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Lot 681: 1930 (Aug 23) Lord Howe Is Provisionals x3 on Registered Cover. Auction Text
Auction No.69 Friday 12th April 2019, commencing at 12.00 Noon 274A Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills, Melbourne, Australia.
Phoenix Auctions Pty Ltd 路 Auction Rooms: 274A Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills, Victoria. Australia. Postal Address: PO Box 458 Canterbury, Victoria. 3126. Australia. 路 ABN: 92 132 987 663 P: +61 3 8682 9876 路 F: +61 3 8677 2858 路 E: phoenix@phoenixauctions.com.au
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019
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Lot 541: 2nd Wmk 2/- Perf ‘OS’ MVLH.
Lot 627: 1d ‘CA’ Mono Substitute.
Lot 569: 3rd Wmk 5/marginal MUH.
Ex Lot 951: Qld Impressed Duty set.
Lot 580: 3rd Wmk £2 Roo Specimen + flaw.
Ex Lot 960: SA Unissued 5/- P14 Proof.
Lot 601: KGV ½d Cracked Electro.
Lot 610: 1d Red Die II Wmk Inverted.
Ex Lot 975: SA 17½mm Specimen Set.
Lot 994: 4d Courier pair.
Lot 614: 1914 Perth Land Titles registered cover with Smooth Paper 1d Red Perf ‘OS’ Die II x4!
Lots 1045-1098: Another offering of Rare Barred Numerals from Hugh Freeman’s Prestigious Collection.
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019
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Phoenix Auctions - Auction No.69 A warm welcome to our third Public Auctions for 2019 starting at 12 Noon on Friday 12th April at our Surrey Hills premises. We apologise that technical problems have caused a delay with this sale (originally scheduled for 5th April). Hugh Freeman’s recent death filled us with great sadness. He was one of the world’s leading postmark collectors who inspired many to venture into the engrossing field of numeral cancels. He will be missed by us, his friends and fellow collectors. Also a timely reminder that David Wood and Ken Pearson will be attending the Sydney Stamp & Coin Expo between 13th-16th June at the Hurstville Aquatic Leisure Centre offering many philatelic gems for direct purchase, plus previewing our July Auction (Sale 72) which showcases the Morgan/Carson Australian Commonwealth Collection, featuring fine Kangaroos. A reminder that Box Lot & Collections Sale #1903 will commence at 9.30am, prior to Auction #69. Auction No 69 commences at 12.00 Noon with: Session 1 (Lots 501-896) - Australian Commonwealth commences with Kangaroos including First Wmk 3d olive Die I variety Doubling of right frame and Queensland east coast (lot 516), Second Wmk 6d & 9d MUH (lots 537 & 538) and 2/-Perf ‘OS’ MVLH (lot 541), Third Wmk 3d Die IIB with Partial Offset (lot 556), 5/- MUH (lot 569), £1 grey with Specimen Type C variety Damaged ‘S’ & ‘C’ of Overprint (lot 575), £2 Specimen Type C with Damaged ‘C’ of overprint plus Broken value circle (lot 580) SMult 10/- MUH (lot 584), KGV Single Wmk ½d green Crack through ‘P’ of ‘POSTAGE’ (lot 601, with certificate), 1d red Die II Watermark inverted (lot 610), 1d red Smooth Paper perf ‘OS’ Die II x4 on registered cover (lot 614), 4d violet Line Through ‘FOUR PENCE’ used (lot 649); postal history with 1930 2d on 1½d Lord Howe Island Provisionals x3 on registered cover to Bank of NSW in Sydney (see front cover, lot 681), and Customs Duty covers (ex Ken Killeen), Flight Covers including 1931 Australia-Netherlands with USA Internal airmail fee pre-paid with USA 5c Air Mail (lot 875), and 1934 MacRobertson Air Race carried by Scott & Campbell-Black. Session 2 (Lots 897-1462) with Australian Colonies, Territories, British Commonwealth and Rest of the World to commence no earlier than 2.00pm Colonies featuring Queensland Impressed Duty revenues set with colourless CTO embossing (lot 951), South Australia 1886-96 P&R Long Tom P10 set to £20 with rare 17½mm ‘SPECIMEN’ overprint (lot 975), Victoria with Ham 2d ‘White Veils’ and C&F 1d Eighth Printing reconstructions, 1882-84 ½d SG #207 block of 24 (lot 1020), postmarks with the third portion from the late Hugh Freeman’s Barred Numerals Collection including 1872 cover from Cockatoo to Denmark with BN ‘575’ cancels, plus ‘5R’ rated ‘MCCC/47’, ‘MD/63’, ‘1963’ & ‘2099’ cancels, also datestamp and rare TPO cancels (lots 1121-25); Territories with NWPI 6d greyish ultramarine Die IIB MVLH (lot 1149, unpriced in Gibbons) & New Guinea cover with Australia 4d Roos pair tied by Rabaul oval datestamp (lot 1157). Rest of the World with Danish West Indies 1902 inwards Postal Cards from British Virgin Islands (lot 1246-47), German Colonies Collection (lot 1276), GB QV £5 orange Type 9 ‘SPECIMEN’ overprint & £1 green Jubilee SG #212 mint (lot 1317), New Hebrides 1977 30f on 30c Shell rare overprint variety in sheet, Penrhyn 1974 Fishes proofs (lots 1412-13).
Viewing for this Auction:
Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
6th April 7th April 8th April 9th April 10th April 11th April 12th April
10.00am to 4.00pm 10.00am to 4.00pm 10.00am to 4.00pm 10.00am to 4.00pm 10.00am to 4.00pm 10.00am to 4.00pm 8.00am to 9.30am with limited viewing thereafter.
Clients are welcome to do early viewing, simply call us in advance so we can have everything prepared for you. Auction Agents: Mark Knothe - ph 0414 894 991, email gknothe@bigpond.com Bernie Manning - ph 0412 782 373, email berniemanning@optusnet.com.au Nick Martin (UK) - ph 01205 460968, email nick@loveauctions.co.uk Trevor Chinery (UK) - ph 01205 330 026, email trevortrilogy@aol.com
Special Mention for this Auction to: David Wood, Matt Hancock, Ian Matthews, Akshay Fowdar, Amy Stephens, and Thomas Birkenes. Special thanks to Mark Knothe, our Consulting Philatelist, and to Ken and Betty Pearson for their ongoing support, and to Lyndel Walker.
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019
How to Get the Most from Our Catalogue These notes are offered as a guide to understanding the information given as symbols. 1.
Firstly, we have the lot number. Most lots have at least one illustration in the catalogue and on our website many will have multiple illustrations.
The second column contains a symbol, which represents the item(s) in the lot: ** Mint, unmounted o.g. * Mint, mounted o.g. V Used, Very fine. F Used, Fine G Used, Good H Used, Heavy U Used,quality unspecified P Proof Ω Unused, no gum Δ Piece * Cover, card S Specimen or Stamp (“Postmarks” lots) PS Postal Stationery B Booklets or Booklet Panes R Reprint
The 3rd column contains the general description of the lot and should be self-evident with one exception. When a catalogue value is extrapolated the value is followed by a ↕, e.g. $2000↕. Typical extrapolations are 40% of the catalogue value for hinged mint when the catalogue only provides values for MUH, 200% for MUH when the catalogue value is for mint hinged. The following notes apply specifically to postmark description. Whenever possible postmarks will be described in full, except that the top portion of a postmark is only spelt out when it differs from the post office name or requires some clarification. Bracketed shaded text within a description indicates that these characters cannot be read, while greyed characters are hard to read or are only partly present, as is the case when part of the postmark is on the edge of a stamp. Very large or small letters are represented by large and small fonts respectively; small fonts are particularly used to indicate the presence of small nylon wheels in the datestamp. The following example illustrates these points: '[POST] OFFICE/21DE86/GARAH'. After the forscription of the postmark we will indicate the overall quality of the cancel with a bracketed 2 character code. The first character is A-D where A is a fine clear postmark through to D which is barely legible. The second character is a number from 1 to 4 where 1 is complete including all the frame through to 4 where only 25% or less of the cancel is visible. For exceptional strikes we will further qualify the quality code with a ‘+’ and for items which are light etc the code will be qualified with a ‘-’. For postmark lots the condition of the postmark is the most important aspect of our descriptions. Minor defects in the stamp or cover are mentioned only when the value of the item is significant. Naturally, major defects will always be described.
The symbols in the second column, and the illustrations of lots, form part of the lot description.
The last column is the estimate. The reserve is almost always 75% of the estimate and bids below the reserve will not usually be considered.
No GST is added to the hammer price. The vendors have accepted responsibility for any tax payable.
We use the following standardised abbreviations: og original gum opt(d) overprint(ed) d/s datestamp cds circular datestamp h/s handstamp mss manuscript; handwritten ERD earliest recorded date LRD latest recorded date o/o opened-out RLabel registration label M/S(s) miniature sheet(s) PPC picture postcard impt imprint mtd mounted provl provisional wmk watermark LDL large dateline (postmarks) SDL small dateline (postmarks) TLC,TRC,LLC,LRC Top Left Cnr, Top Right Cnr, Lower Left Cnr, Lower Right Cnr
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019
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My Auction 69 Bidsheet. As mentioned earlier My Auction Bidsheet is the most important part of the website when you have placed bids in the auction, because it provides everything you need to manage your bidding. With this screen you can change your bids, add limits to ensure you don’t overspend, enter Credit Card details or other special instructions. And it always shows you the current status of your bids. The lot is highlighted when you have the top bid so it is easy to see the current situation with your bids. As well as being able to modify your bids there is a +5% button which increases your bid to 5% above the current starting price. At the bottom of this webpage there is also a field to globally increase all your bids by any percentage amount. Very useful when your bids are all way below the starting price or you want to give yourself that extra level of safety. The website is there to help you get the most when dealing with Phoenix Auctions. We hope you take a little time to use it to your advantage. Remember that we are always happy to help if you have a problem or questions. Terms and Conditions: These are found on the rear of your printed bidsheet and on the Phoenix website. At this auction the Buyer’s commission is 19.25% (incl GST)
Contact Details: Web: www.PhoenixAuctions.com.au email: phoenix@PhoenixAuctions.com.au Phone: 03 8682-9876 +613 8682-9876 Fax: 03 8677-2858 +613 8677-2858 Offices and Auction Room: 274A Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills, Victoria. Mail: PO Box 458 Canterbury, Victoria. 3126, Australia.
We are HERE!
HOW TO FIND US 274A Canterbury Rd Surrey Hills. Near the corner of Canterbury Road and Kennealy Street. ( Melway Map 46 F11 )
Surrey Hills is 12km due east of Melbourne, situated between Camberwell to the west and Box Hill to the east. Train: Chatham Station is less than 100m across Canterbury Road. Car: Street Parking is available in close proximity.
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019
Country and Regional Classification Aden: 1174-1176,1463 Africa: 783-784,922,1172-1173,1207,1211, 1250-1251, 1261-1262, 1264, 1279, 1282-1284,1360-1363,1373, 1405-1406,1418,1433-1446,1448 Aitutaki: 884 Albania: 1199 Antarctica: 1403 Antigua: 1177-1179 Arab States: 922,1172,1174-1176,1250-1251, 1373,1463 Argentina: 1180-1181 Ascension: 1182 Asia: 705,717,861,879,883,886,890,892,920, 1175, 1218, 1227-1243, 1276, 1280, 1336-1345, 1348-1350, 1365-1369, 1407-1409,1417,1432,1449 Australasia: 501-622,624-893,897-983, 9 8 5 - 11 7 1 , 1 2 1 4 - 1 2 1 6 , 1 2 8 1 , 1 2 9 0 , 1383-1403,1411-1413,1432 Australia: 501-622,624-983,985-1132,1134, 1143-1144, 1148, 1151, 1157-1160, 1167-1168,1178,1210,1215,1217,1224, 1227-1228, 1258, 1289-1290, 1318, 1340,1351,1360,1367,1388, 1392-1395,1432,1442,1446 Australia - Overprinted For Use in Other Countries: 894-896,1143-1149, 1158-1159 Australia Commonwealth: 501-622,624-737, 747, 754-755, 758, 762-766, 768, 873, 928,1131,1151,1159 Australian Colonies - General: 518,555, 558-559, 613, 619-620, 671, 677, 681, 687, 689, 712, 716, 725, 742, 753, 755, 758, 773, 778-781, 788, 798, 801, 804, 806-808, 812, 824, 833, 837, 839, 843, 855, 863, 874, 876-877, 879, 897-917, 919-983,985-1132,1134,1290 Australian Territories: 724,882,1133-1171 Austria: 711,957,1183-1199,1422 Austro-Hungarian Post Offices in the Turkish Empire: 1188-1199 Bahamas: 875 Balkans: 1189,1191-1196,1199,1217,1274, 1334,1372 Baltic States: 1258 Barbados: 1200-1206 Basutoland: 1172,1207 Bechuanaland Protectorate: 1173 Belgium: 1208-1209,1272,1439 Bermuda: 1210 Bohemia & Moravia: 1273 Botswana: 1173 Brazil: 1328 British Commonwealth: 501-622,624-893, 8 9 7 - 9 8 3 , 9 8 5 - 11 7 9 , 11 8 1 - 11 8 2 , 1200-1207, 1210-1216, 1218-1230, 1246-1247, 1249-1260, 1262, 1264, 1275, 1279, 1281-1283, 1285-1333, 1335-1345, 1348-1349, 1351-1354, 1356,1360-1363,1365-1374, 1380-1413, 1418, 1424-1446, 1448, 1450-1455,1463 British Commonwealth Occupation Forces (Bcof): 894-896 British East Africa: 1211 British Guiana: 1172,1212 British Honduras: 1213 British Indian Ocean Territory: 1173 British Post Offices: 1285,1335,1356,1397, 1404,1424,1429 British Post Offices Abroad: 1279,1285, 1328-1333, 1335, 1356, 1397, 1404, 1424,1429 British Solomon Islands: 1214-1216 British Virgin Islands: 1246-1247
British West Indies: 875,1173,1177-1179, 1200-1206, 1210, 1246-1247, 1335, 1356,1424,1429-1431,1454 Bulgaria: 1217 Burma: 1218 Canada: 789,797,924,1007,1219-1226,1441 Cape Of Good Hope: 1433-1436 Ceylon: 1227-1230 Chile: 884,1329-1330 China: 879,883,1231-1243,1276,1280, 1336-1345,1417 Christmas Island: 724,1133 Cocos (Keeling) Islands: 1134-1136 Collections & Accumulations: 501-622, 624-893,897-983,985-1179,1181-1182, 1200-1207, 1210-1216, 1218-1233, 1246-1247, 1249-1260, 1262, 1264, 1275-1276,1279,1281-1283, 1285-1333, 1335-1345, 1348-1349, 1351-1356, 1360-1363, 1365-1374, 1380-1413, 1418, 1424-1446, 1448, 1450-1455,1463 Colombia: 1244 Cook Islands: 884,1411-1413 Crete: 1189,1192-1193 Curacao: 1245 Customs Duty: 844-860,864,953 Danish West Indies: 1246-1247 Denmark: 559,718,1053,1248 Denmark Colonies: 1246-1247 Dominica: 1249 East Africa & Uganda: 1448 Egypt: 922,1250-1251,1373 Estonia: 1258 Falkland Islands: 1252 Federated Malay States: 1218 Fiji: 884,1253-1260 Finland: 872 Forerunners: 1279 France: 501,1031,1238,1261,1263,1265, 1328,1330-1331,1374,1398 French Colonies: 1172,1261-1262 French Community: 884,1172,1261-1263, 1382 French Polynesia: 884 Gambia: 1264 German (Deutsch) New Guinea: 1141-1142, 1276 German Colonies: 1141-1142,1276-1284, 1448 Germany: 716,760,851,859,862,955,1038, 1141-1142,1181,1258,1265-1284,1462 Germany - Occupation of Belgium - Wwi: 1272 Germany - Occupied & Plebiscite Territories: 1272-1273 Germany - Occupied Ionian Islands: 1275 Germany - Occupied Serbia: 1274 Gibraltar: 1285-1289 Gilbert & Ellice Islands: 1290-1291 Great Britain: 615,682,687,695,837,844-845, 848, 850, 874, 878, 892, 916, 918-919, 921, 925, 980, 1009-1011, 1032, 1034, 1137,1181,1252,1262,1279,1285-1286, 1289, 1292-1333, 1335, 1353, 1356, 1363, 1374, 1396-1397, 1404, 1424, 1429,1440-1441,1455,1463 Great Britain - Post Offices Abroad: 1285, 1289, 1330, 1333, 1335, 1345, 1356, 1424,1429 Greece: 1189,1191-1196,1334,1372 Grenada: 1173,1335 Gulf States: 1172,1174 Haiti: 1331 Hong Kong: 879,883,1336-1345 Hungary: 1346 Iceland: 1347 Independent Africa: 1448 India: 886,892,911,920,1175,1211,1218, 1348-1349,1407,1409 Indonesia: 1350
Ionian Islands: 1275 Ireland: 846-847,1351-1354 Israel: 1171 Italian States: 1190-1191,1194,1196-1197, 1355 Italy: 769,852,886,921,1190-1191,1194, 1196-1197,1289,1355,1372,1374 Jamaica: 1356 Japan: 657,888,894-896,1357-1359,1421 Johore: 1368 Kenya: 783-784,1360-1362 Kenya Uganda & Tanganyika: 783-784,1279, 1360-1362,1448 Kuwait: 1174 Labuan: 890 Lagos: 1198,1363 Latin America: 778-780,884,1180-1181,1244, 1328-1333,1404,1414 Liechtenstein: 1364 Lombardy & Venetia: 1190-1191,1194, 1196-1197 Lord Howe Island: 681 Malaya: 890,12181172-1173,1365-1369,1432 Malaysia: 890 Malta: 1172,1370-1374 Middle East: 891,922,1171-1172,1174-1176, 1250-1251,1373,1453,1463 Namibia: 1282-1283 Nauru: 1137-1140,1143 Netherlands: 925,1245,1375-1376 Netherlands Colonies: 1377-1379 Netherlands Indies: 1377-1379 New Caledonia: 884,1263 New Guinea: 1141-1161 New Hebrides: 1380-1382 New Hebrides (French): 1382 New South Wales: 501,514,549,557,562,572, 621, 671, 681, 691, 713, 739, 751-752, 758, 797-798, 812, 824, 839, 852, 856, 859,870,875,887,893,897-917, 919-943,948,1290 New Zealand: 558,600,717,810,1383-1403 New Zealand - Transit or Destination Mail: 1131 New Zealand Territories: 884,1403, 1411-1413 Newfoundland: 1219-1221 Nicaragua: 1404 Niger Coast Protectorate: 1405 Nigeria: 1363,1405-1406 Norfolk Island: 882 North Borneo: 890 Northern Nigeria: 1406 Northern Territory: 773,876-877,944-947 Pacific Islands: 884,1137-1140,1143-1149, 1214-1216,1253-1260,1263, 1277-1278,1281,1290-1291, 1380-1382,1411-1413,1450-1452 Pakistan: 1407-1410 Papal States: 1355 Papua: 1162-1168 Papua New Guinea: 717,1169-1171 Penrhyn: 1411-1413 Perlis: 1369 Peru: 1332,1414 Poland: 1415-1416 Portuguese Colonies: 1417 Proofs & Essays: 898-900,959-962,992-993, 1127, 1170, 1348, 1402, 1411-1413, 1437-1438 Puerto Rico: 1333 Qatar: 1172 Queensland: 518,559,687,719,753,758, 777-781, 801, 822, 843-844, 863, 887, 945,948-958 Rhodesia: 1418,1442 Ross Dependency: 1403 Russia - All Periods: 1238,1257-1258, 1419-1423 Sabah: 890
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019 Samoa: 884,1276,1281 Samoa (German): 1281 Sarawak: 1432 Sardinia: 1190-1191,1194,1196-1197 Scandinavia: 559,718,872,1053,1248,1271, 1347 Scotland: 916,918,921,1032,1424 Selangor: 1218 Serbia: 1274 Seychelles: 1173 Sicily: 1355 Singapore: 705,861 South Africa: 1282-1283,1433-1441 South African Colonies: 1437-1438,1440 South Arabian Federation: 1174-1176,1463 South Australia: 523,558,688-690,725,773, 823, 845, 855, 875-877, 879, 891, 924, 944-947,959-983,985-988,1008,1134, 1180,1198,1289,1333 South West Africa: 1276,1282-1283 Southern Africa: 1172-1173,1207,1282-1283, 1418,1433-1442,1446 Southern Rhodesia: 1442 Spain: 712,753 Specimens: 575-578,586-588,592-594,596, 975,999,1023,1201,1209-1210, 1214-1215, 1253, 1302-1303, 1308, 1315, 1318, 1339, 1366-1368, 1406, 1446,1448 Sri Lanka: 1227-1230 St. Christopher: 1424 St. Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla: 1424 St. Helena: 1173,1425-1428 St. Kitts-Nevis: 1424 St. Vincent: 1429-1431 Straits Settlements: 1365-1367 Sudan: 1443-1445 Swaziland: 1446 Sweden: 1035,1271 Switzerland: 1031,1130,1399,1447, 1457-1458 Tanganyika: 1279,1448 Tasmania: 613,620,712,748,812,833,848, 926,989-1011 Thailand: 1449 Tonga: 1450-1452 Transjordan: 1453 Transvaal: 1439 Trinidad: 1454 Tristan Da Cunha: 1455 Turkey: 1188-1199,1456 Uganda: 1360-1362,1448 United Nations: 1457-1458 United Nations - Geneva: 1457-1458 United States of America: 501,600,621, 717-718, 761, 792, 800-801, 806, 820, 847, 849, 854-856, 860, 866, 868, 875, 879, 917, 924, 983, 1134, 1206, 1290, 1400,1459-1462 Vanuatu: 1382 Vatican: 1355 Venezuela: 778-780 Victoria: 501,555,606,619,677,716,742,753, 755,758,788,795,808,837,840, 850-851,874,1012-1125,1163 War Savings Stamps And Certificates: 743 Western Australia: 516,549,600,680,776, 804,806-807,1126-1132,1145 Western Europe: 711-712,716,753,760,851, 859, 862, 955, 957, 1031, 1038, 1130, 1141-1142,1181,1183-1199,1238,1258, 1265-1289, 1328, 1330-1331, 1364, 1374,1398-1399,1422,1447, 1457-1458,1462 Yemen: 1463 Yugoslavia: 1274
Thematic And Topical Classification Accountancy Markings: 1031,1331
Advertising: 809,928,956,1037 Advertising Covers: 809 Aeroplanes: 883,1135 Agriculture: 753,770,782,798,815-816,819, 824,826,887,1445 Air Force: 1101-1102 Airmail Stamps: 678-679,682,1375,1402 Airmails: 591,674,687,773-774,838,860, 8 7 3 - 8 8 5 , 8 9 2 , 9 4 5 , 11 5 0 , 11 5 4 , 1167-1168,1174,1187,1268,1287,1349, 1376,1402,1419,1452,1462 Alcohol: 1037 Architecture: 685,743 Autographs: 772,877-878,880,946,1349 Banking & Finance: 681,1174 bird: 717,732-733,1150,1152-1153,1156,1170, 1187 Birds: 676-677,684,686,694,710,731,733, 772, 866, 958, 1053, 1133, 1136, 1156, 1170-1171,1187,1220,1264,1375,1380, 1402,1432 Bisects: 1217,1276 Booklets: 730,733,736,738,1216,1304, 1390-1391 Bridges: 685,836,1106 Butterflies & Moths: 1013 Cancelled to Order: 502,533,544-545,567, 573-574, 582-583, 598-599, 666, 706, 754, 951, 1139-1140, 1162, 1231-1232, 1240 Censored Mail: 501,549,769,856,866,886, 888, 890, 1176, 1181, 1217, 1252, 1262, 1271,1275,1422,1449,1462-1463 Charity: 888,927,1023 Christmas: 894,1390 Churchill: 800 Cinderellas: 844-860,864,893,953,981, 1025-1029,1116,1398 Coastal Features - Ports & Wharves: 913, 9 2 2 , 9 7 8 , 9 8 1 , 111 5 , 11 6 2 - 11 6 3 , 1166-1167,1169,1225,1251 Coastal Features - Seas & Oceans: 562,685 Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings: 501-622, 624-893, 897-983, 985-1179, 1181-1182, 1200-1207, 1210-1216, 1218-1233, 1246-1247, 1249-1260, 1262, 1264, 1266-1270, 1272-1283, 1285-1333, 1335-1345, 1348-1349, 1351-1356, 1360-1363, 1365-1374, 1380-1413, 1418, 1424-1446, 1448, 1450-1455,1463 Commemorative Covers: 712,770-843 Commercial Perfins: 861,1383-1384,1392, 1395,1402 Consular Mail: 1038 Covers By Manufacturer: 712,770-835 Creeks & Streams: 942,1046,1054,1083, 1089,1108,1120,1304 Customs: 678,844-860,864-865,869-872,953, 1009-1011,1130,1171 Dead Letter Office: 614,1008,1114,1131 Disaster: 705 Disinfected Mail: 1373 Early Imperforate Stamps: 914,916,978, 1015-1016,1200 Education: 1348 Energy: 1089 Exhibitions: 796,824,1238,1267,1417 Explorers & Pioneers: 682-683,718,818,884, 1220,1403,1411-1413 Express Mail: 867,1025 Fauna - Animals: 501-597,692,710,728-730, 734-735, 786, 808, 810, 821-823, 828, 887, 896, 928, 1002-1003, 1036, 1104, 1106,1120,1151,1207,1230,1284,1445 Fdi: 689,694,699,712,774-775,777,788,792, 794, 796, 798, 803-808, 812, 814, 818, 821-823,827-831,853,1133,1136,1169 Fields & Paddocks: 1088 Film & Television: 837
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First Day Covers: 689,694,699,704,707-708, 712,770-835,853,944-945,1133-1134, 1136,1167-1169,1291,1326,1349,1403 First Flight Covers: 773-774,873-885,945, 1167-1168,1349,1402 Fish: 717,1136,1380,1411-1413 Flags: 772,785,1427 Flight Covers - Commercial: 674,1187,1287 Flowers: 715,720,731,736,794,829,1103, 1133,1219 Forests & Woods: 1048 Forgeries: 996,1402 Free Mail: 549,1041 Geology: 721-722 Georgian Head Issues: 598-622,624-675, 747, 754-755, 758, 762-766, 768, 873, 1131,1159 Gorges & Canyons: 1093,1097 Government & Politicians: 674,689,695,711, 778,800,806,893,1007,1044 Heraldry: 703-704,706-708,710,731,791,1135 Horses: 1202-1205,1319 Illustrated Covers: 689,707,744,753,774, 781-784, 798, 817, 825, 833, 928, 946, 1036,1169,1327,1400 Imprints & Plate Numbers: 564,590,604,627, 629, 632-633, 638, 646, 652-653, 662, 664, 670, 673, 675, 679, 683-686, 693, 696-697,700-701,709,714,724, 802-803,974,1321,1384,1450 Independent Africa: 1173 Indigenous People: 811 Indigenous Peoples: 701,825,1400 Insects: 1380,1453 Islands: 681,724,875,882,884,1133-1140, 1164,1172-1173,1177-1179,1182,1189, 1192-1193, 1195, 1200-1206, 1210, 1214-1216, 1219-1221, 1227-1230, 1246-1247,1249,1252-1263, 1277-1278, 1281, 1290-1291, 1331, 1335, 1356, 1370-1374, 1380-1382, 1400, 1402, 1411-1413, 1424-1431, 1444,1450-1452,1454-1455 Kangaroo & Map Issues: 501-597,928,1151 Lakes & Dams: 1027,1078,1298,1361,1425, 1457-1458 Late Fee: 649,742,867,877-878,926,1016 Law & Order: 757 Local Stamps: 1025 Machine Cancellations Incl Meters: 848 Maps: 501-597,784,791,817,819,821-822, 1133,1135,1146,1151 Medical & Health: 792 Military & Censor Mail: 549,555,695,747, 762-769, 862, 866, 886-892, 894-896, 923,1101-1102,1142,1174,1176,1217, 1252,1262,1265,1271-1275, 1421-1422,1432,1441,1449,1462 Military - Boer War Period: 1323,1441 Military - World War I Period: 549,762-768, 862,1142,1176,1217,1272-1273,1422 Military - World War II Period: 695,866, 886-892, 894-896, 1101-1102, 1252, 1262, 1265, 1271, 1274-1275, 1432, 1449,1462 Miniature Sheets: 676-677,1237-1238,1243, 1270,1274 Mining: 954,1080,1089,1402 Monograms: 627 Mountains: 876,958,1071,1074,1095,1106, 1116,1361 Music & Singing: 1260,1417 Myths & Legends: 734,1200,1202-1205,1319 Number Ones: 1126,1207,1249,1273-1274, 1281, 1293-1294, 1351, 1377, 1383, 1407,1442 Numeral & Letter Postmarks: 902,912, 914-915, 920, 924, 927, 930-942, 948, 978,1005-1006,1013-1014,1018, 1031-1032,1045-1098,1105,1108,1113, 1116
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019
Official Mail: 502-503,527-529,540,542-545, 550, 554, 562, 565-567, 574, 581, 599, 6 11 - 6 1 2 , 6 5 6 , 6 5 8 , 6 7 1 , 6 7 3 , 6 7 8 , 682-683, 747, 755-756, 812, 908-909, 981, 983, 985-986, 1007, 1130-1131, 1151,1155-1157,1160,1166,1323-1324, 1392-1395,1399,1409 Official Stamps: 502-503,527-529,540, 542-545, 550, 554, 562, 565-567, 574, 581, 599, 611-612, 656, 658, 671, 673, 678,682-683,747,755-756,812, 908-909,981,983,985-986,1007, 1130-1131,1151,1155-1157,1160,1166, 1323-1324,1392-1395,1399,1409 Olympics: 713,717,832 Omnibus Issues: 687,800,828,1253,1258, 1342 Overprinted Stamps: 673,683,706,888,896, 999,1137,1142-1149,1158-1159,1272, 1282-1283, 1345-1346, 1381, 1410, 1425,1446,1454 Parcel: 502,606,705,982,1026,1181,1209 Parcel Post: 606,705,853,856,865,869-871, 981-982, 1009, 1026-1029, 1035, 1116, 1420,1460 Perfins: 502-503,527-529,540,542-545,550, 554, 562, 565, 567, 571, 574, 581, 599, 6 11 - 6 1 2 , 6 5 6 , 6 5 8 , 6 7 1 , 6 7 8 , 8 6 1 , 1130-1131,1151,1157,1160,1310,1418, 1442 Philatelists: 944-945 Pictorial Envelopes: 1039 Picture Postcards: 505,621,657,774,879, 897, 923, 1158, 1174, 1176, 1199, 1257, 1284,1439 Pigeon Post: 1402 Plains & Flats: 694,699,795,814,873,958, 1066,1271 Polar: 1403 Postage Due Handstamps: 980,1053,1247 Postage Dues: 657,717,739-742,847, 849-851, 1218, 1226, 1256, 1289, 1330, 1398,1455,1460 Postal Fiscals: 1002-1003,1344 Postal History: 501,549,555,557-559,591, 606, 621, 674, 687, 689, 695, 711-713, 715-717,719,725,747,762-769, 772-774,785-786,788,790-796, 798-812,818,820-824,827-834, 837-843, 861-872, 877-878, 881-884, 886-892, 894-897, 911-929, 944-947, 954-957, 978-983, 1002-1011, 1026, 1028,1031-1043,1053,1084,1101-1103, 1105, 1119, 1122-1124, 1130-1131, 1133-1136,1142,1157-1158,1162-1166, 1169,1171,1174-1176,1181,1187,1206, 1213, 1217-1218, 1246-1248, 1252, 1257-1258, 1262, 1265, 1271-1275, 1287-1291, 1326-1327, 1330-1331, 1333, 1335, 1363, 1372-1374, 1376, 1396-1401, 1403, 1415, 1421-1424, 1432,1439,1441,1449,1455,1461-1463 Postal Labels: 855,860 Postal Rates: 589,591,614,657,687,711, 717-718,758,845-848,850-854, 858-860, 866-867, 872,875, 879, 913, 916-919, 921, 923, 954-955, 982, 1007, 1010-1011, 1038, 1042, 1130, 1206, 1290-1291,1331,1398-1401,1424 Postal Seals: 1201,1276,1449 Postal Stationery: 557,744-769,845,849, 857-858, 860-862, 872, 886, 889, 910, 920, 926, 980, 1030, 1037, 1108, 1114, 1132,1141,1162,1246-1247,1284,1287, 1325, 1327, 1363, 1414, 1422, 1440, 1445-1446,1448,1451-1452 Postal Stationery - Aerogrammes: 981,1452 Postal Stationery - Envelopes: 754-757, 763-766,845,849,860,1114,1327 Postal Stationery - Envelopes (Official): 755-756 Postal Stationery - Envelopes (Ptpo): 757
Postal Stationery - Letter Cards: 748-753, 762, 769, 889, 1285, 1289, 1298, 1306, 1309-1312,1329,1361 Postal Stationery - Postal Cards: 744-747, 767, 889, 910, 980, 1030, 1037, 1108, 1141, 1246-1247, 1284, 1287, 1414, 1422,1440,1446,1451 Postal Stationery - Postal Cards (Formular): 1284 Postal Stationery - Postal Cards (Ptpo): 747, 910,1037 Postal Stationery - Registration Envelopes: 557, 758-761, 857-858, 861, 872, 920, 926,978,1132,1162,1363,1445,1448 Postal Stationery - Wartime: 762-769,862, 886 Postmarks: 501,518,549,555,557-559,591, 606, 613, 619-621, 674, 677, 681, 687, 689, 695, 711-713, 715-717, 719, 725, 742, 747, 755, 758, 762-769, 772-774, 778, 780-781, 785-786, 788, 790-796, 798-812,818,820-824,827-834, 837-843, 861-872, 876-879, 881-884, 8 8 6 - 8 9 2 , 8 9 4 - 8 9 7 , 9 0 2 , 9 11 - 9 4 8 , 954-958,978-983,987-988,1002-1011, 1013-1014,1018,1026,1028, 1031-1043, 1045-1125, 1130-1136, 1141-1142, 1157-1166, 1169, 1171, 1174-1176,1181,1183,1187-1199,1206, 1213, 1217-1218, 1246-1248, 1252, 1257-1260, 1262, 1265, 1271-1275, 1277, 1279-1281, 1285, 1287-1291, 1297, 1304, 1323, 1326-1333, 1335, 1345, 1356, 1363, 1372-1374, 1376, 1396-1401,1403-1404,1415, 1421-1424, 1429, 1432, 1439, 1441, 1449,1455,1461-1463 Postmarks - Colours in Names: 1054 Postmarks - Duplex Cancellations: 1121, 1125 Postmarks - Instructional Markings: 717, 742, 844-845, 848, 850-851, 911, 953, 1008-1011,1031,1033,1130,1396-1397 Postmarks - Irregular Colours: 607,619,926, 959, 961-962, 1086, 1243, 1298-1299, 1316-1317,1348,1392,1413,1419 Postmarks - Manuscript Cancellations: 657, 681,846,897,918,924,926,1009,1052, 1123,1132,1271 Postmarks - Money Order: 1117 Postmarks - Number in Post Office Name: 763-764, 1096, 1231-1233, 1276, 1305, 1405 Postmarks - Numerals: 902,912,914-915, 920,924,927,930-942,948,978, 1005-1006,1013-1014,1018, 1031-1032,1045-1098,1105,1108,1113, 1116,1200,1356,1386,1429 Postmarks - Paid Datestamps: 681,844,848, 864, 875, 911, 947, 1006, 1009-1011, 1118,1288,1329,1335,1372,1396-1397 Postmarks - Personal Names - Female: 1057,1098 Postmarks - Pictorial: 712,770-843 Postmarks - Relief Cancellations: 824 Postmarks - Slogan Cancels: 617-618,626, 695,713,1398-1399 Postmarks - Squared Circle Datestamps: 981,987-988 Postmarks Collection: 929,1043 Pre-Stamp Covers Etc: 707-708,911,1289, 1396-1397,1424 Prisoners of War and Internees: 549,769, 862,886,888-889,1422,1462 Private Carrier Stamps: 948,1116 Proofs: 726,898-900,959-962,992-993,1127, 1170, 1243, 1264, 1292, 1348, 1402, 1411-1413,1437-1438 Radio: 1143,1239,1398 Railway Stamps: 981,1026-1029 Railways & Trains: 501,981,1026-1029,1084, 1086,1116 Red Cross: 785 Redirected Mail: 1258
Registered Mail & Registration Labels: 549, 557-559,600,614,681-682,689, 694-695, 725, 758-761, 785, 796, 799, 806, 810, 825, 837-839, 841-843, 853, 857-858, 861, 867, 872-873, 875-878, 887, 896, 918-920, 924-926, 946-947, 954-955,957,983,1031,1035, 1040-1041,1044,1102-1103,1131-1132, 1162-1168,1171,1175,1258-1259,1290, 1363,1423,1441,1445,1448 Registration Labels: 549,558-559,614,681, 689, 725, 760, 806, 837-839, 841-843, 875-878,887,919,955,957,1044 Religion: 824,928,1043,1274 Reprints: 728-730,733,898,989,992,1012 Revenues: 844-860,863-864,951-953,981, 989-990,1002-1004,1026-1029,1344, 1418 River Fords: 1047 Royalty: 687,699,726,744,771,774-775, 779-781,789,793-794,797,809, 817-818,827,830-831,943,1098,1207, 1253,1301,1318,1342 Science: 725 Scouts and Guides: 803 Sheep: 887 Shells: 1136,1380-1381 Ship Mail: 916,922,978,1396-1397 Ship/Paquebot Markings: 1374 Ships & Boats: 685,883,911,916,922-923, 978,1135,1139-1142,1162,1197,1206, 1220,1242,1251,1276-1284,1289,1362 Skiing: 1186 Sport: 713,832 Stamp Dealers: 760 Stamps on Stamps: 785 Streets & Roads: 707-708,749,869,871,911, 924,927,936,992-993,1039,1098,1158, 1173, 1200, 1271, 1289, 1335, 1352, 1396-1397,1424-1431 Telegrams: 836 Telegraph Offices: 557,1114 Thematics & Topicals: 714,717 Timber & Trees: 689,827,1265 Tourism: 1400 Transport: 1116,1243 Travelling Post Offices: 981,1121-1125, 1330-1331,1360 Tree Cutting & Lumber Mills: 1220 Triangular Stamps: 1219,1402 Unclaimed: 922,1008,1114 Unissued Stamps: 1391 Unusual Origins or Destinations: 657,717, 753,1007,1038,1258,1289,1331 Used Abroad: 1157,1160,1279,1285, 1328-1333, 1335, 1356, 1397, 1404, 1424,1429 Valleys: 1101-1102 Varieties: 509-510,516,518,527,531,539,543, 548-549, 551-553, 556, 560, 562, 566, 572, 575-576, 579, 586-587, 589, 592, 594-598,601,604,610,612-620, 624-627,629-630,632,634-639, 642-644, 646, 648-653, 658, 662-664, 667-669, 672, 691-692, 700, 710, 714, 720-723, 726-730, 732, 734, 737, 740, 759,765-766,850,902,905,907, 913-915, 971, 974, 991, 996-997, 1001, 1018, 1020, 1024, 1128-1129, 1137, 1143-1146,1148,1184,1204-1205,1211, 1217, 1229, 1254-1255, 1275, 1300, 1322, 1337, 1340, 1352, 1361-1362, 1381, 1383, 1390-1391, 1426-1428, 1450,1455 Wells & Springs: 1094 Yachts: 1141,1280,1283 Zeppelins: 1267 Zeppelins on Stamps: 1267-1268
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AUSTRALIA | Kangaroo & Map Issues | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 1913-17 Kangaroo Frankings mostly on PPCs incl 1d frankings to NSW or England, the latter with stamp tied by 1913 Serviceton Rly (Vic) datestamp, 1d + ½d frankings to France (x2), Austria, Germany or USA, also 2½d on 1917 censor cover to USA. (8 items) Selection with [1] 2nd Wmk 2/- with lightly struck parcels cancel; [2] 3rd Wmk 5/- parcels cancel; [3] SMult 5/- Perf ‘OS’ CTO; [4] Cof A 10/- with crease & 2mm perf groove tear at top right; Cat $800+ (ex CofA 10/-). (4) AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - First Watermark | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings ‘OS’ Collection Large ½d, 1d, 2d, 3d Die I, 4d orange, 4d orange-yellow, 5d, 6d, 9d, 1/-, 2/- (some separation in ‘OS’) & 5/-; Small ½d, 1d Die II, 2d, 3d Die I, 4d, 5d, 6d, 9d & 1/-. Total Cat $3,390. (22) ½d to 2/- Perf Large ‘OS’ (including ½d pair), variable centring, some nibbed perfs (especially 9d), mostly fine with datestamp cancels, Cat $1,300+. (12) AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - First Watermark ½d Green and Tasmania ½d Pictorial on 1914 (Mar 3) PPC to England, minor blemishes 1d Red Die I Watermark sideways - crown pointing to right BW #2aa, single nibbed perf, very fine used, Cat $450. 1d Red Die I corner block of 4 [L1-2, 7-8] L1 with variety ‘ROSTAGE’ BW #42(B)d minor bend on variety unit, mounted in margins only, extrapolated Cat $300+ for MUH. 2d Grey BW #5 block of 4, some nibbed perfs, mild tone patches, three units MUH, Cat $975+. 2d Grey Dent in left frame near top [1R38], BW #5(1)m, Cat $200. 2d Grey Nick in right frame near top & Dent in left frame near top in horizontal pair, BW #5(1)m,n, Cat $160+. 2½d Indigo Perf Large ‘OS’ BW #9ba, few short perfs at left, fine used, Cat $300. 2½d Indigo Perf Large ‘OS’ BW #9ba, Cat $300. 2½d Indigo Perf Small ‘OS’ BW #9bb, some rough perfs, fine used, Cat $350. 2½d Indigo Perf Small ‘OS/NSW’ BW #9bb, well centred, faint crease, Cat $350 (as perf Small ‘OS’). 3d Olive Die I BW #12 well centred example, fresh MUH, Cat $600. 3d Olive Die I variety Doubling of right frame and Queensland east coast, 1913 Quairading (WA) datestamp. [A similar used example sold for $4,800 in our March 2010 auction.] 3d Olive Die I BW #12, marginal watermark lines at right & at base [Pos 60], unlisted variety Large portion of outer right frame thin or weakly printed, well centred, fine used. 3d Olive Die I Watermark Inverted with neat cds of [ST]ANTHORPE’, (Qld), BW #12a, Cat $225. 3d Olive Die I Watermark inverted BW #12a, roughish perfs, fine used, Cat $225. 4d Orange Perf Large ‘OS’ solo franking (marginal example) on 1916 (Jan 19) Perth Land Titles Dept registered local cover, unclaimed with appropriate instructional markings, fine condition, Cat $250 (on cover). 4d Orange Perf Large ‘OS’ BW #15ba solo franking on 1916 (Jan 19) Perth Land Titles Dept registered local cover, unclaimed with appropriate instructional markings, fine condition, Cat $250 (on cover). 5d Chestnut BW #16, Cat $250. 5d Chestnut BW #16 solo franking tied by Jamestown (SA) datestamp to registered cover to New Zealand, Burt Type #S3 registration label, Adelaide transit & Dunedin arrival backstamps, Cat $1,000 (on cover). 5d Pale Chestnut BW #16B, fine mint, Cat $250. 5d Chestnut variety White flaw over ‘AL’ of ‘AUSTRALIA’ BW #16(U)f, Hobart Telegraph cancel in blue, Cat $150. Drury Certificate (2018). 6d Ultramarine BW #17, nibbed perf, some gumside toning, Cat $400. 6d Ultramarine Perf Small ‘OS’ Watermark inverted BW #17abc, some nibbed perfs, well centred, tidy datestamp cancel, Cat $4,000. 6d Ultramarine Perf Small ‘OS’ unusually as a strip of 6, BW #17bc, bottom perfs partly trimmed on 4 units, Cat $110 for the two units with good perfs. 6d Ultramarine Perf Small ‘OS’ BW #17bc, MNG, Cat $425 (as mint). 9d Deep Violet BW #24C, fine MLH, Cat $500. 9d Violet BW #24, with unplated White flaw on top left serif of first N of NINE, Cat $200 2/- Brown Perf Large ‘OS’ BW #35ba, fine used pair with Melbourne datestamps, odd nibbed perf, Cat $1,000+. 2/- Brown Melbourne ‘D[E3]/[13]’ CTO datestamp, slight gum tone, Cat $300. Drury Certificate (2018). 10/- Grey & Pink BW #47AA, repaired corner perf at top right, strong colours, used, Cat $1,100. £2 Black & Rose BW #55A, repaired corner perf at lower-right, Registered Sydney ‘11MR19’ datestamp, Cat $6,000. AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Second Watermark 6d Ultramarine BW #18A, well-centred, fine mint, Cat $400. 6d Ultramarine BW #18, well centred, MUH, Cat $2,250. 9d Pale Violet BW #24B, MUH, Cat $2,500. 9d Violet variety Break in left frame opposite ‘A’ and white flaw below ‘AU’ BW #25(1)e, tidy datestamp cancel, well clear of flaws, Cat $300. 1/- Green Perf ‘OS’ BW #31ba, nibbed perf, well centred, Cat $475. Scarce. 2/- Brown perf ‘OS’, BW #36ba, well centred, very lightly mounted, Cat $4,000. 2/- Light Brown Perf ‘OS’ BW #36ba, faint corner bend, well centred, Cat $400. 2/- Brown Perf ‘OS’ variety White flaw under second ‘L’ of ‘SHILLINGS’ BW #36ba(1)f, few pulled perfs, Registered Hobart datestamp, Cat $900. AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Third Watermark | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings ‘OS’ Collection 2d Die I, 2d Die II, 3d Die I x2 shades, 6d blue Die II pair, 6d chestnut, 9d Die IIB cto, 1/- Die IIB, 2/- brown, 5/-, 10/cto, plus SMult 6d chestnut. Total Cat $770. (13) Bicolour High Values comprising 5/- grey & yellow cds used, 10/- grey & deep aniline pink with registered datestamp, both reasonably centred; also 10/- perf ‘OS’, centred right, CTO (without gum); presentable trio, Cat $800. (3) Selection with 2d, 2½d & 3d Die I MUH, 6d blue MVLH, 6d chestnut & 2/- brown mint, 2/- maroon MUH; also SMult 1/- MUH & 2/(slight bend) mint, odd minor gum tone, generally fine, Cat $2,200+. (9) AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Third Watermark 2d Grey Die I BW #7 marginal block of 4, fresh MUH, Cat $500+.
$200 $160 $750 $130 $150 $150 $150 $300 $90 $90 $100 $150 $120 $120 $200 $1,300 $80 $80 $100 $120 $120 $90 $400 $130 $100 $100 $240 $90 $90 $200 $90 $150 $100 $240 $1,000 $200 $1,000 $1,500 $120 $80 $1,600 $120 $300 $200 $250 $360 $200
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019 2d Grey Die I variety Retouched bottom frame at right and white flaw in Gulf of Carpentaria [1L6] BW #7(1)d, fine mint, Cat $120. (9) 2½d Indigo pair (left side unit Heavy coastline to WA, BW #9(2)d) plus 1d red KGV tied by ‘HOLDSWORTHY CAMP/NSW’ datestamp to 1918 (Jul 17) ‘PRISONER OF WAR LETTER/FREE—.’ Envelope to Perth, red registration label & Holman censor handstamp in violet, a section on reverse has been removed. Attractive and unusual. 2½d Indigo Perf ‘OS’ BW #11b, a little aged, Cat $225. 2½d Indigo variety Retouch between Tasmania and mainland [1L45] BW #11(1)f, very well centred, MVLH, Cat $175. 2½d Indigo Retouched shading below value circle [1R54] BW #11(1)q, MLH, Cat $175 3d Olive with olive-green shade Die II BW #13L, few nibbed perfs, excellent centring, (Cat $250); also olive shade Die I; both fine used. (2) 3d Olive Die I Perf ‘OS’ hinge remnant, Cat $175. 3d Olive Die I Perf ‘OS’ BW #13b block of 8 (4x2), upper-right unit tiny internal fault, ‘MILITARY CAMP BROADMEADOWS/27FE16’ datestamps, Cat $280+. Nice item. 3d Olive Die IIB variety Partial offset, BW #14c, well centred, extrapolated Cat $2,500+ for MUH. 6d Blue Die II BW #20, used in 1918 (Nov 22) to uprate KGV 4½d Oval Registration Envelope BW #RE21 from Melbourne to esteemed philatelist H. Montgomerie Hamilton in Strathfield (NSW), minor edge blemishes, Cat $300 (on cover). 6d Chestnut Die IIB BW #21 solo franking on 1927 (Jul 26) Torrensville (SA) registered cover to New Zealand, red/white registration label, cover with edge blemishes, Cat $150 (on cover). 6d Chestnut Die IIB BW #21 solo franking tied by Woolloongabba (Qld) ‘23JA30’ datestamp to registered small cover to Denmark, red/white registration label, Copenhagen arrival backstamp. 9d Violet Die II variety Watermark inverted pair BW #26a, some rust spots, Cat $650+. Drury Certificate (2018). 9d Violet Die IIB BW #27, fine mint, Cat $125. 1/- Blue-Green Die II Selection with block of 4 well centred, also singles x3, one Watermark inverted, another in sea-green shade (dryish ink) perf ‘OS’, the other very fine used with Woollahra (NSW) datestamp, Cat $700+. (4 items) 1/- Blue-Green Die IIB Watermark Sideways BW #33aa, per favour cancel (?), Cat $$500 (used, $200 unused).. 1/- Blue-Green Die IIB Watermark Sideways Mullett imprint pair BW #33(4)ze, hinge reinforcement at left, right-hand unit MUH. 2/- Brownish-Grey Perf ‘OS’ BW #37, fine used, Cat $500. 2/- Brown Perf ‘OS’ Watermark inverted BW #37ba,a, Brisbane datestamp, Cat $1,500. 2/- Maroon Perf ‘OS’ CTO BW #38wc, very well centred, Cat $100. Drury Certificate (2018). 2/- Maroon BW #39 marginal example from lower-right corner of the pane, fluffy perfs, MLH, Cat $300. 5/- Grey & Pale Yellow BW #44D, marginal MUH, Cat $2,000. 5/- Grey & Yellow (one pulled perf), 10/- grey & aniline pink (fluffy perfs), both appear to have been cancelled on the same day. BW #44,48E. (2) 5/- Grey & Yellow Perf ‘OS’ BW #44b, fine used on piece, Cat $200. 5/- Grey & Yellow variety White flaw off NSW coast [R55] BW #44(D)v, well centred, fine used, Cat $450. 10/- Grey & Pink CTO BW #48w, White-faced Roo with Shading flaw in Bight [R40], mild gum bend, Cat $750 (as normal stamp). £1 Brownish-Grey Perf ‘OS’ BW #37wc, CTO, Cat $2,250. £1 Deep Grey Optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type C overprint variety Damaged ‘S’ and ‘C’ - sub-type 1a [R25] BW #53xe, only 46 stamps printed in this position, Cat $3,750. £1 Grey Optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type C Overprint variety Shaved ‘P’ sub-type 2 BW #53xf, very well centred, Cat $1,000. £2 Grey-Black & Crimson with Type B ‘SPECIMEN’ overprint BW #56x, hinge rem & 10/- Type B ‘SPECIMEN’, BW #48x, MNG, Cat $1,200. (2) £2 Purple-Black & Rose Optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type C #56Cxb, centred to lower-left, MVLH, Cat $500. £2 Purple-Black & Rose Optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type C Sub-type 1 overprint variety - damaged ‘C’, with duty plate flaw White flaw in Bight [R19] BW #56xd(D)s, few tone flecks on gum. Rare combination of varieties, Cat $8,000 (as an unoverprinted stamp). Drury Certificate (2018). £2 Purple-Black & Rose Optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type C variety Broken value circle at right [L49] and overprint variety Damaged ‘C’ sub-type 1 BW #56(D)m,xd, mild even gum toning, excellent centring, extrapolated Cat $2,500 (as MUH), with further premium for duty plate flaw. Drury Certificate (2018). AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - Small Multiple Watermark 6d Chestnut Perf ‘OS’ BW #22b block of 4, two units hinged, Cat $420+. 2/- Maroon CTO BW #39w, Cat $125. Drury Certificate (2018). 5/- Grey & Yellow-Orange Perf ‘OS’ BW #45ba, excellent centring, MVLH, Cat $250. Premium example. 10/- Grey & Pink BW #49, centred to lower left. MUH, Cat $3,000. 10/- Grey & Pale Pink BW #49, well centred, fine mint, Cat $1,100. 10/- Grey & Pale Pink Optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type C overprint variety Shaved ‘P’ - sub-type 2 BW #49xd, MLH, Cat $1,750. 10/- Grey & Pale Pink Optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type C variety Broken coast near Sydney BW #49x(D)d, well centred MUH, extrapolated Cat $2,200+. Very fresh stamp. £2 Grey & Rose-Crimson Optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type D BW #57x, fresh MVLH, Cat $900. AUSTRALIA | Kangaroos - CofA Watermark 9d Violet with variety White flaw over second ‘E’ of ‘PENCE’ similar to [4R12] BW #29(4)o but with Additional break in upper limb of ‘E’ (advanced state?), plus three other stamps on 1937 (May 17) 1/6d airmail rate cover to England. 9d Violet Ash imprint (‘N’ over ‘N’) imprint block of 4, Plate 3, 1st State BW #29(3)z, lightly mounted on one unit, Cat $650. 5/- Grey & Yellow plus 1/6d Hermes x2 & 1d green KGV tied by Perth cds of 1935 (Aug 3) on long air cover to London. Couple of spots and creases detract little, Cat $350 on cover. £2 Black & Rose Optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type D variety Distorted coastline & broken shading lines in Bight, different to listed flaw at [R19], MLH. £2 Black & Rose Overprinted ‘SPECIMEN’ Type D BW #58x centred to left, Cat $125. £2 Black & Rose Optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type D with variety Break in lower frame under ‘N’ of ‘POUNDS’ [R1], BW #58x(D)o, Cat $7,500 (as an unoverprinted stamp). £2 Grey & Rose-Crimson Optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type D variety Ewe-faced roo - State II [L10] BW #58x(V)fa, with additional Breaks in Roo’s back, MLH Cat $8,000 (as an unoverprinted stamp). £2 Black & Rose Optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type D variety Coloured flaw at front end of grass [L11] BW #58x(V)g, without gum, BW #58x(V)g (as an unoverprinted stamp) £2 Black & Rose variety Weeping Roo [L38] BW #58(V)l, minor wrinkling, datestamp cancel, Cat $1,750.
$80 $250 $90 $100 $100 $100 $90 $150 $1,000 $150 $90 $120 $200 $70 $130 $100 $200 $250 $400 $70 $150 $1,000 $160 $100 $200 $300 $750 $1,500 $300 $160 $200 $675 $1,000 $90 $80 $150 $1,000 $500 $500 $900 $320 $120 $300 $90 $160 $80 $250 $120 $150 $600
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019 598
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AUSTRALIA | Engraved Issues */**/U 1d Engraved selection including mint 1d carmine-red block of 6 with Weak entry right of emu’s head [4/106], block of 4 with No top line to crown [2/38], 1d pale red Retouched upper right frame mint [1/47] & used [1/37], plus few other flaws, and a CTO example. (9 items) AUSTRALIA | Georgian Head Issues | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings * ‘OS’ Collection Single ½d to 1/4d, incl 1d red Die II, 4d lemon, excl 4½d; LMW ½d to 1½d; SMW P14 1d to 4½d; SMW P13½x12½ ½d to 5d & ovpt ‘OS 2d & 4d; CofA ½d to 5d, plus all commems mainly cto. (68) 1915-36 KGV Heads on Registered Covers with 4d lemon solo on 1915 Shierlaw front, 4d orange + ½d green on 1919 Brisbane * cover to Ipswich, 5d brown + 2d red on 1923 cover to NZ, 1928 to USA 4d olive, 2d brown & 1½d red, 1928 Perth Land Titles with 1½d red & 3d Perf ‘OS’, 5d on 4½d on 1930 Kojonup (WA) cover, 5d perf ‘WA’ on Boulder cover to Kurrawang. (7 covers + 2 fronts). AUSTRALIA | KGV - Single Watermark F ½d Green Comb Perf Electro 2 variety Crack through ‘P’ of ‘POSTAGE’ [2R35] BW #63B(2)o. A fine example of this scarce and seldom offered electro crack, Cat $2,250. Drury certificate (2019). * ½d Green Comb Perf Electro 7 Harrison ‘COMMONWEALTH’ one-line imprint pair BW #63(7)z reinforced perf separation, fine mint, Cat $950 (as an imprint block of 4). */** ½d Green Comb Perf Electro 7 Harrison ‘COMMONWEALTH’ one-line imprint block of 8 BW #63(7)z, some perf reinforcements, six units MUH, Cat $950 (as a block of 4).. */** ½d Orange Electro 6 Harrison two-line imprint (‘N’ over ‘MP’, stop after ‘PRINTER’) with varieties Retouch to crack through King’s ear [6L54] & Eight wattles at right [6R49], BW #66(6)z, lower units MUH, Cat $325. F 1d Carmine-Red (G1) Single-Line Perf variety Run ‘N’ of ‘ONE’ - first state [VIII/60] BW #70A(4)v, Melbourne ‘18JA15’ datestamp, Cat $250. Starling Certificate (2014). * 1d Scarlet Aniline (G18) Smooth Paper BW #71l block of 4 & single tied by Melbourne ‘7OC16’ datestamps to Chartres Propty (Remington typewriter importers) parcel tag, addressed to Donald (Vic). Fine condition overall. F 1d (Deep) Bright Brown-Red (G24) BW #71O, rich colour, Adelaide 1917 (Nov) datestamp, Cat $250. Fine example. Starling Certificate (2015). F 1d Deep Pink Salmon Eosin (G27A) Smooth Paper BW #71SA, mild horizontal crease, Cat $2,250. Drury certificate (2015). F 1d Deep Pink Salmon Eosin (G27A) Smooth Paper BW #71SA, Cat $2,250. Drury certificate (2018). * 1d Carmine-Red Die II Watermark Inverted BW #71a(1)i, MVLH, extrapolated Cat $3,000+. * 1d Deep Scarlet (Aniline) (G19) Smooth Paper Perf ‘OS’ BW#71Jbb, mint, Cat $300, Drury Certificate (2018). F 1d Crimson (G23) Smooth Paper Perf ‘OS’ Dry ink vertical pair BW #71(N)bb,ca, lower unit with two pin holes. Rare combination of an elusive shade & scarce variety. F 1d Crimson (G23) Smooth Paper variety Dry ink BW #71Nca, Launceston ‘16JA18’ datestamp. Rare variety on this scarcer shade. Starling Certificate (2016) * 1d Red Smooth Paper Die II Perf ‘OS’ BW #71(1)ib vertical strip of 3 plus single on 1915 (Jul 2) Perth Land Titles Dept registered cover to Fremantle, ‘UNKNOWN BY...’, ‘UNCLAIMED’ & ‘DLO’ handstamps, Fremantle backstamps. Extremely rare Die II multiple franking on cover, Cat $1,150+ F 1d Scarlet Aniline (G18) Smooth Paper variety Rusted cliché second state [IV/34] BW #71I(2)j, fine used, Cat $750. Australian Commonwealth Specialists’ Society of GB Certificate (1963). F 1d Deep Scarlet (Aniline) (G19) Smooth Paper with Pre-Substituted cliché [IV/35] BW #71j(2)k, good perfs, Cat $750. F 1d Carmine-Rose (G30) Smooth Paper Substituted cliché - Die I BW #72V(2)ka, slogan cancel. Drury Certificate (2004) for then BW #72V(2)ja. F 1d Carmine-Rose (G30) Smooth Paper Substituted cliché - Die I BW #72V(2)ka, slogan cancel. Drury Certificate (2004) for then BW #72V(2)ja. F 1d Deep Salmon-Red (G26) with variety Secret mark [VIII/1] BW #71R(4)d, rich colour, Tongala ‘FE18’ (Vic) datestamp in blue, Cat $140. Starling Certificate (2015). F 1d Orange-Red (G24½) Smooth Paper variety White spot in SE corner [VIII/54] BW #71P(4)s, Hobart 1917 (Oct) datestamp, Cat $350. Starling Certificate (2014) for then BW #71P(4)q. * 1d Deep Rosine (G70) Rough Paper BW 72J plus LMult ½d green tied to PPC addressed to USA by Waverley (NSW) datestamp. A rare shade on cover, Cat $800. Starling Certificate (2016). ** 1d Rose-Pink (G67) Rough Paper Perf ‘OS’ BW #72Hbb, MUH, small rubbed area on gum, Cat $1,500. Drury Certificate (2018). U 1d Rosine (G68) Rough Paper Die II BW #72l(1)i, lightly cancelled, Cat $325. W 1d Carmine-Red (G73) Rough Paper Die II BW #71P(1)i, unused (gum traces), Cat $750. Starling Certificate (2018). F 1d Red-Brown (G76) Rough Paper Die I-II pair BW #72O(1)ia, perfs reinforced, tidy Sydney slogan cancel. Rare variety/shade combination, extrapolated Cat $800. Starling Certificate (2016). ** 1d Red Rough Paper Plate 2 ‘CA’ Monogram substituted for ‘JBC’ single BW #72(2)ze, mild tone in selvedge, well centred, MUH, Cat $4,000 (as mounted mint). Rare! F 1d Red Die III Watermark inverted BW #75a x3 shades, fine used, Cat $450. (3) */** 1d Violet Harrison two-line (‘N’ over ‘MP’) imprint block of 4 with Ferns [V11/54] & ‘RA’ joined [VII/60] flaws BW #76(4)z, mildly toned gum, lower units MUH, Cat $650. ** 1½d Black-Brown Die I Inverted watermark BW #83a strip of 4, fresh MUH, Cat $700+. F 1½d Brown Die I Electro 7 Cracked electro through top of left value tablet [7R48] BW #85(7)l, Cat $250. ** 1½d Bright Red-Brown Die I Electro 12 Harrison imprint block of 4 with variety White flaw at base of neck [12L60] BW #87(12)z, mild tone banding on gum, fine overall, MUH, Cat $1,500+. Scarce. * 1½d Green Die I Electro 13 (imprint 4mm below stamps) Harrison imprint block of 4 BW #88(13)z, perf reinforcements, mild evenly toned gum, Cat $1,500. S 1½d Red Die I Perf ‘OS’ Varieties x25 including catalogued flaws #89(17)q, 89(17)vba, 89(18)l, 89(18)n; also a couple of 1½d greens including catalogued #88(14)d and 1½d black-brown perf ‘OS’; condition mostly fine. (28) F 1½d Red Die I Electro 15 Cracked electro - early state [15R10] BW #89(15)f, thinned TRC and a few toned perfs, Cat $550. S 1½d Red Die I Electro 15 Moustache flaw - state II - additionally with cracked etectro [15R40] BW #89(15)ia, Cat $800. * 1½d Red Die I Electro 24 block of 4 [24L1-2,7-8] unit 7 with Large white flaw above left wattles, unit 8 Dark band flaw (very prominent and deserving of catalogue status), BW #89(24)d. * 1½d Red Die I Electro 25 Mullett imprint block of 4 with Break in frame under second ‘E’ of ‘PENCE’ BW #89(25)z, fine mint, Cat $475. * 1½d Red Die I Electro 29 [29R39-40] pair, Pos 39 Notch at bottom of right frame etc, Pos 40 Notch at base of left frame - State IV - last ‘E’ of ‘THREE’ and ‘C’ of ‘PENCE’ obliterated (mostly) by coloured flaw. Deserves catalogue status. * 2d Orange Die I Perf ‘OS’ Watermark inverted BW #95ba&a, MVLH, Cat $400. F 2d Orange Die I Cracked electro through base of left wattle - State II, further crack through base [3L19], BW #95(3)ga, Cat $300. [ACSC incorrectly allocates this variety to 3R19]
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019 2d Red Die I Varieties Selection Brusden White listed flaws for Electros 2 x2, 8A x3, 10 x4, 11 x6, 12 x3, 12A x5, 13, 14 x3, 15, 16 x4, plus a few unlisted plated flaws; generally fine, Cat $1,500+. (40) 2d Red Die I Electro 10 marginal block of 4 [R50-51,56-571], lower-left unit variety White flaws on ‘2’ at right [R56] BW #96(10)h, lower units (including variety unit) MUH, Cat $185+. 2d Red-Brown Die I BW #97 corner margin pair [12R5-6] with plateable flaws, stamps fresh MUH, Cat $150+. 3d Pale Violet-Blue Die I variety Broken leg of emu [2L19] BW #104Bl on the left-hand unit of a pair, fine mint, Cat $165+. 3d Pale Violet-Blue Die I Harrison imprint block of 4 BW #104z, with variety Thickened right frame [1R49], fine mint, two lower units MUH, Cat $575. 4d Lime-Yellow BW #110D, well-centred, fine mint, Cat $1,750. Drury Certificate (2011). 4d Violet varieties Weeping ‘4’ at right [2L18] being the right-hand unit of a pair, Left frame worn [1L56] and White flaw on 2nd lowest wattle at left, etc [2R59] BW #111(1)i&(2)f&vf, fine used, Cat $300+. (4) 4d Violet Plate 2 variety Line through ‘FOUR PENCE’ [2R12] BW #111(2)r, minor perf blemishes, Late Fee ‘20DE21’ datestamp slightly impinging upon the flaw, Cat $12,000 (SG #64a, Cat £8,500). Highly sought-after Georgian Head flaw. [ACSC states ‘...at least 15 used examples have been recorded’] 4d Blue Cooke Plates variety Thin ‘FOU’ of FOUR’ [2L8] BW #112(2)ea, ‘28JE22’ cds largely clear of the flaw, Cat $350. 4d Dull Ultramarine Harrison Plates Watermark Inverted with 2 notches in left frame, etc [4R52] BW #113aa, Cat $1,000. Drury Certificate (2017) 4½d Violet Die I Harrison two-line imprint block of 4 with variety Deformed left bottom frame - second state with break in left frame [1R55] BW #118zb, second line of imprint guillotined-into slightly, perf reinforcement, three units MUH, Cat $675+. 4½d Violet Die I Mullett imprint block of 4 with variety Deformed left bottom frame - second state with break in left frame [1R55] BW #118zd, MLH with lower units MUH, Cat $575. 5d Chestnut Die I Smooth Paper Single Line Perf variety Flawed ‘P’ of ‘PENCE’ - State II with Additional white flaw on left ‘5’ BW #122vfa, used, Cat $120. 1/4d Greenish Blue Thick 1 [1R57] BW #128n, Cat $400. 1/4d Greenish Blue Perf ‘OS’ BW #129b, slightly aged, Cat $1,750. AUSTRALIA | KGV - Large Multiple Watermark ½d Bluish Green plus Single Wmk 1d carmine tied to view side of PPC (Melbourne scenes) by Sydney ‘AP2/1922’ machine cancel, addressed to Japan with mss “T30c” tax marking and Japanese tax handstamp in violet, a small stamp has been removed from view side. Nice item. ½d Green Perf ‘OS’ variety Thin fraction at right [5R43] BW #65ba(5)s, MUH, Cat $350 (as mounted mint perf ‘OS’ flaw). 1d Deep Carmine-Rose Harrison Printing variety Notched NW corner [VI/40] BW #74(3)p, machine cancel, Cat $150. Starling Certificate (2016) AUSTRALIA | KGV - Small Multiple Watermark Perf 14 ½d Orange perf ‘OS’ BW #67ba, retail $225. 1½d Carmine Die II BW #91FF block of 6, Registered Branch/Launceston datestamp, Cat $180+. Scarce shade. 1½d Red Die II Plate 2 Fifth correction (vertical red ink dash in selvedge) Mullett imprint pair BW #91(2)zg, fine mint, Cat $550 (as imprint block of 8). 3d Blue Die Ia BW #106 Type B pair, fine used. 4d Olive 4d Olive Plate 4 imprint pair as hinged block of 4 BW #115(4)z, unit R55 has been corrected as it does not show the Diagonal white line on King’s neck, hinged in margin only. 1/4 Greenish Blue Perf ‘OS’ BW #129b, tiny gum inclusion, fine mint, Cat $1,250. 1/4d Greenish Blue CTO BW #129w, no gum, Cat $300. AUSTRALIA | KGV - Small Multiple Watermark Perf 13½x12½ 1d Green block of 4 [VII 53-54 & 59-60] with varieties Ferns and ‘RA’ joined, BW #81(4)ia&j, some gun toning, lower units MUH, Cat $600+. 1½d Red Die II Thin paper BW #92aa block of 18 [1L1-18], fresh MUH, Cat $4,500+. Rare multiple. 1½d Red Die II Plate 4 Type A-B pair the Type B unit with Compartment line at left and Longer centre bar of second ‘E’ of ‘PENCE’ BW #92(4)lb, few nibbed perfs, mildly toned MUH gum, Cat $150. 1/4d Greenish Blue John Ash imprint pair, BW #130z, Cat $3,250 as block of 4. AUSTRALIA | KGV - CofA Watermark 1d Green & 2d Red perforated in NSW with large ‘OS’ (‘S’ with 12 holes) perfin, Rare. (2) 1d Green Watermark inverted BW #82a block of 4, MUH, Cat $300+. 5d Orange-Brown Die II Overprinted ‘OS’ Ash imprint block of 4, BW #127(OS)z, mild aging, Cat $575. 1/4d Greenish Blue plus 2d Sesquicentenary cancelled with ‘PARLMT.HOUSE CANBERRA/27NO37/F.C.T.’ on Commonwealth of Australia air cover to London, neat and attractive item. 1/4d Greenish Blue Ash imprint block of 4 BW #131z, MLH in upper gutter (one unit touched), three units MUH, Cat $1,000+. AUSTRALIA | Other Pre-Decimals 1928 3d Kookaburra Miniature Sheet BW #133, storage related tone-banding on gum, MUH, Cat $375. 1928 3d Kookaburra Miniature Sheet BW #133 half pane tied by ‘30OC28’ exhibition cancel in red to cover addressed to Broken Hill, Cat $450 (for complete pane) 1929-38 3d Airmail Type A Perf ‘OS’ BW #134ba x2 (plus 2d red KGV perf ‘OS’) tied by Darwin ‘16AU32’ datestamps to Customs and Excise Office airmail cover addressed to Canberra, on reverse Brisbane & Sydney transit datestamps, cover reinforced internally. Single 3d Airmail alone Cat $750 on cover. A rare franking. 1929-38 Airmail 3d Type A imprint block of 4 BW #134z, MUH, Cat $175. 1929 1½d WA Centenary John Ash imprint block of 8 (4x2) with variety Re-entry on swan’s neck and ‘T’ of ‘AUSTRALIA’ [Pl2/ 64] BW #138zm, minor gum tone on variety unit, plus one normal single. MUH, Cat $375+. (2 items) 1930 2d on 1½d Sturt, Lord Howe Island Provisional x3, all endorsed in manuscript “2d paid/PM/LHI” BW #139c tied by ‘LORD HOWE ISLAND/23AU1930/NSW’ datestamps to registered commercial long cover addressed Bank of New South Wales (Sydney), black/blue ‘LORD HOWE ISLAND/NSW/No.5’ registration label, on reverse Lord Howe Island departure datestamps x3 & Sydney Registered ‘25AU31’ arrival datestamps x2, two vertical cover folds well clear of the stamps, fine condition overall. This cover is from the first despatch of provisionals from the island, on 22nd or 23rd August 1930, the multiple franking making it exceedingly rare and possibly unique as a registered cover. 6d Kingsford Smith Airmail Overprinted ‘OS’ tied by Melbourne datestamp to 1931 (Dec 10) registered cover to London paying correct 6d combined postage and registration fee, small section removed from reverse. Rare solo franking. 1931 6d Kingsford Smith Airmail Overprinted ‘OS’ Ash imprint strip of 3 BW #144(0S)zd, MUH, Cat $475 (as an imprint block of 6). 1932 1/- Large Lyrebird yellow-green shade, Ash imprint block of 4 BW #145za, MUH, Cat $750. 1932 2d Sydney Harbour Bridge right marginal Plate 3 (3 dots) block of 4 with lower pair MUH, BW #146zc. Light selvedge stain, otherwise fresh appearance.
$400 $100 $90 $100 $250 $1,000 $150 $4,000 $70 $320 $250 $250 $80 $90 $320
$100 $125 $90 $70 $100 $100 $60 $280 $360 $135 $80 $750 $90 $400 $60 $150 $120 $100 $550 $120 $120 $400 $100 $120
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717
718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728
1932 6d Large Kookaburra Ash imprint block of 4, BW #150z, MUH, Cat $200. 1935 Silver Jubilee set BW #166-8 on 1935 (Dec 4) airmail cover from Brisbane to Lloyds Bank in Bristol, England. Cover with light vertical fold through 3d and the 2/- has a few trimmed perfs; 2/- alone Cat $400 on cover. ** 1936 SA Centenary in blocks of 4, BW #171-3. (3 blocks) * 1936 SA Centenary set BW #171-3 tied by Glenelg ‘3AU36’ FD datestamp to SA Stamp Co FDC with ‘Text at left’ type cachet, cover registered at Glenelg which is the location of the Proclamation Tree shown in the cachet. Only one other example is known with the complete set of stamps affixed. ** 1936 SA Centenary in imprint blocks of 4 BW #171z-3z, MUH, Cat $350+. (3 blocks) U 1937 2d NSW Sesquicentenary variety Man with tail [L7/1] BW #175e, postmark clear of flaw, Cat $100. ** 1938-66 ½d Orange Kangaroo Perf 14¾x14 CofA Wmk BW #179 Sheet B complete right pane of 80 including variety Coloured flaw from right ear to ‘O’ [R6/8] BW #179g, hinged to album page on selvedge only, stamps MUH, Cat $180+. **/* 1937-38 2d Red KGVI Die I Plate No 1 matching set of corner blocks from all four positions BW #187z-Zc, unmounted or MLH, Cat $2,400. (4) 1937 3d Blue KGVI Die I 6d Kooka & 1/- Lyrebird BW #191,202&208 tied to plain registered FDC by Geelong ‘2AU37’ FD * datestamps, Cat $210 * 5d Ram P14x14¾ BW #201 plus ½d Roo P14¾x14 SG #180 tied by Melbourne ‘25N046’ datestamp to PMG’s Dept registered printed cover to England, ‘CARELESS CHATTER/CAN CAUSE/CASUALITIES’ printed on flap. ** 1938-49 Robes Thick Paper set in Ash imprint blocks of 4 BW #212z,214z&216z, MUH, Cat $1,150. (3 blocks) **/*/U 1938-49 5/- Robes Thin Paper Tinted Paper (a few tonespots) & White Paper Authority imprint left corner blocks of 4 BW #213z & za, lower units unmounted; also used single stamps x3, Cat $175+. (11) ** 1938-49 Robes Thin Paper Authority imprint blocks of 4 BW #213za,215z,217z, MUH, Cat $1,300+. * 1938 £1 Robes Thick Paper tied to registered plain FDC by poor ‘REGISTERED/1NO38/BRISBANE datestamp (fine strike on reverse), addressed locally, Cat $3,500, Rare! ** 1951-53 3½d Brown-Purple KGVI upper-left corner block of 4 with Misplacement 2nd line of the Authority imprint from adjoining pane into upper sheet margin BW #253zg variety, stamps MUH. ** 1952-66 2/6d Aborigine CofA Watermark No Imprint left corner block BW #265zd, MUH, Cat $200. ** 1952-66 2/6d Aborigine No Wmk emergency printing Authority corner imprint block of 4, BW #267z, well centred, fresh MUH, Cat $375. U 1949-50 Arms 5/- to £2 BW #268-71 sets x20, fine used, Cat $960. (80) * 1949 5/- Arms tied to Miller Bros illustrated cover by Arncliffe ‘11AP49’ cancel, blue registration label. D 1949-64 Arms 10/- & £1 tied to part parcel front by Adelaide GPO cancels alongside boxed ‘SALVAGED MAIL/AIRCRAFT CRASH/ SINGAPORE 13.3.1954’ (AAMC #1337) */U 1949-50 Arms Overprinted ‘SPECIMEN’ very lightly mounted, plus 5/- CTO. BW #269s-71s, Cat $115+. (4) * 1949 10/- Arms tied to Bodin illustrated cover by Lonsdale St Melbourne ‘3OC49’ datestamp, hand addressed, Cat $450. * 1950 £2 Arms tied to Wide World illustrated cover by Collins St ‘16JA50’ datestamp, typed address. ** 1949-64 £1 Arms Authority imprint block of 4 BW #270z, MUH, Cat $325. U 1949-50 Arms Roller flaw below ‘E’ of ‘POSTAGE’, few short perfs at base. BW #271d, Cat $375. * 1950 1/6d Foundation of Commonwealth BW #283 x2 paying airmail double-rate on 1951 (Aug) small cover to Austria, Wels ‘8VIII/ 51’ arrival backstamp. Scarce usage. * 1953 3d Tasmanian Stamp Centenary strip of 3 tied by Sydney ‘11NO53’ FD datestamp to FDC with Tasman’s Arch illustrated cachet, some age spots, typed address to Spain. * 1954-55 2/- Blue Olympic Games Publicity BW #316 pair tied by Goulburn (NSW) slogan cancel to 1955 (Jan 7) double-rate small cover to Germany. Elusive franking. ** 1959-66 QEII Definitives BW #355z 5d deep blue, part Plate 2 block of 6 with coil perf, Cat $1,000 for block of 8, hinged in margin only. [BW notes only 4 or 5 examples known. Our information is that all copies are part numbers as the sheets were all separated in half to make them more managable] * 1959-65 2/3d Wattle Flower on Yellow Paper BW #368 strip of 4, paying 9/- quadruple rate, tied by 1963 (Aug 15) Sydney datestamp to commercial small cover addressed to Switzerland. * 1965 5d Churchill Helecon paper BW #531 strip of 6 tied by Malvern (Vic) datestamps to 1965 (Jul 12) airmail cover to Germany, vertical fold well clear of stamps. AUSTRALIA | Decimal Issues | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 1966-79 Collection of Solo Franking on Covers including 1966 Fish 7c & 10c, Birds 13c & 30c, 1967 Gyno 4c (before rate rise) * and 25c Christmas, 1968 25c Olympics, 1969 Primary Industries 7c, 15c & 25c and 25c Christmas, 1970 Cook 30c, QANTAS 30c and National Development 7c & 9c, 1971 Australia/Asia 7c, 15c & 20c, 1972 Primary Industries 30c Fish & 35c Beef, 35c Olympics, Rehabilitation 12c, 18c & 24c and 35c Christmas, 1973 National Development 30c Beef Roads & 35c Mapping and 30c Christmas, 1974 Education 11c & 15c, 1975 PNG 25c, etc; many airmail to New Zealand, United Kingdom, USA or Europe, a few advertising types or with instructional markings, some taxed, note three with British Postage Dues. Condition generally fine. (95 Items) AUSTRALIA | Decimal Issues * 1966 50c Dampier solo usage under-paying airmail double-rate on 1967 (Dec 15) cover to Denmark (rate had increased to 30c per ½oz on 1/10/67), also 50c pair paying quadruple rate on 1968 airmail cover to USA. * 1970 5c Cook Bicentenary tied by Cooktown (Qld) ‘19JUN1970’ commemorative cancel to Universal Cover Collectors Club (Jack Koch) ‘OFFICIAL COVER’, ‘ARMADA NACIONAL’ circular handstamp. Cachet type not seen by us before. ** 1971-74 7c Sturt’s Desert Pea Coil error Buff omitted being the upper unit of a pair BW #535ce, fresh MUH, Cat $300+. ** 1973-80 8c Opal error Black partially omitted (‘8c’ & upper half of gemstone) BW #644cc, being the upper unit of a vertical corner pair, fresh MUH, Cat $450. ** 1974-80 10c Star Sapphire variety Printed on gummed side BW #648ci marginal strip of 6, fresh MUH, Cat $600+. ** 1973 Christmas P14x14.90 Printed on gum BW #651c, MUH, Cat $200. ** 1974 10c Christmas Plate No 1/perf pip left and right side gutter blocks of 4 BW #680z&za, MUH, Cat $200. (2 items) * 1975 Scientific Achievements BW #705-8 set (plus extra 11c) on 1975 (Jul 18) registered cover from Elizabeth West (SA) to Melbourne. Seldom-seen set on cover. ** 1977 18c QEII Silver Jubilee Imperforate plate proof pair (on thicker paper than issued stamp) with issued stamp pair for comparison. Brusden White only list the 45c value in a proof pair (BW #766PP(1), Cat $500). (4) ** 1978 20c National Stamp Week with varieties Green (20c’ & ‘AUSTRALIA’) doubly printed BW #823c and also, more spectacularly, Red inscription doubly printed, the latter doubling unrecorded by Brusden White. ** 1994-97 Kangaroos & Koalas Second Reprint 45c block of 12 (6x2) Imperforate, vertical crease between 1st & 2nd columns, MUH. Unlisted by Brusden White and of uncertain status. *
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019 1994-97 Kangaroos & Koalas 4th Reprint Roll Stamp part segment with all six designs repeated over two rows error Unseparated horizontally between the two rows, backing paper intact, with Tab D (in the sixteenth stamp position of a full segment of 25) reading ‘ONLY/10/STAMPS/LEFT!’, each stamp has 4th Koala reprint symbols & ‘SNP CANBEC’ imprinted on reverse of the backing paper. Extremely rare. 1994-97 Kangaroos & Koalas Booklet Make-up 2 Sixth Reprint variety Imperforate BW #1750(2)b (#B197b), couple of light bends, very fine, Cat $600. Rare. Brusden White state ‘approximately one dozen imperforate booklets exist.’ 1995 Fifty Years of the National Trust $1 & $2 perforated Plate Proofs in deep olive-green, BW #1841PP-42PP, Cat $800, marginal examples, mild bends. Seldom offfered. (2) 1997-99 Wetland Birds Roll Stamp part segment BW #1952-55 with all four designs repeated over two rows error Unseparated horizontally between the two rows, backing paper intact, each stamp has ‘SNP CANBEC’ imprinted on reverse of the backing paper. Rare. 1997-99 Wetland Birds Booklet first reprint imperforate, paper fold affecting two units. Brusden White only listed this variety for the original printing (BW #1960(1)b, Cat $750) for which it states ‘Approximately twenty examples ..... have been found’. Extremely rare. 1996 45c Children’s Book Council Imperforate se-tenant marginal block of 4 BW #1980b, margin shaved on upper edge of upperleft unit, sheet edge inscription & illustration, some paper adhesion on gum, Cat $2,000+. 1996 45c Children’s Book Council roll stamp part segments with all 4 designs repeated over 2 rows, error unseparated horizontally between the two rows, backing paper intact including Tab C ‘only 10/STAMPS left’ which appeared on 5th segment after stamp 11, each stamp has ‘SNP CANBEC’ imprinted on the reverse of the backing paper. BW #1981-84. 1998 45c Champagne Roses Greetings Stamp Booklet variety Imperforate (non-helecon), BW #2085Ab, Brusden White state ‘Approximately one dozen imperforate booklets have been recorded’. Cat $750. 2009 Corrugated Landscapes 55c Shearing Shed Grossly misperforated at base, lightly cancelled. AUSTRALIA | Booklets 1972 Prime Ministers 70c Fisher & Hughes booklet Black printing omitted from front cover. BW #B137c, Cat $2,500. AUSTRALIA | Postage Dues 1902 Converted NSW Plates (Blank At Base) ½d to 6d plus 5/- SG #D1-D6 & D8, odd nibbed perf, fine overall with postal cancels, Cat $160+. (7) 1906-08 Design Completed Wmk Crown/Single Lined A 1d light green P11 Wmk inverted, BW #D48a, fine 1908 cds of Carcoar. A very rare stamp, Cat $2,000. 1906-08 Design Completed Wmk Crown/Single Lined A 3d light green, BW #D52, few perf faults, Cat $450, rare. 1922-30 Wmk 3rd Crown/A 1½d BW #D107 x10 (including part-imprint block of 6) plus 1d pair applied to 1954 (Oct 30) stampless Fidelity Trustee cover from Melbourne to Cobden (Vic), boxed ‘EXCEEDS ‘2’ OZS’ and oval ‘T “1/5”‘ handstamps, dues tied by Cobden datestamps. Very late use of 1½d Due. [Brusden White state that “In April 1953 the value was officially discontinued” and “The sale of the stamp was discontinued at Philatelic Sales Sections late in 1957 and the remainders were destroyed”] AUSTRALIA | War Savings Stamps and Certificates WWII 6d Blue Canberra War Memorial Savings Certificate Stamp vertical pair, some light toning, mild adhesions do not detract from this scarce pair. AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 1911 1d KGV Fullface Coronation used cards x4 comprising [1] KGV Diffused Oval Type 2 in purple-brown; [2] KGV Ornate Unshaded Rectangle Type 1 in blue-green & Type 2 in red-brown; [3] Prince of Wales in Unframed Diffuse Oval in purple-brown; some mild toning/soiling, fine overall. (4) 1923 ‘ONE/PENNY’ on 1½d Red-Brown KGV Sideface Obsolete Stock footnote removed, BW #P58, Cat $250, 1924 use from Melbourne. 1923 ‘ONE/PENNY’ on 1½d Red-Brown KGV Sideface Obsolete Stock footnote removed BW #P58, some faint spots, fine overall, unused. Cat $750. AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards (PTPO) 1914-16 ½d Green KGV Sideface BW #PS5 for Department of Defence, Melbourne ‘31DE18’ machine cancel, additional ½d for War tax has been removed, Cat $600. [ACSC states that just 45,450 cards were supplied to Department of Defence in March 1917] AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Letter Cards 1911-12 1d KGV Fullface Perf 10 First Line Ending ‘Any’ brown on off-white chalky stock, with view ‘LAUNCESTON/TAS.’, BW #LC3(69), unused, partly stuck down, spotting at top. 1914-18 1d KGV Die 1 Sideface on grey P12½ x5, BW #LC18 unused black - City Court, deep grey-blue - City Court, deep greygreen - Flinders St, blue - River Murray & deep purple - Rundle St. with frame. (5) 1918 ‘THREE/HALFPENCE’ in Blue on 1d KGV Sideface Design P12½ with view ‘CARTING - FAR NORTH’ (camels), BW #LC36(29), fresh unused 1918-20 1½d KGV Sideface black-brown on grey stock P12½ with view of ‘GIBBERONG CREEK N.S.W.’, BW #LC44, used Sydney to Hobart 17AU20, no margins 1920-22 2d Orange KGV Sideface BW #LC45(57B) P10 unrecorded framed oval view ‘GOVERNMENT HOUSE/SYDNEY, N.S.W.’ on off-white surfaced card, grey inside, pinholes in corner. 1920-22 2d Orange KGV Sideface on grey surfaced card P12½, view ‘BURRINJUCK DAM...SETTLER’S HOME LEETON’ BW #LC48(26), from Maryborough, Vic addressed to Mr Abikhair draper Albury New South Wales/GPO Albury please deliver to Mr Abikhair opposite side of street to Police Station. Message is about purchasing handkerchiefs and studs. Spike hole and couple of creases. AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Envelopes 1928 2d Red-Brown KGV Oval CTO for UPU Distribution BW #EP33, faint band of toning, Cat $350. AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Envelopes (Official) 1913-14 1d Red Kangaroo Dotted ‘OS’ Original Die type 1 long envelope from Victorian Education Department, BW #EO1A, 1922 (Jul 25) use from Eildon Weir, unusually uprated with 1d Roo cutout, a little aged. 1918 1½d Brown KGV Sideface Solid ‘OS’ BW #EO7B, OHMS long envelope for Education Department, Melbourne, used 1924. Scarce. AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Envelopes (PTPO) 1922-23 2d Red KGV Star With ‘POSTAGE’ Law Institute of Victoria Envelope, unused, Cat $200. AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Registration Envelopes 1921-36 Selection KGV Envelopes all used with 1921 use 5d Envelope BW #RE11 uprated 3½d for transit from Tuena to Bathurst, 4½d violet KGV Oval #RE21 x2, 5d brown KGV Oval #RE26 x8 (two uprated with 3d KGV or 3d Airmail) all used within Australia including from Kynenton (Vic) with 1936 ‘MONEY ORDER/KYNETON’ datestamp, others used from Tenterfield (NSW) with doublering datestamp in violet, Dunwich (Qld) & Armstrong (Vic), etc; generally fine. (11) 1913 4d Orange Kangaroo Boxed ‘REGISTERED’ with No line on back flap, BW #RE1c, lightly soiled, Cat $800.
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1923 ‘FOURPENCE/HALFPENNY’ on 5d KGV Sideface Old Stock On DLR Stock - Address Panel at Right BW #RE15, 1924 (Feb 29) usage, uprated with 1½d green KGV pair by Sydney dealer Alf Campe for transit to Germany, Mosman red/white registration label, Magdeburg arrival backstamp, Cat $500. [ACSC notes ‘This is a very scarce envelope, of which only a small quantity were revalued...”] 1928-50s group with 4½d KGV x2 (one used), 5d on 4½d KGV long 18mm setting to USA, uprated with 1d green KGV, 5d KGV x4 (three used), 5d KGVI used to England & 1950s Formular unused (9) AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Wartime 1916 1d Red KGV Sideface ‘A.I.F., ABROAD’ At the Base light grey stock, white inside, electro has Small break below 2nd N of PENNY, BW #LCM2, fresh unused, Cat $750. The first we have offered. 1916 (March) 1st Issue ‘AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE.’ At the Base 1d carmine setting 1 with 9mm gap between MILITARY and ‘Regimental Number’ (electro has break in left frame and white flaws on E of POSTAGE & TR of AUSTRALIA), BW #ME1, fresh unused, Cat $300. 1916 (March) 1st Issue ‘AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE.’ At the Base 1d carmine setting 2 with 19mm gap between MILITARY and ‘Regimental Number’, BW #ME2, fresh unused, Cat $1,500. Very rare. 1916-17 1d Red Military Envelope Inscribed ‘A.I.F. ABROAD’ Setting 1, off-white to cream laid paper BW #ME3A, minor toning, fine overall, Cat $300. Note the electro has a white flaw on the ‘O’ of ‘POSTAGE’ making it different to the electro described in the handbook. 1916-17 1d Red Military Envelope Inscribed ‘A.I.F. ABROAD’ Setting 2, cream unsurfaced laid paper BW #ME4A, unused, Cat $300. Note the electro has a break in the bottom frame below the 2nd ‘N’ of ‘PENNY’. 1917-19 1d Red KGV Sideface ‘AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE,/ABROAD.’ At the Base Military Envelope, setting 1 - top of stamp level with letters, on laid paper, BW #ME5A, pinhole in unsealed flap, fine unused, Cat $300. 1917 4th Issue ‘AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE,/ABROAD’ At Base 1d deep carmine setting 2 on grey unsurfaced laid paper, unlisted should be BW #ME6C, fresh unused, Cat $300 for normal stock. This grey stock is very rare and not listed in setting 2. POW Airmail Fee Stationery 6d on Post Card BW #POW1, Cat $400, from Camp 13B Murchison to Germany and 1/- on Letter Sheet BW #POW2 Cat $250, from Compound 5 Myrtleford to Italy, indicium partly covered by censor reseal. (2) AUSTRALIA | Covers By Manufacturer Arnold Wheeler & Co 1953 Produce Food strips of 3 on separate illustrated FDCs, both with same typed address. (2) Art Craft 1953 Coronation set on illustrated cover, typed address. Bergen 1946 Peace/Victory set on hand painted cacheted cover, from Greenock, addressed in pencil to A. Bergen/Prospect, and signed on the back “Arthur Bergen/18.2.46” in blue ink. [His earliest recorded Australian cover] Bergen 1949 Australia-England Flight Anniversary cover with hand-printed cachet, Darwin ‘10DE49’ datestamps. Bergen 1951 2½d Chocolate KGVI tied by Sth Kilkerran ‘23MY51’ FD datestamp to image side on ANA DC4 Skymaster postcard, Bergen hand-printed FDC cachet on reverse. Only one other example recorded. Berry 1953 Coronation set on illustrated FDC, typed address. Bodin (Rex) 1951 2d Yellow-Green Queen Elizabeth strip of 3 on Lyrebird illustrated cover, tied by ‘SANITORIUM WOOROLOO/ 28MR51/W.A.’, hand addressed. Brisbane Stamp Co 1950 Stamp Centenary pair tied by ‘EILDON/27SE50/QLD’ datestamp to illustrated FDC to Venezuela. Unusual destination. Brisbane Stamp Co 1951 Federation set of 4 on individual illustrated covers, 3 tied by ‘EILDON/1MY51/QLD’ datestamps and one sent airmail from Brisbane, underpaid and taxed. All to Venezuela. Unusual destination. Brisbane Stamp Co 1951 2½d Chocolate KGVI pair tied by ‘EILDON/23MY51/QLD’ datestamp to illustrated cover, to Venezuela. Unusual destination Brisbane Stamp Co 3d Dark Green KGVI with 1½d QE & 3d red KGVI, tied by ‘EILDON/14NO51/QLD’ datestamp to Brisbane Stamp Co illustrated cover, to Venezuela. Unusual destination. Brisbane Stamp Co 1951 3d Dark Green KGVI pair tied by ‘2 BRISBANE 2/14NO51/QLD,AUST’ datestamp to Brisbane Stamp Co illustrated cover, typed address. Byron Philatelic Society 1953 Produce Food 3d & 3½d strips of 3 on illustrated cover, typed address. Byron Philatelic Society 1953 Produce Food strips of 3 on separate illustrated covers, both to Kenya Byron Philatelic Society 1953 3½d QEII on illustrated cover, addressed to Kenya. Challis 1951-55 selection (8) all with blocks of 4 to same addressee, some registered. (8) Cole (RN) 1959 3d QEII tied to Kangaroo generic cachet envelope by Taree ‘20MY59’ FD datestamp. Believed to be unique. Covercraft 1953 3½d QEII on illustrated cover, typed address. Geniality 1947 Newcastle set tied by Horsham ‘8SE47’ FD cancel to FDC with Geniality cachet & printed address. Goldman [Canada] 1952 1/0½d KGVI tied by Sydney ‘19MR52’ datestamp to printed cover. Gower 1951 3d Dark Green KGVI tied by Largs North ‘14NO51’ FD datestamp to cover with Wesley cachet for 2½d KGVI, amended by Gower with rubber stamped dateline added. Fine, unaddressed and rare. Guthrie 1952 KGVI Definitives values x4 tied to four FDCs with generic cachets, all in fine unaddressed condition. (4) Guthrie 1955 3½d Nursing strip of three tied by twin strikes of Perth ‘21SE55’ FD datestamp to Guthrie FDC with attractive coloured cachet, typed address to USA. Haslem 1938 KGVI 1½d Maroon on unaddressed red illustrated cover, minor blemishes. Haslem 1950 1½d Green Queen Elizabeth pair on illustrated generic FDC. Hawker 1947 1d Princess Elizabeth tied by Alexandra (Vic) FD datestamp to plain cover with rubber stamp cachet in violet. Fine unaddressed. Hunter Stamp Company 1947 Newcastle 150th Anniversary three registered covers each with Exhibition provisonal labels nos. 1, 2 or 3, on illustrated covers with Newcastle sets tied by strikes of hexagonal Exhibition cancel. Rare. Few minor blemishes. Retail price $350. (3) Hunter Stamp Company 1951 7½d Blue KGVI pair on illustrated cover, tied by ‘TORONTO/31OC51/N.S.W’, light pencil address. Hunter Stamp Company 1953 Food 3d & 3½d se-tenant strips of 3 tied by Wickham (NSW) FD datestamps to generic design FDC. Laker (G.A.) 1948 1/3d Bull & 2/- Aboriginal Art tied by Brisbane ‘16FE48’ FD datestamps to matching registered ‘Setmaker’ FDCs, each self-addressed with typed cachets and Laker’s rubber handstamp on reverse of each cover. (2) Marq 1965 5d Churchill x2 tied by Melbourne ‘24MAY65’ FD datestamps to separate Marq FDCs with cachets in orange & black or in red & black, both covers with some edge blemishes, typed addresses to USA. (2) Menz (Neville) 1949 2½d Lawson pair tied by West End (Qld) ‘17JE49’ FD datestamp to airmail envelope with Menz rubber cachet. This cachet was previously only known being used on his illustrated generic cover. Mitchell 1948 Farrer imprint block of 4 with Perth ‘12JY48’ FD datestamp. Fine condition with typed address. Mitchell 1948 2½d Scouts imprint block of 4 cancelled with Perth ‘15NO48’ FD datestamp on a scarce cachet type FDC. Mitchell 1949 2½d Forrest tied by Bunbury WA (Forrest’s birthplace) ‘28NO49’ FD datestamp to illustrated FDC. Fine unaddressed. Mitchell 1950 2½d Scarlet KGVI tied by Perth ‘12AP50’ FD datestamp to illustrated FDC, fine unaddressed condition. Mitchell 1951 Federation set tied by Perth ‘1MY51’ FD datestamp to registered FDC with rare cachet type.
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019 Mitchell 1951 3d Gold & Responsible Government se-tenant pair tied by Perth ‘2JY51’ FD datestamp to FDC with cachet in red & blue. Fine unaddressed. Orlo Smith 1938 4d Koala tied by Manchester Road (Vic) ‘1FE38’ FD datestamp to FDC with generic inscription. Philatelic Investment Corp 1937 1d King & 2d Queen on postcard to Prince Francis I, Vaduz, Liechtenstein with advertising on both sides. PMG’s Department 1938 9d Platypus on registered OHMS/PMG Dept long cover to New Zealand. PMG’s Department 1950 8½d Aborigine pair on ‘OHMS’ envelope tied by ‘G.P.O. SYDNEY 130/9-A14AU50/N.S.W.-AUST’ cds, unaddressed, unsealed. Minor blemish. PMG’s Department 1953 Tasmanian Sesquicentenary set tied by Sydney ‘23SE53’ FD datestamp to OHMS Director/Posts and Telegraphs’ FDC, Exceptionally fine example. Postmaster-General 1950 Stamp Centenary block of 4 tied by Sydney ‘27SE50’ datestamp, typed address to ‘John M Hughes, Venice, Calif’. Quality Stamps Event1940 1d AIF pair tied by Ararat ‘15JY40’ FD datestamp to plain Quality Stamps (Les Grant) cover, typed address to Grant. Earliest recorded Quality FDC, Exceedingly rare. Queensland Stamp Mart 1953 Produce Food 3d & 3½d strips of 3 on ‘Beef’ illustrated cover, pen address. Queensland Stamp Mart 1953 Produce Food 3d & 3½d strips of 3 on ‘Wheat’ illustrated cover, pen address. Royal 1957 QEll 4d Claret & 1/7d Red-Brown tied by Sydney ‘13MR57’ FD datestamps to unaddressed generic FDCs with cachets in different colours. Very fine condition. Royal 1964 £2 King tied by Brisbane ‘26AUG64’ FD datestamp to illustrated FDC. Sinclair 1953 3½d Produce Food strip of 3 on illustrated cover, typed address. Smith (Frank P) 1938 5d Ram tied by Norwood ‘1DE38’ FD datestamp to cover with rubber stamp cachet in blue, typed address to USA. Rare. Smyth 1961 5/- Stockman on unaddressed FDC with unusual ‘Smyth’ (?) generic cachet (map of Australia) at left. Smyth 1962 2d Brown QEII & 1/2d Tasmanian Tiger tied by East Ipswich/Qld cds on long unaddressed FDC (230x100cm) with unusual ‘Smyth’ (?) generic cachet (map of Australia) at left. This cover has been attributed to Smyth. South Australian Stamp Company 1938 9d Platypus on illustrated FDC to New Zealand. Cachet is attributed to the SA Stamp Co. Stace 1946 Newcastle Show illustrated cover with ½d Roo x3 tied by ‘ W /21FE46/NSW AUST’ Relief datestamp, being the second day of the show. Stewart’s Stamp Shop 1952 1/0½d & 2/6d on separate registered illustrated covers, pen addressed. (2) Taylor 1953 Produce Food strips of 3 on separate illustrated covers, both unaddressed. (2) Thompson (J.C.) 1944 2d KGVI 14 examples tied to opened out JC Thompson FDC (address missing) and each individually tied by a clear strikes of EDGECLIFF/345P-4DE44’ cds. Small tear at base does not detract. Believed to be unique. Unidentified 1949 UPU 3½d on generic FDC. ‘LARGS NORTH’ cds. Rare cachet. Van Dahl 1960 2/5d Banksia Flower tied by Philatelic Bureau Melbourne ‘16MAR60’ FD datestamp to FDC with generic cachet. Fine unaddressed condition. Wesley Cover Service 1951 3d Dark Green KGVI imprint pair tied by Largs North ‘14NO51’ back-dated postmark to illustrated FDC. Fine unaddressed condition. Wesley Cover Service 1951 2½d Chocolate KGVI block of 4 cancelled by Largs North ‘23MY51’ FD datestamp (with another fine strike alongside) on unaddressed, illustrated FDC. Wesley Cover Service 1956 Olympics set tied by Cycling ‘31OCT/1956’ pictorial postmark to illustrated cover with Olympic Village registration label, typed address to UK. Wide World 1948-51 Gutter Pair group comprising 1948 Lawson, 1949 Forrest, 1950 Stamp Centenary & 1961 2½d chocolate KGVI, all with Hobart FD datestamps and to same addressee. (4) Wide World Corner Imprint group comprising 3d scarlet KGVI, 3d deep green KGVI, 3½d brown KGVI, 1½d green & 3d yellowgreen QM, all with Hobart FD datestamps and to same addressee. (5) Woodger 1950 2½d Red KGVI tied to illustrated cover by Kingston ‘12AP50’ cancel, hand-addressed. AUSTRALIA | Commemorative Covers 1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge Souvenir Telegram form and special envelope both cancelled with ‘SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE/2P19MR32/N.E.PYLON’ cds. 1960 CIOS cover with #007 provisional registration label with scarce two-line rubber handstamp and ‘22FEB1960/1’ commememorative postmark, being 7 days prior to the earliest listed date in APMCat #1650. Only 31 covers were registered. Rare cover. 1961 IATA AGM cover with provisional registration label, stamp tied by ‘24OC61’ datestamp being the second day of the meeting. Only 38 covers were registered over the six days of the meeting. 1962 World’s Poultry Conference cover with provisional registration label and ‘10AUG/1962’ commemorative postmark being the first day of the Conference. Only 67 covers registered over nine days. 1965 Crystalographic Meeting cover with provisional registration label No. 021 with 2/5d Banksia to Serpentine, Vic, plus stampless PMG envelope with special pmk together with registration receipt also with the special postmark. [47 covers were registered] (3 items) 1969 ‘Cameron Corner’ registered cover with Cameron Corner commemorative postmark & GPO Brisbane registration label. Only 16 covers were registered. 1969 Five Power Meeting (Canberra) registered cover with first day ‘19JUN1969’ commemorative postmark APM #2760. Only 45 covers were registered over two days. 1981 Diamond Jubilee of Amberley RAAF Base (Qld) registered cover with pictorial datestamp APM #9530, addressed to Point Cook RAAF Base where backstamped. Believed to be only a handful of registered covers lodged. AUSTRALIA | Customs Duty 1905 inwards cover from The Grolier Society, England to Ipswich, Qld, violet ‘TAX PAID’ and boxed ‘CUSTOMS DUTY PAID’ handstamp both on face, the latter presumed to have been applied in Melbourne. This pre-dates the payment by Customs Duty stamps by 2 yrs. Quite rare. 1915 inwards unsealed ½d Envelope from England to Maitland, SA with ‘Duty on this pamphlet has been forwarded to/the Deputy Postmaster General concerned.’ handstamp on face 1923? inwards sealed cover from Ireland to Kingaroy, Queensland, ‘CUSTOMS/½D/DUTY’ handstamp on face. Prominent mss “Refused” on face but ½d green KGV used to pay duty. 1923? inwards unsealed window envelope from USA to Ipswich, Queensland, ‘CUSTOMS/1½D/DUTY’ handstamp on face. ½d & 1d PDues used to pay duty. Very rare. 1925 inwards unsealed cover from England to Ulverstone, Tas, ½d Paid machine cancel. Violet ‘“THE DUTY ON THIS PAMPHLET HAS BEEN FORWARDED TO/THE POSTMASTER GENERAL AT HOBART.”‘ handstamp applied to face by sender. 1926 inwards unsealed 1c Envelope from USA to Sydney, ‘CUSTOMS DUTY/½D/TO PAY’ handstamp on face, ½d Postage Due used to pay the customs duty. Rare.
$100 $120 $160 $150 $50 $150 $120 $100 $60 $60 $60 $80 $60 $140 $70 $70 $80 $100 $60 $100 $200 $100 $80 $80 $80 $120 $160 $80 $60 $120 $150 $100 $80 $50 $120 $80 $120
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1933 inwards unsealed envelope from England to Elsternwick, Vic, then redirected to North Melbourne, triple-circle ‘CUSTOMS/T½D/ DUES’ on face. Bisected 1d PDue used to pay duty. A very rare item. 1933 inwards advertising card from Germany to Wangaratta, Vic, ‘DUTY REMITTED’ handstamp on face. ‘Article detaxed - now forwarded taxed/as duty not received from senders’ and triple-circle ‘CUSTOMS/T½D/DUES’ then applied to face and ½d PDue used to pay tax at Wangaratta. A very rare item 1934 inwards unsealed Advertising cover from Cementi Antarctic, Italy to Camden, NSW, red ‘CUSTOMS DUTY/1½D/TO PAY’ handstamp on face. Released by Customs clock also on face. Rare. 1936? registered parcel piece with Alex F Kufner printed parcel label and customs declaration form with 3/7d postage (small parcel at 2½d per 2oz + 3d registration). From Nelson’s Bay to England, contents was 2lbs of used postage stamps. [Alex Kufner was a noted FDC producer.] 1940 inwards unsealed cover from USA to Melbourne, ‘PASSED 1/25JL40/H M CUSTOMS MELB’ (LRD)’ cds on face. Very rare. 1940 (Mar 20) inwards cover from USA to South Australia with black/pink ‘POSTAL CUSTOMS,/SOUTH AUSTRALIA./Passed,’ label on face. Plus 2nd example of the same label off cover. [This style of Customs label type is only recorded for South Australia.] (2) 1943 (Aug 16) USA opened out small parcel from USA to NSW (42c postage) with a 1947 blue & white ‘ASSESSMENT LABEL/ Customs Duty to Pay £ : “3/10”‘ and ‘MORE TO PAY/9d’ labels, US censor handstamp below address. Plus different 1928 Assessment Label off cover. (2) 1950 (Oct 21) 8½d Registration Envelope from Goulburn to England, Customs form on face for Nylons valued at 13/6d. 1951 (Feb 4) 8½d Registration Envelope (uprated with 4/4d for airmail) from Woomera West to Isle of Wight, Customs form on face for Stockings valued at 11/3d. Unusual rate. 1954 inwards unsealed window envelope from Germany to NSW, red ‘CUSTOMS DUTY/2D/TO PAY’ handstamp on face. Released by Customs clock also on face. Rare. 1960 (Oct 24) registered air 5d Envelope (uprated with 10/- cash register receipt) from Brisbane to USA. ‘SUPPOSED LIABLE TO CUSTOMS’ handstamp on face later obliterated. Unusual rate. AUSTRALIA | Postal History 1914 (Sep 30) use of 4d Roo Registration Envelope BW #RE3Bd (Large ‘T’ in ‘MUST’) uprated with 1d Roo perf ‘HB’ (Henry Berry private perfin) for transit from Melbourne to Singapore (backstarnp). Nice commercial usage to a scarcer destination. 1917-18 [1] 1917 ‘AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE, ABROAD envelope to soldier in 13th Battalion, endorsed ‘Missing”; [2] 1918 POW lettersheet from German POW at Holdsworthy Camp. (2) 1934 (Mar 27) Maroochy River settler’s cover to fellow riverside settler sent via the unofficial Maroochy River Boat Mail Service with KGV 1d green pen cancelled “27/3/34” by the boat’s mailman, inked annotations at base of cover, small faults. Unusual. 1935 window envelope from England to Queensland, Customs Duty paid in advance, poor ‘CUSTOMS DUTY/[crown]/PAID on face. Unclaimed and returned to England. 1941? complete parcel label (Sch. C.3229-5/1941.-3815) from Parkeville to England with 3/7d in stamps. Contents was fruit & marmalade. Rare. 1943 (May 10) Gheysens triple-rate commercial surface mail cover to USA with 6d Small Kooka & 1½d QM tied by Sydney machine cancel, censor tape & handstamp at left. [The 7½d rate comprised 3d for 1st oz, plus 2d x2 for the additional 2oz, plus ½d War Tax] 1946 (May 9) BHP oversized printed cover (390x290mm) from Sydney to Melbourne, with 4/1½d multi franking paying the combined registration, express delivery & late fees. 1946-47 BHP oversized covers to Melbourne comprising [1] 1946 (Oct 26) airmail cover from Brisbane with 5½d Emu block of 6, 2½d Mitchell x7, plus 2d KGVI, 1½d QM & ½d Roo; [2] 1947 (Jun) airmail from Perth with 10/- Robes x3, 1/4d KGVI x3, 9d Platypus block of 4 & 2d & 2½d KGVI, large-part cover, some faults; also [3] 1946 (Oct 31) 26c surface mail from Philadelphia (USA). (3) 1947 (Mar 12) complete parcel label (Sch. C.4790-St 790) from Camberwell East to England with 5/10d in stamps. Part of Food for Britain scheme. Rare. 1947 (Sep 13) complete parcel label (Sch. C.4977-8/1946.-4982) from Burwood, NSW to England with 5/10d in stamps. Part of Food for Britain scheme. Rare. 1948 (Jun 9) complete parcel label (St 790) from West Maitland to England with 5/- & 1/4d in stamps. Part of Food for Britain scheme. Rare, an unusual rate. 1952 (Mar 29) 1/0½d Registration Envelope (uprated with 4/- for airmail) from Brisbane to Finland, ‘IRREGULARY/POSTED’ handstamp on face. Unusual rate and destination. AUSTRALIA | First Flight Covers 1929 Adelaide - Perth 3d green Airmail & KGV ½d & 4d olive SM Perf 14 (cat $350 on cover) on plain registered cover Unley to North Perth, endorsed “Air Mail”. 1931 Australia-England long cover festooned with stamps, all cancelled with ‘MELBOURNE/23/430A22AP31/VIC’ datestamps, mounted on page with newspaper picture of the mail being unloaded at Croydon. Contents describe the expected mail route from the little country town of Wemen, and their doubts about it reaching Melbourne in time to catch the flight. Australia-Netherlands AAMC #196 (May 14) Sydney registered flight cover, forwarded to Nassau (Bahamas) via United States with USA internal airmail fee pre-paid at Sydney with addition of US 5c Air Mail, on arrival at Nassau re-registered for return to Australia via San Francisco with 2½d & 6d KGV adhesives added & tied by Nassau ‘16JU31’ datestamps, arriving at Concord West (NSW) on ‘17JL31’ [Prepayment of the US internal component was permitted until 1932 under postal regulations existing at the time.] 1931 Darwin-Melbourne cover with type endorsement ‘By Second Experimental/England-Australia Air Mail/from Darwin, N.A./to Melbourne/and by Air Mail/Adelaide-Perth’ with 2d & 6d Kingsford Smith tied by ‘Darwin N.T./12MY31/AUSTRALIA’ datestamps, Darwin South Australia black/blue registration label, on reverse Darwin, Camooweal, Brisbane, Melbourne & Perth transits and Mt Lawley arrival datestamp. 1931 Birdum-Daly Waters AAMC #228 with 2d & 6d Kingsford Smith tied by ‘BIRDUM/3DE31/NTH AUST’ datestamp, provisional blue/black registration label, ‘TOO LATE’ handstamp, signed by pilot J.N. Wilson, backstamped at Birdum, Daly Waters, Charleville, Toowoomba, Brisbane & Perth. Just 20 covers flown, and extremely rare being a registered example. 1934 England-Australia (Oct 20) MacRobertson Air Race commemorative cover carried by CWA Scott & T Campbell-Black on DH88 Comet ‘Grosvenor House’ G-ACSS AAMC #433, registered at Melbourne for return flight to England, signed on the reverse by both pilots, Cat $1,250. 1937 Australia-USA AAMC #727, unusually being a flown PPC sent at 2/4d rate, stamps tied by Adelaide datestamp, overstruck with striking ‘HONG KONG to SAN FRANCISCO/RECEIVED FIRST FLIGHT F.A.M.14’ cachet in blue, Hong Kong transit datestamp, Cat $200+. 1937 Geelong-Melbourne Pratt’s Flying School souvenir covers x2 flown glider mail by PJ Pratt on behalf of Geelong Philatelic Society, stamps tied by Melbourne ‘4AU37’ datestamps, signed by pilot, fine condition, Cat $150. (2) 1938 Australia - England (Aug 1) cover from Mildura to London, endorsed “Mildura-Adelaide air mail Aust-England First Flying Boat Service” with 1d green QE & 2d red KGVI pairs, AAMC #822b, Cat $275. 1947 (14 Oct) Sydney-Norfolk Island with QANTAS green & brown vignette (Frommer 65d), signed by pilot, and on reverse Norfolk Island arrival cds. 1949 (15 Mar) Sydney to Hong Kong signed by Pilot with QANTAS red & black vignette (Frommer 81d), & on reverse Hong Kong arrival cds.
Page 17 $200 $200 $120 $120 $120 $70 $120 $80 $120 $120 $80 $200 $100 $120 $80 $100 $60 $80 $70 $100 $100 $120 $120 $90 $80
$150 $600 $1,000 $150 $100 $120 $50 $75
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888 889 890 891
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892 893
Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019 1951 Australia-Chile Survey Flight set of intermediates on printed Covercraft covers with New Zealand address. Intermediates are New Caledonia, Fiji, Western Samoa, Aitutaki, French Polynesia & Easter Island, AAMC #1271a-g, Cat $1,350. A rare set. (6) 1957-59 three illustrated covers each signed by a different doctor, 1957 - 1,855 flown, 1958 - 580 flown & 1959 - 210 flown, AAMC #1382,1400,1403, includes inserts, some aging. (3) AUSTRALIA | Military - World War II Period 1944 POW Post Card from No 13 POW Group Murchison to Italy, minor faults. Plus POW Lettersheet from Camp 5 India to Italy, curiously with violet boxed ‘.../PRISONER OF WAR INFORMATION/BUREAU/MELBOURNE,/AUSTRALIA’ handstamp on back. (2) 1939-41 Selection all with 5d Ram Solo frankings including 1940 airmail to serviceman in the 2nd 7th Battalion AIF ABROAD with ‘NOT WITH’ x2 & ‘NO TRACE’ handstamps, 1940 Liverpool (NSW) registered with circular ‘MILT CAMP/NSW’ handstamp, 1940 MILPO Wayville registered to Sydney, 1940 OHMS printed covers to Shortland Camp x2, 1941 MILPO Woodside to Adelaide, etc; also 1939 (Dec 1) Archerfield Aerodrome (Qld) Opening Day registered cover with provisional registration label, condition variable. (9) 1940s Java POW censored stampless Japanese Red Cross cover with thin lines opt, addressed to RAAF POW in Java, opened out. 1941-46 POW Mail Post Card x2 different, Letter Sheets x3 different, Envelope one only. On annotated pages. (6) Labuan (Sep-Oct) covers from Australian Serviceman to mother in Victoria, each with 3d brown KGVI tied by good strikes of ‘No.6.AUST BASE P.O./’ then in use at Labuan, earlier censored, later with enclosure “. . . still in North West Borneo . . .”, roughly opened. One of the scarcer cancels in use. (2) Middle East airmail cover emanating from Middle East to Underdale SA bearing KGVI 3d blue Die III vertical strip of 3 tied by fine strike of unlisted (by Proud) rectangular uncoded ‘POSTAL UNIT/15 JAN 1942’. War in Asia British air-dropped leaflet, in Urdu language, addressed to members of the Japanese Indian Force, those Indians serving with the Japanese Army in 1945. Rare. AUSTRALIA | CINDERELLAS 1938 NSW Sesquicentenary: sheet of 30 labels, designed by NSW Govt Printer, with margins, minor perf separation issues. Rare as complete sheet. BRITISH COMMONWEALTH OCCUPATION FORCES (BCOF) | Postal History 1946 (Dec 5) Cover with Australian KGVI 3d tied by ‘No.8 AUST.AUST BASE.P.O./-C-’ containing specially printed BCOF Christmas card. (2 Items) 1947 (Dec 20) use of full set on Department of Army economy use envelope made from old Honour Envelope, to South Aust. Cancelled with Aust Army PO 241 (Eta Jima). Small stain affects 5/-, otherwise fine & fresh with typed address and no contents. 1949 (Feb 7) Registered Cover to Brisbane with ½d pair & 1d (6, incl pair & marginal block of 4) tied by strikes of ‘AUST ARMY P.O./215’ cds alongside boxed ‘Aust. Army Postal Service’ registration handstamp.
$300 $65 $160
$80 $100 $80 $160 $80 $100 $90 $80 $100 $80
Session 2 will commence at 2.00pm 897
900 901 902 903
906 907
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908 909
AUSTRALIAN COLONIES - General | Postal History 1859-1910 Selection with NSW 1853 Bathurst to England with 2d Laureates pair (another stamp removed) cancelled indistinctly, Bathurst departure, Sydney transit & Gosport (Hants, UK) arrival datestamps, with copious (typed) annotations; also 1901 Smithfield registered Tatts cover with mss “6d to pay”, 1910 Kogarah use of Registration Envelope uprated for transit to England; Queensland 1876 cover from Warwick to Freestone Creek (no receiving cancel) with 2d Chalon, 1908 Tiaro unstamped PPC to England with tax handstamp; plus two other items. (7) NEW SOUTH WALES | Proofs & Essays 1888 Van Dyke Reprint Selection Laureate reprints of 2d blue Die II pair, 6d brown block of 25, 8d blue strip of 3 x2, 8d yellow pair & 8d orange block of 4. (5 items) 1897 Composite Die Proof with Jubilee 1d, 2d & 2½d in purple on thin surfaced card. Very fresh, plus mint examples of the issued stamps. Mounted on page. (5 items) 1902-29 Reprinted Die Proof Diadem Head sunken Die Proof in deep blue, unfortunate spotting, on annotated page. NEW SOUTH WALES 1850 3d Sydney Views Bluish to Grey Wove Paper SG #43, complete balanced margins, BN ‘55’ cancel of Newcastle. Cat £275. 1860-72 Diadems Wmk Double-Lined Numeral Perf 12 2d blue with Retouch over ‘PEN’ of ‘PENCE’, SG #136b, VFU, Cat £425. 1860-72 Diadems Wmk Double-Lined Numeral Perf 13 Wmk double-lined ‘6’ SG #158a pair, left-hand unit trimmed at left, fine unused, Cat £550+. 1860-72 Diadems Wmk Double-Lined Numeral Perf 13 6d purple Wmk ‘5’ SG #165a, single tonespot, fine mint, grossly undercatalogued at £750. 1871-1902 Wmk 1st Crown/NSW Watermark inverted trio comprising P13 1d (rare), 2d and 6d (rare). Only a couple of examples of 6d are recorded. Ex Hutson. (3) 1885-86 Fiscals Optd ‘POSTAGE’ in Black 5/- lilac & green P12x10 SG #238b, some ragged perfs, unused. Cat £800. 1899 Chalk-Surfaced Paper Wmk 2nd Crown/NSW Perf 12x11 SG #301a 1d salmon-red imperf pair, Cat £275 NEW SOUTH WALES | Official Stamps 1879-85 9d on 10d P10 optd ‘OS’ SG #O11, couple of nibbed perfs, heavily struck cancel, sound overall. Rare stamp, Cat £1,000. 1887-90 10/- mauve & claret P12 optd ‘OS’ with ‘Specimen’ overprint doubled SG #O37as (variety), couple of shallow thins, unused. Rare! NEW SOUTH WALES | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards (PTPO) 1900s 1d Arms with unrecorded 2 line message ‘If posted to any address within the Commonwealth/this space may be used for Correspondence’. Fine Silvasheen ad underneath message header. Unused, extremely rare. NEW SOUTH WALES | Postal History 1861 (Jul 9) outer to London with early use of boxed ‘SYDNEY/POST PAID’ handstamp in red, rated ‘4’ for pre-payment of ship letter rate and “1/3” for postage to be collected, Sydney ‘JY9/1831’ departure datestamp in red, on reverse boxed ‘INDIA LETTER/ LIVERPOOL’ handstamp in black and London arrival datestamp, fine condition, fully written-up 1850 (Jun 7) cover from Gundagai to Sydney with 2d Views Plate I SG #18 tied by weak BN ‘46’ cancel, close but complete margins. Ex Forster. 1851 (Jan 31) Outer with 2d View Plate IV variety Hill not shaded [R 1/12] SG #32a Sydney & Melbourne/Port Phillip backstamps. Rare variety on cover. Ex Forster. 1851 (Apr 24) cover from Berrima to Sydney with 2d View Plate V (variety Hill unshaded) just tied by fine BN ‘32’ cancel, Berrima and Sydney backstamps. Some discolouration, nevertheless a rare variety on cover. Ex Forster.
$120 $200 $300 $100 $160 $150 $180 $280 $160 $160 $225 $300 $150 $300
$250 $200 $240 $200
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1851 (Jun 3) cover from Goulburn to Sydney with 2d View Plate IV laid paper variety No clouds SG #34c tied by BN ‘35’ cancel, cover with tiny piece missing at lower left, nevertheless a rare variety on cover. Ex Forster. 1852 (Jul 26) small cover rated “8” to Forres (Scotland) per “Neptune” with 3d View tied by Sydney bars cancel, on reverse Ship Letter Sydney departure and Forres arrival datestamps. Ex Forster. 1859 cover to Kentucky, USA with imperf 2d & 1/- Diadems tied by indistinct rays cancel, the 2d additionally tied by New York transit datestamp, part Sydney departure backstamp and London transit on face; some water stains and backflap missing. Rare destination for the period. AUSTRALIA | Postal History 1871 (Apr 19) registered petite cover to Cove Wynd Pittenweem (Fifeshire, Scotland) with 6d violet Diadems x2 & 4d red-brown tied by Sydney bars cancels, mss registration markings, on reverse Edinburgh transit and Pittenweem arrival datestamp, minor blemishes. Nice destination item to a small Scottish fishing village. NEW SOUTH WALES | Postal History 1875 (Aug 6) Sydney registered cover to England, originally containing will documents, endorsed “Via Salle & Brindisi” with 1/Diadem & 10d lilac tied by Bars cancel, London transit on face, on reverse Gloucester Station and Thornbury (arrival) datestamps. [The rate was 1/8d per 1oz, plus 4d registration] AUSTRALIA | Postal History 1876-1911 registered covers selection including 1876 Hay to Melbourne with 2d DLR strip of 3 tied by Rays ‘245’ cancels, 1883 Sydney to Canberra, Queanbeyan, 1891 to England ‘“per SS Orizaba”, 1902 use of Registration Envelope to England uprated 4½d, plus two other covers; also 1901 part cover to India and a 1874 registered letter receipt with Mudgee datestamp; mixed condition. ( 8 items) NEW SOUTH WALES | Postal History 1878 (Sep 20) registered cover to Edinburgh, endorsed “Via Melbourne & Galle” & “Via Brindisi” with 6d lilac x3 & 4d red-brown tied by indistinct cancels, on reverse Sydney departure and Edinburgh arrival datestamps. [The rate was 1/6d per 1oz via Galle/Brindisi, plus 4d registration] 1887 (Feb 18) cover from UK, originally addressed P&O ship SS Ballarat at Port Said, cover handstamped on reverse ‘RECEIVED AFTER/SHIPS DEPARTURE’ in violet, with Alexandria, Suez & Port Said transit datestamps, re-directed to P&O Agent Sydney where boxed ‘ADVERTISED/UNCLAIMED’ handstamp applied. 1891 & 1893 HMS Tauranga Covers comprising 1891 Sydney double-rate to England and 1893 Brisbane to England, both with original letters headed ‘H.M.S. Tauranga”; both covers with faults, however very scarce; also a PPC showing the ship. (3 items) 1894 (May 18) Park St (Sydney) registered cover to Boston (USA) with 5½d franking tied by Bars ‘924’ cancels, mss registration markings, on reverse Victoria (Canada), Seattle transits & Boston arrival datestamps; also 1901 registered double-rate cover to Chicago ‘Via San Francisco” & “Per RMS Ventura” with 8d franking tied by Sydney datestamps, arrival backstamp; both in fine condition. (2) 1894-99 Registered Covers all from Sydney with 5d Diadem + ½d grey frankings and manuscript registration markings, comprising 1894 to Birmingham, England, 1898 to The Hague, Holland (Brindisi transit backstamp) & 1899 to London; all with arrival backstamps, generally fine condition. (3) 1901-04 Registered Covers mostly Tatt’s addessed to Hobart including 1901 from Wilcania, with boxed ‘REGISTERED’ handstamp, underpaid with straight-line ‘MORE TO PAY’ handstamp, 1901 underpaid from Bathurst with mss ‘6d” (due) marking, 1904 use of Registration Envelope from Sydney with boxed ‘TOO LATE’ handstamp and 2½d added, 1904 to Tatts alias “Carlton Club Hotel with 6d orange & 1d Shield; also 1897 Sydney non-Tatt’s cover to Launceston with attractive 4-colour franking; generally fine. (5) 1902 (Apr 1) Sydney local cover with 1d (1/-) Hospital Charity cancelled with BN ‘1601’, Elizabeth St South datestamp alongside, cover with central fold and some blemishes. 1913 (May 13) use of 1d Roo on fine illustrated cover with photo of premises of A. Larcombe & Co, Monumental Masons, Rockwood on reverse. NEW SOUTH WALES | Postmarks Collection Datestamp Collection: on commercial covers/stationery, largely post-war, stated by vendor to be without duplication, wide range of stamp usage present, accelerated entry for a new challenge, generally good strikes/condition. (Approx 1,400 items.) NEW SOUTH WALES | Numerals 85: (A3) clear strike of Rays Type 2R36 on 6d Diadem [Rated 4R]. Allocated to Drayton-Renamed from Darling Downs PO c.1848; closed
96: (B2) largely fine Rays Type 2R30 strike on 1d red Small Diadem, [Rated 5R]. [This is the example mentioned by Freeman at page 69 of his book] Allocated to Bolong-PO 1/4/1861; renamed Bomadary PO 1/12/1874; closed 31/12/1885; Re-allocated to Bolong PO 1/1/
121: (B2) largely complete strike of Type 1a Bars cancel on imperf 2d Laureate, [Rated 4R]. Allocated to Guyong-PO 1/7/1853; renamed
933 934 935 936 937
s s s s *
938 939 940 941
s s s s
150: (B2) clearly discernible Rays Type 2R20 strike on 2d Diadem [Rated 5R]. Allocated to Wilberforce-PO 1/5/1856. 150: clearly discernible Rays Type 2R20 strike on 6d Diadem [Rated 5R]. 180: (A2) fine and largely complete Rays Type 2R20 strike on DLR 2d pale blue, [Rated 4R]. Allocated to Camperdown-PO 1/4/1853. 257: (A2) bold Type 2R24 strike on 6d Diadem [Rated 4R] Allocated to Bourke Street-PO 1/6/1859; renamed Surry Hills PO 14/9/1883. 271: (B1) complete Rays Type 2R34 sunburst cancel [Rated 5R] tying 2d DLR to cover addressed to Tingha, on reverse Moonbi, Benderneer, Bundarra, Stanborough transits & Tingha arrival datestamp. Allocated to Moonbi-PO 1/10/1859; closed 30/4/1890. 294: (B2) largely fine Rays Type 2R38 on DLR 2d pale blue, [NNR]. Rare! Allocated to Tooloom-PO 1/4/1860; closed 31/5/1920. 340: (A1) fine Rays Type 2R35 strike on 2d Small Diadem (soiled), [Rated 4R]. Allocated to Guntawang-PO 1/10/1861; closed 5/2/1912. 558: (A2) very fine Rays Type 3R20 strike on 2d DLR in 2nd period, [Rated 4R]. Allocated to Unumgar PO 16/6/1887, closed 17/12/1893 1876: (C1) two strikes of BN (6x15mm) on 1d Arms & 2d blue x2 on registered piece. [Rated 4R - the first offered by us] Allocated to
Page 19 $240 $200 $200
$120 $100 $150
$150 $130
$180 $100 $100 $500
1886; RO 1/9/1893; PO 16/4/1894; closed 17/1/1964.
West Guyong PO 15/2/1907.
$120 $150 $150 $100 $120
Garah-PO 1/8/1881; RO 15/11/1888; PO 1/6/1898.
1963: (A2) ‘1963’ BN on 2d blue, [Rated 4R]; Allocated to Unkya Creek-PO 6/11/1899; renamed Eungai Creek PO 1/12/1911. NEW SOUTH WALES | Datestamps Regentville: (B1) ‘REGENTSVILLE/20JY53/N.S,W-AUST’ (error) on 3½d Coronation. [Unrecorded type used in TO period.] TO 1/6/ 1950; PO 1/10/1953; closed 1/3/1979.
NORTHERN TERRITORY | Postal History 1934 (Dec 18) Quartet of First Flight covers prepared for Saville H Sheard, flown from Daly Waters to Bourke (backstamped Dec 21), Narromine (Dec 21), Cootamundra (Dec 22), and Adelaide (Dec 24). (4) 1934 (Dec 14) Series of First Flight covers prepared for Saville H Sheard, flown from Katherine to various destinations within NT and Queensland. Scarce group. (15) 1967 registered cover to Warnambool with 24c Kingfisher tied by Alice Springs ‘12SE67’ datestamp, attractively illustrated with pastoral scene, signed W Hampton, Warrnambool Registration Section boxed arrival backstamp. 1971 (Oct 4) Connair registered cover to Manly with ‘ALICE SPRINGS/NT. AUST 5750/POSTAGE PAID’ 77c eftpos label paying postage, appropriate backstamps
$300 $250 $150 $150 $100 $100 $90 $160 $400 $120 $60
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960 961
963 964 965 966 967 968
S W * * * F
971 972 973
U * */W
976 977
* *
982 983
985 986
* *
Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019 QUEENSLAND | Moreton Bay District large fine strike of Type 1a Bars ‘108’ cancel on imperf 2d Laureate, [Rated 2R]. Allocated to Good’s Inn-PC 1/1/1852; closed 1/12/1859 QUEENSLAND 1862-67 Small Chalon Thick Toned Paper, No Wmk Rough Perf 13 1/- grey SG #29, strip of 3, centre unit surface scuff, left unit tiny thin, fine used. Rare multiple. 1879-80 Sideface Wmk 2nd Crown/Q 1d reddish brown Die I & II, 1d dull orange pair, 2d grey-blue pair, 2d bright blue, 2d deep blue pair, 6d deep green pair, 1/- deep violet pair & 1/- pale lilac, SG #134-45 range, mint, a few gum issues, Cat £1,700. (14) QUEENSLAND | Revenues 1895 Impressed Duty: full set to £500, excl £90, 6d with red embossed cancel, remainder with colourless cto embossing, odd tonespot otherwise fine. (62) 1895 Impressed Duty: £10 to £500, quarter circle etc and no embossing, £15 trimmed perfs, £13 damaged corner, otherwise fine, (22) QUEENSLAND | Customs Duty Customs Duty Handstamps duplicated mounted range of cut-outs with 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d & 4d, in original style and 3d in later style. (18) QUEENSLAND | Postal History 1897 (Oct 26) two large-part sections of a registered cover festooned with 6d green SG #196 x86 (totalling £2/3/6d) tied by ‘REGISTERED/EIDSVOLD’ two-line handstamp plus additional strikes of Eidsvold ‘OC 26/97’ unframed datestamp, mounted on exhibit page which states that the package originally contained 58oz.18gr of gold originating from Heights of Alma Mine on the Eidsvold Goldfield; some faults as to be expected. Possibly a record franking for the period. (2 items) 1909 (Jun 11) registered double-rate cover to Germany with Void Oval Sidefaces 5d & 1d zig-zag roulettes x3 tied by ‘R’-in oval cancels, Registered Brisbane datestamp beneath, Burt Brisbane Type #01b black on white registration label (Rated R); fine condition. 1909 (Nov 3) Hockley & Company (ironmonger, Maryborough) advice card to Gympie with attractive all-over advertising in green & blue. 1911 (Aug 22) registered cover to Vienna with Void Oval Sidefaces 2d pair, 1d & ½d, tied by Hatton Vale Type 5a datestamps [Rated 4R], Burt Brisbane Type #Q1b black on white registration label (Rated R); Registered Brisbane datestamp in blue, minor blemishes. QUEENSLAND | Datestamps Mount Emu Plains: (C2) fair strike of ‘MOUNT EMU PL[AINS]’ datestamp on reverse of 1869 flapless cover to Melbourne (‘NO30/ 69’ backstamp), 6d Chalon on face tied by indistinct ‘119’ rays cancel. PO 1/1/1869; closed 31/12/1869. SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Proofs & Essays 1855 London Printing 1d imperforate marginal plate proof pair in issued colour on ungummed & unwatermarked paper, margins cut-into to good, left-hand unit surface crease. Scarce multiple. 1886-96 ?POSTAGE & REVENUE’ imperf no-value pair, Perf 14 2/6d lilac & blue and 5/- lilac & red marginal singles. [Only one sheet of 60 of each these values were prepared. No Perf 14 values were issued] (3 items) Colour Trials imperf group with 1860 9d black pair, 1883 ½d green pair x2 (one perfed on outside only), 4d purple pair, DLR 1d green pair, 2d orange pair, 2d maroon single & 2d blue-green single, Tannenburg 2½d blue pair & ½d GPO blue-green pair. (10 items) Colour Trials 1883 ½d green imperf part sheet of 144 on No Wmk gummed paper $150 SOUTH AUSTRALIA 1860-69 Second Roulettes 2d pale vermilion pair SG #25, mild oxidation, gum traces, Cat £320+. 1860-69 Second Roulettes 4d dull violet SG #27, oversized example, fine unused, Cat £180. 1867-70 Perf 11½-12½xroulettes 6d Prussian blue SG #57, large-part og, expertising handstamp on reverse, Cat £1,000. Rare. 1868-79 Wmk Large Star Perf 11½-12½ 9d claret SG #75 pair, Cat £400+. 1870-71 Wmk Large Star Perf 10 1d grey-green SG #88, large-part mildly aged gum, Cat £350. 1870-71 Wmk Large Star Perf 10 ‘3 PENCE’ (in red) on 4d dull ultramarine SG #91, minor toning right edge, ‘JU21/71’ datestamp, Cat £120. 1870-71 Wmk Large Star Perf 10 ‘3 PENCE’ (in black) on 4d ultramarine SG #93, single toned perf, scissor-cut at right (outside perfs), large part og, Cat £375. 1870-73 Wmk Large Star Perf 10x11½-12½ or Perf 11½-12½x10 or Compound 1d pale bright green SG #99, regummed, Cat £375. 1870-73 Wmk V/Crown Perf 10 4d lilac SG #111, indistinct lightly struck cancel, Cat £325. 1876-1900 Wmk Broad Star Perf 10x11½-12½ 4d dull purple SG #138, fine mint, Cat £90. 1876-1900 Wmk Broad Star Perf 10x11½-12½ 6d Prussian blue, 6d bright blue & 6d bright ultramarine (no gum) SG #139-41, mint or unused, Cat £460. (3) 1876-1904 DLR Wmk Crown/SA (Close) Perf 13 1d green SG #175a Plate 2 lower-right corner block of 4, Imperforate between stamps and at base due to being Grossly misperforated horizontally, additionally with Fragment of lower-right unit printed on gummed side of sheet edge margin due to a paper overfold also Double perfs on upper units, some sensible perf reinforcements, fine condition. A fascinating specialist piece. 1886-96 ‘POSTAGE & REVENUE’ Perf 11½-12½ 2/6d to £20 P10 set of 13 all overprinted with the rare 17½mm ‘SPECIMEN’ overprint, wmk sideways except 2/6d (upright), the £1 to £15 values partially adhered to separate pieces, each value Rated R3 by Walker. Absent from both the APO Archival & Williams sales, it is believed that less than ten complete sets exist. [A set offered in our December 2014 sale realised $7,450.] (13) 1902-04 Thin ‘POSTAGE’ Perf 11½-12½ SG #278, 10/- green, Cat £200. 1904-11 Thick ‘POSTAGE’ Wmk Crown/SA (Close) Perf 12½ £1 blue (small perforation holes) SG #292a, hinge remnants, fine mint, Cat £250. SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Postal History 1856 cover to England “Pr Ship Lightning” with imperf 6d deep blue SG #3 (three margins, just shaved at right) tied by DN ‘1’ cancel with ‘PORT-ADELAIDE/AU23/1856’ datestamp alongside, Liverpool tombstone arrival datestamp in red partly ties stamp. 1876 (Dec) cover to England franked with 3d on 4d deep ultramarine SG #68 x2 tied by Adelaide datestamps, London arrival datestamp on face, repaired opening fault & missing flap, nonetheless rare usage of this issue. 1886 (Nov 20) use of 1d Postal Card from Oakland to London, underpaid with “11d” on face and rare ‘DEFICIENT POSTAGE “5”/ FINE “6”/11’ on face. A few faults but very rare. 1891 (Dec 10) cover to Adelaide with 1d green optd ‘OS’ pair tied by Port Augusta squared-circle datestamp, ‘P.A. RAILWAY/DE11/ 91’ squared-circle datestamp on reverse. 1897 (Feb 9) parcel label for S. Marshall & Sons, with QV 1d green tied by Adelaide datestamp, addressed to Petersburg (SA). Rare. 1900 (Jul 12) official cover to USA with optd ‘OS’ 1/- brown & 5d on 6d P10 tied by Registered Adelaide squared-circle datestamp, Boston (USA) transit backstamp, London arrival datestamp on face, cover reduced at left & a single tear on upper edge. Very few covers known franked with 5d on 6d optd ‘OS’. SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Departmental Overprints by User Surveyor-General Black ‘S.G.’ on 6d bright blue Wmk Star P10, corner cancel, Rated R. Surveyor-General Black ‘S.G.’ on 2d vermilion Wmk Star rouletted, 1870 Adelaide datestamp, Rated 2R.
$100 $100 $340 $600 $300 $100
$280 $200 $100 $200 $120 $180 $300 $150 $150 $180 $120 $100 $300 $180 $90 $200 $180 $180 $70 $160
$5,250 $150 $120 $130 $150 $120 $120 $80 $250 $100 $100
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019 987
993 994
995 996
* W/U
997 998
999 * 1000 * 1001 * 1002 1003
* *
1012 *
1013 U 1014 U 1015 W 1016 F 1017 * 1018 */U 1019 */U 1020 ** 1021 * 1022 **/* 1023 *
SOUTH AUSTRALIA | Datestamps Islington: (B2) large-part strike of 1912 (Oct) squared-circle cancel on 1/- Long Tom. Rated 3R. PO 1/7/1881; renamed Prospect West
Page 21
PO 11/1/1965. $50 Karcultaby (1): (C2) clearly discernible squared-circle strike on QV 2d. Rated 4R. PO 1/8/1890; closed 8/3/1900. $60 TASMANIA | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 1857-67 Wmk Numeral Imperforate Selection with 1d unused x4 and used, 2d unused (complete margins) & used (creasing, BN ‘42’ cancel) & 4d unused, all the unused issues appear to be cleaned fiscals; also 4d Courier defaced reprint. (9) $150 1857-91 Chalons Group with Serrated Perf 19 1d fiscally used, perforated 1d x4, 2d yellow-green P10 apparently unused but cleaned & reperfed, 6d x7 (all different colours/shades) & 1/-; also imperf 1d & 4d both with faults; some fiscal cancels, condition variable. (17) $120 1905-12 Compound Perf Selection comprising V/Crown 2d P12½x12½x12½x12 SG #245c, Crown/A 2d Compound P12 & 11½ SG #251c blocks of 4 x2 (perf separations) and pairs x4, plus three Crown/A 1d compound perf blocks of 4, £900+. (10 item) $200 TASMANIA | Proofs & Essays 1891 St George & the Dragon perforated 3d x2, 2/6d block of 30, 5/- & 10/- x2 overprinted ‘REPRINT’ on thick gummed paper, fresh unmounted mint. (6 items) $300 1891 St George & the Dragon imperf blocks of 4, 2/6d, 5/- x2 & 10/- on thin card, fresh. (4 items) $150 TASMANIA 1853 Imperf Courier Plate I Early Impression 4d bright brownish-orange vertical pair, SG #6, margins just shaved in places, Cat £2,600+ $500 1857-67 Imperf Chalon Wmk Double-Lined Numeral 1d brick-red SG #27, complete margins, large-part gum, Cat £475. $200 1857-67 Imperf Chalon Wmk Double-Lined Numeral 1d brick-red SG #27 Watermark inverted pair, with forged pin-perfs, BN ‘48’ cancel; also 1d carmine SG #59 P10x10x10x12½ with forged (P12½) perforations at left, unused. Both items with negative RPSV Certificates. (2) $70 1857-67 Imperf Chalon Wmk Double-Lined Numeral 1d dull vermilion with Double print, three good margins. $125 1863-71 Chalon Wmk Double-Lined Numeral Perf 10 2d yellow-green P10 (staining at top) & P12 (few nibbed perfs) examples, SG #60,71, Cat £260. $100 1892-99 Tablets Wmk TAS Perf 14 £1 green & yellow optd ‘SPECIMEN’ SG #225, hinge remnants, mint. $160 1905-11 Pictorials Typo Wmk Crown/A ½d yellow-green Compound Perf 12½x11 SG #249b block of 4, very fine mint, Cat £520+. $150 1905-11 Pictorials Typo Wmk Crown/A 2d dull grey-purple Single-Line Perf 12.4 block of 4 with Additional line of Perf 11 at left, BW #T38, fine mint, Cat $800+. $150 TASMANIA | Postal Fiscals 1880 6d Platypus SG #F28 solo franking tied by Hobart duplex on 1887 (Jan 24) small cover to England, London arrival backstamp. $150 1900 Overprinted REVENUE’ 3d chestnut Platypus lower selvedge pair, SG #F34, on unsealed cover from Hobart (NO30/1900) to Sandy Bay, Cat £525+. Fine condition. $200 TASMANIA | Revenues Wages Tax: 1935 receipt book page with rouletted Wages Tax optd in black 4d x14 & 1/- x7 and optd in red 1/- x7, Elsmore online $145 plus ‘on-cover’ premium. $70 TASMANIA | Postal History 1859 (Jul 7) use of 4-margins 4d Chalon, cancelled with 1st allocation ‘75’ of Hobart, to Sandy Bay. Single-ring prepaid of ‘7JY59’ and boxed prepaid of ‘8JY59’ on face. $70 1860 (Oct 20) ‘Drop Letter’ cover front with imperf 1d Chalon tied by BN ‘60’ cancel, alongside is a fine strike of ‘PRE-PAID/ 10O’CLOCK/20OC20/1860’ datestamp in red. Peter Holcombe Opinion (1993). $100 1896 (Sep 10) Supreme Court (Hobart) printed cover to Canada with 2½d Tablet tied by Hobart duplex, on reverse, Hamilton & Binbrook (Ontario) backstamps, fine condition with Government of Tasmania crest on flap. $100 1899 (May 6) cover to Glenelg (SA) with Adelaide transit & (small-part) Glenelg arrival backstamp where opened & resealed, on face ‘ADVERTISED UNCLAIMED/ADELAIDE’ oval double-ring datestamp & straight-line ‘UNCLAIMED’ handstamps, on reverse DLO/ Adelaide datestamp in red & DLO Tasmania oval datestamp in blue, edge blemishes. $80 1900 inwards cover and letter from England to Launceston, mss “1½d More to Pay” and ‘FEES PAID/LAUNCESTON’ handstamp (the only recorded example) both on face. As postage is correct it is presumed that the 1½d refers to duty owed on the accompanying parcel mentioned in the letter. $200 1910? inwards cover from Butterworth & Co, England to Launceston with ½d KEVII stamp, very fine boxed ‘DUTY REMITTED/TO DEPUTY POSTMASTER GENERAL/...’ handstamp applied in England, oval ‘DUTY PAID/LAUNCESTON’ handstamp (only recorded example on cover) on face. Large violet ‘A’ (unknown purpose) on face near stamp. Accompanied by photocopy of all known handstamps held at Launceston in 1905. (2) $200 1927 inwards unsealed cover from England to Launceston with Neopost meter, blue oval ‘DUTY PAID/HOBART’ handstamp (only recorded example) on face. $200 VICTORIA | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 1891 Selection of ‘Reprint’ Overprints on imperf Half-lengths 1d, 2d & 3d, Queen-on-Throne 1d, 2d & 6d, Perforated 1/- Octagonal, 6d Adapted Design, Laureated issues to 5/- x2 including 10d grey, few Naish and Bell printings, etc, variable condition, with or without gum. (35) $400 VICTORIA 1850-53 Half-Length Ham Altered 3rd State 2d White Veils intermediate stone (6x2) reconstruction, generally good condition, various butterfly or barred oval cancels. $1,000 1854-57 Half-Length Campbell & Fergusson 1d 8th printing intermediate stone (6x4) reconstruction includes horizontal strip of 4, vertical strip of 4 (one unit torn); generally good condition, nearly half with 4 margins. $600 1854-57 Half-Length Campbell & Fergusson 1d rose SG #28a, repair in upper margin, shallow thin, regummed. Presents well, Cat £1,400 (when fine). $150 1854-55 Imperf Calvert Woodblocks 6d ‘TOO LATE’ lilac & green SG #33, close to very good margins, BN ‘1’ cancel of Melbourne, expertising handstamps on reverse. Cat £250. $120 1857 Imperf Emblems Wmk Large Star 4d vermillion, 4-margins, SG #42, minor gum damage. Cat £550. $200 1873-87 Bell Wmk 1st V/Crown Perf 13 ½d rosine on annotated pages include mint P13 pair and single, P12 strip of 4 with ‘609’ cancel, P12 on wrapper piece, several used examples on wmk V2 paper incl P13 block of 4, Cat £260+. (27) $200 1878 Bell Emergency Printings Perf 13 ½d rose-red/pink corner pair and used single, SG #195, mint, mounted on annotated page, Cat £240. $200 1882-84 Wmk 2nd V/Crown Perf 12½ ½d rosine block of 24 (8x3), SG #207, MUH, some perf separation, mounted on annotated page, Cat £1,560+. A rare large multiple of this stamp. $1,200 1884 Surcharge ‘½d/HALF’ in red on 1d pale green Stamp Statute, SG #234, Retail $375. $200 1891 Emergency Print 1d orange-brown/pink corner block of 24 (6x4), SG #329, 11 units MUH, Cat £432+ $300 1897 Hospital Charity Fund 1d & 2½d (small stain) with Type 26 ‘Specimen’ opts in red or in black; SG #353-4s, paper adhesions on gum, Cat £200. (2) $100
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019
Page 22 1024 **/* 1025 W 1026
1027 */U 1028
1029 ** 1030
1037 1038
* *
1901 Re-Issue of No Postage Designs Perf 12x12½ ½d bluish-green block of 21 (7x3), with VICTCRIA variety on position No.139, some perf separation. VICTORIA | Local Stamps 1894(C.) Boyd’s City Express Messenger: green, unused, light spoiling at base. VICTORIA | Railway Stamps 1936 cover endorsed ‘Press Parcel, to The Age (Melbourne) bearing Victorian Railways Parcel label, handstamped ‘WARRACKNABEAL’, tied by ‘THE AGE/6 DEC 1936/(RECEIVING CLERK)’ handstamp. 1887-1920s 1887 Medallion 3d, 6d x2 & 1/-, 1902 Black Cypher ½d black/lilac MUH x2 (tone spots on 2), 1902 Coloured Cypher mint 1d scarlet/pale dull green; 1917 Rouletted Wings 4d lake/blue & 1/- yellow/white x2 on 1927 piece. (11) 1917-41 Winged Stamps Third issue with roul 7 8d violet/green pattern, 2/- buff/brown pattern x2 & 5/- blue/grey pattern from Melbourne, Cat #3.1471,1490,1493 on Orient Line luggage label to Hamilton. Rare stamps, very difficult to find on labels. 1958-66 Eleventh Series 2d black on white complete sheet of 42. A little bit of separation and minor creasing. Rare. VICTORIA | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 1908 Visit of American Fleet 1d card, Stieg #P33, fine unused VICTORIA | Postal History 1861 (Nov 28) registered cover to Switzerland with Perforated 2/- Woodblock SG 82, and 6d black Beaded Oval tied by BN ‘4’ of Sandhurst, ‘CROWN/REGISTERED’ arc handstamp in red plus Sandhurst, Melbourne & London registered datestamps, rated “1/-” in red, Calais transit on face, backstamped with French boxed ‘POIDS - CACHETS’ plus Paris transit and Locarno arrival datestamps. [Switz#141 in Ben Palmer’s census] 1862 (Jan 25) cover to Scotland with 3d blue & 6d grey-black Beaded Ovals tied by bold BN ‘148’ cancel, Emerald Hill (smudged), Melbourne & Paisley (arrival) backstamps, minor soiling. 1872 (Jun 24) Use of 2d DLR on mourning cover from Daylesford to Melbourne, flap has been resealed with stamp selvedge and then handstamped with a very fine & rare ‘RECEIVED OPEN’. 1883 (Mar 26) stampless cover from Portarlington (GB) to Chief Commissioner of Police, Melbourne, with fine rectangular ‘DEFICIENT POSTAGE 6d/FINE 6d/1/-’ handstamp, and handstruck oval ‘1/- TO PAY’; also a much-travelled 1892 cover from GB to Melbourne, countless “unknown” and redirection markings. (2) 1884 (Sep) used registered parcel label to Sweden with rare franking of 1/- Bell pair & 6d Laureate with indistinct bars cancels, partial Registered Melbourne oval datestamp alongside. 1897 (Mar 9) cover from Melbourne to Launceston, with fine hand-illustrated picture of Scotch Collie in Tam O’Shanter and tartan rug. Attractive and unusual. 1898 (Jun 3) use of 1d brown Postal Card with printed address for The Foster Brewing Co. and order form on the back. 1901 (Aug 19) double-rate cover to Germany with 2½d x2 tied by Melbourne datestamps, on reverse fine strike of ‘KAISERLICH DEUTSCHES CONSULAT/[ARMS]/IN MELBOURNE’ cachet & Pirna arrival backstamp, small edge faults. 1905 (C.) Pictorial Envelope showing Collins St, Melbourne Kelly #V19, flap partially detached, some soiling. Kelly did not record any unused examples. 1909 (Sep 24) registered cover to Germany with ½d Bantam & 5d QV tied very fine strike of ‘R’-in circle cancel with ‘REGISTERED/ 11A24SE09/MELBOURNE’, datestamp alongside, Burt Type #V1 black on white registration label (Rated 2R), flap on reverse bears oval ‘MAX HYMAN/9 QUEEN’S WALK/* MELBOURNE *’ handstamp in blue; fine condition. 1911 Registered Free Mail (Dec 29) oversized (262x166mm) Post Office printed OHMS envelope to Imperial Fine Art Corporation (London), Melbourne “229” crayon registration marking in blue, “26” accounting marking at left, ‘REGISTERED/29DE11/ MELBOURNE’ datestamp at upper-right, London registered arrival backstamps, small edge faults. 1912 (Nov 13) Department of Mines commercial papers rate printed cover front addressed to Germany with Crown/A 4d P12.4 x12.2 Perf ‘OS’ BW #V87ba solo franking tied by ‘Melbourne/19’ datestamp. [The rate was for an item weighing up to 6oz, 3d for first 2oz then ½d for each additional 2oz x2] VICTORIA | Postmarks Collection 1950s-80s Relief Cancellations: large accumulation of covers amassed over three decades, partially sorted but with much work still to be done, generally of good commercial quality. Wonderful opportunity for specialist study. (1,000+) VICTORIA | Registration Labels Federal Parliament House: complete rouletted sheet of 25 type C4 in red. Very rare.
$100 $90 $80 $120 $320 $200 $90
$250 $100 $240 $160 $150 $100 $80 $50 $50 $120 $80 $75 $1,600 $100
Hugh Freeman’s Barred Numerals of Victoria
1047 s
VICTORIA | Barred Numerals 77: (A1) complete Type 1 strike tying 4d Laureate to 1863 mourning cover, on reverse Somerton & Melbourne transits and unframed Whroo crown oval arrival datestamp. Allocated to Somerton-PO 1/1/1854; closed c.1864. 106: (B2) largely fine strike tying 2d mauve to small piece [Rated RR] with fine strike of ‘WAANYARRA/JL29/86/VICTORIA’ datestamp alongside. Allocated to Jones’ Creek-PO 6/3/1856; renamed Waanyarra PO 21/4/1875; RO 30/6/1919; closed 31/5/1926. 173: (A2) fine large-part 2nd type strike on 8d orange Laureate (tiny thin, Cat £110). [Rated R] Allocated to Daylesford-PO 1/2/1858;
1048 s
288: (B2) clear large-part strike on Rouletted 6d QOT [Rated 3R] Allocated to Inglewood-PO 12/3/1860; renamed Old Inglewood PO c.1865;
1046 D
1049 s 1050 s 1051 D 1052 D 1053
1054 s
LPO 1/5/1998.
closed 15/5/1882.
309: (A2+) superb Type 1 strike on 4d Laureate (defective corner). [Rated 4R] Allocated to Corinella-PO 1/8/1860; LPO 11/8/1993. 403: (A1) very fine largely complete Type 1 strike on ½d on 1d Surcharged Laureate (short corner) [Rated 4R]; also Type 2 strike on 1d orange-brown pair [Rated S] Allocated to Oxley-PO 7/7/1862; renamed Oxley Plains PO 1/1/1870; Re-allocated to Oxley PO 1/1/1870; LPO 1/11/1994. (2) 405: (A1+) superb strike on cover fragment [Rated 2R] plus adjacent fine strike of ‘MAUDE/JU25/70/VICTORIA’ datestamp. Allocated to Maude-PO 1/8/1862; TO 15/6/1951; closed 12/11/1951.
552: (A1) very fine strike on stampless letter fragment [Rated 3R], discernible 1874 Upper Dargo datestamp alongside, dated in mss “Upper Dargo/6/1/74”. Allocated to Upper Dargo-PO 1/5/1866; closed 5/10/1880. 575: (A1+) three strikes, one superb, tying 2d DLR strip of 3 to cover to Denmark, also 6d Laureate tied by weaker strike of the same numeral and by very fine strike of ‘COCKATOO/DE4/72/VICTORIA’ unframed datestamp, Melbourne transit backstamp, boxed ‘Utilstrækkeng/frankeret’ (insufficiently franked) handstamp at upper-left as cover underpaid 9d for 1/9d per ½oz rate via Brindisi. [This cover is Denmark #15 in Ben Palmer’s census] Allocated to Cockatoo-PO 1/11/1866; renamed Narrigal PO 9/12/1874; closed 30/4/ 1880.
646: on 1d pink. [Rated 3R] Allocated to Green’s Creek-PO 1/5/1868; TO 1/10/1962, provisionally closed 31/3/1964; closed 31/3/1965.
$300 $80 $50 $100 $150 $200 $100 $100
$500 $80
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019 1055 D
648: (A1+) superb complete strike on stampless piece, tied by poor Shirley datestamp. [Rated 2R] Allocated to Shirley-PO 1/8/1868; RO
1056 s 1057 s
668: (B2) clearly discernible strike on 2d Bell. [Rated 3R] Allocated to Cove-PO 16/12/1868; replaced by Lockhart PO 1/3/1879. 724: (A2) very fine largely complete Type 2 strike on 1d pink .[Rated 3R] Allocated to Hazelglen-PO 8/12/1870; renamed Doreen PO 20/5/
1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063
781: (A2) fine large-part strike on 2d Bell. [Rated 4R] Allocated to Kalymna-PO 11/6/1872; closed 1/1/1883. 843: (B2) clear large-part strike on 1d green. [Rated 3R] Allocated to Boneo-PO 1/7/1874; closed c.-/3/1877. 878: ‘878’ on 2d sepia. [Rated 3R] Allocated to Merrigum-PO 1/2/1875; renamed Harrison PO 7/12/1887; closed 1/12/1894. 891: (B2) large very fine strike on 2d mauve. [Rated 3R] Allocated to Burramine-PO 24/7/1876; closed 1/7/1895. 914: on 6d blue Laureate (few trimmed perfs). [Rated 3R] Allocated to Taripta-PO 20/10/1875; closed 1/4/1893. 939: (A2) very fine Type 1 (reversed ‘9’s) strike on 2d Bell pair and superb Type 2 strike on 1d orange-brown, both cancels rated [Rated 3R] Allocated to Drouin-PO 5/4/1876; renamed Jindivick PO c.-/7/1878; renamed Drouin West PO c.-/8/1878; closed 30/9/1976. (2) 951: (B1) largely fine strike on 1d orange-brown. [Rated 3R] Allocated to Wollert-PO 1/9/1876; closed 1/8/1895. 1010: (B2) clear strike on 2d Bell. [Rated 2R] Allocated to Taminick-PO 13/9/1877; closed 11/2/1891. 1059: (A2) very fine almost complete Type 1 ‘M59’ strike on 6d Stamp Duty [Rated 4R], also superb strike of Type 2 ‘1059’ tying 1d pink to piece with complete strike of 1907 Mailor’s Flat datestamp alongside. Allocated to Mailor’s Flat-PO 19/10/1881; LPO 4/2/1994. (2) 1117: (A2) fine large-part ‘MC/17’ strike on 2d Bell. [Rated 3R] Allocated to Lockhart-Replaced Cove PO 1/3/1879; closed 13/2/1887. 1193: (A2) very fine and largely complete ‘MC/93’ strike on 1d orange-brown. [Rated 3R] Allocated to Wirri Wirri-Replaced Westgarth PO
s s s s s s
1064 s 1065 s 1066 SD 1067 s 1068 s 1069 D
25/9/1919; PO 1/7/1927; closed 16/1/1931.
$80 $100
1895; LPO 1/8/1994.
$150 $150 $100 $90 $100 $90
2/8/1880; renamed Ardara PO 8/4/1886; closed c.1896.
1071 s 1072 s
1238: (B2) largely very fine strike Type 2 strike tying ½d Bantam to small piece [Rated 3R] with framed Drouin South datestamp alongside; also Type 1 strike tying 1d rosine [Rated S], with unframed Drouin South datestamp alongside, both the datestamps [Rated 4R] Allocated to Drouin South-PO 1/9/1881; closed 31/8/1973. (2) 1292: (B2) clearly largely complete strike of Type 1 ‘MCC/92’ on ½d rosine, [Rated 3R], also complete strike of Type 2 ‘1292’ tying 1d pink to piece [Rated S] with fine 1909 Tennyson datestamp alongside. Allocated to Pannoomilloo West-PO 18/8/1882; renamed Tennyson PO 1/12/1885; LPO 22/6/1994. (2) 1304: (A2+) superb almost complete ‘MCCC/4’ strike on 2d mauve [Rated 4R] Allocated to Mount Alfred-PO 12/10/1882; closed 17/6/1895. 1347: (A2+) superb and largely complete ‘MCCC/47’ strike on 1d orange-brown, [Rated 5R]. Allocated to Bagshot-PO 16/7/1883; closed
1073 s 1074 s
1400: (A2) very fine and largely complete ‘MCCCC’ strike on 1d pink, [Rated 4R]. Allocated to Yinnar-PO 1/5/1884; LPO 9/12/1993. 1431: (B2) ‘MCCCC/31’ on 1d orange-brown, partially overstruck with a second strike, [Rated 4R]. Allocated to Surrey Hills-PO 1/10/
1075 s
1483: (A2+) very fine and almost complete ‘MCCCC/83’ strike on 1d orange-brown pair. [Rated 3R] Allocated to Cornella East-PO 1/12/
1076 D
1525: (Al+) very fine and complete ‘MD/25’ strike tying 1d pink to piece [Rated 3R] with complete strike of ‘MINCHA EAST/JA19/07/ VIC’ datestamp alongside. Allocated to Mincha East-PO 1/8/1886; RO 17/7/1917; renamed Winter Grove RO 3/8/1917. 1563: (B2) largely complete ‘MD/63’ on 2d violet. [Rated 5R - the first we have offered] Allocated to Kiata North-Renamed from Kiata PO
1077 s 1078 s 1079 D 1080 D 1081 D 1082 s 1083 D 1084
7/3/1887; closed 8/2/1898.
1574: (A2+) very fine largely complete ‘MD/74 ‘ strike on 1d pink. [Rated 3R] Allocated to Mitre Lake-PO 1/6/1887; closed 26/10/1920. 1628: (A1+) very fine complete strike tying 1d pink to piece [Rated 4R] with very fine complete strike of ‘SOUTH PURRUMBETE/ 7JL/08/VIC’ datestamp alongside. Allocated to South Purrumbete-PO 20/2/1888; closed 31/10/1970. 1666: (C2) clearly discernible large-part strike on 2d violet, [Rated 4R]. Allocated to Shaw’s Reef R.S.-PO 17/12/1888; renamed Simson’s R.S. PO 1/10/1889; closed c.-/2/1895.
1697: (B1) complete strike tying 2d violet to small piece [Rated 3R], largely fine ‘KANAWHA/MR13/90/VICTORIA’ datestamp alongside. Allocated to Kanawha-PO 1/5/1889; replaced by Pangorang PO 1/7/1894; closed 9/1/1895. 1748: (A1) very fine complete Type 2 strike on 1d rosine pair, [Rated 3R]. Allocated to Wharparilla North-PO 25/3/1890; closed 1/7/1895. 1786: (A1+) superb complete strike tying 2d violet to small piece, [Rated 4R]. Allocated to Bradshaw’s Creek-PO 25/8/1890; closed 30/4/
$500 $150 $300 $150 $150 $150 $250
PO c.1902; renamed Fulham PO 23/3/1939.
$150 $200 $150
1823: (A1+) superb and complete strike tying 1d pink to cover [Rated 4R], with complete ‘FULHAM/DE2/07’ alongside, datestamp rated [Rated 3R], cover addressed to Malvern (Vic) with Melbourne backstamp. Allocated to Fulham-PO 4/12/1890; renamed Fulham R.S.
1099 D
VICTORIA | Datestamps Appin South: ‘APPIN SOUTH/16FE66/VIC’ WWW #10B (ERD), on 5d red QEII on piece. [Rated 5R] RO 17/6/1913; PO 11/8/1916; closed
$200 $250
1885; RO 1/7/1920; PO 1/7/1927; closed 1/10/1942.
1098 s
1100 D 1101 *
1873: (B2) light clear strike in violet on 2d violet [Rated 3R]. Allocated to Melton R.S.-PO 1/9/1891; closed 31/12/1916. 1896: (A2+) superb almost complete strike on 2d violet, [Rated 3R]. Allocated to Clarkeville-PO 1/3/1892; closed 1/3/1895. 1938: (B2) largely complete Type 1 strike on 1d orange-brown [Rated 4R]; also Type 2 fine large-part stike on 1d pink [Rated SS]. Allocated to Newfield-PO 12/11/1892, provisionally closed 7/11/1964; closed c.-/6/1965. (2) 1963: (A2+) superb and almost complete strike on 2d violet, [Rated 5R]. Allocated to Coal Creek-PO 20/2/1894; closed 15/7/1897. 2003: (A2) large-part strike on 1d pink [Rated 3R]. Allocated to Tallandoon-PO 21/1/1899; closed 29/6/1968. 2020: (A1+) superb and complete strike on stampless piece [Rated 3R], superb ‘GOON NURE/FE11(?)/VICTORIA’ datestamp alongside also [Rated 3R]. Allocated to Goon Nure-PO 24/4/1900; TO 19/2/1929; PO 1/1/1940; closed 4/2/1964. 2030: (A2) on 1d pink. [Rated 3R] Allocated to Hollybush-PO 23/8/1900; RO 4/4/1916; closed 31/10/1918. 2045: (B2) on 1d pink. [Rated 4R] Allocated to Sassafras Gully-PO 1/6/1901; LPO 27/10/1993. 2060: (A2) on 1d pink. [Rated 3R] Allocated to Clifton Springs-PO 12/3/1902; closed 8/8/1921. 2063: (A1+) superb strike tying 1d Postal Card fragment [Rated 3R], very fine ‘MT ECCLES/JA1/04/[VI]CTORIA’ (New Years Day) datestamp alongside. Allocated to Mount Eccles-PO 7/4/1902; closed 30/6/1951. 2065: (A2) on 1d pink (corner fault). [Rated 3R] Allocated to Nine Mile-PO 24/4/1902; closed 29/2/1956. 2090: (C1) complete strike tying 1d pink to small piece [Rated 3R], stamp also tied by fine and complete ‘ITALIAN GULLY/4OCT05/ VIC’ datestamp. Allocated to Italian Gully-RO c.1904; PO 14/7/1905; closed 11/12/1957. 2099: on 9d red Bell. [now Rated 5R - A similar example realised $290 in PPA Sale #31.] Allocated to Victoria Street, Richmond-PO 3/12/
1096 s 1097 D
1884; LPO 21/6/1993.
1086 s 1087 s 1088 s
s s s D
$250 $100
$500 $250
1842: (A2) very fine and almost complete strike on 2d violet [Rated 3R]. Allocated to Arawata-PO 1/4/1891; RO c.-/7/1919; closed 19/9/
1092 1093 1094 1095
$250 $100 $80
1085 s
1089 s 1090 s 1091 D
Page 23
$250 $500 $150 $200 $90 $135 $90 $250 $100 $200
1906; renamed Richmond North PO 1/11/1924.
$130 $90
Ascot: 20mm framed ‘ASCOT/JU24/64/VICTORIA’ WWW #20, on piece. [Rated 4R] PO 11/10/1858; closed 29/11/1969. Ascot Vale R.A.A.F. P.O.: blue double-oval ‘MIL. POST OFFICE/24APR1942/SHOWGROUNDS - [MELBOURNE]’ WWW #20 (LRD) on 2½d red KGVI on cover. [Rated 4R] Renamed from Showgrounds, Melbourne R.A.A.F. P.O. PO 14/4/1942; closed 30/3/1946. Bairnsdale R.A.A.F. P.O.: WWW #20 violet boxed ‘R.A.A.F./POST OFFICE/19MAY1944/NO 5214’ backstamp in violet on registered cover to South Aust, with blue ‘R.A.A.F. 5214’ registration label, [Rated 4R]. PO 20/5/1942; closed 9/3/1946.
$90 $90
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019
Page 24 1103
1104 D 1105
1106 D 1107 D
Bayindeen (2): ‘BAYINDEEN/30JY71/VIC’ two strikes tying QEII 6c orange & 30c Waratah to registered envelope to Tatura. [Rated 3R] RO 6/4/1926; PO 1/7/1927; closed 30/6/1975. Bull Town: (B2) complete and largely fine ‘BULLTOWN/AP[?]/66/VICTORIA’ datestamp on stampless piece, [Rated 3R] Renamed from Crooked River PO 1/1/1865; closed 1/4/1876.
Drummond: (A1+) superb ‘DRUMMOND/JU12/65/VICTORIA’ datestamp on face of cover to Malmsbury (backstamp) with 1d Laureates x2 tied by very fine BN ‘386’ cancels [Rated SS]. Extremely rare datestamp, unrecorded by WWW. PO 1/2/1862; closed 31/12/1974.
Elephant Bridge: (B2) largely fine complete strike of ‘ELEPHANT BRIDGE(crown)/NO6/1859/VICTORIA’ datestamp (31x28mm) on piece. PO 1/3/1848; renamed Darlington PO c.1860. Framlingham: (A1) complete strike of oval ‘FRAMLINGHAM/JA26/72/VICTORIA’ datestamp on small stampless piece. Unrecorded by WWW. Extremely rare. PO 1/3/1859; closed 31/7/1975. Freshwater Creek: unframed ‘FR[ESH]WATER CREEK/JE8/86/VIC’ on 1d Postal Card, indicium cancelled with BN ‘276’ 2R. [Rated 4R - the first offered by us] PO 21/1/1860, provisionally closed 25/1/1961; closed 25/3/1961. Fryerstown: 20mm unframed ‘FRYERSTOWN/MR24/65/VICTORIA’ WWW #20 (ERD) backstamp on cover to England, 6d Adapted Design cancelled with blue killer ‘1’. [Rated 3R - the first offered by us.] Renamed from Fryer’s Creek PO c.1856; closed 28/11/1975. Fulham (2): 3 strikes of ‘FULHAM/18SE69/VIC-AUST’ (ERD) on 1c & 2c x2 on Tyler cover. [Rated 3R] Renamed from Fulham R.S. PO
The Rialto: 2 part strikes of framed ‘M.O&[S.B]/MY1/93/RIALTO’ (ERD) on 1d brown. [Very rare] RH 24/10/1891; RO c.1901; renamed
1118 1119
The Rialto: framed ‘PAID AT RIALTO MELBOURNE/JE25/96’, WWW #210, on piece. [The only recorded example] Topiram: ‘TOPIRAM/26OC33/VIC.’ on 2d red KGV on cover. Renamed from Warneet RO 6/4/1925; PO 1/7/1927; TO 1/7/1957; closed 11/10/
Hand’s Corner: ‘HAND’S CORNER/1MR10/[VIC] (A2 - ERD) on 1d pink. [Rated 4R] RO 1/10/1909; PO 1/3/1910; renamed Mount
Dandenong North PO c.-/7/1910.
Kangerong: (B1) complete ‘KANGERONG/JU26/59/VICTORIA’ oval datestamp (22x20mm) on stampless piece. Only known example. PO 3/12/1858; closed 29/2/1860. Katandra (2): unframed 25mm ‘KATANDRA/NO4/81/VICTORIA’ WWW #10, tied alongside BN ‘916’ (Rated 3R - B2) on 2d sepia (few toned areas). [Only recorded date - the first offered by us.] Renamed from Khull’s Range PO 1/7/1878; closed 31/8/1964. Maldon: Belt & Buckle ‘POST AND TELEGRAPH OFFICE/MALDON/MR14/[1893]’ on face of 2d rose Envelope from Melbourne to Maldon, boxed ‘UNCLAIMED AT/MALDON’ on face & DLO cancel on back. [Unusual use of Belt & Buckle cancel.] PO 14/3/1854; LPO 10/11/1995.
North Port: framed ‘NORTH PORT/SE17/02/VIC’ (A1 ERD) on 1d pink pair on piece Renamed from Port Melbourne North PO c.-/7/1902;
1121 s 1122
1125 s 1126 S 1127 W 1128 F 1129 V 1130
1137 * 1138 F
$80 $200 $100 $150 $90 $90 $90 $100 $200 $135 $90
RO 12/3/1903; replaced by Montague PO 1/11/1912.
6/9/1858; renamed Myrniong PO 26/1/1872.
Pentland Hills: (A1) two fine strikes of WWW #10 oval datestamps (23x20) on Bacchus Marsh local police entire with adjacent largely complete strike of Bacchus Marsh crown oval datestamp [Rated RR] and a fine strike on BN ‘212’ cancel on 4d Laureate. PO Rialto PO c.1902. 1963.
23/3/1939; closed 28/2/1974.
Wombat Creek: (A3) part unframed ‘WOMBAT [CREEK]/JY[?]/6[?]/VICT[ORIA]’ datestamp on 1d Netted Corners (a complete strike sold for $450+ in our 1/2/19 Sale). Extremely rare. PO 18/5/1863; closed 1/5/1895. VICTORIA | Travelling Post Offices TPO 1: ‘[UP] TRAIN/MG1/MR14/72/[VI]CTORIA - T.P.O/1’ WWW#20 (ERD) small duplex on separate stamps. [Rated 4R on stamp - no covers recorded.] TPO 2: large oval ‘UP/TRAVELLING/POST OFFICE/DC2067/VICTORIA/M.G.2’ WWW#10, backstamp on cover from Ascot (DC20/ 67) to Newbridge (DC23/67) and then redirected to Melbourne (DC24/67). [Rated 4R only 4 covers recorded.] TPO 2: large octagon ‘DOWN/TRAVELLING/POST OFFICE/FE2369/VICTORIA/M.G.2.’ (B1) backstamp on cover from Horsham (FE21/69) to Steiglitz (mss “P.O Steiglitz/24/3/69” & AP1/69) and then unclaimed DLB (U/AP6/69). [Rated 4R only 4 covers recorded.] TPO 3: large octagon ‘DO[WN]/TRAVELL[NG]/POST OFF[ICE]/AU873/VICTORIA/M.G.3.’ WWW#70, on cover (corner torn off) from Sunbury (AU7/73) to Ballengeich. Misread and sent to Bullengarook (AU[9]/73 & SE9/73), via New Gisborne & Gisborne, unclaimed DLB (U/SE10/73). [Rated 4R only 5 covers recorded.] TPO 7 (1): ‘T.P.O/7’ WWW#10 right half of small duplex on 2d Bell. [Rated 4R - 4 recorded on stamp.] WESTERN AUSTRALIA 1854 Imperf Recess 1d black, SG #1, clear margins with indistinct red grid cancellation, Cat £350. Sismondo Certificate (2002). 1864-79 Imperforate Proof of 1/- on Wmk Crown CC paper (from sheet marginal with parallel lines), fine MNG. 1902-12 Wmk V/Crown Single Line Perf 12.4 2d dull yellow Watermark upright (inverted) BW #W17B variant, Geraldton datestamp, Cat $250. 1902-12 Wmk V/Crown Perf 12½ or 12½x12 £1 orange-brown SG #128, VFU with Coolgardie ‘AP5/05’ datestamp, Cat £189 WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Postal History 1913 (Jun 4) Land Titles cover with 4d ‘OS’ to Switzerland, unclaimed and returned, triple-circle ‘H.M. CUST[OMS]/PAS[SED]/ PERTH’ handstamp on face. Very rare. 1927 (Apr 22) use of long OHMS envelope registered to New Zealand from the Office of Titles with KGV S/Wmk 1½d red and 3d blue perf ‘OS’ BW #88ba and 105b (latter cat $250 on cover). Undelivered with several postal markings, most significant being boxed red ‘DECEASED’ applied in Wellington, also Perth DLO. WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Datestamps Kudardup: early use (PO opened 1924) of ‘KUDARDUP/30JU24/WESTERN AUSTRALIA’ datestamp on 4½d on 5d Registration Envelope BW #RE16 (Cat $100) addressed to Sydney, mss registration marking, Busselton & Perth transits and Sydney arrival datestamp. RO 1/5/1922; PO c.1924; closed 31/10/1979. CHRISTMAS ISLAND 1963 Pictorials 2c to $1 set SG #11-20 on Van Dahl generic FDC. Rare. COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS 1963 Pictorials 3d to 2/3d set on two matching Wesley FDCs (one registered, with transit backstamps), serviced at Warradale South (SA), typed addresses to USA. Rare usage. (2) COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS | Postal History 1955 Illustrated cover commemorating the Australian Government taking over Admistraton with Australian adhesives tied by ‘COCOS ISLANDS/23NO55’ cds alongside the very rare triangular cachet in red. Minor fault at left. 1969 (Jul 9) Pictorials set of 12 on Australia Post ‘Shield’ generic FDC with ‘PHILATELIC/RUSSELL STREET/9JY69/VIC.AUST’ datestamp. NAURU 1916-23 Overprints on GB 1½d red-brown block of 4, lower-right unit variety Broken leg of ‘U’ of ‘NAURU’ SG #3(Var), minor edge tone on gum, MUH. Cat £220+. 1916-23 Central Overprints 1d, 1½d & 2d fine used blocks of 4, SG #14-6, Nauru, Pleasant Island cds. Cat £720+. (3 blks)
$90 $90 $200 $100 $135 $900 $1,500 $360 $90 $200 $120 $60 $140 $200 $125
$100 $80 $150 $350 $100 $60 $375
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019 1139 V 1140 V 1141
* /D
1142 */U
1143 */U
1144 F 1145 * 1146 * 1147 * 1148 D 1149 * 1150
1151 F 1152 */U 1153 U/W 1154 */F 1155 ** 1156 * 1157
1159 1160 s 1161 D 1162 PS 1163
1924 Ship on Grey Paper ½d to 10/-, SG #26A-39A, 25JA24 CTO (½d & 5d hinge thin), Cat £450 as used. Ex UPU distribution. (14) 1924 Ship on Grey Paper 10/- yellow, SG #39A, very fine CTO, Cat £190. NEW GUINEA | German (Deutsch) New Guinea | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings Postmarks on Postal Card or Piece with 1900 Matupi Powell Type #25 on 10pf Postal card to Berlin, Spandau arrival datestamp; also Stephansort Type #7 ‘13/6/11’ datestamp tying 3pf x2 or 5pf x2 Yacht singles to small pieces, plus same datestamp on larger piece with 3pf Yacht x3 & Stephansort registration label. (1 card & 5 pieces) NEW GUINEA | ‘G.R.I.’ Overprints | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 1914-15 Selection with 6mm Spacing Overprints on GNG with 1d on 5pf mint (fault) & used, 2d on 10pf mint, 3d on 30pf mint (tear); 5mm Spacing Overprints on GNG 2d on 20pf & 2½d on 10pf mint (Cat £225) plus 3d on 30pf (minor marginal thinning) used (Cat £225); 5mm Spacing Overprints on Marshall Islands mint 1d on 5pf, 2d on 10pf, 2d on 20pf & 4d on 40pf (trivial thin, Cat £170); also 1915 ‘OS’ overprints on GNG 1d on 3pf & 1d on 5pf SG #01-02 mint; condition variable, good value at estimate. (13) NEW GUINEA | ‘N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS’ Overprints | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 1915-22 Selection including 1915-16 KGV 1d red with Thin ‘ONE PENNY’ [VIII/14] used in Kieta (some toning on reverse), 1/- Roo SG #81 used (Cat £70) with oval radio station cancel, 1918-22 2/- Roo SG #115 with ‘CANCELLED NAURU’ postmark, KGV Change of Colours 4d violet used; also perf ‘OS’ 1d carmine-red SG #O3 mint (edge fault, Cat £275) & 2d rose-scarlet used; some condition issues, mostly fine. (30) NEW GUINEA | ‘N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS’ Overprints 1915-16 KGV Single Wmk 5d brown (b) SG #72 variety Broken NE corner [1L13], fine used with Rabaul ‘25AU16’ datestamp, Cat $120 as unoverprinted stamp. 1915-16 Kangaroos 1st Wmk 2½d blue x2 (a & c), each with variety Heavy coastline to WA SG #74, some mild gum toning, Cat $500 as unoverprinted stamps. (2) 1915-16 Kangaroos 3rd Wmk 2d grey (b) SG #94 variety White scratch from map to value tablet [1L8], fine mint, Cat $175 as an unoverprinted stamp. 1915-16 Kangaroos 3rd Wmk 3d yellow-olive Die I-II-II (abc) strip of 3 SG #96,96a, toned gum, Cat £225+. 1918-23 KGV Single Wmk 1d carmine-red (+½d green) on piece, left-hand unit variety Secret mark SG #103ac, Rabaul datestamp cancels, Cat £85+. 1918-23 Kangaroos 3rd Wmk 6d greyish ultramarine Die lIB, SG #110b, MVLH, Cat £750 used, unpriced mint. Rare! NEW GUINEA | Mandated Territory Issues | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 1925-39 Selection mint or used with 1925-27 Huts to 6d shades x3 mint plus 1/- used, Huts optd ‘OS’ with 1d ‘O’ of ‘OS’ ovpt largely missing, other values to 1/- used x2; 1931-34 Birds with Dated Air 5/- mint (corner stain), Undated Air 2/- unused & used, 5/- mint (stain) & 10/- mint (corner stain) & used and £1 VFU, Officials Dated 1d to 2/- mint and Undated 2/- unused & 5/- mint; Bulolo Airs with 1/- used & 2/- mint & used; some condition issues, majority fine. (130) NEW GUINEA | Mandated Territory Issues Australia Roos First Wmk Perf Large ‘OS’ 1d, 5d & 1/- all with part-strikes of Rabaul Powell Type #53 oval datestamps in violet. Rare. (3) 1932-34 Undated Birds ½d to £1 set SG #177-89, 5/- & £1 values used, other values fine mint. Cat £210. (15) 1932-34 Undated Birds Airs ½d to £1 set SG #190-203, fine used (1d, 1½d & 6d are unused). Cat £250. (16) 1939 Bulolo Air ½d to £1 set SG #212-25, fine mint (10/- very lightly used). Cat £900. (14) NEW GUINEA | Mandated Territory Issues | Official Stamps 1925-31 Huts Optd ‘OS’ 1½d orange-vermilion SG # sheet of 30 with sheet margins with inscriptions complete on 3 sides, fresh MUH, Cat £165++. 1932-34 Dated Birds Optd ‘OS’ ½d to 5/- set SG #O42-O54, few minor condition issues (5/- with marginal tab adhered to gum), fine mint overall, Cat £275. (11) NEW GUINEA | Mandated Territory Issues | Postal History 1915 (Jun 4) cover to South Australia with Australia 4d Roo pair tied by very fine strike of Powell Type #53 ‘RABAUL/JUN41915/NEW BRITAIN’ oval datestamp in violet, horizontal fold beneath typed address, very fine condition overall. Lovely item. 1922 (May 24) Champion Tobacco patriotic PPC to St Kilda Australia with overprinted 2d orange KGV tied by worn strike of Powell Type 14b ‘KOKOPO/24MY22’ datestamp (Rated C), another strike at base, message written in French. Quite fine overall. NEW GUINEA | Mandated Territory Issues | Postmarks Kokopo: (B2) largely fine strikes of Powell Type 14b Kokopo datestamps on ½d green SG #119 & on 5d brown SG #72, [Rated C] Renamed from Herbertshöhe PO c.-/1/1916; closed 23/1/1942. (2) Manus: Fine strike of Powell Type #84 ‘MANUS/20SE16/.’ datestamp on Australia ½d Roo perf small ‘OS’. PO 6/12/1912; closed c.-/2/ 1942.
Talasea: (A1+) superb and complete ‘DISTRICT OFFICE/8MAR1930/TALASEA’ large double-ring datestamp in violet tying 1½d Huts to small piece, [Rated F] PO c.-/6/1920; closed c.-/1/1942. PAPUA | Postal Stationery - Registration Envelopes 1917 4d Long format registered envelope CTO ‘PORT MORESBY/20APR22/PAPUA’, some flap damage, nevertheless a very scarce item HG #C2. PAPUA | Postal History 1921 (Aug 16) use of Treasury Dept printed long cover to Tresco (Vic) with Monocolours 2d & 2½d and Bicolours ½d, 1d, 3d, 6d, 1/& 2/6d cancelled by Port Moresby ‘16AUG31’ datestamps, Burt Type #AP6a registration label (Rated 2R), on reverse Melbourne & Money Order/Bendigo transit datestamps, minor blemishes. [nb - under the address label can be seen the original printed address to ‘Resident Magistrate/Kerema G.D.’] 1932 (Oct 10) registered cover to Scotland with 9d Iliac & violet Lakatoi block of 4 (one unit tad faded) tied by Daru ‘10OC32’ datestamps, Burt Type #AP3 registration label (Rated R), Daru, Thursday Island & Sydney transit backstamps, stamps alone Cat £152+. 1933 (Nov 27) registered Iremonger cover with 2d & 3d Lakatois optd ‘OS’ SG #O58-59 tied by Bwagaoia datestamps in violet, Burt Type #AP6d registration label (Rated R), Melbourne transit back stamp, minor spotting. 1934 (Jun 21) registered Iremonger cover with 5d Lakatoi optd ‘OS’ SG #O61 tied by Port Moresby datestamp; Burt Type #AP10e registration label (Rated 2R), Brisbane, Sydney, Warrington transits & Frodsham arrival backstamp. PAPUA | First Flight Covers 1935 Papua-Australia (Sep 1) special flight piloted by Squadron Leader A Hempel, Burt Type #AP10e registration label (Rated 2R), Port Moresby (Sep 26) & Darwin (Nov 27) backstamps, signed by the pilot, Cat $600. [Hempel was originally surveying potential flying boat bases, but was diverted to assist in search for lost pilot S.Campbell.] 1935 Papua-Australia (Oct 27) registered special flight by Guinea Airways, AAMC #P108, for the Melbourne Cup, piloted by Tommy ‘O’Dea, Burt Type #AP10e registration label (Rated 2R), Melbourne backstamp, signed by the pilot. PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1957 Surcharges Set SG #16-17 pairs + additional 4d tied by Port Moresby ‘29JA57’ FD datestamp to Wide World FDC with generic cachet, bumped edges but likely unique.
Page 25 $180 $120
$180 $80 $100 $80 $120 $75 $750
$200 $150 $100 $120 $360 $100 $120 $600 $150 $80 $75 $100 $1,000
$200 $150 $150 $150
$450 $150 $80
A69_basecat.qxd 21/03/2019 1:37 PM Page 26
Page 26 1170 1171
Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019 1964-65 Birds 2/3d Lesser Bird of Paradise sunken imperf proof affixed to ‘DEPARTMENT OF POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS’ Presentation Card, numbered ‘2’ on reverse. [A full set of proofs (ex 5/-) sold in 2006 for $5,300+.] PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Postal History 1970 (Jul 28) Registered airmail cover to Israel with attractive philatelic franking and handstamped ‘Inspected/and Safe for/ Transmission’ handstamp (and signed), green Customs label, Jerusalem arrival backstamp. Rare anti-terrorism mail.
$300 $80
Rest of World 1172 ** 1173 **
1177 F 1178 * 1179 * 1180 * 1181
1182 * 1183 F 1184 * 1185 * 1186 * 1187 *
1188 UD 1189 F 1190 U 1191 s 1192 s 1193 s 1194 s 1195 1196 s 1197 s 1198 s
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 1930s-60s Array of Better Values almost all QEII issues including high denominations, plus useful perfs, shades & printings with Basutoland 1961-63 1r, British Guiana 1961 $5 DLR printing, Kedah 1959-62 $5 P13x12½, Malta 1956-58 10/- & £1, Mauritius 195358 5r and 10r plus 1965 1r to 10r, Qatar 1961 10r. All are very fine and fresh MUH, Cat £850+. (51) 1950s-70s QEII Definitive Sets including Bechunaland 1961 Surcharges, BIOT 1968 Overprints, Grenada 1953-59 Pictorials, Malayan States 1971 Butterfly sets complete (ex revised 1977 set for Sarawak), St Helena 1953-59 set, Seychelles 1954-64, 196268 (ex 1966-68 additional values) & 1969-75 sets. Very fine and fresh MUH throughout, Cat £900, (450+) (450+) ADEN | Postal History 1893-1955 Cover Selection including 1893 Bristol (UK) to Aden with Proud Type D22 ‘AP4/93’ arrival backstamp, 1937 ½a to 2a tied to cover to UK by ‘4APR37’ cancels, 1951 to UK with KGVI 2½a endorsed “FORCES AIR MAIL”, 1951 Kuwait to Aden inter-bank cover with Aden Camp arrival backstamp, plus two other items; also Benghiat & Sons (Turkish shop, Aden) PPCs x3, showing Aden scenes, all used within UK. (9 items) 1901 (Jun 19) use of India 1a & 2a on registered cover to London, stamps cancelled with ‘B’-in-bars, ‘ADEN/REG./JU.19/01’ backstamp. Rare. 1917 (Nov 11) use of stampless PPC to Wales, with light double-circle ‘BASE OFFICE ADEN/11NOV17/1.E.F.’, very fine triple-circle ‘PASSED CENSOR/No,A75/ADEN’ on face. ANTIGUA 1884-87 QV Wmk CA Perf 14 6d deep green, SG #29, Cat £120. 1921-29 KGV Script CA ½d to 4/- set SG #62-80, with all SG listed shades plus several unlisted, generally fine mint. Cat £220+. (27) 1938-51 KGVI ½d to £1 set SG #98-109, including all Gibbons listed shades, plus ½d, 2½d & 5/- unlisted shades; also 1949 Silver Wedding (MUH). Generally fine mint, Cat £250+. (26) ARGENTINA 1923 San Martin Dot Below ‘C’ ½c to 20p ovptd ‘MUESTRA’ complete, SG #513s-28s, 1p & 20p thinned at top, ½c to 30c P13½x12½, others P13½. Ex UPU distribution. (16) ARGENTINA | Postal History 1918 (Nov 10) use of 12c blue on commercial cover from dental company to Munich, Germany, ‘OPENED BY/CENSOR./1189 *’ at left, ‘OPENED BY/CENSOR./4506’ on back endorsed ‘Hold/C,H.W./24,4.19.” and cancelled with ‘PARCELS/11084’ (Al), boxed magenta ‘RELEASED BY THE/BRITISH MILITARY AUTHORITY’ (A1) on face. ASCENSION 1938-53 KGVI Pictorials ½d to 10/- P13½ set SG #38-47 including 1d Green Mountain & 3d black & ultramarine SG #42, fine mint. Cat £450+. (13) AUSTRIA 1850 Arms Hand-Made Paper 1k brown-orange type I four good margins, SG #1aa, Cat £900, cancelled with straight-line ‘MAZAN[AJESTIE]/”21/1”‘ (B3) 1890 Franz Josef Black Numbers 5c rose P10½ Imperf between vertical pair, Netto #52G, Cat ?450 (MUH), Rarely offered. 1910 80th Birthday of Francis Joseph I 1h to 10k set SG #223-39, 10h tear at top, odd blemish on lower values, key 2k to 10k very fine MVLH, Cat £800. (17) 1933 Ski Championship Fund complete set SG #699-702, fine MVLH, Cat £375. (4) 1950-53 Birds Air on-cover usage selection to South Australia comprising 20s Golden Eagle on 1953 registered cover, 1s Barn Swallows & 5s Buzzard (plus 40g Costumes) on 1954 airmail cover, 10s Heron plus 20s Golden Eagle (plus four Costumes values) on 1955 Bregenz ‘Pro Juventute’ registered cover; fine condition, Cat £270+ (off cover). (3) AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN POST OFFICES IN THE TURKISH EMPIRE 1886 Turkish Currency Surcharges with Constantinople 16½mm surcharge tied to piece SG #20 tied to piece by Smirne datestamp, fine and rare, Cat £650; also Vienna 15½mm surcharges P9½ and P10 mint & used, total Cat £690+ (5) 1903-04 French Currency 4f green SG #F7, with fine large-part ‘CANEA (Crete) datestamp, few short perfs, Cat £850 1863-64 Lombardy & Venetia Issues with 1863 P14 2s to 15s (3s, trimmed perfs at base, 15s slight toning); 1864 P9½ 2s to 15s (2s shallow thin, 3s crease & shallow thins) SG #Z1-10; generally above-average to fine condition, Cat £1,800+. (10) AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN POST OFFICES IN THE TURKISH EMPIRE | Postmarks 1860s-1880s Used in Volo (Greece): including Lombardy & Venetia issues to 15s Arms x2, all with part or large part Volo datestamps in black or blue. (12) 1860s-1880s Issues Used in Tenedos (Turkish Aegean Island), Rettimo (Crete) & Prevesa (Greece): mostly on 10s values, also a complete ‘RETTIMO’ strike in blue tying 5s pair to small piece. Seldom offered. (11) 1860s-1900s Issues Used in Candia (Crete): with values to 10s and 10pi on 2k with part or large-part Candia or Canea datestamps including very fine & complete ‘SPEDIZIONE POSTALE/CANEA on 2pi on 20k green block of 4 also British POs in Crete 1899 10pa SG #84 with Candia (Oesterreichische Post) datestamp. (15 items) 1860s-1900s Issues Used in Vathy (Samos): with values to 20pi on 4k pair (SG #45) with part or large-part Vathy datestamps (12 items); also Used in Rhodes to 10s and 2pi all part or large-part Rodi or Rhodus datestamps (11 items). (23) 1860s-1900s Issues Used in Myteline (Lesbos): including Lombardy & Venetia issues to 15s Arms, Austro-Hungarian issues to 5pi on 50k mauve and French Currency 50c P13x13½ SG #F4A (Cat £225), Meteline or Metelino, part to large-part datestamps. (28) 1860s-1900s Issues Used in Salonica: Lombardy & Venetia Arms 10s x2 & 15s, Austro-Hungarian issues Including 1867-83 2s x2 & 3s with part ‘LLOYD AGENZIE/SALONICHIO’, surcharged issues to 20pi on 2g green SG #38 (Cat £110); also Used in Janina with Lombardy & Venetia 5s & 10a Arms and Austro-Hungarian 1867-83 10s & 50s brown (26) 1860s-1900s Issues Used in Scio-Cesme: Lombardy & Venetia Arms 5s, 10s x4 & 15s x3, Austro-Hungarian 1867-73 3s green with largely complete ‘SCIO-CESME’ datestamp plus a 10s strip of 3, later issues to 2pi including part strike of large oval ‘AGENZIA DEL LLOYD/CESME/AUSTRIACO’ ship handstamp on two 1890-96 surcharge issues. (28 items) 1860s-1900s Issues Used in Levant: postmark selection of part to large-part strikes comprising Adrianopel x2, Cavallo, Fillpopoli, Gallipoli, Kerassunde, Kustendje, Lagos x2, Larnaca di Cipro, Mersina, Samsun x3 (one on 1867-83 2s yellow), San Giovanni di Medua, Trapezunt & Trebizonda; scarce group (18)
$250 $350
$100 $250 $190 $90 $120 $100 $90
$180 $70 $100 $225 $250 $150 $150 $250 $180 $300 $120 $120 $150 $150 $180 $180 $180 $120
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019 1199
1200 F 1201 * 1202 * 1203 * 1204 ** 1205 **/* 1206
1207 * 1208 * 1209 * 1210 * 1211 *
1212 ** 1213
1214 1215 * 1216 B 1217
1219 W 1220 * 1221 * 1222 * 1223 W 1224 **/* 1225 ** 1226 * 1227 * 1228 U 1229 * 1230 **/*
1231 U/* 1232 */U 1233 **/U 1234 F
1860s-1900s Issues Used in Albania: with 1905 & 1906 PPCs from Valona to Corfu, 1907 PPC from Durazzo to Austria, 1910 commercial cover from Scutari to Bohemia; also stamps used in Scutari x2, Durazzo x5 and Valona x2. (9 stamps & 4 covers),) BARBADOS 1852-55 Blued Paper No Watermark Imperf (4d) brownish-red SG #5, complete margins, fine used with BN ‘10’ cancel of St Peter. Cat £275. 1892-1903 Seal of Colony Crown CA ¼d to 2/6d (both) optd ‘SPECIMEN’ set SG #105s-15s, 8d creased, otherwise fine, Cat £275. (11) 1897-98 Diamond Jubilee White paper ¼d to 2/6d set SG #116-24, 5d mild gum crease, fine mint overall, Cat £300. (9) 1925-35 Badge ¼d to 3/- set SG #229-39 including all listed shades and changes of perf, fine mint, Cat £200+. (20) 1938-47 Badge 2½d ultramarine variety Mark on central ornament [1/3] SG #251a in marginal strip of 5, also 3d blue variety Vertical line over horse’s head [4/10] #252ca in marginal block of 8 (4x2); both items with mild uniform gum toning, MUH, Cat £195+. (2) 1938-47 Badge 2½d ultramarine marginal block of 18 (3x6) with variety Mark on central ornament x3 [1/3, 2/3 & 3/3] SG #251a, reinforced perf separations between rows 2 & 3, uniform gum toning, Cat £165+. BARBADOS | Postal History 1839 (Mar 22) entire letter headed “Bridgetown Barbados March 22nd 1839” addressed to Pennsylvania USA, rated “22” with fine strike of ‘NEW-YORK/SHIP/MAY/3’ handstamp in red and manuscript “Recd May 7.1839” endorsement, small blemishes, fine overall. BASUTOLAND 1933 Definitives complete, SG #1-10, Cat £325. (10) BELGIUM 1919-20 Albert complete set, SG #237-50, Cat £1,000. Ex UPU distribution. (14) 1923-31 Railway Parcels 5c to 50f handstamped ‘SPECIMEN’ complete, SG #P375s-408s, Cat £400. Ex UPU distribution. (24) BERMUDA 1924-32 KGV Key Plates Wmk Mult Script CA 2/-, 2/6d & 10/- ovptd ‘SPECIMEN’, SG #88s-92s, Cat £600 for set of 4. Ex UPU distribution. (3) BRITISH EAST AFRICA 1895-96 QV Overprints on India mint varieties selection comprising 1a SG #50 pairs one with right-hand unit Inserted ‘t’ in ‘East’ and Raised ‘a’ in ‘Africa’, another with right-hand unit Raised ‘t’ in ‘East’ and a third with right-hand unit (crease) Dropped ‘t’ in ‘East’; also 2a SG #52 pair right-hand unit Inserted ‘t’ in ‘East’ and Raised ‘a’ in ‘Africa’ and 1r single with Inverted ‘V’ for ‘A’ in Africa’ (hinge remainder); fine mint, Cat £111 would be significantly higher if all varieties were listed & priced. (5 items) BRITISH GUIANA 1954-63 QEll Pictorials 24c to $5 including DLR printings of 48c, 72c, $2 & $5, SG #339-45a, very fine MUH, Cat £307 (11) BRITISH HONDURAS 1888-91 London Surcharges 2c on 1d pair, right unit bisected on cover with printed local address, SG #37a, some aging. Cat £110. BRITISH SOLOMON ISLANDS 1908-11 Small Canoes 2/-, 2/6d & 5/- ovpt ‘SPECIMEN’, SG #15s-7s, Cat £325 for set of 11. Ex UPU distribution. (3) 1922-31 KGV ‘POSTAGE REVENUE’ Wmk Mult Script CA ½d to 10/- ovptd ‘SPECIMEN’, SG #39s-52s, excl perforated 1931 4½d, Cat £425 for set of 15. Ex UPU distribution. (14) 1959-64 Stamp Booklets comprising 1959 4/- & 11/-, 1960-64 5/-, SG #B1-3, all fine with fresh stamp panes, Cat £120. (3) BULGARIA | Postal History 1918 Tsar Ferdinand Accession 10st Vertical bisect used for 5st domestic rate on locally addressed Military Card, tied by 1918 (Dec 1) Sofia machine cancel, censor ‘ПОЩЕНКА-СТА НЦИЯ/СОФИЯ’ handstamp on face. BURMA | Postal History 1935 (Sep 5) use of 1a Jubilee x2 on underpaid cover from Rangoon to Klang, Selangor. Federated Malay States 4c green PDue applied at Klang. CANADIAN PROVINCES | NEWFOUNDLAND 1860 Medium Hand-Made Paper 2d orange-vermilion, SG #10, complete even margins, fine unused, Cat £600. 1897 400th Anniversary of Discovery 1c to 60c set SG #66-79, fine/very fine mint, Cat £325. (14) 1910 Litho Printing 1c (P12x11, crease) to 15c set SG #96-105,109, 5c shallow thin, otherwise generally fine mint, Cat £475. (12) CANADA 1897 Jubilee Issue $2 violet SG #137, odd nibbed perf, mild gum creases, large part og, Cat £1,000. 1908 Quebec Tercentenary ½c to 20c set SG #188-95, ½c corner crease, otherwise fine with above-average centring and crisp perfs, unused/without gum, Cat £550. (8) 1928-29 KGV Perf 12 1c to $1 set SG #275-85, MLH/MVLH, a few values including 10c & 20c are MUH, also 1c & 2c Coils #286-7 fine mint, Cat £410. (13) 1937-38 1c to $1 set SG #357-67, including 10c shade, fresh MUH. Cat £185. (12) CANADA | Postage Dues 1906-28 1c to 10c set including 1c & 5c red-violet SG #D1-8 (ex #D4) plus 1c, 2c & 5c Thin paper printings, fresh MLH/MVLH. Cat £300+. (10) CEYLON | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 1898-1929 QV-KGV Mint Selection comprising 1898 6c on 15c Plate ‘1’ marginal strip, 2r25c on 2r50c and 1r12c optd ‘On/Service’, 1910 KEVII 5r and 1927-29 KGV 1r to 10r, Cat £285+. (8 items) KEVII/KGV High Values with KEVII 1910-11 2r & 5r, KGV MCA 5r, 10r & 20r, Script CA 1921-32 20r (possible fiscal cancel) & 192729 2r & 5r, generally fine used, Cat £875 as postally used. (8) CEYLON 1918-19 War Stamps 2c orange & 3c green, both varieties Overprint double SG #330b,332b, 2c tiny surface abrasion, mint, SG #330b,332b. (2) 1938-49 KGVI Pictorials 2c to 5r (x4) set (plus 10r Revenue) with possibly all the Gibbons listed perf changes including 50c P13x11½ & P13x13½ (MLH, Cat £450) & Line Perf 14, 3c P13x13½ (MUH, Cat £275) & Line Perf 14 and 2c P13x13½, generally fine mint, Cat £1,300+. (55) CHINA | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 1981-83 Collection almost complete, no M/Ss, mixed mint/used/cto and generally complete sets, little duplication and all organized by SG number, includes virtually all issues incl 1981 Marking the Gunwale booklet. Mostly fine, Cat about $400 (c.250) 1984-90 Collection almost complete, several M/Ss and sheetlets, mixed mint/used/cto and generally complete sets, little duplication and all organized by SG number, includes virtually all issues with 1983 Mei M/S mint, 1988 Outlaws M/S mint, 1988 Guan Yu M/S mint. Mostly fine. (c.400) 2005-16 Collection almost complete, most M/Ss, mainly MUH and generally complete sets, little duplication and all organized by SG number, includes virtually everything. Mostly fine. (1,000+) CHINA 1894 Dowager 60th Birthday Perf 11½-12 12ca brown-orange, SG #23, Cat £450.
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1239 W 1240 V 1241 W 1242 W 1243 ** 1244 * 1245 V 1246
1249 * 1250 * 1251 * 1252
1253 * 1254 */U 1255 F 1256 * 1257
1259 * 1260 s 1261 F 1262
1263 * 1264 ** 1265 1266 ** 1267 1268 1269 1270
**/* ** ** W
1272 **
Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019 1897 Surcharge on Revenues 2c on 3c deep red, SG #89, Cat £450 1913-33 Junk, Reaper, Building Peking 2nd Printing Thin Paper $10 rosy-mauve & green, SG #331, Cat £160. 1941 Thrift Movement MS, SG #605, unused with no gum as issued, spotty, Cat £200. 1943 Russian Philateic Society Exhibition Shanghai SG #605 Var, Thrift Movement MS over printed in Chinese, Russian & French, exhibition cancel, Cat £750. 1952 Gymnastics By Radio set in blocks of 4, with $400 vermilion x3, $400 orange x3, $400 yellow-brown x2, $400 reddish-violet x2 & $400 pale blue x2, SG #1543a-52a, MNG as issued, presumed to be reprints, Cat £3,000+ as originals. (17 blocks) 1967 Literature & Art complete set, SG #2359-61, CTO, fine condition. Cat £475. (3) 1971 Communist Party 50th Anniversay complete set with strip of 3, SG #2446-51,2452a, MNG as issued, fine condition. Cat £600+. (9) 1972 Merchant Shipping complete set, SG #2485-8, MNG as issued, fine condition. Cat £250. (4) 1990 Bronze Chariots printer’s design for the miniature sheet, this design was used in the issued sheet, colour proof perf marginal block of 4. (2) COLOMBIA 1910 Independence Centenary ½c to 10p complete, SG #345-52, Cat £550. Ex UPU distribution (8) CURACAO 1923 Queen’s Silver Jubilee 5g brown SG #104, VFU, Key value, Cat £375 DANISH WEST INDIES | Postal History 1902 (Jun 19) inward use of ‘1/CENT/1902’ on 3c red Postal Card with British Virgin islands ½d green pair on face, both indicium and stamps cancelled ‘VIRGIN ISLANDS/*/JU19/02’, ‘ST.THOMAS/19/6/1902’ arrival on face. Rare and very attractive. 1902 (Jul 3) inwards use of ‘1/CENT/1902’ on 3c red Postal Card with British Virgin Islands ½d green on face, stamp cancelled ‘A91’ tied with ‘VIRGIN ISLANDS/*/JY3/02’, ‘T’ on face. Underpaid and 1c blue pair applied on arrival, ‘ST.THOMAS/1017/1902’ arrival on face. Rare and very attractive. DENMARK | Postal History 1859 Stampless outer cancelled with ‘FAABORG/10/6/1859’ datestamp, addressed to Copenhagen. DOMINICA 1874 Wmk Crown CC 1d lilac P12½, SG #1 fine mint. Cat £150. EGYPT 1923-34 King Fuad 1m to £E1 complete set, SG #111-22, 10m damaged, odd perf fault, £E1 is fine, Cat £400. Ex UPU distribution. (12) 1926 Port Fouad 10m Ship, SG #142, some light toning, Cat £325. FALKLAND ISLANDS | Military - World War II Period 1942 use of stampless OAS endorsed envelope from Private Robinson on the Falkland Islands, cancelled with mute ‘RECElVED FROM/H.M.SHIPS’ (A1), to England, with ‘[crown]/PASSED BY CENSOR/No.14428’ (A1) handstamp in purple, flap largely removed. [Robinson correspondence.] FIJI 1937 Coronation set perf ‘SPECIMEN’, SG #246s-8s, MVLH, Cat £120. (3) 1938-55 KGVI Pictorials mint group ex noted, ½d P12 Extra palm frond, 1½d Die I, 2d Die I, used 2d Die II Extra line, 2½d P13½ Extra island, 6d Die I, 6d Die II, 6d Die II violet-black, Cat £530 (8) 1938-55 KGVI Pictorials ½d green P12 variety Extra palm frond SG #249ba, fine used with postmark well clear of the flaw, normal stamp included for comparison, Cat £200. FIJI | Postage Dues 1918 Wmk Multi Crown/CA set optd ‘SPECIMEN’ in red SG #D6-10, hinge remnants, Cat £160 (5) FIJI | Postal History 1907 (Oct 8) use of 1d red on PPC of ‘Mountaineer’s House - Fiji’ to Miss Perry/.../Kherson Government/South Russia, double-circle arrival of ‘КРИОРОГСКАЯ/3 11 07/x x b’. Storage stains on face but an extremely rare destination. 1935 (Dec 6) S Patel & Co cover to Berlin with 2d Silver Jubilee tied by ‘BA’ datestamp with another fine datestamp alongside, redirected on arival to Tartu (Estonia) with various manuscript and handstamp tax markings. Nice commercial origin/destination item. FIJI | Postmarks Tavua: ‘P.O. TAVUA/8/JUN/22/FIJ1’ on 1/- on registered Iremonger cover. PO 4/11/1897. Tuba: straight-line ‘TUBA’ on 1d red KEVII. [Rated 300] PO 23/1/1904; closed 9/3/1918. FRENCH COLONIES | MADAGASCAR (French) 1896 Surcharge on France 15c on 2c Peace & Commerce SG #30, fine used with appropriate March 1896 datestamp cancel, Cat £1,100. FRENCH COLONIES | MADAGASCAR (French) | Postal History 1943 (May 3) use of 50c on 65c x8 on cover from Tananarive to England, British occupied Madagascar reseal label at left tied by violet ‘PASSED BY/CENSOR1252-1’, censored again on arrival with reseal label ‘.../EXAMINER/3476’ at right. FRENCH COLONIES | NEW CALEDONIA 1941 ‘France Libre’ Opts SG #232-66, complete set of 35, odd stamp has minor gum disturbances, Cat £500. (35) GAMBIA 1988 Flora & Fauna 2d Bee Eater & 12d Pelican M/Ss both in uncut proof pairs, MUH. Fine and scarce. (2 items) GERMANY 1943 Propaganda Leaflet in the shape of a maple leaf dropped over France & Belgium with French inscription (on both sides) reading ‘Je suis tombée, ô Churchill!, Où es-tu? Où sont tes soldats?’ (‘I fell out of tree, Oh Churchill! where are your soldiers?’). A rare survivor. 1933-41 Hindenburg 3pf to 100pf set Mi #482-95, 12pf & 80pf minor blemishes, otherwise fine fresh MUH, all with discreet guarantee handstamps on reverse, Cat €1,100. (14) 1933 Chicago World Exhibition set of 3, Mi #496-98 2rm & 4rm MUH. (3) 1934 Air 5pf to 3m set Mi #529x-39x, some minor gumside toning on 20pf, otherwise fine, fresh MUH, Cat €750. (10) 1934 Welfare Fund 3pf+2pf to 40pf+35pf set Mi #556-64, very fine MUH, Cat €550. 1935 ‘OSTROPA M/S Mi #Block 3, very fine used with ‘KONIGSBERG(PR)/OSTROPA’ FDI datestamp, very clean with the acidic gum washed-off as per German PO advice. GERMANY | Military - World War II Period 1941 use of 20pf light blue, cancelled with light ‘FELDPOST/b/-19.9.41/[eagle]’ on plain cover with circled ‘T’ in purple, crossed out in pencil with mss “Feldpost” notation, sealed at left with ‘OberCommando der Wehrmacht/[eagle]/c - Geöffnet’ tape & at base by plain brown strip, bearing circular Kriegsmarine/[eagle]/Dienstelle Feldpostnummer 11070’ (B1), St Malo Harbour Commandant, backstamped with ‘OberCommando der Wehrmacht/[eagle]/C/37/Geprüft’ (B2) in red, addressed to Sandame, Sweden, worn edges where unsealed by censor tape. GERMANY - Occupied & Plebiscite Territories Belgium: 1916-18 6fr25c on 5m Surcharge with ‘B’ of ‘Belgien’ under ‘F’ of ‘6F’ Mi #251I, fine fresh MUH, Cat ?300.
$225 $120 $90 $360 $160 $220 $320 $130 $100 $90 $200 $750 $1,000 $120 $70 $135 $140
$180 $80 $200 $120 $100 $200 $100 $90 $90 $350 $100 $200 $100
$75 $400 $700 $350 $250 $500
$210 $120
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1276 */U
1277 D 1278 D 1279 F 1280 V 1281 F/D 1282 ** 1283 F 1284 PS 1285 U
1286 F 1287 PS 1288
1292 W 1293 F 1294 F 1295 F 1296 U 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301
F * W G F
1302 *
Bohemia & Moravia: 1939-45 5h to 10k set Mi #1-19, VFU with 1939 Prague datestamps, all stamps with tidy guarantee handstamps on reverse, Cat ?400 (19) GERMANY - Occupied Serbia 1941 Smederevo Explosion Relief Fund Miniature Sheets: Perf 11½ and imperf Mi Blocks #1&2, Cat €340 (SG #49a&b, £380). Superb condition. (2) GERMANY - Occupied Ionian Islands | Military & Censor Mail 1944 (November) Agram INSELPOST Overprint in Black: on brownish red with Inverted Doubled overprint, Mi #10B.B.I.DDK. Some storage-related gum adhesions don’t detract from a well-centred MUH example of a scarce variety with Pickenpack BPP expert handstamp. GERMAN COLONIES | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings Balance of Collection predominantly used in Kabe hingeless album with many better items remaining including POs in China 1898 56° Overprints set used, 1906-19 $1 on 2m mint & used plus $1½ on 3m & $2½ on 5m (corner marginal, MUH) mint; POs in Morocco 1906 2p50c used Mi #44 with German Philatelic Society Cert & Bothe handstamp; Levant 1905 No Wmk 10pa on 5pf to 15pi on 3m used (2½p on 50pf is mint); GEA 1893-96 3p of 5pf to 25p on 50pf used, 1901 1r & 2r Yachts used, German SWA 1906 Yachts 1m used & 3m MUH; Carolines 1899-1900 10pf & 20pf 48° Overprints used (both guarantee handstamps, Cat ?320) & 1900 56° Overprints 3pf to 50pf (ex 25pf) 1910 10p bisect on piece with Ponape seal cancel; also GNG, Cameroun, Kiautschou, Marianas, Samoa, Togo, etc; some stamps used on piece, a number with guarantee handstamps. Generally fine. Cat ?5,000+. (100s) GERMAN COLONIES | CAROLINE ISLANDS (German) 1899-1900 48° Overprints 5pf opal-green Mi #2I, tied to small piece by 1901 Yap datestamp, Lantelme guarantee handstamp. Cat €750. 1899-1900 48° Overprints 10pf red-carmine & 20pf violet-ultramarine Mi #31,41, tied to individual pieces by Ponape datestamps, both with Lantelme guarantee handstamps, Cat €320. (2) GERMAN COLONIES | GERMAN EAST AFRICA | Forerunners 1888-91 Forerunners (Vorläufer) German 10pf deep rose-red Shield with fine Lamu datestamp Mi #VL41, fine used. Cat €500. GERMAN COLONIES | KIAUTSCHOU 1905 Yachts Wmk Lozenges 1c to $2½ (nibbed perf) set (ex $1½) Mi #28-37. Fine/very fine used. Cat €860. (9) GERMAN COLONIES | SAMOA (German) 1900-01 Overprints on Germany 3pf to 50pf set, including 10pf lilac-red #3c, Mi #1-6, all with expertising handstamps, several stamps tied to piece, fine/very fine used, Cat €415. (6) GERMAN COLONIES | SOUTH-WEST AFRICA (German) 1898 Overprints 3pf bright brown-ochre Mi #5c, Jaschke guarantee handstamp, MUH. Cat €300. 1906-19 Kaiser’s Yacht Wmk Lozenges 5m carmine & black Mi #32Aa, fine used. Jaschke guarantee handstamp, Cat €370. GERMAN COLONIES | TOGO (German) | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards (Formular) 1890s ‘Schutzgebeit Togo’ View Card with ‘Togo on 10pf Eagle, 1899 Lome cancel. View of ‘Eifenbeinhandler aus dam HaussaGebiete’ (Ivory traders). GIBRALTAR | British Post Offices 1859-84 Issues large selection with 1d red SG #Z18 x3, 1d red plates #Z19 x4, 2d blue #Z22, 2½d rosy mauve Z26 x4, 2½d blue #Z27 x3 & Z28 x5, 3d carmine-rose #Z29, 4d rose #Z35, 4d vermilion #Z37 x6, 4d vermilion Pl 15 #Z38, 4d sage-green #Z39 x3, 4d grey-brown #Z41 x2, 6d lilac #Z42 x5, #Z43 x9, #Z44 x3, Z46 x6, 6d buff #Z47 x4, 6d chestnut #Z48 x2, 6d grey Z49 & Z50 x2, 9d pale straw #Z57, 10d red-brown #Z58 x2, 1/- green #Z59 x2, #Z62, #Z63 x3 & #Z64 x2; also few 1880-84 values including 2d lilac #Z79; condition variable, many are fine. Cat £5,000+. (84) GIBRALTAR 1859-85 GB Used In 6d buff marginal example with clear ‘A26’ cancel SG #Z47, few slightly nibbed perfs, otherwise very fine example, Cat £150. GIBRALTAR | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 1934 1½d Brown View uprated with 1½d brown View for 1936 (Sep 28) used airmail to London. A scarce card in fresh condition. GIBRALTAR | Postal History 1844 (Jun 1) pre-stamp cover to London with fine strike of ‘GIBRALTAR/PAID’ handstamp, rated “1/-”, London ‘PAID/9JU9/1844’ handstamp in red, fine condition. 1859-85 Cover Selection comprising [1] 1859 (Feb 2) stampless entire to Portugal with ‘45’ handstamp, Gibraltar Type 3 datestamp in blue, transit backstamps for San Roque, Cadiz & Lisbon and Porto double-ring arrival datestamp; [2] GB 6d lilac SG #Z11 x2 tied to separate 1858 outers to Glasgow or London by Type Z2 ‘G’-in bars cancels, each cover with Gibraltar datestamps in blue & appropriate arrival datestamps; [3] 1873 (Apr 30) 2d blue Pl 13 SG #Z13 strip of 3 tied by indistinct ‘A26’ cancels to large-part outer to London; [4] 1859 (Nov 12) 2d blue Pl 8 on outer to Italy endorsed “col Vapore Crimean” with very fine ‘VIA/DI MARE/(E) handstamp in red; [5] (Dec 29) cover to “HMS Diamond, Sydney” with GB 1d lilac tied by ‘A26’ duplex cancel, SG #Z77, underpaid with manuscript “10 cts” marking, subsequently identified as concession mail to a HM Ship with manuscript marking scored through & tax handstamp obliterated (with worn ‘A26’ canceller), re-directed on arrival to St Vincent’s Hospital; interesting group, condition variable, generally fine. (6) GILBERT & ELLICE ISLANDS | Postal History 1933 (Mar) Montgomery Ward registered cover to Chicago with 6d KGV well tied by distinct datestamp, very fine boxed ‘R/ BUTARITARI/G.&.E. I. C./No’ registration handstamp, on reverse Sydney transit & Chicago arrival backstamps. 1939-54 Ocean Island Selection addressed to Australia with 1939-40 5½d rate covers x2 both endorsed for airmail service within Australia, 1943(?) 4d surface rate endorsed “via New Zealand”, 1948 1/8d airmail rate, 1954 2½d surface rate, also 1939 two complete KGVI sets on separate FDCs (one with faults) both addressed to Ooma (small village on Ocean Island). [The sender/ recipient J.C Dulfer was the resident civil engineer on Ocean Island] (7) GREAT BRITAIN C.1913 1d KEVII German Printers Bruckmann (Munich) printer’s sample in blue on ungummed, unwatermarked paper, fine unused. Copy of 2007 Brandon Certificate (for a complete sheet of the same), supplied for reference only. 1840 1d Intense Black Plate 1b [JF] SG #1, with guide line over ‘J’, trivial abrasion on reverse, four good to large margins, tidy MC cancel in red, Cat £525. Lovely stamp. 1840 1d Intense Black Plate 5 (?) [TK] four good to large margins, SG #1, MC cancel in red, Cat £525 1840 1d Black Plate 2 [CJ] four close to good margins, SG #2, tidy MC cancel in red, Cat £375. 1840 1d Blacks comprising Plate 5 (line from ‘B’ to foot of square), repaired small tear at top left, watery cancel; also unplated [EG] with faults. (2) 1840 2d Blue [IH] SG #5, complete margins (uneven at base), MC in black. Cat £900. 1864-79 1d lake-red [HD] Pl 114 SG #44, strong original colour, fine mint, Cat £325 1870 Bantams ½d rose-red Plate 8 SG #49, unused (gum traces), strong colour, Cat £600 1855-57 No Corner Letters 1/- pale green Wmk inverted, SG #73Wi, Cat £675. 1965-67 Large White Corner Letters 9d straw [BA], SG #98, Cat £600. RPSL cert (1955), signed by Sir John Wilson, Keeper of the Royal Collection. 1867-80 Wmk Spray of Rose 9d staw [ED] optd ‘SPECIMEN’ Type 9 (with serifs) SG #110s, fine condition, with gum. Cat £425.
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$500 $80 $135 $150
$200 $80
$80 $100 $300 $250 $200 $100 $180 $150 $100 $225 $180 $140
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* * * * * * *
1316 1317 1318 1319 1320
* * * *
1321 ** 1322 ** 1323 U 1324 U 1325 PS 1326
1329 D 1330
1332 U 1333
1334 * 1335
1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343
* F F * * * F **
1344 U
Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019 1867-80 Wmk Spray of Rose 10d red-brown [BJ] optd Type 5 ‘SPECIMEN’ SG #112s, regummed. Cat £500. 1867-80 Wmk Spray of Rose 1/- green plate 6 block of 4 [BK-BL/CK-CL], SG #225, with 4 strikes of ‘ABOYNE/B/SP24/72’ cds, one unit tiny tear at top which does not detract, Cat £225. 1867-83 Wmk Maltese Cross 5/- pale rose Plate 2 SG #127, postmark clear of plate number, trivial corner crease, Cat £1,500 1867-83 Uncoloured Corner Letters 10/- greenish-grey Pl 1 [CD] SG #128, flattened faint corner wrinkles & minor surface abrasion, 1881 datestamp. Cat £3,200. 1867-83 Uncoloured Corner Letters £1 brown-lilac Plate 1 [FI] SG #129, some central discolouration, tidy 1882 Cornhill datestamps. Cat £4,500. 1867-83 Wmk Large Anchor £5 orange with Type 9 ‘SPECIMEN’ overprint, SG #137s, small thin in upper-left corner, tad aged, without gum, Cat £4,500. 1873-80 Large Coloured Letters Wmk Spray 6d grey Pl 15 [JF] SG #147, trivial gum wrinkes, fine mint. Cat £500. 1880-83 Wmk Imperial Crown 2½d blue Pl 21 [AC] SG #157, ‘HH&Co’ private perfin, paper hinge remain. Cat £500. 1880-83 Wmk Imperial Crown 3d rose Pl 21 [LA] SG #158, fine mint. Cat £500. 1880-83 Wmk Imperial Crown 1/- orange-brown Pl 13 [TJ] SG #163, faint gum bend. Fresh-looking stamp. Cat £875. 1883-84 High Values 5/- rose white paper SG #180, well centred, very fine mint. Cat £1,100. 1883-84 Lilacs & Greens 2½d lilac SG #190, fine mint. Cat £95. 1883-84 Lilacs & Greens 1/- dull green P12 optd Type 9 ‘SPECIMEN’ SG #196s (Spec #K26t), Rated R by Samuel (his 2nd highest rating), Cat £625, large-part gum. Cat £625. 1887-92 Jubilee 1/- dull green, SG #211, strong colour, MLH, Cat £275 1887-92 Jubilee £1 green [SB], SG #212, fresh colour, Cat £4,000. 1912-24 KGV Royal Cypher 1/- bistre with Type 26 ‘SPECIMEN’ overprint SG #395s, thick paper hinge remainder. Cat £375. 1934 Re-Engraved Seahorses 2/6d to 10/- set SG #450-52, fine MLH. Cat £575. (3) 1934 Re-Engraved Seahorses 2/6d to 10/- SG #450-2, 5/- couple nibbed perfs & mildly toned gum, 2/6d & 10/- very fine MLH, Cat £575 (3) 1948 Silver Wedding £1 Cylinder 1 corner block of 4, SG #494, very fine MUH, Cat £200+. 1964 Shakespeare Festival 1/3d Romeo & Juliet three phosphor bands, variety Watermark inverted SG #648pWi, fresh MUH, Cat £400. GREAT BRITAIN | Official Stamps 1882-1901 6d grey Plate 18, block of 4 [LA-LB/MA-MB] optd ‘I.R./OFFICIAL’, SG #O4, with 4 strikes of ‘REGISTERED/12 PM/2SP99/ MANCHESTER’ cancels, Cat £1,000 1887-1900 6d purple/rose-red optd ‘I.R./OFFICIAL’ block of 4, SG #O18, Manchester cancels, Cat £650. GREAT BRITAIN | Postal Stationery 1890 STO Sheets: with all different dated (25/11/90) impressions as either singles or doubletons, all on laid paper with 1890 wmk. Obviously philatelic, still a rare & interesting group. (20) GREAT BRITAIN | First Day Covers 1936 KEVIII ½d, 1½d and 2½d with light ‘1SEP/1936’ cancel & 1d with ‘14SEP/1936’ cancel on matching Westminster Stamp Co covers. Cat £375. (2) GREAT BRITAIN | Postal History 1868 Hand Illustrated address on 1d pink Envelope (opened a bit roughly), well executed cartoon style. Will benefit from some TLC. BRITISH POST OFFICES ABROAD | BRAZIL 1870 (Oct 23) Euler, Waeny & Co commercial entire to Marseilles with British ‘RIO DE JANEIRO/OC23/70’ departure backstamp, superb boxed ‘GB/1f60c’ accountancy handstamp, London & very fine ‘ANGL/AMB.CALAIS’ transits and ‘90’ (decimes) tax handstamp; some small blemishes. BRITISH POST OFFICES ABROAD | CHILE 1865-81 Issues Used in Valparaiso QV 6d grey Pl 15 SG #Z75 pair plus 1/- Pl 12 SG #Z84 pair & single on small piece with Type 12 ‘C30’ cancels, QV 5/- rose Pl 1 SG #Z88 x2, one with fine & complete ‘VALPARAISO/A/OC14/71/PAID’ datestamp (faded manuscript cancel beneath, minor wrinkling), and 5/- rose Pl 2 with ‘C30’ cancel; generally fine, Cat £1,475+. (4 items) 1864-67 pre-stamp mail “via Panama” to France comprising [1] 1864 large-part outer with British Valparaiso double-arc departure backstamp, ‘GB/2f87.5c’ accountancy handstamp, ‘19’ tax handstamp, London & Calais transits & Amiens arrival backstamp; [2] 1867 entire with ‘GB/1f90’ accountancy handstamp, ‘19’ tax handstamp, London, Calais & Bordeaux transits & Cognac arrival backstamp. (2) BRITISH POST OFFICES ABROAD | HAITI 1850 (Oct 28) entire to France endorsed “per Steamer” with superb ‘JACMEL/SP19/1843’ British double-arc departure backstamp, scarce boxed ‘COLONIES/&c ART.13’ handstamp in red, London & ANGL/AMB.CALAIS transits, Bordeaux arrival backstamp; also 1869 (Aug 10) Jacmel to Bourdeaux with fine single-ring ‘JACMEL/AU10/59’ departure backstamp, fine hexagonal ‘GB/1f50’ accountancy handstamp, London & Paris transits and Bordeaux arrival backstamp. (2) BRITISH POST OFFICES ABROAD | PERU 1865-79 Issues Used in Callao 5/- rose Plates 1 & 2, tied by clearly discernible ‘C38’ cancels, SG #Z56, Cat £900. (2) BRITISH POST OFFICES ABROAD | PUERTO RICO 1850 (Oct 26) pre-stamp entire headed “Guayama 26th October 1850” to London rated “1/5” with largely fine British ‘SAN-JUANPORTO-RICO/OC29/1850 double arc backstamp in black, part London ‘20NOV20’ arrival datestamp in red, quite fine. GREECE 1913-15 Victory complete set, SG #252A-67A, 3d thinned at top, Cat £1,200. Ex UPU distribution. (16) GRENADA | British Post Offices 1851 (Oct 12) entire to Madeira endorsed “pSteamer/via England” with fair strike ‘PAID/AT/GRENADA’ crowned-circle handstamp (SG #CC2, Cat £2,000), two good to fine strikes of Grenada double-arc datestamp in black on reverse, Portuguese ‘160’ handstamp in black. Rare on-cover example of St George’s crowned-circle handstamp. HONG KONG 1863-71 Wmk Crown CC 2c brown SG #8a, hint of minor thin at lower-left, fresh MVLH, Cat £130 1876-77 Surcharges 16c on 18c lilac (notch in ‘1’ of ‘16’ overprint) SG #20, fine used, Cat £150 1904-06 KEVII Wmk Mult CA $3 slate & dull blue SG #88, fine used, Cat £350 1907-11 KEVII Wmk Mult CA $2 carmine-red & black ovptd ‘SPECIMEN’, SG #99s. Ex UPU distribution. 1921-37 KGV Wmk Script CA 2c green Watermark inverted, SG #118bw, marginal example, fine mint, Cat £110 1941 Centenary & 1948 Silver Wedding sets SG #163-8,171-2, the former set mild gum toning, fine mint overall, Cat £365. (8) 1948 $10 Silver Wedding SG #172, fine used, Cat £120. 1954-62 QEII Definitives 5c to $10 set SG #179-91, excluding $5 SG #190 but including 10c,15c, 25c, 30c, 40c & $10 shades, fresh MUH, Cat £250+. (19) HONG KONG | Postal Fiscals 1874-1902 P15½x15 SG #F1, fine used, Cat £70.
$140 $80 $300 $320 $460 $750 $140 $140 $160 $270 $400 $60 $470 $140 $2,000 $140 $360 $300 $150 $250 $200 $150 $650 $150 $90
$80 $250 $60 $180
$250 $90 $120 $200 $90 $100 $150 $100 $160 $60
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019 1345 V 1346 V 1347 * 1348 1349
1350 * 1351 *
1352 */**
1353 * 1354 * 1355 U/W
1356 F 1357 * 1358 * 1359 W 1360 S 1361 * 1362 ** 1363
1364 * 1365 * 1366 * 1367 * 1368 * 1369 ** 1370 * 1371 */** 1372
1375 *
HONG KONG | Used in Chinese Treaty Ports 1891 Surcharges 14c on 30c oversized wing-margin example, part Shanghai datestamps SG #Z807, part ‘REGISTERED’ handstamp in blue at base. Premium example, Cat £100+. HUNGARY 1931 Graf Zeppelin Opt 1931 Graf Zeppelin Opt, SG #529-30, fine used, Cat £260. (2) ICELAND 1921-30 Surcharges complete set, excl 1929 & 1930 10kr Surcharges, SG #137-49. Ex UPU distribution. (13) INDIA 1957 10np Madras University Colour Proofs of proposed design in jade green, monastral blue or dark brown, adhered to presentation card. INDIA | First Flight Covers 1926 Dum Dum-Naihati (Jun 25) printed cover flown by Joan Page (the first British female pilot of India), signed by Joan Page and by Stephen H Smith, addressed to Calcutta and backstamped there, some spotting and small tear on upper edge. INDONESIA 1950 United States of Indonesia 2r to 15r ‘RIS’ Overprints SG #597-600, usual minor gum streaks & hint of tropicalization, 5r MVLH, other values MUH, Cat £1,035. (4) IRELAND | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 1922-25 Mint Selection with 1922 (Feb-July) Dollard overprints to 10d SG #1-9 including 9d pair plus Overprints in Red 2½d, 4d x2 & 9d, also Thom 1½d to 1/- #10-15 & Dollard 2/6d Seahorse SG #17, 1922 (Jun-Aug) Harrison ½d to 2d #26-29a, 1922 (Nov-Dec) ½d to 1/- #47-51, Harrison 1923 (Mar) ½d to 2d #67-70, 1925-28 2/6d & 5/- Seahorses #83-84, generally fine, Cat £425+. (41) 1922-25 Mint Selection with 1922-34 Definitives to 1/- including ½d imperf x P14, 1d P15 x imperf SG #72c & 2d imperf x P14, plus Watermark inverted ½d & 4d (aged, no gum), 1937 2/6d St Patrick (Cat £160), 1940-68 ½d to 1/- including 1d Coils x2, 1941 Easter Rising, 1948 Airs set, 1950s commemoratives complete, fragmentary thereafter generally fine, some stamps MUH (mostly later issues), Cat £750. (200+) IRELAND 1922 Thom Overprints on GB ½d to 1/- set including 2d orange Die I & II SG #30-43, fine mint, Cat £110 (12) 1922-23 Thom Change of Overprint ½d to 5/-, SG #52-65, fine mint, Cat £200. (14) ITALIAN STATES | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 1850s-60s Selection with Papal States 1862-64 4b buff SG #17 pair tied to small piece, Cat £190+; Sicily 1859 ½g orange, lg russett-brown (thin) & lg olive-brown, 2g deep cobalt (thin) & 2g pale blue, 5g orange-red unused (some thinning); margins variable. (7) JAMAICA | British Post Offices 1859-60 Issues Used in Kingston 1d rose-red P14, 4d rose-carmine & 6d lilac x2 (one with straight edge), all with fine and largely complete strikes of Type Z3 ‘A01’ cancels SG #Z12, Z14 & Z15, Cat £1,725 (4) JAPAN 1913 Definitives No Wmk ½s to 25s, mixed perf with Line Perf 5s, P12x12½ ½s & 2s, remainder P13x13½, 20s rounded corner, Cat £900+. Ex UPU distribution. (10) 1914-25 Definitives Wmk Wavy Lines ½s to 1y complete, SG #167-82, P12x12½ ½s, 5s, 10s, 20s, 25s, P11½-12 4s & 1 y, balance P13x13½, 1s torn, Cat £600+, Ex UPU distribution. (16) 1923 Mount Fuji Imperf complete set, SG #215-23, Cat £225 for MNG as issued. Ex UPU distribution. (9) KENYA UGANDA & TANGANYIKA 1935-37 KGV Pictorials 15c (TPO cancel) plus 3/- to £1 (nibbed corner perf) SG #120-23, postally used, Cat £550+. (5) 1938-54 KGVI Definitives 10c black & green Lake Naivasha P13x11¾ variety Mountain retouch [Pl 7B, R 6/7] SG #135a on the upper unit of a vertical pair, fine mint, Cat £95+. 1938-54 KGVI Defintives 50c Dhow P13x11¾ variety Rope not joined to sail [R 2/5] SG #144a, in sheet no marginal block of 4, usual streaky gum characteristic of 1938 printings, MUH, Cat £390+. LAGOS | Postal History 1903 (Aug 25) use of 1d carmine QV on 2d blue KEVII Registration Envelope to London, cancelled with ‘EBUTE M[ETTA]/A/AU25/ 1903/[W.AFRIC]A’. Rare. LIECHTENSTEIN 1921 Swiss Currency 2r to 15r P9½ (ex 3r P12½) & 20r to 1f, Cat £800. Ex UPU distribution. (16) MALAYA | Straits Settlements 1867-72 Wmk Crown CC 32c pale red, SG #18, minor gum shrinkage/wrinkles, Cat £650. Very scarce. 1906-12 KEVII Wmk Mult CA 4c dull purple on chalk paper to $5 ovptd ‘SPECIMEN’, SG #153s-67s, excl 3c, 4c red, 4c dull purple on ordinary paper, 4c claret & 8c, Cat £1,100 for set of 16. Ex UPU distribution. (11) 1921-33 KGV Wmk Mult Script CA 1c to $5 ovptd ‘SPECIMEN’ Incl 2c green re-issue (Cat £75), SG #218s-40as, excl 1929 4c orange, 1932 5c brown & 1931 35c scarlet & purple, 1c rounded corner, Cat £1,100 for set of 24. (21) MALAYAN STATES | Johore 1922-41 Sultan Sir Ibrahim Wmk Mult Script CA 1c to $10 ovptd ‘SPECIMEN’, SG #103s-25s, excl 2c green, 3c purple & sepia, 12c ultramarine, 30c & 40c, Cat £1,000 for set of 23. Ex UPU distribution. (18) MALAYAN STATES | Perlis 1951-55 Raja Syed Putra 1c to $5 set, SG #7-27, fresh MUH, Cat £150. (21) MALTA 1922-26 £1 Melita watermark sideways, SG #139, MVLH, Cat £150. 1928 ‘POSTAGE & REVENUE’ Overprints ½d to 10/- set, SG #174-92, 2d, 2½d, 4d, 4½d & 6d values additionally optd ‘SPECIMEN’, fine mint, the specimen values all MUH (19) MALTA | Postal History 1838-39 Pre-Stamp Entires with 1838 to Patrasso Greece, rated “1/4”, with ‘PAID/MALTA scrolled handstamp in black, on reverse superb strike of arrival backstamp; also 1839 (Feb 18) to Leghorn (Livorno) Italy with clear strike of ‘Malta Post Office’ one-line handstamp in black, arrival backstamp. (2) 1843 (Mar 17) inwards disinfected mail cover from Egypt with Alexandria departure datestamp, disinfection slits administered on Manoel Island with ‘PURIFIE AU LAZARET/MALTE’ handstamp applied, on reverse ‘24MAR1d’ handstamp indicating local delivery fee; fine overall. 1858 (Mar 14) entire to Genoa with GB 1d Red ‘Stars’ x4 (two cut-down) tied by largely fine strikes of Type Z2 ‘M’-in bars cancels, ‘MALTA/MR14/1858’ datestamp above, Italian ‘PIROSCAFI/POSTALI/FRANCESI’ (French steamship) handstamp in red beneath stamps, Genoa arrival datestamp. NETHERLANDS 1951 Gull Airs 5g & 25g, SG #742-3, the latter with minute spot on gum (mentioned for 100% accuracy), otherwise fine MVLH, Cat £900 (2)
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$250 $100 $150
$150 $200 $270 $270 $90 $120 $70 $260 $150 $90 $120 $360 $270 $270 $100 $100 $160
$120 $150 $200 $250
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1382 1383 1384
NETHERLANDS | Postal History 1938 (Feb 7) use of 13g05 franking (2½c, 12½c, 15c & Air 75c, 4½g & 7½g) on air cover to Melbourne, endorsed ‘234gram’ and ‘DRUKWERK’ (printed matter), faults. Very high rate. NETHERLANDS INDIES * 1864 King William III imperf 10c carmine, SG #1, very minor hinge thin, complete balanced margins, W Engel guarantee handstarnp, MLH, Cat £550. Lovely example. * 1923 Queen’s Silver Jubilee 5c to 5g set SG #296-302, 2½g slight thinning, 5c & 12½c sweated/redistributed gum, Cat £200. (7) U/* 1938-40 Wilhelmina Wmk Circles complete set (ex 50c, 60c faulty), SG #396-415 includes both perfs of 5c & 20c, mainly used with odd low value mint, Cat £180. (21) NEW HEBRIDES | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings ** 1960-70s Complete Sheets and Multiples with complete sheets x12 comprising 1963 20c Fishing, 25c Triggerfish, 30c Nautilus, 2f Flycatcher x4 (one with faults), 5f Kingfisher, 1967 60c Lionfish x2, 1970 35c on 20c Fishing, 1974 35c Moth; also a few part-sheets, some storage related condition issues, mostly fine. (12 sheets) NEW HEBRIDES ** 1977 Surcharges 30f on 30c Red-lip Olive Shell variety ‘FHN’ for ‘FNH’ [R5/1] SG #237a (Cat £1,300) within a complete sheet of 25, usual storage humidity issues affect the sheet margins, the variety unit and five other stamps, otherwise fine MUH. A rare survivor with the normal stamps alone Cat £250 per unit, total Cat £7,300. NEW HEBRIDES (French) * 1938 Gold Currency 5c to 10fr set, SG #F53-64, fine mint, Cat £300. (12) NEW ZEALAND | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings **/*/U 1909-38 Varieties Comprising 1909 1d Universal variety Q flaw CP #J1 a marginal MUH, 1942 8d Lizard P14x14½ Broken ‘8’ flaw [R13/10] CP #L10e(U) in used pair, 1947 1/- KGVI Plate #1-1 mint corner blocks of 4 x2 each with Flaw on middle limb of 2nd of ‘E’ of ‘REVENUE’ CP #M13a. (3 items) **/*/U 1947-69 Lighthouses Life Insurance with 1947 ½d to 1/- (ex 2½d) in Plate #A1 marginal block of 4 mint/MUH, also set in singles (ex ½d), 1967 Surcharges in corner blocks of 4 MUH, plus duplicated singles mint/MUH, 1976-78 Decimals 25c on 2½c Plate 1a imprint blocks of 4 and 6 MUH, etc: vendor’s stated CP Cat NZ$1,300+. (170+) *
1385 F 1386 U 1387 1388 1389 1390
F * ** **
1391 B
1392 ** 1393 W 1394 U 1395 U 1396
1402 *
Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019
1404 V 1405 ** 1406 * 1407 *
NEW ZEALAND 1855-58 Imperf Chalons Blue Paper No Wmk 2d blue SG #5, two central thin patches, complete margins, neatly cancelled, Cat £300. 1862-64 Imperf Chalon Wmk Large Star 1/- yellow-green SG #45, slight thinning at lower-left, negligible margins, Bars ‘16’ cancel, Cat £350. 1878 First Sidefaces 5/- grey P12x11½ SG #186, used, Cat £300. 1915 KGV Recess Printing 1½d to 1/- set SG #416-30, fine mint/MLH, Cat £130. (15) 1985 18c Christmas SG #1376, marginal block of 4, all units with ‘CRISTMAS’ for ‘CHRISTMAS’ spelling error, Retail NZ $500+. 1996 $4 Christmas Booklet variety imperforate. SG #SB82. NEW ZEALAND | Booklets 2006 $4.50 Kapa Haka (Maori Culture) Booklet A famous modern rarity. The stamps and booklets were withdrawn 3 days from the issue date. Only eleven booklets of 10 were sold, many of which have been broken down into booklet pairs, see Gibbons footnote after SG #2885, Len Jury #1931b, Cat NZ$25,000 [A previous example sold for $13,200+ at a May 2012 Melbourne auction] NEW ZEALAND | Official Stamps 1910-16 KGV Recess 3d chocolate strip of 3, SG #O93 (CP #K019a), minor colour transfer on gum of one unit, fresh MUH, CP Cat NZ$270+ 1910-16 KGV Recess 1/- vermilion P14x14½ optd ‘OFFICIAL’ block of 8, SG #O105, one upper unit with faults, unused, Cat £140 (ex faulty unit). 1910-16 KGV Recess 1/- vermilion P14x14½ optd ‘OFFICIAL’ SG #O105 shades group comprising two pairs and seven singles, mostly datestamp cancels, Cat £220+. (11) 1910-16 KGV Recess 1/- vermilion P14x13½ optd ‘OFFICIAL’ CP #K012a x2, one with mild creasing, Cat NZ$200. (2) NEW ZEALAND | Postal History 1845 (Jun 16) Wesleyan Mission outer to London with fair strike of ‘PAID AT/AUCKLAND’ boxed handstamp in red & almost fine ‘NEW-ZEALAND/JU16/1845’ backstamp in black, rated “4” in red & “8” in black, minor blemishes. 1848 (Apr 4) entire letter to London with fine strike of ‘PAID/AT/WELLINGTON NEW ZEALAND’ crowned-circle handstamp in red SG #CC8 (Cat £350 on cover) and very fine ‘WELLINGTON/AP4/1848/A/NEW-ZEALAND’ backstamp in black, rated “4” in red & “1/-” in black, London ‘21SP21/1848’ arrival backstamp, ironed-out vertical fold. 1939 (Apr 11) ‘Ham Radio’ user’s cover to France endorsed ‘Printed Matter’ with KGVI ½d pair tied Wellington ‘PLAN TO VISIT/ CENTENNIAL/EXHIBITION’ slogan datestamp, Deficient Postage 30c tax handstamp, attractive Centennial Exhibition label on reverse tied by Cannes machine cancel, flap repair. 1953 (Aug 21) unsealed printed matter rate OHMS cover to Switzerland with 1½d red KGVI optd ‘Official’ tied by Christchurch slogan cancel. Fine condition. 1963 South Island Publicity Association illustrated promotional cover to USA with 2/- Rock Drawing strip of 3 & 1/6d Tiki pair (one unit defect) paying 9/- sextuple rate on 1965 (Nov) cover to USA. Cover with few wrinkles at lower right. Most attractive. 1946-47 Russell & Somers (Auckland) oversized printed covers (360x250mm) sent airmail to BHP (Melbourne), multi-franked at 5/, 6/8d or 7/6d rates. Attractive trio. (3) NEW ZEALAND | Great Barrier Island Pigeon Post The Great Barrier Pigeongram Agency Perf 11½-12: 6d blue & 1/- red triangulars CP #VP7 & 8. The 1/- is believed to be a forgery, although Campbell Paterson notes that it may be an early essay released in error. He had only seen one example. An imperforate example is also recorded. (2) ROSS DEPENDENCY 1967 Decimal Currency 2c to 15c Pictorials set SG #5-8 tied by ‘10JULY1967’ FD datestamp to Scott Base envelope unusually with Base rubber handstamp cachet in violet. Fine unaddressed condition. NICARAGUA 1865-82 GB Used in Graytown 5/- pale rose PI 2 wmk Maltese Cross, SG #Z21, good 1881 cancel, Cat £550 NIGER COAST PROTECTORATE 1894 QV No Wmk 5d deep violet marginal single, SG #55a, with red sheet number, hinged in margin only, Cat £80 as normal NORTHERN NIGERIA 1910-11 KEVII Wmk Mult CA ½d to 10/- ovptd ‘SPECIMEN’, excl 1911 3d, & 1911 5/-, SG #28s-39s for set of 13. Ex UPU distribution. (11) PAKISTAN 1947 Overprints on KGVI India 3p to 25r set, SG #1-19, few low values hinge remnants, fine mint overall, Cat £200. (19)
$90 $200 $120 $135
$1,500 $160
$250 $80 $70 $120 $100 $200 $320
$9,000 $120 $100 $120 $75 $160 $300 $60 $75 $60 $95
$250 $100 $400 $90 $90 $120
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019 1408 */** 1409 * 1410 */U
1411 1412 1413 1414 PS 1415
1416 F 1417 ** 1418 U 1419 * 1420 G 1421 1422 1423 1424
* * * *
1425 */W
1426 * 1427 * 1428 F 1429 F 1430 F 1431 F 1432
1433 1434 1435 1436
1437 W 1438 W 1439
1440 PS 1441
1442 U
1948-57 3p to 25r Set 3p to 25r set between SG #24-43b, many perf changes (ex 3p, 6p, 9p & 2r) including all perfs for 5r, 10r, 15r & 25r, generally fine MLH (15r P13 & 25r P13 are MUH), Cat £450+ (28) PAKISTAN | Official Stamps 1949 Overprints on India 3p to 10r set, SG #O1-13, plus 1948-54 10r Khyber Pass in all perfs SG #O26,a&b, fine mint, Cat £140 (16) PAKISTAN | Bahawalpur 1947-49 Collection mostly mint with 1947 Bicentenary to 1949 UPU complete including 1948 3p to 10r set of 14, Officials with 1945 Red Opt ½a to 1r (ex 2r), 1945 (Mar-May) 1½a on 1r (SG #O12), 1945 (Sep) 3p & 1½a Amir, 1946 Victory, 1948 & 1949 (UPU) sets; also some duplicates and a few used officials with 1945 ‘SERVICE’ ½a, 1a x3, & 2a SG #O14-6 & 1945 Amir 3p x2 & 1½a, condition mostly fine, Cat £450+. (80) PENRHYN 1974-75 Fishes imperforate proof sheets x2 in gold (Queen’s head & partial inscriptions) or multicoloured for 12 values between ½c and $1 in composite format on gummed paper, fine condition overall. (2 sheets) 1974-75 Fishes composite proof sheet on gummed paper (140x250mm) comprising 12 imperforate values from ½c to $1, with annotations in various coloured inks or pencil for proposed design changes, including re-positioning of value tablets; staple puncture at base otherwise fine. (3 sheets) 1974-75 Fishes Fishes imperforate colour separations proofs x5 for 12 values from ½c to $1 in composite format on gummed paper, one sheet annotated, fine condition. (5 sheets) PERU | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 1902 2c on 4c Post Office with the indicium being printed in both black & red, HG #56, 1904 use from Chiclayo to Lima. POLAND 1919 Gniezno Provisionals ‘5’ on 2pf & ‘10’ on 7½pf, plus four other stamps, on 1919 (Oct 25) registered cover from Gniezno to Posen, cover with small tear at base, stamps are fine 1925 National Fund 1g+50g to 50g+50g set, SG #230-40, fine used, Cat £425. PORTUGUESE COLONIES | MACAU 1986 Ameripex musical instruments M/S, SG #629, Cat £325 RHODESIA 1910-13 Double Heads Perf 15 £1 red & black, SG #179, numeral perfin, strong colours, lightly struck fiscal cancel, Cat £3,250 (as postally used). RUSSIA - ALL PERIODS 1909-27 mint group largely complete at design and colour level, beginning with 1909 set to 70k, 1912 New colours to 10r, incls 1913 Tercentenary set, 1923-25 workers with 40k grey P14x14½, 1r & 2r P13½, 1925-28 Lenin set, 1927 Air Congress. Odd perf fault otherwise fine. Total Cat £. Ex Ambassador Collection. (230+) 1922 5th Anniversary 25r pelure paper block of 8, SG #281b, not catalogued used (Cat £1,040+ mint), odd faults consistant with use on parcel, 1 unit thinned, postmarked 14.12.22 at Petrograd, rare. RUSSIA - ALL PERIODS | Postal History 1905 Russo-Japanese War stampless cover from soldier serving in 7th Company of the 13th Infantry Regiment of Odessa in the Far East, fine double-circle cds, Odessa arrival on back. 1916 (Jun 24) use of Red Cross POW card from Austrian prisoner to his brother, Austrian censor handstamp on face. 1922 (Aug 25) use of 10r block of 6 (5 stamps & 1 label) and block of 4, on registered cover from Moscow to Paris. ST. KITTS-NEVIS | St. Kitts | British Post Offices 1846 (July 13) pre-stamp entire to Glasgow rated “1/-” with ‘ST KITTS/JY13/1846’ double-arc departure datestamp, London transit datestamp in red, boxed Glasgow arrival datestamp, small defects. ST. HELENA | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 1863-94 Mint/Unused Selection with 1863 imperf 1d lake Type A unused, perforated 1864-60 P12½ 1d lake Type A mint, 2d yellow Type B unused, 3d deep dull purple unused (aged), 4d carmine Type B mint, 1/- deep yellow-green Type A unused (few trimmed perfs, Cat £450), P14x12½ 1d mint, plus a few 1884-94 issues; few blemishes, generally fine, Cat £1,000+. (11) ST. HELENA 1922-37 Badge ½d grey & black variety Broken mainmast, SG #97a, very fine MLH, Cat £85 1922-37 Badge ½d grey & black variety Torn flag, SG #97b, couple of nibbed perfs & a few tiny surface abrasions, otherwise fine MLH, Cat £275. 1922-37 Badge varieties comprising 1d Cleft rock 2d Broken mainmast & 2d Cleft rock, SG #98c,100a&c, all with minor faults (no tears), tidy datestamp cancels, Cat £455 (3) ST. VINCENT | British Post Offices 1856-60 Issues Wmk Emblems 6d lilac with fine strike of ‘A10’ cancel SG #Z4, fine used, Cat £325. ST. VINCENT 1861 No Wmk Intermediate Perf 14-16 1d deep yellow-green, SG #2, Cat £200 1869 New Colours No Wmk Perf 11½-12 1/- brown, SG #14, Cat £160 SARAWAK | Postal History 1945 Australia 1d QM, 3d brown KGVI, 6d & 1/- Bird definitives tied by ‘KUCHING/8/NOV/1945’ single-ring datestamp, addressed locally to philatelist TE Chen, typed endorsement ‘FIRST ISSUE IN KUCHING/AFTER LIBERATION, 11-9-1945’, fine condition. SOUTH AFRICAN COLONIES | CAPE OF GOOD HOPE 1855 Perkins Bacon Triangles Paper Deeply Blued 4d deep blue, 3-margins, SG #2, Cat £275 1855-63 Perkins Bacon Triangles 6d slate-lilac, 2-margins, SG #7c, Cat £500 1855-63 Perkins Bacon Triangles 1/- deep yellow-green, 2½-margins, SG #8, Cat £300. 1863-64 DLR Triangles 1d brownish red 3-margins, SG #18c, Cat £650 SOUTH AFRICAN COLONIES | NATAL | Proofs & Essays 1864 Chalon 6d rose imperf plate proof pair (slight thin) on Wmk CC paper. 1864 Chalon 6d black imperf plate proof on soft porous card. SOUTH AFRICAN COLONIES | TRANSVAAL | Postal History 1904 (Feb 22) use of ½d KEVII on PPC from Johannesburg to Belgium, underpaid & 10c PDue applied at Brussels. SOUTH AFRICAN COLONIES | ZULULAND | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 1893 ‘ZULULAND’ on GB Cards reply card, HG #4, from Eshowe to London then redirected to Southsea, West Kensington cancel on indicium, reply half attached and unused. Rare commercial use. SOUTH AFRICA | Military - Boer War Period 1902: (Jan 29) use of Transvaal 6d on registered cover to Canada. From known correspondence of RC Jones of the Canadian Contingent. SOUTHERN RHODESIA 1924-29 KGV Admirals ½d x2 (one private perfin), 1d x2 and 1½d to 2/6d (ex 1/6d) SG #1-13 (ex #11), 3d thinned otherwise generally fine with datestamp cancels, Cat £210+. (14)
Page 33 $180 $140
$200 $300 $800 $800 $80 $250 $180 $110 $250
$250 $200 $320 $70 $160 $70
$150 $75 $120 $150 $100 $135 $100 $100 $135 $135 $90 $180 $200 $170 $50 $250 $250 $80
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1450 * 1451 PS 1452 PS 1453 * 1454 * 1455
1456 * 1457 * 1458 * 1459 * 1460 * 1461
Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019 SUDAN 1935 General Gordon 5m to 50p set, Cat £130, fine MLH, Cat £130 (9) 1941 Tuti Island 1m to 20p set, SG #81-95, fine mint, Cat £325. (120) SUDAN | Postal Stationery - Registration Envelopes 1964 55m Cattle, fresh unused. Scarce. SWAZILAND | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 1932-35 KGV 1d & ½d on brownish buff with large ‘SPECIMEN’ opt. (2) SWITZERLAND 1908-24 Seated Helvetia original paper set 20c to 3f (cat £375), SG #232-44, excl 40c blue and 40c designers name in full, Cat £590+. Ex UPU distribution. (14) TANGANYIKA | Postal Stationery - Registration Envelopes 1917 ‘G.E.A.’ on East Africa & Uganda 31c blue with ‘SPECIMEN’ ovpt, HG #IC1s. THAILAND | Postal History 1942 (Jul 11) cover addressed in Thai to Bangkok with King Mahidol 5s tied Ubol datestamp, scarcer censor’s use of red on white ‘POST & TELEGRAPHS OF THAILAND/OFFICIALLY SEALED’ label, on reverse ‘6’-in circle censor handstamp in brown, some foxing. Seldom seen inter-city censor mail. TONGA 1920-35 Pictorials Wmk Turtles Sideways 2½d blue, SG #59a, Recut 2½ [1/1] and Wide D [4/10] in complete sheet of 60, plate 2 below 5/2 and screw head in margin, gum quite aged, Cat £394++ TONGA | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 1911 George II HG #2, with black and white view ‘The Palace and Chapel, Nukualofa’. Fine unused. TONGA | Postal Stationery - Aerogrammes 1950s-1980s Group with Tongan Postal Administration issues, plus various, mostly New Zealand, formular types with stamps added, comprising pre-decimal x8 and decimal era x11, condition generally fine. Hard to source. (19) TRANSJORDAN 1930 Locust Campaign set to 500m, ex 5m, SG #183-5,187-94, Cat £127. (11) TRINIDAD 1879-82 Surcharges comprising 1879-82 ½d on ½d & 1d on 1d rosy carmine, 1882 Surcharged by Hand 1d on 6d bright yellowgreen & 1d on 6d deep yellow-green, SG #98, 101, 104-05, fine mint, Cat £125. (4) TRISTAN DA CUNHA | Postal History 1937 stampless HMS Carlisle cover to England, with blue triple-circle ‘TRISTAN DA CUNHA/+’ type V handstamp, taxed and ½d & 1d Pdues applied at London, light vertical crease otherwise fine. TURKEY 1923-26 Crescent & Star 3¼pi & 11¼pi to 500pi complete, SG #80,986-93, 100pi & 500pi good perfs, others rough, Cat £600+. Ex UPU distribution. (9) UNITED NATIONS - GENEVA 1928 B.I.T. 2½c bistro/buff, 7½c green/buff, 10c blue-green/buff, 15c brown-lake/buff, 25c yellow-brown/buff, Cat CHF 1,780. Only issued as mint stamps through UPU distribution not priced mint by SG. Ex UPU distribution. (5) 1928 ‘SOCIETE DES NATIONS’ 2½c bistre/buff, 7½c green/buff, 10c blue-green/buff, 15c brown-lake/buff, 25c yellow-brown/buff, Cat CHF 1,500. Only issued as mint stamps through UPU distribution not priced mint by SG, Ex UPU distribution. (5) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1861-62 Ammended Design Perf 12 Sc #68a, 10c blue-green, couple of minor gum creases, Cat $800 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | Postage Dues 1913 Parcel Post Sc #J01-5, 1c to 25c complete, 10c & 25c are yellowish green shade, hinge rems, Cat $332. Ex UPU distribution. (5) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | Postal History 1870 (Mar 24) cover to New Brunswick with 6c blue Washington, with grill, cancelled with ‘HOLDEN/MAR24/MASS datestamp, Dorchester and New Brunswick ‘MR28/1870’ backstamps. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | Military - World War II Period Germany 1945 (Jan 1) use of USA Airmail POW letter-sheet addressed to American internee at Stalag Luft 111 in Germany, with 6c Air tied by New York machine cancel, censor ‘5688’ handstamp in black, boxed ‘Pointing finger’ return to sender handstamp in black, New York Jul 28 backstamp applied on return. YEMEN | Postal History 1941 (Nov 18) use of 6b orange & blue on cover to England. ‘OPENED BY/CENSOR.’ red on white reseal at right, tied by violet diamond ‘PASSED CENSOR/BY/No. 4/ADEN’ on face. Stamp cancelled with light bi-lingual Sanaa, 2nd unidentified bi-lingual cancel alongside, vertical crease.
$100 $120 $120 $90 $90 $50
$150 $100 $90 $70 $90 $60 $170 $135 $135 $135 $360 $90 $300
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Phoenix Auctions - Friday 12th April 2019
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Lots 1013 & 1014: Plate Reconstructions of Victoria Ham 2d ‘White Veils’ and Campbell & Fergusson 1d Eighth Printing.
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Lot 1247: 1902 Danish West Indies inwards use of 1c on 3c Postal Card from British Virgin Island, taxed with 1c Dues pair added.
Lot 1053: Three strikes of BN ‘575’ [Rated 3R] tying 2d DLR strip of 3 & 6d Laureate to 1872 Cockatoo cover to Denmark. Ex Freeman.