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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
1213 ex 1215
1214 1211 **/* 1212 ** 1213 */** 1214 F 1215 F 1216 F
1½d Red Die I Inverted watermark block of 4 from Electro 22 [L22-23,28-29] with varieties HALEPENCE [L22] and Thin RAL retouch [L28] BW #89(22)j, upper units MLH, lower units MUH, Cat $450+. 1½d Red Die I Unsurfaced paper BW #89ab Electro 21 block of 4 [L37-38,43-44], mildly toned gum, MUH, Cat $4,000+. Rare. 1½d Red Die I vertical strip of 3 Printed on gummed side, perf ‘OS’ and Watermark inverted, BW #89c, two units hinged, Cat $1,750+. 1½d Red Die I used Printed on gummed side, perf ‘OS’ and Watermark inverted, BW #89c, Cat $1,000. Ceremuga (2002) certificate states “Used examples are rare with only a couple of examples recorded”. 1½d Red Die I x2 showing Cracked electro [15R10] BW #89(15)f, early & advanced states, cds cancels not impinging upon the flaws, Cat $1,000. 1½d Red variety Cracked Electro, BW #89(15)f, x3 comprising 1st State Crack in front of roos knee; 2nd State Additional small projection backwards & upwards from left upper serif of ‘E’ of ‘POSTAGE’; and 3rd State Additional extensions of fraction bar joining it to large figure 1and the right white border, fine cds examples, Cat $1,500. (3)
1217 1217 ** 1218 **
ex 1216 $240 $2,000 $900 $600 $450 $1,000
1½d Red Die I Electro 15 block of 30 (6x5) from top of right pane with selvedge intact showing ACSC listed variety Top frame broken left of Crown [R12], mild uniformly aged gum, MUH, Cat $215++. 1½d Red Die I part pane of 30 [15R31-60] with White flaw on T of AUSTRALIA, Moustache flaw, Eight wattles at right and Shading lines missing at lower right corner and part imprint, BW #89(15)h,i,j,k, couple of trivial tone spots, MUH, Cat $328++. An important postional block.
$100 $250
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
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ex 1220
1219 1219 **/* 1220 U
1½d Red Die I block of 8 [15R37-40,43-46] with Flaw on ST and Moustache flaw with additional cracked electro, BW #89(15)ha,ia, disturbed gum on cracked unit, Cat $1,500++. A rare positional block. 1½d Red Die I with Moustache flaw (plus 1½d green example), Moustache flaw with additional cracked electro both states. BW #89(15)i,ia. A rare group of 4.
$500 $700
1222 1221 F 1222 V 1223 F
1½d Red Die I variety Moustache flaw - additionally with cracked electro - 3rd State BW #89(15)ia and Substituted electro - 2nd State (much of right frame missing) #89(15)ib, cds cancels largely clear of the flaws, Cat $1,500. (2) 1½d Red Die I vertical pair, lower unit Substituted electro (deformed right frame), BW #89(15)ib, Cat $750+. A rare stamp. 1½d Red Die I variety Substituted electro (deformed right frame) [15R40] BW #89E(15)ib. Small perf imperfections do not detract from a fresh lightly cancelled example of a difficult stamp.
1224 1224 ** 1225 **/**
$1,000 $460 $200
1½d Red Die I Harrison (‘N’ over ‘MP’) Electro 15 imprint block of 8 BW #89(15)z, mounted on central gutter only, Cat $300+. 1½d Red Die I Electro 16 complete left pane of 60 units with selvedge intact, with ACSC listed varieities Cut lower frame [L1], Eight wattles at left [L7], Shading lines broken left of crown [L22], White flaw in crown [L37], Retouched ‘GE’ and shading [L56], mild uniformly aged gum with tonespots, some marginal perf separations, all but two units MUH, Cat $500++.
$160 $160
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
ex 1226
1231 1226 */** 1227 **/* 1228 ** 1229 * 1230 * 1231 F 1232 F
1½d Red Die I mint varieties, some within multiples, identified by pane position with catalogued varieties including BW #89(17)d x2,e (in block of 4), g,h,i,j&ra plus 17R10 State 2 Serif joined to fraction bar right value shield within a block of 4; also Harrison (‘N’ over ‘MP’) imprint strip of 4 and a 1d pink single, some gumside condition issues, a few units MUH, Cat $500+. 1½d Red Die I marginal block of 8 [17R17-18,23-24,29-30,35-36] unit 29 with Cracked electro and unit 24 with White flaws diagonally across stamp, BW #89(17)l,p, both varietal units MUH, Cat $600++. 1½d Red Die I Perf ‘OS’ variety Cracked electro from kangaroo to below emu (advanced state) [17R26] BW #89ba(17)m, MUH, Cat $400. 1½d Red Die I Perf ‘OS’ variety Cracked electro from kangaroo to below emu (advanced state) [17R26] BW #89ba(17)m, fine mint, Cat $400. 1½d Red Die I with Cracked electro, BW #89(17)m, minor tone spots. Cat $400. 1½d Red Die I variety Cracked electro from kangaroo to below emu [17R26] BW #89(17)m, cds cancel largely clear of the flaw, Cat $250. 1½d Red Die I with Cracked electro - very late state perf ‘OS’, BW #89(17)m, Cat $250.
$120 $350 $300 $250 $175 $180 $150
1233 1233 **/* 1234 F 1235 F
1½d Red Die I perf ‘OS’ part pane of 36 [17R25-60], unit 26 with Cracked electro, unit 27 has Cracked electro through RVT and around white oval under POSTAGE, BW #89(17)m,n, top units hinged, most of the rest MUH, Cat $1,000++. Cracked electros in large mint blocks are very rare. 1½d Red Die I with Cracked electro from roo’s tail & across top of left hand value tablet [17R29] BW #89(17)p, light cds cancel well clear of the variety, Cat $400. 1½d Red Die I with Cracked electro, BW #89(17)p, Cat $400. Plus pre-cracked state in both green and red. (3)
$500 $250 $200
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
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ex 1236
1237 1238 1236 **/* 1237 **/* 1238 **/*
1½d Red Die I Two-billed emu retouched in mint pairs comprising 1st State with Emu with second beak & white flaw on oval beneath ‘A’ of AUSTRALIA’; 2nd State with Second beak removed and emu’s head and neck darker; 3rd State with additional 6mm oblique scratch running from King’s nose to back of his ear. 1½d Red Electro 21 Harrison imprint (‘N’ over ‘M’) block of 8, with variety Blurred flaw though ‘STR’ of ‘AUSTRALIA’ plus numerous uncatalogued flaws, gumside toning, four units MUH, Cat $200+. 1½d Red Die I Perf ‘OS’ Electro 22 block of 4 [L22-23, 28-29] with varieties ‘HALEPENCE’ & Thin ‘RAL’ (retouch) BW #89ba(22)i&j, lower units MUH, Cat $180+.
$100 $120 $100
ex 1239
1240 1239 * 1240 **/*
1½d Red Die I three blocks of 4 [22R44-45,50-51] showing the 3 different states of the Eight wattles retouch, BW #89(22)p,pa,pb, Cat $180++. 1½d Red Die I Harrison imprint (N over M without stop) block of 16 (4x4), unit 22L42 with Heavy retouch from left frame to front of face & unit 22R44 with Eight wattles retouch, BW #89(22)za, top 12 units MUH, perfs of lower units reinforced, Cat $400++
$100 $200
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
1241 1241 **/* 1242 **/*
1½d Red Die I Electro 22 Mullett No Imprint block of 8 BW #89(22)zb, well centred, three units MUH, Cat $200 (as a hinged block of 4). 1½d Red Die I Electro 22 Mullett No Imprint block of 8, BW #89(22)zb, top units hinged, Cat $200+.
$100 $100
1243 1243 ** 1244 V
1½d Red Die I marginal block of 18 [23L1-18] with Dark band flaws on units 2,6,8,12,14 & 18, unit 11 with White flaw right of right value tablet - retouched, BW #89(23)d,e,f,ga,h,i,j, hinged in margin only, Cat $195++. 1½d Red Die I Electro 23 Cracked electro from middle of King’s neck to emu’s foot BW #89(23)q in a well centred horizontal pair, tidy cds cancel well clear of the flaw, Cat $150. Superb example.
$150 $150
ex 1245
1246 1245 F 1246 **
1½d Red Die I Electro 23 Cracked electro from middle of King’s neck to emu’s foot BW #89(23)q x3 dated examples for ‘20AP26’, ‘6MAY26’ & ‘&MY26’ Cat $150 each. (3) 1½d Red Die I Electro 23 Harrison ‘N’ over ‘M’ imprint block of 12 [L52-54,58-60; R49-51,55-57], BW #89(23)za, mild uniformly toned gum, MUH, Cat $300+.
$350 $180
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1247 **/*
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
1½d Red Die I Electro 23 Harrison ‘N’ over ‘M’ imprint block of 10 [L53-54,59-60; R49-51,55-57], with Aberrant perfs in sheet margin, some perf separations/reinforcements, mild gum toning, Cat $200+.
ex 1248
1250 ex 1249 1248 * 1249 **/*
1250 */**
1½d Red Die I Harrison ‘N’ over ‘M’ imprint strip of 4 BW #89(23)za mint, plus No Imprint strip of 4 BW #89(23)zb, gum toning, MLH, Cat $ 400. (2) 1½d Red Die I Electro 24 varieties in hinged blocks of 4 (ex noted), comprises [1] L7-8/13-14 incl Large white flaw over left wattles [L7] and Retouch RF and shading [L14] BW #89(24)d&e, L8 and L13 have ACCC checklist flaws; [2] L49-50/55-56 incl White flaw roo’s ear [L50] MUH plus ACCC flaws L56; [3] R7-8/13-14 MUH incl Retouch under RVT - State II [R8] BW #89(24)ia; [4] R34-35/40-41 with Spear right wattles. . . [R34] and Retouch LVT value [R41] (lower pair MUH), others with ACCC flaws; [5] R49-50/55-56 part Harrison imprint lower stamps MUH incl White spot top frame at left corner [R56] BW #89(24)p. Small gum blemishes, very fresh appearance, cat $260+ (least expensive shades - ACCC flaws counted as normals). 1½d Red Die I Electro 24 left pane NE corner vertical block of 6 (upper two stamps hinged) with ACSC varieties White flaw over left wattles [24L7] and Retouch RF and shading [24L14] BW #89(24)d&e, ACCC varieties in posns 1, 8 (three flaws second state) and 13 (four flaws). (6)
$135 $100
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
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1251 1251 ** 1252 F
1½d Red Die I marginal block of 18 [24R1-18] unit 5 with Retouched shading to right of lower portion of right wattles, unit 8 Retouch below right value tablet (added metal repair) & unit 16 White flaw on kangaroo’s leg, BW #89(24)h,i,j, hinged in margin only, Cat $100++. 1½d Red Die I Electro 24 very fine Cracked electro [24R46] BW #89(24)o. Neat cds ‘BROKEN HILL/18MY26’. Nice example of the hardest stamp from this electro.
$100 $200
1254 1253 */** 1254 **
1½d Red Die I Electro 24 T.S.Harrison horiz imprint block of 8, extension of BW #89(24)za with listed White flaw top frame at left - State III, vertical scratches through right side [24R56] BW #89(24)pb. Also includes ACCC flaws on L59 and R54. Selvedge and three stamps lightly hinged (incl R56). Very fresh. 1923-26 2/3d Booklet with 1½d red booklet pane of 6 plus additional block of 3 from [25-28R6,11,12,16-18,22-24] showing staple holes in the margins. Probably from Plate 28. The cover has been separated and the stamps have faults, BW #B30B, Cat $4,000.
$110 $650
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
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ex 1255
1256 1257 1255 **/*/W 1½d Red Die I Electros 25-28 AJ Mullett imprint blocks of 8 (x3), of 4 (x2) and pairs (x7) with ACSC and ACCC varieties enabling Electro identification. Two blocks of 8 without gum (one perf ‘OS/NSW’), some have pencil notations, odd spot and other gumside imperfections, generally fresh appearance. Highly specialised. (12 blks) 1256 W 1½d Red Die I Electros 25-28 large AJ Mullett unused ng imprint block of 20 (4x5) ex £1 booklet (selvedge staple holes) from Electro 27, extension of BW #89(27)zc. Includes ACSC-listed varieties at L42, R31 and R49 plus ACCC lesser types at L36, L53(a)&(b), R55. Some perf separations hardly detract from a scarce multiple. (20) 1257 * 1½d Red Die I Electros 25-28 AJ Mullett unused imprint block of 8 (4x2) in scarce pink shade of BW #89I(27)zc. Includes ACSC-listed variety at R49 as well as ACCC lesser types at L53(a), R56. Some spots, gum disturbance and usual gutter fold, a scarce positional block in a much better shade. (8)
ex 1258
$200 $130 $250
1260 1258 */W
1259 F 1260 *
1½d Red Die I Electro 29 varieties (per ACCC checklist if no ACSC catalogue number), comprises Triangle flaw in RVT [29L7] BW #89(29)e left unit in pair (cat $75), White flaw at point of King’s neck [29L10], White flaw RVT and shading break above Roo [29L51]; Shading breaks under RVT [29R7], Three flaws and Cracked electro [29R15] unused ng, ‘C’ of ‘HALFPENCE’ thin. . . single and UR in block of 4. Some gumside imperfections noted for accuracy, highly specialised group from the rarest electro. (11) 1½d Red Die I 2 single stamps with Cracked electro in left side of crown and State II - diagonal scratch through upper right corner, BW #89(29)n,na, Cat $150. (2) 1½d Red Die I vertical pair top unit with Cracked electro in left side of crown State II - diagonal scratch through upper right corner, BW #89(29)na, gum faults, Cat $175+.
$100 $100 $90
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
1261 1261 * 1262 F 1263 F 1264 F
1265 1265 V 1266 V 1267 ** 1268 F
1½d Red Die I with Cracked electro diagonally down from Maltese cross in crown [H410], surprisingly uncatalogued. Believed to be the only recorded example. 1½d Red Die I with variety Cracked Electro through Right Value Tablet to Right Frame BW #89(U)n, datestamp impinges upon the flaw a little, Cat $500. 1½d Red Die I with unlocated constant variety Cracked electro through kangaroo’s feet to king’s neck (H333) BW #89(U)o, slogan cancel slight impinges upon the flaw, Cat $500. 1½d Red Die I with Cracked electro through kangaroo’s feet to King’s neck [H333], BW #89(U)o, Cat $500.
ex 1272
$240 $250 $250
2d Orange Die I variety Cracked electro at base of left-hand wattle State II (also at top of left-hand ‘2’) [3R19] BW #95(3)ga, neat corner cds well clear of the flaws, Cat $250. 2d Dull Orange Die I variety Cracked electro 2nd State last ‘E’ of ‘PENCE’ with upper cross-bar obliterated by a triangular flaw, etc [9L7] BW #95(9)e, light cds cancel does not impinge on the flaws, Cat $500. A dramatic & sought-after flaw. 2d Scarlet-Rose Die I BW #96B oversized example with jumbo margins at top and base, MUH. Most appealing. 2d Red Die I Perf ‘OS’ Watermark inverted BW #96ba, rounded corner, Cat $300.
ex 1269
$200 $500 $120 $100
ex 1273
ex 1271 ex 1274 1269 U 1270 * 1271 U/*
1272 U 1273 * 1274 F 1275 V 1276 *
2d Red with White spot after ‘2’ at right [10R27] BW #96(10)f. Many cds, mostly fine, Cat $342. (19) 2d Bright Red-Brown with Right frame largely missing - State II additional vertical crack, BW #97(16)ha, lightly aged gum, Cat $175. 3d Blue Die I generally fine used cds (ex one MLH) with selection of shades in BW #104 group incl varieties at 1L51 (and a couple somewhat doubtfully 1R30 & 1R32), perf ‘OS’ at 1R49, 2L19 & 2L53; also a normal MLH, another with early cds appears ‘17MY24’, three perf ‘OS’. PLUS Die Ia Type A/B cds vertical pair BW #105c (cat $100) believed left pane posns 11 & 17. Good specialist lot, min cat $390. (11) 4d Orange Array on hagners with Watermark inverted x7 including strip of 3 & a CTO example, varieties including Weeping ‘4’, also punctured ‘OS’, ‘OS/NSW’ & ‘T’ and a wide range of shades, generally fine. (50) 4d Lemon-Yellow BW #110. Watermark clearly shows from front. Plus 1½d red block of 4 with both upper units hinged including No cross on crown [21L29] variety, Cat $200. (5) 4d Lemon-Yellow BW #110C x4 including a possible lime-yellow, all with cds cancels. (4) 4d Orange Watermark Inverted BW #110a with striking Tin shed flaws, VFU. 4d Orange Plate 1 ‘JBC’ Monogram corner pair BW #110(1)zb, fine mint, Cat $1,000.
$85 $100
$130 $120 $100 $120 $100 $400
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1277 **/*
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
4d Orange TS Harrison one-line imprint block of 8 Watermark inverted BW #110a(1)zd, small section of missing selvedge has been replaced & attached to lower-left units, two units MUH, Cat $7,500+. Absent from Stuart Hardy’s collection.
1279 1278 F 1279 ** 1280 **
4d Orange with variety Line through ‘FOUR PENCE’ BW #110(2)f, cds cancel well clear of the variety, Cat $150. 4d Orange block of 4 from upper-right corner of the pane Watermark inverted the lower right unit with variety Line through ‘FOUR PENCE’ [2R12] 110a(2)h, mild gum crease upper units, fresh MUH, Cat $1,260++. Appealing positional block. 4d Buff-Orange marginal block of 4, the lower right unit with with variety Line through ‘FOUR PENCE’ [2R12] BW #110F(2)h, minor gum bubbles, fresh MUH, Cat $1,500+.
We DO NOT have ‘T’ lots, all lots are sold inclusive of GST. GST is only applicable to buyer’s commission and despatch costs.
$100 $1,000 $750
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
ex 1282 1281 1281 W 1282 W/U
1283 **
1284 **/*
4d Orange ‘JBC’ Monogram strip of 3 BW #110(2)z, without gum, Cat $1,000 (as a mint corner pair). 4d Violet small selection on hagner with varieties including Cracked electro through Kangaroo perf ‘OS’ BW #111b(1)d (Cat $180), Weeping ‘4’ #(2)f, Horned emu #(2)j, also perf ‘OS’ x2 & perf ‘OS/NSW’ (unused), condition variable but mostly fine. (16)
4d Violet BW #111 Plate 1 left pane lower-left corner block of 20 (4x5) with ACSC listed varieities Cracked electro [L32], White flaw on Roo’s back [L37], Lower left frame worn [L56], Roo’s tongue out & Splintered Corner [L58], some margin separation, MUH, Cat $1,500++. An important positional piece.
4d Violet TS Harrison Imprint strip of 6 #111(2)z, well centred, hinge remainders, five units MUH, Cat $2,500++ (as an imprint block of 4).
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
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ex 1285
1287 1285 W/U 1286 V 1287 **
4d Blue used selection on hagner with Harrison Watermark inverted (unused), varieties including Cooke Cracked electro #112(1)d, Splintered SW Corner (1)i, White scratch from crown to head (1)j, Weeping ‘4’ (2)f x2 (one perf ‘OS’), plus Harrison Diagonal white line on King’s neck (4)k; also punctured ‘OS’ x6, ‘OS/NSW’ x3 & ‘T’; condition generally fine. (31) 4d Ultramarine Cooke Plates CTO at Brisbane BW #112w, uniformly toned gum, MUH. Very scarce. 4d Olive Mullett no imprint pair, right-hand unit with Diagonal white line on King’s neck [4R55] BW #114(4)za (with variety k), mounted on selvedge only, Cat $450 (as a block of 4).
$150 $150 $180
1288 1288 ** 1289 *
4d Olive Plate 4 marginal block of 4 the lower-left unit with variety Kangaroo’s tongue out [L25] BW #114(4)e, Cat $350++. 4½d Violet Perf OS BW #118b. Very fresh, Cat $400.
1290 V
5d Chestnut Smooth Paper Line Perforation Printed on gum Perf ‘OS’ with Wmk inverted BW #122c (var). Lightly toned perf, very light machine slogan cancel. The light patch in the SW corner is where a small amount of moisture was used to test that it is in fact printed on the gum. Previously only known from a mint block of 4 which sold in the Hardy sale for $25,630.
Your material could have been here! Contact us to find out how.
$200 $140
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
ex 1291
1292 1293
1291 F 1292 * 1293 *
5d Brown Comb Perf cds (ex noted) varieties in BW #123 group of shades comprising 1L59 x2 (one machine cancel), 1R42, 1R56 x2 (one perf ‘OS’), 1R59 x6 appears State III x4 & State IV x2, Some woolly perfs and less than perfect centring, nice clean specialist lot, cat $420 (as all least expensive shade). (11) 5d Orange-Brown Perf ‘OS’ BW #123Cb, lightly hinged, Cat $200. 5d Chestnut Die I Smooth Paper Comb Perf Harrison imprint pair as BW #123ze, wide sheet margin allowing a complete imprint and very scarce thus, perfs reinforced at top, Cat $7,500 (as a block of 4).
1294 1294 F 1295 F 1296 *
5d Bright Chestnut Rough Paper Perf ‘OS’ with Notched left frame above lower corner [1L57] BW #124n. The official perfin is misplaced to left and just touching the perfs, nicely centred with early date of 8OC20. Strong fresh colour, Cat $400. 5d Bright Chestnut Rough Paper Perf ‘OS’ variety Damaged SE corner [1R42] BW #124s, shallow thin centre top, Cat $400. 1/4d Greenish Blue with Thick ‘1’ at right [1R57] BW #128Bm. Very fresh, Cat $350.
AUSTRALIA | KGV - Large Multiple Watermark 1297 ** ½d Green variety Thin fraction at right in a horizontal pair [5R43] BW #65(5)m, band of mildly toned gum, MUH, Cat $200+. 1298 V ½d Green with variety Thin fraction at right [5R43] BW #65(5)m, VFU, Cat $250. 1299 F ½d Green Perf ‘OS’ with variety Thin fraction at right [5R43] BW #65ba(5)m, datestamp not impinging upon flaw, fine used, Cat $500.
1300 ** 1301 * 1302 V
$200 $150 $130
$130 $120
$120 $150 $275
½d Green Thin paper interpane pair the left-hand unit with variety Retouched shading behind King’s head BW #65ac(6)f, MUH, Cat $300+. 1d Carmine-Pink Cooke Printing (G101) BW #73A, golden orange u/v reaction, fine mint, Cat $400. 1d Carmine-Pink Cooke Printings (G101) BW #73A, VFU example with Swan Hill (Vic) cds, Cat $275. Premium example.
$200 $275 $225
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
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1303 1303 * 1304 **
1d Rose-Red Cooke Printing (G102) BW #73B, dull purple-red u/v reaction, hinge remainders, Cat $7,500. Ex Stuart Hardy selling for $5,290 at our sale of 2/11/2012. Drury Certificate (2012). 1d Deep Red Cooke Printing (G103) BW #73C, well centred, fresh MUH, Cat $12,500. Ceremuga Certificate (2012) states “extremely rare shade in ** condition”, also Drury Certificate (2004).
$5,000 $7,500
ex 1306
1305 1305 * 1306 F 1307
1308 1308 **/* 1309 **/*
1d Carmine-Pink (G101) block of 4 with varieties Distorted ‘ONE PENNY’ [VIII/13] & Thin ‘ONE PENNY’ (retouch) [VIII/14] BW #73A(4)k&l, fine mint, Cat $2,300+. Ex Stuart Hardy selling for $1,660+ at our sale of 2/11/2012. Drury Certificate (2012). 1d Carmine-Rose Harrison Printing three examples with varieties Damaged lower right frame [V/30], Thinned left frame [VI/22] and Wattle line [VII/31], BW #74(3)d & g, 74(4)f. All reasonably well centred cds, cat $100 each. (3) 1d Carmine-Rose Harrison Printing 1920 use of slightly battered OHMS long envelope (prob originally 230x100mm approx but trimmed at top) stamped to order with KGV 1½d brown Star type III uprated 2½d by perf ‘OS/NSW’ 1d carmine-rose (BW #74A) x2 (one faulty) and ½d green (BW #65), all tied three strikes ‘WEST KEMPSEY/26NO20/N.S.W’ cds. Two stamps affixed upside down, addressed to Mr Surveyor McLean in Comara. [If normal perf ‘OS’, this LM 1d on cover cat $750!]
$1,500 $120
1d Carmine-Rose Harrison Printings (G104) BW #74A block of 4, upper-right unit light hinge mark, other units fresh MUH, Cat $125+. Premium multiple. Drury Certificate (2013). 1d Carmine-Rose Harrison Printings (G104) part-Harrison imprint corner block of 4 with varieties Ferns [VII/54] & ‘RA’ of ‘AUSTRALIA’ Joined [VII/60] BW #74C(4)ia&j, fresh multiple with three units MUH, Cat $695++. Drury Certificate (2013).
$140 $525
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
1310 1310 * 1311 * 1312 F
1d Deep Carmine Harrison Printing (G108) BW #74E, MVLH, Cat $600. Absent from the Hardy Collection. 1d Carmine-Rose Harrison Printings (G104) pair with variety Ferns on right-hand unit BW #74A(4)ia, small surface abrasion on the flaw unit, MLH with the variety unit MVLH, Cat $300+. 1d Deep Carmine-Rose variety Thin ‘ONE PENNY’ BW #74B(4)l, well centred, fine used, Cat $100.
1313 1313 ** 1314 **
$450 $180 $80
part 1314
1d Carmine-Rose Harrison Printings (G104) corner block of 4 with varieties White spot in SE Corner [VIII/54] & Run ‘N’ (Second State) [VIII/60] BW #74A(4)o&sa, fresh MUH, Cat $770++. Drury Certificate (2013). 1d Green plate 4 part sheet of 90 [VII/1-60,VIII/31-60] with Harrison imprint. Includes catalogued flaws 80(4)d,e,f,g,h,ia,j,n,q,r,sa. Lightly aged gum. A scarce block.
$575 $500
1315 1315 **/*
1½d Black-Brown Die I marginal part imprint block of 12 [1L49-60], 2 units with disturbed gum, Cat $100+, trivial Offset affects most units.
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1316 **
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
1½d Black-Brown Die I marginal block of 18 [1R1-18], unit 18 with catalogued Cut in right frame - retouched (very minor in this issue), BW #84(1)ga, hinged in margin only, Cat $180+.
ex 1318 1317 1317 ** 1318 U
1319 **
1½d Black-Brown Die I marginal block of 12 [1R19-30], units 29 with catalogued TRA of AUSTRALIA blurred, BW #84(1)h, three units hinged, Cat $131+. 1½d Black-Brown Die I group of catalogued flaws, (1)d,f,g,h,i,j,k,m (2)d,e,h,i (3)f,g,h,j,k,l & (4)g (18)
$80 $150
1½d Black-Brown Die I marginal block of 12 [1L1-12] Watermark inverted, unit 7 with catalogued Left frame pointed and curved, BW #84a, hinged in margin only, Cat $900+.
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
1320 **
1½d Black-Brown Die I marginal block of 18 [1R1-18] Watermark inverted, units 22 with catalogued Cut in right frame retouched (very minor in this issue), BW #84a, hinged and toned in margin only, Cat $1,350+.
1321 1321 ** 1322 **/*
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1½d Black-Brown Die I Watermark inverted corner block of 4 [2R1-2,6-7] with variety Retouched left frame BW #84(2)h, fresh MUH, Cat $300+. 1½d Black-Brown Die I marginal block of 18 [1L13-30] Watermark inverted, units 19 & 20 with catalogued Left frame retouched and White flaw right of kangaroo’s head and white flaws in front of large ‘1’ at right, BW #84a, four units hinged, Cat $1,150+.
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$140 $550
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
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1323 **/*
1½d Black-Brown Die I marginal block of 12 [1R19-30] Watermark inverted, BW #84a, three units hinged, Cat $825+.
1324 **/*
1½d Black-Brown Die I Watermark inverted block of 8 [1R33-36,39-42] with variety White flaw on 4th bloom of right wattles BW #84(1)i, upper-left unit gum toning, six units MUH, Cat $550++.
1326 1325 ** 1326 ** 1327 **
1½d Black-Brown Die I Watermark Inverted BW #84a. A fresh left marginal. 1½d Black-Brown Die I corner block of 4 [2R5-6,11-12] on Very thin paper, BW #84aa, hinged in margin only, Cat $200+. 1½d Black-Brown Die I corner block of 4 [2L1-2,7-8] on Very thin paper, BW #84aa, three units hinged, Cat $200+.
‘My Auction Bidsheet’ on our website always shows you the current status of your bids.
$65 $100 $100
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
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1329 1328 * 1329 */**
1330 */**
1331 **/*
1½d Black-Brown Die I Watermark inverted on Very thin paper, with Small projection from lower margin of medallion midway between ‘S’ & ‘T’ of ‘POSTAGE’, pencil annotations on reverse, MLH. 1½d Black-Brown Die I Electro 1 right pane part Harrison imprint block of 4 with full selvedge incl Scalloped lower frame at right [1R50] BW #84A(1)m. Lower units MUH; plus lower left unit has ACCC variety Small break left frame 12.5mm from top [1R55]. Very good centring, very fresh.
1½d Black-Brown Die I Electro 1 Watermark inverted right pane lower right corner horiz block of 8 (4x2) [1R51-4/57-60] with selvedge (hinge reinforcement, notation at right) and noticeable ACCC flaws at R58 & 60. Five units MUH, others just the lightest hinge trace. Minor gumside imperfections scarcely detract form well-centred and fresh positional. Min outdated catalogue extrapolated $525.
1½d Black-Brown Die I bottom right part pane of 18 [1R43-60] with part imprint and Lower left corner missing and Scalloped lower frame at right, BW #84(1)k,m, couple of small tone spots, all MUH except one unit, Cat $246++. This is prior to the development of the crack from units 49 to 51.
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1332 **/*
1½d Black-Brown Die I interpanneau block of 42 Wmk inverted with imprint [1L31-60,R31-32,37-38,43-44,49-50,55-56], BW #84a(1)z, some re-inforcing on left side of gutter, 32 units MUH, Retail of just the MUH as singles is $4,800. A rare positional piece.
ex 1336
1334 1333 F 1334 **/* 1335 ** 1336 F 1337 **/*
1½d Black-Brown Die I with Cracked electro through rear of head, BW #84(2)g, Cat $750. 1½d Black-Brown Die I strip of 3 [2R34-36] Wmk inverted, unit 34 with White flaw right of wattle stem at right, the major flaws on unit 36 have not developed yet, BW #84(2)i, couple of gum creases, MUH, Cat $300+ extrapolated. 1½d Black-Brown Die I corner block of 24 [3R1-2,7-8,13-14,19-20,25-26,31-32] units 1, 26 & 31 catalogued Retouched NW corner, HAI.FPENCE and White flaw on kangaroo, BW #84(3)d,g,h, hinged in margin only, Cat $200+. 1½d Black-Brown Die I single with Very thin paper and Thin AUSTRALIA, BW #84aa(2)ja, Cat $400 extrapolated. Plus Single Wmk single with same flaw. (2) 1½d Black-Brown Die I Harrison Plate 4 imprint block of 4 BW #84z, lower units MUH, Cat $400+.
$400 $120 $100 $150 $250
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ex 1338
1339 1338 U 1339 **/*
1½d Brown Die I group of catalogued flaws, (3)d,f,g,k,l (4)d,e,g,h,i (5)d,e,f,g,i,ia,k,la,lb (5A)d,eb,ec,f,g,h,ha (6A)d (26) 1½d Brown Die I Plate 4 imprint block of 4, BW #86(4)z, Cat $400+.
$200 $250
1340 F
1½d Brown Die I imprint block of 8, units 53 & 54 with No top to crown( #(8)j,k), BW #86(8)z, top units hinged, Cat $400++.
1341 **
1½d Brown Die I half pane [9AR1-30], unit 8 with Small cracked electro and damaged bottom right corner. Very light tones on 7 non-varital units. A very scarce multiple from this little understood plate.
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ex 1342
ex 1344 1342 F
1½d Brown Die I with Small cracked electro and damaged bottom right corner [9AR8] on piece with 4d orange; plus 2nd stamp with Damaged lower right corner prior to the development of the crack. (2) 1½d Brown Die I block of 18 [86R1-18], units 5 & 6 with Scratch through NE corner & Scratch through kangaroo and left value tablet. BW #86(12)i,j, MUH, Cat $244++. 1½d Brown Die I Perf ‘OS’ with unlocated constant variety White flaw obliterating emu’s rear foot (C130) BW #86U(g), cds cancel not impinging upon the flaw, Cat $500.
1343 ** 1344 F
1345 1345 F 1346 F 1347 F 1348 F
$150 $250
1½d Chocolate Perf ‘OS’ unlocated constant variety White flaw obliterating emu’s rear foot BW #86ba(U)g. Per Bill Fiora’s November 2011 Flaw Location Guide, appears to be second state UCV C130(2). Small surface scuff by emu’s tail away from the variety hardly detracts from a very well centred and seriously scarce stamp. 1½d Brown Die I with Cracked electro white flaw obliterating emu’s rear foot [C130], BW #86(U)g, Cat $500. 1½d Brown Die I with Cracked electro from kangaroos thigh through lower portion of emu’s feet to right frame - early state [C118], BW #86(U)h, Cat $500. 1½d Brown Die I with Cracked electro from kangaroos thigh through lower portion of emu’s feet to right frame - late state [C118], BW #86(U)h, crease, Cat $500.
ex 1349
$225 $250 $250 $200
ex 1351
1349 F
1½d Brown Die I with Cracked electro vertically through crown [C142] four examples showing the development of the crack, BW #86(U)j, crease, Cat $2,000. 1350 V 1½d Brown Die I with Cracked electro through portion of right value tablet and in left value tablet [C248] perf ‘OS’, BW #86(U)w, Cat $1,500 with perf ‘OS’ multiplier. AUSTRALIA | KGV - No Watermark 1351 U 1½d Red Die I Perf ‘OS’ BW #90ba geniune used examples x8, Cat $1,200. (8)
To avoid errors, please check your Lot Numbers and Bids carefully.
$1,000 $350 $500
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
ex 1353
ex 1352 1352 **/*
1353 **/* 1354 **
1½d Red Die I Plate 17 right pane mint multiples comprising blocks of 12x2 [19-24,25-30] & [31-36,37-42], block of 8 [3-6,912], blocks of 4 x5 [3-4,9-10], [5-6,11-12],[19-20,25-26], [49-50,55-56] & [53-54,59-60], vertical strip of 3 [16,22,28], vertical pair [4,10] and horizontal pair [17-18], listed varieties including Scratched electro BW #90(17)i, Diagonal white flaw behind King’s neck #(17)l, Notched NE corner & Notched NW Corner (17)na & o, etc, some hinge reinforcing on larger blocks, many units MUH, Cat $750+. 1½d Red Die I mint varieties, a few within multiples, identified by pane position with catalogued varieties including BW #90(17) d, e (in a pair), f (in block of 8 MUH), g x2, h&i (in a block of 8 MUH), k x2, na, q & qa, rb x5, condition mostly fine, some stamps MUH, Cat $1,400+. 1½d Red Die I corner block of 4 with variety White flaw below ‘AL’ of ‘AUSTRALIA’ [17L7] BW #90(17)d, Cat $120+.
$300 $350 $85
ex 1357
1356 1355 **/* 1356 * 1357 **/*
1½d Red Die I substituted electro block of 4 [17R21-22,27-28] in block of 12, BW #90(17)j,k,na,o, perf separation between units 27 & 28 reinforced otherwise MUH, Cat $200+. Rare. 1½d Red Die I substituted electro block of 4 [17R21-22,27-28], BW #90(17)j,k,na,o, top and bottom pairs rejoined, Cat $200+. Rare. 1½d Red Die I variety Gash in left frame and kangaroo [17R43] BW #90(17)q in pair mint and Retouched #qa in strip of 3 MUH, Cat $220+.
$200 $150 $120
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1358 1358 **/* 1359 **/*
1360 **/*
1½d Red Die I Harrison (‘N’ over ‘MP’) imprint block of 4 BW #90z, upper-right unit variety Large irregular flaw at base of King’s neck [17R49], mounted in central gutter with upper-right unit touched, Cat $300 (as a mounted block). 1½d Red Die I Harrison (‘N’ over ‘MP’) Plate 17 imprint block of 12 BW #90z, a few mild tonespots, some perf reinforcing in marginal selvedge & on upper units, Cat $300 (as an imprint block of 4).
1½d Red Die I Electro 18 complete sheet of 120 with Harrison imprint ‘N’ over ‘MP’ with stop and ACSC listed flaws BW #90(18)d-o, small section of upper sheet margin missing & some perf separations & reinforcements, most units MUH, Cat $2,500++.
$150 $140
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ex 1361
ex 1362
1361 **/*
1½d Red Die I mint Electro 18 positional array with left pane [L2], [L8], [L13-14] pair with catalogued variety Scratched electro through both units, MUH [L41], [L53-54] pair, [L56]; right pane [R4], [R20], [R28], [R42], [R51-52] pair MUH, [R53-54,59-60] block of four MUH, some tonespots, generally fine, Cat $300+. 1362 U 1½d Red Die I Electro 18 ACSC catalogued flaws selection comprising d,e,f, g & j, used, Cat $225. 1363 **/* 1½d Red Die I Electro 18 Harrison imprint (‘N’ over ‘MP’) block of eight BW #90z with varieties Void patch upper-left corner [R55] & ‘GE’ of ‘POSTAGE’ joined [R56], lower-right unit toning, inner four units MUH, Cat $450 (as a MUH block of 4). AUSTRALIA | KGV - Small Multiple Watermark Perf 14
$140 $100 $240
1364 ** 1365 * 1366 F
½d Orange Watermark inverted BW #67a, well-centred, MUH, Cat $200. ½d Orange Watermark Inverted BW #67a. Exceptional perfs, very fresh, Cat $150. ½d Orange Perf ‘OS’ pair BW #67ba, Cat $400+. Seldom seen as a used multiple.
1367 **
1d Green Watermark Inverted part left pane of 30 [VII/31-60] with part Ash imprint. Includes catalogued flaws 80(4)f,g,ha,ib,ja. Some creasing and perf separation issues. A scarce block.
$125 $85 $240
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1368 **/*
1d Green Watermark Inverted right pane of 60 [VIII/1-60] with part Ash imprint. Includes catalogued flaws 80(4)k,l,m,n (makeready correction?),q,r,sb. Some creasing, odd tonespot and perf separation issues. A scarce block.
1371 1369
1370 1369 **/ 1370 **/* 1371 **
1d Green block of 6 (3x2) from top of the pane with Double Perfs in sheet margin, one unit closed internal tear, some sensible reinforcement of double perfs, stamps MUH. 1d Green Mullett imprint block of 24 (12x2), BW 80(3)z, most units MUH, Cat $195++. 1d Green positional block of 4 [VII/31-32, 37-38] with varieties Wattle line - State II, Nick near top of left frame & Neck flaw - State III corrected by re-entry with duplication of bridge of nose and below right value tablet BW #80(4)fa,g&hb, fresh MUH, Cat $400+.
$100 $240 $200
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
1372 1372 **
1373 **
1d Green Plate 4 triple variety left marginal block of 4 (selvedge hinge trace) with Wattle line - State II with tick 0.5mm right of LVT, Nick near top of left frame and Flaw under neck - State III, corrected by re-entry (duplication of bridge of nose and below RVT) [VII/31, 32 & 37]. Minute gum spot on non-variety unit, some woolly perfs, very well centred and fresh. Wonderful positional block, Cat $400+ (as individual stamps). 1½d Red Die II Translucent Paper with Void top right corner [2L59] BW #91aa(2)e. Appears Ash BSAP’s first state. Just perceptible stain in bottom margin (expert TLC may help here), otherwise a nicely centred fresh example of a very difficult paper and variety combination, extrapolated Cat $600+.
ex 1374 1374 F 1375 ** 1376 F
$175 $140
3d Blue Die Ia Perf ‘OS’ selection with two Watermark inverted Type A BW #106Aaa cat $150 each (one has part Public Offices, Victoria cds); one each Type A and B with normal wmk BW #106Ab & Bba. PLUS P13½x12½ Type B&A horiz pair BW #107ca cat $150. Mainly fine cds, cat c$515. (6) 3d Dull Blue Die Ia Perf ‘OS’ Watermark inverted BW #106Baa, fresh MUH, Cat $200. 3d Dull Blue Die Ia Perf ‘OS’ Watermark inverted BW #106Baa, fine used, Cat $150.
$175 $130 $100
1377 1377 ** 1378 V
4½d Violet Die I BW #119 corner block of 4, fresh MUH, Cat $400+. 1/4 Greenish Blue CTO BW #129w, without gum, Cat $300.
$225 $160
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ex 1379
1380 AUSTRALIA | KGV - Small Multiple Watermark Perf 13½x12½ 1379 **/* 1d Green a specialised study on informatively annotated leaves incl shades, paper types, imprint blocks from Plates 2 BW #81(2)za & 4 BW #81(4)zb (cat $400), a Die I & II pair with the former showing a startling non-constant ink flaw on king’s face, another with part imprint and the Die II in merged state, Watermark inverted, ‘OS’ perfin, other types. MUH occurs in the blocks, otherwise MLH and fresh throughout. An impressive labour of love, cat $625+. (33) 1380 **/* 1d Green corner block of 18 (6x3) with Double perfs at base BW #81b, Post Office repairs & some additional reinforcing, Cat $450+.
$200 $225
1381 1382 1383 1384
** ** **/* *
1385 **
1d Green Die II vertical strip of 5 BW #81(1)f, fresh MUH, retail $325. 1d Green (Toned Paper) marginal block of 8 with Die II-I pairs x2 and a Die I-II pair BW 81A(1)fa, fresh MUH, Cat $260+. 1½d Red Die II Watermark inverted block of 4 BW #92a, three units MUH, Cat $110+. 1½d Red Die II block of 6 (3x2) with Double Perfs horizontally between stamps & vertically on lower row, sensible reinforcing, hinge remnants upper right unit, Cat $240+. Impressive example. 2d Red Die II Perf ‘OS’ Ash imprint block of 4 (N over A) BW #100ba(2)za, Very fresh MUH. Punctured ‘OS’ imprint blocks are elusive.
$180 $200 $80 $225 $200
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
1386 *
2d Golden Scarlet Die III No Watermark BW #102aa block of 4, the upper units with minor gum disturbance, the lower units MVLH, Cat $16,000+. Ceremuga Certificate (2012) states “Extremely rare as a multiple”. An important error. [ ACSC records “The largest pieces now surviving are believed to be blocks of 4”]
1388 ex 1389
1387 1387 **/* 1388 * 1389 U
2d Red Die III booklet pane of 6 Watermark inverted, two upper units with guillotined perfs, two units MUH, Cat $100+. 2d Red Die III Overprinted ‘OS’ BW #102(OS) on OHMS envelope of The Australian Museum, Sydney tied square ‘POSTED PILLAR BOX’ machine slogan cancel Mar 18, 1932 (quite an early NSW usage). 3d Blue Die Ia shades of BW #107 cds, selection incl hinge re-inforced Ash imprint pair with Type B at R55, another pair Type B/A, varieties with Retouch in front of nose (Type B) [3,4R4], Retouch back of emu’s head [3,4R25], Distorted SW corner... [4L22]. PLUS two P14 varieties [3,4R25 & 4L32]. Nice specialist lot, cat c$570 (imprint pair pro rata). (9)
$80 $65 $175
ex 1390
1391 1390 U 1391 */** 1392 **/* 1393 F
3d Blue Die II assembly comprising two CTO (one perf ‘OS’), two blocks of 4, strip of 3, pair and 8 singles (one listed variety [5L12]) with postmark interest incl Late Fee, Auckland (NZ) Loose Ship Letter cds, Melbourne numeral cds (24 stamps). Plus CofA wmk x10 similar incl varieties [7R44, 8L46], block of 4, perfins (‘G/NSW’ x2, ‘T’, ‘VG’). (35) 4d Olive Ash imprint block of BW #116(3)z, three units MUH, Cat $250 (as a MUH block). 4d Olive variety Roo’s tongue out [4L25] BW #116(4)e in a marginal block of 6, two stamps including the variety unit are MUH, Cat $260+. 4½d Violet Die I Perf ‘OS’ BW #120b. Quite a deep shade, light cds April 1930, Cat $175.
$100 $160 $160 $85
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1394 *
4½d Violet Die II BW #121, mildly tanned gum as is usual, well centred, MLH, Cat $9,000. Ceremuga Certificate (2013). An appealing example of this rare stamp, with only a tiny number of mint examples distributed in presentation sets. Superior to the example which sold for $8,600+ in a recent Melbourne auction.
ex 1395 1395 U 1396 F 1397 U 1398 */V 1399 *
ex 1397
ex 1398
5d On 4½d Violet pale to deep shades range on hagner incl Plate 3 imprint block of 4 BW #125za probably per favour cds, Narrow last ‘E’ in ‘PENCE’ [2,3L6] in Parcel Post cds pair, plate flaws Reouch behind emu’s neck [2R41] and Flawed ‘O’ of ‘POSTAGE’ [2R58] BW #125d, e & f. Others include cds block of 6, mainly fine, cat $275+. (21) 5d On 4½d Violet Perf ‘OS/NSW’ BW #125, cds cancel. Scarce. [ACSC states “All punctured OS stamps are believed to be NSW State Government punctures.”] 5d Light Orange-Brown Die II BW #126 varieties at 2L18, 25 (perf ‘OS’) and 48; 2R4 x2, 2R 13 x2 (one perf ‘OS’), 31, 43 and 60 (perf ‘OS). Small imperfections noted for accuracy, mainly fine cds, cat $450+. (10) 5d Light Orange-Brown Die II Perf ‘OS’ BW #126b, very lightly hinged Cat $175. Plus 1/4d perf ‘OS’ og unhinged with light corner CTO BW #130wa cat $60. Nice duo. (2) 1/4d Greenish Blue variety Thick ‘1’ at right retouched BW #130ma, mint, cat $325.
$120 $80 $140 $125 $140
1400 1400 ** 1401 V
1/4d Greenish Blue Ash imprint block of 4 BW #130z, fresh MUH, Cat $2,500 (as mounted block). 1/4d Greenish Blue Ash imprint pair BW #130z very fine used with ‘DARWIN NT/26AP31/AUSTRALIA’ datestamps. Rare.
$1,800 $750
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AUSTRALIA | KGV - CofA Watermark
½d Orange Overprinted ‘OS’ FDC with block of 4, plus 3d Air perf ‘OS’, tied to airmail cover to Brisbane by three light clear strikes of ‘AIR MAIL/2 3P 8JE32 2/SYDNEY NSW’, ‘BRISBANE/1P 9JE32/QLD’ backstamp. Exceptional quality. [PO records prove that 8JE32 was the first day of issue of this stamp. Colaco Belmonte was the Dutch consul in Sydney and he was an enthusiatic collecter who often self-addressed his covers.]
ex 1403 part 1404 1403 **/*
1404 **
1405 *
1d Green BW #82, a specialised study on annotated leaves from a page with shades, paper types, three optd ‘OS’, pair Watermark inverted. Then seven pages plate and other varieties, imprint blocks from each of the four plates (Plate 1 is block of 8 on toned paper as issued), other positional blocks, a perf ‘VG’ pair, many ACSC and BSAP listed types including the substitutions for Pane IV, multiple variety horiz strips of 5 from Pane VIII [50-54 & 56-60]. MUH occurs in the blocks, otherwise MLH and fresh throughout. An impressive labour of love, cat over $700. (c70) 1d Green Overprinted ‘OS’ right pane of 60 [II/1-60] unit 17 with Hollow ‘S’ of ‘OS’ Overprint, part Ash imprint. Some perf separation issues. A scarce block.
1d Green Watermark Reversed Overprinted ‘OS’ plate 4 imprint pair, BW #82(OS)aa (var). Tiny repaired tear in left unit, right unit MUH. Ceremuga certificate (2007). Believed to be unique.
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1408 1406 F 1407 **/*
1408 B** 1409 **/*
part 1407
part 1409
1d Green Overprinted ‘OS’ Bluish Overprint Watermark Inverted BW #82(OS)ac, cds cancel, Cat $2,500. 1d Green Overprinted ‘OS’ album page with vertical block of 12 (eight units MUH) from Plate 2 Pane IV [IV/41-3 to 58-60] with three ACSC listed varieties Thin ‘G’ retouched re-entered, small white dot on ‘Y’ of ‘PENNY’ and Coloured flaw outside right frame opposite emu’s neck, the first and last MUH. A “kiss” impression on a couple of the overprints, very fresh and informatively annotated. Wonderful positional block. (12) 1935-37 2/- Booklet with black on green cover inscribed at base ‘WHEREVER THERE IS A MONEY ORDER/POST OFFICE’ BW #B47 first make-up without interleaves containing KGV 2d red Die III watermark inverted x12 BW #102a, some minor cover blemishes, Cat $600. 2d Red Die III Overprinted ‘OS’ marginal block of 6 (2x3), lower two units with Kiss overprints, five units MUH, Cat $85+.
$120 $250 $65
part 1413 1410 ** 1411 ** 1412 U 1413 ** 1414 **
ex 1412
3d Blue Die II variety Diagonal white flaw through ‘STA’ [7R58] BW #109i in lower-right corner strip of 3, Cat $270++. 3d Blue Die II Plate 8 Ash imprint block of 4 BW #109za, fresh MUH, Cat $325. 3d Blue Die II Plate 8 imprint block of 4 BW #109za (lower left unit corner restored) BW #109za (no catalogue price for used). PLUS eleven with ‘OS’ opt incl block of 6 incl Hollow ‘S’ in opt [8R17], an interpanneau pair and three singles. Mainly fine, cat $500. (15) 3d Blue Die II Overprinted ‘OS’ Plate 7 complete sheet of 120 with full selvedge, Retail $3,000+. Fine condition with minor perf separation. 3d Blue Die II Overprinted ‘OS’ BW #109(OS) corner block of 6, fresh MUH, Cat $120+.
$175 $200 $140 $1,500 $120
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ex 1416
ex 1417
1415 F
5d Yellow-Brown variety Frame missing behind kangaroo - State II [3R60] BW #127(3)na, Bundaberg (Qld) cds does not impinge on the flawed area, Cat $500. 1416 U 5d Orange-Brown Plate 3 left pane study annotated on double-sided stockbook page, includes all ACSC-listed in BW #127(3)d-h range with duplication (9 varieties in total), the remainder identified per BSAP’s famous 1980 check list. Include a ‘VG’ perfin, all plate positions noted on the page, some multiples and some postmark interest possible. Highly specialised, will benefit from careful remounting. (67) 1417 U 5d Orange-Brown BW #127(3), Plate 3 varieties study on double-sided stockbook page, looks to include all ACSC-listed in BW #127(3)d-m range with duplication, plus many more per BSAP’s famous 1980 check list. All plate positions noted on the page, some multiples, just the ACSC items cat $600+. Will benefit from careful remounting. (72) 1418 * 1/4d Greenish Blue BW #131, with 2d Golden Scarlet BW #103 tied to cacheted envelope of ‘HOTEL ROBE’ (flap missing) by cds ‘MT GAMBIER/30JU37/S.A’ with Air Mail label alongside, paying correct ½ oz rate to UK. Backstamp Adelaide Air mail slogan machine cancel same date, addressed to Edinburgh. 1419 ** 1/4d Greenish Blue Ash imprint block of 4 BW #131z, perf separation in lower selvedge, Cat $750 (as a mounted block). AUSTRALIA | Military - World War I Period
ex 1422 1420
$125 $180 $125 $750
1914 (Dec 2) PPC sent on 1st convoy to leave Australian, dated “Port Said, Egypt, 2.12.14” the day before the soldiers disembarked at Alexandria, franked with KGV 1d red & Egypt 5m (prior to Feb 1915 introduction of free postage for Australians serving overseas) & tied by ‘PASSED’ censor handstamp & Melbourne arrival datestamp. 1915 (Jan 2) cover with enclosure on HMAS AUSTRALIA headed notepaper dated “At Sea/22 Nov 1914” posted on board HMAS Australia whilst operating off the Pacific coast of Mexico in Nov-Dec 1914 in company of British & Japanese warships searching for the German vessels SMS Scharhorst & SMS Gneisenau. The letter was transferred to a Japanese supply ship around 26 November 1914 and datestamped at Yokohama on Jan 2nd 1915, backstamped on arrival in Melbourne ‘5FEB15’. The lot also includes a typed transcript of the letter plus photocopies from the ‘Official History of Australia in the War of 191418, volume 1’ by C.E.W. Bean describing movements of HMAS Australia at the time. Very rare, mail from HMAS Australia is not mentioned in either of the Emery books. 1915-16 Covers with printed ‘Church of England/(Home Mission)Tent/EXPEDITIONARY FORCE ENCAMPMENT/ BROADMEADOWS’ comprising [1] 1915 (Feb 4) with Melbourne machine cancel, probably used by soldier on leave in the city & [2] 1916 (Sep 17) with Military Camp Broadmeadows datestamp tying stamp; some faults especially the latter item. 1915 (Jul 31) Young Men’s Christian Association (Brisbane) ‘WITH THE COMMONWEALTH EXPEDITIONARY FORCE’ printed cover with Baden-Powell illustration, used to Indooroopilly, some aging.
$600 $130 $100
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1424 1424
1915 (Jul 8) cover to Holland “Per SS Niagara” sent at triple-rate with Roo 2d pair & single plus KGV ½d & 1d all tied by Sydney datestamp, handstamped ‘AUSTRALIA DAY/JULY 30TH’ within a map in violet at upper-left, Enschende backstamp, small piece of the flap missing. 1915 (Aug 4) POW cover headed in manuscript “Prisoner of War Information Room” with KGV 1d x2 & ½d tied by ‘MELBOURNE/2/4AU15’ cds with adjacent ‘POST FREE/PC/PRISONER OF WAR’ circular handstamp in blue-black, addressed to Senne I (Sennelager) Camp in Germany, boxed ‘NICHT SENNE I’ ( translates as ‘Not at Senne Camp’) handstamp applied, re-directed to Gesecke Internment Camp. Vendor’s detailed notes relating to the cover are included. 1915 (Aug 27) Australian Imperial Force Church of England Chaplains’ Department (Qld) printed cover, with KGV illustration at top left, sent from from Brisbane to Indooroopilly.
$250 $100
1428 1427
1915 (Aug 28) YMCA postcard sent from “D Company/8th Battalion/Flemington Racecource” to St Kilda, with KGV 1d reddish pink on semi-surfaced paper BW #71F tied by Melbourne machine cancel. [YMCA postcards are uncommon] 1916 (Mar) use of Commonwealth Stamp Printing Office Letter Card Type II sent by soldier based at Broadmeadows Military camp, just prior to embarkation, to his family in Dandenong, accompanied by vendor’s research notes. [Between late 1915 and late 1916 Printing Office staff worked gratuitously on Saturday afternoons producing lettercards for servicemen] 1916 (Oct 18) Returned Soldiers Association of New South Wales cover to Singleton with KGV 1d perf ‘OS/NSW’ tied by Sydney machine cancel, small faults. [Groups who supported the rehabilitation of returned soldiers were supported by the government]
1430 1430
ex 1431
$100 $100 $100
1916 (Nov 12) cover with KGV 1d red endorsed “Killed in action” (at The Somme) in indelible pencil, ‘ABPO/DECEASED’ & ‘Returned to Sender/FROM RETURNED MAIL OFFICE/VICTORIA BARRACKS, SYDNEY/See Back’ handstamps, on reverse, opening faults at top. Well travelled and full of character & includes typed transcript of the enclosed letter & other information. 1916-17 Covers to Gallipoli Veteran comprising 1916 x2 when based at Claremont Camp (Tas), 1916 (Dec 18) to France following his recall to service & 1917 (Feb 12) when recovering in hospital in London after contracting tuberculosis in the trenches. [Ronald Egar Smith was a lieutenant in the Tasmanian Rangers who was wounded tunnel fighting in Gallipoli. Following hospitalization in Malta and rehabilitation in Sicily he returned to Tasmania before being recalled to fight in France] (4) 1917 (Feb 2) cover sent from Sydney to Private David Whittingham sent two days prior to him being killed in action at The Somme, boxed ‘ABPO/DECEASED’ & RTS handstamps and Victoria Barracks (Sydney) handstamp on reverse. The sender appears to have been a work colleague of the deceased at the Union Bank of Australia.
$160 $180
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
1433 1433
1917 (Mar 29) overpaid registered cover with ½d Roo pair, KGV 1d Engraved & KGV 1d Heads x2 tied by unframed Carlton datestamps, mistakenly addressed to soldier serving in 38th Battalion (actually served in 58th Battalion), red registration label, ‘UNABLE TO TRACE/RETURN TO SENDER’ handstamp on ‘Present address’ label, couple of faults on reverse, otherwise fine. Vendor’s typed notes track the journey of this cover. 1917 (Jul 26) printed cover headed ‘COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA/New South Wales Recruiting Committee’ with ‘WIN THE WAR LEAGUE’ logo in upper-left corner, with KGV 1d red perf ‘OS’ tied by Sydney slogan cancel, addressed to newspaper editor, printed enclosure advises of “March to Freedom” recruitment tour from Armidale to Newcastle. 1917 (Jul 14) from Victorian Division of Australian Red Cross’ Information Bureau with typed enclosure recording the death of a soldier at the Battle of Pozieres including a report of his falling by a fellow soldier gathered by a Red Cross representative, cover addressed to soldier’s mother in Brunswick, accompanied by vendor’s research notes.
1436 1436
ex 1437
$250 $120 $120
1917 (Sep 26) Real Photo PPC showing ‘YMCA Returned Soldiers’ Concert Party 1917’, handstamped on message side ‘MELBA STUDIO 131 SWANSTON STREET’, sent from Melbourne to Wodonga, a few creases/blemishes. 1917 covers (Oct 28 & Nov 25) each with typed addresses sent from Richmond (Qld) to Private RW Arney interned at Cassel POW Camp in Germany, each with circular prison camp handstamps in violet, red/white censor tape, fine condition & accompanied by vendor’s research notes. The normal practice was for the guards to only hand over the contents of the envelopes while actually keeping the envelopes incase they had secret messages in the linings etc. [At end of war Pte Arney was repatriated to England, but whilst on leave he contracted influeza and was admitted to the 3rd Australian Auxiliary Hospital where he passed away] (2) 1917 (Nov 22) mourning cover with enclosed military sympathy card with KGV 1d orange-red (G24½, correct brown-red u/v reaction) with Left frame cut 9mm above BLC [VII/25], tied by Casino ‘22NO17’ datestamp, Cat $750+ on cover. [Card sent in memory of Pte Hector Lyall Pascoe killed in the Third Battle of Ypres]
$280 $300
1439 1440 1439
1918 (Feb 25) cover to a member of the 8th Light Horse Brigade, 3rd Company with 1d red KGV tied by Croydon (Vic) datestamp, re-directed on multiple occasions as addressee had transferred to the Imperial Camel Corps unbeknown to mail sorters, weak APO S25 (Syria) on face, cover apparently eventually reaching the intended recipient as not returned to Australia, some blemishes as to be expected. 1918 (Feb 22) State War Council OHMS Lettersheet with 1d red KGV perf ‘OS’ tied by Elizabeth St datestamp, with printed advice notifying returned soldier Robert Hook of the council’s intention to award him a £25 gift. Also includes vendor research notes. [The State War Council was established to help returned WWI servicemen settle back into civilian life.] 1918 (Apr 3) printed cover headed ‘AUSTRALIAN/RED CROSS DAY/APRIL 26th 1918’ with KGV 1d red perf ‘OS/NSW’ tied by Sydney War Savings Certificates slogan cancel, addressed to newspaper editor in Singleton, with printed enclosure, peripheral faults.
$130 $120 $80
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
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1442 1442
1918 (May 29) Australian Red Cross parcel label adhered to parcel fragment sent to an Australian soldier interned in Swiss convalescent hospital at Interlaken, franked with GB KGV 1d & 2d, for a parcel weighing up to 8oz, tied by London datestamps, some blemishes & wrinkles. Well written-up with details of the soldier’s war record. 1918 (Jul 29) cover with 1d red KGV tied by Taree (NSW) datestamp to Private LHC Palmer of 19th Battalion AIF Abroad, RTS handstamps including boxed ‘UNABLE TO TRACE/RETURN TO LETTER OFFICE AIF/MELBOURNE/RETURN TO SENDER’ & ‘RETURNED LETTER OFFICE AIF/6MY19/MELB’ backstamp. [Supplied with images of Pte Palmer’s name on the Taree War Memorial] 1918 (Dec 30) cover addressed to soldier in Belgian army serving in German-occupied Belgium, with KGV 1d red & ½d paying 1d postage plus ½d war tax, apparently underpaying 2½d foreign letter rate, untaxed possibly indicating that the 1d Imperial Postage scheme was extended to include allied soldiers.
$160 $120
1919 (Feb 4) apparently official cover to a member of RAMC British Salonika Force with KGV 1d red & ½d green perf ‘OS/NSW’ tied by Sydney datestamp, redirected to Essex Regt, Scatari, Albania as Salonika Force had been disbanded, boxed ‘PRESENT LOCATION/UNCERTAIN’ handstamp in violet, redirected to “GHA 21 Staty” (21st Stationery Hospital) via APO S100 (Taranto, Italy - where repaired with official tape), mss “no Trace at/21Stat HP” added and returned to Australia via Army Post Office. Defective, but full of character. 1446 * 1921 (Oct 4) use of Australia Day Anniversary (July 26th, 1918) printed cover in aid of the South Australian Soldiers’ Fund, with KGV 2d orange x2 tied by Adelaide machine cancel paying double rate, typed address, fine condition. [Between 1915-1918 Australia Day was celebrated on 26th July] Military - World War I Period | Patriotic Covers 1445
1447 1447
$200 $100
1914 (Dec 24) early use of illustrated patriotic cover produced in Sept/Oct 1914 showing flags of Britain, France & Belgium plus the flag of the Czar of Russia & Japanese naval ensign, used from Sydney to Randwick, the design of address panel showing stars of the Southern Cross. Minor aging, some faults on reverse. 1915 (Feb 1) illustrated patriotic cover produced in Sept/Oct 1914 showing flags of Britain, France & Belgium plus the flag of the Czar of Russia & Japanese naval ensign, used from Edgcliff (NSW) to Tasmania, the design of address panel showing stars of the Southern Cross, minor spotting on reverse. Attractive & scarce. [Cover was probably sold at a premium with proceeds directed to war effort.] 1915 (Aug 19) pariotic PPC showing British submarine HMS E9 responsible for sinking SMS Hela (the first German ship sunk by a British submarine in WWI) and the destroyer SMS S116 three weeks later, the card, with 1d red KGV, has been used locally in Epping (NSW) to send birthday greetings.
‘My Auction Bidsheet’ on our website always shows you the current status of your bids.
$260 $80
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Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
1450 1450
1915 (Sep 16) Union Jack illustrated patriotic small envelope (120x96mm) with George Cross inset circular address panel, used from Adelaide to Mount Gambier, ‘GREAT/BRITAIN’ inverted at top indicating cover was addressed upside-down. Fine & rare. 1915 (Nov 16) illustrated patriotic cover produced after May 1915 showing the additional allied flags of Italy & Serbia, used from Sydney to UK, repaired tear at top. Very scarce. 1915 (Dec 22) patriotic PPC showing British bulldog within Allied flags, used, with 1d red KGV, as Christmas card and sent from Sydney to “TPO Bugilbone Siding, North West” (Railway), corner bend.
1458 1455
1457 1458
1917 (Jan 31) postcard showing battle damaged Union Jack with patriotic poem inset, sponsored by Champion Tobacco headed ‘WITH THE/AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE/ON ACTIVE SERVICE’ in conjunction with Sydney YMCA logo, 1d red KGV tied by fine Liverpool Military Camp datestamp, addressed to “Carpenter’s Crew, HMS Tiger, London”. 1918 (May 25) F Payze Plain Dealer Series illustrated ‘YORKE’S/PENINSULA/TO THE FRONT’ patriotic envelope in a design 1454 * based on the Australian flag with the Union Jack in upper-left corner, used from Kadina to Gilberton, flap faults, fine condition overall. Rare and visually appealing. Military - World War I Period | Military Postmarks 1453
* *
$150 $350
1915 (Mar 15) OHMS cover to USA from Enoggera Military Camp sent just prior to receiving its Military Camp datestamp with KGV 1d red pair & single tied by Enoggera datestamp, Brisbane censor handstamp in red, apparently sent by Private Arguinban to a family member. 1915 (Nov 15) cover from Oscar Blau’s wife sent while he was interned, with fine strike of oval ‘GERMAN CONCENTRATION CAMP/LIVERPOOL/No.../N.S. WALES’ handstamp in pale green, KGV 1d red tied by Liverpool datestamp, Ex Oscar Blau hoard. 1916 (Feb 23) PPC to Camberwell with a largely very fine strike ‘MILITARY CAMP/23FE16/BALLARAT’ datestamp [Rated RR]. 1916 South Australian Railways pay card (early example, without printed address) used from Mitcham Military Camp to Adelaide. [Cards were supplied by South Australian Railways to be used by paymasters at Army Training Camps. Many organisations would pay the difference between army pay and the serviceman’s previous wage] 1916 (Apr 24) YMCA printed cover to Scotland with KGV 1d red tied by very fine strike of ‘BLACKBOY-HILL/24APR16/WEST AUSTRALIA’ datestamp. Blackboy Hill (1): RO 29/8/1914; PO 11/9/1914; closed 30/11/1918. [Military Camp]
$100 $300 $100 $120 $120
Phoenix Auctions - Saturday 25th October 2014
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1460 1460
1916 (May 31) printed Sydney YMCA cover cover to Melbourne with KGV 1d Red tied by complete strike of ‘MOORE PARK MILITARY CAMP/31MY16/NSW’ datestamp, small blemishes. Moore Park Military Camp: PO 10/3/1916; closed 30/8/1918 1916 (Sep 30) PPC to Hobart with fine strike of ‘MILITARY CAMP 1/30SE16/TASMANIA’ datestamp. Claremont Military Camp: PO 23/10/1914; closed 22/11/1918.
1462 1462
$100 $80
1917 (Sep 3) printed Sydney YMCA cover to Cooma with KGV 1d Red tied by complete strike of ‘MENANGLE MILITARY CAMP/ 3SE17/NSW’ datestamp, cover with upper-edge tear. Menangle Military Camp: PO 13/3/1916; closed 22/4/1918. 1917 (Oct 19) cover from a returned wounded soldier to his family in Central Tilba (NSW) with KGV 1d red tied by fine strike of ‘RANDWICK MILITARY HOSPITAL/19OC17/NSW’ datestamp, some blemishes, vendor’s types write-up included. PO 9/5/1917; renamed Randwick Hospital PO 1/4/1953.
Military - World War I Period | CINDERELLAS
$80 $100
1465 1464
1465 W
Australia: (July 16) cover to Canada with KGV 1d red paying empire rate plus Newcastle Australia Day 1d brown label tied by Newcastle machine cancel. Attractive cover which was a front cover illustration on Rod Perry’s Feb 1996 auction catalogue. Australia: Australia Day 1d brown inscribed ‘NEWCASTLE - JULY 30th’ block of 6 (2x3), the lower four units more or less Offset, without gum. Rare multiple, especially so with the offset.
We DO NOT have ‘T’ lots, all lots are sold inclusive of GST. GST is only applicable to buyer’s commission and despatch costs.
$250 $300