiples Range with ½d Electro 9 block of 12 from top of right pane with White flaw below ‘G’ of ‘POSTAGE’; 1d pair with Roo’s tongue out, marginal blocks of 12 x3 one block with Retouched secret mark & Retouched crown flaw; 1½d pair one unit with Shading flaw on King’s neck & vertical pair with Slurred printing on lower unit, plus an irregular block of 14, blocks of 9 x2, interpane block of 8, blocks of 4 x4 with the odd variety sighted, 2d brown (mint), 4½d violet pair (MLH); minor toning issues in places but generally fine with most units MUH, Retail $3,000+ as MUH singles.
Phoenix Auctions will be showing lots from our next two auctions in ADELAIDE at Stampex at the Drill Hall, Torrens Parade Grounds 10th - 12th October. and in SYDNEY at Philas House 20th October 10am to 5pm Auction 33 - Roland Geitenbeek’s International Gold Medal ‘Woodblocks of Victoria’ and Auction 34 - Australian King George V Period.
Both auctions will be held in Melbourne on Saturday 25th October.
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
4877 AUSTRALIA | KGV - Small Multiple Watermark Perf 14 4875 ** ½d Orange with Watermark inverted marginal block of 9 from base of sheet, four units with small blemishes, a little perf separation. 4876 U ½d Orange Perf ‘OS’ BW #67ba. Horizontal pair with light slogan cancel, retail $225 each. 4877 **/* 1d Green John Ash imprint block of 8 including three varieties MUH ex the first [VII/54 (light hinge trace) & 60, VIII/56] plus the imprint itself with ‘AUSTRALIAN’ shrunk and faded at left. Small separation, nicely centred and fresh, extension of BW #80(4)zb.
$300 $120 $100
ex 4878
ex 4879 4878
4879 U 4880
ex 4880
1½d Red Die II Perf ‘OS’ in the very scarce and distinctive pink/salmon group of shades, singles (3) in both P14 and P13½x12½ on separate Jan 1928 Official covers Perth to Bencubbin and Perth, unclaimed and with associated markings. These shades are rare on cover, particularly this attractive. [The simultaneous use of both perforations in these unusual shades, for Official purposes, suggests the pronounced departure from the designated ‘red’ was considered too great for general public use.] (2) 2d Red-Brown Die I varieties Scratch over emu’s head [12L21] BW #98(12)e, the right unit in horiz strip of 3, White flaw on top of ‘2’ at right... [16R42] BW #98(16)m. Plus an unplated White flaw in RVT. All cds. (5) 3d Blue Die Ia (shades) selection comprising solo frankings to USA, Types A (advertising cover) and B, and combinations with 1½d Canberra for registration Footscray to Boulder, and with 1d green Adelaide to Canada, 3d paying double British Empire rate and 1d a Late Fee, odd blemish, generally fine. (4)
To avoid errors, please check your Lot Numbers and Bids carefully.
$280 $125 $160
Page 103
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
ex 4883 4881 * 4882 * 4883 *
3d Blue Die Ia Perf ‘OS’ Type A Watermark inverted BW #106aa, block of 4 fine mint, Cat $600. 4d Olive BW #115 pair MLH, centred to upper-right, Cat $250+. 4d Greenish Olive Perf ‘OS’ rare solo franking and combination with 1d green on 1929-30 Official registered covers (265x100mm) Elizabeth St to Mortlake. [1d Printed matter plus 3d registration.] (2)
$300 $100 $350
ex 4885
4885 F
4887 * 4888 * 4889 *
4d Greenish Olive Perf ‘OS’ rare solo franking tied by Elizabeth St cds to 1930 (11 Dec) Official registered cover (265x100mm) Elizabeth St to Mortlake, the canceller applied unevenly leaving stamp (which is off centre to lower left) largely uncancelled. [1d Printed matter + 3d registration.] 4½d Violet Die I BW #119, varieties x5 cds, two perf ‘OS’ [1L4 & 1R55], three normal [1L31, 1L58 & 1R16]. One may be a better shade, min cat $370 (in 2007). (5)
4½d Violet Perf ‘OS’ BW #119b solo franking on 1929 (Feb 23) Dept of Lands and Surveys OHMS cover from Adelaide to Pinnaroo, Adelaide red registration label, ‘UNCLAIMED’ handstamp, edge blemishes. Rare on Cover. 1/4d Greenish Blue BW #129A. Lightly hinged and fresh, retail c$375. 1/4 Greenish Blue BW #129A. Off-centre low right, very fresh with barest hinge trace. Retail c$375. 1/4d Pale Greenish Blue BW #129C. Lightly hinged and fresh, retail c$375.
$250 $140 $140 $140
We DO NOT have ‘T’ lots, all lots are sold inclusive of GST. GST is only applicable to buyer’s commission and despatch costs.
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
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ex 4892 ex 4891 ex 4890 AUSTRALIA | KGV - Small Multiple Watermark Perf 13½x12½ | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 4890 U 1926-30 Varieties Accumulation BW, BSAP or other listed plus “flyspeck” types on hagners ½d to 2d, includes 2d surcharge, perf ‘OS’ and odd ‘G/NSW’, and some fair duplication, with [1] ½d Orange x31 incl Die Ia x5 (perf ‘OS’ x4) and BW-listed x3; [2] 1d Green over 200 noting Watermark inverted x4, Die II x6 (two are merged) plus many more BW-listed; [3] 1½d Red over 275 including Watermark inverted x7, at least Slurred print x5 BW #92cd, several pinkish and/or salmon shades worth checking, also noting 20+ 2L59; [4] 1½d Red-brown x12 incl 1L23, 1L31 (in pair), 1L50; [5] 2d Red over 100 look to be all Die III incl Watermark inverted x12 ex booklet plates. Phenomenal specialised assembly, catalogue well into $1,000s, plus page with mint 1936 Cable Plate number singles. (100s) 4891 **/* Multiples Selection with varieties in MUH/MLH combination ex noted with [1] ½d block of 4, vert pairs x2, Plate 8 NE corner block of 6 stated posns 4-6 & 11-12, Plate 8 imprint strip of 4 and Plate 8 and 9 imprint blocks all with BW-listed variety [L60]; [2] 1d part imprint block of 8, three blocks of 4 and SE corner pair all with varieties [I/36, VII/31&37, VIII/54&60, VIII/60]; [3] 1½d red MNG Mullett imprint strip of 4 with Fifth correction to void top right corner [2L59] as part BW #92(2)zb; [4] 3d Die II top marginal pair MUH and block of 4 lower pair MUH; [5] 4d Ash imprint pair. Nice lot of positionals, cat c$750+ (2007). (16 units) 4892 U Varieties Hagner selection comprising ½d orange shades CTO x7 (perf ‘OS’ x2), then BW-listed group majority cds with 4½d violet x3 [1L4, 1L55 & 1R55] cat $75 each, ‘FIVE PENCE’ on 4½d with opt Narrow last ‘E’ in ‘PENCE’ [2,3L6]; 5d orangebrown shades x8 incl Broken right frame... [2L18] the only BW-listed type, others incl perf ‘OS’ x2; 1/4d x6 incl Flaw in crown [1L3] and Colour flaw in king’s hair [1R11] cat $80 each, four others incl Wajer Compartment marks each side of crown top ++ [1L2], and unplated Break right frame behind emu’s leg in pair. (25)
ex 4894
ex 4893
ex 4895 ex 4896 4893 */**
4894 **/* 4895 **/*
4896 **/* 4897 U
½d to 5d range with odd MUH but mostly MLH comprising ½d x3, 1d x6 incl 2x pairs, one Die I-II, one with Saddle on emu; 1½d red x7 incl watermark inverted and Dot before THREE [4R24]; 1½d red-brown; 2d red-brown x3 with MUH x2 incl Doubled left frame at top [1R49]; 3d Die II x3 incl pair; 4d x4 incl Kangaroo’s “tongue” out [4L25] and pair; 5d x3 with top marginal horiz pair incl Thin words of value [2R4]; 1930 surcharges 2d x3, 5d x2. Mainly fine to very fine, cat $700+. (40) ½d to 5d Selected Values with ½d block of 4 (2 MUH), 1d greens with Die II MLH x2 and an MUH pair incl retouch [VIII/30], also incl 4½d CTO MNG, perf ‘OS’ incl 3d Die I. Plus CofA Watermark 1d greens x7 incl MUH block of 4 with two varieties [III/ 23&29], singles with one of the same MLH and MUH normal and ‘OS’ opt. Good clean lot, generally fine, retail $600+. (24) ½d to Surcharged 5d on 4½d Selection of Mostly Mint Multiples with 1d green block of 10 plus corner blocks of 4 x2, 1½d red block of 12, block of 8 x2, blocks of 6 x4, blocks of 4 x10, 1½d brown block of 4, 2d red Die II blocks of 4 & 5 plus Ash imprint block of 4, 2d red Die III blocks of 4, 5 & 6, 3d Types BA/BB block of 4 (upper units thinned), 2d on 1½d Ash (‘N’ over ‘N’) imprint blocks of 4 x2 both with Sliced ‘O’ in Surcharge; some annotated varieties, large proportion of stamps being MUH, Retail $3,000+ as single stamps. (50 items) Perf ‘OS’ Selected Issues lightly hinged ex noted comprising 1d green horiz pair, very deep shade, 3d Die II pair MUH, 4d tiny surface scuff, the very difficult 4½d MUH (light bend) well-centred. Fresh lot, retail over $500. (9) SMult Wmk Accumulation In Stockbook mostly 1d green & 1½d & 2d reds, lesser quantities of other values with 4½d violet x13 one with Retouched left value tablet & numerals, 5d x11, 1/4d x2; plenty of annotated varieties, shades, multiples, official & commercial perfins & some mostly NSW postmark interest with complete strikes on piece including Berkeley Vale, Breeza, Burren Junction, Hannam Vale, ‘OUT OF COURSE’ (Sydney), Pallamallawa, Pokolbin, Reserve Creek etc. Heaps to view. (4,000+)
$180 $180
$460 $150
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
AUSTRALIA | KGV - Small Multiple Watermark Perf 13½x12½ 4898 ** 1d Green marginal block of 4 with two Die I-II pairs, fresh MUH. 4899 ** 1d Green Die I-II pair, fresh MUH. 4900 */** 1d Green fresh block of 4 with Die II-I pairs x2 (lower pair MUH) [I/3-4 & 9-10] BW #81(1)fa. Nicely centred, a fine specialist block.
$150 $75 $120
ex 4902
ex 4903
ex 4905 4901 */** 4902 U
4903 U
4904 **/*
ex 4904
1½d Golden Scarlet Thin Paper BW #92aa. Fresh block of 4, small perf imperfections, light single hinge remains, lower units MUH, Cat $500. 2d Red-Brown Die II specialist’s identified varieties mostly neat cds and majority BW-listed with 1L3 x3 (we’re not sure of these), 1R7, 2L51, 2R9 x2 (one in pair), 2R22, 2R30, 2R31, 2R40 x3 (‘OS’ x2 cat normal x3, one in strip of 3 with 2R42) - ex 1L3 these cat $675; plus Wajer specialised catalogue at 2L6 x2, 2L10 x2 (very likely), 2R28 x2. Plus 26 others awaiting more detailed study. Fine to very fine, very good value. (49) 2d Red Die II collector’s identified varieties majority neat cds BW-listed with many ‘OS’ perfins. We’re not certain about some of them (eg 1L3) but certainties include both the Duplication of ALIA [1L4,5,6 & 2R30 x4], 1R45 & 49 x3 each, the famous Horned emu [2L51] x4. Many more including Wajer specialised types plus at least 30 others awaiting more detailed study. Fine to very fine with just BW-listed cat close to $600, very good value. (c90) ‘TWO PENCE’ on 1½d Red Die II Plates 1-4, Plate dot blocks of 4 BW #101z-zc all MUH ex Plate 3 selvedge hinge. Plus extra blocks Plate 1 x2 selvedge hinge and Plate 4 MUH, SW corner block of 4 and NE corner horiz block of 6 (both left pane). Plus ‘FIVE PENCE’ on 4½d violet BW #125 lower marginal block of 4 - three units MUH. Mostly well-centred blocks, very fresh BW #101. (10 blks) 2d On 1½d Surcharge on covers to Government Depts in Sydney, opened on three sides otherwise generally sound, noted a few adverts, cds postmarks, etc, BW Cat $25 each on cover. (100+)
$100 $130
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ex 4906 4906 F 4907 F 4908
ex 4908
3d Blue Die Ia shades assembly of mostly Type A BW listed primary (x34) and secondary (x20) varieties incl ‘OS’ perfins, some in pairs. Some duplication, four are BW-listed primary flaws cat $40 each, sixteen are BW-listed secondary Plate 3 & 4 flaws cat $50 each, the others are BSAP types, plus a further 20+ not fully identified. Mainly fine high catalogue specialised lot. (75+) 3d Blue Die Ia Type B-B pair with no identifying features so either 3/4R33-4 or 34-5, BW #107B. Nicely centred 1929 Hay (NSW) cds. 3d Pale Blue Die Ia Perf ‘OS’ combinations (2) with 1½d golden scarlet, Types A and B, on registered Perth Official covers, unclaimed. (2)
ex 4910 4909 F 4910 F 4911 U
$240 $100 $65
ex 4911
3d Blue Die Ia Type B-B pair with left unit Retouch in front of nose [3/4R4], BW #107Bc, the right with BSAP-listed Left wattle spray shading breaks [3/4R5] - small scuff. Just o/c with NSW cds. 3d Blue Die Ia two Type A-B pairs [3/4R37-8 & 39-40] BW #107c. One with small surface scuff, both nicely centred cds, very similar shades with pairs cat $125 ea. (2 prs) 3d Blue Die II varieties from Plates 5 and 6, BW-listed comprises Plate 5 [5L12 x2, 5R33 x4, 5R38 x8 (one in vert strip of 4)], Plate 6 [6R20 in perf ‘OS’ pair]. Others incl 6L5, 6L30 x3, 6R10 x2, 6R29, annotated as Dry ink x4, range of others incl “flyspeck” types. About half are perf ‘OS’, majority cds, good range of shades. Just the BW-listed varieties cat $375. (55)
$120 $120 $140
ex 4912
ex 4913
ex 4915 4912
4913 U 4914 */** 4915
3d Blue Die II on covers on six leaves etc comprising solo frankings (9, one perf ‘OS’), including for Late Fee letter, ‘AR’ card, advertising covers, a cover to USA possibly earliest use on cover (2 Oct 1929 – BW states “earliest known date of use 28 September 1929”), the ‘OS’ a rare use of ‘Book only’ wrapping portion, double frankings (3) for triple Letter rate, registration to USA, and airmail to Germany via Domestic service (scarce), combinations with 2d for registered ‘AR’ and as uprate of 1d Stationery wrapper to USA (unusual), and perf ‘OS’ combinations with 1½d or 4d for registration and multiple of Printed matter, respectively. Nice selection for the specialist, in fine condition. (16) 4d Olive varieties on hagner with BW-listed at 3L55, 4L18, 4R42 x2, 4R60 plus BSAP-listed at 4R5; also perf ‘OS’ at 3L1 and BSAP-listed at 4L60 and 4R52 and others include two annotated as UL10 and UL17. Neat specialised presentation. (17) 4d Olive Overprinted ‘OS’ from Plate 4, SE corner block of 4 incl Distorted SE corner [4R60] BW #116(OS)l. Lower units MUH (incl variety), very fresh. 4½d Violet Die I (shades) 1929-30 solo frankings (2) for combined airmail or registered letter rates, one a deep shade on Dunlop Perdiau Rubber cover locally addressed at Melbourne. (2)
$400 $100 $100 $120
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ex 4919 4916 F 4917
4918 ** 4919 F 4920 *
4½d Violet Die I with Diagonal white flaw below ‘GE’ of ‘POSTAGE’ [1R3] BW #120n. Neat sock-it-on-the nose June 1930 cds. Scarce variety, Cat $200. (1) ‘FIVE PENCE’ on 4½d Violet Die II solo franking on registered letter from Sydney to Darlinghurst, BW #125, Cat $200, odd tonespot. 5d Light Orange-Brown Die II BW #126, fresh Plate 2 NE corner block of 4 (selvedge hinge) from right pane incl BSAP-listed small varieties [2R6 & 12]. Small storage-related gum blemishes, very fresh, retail $400 (4x singles). 1/4 Greenish Blue BW #130 x14, eleven have Telegraph Office Rockhampton datestamps, the other three with Winton (Qld) datestamps, generally fine/very fine, Retail $490. 1/4 Greenish Blue with Retouched SW corner [1L55] BW #130Ag. Brownish gum with selvedge almost separated. Nice centring and good colour, Cat $325.
$100 $60 $175 $160 $125
ex 4922
ex 4923
ex 4924 4921 **/* 1½d Red Die II Plate 1 block of 4 on Thin paper, BW #92aa, one unit hinged, Cat $550+ as thin paper singles. AUSTRALIA | KGV - CofA Watermark | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 4922 V 1d to 1/4d hagner of corner CTO cancels. One only 1d and 1½d, two each 2d and 1/4d, 4 each 3d and 4d, 5d x12 shades (one may be aniline). Plus ‘OS’ optd 1d, 2d and 3d. Mostly original gum and very fresh, cat $300+. (29) 4923 U 2d to 1/4d Accumulation in Stockbook with 2d red x1,800+, 3d blue x30, 4d olive x130+, 5d brown x70+, 1/4d x10, including annotated varieties, shades, official & commercial perfins, some postmark interest especially on the 2d values with lots of complete stikes on piece mostly for NSW including Crabbe’s Creek, Dooralong, Kootingal, Willow Tree, Young Wallsend plus a few Qld & Tasmania. (2,000+) 4924 */** Official Overprints and Perfins hinged ex noted with [1] basic set of 5 with ½d incl variety [8R44] and an extra pair, 3d a pair (2d faulty); [2] various state perfins - ‘VG’ 1d block of 4 with Perfin doubled on top pair (lower pair MUH) and 2d part imprint horiz strip of 3 (MUH x2), ‘G/NSW’ MUH 1d, ‘WA’ MUH 2d and 4d. Nice clean group. (18)
Bids can be made online at anytime. Otherwise you can email, fax, post or call us.
$380 $120
$250 $100
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ex 4926
ex 4925 4925 **/*
4926 U
4927 **/*
ex 4927
Selection MLH ex noted with [1] ½d block of 4 MUH incl Spur on left of LVT [9L20] and horiz pairs x2; [2] 1d imprint blocks of 4 x2, pair (stamps MUH) with part imprint at top, imprint pair with RA join retouch [VII/60], three singles (one Watermark inverted); [3] 1½d block of 4; [4] 2d x2 singles; [5] 3d block of 4 lower pair MUH, imprint pair incl White flaw below roo’s paw [7R55], single; [6] 4d top marginal single MUH. Tidy lot, cat $600+ (2007). Specialised Collection 1d to 1/4d of BW, BSAP and other varieties on Hagners in mixed mostly fine condition. Includes some pairs and larger multiples, odd ‘OS’ opt and lots of ‘G/NSW’ perfins (some inverted), 1d and 2d inverted watermarks, re-entries and retouches, good range of shades noticeably among 3d (x28) and 5d (c70, mostly Plate 3, with many BW-listed). Otherwise too elaborate to describe in anything other than generalised terms, large quantites 1d (over 325) and 2d (200+), ½d orange x11 incl Die Ia, 1½d x10, 4d x60, 1/4d x4 incl 1R11. Not far off cornering the market here. (700+) Watermark Inverted horizontal blocks of 6 - 1d green MUH, 2d red booklet pane with MUH x5 (trimmed perfs at base). Very fresh, local retail $350 (as singles). (2 blks)
$400 $130
ex 4930
ex 4929
ex 4928
ex 4932 4928 */** 4929 * 4930 U 4931 **/* 4932 *
ex 4931
Watermark Inverted with [1] 1d Green John Ash imprint strip of 4 hinged, w/c fresh cat $200 (as normal singles); [2] 2d Golden Scarlet booklet pane of 6 MUH, selvedge attached, cat $125. Very nice. ½d to 1/4d complete with extras 1d and 2d Watermark inverted, ½d with Thick upper frame at right retouched [9L7]. 5d slightly rounded SE corner, overall fine and fresh, retail c$300. (11) ½d to 1/4d mainly fine with some duplication on leaves all values ex optd surcharges with several Watermark inverted (1½d and 2d reds), also noted ½d Die Ia, three 3d all Die II. More cds than any other cancel, retail c$300, worth a look. (52) ½d to 5d Selection With Multiples mostly MUH including ½d block of 4, 1d block of 12, 2d blocks of 6 x4, plus Ash imprint blocks of 8 x2 and imprint pairs x4, 5d pair & singles x3, a few varieties sighted, odd blemish generally fine, Retail $650+ as single stamps. (40 items) Selection shades in mainly fine and fresh condition comprising [1] 2d Red x16 inc wmk inverted and optd ‘OS’ x8; [2] 3d Blue x7 incl one optd ‘OS’; [3] 5d Brown x9 incl a left marginal with Eight wattles at left [3L25] BW #127(3)g; [4] 1/4d Greenish Blue well-centred, quite a deep shade. Neat lot, retail $900+ (29)
$125 $140 $60 $130 $180
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ex 4934
4933 AUSTRALIA | KGV - CofA Watermark 4933 ** 1d Green block of 6 Watermark inverted BW #81a, Cat $450 (retail rather less). Very fresh. 4934 U 1d Green Hagners with c100 incl optd ‘OS’ x24 with horiz pairs x6 - one has Hollow ‘S’ in overprint BW #82(OS)c. Includes 35+ other listed (BW and BSAP) and unlisted (“flyspeck” type) varieties displayed upside down with pencil notations as to what and where the variety exists. Noted BW-listed include II/8, III/23, IV/6, VII/37, VIII/25, 45, 54, 56, 60, - otherwise unchecked. About half cds, mainly fine. (c100)
ex 4935
part 4936
ex 4937 4935
4936 ** 4937 **/* 4938
3d Blue Die II (shades) cover selection on four leaves etc comprising solo frankings (6) including scarcer Late Fee letter, Newspaper rate and perf ‘W/A’ on ‘AR’ card, some attractive advertising covers and airmail rates domestically, and to UK and Germany, perf ‘W/A’ unclaimed registered cover, etc, generally fine. (11) 3d Blue Die II Overprinted ‘OS’ Plate 7 complete sheet of 120 with full selvedge, Retail $3,000+. Fine condition with minor perf separation, ‘25 Sheets’ rubber stamp on back. 3d Blue Overprinted ‘OS’ three blocks of 4 comprising Plate 7 Ash imprint with variety [7R55] BW #109(OS)z, Plate 8 NE corner (top selvedge only) with [8R1] BW #109(OS)k, interpanneau block unplated. All fresh MUH ex upper imprint pair, retail c$325. (3 blks) 5d Brown Perf ‘G/NSW’ on registered long window cover from department of Lands, neat Exchange cds of 4MY36.
$200 $1,250 $140 $135
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ex 4938 4939 **/* 4940 * 4941 V
5d Brown BW #127 - two fresh blocks of 4, different shades with lower units MUH, one block with MVLH Eight wattles at left [3L25] BW #127(3)g. (2 blks) 5d Orange-Brown from Plate 3, imprint block of 4 with variety at 3R55 BW #127(3)z. Tiny perf separation, very fresh. 5d Brown Optd ‘OS’ BW #127(OS)A in fresh well-centred horiz block of 6 with CTO-quality Perth cds without gum (date unclear).
$125 $100 $125
4942 4942 * 4943
4944 *
1/4d Greenish Blue BW #131 shades, one well-centred with mildly toned gum, plus a fresh example centred to right, Cat $300. (2) 1/4d Greenish Blue BW #131 plus 2d NSW Anniversary tied by Hillston (NSW) datestamp paying 1/6d airmail rate to UK, opening faults on upper edge. 1/4d Greenish Blue imprint pair, part BW #131z. Rich colour, very fresh, Cat $750 (as block of 4).
ex 4946 ex 4945
$120 $85 $150
ex 4948 ex 4947
AUSTRALIA | Other Pre-Decimals | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 4945 ** 1927-40s Mint Multiples Array in Boga Sheet File with 1927 1½d Canberra block of 64 (8x8), 1946 Mitchell sheet with one stamp removed, 1947 2½d Shortland sheet with 4 stamp removed, 1947 Wmk CofA 1d Princess Elizabeth panes of 80 x2, 1948 2½d Farrer sheet of 160, plus other large multiples or sheets with a few values removed; also 1938 Australia’s 150th Anniv poster stamps set of 49 in three blocks; toning issues in places, MUH. (100s) 4946 **/*/U 1927-65 Commemorative & Special Issues mainly very fine majority mint incl MUH blocks and not too far short of complete with only some higher ticket items absent (Kooka MS, some shilling values incl 5/- Bridge). Includes most ‘OS’ opts and perfins, many imprint blocks incl Plate number positionals, odd plate variety - eg 1965 Churchill Retouch ‘ALIA’ [L1/11], later helecon varieties. Just through 1940 cat $900+, good quality expansion base. (100s) 4947 **/* 1937 1d QM and 2d KGVI Die I MUH (ex noted) in quantity with 1d x55 plus 1938 Die II incl block of 4 with 2 units hinged plus Die II coil strip of 3 uniformly large holes BW #182bh, and 2d x96. Total cat $450+. (158) 4948 **/* KGVI Array On Hagners with lots on multiples & imprint blocks including 2d mauve Medallion flaw in block of 4 MUH, 3d blue Die III P15x14 corner block of 8 plus block of 4 MUH, 1944-51 CofA 2d strip of 14 & strip of 4 with Coil joins MUH, No Wmk 2d pair with coil starter (960), Arms used £1 x2 & £2; also commemoratives NSW Anniv 2d Man with tail used, 1940 AIF 1d McCracken imprint block of 8 MUH with varieties ‘S’ shaped flaw on apron & Re-entry to top frame & inscriptions at base, some condition issues, mostly fine. (100s)
$250 $65
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ex 4949 4949 */U/C 1927-65 Collection in Album in album containing various commemoratives either mint and/or used, including 5/- Bridge full gum CTO, Robes, Arms sets both mint & used, Navigators to £2, various others, some FDCs, etc, variable condition but generally fine. (100s) AUSTRALIA | Other Pre-Decimals 1929-38 3d Airmail Type B Perf ‘OS’ BW #135b x4 plus Kingsford Smith 6d Air optd ‘OS’ #144(OS) x2 on 1933 (16 Sep) OHMS 4950 * cover to Perth tied by Port Hedland datestamps, slightly reduced at top. Rare & desirable combination franking.
$800 $500
ex 4951
ex 4953 4951
4952 ** 4953 */W
ex 4952
1929-38 3d Airmail Booklet Plate Type A very scarce usage selection, comprising [1] rare 1936 solo franking to Finland (portion of stapled selvedge attached); [2] 1934 3d + KGV 2d domestic airmail service Aberdeen (squared-circle) to Carnarvon; [3] 1932 3d x2 + 2d Bridge from Railton to UK double domestic airmail surcharge; [4] 1934 3d + Vic Centenary 3d and 2d double domestic airmail underpaid 1d for foreign letter, fine strike of scarce rectangular ‘INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID LETTER’ handstamp on reverse; odd blemish, generally fine. (4) 1930 Sturt 1½d Carmine-Red top right corner block of 9, variety Re-entry in lower frame, BW #139d, affecting three top units to varying degrees, fresh MUH. [The BW assigns this to Plate 4/11 only.] This block realised #340+ in the Hardy sale. 1931 Kingsford Smith [1] 3d pair left unit with Plane dropping mailbag MLH; [2] 6d purple pair top unit with Extra islands MNG. BW #142d,143e.
$200 $200 $60
4955 4954 F 4955 **
1931 Kingsford Smith Overprinted ‘OS’ 3d (faults) commercially used on piece from OHMS cover. Very rare only 28,000 printed (less than 5/- Bridge). 1931 Kingsford Smith 6d purple MUH block of 20 (5x4), BW #143.
$110 $135
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4956 **
1931 6d Air Mail Service Optd ‘OS’ plate 2 imprint block of 20 with Re-entry to STRALIA and plane’s wing at right, BW #144(OS)ze, MUH.
ex 4960 4957
4958 */** 4959 U 4960 ** 4961 *
1932-37 Large Lyrebird rare solo use on 1935 (Sep 9) air express delivery letter from Sydney to Brisbane. [1/- = 2d postage + 3d airmail per ½oz x2 + 4d Express delivery.] 1932 2d Sydney Harbour Bridge plate block of 4 Right side - two dots BW #146Azb. Upper right unit small thin at top, lower units MUH, Cat $400. Very scarce. 1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge CTO. BW #148w, Cat $300. 1934 Macarthur 2d Light Hills, 3d & 9d MUH pairs, BW #157,159-60. 1935 2/- Silver Jubilee BW #168 plus KGV 1d green paying correct 2/1d airmail rate on 1935 small cover to Germany via Greece, Athens backstamp. Very scarce commercial usage.
To avoid errors, please check your Lot Numbers and Bids carefully.
$450 $200 $200 $120 $250
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
4962 **/* 4963 *
4964 **/* 4965 * 4966 U 4967
Page 113
1936 Cable 2d Ash imprint block of 4, left units Recut shading in sky and sea below U of AUSTRALIA and Waterspout retouch respectively, BW #169zt, bottom units MUH, Cat $150. 1936 SA Centenary 2d carmine Ash imprint block of 4 with Retouched sky below AU, BW #171zb.
1937-39 1/- Lyrebird Perf 13½x14 John Ash (38mm) imprint block of 4, BW #208zd, lower units MUH, well centred, Cat $200. 1938-49 £1 Robes Thick Paper BW #216 plus 2/- Roo, 1/- Small Lyrebird & 9d Platypus tied by Brisbane ‘19AU41’ cds to Red Cross censored envelope sent by Clipper Service to Geneva at 23/9d quadruple rate (6/- first ½oz plus 5/11d x3 for each subsequent ½oz), minor edge blemishes. Rare on-cover usage of the £1 Robes. 1952-66 2/6d Aborigine with Watermark sideways inverted, BW #265a, postmark a bit messy, Cat $5,000. RPSV certificate (2013). 1949-61 5/- Arms BW #268 blocks of 4 x2, pair & single (damaged) plus 2/6d Aborigine BW #265 x6 including a pair tied by Sydney machine cancel to 1955 (Feb) Link Belt Co cover (295x215mm) to Chicago, central fold clear of the stamps, edge blemishes. Impressive franking. [£3/10/- paid 2/- airmail rate x35 for article weighing between 17-17½oz]
$100 $135
$100 $800 $500 $320
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ex 4969
4970 4968
4969 */** 4970
1949-64 10/- Arms BW #269 very scarce solo franking paying quintuple rate on 1952 (May 20) cover from Sydney to Switzerland. 1949-50 Arms Overprinted SPECIMEN set of 3, BW #269-271x, lightly hinged Cat $145. PLUS similarly optd 10/- Robes MUH cat £40. (4) 1949 £1 Arms BW #270 plus 2/- Aboriginal Art, 6d Small Kooka & ½d Roo tied by indistinct 1940s Registered Perth cds to parcel tag adressed to Millars’ Timber & Trading Co in Harvey (WA). An extraordinary franking for a intra-state parcel.
$200 $85 $400
part 4971 4972 4971 ** 4972
1953-59 Wmk Crown CofA QEII 3½d Carmine-Red complete sheet of 120 with Plate No 7 at top centre, fresh MUH, Cat $2,500 (as a block of 4). [BW states “Approximately six examples....have beeen reported”, of which very few, if any, would be in complete sheet format] 1958 2/- QANTAS plus 1/- Platypus both perf ‘VG’ tied to 1960 (Jun 10) oversized (335x225mm) OHMS Police Depot registered cover addressed to Manangatang Police Station.
4973 4973 ** 4974 **
$1,000 $65
1959-64 2d Pale Brown QEII gutter block of 8 from bottom showing Plate Nº 2, BW #348za, hinged in central selvedge, stamps fresh MUH, Cat $1,500. A rare plate Number. 1959-64 2d Pale Brown QEII gutter block of 8 from bottom showing Plate Nº 3, BW #348zb, hinged in central selvedge, stamps fresh MUH, Cat $2,500. A very rare plate Number.
$750 $1,250
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ex 4976 ex 4975 4975 4976 ** 4977 *
1958-64 8d Tiger Cat hand drawn artworks on brown paper and signed by Eileen Mayo [1] 10.5x11.7cm and endorsed “FDC for private firm” [2] 14x16.5cm (small tape repair) and endorsed “Stamp design” along with Stamp News article (June 1986). 1963-65 Navigators 4/- to £1 set, MUH. 1964 2/3d Air Mail Anniversary pair and single on 1964 (Oct 8) Jason Wool Scouring commercial cover from Melbourne to USA, overpaid 9d (rate was 2/- per ½oz x3), some blemishes. Scarce franking.
ex 4978
ex 4979
ex 4980
$100 $100 $100
ex 4981
AUSTRALIA | Decimal Issues | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 4978 ** 1966-75 Accumulation in stockbook with MUH and used of most issues incl 1966 Navigators in blocks of 4 plus additional 75c (28, 2 partial Plate No. ‘3’), $1 (76, with 2 complete and 2 partial Plate No. ‘3’), 1968 Flowers (4 sets), range of flower coils, several with varieties, 1971 Christmas pane of 25, 1972 Christmas 35c (6), 1974 Paintings $1 (10), $2 (13, incl Kiss print), $4 (4), many smaller varieties noted, selection of Doctor Blade flaws, paper types, odd gum variety, etc. Also few APost (?) Black & White Publicity photos of stamps. Some used stamps are CTO. (1,000s) 4979 **/* 1966-84 Collection in Schaubek hingeless album apparently complete to 1984 incl 1966 Navigators $1 P14¾, Navis optd ‘SPECIMEN’ (4), 1967 QEII 5c blue with complete Offset on reverse, 1970 Cook strip Red sail variety, plus additional M/S, 1971 Christmas singles, pane of 25 cream paper, few perf varieties, M/Ss, (ex 1977 $10 Painting, 1979 $5 Painting & a few booklet panes). Small selection on mint Postage Dues (21) incl values to 1/- and 1946-47 BCOF set (7) to 5/- (gum fault). Generally very fine. (100s) 4980 **/U 1975-86 Accumulation of issues in almost new Lighthouse 64 page stockbook, with many issues in gutter strips of 10 or 20, many sets, few higher values incl 1977 $10 Painting (5), few varieties incl Doctor Blade flaws, few booklet panes, framas, etc. also range of used issues. (100s) 4981 **/U 1980-86 Accumulation in 64 page KA-BE stockbook with many issues in gutter strips of 10, with many sets, few booklet issues, plus small selection of used issues. (100s)
AUSTRALIA | Decimal Issues 4982 * 1967 5c On 4c Booklet Pane with Slogan 2 BW #443cg tied by Perth cds to 1967 (Oct 23) cover to UK. Fine condition. 4983 ** 1967-72 QEII 5c Blue block of 4 with Offset BW #444a, MUH, Cat $300+.
$300 $500 $500
$100 $120
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part 4984 4984 ** 4985
1970-73 6c Orange Non-helecon paper part sheet of 50, BW #446ac, some flecks of helecon appear on a small number of stamps. Purchased from the Hamilton PO. 1966-71 24c Azure Kingfisher BW #457 solo franking tied by Mangrove Mountain (NSW) cds underpaying the 25c airmail rate (untaxed) on 1966 small cover to Italy, Rome arrival backstamp. Rare solo franking to overseas destination. 1966-71 40c Abel Tasman solo franking tied by Dandenong (Vic) slogan cancel paying Zone 4 double-rate 1965 (Apr 16) cover (stained at right) to Israel. Scarge usage and destination.
$100 $100 $60
ex 4987 4987 4988 4989
* * *
1967 25c Christmas solo usages on small covers with cds cancels comprising [1] 1967 (Dec 8) paying combined letter and registration rate on Sydney local cover; [2] 1968 (Jan 3) paying airmail rate to UK; fine condition. (2) 1967 25c Christmas tied by Murgon (Qld) datestamp to 1968 (Feb 29) small cover to USA, typed address, fine condition. 1968 25c Intelsat II BW #482 x2 plus 5c ILO paying registration fee and airmail postage on 1969 (Jul 2) Goodwood (SA) small cover to Germany, fine condition.
1968 25c Intelsat II solo franking with variety Retouch right of top of satellite dish tied by Perth ‘USE YOUR/RAILWAYS’ slogan cancel to 1968 (Mar 20) small cover to UK. Extrapolated value of variety stamp on cover $350. 1968 25c Olympics tied by Perth machine cancel to 1968 (Dec 2) small cover to USA, American ‘Employ Epileptics’ airmail label. 1969 7c Sugar solo franking tied by Blyth (SA) datestamp paying surface rate on 1970 (Feb) small cover to USA, minor staining. Scarce solo franking. [A similar example sold for $128 in our May 2014 sale]
$80 $75 $90
$120 $80 $80
Current online starting prices are updated instantly whenever a bid is placed. When you have your email address registered with us we will email you updates when the status of your bids change.
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
ex 4994 4993 4994
* *
1969 7c Sugar BW #503 rare solo franking paying surface rate on 1970 (Jul 29) cover from Dumbleyung (WA) to USA. 1969 Primary Industries mostly airmail usages comprising [1] 7c Sugar +7c Snowy Mountains x2 & 4c QEII on 1970 cover to USA; [2] 15c Timber +3c QEII on 1970 (?) PPC to UK, also 15c pair +5c QEII on 1972 cover to UK; [3] 20c Wheat paying Special Delivery fee +5c Railways paying postage on 1970 domestic interstate cover (small edge tear); [4] 25c Wool solo on 1969 cover to USA, also 25c Wool plus 5c Expo on 1970 cover to UK; condition generally fine. (6) 1969 15c Timber BW #504 pair tied by Alice Springs (NT) datestamp paying airmail rate on 1969 (Dec 15) cover to Germany.
1970 25c Wool BW #506 solo franking tied by Sydney cds paying airmail rate on 1970 (Mar 20) small cover to Lebanon. Scarce destination. 1969 25c Christmas BW #508 strip of 3 plus 15c Timber & 20c Wheat on commercial Special Delivery airmail cover to Switzerland, the $1.10 franking paying airmail triple rate + 20c Express Delivery fee. Very scarce multiple franking of 25c Christmas.
4998 4998
4999 ** 5000
$140 $90
$70 $120
1969 25c Christmas BW #508 solo franking tied by Melbourne slogan cancel paying airmail rate on 1969 (Nov 5) small cover to UK. 1969 Prime Ministers 5c Barton booklet stamp with Strong Offset BW #509cb, fresh MUH, Cat $800. Rare. [BW states that one booklet (Edn G70/2)...and at least one single example are known] 1970 30c Royal Visit BW #520 solo franking paying Zone 5 airmail letter rate on 1970 (Apr 24) cover to Scotland.
5001 5001
$65 $600 $75
1970 5c Cook se-tenant strip of 5 BW #526c & 5c single tied by Sydney machine cancel to 1971 (May 21) airmail cover to Brazil, ‘AO REMETENTE’ RTS handstamp on face, fine condition. 1970 30c Captain Cook solo franking tied by O’Sullivan Beach (SA) datestamp paying airmail rate on 1970 (Apr 23) small cover to UK. 1971 15c Orientalists BW #553 x2 tied by Brisbane datestamps paying airmail fee on 1971 (Apr 25) small cover to Vienna. Attractive & scarce franking.
$90 $65 $75
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5004 5004 5005 5006
* *
ex 5008
5007 5007
5013 *
5012 5013 5014
* * *
$80 $60 $85
1971 Christmas 7c mauve, green & blue solo franking paying British Forces in Australia concession rate to England sent by British Squadron Leader based at RAAF Fairbairn Canberra, straight-line ‘ON SERVICE’ & boxed ‘DEFENCE FORCES/ POSTAGE/CONCESSION’ handstamp in red, slogan cancel. First example we have seen of a 7c Christmas stamp paying this rate. 1972 Primary Industries airmail usages comprising [1] 20c Fruit plus 15c Orientalists on 1972 cover to UK, also 20c Fruit +5c Pioneers both perf ‘G/NSW’ on 1974 OHMS small cover to USA; [2] 30c Fish on 1972 Zoological Board cover to USA plus 30c pair paying double-rate on 1972 Moody Films cover to USA; [3] 35c Beef solo on 1972 cover to UK; condition generally fine. (5) 1972 25c Rice BW #592 very scarce solo franking paying Zone 3 airmail rate to Philippines, RTS handstamp on face, Manila backstamps.
ex 5006
1970 Famous Australians 6c Duigan Brothers booklet stamp BW #548a (salmon U/V reaction) tied by Canberra ‘30JNE/1971’ slogan cancel paying British Forces in Australia concession rate to England, straight-line ‘ON SERVICE’ & boxed ‘DEFENCE FORCES/POSTAGECONCESSION’ handstamp in red, slogan cancel. Very scarce usage. 1972 18c Fauna Conservation solo franking tied by Hobart datestamp paying airmail rate on 1972 (Mar 14) PPC to Scotland. 1971 7c Christmas solo frankings x5 including three surface rate covers to England, also 1972 35c airmail rate to Denmark with five different 7c values. (6)
$100 $85
1972 24c Rehabilitation BW #598 (rounded corner) very scarce solo franking paying Zone 2 airmail double-rate on 1972 small cover to New Zealand. 1972 35c Olympic Games BW #604 solo franking tied by North Ryde (NSW) slogan cancel paying airmail rate on 1971 (Nov 24) Camping Import Ltd commercial cover to Germany. 1972-74 10c Pioneer Water BW #608 solo franking tied by Hobart cds, paying postcard surface rate to UK. Very scarce usage. 1975 35c Christmas BW #621 solo franking tied by Melbourne slogan cancel paying airmail rate on 1972 (Dec 5) small cover to Germany. 1972 35c Christmas BW #621 pair tied by Melbourne slogan cancel paying airmail double-rate on 1972 (Dec 14) De Wolf, Fletcher & Co commercial cover to Germany. Desirable & elusive franking.
$60 $65 $65 $70 $100
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ex 5015 5015
5018 5018
5019 ** 5020 **
5023 ** 5024 5025
* *
5026 **
$100 $110 $60
1974-80 10c Star Sapphire BW #647 solo franking on 1975 underpaid non-standard article weighing 50g to 100g, correct rate being 24c, taxed at double deficiency, with ‘CARD ISSUED’ handstamp. Unusual solo usage of 10c Gem. 1973-74 10c Star Sapphire and 1975 10c Lyons, both Printed on gummed side, fresh MUH, BW #648ci Cat $100 and #694c Cat $250. (2) 1978 Aviators 18c Kingsford Smith, top left corner block of 4 Imperforate, fresh MUH, SG #660a Cat £220, BW #792b Cat $300.
$65 $175 $200
5021 W
1973 National Development usages on 1973 airmail covers comprising [1] 30c Beef solo on (Jun 15) cover to USA; [2] 20c Shipping (+50c Pioneers) paying double-rate on (Jul 16) cover to UK; [3] 20c Shipping (+10c & 5c Pioneers) on (Sep 3) cover to Switzerland; [4] 25c Steel pair paying double-rate on (Nov 6) cover to USA (Zone 4 rate reduced from 30c to 25c as of 1/10/ 73). (4) 1973-74 6c Gemstones Pair BW #641 paying double the 6c concession rate on 1976 (Jun 3) British Forces serving in Australia airmail cover from Canberra to England, fine strike of ‘BRITISH DEFENCE FORCES MAIL/(crown)’ circular handstamp in violet, central fold. 1974-78 9c On 8c Opal BW #646 pair paying correct 18c rate on 1975 PPC to Italy. Elusive usage.
part 5023
1974 7c Golf marginal pair, right-hand unit with variety Black partly omitted (golf club shaft, AUSTRALIA & 7c), unused and unpriced as partial omission. [From the sheet that was discovered in 2008.] 1974 30c UPU BW #677 x2 tied by Heidelberg (Vic) cds paying airmail double-rate on 1974 commercial cover to USA. An elusive franking. 1975 45c Wildflower vertical strip of 6, the third unit with Yellow-green partly omitted & the fourth unit with Yellow-green omitted BW #727ce, fresh MUH, Cat $750. 1975 25c PNG Independence BW #729 solo franking paying correct postcard rate to Germany. Scarce usage. 1976 45c Christmas BW #756 solo franking tied by Glenorchy (Tas) datestamp paying airmail rate on 1976 (Dec 10) small cover to UK. 1977 18c QEII Silver Jubilee variety Offset of blue and black BW #765c, fresh MUH, Cat $250. Popular variety.
$250 $85 $240 $80 $60 $200
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5027 5027 5028
1977 45c QEII Silver Jubilee marginal Plate Proof pair on imperf, thick glazed paper, BW #766PP(1), Cat $500. 1978 40c Trees BW #798 solo franking paying unsealed greeting cards card rate on 1978 (Dec 12) cover to England. Rare usage. 1978 45c Trees BW #799 pair paying Zone 5 double-rate on 1978 (Aug 4) cover to Germany. Very scarce usage.
$200 $140 $120
5030 5030
5031 ** 5032 W 5033 **
5035 ** 5036 D 5037 ** 5038 D 5039 **
1980-83 80c Rainbow Pitta BW #821 very scarce solo franking paying combined Priority Paid & postage fees for a 50g to 100g non-standard articles sent from Dandenong (Vic) to Brampton (SA). 1979 National Parks Vertical Designs se-tenant strip of 4 incorporating Se-tenant pair imperforate except at left BW #843b, fresh MUH, Cat $1,250+. 1979 Steam Locomotives valueless colour trial based on the 35c design. 1982 Whales 60c essay with solid blue background, BW #930(E)1, Cat $350.
ex 5034 5034
ex 5035
$65 $750 $200 $270
ex 5037
1982 75c Aboriginal Culture BW #977 solo franking paying Zone 5 airmail rate on 1983 (Jan 11) small cover to Liechtenstein. Elusive usage & an unusual destination. 1994-97 Kangaroos & Koalas with Imperforate marginal block of 18, ‘LEIGH-MARDON’ on back. 2004 50c Cats & Dogs Bundleware 100 sets with sheet perfs on piece and cut close. Sheet stamps only comprise approx 2% of the entire printing of the whole issue and as such are very difficult to assemble. (400) 2007 Modernist Architecture Limited Edition Imperf Sheets both left & right panes with certificates in their original Australia Post storage and wrappings. 2012 Medical Science Bundleware 100 sets with sheet perfs, on piece and cut close. Sheet stamps only comprise approx 2% of the entire printing of this issue and as such are difficult to assemble. (500) 2013 Centenary of Kangaroo Stamps opt in red (for Australia 2013 Supporters Club) on Australia/Territories Joint issue M/Ss (4, with identical numbers) and Patrons Club Series 1 opt on Colonial Heritage $5 M/S in black, and Series 2 $4 M/S with gold opt with additional opt for Thai (?) Exhibition in gold. (6)
$70 $900 $65 $110 $80 $150
Page 121
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014 AUSTRALIA | Booklets
5043 5040 B** 5041 B** 5042 B** 5043 B** 5044 B**
5045 B**
5046 B**
5047 B**
ex 5042
1913-17 2/- Red on Pink with inside cover printed in red on blue-green and bold headings in seriffed typeface containing ½d Roo x12 & 1d Roo x18, with interleaving, BW #B7A, fine and scarce, Cat $3,000. 1923-1926 2/3d Sage-Green on Pale Green Cover BW #B30B, eight 1½d stamps remaining, minor soiling on cover, Cat $4,000 for a complete booklet. 1927 2/- Canberra BW #B38 - two booklets with full panes, usual rust stains from ancient staples (which have conveniently been removed) and other small imperfections. Better than average copies, Cat $250. (2) 1935 2/- Black on Pale Cream Cover, New Design Revised Text inside front cover (local telephone calls) BW #B46C, (2d x12) three stamps remaining, tonespot on back cover othewise fine, Cat $750 for a complete booklet. 1934-35 2/- Black on Pale Cream Cover, New Design containing 2d Red Die III x12 5th edition with revised text inside front cover showing ‘Within Commonwealth’ & ‘Beyond Commonwealth’ registration rates BW #B46E, fine condition, undercatalogued at $1,000.
1934-37 2/- Black on Green Cover, New Design with Unadopted cover containing CofA 2d Red Die III block of 6 x2, with interleaving, BW #B49E. Extremely rare. [BW states “The different setting of the front cover...suggests the essay nature of this booklet. Two examples have been recorded”] 1959-2001 Range all decimals except for 1959-60 4/- BW #B61 x2 cat $50 each (one with FDI cds each pane). Then decimals (FV $100+) from 1967 QEII $1 5c on 4c ‘Registered Post...’ Edn V67/1 and ‘Use Postal Orders...’ Edn G67/1 BW #107b and #111C cat $40 each, couple other later stitched types, many 60c to $2 vending machine types, 1989 $4.10 Melbourne Trams BW #B169, then mostly 45c rate self-adhesive types - total cat well over $400, bargain. (42) 1988-89 $3.90 Living Together on Harrison (cream) paper BW #B157 x2 (cat $100 each), plus CPL (white) paper BW #B158 for comparison. Perfect condition. (3)
We DO NOT have ‘T’ lots, all lots are sold inclusive of GST. GST is only applicable to buyer’s commission and despatch costs.
$1,800 $300 $80 $100 $950
$100 $100
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
Page 122 AUSTRALIA | Postage Dues
ex 5049
5048 5048 ** 5049 * 5050 * 5051 G 5052 * 5053 *
1902 Converted NSW Plates ½d line P11½-12 BW #D1, a double variety block of 4 with ‘F’ of ‘HALF’ & ‘P’ of ‘PENCE’ joined [5/3] and White flaw left of top serif of ‘1’ [6/4] BW #D1d&j. Vertical crease left units hardly detract from scarce and desirable positional block, new Postage Due cat $180 (as singles). 1906-08 Design Completed Wmk Crown/Single Lined A ½d, 1d, 2d, 4d & 6d with 1d, 2d & 6d Wmk inverted, BW #D46-55 group, all lightly tone patches, Cat $865. 1906-08 Design Completed Wmk Crown/Single Lined A 3d light green, BW #D52, Cat $875. Fresh mint. 1906-08 Design Completed Wmk Crown/Single Lined A 3d light green, BW #D52, few perf faults, Cat $450, rare. 1913-21 Wmk Crown/Double Lined A Thin Paper 10/- scarlet and pale green BW #D103, fine MLH, Cat $1,750. Sismondo Certificate (2009). [Just 343 issued which makes it the rarest Commonwealth of Australia issue on a simplified basis.] 1913-21 Wmk Crown/Double Lined A Thin Paper £1 scarlet and pale green BW #D104, fine MLH, Cat $1,350. Sismondo Certificate (2009). [Just 708 issued.]
ex 5068 5054 **
$100 $100 $350 $150 $1,500 $1,200
ex 5069
1922-30 Wmk 3rd Crown/A 1½d Plate 1 Harrison imprint block of 4 with Break in frame over U of AUSTRALIA (FP1)g, BW #D107z, 2nd line guillotined off, gum toning, MUH, Cat $475+. 5055 ** 1958-63 No Wmk 5d Die II corner block of 4, BW #D151, Cat $320. AUSTRALIA | War Savings Stamps 5056 WWI War Savings Stamps Booklet with ‘Mullett imprint at base complete with 6d War Savings stamps x6. Condition mixed but quite rare. 5057 1945 War Savings Stamps 6d Canberra War Memorial and Mt Ainslie vert pair with adhesions (probably due ungainly removal from unsurrendered savings folder). Scarce pair. (2) AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery 5058 PS Used Selection: with Postal Cards including 1913-15 1d Roo used Yetna (WA) to Melbourne, 1930 KGV ‘THREE/ HALFPENCE’ on 1d & 1941-43 1d+1d QM uprated ½d for transit to USA; Letter Cards including Scenic types to UK 1d Roo (Cairns Railway, Queensland) & KGV 1d (Shipping Butter, Brisbane) both with faults; Wrappers with KGV 1d Green & KGVI 1½d green (160mm) x2; mixed condition. (18) 5059 PS 1912-34 KGV Selection: comprising [1] 1912 1d Postal Card BW #P1(1) used from Hindmarsh to Goodwood (SA); [2] 1928 Sydney local use of 4½d Oval Embossed Registration Envelope BW #RE21; [3] 1934 used of 5d Oval Embossed Registration Envelope Die II #RE27 from Sydney to San Salvador uprated with 3d Kooka & Tasmania 1d, Victoria Centenary platypus cinderella on reverse; fine condition. (3)
$120 $180 $200 $200
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ex 5060
5060 PS
Officials Collection: Valuable group with Envelopes unused (5, two ‘OS’ in die) and used (63, 21 ‘OS’ in die), latter with 1918 ½d + 1d Die I (BW #ES34), penalty envelopes (5, two unused), ‘Returned Letter’ (9), 1942 5d Registered envelope uprated ½d in cash, Postal cards with ‘OS’ in die unused (2), various used cards (4), and perf ‘OS/NSW’ used (2, one rare KGVI 1½d), and Letter cards (3, one unused), many scarce items present, little if any duplication amongst configurations, odd fault, generally fine. (94) AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 5061 PS 1911 Coronation Issue 1d Queen Mary in Oval Laurel Wreath Frame, buff on reverse BW #P14b, unaddressed, Fremantle ‘26MR12’ datestamp, Cat $60. 5062 PS 1911 KGV Full Face Prince of Wales 1d blackish-brown, rectangular oak leaves frame, unused, BW #P18(1)A.
5063 5063 PS 5064 PS 5065 PS
ex 5069
$60 $80
1911 Victorian Scenes 1d rose-carmine, with purple-brown, used in Malvern, bowling club message. Tiny blemish. BW #P22(3)A. 1923 ‘ONE/PENNY’ On 1½d Dark Brown KGV Sideface BW #P57, with Francis Longmore & Co printed message about their sales rep calling. Fine, fresh and unused. 1938-41 1d Green Queen Elizabeth Printed Matter Card BW #P69 with all-over advertising on reverse for ‘Myer Summer Sale 1940’, used locally in Melbourne, minor soiling, Cat $100.
$80 $750 $75
ex 5068
AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Letter Cards 5066 PS 1913 1d Kangaroo Design Die II P10 view ‘GOVERNMENT HOUSE, PERTH’ BW #L16(56B) postally used from Adelaide to UK. 5067 PS 1923-24 KGV Sideface 1½d green P12½, view ‘THE GILDEROY RANGES/VICTORIA’, CTO at Melbourne for UPU distribution BW # LC51(52)x. Superb & fresh and much rarer than catalogue suggests. AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Letter Sheets (Printed-To-Order) 5068 PS 1919 1½d Brown KGV for James Moore & Sons Ppty Ltd 1919 (Aug 8) use to Leongatha, HG #LSS7, Cat $1,500. Plus 1928 Sales booklet. About half-a-dozen examples of this letter sheet are recorded for all users. Only two have been recorded for James Moore & Sons. (2 items) AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 5069 PS KGV-QEII Selection mostly used including KGV 1d Red ‘Star’ Embossed unused & used, 1½d Red ‘Star’ Embossed PTPO for Vacuum Oil Company, plus official 2d Red Oval Embossed; KGVI 1d Green PTPO for Henry Berry uprated with punctured ½d Roo, also various QEII from 3d to 5d; condition mixed with some fine. (22) 5070 PS 1923-24 ‘THREE HALFPENCE’ on 2d Orange No POSTAGE BW #EP24. Scarce, rarely seen so clean, Cat $750.
$60 $150
$150 $400
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AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Envelopes (PTPO)
5071 5071 PS 5072 PS
5073 PS
5075 PS 5076 PS
ex 5078
ex 5081
$160 $80
ex 5076
1916-17 2d Violet King George V ‘Star’ Embossed BW #ES58 envelope for an unknown user tied by Melbourne Late Fee ‘6SE16’ (?), minor blemishes, Cat $500. 1922-23 2d Red KGV ‘Star’ Embossed - With ‘POSTAGE’ BW #ES61 with printed address to Civil Service Co-operative Society (Sydney), flap unsealed, fine condition, Cat $200. 1930-43 Oval Embossed Selection with [1] KGV 1d Green BW #ES64 x24 including illustrated types for Barnet Glass Rubber Co, & Beaucaire (menswear); [2] KGV 2d Red #ES72-73 x12, & a single example of 2d ‘OS’ #EO19; [3] KGVI 1d #ES75 x3, 1½d #ES79 & 2d #ES83; some toning, mostly fine. (42)
5077 PS
1913-20 2d Grey Roo Die IIA BW #ES6 on Perdriau window envelope, fine used from Sydney. 1921-23 KGV ‘Star’ Embossed Used Selection comprising [1] Without ‘POSTAGE’ 1d Die 3 BW #ES30 for Australian Drug Coy (Sydney) with ‘20 POSTED’ handstamp; also With ‘POSTAGE’ [2] 1d Violet #ES41 for Australian Drug Coy x3 each with ‘20 POSTED’ handstamp, Cat $100 each; [3] 1½d Green #ES55 x3, each a different user; [4] 2d Red #ES61 x2; condition variable but generally fine, Cat $490. (9) 1922-24 1d Violet KGV ‘Star’ Embossed - With ‘POSTAGE’ for Australian Drug Coy (Sydney) used in 1923 (Jul 13) to Newcastle, ‘20 POSTED’ handstamp in violet, unsealed flap, Cat $100.
5074 5074 PS
ex 5072
$360 $120 $150
1930 ‘TWO PENCE’ on 1½d Red King George V Oval Embossed for Shire of Heidelberg tied by Fairfield (Vic) ‘26MY32’ datestamp, typed address to State Electricity Commission, fine condition, Cat $150. AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Registration Envelopes 5078 PS 1913 4d Orange Kangaroo & Map with boxed ‘REGISTERED’ BW #RE1, plus 4d Orange with ‘REGISTERED LETTER’ at top BW #RE3, each with some tonespots, Cat $600. (2) 5079 PS 1916-20 4d Orange KGV on NSW Stock Obliterating Device in Red, Setting 1, BW #RE6A uprated with KGV 1d tied by Holbrook (NSW) ‘20NO16’ datestamp, red/black registration label, fine condition. 5080 PS 1916-20 4d Orange KGV on NSW Stock Obliterating Device in Red, Setting 2, BW #RE6B with varieties Extra wattle flower, Flaw at base of crown & Flaw on of ‘E’ of ‘PENCE’ used in 1919 (Jul 29) from Glenorie to Hornsby (NSW), trivial staining. 5081 PS Collection in Two Cover Albums comprising unused (33) and used (60, one CTO), includes 1942 5½d rounded flap at right used (BW #RE30 – Cat $250), scarce inscription and stock types of QEII 2/5d with 1965 Helecon used (BW #RE44 Cat $100), no duplication apparent, odd fault, generally fine (93) AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Aerogrammes 5082 PS 1959-65 10d Jet Design with ‘Overseas Service’ added BW #A13 to USA uprated with 6d Thornbill & 9d Roo to pay 1/3d Special Delivery fee, all tied by Hawthorn North (Vic) datestamp. Unusual usage.
$120 $200 $80 $80 $1,400 $90
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014 AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Aerogrammes (Official)
ex 5086
ex 5084
ex 5087
5083 PS 1959-67 OHMS Jet Design No denomination in deep blue and red on blue, handstamped ‘SPECIMEN’ in violet BW #AO3wa. AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Wrappers 5084 PS 1942-50 KGVI 1½d ‘NEWSPAPER ONLY’ two unused examples with light folds, two slightly different shades on slightly different papers, one more glazed than the other. One 162mm wide certainly BW #W23 (interior handstamp ‘-8 AUG 1947’), the other 168mm wide and more glazed suggesting this is a trimmed BW #W22A (cat $200). (2) AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Wrappers (PTPO) 5085 PS 1924-38 1d Green King George V Sideface Die 1 BW #WS12 to England tied by 1933 Sydney machine cancel & Die 3 to New Zealand tied by 1926 Sydney airmail slogan cancel, minor faults; Cat $200 each. AUSTRALIA | Telegram Forms 5086 PS 1900s-1980s mostly used range majority Victoria, some 1900’s envelopes, a Telex form, one USA (Western Union - New York), reference documentation. Other material includes receipts, application forms, invoices noting a colourful one in 1909 for the “Post Office Directory”. Decimal era forms have range stamps affixed noting $5 and $10, postmarks include neat 1950’s ‘WINJALLOK’ (quite scarce). Good lot. (100+) 5087 PS 1938 Special Event Telegrams ‘Congratulatory’, ‘Birthday Greetings’ & ‘Christmas & New Year Greeting’ all with Nhill cds of 23 or 24DE38. An attractive group to the one recipient. AUSTRALIA | Covers By Manufacturer
5088 5089 5090 5091 5092 5093
* * * * * *
Bergen 1954 Antarctic Exhibition 3d Tas Stamp Centenary cancelled with Mawson cds of 15FE54 on ‘4 penguins’ cover. Bergen 1954 Antarctic Exhibition ½d Roo pair & 3d green QE cancelled with Mawson cds of 15FE54 on ‘Survey Flight’ cover. Bergen 1954 Antarctic Exhibition 3½d Young Farmers cancelled with Mawson cds of 15FE54 on ‘Kista Dan’ cover. Bergen 1954 Antarctic Exhibition 3½d AAT cancelled with Macquarie Island cds of 28DE54 on ‘Antarctic Map’ cover. Bergen 1955 Antarctic Exhibition 3½d SA Stamp Centenary cancelled with Macquarie Island cds of 13DE55 on ‘4 penguins’ cover. Bergen 1971 Antarctic Treaty pair with Glenelg cds of 23JE71 on ‘Penguin on Icefloe’ cover.
$75 $140
$250 $80
$90 $90 $90 $90 $100 $80
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5094 5094
* *
$80 $120 $280
$180 $120 $100
ex 5105
Shearsby 1938 5d Ram tied by Yass ‘1DE38’ FDI cancel to registered cover with illustration in blue showing Merryville (Yass) Stud Rams, minor toning. Not seen by us before. Shearsby covers, of similar design, have sold in the past for $600+. 5104 * Wide World 2/6d Aborigine + 1/0½d KGVI tied to illustrated cover by Kilburn (SA) ‘19MR52’ datestamp, vertical creasing, typed address to New Zealand, clean condition. AUSTRALIA | First Day Covers 1930s-60s Selection of mostly FDCs including 1947 Newcastle on registered Mitchell cover (Retail $100+), plus faked generic 5105 * APO FDCs for 1934 2d Macarthur, 1946 Mitchell, 1948 von Mueller & 1949 5/- Robes, 1952 Australia-South Africa flight cover intermediate to Mauritius, 1953 Strambian Society ROSEX (Religion on stamps) souvenir cover also a second album with some KGV stationery items, 1941 Nelson Eustis stamp dealer covers x4, plus some overseas material, condition issues in places. Worth investigating. (180) 5103
Mitchell 1948 Von Meuller tied to cover by Perth ‘13SE48’ FDI datestamp, cachet printed in gold and very scarce thus, flap sealed, minor tonespots. SA Stamp Company (Gower) 1938 KGVI 1½d Red-Brown plus KGV ½d orange tied to cover by Sydney ‘20AP38’ FDI cancel, typed local address. SA Stamp Company (Gower) SA Centenary set of 3 tied SA Stamp Company Glenelg registered airmail cover to NZ by ‘3AU35’ FDI cancel, with original Gower’s Stamp Den circulars contained within, some minor edge toning.
Challis 1953 Coronation set of 3 tied by GPO Perth ‘25MY53’ FDI cancel, typed address, fine condition. Collinridge Rivett 100 years of Postal Services at Lismore Post Office illustrated commemorative cover, stamp tied by Lismore ‘1OCT/1959’ slogan cancel, centenary cinderella label on face, numbered #22 of 150, ‘AFDC BAULKAM HILL NSW’ (Art First Day Covers) rubber handstamp on reverse. Fred Hagen 1928 International Philatelic Exhibition with 3d Kooka tied to illustrated cover by International Philatelic Exhibition ‘30OC28’ datestamp in green, typed address.
5100 5100
Challis 1950 Postage Stamp Centenary block of 4 se-tenant pairs tied by GPO Perth ‘27SE50’ FDI datestamps, typed address, fine condition. Challis 1951 Foundation of Commonwealth set tied to registered Type I small cover by GPO Perth ‘1MY51’ FDI datestamp, typed address, fine condition. Challis 1951 Foundation of Commonwealth set tied to registered Type II larger cover by GPO Perth ‘1MY51’ FDI datestamp, typed address, fine condition.
5097 5097 5098
$400 $80
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5106 5106 5107 5108
* * *
ex 5108
1932 6d Kookaburra tied to plain registered cover by Registered Perth ‘1JUN32’ FDI datestamp, Claremont (WA) backstamp. Superb condition. 1938 KGVI 1½d Red-Brown tied to illustrated cover by Botany (NSW) ‘20AP38’ FDI cancel, minor toning, typed local address. 1949-65 collection of largely all different unaddressed FDCs from a variety of cachet makers, although most are WCS and Royal. Nice clean lot. (90)
ex 5110
ex 5111
1954 (Jun 23) QE 2½d & 6d, tied to illustrated FDC, (specially made up for the opening of the ‘New Learmonth Post Office’) by new LEARMONTH cds, to Director, Posts & Telegraphs, GPO, Perth with accompanying letter mentioning visit of Governor & party, the release of the new issues and opening of the Official PO all happening in Learmonth that day! 1959-64 Complete Sets on Unaddressed FDCs comprising 1963-64 Navigators on six covers, 1959-62 Zoologicals 6d to 1/2d 5110 * on six covers (6d, 8d & 11d in blocks of 4), 1959-64 Flowers on six covers, 1964-65 Birds on three covers, fine condition (21) 5111 * 2006 Commonwealth Games collection of the 107 issued stamps on 29 unaddressed covers. Excellent condition. AUSTRALIA | Commemorative Covers
$200 $120
ex 5112
ex 5115 5112
ex 5113
$100 $500 $270
ex 5114
1909-60s Collection in Album with 1936 Gower Philatelic Exhibiton covers x3 with SA Centenary set, 1936 2d Cable on plain cover with Jamberoo (NSW) FDI cancel, 1931 3d Kingsford Smith on plain cover tied by Quambatook (Vic) FDI cancel, 1937 NSW Sesqui FDC, 1952 Australia-South Africa flight covers x22 including Jack Peake hand-illustrated, and several Cocos Is intermediates including RAAF registered, 1956 Olympics covers with commemorative datestamps x12, 1957-58 Flying Dctor covers x5 (three signed), 1958-59 QANTAS flight covers x2, 1950s-60s FDCs etc; also commercial mail with 1909 Royal Insurance Melbourne local cover, 1940 censored to Ireland, 1943 AIF FPO 25 (Darwin) registered printed cover to Sydney endorsed ‘STUDENTS’ PAPERS ONLY’; condition variable but generally fine. Interesting mix of material. (150 approx). 1928-79 Collection in Album with 1928 Kookaburra M/S tied to local cover by Melbourne Exhibition ‘31OC28’ cancel in red, USA 1934 FDC with National Parks imperf M/S sheet of 1c x6 signed by Kingsford Smith, 1931 Unley (SA) registered Kingsford Smith FDI covers x2 with 2d & 3d or 2d & 6d, 1947 Newcastle FDC with scarce cachet, 1949 Lawson FDC with rare ‘ONE ALONE’ cachet (retail $300+), 1951 Foundation registered Mitchell FDC, 1951 KGVI 7½d FDC with scarce cachet, 1962 Perth Commonwealth Games covers x26 with commemorative venue postmarks, 1963-64 Navigators to £2 on FDCs x4, plus lots of 1950-60s FDCs some with blocks of 4; also flight-related covers including 1936 (Jan 1) Airlines of Australia Brisbane-Cremorne airmail endorsed ‘First Day Cover’; condition variable but mostly fine. Heaps to view! (170+) 1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge registered Opening Day cover from South-East Pylon to Randwick with 2d & 3d tied by ‘SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE SE PYLON/19MR32’ cds, blue/black registration label, appropriate backstamps. 1938 & 1939 AIF Golf Day [1] ‘FIELD POST OFFICE/NO 2/29SE38/VIC-AUST’ on 1½d KGVI on Field Post Office PPC; [2] ‘FIELD POST OFFICE/NO 3/28SE39/VIC-AUST’ on 1½d KGV on Eastern Golf Club Service Post Card. Quite difficult to get. 1939 First Visit to Australia of American Indians commemorative use of KGVI 2d Envelope cancelled ‘SHOW GROUNDS/ 1AP39/SYDNEY’ datestamp, typed endorsement ‘First Visit to Australia of American Indians/and officer of Canadian RNWMP/ Easter 1939’ signed by Joe Crowfoot, Frank Manyfingers and James Starlight. Full of character.
$850 $80 $60 $200
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5117 5117
ex 5119
1954 Royal Visit 3½d tied by very fine strike of ‘CAMP ROYAL/17FE54/ACT.AUST’ datestamp APM #1050, ‘CAMP ROYAL ACT’ handstamp in violet at upper-left, very fine condition. 1954 Royal Visit 7½d tied by very fine strike of ‘CAMP ROYAL/8FE54/ACT-AUST’ datestamp APM #1050 on Everyman’s ‘Royal Tour 1954’ headed envelope, some toning and minor blemishes. 1996 Papal Visit Collection of 12 different covers, includes a ticket to attend the Mass at Elwick Racecourse, Glenorchy, Tas. Plus group of 9 covers (8 different) all relating to Mary McKillop with Penola (SA) FDI or commemorative cancels, also a 2008 World Youth Day cover. A scarce group. (22)
AUSTRALIA | Postal History 1911 cover to Hobart with Tasmania 1d Pictorial tied by ‘HOBART/21DE11/TASMANIA’ arrival datestamp with a superb strike of 5120 * the undated ‘LOOSE SHIP’S LETTER/POSTED AT/MACQUARIE ISLAND/[penguin]/SY AURORA/AAE’ cachet PictorMarks ref #APM60 which was used by the Ship’s Captain JK Davis to authenticate postal items, endorsed “Momento of 1st/Australian Antarctic Expedn” on the flap, some relatively minor aging/soiling, fine overall, Cat $5,500.
ex 5121 5121
$200 $150
1912-1913 PPCs to Germany sent at 1½d rate to same addressee in Munich showing transition from State to Commonwealth frankings with [1] 1912 (Aug 3) to 1913 (Jan 7) x4 with Victoria state frankings; [2] 1913 (Jan 23) with 1d Roo & Victoria ½d combination franking; [3] 1913 (Feb 6) to 1913 (Dec 22) franked with Kangaroo 1d & ½d x8; nice selection of view-side scenes including Lake Catani (Mount Buffalo), Fish Market & Railway Viaduct Melbourne, River Yarra from Flinders Street Railway Station, Shipping Port Melbourne and a Russell Street animated scene, etc. Lovely group. (13) 1912 PPC to Belgium with Queensland ½d & SA ½d tied by Sydney datestamp, Bruges arrival datestamp and International Society of Post Card Collectors label on message side, fine condition. 1914 (Mar 3) cover to USA endorsed “VIA SAN FRANCISCO” with NZ 1d Universal pair tied Sydney cds, boxed ‘PAQUEBOT’ handstamp (Hosking #1500) alongside, fine condition.
$360 $100 $75
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ex 5124 5124
1914-16 Perth Land Titles group of registered covers with kangaroo frankings comprising 1915 (Aug 6) & 1916 (Feb 17) with First Wmk 4d orange perf Large ‘OS’ solo frankings; also 1914 (Dec 21) First Wmk 1d perf Large ‘OS’ block of 4 & 1915 with Second Wmk 2d Perf ‘OS’ and KGV 1d Perf ‘OS’ x2; various instructional markings, condition variable. (4) 1916 cover to prisoner interred at Zeist Camp in Holland, with KGV 1d red tied by Wonthaggi datestamp partly overlapped by German ‘Geopend door de/militaire autoriteit’ perforated black/white censor tape, ‘Passed’ handstamp, Legerplaats bij Zeist arrival backstamp, opening blemishes at top. 1918-24 Kangaroo Covers comprising [1] Muecke & Co (Shipping Agents, Adelaide) censored cover to USA with Third wmk 2½d Roo tied by machine cancel, oval PASSED BY/CENSOR’ handstamp; [2] 1924 to Switzerland with 3d Die IIB tied by superb Alexandra (Vic) datestamp, some age spotting. (2)
5127 5127
$240 $120 $110
1919 (Feb 4) cover to Switzerland with Third Wmk 3d Roo Die I (marginal wmk line at right) tied by Sydney machine cancel, black/white censor tape, minor staining. 1919 (Feb 15) cover for W Lees to Newscastle franked with 2d Stamp Duty tied by Dungog datestamp, manuscript tax marking in red, all-over advertising on reverse, opened-out for display purposes. 1919 (Feb 14) OHMS Infectious Disease Notification lettersheet unfranked, Melbourne datestamp, fine ‘T1½D’-in oval tax handstamp.
ex 5126
$100 $80 $60
ex 5132
1919 (Mar 3) cover to USA with Roos Third Wmk 6d blue & 1/- tied by Sydney Parcel Post cancel, endorsed “Scientific Specimens/Diatomaceous Earth/Microscopic Slides” from sender at Royal Zoological Society (Sydney), Parcel Post/Customs Label affixed to reverse, US ‘...Parcel Post...TO COLLECT 5 CENTS...’ boxed handstamp in violet applied on arrival tying stamps with 5c due added, opened-out for display purposes, edge blemishes. Unusual & rare survivor. [This item appears to have been sent at the foreign letter rate of 2½d plus ½d War Tax for 1st ½oz plus 2½d x6 for each additional ½oz for an item weighing up to 3½oz, with the parcel post form on reverse utilised solely as a customs declaration] 1920 (Nov 9) cover to Switzerland with KGV 2d orange tied by Sydney Machine cancel, underpaid and taxed with 20c Due added and tied by Bettingen datestamp, edge blemishes. 1921-29 Unclaimed Covers Selection with 1921 Gatton (Qld) OHMS ‘PACKET POST’ covers x2 one with ‘UNCLAIMED/ MURPHY’S CREEK’ handstamp, 1922 City of Malvern stampless x3 with ‘UNCLAIMED AT/BACCHUS MARSH’ or ‘ABBOTSFORD’ or ‘MALVERN’ handstamps, 1922 Perth registered with KGV 5d perf ‘OS’, 1925 West Australian Trustee Perth registered to Fremantle, 1927 Narrogin (WA) registered to Kojonup with KGV perf ‘OS’ 1½d & 3d, etc. Interesting group, worthy of closer inspection. (22)
$300 $80
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ex 5133 5133
1927 (May 11) registered oversized (255x152mm) cover from Melbourne to Newcastle (NSW) with 1½d Canberra strip of 3 & single, Collins St red/white registration label, appropriate backstamps. 1928 (Feb 29) inwards cover from England addressed to Essendon Melbourne with two strikes of ‘W.4’ handstamp in violet on the front and ‘TO EXPEDITE DELIVERY PLEASE ADVISE/YOUR CORRESPO[N]DENTS THAT/W.4./SHOULD APPEAR AS THE LAST LINE OF YOUR ADDRESS’ in violet on the back, faults. [Very early example of the use of a Postal District Number which were introduced in suburban Melbourne in February 1928] 1928 Rosa Centifolia advertising postcard with Sydney ‘POSTAGE PAID/3d’ meter impression dated ‘3/IV/28’, ‘SPECIMEN’ handstamp in violet, fine condition.
ex 5139 5139
ex 5135
1924-28 covers x58 to Newcastle (NSW) each with ‘PAID AT/1½D/HOBART’ slogan cancels, one for ‘BRITISH EMPIRE EXHIBITION/LONDON APRIL 1924/AUSTRALIA’S OPPORTUNITY’ unusually in black, the others with cancels in red including ‘SAY IT BY/TELEPHONE’, ‘BRITISH EMPIRE EXHIBITION/ALWAYS ASK FOR/AUSTRALIAN PRODUCTS’, ‘POST EARLY/ EACH DAY’, ‘COMMONWEALTH ROLLS/REMEMBER! CORRECT/ENROLMENT COMPULSORY’, ‘COMMONWEALTH ELECTIONS/VOTING BY ELECTORS/-IS COMPULSORY’, ‘COMMONWEALTH LOAN/NOW OPEN/-APPLY AT ONCE-’, ‘ADDRESS MAIL TO/P.O.BOX NO/IT EXPEDITES DELIVERY’, ‘USE THE/AIR MAIL’, condition generally fine. 1926-37 Commercial Covers array of 1½d or 2d rate commercial covers some advertising types including 1933 for J.Hawke (Sydney) x4 with attractive advertising panels, a few pencil annotated stamp varieties noted, postmarks including 1926-27 1½d rate with Hobart slogan cancels, datestamps including Dooralong, Kentucky, Murwillumbah, Ourimbah, ‘TPO 2 NORTH/3/NSW’ & 1933 Relief Stamp (NSW), variable condition but mostly fine. (180) 1926-63 Range in photo album and loose mostly early 1930s 1d rate covers including 1928 with SMult ½d orange P14 x2 (Cat $120+ on cover), 1935 2d rate with CofA ½d orange x4, 1924(?) with LMult 1d green, plenty of advertising types related to Newscastle or Sydney wholesale fruit trade including Australian Fruit & Produce Co Ltd, Fosters & Sons (two with ‘20 POSTED’ handstamps), Gittings & Eastham, etc. Condition variable but mostly fine. (110+)
5136 5136
ex 5134
$80 $100
1928-65 Array including 3d Kooka on 1928 cover to USA and on 1928 International Philatelic Exhibition souvenir card tied by ‘31OC28’ datestamp in red, 1933 long cover (faults) to UK with Kingsford Smith 6d Airmail x3 plus 3d Air & KGV 1d, 1940 Clipper cover to USA with Hermes 1/6d pair & 1/- Small Lyrebird, 1962 Special Delivery Airmail to USA with 3/- Flower & QEII 3d, 1963 triple rate registered to Germany with 2/3d Wattle x3 & 2/- Flower, 1964 to Kenya with 2/3d Wattle, 1965 double rate to UK with 3/- Flower & 1/6d Galah,1965 unsealed to Germany with 1/2d Tiger solo, etc, condition variable but mostly fine. (14) 1929 (Jul 8) inwards PPC from UK underpaid & taxed with 1d Due added and tied by ‘TELEGRAPH OFFICE/2AU29/ DEVONPORT’ datestamp, fine condition. 1930 (Feb 26) apparently commercial use of cover (with postcard and message) from Beech Forest Victoria to Boston endorsed ‘By American Air Mail’ franked 1929 1½d WA Centenary pair for Foreign letter rate and USA 1928 5c Air Post pair for USA 10c per ½oz internal airmail service, the whole tied by Beech Forest cds. Rare and attractive example of the reciprocal agreement between USA and Australia which permitted prepayment of airmail charges between the respective countries.
$150 $80
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ex 5142 5142
ex 5144
1930s commercial covers to Perth being Goldsbrough Mort & Co inner-branch long covers from Carnarvon (3) or Onslow, all with the company’s oval receiving datestamp stamp in violet, three at 8d rate one at 1/1d (double rate), all have 3d KGV or 3d Airmail combination frankings. (4) 1931 (May 16) 6d Kingsford Smith and Columbia five different adhesives on printed Colombia 4c Stationery Envelope cover flown from Brisbane on SCADTA flight to Cali via Barranquilla connecting with a Zeppelin service from Friedrichshafen, Colombian stamps cancelled on 16 June, two airmail vignettes including scarce ‘See/BY AIR MAIL/Western Queensland’ in white/grey. Scarce origin/destination. 1931-36 Commercial Covers mostly 1d or 2d commercial covers with advertising types mostly related wholesale agriculture including for The Australian Fruit & Produce Co, Foster & Sons, Hop Lee & Co, predominantly slogan cancels including Sydney 1932 ‘OBSERVE/SUNDAY’ x2, also town datestamps for Ben Lomond, Guyra, Kentucky, Kentucky South & TPO Nth West (NSW), Palmwoods (Qld), Shipwrights Point & Tatana (Tas), variable condition but generally fine. (195+)
5145 5145
ex 5146
1932 (May 11) Newcastle local cover with tourist promotional illustration entitled ‘Just a step/From CITY to SURF/at NEWCASTLE’, minor blemishes. 1932-33 Commercial Covers 2d rate commercial covers with advertising types mostly related to wholesale agriculture including for The Australian Fruit & Produce Co, AJ Carter (Brisbane), Hop Lee & Co, FW Vear (Melbourne), Tasmanian Orchardists’ and Producers Co-op Assn, predominantly slogan cancels for Brisbane, Melbourne & Newcastle, also NSW town datestamps for Ben Lomond, Ourimbah, Tinonee, variable condition but mostly fine. (180+) 1934 (Nov 3) registered cover to Holland with 6d Large Kooka tied by West Wyalong (NSW) cds, redirected on arrival at Heerenveen (backstamp) to Switzeraland with Davos-Platz arrival backstamp.
$240 $100
ex 5148
ex 5149 5148
1934-37 selection of airmail covers to Holland at rates of 2/1d via France, 3/5d double rate, and at 1/7d (underpaid for 1/9d rate although not taxed). Attractive variety of frankings. (3) 1935-36 KGV Commemoratives on Cover comprising [1] 3d Victoria Centenary solo tied by 1935 ‘LATE FEE, SYDNEY RLY STN’ datestamp to England; [2] Kingsford Smith 6d Airmail on Perth registered cover to USA; [3] 1/- Victoria Centenary plus 6d Large Kooka on Parcel Post label, indistinct datestamp; some blemishes. (3) 1936 inwards airmail cover from GB to Adelaide, underpaying 2/6d airmail double rate by 2/- and taxed at double deficiency with Dues 2d corner block of 24 affixed to reverse and tied by Adelaide datestamps. Remarkable! 1936 (Jan 11) airmail cover to Scotland with KGV CofA 1/4d plus 1½d WA Centenary & KGV ½d tied by Mt Lofty (SA) datestamp, Adelaide transit and Bothwell arrival backstamps.
$80 $150 $200 $100
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5152 5152
ex 5155 5155
5160 5159 5160 5161
* * * *
$120 $100 $85
1939-42 KGVI Censor Covers comprising [1] 1939 to Holland with KGVI 3d tied by Adelaide slogan cancel, black/white censor tape; [2] 1940 to California with KGVI 3d tied by Hobart slogan cancel, Tasmanian black/white censor tape; [3] 1942 Berlei Ltd (Sydney) to USA with KGVI 3d brown & ½d Roo tied by ‘CHIEF PARCELS OFFICE/NSW’ datestamp, red/white censor tape; minor blemishes. (3) 1940 (Jan 10) cover Brescia (Italy) to Sydney boarded to Imperial Airways west-east service flight SE210 or 211 at Brindisi, offloaded to KNILM PK-AFO on the Batavia-Sydney line, which on Jan 22 landed in the sea off Djimbaran (Netherlands East Indies), 2kms south of the destined Bali Airport. Fine strike on reverse of informative marking. The only recorded item this origin/destination. 1940 (Apr 12) use of 10/- Robes thick paper, 1/6d Hermes pair & 6d on slightly reduced air cover to England. 13/6d = 1/6d per ½oz x9.
ex 5153
1936 (Dec) cover to Batavia, New York, missent to Batavia in Netherland Indies (backstamps x3), manuscript redirection to New York in blue pencil, KGV 3d tied by hexagonal ‘TOULON S/MER PAQUEBOT/VAR’ datestamp Hosking #522 Rated ‘C’, minor soiling. 1936-38 Combination Covers with State issues used out-of-period comprising [1] 1936(?) parcel tag fashioned from an envelope to NZ dealers Wilcox Smith with KGV ½d orange x2, NSW 2d Widow x2 and 2d Emu tied by Melbourne registered datestamp; [2] 1933 Sydney registered to UK with KGV 1d green optd ‘OS’ (scarce on cover) x2 & Victoria 3d. (2) 1937 cover to UK with KGV 2d red tied by Red Cliffs (Vic) cds, redirected on arrival to France with Dues 10c pair & 30c pair added tied by Paris Poste Restante datestamp, London & Paris Backstamps.
$500 $180
ex 5161
1941 (Sep 1) Union Bank of Australia cover to USA with KGVI 3d Die II tied by Launceston ‘V’ (victory) slogan cancel, censor cachet & black/white censor tape. 1941 (Oct 20) Clipper Mail cover from Melbourne to USA with 10/- Robes, 1/6d Hermes & 2d KGVI. Censor reseal at left. 1941 (Nov 21) censored air illustrated cover from J. Kennon & Sons Melbourne to Hong Kong, straight-line ‘NOT TRANSMISSIBLE/SERVICE SUSPENDED’ on face. [Hong Kong surrendered on 25/12/1941.] 1941 Airmail Covers to India all with censor tape &/or handstamps comprising 1/1d rate x5 all with 1/- Small Lyrebird & QM 1d, 2/2d double rate rate x2 both with 2/- Roo & KGVI 2d and 3/3d triple rate with 2/- Roo, 1/- Lyrebird & 3d KGVI, two have ‘NOT OPENED BY/CENSOR’ boxed handstamp, condition variable with some opening/edge blemishes. (8)
$85 $250 $100 $110
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ex 5162 5162
ex 5165 5165
5167 D
1941-43 Surface Rate Commercial Covers to India comprising [1] 1941 with 6d Small Kooka tied by Sydney machine cancel being a seldom seen solo usage; [2] 1943 registered with 5d Ram plus KGVI 2½d tied by Rialto (Melbourne) cds, minor edge blemishes. (2) 1944 cover to Switzerland with KGVI 3½d tied by Rose Bay (NSW) datestamp, endorsed “Written In German”, Australian, American & German censor tape, German censor handstamps in red, Unterengstringen backstamp. 1944 (Apr 26) Red Cross censored envelope endorsed ‘USA-PORTUGAL-SWITZERLAND’, sent by Clipper Service at 5/9d rate with 5/- Robes & 9d Platypus tied by Melbourne cds, German censor tape, minor edge wrinkling, otherwise fine.
$120 $100 $130
1944-51 Postage Due Covers comprising 1944 to Brisbane x3, two unfranked each with 5d in Dues added, the other airmail from Ingham with 2½d x2 and 1d Due added; also 1951 Mossman to Sydney with KGVI 2½d chocolate taxed with 1d Due added. (4) 1947 (Jul 13) post-war cover to Allied/American Zone in Germany from POW held at Rushworth (Vic), sent at 1/- airmail rate tied by Air Mail Section/Melbourne cds, large boxed ‘SERVICES OF/PRISONERS/OF WAR’ plus ‘Approved for Transmission....’ handstamps, Munich machine cancel in red applied on arrival, fine condition. 1948 (Sep 7) Myer Emporium (SA) Ltd Adelaide 5/10d meter label with ‘SEND A MYER PACKED/GIFT PARCEL/TO FRIENDS IN ENGLAND’ slogan at left, fine condition. Rare.
$120 $120 $250
ex 5170
5171 5168
5169 D 5170
1949 (Feb 1) Australian Red Cross Society cover to American entertainer Lou Costello, unusually with Duchess of Gloucester/ Red Cross Appeal printed label on reverse. 1954-55 State Treasury High Rate Meters used at Royal Exchange Sydney comprising 1955 envelope fragment with 25/6d meters x2, also 1954 24/- meter off piece. High rate meters are seldom seen. (2) 1961-66 5d QEII printed in orange and light-emerald green on yellow-buff paper BW #LSP1[1] used x2 both headed Australian Post Office and advising separate clients of postage deficits on letters found, with ‘T’-in oval handstamps & amount owing indicated in manuscript; [2] a similar item, used, headed Postmaster-General’s Department with stamp impression cancelled by five printed wavy lines & ‘PRICE: SIXPENCE’ obliterated; [3] also an unused example plus another with Newcastle (NSW) ‘18JAN61’ FDI cancel. [BW states that these Lettersheets were used to advise sender’s of postage underpayments] (5) 1962 (May 24) singed cover to Tea Tree Gully (SA) accompanied by Postmaster-General’s Department (Adelaide) typed letter stating “The enclosed letter was cleared from a letter receiver, the contents of which had been set alight by an irresponsible person. It is sincerely regretted that it is necessary to forward it to you in its present condition.” Unusual addition to a disaster mail collection.
$80 $75
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5172 5172
ex 5173
1963 (Sep 19) commercial papers cover from Box Hill (Vic) with 5d Exports underpaying the 1/2d commercial papers rate for an item weighing up to 1lb (5d up to 4oz plus 3d x3 for each additional 4oz), taxed at double deficiency with 1/6d Flowers applied over tax handstamp and tied by Warrandyte (Vic) datestamp, some blemishes. Scarce and unusual usage of 1/6d Flowers. 1964-65 2/3d Commemorative Solo Frankings all on small airmail covers to England comprising [1] 2/3d Cable tied by Albany ‘8JAN/1964’ cds; [2] 2/3d ICY tied by Hornsby ‘18OCT/1965’ slogan cancel, and [3] Cocos 2/3d Bird tied by Hobart ‘15MR65’ cds; small blemishes. Scarce trio. (3) 1964-66 Solo Frankings on small covers mostly to Germany comprising 1964 with 2/3d Airmail, 1964 with 3/- Flower, 1965 with 2/3d ICY (to UK), 1965 with 3/- Ibis and 1966 with 2/6d Aborigine, the two 3/- covers overpaid. (5)
5175 5175
ex 5176
ex 5181 *
$75 $60 $120
ex 5177
1966 (Apr 22) surface cover to USA with pre-decimal/decimal combination franking of 5d Hargrave & QEII 3c tied by Melbourne datestamp. 1966-90s Decimal Frankings on Cover with solo frankings including 1966 15c Galah to Pakistan, 1973 & 1977 unsealed greetings card rate with 15c Pioneers or 50c Mt Buffalo, 1976 18c Trees solo franking on domestic taxed cover, multiple frankings including 1974 registered to UK with Aboriginal Art 25c x3 & 20c + 10c Architecture, also 1970s-90s Priority Paid covers x22 including 1970 PP/Messenger Delivery with QEII 5c strip of & pair. (80+) 1966-2000s Decimal Frankings on PPCs with better 1966-70s solo frankings including 15c Blue Gum, 18c Rehabilitation, 18c Fauna Conservation, 25c Broken Bay, 25c Anteater; multiple frankings including 1967 6c Bird plus 7c Fish, 1976 15c Xmas plus 10c Gem, also Noughties International Post frankings x13 plus 1964-83 Ayer’s Rock commemorative cancels x5. (55)
ex 5178
ex 5174
$160 $140
1967-76 Christmas Issues Airmail Solo Frankings comprising 1967 25c to Austria, 1969 25c to Canada, 1972 35c to Austria, 1974 35c to UK, 1975 45c to Switzerland, 1976 45c to UK, some minor blemishes, generally fine. Desirable group. (6) 1968 (Jan 26) decimal/pre-decimal combination franking with 5d Blue Mountains and 1c QEII tied by ‘26JA68’ datestamp on SA intra-state cover. [The 1965 Currency Act allowed pre-decimal stamps to be used, at prescribed rates, from 14/2/66 until 14/2/ 1968.] 1968 (Mar 23) cover from Roseville to Sydney with 5c QEII booklet stamp plus 20c World Weather Watch paying the registration fee. 1968-81 Solo Frankings on Airmail PPCs comprising 1968 15c Galah to Sweden, 1972 (?) 15c Blue Gum to USA, 1973 13c Pink Heath to USA, 1973 18c Rehabilitation to Germany, 1974 18c Fauna Conservation to UK, 1974 15c Science Education to USA, 1975 Spiny Anteater to Germany, 1978 25c Broken Bay to Germany, 1981 35c Bower Bird to Austria, 1983 Woodswallow to Canada, generally fine. Handy group. (10) 1970 (Mar 19) Special Delivery cover to USA with 1970 Expo 20c pair & single plus 5c pair tied by Seacliff (SA) cds, ‘PM 127’ special delivery labels at right, New York backstamp. [The rate was 20c Special Delivery fee plus 50c double-rate airmail fee]
$140 $75 $75
$150 $100
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5183 5183
ex 5184
1970 (Apr 9) Special Despatch cover to Melbourne with Prime Ministers 5c Reid and 5c Deakin booklet stamps tied by Canberra datestamps. [Special Despatch commenced on 1/10/1967 to provide next day delivery between capital cities and was a precursor to the Priority Paid service established 1/7/1970] 1970s-90s Victorian Advertising Covers for Victorian firms and institutions, standard-sized, diverse subject matter, noted media/entertainment, sport, automotive/transport, political, community services, primary industry, health, domestic, mining, tourism, etc, graphically from the mundane to quite striking, good range of stamp issues. Nostalgia-a-plenty. (c.800) 1971 taxed cover to Adelaide with invalid combination franking of 9c Crab tied by ‘Relief No1/South-Aust’ datestamp plus uncancelled QEII 3d.
5186 5186 5187 5188
* * *
ex 5187
$75 $200 $100
1971 (Jul 16) PPC to Indonesia with 6c Gordon booklet stamp plus 2c QEII tied by machine cancel paying zone 2 airmail rate. 1972-83 Decimal Solo Usages on Airmail Postcards comprising 15c Pioneer Food tied by Green Island (Qld) cds, 18c Fauna Conservation, 18c Rehabiitation, 25c Olympics & 45c Masked Woodswallow P14 BW #819; handy usage group. (5) 1973 (Dec 12) SA Govt Tourist Bureau small cover from Adelaide to Largs Bay with 50c Architecture paying Messenger Delivery fee and 7c Radio Broadcasiting paying the letter rate. Scarce usage & visually appealing.
$60 $65 $100
5190 5189
5192 5189
1975 (July 18) Adelaide Art Engravers non-standard article local cover sent at 11c (< 50g) rate, with 10c Telecom & 1c Shrimp tied by Adelaide slogan cancel, attractive address advertising label. 1981 (Apr 6) small airmail cover to Sweden underpaid with 10c Flower coil x5, boxed tax handstamp with ‘LOSEN...”160”...öre’ black & green label affixed, postage due tape at left. 1986 (July 18) International Priority Paid cover to Sir Jack Brabham in England sent correct $15.75 rate with $5 Paintings pair & single plus 70c Toad & 5c Anglerfish tied by Thornlie (WA) datestamp, couple small tears on upper edge, otherwise fine and visually appealing. 1988 (Jan 15) International Priority Paid cover to England at correct $21.00 rate with Paintings $10, $5 x2 and $1 Starfish tied by Adelaide cds. Scarce and attractive usage. 1989 (May 26) Security Post small cover to Austria with $5 Painting & $1.10 Golf tied by Sandy Bay (Tas) cds, Austrian boxed arrival datestamp on face.
$60 $60 $75 $85 $85
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ex 5194 5194
ex 5195
ex 5196
Decimal Unsealed Greetings Card Rate Covers mostly solo frankings [1] to Hong Kong 1982 with 40c Aboriginal Culture, 1986 with 40c Fish, 1986 with 50c Fish (not tied); [2] to Holland 1983 with 50c Possum P14 and 1986 with 50c Nudibranch; [3] to UK x5 including 1970 with 10c Oil & Gas pair, 1976 with 40c Olympic Cycling + 10c Gem & 1981 with 35c Bower Bird solo; condition variable. (10) 5195 * Selection comprising [1] undated ‘POSTAGE PAID/1½d’ meter proof impression in red on large piece (146x89mm); [2] 1951 (Jan 10) 2/3½d Postage Paid meter impression on commercial sample envelope with void code tablet; [3] 1938 inwards GB KGV ½d postal stationery window envelope with ½d Customs Duty stamp added, some minor toning. (3) Selection of Mostly Decimal Solo Frankings including [1] 1966 15c Galah to India, 1968 Intelsat to England, 1969 15c Timber 5196 * (on PPC) to Switzerland, 1971 30c Cook to Luxembourg, 1974 30c Possum to England (tied by Adelaide Royal Visit slogan cancel), 1977 45c Silver Jubilee to UK, 1981 40c Wren to England; [2] Woomera 1968 Europa Rocket covers to Singapore x3; [3] 1968 & 1972 contrived decimal/pre-decimal combination covers; [4] 1974-85 Paquebot covers x4; plus 2 other items, condition variable. (18) AUSTRALIA | First Flight Covers *
ex 5197
5200 5197
$110 $100
1935-87 collection of covers etc, most with signatures of pilots etc and nearly all endorsed by EA Crome, includes WASP sheet of 6 x3, includes balloon flights, helicopter flights, 1980 Rotary cover, 1970 Capt Cook covers. An unusual and eclectic group. 1932 England - Australia (Jan 7) delayed Christmas flight to Sydney, signed by Kingsford Smith and GU Allan, with enclosed leaflet printed for the flight. 1933 (3 Dec) Australia - NZ Illustrated souvenir postcard with departure and arrival cachets. No postal markings. AAMC #348. Signed by Ulm, with further non-contemporay note on back by EA Crome. 1934 Australia - France registered cover flown on First Regular Service to England, unclaimed and returned to Melbourne. Stamps are 3d Airmail x2 & 1/6d Hermes. 1934 Australia - Hungary registered cover flown on First Regular Service to England, unclaimed and returned to Melbourne. Stamps are 9d Macarthur & 1/6d Hermes.
1940 (Jan 22) KNILM Bali Crash survivor (AAMC #888) which originated in Mass, US, on Dec 29 1939, intended for TransAtlantic route but showing handstamped ‘Insufficiently Prepaid For/Trans-Atlantic Air Mail Service’, and sent westbound, meeting up with ill fated KNILM service departing Batavia Jan 21 1940 for Sydney, very fine strike of handstruck ‘RECOVERED FROM/LOST FLYING BOAT’, trauma consistant with misadventure. Very few covers from this incident emanating from US exist.
$100 $110 $125 $110 $110
Page 137
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
ex 5203
ex 5206 5203
ex 5204
1968 Heathrow Crash (Apr) trio salvaged from BOAC Boeing 707 G-ARWE which left Heathrow London on Apr 8 en route to Zurich but shortly after take-off the pilot reported engine on fire, subsequently falling off, with the aircraft burning a forced-landing was attempted and the ensuing crash claimed five lives and 22 injuries, comprising [1] stamp surviving (1/9d Machin) to Elizabeth South Australia with London Postal Region explanatory memo; [2] stampless postcard (rare for this incident) to Prospect South Australia with Adelaide Post Office explanatory memo and ‘Ambulance’ cover; and [3] stampless cover to Sydney with Sydney Post Office explanatory memo, AAMC 1622a; good representation for this major incident. (3) AUSTRALIA | Military & Censor Mail 5204 * 1914-1960s Collection mainly on torn piece and stamps but with a few covers. Basically a starter collection with the odd nice item, such as 1953 rubber Naval Post Office Nowra on registered piece, 1946 Victoria, Labuan on piece. Covers include 1944 watercolour & ink Piper, 1945 illustrated airmail cover from Morotai & 1942 US censored air cover from Melbourne? to USA. AUSTRALIA | Military - World War I Period 1915 (May 17) YMCA lettersheet illustrated on reverse with ‘A PART OF THE PERTH YMCA QUOTA FOR THE FRONT’ with 5205 * tents in the background, sent from Private Stahl based at Blackboy Military Camp to Kalgoorlie, central fold, fine overall. Rare, this lettersheet type is only recorded from this correspondence. 1915-17 Military Camp Selection mostly on KGV 1d reds comprising South Australia Military Camp Mitcham x5 and a part5206 *U strike of Military Camp No 2 ‘25JA15’ [Rated RRRRR]; Tasmania Military Camp 1 x8 dated between ‘12NO15’ & ‘24MY17’; also three unidentified Military Camp strikes from other states. (16) 5207 * 1916 (Aug 16) Mesopotamia stampless cover endorsed “On Active Service” to Sydney with signed cachet in violet for ‘OFFICE OF 15th DIVISIONAL SIGNAL COMPANY’, large-part strike of ‘PASSED/D/CENSOR’ handstamp, backstamped with poorly struck Indian ‘FPO/No 316/28AU16’ cds used at 15th Division HQ in Mesopotamia, peripheral belemishes & somewhat aged. *
5208 5208
$250 $100 $120
1916 (Oct 30) Mesopotamia stampless cover endorsed “On Active Service” to Sydney with signed cachet in violet for ‘OFFICE OF 15th DIVISIONAL SIGNAL COMPANY’, part strike of ‘PASSED/D/CENSOR’ handstamp, backstamped with Indian ‘FPO/No 316/30OCT16’ cds used at 15th Division HQ in Mesopotamia, upper edge/flap blemishes. 1917 (Apr 27) Mesopotamia stampless On Active Service envelope to Adelaide with smudged strike of ‘PASSED/D/CENSOR’ handstamp in red, ‘BASE OFFICE/27APR17’ datestamp on reverse, containing original letter from “L/Cpl E G Bishop, E&M Section RE, MEF Basra” which states “I am working in a military workshop” and “There is an Australian Wireless Section about three miles away from here”, some aging, otherwise fine. 1918 (Nov 18) Mesopotamia stampless On Active Service envelope to Tasmania with light strike of ‘PASSED/D/CENSOR’ handstamp, backstamped with Indian ‘FPO/No 85/18NO18’ cds used at Baghdad, signed on face by Sapper Bantick of ‘D’ Troop, Signal Squadron. [The 1st Australian Wireless Signal Squadron was based in Mesopotamia from late-1916 with ‘D’ Troop returning to Australia in November 1919]
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ex 5211 5211
Box Of WWI Covers And Cards mostly from Western Front many with Proud identifications with a number of unrecorded cancels sighted, a few are registered, condition is generally better than normally encountered, with many being fine. (130+) Egypt : 1916 PPCs x2 to S. Aust, both with ‘INTERBASE P.O./CAIRO’ cds, one with boxed A.I.F./PASSED BY CENSOR’ and 5212 * poor strike of ‘9th LIGHT HORSE RGT/A.I.F.’ handstamp, the other with ‘PASSED BY CENSOR/INDIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE/125/E’ circular cachet in violet. AUSTRALIA | Military - World War II Period 1942 unstamped inwards cover from from Pachino (Siracuse) Sicily to an Italian POW, addressed to “POW CHIEF POSTAL 5213 * CENTRE/MELBOURNE” with ‘POW LABOUR DETACHMENT/YANCO NSW’ & ‘Not known at Hay’ handstamps in violet, signed & witnessed typed chit attached stating ‘THIS LETTER IS NOT MINE/AND I REFUSE TO ACCEPT/AS MINE’, returned to Italy with Posta Estero (foreign mail) backstamp, Italian & Australian censor tape. Most unusual. *
5214 5214
ex 5218
Australian Defence Canteen Order for 5/-, cancelled with red ‘M.O.O. ADELAIDE/X/30NO43/S.A.’ (Not Recorded in SA Pmk book). A rare item for the Money Order and Postal Note collector. Japan 1945 airmail cover to Ist Australian Survey Battery, Australia with KGVI 3d brown tied by ‘TOKYO/2 SEP/1945/JAPAN’ woodcut datestamp, ‘HMAS SHROPSHIRE/Official signing Of/Japanese Surrender’ handstamp alongside, very scarce Shropshire ship’s rubber cachet in violet on reverse, ‘Delivery Impracticable/Return to Sender’ handstamp on face which in turn has been overstamped ‘18SEP1945’, trivial aging, fine overall. Japan 1945 (Dec) cover to Tasmania with very fine double-circle ‘HMAS HOBART/XMAS/1945/TOKYO BAY’ woodcut cachet in violet, KGVI 3d brown tied by Sydney ‘2JAN/1946’ arrival cancel, flap defects.
$150 $150
ex 5219
ex 5220 5217
NSW POW airmail cover to Switzerland with senders’ endorsement from “Compound 1, Hut 34, Camp 7” with 1/- Small Lyrebird, 6d Small Kooka & 3d AIF tied by Sydney datestamp, black/white censor tape at right & ‘PASSSED BY CENSOR’ handstamp in violet, fine condition. Selection comprising [1] 1943 (Jan 6) to Boys Town, Portland, Oregon censored with portions of the datestamps obliterated; [2] 1946 (Dec 10) KGVI 7d aerogramme from Italian POW held at Murchison Camp to Italy; [3] internee cover to Switzerland stamps tied by ‘MELBOURNE/31’ datestamp in violet (indistinct dateline), censor cachet & tape; fine condiion overall. (3) Tobruk group of 8 air covers from FPOs 34, 35 & 36, various censor handstamps, from multiple senders. Priced to sell several years ago for over $300. Handy selection. Unofficial Postal Stationery collection (with a few official items) of 45 apparently all different envelopes supplied by various comfort funds etc. Mainly in good condition and used from a wide range of unit and official POs. Noted registered, large illustrated envelope, envelope illustrated with leopard, etc. A very interesting collection.
$160 $80 $130 $250
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
ex 5221 5221
ex 5222
ex 5223
Victoria POW Mail from Murchison Camp to Germany comprising [1] 1943 use of POW postcard to Chemnitz with ‘NO 13, POW GROUP, MURCHISON’ handstamp & [2] 1946 Lettersheet to Hamburg with ‘P W GROUP, MURCHISON’ handstamp. [Both senders, Heinz Eisenmenger & Alfred Fischer survived the sinking of SMS Kormoran off the WA coast in 1941] Victoria POW mail all with ‘Approved for Transmission’ handstamps comprising [1] 1945 Tatura airmail to Switzerland endorsed 5222 * “By Airmail/via Ceylon/to Europe” at 1/6d rate, Melbourne censor tape, faults; [2] 1946 KGVI 7d Aerogramme from POW interred at Myrtleford Camp to Italy; [3] 1946(?) Tatura business letter to Melbourne with KGVI tied ‘MELBOURNE/31’ datestamp in violet, Melbourne censor tape. (3) AUSTRALIA | Military - Vietnam War Period 5223 * 1960s-70s Group [1] 1967 FPO 4 cover with blue concession handstamp; [2] 1968 FPO 3 cover with black concession handstamp; [3] No 1 Operational Support Unit stampless cover from Vung Tau to Canberra; [4] No 9 RAAF Squadron stampless cover to Canberra; [5] 8c Fish on Department of Army unaddressed cover cancelled with New Zealand Tiki handstamp. Plus 1942 Identity Card for Mrs Avonia Duffy, Nhill plus letter about broadcast from her son when he was in a London hospital. (7 items) *
ex 5224
ex 5227
ex 5226
ex 5228
ex 5225
1974-75 ANZUK Covers with ‘FPO/258’ datestamps comprising [1] 1974 (Mar 27) with QEII 7c paying airmail rate to Tasmania for cover endorsed ‘PASS BOOK ONLY’, edge blemishes; [2] 1975 (Jan 14) OHMS Certified Mail to Dept of Defence Canberra with 10c Xmas & 5c Education. AUSTRALIA | Postmarks 5225 D 1930s Array on Hagners: with many fine & complete datestamps tying KGV 2d to piece mostly NSW Black Mountain, Dora Creek, Kentucky South x5, Kentucky x2, Long Jetty, North Rothbury, Pine Ridge, Relief Stamp, Rocky River, TPO 1 Nth West, TPO 2 North x2 & Valla; also Tasmania Petchey’s Bay [Rated RRR], & Lwr Wattle Grove, Mt Directon; also range of mostly NSW or Queensland machine/slogan cancels. (approx 250). Collection of ‘PAID’ Machine Cancels on Cover: informatively written-up in binder with NSW x34 including Sydney Type 1 on 5226 * 1934 Columbia Graphophone large format advertising cover and a selection of surburban & country offices; SA x14 including Adelaide Type P1 on 1942 unclaimed envelope & Type P2a on 1955 cover with ‘UNKNOWN BY POSTMEN/HENLEY BEACH’ handstamp; Queensland x5 with Brisbane Type 3 on 1946 State Electoral Roll Postcard; also Tasmania x3, WA x3, ACT, and Northern Territory x4. (63) AUSTRALIA | CINDERELLAS 5227 * Pals: Native Animals and Country Scenes in composite M/Ss of 6 x2, some perforation separations and staining, part disturbed gum. Seldom seen complete. (2) AUSTRALIAN TERRITORIES 5228 **V 1963-65 three different presentation folders with original envelopes (two stamped TERRITORAL/SPECIMEN SET in violet), containing ‘SPECIMEN’ opts and CTO values housed in cellophane pockets comprising [1] folder inscribed in black & red containing Christmas Island 1958 set, Nauru 1954 set, Norfolk Island 1960-62 to 10/- Bird ‘SPECIMEN’, Fish 5 values to 1/6d, PNG 13 values incl 10/- Rabaul and £1 QE ‘SPECIMEN’; [2] similar folder additionally handstamped in red Territory of Christmas Island containing Christmas Island 1958 set, Nauru 1954 set, Norfolk Island 15 values incl 1953 5/-, 1961 10/- Bird opt ‘SPECIMEN’, PNG 18 values including 1952 10/- Map & £1 brown opt ‘SPECIMEN’; [3] cover inscribed in black housed in glassine pockets containing Christmas Island 1963 set, Nauru 1954 set, Norfolk Island 17 values incl 10/- Bird ‘SPECIMEN’, PNG 12 values incl £1 QE and 10/- Bird opt ‘SPECIMEN’, also incl roneoed apology note from PMG stating that 6d, 8d & 1/PNG cannot be supplied in this folder. Scarce trio. (3)
$80 $150
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Page 140 CHRISTMAS ISLAND | Postal History
NAURU 5230 * 5231 * 5232 * 5233 *
1972 (May 30) airmail cover to Israel with attractive philatelic franking and handstamped ‘Inspected/and Safe for/Transmission’ with ‘POSTMASTER/CHRISTMAS ISLAND/INDIAN OCEAN’ handstamp beneath (& signed), green customs label & Jerusalem arrival backstamp. Accompanied by a photocopy of a PMG’s Department notice stating “Following explosions in aircraft carrying mail to Israel security aspects of acceptance of airmail to that country are being strengthened...”. Rare anti-terrorism mail. (2) 1916-23 Seahorses Waterlow printing 10/- indigo-blue optd ‘SPECIMEN’, SG 18s, fine mint, Cat £1,000. 1916-23 Seahorses De La Rue printing 2/6d sepia-brown, optd ‘SPECIMEN’ SG #19s, fresh MLH, Cat £350. 1916-23 Seahorses De La Rue printing 5/- bright carmine, optd SPECIMEN SG #22s, fresh MLH, Cat £325. 1916-23 Seahorses DLR Printing 10/- blue, SG #23, with Overprint sloping down about 2mm to right. Buckingham’s examples sloping down to left realised £2,100 each in 2006. No other examples of ovpt sloping to right known to us.
ex 5235
$120 $1,000 $350 $325 $1,800
ex 5239
ex 5238
NAURU | Postal History 5234 * 1908 (Sep 29) cover to Jaluit with 5pf Yacht pair tied by fine strikes of ‘NAURU/MARSHALL INSELN/29.9.08’ datestamp, Jaluit backstamp, fine condition. NEW GUINEA | German (Deutsch) New Guinea 5235 * 1901 No Wmk Yachts to 5m, Mi #7-19, minor blemishes. Cat €280. (13) NEW GUINEA | German (Deutsch) New Guinea | Postal History 1900 (Aug 6) stampless cover to ‘KIEL’ (backstamp) with two strikes of ‘KAIS/DEUTSCHE/MARINE-/SCHIFFSPOST/No 7/6 8/ 5236 * 00’ cds (one very fine) and ‘Kommando/SMS Möwe’ cachet, largely fine ‘KAISERLICHE MARINE/[arms]/COMMANDO SM AVISO MOWE’ cachet across the flap. 5237 * 1912 (Feb 2) use of German 3pf on 2pf Postal Card (HG #85) uprated with 3pf Germania, cancelled with ‘HERBERTSHÖHE/ DEUTSCH-/NEW-GUINEA/2/2/12’. Staple holes at top suggest that this was used as some form of AR card. Minor tone spots, quite unusual. NEW GUINEA | ‘N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS’ Overprints | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 5238 **/* 1915-16 Roos Group comprising [1] 2½d indigo SG #74 abc strip of 3, central unit MUH; [2] 9d violet SG #79 abc lower two units effected by paper cut and sensibly reinforced & [3] 3d yellow-olive Die I SG #96 pair MUH. 5239 * KGV ½d Green Varieties for Single Wmk x6 including Barb on fraction bar at right & LMult x3 including White flaw in left wattles, toning in places, mostly fine. (9)
$300 $120
$200 $180 $100 $150
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 4th October 2014
ex 5240
ex 5241
ex 5245
5240 U
Overprint Forgeries comprising Roo Third Wmk 9d violet with bogus datestamp and a KGV 4d orange with a Victoria postmark under the overprint. Handy reference items. (2) 5241 */U Varieties comprising [1] KGV Single Wmk 1d red SG #67 Break in top frame, and fourth pearl at left in crown joins line mint; [2] Roos Third Wmk 9d Die II with Inner frameline shading flaw at top right, used. NEW GUINEA | ‘N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS’ Overprints 5242 * 1915-16 KGV Single Wmk 4d orange with variety Break in upper right frame and white spot over ‘FO’ of ‘FOUR’ [1R58] BW #110(1)m SG #70v, hinge remnant. 5243 V 1915-16 Kangaroos 1st Wmk 3d yellow-olive Die I SG #76 Broken right side of ‘W’ of Overprint [unit 23], very well centred, Herbertshöhe datestamp. 5244 * 1915-16 Kangaroos 1st Wmk 10/- grey & pink (b) with Broken coast near Sydney and white flaw after I of AUSTRALIA [#47(D)j], SG #84, Retail $225+. 5245 */* 1915-16 Kangaroos 2nd Wmk 2d grey SG #86 abc strip, lower units MUH, plus 2/- brown SG #91 mint single (toned gum). (2)
$90 $75 $60 $180 $120
ex 5250
5246 ** 1918-23 Kangaroos 3rd Wmk 3d olive Die II-I horizontal pair SG #109ab, superb and fresh MUH. Retail $1,500. 5247 * 1918-23 KGV Large Multi Wmk ½d green variety Watermark inverted SG #119aw, well centred, fine MLH. Retail $225. 5248 * 1918-23 KGV New Colours 4d violet variety Splintered SW Corner BW #111(1)i, SG #123v, fine mint. NEW GUINEA | ‘N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS’ Overprints | Official Stamps 5249 F 1919-23 Kangaroos 3rd Wmk Perf ‘OS’ 1/- pale blue-green SG O11a, faint ironed-out bend & wrinkling, well centred, Manus datestamp, Cat £150. NEW GUINEA | Mandated Territory Issues | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 5250 S Array on Hagners with 1925-34 Huts & Birds oddments including 1931 Dated Airs 6d used on piece, Undated Airs 9d to 2/mint; NWPI including 1915-16 KGV ½d green block of 8 MUH &1d carmine-red SG abc strip mint */**, GRI 3d on 30pf mint SG #23 (3mm tear), Papua/PNG basic array with a few pickings; condition variable.
$650 $150 $100 $90
NEW GUINEA | Mandated Territory Issues | Postal History 5251 * C.1941 commercial Lutheran Mission (Madang) WWII censor cover addressed to Queensland with Bulolo Air 3d & 2d postmarked with barred dumb cancels, Qld censor handstamp & tape, fine condition. [The writer Rev Paul E Fliehler was summoned by the Japanese in 1942 and never seen again.] NEW GUINEA | Mandated Territory Issues | Military - World War II Period New Guinea - Japanese Occupation [1] Military Card to Japan from 18th Army, 61st Field Artillery Battalion at Wewak; & [2] 5252 * 1944 Postal Card used from Celebes with a return address of Kagayaki 10447 for the 2nd Area Army 49th Special Established Construction Duty Company; Scarce duo. (2)
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PAPUA | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings
ex 5253
5253 **/*/U 1901-31 Lakatois fragmented array on Hagners with handy pickings including 1907-10 Wmk Upright P12½ 4d, 6d & 1/-, Monocolours to 1/- mint or used, 1916-31 Bicolours 1d Monogram pair used, 2/6d & 5/- used, 1917 ‘ONE PENNY’ surcharges with multiples including 1d on 2/6d block of 6 & block of 4 MUH & a pair used; also 1d optd straight-line ‘Stamp Duty’ x15, plus another optd curved ‘STAMP DUTY’; gum toning in places, generally fine. (approx 200). PAPUA 5254 ** 1930 Airmails 1/- sepia & olive Harrison printing with deep carmine-lake overprint. Only 400 were printed in this dark shade and all are aged/toned.
$180 $250
ex 5257
PAPUA | Postal History 5255 * 1932 (Dec 7) registered cover to Philippines with 2d & 5d Lakatois tied by Port Moresby datestamp, ‘FORWARDED’ straightline handstamp in violet, red/black registration label, Brisbane transit & Santa Cruz arrival backstamps, fine condition. 1938 (Aug 10) inwards cover to Papua from GB with scarce use of fickle finger ‘RETURNED TO WRITER/UNCLAIMED/GPO 5256 * PORT MORESBY’ handstamp, Townsville transit backstamp. PAPUA NEW GUINEA 5257 ** 1960 (Mar) Postal Charges set of 5, Retail $150.
$200 $200 $100
Phoenix Auctions will be showing lots from our next two auctions in ADELAIDE at Stampex at the Drill Hall, Torrens Parade Grounds 10th - 12th October. and in SYDNEY at Philas House 20th October 10am to 5pm
Auction 33 - Roland Geitenbeek’s International Gold Medal ‘Woodblocks of Victoria’ and
Auction 34 - Australian King George V Period.
Both auctions will be held in Melbourne on Saturday 25th October.