1971 phoenician

Page 1

Teaching is an art which requires discipline, understand­ ing, knowledge, and a sense o f communication. There are many who possess some o f these traits, but few who practice them all. To you, Mr. Donald Singer, a friend, an advisor, a coach, we the class o f ’71 dedicate this yearbook with sincere appreciation o f all your special qualities. We wish to thank you, Swing, for making this rocky road a little bit smoother for us.

“ Listen hear the sound The child awakes Wonder all around The child awakes Now in his life He never must be lost No thoughts must deceive him In life he must trust.. .

With the eyes o f a child You must come out and see That your world’s spinning round And through life you will be A small part o f a hope o f a love that exsists In the eyes o f a child you will see. ..


Earth falls far away New life awaits Time it has no day New life awaits Here is your dream And now how does it feel No words will go with you And now what is real?� J. Lodge


The S ta ff o f the 1971 Phoenician


Themes and Topics


John I . Y e llo tt , Headmaster, 1970-71


In c a s ti n g about f o r an a p p r o p r i a t e theme f o r t h i s , my s i x t h message to a Phoenician S t a f f (th e f i r s t such message was composed bymy p r e d e c e s s o r ), I have concluded that the format adopted f o r Volume VI would be e q u a l l y a p p r o p r i a t e f o r Volume V I I . It combines b r e v i t y w i t h s u c ci n ct n es s, p l a t i t u d e s w i t h sound t e c h n i c a l a d v ic e .


Two themes

might w e ll be considered here:

2.1 - The Permanence o f the P r i n t e d Page 2 . 2 - The Rise and F a l l o f the I n s t i t u t i o n a l 2.1


The f i r s t of these themes has a l r e a d y rece ive d a d e t a i l e d t re atm en t (See Phoen i ci an V o l . V I , June 1970) but new technology br in gs new problems and new p o s s i b i l i t i e s . In the c i t e d r e f e r e n c e , mention was made o f "th e t y p o ­ gra ph er" and " t h e l i n o t y p e machine." The chances ar e ver y good t h a t , when these words are put i n t o p r i n t e d form, they w i l l be the product o f a photo­ gr ap h ic process, u t i l i z i n g e i t h e r d i r e c t r ep ro du cti on w it h o u t the i n t e r ­ ve n ti o n o f molten l e a d , or a computerized t y p e s e t t e r , which w i l l do the job o f spa ce-counting and r i g h t - m a r g i n j u s t i f i c a t i o n w it h o u t any human h el p. Even in the b r i e f year which has elapsed ( a c t u a l l y i t is c l o s e r to ten months) between the w r i t i n g of l a s t y e a r ' s memorandum and t h i s fragment o f a d v i c e , t h e r e has been marked t e c h n o lo g i c a l change, but the funda­ mental p r i n c i p l e s stand f i r m . What you, the S t a f f of Volume V I I , w r i t e or photograph w i l l take on a sobering degree o f permanence as soon as i t appears on a p r i n t e d page. So w r i t e , so photograph, and so l a y - o u t t h a t , when you r eco ns id er your work a h a l f - c e n t u r y from now, you w i l l be ab l e t o say: "Our task was w el l and f a i r l y done!" The techniques w i l l change, but the r ea c ti o n s of your readers a r e l i k e l y to remain the same. I f your prose is c l e a r , your s p e l l i n g a c c u r a t e , your p r o o f - r e a d i n g impeccable, and your photo i d e n t i f i c a t i o n s a c c u r a t e , your readers w i l l say "Well done!" I f , Heaven f o r b i d , typos run rampant through your pages, your i n d i v i d u a l photo­ graphs a r e m i s l a b e l e d , and your w r i t i n g is g e n e r a l l y t u r g i d , imprecise and d u l l , the n, and w i t h good reason, your readers w i l l tune you out or turn you o f f !


Each s p r i n g , we read o f the demise of c o l l e g e yearbooks which, a t many i n s t i t u t i o n s , seem to be running out o f steam, going to seed, or degen­ e r a t i n g i n t o b l a t a n t pornography. Some high school yearbooks have s u f f e r e d the same f a t e , and f o r the same reason. T h e i r s t a f f s have l o s t t h e i r z e a l , t h e i r i n i t i a t i v e , t h e i r i m a g in a ti o n , and so the books t h a t they produce no longer f i l l a real need. Some day, some s t r u g g l i n g ca n di d at e f o r a Ph.D. in Journalism w i l l w r i t e h is doc to ra l d i s s e r t a t i o n on the o r i g i n , the f r u i t i o n and the d e c l i n e of an American phenomenon, the i n s t i t u t i o n a l yearbook. I hope t h a t he w i l l be a b le to c i t e the Phoenician, Volume V I I , as an example of the f u l l f lo w e r i n g of the secondary school annual. Good luck! John I . Y e l l o t t Headmaster o f PCDS f o r the year 1970-71 November 8,


iditor, Barney Nelson • Assistant Editor, Rob Himmelberger • Lay-out Editor, M ichibf McCaleb • Photography Ediors, Bryan Sage, Julie Newell, Fiona Feilden, Steve Buck • Sports Editor, Paul Orme • Advertising Editor, Arthur >earc^i"!W ^tfflfflfflE'W 6f1rtto^B^^^SifflW ll^^* Business Manager, Roy Gardner • C onu. Editors. Barhjetf pjgjk Miver • Junior Editor, Debbie Smith • Staff, Bi|fTaber, David McCaleb, Cathy Jenks, Cathie Ellinwood, Abby Brown • Vdvisor, Laurie Cone, Esq., Last High King o f l|ublin • Editor, Barney Nelson • Assistant Editor, Rob Himmelberger • ^ay-out Editor, Michael McCaleb • PhotographygEditors, Bryan Sage, Julie Newell, Fiona Fielden, Steve Buck • Sports^ u h to r ^ a u l Oftne • Advertising Editor, Arthur jfearce • Assistant Advertising Editor, Lidia Mori • Business M anager! toy Gardner S| Copy Editors, Barbie Ctisp, Lfgda Oliver • Junior Editor, Debbie Smith

f Staff, Bill Taber, Davitjj

dcCaleb, Cathy Jenks, Cathie Ellinwood, -Abbj? B rown • Advisor, Laurie Cone, Esq., Last High King o f Dublin «§f iditor, Barney Nelson • Assistant Editor,' Rp1j> ■im m dberger • Lay-out Editor, Michael McCaleb • Photography E d ij ors, Bryan Sage, Julie Newell, Fiona Feilden, Steve Buck • Sports Editor, Paul Orme • Advertising Editor, Arthujj *earce • Assistant Advertising Editor, Lidia Mprff* Business Manager, Roy Gardner • Copy Editors, Barbie Crisp, Linda! Jliver • Junior Editor, Debbie Smith • Staff, Bill Taber, D a v id ^ fi|iH i|||^ a th y Jenks, Cathie Ellinwood, Abby Brown •§ tdvisor, Laurie^Cone, Esq., Last High King o f Dublin •

• Assistant Editor. Rob Himmelberger «§

ay-out Editor,JjMichael McCaleb • P h o io g r a p h ||E d ito r s^ ^ B |^ ^ ;|^ ^ P ^ fc p w e ll, Fiona jfieldea, Steve Buck • Sport® editor,-Paul Orme • Advertising Editor. Arthur Pearce ^ ^ ^ ta h t'A d v e r tis iq ^ Editor, Lidia Mori * Business M anager! y Gardner •IC opy Editors,,. •Debbie Smith • Staff, BilL Taber, fcCaleb, Cathy IK®I Cone, Esq., Cast High King of. Dublin «i; * -H., jI ’’■*&>. a ditor, Barney idberi'U ^■Baw Jfcditor, Michael McCaleb *JPhoto^raphy E di« [rs, B r jp r Editor, Paul Orme ^.Advertising EdiaBp Arthur!


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David fipoie SmiflP»*£tofT/ Bill pggp | "^■WlpHapr 'C , ' rcmso r, Laurie Cone, Esq., Last High Kinj Lay-out Editor, Michael McCaleb • PI E djtorgJ^ il Orme • Advertising Editor, Arthur • Copy Editors, Barbie Crisp, Linda llnwood. Abby Brown • or, Barney Nelson • Assistant Editor, R q»lim m elberger #

sq., Last| P totog PPI'Edito'r, Art ^^^Rirbi%Crisp,

v Editors, Bryan Sage, Julie Newell, Fiona Fielden, ||e v e Buck • Sports* ess Manager, ^Pearce* AssisfSTrtW^,0vertising Editor, Lidia Mori • BJpness Manager

Ellinwbo^ vietjtleh g - y S E S ^ i ^ f l ^ l i i ^ H B ^ i t o r , Michael M c C a le q ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B iditoi ors, Bryan Sage, Julie Newell,JSiona FeildenBH e v e ^ t R H ^ H H H H n m Paul Orme • Adverti^^pEditor, AflhU pe Cnsp, ri « BusH Busuess'N Biggie Crisp, Linda Linds | ess I$H 4r< Roy.Qardner • Copy Editors, BW Jearce • Assistant Advertising Iw tor, Lidia M <H I , Cathie E llin w o ® Abby Brown • * Dliver • Junior Editor, Debbie s|nith • Staff, b 9 | B arneyN elson • Assistant Editor, Rob^te|mClbCfger • \dvisor, Laurie Cone, Esq., LastlHigh King aAkage, Julie Newell, Fiona Fielden, Steve Buck • Sports L,ay-out Editor, Michael McCaleb • Photo H B ^ertisiiM rftfH H R P K a Mori • Business Manager, i editor, Paul O rm e* Advertising|pditor, Arthur


[Editor. Bamev Nelson • Assistant Editor. Kob Himmelberger • I

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tors, Bryan Sage, Julie Newell, Fiona Feilden, Steve Buck • Sports Editor, Paul Orme *A dvertising Editor, Arthur Pearce • Assistant Advertising Editor, Lidia Mori • Business Manager, Roy Gardner • Copy Editors, Barbie Crisp, Linda Oliver • Junior Editor, Debbie Smitii^ S A a iX ^ B ^ ^enC>^vjdMcC!al eh. Cathy Jenks, Cathie Ellinwood, Abby Brown • Advisor, Laurie Cone, Esq., Last High King o f Dublin • Editor, Barney Nelson • Assistant Editor, Rob Himmelberger • . Lay-out Editor, Michael McCaleb • Photography Editors, Bryan Sage, Julie Newell, Fiona FieldenJSteve Buck • Sports Editor, Paul O rm e* Advertising E^tdfv&lrihur Pearce'’*'Assistant* A dvert is in g Editor, Lidia Mori • Business* Manager, fRoy Gardner • Copy Editors, Barbie Crisp, Linda Oliver • Juni)r Editor, Debbie Smith • Staff, Bill Taber, David McCaleb, Cathy Jenks, Cathie Ellinwood, Abby Brown • Advisor, Laurie Cone, Esq., Last High King o f Dublin • Editor, Barney Nelson • Assistant Editor, Rob Himmelberger* Lay-out Editor, Michael McCaleb • Photography Edi­ tors, Bryan Sage, Julie Newell, Fiona Feilden, Steve Buck • Sports Editor, Paul Orme • Advertising Editor, Arthur Pearce • Assistant Advertising Editor, Lipia Mori • Business Manager, Roy Gardner • Copy Editors, Bar Oliver • Junior Editor, Debbie Smith • Staff, |$^ d McCaleb, Cathy Jenks, Cathie EllinwooJ Advisor, Laurie Cone, Esq., Last High Lay-out Editor, Michael McCaleb • Phot dvertising Editor Editor, Paul Orn^

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Wr, Laur%’Cbne, EsqjM g: 3 y-o'ut Editor, M ichaej| S-Editor/Paul Orml

a?rm\Br *1 Pearce • Assistant Advertising E dit^L^^idM pri • Busin Oliver f. Junior ’Advisor, Laurie Cone, Esq fx a s t High King o f Dublin^ itjp i U !i ■ I S telg Lay-out Editor, Michael McCaleb • Photography Editors, Brya Editor, Paul O rme f f Advertising Editor, Arthur Pearce • A ssistant A| 1i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Roy GardnCT#^T!SyjMRors, Barbie ©rffpT^Linda Oliver • Ji McCaleb, Cathy JemNpCathie Ellinwood, Abby f \ l id i =i e i^ I c C a le b ^ f p ii- ■io ^ rit ph y Editor, Barney Nelson * ^ s s is t a ^ J M fc r , Rob Hi aul urt'^^- EdilVn-. A tors, Bryan Sage, J u ^ ^ b k w M ^ ^ ^ ^ p e ild en , itfc Assistant AdvertisingjbditokMarii^iaMApusines^WNNfeerj O liver* Junior. EditojyjDebbie Smith * |> talt, pW W fcgf, David McCaleb, Cathy Jenks. Cathie Ellinwood,'Abby Bruwhrjfc Advisor, Laurie ConMEsq., Last High King of Dublin • Editor, Barj^sy Nejjbn • Assistant Editor. Rob Himmelbe^er * Lay-ouUEditor^jMi^^l McCaleb • Photographyljkditors,Bryan Sc^^^lm P^l c welI, Fiona l-ielden. Steve Muck • Sports E d itor,B au fo^ H B p d vertisin g Editor, Arthur Pearce • Assistant Advertising Editor, Lidia Mori •'B.CisineS.-: Mtunjgcr. Rov G iS iiB lllH mv Editorc Rarhie Crisn. I In ill Oliva i ■ Junior Fdlfer:4D%bbie Sniith .•■StalL B;i! i abcr. i ^:>i

Thanks to the human heart by which we live, Thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and fears, To me the meanest flower that blows can give Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears. William Wordsworth

John I. Yellott B.S., M .M .E., Johns Hopkins H eadm aster Ethics

Michael F.G. M orris Pennsylvania Academ y o f Fine A rts, Barnes Foundation Fine A rts Dean o f Students

Mrs. David S. (Bettye) Mobley Business M anager

Harry Houle PhB ., M t. Carmel College M.S. in Library Science, Whi friars College J.C .L ., Lateran University Latin Library


Mrs. Wesley R. (Kathy) Harrison

#1: Receptionist

Secretary to the H eadmaster

Mrs. Jene H. (M ildred) Jacoby Registrar Secretary to the Headm aster


Mr. Lauriston F. Cone B.A. University o f Vermont English: Head o f D epartm ent (1970-74) British Studies A cadem ic A ssistant to th e Head o f the U pper School Advisor: P H O E N IC IA N Advisor: Eleventh grade

M r. W illiam English B.A., A rizona S tate University M .A ., N orthwestern University English Middle School Music Physical Education

Mrs. C harlotte Casey B.S., Kent S tate University English Advisor: IN T E R IM Advisor: Eleventh grade

Mrs. Christine English B.S., Pennsylvania S tate Univer­ sity History: Head o f D epartm ent (1970-71) British Studies Director o f G irl’s P.E. Advisor: Twelfth grade

Mr. Vem H ackett B.A., St. Johns University M.E., University o f Washington History Advisor: PA GE

Miss Terry L. Reese University d’Aix-M arseille B.A., W ebster College French Physical Education Advisor: Eighth grade

Miss Deborah Gray B.A., W illiamette University Spanish: Head o f Departm ent (1970-71) Advisor: Ninth grade

Mrs. Gladys Gist B.S., Universidad C atolica Quito Spanish

Mr. David O. R aym ond A .B., W illiams M .A ., S tanford Science H ead o f Upper School Director o f A dm issions Advisor: Twelfth G rade D irector o f D ram atics

Mrs. E. E .(A rlevia) Snyder B.A., Florence S tate University M .N .S., A rizona S tate Univer­ sity Science, Head o f D epartm ent

Mr. W illiam Foulkes Certificate, N ewcastle T eacher’s College (A ustralia) C ertificate, Ministry o f Education (London) M athem atics Physical Education

Mr. Donald J. Singer B.S., W ayne S tate University M .A., Central Michigan Univer足 sity M athem atics, Head o f D epart足 ment Advisor: Tenth G rade Swimming Baseball

Mr. C hester I . Seroka B.Ed., Keene Teachers College M.S., Syracuse University Science M athematics Advisor: Eighth G rade Physical Education

Mr. Donald Welch B.A., M .A ..N orth Texas S tate University Science Advisor: Ninth G rade D ramatics Soccer

R aym ond Grove H alldor H jalm arson Miss Jacklyn Ellis B.S., Ohio S tate University B.A., A rizona S tate University B .A., University o f A rizona M .A ., A rizona S tate University A rt M .A ., A rizona S tate University M athem atics G eography Head o f the Middle School History Miss Doris H. Ross G ary S. Holtom B .A., A rizona S tate University B .A., Brigham Young University Spanish M .A ., A rizona S tate University M athem atics D irector o f A thletics

Mr. W illiam P. Lee A.B., Lafayette College M .A., A rizona S tate University English Mrs. John (Jeanne) Russo B.S., U tah S tate University M.A., Arizona S tate University Reading Physical Education

Mrs. Jurgen (Brigitte) Deutschen bauer B.A., Arizona S tate University French

Mrs. John (Judith) Mihlik Certificate, London Teacher’s College(Ontario) B.A., Arizona S tate University Mathematics Physical Education

M rs.H arold (Judy) Swenson B .A., A rizona S tate University Second G rade

Mrs. John ( Roxane) Kunz A .A ., Glendale Comm unity College B .A., A rizona S tate University Third G rade

Mrs. M ichael F.G .(Josephine) M orris A .B., V assar M.S., Temple University Kindergarten Lower School A rt

Mrs. Daniel (M ary Lu) Syllaba B .A., University o f Arizona First G rade

Mrs. Byron (M eta ) M cK night B.S., University o f Houston M.Ed., Texas Tech. Fourth G rade

Mrs. Henry (D orothy) Henecke B.S., M .A ., Colum bia University First G rade

Mrs. Robert (Joan) Oliver B.S.,'W ashington S tate University M .A., Arizona S tate University Third G rade

Mrs. Jam es P. (D orothy) Whiskeman B.S., Teachers College, Columbia University Reading Head o f Lower School

Mrs. Ronald (Frances) Vierck B.A., A rizona S tate University Second G rade

Mrs. Raymond (R uth) Grove B.S., Ohio S tate University M .A., Arizona S tate University Fourth G rade

Pearl G ardner and her “ Ladies in W hite�

Lloyd Ek A rizona S tate University Physical Education

K ristine F arm er A rizona S tate University Athletics

Luther Reynolds Charles Tipton Ralph Phillips George Edwards

u p * *

There is an incessant influx o f novelty into the world. Who knows what beautiful and winged life may unexpectedly come forth 10 enjoy its perfect summer life at la st. . . Such is the character o f that morrow which mere lapse o f time can never make to dawn. The light which puts out our eyes is darkness to us. Only that day dawns to which we are awake. There is more day to dawn. The sun is but a morning star. Henry David Thoreau

1969-70 PAGE C omm unity Service C om m ittee D ram a 1970-71 P H O E N IC IA N — A ssistant Photographer Photography Club D ram a

Stephen David Buck I Wanted to be a Doctor The famous doctor held up Grandma’s stomach. Cancer! Cancer! he cried out. The theatre was brought low. None o f the interns thought about ambition. Cancer! They all looked the other way. They thought Cancer would leap out and get them. They hated to be near. This happened in Vilna in the Medical School. Nobody could sit still. They might be sitting beside Cancer. Cancer was present. Cancer had been let out o f its bottle. I was looking in the skylight. I wanted to be a doctor. All the interns ran outside. The famous doctor held on to the stomach. He was alone with Cancer. Cancer! Cancer! Cancer! He didn’t care who heard or didn’t hear. It was his 87th Cancer. Leonard Cohen

There must be some way out o f here, said the joker to the thief. There’s too much confusion, I can’t get no relief Business men they drink my wine, Plowmen dig my earth None o f them along the line, know what any o f it’s worth No reason to get excited, the thief kindly spoke There are many here among us, who feel that life is but a joke But you and I, we’ve been through that And this is not our fate So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late All along the watchtower, princess kept the view. While all the women came and went, barefoot servants too. Outside in the distance, a wild cat did growl Two riders were approaching The wind began to howl. Bob Dylan

Walter William Colpitts

1967-1968 W restling D ram a 1968-1969 W restling 1969-1970 IN T E R IM D ram a 1970-1971 IN T E R IM Swimming Photography

there are places i’ll remember all my life though so me have changed, some forever not for better some have gone and some remain, all these places had there moments with lovers and friends i still recall, some are dead and some are living, in my life i’ve loved them all. lennon-mccartney

Barbara Crisp we can never really go home again for now we do not know where home is. we must find that secure,cozy, sun-filled room within ourselves. m.k.b.

1967-1968 J.V . Cheerleading Ski Club V arsity Hockey V arsity Volleyball, captain V arsity Tennis 1968-1969 J.V. Cheerleading, captain Ski Club V arsity Hockey Varsity Volleyball, captain V arsity Tennis, co-captain D ram a 1969-1970 Student C ourt, secretary C om m unity Service PA G E IN T E R IM C heerleading, captain V arsity Hockey V arsity Swimming, co-captain Ski Club, president 1970-1971 Student C ourt, C hief Justice IN T E R IM P H O E N IC IA N , copy editor A ssem bly C om m ittee Model U .N. A rizona’s Girl S tate D ram a V arsity Hockey V arsity (Volleyball) Swimming V arsity Tennis

here again, the great wind passing, i passing, you p a ssin g ... . . . forever flowing down, hand and hand, fading out o f the viol eto range sky under which i grew.

pudge. . . “how queer” . . . fire and r a in ...m y partner. . .c u d d les.. .s tic k s .. .m urrey... fountains.. .red porche.. .bumper c a r s .. .oh roy! ! .. .my faraway g ir ls.. .crazy norwegian friend.. .disneyland.. .m ore champagne. . .raggedy ann, fooh and p a r t.. . “buck up, babycakes” .

leave it as it is. .. the ages have been at work on it, and man can only mar it. theodore roosevelt

1967-1968 J.V. Cheerleading 1968-1969 Varsity Cheerleading D ram a 1969-1970 Varsity Cheerleading Community Service Com m ittee D ram a PA G E Ski Club 1970-1971 Varsity Cheerleading-Captain D ram a Swimming Hockey Inter-H igh School B rotherhpod Council IN T E R IM P H O E N IC IA N

Mary Gail Feeney

To my friends. .. There is nothing I can give you which you have not, but there is much that while I cannot give you, you can take: No heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in today. Take heaven. No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present instant. Take peace. The gloom o f the world is but a shadow; behind it, yet within reach is joy.


“It’s Vast.” The desert I mean. Mile after mile, on and on. The “Big Sky” effect. WOW!

Who could believe such a land exists, over the ocean far far away, . . . From Home.

1970-71 D ram a Swimming Ski Club Photography Club IN T E R IM P H O E N IC IA N

Fiona Ann Feilden

T o Q iv e . . . I o Re c ie v e . . T


- S

h a r e

Eh a n k . X y J

1968-1969 Tennis D ram a 1969-1970 Swimming Community Service Com m ittee PA G E Ski Club 1970-1971 Swimming Ski Club P H O E N IC IA N

Martha Malone French

A cake cover for a hat, stars, having cream, scheme 124, Cathy, sunset bike rides, up at dawn pitching hay, apple cake? Lewis, Clarke and Drake, The Bakers of Baker, initiation, see you down at Strawberry, the Tennessee riders, glib liars, catch-up, we have good ideas, who am I? morning tickling fights, I never met anyone sillier than me til I met you, “take a bigot to lunch” , Ba-oooO, our high comer, a second sister.. .Lidia, vino, vino, vino, a bottle o f wine, cheers, a sunset service without the sun, how do you barbeque spare ribs? Jennifer, and a special thanks to Frock, BAC, RAG, BJN, JRR, long live the east, black cats, oiuja boards, rubber pancakes, Wendy. Raggedy Ann dolls. Donna, how’s the Liz? whistle after curfew, room 10 & 11, a midnight ride on a witches broom, a 2000 mile scamp, wolf bites, Mackinac Island, Mark, sand castles, the haunted house, and something more, Bobby, the flood, weird, the rainmaker, fondle, pumpkin pie, excuses, excuses, excuses, M ike(M BJ), the BIG FOUR.

Come Saturday morning, I’m going away with my friend We’ll Saturday spend to the end o f the day Just I and my friend We’ll travel for miles in our Saturday smiles And then we’ll move on But we will remember, long after Saturday’s gone.

We’ve only just begun to live, so many roads to choose We start out walking and learn to run.


1966-67 Football B asketball 1967-1968 Varsity Football Varsity B asketball L etterm an’s Club 1968-69 Varsity Football V arsity Basketball L etterm an’s Club Student Council P H O E N IC IA N 1969-70 V arsity Football Varsity B asketball Varsity Baseball L etterm an’s Club Student Council-Treasurer Com m unity Service Com m ittee-C hairm an P H O E N IC IA N 1970-71 Varsity Football V arsity B asketball Varsity Baseball L etterm an’s Club Student Council-Vice-President P H O E N IC IA N -B usiness M anager D ram a

1969-1970 Football Baseball PA G E , photography 1970-1971 Football

Bah Mary F e e n e y ...B e quiet Steve B u c k ...B .S .BrineShrimp-British Studies-Bull Sage-B.S. . . . “ Aban­ don Hope All Ye Who Enter Here” . . . Correct and Return. . . Haller the H orrible... English the Excruciat­ ing Sue Pernova.. . Hail S ero k a .. .D .O .R ... .I t’s time for lunch, Mr. S in ger.. .H ail Himmelburger... H eth etc.. . B.P.-Lucus Cranach Lives!.. . R.A.G.Duke’s fin e .. .Guenther- sw in e ... Mr. Orme, your lack o f verbal dexterity will never cease to amaze me . . . P R O . -master scientist. . . your “ foobar” has every­ thing. . .theEvil Eye. ..

LUTHER VAL GIDDINGS “I f you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and with the greater his effort, the heavier the world bore down upon his shoulders-what would you tell him to do?” “I ...d o n ’t know. W h at...cou ld he do? What would YOU tell him?” “To Shrug.” A TL A S SH R U G G ED


Edward William Guenther

The Elf is always helpful, willing to work, loyal, obedient, courteous, and the eternal slave o f the Master. Never resting working through the night on request for the Master. The Elf scampers to and fro doing the bidding o f the Master. His elvin work equaled only by the Master. The E lf s painting surpassed by only the number one Elfin Vista. 1. 2. 3. 4.

All All All All

Elves plan ahead and read the plans. Elves must be able to read the plans. Elves must be able to take advice. Elves must accept the word o f the Master as law. 5. The penalty for disobedience is banish足 ment from the elvin workshop for a length o f tim e set by the Master. 6. The Master is always right.


1969-1970 Student Council P H O E N IC IA N D ram a IN T E R IM 1970-1971 Student Council - T reasurer P H O E N IC IA N - A ssistant Editor D ram a IN T E R IM

Robert Louis Himmelberger

Every man who expresses what he honest足 ly thinks is true is changing the Spirit of the Times. Thinkers help others to think, for they formulate what others are thinking. No person writes or thinks alone - thought is in the air, but its ex足 pression is neccessary to create a tangible Spirit of the Times. Elbert Hubbard-Pig-Pen Pete. The Bee

Since this page is to mark the ending o f this phase o f my learning experiences, I would not feel right if I did not mention the two people who have contributed the most to my education: a man who uses the same name as I, and a woman who has taught me more outside the class than inside the class. I thank you. Young girl, I have not forgotten you. Your friendship means a lot more than you will ever know. . . I mean you, B.N. To be in the weakest camp is to be in the strongest school G. K. Chesterton 39


1967-68 V arsity Volleyball V arsity Hockey Ski Club D ram a 1968-69 V arsity Volleyball Ski Club D ram a P H O E N IC IA N 1970-71 Varsity Hockey Ski Club D ram a P H O E N IC IA N

In our fury and muddle We act like children cut off. Fled from ourselves, Bound by silly shame. The years clump past In their agony, waiting. Not a single path leads back To the garden o f our youth.

Catherine Jane Jenks

Hermann Hesse

Hi thing, .hi it. .Checkm ate, .this amazing planet. .Warren. .R A D . .Park City. .E A H . .room lOorgies .. Frockle. .P R . .yellow submarine, .black banana. .JR . .fat albert.. racoon (big blue)..thank you Frisco. .A lice’s restaurant, .go climb a tree. .S t. Luke’s. .L isa. .G az. .love is b lu e .. JM . .rain, .wicked witch o f the n o rth .. M amie, .live for today. .C om e Saturday Morning, .thanks. .Barb, .orange juice and english muffins, .wind, .cloudy, .dream s. .Lewis and Clark, .strawberry, .appreciate. .Talley Pro .. play the g a m e .. papa O G .. s is s y .. New Year’s E v e .. M S where are you?.. hole 19.. expresso & cognac ..E urope ’70. .Tuscon giraffes. .Verde, .are you for real. .A H K .. M M F .. MBJ. . “who says seniors are immature” . . .The Big Four, .rain maker. .Harvey Wallbangers. .w e finally crossed that bridge.. ya ta hey P C D ..

Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence. Desiderata



1969-70 Swimming Tennis D ram a 1970-71 Swimming D ram a Photography Club

Thomas Lenox Kempner SUNFLOW ER SUTRA I walked on the banks o f the tincan banana dock and sat down under the huge shade o f a Southern Pacific locomotive to look at the sunset over the box house hills and cry. Jack Kerouac sat beside me on a busted rusty iron pole, companion, we thought the same thoughts o f the soul, bleak and blue and sad-eyed, surrounded by the gnarled steel roots o f trees o f machinery. The oily water on the river mirrored the red sky, sun sank on top o f final Frisco peaks, no fish in that stream, no hermit in those mounts, just ourselves rheumy-eyed andhungover like old bums on the riverbank, tired and wily. Look at the Sunflower, he said, there was a dead gray shadow against the sky, big as a man, sitting dry on top o f a pile o f ancient sawdustI rushed up enchanted-it was my first sunflower, memories o f Blake-my visions-Harlem and Hells o f the Eastern rivers, bridges clanking Joes Greasy Sandwiches, dead baby carriages, black treadless tires forgotten and unretreaded, the poem o f the riverbank, pots, steel knives, nothing stainless, only the dank muck and the razor sharp artifacts passing into the pastand the gray Sunflower poised against the sunset, crackly bleak and dusty with the smut and smog and smoke o f olden locomotives in its eyeby Alan Ginsberg

1967-1968 Football W restling 1968-1969 Football W restling L etterm an’s Club 1969-1970 Football L etterm an’s Club C om m unity Service PA G E 1970-1971 Football L etterm an’s Club-Vice President A ssem bly C om m ittee

Matthew Lewis Lancer

Little Egypt, she walks, she talk s, s h e ...

CH ILDREN ONE A N D ALL Som e o f us live in big white houses. Some o f us live in small. Some o f our names are written on blackboards, Some are written on walls. Som e o f our daddies work in factories. Some o f them stand in line. Some o f our daddies buy us marbles. Some o f them just buy wine. But at night you can’t tell Sunday suits from tattered overalls, Then we’re only children, Children one and all. . .


1968-1969 Ski Club Varsity Hockey 1969-1970 Ski Club Varsity Hockey Swimming Cheerleading community Service Com m ittee PA G E P H O E N IC IA N 1970-1971 Ski Club Varsity Hockey Swimming P H O E N IC IA N D ram a Tennis Model U.N.

Donna Elizabeth Lenherr Country Day, I ’d like to remember you and thank you. You were good to me but only because you made me learn how to appreciate you to be happy. Real love begins whe«epb1bt^%£xpected in return.

Shel Silverstein


1967-68 Soccer Tennis L etterm en’s Club 1968-69 Football Soccer Tennis D ram a Ski Club L etterm en’s Club 1969-70 Swimming Soccer T ennis D ram a Ski Club L etterm en’s Club C om m unity Service Com m ittee P H O E N IC IA N 1970-71 Swimming D ram a Soccer Tennis L etterm en’s C lub-T reasurer P H O E N IC IA N Ski Club

David Collier McCaleb

M ilo .. . “ shape up or shape out”-Paul Palum bo... Haller the Horrible ...S c o o n y I, Scoony I I ...s t u d y hall. . . Little M a tt... L a tin ... Scholar. . . PCDS 32-Payson 6 .. .P a b lo .. .Taurus Ia cu to r.. .oral appliances... D O R .. .Tennis-cast, Soccer-other l e g ... fetal p ig s... the B an an a... Tennis, thanks J R . . . “ At Your Leisure” . . .Computer Date?. . . The H ospital. . . Stage C rew .. . Geometry. .. Soccer ’69-Coach I b la ...c u m o o n ... Crispm obile.. .Zeb, THE jeep. ..th e Bomber .. .S M I L E .. .sponge th row .. .BS& T. . .P V C C .. .J in the B . . .Slave D a y s ... LIG H TS!. . . SA T D a y ...L a k e P leasan t.. .G oosecreek.. . Big Surf. ..B ig A1 & parties. . . Rag mama Rag, 2 3 ... R o w e ... B C .. .T a b er .. .A C . . .B S & B M W ...P a rk City, Blizzards & Snow Fights.. . surgery. . . Suropa. . . Ioeh Campus. . . Colleges don’t really look at THAT, do they?.. .T e x -M ex .. . Thanks PCDS & Mr. Yellott.

. . .ta k e th e four lizards’ toes and the witch’s n o s e ...


1967-1968 Soccer Tennis L etterm an’s Club 1968-1969 Soccer Tennis L etterm an’s Club Football M anager D ram a 1969-1970 Tennis L etterm an’s Club D ram a PA G E Community Service Com m ittee Ski-Club 1970-1971 D ram a Tennis L etterm an’s Club Secretary PA G E P H O E N IC IA N Layout Editor IN T E R IM

3©©00©6 >©©0©f

..©©©©• >© © f

Michael Lyle McCaleb And a youth said, Speak to us o f Friendship. And he answered, saying: Your friend is your needs answered. He is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving. And he is your board and your fireside. For you come to him with your hunger, and you seek him for peace. And when he is silent your heart ceases not to listen to his heart; F or without words, in friendships, all thoughts, all desires, all expectations are bom and shared, with joy that is unclaimed. When you part from your friend, you grieve not; For that which you love most in him may be clearer in his absence, as the mountain to the climber is clearer from the plain. And let there be no purpose in friend­ ship save the deepening o f the spirit. For love that seeks ought but the disclousure o f its own mystery is not love but a net cast forth: and only the unprofitable is caught. -Kahili Gibran

Clara Jo Minnick

W ould you believe th a t in the 20th century people used to eat this?

When you’re weary, feeling small When tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all; I’m on your side. When times get rough And friends just can’t be found, Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down. Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down. When you’re down and out, When you’re on the street When evening falls so hard I will comfort you. I’ll take your part When darkness comes And pain is all around, Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down. Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down.


1967-1968 Varsity Hockey Drama 1968-1969 Drama PH O ENICIA N Ski Club Tennis 1969-1970 PH O ENICIA N Student Court INTERIM PAGE Community Service Committee Ski Club Swimming Drama 1970-1971 PH O ENICIA N Ski Club Drama Swimming Assembly Committee T ennis INTERIM

Lidia Leigh Mori barney and me. martha muqh laughter, cathy, here and there but always inside, barbie, harvey, thanks roy, arthur-submarine races? our philosophy, caustic mp, js “casanova twinkle”, indigo eyes u' J iS f t H : § an hancisco”, jd and a lost ring, jrr, del, matt, j p ^ H ^ I W w ll^ p H ^ B ^ ^ J v m o f f it e r o b the beautiful, chiave della felicita, wop, my canadiaHpreeze, nine y e a r s... ttagypore (look^rne ^dr#inem ories i find, so many thoughts have been sp^ ^ pP ^ gfli^ |9pg>ious dl f f i ^ nlEbours and minutes spent together. . .gone but not gone?

what a wonderful thing is the end o f a string (murmurs little you-i as the hill becomes nil) and will somebody tell me why people let go. e.e. cummings people hurry by so quickly don’t they hear the melodies in the chiming and the clicking and the laughing harmonies some come dark and strange like dying crows and ravens whistling lines o f weeping, strings o f crying so much said in listening songs to aging children come aging children, i am one. joni mitchell

1967-68 Tennis Hockey D ram a Ski Club IN T E R IM 1968-69 Tennis Volleyball Ski Club S tudent Council P H O E N IC IA N IN T E R IM 1969-70 Volleyball Ski Club D ram a Com m unity Service C om m ittee PA G E P H O E N IC IA N IN T E R IM 1970-71 Ski Club-President D ram a Student C ouncil-Secretary IN T E R IM P H O E N IC IA N -E d ito r

Barbara Jean Nelson i came here seeking light in darkness, running from the dawn and stumbled on a morning.

Hdi.. cath.. m arc.. rob. marg. .roy. .a r fu r.. g erri.. d a v e .. maxwell anderson

it is necessary, while in darkness, to know that there is a light somewhere, to know that in oneself, waiting to be found, there is a light. james baldwin

rad. .pen. .scott. .barbie, .bill, .marth. .donna, .chris. .la u r ie ..

‘hey, th a t’s no way to say good-bye.’


lysterious are his ways whose power irings forth that unexpected Vhen minds that never met before lhall meet, unite, and part no more. Elizabeth McKennan 1830

Today is mine, each shining golden hour. In heart and hand and mind, I hold the power To mould in new design, in patterns gay, The beauty I shall find along the way.

Julia Phyllis Newell

1967-68 Volleyball Tennis Hockey D ram a Ski Club 1968-69 D ram a Volleyball Tennis Varsity Hockey IN T E R IM P H O E N IC IA N Ski Club 1969-70 Model U .N. PA G E IN T E R IM D ram a Swimming Varsity Hockey Softball P H O E N IC IA N Ski Club Community Service Com m ittee 1970-71 Swimming Hockey Softball P H O E N IC I A N -Photography Editor D ram a Ski Club

Time passes too quickly— wasn’t it only a month ago I was in eighth grade? Now, memories are all I have left. Looking ahead, my stride will carry me with confidence and pride. But I can’t help slowing up the pace to trace back to where my fondest memories lie. Most will say it was only an educational experience, but they didn’t really know; because they walked through blinded by situ­ ational, meaningless happenings. So much was there, so little did they grasp. Now, I find myself facing goodbye, crying, yet happy for the future. And the only thing I can say in words is thank you PCDS for five fabulous years.

I would like especially to thank Mr. Raymond, Mrs. English (alias Frigid Fingers) and Mrs. Rose. 49

1 1966-67 D ram a Student Council Hockey Volleyball 1967-68 D ram a Hockey 1968-69 D ram a Hockey 1970-71 D ram a Swimming Hockey IN T E R IM P H O E N IC IA N Model U .N.

Linda Lee Oliver Dile a la luna que venga que no quiero ver la sangre de Ignacio sobre la arena.. . Federico Garcia Lorca

One could not live without poetry. This land may not be good for living, but it is fine for telling tales. Milovan Djilas

It will not do, it will not do, to say you are a giver O f life, a life-enhancer, if you expect undue return Like a man force-feeding the goose to fatten up his liver. Charles Edward Eaton


1967-68 Football Basketball L etterm an’s Club 1968-69 Football Basketball Baseball L etterm an’s Club 1969-70 Football Basketball Baseball PA G E --Editor L etterm an’s Club —Vice-President Student Council P H O E N IC IA N 1970-71 Student Body President Football Basketball Baseball Boy’s S tate P H O E N IC IA N - - Sports Editor Letterm an’s Club

Paul Royce Orme

Make believe you’re brave, And it will take you far. You will be as brave, As you make believe you are.

Tight cords and WHITE socks .. . Palumbo . . . State Fair . . . Rowe . . . Ben. . . Football camp . . .63-7 . . .32-6 . . .Homecoming . . . Detention (Jan. 18) ...T h e Sak ...C u r t ...V e r d e Trips . . . The Page .. . 75-41 . . . Oh now . . . fat man . .. May 7 Last year .. .R .A .G . and A.L.P.???? J.Dub .. .Just another student, man!

There is nothing more painful Than an insult to human dignity, Nothing more humiliating Than servitude. Human dignity and Freedom are our birthright. Let us then defend them Or die dignity. Cicero


1967-68 V arsity Football Soccer Ski Club L etterm en’s Club 1968-69 V arsity Football V arsity Baseball P H O E N IC IA N Ski Club L etterm en’s Club 1969-70 Swimming V arsity Baseball Ski Club Letterm en’s C lub-Secretary Com m unity Service Com m ittee-T reasurer P H O E N IC IA N -A dvertising Junior C lass President D ram a 1970-71 V arsity Football V arsity Baseball Ski Club L etterm en’s C lub-President P H O E N IC I A N -A dvertising Editor D ram a

Arthur Leebrick Pearce

Inner Man There you go, m an, Keep as cool as you can. F ace piles A nd piles O f trials W ith smiles. It riles them to believe th a t you perceive the web they weave A nd keep on thinking free. G raem e Edge


1968-1969 J.V. Basketball 1970-1971 Student Court

N ote to F.B.E. (wherever you are): Final score: 17 Sloppy vs 9 Neat (I admit defeat)

Brooks Eubank Pickens

Now you know that you are real; Show your friends that you and me Belong to the same world, Turned on to the same word, Have you heard? Have you heard? —Mike Pinder


1970-71 Soccer P H O E N IC IA N

And now I spend my life On the velvet side o f hell Aimlessly here searching For what I cannot tell The quietness is terrible It’s more than I can stand But thousands now stand cheering As my blood flows in the sand

Judson Hamilton Pitt

Steve Miller

White collared conservative flashing down the street, Pointing their plastic finger at me. They’re hoping soon my kind will drop and die, Wave on, wave on Fall mountains, just don’t fall on me Go ahead on Mr. Business man, you can’t dress like me. Sing on Brother, Play on drummer. Jimi Hendrix


If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. Henry D. Thoreau

The dreamers are the saviors o f the world. He who cherishes a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in his heart, will one day realize it. Cherish your visions cherish your ideals cherish the music that stirs in your heart, . . . of these, if you but remain true to them, your world will at last be built. James Allen

“ Gee, the w eather’s great!” (Isn ’t it, Wop?)

James Ralston Restin

.. . know that gentleness is stronger than severity; water is stronger than rock; love is stronger than force. Hermann Hesse

1969-1970 Swimming (captain) Soccer Ski club Page 1970-1971 Swimming Soccer Ski club

1967-1968 Cross-C ountry 1968-1969 D ram a Photography Club PA G E IN T E R IM 1969-1970 D ram a IN T E R IM — Layout Editor P H O E N IC IA N 1970-1971 D ram a Photography Club IN T E R IM — Editor P H O E N IC IA N — Photography Editor Model U nited N ations

Bryan LeGene Sage It’s true It’s all you Stranger than that we’re alive Stranger than that Stranger than that Robin Williamson “Why he’s no fun, he fell right over.” Smaug We’re all going in sa n e ... Periods 1 and 2— 1969 4-1970-1971 “ Maybe when you take Physics again. . . ” (two years from now) Heisenberg was wishy-washy What kind o f attitude is that? Within this pack pins, points, laces and gloves And divers toys fitting a country fair; But in my heart where duty serves and loves, Turtles and twins, courts brood, a heavenly pair. Happy the heart that thinks o f no removes. John Dowland

1966-67 Volleyball Photography Club 1968-69 P H O E N IC IA N 1969-70 P H O E N IC IA N PA G E Community Service Com m ittee Assembly C om m ittee D ram a Anytown Delegate 1970-71 P H O E N IC IA N A ssembly C om m ittee-Chairm an Photography Club Inter-H igh School B rotherhood Council IN T E R IM

“ And to perceive the sun. What a beautiful thing. Smile with it, and Live.” “I had a dream, We shall overcome.”

Debra Jean Smith “We are the music-makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea-breakers, And sitting by desolate streams, World-losers and World-forsakers, On whom the pale moon gleams; Yet we are the movers and the shakers O f the world forever, it seems.” Arthur O’Shaughnessy

“ Don’t go down to the ocean with a notion Of what you will find.” Mason Williams

“When someone is seeking,” said Siddhartha, “it happens quite easily that he only sees the thing he is seeking; that he is unable to find anything, unable to absorb anything, because he has a goal, because he is obsessed with his goal. Seeking means: to have a goal; but finding means: to be free, to be receptive, to have no goal. You, O worthy one, are perhaps indeed a seeker, for in striving toward your goal, you do not see many things that are under your nose.” Hermann Hesse 57


i sw o t t in g m o

| H William Dennis Taber a



B est R i e ^ d 9 pooh.9 RAGDY M A , ? A K T 9 A n n i e s>J e a n i e

-to L



H e le n


B i l l D onna BRUNOtClYDE*

No B a n —




1968-69 Ski Club P H O E N IC IA N J.V. Volleyball 1969-70 PA GE IN T E R IM Varsity Tennis Varsity Swimming Community Service Com m ittee Ski Club 1970-71 IN T E R IM Varsity Tennis Varsity Swimming Varsity Cheerleading Ski Club D ram a Varsity Hockey

“one day i realized that i didn’t want to look like my best friend anymore i wanted to be different a very special person i wanted to be me.”

fennifer Thompson Ware

“i just want you there always beside me, to pick me up when i fall, to prop me up when ilean, to help me when i’m helpless, to be kind when i’m hurt, to forgive me when i’m unforgivable, to be there; someone i could trust never to go away.”

now i lay me down to sleep, i pray the Lord my soul to keep; if i should die before i wake, i pray the Lord my soul to keep. God Bless Wendi, Jeff, Donna, Martha, Roy, Bobby, Matt, Ted, Jim, Donna and Bill, Deb (the shrimp), Arthur, Julie, Barbie, Mary, Mr. Singer, Mrs. English, and my pablo wherever they may go an'd whatever life may bring them.

“there’s a place for us, a time and place for us, hold my hand and we’re halfway there, hold my hand and i’ll take you there, somehow, someday, somewhere... ’ 59

sometime in the evening when you do not see, i study the small things you do constantly, i memorize moments that i’m fondest of. MY CUP RUNNETH OVER WITH LOVE. ..

Ann McCutcheon Peter Nelson D ebra Schutt Jeff Scoon Mike Segner Wendy Smith John Sobol D iane Wormley

Elizabeth A nderson Janet Brophy John Diehl M orris G oldm an M elissa H arper Kim Kennedy Jeffrey Sargent G ary Savage


Because o f these things I do, Well might you say I am a force o f evil It is only the manifestation of my form In the being and hearts o f men Which makes possible my existence.� David Oliver Raymond


Look around, The grass is high, The fields are ripe, It’s the springtime of my life. Seasons change with the scenery; Weaving time in a tapestry. Won’t you stop and remember me. Paul Simon

From Left to Right: Danny W ainright Abby Brown Sheri Smith Peter Lanser


From Left to Right: Pris T ovrea Rick Rusing Jeff Boutel

From Left to Right: Becky Thompson Robin Mullen Bobbie Lorenzen Chris Z rike


From Left to Right: Gen Allison Cleve Jones Sally Ryan Cathie Ellin wood


From Left to Right: Lisa Babcock Paul Boyd Meredith Gilbert Lanny Gilbert

From Left to Right: Wendy Heuser Rod Timmons Deborah Smith Van Buck

OF 1972



rom Left to Right: M arcia Miller, Kim Dye, Abby Roeder, Leslie Meyer, Jean H etherington


From Left to Right: Bruce Lincoln, Dick Lorenzen, Tony Ruskin, Steve Frerichs

OF 1973

From Left to Right: Charles Harvey, Kevin H enegar, Bob Casselman, Paul Haycox.

From Left to Right: Wendy Rusing, Annie Crisp, John Sea well, Dorian Elder


Left to Right: Lori Holiff, C athy Edens, C arrie Cudahy

OF 1974

Left to Right: Tom Vache, Chris M orris, M ark Horowitz, Tim Stallcup


From Left to Right: T om Kossick, Jim Grove, M ark H orw itch, P ark er Cornell

From Left to Right: Debbie D ahlberg, Renee Noel, P aula Roer, M isdee Rich

From Left to Right: John Feeney, Steve Kaufer, Evan Sage, Alan Jones


From Left to Right: Kathy Steiner, Debbie M adison, Tam m y H utchison, Jeanne Mathews, Geri Allison

From Left to Right, standing - Lisa Reis, Georgia Sakiotis Karen Jeffries, kneeling - C am LaFollette, Pam Ruskin.


From Left to Right: Patrick Ellinwood, Don Vyskocil, Andy Friend

From Left to Right: M argaret Hetherington, Judy Grove, Debra Ganelin

From Left to Right: M ark Phillips, Scott O ’Connor, Chris W ulsin, Keith Clemenger, M ike Mihalic


And the seasons they go round and round The painted ponies they go up and dawn We’re captives on a carousel of time We can’t return We can only look behind from where we came And go round and round in the circle game. Joni Mitchell




Left to right; Steve Hutchinson, Shannon C urran, C ara G anter.

Left to right; Don Longfellow, Cham Rand, Ken Z rike, G raig Turner.

Left to right; Betsy Lorenzen, Kim T aner, Susan Rebenstein.

Sean Larkin, Peter Smith.

Left to right; David Dahlburg, Manuel Tancer, Steve Casselman Jam es M ancer, Kameron Foote.

M ark Torrey, Bryan Perry.

Left to right: David Good, Don A sbury, M ark Torrey.

Left to right: Ethan Rauch, Robert Leonard David Steiner, Herb Hamilton



Julie Russell Sophia H aberm an

Ira Besserman Paul Angelchik Tom Hetherington


C arrie Louis Sydney Funk Tim Connell Absent: Dave Norton

Tom Ellinwood Vic Olivarez Debra Ziehm Shelley Aimer

Kevin Lee, Ira Besserman

Left to right: H arry N ace, Courtney W hite, Jacques deLisle, Robert M arshall

Left to right: Eve W right, Hal M cM illian, FredSeavers


Left to right: Becky Driggs, Sharon G usta足 fson, Noelle Norris

Left to right: Jam es Brown, M ark Sch\ifort -7 C/'Att Qlm/pnc

Left to right: Courtney White, Blair Torrey, M artha Smith

. . . the song o f hurrying rivers;


the colour o f clear skies; and smiles and the live touch

jm b i



and the voice o f things. To this music the young lambs bou n d ... For it puts a spirit o f gladness in the heart. , . Robert Louis Stevenson


w w ?


M ike Seidner, Todd Janner, Todd G ilm ore

M atthew Ellinwood, Randy Friend, Bill Nelson

Kim H utton, B arbara Parker, Lynnie Getz, Doug Turner

Lauren K orm an, Jane Santiago, M ike Hale, Steven Miller

Scott Chitwood, Calvin Good, Tim Olin, George Kokalis

GRADE Frank Fisher, Bianca Gonzales, M aureen Parren

Janet Miles, R obert Browning, Patrick Celis

Gage Williams


C arrie M iller. A nn Steiner. Laurie W ray, Lisa Jones. Steven Louis, Cynthia Tancer, Larry W right.

Dorothy M adison, Jennifer Rand, Faith Wulsin.

Leah Ganelin, Elizabeth Stegall.


¥ George Getz, Terry Smith, Diana Ziehm. Brent Vierck Jon W ainwright, David Simpson, Don Singer. Michelle O’Shaughnessy, M att Gregory, Douglas Dalgleish.



Andrew N orris, Alice H aberm an, David W erm uth

Herbie Potthoff, Blake LaFollette, Kenneth Smith, Crystal Scurr

R obert L em arr, Jonathan M arshall, Jerry Syzmanski, Cornell Ray

â– KM

Scott W right, Dan Strick, L aura Rojko




Eric Fencken, Krista Magnusson, Tony Oliver

Denise M adison, Jessica John Fisher, Philip Steiner


M atthew


N atalie Pergeau, Lina W eissman, Tim Louis, David Levy

Brooks Pavilack, Stanley Casselman, Howard Besseman, Ellen Smith


Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Bro Hayden, Laura W escott, John Casey, C harlene M iller

Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Cornell

Ifi lillil


Left to Right: Benson Bentzin, Win M ichaelson, Bobby Thesz

Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Bobbie Mills, Davey Nusbaum, Eve Kokalis, Jimmy Friend

Top to Bottom: Sam M iddlem an, Bill Landis, Dawn Seitz Jill K ahn, Dyann Fisher, Wendy Scurc

GARTEN Left to Right: Cindy Cohen, Winston G race Kevin DeCato, Roger Szymanski, Ronnie Potthoff

Ceramics Architecture Viet Nam History Sewing Physical Training Computer Mexico Trip Drama Anthropology Desert Survival



liJ I


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a ^ n a i

Mountaineering Tutoring Gourmet Cooking Girls Cooking Typing Current Topics Ecology Poetry Slide Rule Physiology Psychology A and B

Wherever snow falls or water flows or birds fly, wherever day and night meet in twilight, wherever the blue heaven is hung by clouds or sown with stars, wherever are forms with transparent boundaries, there is Beauty, plenteous as rain, shed for th e e .. . Ralph Waldo Emerson


Amy Jacobson, W endy Rusing, Rob H im m elberger, Roy G ardner, Barney Nelson, Pris Tovrea, Paul Orme, Steve Tim m ons, M r. Seroka, A dvisor Geg Holiff, Rick Rusing, Bob Casselman, Tenny Stevens





Bill Taber, Barbie Crisp, Bobbie Lorenzen, A nnie Crisp, Brooks Pickens M ark H oro足 witz, Charles Harvey, M ark Phillips, Jeff Boutel

W. Louise Heuser _ -David McCaleb Rye Nelson T om Kempner


JD> ^

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Lifer Ware, B a ( H H | H )bey Roeder, Let

I§ Sound David


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Faculty Stage Manager MB

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SYNOPS hot summer day,


II: A few days l a t J M ||f thas nig

a ten minute intermission betwe

Mary Lou

Pris Tovrea Geg Holiff Rick Rusing Wagn

Michael McCaleb


Dan Wainwright

~Radio Voice

Geg Holiff Rick Rusing Richard Lorenzen

§ «McCaleb, M k>rifPaul O rm e, Fu fcEHer, Rob VMM

1Pearce, Jenks.



1970 Page Staff Paul Boyd Rick Rusing Rod Timmons Tenney Stevens

Becky Thompson Bobby Lorenzen Meredith Gilbert Wendy Heuser


Geg Holiff Cathy Ellinwood Lisa Babcock Abby Roeder Abby Brown

Prissy Tovrea, Barney Nelson, Barbie Crisp, Bryan Sage, Don Vyskocil, M ike M cCaleb, Debbie Smith


Gen Allison, Sally Ryan, Robin Mullen, W endy Heuser, Deb Smith, Lisa Babcock, Prissy Tov rea, Becky Thompson





From left to right: Rod Tim mons, Paul Orme, Bob Casselman, Tenney Stevens, Mike McCaleb, M att Lanser, A rt Pearce, Bill Taber, David McCaleb, Roy G ardner, and Geg Holiff.



OL. 2 , NO. 1

TOR-IN-CHIEF . .Kameron Foote RTS...................... .P atty Reis, Hal MacMillan ES, STORIES, PUZZLES....................Kevin Lee ....................... . Kameron Foote NUTS ORTERS-AT-LARGE. . . J u lie R ussell, Wendy


In Boys' P.E. they have been playing fo o t­ b a ll and v o ile y v a ll. We hope to see an exh i­ b itio n fo o tb a ll game sometime in November.

RestIn, Wade McPanlei


"imes o f aga i ns t irizona te w iil i season.


la i r ore s i rid Beat ne.

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F HAU e ff H came b in ns. tie s favo ts to nks t ID DA

avid les. tie s I Dahlb e in ER WULSIN

Robert Leonard - goo< Herb Hamilton - play

ete r W ulsin's fa v o rite pastimes are seback rid in g , swimming, and p a in t-

David Dahiberg - plas



“he g ir ls had tumbling fo r the f i r s t few ks o f School. They did handsprings, Is , and backbends. On Oct. 13 they rted v o lle y b a ll. Team captains were ed upon. They are Robin L a flin , A lycia >d, Maryanne Wray, and Or Sen Smith.

Bryan Peter Chris James

Perry * Wutsin Mori Manser

Steve Casselman

Suddenly one becomes aware one lives in an eternity, and hears strange footsteps ascending anciently trodden pathways. Cedric Wright


Pat Eliinwood Coach Holtom C harles Harvey Val Giddings A rthur Pearce

M att L anser Roy G ardner Bill T aber R ichard Lorenzen Paul O rm e


fjii if* r




First Row: from left to right: Rusty M adison, Scott Stevens, John Miller, John Stegall, Brian Rose, Fred Sievers, Tom Smith; Second Row: Rick Hogue, C harles G anz, Tom Ellinwood, Victor Olivarez, Jon N orris, Charles Ludlow, John W alker, Ken Zrike, Manuel Tancer; Third Row: Chris M ori, Craig Turner, Cham R and, Steve Casselm an, David Dahlberg, Herb Ham ilton, David Steiner, Don Longfellow, Robert Leonard.



Coach Welch, Michael M cCaleb, Keith Clemenger, Chris W ulsin, Steve Frerichs, Tom Kempner, Jeff Boutel, Bryan Sage, Kevin Henegar, Judson Pitt, David Mc足 Caleb, Bruce Lincoln

Tom Kossick, Tenny Stevens, Rod Timmons Jim Grove, Andy Friend, Bob Casselman, Paul Boyd Peter Holland, Jim Restin, Paul Haycox, Charles Harvey

:Mik<?MeCa;k& i.oiti Kempiipir PauiUo^a • ' G eg'fK liff

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Martha.fjrencK ' .Gaih^jcnlts JeBniter Wdr€-



.Cathy:S ’&woisipi Wbby Brown Ma ty Surtderiaad

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Ted Bowers, Jim Restin, Bob Casselm an, Steve Tim mons, , Paul Orme


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VARSITY CHEER W endy Rusing, M ary Feeney, Jean H etherington, Becky Thom pson, Jennifer W are, and A nne Crisp.

JV CHEER Dorian Elder Amy Jo Jacobson Abby Roeder Louise W ainwright

A man once said to me, “ I don’t mind your telling me my faults, they’re stale, but don’t tell me my virtues. When you tell me what I could be it terrifies me.” I was surprised then, I understand now, because I believe we may be faced by the need of living our strengths. Florida Scott-Maxwell

y:N 'UV E P ' - A V T H f 7VG _s,_





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pliments of a parent


Dr. and Mrs. Webster L. Sage, Jr.
















Congratulations to the Class of ’71 . . . and best wishes to each o f you for future happiness and success

El Mar Diving Equipment Co. Documentary Films Instruction Tours Gene A. Foster 727 N. Country Club Dr. Mesa, Arizona - Phone - 969-2811

Congratulations %

to the class of 1971

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Congratulations to the Class of 1971

DOS PU ER TA S a development by CASA BU ILD ER S

4 p ) HL 40th St. |Pfยง3enfx, Arizona 155-0460

75 W. Fifth Ave.


B est W is h e s From


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CONGRATULATIONS Senior Class and Best Wishes for Success in Preparing for Your Future




Congratulations to the Class of 1971 from Mr. and Mrs. Webster L. Sage, Sr.


MEMBER A D C <0 (0 in

wr* ^ D is tin c tiv e J e u /e fe y

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12 • 6 4 W E S T F IF T H A V E N U E • S C O T T S D A L E . A R I Z O N A





40 and 70 W est M ain St. Scottsdale 947-7455

Suzanne Brown

Elaine Horwitch




our wish is to save this world

Lon H d l| y fro fljy J m d M / a M




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Congratulations to the Class of 1971 Smith Pipe and Steel Company 735 N. 19th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona


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the smart traditional shop for young men in scottsdale





3 2 3 0 & 3 .7 S T . Pk 3 n s - 7 i.lt Phoenix> A rt xona. 8 5 0 3 *1 <Sou.tR of 7 H-7 Runway, North of freeway En route to Arixona. A ir Guanas

BEST W ISHES To the Senior Boys


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Tfte O U M fe

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J H lis o n v /h r a b t a n s 110th Street and Shea Boulevard Scottsdale, A rizona

N ational English Pleasure Champion N ational Reserve Inform al Driving Champion


Rex A llison, Owner 946-3431 Joe Staheli, M anager-T rainer 948-3645

acco m pli sh ment s and moments to treasury.

THOMAS WALL OF ARIZ Prefabricated Block Walls

Faster Stronger More Economical House Walls Completed in Four Hours Thomas W alls of Arizona 4440 Tom M urray Ave. Glendale, Arizona 937-4741

A\*V "‘^S*»<'M -V * ,«- k.

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In Respectful M emory of Jonas B. Spring, Ae. 41, Judge o f the Circuit, Court o f theTerritory o f Arizon and his Wife, Sophronia, Ae. 38, and their Children, Evelina, Ae. 14 Claribel, Ae. 12 Virgil, Ae. 9 A ugusta, Ae. 7 Calbe, Ae. 4 A nno. Dom. 19 September, 1883

A. M U L L E N



“ Their bodies were washed on E arth, so th a t their souls would shine in Heaven.’



J^iCCiani. (^/fnticjuzi. Fin© F u rn itu re G loss


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B ygon e Books -

C o lle c tib le s 6 0 9 W e s t O s b o rn Road P hoe nix, A rizona 8 5 0 1 3



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NLpfgj^j Debbie Sm Vidal “ Norm an o f the Year Award fo wht Billy Taberjst& k tn e aj Jennifer Waf<rteaves h e r% a tP R tff l^ to M r. Singer^RPf^fTCffiTull o f gum to Mrs. G ist, her obnoxious gum chewing ability to Annie Crisp, her ability to woo Mr. M orris with excuses to Bobby JLorenzen and Becky Thompson, her ability to ditch PE to the girls o f ’72, her PC D S years memories and her love-to Paul Orme. ^ |j j g |

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