Auction 18 Session 3

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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 9th February 2013

Session 3 will commence at 3:30pm AUSTRALIA | Other Pre-Decimals | Collections and Accumulations 1280 */**/U 1927-65 Accumulation with few KGV commems 1½d Canberra (20), Swan (30), 1937-49 KGVI 1½d ASH imprint block of 4, 194250 QM 1d coil strip of 3, 1948-56 Arms 10/- (20, most fine used), range MUH commems including 2/- (9), 2/3d (11), also 96 used examples of 1964-65 Bird 2/5d, etc. Generally fine. (few 100) 1281 V 1940s to 1960s retired mail order dealer’s fine used stock in glassines with description and price label. Ready for resale with marked retail in excess of $3,100. Inspection will reward. (1,000s) 1282 U 1949-64 Arms five sets plus additional 5/- (8), 10/- (9), £2 (12 incl strip of 3 and 4 pairs). BW 268-72. All cds. High retail. (48) 1283 ** 1953-65 Commem Issues including 1953 Coronation (19 sets), Tasmania (4 sets plus 2/- x19), 1954 Royal Visit (14 sets), Cobb (8 sets), 1954-55 Olympics 2/- blue (26), 2/- green (24), 1958 QANTAS 2/- (14), 5½d Memorial pairs (12), 1962 Games (5 sets), 1963 Cable 2/d (11), 1965 ANZAC (6 sets plus 2/3d x14), 2/3d ICY (4). (287) 1284 ** 1959-66 Flowers 1/6d (2), 2/- (56), 2/3d Cream (15), 2/3d white (51), 2/5d (58), 3/- (18), many in blocks . Retail approx $800. (200) 1285 ** 1964-65 Birds 6d (397), 9d (143), 1/6d (145), 2/- (32), 2/5d cream (20), white (33), 2/6d (31), 3/- (17), in singles, multiples or sheets. Retail $1,200+. (680+) 1286 ** Ex-Dealer’s Pre-Decimal Accumulation of ‘approval selections’ of 10 different £sd issues in glassines (too many to count), also several hundred 1950 Stamp Centenary & 1951 Hargraves/Latrobe se-tenant pairs. Very high retail value. (1,000s) 1287 */** Ex-Dealer’s Stock of KGV commems including 1927 Canberra (170), 1928 3d Kooka (26, incl 13 MUH), 1929 Swan (160), 1930 Sturt (73), 1931 6d Air, plus 6d ‘OS’ opt (MLH), 1932 2d Bridge engraved (24), 1936 Cable (80). Mostly unmounted, all in glassines and priced to sell at $1,100+. (100s) 1288 8/**/U Ex-Dealer’s Stock of KGV-QEII Pre-Decimal issues in 64 page stockbook incl 1914 6d Kooka (2, used), 1931 Kingsford-Smith 6d (18, incl Imprint pair), 1932 6d Large Kooka (4 MUH), 1934 Vic Centenary (5 sets), 1935 ANZAC (2 sets, used), Jubilee (2 sets, one MUH), range KGVI defins to 1/4d (40), Robes 5/- (11), 10/-, 1937 NSW Sesqui (3 sets), many post war KGVI commems, QE range incl 5/- Cattle (5), Navigators 10/- (blk 4, 3 units MUH), £1 (8, used), Birds, also noted few imprint pairs, Coils, etc. Worth inspection. Generally fine. High retail. (100s) 1289 */** Ex-Dealer’s Stock of KGVI Issues including 1941 Surcharges (88), 1945 Gloucester (112), 1946 Peace (53), Mitchell (32), 195052 No wmk Defins (86), 1950 Defins to 8½d (70), 1/0½d (15), 1951 Federation (31), etc. Most unmounted, all in glassines and priced to sell at $1,350++. (100s) 1290 ** Ex-Dealer’s Stock of QEII pre-decimal issues including 1953 Food Strips (10 sets), 1953 Coronation (57), 1955 Olympic green (7), 1955-57 1/0½d (9), 1/7d (9), 1955 Cobb (60), 1958 QANTAS 2/- (140), War Memorial 5½d (88 pairs), 1959-64 Flowers (3), Animals (13) 1962 Perth Games (13), 1963 Cable 2/3d (59, incl one Broken Cable variety), Royal Visit (38), 5d QEII green imperf between booklet pairs (100 pairs), 1965 ICY 2/3d (7). All in glassines and priced to sell at $2,550. (100s) 1291 */**/U KGV-QEII in 64 Page Stockbook including 1914 6d Kooka, 1927 Canberra (30+), 1931 Kingsford-Smith 6d (25, incl imprint pair), 6d Airmail (9), 1934 Vic Centenary 1/- (24, incl 14 used), MacArthur (8 sets), 1935 ANZAC 1/- (8, incl 2 mint), 1936 SA Centenary (17 sets incl 7 mint), 1937 NSW Sequi (14 sets), KGVI Definitive issues in profusion, Robes incl £1 MUH, 1948-56 Arms (4), 1953 Food strips 3d (4), 3½d (11), many QEII defins, 1959-64 Animals to 1/2d (13), Flowers, Cream paper 5/- Cattle (7, 4 MUH), range 1963-65 Birds, Navigators incl 4/- (12), 5/- (11), 7/6d (2), 10/- (4), £1 (5), etc, with useful range of used/fine used or CTO issues, few coil pairs, BCOF to 2/- (2, MLH). Mixed condition. (100s) 1292 V/** KGVI 1937-49 CTO & Specimen Selection with values to 2/- Aboriginal Art & Thick Paper 5/- Robes CTO, plus Thick Paper 10/& £1 Robes optd ‘SPECIMEN’, all with full unmounted o.g. (23) 1293 U Perfin Array with private types including ‘DJ/LTD’ on 1/- Large Lyrebird and on 1/- Small Lyrebird strip of 5, ‘LLG’ or ‘PL/&B’ on 6d Large Kooka, ‘TBS’ on 1½d QM, 2d QM, 6d Small Kooka & 1/- Small Lyrebird x2 blocks of 4 and out-of-register on 9d Platypus pair, ‘BP’ on 3½d Food, also state perfins including ‘G/NSW’ on 4d Olympics & 8d Tiger Cat. (84) AUSTRALIA | Other Pre-Decimals

ex 1294 1294 W 1295 */** 1296 *

$100 $640 $200 $200 $280 $200 $100 $300

$400 $250


$600 $750 $65


1928 3d Kookaburra Miniature Sheet two examples, both well centred, one from bottom of sheet. No gum. —- [1] BW #133MS from the upper-left corner of the sheet, hinge thin at base (just touching one unit), hinge remainders in upper margin, Cat $150.; [2] 1/- Large Lyrebird BW #145A, unmounted. 1929-38 Airmail Type A Plate 3 block of 4 perf ‘OS’, ACSC #134zc, Cat $300, very small thin on one unit.

$160 $135 $170

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1297 1297 * 1298 * 1299 *

1931 Kingsford Smith Overprinted ‘OS’ 2d optd OS BW #141(OS) with part Ash imprint. 1931 6d Air Mail Service Optd ‘OS’ tied 1934 (March 23) to neat small envelope from representative of Swiss Consulate in Melbourne to a relative in Lensburg, Switzerland ACSC #144(OS), Cat $250. Nice example of correct rate via Karachi. Light foxing cleanable with care. 1932 1/- Large Lyrebird “Chambon Essay” printed in brown-red on Perf 13 unwatermarked paper BW #145PP(1)A, lightly mounted, with normal issued stamp for comparison.

ex 1300 1300 V 1301 D 1302 ** 1303 *




$100 $1,200


1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge 2d to 5/- set of 4 CTO, the 5/- with retouch over left centre of bridge BW #148e (trivial stain on reverse), Cat $500+. —- set used on small piece tied Sydney Harbour Bridge ‘19MR32’ slogan cancel, 5/- with some mild peripheral toning & minor perf blemishes at left, Cat $500. 1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge dark green, ACSC #148, with full og, well centred, slightly to left. A very nice example. —- jumbo margins, superb centring, MLH, retail $525 + premium for centring.



$300 $400 $580 $450


1304 * 1305 V 1306 V

—- BW #148, small hinge thin, quite well centred, Cat $500. —- ACSC #148 CTO without gum, excellent centring. Premium example, retail $380+. —- retouch over centre of bridge, ACSC 148d, CTO without gum, Cat $500 + premium for excellent centring.

1307 **

—- Sheet A plate dot corner single, ACSC #148z, Cat $2,500 for mint, MUH. Fresh & well-centred. Very rare, absent from both the Hardy and Morgan auctions.

$250 $300 $400


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1308 1308 **/* 1309 * 1310 **

1937 2d NSW Sesquicentenary plate 1 lower left imprint block of 4, ACSC #175za, one unit hinged. 1937-38 1d Green QE Die I lower right corner block of 4 with plate 7, ACSC #181zt. 1941-44 2d Mauve KGVI medallion flaw in normal perf coil strip of 4 with join.


1311 1311 */** 1312 **

$480 $525 $60

1937-41 3d Blue KGVI Die II Thick Paper top right corner block of 8, small faults in margin only. Retail $480. 1941-51 3d Brown KGVI bottom gutter block of 8 with plate 14 (60%), ACSC #196zc, hinged in gutter only.

$250 $400

ex 1315

ex 1313 1313 */** 1314 ** 1315 * 1316 ** 1317 **/*



1937-60 6d Kookaburra Wmk CofA Perf 14¾x14 No imprint corner blocks of 4 (2, one MUH, the other MH/MUH). 1938-49 Robes [1] Thick paper 5/- BW #212 & £1 BW #216 (a few short perfs); [2] Thin paper 5/- & 10/- BW #213 & 215, Cat $187. (4) 1938-49 Robes Thin Paper BW #213, 215 & 217, key £1 with excellent centring, Cat $140. (3) 1942-50 2½d Scarlet KGVI imperforate pair, ACSC #230. Believed to be from material illicitly removed from the Note Printing Branch during the 1940s. —- marginal block of 4, left units with double perfs, ACSC #230ba, top units hinged.

$100 $80 $90 $360 $120

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1319 1320

1318 1318 ** 1319 ** 1320 *

1946 Peace 2½d Carmine, unissued No wmk, unmounted, ACSC Cat $150 (see page 6/29). 1947 2½d Shortland imperf pair, light crease on right unit, MUH. 1947 Newcastle Sesquicentenary set tied to Largs North registered FDC by ‘RELIEF No3/8SE47/SOUTH AUST’ cds, provisional blue/white registration label, addressed to Jim Jackson a New Zealand based cover producer, a tad roughly opened & minor spotting. [This is the first Largs North FDC produced by John Gower founder of WCS and very few examples are known]


1321 **/*

1950 2½d Scarlet KGVI lower gutter block of 12 with plate 2 (90%), ACSC #249z. All known copies are trimmed with partial plate numbers.


1322 **

1951 3d Scarlet KGVI booklet sheet of 144 comprising 3 panes of 48 (16 x3), with horizontal gutter margin between, minor perf separation. ACSC #251c. —- booklet pane issue, 71 panes of 6 in part sheets or large multiples. ACSC #251c, Cat $710. (426) —- booklet pane issue in complete sheet of 144 comprising of 3 panes of 48 (16 x3) with horizontal gutter margin between. ACSC #251c. —- Booklet sheet of 144 comprising 3 panes of 48 (16 x3) with horizontal gutter margin between. ACSC #251c. —- Booklet sheet issue, 53 panes of 6 in part sheets or blocks. (318) 1952-54 6½d Green KGVI block of 6 with pre-printing paper creasing affecting four units, odd tonespot.

1323 ** 1324 ** 1325 ** 1326 ** 1327 **

$100 $725

$110 $240 $120 $120 $160 $90

1329 1328 1328 **/* 1329 **

1948 2/- Crocodile Wmk CofA marginal block of 4 with bottom units double perfed, ACSC #263b, Cat $100+ as mint. 1956 2/- Crocodile No Wmk block of 4 with plate 9 at right, ACSC #264zc (as hinged). Fresh MUH.

$75 $2,200

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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 9th February 2013 1330 */** 1331 *F 1332 **

1949-64 Arms 5/- No imprint corner block of 4 BW #268zb, lower units unmounted. 1949 10/- Arms solo franking tied by Melbourne cds to 1955 (20 Jul) commercial cover to USA. [2/- ½oz airmail rate x5.] 1953-59 3d Green QEII Coil Perf complete sheet of 80, ACSC #295be, Cat $400+.

1333 **/*

1953-59 3d Green QEII coil perf lower gutter block of 12 with plate 1 (dashes), ACSC #295za, 2 units hinged.

$90 $110 $200



1336 ex 1337 1334


1335 ** 1336 ** 1337 **

1956 QEII Definitives No Watermark 3½d red complete booklet pane of 6 with stitched margin at top tied to plain cover to New York by faint ‘GPO SYDNEY 130/9A 1AU56/NSW-AUST’ with a very fine strike alongside, typed endorsement ‘First Day of Issue’ in red, unsealed flap. [ACSC states that BW #B58 was issued in July 1956. First Day Cover collectors now generally accept that the issue date was 1/8/1956 as on this cover, of which only one other is recorded.] 1954 Royal Visit 3½d BLC block of 12 with re-entry in lower frame at right & re-entry in ROYAL VISIT, 3½d etc, ACSC #308h,i, Cat $70+. 1955 Nursing block of 4 with misplaced perfs, ACSC #329bb, cut square with scissors. 1958 War Memorial 5½d pair, 102 pairs mostly in blocks or sheets. ACSC #341-42. Retail $300+. (204)

$3,200 $60 $480 $120

Current online starting prices are updated instantly whenever a bid is placed. When you have your email address registered with us we will email you updates when the status of your bids change.

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ex 1338

1338 1339 ** 1340 **/* 1341 ** 1342 ** 1343 ** 1344 **

1959-66 1d Purple QEII sunken Die Proof, ACSC #347DP(1), cellotape staining shows at top and bottom of proof. Eight created, this has number 30 and was presented to CW Davidson (the Postmaster General). 1962-66 2d Brown QEII coil perf top gutter block of 8 with plate 1, ACSC #348z. Fresh MUH. —- coil perf lower gutter block of 8 with plate 2, ACSC #348za. 2 units hinged. —- coil perf lower gutter block of 8 with plate 3, ACSC #348zb. Fresh MUH. BW states “perhaps only three or four examples recorded”, Cat $2500. 1959 3d Blue-Green QEII coil perf. Plate No ‘- 3 -’ (with dashes), sheet B with lines below in left marginal block of 18, ACSC #350zc. —- coil perf, Plate No ‘- 3 -’ (70%) dashes with lines after in right marginal block of 18, ACSC #350zd. —- coil perf, Plate No ‘5’ with lines before in left marginal block of 9, ACSC #350ze.

$1,100 $750 $1,000 $1,575 $140 $80 $140

1348 1345 1345


1346 * 1347 ** 1348 ** 1349 **

ex 1349

1960-64 6d Banded Anteater tied by “PASSED FREE/3-PM/4 JNE/1961/SURFACE/POSTAGE” machine cancel to airmail cover (minor blemishes) to Australia, reverse with mss. details for HMAS Queenborough, Maizuru, Japan. Very scarce Forces concessional airmail rate. 1962-66 1/2d Tasmanian Tiger on airmail postcard (21OC64) from Perth to Germany. 1959-64 Flowers 14 sets including 8 in blocks of 4. (84) 1964 5/- Cattle White Paper BW #371C, fresh unmounted. —- (3, one being top right corner example).

ex 1350

$180 $65 $120 $100 $150

ex 1355 ex 1356

1350 ** 1351 ** 1352 ** 1353 ** 1354 ** 1355 ** 1356 **

1962 Commonwealth Games 100 sets in glassines and priced to sell at $5.25 (200) 1962-65 Commem Sets including 1962 Perth Games (14 sets), 1963 Royal Visit (14 sets), Cable 2/3d (18), 1964 Airmail (4 sets), 1965 ANZAC (9 sets), ICY 2/3d (24). (130+) 1963 Royal Visit marginal block of 4 with misplaced perfs, ACSC #392bb. Quite dramatic. 1963-65 5d Green QEII ACSC #400; booklet stamps including Plate no ‘-1-’ imperf between vertically, block of 6, plus imperf at left with wide selvedge (12), imperf at right with wide selvedge (15) plus another 42 pairs of imperf between in multiples. Some blocks have pips and guide lines. (117) 1963-65 QEII 5d Green Booklet Stamps 18 units imperf at left, 3 units imperf at right and 38 pairs, including 2 blocks of 9, one imperf at left and one imperf at right. High retail. 1963-64 Navigators 4/- to £2, unmounted. (6) —- 4/- (9, incl corner block of 6), 5/- (22, including 5 blocks of 4), 7/6d (8, including marginal block of 6), 10/- Cream paper (corner block of 4), 10/- white paper (corner block of 4). Retail $580+. (47)

$200 $120 $160 $160 $200 $140 $200

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ex 1358

ex 1359


ex 1363 ex 1362

1357 **

1963-66 Navigators Selection including 4/- (10), 5/- (9), 7/6d (19), 10/- mixed (9), £1 Cream (2), £1 White (incl corner pair), several blocks of 4 throughout. Very high retail. (54) 1358 U 1963-64 Navigators (set of 8, both papers). All cds. 1359 U —- set of 8 (both papers). All cds. 1360 ** —- 7/6d Cook, 23 unmounted examples, some marginal. Retail $275+. 1361 V —- £2 King, horizontal pair, CTO with gum. 1362 ** 1964-65 Birds 22 sets with both 2/5d values. Retail $440. (176) 1363 ** 1964 Air Mail Anniversary 50 sets, 1965 ANZAC 64 sets. Ex-dealer’s stock, all in glassines and priced to sell at approx $600. (292) AUSTRALIA | Other Pre-Decimals | Stamps on Cover

ex 1365 1364













ex 1369


ex 1367

1929 Commercial Airmails (Foreign): 1929 (Oct 25) use of Hartley’s Sport Store envelope (265x115mm), from Melbourne to Germany inscribed ‘Please Reply/by TRANS-AUSTRALIAN/AIR MAIL’, bearing 3d Airmail x3 + KGV 1½d + 1½d WA Centenary pair, minor blemishes. Very scarce early jusqu’a item accelerated via domestic airmail service [1/1½d rate = foreign letter 3d for 1st oz + 1½d for 2nd oz + 3d Airmail surcharge x3] 1928 3d Kookaburra with [1] solo franking incorporating late fee for domestic use; [2] registered use from Ballarat to US in combination with 1½d Canberra; [3] attractive commercial airmail from Normanton to Cairns in combination with KGV SMult P14 ½d (scarce on cover) & 1d, with ‘FORWARDED/BY AIR MAIL’ handstamp unusually in red; [4] rare commercial use of the upper left unit from miniature sheet; odd blemish but generally fine. 1929-38 3d Airmail selection of solo frankings comprising [1] Type A early usage (23 MY 29) to New Zealand, and to the unusual destinations of Lebanon or Ethiopia; [2] Type B to US or Bavaria; generally fine. (5) 1929-38 3d Airmail Type A rare domestic solo frankings comprising [1] 1931 airmail Brisbane-Melbourne [3d paid airmail service only, 2d Letter rate unpaid]; [2] 1937 (Dec 8) airmail Hobart-Melbourne for 2d Letter rate (airmail service applied from Tasmania) + 1d late fee [The 3d surcharge for airmail from Tasmania was abolished in October 1937]; fine condition. (2)

ex 1368 1368

ex 1366

$400 $90 $90 $150 $90 $200


$280 $160 $180

ex 1370

—- selection comprising [1] Plate 1 single + KGV 2d Carnarvon to Perth (a tad water-stained); [2] x2 Blackall (Qld) to Brisbane paying 5d airmail + 1d late fee; [3] scarce Booklet plate issue + 6d Airmail on registered cover from Broome to East Melbourne; fine overall. (3) —- selection of jusqu’a or full airmail service items to UK, comprising [1] 1929 (early) and 1933 double airmail surcharge covers accelerated via East-West domestic service; [2] 1931 attractive franking for 1/11d second experimental airmail (apparently commercial); [3] 1937 scarce 9d postcard rate; [4] 1938 sesqui commemorative envelope at 5d ‘all-up’ rate; generally fine. Nice group. (5) 1929-38 3d Airmail Type B [1] 1934 solo franking paying domestic airmail service only on Brisbane Official cover to UK; [2] 1931 specific uprate of Stationery 2d Envelope for domestic airmail Perth to Mundabullangana, redirected to Carnarvon; fine condition.


$200 $160

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ex 1372

ex 1371 1371






1929-38 3d Airmail Booklet Plate Type A very scarce usage selection, comprising [1] rare 1936 solo franking to Finland (portion of stapled selvedge attached); [2] 1934 3d + KGV 2d domestic airmail service Aberdeen (squared-circle) to Carnarvon; [3] 1932 3d x2 + 2d Bridge from Railton to UK double domestic airmail surcharge; [4] 1934 3d + Vic Centenary 3d and 2d double domestic airmail underpaid 1d for foreign letter, fine strike of scarce rectangular ‘INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID LETTER’ handstamp on reverse; odd blemish, generally fine. (4) 1929 1½d WA Centenary usage selection comprising [1] solo frankings for letter or postcard domestic rate (6) or British Empire rate including four advertising envelopes and Plate No #1, #7 (cover fault) and #11 examples; [2] uprated with KGV ½d for rate increase or 3d Airmail for domestic airmail to UK; [3] two covers with pairs paying domestic double or foreign rates; [4] pair + single on Melbourne to Sandringham registered cover; generally fine. (12) 1930 Sturt usage selection comprising [1] 1½d (6) including three advertising envelopes one with a pair to US; [2] 3d (4) with solo franking to US, in combination with KGV 1½d for registration, in combination with 1½d and 3d Airmail for Milton-Graceville double domestic airmail, and registered to Peru in combination with 1½d and various KGV issues; generally fine. [Sturt 3d is the scarcest of the ‘blues’ on cover] (10)




1930 3d Sturt plus KGV ½d and 1½d on 1930 (Aug 20) from a Japanese resident of Broome to Perth, underpaid for the double airmail surcharge with ‘T’ handstamp and ‘6d’ in manuscript applied. Most attractive. —- Nice trio where 3d pays domestic airmail surcharge, comprising combinations with [1] 1½d Sturt or KGV 1½d during 4½d combined rate period, the latter with scarce QANTAS red and white etiquette; [2] with 2d on 1½d Surcharge on an Great Southern Mills advertising cover (bicoloured sack of flour illustration on reverse) in the 5d rate period; fine condition. Scarce group. (3)

ex 1376 1376











ex 1375

1374 1374

ex 1373

ex 1377

$160 $230

ex 1379

1931 Kingsford Smith usage selection with [1] 2d (9), including solos for domestic (5, three with advertising) or British Empire rates, plus uprates with contemporary issues for domestic airmail surcharge (2) or foreign letter; [2] 3d (7) comprising solos (2, one scarce letter rate + late fee), pairs for triple letter rate (scarce) and registration to Switzerland, and combinations with contempory issues for domestic airmail (2, one double rate) and registration; [3] and 6d (2) solo and with 2d for single or double domestic airmail; odd fault, generally fine. (18) 1931 6d Violet Kingsford Smith usage selection for domestic airmail from Perth to livestock stations in the north comprising [1] rare upper-right corner solo paying single rate (5d + 1d Late fee) with superb backstamp strike of rare MUNDABULLANGANA/ 21JUN31/WESTERNAUSTRALIA’ cds; [2] pairs (2) in combination with KGV ½d pair or KGV 1d paying triple rate (4d double Letter + 9d airmail surcharge); fine condition. Desirable trio. (3) 1931 6d Brown Airmail usage selection to US comprising solo frankings for [1] foreign letter rate + 3d registration fee; [2] official double rate (minor corner fault); [3] a pair paying triple foreign rate + registration fee on a British patriotic cover, censored in Sydney; generally fine. —- usage selection for domestic airmail comprising [1] rare solo for single rate (5d + 1d late fee); [2] marginal single uprating 2d Envelope for double rate (2d letter rate + 6d airmail surcharge); [3] in combination with 2d Vic Centenary for double rate and [4] with KGV 2d and 5d for triple rate (4d letter rate + 9d airmail surcharge); odd small fault, generally fine.


$260 $160 $225

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ex 1380 1380




















ex 1385


$200 $100



ex 1386

1932 3d Sydney Harbour Bridge solo frankings comprising rare [1] Dunlop Perdriau Rubber cover from Adelaide to Rockhampton paying 2d letter rate + 1d late fee; [2] ‘AR’ card from Sydney to Wellington, New Zealand remarkably with original registration receipt; [3] a Will Andrade advertising cover to US; fine condition overall. (3) 1932-37 6d Large Kookaburra solo franking selection comprising 1932 triple rate domestic letter, express delivery, internal airmail service + 1d late fee (2, one to Ireland), and registered to Greece or US (latter to President Roosevelt); also 3d Kingsford Smith to President Herbert Hoover; odd small fault, generally fine. (7) 1934 Victoria Centenary P10½ usage selection with [1] 2d including advertising covers (10, two are strikingly multicoloured), rare solo on printed wrapper (1d per 6ozs newspaper rate x2), postcard to UK and a pair to movie star Norma Shearer in US; [2] 3d (2) comprising solo to Monaco, and combination with Macarthur 2d on Mingella registered cover (provisional label); [3] 1/- with Macarthur 2d + 9d on 1934 registered first flight cover to UK; generally fine. (16)

ex 1388 1387

ex 1383

—- overseas airmail usage selection comprising [1] 1934 neat combination with 1/- Lyrebird for 1/6d rate to UK; [2] curious 1938 2/- franking to UK with 6d x3 and 3d Airmail x2 (one is torn), which could have flown at 1½d ‘all-up’ rate (informative rectangular marking to that effect on reverse); [3] 1935 combination with 1/- Lyrebird and 3d Macarthur (cover creased) for 1/9d rate to Germany. (3) 1932-37 1/- Large Lyrebird usage selection including a rare solo franking on huge printed registered cover, plus combinations frankings (5, one a front) including airmail to Ireland with 1/- yellowish-green + KGV 4d pair for accelerated delivery via domestic and Karachi airmail services, also airmail to Denmark (with 1/- pair) and airmail to UK, odd fault although generally good. (6) —- selection for domestic parcel use comprising [1] fine and rare solo on 1935 tag to ‘Diamond Drill/Nannine’ tied by very fine ‘PARCEL POST KALGOORLIE/WESTN AUSTRALIA’ cds; [2] pair on parcel-wrapping fragment with Burroughs Limited address label; [3] pair on Parcels Post label, with a portion of the huge Melbourne Parcels Office oval datestamp; unusually fine for this type of material. (3) 1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge usage selection with [1] Recess 2d (both Types A and B) with solo frankings (5) including commercial FDI advertising cover, a rare double 1d printed matter rate (unsealed) and unclaimed in UK, also a pair paying double domestic letter rate; [1] Letterpress 2d solo (7) including advertising covers & unclaimed in UK, [3] 3d solo and in combinations with 2d for domestic airmail or KGV 2d (2) for airmail service to UK or registration; generally fine. Useful group. (17)

ex 1384 1384

ex 1382

$200 $230


ex 1390

1934 2d Victoria Centenary P10½ scarce examples of the terra cotta shade BW #151B on Tasmania domestic rate cover (blemishes) or paying the foreign postcard rate to US, also the standard vermilion shade on cover included for comparison. A rare duo. (3) —- P11½ usage selection with [1] 2d on solo franking advert cover, in combination with 3d Airmail for domestic airmail, & a pair + KGV 1d on a registered letter; [2] 3d with solo frankings paying domestic letter rate + late fee or foreign letter rate to Greece, & in combinations uprating KGV 2d letter card for domestic airmail, paying registration on domestic cover, or with KGV 1d & ANZAC 2d for foreign letter rate + late fee; generally fine. Desirable group. (8) 1934 1/- Victoria Centenary P11½ + Macarthur 2d tied to commercial cover by 1934 (Nov 30) Pinnaroo cds paying the correct airmail rate to India, the 1/- being deceptively scarce on cover. 1934 3d Macarthur solo franking selection comprising curious late (1944) use on ‘AR’ card from Boolaroo to Tax Office Sydney, foreign letter rate to US (addressed to actor John Boles) and a fashioned envelope endorsed ‘Cards Only’ to Philippines. (3)


$200 $240 $120

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ex 1391 1391











ex 1393

1934-49 No Watermark 1/6d Hermes usage selection comprising [1] solo frankings for Scale 3 parcel on tag (scarce) and an advertising envelope airmail to UK, [2] combinations for airmail to UK (KGV 1d for Late fee) or Germany, [3] x2 double rate airmail to UK; generally fine. (5) 1935 Anzac usage selection with [1] 2d solo frankings (4) including Plate Nº2, advertising envelope and scarce Foreign postcard rate; [2] 2d in combination with KGV 1d for domestic late fee or foreign letter; [3] and 1/- in combination with 2d, Vic Centenary 3d and KGV ½d x2 paying 1/6d airmail rate to UK (trifle soiled); generally fine. (7) 1935 1/- Anzac ACSC #165, plus 9d Kangaroo tied by Sydney Air mail cds to 1935 (26 Mar) commercial airmailed cover to Holland, an attractive and very scarce franking.

ex 1394 1394

ex 1392

ex 1395

ex 1398


$230 $150 $320

ex 1399

1936 1/- SA Centenary unusual usage items comprising [1] solo franking on rare Sydney black on pink Parcel Post Form of Customs Declaration, the whole affixed to a portion of parcel-wrapping addressed to US with Sydney and US Customs dockets attached, and [2] Parcels Post label (small fault) bearing 1/- pair + 3d tied by Cremorne cds. (2) 1398 * —- usage selection on overseas airmail covers in combination with 2d and 3d from the same set or with other contemporary issues, comprising 1/6d rate to UK (5), two of these being taxed items, one a set on FDC underpaid 1d and bearing GB 2d due, the other underpaid and taxed 3/-; also on a 1/9d jusqu’a cover to Denmark; generally fine. A scarce and attractive group. (6) 1949 £1 Arms plus contemporary issues tied by Registered Perth cds to 1951 (Aug 21) neat gold bullion parcel tag addressed to 1399 * Harvey. The aggregate franking of £1.4.5d represents increased charges (9th July 1951) Letter rate 3½d 1st oz + 2½d per additional ozs x112 + 9d registration (underpaid ½d). [PO rules dictated that articles bearing gold, silver and precious metals, being ineligible for parcel rates, had to be sent at letter rates, and could be registered only when paid at letter rates] AUSTRALIA | Decimal Issues | Collections and Accumulations 1400 **/*/F 1980s-90s accumulation in glassine envelopes with detailed descriptions predominately FU or CTO, small number of pre-decimal (*) and 1966 75c Cook (used). (100s) 1401 1966-74 Navigators optd ‘SPECIMEN’ (4),1999 Australia ‘99 imperf sheets, all unmounted also few others including 1948 Arms 10/-, £1 lightly mounted, plus 1938-41 2/- Booklet with single 2d pane of 6, wmk inverted BW B51. (22 items) 1402 ** 1966-72 Booklet Pane collection including 1967 5c on 4c set 6, 1968 Famous Australians (2 sets), 1969 Prime Ministers, 1970 Famous Australians (2 sets), with exploded booklets containing either wax or paper interleaving for these issues plus additional single issues with tabs.



ex 1396

1935 Silver Jubilee usage selection with [1] 2d including advertising envelopes (8), multiples on registered covers (3), combinations with KGV 1d (2, one with mss ‘Late fee’); [2] 3d comprising solo frankings for domestic late fee letter, rare use on ‘AR’ card or for foreign letter rate to Denmark (bright shade), also a pair + 2d paying double rate registered to US; generally fine. (17) —- specialized selection comprising experimental shades of 2d scarlet and 2d bright brownish red (2 examples, one with FDI cancel), and 3d + 2d domestic airmail former strong retouch under ‘U’ and ‘POSTAGE’ BW 167e, some trivial blemishes. (4) 1936 SA Centenary usage selection comprising 2d (8), 3d (10) and 1/- (2), including some attractive advertising envelopes and scarce use of 3d solo on an ‘AR’ card, etc, odd small fault, generally fine. (20)

ex 1397



$200 $480

$400 $80 $120 $60

Page 129

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 9th February 2013 1403 U

1966-91 Fine Used Selection including 1966 75c Cook (232), 1984-86 Lion Fish 60c (230), Regal Angel Fish 85c (160), Goby 90c (50), Star Fish $1 (36), 1991 Albany $1.05 (225). Generally fine, mostly CTO. All indentified in glassines and priced to sell at $1,140+. Generally fine. (100s) 1404 U 1986-2006 Fine Used Selection incl few se-tenant strips (40), incl 1987 Christmas (26 sets in strips, ex M/S), 1997 $10 Kakadu, Miniature Sheet accumulation including 1994 Zoos (14), 2000 Federation (18), Space (7),2002 $10 Wildflower (11), 2006 Comm Games (12), Whales (13), Dangerous Australians (13). Fine used with many CTO. All identified, on cards and priced to sell at $850. (100s) 1405 U 1997-2004 Collection Including many sheetlets, se-tenant strips, pairs, M/Ss including Shanghai 97 & China 1999 Philatelic Exhibitions, Wetlands $10 (2, incl M/S), (ex all peel & stick issues). All CTO. Very fine. (100s) 1406 ** 2000-04 Accumulation of Gold medal winner sheetlets including set of 16 with ‘map’ logo at base, plus Torch & Paralympian sheets, 15 odd single sheetlets with ‘map’ logo at base, 14 single sheetlets with ‘possum’ logo at base, 15 double sheetlets with ‘possum’ logo at base, Paralympians sheetlets of 20 with athletes in tabs, 2004 Gold Medallists Sheetlet (8, from year books). Face value $480+. (100s) 1407 */**/U Accumulation mostly decimal era commemorative and FDCs noting booklet issues, self-adhesives, postal stationery including unused, modern replica cards; also Bicentennial Heritage Collection (FV c$26), two issues from ‘The Australian Collection’ by the Hallmark Diemasters & Engravers Pty Ltd of the £1 Arms and SA 2/- (high initial cost), accessories and old catalogues, oddments. Leave plenty of inspection time. 1408 U Accumulation Including year sets from 1966 (2) including 1968 (3), 1969 (2), 1970 (3), 1971 (2, Christmas singles), 1972, 1974, 1976, 1981 with most issues included (ex all M/S, se-tenant pairs, etc) plus large range of Famous Australians booklet issues. Generally fine. (100s) 1409 U Decimal Off-Paper accumulation in 2 shoe boxes, approx 1.8kg. (1,000s) 1410 U Ex-Dealer’s Approval Stock of decimal issues made into selections priced at $100 (2), $150 (5) and $200 (8). Many M/S’s, setenant pairs, strips, etc. Approx retail value of $2,550. (100s) 1411 ** Ex-Dealer’s Decimal Stock 1966-90s including 1966-68 Coils (95 sets), 1967 Christmas (75 sets plus 105 extra 25c), 1968 Flowers (16 sets), 1969 Prim Indust (68 sets), 1970 Royal Visit (300 sets), Cook (20 sets incl red mark variety in strip [no M/S]), 1971 Aust/Asia (69 sets), 1972 Games (59 sets), Christmas (7 sets), 1973 Metric (120 sets), F. Austs block (85), Christmas (36 sets), 1975 A.Post/Telecom (200 jouned pairs), 1980 Dogs (50 sets), plus many other issues noted. Unchecked for perf varieties. All identified in glassines and priced to sell at approx $5,400. (1,000s) 1412 U Ex-Dealer’s Fine Used Decimal Stock 1970s-2000s in envelopes including 1970 Royal Visit 30c (49), 1974 Painting $4 (80), $5 McMahon’s Point (25), $5 Mentone (16), 1982 Christmas (42), 1989 Gardens (6 sets), $5 (80), 1981 Beetle $1 (30), 1992 Aust Under Fire (10 sets), 1993 Dreamings (82 sets), 1994 ATM (20 sets), 1995 Nat Trust (27 sets), 1996 Women $1 (60), von Mueller (60), 1997 Christmas (130 sets), 2000 Paralympics (41 sets), 2001 Christmas (34 sets), etc. Many issues are CTO, generally very fine and priced to sell at $2,250++. (1,000s) AUSTRALIA | Decimal Issues


$300 $250


$150 $80 $80 $1,350






1413 *F 1414 *F 1415 *F 1416 ** 1417 **

1966 4c Booklet Pane with ‘Use Postal/Orders...’ tab on APO FDC, unaddressd. —- with ‘Post your/Parcels...’ tab on WCS FDC, Gower address label, Cocos cancels. —- with ‘Registered/Post...’ tab on WCSl FDC, Gower address label, Cocos cancels. —- complete set of 6 slogans. Very fresh. 1970-73 6c Orange marginal block of 4 with very strong offset, ACSC #446c, Cat $400+.

$160 $160 $160 $100 $180

1418 **

1971-73 7c Purple marginal block of 20 where the printing is misaligned to the right by 1 stamp width, resulting in the first column being blank and the last column being partly printed off the sheet. Very dramatic.


Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 9th February 2013

Page 130 1419 *F 1420 **

1966-74 Navigators 40c & 50c, unusual use on 1971 registered air letter to Czechoslovakia. 1966-72 50c Dampier marginal block of 12 with Plate 1 at left, ACSC #461z.

$90 $180

1422 1421 1425


1428 1426

1429 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431

** ** */** ** ** V V ** ** W **



—- Plate -2- right block of 8, ACSC #461zb, Cat $275. 1966-74 75c Cook vertical Gutter Pair ACSC #462ca, folded along gutter as usual. Rare. 1966-74 Navigators optd ‘SPECIMEN’, $1 (5, 3 MUH), $2 (8, 6 MUH), and $4 (9,7 MUH). (22) 1969 5c Christmas Yellow Partly Missing in top 2 units of vertical strip of 4, ACSC #507cd(var). Ceremuga certificate. 1971-74 7c Sturt’s Desert Pea Coil strip of 4 all with buff misplaced down by 2mm. Attractive flaw. 1972 7c Christmas Missing Brown ACSC #620c, couple of missing perfs. Another copy realised $1,450+ in Auction 9. 1973 1c Shrimp Missing Black marginal pair, left unit partially missing, right unit completely missing, ACSC #635c. 1973-80 8c Opal Missing Ultramarine with normal for comparison, ACSC #644cd. ACSC states “examples are rare”. 1974 30c Possum Missing Red ACSC #662c. MUH. 1974 7c Golf Missing Black marginal single, ACSC #671c, no gum. 1975 45c Wildflower BRC block of 6 with dull yellow-green partially ommited from top 4 units.

Bids can be made online at anytime. Otherwise you can email, fax, post or call us.

1430 $200 $120 $120 $1,100 $100 $1,100 $360 $450 $1,500 $1,600 $450

Page 131

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ex 1433 1438

1434 1432 ** 1433 ** 1434 1435 1436 1437

** ** ** **

1438 **

1976 75th Anniversary of Nationhood Missing Gold Die 2 TLC block of 3, ACSC #733c, mild gum disturbance, MUH. 1977 Silver Jubilee Plate Proof imperforate set of 2 in gutter pair blocks with colour control bars, ACSC #766PP(1) for 45c, 18c not catalogued. 1979 National Parks block of 8 (4x2) with se-tenant pair imperforate except at left x2, ACSC #843b. —- Girraween & Mt Field left marginal se-tenant pair completely imperforate, uncatalogued, similar to ACSC #843b. 1979 Fishing in Australia 20c marginal block of 10 with reversed multi-colour offset in margin at right. 1981-85 5c Wombat vertical perfs out of alignment in a block of 10 (5x2) from the upper-right corner of the sheet. ACSC states at page 9/565 “this stamp seems to presented some difficulty for Leigh Mardon to perforate and a number of defective sheets have come onto the market.”. 1981 International Year of the Disabled Person Imperforate Plate Proof block of 4, will be listed in next edition of BW. Only 1 sheet known. Very fine MUH.

$1,100 $800 $1,200 $600 $450 $90 $850

ex 1441 1439 1439 ** 1440 ** 1441 **

part 1440

1982 60c Whale Essay BRC block of 4, ACSC #930E(1) (SG #841a). 1986 Christmas 36c with misplaced perforations in vertical strip of 5, ACSC #1178bb. Only 20 strips of 5 are known. 1993 Unissued Candlestick Trial Counter printed stamp group of 3 comprising [1] ‘no value’ printed on stamp, [2] 60c [3] $1.20. (first two with minor blemishes).

$1,000 $450 $160

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1442 **

1994 International Year of the Family $1 horizontal strip of 5 with misplaced perforations - the most dramatic being 4mm up and 2mm to the right, ACSC #1716b.

1443 1443 ** 1444




1994-97 Kangaroos & Koalas Roll Stamps die-cut unseparated block of 8 in unissued colours (much bluer than the issued stamps), ‘LEIGH-MARDON’ on back. Of unknown status and uncatalogued, presumably some form of proof or trial printing as no issued roll-stamps have ‘LEIGH-MARDON’ on back. 1994 $20 Koala Counter Printed Stamp correctly used on TaxPack, cancelled with ‘NATIONAL PHILATELIC CENTRE 3000/ 4JUL1995/*’. Very rare as normally the $20 Gardens was used for this purpose. This is the only such cover known to us.

$320 $200

1445 ex 1446 1445 ** 1446 **

1995 National Trust Plate Proofs $1 in deep olive-green with selvedge, ACSC #1841PP(1). 1995 Medical Science both errors of layout Type 1 & Type 2 in sheet C gutter blocks of 10, ACSC #1881ze,zh, Cat $2,000. It is estimated that only 25 gutter blocks exist. 1447 ** 2000 Olympic Gold Medallists Collection of sixteen sheetlets of 10x 45c, total FV $72. Popular thematic . (16) 1448 ** 1967-68 Australian Defence Forces 5c Thornbill from pane of 50 attached by left selvedge, BW #B128Aa, Cat $90, cover with minor edge toning. 1449 ** 2000 Paralympic Team 2000 P-Stamps 45c Red Kangaroo and Flag sheet of 20 with se-tenant labels (of winners) with marginal inscription ‘Winter Paralympic Games 2002/SALT LAKE CITY/AUSTRALIAN GOLD MEDAL WINNERS/ATHLETE/Bart Bunting/ GUIDE/Nathan Chivers’. The photos and marginal inscriptions appear to have ink-stripping. Miniscule adhesion on reverse. 1450 ** 2004 Athens Olympics Australian Gold Medallists complete set of 17 sheetlets (SG #2406-2422) in a shrink-wrapped presentation album, issue price $95. 1451 ** 2007 Modernist Architecture Limited Edition Imperf Sheets both left & right panes with certificates in their original Australia Post storage and wrappings (2 items) 1452 ** —- both left & right panes with certificates in their original Australia Post storage and wrappings. AUSTRALIA | Decimal Issues | Stamps on Cover 1453 1967-91 better decimal frankings on mostly overseas covers including Registered and Express Delivery etiquettes, frankings include values to $10. Better usages include 13c Avocet 1968 airmail to England (greetings rate) 15c Galah on 1967 to India and the same on 1969 PPC to Dame Edith Evans (famous actress) in London, pair 35c Beef to France, 1970 Cook 30c airmail to Jersey, 75c Navigator with 60c Pioneer to Yugoslavia, $1 Navigator with 10c Nat Dev to Czecho. Some philatelic influence but mainly terrific usages in typical postally used condition. (33) 1454 * International Post 10c to $10 stamps in multiple frankings on large to very large covers nearly all GB addresses. Includes other better frankings noting three $5.00 Treasures from the Archives SG #2555. Fair amount of philatelic content here. Plus two size c5+ Australian 1950’s covers, one with 8/- franking to USA. (75+) AUSTRALIA | Booklets | Collections & Accumulations 1455 ** 1992-3 Overprinted Issues [1] ‘Threatened Species’ 1K with Orange Blossom ‘92 and 2k & 3K with ‘93 ovpt, [2] ‘Thinking of You’ Boonah Rotary, [3] ‘Roos & Koalas’ SCDAA Petersham, [4] ‘Endeavour’ with Illawarra PS, [5] Others include: Xmas ‘93 Perf & Imperf, Xmas ‘92, Trains (3), Dinosaurs. (see website for full list which includes all catalogue Nos), STC $557. (20) 1456 ** 1965-2002 Selection including 1965 5/- Edit V5 (one stamp missing), 1968 FAs (2) edit G68/3 & V68/3, PMs G69/3, 1968 Craft 80c (3), $2 (3), 1990 Heidelberg $2 (7), 1992 Wetlands $2 (6, 3xNo Koala, 3x1 Koala), etc, plus an array of overprinted booklets (9) including 1993 Thinking of You 3K Taichung, Wetlands Kaohsiung cream paper, Threatened Species with Kuala Lumpur opt, Trains Indopex 93, Dinosaurs Sydney Stamp Show, Kangaroos Canberra 96 opt. 2001 Bird sheetlet CHINA 2002 opt, etc, Pfeffer cat approx $300. (43 & sheetlet).

$300 $1,150 $50 $65 $50 $65 $200 $200

$130 $100



Page 133

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 9th February 2013 1457 **

Pre-Decimal Selection with Pfeffer catalogue numbers [1] KGVI 2/6d #B55; [2] QEII with pink stitching x3 comprising 3/6d tropical interleaving #B57T, 4/- (4d claret x12 BW #319) British Empire #B60A, 4/- (4d lake x12 BW #353) tropical interleaving #B61T. Difficult booklets, fine condition, cat c$330. (4) 1458 ** Early QEII Decimal Selection stitched range with Pfeffer catalogue numbers [1] 60c “Use Postal Orders. . .” the scarce edition DV8 #B75Ad, perfect condition, cat $150; [2] 50c (5c on 4c) all edition V67/2, five of the six slogans #B101Ad, 102Af, 104Ad, 105Ad and 106Af cat $35 each. Very fine, total cat $325. (6) 1459 */** KGVI Booklet Cover Collection Including [1] 1938-41 2/- with wax interleaving and single pane; [2] 1942-49 2/6d, paper interleaving and single pane; [3] 1949-50 2/6d paper interleaving and single pane; [4] 1951 3d booklet sheet of 144. AUSTRALIA | Booklets 1460 BW 1924-26 £1 Booklet 1½d red Single wmk MULLETT imprint block of 20 [Plate 27] with staple holes left and right of margin, from ACSC #B32 which has a Cat of $20,000, mint no gum. Complete booklet panes are extremely rare. 1461 B** 1927-30 £1 Booklet 1½d red SM wmk P13½x12½ MULLETT imprint block of 8 with staple holes left and right of margin, from B36 or B37 which has a minimum Cat of $12,500. Several units affected by minor toning. With partial imprint which is usual for these booklets. Rare.

1462 1462 B** 1463 B** 1464 B**

$140 $130 $100 $640 $320

ex 1464

ex 1463

1935-37 2/- Black on Green 2d red KGV pane wmk inverted, ‘IN MOST MONEY ORDER OFFICES’ on face and front and back cover advertisements reversed, ACSC #B48b, (Pfeffer #B48Ba, Cat $1,100). Early QEII Decimal Selection with Pfeffer catalogue numbers comprising [1] two $1 (5c on 4c) edition V67/1 #B108Bf and #B110Bf; [2] two 50c (5c blue), original thick paper #B125 and reprint thin paper #B126e; [3] 1967-8 Defence Forces 50c (5c blue x10) both types #B129a & b cat $90 each, just a hint of peripheral foxing but in far better condition then usually seen. (6) 1968 $1 Famous Australians five different with Pfeffer catalogue numbers comprising editions N68/3 and V68/3 #B130Ad and Bg, two G68/3 slightly different content #B130Cd and Ce, plus the latter tropical interleaving #B130CeT cat $110. (5)

$450 $120 $90


ex 1465

ex 1468




1465 B**

1970-71 Famous Australians four different with Pfeffer catalogue numbers (no edition numbers ex noted) comprising [1] two 60c #B133-4 (one has couple very light tone spots); [2] $1.20 tropical interleaving but also no insert adverts #B135T quite difficult cat $120; [3] $1.20 edition V70/3 #B135Bd. (4) 1466 B** 1972-73 Prime Ministers with Pfeffer catalogue numbers [1] 70c x2, #B137-8; [2] $1.40 x2 edition N71/3 #B139Ad & Ae, edition V71/3 #139Bd; [3] $1.40 x3 edition G71/3 #B139C, Ce and the difficult tropical interleaving #B139CdT cat $100; [4] $1.40 edition G72/2 #B139Id. (9) 1467 B 1989 $3.90 Fishing [1] 13 reprints P14x14.4 on Harrison cream paper BW #B164, Cat $200 each. Comes with one original white paper same perfs BW #B163 for comparison. [Vendor says SELL.] 1468 B** 2000-2002 Overprinted serially numbered range for Exhibitions, Cricket Winners, Anniversaries from ‘OLYMPHILEX 2000’ to ‘SCDAA CHRISTMAS DINNER 2002 Series 20’ in range Pfeffer #B229(1-S) & (1-G) to #B249(1), cat $415. Very fine. (13) AUSTRALIA | Postage Dues 1469 **/U 1938-60 Accumulation heavily duplicated mostly used modern range, values to 5/-, one arrowed 1d variety, many multiples some very large, even the odd earlier (Victorian) type seen. Catalogue well in excess of 10x the very conservative estimate, happy hunting. (100s) 1470 U 1902 Converted NSW Plates 1d emerald P11x11.5 BW #D5, pen cancelled, Cat $200. 1471 * 1909-10 Wmk Crown/Double Lined A Thick Paper 10/- rose-red & green BW #D91, large part sweated gum, MVLH, Cat $425. 1472 V —- 10/- rose-red & green, ACSC #D91, Cat $300, neat cds. 1473 F 1913-21 Wmk Crown/Double Lined A Thin Paper 4d carmine & pale green just o/c SW, major variety watermark sideways ACSC #D101Ba (SG #D83ba cat £450). Indistinct possibly Adelaide cds, Cat $350. 1474 */** 1922-30 Wmk 3rd Crown/A 3d carmine & yellow-green Ash imprint block of 4 BW #D109zb, lower-left unit with broken frame and shading right of stop, BW #D109Er (E10-LP60), lower units MUH.

$90 $90 $100 $160

$150 $65 $200 $120 $240 $320

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Page 134

ex 1477 ex 1476


1475 ** 1946-56 2d Misplaced Centre block of 4, ACSC #D131c. Fresh MUH. 1476 ** 1958-63 No Wmk 5d Dies I & II in corner blocks of 4, ACSC #D150-1, (SG #D136-136a), Retail $500. AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery 1477 PS Printed to Private Order Collection in Cover Album: Selection with Postal cards unused (13) and used (18, ten CTO), and Wrappers (17, one rare unused), generally fine. Scarce lot. (48)

$540 $60 $1,100

ex 1478 ex 1480 1478 PS

Officials Collection: Valuable group with Envelopes unused (5, two ‘OS’ in die) and used (63, 21 ‘OS’ in die), latter with 1918 ½d + 1d Die I (Menuz PE24A), penalty envelopes (5, two unused), ‘Returned Letter’ (9), 1942 5d Registered envelope uprated ½d in cash, Postal cards with ‘OS’ in die unused (2), various used cards (4), and perf ‘OS/NSW’ used (2, one rare KGVI 1½d), and Letter cards (3, one unused), many scarce items present, little if any duplication amongst configurations, odd fault, generally fine. (94) 1479 PS 1980s to Recent: accumulation of many unused aerogrammes from 33c to ‘Postage Paid’, range of more recent PSE issues, all sizes, plus similar lot of both all CTO with FDI cancels. Range of unused red (18c), blue (20c) postcard wallets, boxed brown (22c) and black (27c) postcard packs, few other oddments including ‘Aeropex 94’ Cinderella sheet of 36 signed by designer. Clean lot. (100s) 1480 PS 1929 & 1967: [1] c.1929 long OHMS envelope PTPO for the Education Department, Melbourne with KGV 2d red oval (as HG #KB25), scarce; [2] 1967 5c indigo aerogramme inscribed ‘DEFENCE FORCES/AIR LETTER...’, for use by Australian Forces in Vietnam, HG #IFG8. Both fresh unused. (2) 1481 PS Pre-Stamped Envelopes: 1978-2005 Collection in 2 VST special albums almost complete with unused and used (all unaddressed with FDI cancels and in several cases 2 examples of each), no ‘Billy Blooddrop’, although 1995 McKillop opt noted. Very fine. Face value of unused issues is approx $150. (100s) AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards

1482 PS

Collection in Cover Album ranging from ASC #P1-44 and comprising unused (48) and used (71, four CTO), including Coronation cards (9, seven used), Victorian scenes (4, three used), unused P16 (Cat $1,000 – minor tones) with albino Tasmania machine cancel, possibly of proof status, nice uprates, some apparently by PO following rate rise (some unused and used to corroborate that theory), noted constant inscription varieties, etc, odd small fault, generally fine. (119)


$80 $50 $150


Page 135

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 9th February 2013 AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Letter Cards

ex 1483 1484 1483 PS

Collection in Three Cover Albums with range from ASC #L1-75, comprising unused (96, one “SPECIMEN ONLY” handstamp), and used (128, eight CTO), including scenic Fullface (5, four used), Kangaroo (9, one unused with inscription for Griffiths Bros) and KGV (17, mostly used), 1930 2d on 1½d unused obliterating lines on reverse misplaced upwards (exposing third line), 1942 and 1949 KGVI 2½d (L44, 47) unused on cream stock (proofs?), a used on typical greenish grey stock with misplaced perfs, some nice uprates (one for registration), including by PO (unused and/or used), stock variants, etc, apparently no duplication, odd fault, generally fine. (224) 1484 PS 1911-12 KGV Fullface 1d+1d violet, ASC #L4 (HG A4) ‘Hobart from the bay (warship) / Viaduct (Steam train)’, both halves cto’d with ‘MELBOURNE/NO11/13’. 1485 PS 1943-51 KGVI Sideface 2½d red, ASC #L47 major variety misperforated (giving irregular shape when selvedge removed), used to NZ (uprated). Quite weird looking. [With unused normal for comparison.] (2) AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Envelopes

ex 1486

$2,600 $280 $80

ex 1488

1486 PS

Collection in Three Cover Albums with range from ASC #E1-57, comprising unused (99, one “CANCELLED” handstamp) and used (249, six CTO), degree of original research in to flap types and inscriptions, stocks, etc, noted 1970 6c albino impression, no duplication apparent, useful lot for specialist, odd fault, generally fine. (348) AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Envelopes (PTPO) 1487 PS 1916 Octagonal KGV [1] 1½d chocolate-brown Die II, WM #PE20A, cancelled with poor Batlow, NSW, to Kent Town, SA.; [2] 1916-66 range envelopes including KGV 1½d (without ‘POSTAGE’), 2d (with ‘POSTAGE’, both fronts), KGVI 2½d, 3½d (registered to England), QEII 3½d (5), 4d (3, all to England), 1966 Registered envelopes (2 both with £50 in text), generally fine. (16) 1488 PS Collection in Three Cover Albums comprising unused (55) and used (266, four CTO), including KGV 1d Sideface Die II, Oval 2d on 1½d, many attractive illustrated/inscribed types, etc, little if any duplication, odd fault, generally fine. Impressive lot for the specialist. (321) AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Registration Envelopes

ex 1489 1489 PS 1490 PS 1491 PS

ex 1490


$120 $4,000

ex 1491

Collection in Two Cover Albums comprising unused (33) and used (60, one CTO), includes 1942 5½d rounded flap at right used (ASC R30 – Cat $300), scarce inscription and stock types of QEII 2/5d with 1965 Helecon used (ASC R44), no duplication apparent, odd fault, generally fine (93) 1915-25 KGV Sideface [1] 4½d on 5d Sideface with “ADDRESS HEREUNDER...”; plus [2] 4½d Oval, ASC #R17,22, nice pair. 1938-51 KGVI Embossed Oval [1] 5½d brown, red text rounded flap x12, ASC #R33; [2] unused Australian Force Vietnam Airmail covers x19 with wrapper. (31)

‘My Auction Bidsheet’ on our website always shows you the current status of your bids.

$2,600 $100 $200

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 9th February 2013

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ex 1492

ex 1493

AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Aerogrammes 1492 PS Collection in Three Cover Album and some loose comprising unused (54, one Official, common issues largely excluded), CTO (91) and postally used (145, one registered, one Official), includes “SPECIMEN” (3, two Officials), “CANCELLED” and “TEST MAIL” handstamps, commencing with ASC 1/a (3, one unused), including the “For letters to members of Forces Overseas” scored through (blemishes), rare 1952 10d on 7d Surcharge omitted used but uncancelled (listed Higgins & Gage), scarce A36 (3, one unused, another uprated to 12c), many attractive usages, some scarcer than ASC would indicate, postal history elements, etc, little if any duplication, generally fine. Excellent starter lot for exhibit (290) AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Aerogrammes (Formular) 1493 PS (Permit) Exceptional group unused (96, one “SPECIMEN” ovpt) and scarce used (50, one registered, four CTO), includes attractive pictorial types, “illegal” overweight issues (with unfolded pack of six designs), etc, generally fine, no apparent duplication, difficult to source material. (146) AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Wrappers

ex 1494



ex 1496

ex 1495

1494 PS

Collection in Cover Album ranging from ASC W1-30, comprising unused (27) and used (53, one registered, four CTO), commencing with nice used Kangaroo ½d and the 1d uprated with ½d and 1d to Germany, useful KGV, some possibly of PTPO origin, attractive uprates, etc, odd fault, generally fine. (80) 1495 PS 1914-23 Group comprising 1914 used of ½d Roo Wrapper, 1916 use of KGV ½d Wrapper both used within Melbourne & 1923 use of 1d violet Wrapper front from Sydney to Charters Towers (Qld). (3) AUSTRALIA | Postal Stationery - Wartime 1496 PS Collection of mostly WWII with many scarcer items present, including used Medal Section Wrappers (6), “POSTAGE/1d/PAID” printed Air Mail Letter Card used (4), rare 1d Defence Canteens Envelope map of Australia omitted, unused Airgraph Service form unused, good range formular stationery unused and used, etc, apparently no duplication, odd fault, generally fine. (80+) AUSTRALIA | First Day Covers

ex 1498 1497






$2,600 $100


ex 1499

1936-1990s plain and illustrated, hand or typed addresses and unaddressed, includes commemorative types with some Australiarelated (eg GB, USA 1988 bicentennials), few replica cards, odd TPO and odd APO pack. Better cover makers seen include Haslem, Northern, Darling Downs, Guthrie and more. More useful earlier FDCs include 1937 NSW sesqui, 1938 (Oct 3) ½d Roo block of 4; decimals include 1966 (Feb 14) first issues complete as well as numerous modern APO types. Pictorial postmarks abound - eg 1974 (Apr 1) Jenolan Caves. Excellent value lot. (c500) 1966-1990s Selection including many sets, se-tenant pairs or strips, miniature sheets, 1st Fleet issues, etc, values to $20 noted. Odd ‘silk’ seen also noted 18 different 2004 illustrated FDCs commemorating the 1954 Royal Visit. Generally fine. (few 100) 1960s-2000s moderately duplicated range including Joint issues, Across Town, se-tenant strips, MSs, booklet panes, few better 70s issues noted, few ‘Wattle’ covers noted, 1990 $20 Painting FDC (5) many other high values, range of covers including ‘ALPHA’ FDCs, also some AAT noted. Mostly unaddressed. Too many items to mention. (1,000s)

$200 $120 $200

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ex 1500 1500






















ex 1506



$200 $500 $160 $200


1932 ½d Orange KGV Overprinted ‘OS’ block of 4, plus 3d Air perf ‘OS’, tied to airmail cover to Brisbane by three light clear strikes of ‘AIR MAIL/2 3P 8JE32 2/SYDNEY NSW’, ‘BRISBANE/1P 9JE32/QLD’ backstamp. Exceptional quality. [BW records no FDCs. Colaco Belmonte was the Dutch consul in Sydney and he was an enthusiatic collecter who often self-addressed his covers. It is now agreed that this is, in fact, a first day cover for ½d orange ‘OS’] 1935 2d Silver Jubilee experimental shades 2d Scarlet BW #166B solo franking and bright brownish red BW #166C in combination with 3d both on plain FDCs. Scarce duo. (2) 1937 Coronation QM 1d and KGVI 2d 2d Die I tied to long illustrated FDC (unknown maker, light central fold) by ‘LAUNCESTON/11-P10MY37/TAS’ cds and neatly hand-addressed to His Majesty King George VI, per Sir Edward Denny Bacon, Buckingham Palace, London, Great Britain (keeper of the Royal Collection at the time). On the back flap in the same hand 1 Abbott Street, Launceston, Tasmania, Aus. [Comes with copy of part of an article describing this cover in The Cover Collector No 27 - 2012 Summer edition] 1938 Robes neat plain cover to England with 5/- & 10/- Robes (thick paper) tied by ‘3-AIRMAIL 3/510P 1AP38/SYDNEY N.S.W.’. A very scarce First Day Cover.

1509 *


1970s-2000s FDC Accumulation of mostly unaddressed APO covers including booklet panes, se-tenant strips, peel and stick issues, sheetlets, M/Ss, Framas, Box Link/Access Town, Joint issues, few AAT, many better values noted, etc, moderate duplication at places, very clean lot, ideal for re-seller. Well worth inspection. (few 100) 1937-53 small selection illustrated (ex noted) with [1] 1937 (May 10) Coronation x2, one by Austral Stamps Sydney, the second registered to UK by Baldwin Edwards (British dealer); [2] 1944 (Dec 4) KGVI 2d purple pair on plain env to USA; [3] 1947 (Mar 16) Geog Soc not FDC KGVI 2d purple and Mitchell 3½d signed; [4] 1947 (Nov 20) 1d Princess on uprated Rex Bodin handaddressed to Austria; [5] 1948 (Nov 15) 2½d Scout by Mitchell, pencil address erased, signed on back Walter MacPeek of USA; [6] 1953 (Sept 3) 3½d Young Farmers (very light foxing) on hand-addressed env to England, unidentified cachet maker. Mainly fine. (7) 1966 Hartog to 2004 almost complete collection on Aust Post, Excelsior, Royal or Wesley covers in 5 albums and on numerous Hagners incl 1971 Christmas, 1990 Garden $20, 2001 International $20, peel & sticks, booklet issues, se-tenant strips, Framas, few commem postmarks incl overseas stamp exhibitions, etc. Very clean lot. (100s) 1932 1/- Large Lyrebird cancelled with ‘BOULDER/9-A15FE32/WESTERN AUSTRALIA’ on neat plain cover, Retail $595, stamp has faults. 1932 6d Large Kookaburra tied by ‘ST GEORGES TERRACE/-1JE32/WESTERN AUSTRALIA’ registered cover to USA.




$8,000 $160

$150 $460


1946 Mitchell’s Exploration set of 3, tied to PMG’s Department OHMS envelope by cds ‘G.P.O. SYDNEY 24/14OC46/N.S.WAUST’, registration label alongside. Neat typed address to Mr Bob Crosby (may have been the bandleader of the Bobcats), in Kansas City, USA. Handstamped in violet ‘Personnel Branch/(Philatelic Section)/G.P.O., Sydney’ and ‘FIRST DAY COVER’. 1948 1/3d Bull & 2/- Crocodile tied to PMG’s Department OHMS envelope by cds ‘G.P.O. SYDNEY 116/16FE48/N.S.W-AUST’, air mail etiquette and reg label alongside. Small peripheral imperfections, opened at left, neatly typed address to California, USA. 1949 1/6d Hermes tied to clean white PMG’s Department OHMS envelope by cds ‘G.P.O. SYDNEY 130/1SE49/N.S.W-AUST’, small air mail etiquette alongside, cleanly struck red ‘FIRST DAY COVER’ handstamp. Neatly typed address to Chicago, USA.

$120 $120 $100

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1512 1512


















$100 $80 $70


1950 Stamp Centenary Pair tied to clean PMG’s Department OHMS envelope by cds ‘G.P.O. SYDNEY 130/27SE50/N.S.WAUST’, registration label alongside, cleanly struck red ‘FIRST DAY COVER’ handstamp. Removeable hinge traces on back, neatly typed address to USA. Top quality FDC. 1951 2d Queen Elizabeth imprint block of 4 tied to unaddressed PMG’s Department OHMS envelope (small tear upper left) by two strikes cds ‘G.P.O. SYDNEY 102/28MR51/N.S.W-AUST’. Few small stains and light soiling on back. Unaddressed OHMS FDCs very scarce. 1952 3½d Scout Jamboree tied to clean white Deputy Director, Posts and Telegraphs OHMS envelope by ‘G.P.O. SYDNEY 130/ 27SE50/N.S.W-AUST’, cds. Cleanly struck red ‘FIRST DAY COVER’ handstamp, neatly typed address to England. Top quality FDC.

1518 1518


1949 UPU block of four tied to Rex D. Blake FDC by light s/ring cds ‘COBURG/10OC49/VIC-AUST’, neatly typed self-addressed with directly related insert. Small stain at upper laft away from the stamps hardly detracts. Rare - no others reported so far. [Comes with copy of part article describing this in The Cover Collector No 27 - summer 2012] 1949 2½d Forrest irregular block of 3 and 1d Princess x2 tied to PMG’s Department OHMS envelope by ‘G.P.O. SYDNEY 130/ 28NO49/N.S.W-AUST’ x2, registration label alongside, cleanly struck red ‘FIRST DAY COVER’ handstamp. Small surface scuffs and barely noticeable staple holes at left. Neatly typed address to West Philadelphia, USA. 1950 1½d Queen Elizabeth x2 on unaddressed PMG cover cancelled with ‘G.P.O.SYDNEY 130/9-A19JE50/N.S.W-AUST’ (A1+). Rare.

1515 1515


$120 $80 $100


1954-61 Challis Selection of eight comprising 1954 Royal Visit set, Telegraph Service (regd), Red Cross (regd), Railway Centenary (single stamp); 1957 SA Govt Centenary (certified), QEII 7½d (regd); 1960 Queensland and Colombo Plan. Mainly fine, all with block of 4 frankings ex noted, all typed WA addresses. (8) 1959 5d Blue QEII tied to Collinridge Rivett FDC with also celebrates the centenary of postal services in Lismore NSW. The 5d is cancelled with a ‘NORTH COAST/NATIONAL EXHIBITION/LISMORE/...’ machine cancel and there is an attractive Centenary cinderella on the face. Number 15 of 20 produced. 1966-68 Selection from ‘CHARMAN S.11/VIC’, 4 with small dash at base, 6 with larger dash at base including one with ‘S.11’ removed (this item is cancelled the day before the issue date of the stamp). (10)

$160 $150 $50

Phoenix Auctions is very pleased to announce that we have been appointed the auctioneers for the legendary

‘Stuart Hardy Commonwealth of Australia Collection’, If you would like to receive the ‘Kangaroo’ catalogue, please let us know.

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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 9th February 2013

ex 1521 1521

ex 1522

1970s-90s accumulation of FDI (mostly unillustrated) postmarks on FDC envelopes or PSE’s, some AAT issues with Base cancels, few Postage Paid, etc, all unaddressed. (few 100) 1977-2010 Diverse Accumulation including 1977 Cricket Centenary FDC in special folder with silver medallion (3), 2001 Hong 1522 * Kong-Australia joint pack (5), 2002-10 FDC range including booklet pane, coils, etc, several Prestige items including Aust. Legends set of 5, Macquarie, also 2010 Canberra Stamp Show special flight cover, etc. (47 items) AUSTRALIA | Philatelic Numismatic Covers *

1524 1523 1524 1525

* * *

ex 1527

$150 $120


ex 1528

—- from 2005 50c Year of the Rooster, 2008 Prestige booklet for Rugby League with special $1 coin, then nearly complete run including Medallion types from 2008 $1 Quarantine to 2012 $1 The Road to London, includes 2010 $1 Macquarie Centenary and 20c Tax Office. All ex the first two in protective clear outer covers, McDonald 2012 cat (to end 2011, ex Medallion types) c$700. Very colourful. (42) AUSTRALIA | Replica Cards 1527 1984-94 Duplicated collection of most issues from No.1-30.(in some cases up to 50 copies of each and others are single copies). Also ‘special’ replica card of Kingsford Smith (No.11) with ‘AEROPEX 88’ cds & cachet. Very high catalogue value. Ideal items for e-bay seller. (1,000+) AUSTRALIA | Commemorative Covers 1528 * Stamp Fairs/Exhibitions 1970s-2000s Range of fairs or exhibitions including National Stamp Week (several), 1984 WAPEX, AUSIPEX, 1985 SUNPEX, AUSTRALIA 99, STAMPEX, Polphil, many APTA or smaller regular fairs, few overseas exhibitions including Philanippon, Singpex, Jakarta 95, Pacific 97, Essen, Bangkok, etc. Interesting range of postmarks, some for particular exhibitions only, cachets or labels, many sets, few MS noted. There is some duplication. (100s)



ex 1525

1994-2000 Selection incl 1994 International Year of the Child, 1995 Weary Dunlop, both with 50c coins and 2000 Olympic Aquatics & Athletics both with $5 coins (McDonald 2012 Cat. value $315). (4) 2000 For Valour (Victoria Cross) (July 24) special $1 coin with se-tenant strip of 5 ACSC #2334c, McDonald 2012 Cat $360. 2005, 2008-12 from 2005 50c Year of the Rooster, 2008 Prestige booklet for Rugby League with special $1 coin, then appears complete run including Medallion types from 2008 $1 Quarantine to 2012 $2 (2x $1) Ready? Play? Tennis, includes 4x $1 Commonwealth Coinage, 2010 $1 Macquarie Centenary and 20c Tax Office. All ex the first two in protective clear outer covers, McDonald 2012 cat (to end 2011, ex Medallion types) $750+. Very colourful. (44)

ex 1526



We DO NOT have ‘T’ lots, all lots are sold inclusive of GST. GST is only applicable to buyer’s commission and despatch costs.




Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 9th February 2013

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Stamp Exhibitions 1971-2005 Accumulation including 1980 Sydpex, 1982 Anpex, 1984 Wapex, 1986 & 88 Stampex, 1989 Philatas, 1991 Stamp Show, 1987, 2003 & 2005 Swanpex, etc, many National Stamp Weeks, Philatelic Conventions, numerous Stamp Fairs including Gosford, Gosnells, Newcastle, Salisbury, St. Peters, Taree, Wynnum Central, etc. Various other philatelicly inspired covers noted, including few A. Post ‘Wattle’ covers, few ‘silks’. Also noticed various Australian attendances at overseas fairs including 1987 & 1995 Singapore, NZ 1990, 1991 Nippon, 1993 Chinapex, etc. Too many items to mention. Duplication at places. (500+) Collection 1922-65 variety in mixed condition, majority addressed FDCs from 1937 Coronation APO generic to 1964 Christmas (Sigma) and including shilling values noting 1954 and 1955 2/- Olympic Propaganda, 1957 AAT 2/-, 1961 5/- Cattle. Commem types include 1932 5th APEX with 3d Bridge, 1947 Newcastle Exhibn, 1959 ANPEX. Other types include PS embossed KGV 1921 and 1928, couple KGVI reg envs. Postmark interest including better slogans, oddments include PPC Yokohama city office. Inspect. (120+) Modern Variety eclectic, not to mention esoteric (that’s enough!), group honouring Don Bradman with a range of APO-produced 1997 FDCs etc plus RAM $5 coin in credit card sized plastic folder; 2002 Highland Games at Bundanoon, at least 23 covers with duplication; some Railway and Exhibition related oddments, handful PNG packs and covers. (130+) Range including Anniversaries, Centenaries, P.O. Openings including ‘KWINANA’ (W.A.) (2, one on special cover), festivals, exhibitions including Chinese Exhibition, 1988 Expo, etc. (few 100) Scouts range of covers for many Jamborees, Ventures, Rover Moots, 1992 Joey Scout Day, Guide & Brownie Day, Cub Scout day covers, etc, many cachets also few Police related cover with postmarks or mostly South Australian cachets. (170+) Accumulation of covers and PSEs with commem/pictorial postmarks including 1982 ANPEX (several sets), 1987 Traralgon Centenary postmark with ‘Year’ date only (2), 1988 EXPO ‘88, etc, all unaddressed. (100+) Range of mostly PSEs with numerous subjects including Royal Shows, Centenaries, Anniversaries, Conventions, PO Openings, Military, etc. Also selection of plain addressed covers with stamps and similar postmarks 1970s-80s. Generally fine. (few 100). Football range mostly PSEs with additional printed text ‘VFL/Football Stars of the/Seventies & 80s’ with photos of players [some great names and Mulletts there], their name, club name & logo from: Footscray (23), Richmond (9), South Melbourne (19), St.Kilda (17), range of similar covers (27c PSEs unused, 36) with ‘Portraits/of Australian/Footballers’, mostly 1903-25 from Victorian clubs, plus few other ‘footy’ covers incl AFL, all unaddressed.(approx 150)

1537 1537






1540 1541

* *

$140 $120 $120 $95 $80 $80


ex 1539

ex 1538

1932 Kangaroo Correspondence & Exchange Club illustrated cover depicting Kangaroo with ‘JOHN M.GOWER’ address inscription beneath, KGV tri-colour franking tied by 1932 (Apr 21) Adelaide machine cancel, addressed to Austria. [Early Gower philatelic correspondence] 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games complete first day of use set of the 52 different pictorial postmarks issued tying either 4d Koala or 4d Olympics to Post Office generic covers to the same addressee, plus an unaddressed Olympic Stadium Opening Day cover with commemorative cancel, fine condition. (53) 1962 Commonwealth Games set of 25 different cancels on separate APO Hermes covers to England, each with 5d & 2/3d, neat printed label addresses.

ex 1540


$90 $200 $240


1970 Royal Visit complete set of 22 postmarks on Australia Post souvenir covers. Unaddressed. APM3020-42. 1970 Captain Cook Bicentenary Celebrations set of 12 covers each with Cook 5c strip tied by appropriate cds. APM 3080-91 Cat $300.

Auction House of The Year 2012 Phoenix Auctions has been voted ‘Auction House of The Year’ by the Members of the Australasian Philatelic Traders’ Association. Phoenix Auctions - Quality and Service Reborn

$90 $80

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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 9th February 2013 1542


1970s-1990s Accumulation of PSEs With FDI cancels including 1979 Billy Blood Drop (2) in red or black, numerous others with values from 20c to 45c, few ‘POSTAGE PAID’ issues, plus small array of unused PSE envelopes selection of unused issues, unaddressed. Some duplication. (few 100)

ex 1543 1543




















ex 1547

ex 1551


$120 $150

ex 1549

1975-76 Pictorial Postmarks all complete strikes separately identified by APM and PM numbers, none particularly scarce nor unusual, some better - eg 1976 (May 13) Toastmasters APM #5750. Some storage related toning in places, majority fine with min PictorMarks c$1,400. (c55) 1977 Pictorial Postmarks more than 60 each year, all complete strikes separately identified by APM and PM numbers, just the odd better (eg Sept 10 World Underwater Congress x2 APM #6170 APO generic souvenir envs). Minor imperfections, majority fine with min PictorMarks c$1,500. (75+) 1978-83 Accumulation of PSEs including ‘Billy Blood Drop’ in black with a mint and FDI of most covers, little duplication. All unaddressed. (approx 200). 1978 Pictorial Postmarks all complete strikes separately identified by APM and PM numbers, many are stained on self-adhesive envelopes on which the gum has deteriorated, still a number of better illustrated types - eg July 14 GPO Hobart Philatelic Sales FDU x2 APM #6600, Geelong Trade Fair x4 APM #6780, two FDU Sept 7 and two with late Sept 10 date, cat $100 each! Other than gum problems already noted, and some further minor defects, majority fine with min PictorMarks c$3,400. (c125)

ex 1550 1550

ex 1545

1972 Australia Post Gold Coast Queensland souvenir cover unaddressed bearing AAT 7c tied by ‘COOLANGATTA/4/AP/72/QLDAUST’ cds (Almeida SE5 - ERD 6.4.1972 - Cat $500), also unused cover, both with the insert, very fine. (2) 1972-87 Pictorial Postmarks on covers from 1972 (Sep 19) and 1976 (Apr 7) Sovereign Hill APM #4800(a) & (b) one with Cobb Coach cachet, also noted 1979 (Feb 5) Horsham Railway Centenary APM #7160, 1979 (Oct 14) Wireless Hill APM #7820, 1986 (Nov 24-30) Papal Visit set of 9 APM #17880-88. Also includes three from 1979 USA Apollo 11 Moon Landing 10th Anniv (Chicago Stamp Show). Nice clean lot, min cat $1,175 (c90) 1973-74 Pictorial Postmarks more than 60 each year, all complete strikes separately identified by APM and PM numbers, just the odd better (eg 1974 Jenolan Caves x2 APM #5220 one a WCS illustrated), minor imperfections, majority fine with min PictorMarks c$2,000. (c125)

ex 1546 1546

ex 1544


$100 $100 $60


ex 1552

1979 Red Cross 20c PSE (3) with red ‘Billy Blood Drop’ cancel (two covers showing Billy Blooo Drop or Billy Blooc Drop varieties). (3) 1979 Blood Donors Service [1] PSE No. 014 with Billy Blood Drop red ink machine cancel; two plain envelopes with hand cancels, one red and one black, each envelope sadly with deteriorated self-stick gum and foxing around adhesive. Each cancelled on first day 13 Nov 1979 APM #8020 group.; [2] on first day APO wildlife souvenir envelopes [3] (Jan 8) National Christian Youth Convention with special ‘direcTions’ cancel APM #7090 $100; [4] (Feb 22) Norman Lindsay special cancel in purple APM #7210 $150. 1980-81 Pictorial Postmarks all complete strikes separately identified by APM and PM numbers, many are stained on selfadhesive envelopes on which the gum has deteriorated, still a number of better illustrated types - eg two sets of 7 1981 (Jan 1) Western Plains Zoo AMP #9210 (one hand-cancelled). Other than gum problems already noted, some further minor defects, majority fine with min PictorMarks c$1,400. (c125) 1981-87 Pictorial Postmarks complete strikes separately identified by APM & PMP numbers, some stains on self-adhesive envelopes on which the gum has deteriorated; some light duplication seen, contains a number of better illustrated types including full sets. Some further minor defects, majority fine, high catalogue. (800+)



$80 $250

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1556 1557 1558

* * *





1561 1562

* *

1984-2003 Framas Diverse range of issues incl Stamp Shows, Cup-pex, Maximum cards, many FDI, few registered covers with values to $5.36 (Darwin cancel), $10 (3) all with Port Adelaide cancels, even 1c (!) on Wesley FDC envelope. Mostly unadressed. Ideal for specialist. (approx 100). 1987-91 Pictorial Postmarks all complete strikes separately identified by APM & PMP numbers, some stains on self-adhesive envelopes on which the gum has deteriorated; some light duplication seen, contains a number of better illustrated types including full sets. Some further minor defects, majority fine, high catalogue. (c875) 1988 EXPO, Brisbane 2 sets in special album on Hagners, both missing only ‘Official Opening Day’ cancel. (126) —- complete set of 64 cancellations used during the Exhibition, on hagners in special album. 1991-92 Pictorial Postmarks complete strikes separately identified by APM & PMP numbers, all are on APO souvenir envelopes and includes FDCs of stamps issued for the period; some light duplication seen and contains a number of better illustrated types including full sets. Some minor defects, majority fine, very high catalogue. (800+) 1993-4 Pictorial Postmarks complete strikes separately identified by APM & PMP numbers, some PSE’s but most on APO souvenir envelopes and includes FDCs of stamps issued for the period and some older types; some light duplication seen and contains a number of better illustrated types including full sets. Some minor defects, majority fine, very high catalogue. (800+) 2000 Olympics cover range including Olympic Torch Relay set of 9, Olympic Pictograms set of 28 each cancelled 15 September, Centenary of Women in the Olympic Games cancels set of 17, Olympic Gold Medallists issues (16 different) 17th Sep to 1st October, etc. (80) 2000 Gold Medeallists FDC set of 16 (offset) plus eleven IOC limited edition types. (27) 2012 Back Caviar Royal Ascot Win twenty different covers (each pane position and prepared following 22nd win on June 24 2012).

$80 $250 $80 $80 $250 $250 $80 $100 $100

ex 1565 1563

ex 1566

AUSTRALIA | Autographed Covers Dennis Lillee original signature on 1981 unaddressed postcard of ariel view of the MCG postmarked 30 DEC 1981 (The last day 1563 * of the 1st test). AUSTRALIA | Postal History 1934-65 in mixed condition, mostly KGVI and earlier QEII period, majority smaller envelopes and odd PPC to local and overseas 1564 * (mostly GB) destinations with several better frankings. Odd earlier includes two 1930s long commercial envs with KGV 5d CofA wmk, one 1934 registered Sydney-Melbourne, the second 1938 air mail Townsville to London, also two 1936 with 1/6d Hermes no wmk. Better later includes KGVI 3d blue Die II on small env to USA, QEII 3d on 1957 to England inscribed FORCES with violet oval handstamp of ‘UK SERVICE LIAISON/ON ACTIVE SERVICE/AIR MAIL CONCESSION RATE/STAFF IN AUSTRALIA’ (quite scarce), other concessional rates. Terrific variety. (200+) 1565 * 1890-1941 inbound variety comprising [1] 1890 (May 1) England-Brisbane env with QV Jubilee 6d tied duplex BN ‘497’ of Malvern cat £75; [2] 1932 (Jul 27) postcard England-Kingston SA underpaid, taxed and 1d postage due; [3] 1939 (Jun 28) Air Mail envelope Gold Coast (Tarkwa) to Mt Lawley WA inscribed via Egypt with KGVI scarcer P12 1/- SG #128 tied TARKWA cds and, on the back, 1d x9 SG #121 with indistinct cancels (not TARKWA) possibly incl ‘TPO WESTERN 2’; [4] 1941 (Jun 25) from bank in Yokahama to Melbourne censored on arrival. (4) 1899-1968 Inwards Covers from interesting selection of origins, including 1935 Turkey, 1965 Sudan, 1947 Lebanon, 1920 Bolivia, 1566 *F 1966 Federation of South Arabia, 1907 Mexico, 1935 Trinidad registered, 1951 Bahrain. (17)

ex 1567 1567






$100 $225

ex 1568

1900-61 including SA 1d red on PPC of S.S. Oroya (Orient Royal Mail Line) to Ireland with Marseilles ‘PAQUEBOT’. Also includes FDCs for 1937 Coronation and NSW Sesqui, couple parcel labels one with 1/- large Lyre in 1933, couple returned Tatt’s types (one from Uganda), ends 1961 use of QEII 2/5d registered env ASC #R41 used in Victoria. (10) 1900s-50s Covers Collection inbound range in mixed condition [1] from North America in bundles with considerable proportion addressed to legendary collector Stan Davis of East Geelong and comprising Canada (17) mostly 1930s local first flights seven franked with pair (6) or block of 4 1932 6c on 5c Air SG #318 Cat £20 each (ie £320 in total), USA (38) 1930s FDCs majority blocks of 4 - most of these sent by Frederick Hambrock Jr of Toms River, New Jersey; [2] small group of 8 from South Africa 1905-52 incl pairs 1935 KGV SJ with ½d incl cleft skull variety SG #65a. (53)



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ex 1569 1569





















ex 1573

1902-68 Inbound Mail variety with [1] 1902 from Cape Town (with contents) franked 1d x5 SG #69; [2] 1929 postcard from GB to Australian Jersey Herd Society with ½d PUC x3 with Newcastle Exhibition slogan cancel; [3] 1940 Pitcairn Is FDC with KGVI ½d to 6d registered to Victoria; [4] 1941 (Jan) outer from Switzerland registered to Melbourne originally containing watch parts with 2Fr adhesive (another stamp removed); [5] 1941 (Aug) censored Jerusalem (Palestine) to Melbourne commercial envelope; [6] 1968 Tahiti to Canberra stated to have been posted on board ship but clearly not since Tahiti PO taxed the envelope with - in translation - stamps inadmissable (probably posted by passenger AFTER coming ashore). 1913-60s [1] range of covers with LATE FEE cds or handstamps, Roos with 1d pair, 2½d, KGV incl 4d olive, few QEII period. Destinations include GB (3), Monaco (with 6d Air & KGV 1d), USA (2) mixed condition.; [2] 1937 Large Airmal cover (24½x11½cm) with 1/6d Hermes (5, one unit with retouch to top left of right hand globe (BW #106d ?)) plus KGV 1d tied by 6 strikes of ‘AIRMAIL LATE FEE/1/SYDNEY’ cds. Some creases to be expected with a cover this size, minor blemishes. (12) 1913-64 mostly long and/or large commercial envelopes to overseas destinations with better frankings noting [1] 1924 (May 4) to USA with 4½d by 3rd wmk Roo 3d Die IIb and KGV 1½d green, two others: [2] to GB with 1913 and 1915 1d Roo and KGV single frankings, 1929-30 - one 7½d by Roo SM wmk 6d chestnut and KGV 1½d scarlet Die II, a second 7½d by 2x 3d Air Mail Type A plus KGV 1½d scarlet Die II, a third 1/3d by Roo SM wmk 1/- plus KGV 3d Die II, others franked variously 4/6d, 6/- and 2x 8/- (one 1957 by 4x AAT 2/-). Some oddments incl philatelic, overall typical social or commercial usage condition with on cover cat over $650. (17) 1913-65 Collection in mixed condition, majority addressed FDCs from 1937 Coronation APO generic to 1965 Monash with shilling values noting 1954 Royal Visit set, 1957 2/- AAT. Airmails include 1935 to London with 1/6d Hermes, also few censored, odd concession, 1913 PPC with 1d Roo, a Bamford electoral PPC c1910 with untied Qld 1d red. Huge variety. (125+) 1913-66 over 60 small covers incl some PPCs to overseas destinations with single frankings noting 1913 1D Roo Die II PPC Adelaide to UK, 1934 1/6d Hermes no wmk airmail to India via Singapore, 1938 airmail use 5d KGV CofA wmk to London, 1954 2/- blue Olympics, 1956 1/- Olympics and QEII 10d, 1957 AAT 2/- SG #1, 1959 1/- Platypus, 1962 1/2d Tasmanian Tiger on PPC. Few philatelically inspired but mostly commercial or social use. (60+) 1915-65 mostly small conventionally sized envelopes and odd PPC to overseas destinations with many better frankings, - eg to USA 1929 (June 4) with KGV 3d Die I and 3d Air Mail, 1930 (Aug 19) 3d Sturt cat $60+ on cover; to GB with frankings including more KGV 3d blue dies, 1934 (Oct 31) lovely real photo PPC of Sydney Harbour Bridge and RMS Strathnaver with 2d Macarthur light hills, 1935 (July 15) with 1/- large Lyre and 6d Kooka typo, 1940 5/10d California Clipper censored front. Many other destinations include Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, France, India (a sadly damaged env with 1/6d Galah unlear date), Austria, etc. Huge variety, mixed typical commercial usage condition. Min on cover cat $850. (c35) 1917-31 Cover Selection [1] USA 1916(?) with 1d red pair & single or 1917 Guildford (WA) to Battle Creek with 1d red pair + ½d, both with ‘PASSED BY/CENSOR’ handstamp; [2] 1916 PPC to Sweden with 1d & ½d; [3] taxed to USA with 1d red Die II overlapped by 1d red Die I, US 2c due added; [4] 1922 Bulahdelah (NSW) registered with 2d orange x2 + 1d red; [5] 1923 Melbourne to Toowoomba with 4d blue solo; [6] 1923 Doblo’s Studios (photographers) illustrated to USA with 2d red x2; [7] Tasmania 1924 with LMult 1d green & Single Wmk ½d orange, fine Taroona backstamp; [8] 1930 Brisbane registered with SMult 4d P14 (+ 3d Airmail & SA ½d on 1d); plus 2 other items, condition variable. (11)

ex 1576 1576

ex 1572

ex 1577



$160 $100




ex 1578

1918-55 selection, mostly to US, comprising 2½d solo frankings x3 including 1918 with ‘Delivery delayed on account/of incomplete address’ handstamp, 1918 3d Die I solo tied by Perth ‘7th War Loan’ machine cancel with ‘EVENING’ handstamp in violet, 1929 Brisbane registered late use of 3rd Wmk 2½d Roo (+ 3d Kooka & KGV ½d orange) to Wales, 1931 flight cover with SMult 6d & 9d plus KGV 5d & Kingsford Smith 3d, 1955 Frank Thornhill (stamp dealer) late use of 3rd Wmk 1/- x2, condition variable. (7) 1920s-50s Assortment mostly letter-rate with KGV 1½d red or 2d red, also 1929 registered with SMult 4½d P14 (cover heavily spotted) & 1933 with 1d added to pay late fee; plus a few PS Envelopes; 1940-50s with commemorative frankings including attractive 1948 Swing Safety Razor Blade Co advertising cover with 2½d Jamboree, 1949 2½d Perf ‘DJ/LTD’ on David Jones cover plus a few FDCs. Very mixed condition. (34) 1924-37 Variety comprising [1] two to USA with 3d blues, single wmk Die I BW 104 to New York, SM wmk P13½x12½ Die Ia Type A BW #107A to San Francisco (opened out); [2] CofA wmk varieties wattle line 5th state BW 82(4)fd Adelaide 1936 (Apr 15) machine slogan and pair incl NY joined BW #82(4)m cds. Peripheral faults. (4) 1929-65 Collection in mixed condition with FDCs from 1937 Coronation but mainly QEII period to 1965, commercial and social mail with European, GB and USA destinations. Flown covers include a registered Ackland 1930 (Jan 1) Brisbane-Sydney AAMC #149 (which crash-landed at Casino) cat $225, also noting couple March 1932 with ‘POSTED ON BRIDGE DURING OPENING CELEBRATIONS’ slogan cancels. Good value. (c125)


$80 $60


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ex 1580 1580






1583 1584

* *

ex 1582

1930 2d Surcharge on covers to Govt Depts in Sydney, opened three sides otherwise generally sound, noted few adverts, cds, etc, BW $25 each on cover. (100+) 1930-60s Advertising Covers useful range including multi-coloured ‘Crispies’, ‘Stamina Clothes’ ‘Four Square Tobacco’ ‘Cooke’s Printing Inks’, also noted S. Hoffnung cover with ‘SH’ perfin on 5d blue. few FDCs and PPCS. Good group. (c.60) 1930s Masonic Lodge (Freemasons) Brisbane cover hoard in carton, appear to be entirely franked KGV 2d Head, with sprinkling 2d on 1½d Surcharge, wide range Queensland cds and slogan cancels befitting nature of correspondence (paying subs, etc), noted Booklet stamps, advert covers, etc, generally good quality. Opportunity for specialists. (c.1,500) 1930s-50s KGVI covers accumulation, appear largely commercial, good range of stamp issues noted, mixed condition. (c.600) 1930s-50s Uprated Registration Envelopes [1] 1938 5½d uprated with 3d Blue, endorsed “Comp/6d” (£10 compensation); [2] 1951 9d uprated with 3½d for change in rates; [3] 1953 1/0½d uprated with 1d & 6½d for 3-4oz; [4] 1955 1/0½d uprated with 7½d pair (£50 compensation).

ex 1585 1585













* * *F

$160 $100 $1,100 $150 $90


1930s-80s Covers Collection inbound range including FDCs (noting Papua 1937 KGVI Coronation registered Air, PNG 1952 lower vals, GB incl 1969 ships & 1977 hi-val Machins, many more useful Singapore sets 1970s and 80s on registered banking mail, commem types (eg USA Space, NZ Health). Lots of commercial many registered from Singapore, Malayan States; university mail from GB, India, Italy, Zambia and elsewhere). Not to mention quantity of social correspondence. Well worth a look. (100s) 1931-32 long OHMS envelopes KGV official frankings with [1] SM wmk P13½x12½ perf ‘OS’, three with 1d green BW #81ba cat $20 each and four (one ordinary envelope) with 2d red BW #102ba cat $30 each; [2] CofA wmk optd ‘OS’, two with 1d green BW #82(OS) cat $80 each and one with 2d red BW #103(OS) cat $60. Most with machine/slogan cancels, peripheral and other imperfections, total cat $400. (10) 1932 (Jun 27) use of 1d green KGV perf ‘OS’ and 2d red KGV ovptd ‘OS on Education Department cover to California. Nice combination usage.

ex 1590

1591 1592

ex 1584

ex 1591


$60 $120

ex 1593

1933-63 multiple frankings on mostly long commercial envelopes comprising three to USA noting 1933 (Feb 16) OS optd 1d and 2d CofA wmk to Kansas, 1960 (Apr 12) with AAT 8d strip/3 and 2/3 registered airmail to Pennsylvania; eight to UK noting 1935 (July 20) triple rate with 3x no wmk 1/6d Hermes SG #153, 1954 (Feb 16) double rate with 2x 2/- Royal Visit, 1963 (Aug 27) with 5/- Cattle (philatelic?); five to Germany incl 1963 (Mar 23) with single franking 2/3d Royal Visit SG #349. Normal commercial usage condition. (16) 1940 1d Australian Air League scarce use of this unofficial envelope postmarked on the back with ‘CLERMONT/1?MR40/QLD’ cds. Small peripheral faults. 1940s Censored Covers to Overseas destinations including Bermuda, Canada, GB, India, Ireland, New Zealand, etc, range of censor markings and tapes, few advertising and airmail covers noted. Generally fine. (42) 1940s Military Mail to around 1960, unchecked by us, condition varies. (c.300) 1941 (Sep 3) Red Cross printed ARCS Message Service cover to Switzerland with 1d, 9d, 1/- plus Robes 5/- & 10/- (both with faults), Lisbon backstamp, vertical fold clear of the stamps. [16/10d: triple-weight via USA and Portugal.] 1941 ¼d Customs Duty on Postal Card from New York to Brisbane. Customs Duty stamp was cancelled in Brisbane.

$120 $60 $260 $220 $80 $90

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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 9th February 2013

1594 1594





1941(?) McPherson’s (engineers) advertising cover to USA with 9d Platypus plus Robes 5/- & 10/- all with ‘M’ perfins, tied by weak ‘AIR MAIL SECTION’ cds, Melbourne censor tape, vertical fold clear of adhesives. Private perfins are particularly scarce on high franking proving covers. [15/9d: quadruple rate via NZ.] 1943 (Sep 15) Censored Commercial Cover from 7th Day Adventists Conference in Sydney to Pitcairn Island, with bold arrival cds on the front. Roughly opened at base. Scarce wartime destination.


1596 1596










1601 1602 1603

* * *



1945 Uprated Registration Envelope airmailed 5½d KGVI uprated with 2d purple & 3d brown KGVI. Cancelled with boxed ‘UNIT POSTAL/23MAY1945/STATION E.L.C. 14’ (B1 - Morooka, Qld - Rated NS) to Townsville. 1950 (Aug 28) Busselton local cover, with invalid use of W.A. 1d Stamp Duty, hexagonal ‘T’ handstamp and mss. ‘5d’ markings on face, Dues 1938 ½d block of 4 and 1946 1d block of 3 on reverse all tied by Busselton cds. 1955 (Oct 18) use of 9d Platypus x2 & 2/- Tasmania Sesquicentenary on registered express air cover to Austria. A rare combination. [3/6d = 2/- airmail + 9d registration + 9d express delivery.]

ex 1599


$90 $150 $90


1957 small boxes (188x60x45mm) x2 each with 2/- Crocodile x2 + 9d Platypus tied by weak Merewether or Woollahra NSW cds, both with Cash On Delivery orange labels for monies due, one with ‘UNCLAIMED’ handstamp, both with “RTS” markings in manuscript, original contents - two shoe brushes! - still intact; also late 1940s (?) Yarraville registered small box (93x93x30mm) with 5½d Gloucester tied by indistinct cds. (3) 1960s-80s Accumulation of ‘OHMS’ envelopes, some are stampless others have stamps with some perfin ‘T’ or ‘VG’, many Departments represented, few ‘PAID’ cancels, etc. Moderate duplication. (c600) —- of advertising envelopes, mostly illustrated, all sorts of topics represented, generally fine. (600+) 1961 (Dec 29) long registered env to London franked 13/3d by 10/- Arms, 3/- Waratah and 3d QEII. Small imperfections, nice uncommon quintuple rate (ie 5x 2/3d + 2/- Reg Fee = 13/3d). 1962 (Sep 12) Control Systems unaddressed cover bearing superb proof impression of scarce Slazengers Tennis Balls meter, handstamped “SPECIMEN”. A slightly lesser quality strike realized US$271 on eBay Nov 2011. Sought after Thematic.

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$100 $100 $100 $110 $160

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 9th February 2013

Page 146

ex 1605 1604








1608 1609












1964-1973 Selection to England with 2/3d Wattle White Paper solo frankings x2 (one on an advertising cover), solo frankings of 1972 35c Munich Olympics & 1972 35c Christmas (recent examples have sold for up to $170 at auction), plus lots of 30c Flower frankings including solos x9 (one 2nd Cylinders), 2nd Cylinders pair (one stamp defective) on Whyalla Norrie (SA) registered cover, 2nd Cylinders x2 & First Cylinders x5 on quintuple rate cover. (19) 1966-67 67 £sd/Decimal commercial combination frankings for 24c and 25c registered letter rates, registration component paid with 20c Golden Whistler, QEII 5d (two issues) representing letter rate, additional QEII 1c for rate 5c increase. Scarce. (2) 1966-80s Accumulation of aerogrammes, Lettercards, PSEs, wrappers, etc, values from 4c to Postage Paid issues, heavy duplication in places, must have high face value, many mint, some CTO, etc. (few 100+) 1966-2000s Covers Collection domestic usage all different mostly single frankings, majority 1980s and 90s with postmark interest a racing certainty noting many coloured types (magenta, violet, blue - NSW and Qld), also noted a double oval ‘POSTAGE DEFICIENCY ADJUSTED/BRISBANE’; black rubber handstamp double oval ‘POSTAL AGENCY/01JAN1992/IRVINEBANK Q 4872’. Also odd Relief, range underpaid Tax and Return to Sender. (c270) —- decimal usage assembly with postcards (135+ including 30 with International Post stamps), overseas destination covers mostly smaller standard size (235+), Xmas card rate all different (c23). Wide range overseas destinations (eg GB, USA, Germany, Hong Kong, India, South Africa, Hungary, Switzerland) with some scarcer rates, not too much in the way of philatelic inspiration. (c400) 1968 (Mar 28) United Kingdom Defence Forces in Australia concession rate cover to England with 6c Honeyeater tied by Adelaide machine cancel, circular ‘BRITISH DEFENCE FORCES MAIL’ handstamp in red. Very few examples with 6c Honeyeater have been recorded. 1970 1970 registered cover (not FDC) to Israel bearing Cook minisheet and PO label with ‘Inspected and Safe for Transmission’ in manuscript, signed, the label tied by tied by rare oval “POSTMASTER/27MAY/1970/BRUNSWICK WEST 3055” datestamp (51x32mm), accompanied by PO directive to Postmasters instructing “Following explosions in aircraft carrying mail to Israel security aspects of acceptance of airmail to that country are being strengthened . . .”, backstamped Jerusalem. Early and rare Terrorism precursor. —- (Sep 30) registered cover (not FDC) to Israel bearing Cook minisheet and P.O. signed label inscribed ‘Inspected/and Safe for/ Transmission’ & tied by rare oval ‘POSTMASTER/30SEP/1970/FAWKNER VIC 3060’ datestamp (50x31.5mm), accompanied by PO directive to Postmasters instructing “Following explosions in aircraft carrying mail to Israel security aspects of acceptance of airmail to that country are being strengthened . . .”, backstamped Jerusalem. Early and rare Terrorism precursor. 1970s-90s Victorian Advertising Covers for Victorian firms and institutions, standard-sized, diverse subject matter, noted media/ entertainment, sport, automotive/transport, political, community services, primary industry, health, domestic, mining, tourism, etc, graphically from the mundane to quite striking, good range of stamp issues. Nostalgia-a-plenty. (c.800)

ex 1612 1613


$150 $200 $60

$100 $150 $120


$200 $360


1975 United Kingdom Defence Forces in Australia concession rate cover to England with QEII 6c orange tied by Canberra machine cancel, circular ‘BRITISH DEFENCE FORCES MAIL’ handstamp in red. Surprisingly few examples recorded. Perforated ‘OS’ Selection including NSW 1921 Governtment Printers postcard with 1½d brown, 1923 with 1½d green perf ‘OS/ NSW’, SA 1924 Attorney-General’s Office to USA with 1½d green x2, WA Office of Titles registered 1925 to Maylands (backstamp) redirected to Mt Lawley with Single Wmk 1½d & 3d and 1928 with SMult 1½d P13½x12½ strip of 3, plus two other items. (7)

Auction House of The Year 2012 Phoenix Auctions has been voted ‘Auction House of The Year’ by the Members of the Australasian Philatelic Traders’ Association. Phoenix Auctions - Quality and Service Reborn

$70 $220

Page 147

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 9th February 2013 AUSTRALIA | Flight Covers - Commercial

ex 1615 1615











ex 1617

Commercial Airmails (British Empire): 1935 (Sep 10) attractive franking of KGV 1d, 3d Jubilee & 6d Large Kookaburra from Melbourne by airmail to Singapore, tied by Melbourne late fee cds [rate 9d ½oz. airmail + 1d Late fee]; also a 1938 airmail cover (corner fault) from Sydney to Netherlands Indies at 9d rate. (2) —- (Dec 10) airmail cover from Brisbane to UK via domestic airmail service bearing 6d Large Kookaburra + KGV 1d CofA wmk added for late fee with uncommon flaw scratch through oval from kangaroo’s ear to king’s nose BW #82(1)g. Commercial Airmails (British Empire): 1936 Pair of covers from Prahran to same addressee c/o Bulolo Gold Dredging Ltd, New Guinea, with differing franking compositions for 3½d airmail service ex Port Moresby, one backstamped Sydney. Attractive and scarce. (2)

ex 1618 1618



$100 $160


Commercial Airmails (Domestic): 1925 (June 20) Cloncurry-Brisbane commercial use on cover of QANTAS fine lettering ‘BY AIR MAIL’ black on pale blue-green etiquette (Frommer #7d, printing considerably misplaced), blemishes although presents well, also 1929 philatelic cover bearing WA Airways etiquette (#24d) mis-rouletted. (2) Commercial Airmails (Domestic): 1932 Rockhampton-Brisbane (Nov 18) cover to Hudson Fysh, c/o QANTAS, Brisbane, bearing 2d Bridge + 3d Airmail scarce Booklet plate Type A and the QANTAS 10th Anniversary etiquette (Frommer #39d), the whole tied by Rockhampton slogan and/or cds. Very scarce tied commercial use of the etiquette. Commercial Airmails (Foreign): 1929 (Jun 21) very early use of the East-West domestic airmail service (introduced in June) to accelerate this cover from Melbourne to Sweden, franked KGV 1½d pair + 3d Airmail x2 tied by Melbourne late fee cds (which must have been used in error as time is shown as ‘2 45P’). A rare and attractive jusqu’a item. [Rate of 9d = 3d Foreign letter + 3d Airmail surcharge x2]

ex 1621


$160 $240


ex 1623 ex 1622







Commercial Airmails (Foreign): 1930 covers to France accelerated via domestic airmail service (each with different types of ‘BY AIR MAIL’ etiquettes), comprising [1] 1930 (Dec 10) 2d on 1½d Letter card uprated with 3d Airmail + KGV 2d tied by Bowral cds; [2] 1931 (Apr 17) SM Wmk 9d Roo + KGV 1d (paying late fee) tied by Spencer St late fee cds; fine condition. Excellent early examples for a Jusqu’a airmail exhibit. (2) Commercial Airmails (Foreign): 1932-33 covers to Holland accelerated via domestic airmail service comprising [1] 1932 (Oct 28) from Melbourne at 6d rate [3d Foreign letter + 3d Airmail surcharge]; [2] from Sydney at 10d rate [3d Foreign letter + 3d Airmail surcharge x2 + 1d late fee]; fine condition. Scarce early Jusqu’a items. (2) Commercial Airmails (Foreign): 1933 (Dec 5) & 1934 (Oct 23) covers from Brisbane or Sydney to Germany via Karachi airmail service the earlier cover additionally accelerated by domestic airmail service [1/- rate = 3d Foreign letter + 3d Airmail surcharge + 6d Karachi service], trivial blemishes. A scarce pair of Jusqu’a items. (2)

$220 $200 $180

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1624 1624






1628 1629

* * *






ex 1628

ex 1631

$110 $140 $180


Commercial Airmails (Foreign): 1936 (Apr 28) cover from Toorak to US attractively franked with KGV 1d + 6d Large Kookaburra + 3d Cable for scarce airmail within US 10d rate. —- or 1937 covers from Sydney or Melbourne to France with varying compositions paying the 1/9d ½oz airmail rate. (2) —- (Jun 4) airmail cover from Sydney to the uncommon destination of Greece, prepaid for 1/9d ½oz rate, trivial blemishes.

ex 1630 1630

ex 1626

—- (Feb 23) to Germany bearing KGV CofA 3d pair + 1d tied by Sydney Air Mail and red Berlin Luftpost cds, Berlin backstamps, three punch holes not unduly detracting from a scarce and attractive Jusqu’a item via domestic airmail service [Rate of 7d = 3d Foreign letter + 3d Airmail surcharge + 1d Late fee] Commercial Airmails (Foreign): 1934-37 selection of airmail covers to Holland at rates of 2/1d via France, 3/5d double rate, and at 1/7d (underpaid for 1/9d rate although not taxed). Attractive variety of frankings. (3) Commercial Airmails (Foreign): 1935 (Apr-May) airmail covers from Granville to Copenhagen to the same addressee paying 1/9d ½oz. rate, franked with attractive frankings of 3d Vic Centenary + 9d Roo pair or 1/- Large Lyerbird & 9d Roo. (2)

1627 1627

ex 1625

$140 $140 $120


Commercial Airmails (Foreign): 1936-37 interesting pair of covers from the same Longreach (Qld) to US correspondence endorsed for full airmail service Australia to London and within US but both underpaid by 7d at 2/2d, the earlier item having air service terminated at London, the later item originally taxed 4/2d but this scored-over with manuscript ‘Insufficient postage/for Airmail/Send Via/Sydney’ added at lower left, Sydney ‘JUN 1937’ transit backstamp. Attractive exhibitable items. (2) —- selection of covers to Germany with various franking compositions for 1/9d ½oz rate, one being double rate (KGV 5d with flaw on Kangaroo’s head), another carried on Imperial Airways Flight IW534 which experienced delayed departure at Alexandria owing to strike of Egyptian wireless staff, generally fine. (4) Commercial Airmails (Foreign): 1937 (Feb 4) cover from Sydney to New York most unusually sent westwards via Adelaide-Perth domestic airmail service, franked with KGV 4d olive pair, Perth backstamp. Curious rate and route. (1)

$160 $200 $120

Phoenix Auctions is very pleased to announce that we have been appointed the auctioneers for the legendary

‘Stuart Hardy Commonwealth of Australia Collection’, If you would like to receive the ‘Kangaroo’ catalogue, please let us know.

Page 149

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 9th February 2013

ex 1634

ex 1633 1633


—- (Sep 5) cover from Sydney to US franked with 2/- Roo x2 + KGV 4d x2 paying 4/8d ½oz clipper airmail service via Hong Kong (b/s). AUSTRALIA | First Flight Covers Selection including [1] 1934 (Feb-Apr) New Zealand-Australia flights x7 with NZ 7d frankings x5 (two being 7d Trans-Tasman 1634 * solos) or Australia 7d frankings x2; [2] (July 24-30) Australia-PNG flights x5, [3] 1947 (Nov 7) PAA Flights AAMC #1119/a x5; plus 3 unrelated items, conditions of 1930s covers is very mixed. (20) 1949-74 Variety including group of five 1960s Woomera launch types noting 1967 (Dec 6) AAMC #R108, four 1974 FAI Conference 1635 * P. Vizzard balloon flights AAMC #B13, 1971 (Aug 31) RAAF Golden Jubilee x2 and Battle Honours special envs with 6c cancelled with RAAF Point Cook cds, exhibition types incl 1972 ANPEX signed hovercraft mail, several FF’s from 1949 (July 22) Sydney to Vancouver AAMC #1222 and including QANTAS, BOAC, TEA, plus some commemorative oddments. Mainly fine, min cat (just the flight covers) $375. (24)




1920 Herald Aerial Delivery violet on yellow label on Layton cover with Victoria ½d bantam strip of 3 cancelled at Traralgon on 30JL20, AAMC #47. Rare.

ex 1638





ex 1639

1637 1637






Australia 1920-22 ‘Herald’ Air Mail vignettes in brown mint or blue (marginal) MUH, trivial blemishes, AAMC #48a & 64a, Cat $400. (2) 1929 Perth-Adelaide group of scarce S. Mitchell processed covers carried on intermediary flights, comprising Adelaide-Kalgoorlie, Adelaide-Forrest, Ceduna-Forrest, and Kalgoorlie-Forrest, signed Pilot N. Brearley, AAMC #137a. (4) 1930-31 Sydney-Brisbane first flights, comprising 1930 A.N.A. and 1931 New England Airways events, AAMC #148 and #224 (98 carried). (2)

$225 $320 $160

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ex 1641

1640 1640




1930 Daly Waters - Camooweal (Feb 21) 1d green x2, 2d red-brown x2 & 1½d red KGV on Callaghan registered cover, airmail to Brisbane and ship to England. The cover was placed on the SS Cormorin in Sydney where it was involved in the fire at Colombo. nice boxed ‘DAMAGED BY FIRE/ON/S. S. CORMORIN.’ on face. 1931-55 Variety from 1931 Australia-Burma AAMC #188b (poor condition) and including 1934 Aust-NZ-Aust x2 AAMC #371 (one signed Ulm, one registered with mss ‘Tax/6d’) and an attractive 1934 Papua-Aust AAMC #392 onwards to New York. Also includes Jamaica 1955 (May 10) flown FDCs x3 with various lower value 300th Anniv QEII pictorials. Better Australian frankings include 6d Air Mail Service optd ‘OS’ and normal. (11)

1642 1642












$200 $40 $110

ex 1647

1969 London to Sydney Air Race selection of competitor-flown Brander covers comprising RP Bennett competitor #9, Kentleys #21 (pencil notation on reverse “2 carried”), Hector Taylor #28, GH Horton #43, GJ Dunster #49, all were posted to Brander on arrival in Australia between 4th and 14th January. Rare as only between two and five covers were carried by most of the competitors. (5) 1982 cover addressed to Ernie Crome commemorating first solo circumnavigation of the world in a rotary wing aircraft by Dick Smith in three stages from Fort Worth to London, London to Sydney and Sydney back to Fort Worth, various signatures, AAMC #1948e. 1982 Southern Cross Air Race covers flown from ‘Bathurst’ (where postmarked) via Horsham to Melbourne, illustrated, signed by pilots and all have printed ‘Rotary’ logo on front in special descriptive folder. AAMC #1963. (12)

Bids can be made online at anytime. Otherwise you can email, fax, post or call us.


ex 1644

1937 (Dec 3) England-Australia-New Zealand cover, carried by Imperial Airways on a S23 Short Flying Boat Centaurus survey flight to test facilities for the forthcoming Empire airmail service, 1d adhesive added in Wellington tied by 22DE37 cds, trivial blemishes. Only a small number of covers were carried. 1940 New Zealand - Australia (Apr 27 - May 2) and return flying boat service AAMC #899-900, Cat $200. The inward a plain envelope (small nick at top) with ‘FIVE PENCE’ on 3d SG #551 tied Auckland machine slogan, Sydney backstamp; return TEAL illustrated envelope (couple spots) with ½d orange Roo Ash imprint pair and 4d Koala tied Sydney May 1 machine slogan. (2) 1965 (March 31) QANTAS Australia-Austria & Austria-Australia flight covers plus a selection of Intermediates from March 31st AAMC #1543a & April 5 AAMC #1547a flights, a few trivial blemishes, Cat $500+. (17)

ex 1645 1645

ex 1643


$320 $110 $65

Page 151

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 9th February 2013 AUSTRALIA | Military & Censor Mail

ex 1648 1648

ex 1649

ex 1650

1919-60s Range of Covers all military related, strength in WWII and early QEII with interesting cachets, handstamps, etc, including ‘AUST ARMY BASE PO/DECEASED/Confirmed...’, ‘Unit Disbanded/Return To Sender’, ‘RAAF’ & ‘Naval’ Concessions, ‘FROM HM (or HMA) SHIP’, 1919 Censored AIF redirected cover, 1942 ‘MIL PO/SYDNEY SHOWGROUNDS’ meter slogan, range registered covers few with provisional labels, Air Medal Wrapper (2, faults), several illustrated covers. Many covers come from bases in Northern Australia, Egypt, New Guinea, etc. Mixed condition. (127) AUSTRALIA | Military - World War I Period 1916-18 group of covers and PPCs, includes 8th Light Horse cachet, RTS cover with “Deceased” annotation, 1918 OHMS form 1649 * with deatils of soldier returning home, mixed condition. (13) 1916-19 English Camps group with selection of AIF Camp POs and Camp Name cds, range of service covers, PPCs etc, mixed 1650 * condition, good range. (22) *

ex 1651 1651 1652 1653

* *F *


ex 1655


Bids can be made online at anytime. Otherwise you can email, fax, post or call us.


$100 $100 $70

ex 1656

1917-18 Palestine mounted group of covers; [1] ‘TM1’ used at Deir-el-Balah; [2] SZ32 on GB ½d wrapper, used at Ramleh; [3] ‘3rd Light Horse’ used at Rafah; [4] 2nd Light Horse Brigade used at Rafah. AUSTRALIA | Military - World War II Period 1941-44 Range of Censored covers by air or sea to [1] Canada, [2] GB (8, one endorsed ‘BY SOUTH AFRICAN AIRMAIL’ at 1/6d 1655 * airmail rate in 1941, one Concession rate (1d) to London by sea), [3] India 1943 double Censored cover Concession rate, [4] USA with poor ‘LADY GOWRIE’ label on reverse, interesting range of Censored labels and handstamps. Mixed condition. (14 items) 1656 * Cyprus three censored envelopes to same addressee in Kyrenia, Cyprus each with double censor reseals, Egypt censor handstamps and one with Cyprus in addition. Common adhesives (two damaged). (3)




1916-19 Western Front group with wide range of datestamps, all identified with their locations, condition quite mixed (227) 1917 (Jul 4) cover Russia to Sydney with Censor handstamp (Russian) and violet on white tape (Australian), backstamped Moscow and Sydney. 1917 On Active Service (Mar 21) ‘ON ACTIVE SERVICE’ envelope of Methodist Church of Australasia with 1d scarlet-red BW #71G (semi-surfaced paper, UV bright red) tied neat clear cds ‘LIVERPOOL MILITARY CAMP/21MR17/N.S.W’ addressed to William Ackland Esq in Melbourne. Stain lower left corner, otherwise fine.

ex 1654



$65 $60

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ex 1657 1657

ex 1658

ex 1659

Middle East cover selection with different cancellations, generally good strikes, includes a number of formular stationery with a scarce 1941-42 ‘Greetings’ Air Mail Letter card, wide variety of censor handstamps, odd fault. 1658 *F/G —- Australian Forces in Libya, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, and Syria selection with different combinations of cancellations and/or censor markings, mostly Australian or Egyptian frankings (one a mixed franking of both), typically varied quality for this material, generally good. (39) 1659 *F/G New Guinea Aitape/Wewak area registered selection comprising ‘A.I.F. FIELD P.O.’ 21 and 24, ‘AUST F.P.O.’ 156 and 173 (curiously with ‘25’ in registration panel), ‘AUST ARMY P.O./217’ (unusually in violet), and ‘AUST UNIT POSTAL STN/360’, handstamped registration details, generally good quality for covers/cancels. Scarce group. (6) *

ex 1660

ex 1661


ex 1663

ex 1664



$320 $130

ex 1666

Northern Territory Military mail 1943-45 selection (26, two registered) from installations at Adelaide River, Katherine, Larrimah, Noonamah, Batchelor, Gorrie, etc, good range of censor handstamps, two additionally with tape, covers typically varied condition, strikes of cancellations generally clear. (26) 1664 *F/G POW Mail Internment Camp 5 (Myrtleford, Victoria) 1945 rare trilingual ‘SERVICE OF PRISONERS OF WAR’ lettersheet with Myrtleford cds and ‘APROVED FOR TRANSMISSION BY CAMP COMMANDANT/No.5 PW Camp Myrtleford’ handstamp at left, also 1944 Official envelope with very fine ‘MIL.P.O. MYRTLEFORD’ cds and ‘Pay Office’ handstamp (2) 1665 *F/G —- Loveday Internment Camp 14 (Barmera, SA) 1943-44 selection with small (violet) or large (black) circular datestamps, and Official covers (2) with differing Pay Office handstamps. (4) 1666 *F/G Syria 1941 Army Signals circular and rectangular datestamps on Official covers (2), one franked Syrian stamps, other unfranked and censored, full of character, very scarce. Ex Collas.



ex 1662

—- Finschafen registered selection comprising ‘FIELD P.O./073’, ‘AUST F.P.O.’ 157, 180, and ‘AIR FORCE P.O./236’, various types of handstamped registration details, generally good quality covers/cancellations, differing censor handstamps. (4) New Guinea - Emirau Island 1944 (Dec 29) cover to Sydney cancelled with ‘AUST UNIT POSTAL STN/29DE44/374.’, unit regn 1661 * handstamp on face. Upon arrival in at Bondi the cover was re-directed to Burwood, resulting in being charged 5½d tax. Quite Unusual. [While there was an airbase on the island with US and NZ units, there was only one Australian unit on the island, the 474 Heavy Anti-Aircraft Troop.] 1662 *F/G New South Wales Selection of Military mail transmitted through regular POs, wide range 1940s (few 1950s) from mostly different Offices (noted TPO 2 North), many censored, variety of concessional rate handstamps and other interesting markings, odd fault, generally good (39, one registered, few fronts).




$110 $130 $80 $100

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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 9th February 2013

ex 1667 1667

ex 1668

ex 1679

Victoria from a single correspondence with majority 1940 and early 1941 to Geelong from various theatres; either plain, YMCA, Salvation Army or Active Service envelopes, censored and usually inscribed by Air Mail, postmarks include 1st and 3rd Brigade HQ cds. Three only outbound from Geelong in April and May 1941 each with handstamp ‘AUST. ARMY BASE P.O./Reported Missing/ Date . .(signature)’ and returned. Later, two OHMS envelopes from District Accounts to the original correspondent in Geelong. A bit poignant. (21) 1668 *F/G —- Selection of Military mail transmitted through regular POs, wide range 1940s (some 1950s) from mostly different Offices, many censored, variety of concessional rate handstamps, noted unusual Watsonia in violet (1947), odd fault, generally good. (31) AUSTRALIA | Postmarks 1980s-2009 Accumulation: [1] of circular datestamps with many ‘rubber’ types, some purple cancels, few pictorial cancels, ‘Paid’ 1669 * cancels, etc (1,000s); [2] commercial covers including advertising meters, ‘Paid’ indicias, PSEs, etc. (approx 500). 1670 D Big Variety: all sorts and sizes including OHMS and other official mail including to govt ministers, registereds, express, adverts, mis-sents, taxed, slogans, datestamp types. Includes PPCs, a bundle of well over 100 with 1934 Vic Centenary 2d, a bundle of 1988 Bicentennial material incl FDCs. Monstrous variety in two big cartons. (1,000s) 1671 * Commemmorative Postmarks: many hundreds on piece with smattering £sd back to 1920s KGV and noting 1952 (May 3) Australian-American-Association (Queensland) illustrated env (small faults) with altered date and KGVI 1/0½d franking incl 2x 4½d. Great majority modern decimals including c185 covers with many FDCs and over 60 from EXPO ‘88. Good lot, mainly fine. (100s) 1672 D Datestamps: close to 3kgs modern cds on piece (almost all on decimal stamps). (1,000s) 1673 D Modern CDS on Piece: well over 6 kgs of clear strikes with strong Victoria flavours. (1,000s) 1674 D Slogan Postmarks: close to 1.3kgs on piece plus 100s of covers with the same (some pre-decimals back to KGV period but great majority decimal stamps). (1,000s) 1675 D Special Cancels Variety: on piece including Reliefs, money order offices, Melbourne and other numbered datestamps, paids, pictorials, coloureds, some on OHMS pieces, etc. Mostly decimal stamps with strong Victoria flavours. (100s) AUSTRALIA | CINDERELLAS 1676 **/C Koala Research: 1986-97 selection of M/Ss (32), some optd ‘SPECIMEN’, various FDCs (7), some numbered and signed by stamp designer, 1994 & 1995 ‘Limited Edition’ numbered packs complete with phone cards(!!!), Face value of MUH issues approx $300. (41 items) 1677 **/C Wetlands Conservaton: 1989-96 Collection including stamps, sheetlets, M/Ss, FDCs (17, many numbered and signed by designers), few ‘SPECIMEN’ opts, Park tickets, 1993 Taipei M/S (3 different, 2 imperf), 1994 imperf Hong Kong M/S in special folder, 1994 & 1995 ‘Limited edition’ pack with phone cards (!!!!), COMPEX imperf M/S, 1995 $15 sheet of 30, 1996 RAMSAR opt on numbered m/s and on $10 on $15 stamp in special folder. Face value of MUH issues is approx $1,000. (58 items) AUSTRALIAN TERRITORIES | Collections and Accumulations 1930s-1980s Accumulation with many FDCs (strength in PNG incl 1984 5K Bird (2)), CTO aerogrammes, some PSEs, commem 1678 * cancels etc, postmarks, few other incl 1973 taxed OHMS cover (flapless) Goroka to Bendigo. Generally fine. (150+) 1956-1980s Covers assemblies for [1] Christmas Island from two with GB QEII frankings and BFPO cds, also including 1967 1679 * (Aug 16) with complete 1963 set SG #11-20 (14 covers); [2] Cocos Is with few Australia-used-in 1956-66 (14); [3] Norfolk Is with FDCs from 1947 (Jun 10) Ball Bay four lower values, others through 1960s, also a nice 1955 (May 18) OHMS env to London with 3½d Warder’s Tower. (50+) 1680 **/U Duplicated Range from 1950s-90s all in glassines and priced to sell at $1,100. Includes [1] AAT ($255), [2] Christmas Isl ($73), [3] Cocos ($519) incl 1963 Picts (10 sets), 1965 ANZAC (330, incl 200 MUH), [4] Nauru ($250) incl 1954 Picts (16 sets). etc. Most issues are CTO. (100s) 1681 ** Ex-Dealers Approval Selection in packets $30 x1, $60 x2, $100 x3, $150 x5, $200 x1, includes AAT $1, Christmas Island, Norfolk, PNG, etc. Marked retail $1,250. (few 100) 1682 **/U Territories Accumulation in 6 Albums Including Christmas Island 1979 Christmas M/Ss (10) and Cocos in nice Lighthouse album, Nauru, Norfolk also small array of Pitcairn Island with several ‘Bounty’ M/Ss, Samoa. Numerous M/Ss, commems, defins. Moderate duplication. (100s) AUSTRALIAN TERRITORIES 1683 **/U Duplicated Selection including [1] AAT 1959-2007 duplicated low values plus 8d (32), 1/- (17), & 2/3d (7), 1966 Pictorials (2 sets, one used), few later issues, [2] Christmas Island defins incl 1977-78 Visitors $1 (34), $2 (17), 1982-83 Birds $2 (4), $4 (2), [3] Cocos 1969 Bird (4), 1979-80 Fish $2 (61 incl 9 CTO), 1982-83 Moths $3 (12, one CTO) 1985-86 Shells $3 (6), etc. (100s) 1684 **/U Small Selection From Christmas Island 1977 Christmas M/S no wmk (20), Cocos 1965 ANZAC (72, a sheet & a half), Norfolk Island range of MUH issues, many defins & opts, used/CTO range includes few AAT, Cocos 1963 Picts (3 sets), Norfolk 1962 Fish, 1966 Bird 10/-, etc. (250+) AUSTRALIAN ANTARCTIC TERRITORY | Collections and Accumulations 1685 ** 1957-2002 Collection almost complete. Retail $150+. (118) 1686 */**/U 1959-2004 Accumulation in large Lighthouse stockbook with 1959-61 Pictorials (16 sets), 1966 Decimals (2 sets), 1971 Treaty (26 sets). Numerous later issues duplicated with a face value of A$600++. Many extra odd values, numerous blocks, gutter pairs, few se-tenant strips & miniature sheets, plus range of ‘used’ or CTO issues. (1,000s) 1687 **/U 1966-90s Accumulation with heavily duplicated range of low values and Ships various to $1 (5), with face value of $115 plus accumulation of £sd issues with values to 2/3d (4) also range of used/CTO issues on Hagners with 1971 Treaty (34 sets with various Base cancels including 9 gutter pair sets), 1979 Ships $1(129), 1994 Huskies 75c (25), $1.05 (20), etc. Generally fine. (100s) CHRISTMAS ISLAND | Postal Stationery - Registration Envelopes 1688 PS 1959-72 1959 30c, 1970 25c & 1972 53c, ASC #RE1-3, Cat $215. Superb fresh UN. (3) COCOS ISLANDS | Collections and Accumulations 1689 ** 1963-93 Collection almost complete, Retail $280+. (260+ & 2 M/S). *

$80 $90 $100 $120 $120 $130 $160 $105 $105


$150 $80

$120 $250 $400 $120

$100 $80 $80 $300

$120 $80 $150

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 9th February 2013

Page 154 COCOS ISLANDS | Postal History

1690 1690



1945 RAF Post 301 stampless cover ‘On Active Service’ airmail cover to UK from a member of the RAF, Ceylon Air Force, with a three page enclosure from No. 2250881, ACI Simmons H.R., Section H, Section 301, RAF, Ceylon Air Force, who was stationed on Cocos. A scarce item. NAURU | Collections and Accumulations 1691 */**/U 1924-80s Accumulation in 4 Albums with nothing of note, many complete sets, moderate duplication, generally fine. (100s) 1692 */** 1968-84 Collection in Springback Album including 1974 1st Contact, 1978 Provisional opts (4), etc. Few issues in blocks of 4. All issues except M/Ss are unmounted. Generally fine. (few 100) NAURU 1693 ** 1916-23 Seahorses Waterlow Printing 5/- rose-carmine marginal single, SG #17. Alex Rendon certificate. [Significantly undercatalogued, Buckingham states p.67 “certainly seems as scarce as the 10/- indigo”, a stamp which catalogues at £11,000.] 1694 W 1916-23 Seahorses DLR Printing 10/- deep bright blue, SG #23d, no gum. *

ex 1696

ex 1695

1698 */** 1699 **/* 1700 */**

$120 $80 $4,100 $340


1695 * 1937-48 Ships White Paper ½d to 10/-, very fine. (14) 1696 ** 1985 Audubon Birds set of 3 all with Watermark Inverted SG #328w-332w, NHM, Cat £75 (2002). (3) NEW GUINEA | ‘N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS’ Overprints 1697 ** 1915-16 Kangaroos 1st Wmk 2½d indigo (a), 9d violet (c) & 1/- emerald (c), SG #74,79,81, gum on 1/- toned. (3)




$95 $80 $120


1915-16 (abc) strips [1] First Wmk 9d violet SG #79 (middle unit hollow stop), toning between 1st & 2nd units, MUH; [2] Third Wmk 2/- watermark inverted SG #97w lower units MUH, retail $450+. (2) 1915-16 (Abc) Strips [1] 2nd Wmk 2d grey [2L38,44,50]; [2] 6d Ultramarine (toned gum); [3] 3rd Wmk 2d grey Unit 16 with hollow dots and unit 22 with white flaw at base of left leg of W. (3) 1915-16 Kangaroos 2nd Wmk 9d violet (abc) strip of 3, SG #89, central unit (MUH).

$220 $120 $90

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 9th February 2013

1701 1701 F 1702 * 1703 F 1704 F 1705 **




Page 155


—- 5/- grey & yellow (c) purple-black overprint, SG #92, undated ‘CANCELLED NAURU’ telegraph cancellation. 1915-16 Kangaroos 3rd Wmk £1 brown & blue (b), SG #99, retail $900+, with unplated break in shading line left of top of P of POSTAGE, cancelled with double-circle ‘CANCELLED/NAURU’. —- £1 brown & blue (c), SG #99 (retail $725), with notch in back of roo’s neck. 1918-23 Kangaroos 3rd Wmk 10/- grey & deep aniline pink, SG #117 (retail $375), light 1921 Rabaul cds. 1918-23 KGV Large Multi Wmk ½d green cracked electro through left wattles and kangaroo [5L46] (BW #65(5)ha). Rare.



$560 $420 $190 $750

ex 1708

NEW GUINEA | ‘N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS’ Overprints | Official Stamps 1706 V 1919-23 KGV Rough Paper Perf ‘OS’ 1d rosine pair, SG #O16, cancelled with light 1923 Rabaul. Very rare. 1707 F —- 1d rosine Die II, SG #O16b, cancelled with part Manus. Very rare. NEW GUINEA | German (Deutsch) New Guinea | Postal History 1901-12 Selection of Covers (10, two registered) and Postal Cards (17) with range of Yacht frankings up to 30pf, mostly to 1708 * Germany, three to NSW, used Postal Cards with opt type 5pf, 10pf (2, one PTPO “Gruss aus Stephansort), Yacht type 5pf green (8, one uprated and registered), 10pf red (4, one uprated, another with unused repy portion attached), Germania uprated defaced type (2), datestamps include Finschhafen, Friedrich Wilhelmshafen, Herbertshohe, Kaevieng, Matupi and Rabaul, variable condition. (27) NEW GUINEA | Mandated Territory Issues | Collections and Accumulations 1709 ** New Guinea/Papua/PNG small collection including [1] New Guinea with few Undated Bird Airs to 2/- (2), [2] Papua various Lakatois, few ‘OS’ opts incl ½d (6, incl 2 pairs), 1½d (pair), 2d (2), few ‘Rosenblum’ varieties noted, [3] PNG incl 1952-58 Picts Bird 2½d imprint block of 48, 1957 Surcharges (14 sets incl imprint blocks of 12), 1964-65 Bird 10/- optd ‘SPECIMEN’, 1960 Dues 1d on 6½d imprint block of 6, few later issues with small duplication. (250+) NEW GUINEA | Mandated Territory Issues

1710 **


1935 Bulolo Airs £2 Violet SG #204, (retail $375 for hinged), fresh MUH.

NORFOLK ISLAND | Collections and Accumulations 1711 */** 1966-80s Accumulation many in blocks of 4, various defin or commem sets. Face value approx $200. (100s) 1712 */**/U 1947-80s Accumulation Prinz album with Ball Bay (3 sets, plus oddments incl some white papers), 1953 Defins, 1958 Surcharges, 1968 Local Gov’t (2),1973-75 Buildings (5 sets),1987-88 Scenes, many definitive and commem sets with moderate duplication, some CTO, coils, peel and sticks, etc, also small selection of Christmas Island issues. Miniscule amount of toning. High catalogue value. (100s) 1713 */**/U 1961-90s Accumulation in 4 Albums with many on 7-Seas pages including 1974 UPU Map (6, one CTO), numerous commem and defin sets, moderate duplication, also noted ‘Bicentennial Log Book’, high face value. (100s) 1714 */** 1947-61 pre-decimal issues complete, 2/- blue Ball Bay plus white paper ½d to 2d set & 10/- Bird optd ‘SPECIMEN’ are lightly mounted, others are fresh unmounted, Retail $450. (66)

$450 $1,100





$160 $120 $160

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 9th February 2013

Page 156

1715 */**/U/C 1947-80 4 Volume Collection on Hagners with 1947-59 Ball Bay (14, with few low values MH), 1947 ½d to 1/- in MUH imprint pairs, 1956 White paper ½d complete sheet, normal issues from 1953-80 are almost complete both MUH (also 10/- optd ‘SPECIMEN’ 2 types, 2/8d Local Govt MH) and CTO (ex 1960-62 Pictorials) numerous varieties in pairs or blocks. Also FDC range (62) including 1947 Ball Bay set on 2 covers to NZ, another set on registered cover to Vic, values ot 6d in blocks of 4, few later including 1966 Pictorials to $1, 1967-68 Ships, 1970 Birds, etc. Ideal lot for specialist. Condition mixed. (100s) 1716 U 1960-90 Heavily Duplicated (in some cases) accumulation incl 1960 Local Gov’t 2/8d, 1966-70 Christmas issues (25 sets), 1970 Cook Venus Transit (97), 1972 SPC (110), 1980 QM (47 sets), 1982 Military Uniforms (12 sets), etc. All identified and in glassine envelopes priced to sell at $600+. All CTO. (100s) 1717 **/U Duplicated Decimal Selection including 1966 Pictorials (both 1c & $1 opts), 1970-71 Birds, 1973 Architecture (3 sets), 1976 Butterflies (2 sets), 1987-88 Scenes, Green Parrot (2 strips), 2000 Year book, 2004 $5 Arms, plus range of commems both MUH & CTO set up for approval selection. (100s) NORFOLK ISLAND | First Day Covers


1718 1718

1953 Pictorials set of 6 on plain cover to Hobart with provisional registration label, red on brown ‘THIS ARTICLE WAS/NOT PACKED/SECURELY/.../RECONDITIONED BY ___G.P.O. HOBART’ (not recorded by Frazer & Occleshaw) sealing label at base. 1958 Surcharges 7d & 8d tied to illustrated FDC by ‘NORFOLK ISLAND/IJY58/AUST’ cds, typed address, trivial toning. The 1719 * scarcest of all the Norfolk Is FDCs. PAPUA | Collections and Accumulations 1720 * 1934-41 Commems Complete generally fine. (Retail $165). (23) PAPUA 1721 * 1931-32 Optd ‘OS’ ½d to 1/3d SG #O55-O65, MLH Cat £95. (11) PAPUA | Postal History




$80 $120 $70 $75


1940 (May 2) Esperanto cacheted unsealed cover from Port Moresby to Switzerland franked with 1d, stamped ‘PRINTED MATTER ONLY’ & framed censor cachet in violet. PAPUA | First Flight Covers 1723 * 1935 cover flown Oroville to Daru franked with 3d Air Plane overprint tied by the signature of the officer in the police camp “Cecil Cowley”, pilot signed by “S Campbell”, a type-written and signed endorsement on the reverse, arrival backstamp, AAMC #P95, only 117 flown, Cat $375. 1936 cover flown from Daru to Mt Blucher franked with 3d Air plane opt, 5-line type-written endorsement, signed by pilots Archbold 1724 * & Rogers, signed “Michael Healy” on reverse the officer-in-charge of police camp, AAMC #P104, Cat $200. PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Collections and Accumulations 1725 */**/U 1952-90s Accumulation on leaves and in 2 albums including 1971 & 1972 70c Booklets, 1973-74 Pictorials (19), 1977-78 Headdresses (12), many 1980s commems up to 8 sets of each in blocks of 4, used include 1952-58 10/-, selection of used decimals. Mixed condition. (100s) 1726 U 1952-65 Collection fine used, complete (ex SPECIMENS, & 1961 Legislative Assembly *), on 7 Seas hingeless pages. (82) 1727 */**/U 1952-80s Accumulation including 1952-58 Picts MLH, MUH includes 1966 Butterflies (with both $1 & $2), 1968-69 Shells (2 sets), plus many later complete commem sets abound and few CTO sets. Very fine. (100s) 1728 **/*/U 1952-88 Stock with £sd sparse mint noting 2x 2/5d Cattle MUH, mainly fine used from 1952 original set (ie no 3½d black) complete with lower values duplicated. Decimals well covered including full sets mint and used with more MUH towards the end. (100s) 1729 */** 1952-90s Collection in Stockbook and loose with small amount of duplication including 1964 Birds, 1968 Shells, etc, some unmounted, also array of later unmounted issues with some corner blocks noted and various 1990s Birds, 1994 Hong Kong strip, etc. (few 100) 1730 U 1952-95 Duplicated Selection including 1952-60 Map 10/-, 1963-64 Rabaul 10/-, £1 QE, 1964-65 Birds to 10/-, plus 1967 Pacific War (14 sets), 1969 SPGames (18 sets), 1973 Telecom (8 sets), 1981 Planes (12 sets), 1982 Food (8 sets), 1994-95 21t on 80t Shell (92), etc. All identified and in glassine and priced to sell at $950+. Mostly CTO. (100s) 1731 **/C 1970s & 1980s Accumulation of packs, loose stamps and FDC’s most still in PNG Philatelic Bureau registered envs and sent to a collector in Queensland. Trading stock. (qty) *


ex 1721





$250 $120

$95 $80 $100 $120 $80 $250 $100

Page 157

Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 9th February 2013 PAPUA NEW GUINEA

1732 1733 1734 1735

* ** ** **



ex 1732


1952-58 Pictorials very lightly mounted, some low values have light even toning. (16) 1964 Birds optd ‘SPECIMEN’ SG #71s, fresh unmounted. 1964-65 10/- Bird optd ‘SPECIMEN’ SG #71s, fresh unmounted. 1994 Provisional Surcharges set of 11, local Retail $300+. (11)

ex 1736

$50 $150 $150 $120


1736 ** 1995 Second Bird Overprints 21t on 45t (1992) small ‘t’ & 21t on 90t (1992) small ‘t’. 3 sets. (6) PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Booklets 1737 B** 1973 70c Telecommunications with scarce Stamp Exhibition INTERPEX New York opt SG #SB5a (current Retail c$250), small light cover stain removable with care. PAPUA NEW GUINEA | First Day Covers 1738 * 1969-98 2 volume unaddressed FDC collection almost complete including 1982 5k Bird of Paradise, 1987 Ships, 1991 Birds to 10k, 1994 Artefacts, 1995 Tourism with variety 65t missing from opt, few M/Ss, etc, (ex 1994 Emergency Opts & 1995 Bird Opts), Very fine. (180+) PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Postmarks

ex 1739 1739








ex 1740

$300 $65


ex 1742

A-B Group of Australia Used in PNG: selection of pieces and covers (mixed condition) [1] Angoram with 1950 registered airmail cover & piece; [2] Buka Passage with 1949 air cover and two pieces; [3] Buin with 1950 air cover; [4] Bwagaoia with 1948 registered Powell cover, 1948 White cover, 1950 registered air Powell cover, cancel in violet & piece. Bainings: [1] (Oct 30) registered (no label) cover to Rabaul with 1d, 2d 3d & 1/- Pictorials tied by Type #BG-1 ‘BAININGS/ 30OCT52/PAPUA NEW GUINEA’ FDI cds; [2] Oct 1952 (?) use of Australia KGVI 6½d green on a front to Rabaul, some spotting. PO 1/3/1951; closed 1/3/1953. (2) Higaturu: selection of covers [1] 1948 cover to Scotland with light Relief A1; [2] 1949 air cover with large letters CDS PO 1/6/1946;

$100 $200

closed 21/1/1951.


closed 31/7/1960.


Rigo Group of Australia Used in PNG: selection of covers [1] 1947 White cover; [2] 1948 air cover with violet ink PO 25/2/1946;

Bids can be made online at anytime. Otherwise you can email, fax, post or call us.

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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 9th February 2013

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