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Phoenix Auctions - 10th & 11th September 2015
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Welcome to Phoenix Auctions Auction No.40 This is our fifth Auction for 2015 and it is a large one with just over 2,000 lots so we are holding this Auction over two days, Thursday 10th September and Friday 11th September. We always try to improve our catalogues and we have now placed the BCOF issues after the Australian Commonwealth lots. Additionally you will notice a few red-highlighted lots at the bottom of some of the pages. This has been used to promote items in upcoming Auctions. In this case we have shown a small selection of items from an International Gold Medal collection of the Queen Victoria issues of Great Britain. This special auction is planned for October. As usual David will be attending Stampex in London. It is being held at the Business Design Centre from Wednesday 16th September until Saturday 19th. David will be pleased to meet you there and, of course, he will be happy to accept consignments. He is also happy to take your winning lots over for you. However, as David is flying out on Sunday 13th, you must tell us when you bid, as these lots will need to be packed and checked off first, to make it on the plane with David. We have a major vendor in this auction who formed a terrific and varied collection mainly of the Axis powers with a strong emphasis on The Third Reich and military matters. This forms the first section of the catalogue to be held on Thursday morning. He also formed several other collections including a very nice collection of Western Australia Private Carrier stamps, with what many consider to be the finest example of the Lake Lefroy, this is featured on our front cover. These other collections are in the second day’s sections of this auction Session 1 starts at 10:00am on Thursday 10th and contains the European section of our major vendor’s Collection Box Lot Auction #1505 starts at 3:00pm on Thursday 10th Session 2 will start at 10:30am on Friday 11th and contains our normal Rest of World Lots Session 3 will start no earlier than 12:30pm and contains the Australian Colonies Lots Session 4 will start no earlier than 2:15pm and the Australian Commonwealth stamp issues Session 5 will start no earlier than 3:45pm and contains Postal Stationery, Postal History and Australian Territories There is something for almost everyone in this auction.
Viewing for this Auction. Saturday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday
5th September 7th September 9th September 10th September 11th September
10am to 4pm Sunday 6th September 10am to 4pm 10am to 4pm Tuesday 8th September 10am to 4pm 10am to 4pm 8am to 10:00am - after 10:00am limited viewing only. 8am to 10:30am - after 10:30am limited viewing only.
Non-Melbourne based clients are welcome to do early viewing. Simply call us first to ensure that everything will be ready for you. Auction Agents: Mark Knothe - ph 0414 894 991, email Matt Hancock - ph 0401 976 018, email Bernie Manning - ph 0412 782 373, email Nick Martin (UK) - ph 01205 460968, email Trevor Chinery (UK) - ph 01205 330 026, email
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Phoenix Auctions - 10th & 11th September 2015
How to Get the Most from Our Catalogue These notes are offered as a guide to understanding the information given as symbols. 1.
Firstly, we have the lot number. Most lots have at least one illustration in the catalogue and on our website many will have multiple illustrations.
The second column contains a symbol, which represents the item(s) in the lot: ** Mint, unmounted o.g. * Mint, mounted o.g. V Used, Very fine. F Used, Fine G Used, Good H Used, Heavy U Used,quality unspecified W D Unused, no gum Piece * Cover, card or S Stamp (“Postmarks” lots) PS Postal Stationery B Booklets or Booklet Panes
The 3rd column contains the general description of the lot and should be self-evident with one exception. When a catalogue value is extrapolated the value is followed by a ↕, e.g. $2000↕. Typical extrapolations are 40% of the catalogue value for hinged mint when the catalogue only provides values for MUH, 200% for MUH when the catalogue value is for mint hinged. The following notes apply specifically to postmark description. Whenever possible postmarks will be described in full, except that the top portion of a postmark is only spelt out when it differs from the post office name or requires some clarification. Bracketed shaded text within a description indicates that these characters cannot be read, while greyed characters are hard to read or are only partly present, as is the case when part of the postmark is on the edge of a stamp. Very large or small letters are represented by large and small fonts respectively; small fonts are particularly used to indicate the presence of small nylon wheels in the datestamp. The following example illustrates these points: '[POST] OFFICE/21DE86/GARAH'. After the forscription of the postmark we will indicate the overall quality of the cancel with a bracketed 2 character code. The first character is A-D where A is a fine clear postmark through to D which is barely legible. The second character is a number from 1 to 4 where 1 is complete including all the frame through to 4 where only 25% or less of the cancel is visible. For exceptional strikes we will further qualify the quality code with a ‘+’ and for items which are light etc the code will be qualified with a ‘-’. For postmark lots the condition of the postmark is the most important aspect of our descriptions. Minor defects in the stamp or cover are mentioned only when the value of the item is significant. Naturally, major defects will always be described.
The symbols in the second column, and the illustrations of lots, form part of the lot description.
The last column is the estimate. The reserve is almost always 75% of the estimate and bids below the reserve will not usually be considered.
No GST is added to the hammer price. The vendors have accepted responsibility for any tax payable.
We use the following standardised abbreviations: o.g. original gum opt(d) overprint(ed) d/s datestamp cds circular datestamp h/s handstamp mss manuscript; handwritten ERD earliest recorded date LRD latest recorded date o/o opened-out RLabel registration label M/S(s) miniature sheet(s) PPC picture postcard impt imprint mtd mounted provl provisional wmk watermark LDL large dateline (postmarks) SDL small dateline (postmarks) TLC,TRC,LLC,LRC Top Left Cnr, Top Right Cnr, Lower Left Cnr, Lower Right Cnr
Phoenix Auctions - 10th & 11th September 2015 Country and Regional Classification Aden: 292,668,1844 Aden - Transit or Destination Mail: 281 Aegean Islands: 463 Africa: 117,283,286,293,336,399,452, 511, 514-516, 572, 579, 584-585, 660, 664, 669-670, 683-685, 742, 752,754-755,765,767,774, 838-840,865,920-922,927-931, 936,940-944,958-961,965-987, 989-990,1022,1217,1867-1869, 1874-1875,1881 Albania: 7,337,458,460,530 Allenstein: 8 Alsace & Lorraine: 246,334 Andorra (Spanish): 579 Antarctica: 4,698,747,1596,1691, 1696-1697,1704,1710 Antigua: 671 Arab States: 283,286,292-293,336, 399,514-516,865,933,936, 1867-1869,1874-1875,1881 Argentina - Transit or Destination Mail: 592 Ascension: 672-674 Asia: 3,40,102,293,440,451,488,579, 660, 669, 705-707, 725-734, 766, 817-829,842-845,850-852, 923-926, 932, 951, 962, 995-996, 1021-1022, 1652, 1690, 1698, 1762,1787,1789,1832,1913 Australasia: 282,453,653-654,659, 670, 735-736, 751, 765, 773, 804, 807,870-871,873-912,963-964, 999-1000,1014-1020, 1 0 2 3 - 1 9 0 4 , 1 9 0 8 , 1 9 11 , 1913-2006 Australia: 27,33,37-38,43,48,58-59, 66,73,87,108,116,193,282,346, 389, 397, 422, 435-436, 483, 487, 514-515, 520, 523, 611, 653-654, 659,668,670,672,689-692, 722-723,742,765-766,771, 796-798,804-805,807,815, 821-822,824,828,833-834, 838-840, 847, 865, 885-889, 906, 920-922, 930, 936, 949-950, 955, 958-961, 986-987, 1002, 1012, 1014-1015, 1023-1904, 1908, 1 9 11 , 1 9 3 2 - 1 9 4 3 , 1 9 4 6 , 1950-1951, 1953-1959, 1961, 1963-1964,1966-1972 Australia - Overprinted For Use in Other Countries: 1905-1912, 1932-1972 Australia - Transit or Destination Mail: 220,254,572,585 Australia Commonwealth: 1337, 1415-1708,1747-1750, 1754-1755, 1760, 1763, 1767, 1769,1773,1788,1793, 1936-1939, 1941-1943, 1946, 1950-1951,1953-1959, 1963-1964,1966,1970-1971 Australian Antarctic Territory: 1415, 1596, 1691, 1696-1697, 1704, 1710,1838 Australian Capital Territory: 655, 1048
Australian Colonies - General: 282, 659, 670, 804, 807, 1014-1015, 1023-1414, 1416, 1418-1419, 1429, 1511, 1537, 1577, 1587, 1603, 1615, 1685, 1699, 1701, 1723, 1730-1731, 1736, 1746, 1751, 1754-1755, 1758, 1763, 1767, 1772, 1776, 1782, 1788, 1796, 1798, 1803, 1811, 1814, 1817,1821,1823,1835, 1842-1843, 1848-1849, 1851, 1856-1857, 1859-1865, 1876, 1882,1888,1891-1896, 1900-1901,1908,1911 Australian Territories: 1016-1018, 1596, 1667, 1691, 1696-1697, 1703-1704, 1710, 1789, 1800, 1832, 1839, 1858, 1887-1888, 1890,1913-2006 Austria: 9-47,62-63,70-74,76,79,91, 94, 96, 123, 209-210, 226, 255, 274-275, 287, 335, 611, 622-623, 642,697,832 Austria - Transit or Destination Mail: 41, 76, 92-93, 220-221, 261, 567, 646,648,1408 Austrian Occupation of Serbia: 47 Autographed Covers: 397,535,538, 1847-1849,1859,1864 Azores: 937-938 Bahamas: 663,675-681 Balkans: 7,9,32,35-37,46-47,62-63, 67-79,85-87,92,94,127,211,223, 278,334-335,337,358,369, 376-397,400-401,404-415, 457-484, 487, 489, 507, 512-513, 526-532,546,559-569,586-603, 611-650,697,741,945,1789,1817 Baltic States: 48,88,240,269,334, 338-341,517-519,522-524, 548-549 Barbados: 682 Basutoland: 664,683-684 Bavaria: 103-108,111,550,552-553 Bechuanaland Protectorate: 664, 685,966 Belgium: 49-54,1619,1787 Belgium - Transit or Destination Mail: 65,100,806 Bermuda: 280,686-696 Bohemia & Moravia: 55-57,250, 423-424 Bohemia & Moravia - Theresienstadt: 58-61 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 9,37,62-63, 611,622-623,642,697 Bosnia - Overprinted For Use in Other Countries: 45,47 Botswana: 664,685,966 Brazil - Transit or Destination Mail: 261 British Antarctic Territory: 698 British Commonwealth: 3,64-66,97, 279-280,282-283,286,292-296, 399-408,425,453-456,463, 488-489,584-585,651,653-654, 659-696,698-706,708-724, 735-738,742-751,754-755,765, 767-813,815-830,833-836, 838-841,846-848,850-861, 864-865,867-871,873-934,936, 939-944,947-987,990,997-1003, 1 0 1 3 - 1 9 0 4 , 1 9 0 8 , 1 9 11 , 1913-2006 British Commonwealth Occupation Forces (Bcof): 1801,1905-1912 British Guiana: 699-700,816,1791 British Honduras: 701 British Indian Ocean Territory: 702 British Occupation of Italian Colonies: 64-65
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British Somaliland: 669 British Virgin Islands: 703-704 British West Indies: 280,661,663, 665, 669, 671, 675-682, 686-696, 703-704,722-724,815,833-836, 864,949-950,1003,1013 Bulgaria: 335,458 Burma: 660,705-706 Cambodia: 707 Canada: 66,68,663,667,669,708-721, 912-919,939,1787,1800, 1843-1844,1889 Canada - Transit or Destination Mail: 608 Cape Of Good Hope: 670,965-969 Cayman Islands: 722-724 Central Africa: 664,931 Ceylon: 660,667,706,1762,1843 Ceylon - Transit or Destination Mail: 281,283,286 Channel Islands: 454-456,812-813 China: 40,102,293,439-440,450-451, 511,658,725-734,766,817-822 Christmas Island: 1005,1637,1703, 1784,1787,1837-1839,1913 Cochin: 825 Cocos (Keeling) Islands: 1800,1914 Collections & Accumulations: 4-5,7, 9-13,48-49,62,89,91,97,102,104, 109-127,334,337-338,368-369, 381-382,425-426,450,452, 457-463, 487, 490-494, 511, 517, 522-523,538,545-546,570-573, 5 8 4 , 6 0 4 , 6 0 9 , 6 11 - 6 1 8 , 6 5 0 , 660-670, 697, 775-776, 815, 864, 9 6 5 , 1 0 0 5 , 1 0 2 2 , 111 2 - 111 3 , 1146-1154, 1169-1170, 1223, 1323, 1420-1428, 1523-1532, 1590-1597, 1637-1639, 1870, 1919,1932-1934,1975-1977 Cook Islands: 735-736 Crete: 46,458 Croatia: 32,37,67-79,92,611,629,642, 644 Croatia - Transit or Destination Mail: 529,532,645 Cuba: 570,579 Cyprus: 737-738,1765 Danzig: 80-83,150,197,199,208,240, 266,345,1876 Denmark: 84,326,739-740 Denmark - Transit or Destination Mail: 582 Dodecanese Islands: 85-87,463,741 East Africa & Uganda: 742 Egypt: 283,286,293,399,584,936, 1867-1869, 1872, 1874-1875, 1881 Egypt - Transit or Destination Mail: 281 Epirus: 458 Estonia: 48,88,338-341 Europe: 57,89,1408 Falkland Islands: 743-747 Falkland Islands Dependencies: 747 Federated Malay States: 851 Fiji: 668,748-751,769,773,1629,1904 Finland: 90,335 Finland - Transit or Destination Mail: 247,274-276 Fiume: 79,91-96,650,1408 Fiume - Transit or Destination Mail: 79,1408 France: 97-101,108,273,277,324, 343-350,426-431,522-523,528, 561, 578-579, 615, 707, 752, 912, 983,1044,1047,1305,1307,1418, 1815, 1837, 1843, 1868, 1874, 1901,1974
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Phoenix Auctions - 10th & 11th September 2015
France - Transit or Destination Mail: 74, 108, 205, 277, 528, 567, 572, 647 French Community: 102,336,707, 752-753,868,1044 Gallipoli: 1866,1869,1871,1873 Gambia: 664,667,754-755 German (Deutsch) New Guinea: 1919-1929 German Colonies: 450-453,766-767, 983,1919-1931 German East Africa: 983 German Post Offices Abroad: 450-451 German Post Offices in China: 451 German States: 103-109,111,127, 175,246,334,550,552-553,1214 Germany: 1-2,4-8,11,13,23-24,40,42, 48, 56, 80-83, 103-453, 455-456, 488,517-524,533-534,546, 548-558,583,604-606,756-767, 812-813, 946, 983, 1140, 1206, 1214, 1216, 1307, 1585, 1628, 1645, 1663, 1746, 1765, 1771, 1817,1820,1876-1877, 1919-1931 Germany - Allied Occ (French Baden): 426-427 Germany - Allied Occ (French Rheinland-Pfalz): 426 Germany - Allied Occ (French Saar): 428-431 Germany - Allied Occ (French Wurttemberg): 426 Germany - Allied Occupation: 23-24, 425-438,650,765 Germany - Allied Occupation (American & British): 425 Germany - Allied Occupation (French): 426 Germany - Allied Occupation (Soviet): 432-438 Germany - Berlin & Brandenburg: 432 Germany - Berlin (West): 254,286, 432,444-449 Germany - East: 254,432,439-441 Germany Eastern Military Command Area: 334 Germany - General Government: 217,416-420 Germany - Lodz Ghetto Post: 421-424 Germany - Occupied & Plebiscite Territories: 8,48,334-336, 517-520,548-549,604-605 Germany - Occupied Albania: 337 Germany - Occupied Estonia: 48, 338-340 Germany - Occupied Estonia - Elwa: 341 Germany - Occupied Estonia Pernau: 48,342 Germany - Occupied France Lorient: 347 Germany - Occupied France Northern France: 343-346 Germany - Occupied France - St. Nazaire: 348-350 Germany - Occupied Gulf of Kotor: 335,351-359 Germany - Occupied Ionian Islands: 400-408 Germany - Occupied Kurland: 360-367 Germany - Occupied Lorraine: 246, 334 Germany - Occupied Macedonia: 376-377
Germany - Occupied Montenegro: 378-380 Germany - Occupied Serbia: 381-397 Germany - Occupied Slovenia: 368-375 Germany - Occupied Ukraine: 334, 398-399,546 Germany - Occupied Zara: 409-415 Germany - Overprinted For Use in Other Countries: 8,334,520, 604-605 Germany - Transit or Destination Mail: 16,57,246,278,287,293, 337, 345-346, 390-393, 403, 451, 454, 483, 490, 509, 520, 547, 567, 569, 572, 582, 605, 611, 614, 632, 1895-1896 Germany - West: 254,286,432, 442-449 Germany Western Military Command Area: 324-333 Ghana: 774 Gibraltar: 768 Gilbert & Ellice Islands: 769-773,841 Gold Coast: 774 Great Britain: 3,11,64-65,97,279, 294-296, 425, 454-456, 582, 646, 664, 667, 685, 765, 771, 775-813, 830, 853, 910, 912, 933, 966-969, 971-973, 980, 983, 999, 1042, 1211-1212, 1217, 1298-1300, 1320, 1356, 1630, 1770, 1802, 1804, 1819, 1823, 1833, 1840, 1843,1874,1881,1889,2004 Great Britain - Overprinted For Use in Other Countries: 64-65,664, 865 Great Britain - Post Offices Abroad: 821-822 Great Britain - Transit or Destination Mail: 203,217,254,283,293,490, 567,572,582,646,649,837,1872, 1882 Greece: 85-87,223,400-401,404-408, 457-484,489,507,561,741,1765, 1789,1813,1817,1885 Greece - Transit or Destination Mail: 65,614 Greenland: 814 Grenada: 815 Guernsey: 455-456,812-813 Guyana: 816 Hong Kong: 817-822 Hungary: 9,37,62-63,75-77,89,92, 485-487, 559, 611, 622-623, 642, 697 Hungary - Transit or Destination Mail: 220,227,419,582 Iceland: 1672 Idar: 826 Ifni: 579 Independent Africa: 742,774,958-961 India: 3,488,705-706,823-829, 1021-1022,1787,1789,1844 Indian States: 825-829 Indo-China: 102 Indonesia: 1698,1832 Ionian Islands: 400-408,459,463,489 Ireland: 830,1023,1073,1316 Ireland - Transit or Destination Mail: 108 Israel: 933,1881 Italian Colonies: 64-65,511,514-516 Italian Levant - Transit or Destination Mail: 87 Italian Occupied Austria: 832 Italian Occupied Slovenia: 512-513
7,30,46,64-65,85-87,91-96,117, 208,232,335,352-356,359, 368-369,373-375,378,380, 400-402,409-415,462-464, 489-516,527-532,586-603, 609-610, 614, 650, 741, 831-832, 911,1214,1659,1771,1806,1821, 1884,1894,1897-1898 Italy - Overprinted For Use in Other Countries: 462-463,586-590, 637,650 Italy - Transit or Destination Mail: 94, 481 Jamaica: 669,833-836,1013 Japan: 733,837,1801,1905-1912,1917 Jersey: 454-455,490,795,813 Kedah: 669 Kelantan: 852 Kenya Uganda & Tanganyika: 660, 742,838-840,983 Kiautschou: 766 Kiribati: 841 Korea: 842 Labuan: 926 Laos: 843-845 Las Bela: 827-828 Latin America: 69,307,309,525,579, 608,1761,1787 Latvia: 48,524 Leeward Islands: 660,846-848 Libya: 514-516,1886 Liechtenstein: 849 Lithuania: 48,240,269,517-519, 522-524 Lithuania (German Occupied): 517-519 Lithuania (German Occupied) Rokiskis: 48 Luxembourg: 89,334,520 Madagascar (French): 752 Malaya: 669,850-852,923-926,951, 1762 Malaysia: 926 Malta: 222,660,668-669,853-859,983, 1800,1871 Malta - Transit or Destination Mail: 222 Marienwerder: 521 Mauritius: 860-861 Memel: 240,522-524 Mexico: 461,525,608 Middle East: 64-65,283,286,292-293, 399, 662, 933, 936, 1867-1869, 1874-1875,1881 Monaco: 862-863,1818 Montenegro: 378-380,526-532 Montserrat: 864 Morocco (Spanish): 572,579,989 Morocco Agencies: 865 Namibia: 767 Nauru: 1915-1917,1950 Netherlands: 246,533-535,866,1765, 1822,1883 Netherlands - Transit or Destination Mail: 261,287,292,582,805 Netherlands Colonies: 866,1016, 1791,1822,1832,1883 Netherlands Indies: 1791,1883 Netherlands New Guinea: 1016,1832 New Caledonia: 753 New Guinea: 4,110,426,457,511,570, 670,1016-1018,1034,1789,1832, 1858, 1887, 1890, 1919-1974, 1998 New Hebrides: 867-869 New Hebrides (British): 868-869 New Hebrides (French): 868
Phoenix Auctions - 10th & 11th September 2015 New South Wales: 281-282,585,667, 771,1001,1024-1054,1079,1292, 1304, 1307, 1411-1413, 1416, 1418, 1474, 1481, 1500, 1558, 1562,1577,1585,1592, 1614-1615, 1646, 1651, 1685, 1699, 1701, 1717-1719, 1731, 1740, 1755, 1762, 1765, 1767, 1778, 1794, 1800, 1814, 1821, 1823,1845,1851,1856, 1864-1865, 1873, 1876, 1881, 1886, 1888, 1892, 1901, 1908, 2005 New South Wales - Transit or Destination Mail: 220,585, 1411,1413,1864 New Zealand: 536-537,614,735-736, 751, 773, 870-871, 873-912, 964, 999-1000,1638,1679,1796,1806, 1854,1874 New Zealand - Transit or Destination Mail: 108,286,614,1874 New Zealand Territories: 735-736 Newfoundland: 669,913-919 Newspaper Stamps: 9,27,70,91,331, 559, 611, 623, 757, 1543, 1549, 1593, 1605, 1638, 1640, 1728, 1932-1972 Nigeria: 664,920-922,927-930, 986-987 Norfolk Island: 1918 North Borneo: 923-926 North German Confederation Transit or Destination Mail: 201 Northern Ireland: 1356 Northern Nigeria: 927-930 Northern Rhodesia: 664 Northern Territory: 1803,1814,1865 Nyasaland: 931 Obligatory Tax: 27,67 Oil River Protectorate: 664 Pacific Islands: 453,669,735-736, 748-751, 753, 769-773, 809, 841, 867-869,934,963-964,997-1002, 1019-1020, 1629, 1915-1917, 1932-1972 Pakistan: 932 Palestine: 933,1881 Papua: 1975-1998 Papua New Guinea: 1667,1775,1888, 1890,1999-2006 Patriotic Covers: 1901-1902 Peru: 307,309,1761 Philatelic Numismatic Covers: 655, 750,1700 Philippines: 69,579,608,1863 Pitcairn Islands: 934 Poland: 80-83,89,199,217,240-241, 251-253,255,266,269,271, 416-424,538-545,572,935-936, 1876 Port Gdansk: 545 Portugal: 937-938 Portuguese Colonies: 937-938 Prince Edward Island: 939 Proofs & Essays: 63,128-131,340, 540, 543, 576, 616, 619-622, 845, 1362,1365,1431 Prussia: 175 Queensland: 1014-1015,1055-1111, 1307, 1430, 1484, 1623, 1634, 1746, 1765, 1796, 1803, 1807, 1817,1823,1827,1843, 1859-1863,1865,1888, 1891-1893,1902 Queensland - Transit or Destination Mail: 1410 Reunion: 1044 Rhodesia: 664,940-944
Romania: 46,127,211,546,945 Russia: 548-549 Russia - All Periods: 3,48,88,90,181, 194, 200, 240, 269, 273, 329, 334, 338-342,398-399,432-438, 517-519,522-524,546-549,1004, 1046,1786,1799,1901 Russia - Imperial: 547 Russia - Soviet Union (1923-1991): 3,90,181,194,341-342,517-519, 579,1786 Saar: 148,428-431,550-558,610,946 Saar - Transit or Destination Mail: 610 Sabah: 923-926 Samoa: 452-453,1002 Samoa (German): 453 Sarawak: 951 Scandinavia: 84,90,326,335,739-740, 814,991,1672,1791 Schelswig-Holstein: 127 Scotland: 3,1874 Scotland - Transit or Destination Mail: 227 Serbia: 46-47,381-397,487,559-569, 645 Serbia - Transit or Destination Mail: 397 Seychelles: 952-957 Sierra Leone: 664,667-668,958-961 Singapore: 962,1762,1913 Solomon Islands: 963-964, 1019-1020 Somaliland (British): 669 Soruth: 829 South Africa: 660,670,767,965-985, 1217,1874 South African Colonies: 966-980, 983,1874 South America: 287 South Arabian Federation: 292 South Australia: 182,208,245,249, 281,301,525,646,787,804,1013, 1112-1168, 1307, 1337, 1416, 1537, 1595, 1668, 1761, 1772, 1777, 1782, 1792, 1803, 1809, 1814, 1823, 1831, 1848-1849, 1864-1866,1872,1897,1911 South Australia - Transit or Destination Mail: 149,1866, 1869,1872,1887 South West Africa: 767,984-985 South-West Africa (German): 767 Southern Africa: 660,664,670, 683-685,767,940-944,965-985, 990,1217,1874 Southern Nigeria: 986-987 Spain: 6,570-583,988-989,1406,1845 Spain - Transit or Destination Mail: 138 Spanish Colonies: 570-572,579, 988-989 Specimens & Reprints: 70,167,1024, 1060,1114-1115,1143,1171,1894 Sri Lanka: 660,1762 St. Helena: 947-948 St. Lucia: 949-950 Stamps on Cover: 16,19,189,1444, 1448,1474,1863 Straits Settlements: 850,1762 Sudan: 584-585 Surinam: 866 Swaziland: 990 Sweden: 734,991,1002,1791,1813, 1831 Sweden - Transit or Destination Mail: 289 Switzerland: 765,936,992-994,1306, 1537,1820
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Switzerland - Transit or Destination Mail: 569,582,646,1882,1898 Tanganyika: 983 Tasmania: 659,1023,1169-1222,1313, 1318, 1429, 1511, 1556, 1577, 1587, 1699, 1701, 1755, 1835, 1842,1859,1865,1884 Telegram Forms: 209,382,1772 Thailand: 995-996,1690 Thrace: 458 Tonga: 669,997-1002 Tonga - Transit or Destination Mail: 607 Trieste: 30,36,39,43,62,74,79,92,509, 528,586-603,649-650 Trieste - Zone a: 586-590 Trieste - Zone b: 591-603 Tripolitania: 514-516 Tunisia: 336 Turkey: 46,111,270,450,482,1867, 2003 Turkey - Transit or Destination Mail: 87 Turks & Caicos Islands: 665,1003 Uganda: 742,838-840 Ukraine: 334,398-399,546,604-605, 1004 United States of America: 5,11,195, 204-207, 214, 260, 265, 289, 293, 425, 567, 582, 594-595, 606-608, 614-615, 646, 649, 716, 732-733, 753,765,771-773,867,964,1002, 1005-1020, 1043, 1311, 1338, 1419, 1444, 1448, 1644, 1647, 1652, 1655, 1659, 1679, 1778, 1786, 1788, 1790, 1792-1794, 1797, 1805-1806, 1809, 1812, 1814, 1844, 1882, 1897, 1899, 1998 United States of America - Transit or Destination Mail: 205,254, 264-265, 287, 293, 567, 572, 582, 594-595, 614, 646, 649, 1882, 1897,1899 Upper Silesia: 127 Uruguay: 69,1787 Vanuatu: 868-869 Vatican: 609-610 Victoria: 807,821,1023,1215, 1223-1338, 1407, 1419, 1430, 1454, 1597, 1614, 1619, 1728, 1730, 1736, 1751, 1754, 1758, 1763, 1771-1772, 1776, 1780, 1788-1789, 1795, 1798, 1805, 1823, 1835, 1842, 1852, 1857, 1867,1882,1894-1896, 1900-1901 Victoria - Transit or Destination Mail: 1407, 1867-1868, 1885, 1895, 1900 Vietnam: 1021 Wales: 1320 Western Australia: 607,667,670, 1138, 1339-1414, 1416, 1472, 1595, 1603, 1723, 1788-1789, 1803, 1807, 1811, 1823, 1842, 1848-1849,1857,1900,1912 Western Australia - Transit or Destination Mail: 607,1875, 1912
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Phoenix Auctions - 10th & 11th September 2015
Western Europe: 1-2,4-44,47-48,56, 62-63,74,79-83,97-101,103-453, 455-456,488,517-524,533-534, 546,548-558,570-583,604-606, 6 11 , 6 2 2 - 6 2 3 , 6 4 2 , 6 9 7 , 7 0 7 , 756-768,812-813,832,849, 862-863,936-938,946,983, 988-989, 992-994, 1044, 1140, 1206, 1214, 1216, 1306-1307, 1418, 1537, 1585, 1628, 1645, 1663, 1746, 1765, 1771, 1815, 1817-1818,1820,1874, 1876-1877,1919-1931,1974 World: 84,86,101,140,236,260, 269-280, 333, 488, 510, 585, 651, 670,912,1014-1020,1706, 1866-1900 Wurttemberg: 109,1214 Yugoslavia: 9,32,35-37,46-47,62-63, 67-79,92,94,278,358,369, 376-397,409-415,487,512-513, 526-532,559-569,586-603, 611-650,697 Yugoslavia - Transit or Destination Mail: 419,527 Zanzibar: 1022
Thematic And Topical Classification Advertising: 71,76,92,100,116,149, 171, 201, 203, 210, 260, 265, 287, 293, 395, 483, 545, 569, 582, 829, 1012,1045,1305,1309, 1311-1315, 1319, 1391, 1429, 1794,1810 Advertising Covers: 100,1045,1810 Aeroplanes: 112-113,168,200,297, 329-332,380,384,403,449, 469-470,474-475,497-499,502, 510-511, 516, 527, 584, 592, 608, 619,632-633,637,647,658,1595, 1605-1606,1673,1847, 1903-1904,1918 Agriculture: 1137,1758-1759 Air Force: 605,996 Airmail Stamps: 717,758-759, 763-764, 862-863, 866, 892, 918, 945,994,1814,1973,1995 Airmails: 4,9-10,16,26,48,56,65, 82-83,85,102,108,111-114,134, 140, 149, 200, 202, 206, 212, 216, 221,225,228,232,237,239, 256-266,329,337,380,384, 402-403, 428, 430, 449, 454, 459, 463, 468-470, 472, 474-475, 483, 485,489-490,497-499,501, 503-504, 506-507, 509, 511, 516, 527, 535-537, 550, 572-573, 575, 579-580,582,584-586,592, 597-598, 603, 606-609, 611, 634, 637, 647-648, 764, 772, 809, 824, 837, 862-863, 866, 892, 918, 945, 1002, 1021, 1054, 1410, 1621, 1743, 1762, 1770, 1787, 1789, 1803, 1805-1806, 1809, 1811, 1814-1815, 1820-1821, 1825, 1829,1835,1841-1842, 1846-1864, 1882, 1885, 1890, 1895, 1904, 1912, 1914, 1973, 1977,1986-1987,1995,2006 Alcohol: 1288-1290
Architecture: 21,50-52,54,77,80,82, 88, 120, 141, 147-149, 151-152, 166-168,202,210,227,233, 277-278, 281, 324, 326, 330-331, 337-338, 370, 383, 396, 417, 420, 427-429, 437, 441, 447, 464-465, 468-470,474,477,498-499, 5 0 1 - 5 0 2 , 5 0 5 , 5 11 , 5 1 5 , 5 2 4 , 526-527, 545, 548-550, 556, 573, 575, 584, 595, 599-601, 609-610, 619, 629, 633, 635, 637, 716, 760, 762,946,1408,1593,1595,1598, 1702 Arctic: 4 Army: 33,38,57,116,163-165,201,215, 247-248, 267-268, 272, 277, 327, 329, 332-333, 413, 488, 577-578, 583-584, 605, 641, 725, 912, 996, 1014, 1016-1018, 1020, 1217, 1337, 1410, 1789, 1871, 1881, 1887,1908 Art & Craft: 17,431,555,615,844,1808 Autographs: 535,1692-1693,1695, 1707,1770,1847-1850, 1853-1856,1858-1859,1864 Avis De Reception: 1307,1844 Balloon: 216,315,1786 Banking & Finance: 77,149,203,246, 371,569,605,659,1796 Banking,: 77,87,149,545,569, 658-659,1310,1796 Bicycles: 37,100,651,967-969,1012, 1313, 1391-1396, 1398-1401, 1429 Bird: 4,68,862-863,1789 Birds: 4,26,88,130,536-537,592,723, 744, 863, 904, 923, 1081, 1342, 1344, 1347, 1351-1355, 1522, 1540,1545-1546,1549, 1567-1568, 1595, 1600-1603, 1607,1612,1638,1641, 1676-1677, 1691, 1698, 1779, 1789,1800 Bisects: 94,367,455,812-813 Booklets: 5,67,175-176,442,444-445, 461,578,618,651,661-663, 730-731, 800-802, 826, 843, 897, 900-902,1637,1687,1709-1714 Booklets | Collections & Accumulations: 1709-1710 Boxing: 245 Bridges: 338,384,429,432,449,584, 593, 628, 632-633, 658, 1417, 1590-1592, 1595, 1608-1611, 1781,1793 Butterflies & Moths: 243,897,1225, 1231,1234,1683 Cancelled to Order (From Specimen Sets): 55,80,88,103,109,117, 127,167,254,339,345,381, 415-416, 425, 432, 439, 463, 511, 612, 615, 651, 670, 1267, 1269, 1275, 1416-1417, 1420-1421, 1427, 1445-1447, 1450, 1452, 1455-1456, 1458-1459, 1475, 1492, 1502, 1521, 1523, 1528, 1590, 1597, 1602, 1610-1611, 1637, 1709-1710, 1725, 1728, 1744,1749-1750,1844 Cats: 1700
Censored Mail: 11,43,57-58,78,84,94, 247,250,252,274-277,335, 344-345,372,382,389-392, 395-397,419,482-483,513, 528-530, 532, 538, 546, 572-573, 581-582, 585, 605, 642, 646, 649, 753, 765, 773, 842, 911, 933, 936, 964, 983, 996, 1014-1018, 1020, 1410,1537,1746,1778, 1788-1789,1797,1800, 1805-1809, 1813, 1819-1820, 1845,1865,1869,1872, 1874-1877,1879,1882, 1884-1885,1887,1889, 1891-1895,1897-1900, 1916-1917,1998 Charity: 7,49,51-54,85,88,112,114, 137, 139, 149, 151-152, 256-258, 383, 387, 397, 428-432, 444, 460, 504, 550, 554-557, 570, 575, 622, 624-625, 936, 1034, 1270, 1273, 1800 Chess: 632 Christmas: 403,428,436,550, 554-557,1644,1653-1654,1663, 1669,1684,1687 Cigarette Cards: 303 Cinderellas: 3-5,11,29,44,56,62,69, 116, 120, 178-194, 211, 262, 285, 294-299,325,337,382,399, 421-425, 432, 488, 510, 524, 535, 538-544, 570, 572, 579, 607-608, 6 11 - 6 1 2 , 6 1 5 - 6 1 6 , 6 4 1 , 6 4 8 , 651-652, 803, 1011, 1072, 1205, 1300, 1337-1338, 1388-1401, 1409, 1590, 1637, 1781, 1794, 1802, 1848, 1856, 1859-1864, 1899,1903-1904 Coastal Features - Bays: 751, 1016-1018, 1146, 1218, 1405, 1877 Coastal Features - Beaches: 1892 Coastal Features - Ports & Wharves: 281, 283, 293, 545, 804, 1017, 1143, 1185, 1209, 1305, 1338, 1772, 1789, 1887, 1974, 1998, 2002-2003 Coastal Features - Seas & Oceans: 4, 40-41, 101, 214, 223, 282-283, 286, 288-290, 292, 337, 452, 465, 469-471, 477, 498, 503, 509, 527, 576-577, 595, 607, 1633, 1638, 1642,1652,1680,1682 Coil Stamps: 153,533-534,615,1650 Coins & Banknotes: 480,653-658, 750 Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings: 4-5,7,9-14,16,24, 35-37,48-51,55-57,60-62,70-71, 74-75,80-84,89,91-92,97, 102-127,132-137,139-144, 146-177,179-181,183,186-188, 190-194,198-200,202-203,219, 221-226,233,256-258,260, 265-268,279-280,287-288,295, 297,324-332,334-345,347, 349-350,352-357,360-389, 391-392,399-417,419-421, 425-445,447-453,457-463, 4 8 7 - 4 8 8 , 4 9 0 - 4 9 4 , 5 11 - 5 1 2 , 517-520,522-524,527-534,538, 540,543-557,562,564-565, 570-574, 577, 584, 592, 594-598, 602-604, 609, 611-618, 622-623, 629,638-640,643,649-650, 660-670,697,756-764,767, 775-776,815,864,946,965, 1004-1005, 1022, 1112-1113, 1146-1154, 1169-1170, 1223, 1323, 1420-1428, 1523-1532, 1590-1597, 1637-1639, 1870, 1919,1932-1934,1975-1977 Combination Covers: 1418-1419
Phoenix Auctions - 10th & 11th September 2015 Commemorative Covers: 8,119,121, 421,1338,1414,1773-1778, 1781-1786,1794 Consular Mail: 458,1406,1761 Convict Mail: 1299 Covers By Manufacturer: 1773-1778 Creeks & Streams: 1078,1088,1105, 1111,1166 Cricket: 1708 Customs: 1000,1735,1802,1832 Cycling: 100,651,1012,1313,1397, 1429,1709-1710 Dead Letter Office: 1013,1793,1822, 1841 Death: 300,498,609,1212,1295,1317, 1320,1798,1842 Disinfected Mail: 1046 Documents & Ephemera: 300-305, 659,1847 Dogs: 607 Early Imperforate Stamps: 675, 789-790,830,873-876,913, 1 0 5 5 - 1 0 5 6 , 111 6 , 111 8 - 111 9 , 11 6 9 , 11 7 2 - 11 7 3 , 11 7 6 , 1181-1182, 1193, 1224-1225, 1228-1232, 1234, 1236, 1243, 1245-1246, 1301-1302, 1321, 1339, 1341-1343, 1345-1347, 1351 Education: 480,821 Errors: 262,565,638,896,899-900, 924-925, 934, 998, 1324, 1635, 1677-1678,1938,1941,2001 Esperanto: 597-598,634 Essays: 130-131,823,1642,1680,1682 Exhibition Collectables: 1688-1708 Exhibitions: 19-20,50,82-83,85,116, 129, 138, 195, 230, 254, 421, 442, 495, 511, 516, 608-609, 629, 633, 761,1297,1602,1637,1688-1691, 1694, 1696-1702, 1704-1708, 1710,1863 Explorers & Pioneers: 4,698, 735-736, 747, 835, 914, 1591, 1596, 1633-1634, 1642-1643, 1648-1649, 1691, 1696-1697, 1704,1710,1783 Express Mail: 3,83,85,212,374,409, 490, 492-493, 498-499, 502, 508, 525, 572, 574, 586, 607, 609-610, 650,989,1391-1400,1794,1801, 1840 Fauna - Animals: 4,131,146,154,157, 2 9 2 , 3 2 4 , 4 9 8 - 4 9 9 , 5 11 , 5 1 6 , 548-549,584,592,754,829, 924-925, 961, 981, 1198-1199, 1210, 1398-1400, 1418-1521, 1540,1545-1546,1549, 1567-1568,1597,1620, 1629-1632, 1688, 1700, 1702, 1705, 1707, 1754, 1778-1779, 1793, 1828, 1867, 1885, 1904, 1942-1943, 1946, 1950-1951, 1953-1954,1958-1959, 1963-1964,1966 Fdi: 95,145,148,237,335,385,455,520, 614-615, 618, 628, 1599, 1614, 1627,1775,1780,1857 First Day Covers: 11,67,95,116, 145-146, 148-149, 201, 237, 239, 385, 440, 442, 445, 449, 461, 520, 572, 592, 595, 607, 612, 616, 632, 636, 655, 750, 803, 1054, 1338, 1599,1614,1627,1773-1780 First Flight Covers: 83,216,228,237, 239, 256-266, 489, 509, 535-537, 606, 608, 647-648, 892, 1770, 1803, 1842, 1846-1864, 1904, 2006 Fish: 591,702,1639,1647,1680,1682, 1690,1828,1835,1837
Flags: 98-99,158,162,205,207,209, 224, 287, 293, 316, 327, 441, 467, 502, 595, 597-598, 632, 634, 841, 1598,1901 Flight Covers - Commercial: 1820 Flowers: 746,896,1050,1623,1632, 1650,1665-1666,1675,1831 Forests & Woods: 276,1051,1085, 1323-1324 Forgeries: 60-61,97,123,183, 294-296,521,1521,1674 Framas: 445,898 Framas & Counter Printed Stamps: 1637,1904 Franked Mail: 999-1000,1292, 1295-1296,1305,1308,1811 Free Mail: 174,240,911,1019,1281, 1 2 9 2 , 1 2 9 5 - 1 2 9 6 , 1 8 11 , 1825-1826,1835,1874,1876 Fruit: 635 Geology: 1661 Georgian Head Issues: 1337, 1523-1589,1597,1706, 1747-1750, 1755, 1760, 1763, 1767, 1769, 1788, 1936-1939, 1941,1955-1958,1970-1971 Government & Politicians: 69,225, 650,803,1620,1751,1809 Heraldry: 25,29,137,469-471,473, 502, 515, 595, 619, 916, 940-944, 1830 Horse Racing: 121,131,146,154,157 Horses: 119,121,167,169,316,327, 329, 525, 607, 1408, 1410, 1867, 1875,1878,1881 Hotels: 278,1045,1868 Illustrated Covers: 287,346,445,607, 632,1042,1045,1292,1294,1778, 1783, 1795, 1842, 1901-1902, 1921 Imprints & Plate Numbers: 12,23-25, 67, 111, 114, 124, 134-136, 150, 152, 154, 158-159, 164, 167-170, 172-173, 186, 327, 355, 361, 416, 425, 428, 432-433, 436, 439, 461, 502, 532, 557, 572, 587, 616-617, 626, 684, 820, 886-889, 893-895, 906,1032,1037,1476,1478,1480, 1482, 1497, 1505-1507, 1509, 1584, 1593-1596, 1603-1605, 1612-1613, 1622, 1625-1626, 1638, 1859, 1907, 1916, 1988, 1991-1995 Independent Africa: 664,685,966 Indig,: 1622 Indigenous Peoples: 1624,1783 International Reply Coupons: 111, 114, 393, 614, 1312, 1644, 1870, 1897 Islands: 280,453-456,458,463, 536-537,579,660,663,669, 671-682,686-696,702-704, 722-724,735-738,743-753, 769-773,812-813,815,833-836, 841,846-848,853-861,864, 867-869,913-919,934,937-939, 947-950,952-957,963-964,983, 997-1003,1013,1016,1018-1020, 1022, 1222, 1431, 1436, 1691, 1703, 1762, 1765, 1800, 1817, 1839, 1846, 1851, 1859, 1869, 1904, 1913-1918, 1950, 1974, 1998 Judaica: 58-61,312-313,420-424, 1010 Jusqu’a Air Mail: 1801,1805-1806, 1813 Kangaroo & Map Issues: 1418-1521, 1597, 1688, 1702, 1705, 1707, 1754, 1793, 1942-1943, 1946, 1950-1951,1953-1954, 1958-1959,1963-1964,1966
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Keyplate Issues: 689-692,694-695, 848,860,920,927-931,972 Lakes & Dams: 427,608,675,714,832, 839,1106,1360,1401,1987 Late Fee: 11,116,344,484,619,751, 824,1047,1149,1152,1167,1241, 1301, 1762, 1771, 1801, 1813, 1815,1844,1866,1894,1896 Law & Order: 1697,1792 Local Stamps: 11,29,56,178-194,325, 399, 421-425, 432, 488, 510, 524, 539-544,579,641,1011 Maps: 42,115,124,233,321,325,399, 469-470, 480, 668, 747, 1024, 1409, 1420-1521, 1593, 1595, 1605-1606, 1621, 1705, 1707, 1942,1958,1999-2000 Marine Life: 43,218,291,459,702,911, 945,1408 Maximum Cards: 157,632,1775 Medals: 224,245,249,303,870,1298 Medical & Health: 270,945,1410, 1638, 1655, 1755, 1788, 1798, 1868 Migrant Camps: 293,1054 Military & Censor Mail: 6-8,32-33, 37-38,40,43,45-48,58-61,64-65, 84, 95, 97-99, 101, 108, 117, 199, 201-202, 217, 238, 246-247, 255, 267-280,303-305,324-438,454, 456, 488-490, 506-507, 510, 513, 517-520,524,527-534,546, 548-549,577,582-583,585, 604-605, 650, 733, 751, 765, 774, 837, 842, 867, 911-912, 933, 936, 964,966-969,983,996, 1014-1020, 1054, 1217, 1337, 1410, 1537, 1689, 1746, 1771, 1805-1808, 1813, 1821-1822, 1845, 1865-1902, 1905-1912, 1916-1917,1924-1931,1998 Military - Boer War Period: 966-969, 1217,1874 Military - Pre World War II Period: 303,577 Military - World War I Period: 8,40, 48,64,108,201-202,255,269-270, 324-336,517-520,548-549, 604-605, 837, 911, 983, 1337, 1537,1746,1865-1881, 1901-1902,1924-1931 Military - World War II Period: 6-7,48, 58-61, 64-65, 84, 97-99, 101, 117, 199,201,217,238,246-247, 267-268,271-280,303-305,324, 326-438,454,456,488-490, 506-507,510,513,520,524, 527-534,546,548-549,582-583, 585, 604-605, 650, 751, 765, 867, 912, 933, 936, 964, 1014-1020, 1689, 1771, 1805-1808, 1813, 1821-1822, 1845, 1865, 1871, 1882-1900,1905-1912, 1916-1917,1998 Military Postmarks: 38,43,95,1337, 1410,1908,1912 Military Stamps: 45-47,117,267-268, 336,367,404-408 Miniature Sheets: 11-12,25,49,60-61, 6 7 - 6 8 , 8 0 , 8 9 , 11 6 - 11 7 , 11 9 , 121-122,125-126,138-139,141, 146,178-179,186,324,387, 425-426,429-430,435-439, 441-442,444-445,461,546, 548-549, 571-572, 577, 579, 591, 593, 612, 616-618, 630-631, 633, 636, 651, 760-762, 824, 843-844, 1590, 1600-1602, 1637-1638, 1649,1690,1694,1696, 1698-1699,1701,1703, 1705-1708 Mining: 536-537,1045,1204,1300 Missent Mail: 753,1316
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Phoenix Auctions - 10th & 11th September 2015
Motor Vehicles: 149,213,240 Motorcycles: 236,1012 Mountains: 4,18,120,152,164-165, 168, 223, 337, 383, 417, 465-466, 474, 498, 503, 516, 526, 599-601, 6 3 7 , 6 4 1 , 8 2 9 , 8 3 9 , 9 0 3 , 11 0 4 , 1164-1165, 1204, 1331, 1402, 1633, 1658, 1739, 1781, 1784, 1800 Music & Singing: 15,74,155,436,448, 474,503,845,1652,2001 Myths & Legends: 472,574, 1200-1203,1703 Navy: 466,577,595,607,733, 1825-1826,1883,1917 neth: 1812 Number Ones: 9,45,55,60-62,64,72, 80, 87, 110, 177-178, 180-182, 184-186,188-189,192-194, 204-205,326-328,339,342, 352-353, 360, 363, 369, 373-374, 376-378,382-383,388,400, 409-410, 416, 419, 425, 432, 435, 444,454,456,458,460,463, 488-489, 511-512, 514, 517, 520, 522, 524, 545, 550-551, 586, 591, 609,615,641,650,675,760, 777-787, 822, 844, 846, 920, 927, 952, 971-972, 1055-1056, 1171, 1210, 1339, 1429, 1688-1693, 1695-1699, 1701-1705, 1708, 1919-1920,1998 Numeral & Letter Postmarks: 1049-1053, 1074-1111, 1116, 111 8 , 11 4 4 - 11 4 5 , 11 7 0 , 1175-1176, 1185, 1188, 1206, 1218-1220, 1238, 1243, 1245, 1266, 1297, 1303, 1305-1307, 1321-1336,1344,1350 Official Mail: 13,32,34,37,55,57,80, 102-103, 109, 177, 190-191, 202, 212, 382, 398, 401, 416, 428, 439, 448, 550, 570, 584, 604-605, 615, 667, 670, 719-720, 751, 841, 870, 903-907,932,982,998-999, 1039-1040,1057,1065, 1135-1136, 1138, 1141-1143, 11 5 2 , 1 2 7 5 , 1 2 7 8 , 1 2 9 2 , 1295-1296, 1305-1306, 1316, 1376-1377,1407,1416, 1420-1421, 1425-1426, 1428, 1432,1443-1444,1449, 1463-1464, 1469, 1471, 1473, 1483,1498,1508,1523, 1526-1528, 1530, 1563, 1565, 1567, 1570, 1575, 1577, 1579, 1586-1588, 1590, 1592, 1595, 1597, 1599, 1606-1607, 1615, 1651, 1731, 1734, 1751-1752, 1788, 1793-1794, 1798, 1811, 1836, 1842-1843, 1874, 1924, 1972,1975,1996
Official Stamps: 13,32,37,55,57,80, 102-103, 109, 177, 190-191, 202, 212, 382, 398, 416, 428, 439, 448, 550, 570, 584, 604-605, 615, 667, 670,719-720,751,841,870, 903-907,932,982,998-999, 1039-1040, 1065, 1135-1136, 1138, 1141-1143, 1152, 1275, 1278,1292,1295-1296, 1305-1306, 1316, 1376-1377, 1407,1416,1420-1421, 1425-1426,1428,1432, 1443-1444, 1449, 1463-1464, 1469, 1471, 1473, 1483, 1498, 1508, 1523, 1526-1528, 1530, 1563, 1565, 1567, 1570, 1575, 1577, 1579, 1586-1588, 1590, 1592,1595,1597,1599, 1606-1607, 1615, 1651, 1731, 1734,1751-1752,1788, 1793-1794, 1798, 1811, 1836, 1842-1843, 1874, 1924, 1972, 1975,1996 Olympics: 1,117,120,195,220-227, 302, 305, 461, 616-617, 651-652, 1415, 1627-1628, 1645, 1787, 1836 omni,: 962 Omnibus Issues: 770,836,990 Other Collectables: 6 Overprinted Stamps: 3,7,9-11,13,16, 23-24, 28, 45-48, 52, 55-57, 62, 64-65,68-69,77-78,80-83,85-87, 90-91,101-103,109,111-114,117, 119, 121, 123, 139, 146, 149-150, 177-178,180-186,188-195,199, 202-203, 258, 277, 280, 331, 334, 341-347,351-358,360-366, 368-369,372-380,382,384, 388-389, 395, 398, 400-416, 419, 425, 428, 432, 439, 444, 449-452, 454,458-460,462-464,475, 477-478,482-484,487,489-493, 495,507-508,510-512,514-515, 517-520,522-524,526-534, 545-546, 550-553, 557, 559, 561, 563, 570-573, 575, 579-581, 584, 586-587,591-593,595-605,609, 611-612, 615, 622-625, 627, 637, 639,642-646,650,664,667, 677-678, 684-686, 720, 736, 738, 741,767,769,796-798,816, 821-822, 832, 841, 852, 865, 867, 870, 905-906, 918, 923, 935, 938, 965-966, 971, 973, 980, 984-985, 988-989,1024,1032-1033,1039, 1 0 4 1 , 1 0 4 7 , 111 5 , 11 2 4 , 1135-1136, 1138, 1141, 1171, 1199, 1203, 1265, 1366, 1372, 1417, 1421-1422, 1483, 1486, 1488-1489, 1493-1496, 1503, 1508, 1512, 1527-1528, 1530, 1590,1592,1606-1607, 1637-1638,1643,1649, 1689-1691,1696-1699, 1701-1702,1704-1705, 1708-1710, 1732, 1768, 1874, 1905-1912, 1919, 1924-1973, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1986-1987, 1996,1999,2001 Parcel: 490,586,1048,1623,1726, 1801 Parcel Post: 37,59-61,77,85,346, 365-366, 394, 453, 490-491, 573, 586, 589-590, 614, 814, 1072, 1205, 1300, 1337, 1388-1401, 1420, 1568, 1623, 1682, 1788, 1801,1808-1809,1887,1912 Parcel Stamps: 346,586,589-590 Patriotic Covers: 1901-1902
Perfins: 216,394,569,584,670,963, 1065, 1152, 1275, 1278, 1319, 1376-1377,1416,1421, 1425-1426,1428,1432, 1443-1444, 1449, 1463-1464, 1469, 1471, 1473, 1498, 1511, 1523, 1526-1528, 1563, 1565, 1570,1575,1577,1579, 1586-1588, 1590, 1595, 1597, 1599, 1615, 1651, 1731, 1788, 1792-1793, 1800, 1842-1843, 1972 ph: 606-607,1011-1013 Photography: 39,120,147,202,220, 224, 227, 270, 272, 282-283, 286, 288-289,291-292,300,303-305, 309, 311, 315, 317, 344, 354, 377, 400, 413, 415, 419, 451, 518, 583, 608, 620, 632, 961, 1015, 1408, 1847,1858 Pictorial Envelopes: 1297,1402-1404 Picture Postcards: 10,32,38-40,43, 46, 57, 67, 94, 108, 116, 119-121, 149, 195, 199, 201-202, 204-205, 208-210,216,220-221,224, 226-227,233-234,241-242,246, 254-255, 260, 263, 265, 270, 273, 277-278,281-283,286-293, 306-323, 333, 355, 382, 419, 490, 509, 518, 558, 572, 608, 611, 614, 616, 644, 646, 651, 707, 732, 766, 772, 807-808, 867, 911-912, 983, 1138, 1140, 1305, 1307, 1406, 1408,1619,1628,1651, 1655-1656, 1658, 1679, 1702, 1787,1789,1791,1793, 1800-1801, 1804, 1809, 1833, 1837, 1839, 1843-1844, 1847, 1866-1869, 1871-1875, 1913, 1974 Plains & Flats: 8,84,145,148,266, 274-275, 338, 348, 395, 455, 513, 529, 595, 806, 1164, 1168, 1337, 1414,1599,1772,1780,1857 Polar: 4,698,747,758,763,814,1596, 1691,1696-1697,1704,1710 Post Office Packs: 661 Postage Due Handstamps: 212 Postage Dues: 9-11,28,62,64,75,80, 91,94,100,102-103,107,371,409, 416, 458-460, 475, 490, 511-512, 526-527, 559, 584, 586, 588, 591, 5 9 9 - 6 0 2 , 6 0 5 , 6 11 - 6 1 2 , 6 1 6 , 637-641, 644, 648, 685, 721, 808, 844, 908-909, 1307, 1585, 1630, 1715-1729, 1787, 1794, 1804, 1816, 1828, 1835, 1841, 1843, 1867,2003 Postal Fiscals: 8,106,165,219,221, 224,226,254,360-364,399, 421-424,436,448,736,905, 1067-1068, 1199-1203, 1213, 1215-1216,1381-1382
Phoenix Auctions - 10th & 11th September 2015 Postal History: 6-8,10-11,16,19, 31-43,45-48,57-62,64-65,70-79, 8 4 , 8 7 , 9 2 - 1 0 1 , 1 0 8 , 111 , 11 4 , 11 6 - 11 7 , 1 2 3 , 1 7 8 , 1 8 9 , 1 9 9 , 201-255,267-280,303-305,313, 324-439, 449, 451, 454-456, 463, 481-483,488-490,506-508,510, 513,517-520,524-525,527-534, 538, 545-549, 567-569, 572, 577, 580-583, 585, 604-607, 610-611, 615,643-646,650-651,705-707, 732-734,740,751-753,765-766, 771-774, 783, 803-813, 821, 824, 828-830,837,842,865,867, 910-912, 932-933, 936, 951, 964, 966-969, 983, 996, 999-1002, 1011-1021, 1023, 1044-1048, 1054, 1072-1073, 1138-1140, 1204,1207,1209-1217, 1283-1286, 1295, 1297-1320, 1337,1402-1408,1410, 1418-1419, 1444, 1448, 1474, 1537, 1579, 1585, 1628-1630, 1644-1648, 1652, 1655-1656, 1659, 1663, 1668-1669, 1672, 1679, 1685, 1689, 1730, 1734, 1746, 1761-1762, 1765, 1771, 1774, 1776-1778, 1781-1782, 1787-1845,1851,1856, 1865-1902,1905-1914, 1916-1917, 1922-1931, 1974, 1998,2002-2005 Postal Labels: 807 Postal Rates: 732,809,865,932,1301, 1304, 1306, 1418-1419, 1585, 1619, 1623, 1628, 1632, 1634, 1641, 1645, 1651, 1655, 1675, 1736,1762,1765,1787, 1789-1790,1793,1797, 1800-1801,1805-1809, 1812-1813, 1815, 1818-1819, 1825-1830, 1832, 1834, 1836, 1839,1843 Postal Seals: 31-35,75,538,569,1048 Postal Stationery: 19,30,32,37,48,51, 57-59,62,72-73,77-79,108, 110-111, 120, 195-202, 209, 220, 223, 228, 232, 250, 252, 256-258, 261, 269, 273, 293, 307, 309, 317, 346, 352, 358, 372, 382, 388-390, 394,397-398,403,415,419, 421-424, 448, 450, 452, 513, 525, 532, 547, 567, 603, 615, 642, 645, 651, 766, 773, 865, 911-912, 980, 1001-1002, 1012, 1042-1044, 1046-1047, 1071, 1073, 1137, 1140, 1206-1208, 1210, 1214, 1216,1292-1296,1307, 1316-1317, 1319, 1331, 1337, 1406, 1731-1760, 1763-1764, 1766-1772, 1800, 1804, 1811, 1821, 1842, 1864, 1880-1881, 1894-1896,1920-1921, 1930-1931,1997-1998 Postal Stationery - Aerogrammes: 603,1002,1011,1395,1743,1770, 1821,1842 Postal Stationery - Envelopes: 110, 196, 525, 547, 776, 1047, 1208, 1292,1317,1743-1760, 1763-1764, 1766, 1800, 1842, 1864 Postal Stationery - Envelopes (Official): 1751-1752 Postal Stationery - Envelopes (Ptpo): 1208, 1753-1760, 1763-1764, 1766 Postal Stationery - Franks: 1292, 1295-1296,1811 Postal Stationery - Letter Cards: 37, 250,853,1071,1210,1737-1742 Postal Stationery - Lettercards (Formular): 250
Postal Stationery - Miscellaneous: 30,645 Postal Stationery - Postal Cards: 19, 3 2 , 5 1 , 5 8 - 5 9 , 7 2 , 7 8 - 7 9 , 11 0 , 196-200,223,228,232,252, 256-258, 261, 269, 293, 307, 309, 352, 358, 372, 388-390, 397, 403, 415, 419, 421-424, 448, 513, 603, 615, 642, 766, 980, 1001, 1012, 1042-1044, 1046, 1073, 1137, 1140, 1206-1207, 1292-1294, 1307, 1331, 1406, 1731-1736, 1804, 1842, 1895, 1920-1921, 1930-1931,1998 Postal Stationery - Postal Cards (Formular): 58-59,423-424 Postal Stationery - Postal Cards (Official): 448,1734 Postal Stationery - Postal Cards (Ptpo): 200,1207,1735-1736 Postal Stationery - Registration Envelopes: 255,912,1214, 1216,1305,1767-1769, 1880-1881,1997 Postal Stationery - Wartime: 394, 1771 Postmarks: 6-8,10-11,16,19,27,30-43, 45-48,50-51,57-62,64-65,70-79, 84,87,92-101,103,108-111,114, 116-117, 120, 123, 171, 177-178, 188-189,195,199,201-255, 266-293,303-305,313,324-440, 449-456,463,481-484,487-490, 500, 506-508, 510, 513, 517-520, 524-525,527-534,538,545-549, 561, 567-569, 572, 577, 580-583, 585, 604-607, 610-611, 615-616, 632,643-646,649-651,655, 705-707,732-734,740,750-753, 756,765-766,771-776,783, 787-789,795,803-813,821-822, 824, 828-830, 837, 842, 865, 867, 879, 910-912, 932-933, 936, 951, 964-969, 983, 996, 999-1002, 1011-1021, 1023, 1044-1054, 1072-1111,1116,1118,1122,1125, 1131, 1138-1140, 1144-1168, 1170, 1175-1176, 1185, 1188, 1204, 1206-1207, 1209-1222, 1230, 1237-1238, 1243, 1245, 1266, 1283-1286, 1292, 1295, 1297-1338, 1344, 1350, 1378, 1398,1400,1402-1408, 1410-1414, 1418-1419, 1430, 1444, 1448, 1474, 1532, 1537, 1579, 1585, 1602, 1628-1630, 1644-1648, 1652, 1655-1656, 1659, 1663, 1668-1669, 1672, 1679, 1685, 1689, 1709, 1730, 1734, 1746, 1761-1762, 1765, 1771,1774,1776-1778, 1781-1782, 1787-1845, 1851, 1856, 1865-1902, 1905-1914, 1916-1917, 1922-1931, 1954, 1974,1980,1998,2002-2005 Postmarks - Colours in Names: 1050,1077,1108 Postmarks - Duplex Cancellations: 804,1297,1320 Postmarks - Instructional Markings: 753,807,1013,1307,1320,1406, 1585, 1730, 1769, 1787, 1802, 1804,1822,1835,1841,2003 Postmarks - Numerals: 110,484,697, 965,993,1026,1049-1053,1071, 1074-1111,1116,1118,1144-1145, 1170, 1175-1176, 1185, 1188, 1206, 1215, 1218-1220, 1238, 1243, 1245, 1253, 1266, 1297, 1302-1303,1305-1307, 1320-1336,1344,1350
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Postmarks - Paid Datestamps: 111, 177, 181, 394, 614, 751, 1000, 1023, 1047, 1211-1212, 1305, 1308, 1316, 1585, 1702, 1762, 1804,1841 Postmarks - Personal Names Female: 1050,1991 Postmarks - Personal Names - Male: 309,1333,1341 Postmarks - Pictorial: 8,57,83,89, 11 6 - 11 7 , 11 9 , 1 2 1 - 1 2 2 , 1 3 8 , 146-151, 154, 157, 195, 199, 201, 210,217,219-220,222,224, 226-227,233,246,254,339, 345-346, 419, 421, 463, 509, 520, 615, 636, 648, 803, 1338, 1414, 1773-1778,1781-1786,1794 Postmarks - Slogan Cancels: 116, 120, 151, 204-206, 210, 220-221, 226, 232, 249, 265, 276, 319, 397, 803,1539,1541,1760,1762,1794, 1834 Postmen: 1678,1802 Prisoners of War and Internees: 58-61,201,250-253,271,382,386, 389-390, 393, 538, 911, 1746, 1771, 1820-1821, 1876-1877, 1879, 1882, 1884, 1894-1898, 1900 Private Carrier Stamps: 911, 1391-1401 Proofs: 63,67,128-131,340,540,543, 576, 616, 619-622, 654, 686, 703, 845,1070,1127,1361-1362,1365, 1414, 1671, 1681, 1692-1693, 1695,1700 Radio: 1933,1950 Railway Stamps: 1045,1072,1205, 1300,1306,1337,1388-1390 Railways & Trains: 174,201,593, 630-631,1072,1078,1168,1205, 1300,1326,1337,1388-1401 Rare or Unusual: 107,128-129,133, 138, 171, 174, 200, 211, 219, 271, 294-295, 301, 306, 310, 344, 360, 364, 390, 399-400, 405, 451, 489, 519, 530, 560, 659, 684, 750, 770, 806, 826, 828, 837, 841, 881, 889, 900, 906, 925, 941-944, 961, 978, 995,1008,1032,1044,1046,1066, 1070-1072, 1122, 1125, 1128, 1182, 1216, 1230, 1252, 1264, 1291, 1297, 1379, 1381-1382, 1385, 1391, 1395-1396, 1411, 1490, 1544, 1578-1579, 1585, 1619, 1632, 1634, 1648, 1668, 1672, 1685, 1720, 1730, 1732, 1760, 1782, 1825, 1834, 1866, 1869, 1883-1885, 1887, 1900, 1911,1914,1960,1981,1992 Red Cross: 60,62,93,108,242,270, 318, 380, 393, 426, 458-459, 484, 538, 578, 591, 599-602, 612, 621, 640,983,1820,1882,1898
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Phoenix Auctions - 10th & 11th September 2015
Registered Mail & Registration Labels: 16,57,65,77-78,87,93, 96, 138, 147, 154, 171, 189, 201, 211, 217, 222, 246, 249, 287-288, 335,337,345,348-350,359, 391-392, 395-396, 434, 451, 455, 489, 502, 518-520, 528-530, 538, 546-547, 572, 582, 592, 594, 605, 610, 643, 646-647, 751, 753, 771, 795, 809, 837, 911-912, 933, 951, 1002, 1139, 1214-1216, 1222, 1243, 1299, 1303, 1306-1307, 1312-1314,1318,1406, 1411-1413, 1448, 1579, 1620, 1623,1646,1761,1765, 1767-1769, 1779, 1782, 1786, 1789-1794, 1796, 1803, 1809, 1 8 11 - 1 8 1 2 , 1 8 1 7 , 1 8 3 1 , 1842-1843,1850,1858, 1880-1881, 1887, 1908, 1912, 1925-1927,1997,2003-2004 Registration Labels: 1925-1927 Rel: 85,88,116,151-152,197,213, 215-216, 229-231, 237, 243, 383, 387, 429-431, 444, 520, 573, 946, 1412,2003 Religion: 32,49-54,89,447,479,511, 514, 609, 629, 946, 1159, 1832, 1974 Reprints: 3,60,381,572,1060,1115, 1171,1685 Revenues: 9,27,48,66-67,254,359, 418, 486, 566, 591, 667, 736, 905, 979,995,1041,1067-1070,1072, 1171, 1198-1205, 1210, 1213, 1215-1216,1223,1271, 1279-1291,1300,1337, 1381-1386, 1388-1390, 1802, 1807 River Fords: 1091,1757 Rivers: 212,281,286,628,633,683, 733, 839, 921, 1042, 1292, 1593, 1595 Rocket Mail: 3,44,262-263,509,608, 614,648,803,1786,1859-1864 Royalty: 14,33,40,85,175,202,239, 459, 511-512, 526, 563, 619-620, 627, 641, 661, 694, 770, 836, 849, 939, 962, 990, 1540, 1545-1546, 1549, 1567-1568, 1649, 1702, 1710, 1774, 1776, 1779, 1829, 1883,1999 rv: 118,670 Sailing: 4,229-230,616,869,1638, 1781 Scouts and Guides: 945,1782 Se-Tenant & Tête-Bêche: 1689 Self-Adhesives: 126,661,1637, 1709-1710 Sheep: 1280,1758 Ship Mail: 964,1044,1140,1794,1883 Ship/Paquebot Markings: 39, 281-293,649
Ships & Boats: 4,40-41,79,88,96,101, 204-208, 214, 223, 237, 240, 254, 267-268,281-293,305,450-453, 465-466, 471, 505, 509, 576-577, 584, 595, 607, 649, 658, 665, 671, 688, 699, 723, 744, 766-767, 839, 8 5 7 , 9 6 4 , 9 8 3 , 1 0 4 3 , 11 2 5 , 1298-1299, 1306, 1409, 1418, 1595, 1609, 1633, 1642-1643, 1696, 1781, 1785, 1794, 1844, 1846, 1869, 1916, 1919-1931, 1983,1985 Soccer: 86,221,226,229-230,1801 Soviet Union - Overprinted For Use in Other Countries: 48 Space: 1786 Special Delivery: 718 Specimens: 9,68,680-681,686,690, 693, 787-788, 796-798, 852, 875, 881,905,911,923,963,976,1007, 1024,1032,1041,1062, 111 3 - 111 5 , 11 2 8 - 11 3 0 , 1 2 2 3 , 1364, 1368, 1372, 1417, 1422, 1485-1486,1488-1490, 1493-1496, 1503, 1512, 1515, 1521,1637,1643,1999-2000 Sport: 1-2,18,86,120,124,147,149, 216,219-221,223-224,226-227, 236, 302, 474, 652, 998, 1414, 1627,1645,1679,1714 Stamp Dealers: 26,56,180,193,254, 313, 345, 391, 523, 559, 637, 967, 1745 Stamps on Stamps: 443 State Government Officials: 6,9,111, 125, 139, 171, 177, 182, 186, 286, 343, 382, 426, 439, 448, 545, 824, 843,969,1341,1425-1426,1528, 1577,1587,1684 Streets & Roads: 437,911,1307,1762, 1814 Submarines: 267-268,323,576 Swimming: 236,1414 Telegrams: 209,382,1772 Telegraph Offices: 9,30,1387,1411, 1424,1460,1468,1484 Telegraph Stamps: 9,30,933,1387, 1411,1424,1460,1468,1484 Thematics & Topicals: 1-3,10-12,55, 62,67-68,117,123,125-126,142, 195, 201, 217, 305, 403, 416, 425, 432, 439, 442, 444-445, 459-461, 484, 487, 490, 559, 571, 586, 591, 612, 615-618, 651-652, 661, 803, 843-844,1429,1637,1709,1785 Timber & Trees: 18,152,297,336,417, 435-436, 474, 501, 505, 511, 516, 527, 610, 621, 628, 632, 637, 700, 754-755, 894, 1144, 1147, 1646, 1675,1917-1918 Tobacco & Smoking: 566,1311 Trains: 3,142,316,630-631,803,1292, 1795,1823 Trams & Cable Cars: 1875 Transport: 142,167,278,525,630-633, 1391-1401,1408 Travelling Post Offices: 222,288,610, 732,999,1045,1073,1214,1292, 1430,1823 Unclaimed: 100 Uniforms: 303-304,309 Unissued Stamps: 934
Universal Postal Union: 68-69,211, 249, 293, 444, 591, 595, 609, 651, 989,1744,1749-1750 Unusual Origins or Destinations: 585, 732, 766, 1002, 1047, 1073, 1305-1306, 1406, 1418-1419, 1672, 1762, 1765, 1787, 1789, 1791, 1800-1801, 1813, 1815, 1818,1832,1845,2003 v,opt,: 1515 Valleys: 1050,1159,1161,1390 Varieties: 11,15,20,26,49,55-56,64, 68-69,76,81,91,103,106,111,117, 122,124,132-136,152-153, 155-156,158-173,179-180, 186-187,190-191,221,330-331, 338, 351, 354, 357, 360-366, 368, 370,376-381,400-401,407-408, 4 11 - 4 1 3 , 4 2 5 , 4 2 7 , 4 3 2 - 4 3 3 , 442-443, 454, 456, 459, 464-465, 472, 475-478, 488, 550-551, 562, 564-565, 573-574, 587, 612, 628, 638-640, 645, 669, 687, 691-692, 694, 698, 700, 708-711, 717-721, 724, 739, 741, 743, 747, 749, 770, 773, 787, 801, 816, 825, 827, 836, 841,844,858,861,870-871, 896-897,899-900,902-903,917, 923-925, 934, 939, 947, 965, 981, 984-985,990,997-998, 1009-1010, 1020, 1022, 1025, 1030, 1035, 1037-1038, 1040, 1 0 6 5 - 1 0 6 6 , 1 0 7 1 , 11 2 2 , 1135-1136, 1159, 1171, 1183, 1199, 1237, 1239, 1254-1256, 1258,1261-1262,1264, 1267-1268, 1271, 1274-1275, 1277, 1287, 1339, 1342, 1344, 1350-1353, 1369-1371, 1374, 1379-1380, 1396, 1421-1423, 1426, 1430, 1432, 1434-1436, 1438-1442,1453-1454, 1472-1473, 1475, 1477, 1479, 1481, 1485-1486, 1489-1491, 1494, 1496, 1499-1506, 1510, 1512, 1514, 1519, 1524-1529, 1532-1533,1535,1538, 1540-1542,1547,1549, 1551-1561,1563-1566, 1568-1569, 1573-1574, 1576, 1578, 1581-1582, 1588-1589, 1594-1598,1603,1605, 1613-1617, 1621, 1626, 1630, 1633, 1635, 1637-1640, 1650, 1657, 1661-1662, 1664-1666, 1670-1671, 1673, 1676-1678, 1681, 1683-1687, 1694, 1699, 1701, 1706, 1712, 1714, 1720, 1728-1729, 1744-1746, 1752, 1833, 1838, 1903, 1909-1911, 1927, 1932, 1936-1942, 1949, 1955-1958, 1968-1971, 1977, 1983-1984,1987,2001 vicd: 1209,1744 Wa: 1343,1351,1354 Waterfalls: 683,753 Whale: 1680-1682 Y.M.C.A.: 983 Zeppelins: 41,114-115,140,195,212, 216,225,237,239,260-261, 265-266, 468, 501, 606, 758-759, 763 Zeppelins on Stamps: 225,255,299
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Phoenix Auctions - Thursday 10th September 2015
Session 1 will commence at 10:00am
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THEMATICS & TOPICALS 1 L Olympic Games - Australia: 1936 Berlin (August 1 to 16, 1936), the official published report entitled Participation of Australian Olympic Team (very slightly aged), compiled and issued Nov 30, 1936 by the Australian Olympic Federation. 2 L Olympic Games - Germany: program for August 6, 1936 - includes pencilled-in athletic results (presumably attendee was in the stadium at the time). Some cover blemishes. 3 **/* Rocket Flights: USSR 1r red and black/silver MLH and the same with Congress opt in red MUH optd SG #2635-6, Cat £155. PLUS 1937 India Stephen S Smith two cinderella labels inscribed ‘1 UP. “THE SATURN EXPRESS”‘ and ‘BY ROCKET TRAIN “HERBERT E. BARBER”, the second overprinted in red ‘Pilot. “Eric-Syn.”‘ (retail c€30 each). PLUS se-tenant reprint of Zucker 1930s labels sold to finance his experimental rocket tests in Scotland. (5) CINDERELLAS | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 4 **/*/W Arctic & Antarctic Labels Selection attractive group with two Norddeutscher Lloyd polar flights (1914 ng and undated hinged) with mountains, sea, penguins and ship; an icebound sailing ship in the Arctic ng undated, advertising children’s books (list on back); another Arctic scene by Kaestner’s Ovens extolling their petroleum heating; lastly a very nice MUH air post label for the 1926 trans-Polar flight by Amundsen, Nobile & Ellsworth. Fine to very fine. (5)
$125 $100
ex 8 6
USA propaganda booklet panes issued by the German Boycott Council - [1] pane of 8 black on bright red ‘WHILE NAZIS RULE/ DON’T BUY GERMAN GOODS’, seven units MUH; [2] pane of 5 blue on buff ‘FOR HUMANITY’S SAKE/DON’T BUY GERMAN GOODS’ surrounding logo of US Jewish War Veterans, central very light small hinge. (2 panes) OTHER COLLECTABLES 6 Lapel Badge - Spain: for the so-called “Blue Division” volunteers, a metal badge depicting five Falangists’ arrows behind a German helmet showing laurel leaves. The reverse of the badge stamped ‘8797/A’. ALBANIA | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 7 **/*/U 1939-43 Italian & German Ocupations almost complete mint (MUH ex noted) with Italian Occupn SG #337-350, E373 hinged, 373-9, 380 MLH; German Occupn SG #389-408 (ex 391) with second 1q on 3q and 5q cds. Fine to very fine, cat c£270 (as all hinged). (47) ALLENSTEIN */*/U 1920 Issues [1] 1st Issue mint set excl 10(pf) plus used 1.25m, 2.5m & 3m, odd small fault; [2] 2nd Issue mint set excl 20(pf) 8 plus used 10, 20 x2, 30, 75 & 2.5m, odd small fault; [3] complete sets of 14 of both issues on plain covers cancelled on 11.7.20 (Plebiscite day). AUSTRIA | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 9 */U 1850-1919 on Lindner hingeless pages from no wmk Arms set Mi #1Y-5Y to 1918 Airs both papers mint. Includes printer varieties (eg 1867 coarse and fine types), newspaper stamps, telegraphs incl ‘SPECIMEN’ opts, some revenues, page of Lombardy-Venezia, two pages of early postmarks (eg 1850s Petrinja, Ragusa, Semlin, later Bol, Lichtenwald, Zara), page of Bosnia-Herzegovina 1904 PDue perf varieties, a 1919 Czechoslovakia 25h blue opt Mi #65 block of 4 with fold so part opt on gum! Some mint lurking beneath used, condition a bit mixed particularly early on. Catalogue well over €1,750. (100s) 10 **/*/U 1918-37 collection SG #299-825 range (Mi #228-659 range) on Lindner hingeless pages mint and/or used (where both, mint may be found underneath used) and including newspaper, airs and Postage Dues for the period, total cat c£2,300. Plenty of more useful seen noting fine used 1919 2kr P11½ SG #314a (Mi #243B), MUH 1931 Writers set of 6 SG #672-7 (Mi #524-9), MLH 1933 WIPA 50+50g SG #703 (Mi #555A) tiny gum discolouration, lots more incl covers and PPCs. Some mixed condition but mainly fine to very fine, certainly worth careful inspection and very good value. (100s)
$100 $125
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ex 11
**/*/U 1945-67 Lindner h/less pages mint and/or used collection (mint placed under used where both present) from various overprints on Third Reich Mi #660 (incomplete but incl 30+ different Senftenberg 1945 locals, odd opt variety seen) to 1967 3.50S Salzburg Mi #1239. Includes censored covers from late 1940s/early 1950s (to GB, USA, Germany), Postage Dues, long defin sets. Hardly a gap to be seen, generally fine to very fine throughout, cat well over €1,200. Well worth careful inspection. (100s) 12 **/*/U 1968-2009 in three Lindner h/less pages albums nearly complete mint and/or used collection (mint placed under used where both present) from 2s University Games Mi #1256 to 65c Imperial Palace Mi #2970. Lots of esoteric issues and not too many gaps till the tail-end. Strong thematic content, Catalogue in excess of €1,250. Well worth careful inspection. HEAVY! (100s) 13 * Local Posts - Wien-Hernals 1945 (Apr 11) overprints on Germany officials, ten different values 1pf to 40pf majority right marginals. With clear 1965 certificate of, and each signed by, Dr jur Ferdinand Wallner, Wien, at the time President of A.I.E.P. (10) AUSTRIA 14 F 1910 Franz Joseph 80th Birthday SG #223-39 (Mi #161-77 Cat €900+). All except 2Kr on small piece, all ex 2Kr with ‘4/1 WIEN 6/12.IX.10’ cds (2Kr with ‘2/1 WIEN 23’). Three top values with Richter expert handstamp. Fine to very fine. (17) 15 * 1922 Composers P12½ set of 7 and scarcer P11½ set of SG #519-525a&b (SG #418-24A&B). Very lightly hinged with couple P12½ MUH. Very fresh. (12)
$350 $300 $100 $450 $130
17 18 19
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20 21 22 23
** * ** **/*
1931 Rotary International set of six SG #666-71 (Mi #518-23) on registered airmail envelope to Berlin, the set with convention special cancel June 22, alongside Vienna cds next day and Berlin arrival in red; on the back another Vienna cds and two different Berlin transit/arrival cds. Light soiling hardly detracts from a quality cover. Very fine, estimate based on VFU stamps only. 1932 Austrian Artists set of 6 SG #693-8. Lightly hinged, well-centred and very fresh. (6) 1933 Ski Championship Fund set of 4 699-702. Very lightly hinged, well-centred and fresh. (4) 1933 WIPA 50g+50g Ordinary Paper SG #703. A quality right marginal stamp with full selvedge on WIPA illustrated postcard (surface imperfections) with special Congress cancel. Very fine, estimate based on VFU stamp only.
1933 WIPA 50g+50g Granite Paper SG #704. A premium quality very fine to superb right marginal with full selvedge. 1933 Catholic Congress set of 6 SG #706-11. Very lightly hinged, well-centred and fresh. (6) 1936 10s Dollfuss SG #793. Superb. 1945 Allied Occupation overprints on Hitler 1pf to 5RM (1RM to 5RM Type I least expensive perfs), SG #830-52, Cat £1,050. Key 5RM MUH with weakish opt. (23) 1945 Allied Occupation overprints on Hitler bottom marginal 1RM to 4RM perf 14 Mi #VaB-VdB, prepared but never issued, the 3M and 5M with faint hinge trace. [These are footnoted only by SG and Scott, latter valued at US$150 MUH] (4)
$240 $100 $140 $175
$400 $120 $1,000 $150 $80
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ex 25
1946 Renner Government Anniversary set of four imperf ex sheetlets of 8 + Arms label. Each stamp is lower margin central unit with Arms label above and part marginal inscription below. Fine and very fresh. (4) 26 V 1950-53 Airs SG #1215-21. Very fine to superb, includes both papers 20s, Some have unobstrusive ‘GJ’ dealer stamp on back. (8) AUSTRIA | Newspaper Stamps * 1853 Imperial Journal 2Kr Green SG #J15 (slightly cut into) on front of the only page of the Paris newspaper Journal des 27 Débats issue of Saturday, Dec 30, 1854 with, alongside, the French ‘TIMBRES IMPERIAL/cen/6/SEINE’ pictorial handstamp. The Austrian adhesive cancelled by a mostly indistinct ‘1/1/MILANO’ datestamp. Scarce on such a large part, possibly the entire, newspaper. AUSTRIA | Postage Dues 28 */U 1894-1917 SG #D96-D289 range, looks complete per Lindner hingeless pages with perf and imperf varieties and duplication only where both mint and used seen (mint parked underneath used in that case). The 1899-1900 SG #D126-D137 include the imperfs but otherwise have NOT been checked for scarcer perfs. All 1908-13 paper types seem to be here (ie SG #210-222A, B & C with A type 30h and 50h mint). Mainly fine, inspection recommended. (c100) AUSTRIA | Local Stamps 29 W Vienna: c1880s imperf 3Kr claret embossed Imperial Arms uncancelled without gum. Corner letters ‘FM’ (top) and ‘CW’ (bottom) with ‘COM.FREI/MARKE/D.ST.WIEN.’ left, top and right respectively. Very attractive.
AUSTRIA | Postal Stationery - Miscellaneous 30 PS Austrian Post Office Telegraph Receipts three 1876 series 5Kr brown (Italian text) H&G #H21 used 1878 - [1] Cattaro two to Cetinje (Feb 24, May 18) each cancelled twice on front by black oval handstamp ‘I.R./OFFICIO/TELEGRAFICO/IN/CATTARO’ handstamp in black; [2] Risano to Trieste (Aug 3) cancelled ‘I.R.OFFICIO TELEGRAFICO/RISANO’ in greenish blue. Scarce trio. (3) AUSTRIA | Postal History * 31 1833 entire (some damage) with firm boxed ‘ZARA’ handstamp in red, indistinct address, clearly 1833 with the date 16th of ??. Most of wax seal broken away leaving only the ornate Arms embossing. 1838-98 Selection mainly fine from neatly datestamped 1838 (Apr 5) outer Agram (now Zagreb) to Zakolizae to 1898 (Aug 7) 32 * Gruss Aus PPC to Vienna pmkd ‘SOPRON’. Nice range in between with 1847 env with contents Graz-Vienna, 1860 3Kr green on fragile newsletter wrapper tied cds ‘KOTTORI 20/9’ to Pressburg, 1860 Vienna-Wols with 5Kr red, two 1860s 2Kr Postal Cards to Vienna one with nice ‘NACH SCHLUSS’ handstamp, 1861 registered entire Karlstadt to Ogulin, 1867 envelope Lussinpiccolo-Ragusa franked 5Kr red with gold and blue mercantile seal. PLUS very fragile large bi-lingual (Illyrian, Italian) postal receipt with bi-lingual cds Kotor and Dubrovnik. Terrific selection. (10) 33 1849 entire written Dec 10 to the Royal KK Justice Office in Agram (previous name for Zagreb) from Commanding General of * the Austria Army of Occupation in Croatia and postmarked open 2-line ‘WIEN/19.DEC’ at right, plus d/ring arrival ‘AGRAM/21/ DEC’ cds. Numbered within and on the outside ‘A10826’ (file number of some sort?), ornate embossed shield seal (red wax traces).
$200 $125
$100 $50
$120 $90
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1851-65 Official Letters three with official seals to Laibach [1] 1851 (Oct 26) with superb ornate seal of ‘K:K: GENERAL B.U DIRECTION’ alongside neat arr handstamp ‘Laibach/27.OCT.’; [2] 1865 (Aug 28) neat blue and gold seal on an official letter pmkd ‘AGRAM/28/8/4.A.’ and arr backstamp s/ring ‘STADT-LAIBACH/29/8’; [3] 1856 (Oct 26) entire with red and gold seal pmkd ‘AGRAM/26/10/4EX’ and arr backstamp ‘LAIBACH-STADT/26/10/Nachtm’ (afternoon same day). In remarkably good condition for 150+ year olds. (3) 1864 (Sep 21) entire franked 5Kr rose perf 9½ Mi #32 tied 2-line ‘RAGUSA/21.OTT’ datestamp. Addressed to Sarajevo via Metkovich. Removable hinge rems, light soiling, near complete black wax seal. Scarce. 1867 (Jun 11) entire franked 5Kr rose perf 9½ Mi #32 tied ‘METKOVICH/11/6’ s/ring cds. Addresed to Trieste, backstamp transit ‘ZARA/16/6 s/ring cds and arr oval ‘TRIESTE/18/6*1’. Roughly opened, peripheral imperfections, erased pencil marks. Scarce.
$120 $150 $150
1894-1918 Selection mainly fine from 1894 (Dec 16) use of 5Kr red PS Letter Card Solon-Trogirto; 1901 bi-lingual FrenchGerman 10h brown registration receipt many extra stamps added; 1906 Bosnia official envelope (damaged) used outside Bosnia to Croatia with 10h red Mi #15 added and Railway Post cds, sender’s cachet; two 1917 Feldpost Postal Cards (handstamp Ballonabteilung Nr 8 with ‘FPO 195/IV’ cds on one, Feldlagerbataillon Nr. 29 - bicycle unit - with ‘FPO 393’ cds on the other); 1918 Hungary 10f parcel card for registered item Zagreb to Belovar uprated 1Kr95f (creased). Nice group. (6) 1900s Picture Postcards incl [1] two handstamp ‘Von der Armee/im Felde’ (red and black), one also red ‘K.U.K.MILITARZENSUR II’; [2] 1908 Jubilee x4 of which three are Postal Cards of Franz Joseph (one has the set to 35h added) two have special red ‘PRAHA/PRAGUE/2/1908/XII’ Jubilee cancel, the fourth with 5h adhesive and Vienna Dec 27, 1908, ‘UNSER KAISER’ cds; [3] 1916 military post use view Sarajevo cattle market with 5h green and indistinct blue ‘KOTOR/ CATTARO’ cds alongside violet ‘K.u.k. Arb. Abt. der W. Baultg. in Cattaro’ two line and similar in d/ring; [4] 1903 (Mar 7) stampless Zara to Vienna. All ex the Jubilees full colour, very attractive group. (8) 1906 (Sep 30) lightly foxed real photo PPC of the Miramar Castle in Trieste franked 5h green SG #183 tied maritime almost complete 2-line handstamp ‘LETA-ARRTE/PER MARE’ (upside down) alongside bi-lingual ZARA Sept 30 cds. Don’t see these very often.
$125 $100
1916 (May 21) Feldpost use of colour PPC of Austrian battleship Kaiserin Elisabeth and German destroyer Jaguar in joint action against the on-land Japanese and British troops which were attacking their Tsingtau base. The PPC pmkd ‘KLINGENMUNSTER/21/5/5-6Nm./16’ addressed to a member of No. 3 Reserve Coy, No. 4 Mountain Infantry at Metz (Western Front). Small peripherl faults, very unusual usage. 1917 (Jul 15) field post letter addressed to Vienna with handstamp ‘K.u.K. MOB.SCANNZZEUGSDEPOT No 1.’ upper right and FPO No 564 datestamp. The envelope iteself has an imaginative illustrated interior depicting simultaneously a Zeppelin bombing raid over the white cliffs of Dover, the sinking of a ship, multiple cliff-top explosions. 1938 (Mar 16) self-addressed Vienna cover franked 70gr by four different 1934-36 local costumes with machine cancel alongside later firmly struck cachet ‘Tag des Grossdeutschen-Reichs/(map)/Wien 9 April 1938’.
$100 $175 $75
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AUSTRIA | Military & Censor Mail * 43 1916-17 Picture Postcards selection with [1] 1916 Kotor (Cattaro) Marine Feldpost with red ‘K.u.k. Ubootsgruppecommando/ Golf von Cattaro’ over ‘K.U.K KRIEGSMARINE/MONARCH’ x2, indistinctly date to Beszterce (Hungary); [2] 1916 with ‘ZENZURIET/12APR1916/S.H.S. GA A’ to Budapest; [3] 1917 three different - Jan 9 unfranked Feldpost from Kotor (Cattoro) to Budapest, two with 10h claret SG #210 Ragusa-Vienna censored Nov 28 and Trieste-Laibach Dec 23 (not military). (5) AUSTRIA | CINDERELLAS 44 **/* 1931 Rocket Mail: (‘mit RAKETEN FLUG-POST’) vignette se-tenant pair Mair #C9a & 10a. One unit adhesion, one MUH, both fine and very fresh. AUSTRIA | Austro-Hungarian Empire | Military Stamps 45 F 1915 ‘K.U.K. FELDPOST’ Opts SG #1-21, Cat £500. Seven of the lower values (to 25h) are on small piece, several others incl the top values - with gum and prob per favour KUK cds. Fine and fresh. (21) 46 F 1916-19 Military Posts somewhat fragmentary selection from SG #22 and including mint Newspaper stamps (SG #N49-52), 1916 Serbia occupn, 1917 Feldpost incl Rumania, 1917-19 Italy. Also some 1867-1908 Levant with odd Crete as well as 1919 Italian Occupn of Austria optd incl 10 mint pairs, nice Levant PPC, few covers (one with Polish locals 1918 unaddressed). Mainly fine. (21)
AUSTRIAN OCCUPATION OF SERBIA | Military Stamps 47 F 1916 ‘SERBIEN’ Opts SG #22-42. Well-centred and very fresh. All cds, some prob per favour. (21) BALTIC STATES | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 48 **/*/U 1940s German Occupation with [1] Estonia fresh mint (adhesions) overprinted revenues (‘TEMPELMARK’) in multiples (38), 1941 Pernau 10k pair Mi #6.II (stains, one has damaged ‘1’ in opt), 1943 (Dec) Per Luftpost env to Germany with Hitler 5pf and 12pf optd ‘OSTLAND’ tied Tallinn cds; [2] Latvia 1941 opts on Russia set of 6 MUH or MLH with couple extras, plus Russian 10s Postal Card unused; [3] Lithuania 1941 Rokiskis 30k opt Mi #5a MUH; [4] Norway 1940-46 Lions No Watermark set ex 30o grey, mostly VLH. Plus 1941 20+80 scarlet Legion Support SG #300 fresh MUH. (c65) BELGIUM | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 49 */U 1928-42 Orval Abbey Restoration selection of sets and miniature sheets with [1] 1928 set SG #461-9 used (tone in places) ex 5Fr and 10Fr fresh mint; [2] 1939 set SG 861-6 VFU, perhaps per favour plus the set on registered cover to London; [3] 1941 (Jul) set SG #935-46 mint and used, also (October) imperf and perf MSs SG #MS947 (Mi #Block 11 & 12) together with separated stamps; as well as [4] 1942 privately produced MSs imperf and perf, with and without serial numbers; [5] 1943 set SG #1023-8 mint. Strong thematics. (56) BELGIUM 50 V 1928 Orval Abbey Restoration complete set SG #461-9 (Mi #235.II-243.II), each with special violet bi-lingual commemorative cancel used at the Antwerp Philatelic Exhibition Nov 3-4, 1928. Superb, cat £700 (see the footnote after SG #469). (9) 51 V 1928 Orval Abbey Restoration complete set SG #461-9 (Mi #235-243), each neatly cancelled (couple may be per favour), very fine. Plus related 35c+25c Postal Card H&G #114, fine unused. (10) 52 * 1929 Restoration of Orval Abbey overprinted set of 9, SG #543-581. All except the first with Richter expert handstamp, very light hinge traces, very fresh, Cat £800. (9) 53 * 1932 Cardinal Mercier Memorial Fund set of 9, SG #609-617. Very light hinge traces, very fresh, Cat £600. (9) 54 * 1933 Orval Abbey Restoration Fund set of 12, SG #633-644. Very lightly hinged, some brownish gum, fresh appearance, Cat £1,000. (12)
$125 $100 $250
$125 $350 $75 $440 $325 $360
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BOHEMIA & MORAVIA 55 **/*/U 1939-45 virtually complete on Lindner hingeless pages Mi #1-142 mint and/or used (where both seen, used is usually placed on top of the mint!). Plus 1941 and 1943 Officials Mi #1-24 MUH and FU, 1939 Postage Dues Mi #1-15 MUH plus most used as well, optd T’ (tax) x6 each CTO on small piece, some oddments incl special cancels on piece. Mainly fine to very fine. 56 * 1939 Local Post Overprints on Czechoslovakia Mi #20-27. The 4Kc is Mi #24Aa.a, the 20Kc is Mi #27A. Hinge remains and some disturbed gum, all have blue ‘GJ’ (dealer?) backstamp, min cat €1,900. (8) BOHEMIA & MORAVIA | Postal History * 1939-45 Group commercial, social and philatelically inspired. Includes postcards, censored, Feldpost (believed to be from a 57 Czech volunteer in the German army), many registered, many special cancels (eg Hitler’s birthday), propaganda cachets (eg in translation - Victory - Germany winning the war on all fronts for Europe), odd postal stationery, couple mixed frankings. Worth noting, scarce local use of Hitler 4.20(K) Mi #142 on registered env (certainly philatelic). (28) BOHEMIA & MORAVIA - Theresienstadt * 58 1943 ‘GHETTOPOST’ Postal Card (Dec 4) stampless use to Brünn, censored, nice condition.
$100 $350
$175 $200
59 60
1943 Postal Card (Dec 12) use with 30h Hitler Head, acknowledgement of receipt of parcel printed message on back. 1943 Parcel Post Stamp blackish green P10½, Mi #1, fresh mint, Cat €200. Plus imperf pair, probably from reprint of the Red Cross sheetlet of 4. (3) 1943 Parcel Post Stamp blackish green P10½, Mi #1, used on 1945 (Apr 16) parcel label, Cat €650. Includes a typed explanation on how these stamps were intended to be used.
ex 62
$100 $200 $200
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 62 */U/C 1879-1918 on Lindner h/less pages near complete mint and/or used (mint placed under used where both present) Mi #1-141 range plus 1904 and 1916-18 Postage Due sets (latter complete mint). Includes couple used Postal Cards, an official env Constantinople to Vienna 1909, a private env Durazzo to Trieste 1918, some oddments Min cat (stamps alone) €600. Very good value. (c250) BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA | Proofs & Essays 63 W 1906 Franz Josef I 5k Die Proof imperf in black on ungummed chalk-surfaced paper 61x56mm (may have been trimmed). Small surface abrasions away from stamp design, fine. BRITISH OCCUPATION OF ITALIAN COLONIES | Middle East Forces 64 **/* 1942-47 fresh MUH ex noted with [1] 1942 1d to 5d Type M1 overprint SG #M1-5 in blocks of 6 and singles, plus 1d with Type M2a opt SG #M6a MLH; [2] 1943-7 1d to 10/- Type M3 opt SG #M11-21; [3] Postage Due set of 5 SG #MD1-5 MVLH. Very fine, cat c£240. (22)
$175 $100
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BRITISH OCCUPATION OF ITALIAN COLONIES | Middle East Forces | Postal History * 65 1946 (Apr 30) registered air mail envelope addressed to the Belgian Legation, Athens, with ‘M.E.F.’ optd GB 5d, 6d and 9d pairs tied ‘POSTA AEREA/30.4.46/RODI (EGEO)’ d/ring cds alongside ‘RHODES/DODECANESE/1757’ black on white registration label. Env bears handstamp ‘By North Atlantic Air Services via U.K.’, only backstamp Athens arr May 4. CANADA | Revenues 66 ** 1930 Weights & Measures: KGV set of 12 Barefoot #30-41. A few have yellowish gum, otherwise very fresh and exceptionally well centred examples of the engraver’s skills. (12) CROATIA 67 **/F/C 1991-2009 appears complete MUH plus many extras on Lindner hingeless pages with some used and per favour CTOs placed on top of MUH. Includes imperfs (eg 1991 Obligatory Tax SG #153a), positional imprint pairs & blocks, sheetlets, miniature sheets, booklets (or are they postcard packs?), a 1992 blue proof of 10d King Tomislav signed Z. Jakus designer & engraver (issued stamp is 10d green SG #183), couple UN covers and some FDCs. Colourful, strong thematics. (100s) 68 **/* Government In Exile imperf and perf labels assembly comprising [1] UPU 1949 75th Anniv vert and horiz designs incl imperf miniature sheets of 4 and a pane of 20; [2] Triangles quantity (over 200) birds and flowers imperf and perf incl Airs, Specimen opts, surcharges, missing and shifted colours, missing inscriptions, blocks, unseparated pairs; [3] some later oddments including a 1958 env Canada to Bavaria with two ‘Help Croatian Bishops and Clergy’ labels affixed (one tied). (c300) 69 ** 1951 Government in Exile 1K to 30K set of 6 printed in Montevideo very fresh MUH. Plus the 1K vertically optd in black ‘ZRACNA’ up at left and ‘POSTA’ down at right and centrally in gold ‘75 god UPU’ over UPU arms on the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Govt in Exile (opt was intended to be on the 20K value); this with Phil Study Circle of Croatia’s certificate (and history lesson!). (7)
CROATIA | Postal History * 70 1858 (Jan 18) commercial entire with Austria imperf 3kr red SG #8 (Mi #3) tied ‘AGRAM/18/1’ s/r cds (Agram early name fro Zagreb) and, on the back, similar arr ‘SISSEK/19/1’ cds. Fine early survivor. * 1858-63 commercial entires with merchant cachets on front - [1] 1858 (Mar 30) franked Austria left corner marginal horiz pair 71 and single 3kr red Mi #3Y each tied s/ring ‘PESTH/30/3/’ cds, to Sissek, backstamp transit ‘AGRAM/1/4’, arrival ‘SISSEK/7/4’; [2] 1863 (Feb 26) franked Austria 1860 5kr (damaged) and 10kr Mi #20-1 tied poor Sissek s/ring cds (merchant is from Sissek) and odd looking ‘TRIEST’ arr backstamp. Very good condition for 150 year olds. 1870 (Jul 4) use of 2kr yellow letter card H&G #1 addressed to Pest postmarked s/ring ‘KRANJEK/4/7’ and alongside poor strike 72 * s/ring ‘PEST/6/7/???’. Fine and scarce.
$85 $100
$140 $100
1874 (Dec 12) use of Austria 5kr postal money order with franking cancelled ‘GELD-ANWSNG/12/12/74/ZARA’ (another alongside) transferring 8 Gulden (Kroner) from Anna Bresson of Zara to Elvira Dorkich (married name of sister or daughter?) in Pago. Backstamped s/ring ‘PAGO/13/12/74’ and signed by recipient. Very nice. 1880 (Apr 30) env with Austria 10Kr blue P10½ Mi #38.II tied ‘GRAVOSA/30/4/30’ oval datestamp and addressed to the Library at the National Music Conservatory in Paris. On the front a red transit May 6, on the back transits for Zara May 2, Trieste May 4, a French indistinct May 6 but likely an 8th Arondissement Paris arrival. 1886 (Jan 21) use of Hungary 5kr rose Mi #23B on small originally underpaid registered envelope tied s/ring ‘ZLATAR/21/4’, the same tying 10kr blue Mi #24B affixed on the back to pay the full rate. Addressed to Zagreb where arr backstamp ‘ZAGREB/25/1/8.C’ alongside ornate but fragmented red wax seal. Some wrinkles and faint fingerprint, otherwise fine and scarce.
$150 $120
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1897 (Jun 21) commercial envelope franked Hungary 5Kr rose tied oval ‘ZAGRAB/*97JUN.21 E 9/ZAGREB’, Addressed to Vienna, two backstamps - in blue ‘WIEN 1/1/1/BESTELLT/23/6.97/8-9½V.’ and in black ‘WIEN 18/1/110/ BESTELLT/23.6.97/11.V’. Damaged flap, otherwise very fine, scarce. 1918 (Nov 2?) bank business registered use of Hungary 10f parcel card uprated Hungary 1k pictorial SG #259 and Croatia 2f on 2f opt SG #61 tied Zagreb cds, reg label top left, backstamp ‘PAKETBESTELLUNG/7.XII.18/SARAJEVO 1’, same date mss and Central Bank receiving handstamp. A fine and very scarce survivor, cat c€390. 1919 (Aug 5) uprated and registered 10f overprinted Postal Card to Pressburg (Germany) franked 2f SG #55 and three others with cds ‘SKRAD/5UG 18/*’, two different censor handstamps alongside Skrad/554 registration label. Correspondence side includes shield artwork design and pencil message. Very scarce.
Maritime Mail [1] 1912 (Sep 25) use of Austria 5h Postal Card pmkd bi-lingual Makarska cds with Fiume/1 arr cds alonside next day and bearing scarce violet maritime cachet; [2] 1914 (Jul 1) env pmkd on front ‘KOTOR-TRST (ship) CATTAROTRIESTE/3.VII.14/2’ and franked on back pair Austria 5h green SG #192 tied same pmk, addressed to Drnis, Dalmatia. Attractive and scarce duo.
DANZIG 80 **/*/U 1920-39 comprehensive close to complete and mainly fine collection Mi #1-308 plus officials and Postage Dues mint and/or used on Lindner hingeless pages (as usual with this collector, mint may be found under used if both exist in the collection). Includes all miniature sheets mint or CTO plus Mi #Block 1 on cover to New York. Many with handstamps on back (eg ‘GF’, ‘GJ’, monograms - dealers?), most used earlies assumed per favour cancels, some overprints and postmarks less than entirely convincing, some covers showing use of various airmails, coils, etc. Lots to inspect to appreciate full extent of this impressive offering, min catalogue €2,750. Vey good value. (100s) 81 ** 1920 Overprints on Germany 10M on 7½pf variety ‘D’ of ‘Danzig’ open at top Mi #31.II.PF IV (underprint point down). Superb fresh MUH. [With hinged Mi #31.I for comparison] (2) 82 ** 1932 ‘LUPOSTA’ Air Post Exhibition set Mi #231-5 (SG #221-5. £225 for hinged). Very fresh MUH. (5)
$125 $180 $150
$550 $100 $150
DANZIG | First Flight Covers 1932 (Jul 23) ‘LUPOSTA’ optd set of 5, Mi Cat #231-5, on registered envelope to Lage (Lippe) each with special cancel on first 83 * day of the show alongside registered, express and air mail etiquettes and red handstamp verifying air transport to Hannover. Arrival backstamp following day. Very colourful. DENMARK | Military - World War II Period * Danish Legion plain envelope inscribed SS Feldpost and addressed to SS Sturm./Christian Steckmetz/F.P.N.27732B (can’t 84 quite work out where) via the domestic post and franked 20 Ore Mi #271 tied Sonderborg cds. On the back a plain censor reseal tied scarce SS-Feldpost censor handstamp alongside boxed ‘41’ both magenta (probably on arrival).
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DODECANESE ISLANDS 85 */F 1912-44 no duplication mounted mint (ex noted) from incomplete opts on Italy for the individual islands Calimno to Stampalia, one or more from each. Plus useful selections 1929 King’s visit, 1932 Dante to L1.25, 1934 used Airs SG #124-7 and Parcel Post both parts of each SG #P137-147, 1940s Exhibition, optd Charity and Relief. Fine to very fine, sound entry level assembly, min cat £220. (100+) 86 * 1934 World Football Championship overprinted ‘ISOLE ITALIANE DELL’EGEO’ set of 9 (5 Postage and 4 Airs) SG #128-36, Cat £800. Some gumside blemishes, very fresh appearance, scarce and very popular thematic. (9) DODECANESE ISLANDS | Postal History * 87 1912 (Dec 9) registered env to bank in Constantinople franked 25c blue and 50c violet stamps of Italy optd ‘EGEO’ SG #1 & 2 tied ‘POSTE ITALIANE/-9.12.12/ROD:(EGEO)’ cds alongside handstamp ‘R.No.’ with mss number in blue, backstamp ‘CONSTANTINOPOLI(GALATA)/20.DIC.12/POSTE ITALIANE’. Removable adhesions and central fold do not detract. Scarce. ESTONIA 88 V 1940 Relief set of 4 SG #152-5. Very fine CTO-quality cancels, cat £110. (4) EUROPE | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 89 **/*/U 1938-47 Group with [1] Hungary 1938 Eucharistic Congress miniature sheet SG #MS75 light crease, hinged, cat £75; [2] Luxembourg Echternach Abbey 1939 and 1947 sets of 6 SG #366-71 & 492-7 on piece with special pictorial cancels, fine used cat £76; [3] Poland 1939 Polish Legions Anniv miniature sheet SG #MS358a fresh MUH cat £33. FINLAND 90 ** 1941 Occupation of Russia - Eastern Karelia optd sets of 6 in superb 5x4 blocks of 20 SG #16-27, extrapolated cat £300 (cat value is for MLH). (240)
$100 $300
$100 $75
$100 $100
FIUME | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 91 */U 1919-24 haphazard mostly mint collection in SG #32-221 range. Includes 1919 PDues SG #D91-2 MVLH, 1919-20 Newspaper SG #N92 VFU & MVLH, SG #N145 MVLH, 1919 10c rose-red x3 (two mint), Overprints well represented including spectacular 1924 1L pair misperfed through the centre of the stamp (as SG #221). Mainly fine, sound expansion base, min cat £200. FIUME | Postal History * 1882 (Jan 3) merchant cachet on trimmed env franked Hungary 2kr & 3kr P11½ Mi #22-3A tied s/ring ‘FIUME/82/JAN/3’, 92 backstamp ‘TRIEST/4/1/01.V/82/TRIESTE’; [2] 1895 (Jan 20) small env franked Hungary 1888 5kr P11½ Mi #30A tied ‘FIUME/ 95JAN20 F-7/D’, blue-green Vienna arr backstamp and, in English on the flap, “we are very angry that you did not come to F.”. (2) 1914 (Oct 10) env registered (bi-colour label lower left) to a government ministry in Vienna franked front and back with Hungary 93 * Filler values to 30f plus, on the back, two Red Cross labels, all tied by neat strikes d/ring ‘FIUME/914-OKT.10.-N9/3’. Very scarce, excellent thematic. * 94 1919-33 Covers mainly fine - [1] 1919 (Jan 13) inbound with optd ‘HRVATSKA/SHS’ underpaid with Hungary 20f Postage Due (bisect & single) not optd and cancelled ‘FIUME/919JAN13/5’ and an ECHT expert handstamp; [2] 1920 (Mar 12) colour PPC to Rimini with 15c on 15c grey SG #107 and censor handstamp; [3] 1933 Italian Period PPC to Budapest with 60c chestnut SG #358 tied ‘ABRAZIA-ARRIVA PARTENZE/11.7.33.XI-8/FIUME’ cds. 95 1920 (Sep 12) Anniv of Occupation set of 4 unaddressed FDC with ‘POSTA MILITARE/12SETT.1920/FIUME D’ITALIA’ special * cds. Small nick and light vertical fold away from stamps don’t detract from a scarce set on a scarcer FDC.
$100 $175
$100 $100
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1920-23 Covers two philatelically inspired registered covers (peripheral imperfections, aging) - [1] 1920 (Apr 2) local with 12 apparently all different ord and optd issues cancelled ‘FIUME/920 APR.-2.N4/B2B’; [2] 1923 (Oct 16) to Vienna with 1923 Medieval Ship stamps x13 all on the back cancelled ‘FIUME/3D-16 OTT.923/B1B’. FRANCE | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 97 */U WWII Resistance Forgeries selection of stamps produced for the French Underground by Britain, also two examples of the scarcer Marquis-produced 1f50 Petain. Illustrated to show differences with the originals. (11 forgeries). FRANCE 98 V 1942 Tricolor Legion interpanneau pair (1.20+8.80Fr x2) Yvert 566b each cancelled part German Feldpost/b datestamp 26.2.43. [Strong albino embossment seen on the gutter panel] 99 ** 1942 Tricolor Legion complete sheet of 20 (1.20+8.80Fr blue x10, red x10) Yvert 566b x5+. Full selvedge incl sheet number, fresh MUH, min cat €275. *
ex 104 FRANCE | Advertising Covers 1923 5c Sower (Mar 29) advertising envelope of CYCLES “Monotube” Clermont-Ferrand to Brussels with Yvert #158 (cds). 100 * Underpaid with Belgium 30c Postage Due affixed, refused (label affixed on back) and returned to sender (bi-lingual handstamps). Central fold hardly detracts from colourful and attractive cover. Strong thematic. FRANCE | Military - World War II Period 101 * St. Nazaire 1945 (May 9) use of right margin Chamber of Commerce 50c and Marshall Petain 70c and 80c all diagonally optd ‘LIBERATION’ and tied by two strikes single ring cds of ‘LA TURBALLE/12*/9-5/45/LOIRE-INFRE’, another alongside and two line cachet in black ‘Front de l’ATLANTIQUE/Poche de ST-NAZAIRE’. Addressed to La Baule, expert handstamp Pickenpack. Very fine, very scarce. INDO-CHINA | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 102 **/*/U 1892-1946 Lindner h/less pages collection mint and used (mint underneath used where both present) from 1892 Type ‘X’ to 1F SG #6-26 range with 1900 10c and 25c mint (cat £58+), to immediate post-WWII period and noting 1939 39c+40c Air SG #263 (cat £60). Much in between including Postage Dues mostly mint, odd official, 1933-49 long Airs set to 20p, lots of the poorly printed 1940s, few Japanese occupn. Some mixed condition, total cat c£750. Good value, inspection recommended. (100s) GERMAN STATES | Bavaria 103 */U 1849-1920 Nearly complete mint and/or used mostly on SAFE Dual hingeless pages (mint often placed beneath mint where both present). Early imperf (from Mi #2.I x3 shades) and perf issues mainly lower values in mixed condition poor to fine used, improved from about 1870 (Mi #22 on) with some mint and used incl type varieties and some duplication (eg several mint Mi #71-4 higher values), then good cover for the period mint and/or used from 1911 Prince Luitpold incl mint tête-bêche pairs and imperfs, officials, Postage Dues. Catalogue huge in excess of €5,000 (but note that from c 1911 Michel catalogue values for fine used are for expertised stamps - there are many CTO-type cancels here, and scarcely an expert handstamp in sight). Inspection a must. (100s) GERMAN STATES | Bavaria | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 104 U 1858-62 Imperfs Selection with 1858 12Kr red Mi #6 (SG #18) 3-margins shaved right, then 4-margins 1862 3Kr x3 may be the three listed shades Mi #9a, b, &c (SG #22-4), 1862 6Kr x4 shades incl a certain dark blue Mi #10a & b (SG #25-6). All with numbered millwheel cancels (unchecked) cat c€350 (SG c£375). (8) GERMAN STATES | Bavaria 105 * 1858 12Kr Red Mi #6. Fresh 4-margins with large part og, monogram expert handstamp (SG #18, £250). 106 U 1920 20 (Pf) Violet Type 2 with Closed foot of ‘2’ in value Mi #181.II. Pulled perfs upper left hardly detract from a scarce highly catalogued variety with neat corner cds Cat €1,800+ (SG #260b £2,500).
$80 $120 $40 $140
$120 $120 $300
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GERMAN STATES | Bavaria | Postage Dues 107 V 1870 1Kr Black Mi #2.X with a fine corner cds, Cat €1,000 (SG #D65A £2,750). Rare stamp. [Note that early Bavaria Postage Due stamps also served as Official postage stamps] GERMAN STATES | Bavaria | Postal History 1842-1919 with [1] 1842 (Apr 17) stampless entire to Dublin inscribed Via France with range postal markings incl red 108 * ‘BAVIERE/20/AVRIL/42/ST?? B.’; [2] Postal Cards 1911-15 three unused with two different Red Cross (one Mi #97, other ?) and 1911 Air Mi #SFP1, 1911 (Jun 10) 5pf Jubilee PPC plus stamps (Mi #92-3A) with FDI cancels with 3pf added later cancelled Dec 12, 1912 (day that Prince Luitpold died), unaddressed, very scarce; [3] 1919 (Dec 12) lightly soiled registered long env to New Zealand with eight various optd values Mi #152-167 range (creased). (6) GERMAN STATES | Wurttemberg | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 109 */F 1851-1923 mainly fine mint (odd MUH) and/or used on Lindner hingeless pages (mint under used when both included). Very sparse early, more useful from mid-1870s including officials noting optd 1906 1M Mi #226 with June 15, 1906 cds (Friedrichshafen), 1916 King Wilhelm II and 1920 Ulm sets CTO, inflation and other overprints. May not all be correctly identified, inspection recommended, min cat €425. (c170) GERMANY | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 110 */U 1872-1900 used ex noted with 1872 (Jan & Apr) small shields x12 complete to 7Kr (faults) incl extra ½Gr Mi #14 with fine Berlin horseshoe cancel, 2Kr Mi #15 poss unused ng Mi #1-10, 14-15; large shields with 1872 (Jun-Nov) complete ex 1Kr 2Kr & 9Kr, extra 1Gr, 18Kr (stains) poss unused, plus 1874 surcharges (9Kr large part og unused). Numerals with unused ng 1872 10Gr Mi #12 and used 1875 2M x2 shades Mi #37 group. 1875-9 ‘PFENNIGE’ and 1880 ‘PFENNIG’ complete with some extra shades, 1889-1900 set similar. PLUS 1875 ½Gr Postal Card Hattingen-Bochum, two 1890s pneumatic mail PS used Berlin. Mainly fine, cat at least €1,400. (c60) 111 **/*/U 1900-23 mint and used collection mostly on SAFE Dual pages very near complete per pages with mint, if included, placed under used. Germanias and associated larger types very well represented (latter may not always be correctly identified) including cutout pages Ex Guttmann collection. Earlier Airs include a 1912 Rhine/Main special flown card. Inflation period includes many apparently better postally used but only a couple expertised, MUH/MLH multiples with marginal imprints (and odd opt variety), a 1923 (Nov 24) hyper inflation wrapper piece with 16 Mrd worth of stamps (not even enough to pay newspaper rate 34 Mrd, balance of 18 Mrd presumably paid in cash). Heaps more so allow plenty of inspection time, cat well over €2,000. (100s)
112 113 114
115 116
1912 Air Mail Rhine/Main special issue 10pf, 20pf and 30pf Mi #I-III, plus 20pf optd ‘E.EL.P.’ Mi #VI. Plus 1919 pair Mi #111-2. Fresh MLH, min cat €200. (6) F 1912 Air Mail Rhine/Main special issue 10pf loose, 20pf and 30pf each on small piece, Mi #I-III. Plus 1919 pair Mi #111-2, plus 40pf of the latter overprinted (and used) for May 1925 Heilbronn Flug-Platz. Nice group, min cat €235. (6) **/*/U 1923-32 mainly used collection mostly on SAFE Dual pages very near complete per pages Mi #335-478 with mint, if included, placed under used. Airs include first Zeppelins Mi #423-4 & 455 used (2M wavy line, others cds) as well as special env with special cancel for 1932 (Oct 24) South American flight. Also a 1927 (Oct) telegraph form with Hindenburg 80th Birthday set, some pairs tête-bêche, se-tenant, odd marginal imprints mint and used, page of postmarks, odd cover, reply coupon. Fine to very fine, min cat €2,250. Inspection recommended. (200+) * 1928-31 Zeppelins fresh lightly hinged with 1928 2RM & 4RM Mi #423-4, 1930 South America flight 2RM Mi #438Y (small surface scuff upper left), 1931 1RM Mi #455. Strong original colours, cat €450+. (4) * 1933-45 Third Reich postmark interest on covers, on piece, on presentation or collector cards. Starts 1933-36 Hindenburg set of 17 Mi #512-528 on env with POSEN Sep 1941 pictorial cancel; ends 1945 600th Anniv Oldenburg Mi #907 tied to back of formular postcard by FARCHAU Jan 26 pictorial cancel. In between a page of slogan cancels late 1930s, two large envelopes with 1937 Hitler miniature sheet Mi #Block 7 (plus others) with different Birthday cancels April 20, 1937; also 1938 Winter Relief set of 9 on two propaganda cards (National Solidarity Dec 12, 1938 & Army Day March 19, 1939) with related Berlin cancels, two small pieces with 1940 Stamp Expo Mi #743 and Exhibition first day cancels. Lots more to look at here, stamps alone min cat €300. (35+)
$100 $100
$450 $140
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122 123
124 125
126 127
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1933-45 Third Reich quite comprehensive collection in Lindner 18-ring boxed hingeless pages album. Starts Frederick the Great set Mi #479-81 fine used, ends 1945 12th Anniv Mi #897-8 MUH. Hitler well represented here on six miniature sheets (all with special pictorial cancels) as well as various birthday and other commem types and the long defin sets (and includes 1941 sets from Italy, East Africa and Libia where he shared billing with Mussolini). The 1936 Olympics includes the set of 8 on small piece with opening day special cancels, the highly catalogued miniature sheets on Thick paper Mi #Block 5z MUH (sweated gum & light stain) and Blocks 5z (small tear) & 6z (sweated gum) with special cancel, Thin Mi #Block 6 MUH. Heaps more including se-tenant arrangements (eg Mi #WZ9 MUH, WZ11 VFU), Feldpost issues and covers, many sets both mint and used with some obvious CTOs, huge catalogue well over €4,000. Highly recommended, inspection needed to appreciate the full extent of this mainly fine to very fine collection. (675+) 1934-44 Officials complete mostly cds Mi #132-77 plus mint oddments 1934-38 and 1942 Party Badge set of 11 Mi #155-65 MUH (couple faulty). Catalogue in excess of €850 but postmarks need careful examination. PLUS page with MUH bantam Party Tax (10) and 1933-45 Fiscals (10). (80) 1935-45 Horse Racing issues on cover and small piece from 1935 (Jun 18) Hamburg pictorial machine cancel for Derby Week to Feb 1945 Templin cds cancelling 1943 Vienna Grand Prix pair Mi #857-8. Includes Brown Ribbon for 1938 Mi 671y, 1940 and 1941 on small piece; also PPC of Hitler in civilian clothes with special postmark of the 1938 Brown Ribbon race. Neat lot, catalogue getting on for €300 doesn’t incl premium for the special cancels. (15) 1936 Olympic Games Potpourri of Postal Cards, PPCs, cinderellas, all related in some way to the Berlin games in August except two from February Garmisch-Partenkirchen winter games. Four have pictorial slogan cancels, three with special pictorial handstamps incl PPC of Hans Tschammer u. Osten, President of the German Olympic Commitee used 1938. Unused PPC of Hitler parading past the Brandenburg Gate en route to the games. Cinderella types incl 1996 (Atlanta games) copy of a 1936 label and a modern copy of a daily program cover. (12)
1936-44 Brown Ribbon Horse Race Collection issue covers and loose with 1936 miniature sheet MUH plus used (very faulty) on registered cover, the same overprinted for 1937 MLH; 1938 single MLH plus three on cover ALL are Mi #671y (one erroneously claimed Mi #671x but with identifying expert handstamp of Peschl); 1939 registered cover and FU single, 1940 x2 on cover (one registered); 1942 single and two covers (one PPC, one registered); 1943 covers x4 registered (one with block of 4); 1944 on large registered envelope plus single MLH. All covers have Munich Braune Band special pictorial cancels. Mostly fine to very fine, cat €600+ (singles & on cover, no premium incl for pictorial cancels). Attractive thematics. (20) V 1937 Hitler Miniature Sheets set of four Mi #Block 7, 8, 9 & 11. All with Berlin special pictorial cancels and without gum except Block #9 with full gum and Hamburg special cancel. Very fine. (4) **/*/U 1938-45 collection cat €400+ on Lindner h/less pages for the Austrian “merger” period Mi #682-908 mint and/or used (where both, mint placed under used). Some covers incl an astonishing envelope franked propaganda sheetlet of 12pf imperf Hitler’s skull propaganda stamps x9 pretending to have gone through the post in Vienna in 1943 (who in the PO at that time would have had the nerve to pass this through?). (250+) ** 1942-43 Varieties fresh MUH [1] 1942 Sports Day 6pf with Scratch though sword at top [posn 58] Mi #818.I; [2] 1942 3+7pf Map with Spot before ‘3’ at right [posn 29] Mi #820.III; [3] 1943 Labour Corps 3+7pf with Light shading in hat brim [posn 4] Mi #850.I in NE corner horiz pair with column value imprints. Very fresh, cat €190+. (3) **/U 1990-99 superb Lindner hingeless pages nearly complete mint and/or used collection in de-luxe boxed 18-ring album (where both are included, mint and used are usually placed together in the same album page location). Time prohibits examining each and every stamp position on the mounting pages, so we cannot confirm mint and used totals, nor an accurate catalogue value (if complete MUH and VFU, total cat well in excess of €2,000!). Estimate therefore very conservative, careful inspection recommended. (100s) ** 2000-2009 superb Lindner hingeless pages collection in de-luxe boxed 18-ring album. Nearly complete, smattering VFU and pre-€ period NOT counted in FV €420+ (approx Aus$620). Strong thematic content, excellent value. (100s) */U Plebescite Issues [1] Schleswig 1920 CTO set of 14; [2] Upper Silesia 1920 Pictorials to 3m used/CTO, 1921 Ovpts to 1m mint, 1922 Surcharges CTO, 1920-22 Officials set, mixed mint/used several with ovpt varieties; Plus [3] Romanian Occupation Issues for Transylvania, Debreczin, German Occupation. (100+)
$550 $125
$250 $150
$100 $120
$175 $325 $105
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GERMANY | Proofs & Essays 128 * 1900 Germania No Value black & carmine (as 1900 40pf). VLH, superb left marginal. Rare. 129 W 1922 Munich Exhibition seven designs in various colours, by Professor Ehmcke and Von Weech including one of 1¼M which was the design adopted for issue. Rare. (7) 130 W 1934 10pf Eagle Essay in yellow-brown, green, red and blue on unwatermarked and ungummed white paper. Matching top right corner marginals, very infrequently seen. (4) 131 W 1944 Vienna Grand Prize 12+8pf monochrome photographic essay on glazed ungummed paper. Very fine. [No stamp was ever issued]
$250 $300 $120 $150
part 134 136
GERMANY 132 **/F 133 F 134 ** 135
1902 Germania 3pf brown with ‘F’ for ‘E’ in ‘DEUTSCHES’ Mi #69a.I (SG #68b) x2, fresh MUH and fine used. (2) 1920 1¼m on fiscal stamp paper with quatrefoil wmk Mi #151Y, Cat €1,300 (SG #150a £1,500). Neat Jan 1921 cds. Rare stamp. 1922 2M Air complete sheet of 100 Mi #216 containing variety Incorrect value totals over columns 5 & 6 the stamp pair being Mi #216.I, together with a NE corner horizontal block of 14 (selvedge hinge) showing the correction of the column values by pasting selvedge pieces cut from another sheet over the incorrect values, the stamp pair being Mi #216.II. (114) 1923 10pf lilac-rose shade variety Mi #340.Pb. A superb MUH bottom marginal copy with burelé and ‘9’ imprint and identifying expert handstamp E.Peschl BPP (when this was Mi #340F). 1923 20Pf variety of Mi #341, Value misplaced high to left in SW corner marginal block of 4 with value and column imprints. Left margin blemishes don’t detract from a scarce multiple. 1926 Arms Welfare Fund set Mi #398-401. Very fresh MUH. (4)
$80 $500 $125 $80 $200 $100
1930 IPOSTA Miniature Sheet plus two low value defins on c5+ size envelope registered to Barcelona tied one of four ‘BERLIN W62/IPOSTA’ pictorial cancels on exhibition last day (Sep 21, 1930). Flown to Stuttgart (b/s same day), thence presumably overland (Barcelona arr backstamp Sept 24). Rare, this MS on cover cat €2,400+. 1933 Welfare Fund Miniature Sheet Mi #Block 2 (SG #MS525a). Full original unhinged gum on the four overprinted stamps (hinge traces edge of the ungummed margin at top), Cat €1,800. Rarely seen so fine. 1933 4M Zeppelin Chicago World Flight Mi #498 (SG #512). Very lightly hinged, very fresh.
$450 $850 $100
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142 143 144
** * *
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1935 OSTROPA Miniature Sheet Mi #Block 3 (SG #MS576a), Cat €1,100. Unusually with full original brownish gum (hinge traces) and as such extremely scarce. [See catalogue notes following the listings in Michel and SG, which explain why their valuations are for unused without gum]
1935 Railway Centenary set of four Mi #580-3 (SG #577-580 £140). Fresh MUH, very strong thematic. (4) 1937 Hitler’s Birthday perfed m/s, Mi #Block 7, on back of cover to Edinburgh, 1pf Hindenburg on face, a few faults. Unpriced used on cover. 1937 Hitler’s Birthday & Culture Club perfed m/s with additional roulettes, Mi #Block 11, with 1pf & 15pf Hindenburg x2 on registered cover from German-American Seapost Bremen - New York to Zurich, cancelled on 29.9.37, 5 days before day of issue.
ex 147
148 149
* *
$100 $200 $150
ex 149
1937 Civil Defence League set of 3 on plain postcard with printed Swedish address, pictorial FD cancel. Plus set of 3 marginal singles on FDC from Bonn to Aachen. 1937 Brown Ribbon 42+108pf Overprinted Miniature Sheet Mi #Block 10 with full gum (light hinge remains) and cancelled on the day of the race (first day of issue) by special Munich pictorial handstamp. [On cover with this cancel cat €500+] 1938 German Sports Tournament, Breslau Mi #665-8, various values on commemorative cards and covers including complete set on Breslau sports topurnament card with special cancel. Other commem events include von Horthy visit to Hitler with special cancels from Kiel, Nüremberg and Berlin various dates. (11) 1938 Opening of Gautheater Mi #673-4 tied to plain FDC by Oct 9, 1938 pictorial Saarbrücken datestamp. Addressed to Berlin. 1939 Berlin Motor Show Mi #686-8 tied to Dresdner Bank advertising sheet by pictorial ‘BERLINCHARLOTTENBURG/17.2.39’ FDI cancel. Same (+ Hindenburg 12pf red x2) on PPC air to Adelaide with d/ring ‘BERLINCHARLOTTENBURG 7/19.2.39.-16/1’ cds. Plus the same stamps optd in May 1939 for Nüremberg Congress and Hitler’s Culture Fund tied special postcard by May 21, 1939 pictorial Nüremberg pmk. Good to fine, popular thematic. (3)
$150 $125 $100 $80
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ex 151
1939 Danzig Return to Third Reich overprinted set of 14 Mi #716-29y (1M is Mi #728x) all marginals with selvedge imprint values or bars ex 3pf and 10pf in excellent condition with special Sept 1 cancel (pre-dating actual issue date by 4 weeks) which exalts their liberator Hitler. Together with envelope franked 3pf to 50pf cancelled with an equally modest Sept 19 pictorial pmk and Danzig cds Oct 3 alongside. (15) 1939 Winter Relief Mi #720-730 with Hitler’s Birthday special Munich slogan ‘20.4.40’ cancelling SW corner marginal pairs (numeral ‘10’ in left selvedge). (9 prs) 1939 Winter Relief Fund set of 9 Mi #730-738y, fresh marginal blocks of four with lower units MUH, all ex 40+35pf with marginal imprint value or row numbers. The 12+6pf has the more difficult Vertically ribbed gum Mi #735x.
ex 152
$100 $80 $120
1939 Hindenburg 10Pf Coil strips of 5 (1pf, 5pf, label, 3pf, 1pf) in pane of 20 strips (10 upright, 10 inverted) with top, bottom and left selvedge incl sheet and cliché numbers. Three strips of 5 with hinge reinforcements (none affecting the 1pf tête-bêche pairs x10), otherwise fresh MUH. Equates to Mi EGB #1.2 x5 (MUH x3, MLH x2) cat c€380 (Aus$525 approx). Very scarce large multiple. 1940 Brown Ribbon Mi #747, a SE corner block of 4 (with row value imprints) tied to large registered envelope at the race venue by two strikes Munich pictorial cancel July 21, 1940, the day of the international hurdles race (and one day after stamp was issued), registration label alongside. On the back the registered delivery receipt attached with same cancel and Hanover arr cds three days later. Very scarce cover. 1941 Mozart 6+4pf purple with Spot at top over ‘OZ’ of ‘MOZART’ [posn 4] Mi #810.II in fresh horizontal top marginal block of 6 including column value imprints. Very fine.
$120 $100
1942 Heroes Remembrance Day & Culture Fund 12+38pf grey-black, three lightly hinged varieties Broken ‘D’ of ‘HELDEN [posn 43], pair with White flaw on ear and White spots on headband & helmet [posns 38 & 39], Mi #812.I, II & IV. (3) 1942 Brown Ribbon 42+108pf Mi #815, on Maximum Card (small tone spot) depicting the original artwork and with the issued stamp tied by Munich pictorial cancel July 19, 1942 - the day of the Alpine Prize race. Scarce early maxicard. 1943 Youth Day 6+4pf green with ‘9’ of ‘1943’ broken [posn 18] Mi #843.III in fresh left marginal horizontal block of 6 incl marginal imprints. Fresh MUH.
$125 $100 $100
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160 161
** **
1943 Hitler’s Birthday 3+7pf with ‘F’ for ‘T’ in ‘DEUTSCHES’ [posn 39] Mi #844.1 in fresh right marginal horiz pair incl value imprint. Very fine. 1943 Hitler’s Birthday 8+22pf with Hairline scratch in margin at lower right corner [posn 49], Mi #846.1. Very fine. 1943 Labour Corps 3+7pf and 5+10pf varieties Imperforate Mi #850U & 851U, Cat €300+. Both with Schlegel expert handstamp. Superb. (2)
1944 Third Reich 11th Anniv 54+96pf brown with Broken wing upper right [posn 17] Mi #865.II in fresh MUH left marginal block of 4 incl row number imprints. Very fine. 1944 Armed Forces & Heroes Day 15+10pf variety Vertically ribbed gum Mi #880x (SG #868a £85 each). A very fresh MUH block of 4, each with Schlegel identifying expert handstamp. 1944 Armed Forces & Heroes Day 30+20pf variety Ski lift flaw [posn 25], Mi #885.I. A very fresh MUH right marginal with value imprint.
part 165
$140 $120
$75 $180 $120
part 166
1944 Heroes 30+20(Pf) Mi #885y, complete sheet of 50 with full selvedge including variety Ski lift [posn 25] Mi #885y.I cat €100. Small storage related gum bends, Cat €900+ (as singles). 1944 Fulda 1,200th Anniversary Mi #886, complete sheet of 50 with full selvedge including variety First ‘S’ in ‘GROSS’ broken [posn 11] Mi #886.II cat €100. Small storage related gum bends. 1944 Postal Employees & Culture Fund [1] 8+12pf blackish green with Coloured spot under ‘s’ of ‘Deutsches’ and ‘R’ of ‘Reich’ [posn 14] Mi #889.III. Perfectly centred, very fresh, superb. [2] 12+18pf claret with Broken first ‘S’ in ‘DEUTSCHES’ [posn 36] MI #890.I in fine used (prob CTO) left marginal block of 4, the variety with Peschl expert handstamp. 1944 Postal Employees & Culture Fund [1] 24+36pf with Coloured spot over ‘c’ of ‘Reich [posn 45] Mi #893.II, right marginal with value imprint (selvedge adhesion). Very fine. [2] 24+36pf with Hook on ‘h’ of ‘Deutsches’ [posn 29] Mi #893.III in fresh right marginal pair with value imprint, the variety with Schlegel expert handstamp. Very fine. 1945 600th Anniversary of Oldenburg with Broken sword [posn 18] Mi #907.IV in top marginal block of 4 with value imprints. Very fresh.
$150 $100 $200 $200 $100
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ex 172
ex 170
ex 173
1945 12+8pf Home Guard Mobilisation four marginal multiples all with varieties - strip of 3 with Accent on G in GROSS and block of 4 with Dark spot between 2nd & 3rd heads (both with Schlegel expert handstamp), vert pair with White spot behind knee (Peschl expert handstamp), Mi #908.I, V & IX. Plus SW corner vertical block of 6 with jumped perfs. Pristine. 1945 12+8pf Home Guard Mobilisation variety White shoulder lapel [posn 35] Mi #908.VII on locally used registered envelope (with Hitler 6pf and 12pf pair) tied ‘LUDWIGSHAFEN (RHEIN)/12.3.45-17/b’ cds alongside registration label and handstamped commercial cachet of the local iron foundry. Backstamp following day, some pencil notations. Rare stamp on cover, even more so with the variety. Expertised E Peschl. 1945 12+38pf Third Reich 12th Anniversary both values in SW corner marginal blocks of 4 with imprints, each Completely imperforate varieties of Mi #909-910. These were never available to the public. [These blocks sold at auction in 1996 for $600!] (2 blocks) 1945 12+38pf Third Reich 12th Anniversary both values in top marginal blocks of 4 each Imperf between upper and lower pairs, plus lower pairs Imperf three sides - perf only at the bottom, Mi #909-910.Uu&Udr. [These blocks sold at auction in 1996 for $900!] (2 blocks)
$275 $350 $450
1874 Railway Official Frei black on yellow (for free carriage) Mi #I. Lightly hinged with near full original gum light, Cat €700+. Rare. GERMANY | Booklets 175 B** 1933 96pf Frederick The Great with part perf margin Mi #32.2 (SG #SB32 £200). Perfect condition. 176 B** 1941 2RM with Hitler panes, Mi #48.3 (SG #SB48 £160). Very fine.
$250 $120 $100
ex 179
GERMANY | Official Stamps 177 */U 1903-33 Mi #1-131 mint and/or used mainly fine range (where both, mint will often be found lurking behind the used) with total cat c€750. No gaps seen, some duplication, particularly lower value overprints on Bavaria with blocks, strips and pairs (and we note a somewhat odd pmk on 1921 10pf Mi #65 so cat €600 not taken into account). Also noted a 1923 100MioM Mi #82 expertised INFLA BERLIN plus another. Lots of pencil notations regarding the price paid, many in US$. (c260) GERMANY | Local Stamps 178 **/*/U 1945-46 Collection: on Lindner hingeless and SAFE Dual deluxe pages Apolda to Strausberg (bei Berlin) with many in between (eg Cottbus, Finsterwalde, Netzschkau-Reichenbach, Spremberg, etc). Includes miniature sheets, few covers, imperf and perf sets and oddments, many with expert (eg Richter, Sturm JBG) and other handstamps (dealers?), many overprinted types obliterating Hitler. Generally fine and fresh but some imperfections which are often seen with the poorer quality paper used for a number of the early post WWII issues. Very conservative cat c€1,300. (c200) 179 ** Bad Nauheim 1946: (Mar) postal official signed 80pf-140pf Type I on very flimsy greyish translucent paper Mi #4-8.Ix. Fine and fresh. (5) 180 * Barsinghausen (Deister) 1945: (May) 2-bar and 3-bar opts obliterating Hitler heads, Mi #1-7 (I & II), Cat €600↕. All have diagonal Richter handstamp upside down plus ‘GJ’ dealer (?) in SW corner. Fine and fresh. (14)
$275 $140 $300
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Dobeln 1945: 6pf lightish blue-violet Mi #1a, vertical pair tied small cover by double oval July 27, 1945 Postage Paid datestamp (stated to be the date on which the Russians entered the town). Must be philatelic, must also be very scarce, min cat €140. Frankenberg (Saxony) 1946: (Apr) underlying 12pf pair overprinted ‘Tag der Volkssolidaritat/11.4.46 Frankenberg/Sa. (so this is really only one stamp). Glauchau (Saxony) 1945: (Jun) 15pf opts on Germany officials, Mi #21-24, 26, Cat €120+, and tied to small pieces by ‘GLAUCHAU’ or ‘THURM (KR. GLAUCHAU)’ cds on June 29, 1945. All have Dr DUB correctly placed expert handstamp (and ‘GJ’ SW corner of the piece). PLUS set of 6 opts obliterating Hitler Mi #I-VI fresh MUH (1pf and 6pf with ‘FORGED’ pencilled on gum). (11) Herrnut Provisional 1945: Hitler 10pf brown overprinted ‘XEPHXYT/HERRNHUT’. Very fresh MLH with correctly placed ZIERER BPP expert handstamp, cat MUH €400 - 1,000. Herrnut Provisional 1945: Hitler 50pf deep green optd ‘XEPHXYT/HERRNHUT’. Very fresh MUH with correctly placed ZIERER BPP expert handstamp, cat €400 - 1,000.
$80 $50
$125 $240 $400
Meissen 1945: overprinted Germany Hitler 1pf to 80pf (ex 42pf) MLH as Mi #2-20 but with diagonal overprint Deutschland/ Verderber as on Mi #27-30 (so 5, 6, 8 & 12pf are Mi #31-4). PLUS a second Mi #31-4 set MLH and the Wiederaufbau set of 4 MUH and rouletted miniature sheet MLH, Mi #35-37 & Block #1. Finally, the 6pf Mi #32 in complete sheet of 100 (some spotting mostly in left selvedge) with the listed opt varieties. (27+100) Niesky (Oberlausitz) 1945: (large type) interpanneau with Emergency Gum MUH vertical pair Mi #SZ 2x. Very fresh, cat c€350+. Perleberg (Brandenburg) 1945: set of 5 with third type 8-point star overprints Mi #1-5, each tied to a small piece by ‘PERLEBERG/25.6.45-17/a’ d/ring cds with diagonal Richter backstamp. Very fresh, cat c€200. (5) Rosswein (Saxony) 1945: underlying 12pf blocks of 4 with large opt in silver and in brownish red Cat #1 & 2, each tied to registered env to Dresden by single ‘ROSSWEIN/28.2.46.-17/a’ cds. Backstamp receiving same date, Dresden arr following day.
Saulgau (Wurrtemberg) 1945: (May) set of 12 Hitler optd ‘V’ in red (10) and black (2 incl 8pf with Black opt inverted), swastika Third Reich officials optd Morse Code/V 6pf and 12pf Mi #XVI & XIX. Fresh MLH with Carl H Lange expert backstamp, most in the right place, cat c€250↕. (14) Saulgau (Wurrtemberg) 1945: swastika Third Reich officials optd Morse Code/V 6pf and 12pf Mi #XVI & XIX. Fresh MUH, each with properly placed ZIERER BPP expert handstamp, cat c€250. (2) Schwarzenberg (Soviet Zone) 1945 Type I Perf 14: (Jun) Type I silhouette only opts on Hitler 1pf-1m P14 Mi #1.I-20.IB. Most have diagonal Richter handstamp in one or other bottom corner (some upside down), couple others. Mainly fine and fresh, infrequent offering cat c€350. (20) Strausberg (Bei Berlin) 1945: (Nov-Dec) almost complete, Mi #1-35, missing only the scarce 6+9pf Mi #12 and 50pf on 6+14pf Mi #32. Hitler opts Mi #1-6 have diagonal Richter handstamp upside down SW corner plus ‘GJ’ (dealer ?) on these and many others. Generally fine and fresh with odd marginal hinged selvedge only, min cat €275↕. (32)
$150 $160 $100 $125
$100 $100 $140 $130
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Wurzen (Saxony) 1945: (Jun) violet handstamps on Hitler 1pf-1M Mi #1-20B. All have diagonal Richter handstamp SW corner upside down, couple others. Fine and fresh (25pf rounded corner), infrequent offering, catalogued on piece €500+. (20) GERMANY | Postal Stationery 195 PS 1933-44 Collection: mainly illustrated mint and used postcards and letter cards, odd envelope, several uprated, some registered, plenty of private issues some with multiple frankings, heaps of special pictorial cancels, overseas destinations (eg several USA), thematics abound (eg philatelic events, zeppelins, 1936 Olympics, etc, etc, etc). All mounted in Scott Specialty Series album. Mostly very fine, difficult to replicate. (c200) 196 PS Rohrpost: pristine unused selection with [1] Envelopes 1893 30pf, 1902 30pf, 1903 30pf, 1912 30pf, 1921 225pf & 1923 100pf; [2] Postal Card 1920 50pf uprated with 4M Germania x2. (8) GERMANY | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 197 PS 1934-46 mixed unused and used group incl 1939 Hitler scenes x6 (4 different), 1942 Goldsmiths, 1941 6pf Hindenburg x3 (unused ovpt for Luxembourg & ovptd Lothringen x2 used), 1945 French Zone 6Rpf on 6pf violet with obliterated Hitler head, 1940 6+19pf Hitler, 1942 Stamp Day Ukraine ovpt special cancel, 1939 Winter Relief Fund with Danzig Stamp Day cancel, 1940 6pf green Hindenburg with doubled PTPO message for the Stamps as Propaganda Show, 1940 German Philatelists Day, 1934 6pf green Hindenburg Mourning Card, plus others. (37)
$250 $90
198 199
1941 Military Flags set of 8, Mi #P243, all with 1942 Stuttgart special cancel. 1939 Danzig Return to Third Reich 5pf and 10pf postal cards optd Deutsches Reich Mi #P283-4 in superb condition. Also a Danzig Arms PPC with optd 3pf stamp and same pictorial cancel. (3) GERMANY | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards (PTPO) 200 PS 1925 20pf Blue Mi #PP76 with allegorical picture of Germany’s air industry being shackled by the Versailles Treaty 1925 (May 5) use from Berlin to Rossitten (now Rybachy, Russia). Rare.
GERMANY | Postal History 201 * 1871-1998 Collection from 1870s two with North German Federation 1M and three with large shield 1Gr, then WWI period incl Feldpost and two British POW, a French 10Fr lettercard with 6th Army pmk; plenty of 1930s with Hindenburg, Hitler and other frankings incl registered; WWII with occupations incl Feldpost and PS, odd advert type, PPCs and a 1935 Workbook (Arbeitsbuch) with entries to 1940. PLUS West Berlin 1980s FDCs and other post WWII oddments. (c70) 1898-1930 Postcards incl couple unused quasi-official WWI PS types with franking obliterated with 4 bars, some attractive 202 * Gruss Aus. . . types. Also noted, a real photo of the German Royal Family with 10pf (+ 5pf green) Rhine-Main air semi-private issue Mi #I and Darmstadt special cancel June 17, 1912; an official commem card for 1913 opening of the Leipzig people’s memorial and the 100th anniversary of the Iron Cross; couple Welfare types 1929-30 unused. Good group. (21) 203 * 1923 two monumentally franked genuine postal use inflation period covers (some peripheral imperfections); [1] (Oct 3) internal letter from a banker in Berlin franked 800,000M by Mi #275 x2,290 & 295; [2] (Oct 13) env (horiz fold away from stamps) much better Berlin to London with 240,000M by Mi #274 x4,275 x2,282,283 x2, two bi-lingual Brussels backstamp.
$130 $100 $200
$175 $100
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1929 Catapult Mail (Jul 22) first SS BREMEN launch at New York with red cachet ‘Schnelldampfer/”BREMEN”/Norddeutscher Lloyd/Bremen’, USA AAMC #1. PPC of the liner franked Germany 65pf tied on board slogan machine-cancel ‘DeutschAmerik.Seepost/22.7.29/Bremen-New York’ alongside ‘PHILATELISTEN-BESUCH/26.Mai 1929/an Bord der Bremen’ handstamp in violet. Also oval ‘Erster/Deutscher/Katapultflug/22.7.1929/Dampfer Bremen-New York’ tying black on yellow airmail label. Addressed to New York, very attractive. 1929 Catapult Mail (Jul 22) first SS BREMEN launch at New York with red cachet ‘Schnelldampfer/”BREMEN”/Norddeutscher Lloyd/Bremen’, USA AAMC #1. Env of the shipping company (flag on flap) franked Germany 75pf tied on board slogan machinecancel ‘Deutsch-Amerik.Seepost/22.7.29/Bremen-New York’ plus oval ‘Erster/Deutscher/Katapultflug/22.7.1929/Dampfer Bremen-New York’. Addressed to Paris, central fold does not detract, very attractive. 1929 Catapult Mail (Aug 2) SS BREMEN at Bremen with red pictorial cachet, USA AAMC #2. Envelope (light soiling) New York to Bremen, violet handstamp ‘Via SS BREMEN and Airplane Ship-to-Shore’ with USA 20c cancelled New York slogan alongside Air Mail label tied large red cachet ‘KATAPULTFLUG/vom/D.”BREMEN”/des Norddeutschen Lloyd/nach/BREMEN. 2.8.1929’. Very attractive.
ex 209
1929 Catapult Mail (Aug 2) SS BREMEN with red pictorial cachet, USA AAMC #2. Lightly soiled envelope (flag emblem of the shipping line on flap) to Bremen with blue airmail label, handstamped in red ‘Mit Katapultflug’ and cachet ‘KATAPULTFLUG/ vom/D.”BREMEN”/des Norddeutschen Lloyd/nach/BREMEN. 2.8.1929’. Very attractive. 1930-39 Group all 1939 ex noted, ‘Strength Through Joy’ handstamp on PPC from Italy, official postcard from Halle to the registration office Chemnitz, PPC of Hitler saluting SA troops, Hitler’s Birthday, Danzig to Kiel with ‘Reife-Brotmarke’ label on back, PPCs with views of legless ex-soldier and sorting clothes for the needy, 1930 German Culture PPC, 1935 Horst Wessel PPC, 1936 Reichsparteitag Marschpost, PPC of ‘Hein Godenwind’ a floating youth hostel. (21) 1930s Nazi Propaganda highly colourful and somewhat aggressive comprising a 1938 a4 size Reichspost telegram sheet with artistic impression of Hitler taking the applause; two PPCs with Austrian flavours, one expressing their gratitude for being liberated, the other indescribable (both printed in Graz), another of the party faithful at their Nüremberg Rally (unknown year, printed Leipzig). (4)
ex 212
1931-44 Pictorial & Slogan Collection mostly on small piece incl meters, WWII exhortation types, some envelopes and PPCs incl some Feldpost. Earliest seems to be a 1931 Berlin commercial cachet postcard advertising a postcard album, the last a 1944 (Nov 2) env with Kattowicz (Oberschl) cds and slogan. Many in between with lots of Hindenburg and Hitler frankings. (60+) 1933 (Jul 3) use of 3, 10, 12 & 30pf Hindenburgs interspersed with three Hitler popaganda stamps on registered cover from Dieburg to Arad, Rumania. Use of these propaganda stamps was not permited by the UPU and their use on international mail is very rare. 1933-38 Range [1] 1933 air express cover from Frankfurt to Rear Admiral Lützow in Berlin, used the Rohrpost in Berlin; [2] 1938 cover from Berlin to Altona-Bankenese, via Rohrpost and railway; [3] 1934 12pf Eagle on cover from Berlin to Halle; [4] 1933 5pf green Official on local Gera cover with 4-line handstamp roughly saying Germany was not responsible for the war; [5] 1938 underpaid cover from Kiel to Vienna; [6] 1936 (May 1) Hindenburg registered postcard from Frankfurt to Pearl River NY; [7] 1936 (Mar 23) Hindenburg postcard from Friedrichshafen to Munich; [8] 1933 8pf green Official on Hamburg police summons.
$100 $150
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1933-45 Special Events and Slogans cards and covers with 1943 Robert Koch, 1944 Germany Will Win, 1938 Hitler’s Birthday, 1944 Kreigs Hilfswerk, 1939 International Motor Show, 1939 German Culture Day, 1939 Greater Germany, 1939 Colonial Conference, 1939 Winter Relief Fund on full set on Stamp Day card, plus others. (12) 1934 Catapult Mail (May 20) SS Europa at Southampton with green cachet, USA AAMC #152. Envelope from New York to Bremen, printed inscription ‘Via SS EUROPA and airplane ship to shore service’ with USA 30c pmkd ‘U.S.GER SEA POST/ MAY/16/1934/SSEUROPA’ alongside red boxed ‘Mit Vorausflug nach Southampton’. Very attractive. 1935-36 Special Event cards with 1935 Gaufeft, 1936 Stamp day, 1935 Railway Anniversary, 1934 Oberammergau Passion Play x3 different, 1934-35 Winter Relief x2, 1935-36 Winter Relief, 1935 Citizens Army, 1936 Goslar and unused 1934 National Holiday, 1936 Olympic Stadium cancel. (14)
1935-36 Special Event cards and covers with 1936 International Recreation Congress x2 (PPC & cover with 12pf Hindenburg ‘F.P.’ perfin, faults), 1936 150th Anniv of Reichskriegerbund, 1936 Craftsmen Day, 1937 Gordon Bennet Balloon Race, 1938 Gautag NSDAP, 1934 Steglitz Festival Week, 1934-34 Winter Relief Fund x2 (unused & used with adhesions), 1933 Gymanstic Festival Stuttgart and 1936 Propaganada Card on Leipzig-Moscow Zeppelin flight cancel, plus others. (159) 1935-44 Covers with mostly combination frankings special and commem types with related pictorial cancels. Majority addressed, destinations incl London 1938 (Apr 20) Hitler’s Birthday, registered 1941 (Jun 23) Munich-Vienna. Some mixed condition, good value. (14) 1936 (Sep 24) post card from the Graf Spree outside Barcelona, 3pf cancelled with Deutsche Marine-Schiffspost Nr 26.
$80 $100 $140
$140 $90 $120
221 ex 219
1936 Summer Olympic Games ornate descriptive A4 size folder entitled within ‘Deutsche Reichspost/Telegramm/aus. . .’ where 20 different special pictorial postmarks dated last day of the games (Aug 16) are tying twelve 3+2(pf) Gymnast Mi #609, four by roller type cancels (for the Olympic Stadium, Olympic Village, the Regatta, and the Press HQ), each of the remaining eight by two of 16 different handstamps. The cover of the folder depicts a laureated athlete and the Brandenburg Gate, the back the Olympic bell. Rare. 1936 Summer Olympic Games real photo PPCs depicting different games scenes and facilities, all used during the games (ex noted). Two of the Olympic Bell with ‘BERLIN NW7’ cancels (one to Vienna pictorial slogan), three scenes of the venues, one of the Funkturm (special cachet) to Budapest with Berlin-Charlottenburg July 29 pictorial slogan cancel, one to Sydney cancelled ‘BERLIN NW7’ pictorial slogan. (5) 1936 Summer Olympic Games artist’s impression in colour of the Olympic Village from the air, to Vienna franked 6+4(pf) Soccer Player Mi #611 tied ‘BERLIN-CHARLOTTENBURG 2/27 5 36/11-12/v’ slogan cancel with, alongside in violet the Village special cachet. Some foxing around the stamp and hinge traces in corners, otherwise fine. Very scarce.
$180 $100
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Page 34
1936 Summer Olympic Games (Jul 27) illustrated official envelope of the Olympic Village registered to a Capt J.L. Muscat in Malta, franked 40pf Hindenburg and 15pf Recreational Congress (Mi #524 & 623) tied special pictorial handstamp of the village, special registration label alongside. Plethora of backstamps including Italian Milan-Florence-Rome TPO. Filing holes at left don’t detract from an attractive cover to an uncommon destination (no doubt from an athlete at the games). 1936 Summer Olympic Games commemorative Olympic Torch Run postcard (very light ageing) to Berlin from Athens franked pair 80l Corinth Canal Mi #310 tied July 20 BEROLINON special pictorial cancel (another alongside), and BERLIN OLYMPISCHES DORF arrival cancel July 27. Very attractive, very scarce. 1936 Summer Olympic Games three postcards with Olympics issues cancelled pictorial datestamp ‘BERLIN OLYMPIASTADION’ various dates - [1] Flags of the participating countries to London (Aug 5) with 15+10(pf) Mi #614, violet cachet; [2] Gold Medal photo of the ceremony for the first German winner, local (Aug 7) with 6+4(pf) Mi #611, black cachet; [3] Women’s Discus official Games card, action photo local (Aug 10) with 4+3(pf) Mi #610 x2 (one damaged), no cachet. (3)
1936 Summer Olympic Games (Aug 1) the Hindenburg Olympic flight with special reddish lilac cachet Sieger #427B (Mi #32a), franked pair LZ129 75pf Mi #607 and block of 4 Local Govt 5pf Mi #618 tied two strikes Frankfurt Airport cancel (registration request cancelled, not available on this flight). Addressed to Chemnitz, very fine. 1936 Summer Olympic Games colourful publicity card of the Austrian Olympic Foundation for the Berlin games, unaddressed with pre-printed message from the President of the Austrian Olympic Committee. Franked 6+4(pf) Soccer Player Mi #611 tied August 12 Olympic Stadium pictorial cds. Plus a similarly franked card for the Winter Olympics at Garmisch-Partenkirchen earlier in the year with pictorial slogan cancel. Fine and scarce duo. (2) 1936 Summer Olympic Games official real photo PPCs with Olympic rings symbol printed upper left and depicting different, three sent during the games with pictorial cancels, two ‘BERLIN OLYMPIA-STADION’ to Frankfurt and Budapest, one ‘BERLIN OLYMPIA REITERPLATZ’ (Equestrian) to Frankfurt; two have violet cachets. One to Scotland sent from Hanover in September with a red ‘Amtliche Postkarte’ d/ring cachet’. (4)
ex 229
$100 $125
ex 230
1937 cards and covers with Five Year Plan, Hitler’s Birthday x6 different Postal Cards, air cover Mainz to Sydney, Nüremberg Stadium x3 different, and others. (14) 1937 Special Event cards and covers with Winter Relief Fund x2, Trachtenfest, Postal Museum, Stamp Day, England-German football match, Barmisch-Pertenkirchen, Anti-Bolshevism Exhibition, Greiz Millennium, Kieler Woche, plus others. (17) 1937 Special Events and Slogans cards and covers with Harvest Day, various Exhibitions, Winter Relief Fund, Reichsparteitage, Hochland Lager, Auslandsdeutschen Exhibition, Hitler-Mussolini x4 different, Hitler visiting Vienna x3 different, Paris Exhibition x3, plus others. (19)
$100 $140 $120
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ex 231
235 236 237
* *
ex 234
1937-39 Special Events and Slogans cards and covers with 1937-39 German Culture Day x5, 1938 ‘and you have conquered all’, 1937 National Solidarity Day Postal Card & on Winter Relief Fund set on card, 1938 Restaurant Day x2, 1938 Hitler’s Birthday, 1939 Winter Relief Fund Postal Cards x8 (6 different), 1939 General Government, plus others. (20) 1938 (May 3) propaganda postcard recording Hitler’s visit to Italy, mixed franking Germany 6pf Hitler and Italy 5c pair and 50c cancelled Rome special slogan x2 and ord cds. Addressed to Firenze, quite attractive. 1938 (Sep 7) use of full colour PPC of eagle and swastika on plinth standing on map of greater Germany, the official postcard for the Nüremberg rally, franked Hitler 6+19pf Mi #672 tied pictorial datestamp. 1938 Greater Germany group of cards and postmarks relating to the absorption of Austria and the Sudetenland. Plus an admittance receipt to attend a meeting in Berlin on 1/4/38. (10)
1938 Greater Germany nice group of three PPCs and one cover. 1938 Special Event cards and covers with European Grand Prix, Regensburg Philatelic Exhibition, Hitler Koog, Reichswettkampfe, Automobile Exhibition, Hitler’s Birthday x5, Saxony District Day x2, 3rd Reich Anniv, Swimming Competition, Bremen Key to the World, von Zeppelin Centenary x2, Admiral Horthy x4, plus others. (23) 1938 Special Events cards and covers with International Craft Exhibition, Zeppelin Sudetenland flight x2, Breslau Sports Touranment, Winter Relief Fund, Essen NSDAP, Lost Colonies x2, Aviation Festival, Hansestadt Köln, Gautheatre FDC, Sudetenland Conference, Launching of Prinz Eugen, plus others. (16)
$140 $100 $80 $100
$100 $150 $120
1939 (Sep 1) env preprinted address to Munich with Gothic feldpost and ‘FELDPOST/—-1.9.39/(eagle/swastika)’ s/ring alongside. At upper left, handstamp in red Gothic ‘Raus mit/Den Juden’. Highly offensive - then and now. 1939 Special Events cards and covers with Launching of the Turpitz, Hitler’s Birthday x7, 1939 & 1940 Police Day, Köln Carnival Greater Germany, Lost Colonies, Return of the Condor Legion x4, Yugoslavia Royal Visit x3, plus others. (20) 1939 Special Events and Slogans cards and covers with Tannenburg Memorial, Karl May, Danzig is German x2, Nüremberg Races with set of 3, Hitler’s Birthday x2, Stamp Day x2, Sudetenland, Lost Colonies, Memel is Free, Robert Ley ship cancel, plus others. (18)
$100 $140 $140
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ex 242
247 248 249
* *
1939-45 Group [1] 1940 PPC from member of the Totenkopf at Buchenwald; [2] 1943 Postcard from Croatian worker at the BMW factory, Eisenach to Croatia, censored; [3] 1943 feldpost calendar Lettersheet, [4] 1943 Lettersheet from KLV Lager to Tiborlager; [5] PPC from Krynica, Poland to Spandau; [6] 1944 registered Postal Card from Hagenow to Holland with tests for hidden messages, similar ordinary card from Mannheim. Plus others. (23) 1940-41 postcards, covers etc relating to [1] Paris Invasion x7; [2] German Red Cross x7; [3] Hitler & Mussolini x3; [4] humourous Australian anti-Mussolini PPC. (18) 1940-41 Special Events and Slogans cards and covers with 1940 Winter Relief Fund, 1940 National Stamp Day x2 (one registered), 1940 Heligoland Anniv, 1941 Leipzig Fair x2 (one registered cover with both 1940 & 1941 sets of stamps), 1941 Hitler’s Birthday, 1941 German Philatelists Day Vienna x2, 1941 Winter Relief Fund, 1941 Mozart Anniv x2, 1941 Vienna Fair x2, plus others. (21)
1940-45 Group with 1941 postcard from sub-postoffice Harnekop, 1942 Feldpostkarte from L24139 (Vienna) and cover, 1945 (Feb 23) cover from Freidenberg to Welterod, finally delivered 1949 (Oct 24) with Hitler’s head obliterated, 1940 Feldpost from L11479 to Niedersachswerfen, 1942 Feldpostpackchenstelle cancel on postal card. (10) 1941-42 Special Events and Slogans cards and covers with 1941 Boxing Competition, 1941 Vienna Festival, 1941 Kärnten & Steiermark x2, 1941 Leipzig Town, 1942 Hitler’s Birthday, 1942 SA Sports Medal, 1942 Boxing Competition, 1942 Stamp Day x8, 1942 Soviet Paradise, 1942 Police Day, plus others. (25) 1941-43 Netherlands Occupation Covers Durch Deutsche Dienstpost Niederlande inscribed on several including 5 newspaper wrapper cut-outs from Amsterdam franked 8pf Hindenburg with one line date cancels (Letraset type) and addressed Guana Werke near Lubeck. Four other items to the same area incl 1942 env addressed Herrn Senator Dr Bohmcker, two 1942 with Netherlands stamps, one a New Year PPC. Others include a banking env to Cologne, an inbound stamped Feldpost from Munich, a 1933 Postal Card used locally. (14)
1942 (Apr 3) fine onion-skin type envelope inscribed Feldpost addressed to Helsingfors C, Finnland (sic) from a Finnish member of the German Waffen-SS. Black ‘FELDPOST’ datestamp, blue official censor handstamp similar with Unit No. ‘11464’ (same as written on back of envelope by sender). 1942 Army Day special Desden cancel on local cover with 12+38pf Hitler & Italian 75c Hitler & Mussolini. 1942-43 Special Events and Slogans cards and covers with 1943 3rd Reich Anniv x3, 1943 Stamp Day x2, 1942 SA Sports Medal x2, 1943 Schönerer Exhibition x2, 1943 23 Million Tonnes of Shipping Sunk slogan, 1942 UPU Congress, 1942 UPU Signing, 1934 German-Italian Culture Day, 1943 Romantic Kayserberg on registered NSDAP cover to Paris, 1943 Peter Rosegger, 1943 Anti-Bolshevism, plus others. (21)
$150 $150
$90 $150
$100 $120
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250 251 252
253 254 255
* * *
* *
1943 Gross Rosen Concentration Camp (mar 22) use of censored Lettercard with 12pf carmine Hitler Head, to Roswald au Mettau. 1944 Auschwitz Concentration Camp censored letter sheet to Cracow with 12pf carmine Head, fresh. 1944 Buchenwald Concentration Camp (Mar 22) use of censored 6pf Postal Card to Kielce.
1944 Dachau Concentration Camp censored letter sheet to Berlin with 6pf violet Head pair, fresh. Group wide ranging assembly mostly modern era philatelically inspired with special pmks for ship mail, show cancels, 1950s CTOs on piece, combination covers to Australia, 2000s from James M Hatridge (dealer), etc. Also a tatty 1874 env Münchengladbach to Neuenkirchen, few 1930s oddments. Inspection needed. (c80) WWI Group [1] 1917 German Occup of Rumania, 25b on 20pf blue Bucharest to Vienna, censored; [2] 1917 Aggsbachdorf Military Hospital to Vienna, and damaged 1915 cover from Turnitz Convalescent Home; [3] 1916 & 1918 use of Gen Governent issues on covers to Warsaw; plus similar 1918 registered from Nasielsk to Warsaw; [4] 1917 stampless PPC frm ‘Kgl. Pr. Inf.Rgt 188, 7.Komp.’ to Münchberg; [5] 1915 unused PPC of Zeppelin (Schuette Lanz) bombing Warsaw. (8)
$150 $180 $150
$150 $125
GERMANY | First Flight Covers 1912 (Jun 12) special 10pf Air Mi #I with 5pf Germania each tied to special postcard by ‘Flugpost am Rhein u am Main/ 256 * Worms/12.6.12/*’ cds. [Of the five cities with similar cancellations, Worms is by far the scarcest] 1912 (Jun 23) special 30pf Air Mi #III x3 with 5pf Germania each tied to special postcard by ‘Flugpost am Rhein u am Main/ 257 * Darmstadt/23.6.12/*’ cds. [Michel cat a single 30pf on special card at €400 with individual used stamps cat €120+ each] 258 * 1912 (Jun 23) 1M on 10pf Air overprinted Gelber Hund Mi #IV x2 with 5pf Germania all tied to special postcard by ‘Flugpost am Rhein u am Main/Darmstadt/18.6.12/*’ cds. Very scarce.
ex 260
$150 $350 $350
ex 261
1923 Berlin-Leipzig (May 30) envelope (vertical fold) clear of 13 various 1922-23 Airmail issues 25pf to 100M all individually cancelled ‘BERLIN C/’ alongside red boxed ‘Leipzig 2.’. 1929-36 Zeppelins postcards selection [1] 1929 (Aug-Sept) Graf Zeppelin world flight addressed to New York franked 4M with 2M Cologne Mi #365 and 2M Zeppelin Mi #423 tied on board cds, red cachet, transit and arr handstamp; [2] 1936 (Aug 30) PPC of the Hindenburg (LZ129) and Graf Zeppelin (LZ127) special cachet for Leipzig Fair flight Mi #553 with 1934 10pf & 40pf Airs Mi #530 & 534 tied cds ‘LEIPZIG C 2/30.8.36-17/at/MESSESTADT’, addressed to Berlin. Attractive duo. 1931-37 Zeppelins selection Graf Zeppelin (LZ127) ex noted [1] 1931 (May) ‘OSTSEEJAHR-RUNDFAHRT’ Berlin to Friedrichshafen sectors (ie via Lubeck), multiple uprated 15pf Postal Card, to Austria, Sieger #106.Ba; [2] 1932 (Sep) env Rio de Janeiro to Recife Sieger #178.B; [3] 1937 (May 1) Workers Day flight, the penultimate one of the Hindenburg (LZ129), Sieger #453.B. Usual cachets, attractive trio.
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ex 263
262 263 264
*F * *
1933 Rocket Mail 3M error of colour (red-brown & blue) bottom left corner example cancelled on piece. Only 40 issued. 1934 Zuckers Rocket Mail [1] PPC with ½m, 1m & 3m stamps; [2] ½m & 3m on cover with 8pf+4pf Aachen. 1935 Catapult (Jun 25-6) first flight via SS Europa to New York. Small env (light stains barely seen from front) with lower value adhesives tied special cancel alongside pictorial handstamp cachet in violet.
1936 Zeppelins (May 6-9) Hindenburg North American flight Mi #12a&b with appropriate cachet - [1] envelope to New York with 75pf Zeppelin Mi #607 tied Frankfurt cds, Sieger #406.C [2] battered advertising postcard lauding the use of ‘Tide Water Lubricant’ by the dirigible, verbose Hamburg slogan pmk with the same message, 50pf Zeppelin Mi #606 tied Hamburg cds, Sieger #406.D. (2) 266 * 1939 (Sep 19) plain envelope handstamped in red Mit Luftschiff: Graf Zeppelin befördert, further handstamped in red Infolge Kriegsausbruches. Ausfall der Zeppelinfahrt; Beförderung durch Flugpost (ie flight cancelled due war outbreak, sent by air). Franked Danzig 2½G Mi #206 (cat €120+ on cover) with special cancel. GERMANY | Military Stamps 267 W 1945 (March) Feldpost U-Boot Hela imperf, Mi #13. An unused irregular block of 8 in very battered condition with only 3 fully identifiable. These were issued for use by soldiers, cut off by the Russian army on the Hela peninsula, to send letters by U-Boat (they capitulated on May 8). This block is stated to have been salvaged from a destroyed German bunker, which would explain the poor condition. Very scarce (as fine cat €300+ per stamp). (8) 268 W 1945 (March) Feldpost U-Boot Hela imperf, Mi #13. Unused without gum (as issued) and in very fine to superb condition. For use by soldiers, cut off by the Russian army on the Hela peninsula, to send letters by U-Boat (they capitulated on May 8). Three expert handstamps (Hoffmann, Pfenninger & another). Very scarce, cat €300+ (most common shade). 265
$100 $120 $100
GERMANY | Military - World War I Period 269 **/U 1914-18 Occupied Territories with Belgium good range including mint 1916-18 set of 16, Poland incl 1916-17 set of 11 used, oddments from Eastern & Western Military Commands, 1919 Poland Gneizno provisional forgeries, also two Eastern Military Command Postal Cards both used in Lithuania. (69+2 pc) 1917 unusual use of real photo PPC sent as Feldpost by the German Military Mission in Turkey, from the German Red Cross 270 * Hospital in Constantinople with clear cachet in red ‘ROTES KREUZ LAZARETT/KONSTANTINOPEL’ and unclear bi-lingual cds ‘12-1-1917/FELDPOST/MIL.MIS/KONSTANTINOPEL’. Scarce, fine. GERMANY | Military - World War II Period 271 * Cracow 1940 (Jul 30) SS Feldpost cover to Leipzif, with SS Totenkopf Regiment handstamp. This regiment was responsible for setting up the first gas chambers on truck, rare.
$120 $100
$120 $140
$120 $100 $100
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Dachau B. München small Feldpost envelope with photo contents addressed to an SS Stormtrooper with red eagle/swastika handstamp ‘4 (MG)/I.SS - Totenkopf Standarte...’ Machine Gun bearing. The photo depicts 11 SS soldiers around a table of rifles (we understand these are K98’s). (2) Feldpost over 120 cards and covers (some PS, some with contents) from range WWII theatres (eg Russia, France, Holland). Non-German addressees incl Budapest, plenty to Vienna, Salzburg. Condition fair only to fine. Research material. (c125) Finnish Legion 1941 (Oct) unfranked plain envelope (incomplete wmk, opened out) from member of the Finnish Legion in Vienna to a family member in Turku, Finland. Various markings incl ‘OY-INSINOORITOIMISTO RATAS’ one line handstamp in blue, plus ‘FELDPOST/F/*’ s/ring and backstamp scarce SS-Feldpost censor in magenta, also two ‘TURKU/28 X 41.15/ABO’ arr cds. Trivial imperfections, very scarce.
Finnish Legion 1941 (Nov) unfranked plain envelope (incomplete wmk, roughly opened) from member of the Finnish Legion in Vienna to a family member in Turku, Finland. Various markings incl ‘OY-INSINOORITOIMISTO RATAS’ one line handstamp in blue, plus boxed ‘G’ and backstamp scarce SS-Feldpost censor both in magenta, also two ‘TURKU/12 XI 41.15/ABO’ arr cds. Shame about the rough opening, very scarce. Finnish Legion 1943 (May 5) unfranked flimsy envelope (reinforced) to a member of the Finnish Legion in Magdeburg, redirected to Bori in Finland. Slogan ‘BERLIN-CHARLOTTENBURG 2/05.5.43.-19/bn’ pmk exhorting care with fire in the forest and heath, ‘SS-VAPAAEHTOISTOIMISTO’, poor eagle & swastika cachet, magenta ‘FELDPOST/F/*’ s/ring, light Finnish censor handstamp and part PORI arr backstamp. Some imperfections, pinholes, very scarce. France with [1] 1940 (Aug 20) use from Moselle to Offenburg of PPC depicting Hitler at the Paris Army Museum, philatelic franking; [2] censored envelope with contents (1943) and two postcards (1944, one 15c Postal Card) to the Perrot family in the Jura from forced labourers in Germany; [3] 1944 (Mar 22) censored env to a French worker at a German camp. Condition a bit rough, not surprising really. (5)
ex 281
Occupation Of Jugoslavia beautiful sepia monochrome PPC of street scene in Bled depicting the Park Hotel (directly opposite a casino apparently) and some wonderful automobiles. Addressed to Lubeck, pmkd ‘KRAINBURG(KARNTEN)/02.11.42—0’, and violet ‘SS Feldpost’ plus s/ring eagle & swastika ‘Pol.Rgt.19 - III.Bataillon/11.Komp/Briefstempel’ handstamps. Very attractive. Propaganda - Great Britain as KGVI low value defins, marginal set of 6 Mi #3-8 wmk wavy line, P11½ (other big differences 279 *W the ‘D’ of value replaced by Hammer & Sickle, the crown by Star of David). (6) 280 *W Propaganda - Great Britain as 1937 Coronation P11½ no wmk Mi #2. Big differences incl Stalin instead of Queen, ‘TEHERAN 28.11.43’ for ‘12 MAY 1937’, ‘SSSR BRITANNIA’ for ‘POSTAGE REVENUE’. Plus optd ‘LIQUIDATION/OF EMPIRE/BERMUDA’ opt on propaganda 1d KGVI Mi #10g. High cat €275+. (2) GERMANY | Ship/Paquebot Markings Australische Hauptlinie: seven inbound PPCs 1911-14 franked Germany 10pf with ‘SEEPOST/(alpha)’ cds, some with landed 281 * postmarks (Port Said, Colombo), addressed to NSW (4), Victoria (2) and SA. Six are full-colour PPCs including an impressive ‘Khartoum, Gordon’s Statue’ and an attractive Suez Canal scene. (7) *
$80 $160 $125
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282 284 Australische Hauptlinie: 1902 (Jul 4) PPC of Sydney Harbour to Leipzig with 10pf Germania tied on board ‘SEEPOST/e’ cds of the ship Friedrich der Grosse and alongside another partly indistinct cds. Australische Hauptlinie: two to England with ‘SEEPOST/(alpha)’ cancels, one env with ‘g’ in 1890 unknown ship sent from Port Said, one PPC Genova scene with ‘e’ in 1905 and annotated SS Gneisenau. Also small piece with Germania 5pf pair and 10pf with two 1913 strikes with check letter ‘c’ of SS Gneisenau (3) Australische Hauptlinie: 1905 (Aug 28) env to Freidberg (near Frankfurt) with 20pf Germania tied on board ‘SEEPOST/a’ cds of ship Grosser Kurfürst. Blue crest on flap alongside Freidberg August 30 arr cds. Light cleanable soiling on back does not detract from an attractive cover.
$100 $100 $100
Australische Hauptlinie: 1908 (Jan 2) env to Posen with 20pf Germania tied on board ‘SEEPOST/f’ cds. The env is inscribed on the back Grosser Kurfürst but pmk code letter ‘f’ is not for this ship but for Prinzregent Luitpold. Blue crest on flap alongside partly unclear ‘COLOMBO/JAN21/??’ cds and a superb black label ‘5/FLOTTENMARKE’ tied by another unclear cds probably Posen arrival. Australische Hauptlinie: three to New Zealand with ‘SEEPOST/(alpha)’ cancels, one ‘f’ 1905 Prinzregent Luitpold, one ‘e’ 1909 SS Kleist, one 1902 indistinct (poss ‘g’ SS Barbarossa); one landed Colombo, one Anvers. one not postmarked but PPC of Nile river so poss Egypt. Also 1954 uprated Postal Card from Berlin to Christchurch a bit scruffy. (4) Deutsch-Amerikanische-Seepost: selection in mixed condition [1] 1895 rather tired env from Tarnow (Austro-Hungary Empire) registered to Chicago, various backstamp incl oval ‘BREMEN-/NEW-YORK/26.3 95/IV’, unknown ship; [2] 1909 flag illust env inscribed ‘Hamburg-Amerika’ with strip of 4 10pf Germania cancelled ‘DEUTSCH-AMERIK.SEEPOST/HAMBURG/NEWYORK/14/5.09/a’ of ship Cleveland; [3] 1923 with 50M blue Mi #246 per favour cancelled ‘DEUTSCHE SEEPOST/LINIE/ HAMBURG/SUDAMERIKA/23.4.23/XLIX’, the stamped with violet handstamp ‘Bremen’ at base. Plus 1906 misdirected PPC to Amsterdam in New York via Amsterdam in Holland! (4)
$100 $100
290 Deutsch-Amerikanische-Seepost: 1930 (Oct 26) registered envelope to Potsdam with 1926-27 Airs 5 (x2), 10, 15 & 20pf Mi #378-380 each tied on board cds ‘BREMEN-/NEW YORK/26.10.30./NORDDEUTSCHER/LLOYD/D.COLUMBUS’ alongside on board reg label. Backstamps oval ‘RHEINE-HANNOVER/BAHNPOST/Z.173. 28.10.30’ and Postdam arr same date. Plus PPC of the ship. (2) Deutsch-Amerikanische-Seepost: 1903 (Jun 2) PPC of Friedrich der Grosse with 10pf Germania tied on board oval datestamp ‘BREMEN/NEW-YORK/VII’ of the ship and alongside Gothenburg arr June 5. Attractive near premium quality. Hamburg-Helgoland: 1912 (Jul 13) use of PPC of Heligoland in the distance, from the Kaiser, addressed to Charlottenberg with 5pf Germania tied oval ‘SEEPOST/*’ datestamp alongside same date on board violet cachet ‘Auf hoher See. . .’. Very nice. Kais. Deutsche Marine Schiffspost: two 1901 PPCs to German addresses [1] No. 26 (Boxer Rebellion) in pmk on unstamped ‘Greetings from Hong Kong’ with mss Feld inserted before ‘POST CARD’, inked number and removable pencil notation, addressed to Weinheim; [2] No 1 in pmk tying 5pf Germania to PPC ‘La Guayra, El muelle’ (Venezuela? Panama?), addressed to Teterow.
$120 $100 $60
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Ost-Afrikanische Hauptlinie: with Germania frankings tied ‘SEEPOST/h’ cancels of ship Herzog - [1] 1900 PPC of camels in Aden to Holland; [2] 1902 env to Leipzig with flap crest of ‘D.O.A.L.HAMBURG’; plus [3] 1930 env to Chicago with 25pf Hindenburg, ‘SEEPOST/d’ of ship Usaramo; Also [4] 1909 20pf Germania tied oval ‘DEUTSCHE SEEPOST/LINIE/HAMBURG/ WESTAFRIKA/16/8.09/XXXII’ of ship Lucie Woermann, ornate Anchor/CW crest on flap alongside Las Palmas cds. (4) Ost-Asiatische Hauptlinie: selection of ‘DEUTSCHE SEEPOST’ pmks [1] 1896 use of 10pf Postal Card, pmk with check letter 293 * ‘f’ of the SS Prinz Heinrich, from a migrant to China; [2] 1911 env with blue crest on flap by Kobe cds, to Frankfurt, 20pf Germania pmkd with ‘d’ of the Derfflinger; [3] 1912 battered PPC of Port Said, address/message side with advert flag and logo of NDL, Bremen, to USA with 10pf Germania tied cds ‘OST-ASIATISCHE/LINIE/* f/8/10/12’ of the ship Yorck. (3) GERMANY | CINDERELLAS 294 ** 1944 Goering Behind Bars: imperf sheetlet of 4, produced by Britain. Rare. *
$125 $150
ex 297
296 297 298
1944 Propaganda Stamps: produced by Britain with, von Witzleben, Himmler Shackles Civilians and Hitler & Mussolini. Mi Cat €1,600+. A rare trio. Propaganda Stamps Etc: [1] WWII Aerial leaflet ‘G.16.’ with iron cross and graves on reverse; [2] WWI 10pf & 15pg Germania espionage forgeries; [3] WWII imperf block of 4 forgery of American Hitler & Skull stamp Semi-Official Airmail Stamps: issued for the June 1930 Regensburg flights comprising se-tenant pair 10pf MUH and 20pf much larger size hinged Mi #18a & 19a, block of 4 10pf bluish (or greenish) grey background Mi #18b very lightly hinged. These don’t come up very often. (6) WWI Propaganda Labels: fine collection of all different labels, generally in fine condition, odd Austrian seen as well. Very attractive. (160+)
Zeppelin-Shaped: stickers inscribed ‘GOTT STRAFE ENGLAND’ nine different colours, including metallic blue on gold. Attractive. GERMANY | DOCUMENTS & EPHEMERA 300 1928-45: [1] photo of Factory Police NCO; [2] photo of Hitler Youth member; [3] 1942 Health Card; [4] ID-size photo of Hitler Youth; [5] Hitler Youth cut-out sheet; [6] 1928 Berlin Wireless Exhibition label; [7] 1931 Buy German cinderella sealing cover; [8] 1943 Waffen SS NCO death card; [9] Propaganda sheet saying German prisoners will get home to see their family and dead soldiers won’t; [10] RADWJ bronze cap badge; [11] WWI Who’s Winning leaflet; [12] 1944 propaganda Feldpost newsheet. Plus 3 RAD photos. (15) 301 1936 Officials Pass: to the Nüremberg Rally for a member of the SA. A rare survivor. 302 1936 Summer Olympic Games: ticket for the opening ceremony (9pm, Aug 1, 1936). Damaged SE corner (prob due rough separation) hardly detracts from scarce item. We don’t see these very often.
$400 $100 $100 $200
$250 $150 $100
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ex 303
ex 304
Cigarette Cards: monochrome photo collector cigarette cards with Sammlerwerk numbers on the back; [1] Hitler in 15 of 16 different scenes, mostly in uniform; [2] portraits group of 7 Knight’s Cross winners, only one with a smile, biographical details on the back. (23)
304 305
Hitler Youth: group of 14 small black & white photographs, all Deutsche Jugend related. Not many happy faces here. (14) WWII: group of 7 large black & white photographic prints (approx 33x45 cms) depicting Third Reich events incl Occupation of Rhineland, Berlin Olympics, launching of aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin, etc. Hitler features in five of them. Peripheral defects but careful trimming should eliminate these. (7) GERMANY | PICTURE POSTCARDS 1927 Mjölnir: ‘Unter die Zukunft’, a few small tears, unused and rare. 306 * 307 * 1933 Hitler & Hindenburg: group. [1] 1933 handshake at Potsdam, [2] 1933 handshake picture from magazine, [3] Hindenburg followed by Hitler at Tannenberg Memorial, [4] 1934 6pf Postal Card with view of 1933 Rally, from Hamburg to Peru.
1933-36 Reichspartieg: selection of used cards produced for the Nüremberg Rallies, all different with 1933, 1934 x4 (one is a Postal Card), 1935 x3 & 1936 x4. (12) 1933-40 Soldiers and Officials: group of real-photo cards incl family picture with young boy in front in Hitler Youth uniform, Brandenburg Gate parades x2 different, Hitler descending steps, Goering addressing rally, Prince August Wilhem, Horst Wessel, Fockewulf Condor and others. (13) 1935 Reichspartieg: rare 4-colour card with Hitler and cohorts at top and medieval entourage at base, used. Small wrinkle at top left otherwise fine.
ex 312
312 313
$100 $100 $100 $120 $100
$160 $150 $150
ex 314
1935-36 Reichspartieg: selection of used photo cards produced for the Nüremberg Rallies, all different with 1935 x2 & 1936 x2. Plus 1936 post cards cancelled at the rally with different time codes, 1934 cover & 1935 cover. (10) 1937 The Eternal Jew: group of 10 cards with pictures of prominent historical Geman Jews. 1937 The Eternal Jew: commercial use of this infamous card, from Berlin to Switzerland. The message was written by a Jewish dealer/collector thanking the addressee for buying some Churchill items. The inscription on the face translates as “Where should we turn and to which land in which our Talmudians are not yet known. The most beautiful would be Switzerland, however it has filled up already..”. A translation has been included. 1937 The Standard Bearer: used from Berlin to Switzerland, cancelled with Hitler’s Birthday cancel. Plus unused example accidently guillotined into 2 parts.
$120 $120
$120 $120
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ex 316
315 316 317
ex 317
1937-39 Group: [1] 1937 postcard with Hitler cinderella on face, used; [2] 1939 coloured Hitler & Small Child, used; [3] 1943 Barrage Balloon used; [4] 1940 action photo of soldiers rushing into woods to avoid enemy planes, used. 1937-39 Group: [1] Hitler Youth to Waffen SS, unused; [2] 1942 Hitler leaving train, used; [3] Hitler on train, unused; [4] 1944 coloured Women in Munitions Factory, used; [5] 1941 Soldier attacking British flag, used; [6] Officer on horse jumping brick fence, SS symbol, unused. 1937-39 Reichspartieg: selection of eight different used cards produced for, or relating to, the 1937 rally, includes two phototype of Hitler arriving at Nüremberg Airport. Plus Postal Cards x4 (3 different and cancelled with the Rally pmk). Also 1938 x7 & 1939 Postal Card (the outbreak of war prevented this rally going ahead). (21) 1938-45 Group: with 1938 KDF Cottages used, KDF promotional vehicle unused, Hitler being presented with flowers unused, NSDAP Monument x2, 1943 Fighting Baron used, 1940 German & Italian Soldier with Hitler Mussolini special cancel, 1943 General Government NSDAP Day, 1945 German Red Cross used, Brandenberg Gate x2 (plus 15 modern PPCs), plus others. (28)
$120 $200 $140
319 320 321 322
* * *
1939 Great Anti-Bolshevism Exhibition: unaddressed with appropriate Vienna slogan cancel. 1939 Reichsparteitag: two different adjacent cards, believed to be printer’s proofs. Both have some separation of layers. 1940: ‘And now to finish England’ with mailed fist striking a map of England. A very dramatic image. 1940-41 Wert Keinen Pfennig: caricature propaganda cards Chamberlain, 1940 social use from Soldiers in Ausberg to a fellow soldier sayin that they are looking forward to catching up and that he is not to bring gonorrhea with him. Translation included. Churchill 1940 used example from Frankfurt, and unaddressd card with Hitler & Mussolini stamp cancelled with Euope United Against Bolshevism pictorial cancel. Stalin unused SS card with picture of Nazi official. (4)
$140 $120 $150
ex 327
1940-42 Group: with 1940 Soldier posting a letter, used, Madagaskar song unused, 1940 Robert Ley used, Marble Gallery, 1941 Police Day, U-Boat, 1941 Battle for Vienna cancelled, 1940 Gymnasium Passau addressed, Hitler Youth, 1942 Occupied Vienna used, 2nd Class Iron Cross unused, Hitler’s Der Berghof used at Berchtesgaden. (15) GERMANY - Western Military Command Area 324 ** 1941 French Volunteer Legion: unofficial miniature sheet Mi #Block I. Very fresh MUH, Cat €700. 325 ** 1938 Sudetendeutsches-Niederland: unissued map design 50H green, 60H purple and 1Kr orange Mi #I-III. Very fresh MUH, Cat €400. (3) 326 V 1944 Danish Legion: set of 3 Mi #I-III with apparently per favour eagle & swastika cancels in violet (Cat €500, - ie 50% MUH). Pickenpack BPP expert handstamps. Seldom seen. (3) 327 ** 1942 Belgian (Walloon) Legion: set of four Mi #I-IV in fresh NE corner marginals, each with sheet number printed on gum behind ‘FRANCHISE’ imprint. Superb. (4)
$100 $275 $160 $400 $100
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ex 329
ex 330
1941 Belgian (Flemish) Legion: set of 4 Mi #I-IV tied to envelope by two strong strikes cds ‘FELDPOST/b/—02.12,42’ cds. Addressed to New York (no backstamp). 1941-2 French Volunteer Legion: with MUH Air vignette pair and the same overprinted ‘FRONT DE L’EST/OSTFRONT’ (Mi II & IV are top marginals with the ornate selvedge). Plus 1942 set of five anti-Bolshevik hinged, odd spot. (9) 1941 French Volunteer Legion: varieties Missing dot on ‘i’ of ‘Airienne bottom marginal [posn 24], Missing accent on ‘E’ of ‘SPECIAL’ top marginal [posn 2], Mi #III/II & III/V with min cat €280. Very fresh. (2)
$300 $80 $125
1942 French Volunteer Legion: NW corner marginal horizontal pair, the first with ‘F’ in value broken [posn 1] alongside normal Mi #V/IV & V. Trivial left selvedge wrinkle, excellent positional, very fresh. 332 ** 1942 Belgian (Flemish) Legion: unissued set of five Mi #XV-XIX, Cat €600. (5) GERMANY - Western Military Command Area | PICTURE POSTCARDS 333 * Belgian (Walloon) Legion - Recruitment Drive: stylised picture of a world-beating soldier over the exhortation ‘Viens a la/SS BRIGADE WALLONIE’ with more of the same on the address side, demanding that the reader join the Storm Trooper brigade at the address given (no s’il vous plait here). Quite a scarce survivor. GERMANY - Occupied & Plebiscite Territories | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 334 **/*/U 1940-41 Complete Sets mainly fine with overprinted Hindenburg sets for Alsace (Elsass), Lorraine (Lothringen), Luxembourg; Hitler sets for Balkan States and White Russia (Ostland), Ukraine with latter including scarce 1.50 Krb on brown laid paper with ‘GK.-Ssarny’ opt Mi #5b; plus optd of Luxembourg and Germany for Luxembourg. Used and/or mint, latter where present placed underneath used. (c150)
$80 $225
ex 337
GERMANY - Occupied & Plebiscite Territories | Postal History 1941-43 group in mixed condition comprising 1941 Bulgaria wrapper to a German newspaper with Gestapo censor; 1943 (Mar 335 * 1) registered env from E. Karelia; two Feldpost unfranked envs with contents incl 1942 Paris-Vienna; 1943 battered registered env Zagreb-Ljubljana; 1944 (Kotor) Sept 16 registered FDC for the optd Jugoslavia set of 4 Mi #7-10 to Cetinje. Also a 1941 (Oct 18) commercial postcard (filing punch-holes) Ljubljana-Castelfidardo - from the Italian occupn period. (7) GERMANY - Occupied & Plebiscite Territories | Military Stamps 336 W 1943 (April) Tunis Local Feldpost: brown NVI swastika and palm tree, Mi #5. A well-centred example on poor quality pale yellowish mottled paper without gum, may be Mi #5, Cat €550+. Offered As Is. GERMANY - Occupied Albania | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 337 **/C 1944 ALEPNVORLAND/ADRIA with [1] fantasy set of 16 5c to 30L corner marginals on gummed unwatermarked bright yellow paper (stamp designs very similar to Laibach Mi #45-60) - we’ve not seen these before; [2] 1944 Covers two registered (one by air) to the legendary Karl Hennig in Hamburg, each with boxed one-line Durch Deutsche Dienstpost Alpenvorland cachet, various 1943-44 multiple frankings, philatelic for sure. (18)
$125 $100
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GERMANY - Occupied Estonia | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 338 **/F/W 1941 Tartu and Reconstruction Issues complete fine to VFU Mi #1x-3x & #4-9 and Reconstruction set MUH. Plus unused without gum Completely imperforate 20+20K Stone Bridge single on network underprinted paper (as normal) and vertical pair on plain paper with Double print. (17) GERMANY - Occupied Estonia 339 V 1941 Tartu Issue: on thinner paper Mi #1-3y in blocks of four with central pictorial pmk ‘DORPAT/11.1.1942/TAG DER BRIEFMARKE’. Fine to very fine (SG #3-5B, £212). (3 blks) 340 W 1941 Tartu Issue: proofs on ungummed newspaper paper, 15K left marginal pair, 20K right marginal single Mi #1.PU,2.PU, Cat €450. Very fine. (2) GERMANY - Occupied Estonia - Elwa 341 ** 1941 Overprints on USSR: 10K dark blue-grey Mi #6. Very fresh, expert handstamp Krischke BPP. Very scarce (believed only 400 printed).
$100 $120 $180 $125
GERMANY - Occupied Estonia - Pernau 342 ** 1941 Overprints on USSR: set of 11 with Type II overprint, blocks of 4 fresh MUH (imperf 3k trivial gum disturbance) Mi #1-10, Cat €640. (11 blks) GERMANY - Occupied France - Northern France | Postal History 1940 Dunkirk envelope franked one each 50c on 1.05Fr red and 50c on 1.25Fr (France Mi #276 & 384) handstamp overprinted 343 * with ‘Besetztes/Gebiet/Nordfrankreich’ Type I (Dunkirk), each stamp being half Mi #2&3, tied 2x GHYVELDE/18*/21-7/40/ NORD’, another alongside and locally addressed. [Michel regards a pair of overprinted small stamps as a single stamp so this one obviously philatelically inspired usage of two ½-stamps overprinted after being put on envelope, - still a scarce offering] 344 * 1940 Dunkirk envelope franked pair 5c Mi #6 (France Mi #375 x2) and 90c American Legion (France Mi #224) each with Type I handstamped opt ‘Besetztes/Gebiet/Nordfrankreich’ tied cds ‘DUNKERQUE/18*/1-7/40/NORD’. Addressed to Arneke, Nord with arr backstamp two days later. Michel confirms scarce (and late) usage of 90c with the opt. Werner Pickenpack full photo certificate (1969) as well as his handstamp on cover. Rare. [A pencilled signature on the front may be an approving censor?] 1940-41 Group with overprinted Hindenburg issues [1] complete sets of 16 for Alsace and Lorraine (Elsass & Lothringen) on 345 * registered envelopes Strasbourg and Metz respectively to dealer in Berlin; [2] each set on two registered envelopes to dealer in Danzig with Strassburg (Els) cds and pictorial Metz cancels respectively; [3] 1942 registered env to Tauberbischofsheim with exotic franking of Lorraine, Luxembourg and Germany stamps; [4] 1941 (Feb 2) commercial env censor reseal tape, to ‘PARFUMS CHERAMY’ in Paris with damaged Lorraine 25pf Mi #10 tied Diedenhofen cds and ‘CONTENTIE??’ in violet; [5] 6pf Brown Postal card ovptd ‘Elsass’ with colour illustration at left of flags and other militaristic themes. Strasburg pictorial CTO April 20, 1941. Small blemishes. (9) 346 * 1940-41 Hindenburg Overprints comprising illust env with 3pf block of 4 and June 19, 1941 Ein Jahr Frei special cancel, PS 6pf green with 1940 (Dec 20) Mulhausen cds, 4 unused Postal Cards two are 6pf pictorials ‘WIENER KLAPPERPOST’ (one is Lorraine). Also page with seven franked parcel (packet) receipts, not all Alsace. (13)
$120 $100
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GERMANY - Occupied France - Lorient 347 * 1945 ‘Festung Lorient’ Overprints: 1.50Fr Mi #10. Overprint a bit weak, expert handstamp FUST BPP, Cat €450 (as MUH). GERMANY - Occupied France - St. Nazaire 1945 50c Metered Franking: on plain envelope (upside down and very lightly struck, trivial corner blemishes noted for 348 * accuracy) handstamped ‘TAXE PERCUE’ and broken cds of ‘PIRIAC s/MER/15*/24-3/45/LOIRE-INFRE’, Post Restante addressee, backstamp La Baule following day. Indecipherable expert (?) handstamp. Very clean. 349 * 1945 4.50Fr Registration Fee Stamp Type I: Mi #3.I on pre-addressed envelope with boxed ‘R.F’ upper left, diagonal ‘affranchisement special/Fautede Timbres’ and pre-printed registration label, the adhesive tied cds ‘BATZsMER/15*/28-2/45/ LOIRE INFERIEURE’, another alongside. Backstamp La Baule following day, expert handstamp MUST BPP. Perfect condition.
1945 4.50Fr Registration Fee Stamp Type I: Mi #3.I on pre-addressed envelope (trivial corner blemishes noted for accuracy) with boxed pre-printed registration label and red ‘RECOMMANDE’ handstamp, the adhesive tied cds ‘BATZsMER/15*/28-2/45/ LOIRE-INFERIEURE’, another alongside. Backstamp La Baule following day, expert handstamp MUST BPP. GERMANY - Occupied Gulf of Kotor 351 F 1944 Overprint Varieties: expertised by Krischke BPP ex noted with [1] on small piece 1.50L on 50c with Small ‘a’ and 3L on 30c with Dentsche; [2] a loose 1.50L on 50c with Dentsche (Hoffman-Giesecke BPP): [3] small piece with 0.50L on 10c with (possibly) ‘w’ & ‘a’ larger. SG values normal used £140 each! 1944 Overprints: stamps of Italy set of 6 Mi #1-6 uprating 1Lit on 30c Postal Card inscribed ‘VINCEREMU’ with three strikes 352 * ‘KOTOP/4.X.44 4-8/KOTOR’ cds, addressed to Kastel-Lucuruc. Philatelic, very scarce.
$100 $160
$200 $300
ex 357
353 354 355
356 357
**/*/V 1944 Overprints: with [1] stamps of Italy set of 6 Mi #1-6 MUH/MVLH (ex Mi #1 adhesions), small gum blemishes, very fresh, all expert handstamp Krischke; [2] stamps of Jugoslavia set of 4 Mi #7-10 MUH and VFU. High catalogue stamps (SG #1-10 £575+ for hinged). (14) ** 1944 Overprints Watermark Varieties: 1Lit on 25c green Watermark upright and 1.50Lit on 50c violet Watermark inverted Mi #2.X & 3.Y. Very fresh with Gerhard Krischke 1993 photo certificate. (2) 1944 Overprints on Italy: 1.50L on 50c violet Mi #3.X, a top marginal horiz block of six with imprint, tied (with Italy 1942 * Rossiniano Anniv 30c) to PPC by ‘KOTOR/28.VIII.44-8-/KOTOR’ cds, another alongside. We note that each ‘4’ in the date is in a different font, that there appear to be opt varieties (Small ‘a’, squeezed ‘u’), that a pencil address may have been erased. Very good condition, very attractive (SG values used opt £140 each!). * 1944 Overprints: on stamps of Italy 1.50Lit on 50c Mi #3.X block of 4 on unaddressed envelope (small peripheral imperfections), per favour cancelled Herzegovina Nov 25, 1944 bi-lingual cds (another alongside). Reverse of envelope with preprinted ‘Velecina 18 (44)’ at the top, ‘broj 1832’ lower right. ** 1944 Overprint: variety 0.10RM on 3Din of Jugoslavia with Overprint inverted Mi #7.II.K. Very fresh, Krischke BPP expert handstamp, Cat €1,300 (SG #7a not valued).
$300 $250
$180 $90 $450
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GERMANY - Occupied Gulf of Kotor | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 358 PS 1944 Overprinted Italian Postal Card 1 Lit on 30c brown locally addressed to Dobrota with bi-lingual Herzegovina cds Feb 10, 1944. Clear 1981 certificate No. 6104 of Velemir Ercegovic (ZAGREB). Scarce, fine. GERMANY - Occupied Gulf of Kotor | Postal History 1944 (Sep 15) philatelic registered envelope franked nine different Italy revenues 5c - 6L with bi-lingual HERCEGNOVI cds and 359 * registration label, addressed Boka Kotorska and backstamp KOTOR Sept 20 and HERCEGNOVI Sept 22 respectively. Very attractive. GERMANY - Occupied Kurland 360 V 1945 Hitler 6 on 5(Pf) Dark Olive-Green: Mi #1, 1.II & 1.VI. A fresh probably per favour cancelled horizontal block of 6 being plate positions 32-4/42-4 including Type II and Type VI overprint varieties Hole in top left overprint and Narrow ‘6’ [posns 33 & 34] Mi #1.VI & II respectively. A rare block - all units with Van Loo expert handstamp.
1945 Hitler 6 on 10(Pf) Dark Brown: Mi #2 in a large per favour cancelled block of 44 with all 15 listed overprint varieties Mi #2.II to 2.VI (cat c€1,300). These, plus the 29 remaining normal Type I opts, gives a total cat well over €2,000. Exhibition quality large multiple. (44) 1945 Hitler 6 on 10(Pf) Dark Brown: with very shiny (glossy) gum Mi #2wz. A fresh MUH horizontal block of 6 [posns 23-5,335], includes Narrow ‘6’ [posn 24] and Hole in top left overprint [posn 33] Mi #2.II and 2.VI. Three other units have lesser uncatalogued Broken ‘6’ varieties (none look to be Narrow ‘6’ types). 1945 Hitler 6 on 20(Pf) Cobalt: A fresh MUH horizontal block of 6 [pos 23-5,33-5] including Narrow ‘6’ [posn 24] and Hole in top left overprint [posn 33] Mi #3.II and 3.VI. Three other units also have lesser uncatalogued Broken ‘6’ varieties.
$800 $200 $200
ex 365
ex 366
1945 Hitler 6 on 20(Pf) Cobalt: with Overprint doubled, Mi #3dd. A fresh horizontal block of 6 being plate positions 16-18/2628 including Type II and Type III overprint varieties Narrow ‘6’ and Broken top of ‘6’ [posns 17 & 18] Mi #3dd/II & III. Some trivial gum imperfections don’t detract from a rare block - all units with Van Loo expert handstamp. 1945 Overprinted Parcel Feldpost Roulette: perf 14x13¾ Mi #4Ax, a horizontal pair incl Sloping serif on ‘2’ [posn 8 or 19] Mi #4Ax.III. PLUS rouletted horiz pair smooth gum Mi #4Bx and single Ribbed gum Mi #4By (Van Loo expert handstamp). Very fine, nice specialist lot. (5) 1945 Overprinted Parcel Feldpost Roulette: Mi #4B in vertical block of 10 [posns 1-2/41-42] each with per favour cds, and right marginal block of 25 [posns 6-10/46-40] unused (adhesions). Stated to include all listed varieties Mi #4B.I to XIII (some units have more than one). Total cat around €600 but overall condition not the best, bargain basement specialist’s lot. (35)
$400 $200 $150
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GERMANY - Occupied Kurland | Military Stamps 367 * 1945 (March) Kurland Feldpost: with vertically bisected adhesive tied to a re-inforced well-aged flimsy card by mainly indistinct Feldpost cancel, Mi #16. From a Rudolf Lang, Feldpost No. 14544C, to Stettin. Very scarce survivor. GERMANY - Occupied Slovenia | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 368 **/F 1944 Overprints on Italy 10c to 50L on 1.75L Types I & II overprints collection of Michel-listed overprint varieties mostly MUH comprising three pairs (one with two Michel listed) and 13 singles (two VFU - 10c with Right wing protuberance Mi #2.I.II, 50c with Dot under left foot Mi #8.I.III, cat €300 each). Neatly presented with clear image of the overprint showing the variety location in red. (16) 369 */** 1944-45 looks complete mint hinged ex noted with German Occupation opts on Italy Mi #1-60 (Mi #21-8 and Dues Mi #1-9 MUH), some have monogram expert handstamps believed Dr Weinberg, couple extras (71 stamps); Plus Slovenia (as part of Jugoslavia) 1945 Ljubljana opts to 10L plus few extras incl used, Maribor (Hitler) set of 18 MUH Mi #1-14 and #17-34 (38 stamps). Mainly fine to very fine with extras not counted in cat c€625↕. (100+) GERMANY - Occupied Slovenia 370 ** 1945 50c Violet: horizontal pair each with variety Two telegraph wires crossing church steeple Mi #49.I, Cat €280. One unit has natural gum inclusion, very fresh nicely centred. A popular and desirable variety. 1944 Postage Due: a postal cheque issued March 23, 1944, for L108.75 with a prodigious number of handstamps including, 371 * on the back, a fine horiz pair 30c on 50c violet Mi #5, tied neat cds ‘LUBIANA 1/31/25.3.44/LJUBLJANA 1’ d/ring cds on encashment alongside (we believe) a hospital fund violet cachet and a later dated handstamp. Very attractive.
$240 $150 $80
ex 374
GERMANY - Occupied Slovenia | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 372 PS 1944 Overprinted Italian Cards 0.50L on 50c violet, Mi #P3 with ‘LAIBACH/14/30.III.45/LIUBLJANA’ cds, addressed to Poljanski Nasip Prison, censor handstamp on back (date by hand). Vertical and horizontal pocket folds and clearly social usage. Cat €250. GERMANY - Occupied Slovenia | Postal History 373 * 1944 German Occupation local usage envelope (light central fold) franked 5c brown, blocks of 4 50c violet and 1L dark violet Mi #1, 8 & 10, tied three strikes ‘LUBIANA/14/7.3.44/LJUBLJANA’ cds (another alongside). Some small overprint idiosyncracies seen. 1944 German Occupation large envelope addressed in pencil to Cetinye franked Mi #1-15, 20 (one unit scuffed, odd overprint 374 * idiosyncracy seen) tied four strikes ‘LUBIANA/4/4.4.44/LJUBLJANA’ d/ring cds with arrival backstamp May 22. Looks a bit philatelic. 1944 Overprints on Italy (May 19) registered envelope franked 20c, 30c and 50c block of 4 Mi #4, 6 & 8, tied 375 * ‘LUBIANA/19.5.44/LIUBLJANA’ cds, to Graz. Range of postal markings front and back, appears commercial usage of 2.50L rate. Fine. GERMANY - Occupied Macedonia 376 ** 1944 Stamps of Bulgaria Overprinted: complete set of 8 Mi #1-8 with extras, all appear Type II overprint except 30L on 14L brown Type I. Overprint varieties noted - one of three 1L on 10st and 3L on 15st with First ‘4’ in ‘1944’ overprint broken, 20L on 7L with ‘O’ open at top [posn 68] Mi #7.IX (cat €200). Fine and fresh, min cat €440. (15) 377 ** 1944 Stamps of Bulgaria Overprinted: Type II, 1L on 10St and 3L on 15St in very fresh MUH interpanneau pairs Mi #1.Z & 2.Z. With Gerhard Krischke 1997 photo certificate stating condition is pristine.
$90 $90 $125
$160 $450
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ex 380
GERMANY - Occupied Montenegro 378 * 1943 Overprints: on Jugoslavia and Montenegro Mi #1-14, the key 5L carmine/buff with what looks to be an expert’s mss initials. Plus two extra 50Cmi rose-magenta one with overprint ‘u’ for ‘h’ in ‘Verwaltungausshuss’ apparently Mi #11.I. Small imperfections and odd spot in the King Peter opts, min Cat €500↕. (16) 379 * 1943 Stamps of Jugoslavia Overprinted: 4L on 3Din with Overprint inverted, variety of Mi #5, Cat €240↕. Clear 1980 certificate No. 4964 of Velemir Ercegovic (ZAGREB). 380 */* 1944 Overprints: on Jugoslavia and Montenegro Mi #20-35, the May 22nd Refugees set MLH all with expert handstamps of Dr Bohme GPSY and Hoffmann-Giesecke BPP. Very fresh throughout, min cat €350↕ (Refugees set at 40% MUH). (16) GERMANY - Occupied Serbia | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 381 **/V 1941-42 Prisoners of War Fund assembly with [1] 1941 set of 4 strips of 5 with right selvedge and per favour cds without gum comprising 8 values with burelage SG #G50-53A cat £72, four with no burelage SG #G50-53B cat £110, and 8 with double-lined ‘C’ (resembling an ‘E’) of which four are reversed cat £110 each; [2] 1941 engraver initials ‘JB’ set of 4 singles similar cancels, PLUS 2+6 Din and 4+12 Din MUH strips of 3 centre unit of each with similar but not quite the same initials (as normals cat c£40); [3] 1942 reprint set of 4 CTO singles slightly different colours SG #G68a-d cat a mere £23. Amazing, colourful, total cat £1,125 at the very least (!). (34)
ex 382
$180 $125 $150
ex 384
1941-43 Stamps and Covers Collection Prisoners of War Mail wide-ranging selection of stamps from first King Peter opts on Jugoslavia SG #G1-15 MLH to 1943 optd Monasteries SG #G87-95 MUH; includes Postage Dues mostly MUH, 1943 Postal Centenary fancy sheetlet MUH. Equally wide range censored used covers incl Postal Cards, so-called Workers Postal Cards couple with Anti-Bolshevik propaganda label, POW types, an interesting 1943 Church cover franked 3d Official SG #GO78 with certificate, PPC street scene, 1941 POW Fund set of 4 no burelage special cancel. Good clean lot, min cat £1,000, excellent value. GERMANY - Occupied Serbia 383 ** 1941 Smederevo Explosion Relief Fund Miniature Sheets: perf 11½ and imperf Mi Blocks #1&2, Cat €340 (SG MSG #49a&b, £380). Superb condition. (2) 384 ** 1941 Air Overprints on Jugoslavia: with both July 19 network underprint set of 10 (all marginals ex 30d) and the July 28 surcharge set of 5 fresh MUH, Mi #16-30 (SG #G16-30, £200 for MLH). (15)
386 387
** **
ex 386
$280 $200 $125
ex 387
1942 Anti-Masonic Exhibition: set of 4 anti almost everything Mi #58-61 (SG #G54-7) tied to gold-imprinted serially numbered FDC by gold cds ‘1.1.1942/BEOGRAD’. [Comes with reference material.] 1942 POW Fund: set of four sheetlets of 25 Mi #62-65, Cat €300. Very fresh. (4) 1943 War Invalids’ Relief Fund: Mi Blocks #3&4, Cat €360 (SG MS #G81a, £350). One has small gum blemish, otherwise almost perfect. (2)
$100 $100 $150
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GERMANY - Occupied Serbia | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 388 PS 1941-43 unused Postal Cards variously overprinted with 1941 1D with green rosettes H&G #I.8, 1942 1D with red rosettes and ‘SERBIEN’ H&G #I.9, 1942 1.50D on 1D with violet rosettes and Cyrillic ‘SRBIJA’ H&G #I.10 (Mi #1-3) plus very similar 1.50D on 1.50D not in H&G (Mi #P4), 1943 1.50D Vuk Karadzic not optd H&G #I.11 (Mi #P5). Fine to very fine, Mi cat c€325. (5) 389 PS 1941-43 used censored Postal Cards variously overprinted comprising [1] 1941 (Jul, Sep) 1D with green rosettes H&G #I.8 (Mi #P1) x2, one addressed to POW at Oflag 78 (red censor handstamp); [2] 1941 (Aug 18) 1D with red rosettes and ‘SERBIEN’ H&G #I.9 (Mi #P2); [3] 1942 (Sep 18) 1.50D on 1D with violet rosettes and Cyrillic ‘SRBIJA’ H&G #I.10 (Mi #P3); [4] 1943 (Mar 12) very similar 1.50D on 1.50D not in H&G (Mi #P4) from ELEMIR (small office) underpaid with large ‘T’ (rate increase); [5] 1943 (Dec) 1.50D Vuk Karadzic x2 (one creased) H&G #I.11 (Mi #P5). Fine to very fine, Mi cat €500+. (7) GERMANY - Occupied Serbia | Postal History 390 * 1941 (Jul 9) use of Jugoslavia 1d Postal Card from Panchevo to a Lieutenant POW at Oflag VI/B pmkd German Feldpost cds July 12 alongside violet Feldpost Office handstamp (No. 08633) and rectangle camp censor arr handstamp. Rare Feldpost system use for POW mail with Dr Hans Zydek 1989 certificate (whose handstamp also appears on the message side of the card).
1941 (Oct 18) registered censored envelope Belgrade-Leipzig with optd King Peter 4d and 5d Mi #7-8 (SG #G7-8), arr backstamp. Stamp dealer to stamp dealer. 1941 (Oct 29) registered censored envelope Perlez-Alfeld (Leino) with optd King Peter 1d and strip of 4 2d Mi #3&5 (SG #G3&5) tied four strikes bi-lingual Perlez cds, censor reseal, backstamp PETROVGRAD transit Oct 30, Alfeld arr Nov 7. Good early usage foreign registered rate. 1941-42 Prisoners of War Mail two reply portions from prisoners at KRAGUJEVAC (in Serbia), one 1941 (Nov 27) to Stalag XVIII.C, the other 1942 (Apr 1) to Stalag XVIII.B. Each with bi-lingual cds and Red Cross cachet in red, each censored on arrival approx two weeks later. (2)
1941-43 Postal Documents [1] 1941 (May 14) Commercial Court form enforcing acceptance of previously refused summons with 1.50D on the back with ‘PONISHTENO’ (cancelled) perfin; [2] 1941 (Jun 7) missing parcel claim, 7D fee paid via King Peter stamps with bi-lingual ‘BAVANISTE’ cds x4, Postmaster report that the parcel never arrived, etc, etc; [3] 1942 (Jan 10) postal chaser form re missing money order, 7D fee paid via two optd King Peter stamps with Belgrade cds; [4] 1943 (Nov 16) bureaucratic nightmare Travel Permit request, 40D fee paid via 20D brown revenues perfed ‘PONISHTENO’ x2 cancelled by handstamp. Scarce group, original retail well over $500. (4) 1942 (Aug 31) c5 size advocate’s registered envelope (central fold) locally used in PANĆEVO tied 6.50D optd King Peter values (correct local registration rate) alongside plain reg label tied violet censor and a one-line PANĆEVO handstamp. On the back the following day cds of PETROVGRAD (where censored) and PANĆEVO arrival. Very colourful. 1942 (Nov) flimsy envelope (central fold) registered within ALEKSINAC franked 9D by 1D scarlet and 2D purple Monasteries x4 cancelled indistinctly dated cds with censor reseal tape and registration label tied small violet censor handstamp. On the back bi-lingual cds of NIŜI (where censored?) and ALEKSINAC arrival. Two expert handstamp, one indistinct monogram, one Ceremuga.
$80 $100 $100
$180 $100
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1943 (Dec 29) use of Feldpost postcard by Serbian in Berlin to his wife in Belgrade with violet handstamp of the SS main office, red Feldpost handstamp alongside handstamp ‘225’ censor and, finally, machine slogan postmark of ‘BERLINCHARLOTTENBURG 2/2.1.44/ac’, the slogan publicising 10 years of the Winter Charity Drive. GERMANY - Occupied Ukraine 398 * 1942 5pf Postal Stationery Postcard: overprinted ‘UKRAINE’, further handstamped ‘KIEW’ for Official purposes, the franking prob per favour cancelled Kiev cds April 4, 1942, alongside Kiev eagle swastika handstamp in black. No message, address crossed out in blue crayon, philatelic.
1944 Horochow Commissariat Area: 12+28(pf) red & black Local Post (‘HILFSPOST’) Mi #16A, believed only 200 printed, unused without gum as issued, Cat €2,000. Rare. [Ex Farouk certificate.]
GERMANY - Occupied Ionian Islands 400 */** 1943 Stamps of Italy Overprinted: 25c green vertical pair, the upper unit single hinge and normal opt, lower unit MUH with Second (Greek) overprint sideways Mi #1.I (catalogue does not list the variety in a pair). Comes with Gerhard Krischke 1991 photo certificate. Very fresh, rare variety. 401 * 1943 Stamps of Italy Overprinted: 50c dark brown block of 4, the upper pair with right unit Black (second) overprint missing Mi #3.I.F/3.1. Some opt offsets and mild gum disturbance (hinges sweated off?) and each unit with expert handstamp LUDIN BPP and another. Very fresh appearance. 402 */F 1943 German Occupation: stamps of Italian Occupation overprinted in red [1] 50c dark brown Air Mi #3.II MLH (SG #3a £300); [2] 50c violet Postage x2 used, black and red opts Mi #2.I & 2.II both with expert handstamps (SG #2 & 2a, £185). (3) GERMANY - Occupied Ionian Islands | Postal History 1944 Christmas Day use of Rhodes 30c brown Postal Card uprated Rhodes optd Luftfeldpost ‘INSELPOST’ opt Mi #8.BII and 403 * 5c claret x2 optd ‘WEINACHTEN/1944’ Mi #12 Types I & III - all tied two strikes s/ring ‘FELDPOST/-25.12.44 (Eagle Swastika)’ in black. Some foxing aound stamps (huge on cover catalogue).
$400 $200 $140
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GERMANY - Occupied Ionian Islands | Military Stamps 404 F 1944 (November) Rhodes INSELPOST Overprint in Black: (thick) on grey-blue Mi #8. Tied to small piece by black Feldpost cancel. Very nice. 405 ** 1944 (November) Rhodes INSELPOST Overprint in Black: on brownish red Mi #9. Very fresh well centred MUH with expert handstamp of Mogler BPP, Cat €550+. Extremely fine, rare as such. 406 ** 1944 (November) Agram INSELPOST Overprint in Black: on brownish red, Plate I, Mi #10B.b.I. Small gum blemish doesn’t detract from a fresh well-centred MUH example with Pickenpack BPP expert handstamp. Very fine. 407 ** 1944 (November) Agram INSELPOST Overprint in Black: on brownish red with Inverted Doubled overprint, Mi #10B.b.I.DDK. Some storage-related gum adhesions don’t detract from a well-centred MUH example of a scarce variety with Pickenpack BPP expert handstamp. 408 ** 1944 (November) Agram INSELPOST Overprint in Black: on brownish red, Plate II with Comma after T Mi #10B.bII. Small gum blemish and overprint slightly high don’t detract from a fresh well-centred MUH example with Mogler BPP expert handstamp. Very fine.
ex 409
$100 $300 $40 $400 $140
GERMANY - Occupied Zara 409 **/* 1943 Stamps of Italy Overprinted: MLH ex noted range incl optd Propaganda 50c violet x4 types Mi #20 I-IV, 25c green x4 types and 30c brown x3 types Mi #35 I-IV & 36 I, III & IV (all expertised). Also Airs set of 9 Mi #23-31 not expertised, other Express types incl a 2.50L as Mi #38.II with certificate (later Michel catalogues advise opts were never made on this second printing). Also, stunningly, the Postage Due set of 11 plus extras as Mi #1-11 (SG #D35-45) unfortunately none expertised. Mainly fine and fresh, excellent reference. (38) 410 **/* 1943 Imperial Stamps of Italy Overprinted: 5c to 10L Deutsche/Besetzung/Zara (sideways on horizontal format stamps) Mi #1-16, none expertised. Majority MUH incl the top five values (2L to 10L). Michel cat c€6,000 with the important heading (in translation) “all prices given are for expertised stamps!” Offered As Is. (16) 411 */** 1943 Imperial Stamps of Italy Overprinted: specialised varieties with 10c sepia Overprint inverted Mi #2K, few spots, Krischke expert handstamp; 15c dark green Type IV with Thick ‘D’ and Gothic ‘B’ in overprint Mi #3.IV plus the same Type III with ‘Besetzuag’ for ‘Besetzung’ in overprint Mi #3.III.P - both fresh MUH with LUDIN BPP expert handstamps. (3) 412 ** 1943 Imperial Stamps of Italy Overprinted: 20c carmine Overprint inverted Mi #4K. A fresh MUH scarce and desirable variety. Very fine. 413 ** 1943 War Propaganda Stamps of Italy Overprinted: 50c violet (Army) Overprint inverted Mi #20.II.K, Cat €900 with 1997 Gerhard Krischke photo certificate which notes that only 51 exist (Michel, somewhat later, says ‘150’). Whatever, still a scarce and desirable variety. Very fine.
$200 $300 $100 $100 $400
1943 Imperial Stamps of Italy Overprinted: 50c to 2.50L Mi #32-4 & 37-8 (SG #46-8 & E57-8) on locally addressed envelope, all tied ‘ZARA SUCC/13.11.43 X XI 10/BARCAGNO’ cds. On the inside of the envelope are five expert handstamps of LUDIN BPP roughly behind where the stamps are placed (presumably these expertise the overprints). [SG catalogues these stamps used at c£775] GERMANY - Occupied Zara | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 415 PS 1943 Postal Card of Italy Overprinted 30c brown Mi #P2, Cat €3,000 for used, unaddressed, ‘ZARA/11.11.43/ RACCOM.ASSICURATE’ per favour cds, Gerhard Krischke 1996 photo certificate. Scarce. *
$300 $250
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ex 419
GERMANY - General Government 416 **/*/U 1939-44: mint (mostly lightly hinged) and/or used (mainly fine incl some special cancels) Mi #1-125 as well as Officials Mi #136, Delivery Service stamps (Zustellungsmarken) Mi #1-4. Overprinted Hindenburgs are complete MLH plus ten used to 1Zl, MUH includes all 1940 overprints Mi #14-39. Extras include include a bogus sheetlet (as Mi #125) with a Buhler certificate describing an entirely different sheetlet, some imprint marginal copies of some sets, Cracow 10Zl Mi #65 sheetlet of 8 CTO on first day of issue with Hitler’s Birthday special cancel, 1943 pictorials Mi #113-5 in top marginal Imperforate blocks of 6. (c225) 417 ** 1944 Land & People Unissued: 24 and 40 Gr Mi #II & III, Cat €1,100 (in italics). (2) GERMANY - General Government | Revenues 418 ** 1943 Court Fees: 50Gr to 10Zl Barefoot #15-19. Very fresh well-centred MUH (cat £150 is for MLH and used). (5) GERMANY - General Government | Postal History 419 * 1940-44 Selection with [1] two uprated and censored 12pf on 15Gr optd Postal Cards, Mi #P3II, to Jugoslavia (‘TELEFON USPRAWNIA’) and to Hungary (‘TELEFON ZAOSCZEDZA’), both with red roller censor marks, same addressee (? - last name scratched out); [2] 1943 Warsaw photo PPC to Blankenfeldt with top marginal Hitler 12Gr Mi #75, roller cancel; [3] two philatelic items with special cancels - 1941 (Aug 1) env with 60 & 80 Gr Mi #49-50, 1944 Copernicus Monument PPC with Hitler 6 & 8 Gr Mi #72-3. (5)
1941 (May) 30pf Mi #46 tied to small piece by Krakow Jewish Ghetto delivery post handstamp (in Hebrew). Light foxing, very scarce. GERMANY - Lodz Ghetto Post 421 */W 1944 2nd Issue: 5(pf),10(pf)& 20(pf) set of 3 on laid paper, Mi #III-IV, 5(pf) & 20(pf) MNG as issued. Plus unaddressed 5pf green Postal Card with special Litzmannstadt 1942 Postwertzeichenschau cancel, Cat €300+. GERMANY - Lodz Ghetto Post | Postal History 422 PS 1941 (Dec 11) use of 6(pf) green Postal Card with ‘ZURÜCK’ and ‘DEUTLICH SCHREIBEN!’ handstamps, indicating that it was returned because the writing wasn’t clear enough.
$140 $450 $100
$140 $200 $150
ex 425
1942 (Jul 13) use of 3(pf) brown Hitler on postcard to Mlkorzb, Bohemia, with printed message stating that the Karl Fischer family is healthy, ‘CH. RUMKOWSKI’ is printed at the bottom. 1943 (Oct 14) use of 3(pf) brown Hitler on postcard to Prague, with printed message for receipt of money. 424 * GERMANY - Allied Occupation (American & British) | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 425 **/*/U 1945-49 AMPost to Goethe virtually complete collection on SAFE Dual and Lindner hingeless pages with mint placed underneath used (where both present). Includes miniature sheets (eg 1949 Hannover Mi #Block 1 MUH), se-tenant arrangements, special postmarks, handful of covers clearly philatelically inspired, some quite seriously doubtful Posthorn overprints (no BPP expert handstamps), ditto some postmarks. Ends with small selection Berlin Airlift NV bantams and the larger ‘PAR AVION/DEUTSCHE LUFTPOST’ tied to small piece by ‘HAMBURG/15.9.48 9-10/1’ cds. Mainly fine to very fine, cat €1,300+ (doubtful not included). (100s) *
$250 $80
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ex 426
GERMANY - Allied Occupation (French) | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 426 **/*/U 1947-48 very presentable collection on SAFE dual pages, almost every space filled either mint and/or used and including some more useful miniature sheets. [1] General Issues includes some mint multiples, but lacks key 10c used (28 stamps): [2] Baden include three miniature sheets Mi #Blocks 1A & 1B MUH, #Block 2 unused ng (as issued), also 50pf Stephanie Imperf marginal Mi #24U (71); Rheinlandpfalz without MSs otherwise every space filled at least once incl used 1949 10c Winzerin small corner cds and Red Cross set of 4 - none expertised, (82); Wurttemberg very similar incl Red Cross imperf miniature sheet Mi #Block 1, some mint multiples and much more confidence about the postmarks (69). Not often offered so complete, min cat €2,500 (but at least €1,000 from unexpertised high cat fine used items). (c250) GERMANY - Allied Occ (French - Baden) 427 * 1949 30Pf Constance Conference: second printing, Mi #46.II. Very light hinge trace, Dr Dub expert handstamp x2 (SG #FB46a £700 for MUH). GERMANY - Allied Occ (French - Saar) 428 **/*/U 1947-56: close to complete incl 1957-59 German issues on Lindner hingeless pages mint and/or used (where both included, mint is usually placed under used) in Mi #206-378 range. Lots of more useful seen incl all the key 1950-51 issues Kolping Mi #289 to Christmas Charity set of 5 Mi #309-13. Also 1949 Officials and complete MUH sheets of100 1947 10c and 60c overpints Mi #226-7Z.II. Attractive presentation mainly fine to very fine - min cat €1,300. Excellent value. (c290)
$300 $225
429 430
* *
1948 Flood Disaster Relief Fund Miniature Sheet: Mi #Block 1. Lightly hinged and very fresh (SG #MS255a, £500↕). 1948 Flood Disaster Relief Fund - Air Mail Miniature Sheet: Mi #Block 2. Lightly hinged and very fresh (SG #MS256a, £350↕). 431 ** 1949 National Relief: set of 5 lower marginals with decorative numbered selvedge, extensions of Mi #267-271. Extremely attractive positionals. (5) GERMANY - Allied Occupation (Soviet) 432 **/*/U 1945-49: collection (no MSs) on SAFE Dual and Lindner hingeless pages with mint placed underneath used (where both present). Berlin & Brandenburg incl 5pf & 12pf zig-zag roulette cds; Mecklenburg-Vorpommern almost complete per pages incl Victims set of 3 Mi #20-22 cds; Saxony similar with East Saxony including 12pf ‘NOYTA’ handstamped upside down Richter without ‘BPP’ (ie - seen and NOT expertised); ditto Thuringia incl 12pf Von Sciller variety, Saalburg Bridge imperf set of 4 with emergency gum Mi #112-5yy MLH; ditto West Saxony (Leipzig) noting 1946 (Feb 12) scarce set of 4 Wmk down Mi #155-1, 153 & 155. General issues include overprint varieties, postal district overprints (mostly Wolfen), duplicated Fair pairs and long Portraits set, latter incl some later DDR types. Lots to inspect, min cat €1,100 (excludes unexpertised “used”). (100s) 433 ** 1945-46 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 6pf black on green shade (maigrun) variety Mi #8y. A superb top marginal MUH stamp with 1976 Heinz Egon Sturm clear certificate and handstamp. 434 * 1945 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Child Welfare: set of 3 Mi #26-8, plus two others, on registered env to Berlin cancelled ‘SEESTADT ROSTOCK 1/6.2.46’, reg label alongside, Berlin arr backstamp. Good set, philatelic, really went through the post, scarce.
$240 $175 $120
$200 $80 $100
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1945 Thuringia (O.P.D. Erfurt): Christmas Mi #Block 1x (SG #MSRF9 £200↕), the stamp images imperf, the sheet perf 11. Trivial gum disturbance, jumped perf upper left, very fresh. 436 ** 1945 Thuringia (O.P.D. Erfurt): Christmas Mi #Block 2 (SG #MSRF10 £2,000) the stamp images block rouletted, the imprint beneath 20 (pf) blue with imprint variety Flattened ‘0’ in ‘10’. Small nick lower right, very fresh, min cat €1,700. 437 **/*/W 1946 West Saxony: Leipzig Fair imperf miniature sheet Mi #Block 5Y (SG #MS RD #47-50 £250), trivial gum imperfections. PLUS Thuringia 1946 National Theatre miniature sheets - imperf on white ungummed paper (corner wrinkles) and rouletted on gummed brownish paper Mi Blocks #3 A&B (3) 438 ** 1949 Goethe Miniature Sheet: Mi #Block 6. Immaculate fresh MUH. GERMANY - East 439 **/*/F 1949-90 Collection near complete collection, ex 1951 China friendship set, 1953 Karl Marx miniature sheets, in six Lindner 18ring hingeless albums (three each of two different types, five boxed or slip-cased), Mi #242-3365. Lots of extras, many mint and used examples (usually mint placed one on top used), few covers, plenty of the ubiquitous CTO cancels incl some on positional blocks, etc. Even so, total cat well in excess of €5,000. Terrific value, very HEAVY (albums and pages alone worth close to the estimate!). (3,000+) 440 V 1951 German-Chinese Friendship set of 3 Mi #286-8. Very fine used with special Rostock cancel of June 27, 1951 (first day of issue). (3)
$100 $350 $125 $120
$500 $90
ex 444
441 ** 1953 Karl Marx Miniature Sheets imperf and perf Mi #Blocks 8A&B, 9A&B (latter with tiny adhesion). Very fresh. (4) GERMANY - West 442 **/*/F 1949-89 appears complete Mi #111-1443 per SAFE dual illustrated pages, many issues mint and F/VFU with mint placed under used, booklet types with some panes, se-tenant arrangements, odd variety, few covers. Noting 1949 Parliament pair MUH, Stamp Centenary set to Posthorn set Mi #113-38 F/VFU, 1951 St. Mary’s and Stamp Exhib pairs Mi #139-42 MUH, other earlier. Catalogue - just 1949-55 over €1,750. Excellent value. (100s) 443 F 1949 Stamp Centenary 30pf with Damaged ‘0’ of ‘30’ [posn 50] Mi #115.I. Corner cds, Cat €380+. GERMANY - Berlin (West) 444 **/*/U 1948-79 superb Lindner hingeless pages collection in de-luxe boxed 18-ring album. Nearly complete Mi #1-613 mint and/or VFU (where both present, one placed on top of the other). Scarcely a gap to be seen from 1948 black ‘BERLIN’ opts complete but only couple with expert handstamps, red opts missing two top values, 1949 UPU set complete MUH but top two with light spots, Goethe set MLH, Relief set MLH. 1950s with Bells sets complete mint ex first 5pf, Berlin Philarmonic pair MUH. Also coil strips, booklet types, Charity sets, se-tenant blocks, miniature sheets, etc. Minimum catalogue through 1950s not less than €1,750 but thereafter we have not checked to see whether mint and used present. Very conservative estimate - inspection recommended. (100s) 445 **/U 1980-90 superb Lindner hingeless pages collection in de-luxe boxed 18-ring album. Nearly complete Mi #614-878 appears mostly VFU but some issues mint only, some with both, some with FDCs as well. Includes 1987 (May 4) Automatenmarken (Frama types) set of 14 MUH and on 4 illust FDCs (these aren’t that common), one booklet and a number of booklet type defins. Very conservative estimate - inspection recommended. (100s) 446 F 1951 Freedom Bell Clapper Left set of 5. Very fine cds (ex 20pf a bit blurred). 447 F 1953 Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church set of 4 Mi #106-9. Fine to very fine cds (ex 10pf incl small part wavy lines as well). (4)
$500 $160
$125 $85 $120
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GERMANY - Berlin (West) | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards (Official) 448 PS 1950 10+5(Pf) Re-Establishment of Berlin Philarmonic and 50th Anniv Berlin Postal Stationery Collector’s Club - 50 Jahre Berliner-Ganzsachen-Sammler-Verein inscribed lower left, Mi #P23II. Light corner bend, otherwise pristine, Cat €300. Very scarce, especially so fine. GERMANY - Berlin (West) | Postal History 449 * 1948 (Oct 1) illustrated envelope inscribed Official First Day Cover and 100 Days Air Bridge/Berlin-Frankfurt, addressed to Hamburg with 20pf and 30pf optd ‘BERLIN’ in black Mi #8&11 tied ‘(1)BERLIN-CHARLOTTENBURG 2/-1.10.48.-18/e’ cds with the famous pictorial Air Bridge machine cancel above (same date). Vividly attractive. GERMAN POST OFFICES ABROAD | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 450 */U 1884-1919 China (c25 stamps), Morocco (c40) and Turkey the strongest (cat c€650). Morocco includes a 1911 6.25 on 5M with the well-known (and non-contemporaneously applied) ‘ASIMMUR/(MAROKKO)/4.8.14...’ cds not included in our calculations. Basically entree collections mint and/or used and mainly fine cat €$1,100+. Includes a few oddments, overall a sound basis for expansion at a very attractive estimate. (100+)
GERMAN POST OFFICES IN CHINA | Postal History 451 * 1904 (May 7) large envelope registered to Kiel and franked 1901-04 opts on Germany 3pf to 3M Mi #15-27 complete, the 30pf in a vertical pair, the upper unit shows the rare variety ‘R’ of ‘REICHSPOST’ open at top Mi (cat €500+ as used, not valued on cover). All units with clear cds ‘HANKAU/7|5/04/DEUTSCHE POST’. Steuer photo certificate (1996). Absolutely brilliant. GERMAN COLONIES | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 452 */U 1893-1919 all colonies entree collections mint and/or used New Guinea to Togo (latter includes low value Anglo-French opts on Gold Coast). New Guinea includes a nice 1897 20pf pair Mi #4 on small piece and a 5pf Postal Card unused, East Africa includes small selection pmks on 15H Yacht, Samoa has a fore-runner 20pf Mi #V48, South West Africa perhaps the best. Mainly fine cat €$640+, sound basis for expansion at a bare bones estimate. (c140) SAMOA (German) 453 U 1893 2M Numeral Forerunner Mi #V37e. Two horizontal strips of 4 tied to parcel piece by three clumsily struck cds without segment ‘APIA/KAISER DEUTSCHE/POSTAGENTUR/8/11/93’. Each unit expert handstamp of Dr Steuer BPP. Small imperfections hardly detract from scarce high value parcel usage; used stamps alone cat €250 each (ie total €2,000). Very good value. GREAT BRITAIN | Channel Islands - General Issues 454 **/U/C 1941-44: complete MUH ex noted on h/less pages with [1] Guernsey no wmk white paper ½d x7 shades, 1d x3 and 2½d, plus French banknote pair, SG #1-5 cat £185+; [2] Jersey 1941-42 ½d x2 and 1d x3 incl scarce chalky paper, 1943 complete set of 6 plus newsprint paper varieties, also basic set of 6 cds, SG #1-8 cat £150+; [3] 1944 airmail cover to Hamburg Mit Schnellboot, philatelic. (34) GREAT BRITAIN | Channel Islands - General Issues | Postal History 1941-43 German Occupation with [1] Guernsey Bisects 1941 (Jan 15) KGVI 2d on local use plain postcard (canceller date 455 * looks like 1940 it wasn’t wound forward on Jan 1), plus 1941 (Feb 6) Stamp Anniv 2d ornate block of 4 plus normal 1½d on registered env to Jersey (light foxing); [2] Jersey 1943 local use of a plain and well contrived postcard FDC for 1d with June 1 cancel, plus 1½d and 2d with June 8 cancels SG #4-6. (3) GUERNSEY 456 ** 1941-44 German Occupation white paper ½d (left marginal), 1d & 2½d plus French banknote paper ½d & 1d SG #1-5. Very fresh well-centred. (5)
$100 $100
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ex 460
GREECE | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 457 */W/U 1861-80 Hermes large heads collection on leaves majority used, some mint including without gum, a few Paris prints incl 5l SG #3 unused ng and 80l SG #6 FU; first Athens noting used 10l, 20l and 80l SG #12B, 13B & 15B; second Athens quite extensive range of shades 1l to 80l SG #16-22 range; respectable cover shades thereafter thru SG #49. Also stock page incl group small heads imperf and perf prob Athens prints. High catalogue, majority fine. (c110) 458 */U 1861-1920s from twenty mostly small Hermes heads values to 40l, fair to fine condition, to 1924 Red Cross. Includes a mass of overprinted and others representative of various occupations and territories (Albania, Crete, Samos, Thrace, Epirus) including some of doubtful provenance (eg Epirus 1914 Skull & Crossbones as SG #1-4 certainly bogus). Also several pages MUH Revenues to 80d incl diamond design consular types, c150, some values with as many as six incl multiples. Mainly fine, min cat £600 (excluding the revenues). (100s) 459 */U 1924-67 quite comprehensive mint and/or used collection on Lindner h/less pages (where both included, mint placed under used). Starts Byron Centenary SG #403-4 mint and used, then many more useful seen noting 1926 Air Espresso Co pastel coloured set of 4 SG #406-9 MLH cat £90, 1930 Centenary set of 18 SG #433-450 used cat c£110, Arkadi Monastery SG #451 MLH cat £70, 1935-39 Airs both papers complete SG #480-488e used and odd mint cat £65+, 1939 Ionian Islands set of 5 SG #523-7 VFU plus three MLH incl 20d carmine cat £125+. 1940s and post-WWII sets include MUH blocks of 4, odd variety (eg odd inverted opt, 1942 25d Double impression SG #577b VFU, complete sheets MUH 5d and 200d), Postage Dues, charities, couple of covers. More useful from 1950s incl 1952 Air set SG #698-701 MUH and VFU cat £97, 1958 Marine sets SG #778790 MUH cat £128. Plenty to inspect here, mainly fine to very fine, min catalogue £1,800 (post-1945 hinged at 40% MUH). Terrific collection. (100s) 460 **/C 1940-41 Occupation of Albania complete apparently all fresh MUH as per SG #1-45 incl D21-5. Plus a March 1941 cover Korytsa-Athens franked 1940 SG #1-6 and the Charity set of 3 SG #18-20. Very nice cat £190+, and a wonderful opportunity to obtain a complete collection in one go! (46) 461 **/*/U 1968-2009 in two Lindner h/less pages albums looks complete mint and used collection (mint placed under used where both present) from Mexico Olympics set of 3 SG #1091-3 MUH and VFU to serially numbered sheetlet of 9 dramatis personae. Monstrous (even huge) catalogue. Bargain. (100s) 462 */U Dodecanese Islands - Italian Occupation stamps of Italy overprinted for Calimno (2), Caso, Cos (2), Leros, Lipso (2), Patmos, Piscopi (4), Rodi (3), Scarpanto (2), Simi (4), Stampalia (2). Majority mint incl several key 20c orange, no duplication, mainly fine, cat £500+. (24)
*/U/C Islands Range with 1859 Ionian Islands QV set of 3 SG #1-3 mint (½d orange poor), 1912 Ikaria five used in SG #2-8 range, Dodecanes Is 1912 Island Committee for Union with Greece set of 3 in blocks of 4 SG #K1-3, various 1930s and 1940s opts on Italy (some highly catalogued but far from complete), special Rhodes printings incl covers, a 1941 Military Occupn of Cephalonia & Ithaca cover. More to look at here, min cat £450 (not counting covers). (60+) GREECE 464 * 1941 Italian Occupation of Cephalonia & Ithaca 10d red-brown overprint across two stamps variety Reading upwards SG #14a. Lightly hinged on upper half of the optd unit. (1) 465 * 1927-34 Pictorial Definitives complete SG #410-423 (ex 4d brown SG #419e not issued till 1935). Various perfs and printings noting 10d is Type II SG #421a, 15d is the difficult P11½ Polish (PWPW) printing SG #422a cat £350, 25d is P12½ Type I SG #423 cat £300. Hinge remains, very fresh and mainly well-centred, min cat £825. (14) 466 * 1927-28 Centenary of Battle of Navarino set of 6 SG #427-432. 5d De Rigny with tiny pinhole otherwise fine and very fresh Cat £250. (6) 467 * 1930 Centenary of Independence 10d to 50d SG #446-450, the key values from the long Heroes set. The 25d with slightly rounded corner, very fresh lightly hinged, as singles Cat £316. (5) 468 * 1933 Aeroespresso Company set of 3 SG #458-460, Cat £350. 30d centred a bit high, the two key high values very well centred.
$450 $120 $300 $130
$150 $100 $375 $90 $150 $160
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469 470 471 472
* * V *
1933 Aeroespresso Company set of 7 SG #461-7, Cat £190. Well-centred and very fresh. 1933 Air Government Issue set of 7 SG #468-74, Cat £250. Well-centred and very fresh. (7) 1933 Pictorials SG #475-7. Well-centred VFU set of 3, Cat £200. Hardly ever seen in such excellent condition. 1935-39 Air mythological designs set of 9 on grey-white paper plus set of 5 on white paper SG #480-488e cat c£160. Very fresh. (14)
1938 Balkan Entente 6d blue SG #520. A superb left marginal MUH block of four with extrapolated cat £160 (cat value of £16 per stamp is for MLH). 1940 Fourth Anniv Greek Youth Organisation SG #534-53. Very fine and very fresh, single hinge remains, one lower value with adhesion, some marginals, Cat £1,750. Rarely seen in such excellent condition. (20) 1942 Air rouletted Postage Due with Surcharge double (ie two planes) SG #554b. A very fresh top marginal MUH example with expert monogram handstamp, Cat £260↕ (SG cat value of £130 is for MLH, not MUH).
$90 $120 $100 $100
$100 $950 $120
479 480
** **
1942 200d Ultramarine bottom right marginal block of 9, SG #581, with a spectacular Double perforation, the second strike of the comb perforator at a slight angle to the normal one. (9) 1944 Postal Staff Anti-TB Fund Overprint variety Overprint inverted SG #C599b in an almost perfectly centred fine and fresh left marginal block of 4 with extrapolated cat £110 as singles x4 (SG cat is for MLH). 1946 10d On 10d Surcharge variety Surcharge inverted SG #622a. Very well centred MUH cat £150. [With normal MLH for comparison] (2) 1951 19th Centenary St Paul’s Travels in Greece set of 4 SG #688-691. All fine and fresh corner marginals, Cat £275. (4) 1955 Pythagorean Congress set of 4 SG #742-5. Well-centred, fine and fresh cat £130. A geometrician’s delight. (4)
$120 $90 $100 $120 $90
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GREECE | Postal History 481 * 1865 (Sep 18) entire letter from Corfu to Venice with 10l red-orange prob SG #48 x3 (one upside down) cancelled Kerkyra cds, another alongside, plus poorly struck boxed ‘PIROSCAFI/POSTALI/AUSTRIACCI’. On the back oval ‘25’, Brindisi transit Oct 1, Venice arr Oct 2 - all in black. Very attractive. 482 * 1912 five stamps of Turkey cancelled ‘Greece/Lemnos’ (another alongside) addressed locally with small s/ring ‘EL’ handstamp in violet (censor?). This handstamp apparently used between Oct 18-26, 1912 - very scarce. 1940-41 German Occupation 1940 (Oct) to 1941 (Dec), four envelopes to the fatherland with censor reseals. One is a nice 483 * commercial envelope of Agence Central de Journaux to Bremen, two are to a Dr Ilse Peek in Potsdam, one from a Dr. W. Wrede, another from a Dr. W. Peek with printed address of ‘DEUTSCHES/ARCHAELOGISCHES INSTITUT/ATHEN’. Range of frankings incl optd types. (4) GREECE | Postmarks 484 s Accumulation: totally unchecked by us, majority in a large glassine plus c140 on three stock pages, stamps include roulettes, few overprints, may go back to late 19th century. Includes various numeral types, slogans. (100s)
ex 486
$150 $100
$140 $85
HUNGARY 485 ** 1934 Air 5p Indigo SG #562, a pristine lower marginal MUH Cat £380↕ (hinged x2). HUNGARY | Revenues 486 U 1830s (earliest seen - 1833) to earlier 20th century documents with, to start with - Austrian documentary revenue forerunners, then from 1868, Hungarian. Includes cheques, bills and other documents, even the odd birth certificate, many with one or more adhesive, also wax seals and range of handstamps. (c100) HUNGARY | Baranya | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 487 */U 1919 Serbian Occupation 60+ stamps on leaves and a hagner, mint and used range opts on stamps of Hungary noting 40f olive Mi #44 mint (some spots), 14 values (of 15) Dec 15 Mi #46-60 on small piece all with ‘VILLANY/920MAJ.18.N8’ per favour cds. Bit chaotic, min cat £190. (60+) INDIA | Military - World War II Period 1943 AZAD HIND imperfs complete Mi #B.I-X with basic 1R+2R expertised Krischke, three extra low values; perfs complete ex 488 *** Mi #A.VII. Plus India 1964 Subhas Chandra Bose pair used (he of the ill-fated, not to mention ill-advised, attempt to raise an Indian Army of Liberation). (24) IONIAN ISLANDS | First Flight Covers 489 * 1943 (May 6) envelope with boxed cachet ‘POSTA AEREA/PRIMI VOLO/CORFU-PATRASSO’ in red bearing complete set stamps of Italy optd ‘ISOLE JONIE’ SG #1-9 (incl 50c Air x2), handstamp registration cachet. On arr two bi-lingual boxed handstamp - ‘INCONNU’ & ‘RETOUR A L’ENVOYEUR’. The cover from, and returned to, one Spiro O. Zervo of Corfu, whose business card is enclosed. Extremely rare WWII military flight.
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ex 490 ITALY | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 490 **/*/U 1863-1946 mint and used on Lindner h/less pages. 19th century quite sparse but noted 1890 optd Parcels set SG #47-52 mint (cat c£200) and five lower value FU (cat c£125). Gets properly under way in the 1920s with strength in the Fascist era where we note 1923 Fascist March set SG #146-51 mint, a doubtful 1924 ‘LIRE UNA’ optd set SG #161-4 cds (one appears earlier than issue date), 1927 2nd Natl Defence set cds SG #219-222 (top value nicked at top). Includes a 1932 PPC to Jersey, a set of 5 publicity labels for 1933 Balbo mass flight, some colourful propaganda postcards, some armed forces cards, a gross newspaper picture of the strung up (by the heels) Duce, his mistress, etc. Some defective stamps but condition generally good to fine. In need of a tidy up, very high overall catalogue in excess of £2,000. Good value. 491 */U 1884-1955 Parcel Post almost all used and including other oddments for Concessional Letter and Pneumatic Post. From 1884 50c-1L25 SG #P40-2 to 1955 500L SG #P924, includes some mint pairs, eg 1946 10L and 20L SG #P683-4 MLH cat £108 (40% MUH). Mainly fine, inspection needed. (c200) 492 * 1917-28 Airs with world’s first airmail stamp 1917 optd 25c rose SG #102 followed just over five weeks later by Naples-PalermoNaples 25c on 40c violet SG #103 and the Nov 1917 opt Express 25c on 40c SG #E112, Lastly, 1928 80c red-brown & purple SG #199. Fine to very fine, min cat £120 (2010). (4) 493 F/V 1917-28 Airs with world’s first airmail stamp 1917 optd 25c rose SG #102 og with Rome FDI per favour cds very fine, then 192627 60c grey, L1.20 pale brown (o/c high), L1.50 orange SG #198,201-2. Fine to very fine, min cat £190 (2010). (4) 494 */U 1929-51 Montecassino Collection with [1] 1929 Abbey 10L used plus set of 7 mint Cat £210; [2] 1944 Polish Exiled Government Surcharged set of 4 mint x2 and used set on piece Cat £180; [3] 1951 Abbey Restoration pair Cat £121; [4] Revenue stamps x48 on 1933 order form to the Abbey and 5 pieces. (60)
ex 496
ITALY 495 * 496 497
F */F
501 502
** **
$100 $85 $120 $180
ex 497
1922 Ninth Italian Philatelic Congress set of four overprints SG #122-5. Some disturbed gum (hinges sweated off). The 15c and 40c o/c low, others well-centred, Cat £1,200. (4) 1923 Fascist Black Shirt Fund set of 3 SG #152-4 with light indistinct corner cancels prob per favour, Cat £275. (3) 1932 Dante Alighieri Society postage and air set of 19 SG #314-32. All fresh with very light single hinge traces ex 1L25 blue cds, Cat £170+. (19) 1932 50th Anniversary Garibaldi’s Death postage, air and express set of 17 SG #333-47, E348-9. All fresh with very light single hinge traces, Cat £170+. (17) 1932 Tenth Anniversary - Fascist March postage, air and express set of 20, SG #350-67, E368-9. All very fresh MLH ex the two express even better MUH, Cat £170+. (20)
ex 500
$400 $100 $100 $100 $100
ex 502
1932 Tenth Anniversary - Fascist March on Rome 2L55, 2L75 and the key value 5L+2L50, latter with neat part 1933 cds of ‘GROTTAMMARE’ (on Adriatic Coast), SG #363-5, Cat £386. (3) 1933 Graf Zeppelin set of 6 SG #372-7. Very fresh MUH, Cat £230↕. (6) 1933 Balbo Transatlantic Mass Formation Flight SG #378-9, Cat £750↕. The Registered Express Labels with pilot GIOR imprint. Very fresh. (2 strips)
$175 $120 $280
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ex 503
1935 Bellini complete mint SG #462-72. Postage MLH, Airs MUH, small gumside blemish on a couple, very fresh, Cat £200↕+. (11) 504 ** 1937 Child Welfare the attractive Postage and Air set of 16 SG #490-505. Very fresh MUH, Cat £500↕. (16) 505 U 1937 Augustus the Great postage set of 10 SG #506-15. All cds ex 75c wavy line (and small surface scuff). Strong colours, Cat £225. (10) 506 ** 1942 War Propaganda unissued 50c brown, 1L violet, 2L blue Air as SG #271, 274 & 275, the propaganda labels heralding inevitable victory. Scarce. (3) ITALY | Postal History 1943 (Sep 2) flimsy airmail envelope (trimmed, two pinholes) from Military PO in Greece, addressed to Bari franked 1943 (Jun) 507 * ‘P.M.’ optd 50c violet (Postage) and 50c sepia (Air) SG #M589 & M596. Scarce cover.
$100 $180 $120 $200 $90
1944 Italian Social Republic set of seven overprinted (probably at Rome) stamps SG #57-61 & E62-3 tied to printed envelope by ‘ROMA CENTRO CORRISP e PACCHI/4.6.44-7/(ESPRESSO)’ - the last day of Fascist rule at Rome. Offered ‘as is’. ITALY | First Flight Covers 1934 Trieste Experimental Rocket Post (Oct 31) PPC of ship Columbus with 5L and 7.70L imperf triangular labels plus 10c 509 * brown SG #424 tied by Trieste, Capo Distria (?) cds and/or special magenta cachet. Addressed to the legendary Karl Hennig in Hamburg. ITALY | Military - World War II Period Florence set of four common stamps 20c to 75c (as Italian Social Republic SG #102-5) overprinted in black ‘Firenze/ 510 *F liberata/11-8-1944’, the 75c also ‘Posta Aerea’ and the image of a plane in dark blue. All mounted on, and tied to, inscribed part album page by ‘FIRENZE No. 18/11AGO44/*VIA CAVOUR*’ d/ring cds, with handstamp ‘__462’ and an indistinct signature. Never seen this before. (4) *
ex 511
ITALIAN COLONIES | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 511 **/*/U 1920-34 Selections complete sets MLH with [1] Cyrenaica 1925 Holy Year, 1926 St Francis and Colonial Propaganda, 1931 St Antony, 1934 Exhibition set of 12 MUH plus the Airs set of 6 CTO ng (42 stamps); [2] Tripolitania 1924 Manzoni, 1925 Holy Year and Royal Jubilee, 1927 Volta, 1933 Zeppelin Airs, 1935 Tripoli Fair VFU (34); [3] Italian Somaliland with Jubaland 1925 ‘OLTRE GIUBA’ opts SG #1-11, D29 & 39-40, 1926 (Apr) Jubaland Anniv set of 7 (20c damaged), 1925 Holy Year, 1926 Colonial Institute, 1934 Abruzzi (41); [4] Oddments East Africa, China, modern (19). Generally fine to very fine, min cat £650. (130+) ITALIAN OCCUPIED SLOVENIA 512 F/C 1941 King Peter II ‘Co. Ci.’ Overprints per favour cancelled Mi #1-17 including the very scarce small size 15 Din Mi #2 (SG #12 £400), and Postage Dues Mi #1-5. Also some lower value extras more certainly postally used and two used PPCs, one creased, one to Rome. Infrequently offered material, SG cat for used over £500. (30) ITALIAN OCCUPIED SLOVENIA | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 513 PS 1942 use of Italy 30c brown Victor Emmanuel Postal Cards, one plain and one inscribed ‘VINCEREMO’. Both with ‘NOVO MESTO/(date)/[LUBIANA]’ cds (Jan 23 and March 23), one censored, both same addressee in Ljubljana, both fine and attractive, both scarce usages. (2)
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TRIPOLITANIA 514 V 1923 ‘PROPAGANDA FIDE’ Opts SG #1-4, all with Dec 8, 1923 Tripoli cds, likely per favour Cat £160. (4) 515 F 1923 Fascist March on Rome SG #5-10. All part og disturbed with Dec 8, 1923 Tripoli cds, likely per favour Cat £190. (6) 516 V 1934 Second Intenational Colonial Exhibition the Postage and Air set of 12 SG #204-15 with October 30, 1934 postage or air mail cds, likely per favour, Cat £225. (12) LITHUANIA (German Occupied) | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 517 ** 1941 Overprints on USSR with [1] (Jul 5) original set of 9 overprinted sideways ‘NEPRIKLAUSOMA/LIETUVA/1941-VI-23’ Mi #1-9, trivial gum blemishes noted for accuracy; [2] (Jul 30) very fresh MUH ‘Laisvas/1941-VI-27/Rokiskis’ opts in black 15K, 30K x2 & 60K Mi #3a, 5a & 7a, in red 15K Mi #3b (all ex the first with Keiler BPP expert handstamps). (14)
$100 $110 $120
ex 520
LITHUANIA (German Occupied) | Postal History 1941 (Jul 22) registered real photo PPC franked 1940 5c Mi #437 strip of three and USSR stamps optd ‘VILNIUS’ 5K and 30K 518 * Mi #10 & 14. All tied cds ‘VILNIUS 10/22.7.41’ alongside handstamp registration cachet and KAUNUS arr cds July 25. Probably philatelic, unusual mixed franking. 519 * 1941 (Aug 15) locally addressed registered envelope (odd bit of foxing) with USSR stamps optd ‘VILNIUS’ 5K to 80K Mi #1017 tied cds ‘VILNIUS O/15.8.41’ alongside handstamp registration cachet. Philatelic for sure, very rare too, especially the 80K on cover. LUXEMBOURG | German Occupation | Postal History 1940-41 Complete Sets comprising [1] Hindenburg overprinted set of 16 Mi #1-16, on two Feb 13,1941 small registered 520 * envelopes (8 values on each) with pre-printed address to Reutlingen (Germany), pinholes lower right; [2] Luxembourg overprinted set of 16 Mi #17-32 on Dec 23, 1940, unaddressed envelope; [3] Winter Relief of Germany overprinted set of 9 on unaddressed FDC Jan 12, 1941, Stamp Day special cancel. Clean covers. (4)
MARIENWERDER 521 */U 1920 Issues [1] 1st Issue mint set with extra 1m and used 5pf & 20p; [2] 1st Ovpt, 5pf & 20p mint plus 20pf used, [3] Surcharges 1m & 2m used and 3m & 5m mint; [4] 2nd Ovpts set of 4 mint; [5] ‘PLEBISCITE’ Issue mint set plus 2m used; [6] Forgery of 1m red with sans-serif ovpt. MEMEL | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 522 **/*/U 1920-23 Overprints on France fine to very fine mint and/or used on Lindner hingeless pages Mi #1-120 (mint under used where both present). No spaces seen but content may not always be correct with one very doubtful indeed (Mi #79 looks wrong). Some mint multiples, some good postmarks, min cat €500. Good value. (c140) 523 **/*/U 1923 Lithuanian Occupation fine to very fine mint and/or used on Lindner hingeless pages Mi #121-233. Only five unfilled spaces, no Mi #181 (and no Mi 234-7 either). Good sets noted - June set of 13 Mi #193-205 MUH all ex two with Buhler expert handstamps (other two with a monogram we can’t interpret), Dec long set of 24 Mi 206-29 MLH (all with ‘GJ’ dealer handstamp). Some oddments, very nice, min cat €1,800. (c130)
$100 $350
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ex 524
MEMEL | Local Stamps 524 ** 1939 German Occupation: local overprints on Latvia Mi #425-8 optd with ‘Memelland Ist Frei’, Cat #I-IV. Each block has either three Type I and one Type II opt, or vice versa. Very fresh well-centred MUH. [Type differences are the position of the horn in relation to the ‘n’ in the overprint.] (4 blks) MEXICO | Postal History 1889 (Sep 19) use of EXPRESS WELLS, FARGO Y CIA Mexico PSE (grey-green cachet, ‘15 ctva’ in design, weight instruction 525 * line partly obliterated), size 151x86mm approx. The Mexican stamp 20 ctvo red-brown is cancelled by the company’s Guaymas oval cachet (in Spanish) in magenta alongside similar San Francisco cachet (in English) four days later. Small blemishes, scarce in such good condition, very attractive. MONTENEGRO 526 */U 1874-1913 mostly very fine mint incl Postage Dues and receipt types from various perfs & printings early Prince Nicholas, 1896 pictorials complete mint set of 12 P10½ SG #90A-101A, then respectable cover new currency (1902, 1907) and kingdom (1910). Little, if any, duplication. (90+) 527 * 1941-43 Italian Occupation comprising Air set of 8 opts on Jugoslavia and Postage set of 10 opts on Italy Mi #15-32 (SG #1522, 28-36) - key 20 Din bluish green Mi #21 with Dr Dub expert handstamp. Plus 1942 Postage Due set of 5 Mi #6-10. Single hinge, fresh colours. (23)
$100 $160
1941-43 Italian Occupation set of ten Mi #23-32 used 1941 (Nov 14) on lightly foxed flimsy and battered airmail envelope registered Trieste to Soissons in France. ‘CETINJE/2’ bi-lingual cds (x5) and registration label, doubly censored with Italian tape tied d/ring ‘UFFICIO CENSURA POSTA ESTERA’, then by German tape tied s/ring ‘Gepruft. . .’ eagle and swastika handstamps. Transits (MILAN x2 and ROMA) and arrival backstamps, dated contents slip from German censors. Philatelic at a guess. 1941-43 Italian Occupation ten various low values totalling 2.05L in Mi #23-38 range used 1941 (Oct 28) on flimsy envelope (vertical central fold) registered to Dubrovnik. ‘NIKSIC’ bi-lingual cds and registration label, ‘VERIFICADO PER/CENSURA’ handstamp in violet tying plain round reseal label front and back, arrival backstamp Nov 11. Odd spot and peripheral imperfections don’t detract from an attractive survivor. Scarce. 1941-43 Italian Occupation 1942 (Oct 16) flimsy envelope registered to Italian Concentration Camp at Klos in Albania franked 1.80L by 20c carmine Mi #26 x9 overpaying by 5c the 1.75L rate (50c postage + 1.25 registration). PODGORICA bi-lingual cds and registration label alongside; transit, arrival and camp censor backstamps. Rare survivor.
$150 $200
ex 533
1941-43 Italian Occupation use of 25c green Mi #27 pair on 1943 (Aug 8) envelope addressed to Priboj with bi-lingual ‘PODGORICA’ cds and backstamp ‘PRIBOJ’ arr two days later. Clear 1990 certificate No. 10977 of Velemir Ercegovic (ZAGREB). Scarce commercial cover, very fine. 1941-43 Italian Occupation overprinted Postal Card 30c brown Victor Emmanuel III with occupation imprint beneath design Mi 532 * #P30 and uprated by same design 30c brown optd in red Mi #28, addressed to Ragusa (Croatia) and postmarked censor’s large boxed handstamp ‘VERIFICATO/PER/CENSURA’. Premium condition, very scarce usage. NETHERLANDS 533 ** 1940 German Occupation - Stylised Carrier Pigeon Overprints complete set of 18 Mi #357-74 (SG #522-39), plus two each 2½c & 7½c pair and strips of 3 coil configurations as per Michel. Very fine and fresh, min Cat €320 (18 singles, 2 pairs & 2 strips of 3). *
$125 $150
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1940 German Occupation - Stylised Carrier Pigeon Overprints F-VFU ex noted with complete set of 18 Mi #357-74 (SG #522-39) with 22½c and 80c MLH, plus two each 2½c & 7½c pair and strips of 3 coil configurations as per Michel. Also 1942 Legion pair Mi #402-3 MUH. Possibly the odd per favour cancel, very fine and fresh, min Cat €245 (20 singles, 2 pairs & 2 strips of 3). NETHERLANDS | First Flight Covers 1935 NRB ‘P12’ & ‘P14’ Rockets covers with vignettes tied special cachets [1] (Jan 24) ‘Poolster’ (P12) proving flight, signed; 535 * [2] (Mar 21) ‘Mercurius’ (P14) first night flight with special additional pictorial cachet and on the back handstamp ‘CERTIFIED GENUINE/(star)/(R.K. DALWOOD)’. Fine scarce duo. NEW ZEALAND | Great Barrier Island Pigeon Post 536 W Original Service: 1/- deep blue original design Special Post CP #VP1. Usual woolly perfs, scarce stamp cat $325. 537 W 6d blue triangular CP #VP7, a fine marginal pair (single stamps cat $200 each).
$120 $140 $175
ex 358
POLAND | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 538 */*/U WWW Polish Government In Exile 1941-43 sets x3 (1 MUH, 1 hinged and 1 used, ex 1941 75Gr), plus 1943 registered cover from the Postal Section of the Polish Ministry of Finance, 1943 set on unaddressed registered cover with tombstone censor handstamp, 1943 2½d Envelope with Fieldpost Postal Seal from 1st Polish AC. Also a selection of Red Cross stamps for Dachau-Allach. (59 items) POLAND | Local Stamps 539 F Sosnowiec 1916: all 5 issued stamps used Cat €570. 540 * Warsaw 1915: ‘6groszy’ on 5gr dark green and pale orange-yellow trial print Mi #3P, Cat €150, Petriuk expertising handstamp. Plus 10gr brownish black perf 11½ cat €80 and 10gr red imperf. All mint 541 ** Warsaw 1916: imperf Monuments set of 4 MUH pairs, Cat €560.
542 543
** W
Warsaw 1916: perfed Monuments set of 4 MUH marginal blocks of 4 (20gr off centre), Cat €1,280. Warsaw 1916: 20gr Sobieski Monument proof block of 4 in black, printed on both sides Mi #VIP, Cat €1,000, Ceremuga certificate (1999). 544 */U Zawiercie 1916: Used pair with reddish violet control, both with Ceremuga certificates (2000). Plus 10fen without control mint, MI #1I,1III,2I, Cat €700. (3) POLAND | Port Gdansk | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 545 **/*/U 1925-39 on Lindner illustrated pages Mi #1-37 plus page with 14 Poland used in the port and a banker’s 1930 window env with 25Gr Mi #22. Includes 1933 1Zl Mi #25 fresh MUH with M Kalinowski expert handstamp (SG catalogues this £225 MLH, Michel not so generous). No gaps, light duplication, min cat €530 (excludes Poland used in). (50+)
$120 $200 $700 $200
$700 $500 $350
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ROMANIA | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 546 ***/*/W 1941-45 WWII Selection fresh MUH ex noted with 1941 ‘CHISENAU’ opt set Mi #691-5.II MLH, 1941-43 Transniestria set of 3 Mi #703-5 and set of 4 Mi #765-8 marginal blocks of 4, 1941 ‘ODESA’ opt set Mi #712-5, 1942 Miron Costin statue set Mi #7524. Plus 1943 and 1945 miniature sheets Mi #Block 21 & 27 both hinged. Also a scarce registered censored cover 1942 (Nov 24) Odessa-Sinaia. Good clean group (MS x2, blocks of 4 x4, 15 singles, cover). RUSSIA - IMPERIAL | Postal History 1893 (Mar 20) use of 14K dark blue Envelope (lightning bolts on Posthorns not in H&G for this value) additionally franked (on 547 * the back) by 1889 1k and 5k Mi #41x & 45x and registered, from reval, Estonia to Kleinfurra in Thuringen (backstamp). Also on the back, violet handstamp of ‘EDUARD von BAGGO/31.III.93/REVAL’ (lots of biographic detail available on line). RUSSIA | German Occupation - Pleskau 548 ** 1941-42 Sheetlets of 10, the 20K on on greyish paper with yellowish gum Mi #10y, the 60K on white paper with white gum Mi #11x. Listed varieties on each - the 20K posn 3 Mi #10y.I, the 60K posns 5 & 8 Mi #11x.I & II. As fine as you will ever find. (2)
1941-42 60+40K Kindergarten Sheetlet of 10 in reddish brown shade Mi #12a. Position 10 has the variety ‘X’ for ‘K’ in ‘PSKOW’ Mi #12.Ia. Very fine.
SAAR 550 **/*/U 1920-34 close to complete Lindner hingeless pages mint and/or used collection (where both included, mint is placed under the used) with many more useful sets and singles in Mi #1-194 range plus officials and some oddments incl couple covers and mint varieties. Opts on Germanias to 1M incl mint 1920 80pf Mi #16.III (expert handstamps) cat €250+, on Bavaria to a good 2M Mi #28b cat €170+. Complete Christmas Charity sets include sets of 4 1926 MUH, 1927-28 mint, sets of 7 1929 mint, second 1931 mint and/or used (top value Mi #147 has forged pmk) and 1933 mint. Also noted 1933 Explosion set mint, all airs and 1934 Plebiscite set of 16 mint and/or used, all ‘DIENSTMARKE’ optd sets incl some minor varieties. Impressive presentation mainly fine to very fine - min cat €2,250. Terrific value. (c290) 551 * 1920 Overprints on Germany Mi #1-17. Includes various overprint types, key 80pf is Type I with expert handstamp Richter and two others, 1M (perf 25:17) is Type A. Hinge remains, fresh, min cat €300. (17) 552 V 1920 Overprints on Bavaria 3M scarlet Mi #29 tied to small piece by s/ring cds ‘ST.UNGBERT/5/JUN/20’. Expert handstamp A Burger BPP, very fine. 553 V 1920 Overprints on Bavaria 10M yellowish green Mi #31. Neat March 1920 cds, Cat €320 (SG #31 £350).
555 556 557
** * V
1928 Christmas Charity set Mi #128-34, some minor gum disturbances and light hinge traces, very fresh (SG #128-34, £550). (7) 1931 Christmas Charity fresh MUH set Mi #144-50. Well centred and very fresh, Cat €450. (7) 1932 Christmas Charity set Mi #161-7. Well centred and very fresh, Cat €300+. (7) 1934 Christmas Charity - Plebiscite Optd set Mi #199-205, tidy Jan-Feb 1935 Saarbrucken cds likely per favour. The key 100Fr is a left marginal with value imprint. Very fine (SG #196-202, £225). (7)
$140 $240
$450 $150 $100 $150
$250 $225 $125 $140
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SAAR | PICTURE POSTCARDS 558 1935 Plebiscite: two different pro-German cards. SERBIA 559 */U 1869-1919 collection on Lindner hingeless pages, mostly used 19th century includes three EURO-OZ dealer cards with issues priced over $200. Otherwise sparse early Prince Milan, new currency 1880 set of 5 and King Alexander 1890 set of 7 SG #5466, 1894 also complete incl 1d SG #74 mint. King Petar includes mint noting 1903 Mourning set of 10 SG #94-103, 1911 Journalists set shield opts SG #158-168, fair cover into the 1918-19 Kingdom period, few Hungary occupation. Newspaper range includes four more EURO-OZ dealer cards incl some offsets (cost over $200). Overall good to fine with cat c£450, inspection needed. (c190) 560 ** 1866 1Pa Newspaper Second Printing SG #N3, complete sheetlet of 12 unhinged. Some gum adhesions and other small blemishes, corner wrinkles. A rare survivor cat £1,020 (as singles £85 each).
1916-18 Government in Exile on Corfu complete set of 14 values with ‘POSTES SERBES’ overprints on France, lower values with opt applied across horizontal pairs, all with ‘MINISTARSKA’ cyrillic cds. Rarely offered. (14) 1872 25p Rose Perf 9½x12x12x12 lightly hinged variety of SG #39c (and of Mi #15.IID) with startling Angled perf at base caused by pre-perforation crease. Very likely to be unique. 1914 King Peter Changed Colours set of 10 SG #169-77, Cat £225. 5d toned perf otherwise fine and fresh, key 3d well centred. (10) 1915 King Peter set of 7 SG #178-79e (Mi #130-1 & I-V). 15p slate with toned perf, only the 5p and 10p may have ever seen postal use, Cat £185↕. (7)
$175 $350
$200 $100 $125 $85
1915 King Peter 15p Light Blue Error of Colour in strip of three between two 25p light blue, the error caused by an erroneously inserted cliché, SG #179c,179ca (Mi III.I.F). Tiny grease spot, small separation and small gum blemishes. Very scarce multiple. SERBIA | Revenues 566 W Tobacco: 40p multi-coloured large size 85x72mm Barfoot #10. Slight aging, beautiful. SERBIA | Postal History 567 * 1830s-1920s Covers Collection wide ranging mainly used assembly from ten pre-stamp entires/outers (some ornate wax seals), mixed poor to good condition. Incl PS (some officials), PPCs (eg street scene), international destinations - eg London, Paris, Vienna, Rio de Janeiro, Lynchburg (Virginia USA), Leipzig. One inbound from USA 1919, plethora of postal markings, inspection needed. (c80) 568 * Nineteenth Century Covers Collection 1866-86 entires, all unfranked ex 1886 5pa Postal Card, in condition much as to be expected for c140-year olds+. Look to be commercial, postmark interest sure. (24)
$300 $150
$175 $120
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1905 & 1912 Registered Mail to foreign destinations [1] 1905 (Sep) folded env of the Serbian Credit Bank to Switzerland with bi-lingual Belgrade cds tying two 25p King Peter SG #121, backstamp Bellinzona arrival alongside deep carmine bank seal perfin ‘BELGRADE’; [2] 1912 (Mar 30) advert envelope to Germany with 50p King Peter SG #134b tied Belgrade cds, no backstamp, ornate blue and white seal. SPAIN | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 570 **/*/U 1850s-1950s including patriotic, charity and other cinderella types, early Puerto Rico (50+), Cuba (c20) as well as Cape Juby, Marruecos, etc. Majority from the 1930s with Spain proper includes just 30 used imperfs (odd official but majority 4c SG #64 & 76 shades). Most mint are hinged with some ng, more useful seen incl 1930 10p Goya x3 SG #569. Disorganised. (c500) 571 */U 1864-1970s c1,200 mostly used on over 50 pages incl Colonies, few overprints, some semi-postals, odd telegraph puncture, miniature sheet. Disorganised but little duplication and mainly fine. Needs work. 572 **/*/U 1930s (mostly) from 1930 Goya Postage set of 17 + Express SG #553-E570 mint (mostly MLH) and most Airs to 4Ptas + Express in SG #570-E583 range. Fairly comprehensive thereafter to 1939 with representation Civil War issues including miniature sheets, opts, some cinderella and propaganda types, over 20 covers incl overseas destinations, other nation’s commems (eg DDR, Poland, Czecho 1981 Picasso Guernica MS). More useful mint noted incl 1938 50c on 20c Air SG #716, 1939-40 imprint Franco set to 4Ptas SG #875-89. Some potentially much better appear to be reprints, otherwise est catalogue £1,100+ would be much higher. (100s) 573 */F 1930s Miniature Sheets MLH ex noted - [1] Zaragoza 1936-37 Epila - Pro Rodanas imperf sheets x4 each with two 5c blue and 5c red pictorials optd ‘PRO AVION’ in black, in blue, doubled and inverted; [2] 1937 with Natl Uprising Anniv 2p+2p SG #MS #909 & 910, latter also on parcel piece with censor handstamp; [3] 1938 Air surcharges Madrid Relief and US Constitution SG #MS840 & 846; [4] Burgos Historic Monuments perf Gothic opt ‘Via Aerea’ Mi #Block 2, imperf marginal opt ‘Viva Espana! - . . .’ Mi #Block 1, another ‘CANARIAS’ and stamps optd ‘VIA AEREA’ not in Michel (all variations of SG #914-5). (12) *
SPAIN 574 ** 575 *
$150 $120
ex 579
1932 20c Express Perf 11½ with Control Number backprint SG #E522a (Mi #442.IB). Very fresh MUH, Cat £190 (as MLH). 1938 Madrid Defence Air Surcharge 45c+2c dull blue & light blue surch ‘AEREO + 5 Pts.’ SG #841. Hinge remains, expert’s monogram handstamp, Cat £550. 576 W 1938 Submarine Service set of 6 posthumous black proofs taken from defaced plates of SG #857a-f (cat £600 as mint) on ungummed unwatermarked medium card, EDiFiL #775-80PR €220 (2002). Very fine. (6) 577 ** 1938 Army & Navy Miniature Sheet imperforate SG #925 (Mi #Block 10B). Control No on back, small gum adhesion, very fresh Cat £250+ as MLH. Strong thematic, good value. SPAIN | Booklets 578 B 1919 French Red Cross Spanish Volunteers exploded booklet with originally stapled interpanneau pane containing 18 of the original 24 bi-colour labels removed from the cover for display. Mss “2 Ptas” on cover possibly original selling price in Spain? Very scarce, very strong thematic. SPAIN | Local Stamps 579 Civil War: by far the largest representation (several 100s) in boxed Lindner hingeless pages 18-ring album Antequera (Malaga) to Zaragoza including miniature sheets (noting France, USSR anti-fascist solidarity types), pictorial postmarks, mostly sin valor postal (without postal value). Plus DIY album pages with early Cuba and Philippines, Andorra, various colonies, more civil war incl postally valid, couple complete sheets of 50 & 100 low values. Excellent value. (100s)
$125 $200 $120 $160
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SPAIN | Postal History 580 * 1937 (Aug 3) propaganda postcard with first day use of Zaragoza Air Fund labels optd for the anniv of the bombing of the Church of the Pilar. Both tied, along with Spain 2c chestnut P11½ SG #771A, by d/ring cds ‘ZARAGOZA/-3AGO.37.3T/49. Addressed to Cascante. Scarce, attractive. 1937 Civil War (May 10) censored env registered to Cadiz, propaganda handstamp, 5c grey-blue ‘PRO MALAGA’ and five 581 * different Malaga opts on Spain SG #5, 9, 15, 17, 18 - all tied three strikes boxed ‘CERTIFICADO/10MAY37/MALAGA’ datestamp, arr backstamp same date. Vertical fold, peripheral imperfections, cleanable stains. Very scarce. 582 * 1937-42 range plus one modern philatelic. Two 1937 Civil War - registered Tarragona-Barcelona with backstamp ‘NO CONTIENE BILLETES’, commercial cachet Lanzarote-Glasgow with Military Censor handstamp. Then WWII era foreign destinations - GB, Denmark, Holland, Germany, Hungary (philatelic), Switzerland, USA - mostly by air with many different censor handstamp and reseals. Wide range contemporary stamps, equally wide range postmarks front and back. Inspection needed. (15)
1938 (Jul 18) use of illustrated envelope (small stains) for the Legion Condor with photo of Herman Goering franked two 15c Zaragoza Castle SG #863 tied two special rectangular cancels and boxed Iron Cross cachet alongside. SUDAN | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 584 */U 1897-1960s somewhat disorganised collection on Lindner hingeless pages, a hagner, and ordinary pages. Masses of camels with postman aboard (not always correctly allocated to issue dates, wmks), official SG and other opts and perfins, few Postage Dues. Starts with five 1897 opts on Egypt and very respectable representation incl complete sets (eg 1931 and 1950 Airs) to various post-independence mint and used sets. Mainly fine, min cat £325. Inspection needed. (180+) SUDAN | Military - World War II Period 585 * Sudan (Mar 21) censored airmail envelope (of Italian origin) to NSW with Camel Post 5m and 2pi x2 tied two neat strikes ‘FIELD POST OFFICE/*/21 MR/41/174’; three different censor handstamps plus reseal label. [Records suggest only 8 Australians stationed in Sudan at the time] TRIESTE - ZONE A 586 **/*/U 1948-54 mint and used (some with both) mainly fine collection on Lindner hingeless pages nearly complete SG #1-299 range with strong thematic content. Includes parcel, express and Postage Dues, Better complete sets with MUH noting 1947 Air set of 6 and Revolution Centenary set of 12 SG #59-76, also parcels (incl a receipt), express and Postage Dues, some oddments. Not too much needed to complete, min cat £550 (hinged at 40% MUH). (100s)
1948 15L Donizetti SG #85, an upper right corner block of nine - five stamps surrounding an imprint block of 4. Very fresh, hardly ever seen. TRIESTE - ZONE A | Postage Dues 588 ** 1949-52 complete set SG #D122-134. Fresh MUH all with expert’s monogram (in the correct place) ex 25L MLH (small spot). (13) TRIESTE - ZONE A | Parcel Stamps 589 ** 1943 500L Deep Brown fresh MUH complete pair SG #P43, Cat £130. 590 ** 1952 1,000L Ultramarine fresh MUH right marginal complete pair SG #P152, Cat £180.
$125 $100
$100 $70 $80 $100
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Phoenix Auctions - Thursday 10th September 2015
ex 593
TRIESTE - ZONE B 591 **/*/F 1948-54 mostly fresh mint (some VF MUH) nearly complete SG #B1-134 range with strong thematic content incl most Red Cross, 1950 Fish Postage Due set SG #BD49-53 MUH, 1952 Starfish miniature sheet SG #MSB87b mint, 1954 Animals set of 12 SG #B119-30 MUH corner marginals, six Revenues Barefoot 20-34 range. Excellent presentation on Lindner h/less pages, min cat £525 (hinged at 40% MUH). (160+) 1949 Air Overprints set of 7 SG #B26-32 Mi #24-30 tied to Air Mail envelope registered (beige etiquette) to Argentina by three 592 * strikes ‘KOPER/B/-5.11.49/CAPODISTRIA’ cds, another alongside. Backstamp transits Trieste Centro & Rome, arrival Cruz Chica. Very uncommon destination. 593 * 1950 Railways Miniature Sheets perf & imperf MVLH SG #B36Aa & Ba, Cat £225↕. Very fresh, strong thematics. (2) 1950-51 Fauna complete ex 1951 2d SG #B37-44 (Mi #36-43, 46, 47 & 49) on registered envelope (peripheral blemishes) to 594 * USA tied cds ‘KOPER/10.IV.51/d/CAPODISTRIA’ with registration label alongside, backstamp transit New York, arrival Chicago.
597 598
**/* **
1952-54 Selection complete sets on addressed to USA (ex noted) illustrated envelopes with 1952 (Sep 13) Navy Day unaddressed, (Nov 4) Communist Party Congress, 1953 (Jul 8) Tito unaddressed, 1954 (Oct 8) 150th Anniv - Mi #76-82, 102 & 135-8. PLUS 1949 UPU pair Mi #22-23 on plain registered env with Oct 8 cds. Fine to very fine. (5) 1953 ‘STT/VUJNA’ Overprints 15d scarlet Mi #92.II (variety of SG #B88), the opt on the scarce larger size original stamp (Jugoslavia Mi #723.II). Very fine cds with 1991 Nikola Petric (Zagreb) certificate - and with the more common smaller size for comparison. (2) 1953 Esperanto 15d Postage MUH and 300d Air MVLH SG #B97-8 (Mi #103-4). Fresh Cat £200↕. (2) 1953 300d Air SG #B98 (Mi #104). Fresh MUH, Cat £400.
$180 $85 $140 $100
$120 $100 $125 $240
TRIESTE - ZONE B | Postage Dues 599 ** 1948 Red Cross 2L on 0.50d SG #BD4. A very fresh well-centred lower marginal interpanneau stamp with Ceremuga 2005 certificate, Cat £325. 600 ** 1948 Red Cross 2L on 0.50d SG #BD4. A very fresh well-centred stamp with Ceremuga 2005 certificate, Cat £325. 601 ** 1948 Red Cross 2L on 0.50d SG #BD4. A very fresh and exceptionally well-centred lower marginal with Zrinjscak BPP expert handstamp, Cat £325. 602 * 1951 Red Cross 0d50, SG #BD54 (Mi #3). Fresh MLH.
$175 $160 $175 $90
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Phoenix Auctions - Thursday 10th September 2015
TRIESTE - ZONE B | Postal Stationery 603 PS 1952-54 Selection: fine unused optd ‘STT-VUJNA’ on Jugoslavia with [1] four postcards 1952-3 H&G #11, 12, 13 & 13a (Mi #P11.I, 12.I, 13.I & II noted in pencil on cards); [2] 30Din 1954 Aerogram H&G #FB3 (Mi #L.U.3), quite scarce. (5) UKRAINE | German Occupation | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 604 V Official Postmarks on small piece majority Hindenburg 3pf or overprinted Hitler lower values cancelled mostly ‘KAMENKASCHIRSK/12.5.42.-11/c/DEUTSCHE DIENSTPOST UKRAINE’ or similar. All different. Highly specialised. (28) UKRAINE | German Occupation | Postal History 605 * 1942-44 Official Covers assembly mostly registered with various Hitler overprinted values ex two unfranked, (a Feldpost from SS-Lazoreth Minsk Hospital to Vienna, and a Pinsk to Berlin censored with mss ‘42’ within Pinsk cds alongside handstamped Postage Due cachet and ‘42 Rpf’ inserted). Most have ‘Durch Deutsche Dienspost Ukraine’ or similar inscribed or handstamped, one clearly to do with banking, couple to Innsbruck on post and telegraph business, one philatelically inspired mixed franking. Good range postal markings. Difficult specialised material in mainly fine condition. (8) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | Postal History 1933 (Oct 26) Graf Zeppelin Chicago-Friedrichshafen-Chicago boomerang flight cover with 50c green Zeppelin and Century of 606 * Progress Exposition cachet on face, Sieger #244D.
$125 $80
$200 $100
ex 608
1934-1996 Covers Collection small odd-ball assembly from 1934 illust ‘Alaska Cruise’ submarine cover with USS Bushnell cancel to a huge 1996 envelope with over 30 stamps Phoenix Arizona to WA. In between, a 1937 Nebraska env addressed Tin Can Mail Man in ‘Tongo Islands’ (sic), FDCs include two 1940 3c Pony Express with St Joseph and Sacramento FDI cancels, also neat 1940 ‘Alaska Dog Team Post’ inscribed Bethel to Russian Mission, two 1969 (Jul) Apollo 11 covers, 1994 29c Legends of the West mint sheetlet of 20. Mainly fine. (17) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | First Flight Covers 608 * 1936 Rockets nice duo with [1] (Feb 23) specially created photo PPC of the rocket plane itself for Greenwood Lake NY to Hewitt NJ ‘VIA FIRST AMERICAN/Rocket Airplane Flight’ special cachet tying red special label; [2] (May) New York local with Phil Exhib 50c and 75 triangle labels with ‘Delivery with Rocket flight’ handstamp cancels; [3] (Jul 2) USA (McAllen Texas) to Mexico (Reynosa, Tamaulipas), flimsy env with special label tied ‘DISPATCHED BY/ROCKET/USA-MEXICO’ cancel over inscribed date and Mexico 40c stamp cancelled next day. Very attractive. (3) VATICAN | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 609 **/*/U 1929-49 mostly mint fine and fresh collection from 1929 set of 15 SG #1-13 plus E14-15 MUH plus vals to 75c MLH to 1949 Holy Year set of 8 SG #151-8 MUH (uneven gum tone). More useful in between noted 1933 Holy Year set of 4 SG #15-8 MLH cat £70, 1935 Judicial Congress set of 6 SG #41-6 MLH cat £225, 1936 Press Exhibn incl scarce 75c SG #51 VFU cat £85, 1939 Death Pius XII set of 7 SG #69-75 MUH cat £60 (as MLH), 1949 UPU set of 2 SG #149-150 MLH. Very good lot with cat almost £1,000 (SG mint values are for MLH to 1945). (135+) VATICAN | Postal History 1933 (Jul 13) untidily opened registered envelope (flap damage) to Saar franked 1933 pictorial 5c to 2L plus 2L Express SG 610 * #19-30 & E35, damaged registration label alongide and all tied nine tidy Vatican City cds. Equally neat TPO backstamp ‘AMB.ROMA FIRENZE MILANO/13,7.33/80’ and Saarbrucken arrival. Very attractive multi-coloured cover.
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Phoenix Auctions - Thursday 10th September 2015
ex 611
ex 613
ex 612
YUGOSLAVIA | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 611 ***/*/U 1918-35 quite comprehensive mint and/or used in boxed Lindner hingeless album (mint underneath used where both present). Starts 1918 opts for Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia noting 15f violet MLH x2 apparently SG #60 (one overprint looks very doubtful), Freedom set of 4 SG #83-6 MLH and FU on small piece with FDI cds (cat £150+), also unchecked quantity of Chainbreakers with many per favour cancels. Not too many spaces to be filled, among better later noted 1933 PEN Club Congress set SG #270-5 mint and used cat £130, 1934 SOKOL Games sets SG #294-9 fine cds cat £60+, smattering covers incl one from Constantinople franked British Levant KGV opts, odd MO etc receipts. Only the odd few with expert markings. Cat well over £1,000 (not counting covers). Inspection essential. (100s) 612 **/*/U 1918-45 collection on Lindner h/less pages mint and used (mint often beneath used where both present). Includes opts for and/or from various areas (eg Bosnia, Hungary), some varieties noting inverted opts on Bosnia-H PDues, also corner blocks of 4 1939 King Peter’s Birthday each with engraver’s “secret” inclusion of ‘S’ in design (Michel values the set at €100 in footnote under Mi #388). Smattering of covers, min SG cat £1,000. Mainly fine, good value, inspection recommended. (100s) 613 ** 1920 New Currency SG #150-163 range in sheet folder with complete sheets 1d, 2d, 6d, 10d (one missing), part sheets and other multiples. Not all values here. (100s) 1920s-40s Covers Collection including unused 1935 Intnl Reply Coupon, 1935 Rocket Mail label No 545 inscribed ‘Jug I’, two 614 * 1930s to USA, 1932 inbound from NZ returned undelivered with tied ‘Umro/Décédé’ (deceased) label, 1937 PPC to Germany, couple Postal Cards, several commem types with sets, some PDue items, duty forms, a 1937 pre-paid package receipt with Italy parcel stamps, 1940 Gutenburg FDC later use registered to Bohemia & Moravia (a bit tatty). Inspection needed. (19)
ex 619
ex 620
$250 $50
1944-59 comprehensive mint and/or used in boxed Lindner hingeless album (mint underneath used where both present). Starts 1945 optd sets Mostar, Split and Zagreb (incl Dues) SG R1-RD49 appear all MUH plus few used. Ends 1959 Children’s Week Postage Due SG #D947 MLH & CTO. In between almost all spaces filled with extras incl commercial/social and philatelic covers (o/seas destinations incl Australia, New Zealand, USA, France), coil issues mint and used. More useful FDCs include 1950 Railway Centenary SG #631-3a. Some later mint mostly MUH (1956 Art MLH, Olympic set of 8 FDC and CTO only). Overall excellent value but note that there are no expert markings or certificates. Very high cat well over £2,250. Inspection essential. (100s) 616 ***/*/U 1960-75 comprehensive mint and/or used in boxed Lindner hingeless album (mint underneath used where both present) from 1960 Olympics MUH & VFU to Architecture SG #947-1715. Miniature Sheets MUH incl 1961 Anniv and Non-aligned Conference SG #MS1013a & 1015a, 1962 Tito SG #MS1046a. Extras incl Cinderella types (1966 anniversaries for Gen Mihailovich, Natl Resistance), FDCs (eg 1969 Sailing Ships, 1970 Conservation, 1971 Space), strips and blocks incl imprints, sheetlets. Strong thematic content, fine to very fine throughout, big catalogue value. (100s) 617 ***/U 1976-85 comprehensive mint (look to be all MUH) and/or used in boxed Lindner hingeless album (mint underneath used where both present) from Innsbruck Winter Olympics to Paintings SG #1716-2250. Many extras with some covers incl FDCs, imprint blocks, many sheetlets (eg 1977 Flowers, Self-Portraits, 1980 Olympic Games, 1981 Nature pair), complete sheets (eg both 1980 2d Kardelj, 1980 Flags). Fine to very fine throughout, huge catalogue value. (100s) 618 ** 1986-2003 virtually complete in two Lindner hingeless pages albums. Includes miniature sheets, sheetlets, complete booklets, se-tenant arrangements, various oddments incl some used, FDCs, maxicards. All the colours of the rainbow here (and then some!), phenomenal thematics, huge catalogue, bargain. (100s) YUGOSLAVIA | Proofs & Essays 619 ** 1928 Airmail blue and maroon on yellow, a block of 4 imperf and single woolly P11 approx, unadopted design each shows biplane in flight, King Alexander upper left, Arms lower right. Plus partial design (prob late 1930s) of 1d50 red on buff sheetlet of 5 tête-bêche pairs in a block of 6 and a block of 4 separated by a gutter. 620 W 1935 King Peter II complete set of 10 differently coloured 3Din values imperf on ungummed unwatermarked paper by the Delniska Piskara printing works. Unadopted design, photo certificate by Dr J. Velickovic (1986). Scarce complete set. (10) 621 1947-51 Red Cross an unadopted pencil and red crayon design for a Red Cross Week issue on tinted paper approx 140x205mm (actual design approx 120x150mm) by Emil Vicic (who had several designs adopted during this period). 622 ** 1918 Overprint In Red on Bosnian Invalids’ Fund 10+2h, a proof of Mi #20.I on line P12½ (one missing at top) gummed paper. Expert monogram ‘JV’ of Dr J. Velickovic. Fresh and scarce.
$200 $200
$120 $160 $120 $120
Phoenix Auctions - Thursday 10th September 2015
Page 72
ex 626
ex 623
YUGOSLAVIA 623 V/* 1919 Bosnia Newspaper Stamps overprinted and surcharged SG #50-2 (Mi #27-9). Key 2 on 6h mauve tied to small piece by ‘27.XI.19/SARAJEVO’ cds, the piece with expert handstamp. Other values MLH, Cat £285. (3) 624 ** 1926 Danube Flood Fund set of 12 SG #221-32 fresh MUH. Some trivial gum imperfections quite typical for the period and this country, Cat £235↕ (SG £95 is for MLH). (24) 625 ** 1928 Overprinted 1926 Charity Stamps set of 10 SG #233-42 fresh MUH. Some trivial gum imperfections quite typical for the period and this country, Cat £1,800↕ (SG £750 is for MLH). Very difficult set. (6) 626 ** 1933 PEN Club Congress - Dubrovnik set of 6 SG #270-5 in fresh MUH blocks of 4, all with marginal selvedge (pin hole) except 75p+25p. Small gum imperfections quite typical for the period and this country, Cat £550↕ (SG £220 is for MLH). (24) 627 ** 1933 King Alexander Overprinted set of 12 SG #278-89. Very fresh MUH, Cat £550↕ (SG £225 is for MLH). (12)
630 631
** **
$140 $90 $600 $200 $200
1940 500th Gutenberg Anniversary variety with White dot over ‘DIN’ in value tablet, tied to illustrated FDC by golden Zagreb special pictorial cancel. Expert handstamp initials ‘MON’ on front (x3), his monogram and full name (not fully legible) on the back. 1941 Philatelic Exhibitions with [1] Zagreb (Mar 16) 2nd Croatian Exhib pair Mi 437-8 tied to ‘HFS’ special env by attractive pictorial cancel, cat €20; [2] Slav Brod (Apr 13) 1st Exhib pair Mi #439-44 tied to similar ‘HFS’ envelope, ordinary cancel and very scarce, cat €350. Very attractive covers. (2) 1949 Railway Centenary Miniature Sheet Perf 11½x12½ SG #633Ab, Cat £225. Very fresh. 1949 Railway Centenary Miniature Sheet Imperforate SG #633Bb, Cat £225. Very fresh.
$100 $120 $120 $120
633 634 635
** V **
1950 Ninth Chess Olympiad, Dubrovnik SG #647-51 mint single hinged and on two unaddressed 1950 FDCs, 1 with Philatelic Bureau in black, the second photo Illust with Dubrovnik special cancel in red, plus the top 20d value on maxicard same Dubrovnik cancel. Also covers with sets for Belgrade-Zagreb Road Completion, May Day (x2, one unaddressed) and Aeronautical Meeting SG #634-640, 642-6 - bureau (x3) and special Dubrovnik cancels, all Aug 20, 1950. Terrific thematic assembly (7 Covers, 5 stamps). 1951 Zagreb Philatelic Exhibition Miniature Sheet Imperforate SG #684Ab, Cat £225. Very fresh. 1953 Esperanto Congress Air 300d green & blue SG #756, Cat £225. Neat NOVI sock-it-on-the-nose s/ring cds Aug 5 1953. 1953 10th Anniversary Istria Liberation 15d blue-green SG #759, Cat £225. Superb fresh MUH.
$150 $120 $120 $120
Phoenix Auctions - Thursday 10th September 2015
Page 73
1961 20th Anniversary of Insurrection Miniature Sheet SG #1013a with first day of issue pictorial cancel. Full og unhinged Cat £170. 637 ** 1945 Regional Issues - Montenegro (Cetinje Issue) complete set of 13 overprinted Italian Colonies stamps (Postage x7, Airs x4, Postage Due x2) SG #R50-62. All with expert handstamp of D. Marjanovic in the right place (some with couple others likely dealer type). The dues are particularly difficult representing close to 90% of Cat £500+. Fine and fresh. (13) YUGOSLAVIA | Postage Dues 638 * 1921 10p Maroon Error of Colour SG #D190a (Mi #53.I.F), Cat £450. Error arose thru accidental insertion of 10p cliché in 10Din plate. Lightly hinged, strong colour (with correct 10 Din maroon and 10p rose-carmine both cds for comparison). (2) 639 ** 1933 Inverted Overprint varieties of SG #D293a, D296a&b (Mi #69A, 72A&C). Not recorded SG, Michel nor Scott - all have K.CEREMUGA expert backstamp lower left reading upwards. (3)
1960 2(Din) Red Cross Compulsory Tax imperforate variety Mi #20.U (not priced) with 1990 Dr Jovan Velickovic clear certificate. PLUS 1963 similar but not Compulsory Tax only (ie not Postage Due), Mi #29.U similar certificate. The designs are as SG #D956 and #1073 and we understand these are listed and valued quite highly by Zumstein. (2) YUGOSLAVIA | Local Stamps 641 */** 1944 Ravna Gora 1941: postage set of 3, 1Din to 4Din, plus Postage Due 1.50Din, Cat #1-3, P1, the 4Din MUH, others VLH or with light gum adhesion. These were issued by the partisan army of Gen Draza Mihailovic. (4) YUGOSLAVIA | Postal Stationery - Postal Cards 642 PS 1945 Regional Issues overprinted for use in [1] Bosnia & Herzegovina 1D on 2k Croatia card H&G #103, used to Zagreb Aug 30 1945; [2] Croatia (Split) 10k x2 on 1D green King Peter II, H&G #105, one fine and fresh unused, one not postmarked with censor handstamp applied on arr Zagreb in June 1945; [3] Croatia (Split) fine unused 10k on 2k H&G #106. Very good condition, retail c$350. Excellent value. (4)
$100 $180 $120 $125
$140 $100
YUGOSLAVIA | Postal History 643 * 1919 (May 19) use of the very difficult ‘KUK MILITAR’ 50(h) blue-black Mi #41 (SG #37) tied to local registered envelope by ‘f/19.V.19/o/SARAJEVO 1’ s/ring cds alongside black on buff regn label. With 1960 Fleck (Zagreb) certificate. Hard stamp, even harder on cover. 644 * 1921 use of the legendary Croatia ‘GAJEV DOM’ full colour PPC (weak pmk) to Zagreb franked Postage Dues 1918 50v x2 SG #D153 and 1920 5p on 15v prob SG #D164. Small mounting-related scuffs do not detract from a colourful PPC.
$120 $80
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Page 74
1923 (May 25) use of money transfer order registered at Krusevac (Serbia) franked issues for Serbia, Croatia & Slovenia King Peter 2d SG #174 x3, Prince Alexander 10p & 20p SG #166 & 168, 20d on 15p SG #187 x2, one with variety Overprint with ‘dln’ for ‘din’ and all tied bi-lingual Krusevac cds. Backstamp bi-lingual Oriovac arr May 28. Small peripheral blemishes don’t detract from a scarce survivor with the added interest of the variety. 1946-48 Overseas Destinations 15 covers and a censored PPC (aerial view of Zagreb), to GB (4), USA (10 - most to San 646 * Pedro, Calif), Switzerland and Austria (the postcard). Several registered, mixed condition, range of stamps incl surcharges. (16) YUGOSLAVIA | First Flight Covers 1930s Flights selection with the usual triangle flight cancels comprising [1] 1930 (Oct 4) Belgrade-Paris registered envelope, 647 * front and back triangle cancels (different); [2] 1933 (Aug 20) Lubljana-Zagreb, env and three PPCs of the plane (under construction, waiting for take-off, and in the air), all with pictorial cachet (dated Aug 21); [3] 1934 (Jun 15) Belgrade-Zagreb with illustrated ‘HAIMOV’ aero-philatelic envelope (returned to sender). (6) *
ex 648
ex 650
1960 Maribor Rocket Cover (Sep 18), five clean covers with numbered label in red and black on yellow, various pictorial and other markings, three to Graz (Austria) one taxed. Very colourful, stated to cat (in 1996) $200 each. YUGOSLAVIA | Ship/Paquebot Markings Broj Broda: set of 4 Overthrow Anniv Mi #441-4 (SG #468-71) tied by May 11, 1943 violet ovals with ‘Broj Broda’ at base 649 * followed by mss ‘1’ alongside unidentified (possibly Trieste) 22+mm violet ‘PAQUEBOT’ with serifs. Addressed to a member of the landed gentry in London. Travelled via Boston, USA (duplex backstamp) with violet censor handstamp on flap. YUGOSLAVIA | Venezia Giulia and Istria (Yugoslav Occupation) | Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings 650 * 1945-47 collection with [1] Yugoslav Occupation 1945 (Jun, Jul) opts on Italy Trieste set of 13 SG #2-13 (Mi #16-26) plus some values in multiples (‘+L1’ opt on 30c brown x6 are all without wmk), Istria four optd values SG #14-17 plus eight other values prepared but NOT issued, Fiume seven (of 8) values SG #18-23 & 25; [2] Allied Military Govt 1945-47, 25 opts on Italy range SG #26-49 range incl Express incl couple used; [3] Yugoslav Military Govt c60 values incl Postage Dues in SG #57D116 with smattering used. Not many needed to complete. (c150)
One of The Treasures from our upcoming GB specialised Auction
1853 use 1d Treasury Roulette on cover.