1979 phoenician

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Phoenix C ountry Day School

" It was the best of times,

it was the worst of times

it was the age of wisdom,

it was the age of foolishness,


it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity,

it was the season of Light,


it was the w in te r of despair, 9

we had everything before us,


we had nothing before us, n

we were all going direct the other way13

short, the period was so far like the present period,

v' '

that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received 15

To the Class o f 1979 You are about to depart on another phase o f your life . For most of you, this w ill mean four years o f college follow ed by graduate school and perhaps some kind o f internship. Each phase w ill be preparatory fo r the next. F in a lly , you w ill reach your goal only to fin d th a t there are new horizons, new options to be explored. As you travel through these phases, d o n 't forget to "stop and sm ell the roses," as the popular saying goes. H opefully, this yearbook w ill be a rem inder o f p a rtic u la rly fragrant roses encountered during a very im portant period o f your lives. Good luck and come back to v is it us when you have the opportunity. S incerely,

Joel E. M onell Headmaster



To the Class o f 1979 You are about to depart on another phase o f this w ill mean four years o f college followe< perhaps some kind o f internship. Each phase next. F in a lly , you w ill reach your goal only horizons, new options to be explored. As you d o n 't forget to "stop and sm ell the roses," a: H opefully, this yearbook w ill be a rem inder encountered during a very im portant period < Good luck and come back to v is it us when yc S incerely,

CW cfasuta m


The Senior Class Dedicates This Yearbook To M r. David O live r Raymond

" B u t if you knew your m otiva tion , I f you knew the force or cause, You could turn your physical expression In the d irectio n you m ig ht choose. Then m ig h t your cause be direct, And you m ig ht go forever onward, Alone, yet u n a fra id ."

-From The S ixth Hour Thank You Mr. Raymond

Another lo n g -tim e friend and advocate o f Phoenix Country Day School is Mrs. Bettye Mobley. Mrs. Mobley has worked in the business o ffice o f P.C.D.S. since its beginning. The school has been fortunate to have a woman of this dedication and devotion. The Senior Class wishes her w ell on her pending retirem ent and thanks her for her many years o f unselfish service.


W ith the passing o f Mr. T a lle y this year, we are rem inded th a t Phoenix Country Day School has grown through the efforts of many hard-working, dedicated people. Often tim e is not taken to express appreciation to such people. Both Mr. and Mrs. T a lle y were instrumental in establishing Phoenix Country Day School in 1961. Throughout past years they have reaffirm ed th e ir fa ith in the school. Phoenix Country Day School is fortunate in having many friends such as the Talleys.


Ralph P hillips, Ernest H eintzelm an, L yle Zielstore, Luther Reynolds, Charlie T ipto n, Bob Flanagan, Rudy Moraga, Vince Moraga, Jesse Hinton


Mark Lacy Vera Morrison

Mary Swiess Shiela Shields Georgia Buelow

Rodney Dashnaw

Thomas Graham

Brian Peterson

James Bruning

Jan Sheridan

A rle tte Hagstrom

Donald H ackling


James Cook

Mary DeMarzo

L a rry Bor9er

Lester Felten

M a rilyn Matuska

Karen Benson

Sue Funkhouser

Gretchen Estergren Kathy James L ovice Peterson

Paul Schweikher Ruth Grove Bob Kosower

Harry Houle

Lorraine Peoples Pat Sm ith

Joan O liver Frank Vierck



Senioritis Strikes Again!!!

Senioritis? What is this rem arkable disease that causes seniors to daydream during th e ir classes forget to p ic k on freshmen and neglect to look at you or anyone for th a t m atter when they are speaking? A recent study released by ASSES (Association of Secret Sources for Exceptionable Studies) shows us the fo llo w in g inform a tion on this strange a fflic tio n . S enio ritis is so named since it is s tric tly confined to the species o f humans in th e ir secondary education (in rare exception juniors have been known to contact the disease through Pina Colada Eegee's). The disease attacks in the form o f a brigh t purple bug which attaches its e lf to the lower w all o f the esophagus causing v ic tim s to have speech problems such as slurred speech or extrem ely rapid speech. This also detracts from the brain functions causing wandering minds and daydreams o f walks in the park or v o lle y b a ll games on a beach. Often the v ic tim becomes so affected that he or she may wish to spend entire days just sittin g in bed doing absolutely nothing. This sympton is often mistaken for a case o f freshm anitis which is an entire d iffe re n t m atter. Other symptoms include lack of studying and sleep often accompanied by fie rce partying in the later stages of the disease. Experts say there is no cure but a sim ple remedy is to just be patient w ith the v ic tim for surely in tim e they w ill outgrow this phase and become a freshman a ll over again.

L ife is a schoolroom the teacher is yourself

Philippe S. Bonnefoy

The man who studies the past is wise, The man who lives in the past is a fo o l, The man who uses the past to benefit his future, he shall succeed.

M ember: H ell o f a Guy Club

Benzai Boys Inc. Love Is not an em otion but a way o f life .

Love when you can Cry when you have to Be who you must, T hat's a part of the plan A w ait your arrival W ith sim ple survival And someday w e 'll a ll understand -Dan Fogelberg-

" A fte r the picture Cath, we gotta get something to e a t"

For Mom and Dad: These are just some words to say that I'm proud of what you are and I hope my world can take me h alf that fa r. Thanks for making a c h ild so fu ll o f love.

M ARY LYNNE DIETHRICH High on this mountain The clouds down below I'm fe e lin g so strong and a liv e From this rocky perch, I continue to search for the wind and the snow and the sky. I want a lover and , I want some friends and I want to liv e in the sun And I want to do a ll the things th a t I never have done. -Dan Fogelberg-

"Y e a h , we're expensive, but damn we're goo d."




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A strong a bond as friendship is not daunted by distance. -T w in k

L ife is lik e a string w ith knots in i t and each knot is a problem. You m ig ht get one knot undone, but there's always anoiher one w aitin g.


Ask not what events should happen as you w ill, but le t your w ill be that events should happen as they do, and you shall have peace. -Epictetus

A ll our learning is but a grain o f sand on the shores o f an in fin ite sea o f knowledge.

S T w B K i y.

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It's six o 'c lo c k Good morning sounds are everywhere The warmth of spring, a gentle breeze blows through my hair I hurry through my life never stopping to see How beautiful it was meant to be I'm just a prisoner in a king's disguise Broken dreams as we shuffle by It's six o 'c lo c k it's q u ittin g tim e I'm done for the day Out on the streets I overheard a

The deeper we look into nature, the more we recognize th a t it is fu ll of life , and the more profoundly we know that a ll life is a secret and that we are united w ith a ll life that is in nature. Man can no longer liv e his life for him self alone. We rea lize that a ll life is valuable and that we are united to a ll this life . From this knowledge comes our spiritual relationship to the universe. A lb ert Schweitzer

We now have everything or so people say But now this emptiness haunts me every day We seek the lio n 's share never knowing why Come a liv e spread your wings and fly Pieces o f eight The search for the money tree D on't cash your freedoms in fo r gold Pieces of eight C an't buy you everything D on't le t it turn your heart to stone Pieces o f eight The search for the money tree Don't cash your freedoms in for gold Pieces o f eight Treasures fille d w ith emptiness D on't le t it turn your heart to stone


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"1978 A lm o Music C orp./Sytgian Songs . Reprinted by permission. A ll rights reserved.

I fo llo w alone endless paths o f sorrow enclose the s tiflin g caverns towering about my being Stones tossed carelessly in nonrandom patterns leaving creases of age marked e te rn a lly in tim e Advantagous situations occur throughout my life I reach to the sky my fingertips feel the enchantm ent o f ecstasy engulfing my soul a tear My anchors weigh me down "R elease me you fo ol! do you not see where I a m ? " But in vain I weep Tears to dissolve the chains around my fe e t Never m e lt and never steam Contain emotions rem ain unseen I w ill fig h t u n til I die Maybe I w on 't reach the sky But I ' l l sure as hell try To keep m yself high

Harlan Randolph Friend Character is what you are in the dark. -D w ig h t Moody

C alifo rn ia photo: Mark K eller

Be not disturbed at being misunderstood, be disturbed rather a t not being under足 standing. -Chinese Proverb

Faith is not b e lie f w ithout proof, but trust w ithout reservations. -E lton Trueblood

a painting by Randall Rosenthal

Lynn Getz To forget a friend is sad. Not everyone has a friend. And if I forget him, I may become like the grown-ups who are no longer interested in anything but figures...

Kira had never been in love. The only hero she had known was a V iking whose story she had read as a c h ild ; a V iking whose eyes never looked farther than the point of his sword, but there was no boundry for the point o f his sword; a V ikin g who walked through life , breaking barriers and reaping victories, who walked through ruins w hile the sun made a crown over his head, but he walked, lig h t and straight, w ithout noticing his w eight; a V iking who laughed at kings, who laughed at priests, who looked at heaven only when he bent for a drink over a mountain brook and there over-shadowing the sky, he saw his own picture; a V iking who lived but fo r the jo y and the wonder and the glory o f the god that was him self. Kira did not remember the books she read before that legend; she did not want to remember the ones she read after it. But through the years that fo llo w ed , she remembered the end of the legend: when the V ikin g stood on a tower over a c ity he had conquered. The V iking sm iled as men sm ile when they look up at heaven; but he was looking down. His rig h t arm was one straight line w ith his lowered sword; his le ft arm , straight as the sword, raised a goblet of wine to the sky. The first rays of a com ing sun, s till unseen to the earth, struck the crystal goblet. I t sparkled lik e a w hite tourch. Its rays lighted the faces of those below. " T o a l if e , " said the V ikin g , "w h ic h is a reason unto its e lf." -A yn Rand

Before what a lte r have you kn e lt and not fe lt its uselessness-D.O.R.

What I once saw as cynicism has grown into an observation o f the absurd-J.C.R.

When you play spmeone else's game be sure to play fo r something valuable enough to them to ofset your own disadvantage-S cott G ilm ore

What's money? A man is a success if he gets up in the m orning and gets to bed at n ig ht and in between he does what he wants to -B o b Dylan

Todd G ilm ore

Bump Bump Bump downstairs forgotten confidences how much can Pooh bear? Scott G ilm ore

D on't play w ith me 'cause you're playing w ith fire -M ic k Jagger & Keith Richard

Feel the wind blowing in your hair. Your free to do whatever you want. But is it that easy?C .A .L .

I hope I have le ft a part of me w ith each o f you. Goodbye...I love you...


M ary Gleason

D ra w in g b y B ooth. C)197 4 The N e w Yorker M o q o z m

What one shall seek, one Shall fin d in themselves Each has the power of his own to conquer to liv e to help to die To enjoy, le t go a ll thoughts of hate For hatred is hell The power to seek is strongest in a ll Each has his own wish, own want And w ill succeed... They have the power

B o rn

The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels w ith another must w a it t i l l th a t other is ready. -H .D . Thoreau

To me, fa ir frie n d , you never can be old For as you were when firs t your eye I eye'd, such seems your beauty s till. -Shakespeare Two roads diverge in a wood; and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made a ll the difference. -R obert Frost

Defend your friends, elevate your friends, help your friends, and you w ill find even your enemies w ill want to be your friend.

Gregory Thomas Haus III eg iti m i non carborundum es plenns stercore

One H ell o f a Guy

There is a past which is gone forever, but there is a future which is s till our own. -Edward Young

...Down deep in ourselves we a ll hold some dream, some hope. No m atter how impossible, or how real. I f we d id n 't have a dream, we would not get up in the morning.

I wish to thank these people for they made my life as happy as it is: P.B., M .G ., K .A ., L .G ., M .F., M.E., D.R ., R.W., K .D .L ., J.P., K.B.

there are places i ' l l rem em ber a ll my life though some have changed some forever not fo r better some have gone and some rem ain a ll this places have th e ir moments w ith lovers and friend I s till can reca ll some are dead and some are liv in g in my life i'v e loved them a ll -le nn o n-m cca rtne y

Barton G regory Hechtman


Gregory Scott H unter


Ginger Irw in

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life . John 3:16

Cette vie est un hopital ou chaque maiade est posse'de du ddsir de changer de lit. C e iu i-c i voudrait souffrir en face du podle, et c e lu i-la c ro it qu’ il g ud rirait A cote de la fendtre. -Baudelaire

Some th ink th a t a wicked w itch she be, But not to us, She is our Ms. E. Thanks!

W ith my lim ite d vision I d o n 't understand Why anybody has to lose a friend Everybody has to fo llo w th e ir heart But it can hurt so bad To see changes I believed in something I thought you did too But I d id n 't know what you were going through How can people be so close, yet apart There's no wrong or rig h t It's just changes Once I experienced the other end I lost a friend or two Doing what was true fo r me Even though I know that tim e w ill make it rig h t I miss the way things used to be

L y n ru *. Long

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I'm only human And I may never know A ll the reasons why people come and go I guess if we can love it a ll transcends There's enough to give W e've got our lives to liv e Through changes -C arole King

True friendship forsees the needs o f others rather than proclaim s its own. -Andre Maurois

Blessed is he who runs in circles, for he shall be known as the big wheel.

Leah A nn Jacobso

Day is ended, dim my eyes, but journey long before me lies. Farewell, friends! I hear the c a ll. The ship's beside the stoney w all. Foam is w hite and waves are gray; beyond the sunset leads the way. Foam is a lt, the wind is free; I hear the rising o f the Sea.

George Kokalis

Farewell, friends! The sails are set, the wind is east, the mornings fret. Shadows long before me lie , beneath the ever-bending sky, but islands lie behind the Sun that I shall raise ere a ll is done; lands there are west of West where night is quiet and sleep is rest. Guided by the Lonely Star, beyond the utmost harbour-bar I ' l l find the havens fa ir and free, and beaches o f the S ta rlit Sea. Ship, my ship! I seek the West, and fie ld s and mountains ever blest. Farewell to M iddle-earth at last. I see the Star above my mast! J.R.R. T olkien

I never le t my schooling interfere w ith my education. Mark Twain

To Karen, Laurie, and F e lic ia ... This picture w ill be forwarded.

I get by w ith a lit t le help from my friends. I get high w ith a little help from my friends. Going to try w ith a lit t le help from my friends. -B eatles

Along the many roads I have traveled, Looking for something hard to grasp, something I can hold forever, this is what I have found in you. Not in between trees, or underneath the rocks, but in you, and I always keep it near inside of me. Thanks fo r a ll the love and care you have given me, for a ll the memories I w ill hold, and for a ll the things that we have done together.

Cindy Latish

I must not fear. Fear is the m ind k ille r. Fear is the little - death that brings to ta l o b lite ra tio n . I w ill face my fear. I w ill p e rm it it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone I w il turn the inner eye to see it's path. Where the fear has gone there w ill be nothing. Only I w ill rem ain. -Frank Herbert

we stood evaluating ourselves...

Susan Leard

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He who prizes little things is worthy of great ones. -German Proverb

While we consider when to begin, it becomes too late -Latin Proverb

It is the peculiar quality of a fool to perceive the faults of others and to forget his own. -Cicero

W illiam Frederick Leiber II Basketball Baseball Trap and Skeet Soccer Tennis Sking

Personally I am always ready to learn, although I do not always lik e being taught. -W inston C hurchill

jo h n richard levitz

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Happiness must be shared to be possesed. The more we give away the more we have le ft. -Jerom e A. Waterman

Thanks to Mom and Dad for w ithout them none o f this would have been possible.

Herman K orrick Lewkowitz

There is no such thing as an old woman, Any woman, of an age, when she is good and when she loves, can give a man his moment of in fin ity . -J . M ich ele t

Thanx fa m ily : H eidi, T .C .S ., G .T .V ., and C.M.

L .K .M .,

I asked for it I got it Moped?

T im othy David M agill

Do Not bore me w ith your petty attempts at friendship. I have owned a dog who licked my face, and a man I never knew died for me a world away. -E llen Hawthorn

Maggots are 100% protein

Thanx P.C.D.S. (get a new name!) you w eren't so bad after a ll. Thanx Ms. E., Schweik, and whomever else.

Later on!

Special thanks to Ms. E for caring.

Take T im e To Think it is the source of power To Play it is the secret of prepetual youth To Read i t is the fountain of wisdom To Love i t is the God-given priviiedge To Be Friendly it is the road to happiness To Laugh it is the music of the soul To Give it is too short a day to be selfish To Work it is the price o f success

Paralee Laurella O bele He who has no poetry in h im self w ill fin d poetry in nothing. -Joseph Joubert One o f the greatest things in the world is to be yourself. Thanks Mr. Roof, for caring so m ich ... you made my years at Country Day.

Mom thanks for being so thoughtful, thanks for putting up w ith me, and for borrowing your clothes. Dad, you're the best. Thanks for staying young. Thanks for being you. I ' l l always remember the things you've taught me.

When your cat has kittens, you re a lly find out who your friends are.

" A day is wasted w ithout la u g h te r." -N icolas Chamfort

Hope I cannot say much now about that which fills my heart and soul. I feel lik e a seeded fie ld in m id 足 w inte r, and I know th a t spring is com ing. My brooks w ill run and the lit t le life th a t sleeps in me w ill rise to the surface when ca lle d. -K a h il Gibran

Elizabeth Blake Ryan

To be glad o f life because it gives you the chance to look up at the stars; to be contented w ith your possessions, but not satisfied w ith yourself u n til you have made the best of them ; to despise nothing in the world except for falsehood and meanness and to fear nothing except cowardice; and to be governed by your adm irations rather than by your disgusts; to covet nothing th a t is your neighbor's except his kindliness of heart and gentleness of manner; to th ink seldom o f your enemies- often o f your friends; and to spend as much tim e as you can w ith body and sp irit in God's out-of-doors ...

No bird soars too high if he soars w ith his own wings. -W illia m Blake

A friendship is like an old pair o f jeansWhen there's a gap You patch it up


Catherine Emily Tancer

Someone soft and warm Someone quiet and understanding always w illin g to listen always w illin g to play anytim e o f the day Always there Teddybear.

We are a ll accountable to those whose friendship we value and whose opinions therefore we esteem.



The winds are changin1 the dark sky blue A ll my friends are le a v in 1 I think I w ill too, but remember it's who you are and what you do. -A Doobie B rother-

There are three thoughts that cross my m ind quite often. These thoughts are lik e stars in the night, and can be applied to many situations.


L iv e for today, Because yesterday is gone, and tomorrow never comes.

Your greatest power to achieve a goal comes in the moment when you abandon a ll hope of achieving it. -T im G allw ay-

I f they give you ruled paper, w rite the other way. — Juan Ramon Jim enez-

Felicia Weiss

I have fe lt th a t the mom ent when you firs t wake up in the morning is the most wonderful o f the 24 hours. No m atter how weary or dreary you may fe e l, you posess the ce rta inty that, during the day that lies before you, absolutely anything may happen. And the fa c t that it p ra c tic a lly always doesn't matters not one jo t. The possibility is always there. -M o n ica B a ldw in-

Do a ll the good you can, By a ll the means you can, In a ll the ways you can, In a ll the places you can, As long as ever you can. -John Wesley-

We decided to sit down... Somewhere. L ittle friends may prove great friends. -Aesop-

To Mr. RaymondI f the world were so organized that everything had to be fa ir, no liv in g creature could survive for a day. The birds would be forbidden to eat worms, and everyone's self-interest would have been served.



Snakes are co ile d upon the granite. Horsemen ride into the west. Moons are rising on the planet where the worst must suffer lik e the rest. Pears are ripe and peaches fa llin g . Suns are setting in the east. Women w a il, and men are c a llin g to the god that's in them , and to the beast. Love is w aiting for a lover. Generations kneel for peace. What men lose, Man w ill recover polishing the brains his bones release. Truth conceals its e lf in error. History reveals it face: days of ecstasy and terror invent the future that invents the race. Donald Lehmkuhl 'O ctober 1974

The Last W ill And Testament O f The Senior Class This is the firs t. Many words shall fo llo w . They reveal the immense wisdom o f the senior class. This is the beginning o f pages o f classical, m ag nifice nt, incom parable, em m ine ntly superb literature. This is the dawn, the beginning... Yet this is the end. Years have passed and it has become tim e to leave what we have known, to carry w ith us what we have learnt, and to step forward, to greet the unknown...These words shall ring, forever im m o rta liz in g the poeple th a t together, comprise the Senior Class. This is the firs t w ill, I Philippe S. Bonnefoy (Esq.) Leave to ...T im o th y M a g ill-(M a g g o t)-"C K U S EM W A R ", a sportlight and a badge, Arcadia, hubcaps, A kid w ith a grapefruit impounded in his sku ll, a bumper car w ith a ro ll bar, and luck. Robert Dodell - DODO - A free trip back from C ircle K, two water balloons, in fin ite insults. M att Beardsley - "D o you girls have any beer?" A wet finger, a spotlight and a good perform ance, some d iscrim in atio n, and friendship. Miss Latish - a th ird face to go w ith your other tw o. Miss R yan-B etsy-your much to bland to leave anything to. Todd G ilm o re-sixty minutes out o f your life , talks a t the bar, p in b a ll, (What re a lly did happen on Jan. 7, 1979). M att G regory-M ick and Id i, a resolution to expell us, sarcastic speeches, and 3/4 o f the world against us. Jacques Barbey-m y a dm iration, your s p irit, and at any tim e my help. Steve M ille r-th e old truck squeeze tric k . Todd G.-sorry Todd, le ft out some th in g s -lik e friendship, a cancerian, two leos, my coat sleeve, Benzai Boys L ig htin g Inc. Ms. Christine English-The Real Meaning o f Friendship, our fiv e classes together, a very interesting fore sight, a promise, coffee and cigarettes, " L is t and D escib e", the B IA , a shoulder to cry on, a ll nighters, suicidal tendencies-driving w ith me, long talks, much love and the best of luck always. REW-your sense o f humour, two math classes (ho,ho) that's humorous, and a thanks fo r your devotion. Paul-Booze and Books. DOR-thanks for a ll your help, Dad, my allowance (silver dollar), successful egg operations, chauffeur drives at Greer, (80 mph), Georgetown, Your dedication, my work (ho,ho) future visits, sexual psychology, three classes, your a uth ority, my respect. Ms. S. Lynn G etz-An algebra book, Screwtape, unsent notes, Pablo Cruise and the KDKB carrot, Oct. 22, 1978. FAST 1, just keeping it in shape for George, Cruising and the fastest car washer in the west (halloween), Free at Last What a Blast. Ms. E.'s prediction, Bert honking the horn, 300 m iles a week, Tucson, tw ic e , the second tim e was a little better, Jan. 18, 1979, Gods, Forest Green, Chocolate Brown, the Mercedes, the British Embassy, walks in the rain, airports, Betsy the fly in g equestrian, A beach and a cloudy day, open windows and fa llin g grapefruit, Saturday nights and post offices, long long distance phone ca lls, Court, a promise three years old, a gay bar in Tucson, Chinese food-national guard, Trader V ic's, B illy Joel, S tyx, Conservatism, parties, "W henever I C all You F rie n d ", The yearbook, French Club Dance, Walks with Dad and Sun, N eil Diamond, Siddhartha, The Excorcist, tears, a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, and Advice, Supertram p, high goals, music, Love, and a kiss. Mr. Gregory T . Haus-the a lm ig h ty -a ll powerful - THE MEANEST M AM A IN THE WEST - I leave you my advice on wom enly affairs, sure y o u 'll c a ll me back, this yearbook, in fin ite am ount o f crude things (as many as the tim es we've insulted Dodo), a KDKB carrot, Saguaro, the tw e n ty -fiv e girls we accum ulated, Stage crew w ith the infamous BENZAI-never get a Boob mad, Soccer w ith the meanest, and K am ikaza P h il-w h ich one did you say Greg, Y ellow Card (three in one season-all earned) 4 k ills , one m u tila tio n , several broken shins, d riving down sidewalks, rom p in g -p o lice helicopters, T -to p , Fast 1, the 7 eleven tric k , the Jan Lorant Water Polo Team , Beardsley's wet fin ge r, " L a t e r " , The Letter C lub-putting three years of Ms. E teachings into practice. Your SAT scores-the fin e p rint, Peterson voice w ith one word v o c a b -" ID " . Non illig e te ru m Carborundum, the three homecoming queens from Arcadia, Scottsdale, Saguaro, Karen, Ellen, and Leah. Commando raids, four in the mourning at Kathy's house. 6 am and a tic k e t, lunch on some people, tennis against h op -a -lo ng Valach, donuts, water and paint fights, M arie, and Seroka (homework) make three Polacks jum p, Led Zep and P., Coronado girls, Herm's party-rocks and explosions-windshields, the H ilton Weapons Testing Center, Room 343, the darkroom , the B IA , S a lly not K e li Hardy, most of a ll to thank you for three years of unquestionalbe friendship, more than any human being could provide. To Greg and Lynn, my best friends, I leave you th is ..."Y o u have heard my blessing, Govinda. I repeat it. May you travel this path to the end. May you fin d s a lv a tio n !" Thank you also Kathy. Most o f a ll, thanks to K im , w ithout her help nothing would have been possible. To everyone else who has helped me, or from whom I have learned, only the lim it of space stops me from expressing my thanks. Relax and e n jo y...fo r here in black and w hite is one of the greatest pieces of literature ever w ritten ; Lynne D ieth rich , being o f sound body and to ta l insanity, leaves to C .T .: memories that cannot be put into words, true friends last forever, not careful just lucky, the X-m as concert, Aspen; "Y o u 're supposed to ride on the horses back, Cath, not underneath it!, champagne at Sara's wedding, and don't forget to catch the bouquet, right? to M arkieP o o in ininin ininin izzzzzzzzp o p! ...CONCEPTION!, "H e y Lynne, how come we never got to g e th e r", One o f these days w e 'll make i t to Am erican Bandstand, a big hug whenever I need one, but don't kiss any je llo . to E .L .: the first kiss is always the hardest, a bod like Peterson's (good luck, ha ha), and just try to find a g irl who makes sound effects as good as m ine, to L .J .: a beginner's manual. To T .G .: a fem ale you can beat at raquetball, "L y n n e , let's


t a lk . " , a weekend in the Superstitions, and a n ig ht on your waterbed! to B .H .: Guess who re a lly T .P .'ed your house? 11 Wos Lynne ca lle d a boy on the p ho ne !" and a n ig ht scribbling on blue suede pillow s. To W illy : the world's greatest trip le layer pudding cake, a box of instant mashed potatoes, and a dinner a t "S e z - o o - c h in " , to J. Roof: the d e fin itio n o f boring: VIC TO R IA N E N G LAN D !!!, and a day in your life when you don 't say "a b s u rd ", to the w orld's largest teddy-bear (D .O .R .): I leave you a tin y fem ale orphan at your doorstep to spoil rotten! to Ir: I.F .I., a radical orange truck on the soccer fie ld , TPT. to Miss B: a successful b o lle y b a ll team sometime in the next ten years, a steak and champagne dinner, and a book o f the w orld's crudest jokes, to Senor Chauvanist: d on 't worry, one o f these years you w ill be crowned "T a c o Q ueen", to Ms. D: May your garden o f roses always bloom year round, to F.W .: a scale fo r Vera's o ffic e th a t weighs 5 lbs. lig h t when we stand on it, a basketball scholarship to Harvard, and a h it single by D iethrich and Weiss e n title d , "W ho the hell wants to be ta ll anyw ay?" to Joe Daddy Schweik: a summer on the beach and a w inter on the slopes, you w ill love it! to GHHH:1,2,3. And to you C hickie, 0 0 0 0 0 H M A N !!!, I leave a n ig ht on Cam. M t. w ith a six o f heine's and a d u lcim e r, " L et's get W 'd " , "H e y did I p.? "H e llo hello...goodbye, goo db ye", singing to each other our songs and a ll those w ild concerts, "Y o u 're barfing a ll over my f e e t !" , Our te rr ific cars, le t's play M a rio !" , AH-OOOO! "H e y C indy!, there's Honest Jo hn 's" the guys at W allace, " Excuse me, wanna p a rty ? ", the view is better from the back seat, and I'm not an a lc o h o lic ! "W here's L y n n e ? ", "S h e fe ll o ff the b a lc o n y ", parties at IF I, our big fig h t, the G.F.'d Club, hickeys and smoke kisses w ith B ro c c o lli, m unching out on choc, chip cookies, daquiris w ith Rosa, Mikeys's " M y little N. m a n ", Your party, sorry I forgot to c a ll home M om ., my parties, Wow! the H .H .'s, "G od , do I need a g u y !" Hey Cindy, make lots of noise and maybe those cute guys w ill come over here., the Squeeze Box, gutter women, "L y n n e , I have something to te ll y o u ...I'm a , " I 'm S H O C K E D !!!", 24th and Van Buren here we com e!, Brophy nights, Clay Balls, distributor caps, " I 'm out o f g as", "H e y so am I " , Helpless and Hopeless, TPT, Shutup Ginger!, walks on the g o lf course w ith Harm, my 16th birthday party in C or., "D a m n Lynne, you were only 15 c o u ld n 't you have waited one more nig ht!, Dumb Donald, skiing in Aspen and the J. o f S., and that annoying habit that's re a lly bothersome, "thanks for the gum ball, P o p e y e !"...B ye C h ickie !, Bye PCDS! See Ya Kids, and 333! I, Robert D odell, being o f questionable m ind leave, PKW: Chemistry, M om , beyond AZ., and The Boys from B razil ...S L G : Three pages o f ads, the m agic dragon, the yearbook and a ll its errors, sta llin g fo r you to get away from JBC , and a special thanks fo r everything...G T H : a week's bet, your sister, and interesting tim es...P S B : another religous advisor, a n ig h t o f The Calculus, and more interesting tim es... H K L: many yearbook pictures o f SLG and PS B...C ET: a voice on the phone th a t I w o u ld n 't mistake fo r C LT 's v o ic e ...C L T : that unprintable word taken from S JL , A M L 's ca lls, and interesting notes in Chem...EBR: last year's prom date and PSB's color picture...N R B : plenty o f h e llo s...L M W : YG meetings, a trip to the gas station when my car stalled, and the trip to N M ...S J L : " d e a r " , something in m y w ill, Geometry homework, and going together when I d id n 't even know it...M P G : a ride to sch o o l...L B R : nothing in my w ill...G S H : the ride on the race tra c k ...L a tin I I students: L a tin I I I ...BGH: com puter programs in L a tin (which was the only thing you've done), my calls, and the Insider's G uide...M r. Wilson: no more classes w ith me, "sh u t up W ils o n ", and much better puns...Mr. Seroka: h a lf o ff... Mr. Singer: a quiet lib ra ry ...M r. Roof: many thanks and P la to...M r. Schweiker: thanks and AMUN ...Ms. E.: thanks for those few but im portant ta lk s ...T w in k : fond memories, your trip to AZ, L o o n y v ille , USA, readable letters, and H ew lett (hee, hee)...M oonshine: your name and a le tte r from wherever you are...and last of a ll I leave AMG: to better tim es, a h a lf o f a banana s p lit, long "in te re s tin g " letters, long "b o r in g " letters, a murder story, endless dreaming, silent ca lls, the El Paso conclave, a trip to Santa Fe fo r a day together, a trip to Phoenix for a day together, life , and my love. I Laura Ann Foist fe e lin g the effects o f hypocrisy amongest human kind, have carelessly departed. I leave remnants of little value, in comparison to the uniqueness o f my sp irit. Pure thoughts, d irty words, 31, hot coffee, alm aretto, my rock c o lle c tio n , and 23 pounds o f puruvian snowflakes. As a special feature I would lik e to leave to Mr. Monell a ll of the things th a t we could have w ritten i f we were allowed to w rite what we should have w ritten. In generosity, I leave: to freshmen a "B o z o B u tto n ". To Sophomores (excluding Evan Luis because he's one of a kind), A HALO to go over th e ir heads. To juniors; I just wanted to say, I wish I had another year, Gee W hiz!! To Seniors; " A R U S H ". I, Lynnie Getz leave to .D. notes In chem. class, cold soccer games and hot coffee, pics of great people, and secrets at m id nig ht, to K .F ./L .J . fabulous bake sales and Gods class, to L .J. lots o f film canesters for lots o f fun, to J.H. cutie pie, cropping sessions at my house, and a fe e lin g o f sorrow for having a brother lik e yours, to N.B. one super dinner after a soccer game, rides in the Camero, shopping sprees for b'day presents, and the piano player of Pablo Cruise, to BÂŤ-R. years and years, poems, prayers, and promises, movies especially w ith M .Y ., Pepsi w ith the 36 pesco


special, M exican discos, o liv e skin, a long tim e , understanding, partnership, to L.F. Revolution, rebellers unite, lunch on the lawn at Duck after a hair-raising ride back from the church, a strange re lig io n class, laughs, the Devil in Screwtape, to S .M ./T .G . m editation at parties and stories after them , to S.M. hi Steve and hard tim es in gods and ceram ics, to G.I. an ever playing record of the infamous CHINA GROVE, letters, one or two long distance phone calls, sun glasses a t the polo store, to J.J. Dunhills, to L .J . Chicago, the long, and now funny talks o f N.P. + J.C ., swings, preppy, our m utual understanding o f people, Gus's cafe, a wedding in the form al garden, summer breezes, crazy fun, to D.V. our secret, playing pool w ith Deedee, hoho, haha, hehe, to M.G. physiology classes, little fe e t, to F.W. swings fo r people who know what they are a ll about, quotes, growth (for both o f us) to J .L . a special thanks, and life a in 't easy but it a in 1 that bad, to R.D. Pete's Dragon, v a n illa m lk shakes, a grey T -s h irt, ads and one iastcheck, m aking Mr. M onell's day, problems, and remember I lik e to joke a lo t a party at my house, and one more race w ith Jacques, toP.S .B. (Esq.) sophomore year and one great big decision, Screwtape and a hug at the end, Mr. Raymond is s till the best, one poor problem last year, letters from Boobie, unreturned phone calls, rides in the Camero w ithout the T tops, one hundred and some oddmiles in one night, The Yacht Club or some strange disco, Central and a scarry man, w alking in the rain, butterscotch sweaters, Mom's b'day, P.V.C.C. and th e ir hamburger, cold hands warm heart, the wind and rainyweather, the wanderer and d rifte r, window shopping, the acquired taste of horror movies, N .D ., G .V ., P.C., M .M ., B .J., H .S ., ETC ...gardenias during exam week, an unspoken passion, dreams, a ll my fem ale friends, fia ts and forest green, Mercadez and m idnight blue, basketball games, post offices late a t night, coffee, a sun to run w ith (m y sun), my way, visions o f A, little brothers, red roses, long, long talks, a ll my love, a kiss, and tic k lin g a b ility , to G.G. you're my little brother no m atter how big you get, problems w it an empty stomach, an I.D . w ith P.P's pictue, Chatham, Squires, a ll a ll your females, many good tim es always, sisterly love, friends, telephone calls to the Walkers, and many other, to B.G. a chauffeur, a boarding school experience and lots and lots of fu fo r the rest of your life , oh yeah, a fem ale voice, to Mom and Dad thanks for everythin, no more late nights, no more phone calls,no more cropping sessions, now life is just beginning to get e x c itin g , to Mom the manaer at the Cork Tree, a free n ig ht out on me, shopping sprees, and yeah I guess we do lookkind of a lik e , to Dad my a b ility to sa il, long talks and your black leather chair a ll t yourself, to K .A. a fabulous friendship, tea and honey and m ilk , respect and love, coing w ith life , a cooking class, hidden pictures and desires, and lots and lots of visits to the big A, how would you lik e a daughter for aw hile?, to G.H. the mean mama him self, I feel no pain, notes in child psy., skipping, parties on Sunday, stomach ache on Monday, some excelecior concerts, a bottle of red, a bottle of w hite, predicaments, the same feelings on B o c..., little brother, Uganda shall rule, say NFW to that, the little brown car,lots o f help when you re a lly need it and lots o f caring when you are down and out, to MS. E. a very, very special thanks for everythng including my backbone, friendship, likeness in many ways, your little prediction about P.S.B. did can true after a ll, and I'm going to hang up my bow and arrow, care to join ? to Mr. Raymond thanking for ta lkin g w ith me, our secret about one o f your tra it, Judy Macadam, and HOD., to both Mr. Wilso and Mr. Raymond a hug and a kiss for seeing us through the publishing o f this yearbook. To H.B. I knew you would forget, 'M ore than a fe e lin g ', and you know. To JR. a Greek hero, Wonderland, and the hope ta t others w ill discover the hiden genius. To E.L. and S.C. a ll the women and partying you can handle, my Black and S ilve r in tim id a tio n , and my extrem e coolness. To M.G. our incredible fu llb ack meanness, the sessions, and our exclusive understanding of who and what the ROLLING STONES are a ll about, and remember we a ll need someone we can cream on... (I LOVE IT !)...m a y Rock 'n Roll neer die. To R.F. the heavyweight championship of the universe, and our great thirteen years. To L.G. someone to explore life w it you, a soft shoulder, and my love. To P.B. the attention and power you yearn and deserve. To P.S. the respect that you never thougt existed, and many enjoyable talks. To G.H. Super Bowl X I, our tim es together, and a friendship that meant something. To B.H. burning out, our m utual in a b ility to m aintain, and the Bay Area. To T.O . our m utual respect and our thoughts that we're gonna make it. To S.M . d riving in the rain, the mind blowing summer of '78, texas. our outrageous experiences, and 13 of the best years of friendship anyone couldask for. To D.S. my math and baseball a b ility , and my sincere appreciation. To C .T. an oatm eal cookie, my dad, and my love. To M .T .S . the soccer team , our hard-core sessions w ith M ick, K eith, and Ron, remember we are the originals! but mostly I leave you my brotherly love. To F.. a man that tru ly appreciates you, Backgammon, and our friendship. To A.H. a man. To M.E. the sm ile you always brought to my lips To G.K. Kareem, the bets, Calculus (I& II), and my intellig en ce . Thanks you were great. To C .L. my cat eyes, my continous analysi of things, the hope that the w ritings are always there, in tim id a tio n , the songs I ' l l always remember you by, and a ll my love... 'B U T IS IT TH A T E A S Y ?'...T o L.D . a little every n ig ht and a guy who can give it to her, our good tim es, and that part of me that loves you...thanks Lynne you're my sister and always w ill be. To D.R. I leave a stickboy, 13 years, and the most respect I could give a man. To Dad I leave your incredible a b ilit to 'SHOW ME THE WAY IT REALLY IS ', a son, and love. To Mom I leave


both a hug and Hugger from your kid since puppies d on 't fly . And fia lly to T.G . a m irror, a sm ile. C .T .T .S ., MCK, the incred ible Toad Roberts and the hope that the world w ill discover h im , a 'Honk Tonk Woman1 and a way to sail her o ff your m ind...goodbye, your tim e has com e,the song is over, thought you'd something more to say?...I Loved You! Mary Gleason leaves the fo llo w in g to the fo llo w in g : S .L . I leave, S .R ., B .M ., G(?) and Brophy fo o tb a ll games, To LR . I leave: P .M ., A rcadia, and crazy, boring, excited, bummed weekends. To J.R. I leave J .M ., and a cure for th a t e xotic disease.To D .K .: a place that satisfies her. To F.W: a special hiding place, a new bummer machne, the reward th a t both o f us w ill get for being the shortest seniors and special trips in m yrtle (je rk, jerk). To L.D . an eternal good mood. To C .T . a g irl to be in her d . t next science course. To L.O. no ice crem , and a w illp ow er, and no troubles. To T .G : anim a l pictures for a ll upper school country day people. To M .T .S .: summer school at S.H.S. To J .L .: a closet to hide in. To G.I. the Rocky Horror Picture Show and a w hite vest. To P.B. a slower voice, to D .V. the highest baloon(?) ride possible. To L .J . a screwdriver fo r her car. To C .L. a sm ile and watching people eat a t Wendy's ju n io r year. To L.G . a hand fo r a ll the bull she put up w ith being on the yearbook staff. To B.R. a degree in m eteorology. To R.D. the loss o f his Gomer Pyle image. To J.J. a Saks F ifth Avenu at whatever college he goes. To M.G. a soft heart. To S.G. and S.D. good luck at Country Day, and the bathroom. Also a sore arm from trap. To Mr. Raymond: the words "N o t F a ir" in his vcabulary and the biggest teddy bear in the world. To Mr. Wilson: never having an unskilled math student in Physics and 100 m illio n jars o f peanuts. To Mr. Schweiker: thanks for putting up w ith the g ia nt French I I I class next year. To Mr. Roof, thanks for gettng me into Country Day. To everyone else; god luck fig u rin g out whose in itia ls a ll the above are. To Phoenix Country Day: thanks for making my mind up at which school to stay, I don 't know where I would have ended up this year and thanks for the great education. I M ike Hagan being o f "U h h !1, w e ll, huh, I just leave the fo llo w in g : To Parcelle, 'a friend fo re ve r', thanks for everything I leave you a b ite , a pinch, a scream and fin a lly the black and blue mark. To Leah, I leave "s tra ig h t...2 m a rg a rita s...sick" and munchies to the m ax; a dunking war and a clay fig h t (you just c a n 't w in). To Dave I leave a ride to h e ll and back...an u n lim ite d supply o f Ferraris to to ta l...31 women of any race, color, or creed for everynight of the month or just a hole in the ground and the saying "she has n ic e 's th o u g h ". To Stephanie (the match maker) I leave a free swing a t L .D ., a new pair o f boxers. To Susie I leave a reggin, a w hite lie , "h e e h e e !" a beautiful sm ile and a ll my love forever. To M itch I leave a b illio n bucks anda Turbo Caerrea to re tire w ith , "h uh cuss," being B ill's and M ort's idol because you can get any chick you want, a Brophy jock tie d up and a chance for a come back on "y o u 're too good to ta lk to m e ." To Randy I leave " it s u n b e lie v a b le ", "o utra ge ou s", a turbo charger for the Tranny., I also leave you Patti and H eidi to liv e and love w ith. To M illy I leave "y o u guys are gnikcuf c ra z y ", "a re you gonna fa il it, M ik e ? " and a w ill. To M ike F. I leave "G im m e boong h e e t", a new door, 14 gold Ramcharger. To Mark H. I leave a forrest o f iron and o liv e wood, a house made out of o liv e wood and a "R u s h " to the max. To Cindy L. I leave a th ird face and a set of knives. To Joan I leave you alone. To Lauri S. I leave a note book w ith a padlock (keep s m ilig ). To B a rt...I leave you a tic k e t next tim , an R at R (rush at R iopelle) and 50% a day interest rate on any concert tic k e t. To Greg H. I leave Greer w ithout 50 little Munchkes. To Mark and Todd G. I leave a tie for acting the craziest or laughing the hardest when under the influence. To Ginger I leave foo. To Laura F. I leave a rocket ship to get back to her own planet, and a sw im m ing pool fu ll o f naked people and a repeal o f the oral law (you know). To Ms. E I leave a com p le te ly honest fa c u lty that can liv e in harmony, take out a piece o f paper (a look o f terror) Thanks for being a great friend. To W illy I leave a ll my problems sloved, sticking w ith me t i l l then, eventhough I am an S .O .B ., sometimes, free admission w ith me to the marines. To Mr. Raymond I leave a foolish man. To Jim C. one buckaroo. To Jim R. a school week w ith no schedule. To Schweikher I leave a book e n title d , "H o w to ue Psychology on a student w ithout him knowing i t " , and the other a set o f C .L .'s knives. To John L . I leave the title o f being a partier, a turbo carrea and a chick that can pass the P.A.To Mr. M onell - broken glassesso you ca n 't read our w ills next year. I, Gregory Thomas Haus, question your m ind i f you read this w ill, leave M.H. the gold that was s p lit on the flo or, G.K. the brains to take an A.P. course, direcions on what basket to shoot on. To T.G . Flagstaff and a ll its memories, some pain to fe l, the a b ility to con a teacher, a four year scholarship to the Greg Haus School o f Pemenship. D.H. (A human party) one morning w ithout a hangover, M ario A ndretti's speed record (I'm sure y o u 'll break it) R.D. there are so many things you need and if I trie d leaving them to you, it would take up the whole yearbook, dodo, wasted breakfasts, and endless baiting master. B .L . an 80 gallon spitoon. F.W. checkers, "H onestly S ir, I am nineteen years o ld ." G.H. the greatest name anyone can have, Sonya, the best ofluck w ith everything. H .L. B .T .B .O ., concern and corruptness o f certain high o ffic ia ls . P.S. a stockade for a ll your B .S. H.H qui, quae, quod, a pipe. D.O.R. one of the finest men I have m et or w ill meet, I leave you a ll the respect I had fo r you, but not from fear of being screamed at, but, rather forbeing what you are. C.E. a thousand quizzes-now we are even, a womans place is in the

cave, smoking stunts your growth, my poems, #%% terms and dates, a chocolate cream pie, I value your opinio greatly and you are very special. R.W. a lis Prince of the Poor Pun or King of the Crummy Crack, sit on your Y -axis and rotate, recal cranial inversion, an hour w a it at six A M ., thanks for a ll your help and keep up your sense o f humor (as te rrib le as it is) C .T. the sound of silence, J.W. a 180 at 42 street, a date w ith prince precious. M .B. a wet finger. E.L. a pie, a heartbear. S.C. munchies to the max and the method of getting it, S .S .S .D . a nighty, pink underwear. L.W . 'w him pm an1 messed up hair (you should brush it every week or so) J.B . a ll my jokes, " H i c u tie " and my fondest desires fo r a happy Ife. W.C.H. Happy -astard, a new gas tank, btter jokes, thanks for a ll your help. V.E.F. a thousand hours o f sleep or as many as I kept you up, music, thank you. T .M . a kid w ith a grapefruit embedded in his skull a sign that says "C actus ahead" B.H. your real m iddle name, a donut, a blockshot, a hamburger (hold the ketchup), a cure to senioritis which you have had since birth. M .T .S . 58m .p.h. and the consequences, the park, Wendy (B low y), " I need a v ie w " Jam ie and her pool, L .J . carrot top, my humorour jokes, pizzas from class funds, a ll the forms o f Kung Fu, to ta l craziness, a date for the prom. C.E.T. al your hard work you put in the Bio P it, 13+23=1, headstrat,. L.G . my hair brain schemes (front row tickets to Bob Dylan) "H o w many dealines are we behind n o w ? ", Sunday night partying and monday morning blue 107 m iles on the Camaro, "M a y I see your ID .? " " I just look a young nineteen, "m o u n ta in hopping, 3:30 and its consequences, and thanks sis. Mark B. camp, insults, nose jokes. Katie D .L . a rid e, a needed v icto ry in tennis. Matthew Robert Gregory, smog, pain, NFW, Mean Mamas, the ice cube that saved you life , L ibby and her 1952 shirt, a raisin bomb and a bruise, "D o you rep en t? " a battey cable "E x ile on M ain S tre e t", diving into the pool from the roof, getting the muncies and the fe e lin g the next day, Sonya's fn eral, he weeds behind the fence, some dyno, m axi, ultram ax, honky tonk, supremo, excelsior, intense partying, the three mostessential things needed for partying: plant, a nim a l, m ineral. Plant-the obvious, A n im a l-B e a tle s, M in e ra l-T h e Stones, take it easy M att and remember the best is yet to come. Philippe Scott Bonnefoy, " B o o b " , Don Bonnafiny I leave inhum anities, "P a u l, I ' l l be your friend if you take me to C irlce K, "B e th calls me the cutiest guy in sch oo l" be kind to Indian week, a certain Arcadia dance where no one was a ll th t was said, M arianne, "Excuse me are you K lly H ardy?" ten, the BIA had better get it file s fix e d , " I ' l l guard the m on ey" Led Zepplin and the calices from fo llo w in g a drunk Pagie, that g irl w ith her holster and hr pair of 38's, the old compass in the shoe tric k , Karen Lasky, egging L .B ., donuts in the parking lo t, Chemistry testes and how to get screwed by a polack, M arie and how not to get waterpolo letters, the a b ility to play soccer w ithout m am ing, a firecracke r, an ice cube, K a m ika zi, Eraser, a windshield, fin d in g a p ick-up place, "sure P hil, I ' l l c a ll you b a c k ", Lisa et a l. (David Sells Bob James) power o f the purse, Ann, Beth (10,000 shares of G ulf), it is for her own good that I do it, Sonya, Manhattan West and Karen, throwing a beer down and saying, "S h e is my g irlfrie n d " definately an Academy Award, w ill it get back to L isa ?', Cindy Dugn, a Arcadia dance where please was the onl word said, the Arcadia-Sagauro hom ecoming Queens, Wonderview, and mostly A ll the memoris o f A ll the tim es we raised fun and h e ll: thanks a lo t fo r them BOOB BUDDY, to P.C.D.S. thanks. I, Bart Hechtman, leave the fo llo w in g to Mary: a hayride, to Hoffman: "b lo n d e ", to Karen: my plug for use day or night, to K im : a dare and a new laugh, to Boob: M .H ., the stars at Greet and Debbie, to Lynnie: The Freshman Fall, and B ill Jones, to Mr. Wilson: my strob set and a weekend servant, to Mr. Raymond: the original food club executive co m m itte e , and a blonde on 7th S., to Mrs. Hagstrom: "D id I miss n y th in g ", and a very sincere thanks, to Shwiek: a debate class, more free tim e , lunch a t the H ytt, and an a th le tic scholarship for Duger, to Magister Houle: memories of L a tin III , com plete command over the L a tin S ociety, the truth about the pipe, and FIDEM SCIT, toTodd and Steve: 8 concerts in 7 days, to M att B.: a lb. of Copenhagen, and our backpackng days, to Susie: the a b ility to function w ithout you know who, to Steph: T .T . (remember?), Laura's house, a driver's p erm it, the S ring, "C a n I borrow some a lb um s? ", " I t 's not proper" and "Y o u can do w ithout i t . " , to Susie and Steph: lunch on me, to M ike H.: R iop elle, $8 so you can pay me back, a carton o f smokes, 3 tickets, and B. in G., to Dodell: a life tim e membership to the Puz Club, to Herman: my h a lf of our tw in image, "C U Z ", your excellent parties, a rock from Mr. Wilson, and p lain freezies, to Cathy: a frie d chcken dinner, a frozen banana, a lesson on hw to drive an auto m a tic, the backseat of th T -B ird ( I 'l l take the flo o r), pajamas w ith fe et, and a very descriptive note, to Cath and Herman: baby ta lk and what you do best, to F e licia : a bottle o f red and a bottle of w hite (we've had both), and computer fo o tb a ll, to Lynne: St. Lukes, a thank you for a ll the parties, a kiss at M ikey's, lessons on how to m aintain, egg on your shoe, and love ya, to Cindy: sailing lessons (I hear theyre fun), Farewell Mountain, 3 hours o f eye contact, 10 minutes o f intense ear n ib bling , "ID U D T IT F Y ," I love you because...Iwant you because...I need you and you're rig h t Cindy, it did tic k le , to Haus: "R e v e n g e " 20 pts. and 10 rebounds, Fred, and yourpreference of companionship (do n't be embarrassed), to M att G: a certain type of salad, The Duffys, intense laughter, and a night of Jam m ing one on one w ith M ick, to Mark: Rollercoaster, aparty bowl of SS under an old redwood, the back of the VW, The DoobieBrothers, 5 minutes of laughter, 4 years of friendship, and a spot on the flo o r in my room, to Randy:


your own HBO, every album eve recorded, the Hoover, SP (uh huh), a book o f photographs and memories, a lig h tb u lb , Goldstar, H eckler, a prico t w ine, top 8, and 5 incredible years, to Sharon: a less inpouting, and a real kiss, to P hyllis and S tart thanks fo r being my home away from home and dinner fo r 9 on October 31, 1983, to my brother M ark: I leave a ll the things th a t I never was and a ll that you can be, to Robin: Brent, a new disposition, and a 1000 kisses, to Dad: permission to y e ll at the whole fa m ily fo r a week, to Mom: congratulations on learning the secrets o f cleaning clothes after 17 years o f fa ilu re , to my entire fa m ily I leave my love, my thanks and my laundry. I Gregory Hunter o f sound m ind bestow to: Buzz, a new m ike and an O lym pic Gold M edal. T im M a g ill: a tank and aueluet hat. Greg Haus: the le tte rclu b and Sonya. M att Gregory: a new Ferrarri. K a ti: a horse. Stuart, M att, F e lic ia , a com putor. R ick: a peacock feather. Lisa Rhind: a dounut. M ike Hagan: new tires, a lawyer, hudge, the Loen Brau Brewery, scholarship to m ilita ry school and the M agic Pan. Ginger: C ontinental. Betsy: a great prom date. Glen: Mr. Brning, a dim e and a B e au tifu l Blond. Gordon: a hair cut. Karyn: a trip to New York. Steve M ille r: the Magic Pan. G ilm o re: an a uto m a tic transmission. Latish: the East. Bonnefoy: A m y, Lisa, Sonya, Etc. John L e v itz : L ife tim e supply o f N itizous Oxide, lunch. G um ball, Bonnie and a '66 Mustang. David Hvidsten: an old lady, bottle o f brew, and a new pair o f lungs Peeper: some new sunglasses. Seroka: a m illio n dollars, Karyn and a god happy life . Mr. Wilson: a Nobel Prize andCalculus. Mr. Roof: a ll o f Lewis C arroll's works from a ll countries o f the world. Mr. Raymond: the Food Club and the Senior parkng lot. Mr. Schwieker: a Coffee cup. Mr. Siger a b rillia n t Math class. I, Leah Jacobson leave: to Ginger "th e I r " ; sm ile a t 15, Good By Y ellow B rick Rd., a Danish Boo, quiche, chocolate chip cookies, creps, a B A fcom plete w/patch), crusing 1st street, " B 'in g w ith B .B ." , Tucson, Ruby Az., " I f houses could t a lk " , R io p e ll, L & M , a gallon o f tears, E.J., "B o y , this W o n de rla nd ...", and heated socks. To Laura Foist: Broadway. To Je ff: Monster R ally. To K e li a couple o f back stag passes to my firs t concert. N ick: thanks fr the Ferrari. T o Doug: a castle in Germany a pocket watch for everyday o f the week, a spell book (every w itch needs one- rig h t Ms. E?), Rock Horror, Blue Nun, and "W R O N G "!! To M argie: Heart and a private styx concet. I leave one good poke in the ribs to Greg Hunter. To Brian: a hope th a t a ll the loonie in the world w ill chase you forever. To F e lic ia : Chinese food, your balcony, a stocked wine c e lla r, the "W eiss C lu b ", one inch, and "W eiss L o g ic " . To Betsy: a ll the mvies Kurt, M ich ae l, Jan, and Robert ever made, Boo!, the Crystal Cave and H ollow H ills. From one w itch to another, I leave Ms. E a no fa u lt, eat a ll you want d ie t, a life tim e pass for North Bank, a m illio n secrets, just as many thanks, and my love. To M ike: a 450 S L, a good banana daquiri, Va., my phone b ill, a pair o f blue ve lve t pants, a pair of clean lungs, and a beer, a bong, and a bed: Adios Joe C ool... To Mrs. Demarzo: m yM erlyn to watch over her classes. To Jason: ice everywhere, the job o f getting the watr and a big "N o rth b ou nd ". To M itc h : " I can handle a m ix " and an em pty m argarita picher. For Lynnie: a M erlyn o f your very own Stonehenge I Ching, freeways, preppy, 30 lbs, "te n th street b u rn o u t", and a friend forever, To Senor, "m u cho ojo y muchas g ra cia s". To Lynne: Beach Boys, a te q u ila sunrise, Fleetwood Mac, Coronado, IOU one pair of underwear. To R ick: an organized band. To Dave: the fastest car in the w orld, a doobie, and o ff campus. To Dayna pinky swear, my Hawaii dress, and tons o f memories. Thnks to Mrs. Van! To Greg Haus: tom atoe face carrot top, mean mama and Gregory-Fu, and a hug. To Mary and Linda: a lesson on how to break into a Mercedes. Mr. Roof: Thanks. To W illy : some decent puns, a life tim e supply o f yardsticks and an everlasting supply of Geometry and Adv. Math students. To Paralee: Radical Honda!, Holy Sh!, Disco Queen, M argarita party, A BA & ABC! That's caca! El Cruz, Breakfast at 4 AM , Chippers, Mac & Cheese, Oakwood, Tacos!!! g litte r, Biker woman routine, M.W. and S.S. everyone's from N .Y .! Jocky Club, Hey C hick, a friend t i l l th end. To M. and D.: my love and thanks. To a ll those not m entioned, "G o o d -b y !" I, Dave Jr. leave M ike Hagan a longer string o f women than cars because the're harder to get rid of. To Bart H. a pool lesson from Minnesota Fats. To B ill Leiber an oxygen mark w ith a goober tray. To Cindy and F e licia a small puppy th a t w on 't l i f t its leg on the back o f people's legs. To Juan L e v itz I leave a big pain in the rear and a w ip it. To Evan Lewis I leave M ario A n de rtti. T G ing-ger - w e 'll skip it. To M ike Forrest I leave a ... To Leah J. the biggest, fastest m otorcycle around. To Robert D. a nicknam e doy-dole. To Lisa Jones-a beautiful sun-rise for life . To Randy F. I leave F&F. To Laura F. I leave a bigger seat in the back and a better looking boyfriend. To Glen Bean a choice o f women, fast cars or 30 non-clothed women. To Lynnie Getz, I leave instructions of how to take a ride. To L ittle Bert I leave one ride in the car of your choice. To Philippe the biggest a m p life r possible. To Lori G. I leave Rush,Rush,Rush, and more Rush. To Steve M ille r I leave " b u t se riou sly", Last but not even the least I leave Karen Horne some of my love. To Joan S. or J. I leave my weird poems. To Brian G. I leave a F' and To Raymond I leave a little boy th t loves his parents. And last and least I leave to my father a taped conversation of

on o f our atrocious arguements. I, Ginger Irw in (Er), being o f demented mind and hopeless body do hereby bequeath to Margie and Laurie G. a Styx concert, to Laura, one more tim e , to Dave yourfavorite kind of incense, a t.s., and some fu zz, to Cindy I leave a peach ju ic e shampo, a brownie fudge d eligh t, and the T .P .T . t Karyn I leave a real, liv e , revolution, to Je ff I leave a life lo n g supply of Champagne and money, a dinner at A vanti's and Fridays, and a cashmere blanket, to Lisa J. I leave a " t r ip to the sto re " and a Hug, to Ken I leave a beautiful poem and song, to Doug D. I leave the luck you're going to need to get through next year, to Laura one more tim e d ), to Paralee Manhatten West, to Boo K.R. ad One L ife to L iv e , to Mark I leave a Farrah F lip , to Laura F ra n k-n -furter and One More T im e , to F e licia a brownie fudge d e lig h t and your balcony, to Steve M ., Cindy L. and Todd G. I leave our enchanting days avec chereMadame A rle tte , and a lunch a Ettienne's, to Rick I leave a Gibson, 25th anniversary, Les Paul e le c tric guitar and my love, to Hody I leave a lead in a il the plays to come, to Lynnie and R.E.O. concert, to Lynne the T ..T ., fantastic pancakes, a stingray (straight from Coranado) and a Chinese food dinner w ith S helly, to B ill N. and Jason I leave J.B . Gin bits, to Jason I leave snow (in your pockets, and gloves, and food and everywhere!), the job of getting water, and the routine, to K im e I leave a ride anywhere any tim e , to Phil W. I leave an in fin ite amount o f sunrises, to W illy I leave potty trained Caverns, snow, Sid, and K atie, to Laura ONE MORE TIM E, to Mrs. D. I leave an A paper (since I never got one in class) to the vo lle y b a ll team I leavethe championship and I leave to M ike H. a jeep that goes backwards o nly, an ounce and rom #three, to everyone else I leave my love I, George Kokalis, leave to Lynne, a life tim e membership to the O ptim is Club and my night vision; To Randy, a police radar detector and the a b ility to handle oneself w ith composure w hile being arrested; to Greg H., my sw im m ing a b ility ; to Leah, my English translation of El Laberinto de la Soledad; to John, my trapshooting a b ility ; to Steve, a season's worth of parking discounts and my a b ility to m aintain; to Mark, the service department at Demas Volkswagen; to Phil and Greg, a ll of the A.P. History quizes that I would have taken; to Ms. E, the Chicago Bears, please see that they get a decent b u ria l; and to Todd I leave everything else. I, Cindy Latish, being in a fa irly stable state o f mind leave to C .T ., the last stall in the girls bathroom, and your own gossip colum n, to " I R " , I.P .I., I.F .I., a brownie fudge d eligh t, and the invisible trio , to L.G. a M ADMAN, and E.C.'s newst version... "F u rthe r on down the road your going to fin d out what it's a ll a b o u t".T o L.F ., a private island, and something to fin d , to T .G ., the art of persuasion, a broken w all (of your choice and m ine), a trip to the superstitions, a book on how not to analyze, and an understanding o f a beautiful friendship, to B .H ., a night on the soccer fie ld , the newest manual on "h o w not to forget to d riv e " , an in fa u lla b le fake I.D ., a lesson on how not to burn out in 10 minutes, and a m illio n " I to ld you so's, to " K " , the tim e warp, the Eastwood Alm a Mater, N.. a clean m outh, and a big sister who you may always re ly on, to L.W . 32 B's, a sombrero, and an undented car, to K.B., an unforgettble h ickey, and a com plete understanding of a fu tile subject, to M .A .T ., a lighter that works, a night on the town, and a friend forever, to C .M .T .S ., the Phoenix and P.V. security systems, a heck of a " c u te " car fench sweet nothings, B.JIs songs, Andre champagne, parties, a night in the ja c c u z z i, dinners, a sm all chunk o f lettuce, a big hug, and fin a lly to you babes I leave "u n b e a ra b ly "! to F.W., a trip to metrocenter, B. Daltons, the tee house, a broken and u n lit stick, our "hgher learnings o f th ou gh " — " , "th e party must have been great... I c a n 't remember a thing, le t's do SOMETHING, I know exacty where we are, I don 't understand y o u ", acoauthored book of "short, fat, and how to s u rv iv e ", your balcony, ceramics, a new hamock, E.C., S.P., s n iff..., a long hard trip for you and an easy ride fo r me, and a friendship and understanding that w ill never die, to " W i ll y " , sezuchin, a trip le layer potatoe pudding cake, and a kick in the leg for a ll your snoring, to D.O.R., L .D .'s frst born c h ild , and a giant teddy bear, to "J o e Daddy S c h w e ik ", the Deke and L a ti duo, my desk, powering, my mother, gossip sessions, "e a rth to S c h w e ik ", and a whole lo t o f appreciation and respect, to Ms. D.m a new drama budget, a free trip to England, a pat on the head, a book on talks, many happy tim es, and a thousand thanks for being you... F in a lly to Deke, a mem orable night in you room, Harmony, Panda M .G .,T .R ., M ario, the G.F. club, Jennifer, pool games, reeel progressive shot, stealing gas, parties on the m ountain, the g o lf course— " oh no sir my name is L .G ." an entire new wardrobe o f socks, unerwear, and bras, a six of heiny, a j. for old memories, W allace, canyonlands, " I 'm schocked", parties that y o u 'll never rem m ber, gumby, Aspen, Coronado— Ahooo, chad, tho, oh, man, hey theres honest johns, or in te lle c tu a l discussions... "W ha t's a h ern ia ? " "W ha t's a freudian s lip " , "excuse me, wanna party?, "Q u it blowing in my e a r", " d id I P .? " C, I'm out of gas, hey L ..I think your out of gas, C. do you think I'm out of gas, L , I have to te ll you som ething... your out of gas..., Sad Lisa, Bad Co., Cocaine, R iopelle, daiquiri parties, 133, trips to S.P., E.C., SEX, the H .H .'s your little N. man, long talks, a shoulder to cry on, a body to punch, a poobie to squeeze, and fin a lly I leave to you—the best friend I'v e ever had!... Goodbye P .C .D .S ....


I, Herman Lew kow itz, being o f questionable sound m ind but c e rta in ly of the utmost physical body, leave the fo llo w in g g ifts in a serious way and to show a token of some friendship. To L iz - the nicest g irl in the w orld, her secret loves, the p erfct m atch. G le n-m y batting capa bilitie s. George-2 pts. to even the score, Gate's fo uling techniques. Bart-C ousin, my S-teve M artin album , my o ff the knee goal, a thousand kisses in fron t o f you per day. F e lic ia -T rk e y ! #15! e le c tric fo o tb a ll games, wrecked math curves, AL RIGHT! the most im portant test o f my life , a free trip to Harvard, Go for it. M om -m y love, " I did i t . " Dad- my love, straight A's on a ll my report cards.Mr. B runing-the note in Spanish in my Junior yearbook that I don 't understand. Mr. W ilson-m y amarois pursuit, too bad, my A n a ly tic g ra d e -it's too easy, Perpetual motionnest year in Calculus, a laugh machine fo r your jokes. H vidsten-a Hula Hoop. Ms. E-lunch at North Bank te ll Steve to c a ll me, PHILLIES STIC K ! Red's #1, I'm hungry. H unter-the national sw im m ing cham pionship, " D o n 't h it my c a r!" Serok-Hey Stud!, service galore. Mr. S chw eikher-B ud Wambanss, De you gravy sucking pigs! Model U .N ., my futher college plans. Mr. Roof-what is tim e ? B oob-prim ary target in sight! You outweigh my 60 lbs.! One night's babysitting of te Big D! K e li and T im your Mom is a helluva g olfer, dreams in Chicago. K im -a kiss in Evan's eye, my name's Herman! J a c k -L ittle Guypee -W ee -m y advise a t $10 a shot-pay up! A hat dance, w restling, running races, I wish I could afford that. Elmer's G lueiA g irlfrie n d , help in m ath, Stay Cool! 3 Strs-our 1st car rid e, my soccer talents, George Foster intense Man! M ellow out! I'm p la y in ' catcher. C in d y-D o n 't ta lk about Adv. Math, I hate it., Basketball trips, our side beat your's in steaming up windows, a 2 year Adv. Math course, I know y o u 'll love it Steph-your ended love life w ith youknow -w ho, Can I drive your Jag? Susie-Dead Cats Leesha-(Burpl) You're so mean. B ra d -D id n 't I just do this. Stuart-George Fosta, Reds in 1979. Lynn e-m y eye's okay, how is you's, you're making me a mug, rig h t., I ' l l tae good care o f your frie n d . M att B .-th e g ir he desires, a chew. M att G .-I flunked the test, 92%! You're a fin e fe llo w brown nose. Betsy-Adv. Math D -d -d -d u ll? Laura F.-M rs. Janicek. Laura S.-G rover buddy! Flenny-new shirt? Stan my old shorts, my adept spelling techniques. G inger-G -d, you sing low! Lisa R .-M r. Bruning. D ianna-rich doctr's daughters. Faith-speech. Gordon, Fish, Fisher-M .W .F. Greg Haus-misappropriated funded, K IL L the meatless liza rd , Courage, waist a ctio n , B .T .B .O . champagne, abig 1 0 " . D o d e ll-a bowl for your haircuts. Steve- blew you away! Todd-Fred B ilitn ik o ff, Black and S ilve r. Hunter- D o't h it my car. Randy F.-W hat the hell are youtalking about? K im er-ba ckpa ckin g . C ynthia-one more year to go kid! D onald-m y grand prix tim e . Leeeena-a long stride. Bobbymuch needed help. Evan-the lost love o f your dreams. Hey Bro! Disco, " I feel no p ain.' Last, but not least, to C athy-C atherine, Snorky, "H e rm an K o rric k " the eyes, the faces, those certain places, the good, the bad, the crazy and the sas. Everyday has been w orthw hile, the dreams I hope they come true. I.L .Y . I, T im o th y David M a g ill, being o f sound m ind, if not sound body, do leave the fo llo w in g to whomever. To my old man, my old lady, and my fa m ily , I leave 17 years o f ulcers, 3 Datsun B210's, 50,000 m iles, and my love. To Phil, I leave a g ift c e rtific a te to Mr. Van Deusen's M eticulous A rtic u la tio n Course, and thanks. To Ms. E, I leave 200 pages o f unused notes, thanks, and Friday 13. To Margie and R ick, I give the u ltim a te "J a m Session", kick it out! To Vaules, I leave wasted gas and cars, your own personal Disco, and thanks. To Tom Sackett, I leve my rights to Shiprock, a decent companion fo r Wonderveiw Rd., and thanks. To JOAN S ITH , I leave Diane Creathbaum, Danny Lawless' F irebird, 25 pages o f wasted paper, 2 years supply of m id o l, and my love and th a n k ...I guess. To my true friend and sister I dieh (alias H eid i), I leave seafood, a cactus, Squaw Peak, "D id he re a lly d ie ? ", and a ll my love, respect, and TH AN X for the bes friendship anyone could want. To M ike I leve: A lo t of good tim es. 8,000 bites, pinches and bruses. A clean B. A morning ciga re tt. A fu ll tim e cab driver No more tickets. A refridgerator fu ll of catsup and beer, and an "a u to m a tic excuse" answering service. To Laura I leave: A box of strawberries, w aterm elon, Jerry R iopelle for dinner, Mr. R ight, Central Lib ra ry, Pralines and cream and rocky road, rain godess memories, and a long ta lk a nytim e. To Doug: an autom atic A in Spanish. To Leah: Studio 54, New York, a perfect guy, Tacos at Jack, 3 in the morning partying my clean room, a sofiurre for "c ro c k e d " tim es. $400,000 of clothes. A slow Gin fiz z , a free flash out the window, pots that are acceptable. No more im m ature a.h.s, Holy ! M argarita shampoo, a broken blender, s.p and S .T .. and many more tim es. To Mr. Roof: thanks! I give you a ll the respect and love in the world. Thanks for caring so much, fornever getting angry and for helping me so mch. To Ginger: Munchies at 3. A .B .A . your on L in co ln . Disco tim es. To Cassi and T e rri: Boo-pee doop. To M & D: a ll my love and thanks. To Betsy: a scarf for rainy days, An autom atic A in Adv. Math, Nasty Notes. To Stephnie I leave a nasty note, South M ountain y e lin g , Quiet company, and M itch. To M itch a turbo carrera, an exclusive penthouse, a future, thanks, and many more good tim es together. To Schweik: the award o f the century for keeping us so psyched fo r class. The best teacher in the U .S. To Mark: a hug. I, Betsy Ryan leave To Ginger: "J u s t me and my shadow ",W alt Disney, K.R. looks 12, N.N., R.R., desperate phone

calls, Brad, C affine, and does he make a goodsalad? To Greg Haus: a ll the fruits, Watermelons and a How-to book, Dodo, that strange relationship, South Am erican after-shave, the u ltim a te cut-down and a thanks for aways being there to cheer up my days. To Nancy I leave a gold charm and a cup of tea, "Y o u w on't believe what just happened!", my bathroom breakdowns and thanks for being such a good friend to me. To Susan: L u c ille , sob stories, 20 pounds, more selection and good luck. To Bobby Dode I leave an organized yearbook and a body guard. To K e li I leave Trader Vies as minors, 450 S L, Every Thurday night, THHHHHH, my York c o lle c tio n , D on't forget our bet, I ' l l c o lle c t someday, w ild and crazy, IT has deffinate problems, only you lucked out I'm stuck!!! "W atch the spedom eter!", perms, a blue nun, a dummy in the rear view m irror, your a b ility toscare me to death and keep my sanity, a laundry m aid, Baskin Robbins, u n tim e ly phone calls, a m illio n magazines, Guadalaharry's, Good T im es, a silen t understanding o f ourselves, A ll my thanks for being such a goo friend and I wish for you a ll the luck in the w orld... and a ll the happiness. To Greg I leave 51lbs. of dry ice, the W method, a poke in the ribs, my d atedet's forget th a t!!), looks o f to ta l confussion in class. To Lnnie: Cracker wars, #17, hang a Ralph, Mazatlan, organization, a closet stash, a lig h t at c irc le , SuperX, 36 pesos(you know what that w ill buy), B ill's sister, Clearwater speedway, a map o f Phoenix, Roxy Disco, Oscar, trying to be straight at dinner, Hadley, You know the rest; Take Care and good luck. To Leah: my dog, pizza, a brush in my purse, cheats, M erlin and Arthur, half finished books, "W e have a te s t? ", a previous life in an English castle and the hope that you w ill have your very own R.R. To Todd, George, Steve and Randy 12 long, long years. T Mr. Wilson a double, FFM look a lik e contes, I guess I ' l l forg ive you, thanks for bein a friend. To Cathy I leave a safe ride to a game and a sm ile. To Paralee I leave my a b ility to te ll you the answers, a pen, a taco d ie t and a coke machine that doesn't eat our money. To Ms. E a life tim e supply o f asprine, y o u 'll need it!! To Lisa R. the answer to why we took that class and Beau. To Julia a happy Senior year. To Laragene a rich husband so you can have the car of your choice. To Mr. Bruning a d irty look and thanksfor caring. To Marianne and Jane, "W a it u p ". To Mr. Roof my Jabberwocky and thank yo for teaching me so much. To my fa m ily a ll my love. And fin a lly , To PCDS I say Goodbye,-im e to go on to something new. Mark's old a rtifa cts from very good tim es: To Bart: a la i at the Doobie Brothers, a "P in k o -fa g -c o m m ie -ju n k ie " (W orkeththew orldtonight), a patch of grass at the library, "C a n we borrow you axe?', it's tim e for the "R o lle rc o a s te r" Kechtman, Christian women, the zoo you say, firs t drives, the Open Road, a little endurance, 120 down 44th, "T h is is g re a t", many rides home, my kicking a b ility , an incredible TEE-PEE, a walk in the wash, and your unbelievable " B ir d " . To Cindy: a loving A lpha-M ate, letters from France, the "F irs t Conversation", a Loaf, Talks on the phone, breaking the record, a spot on th a t m ontain, bearing w ith my moods and always being ready to lend a hand. Cathy Tancer leaves F e licia : SYMPATHY, a booklet on how to loose 10 pounds w ithout d ieting, staying up a ll n ig ht, and last not having to ta lk just for the sake o f pretending. To Bart, a Years supply of FRIED CHICKEN, a psychiatrist's couch, frozen youghurt that we never got, and a m illio n thanks for a ll my lo v e -life advice. To Cndy, the last bathroom s ta ll, that m em orable n ig ht at L.G .'s house, and fo r having that great party where I m et Herman. To Greg Haus, sarcasm, 100 little boys jum ping a ll over you and screaming, a year at school to improve your handw riting, a lesson how to capture 2/3's heart, ha,ha, Wheat Thins at 7:A .M . To L iz , the courage to stay in band, a potion to overcome stagefright and these famous last words, " I w ill never fa ll in lo v e ". To Evan, a ll those great talks, birthday presents months late, objecting to your choice in girls and a Mr. Peterson body. To Steve M ., an intertube big enough for tw o, ninth grade English class, "C a n I have a piece of g u m ", my sense of humor, and my brown loafers. To Betsy, the same yearbook notes year after year, almonds, and a dozen doghnuts. To Mark, endless telephone conversations, expectations, the most beautiful g irl who loves you back and thanks for finding me the most wonderful guy. To Todd, bike rides, fire hydrants, oatm eal cookies, ten years o f friendship, and a dozen thank you's. To C ynthia, my parking space, I w ill miss you, Come v is it me please...To Greg H. swim meets, B ill Jones, lit t le talks and com fy back o f the trucks forgetting to c a ll me a ll summer, I forgav you a long tim e ago. To Jack, an A in A ll your classes, blue ribbons fo r the rest of your horse carreer, a haircut every week and a hat to match, See you at college. To Phil W. A n a lytic Geometry. To Randy S., Starsky and Hutch, telephone calls at exactly 8:00 p.m . and my 10th grade year. To Lynne, 8 years o f friendship, band trips, summer vacations, " tr a ilo r fa c e " , growing up, slumbe parties, sewing sessions, bus rides, ta lk in g , piggying out, whip cream, learning how to do front flip s , fatphoebia, endless diets, dreams, wishes, a friendship I hope continues forever, P.S. " I ' l l send you the inform ation on your bridesmaid dress. To Herman I leave these last two years of fun, a book on how to make faces, my sad eyes, the prom night, swim m ing in the ja c u z z i, stubbornness, 100 way to cope w ith a jealous girfriend, telephone b ills , cards, flowers, surprises, shells, kisses, a m aid to clean out our locker, my autobiography on how to c lu tz y in a restaurant, Sears driving school, hugs, a clock to rem ind you to be on tie , Rice Krispy Treats, and last but not leat I leave M yself to You. To a ll the fa c u lty , THANK YOU for making my 10 years enjoyable To Sara, a


Swenson's ice cream cone. To Chuck, Grape Nuts in the early m orning. To M anel, his great taste in Music. Thanks Mom an Dad fo r Understanding Me. Our luck (which did change), a thre e-p ie ce suit, "T h is is the best cham pagne", eight very good months, a car of sme kind, some glasses (champagne or otherwise), an argument in class, a week of "D epressio n", the a b ility to w rite , an appointm ent for the Jacuzzi, a night out dancing, "th e best o f my lo v e " , and my m em ories.To Lynne: tim in g fo r the tw o o f us, a spot on A m erican Bandstand, a smart blonde, a now and then brother, and six years o f h it and miss. To Greg: The neighborhood, my incredible throw, summers in the park, the creation o f a soccer power somewhere, a " l y " fo those who d on 't know, the d e fin itio n of stned, B. ball summers, a "B arroom B lit z " , dangerous drives w ith the Kang., and a life tim e supply o f boxers. To M att: The good 'I days, the T - l l pitchout, Mowtown M ovie Makers, a salad, a "H o n ky Tonk W o m an ", Stuart's navigating power, Wong hits, a " M a x i" , an im aginary e le c tric guitar w ith back-up band, and of course the "B e a tle s " . To Todd a trip to Flag, Cedar h ill, Our " fir s t c o n c e rt", late n ig ht heavy weights, and the tremendous power of B .S. To Karyn: Something short and very sweet, and someone to lean on. To Cathy: the tim e to ta lk . To F e lic ia : Our project, drawing lessons, and a Tam arie English d ictio n a ry. To Mr. Raymond: many thanks, and a poly saturated fa tty acid mug. To Schweik: a dooger named M ak, and my "Ind ia n ne ss" for someone who re a lly needs it. To J e ff M ille r and Evan and whoever else believes m e; my lit t le brother Robert. To P.C.D.S. and everyone else: Take it Easy. I, F e lic ia Weiss leave to Cindy: my porch, a stick l i t from the wrong end, " I know where we a re ." " I don't know. What do you want to d o ? " " I ca n 't believe w e're doing this a g a in !" talks about our grandmothers t i l 6:00 A .M ., a place reserved fo r us a t the fro n t of the lin e fo r the movies, Chinese food galore, good trips and bad, a ll our crazy philosophies on life , and many thanks for always being there and for undrstanding. To Jennifer: lunch at Pizza Hut, a ll our talks a t 2:45 p .m ., and the thought th a t everything w ill work out, I know it. To Ginger: trips down the river and a ride back up, the them e from "G re ase " and the Sones Concert. I leave disco dance lessons and a checker game and the fa c t th a t some people are just boring to Greg Haus. Breakfast w ith the cows and swings to swing on for L ynnie. For Mark I leave Tam arind and a ll the fun th a t came w ith it, and the thought that you are a good driver (u n like m e -is this a road?). To L aurie: trips to the apple orchard, an overflown to ile t and Saturday N ight L ive . To Bart I leave a ll our conversations ta t never made any sense but were fun anyway thanks for the bottle cap from Halloween n ig ht, and the hope that I haven't slowed down my life toomuch my w ritin g this and if I did I w on't hold you responsible. For Leah: b a r-m itzva h parties and a place a t the bac, o f the pack for the two o f us. To Cathy I leave a punch in te stomach (thanks a lo t!) and a new companin fo r a ll her frees. For Herman (turkey) thnks for being my eyes in Calculus and to Karen: H .I.T . and New York. I leave our trip up Camelback Mt. and a bottle of Blue to Doug. A successful catcher to second base play ad a pair of overalls for the summer to K im m y. For Greg H offm an: someone else to te ll hi to shut up and more confidence in h im self.T o M ary- my fe llo w short frie n d countless debates, a better place across the street and Jack in the Box at 10:30 a.m . For Lynne: running around behind stage tryin g to get the cardboard scenes up and her best line 'I am shocked!" To Andrew I leave memories of only the good tim es and a friendship whih I hope w ill last a long tim e . To Dave I leave a sm aller dog; To Greg Hunter com puter clsses and a gas cap. For Brent, the je llo that he spilled. To L iz : a ll your tim e and help and for W illy : someone to always laugh at his jokes and memories of his songsfrom the ski trip . To Ms. English some prety enlightening conversations and a m illio n thanks for a ll your help and advice and fo r always being on my side. And to my fa m ily I leave my love and thanks for I, Phil W rigley, leave to Mr. Wilson a bag o f tra il food made w ith raisins, nuts and just a little extra patience. ToP hil Bonnefoy, a bag of m exican a n ti-ju m p in g beans and thanks. To Bob, two and a h a lf tons of fiberglass insulation and Shakespare. To Cathy and Herm an... A n y litic . To Leiber, a punching bag made o f bricks. To Hau, 50 bucks not to te ll about my English paper. And to a few select individuals o f the graduating class, a can of dehydrated brains for any extrem e emergency.


His parents had no surviving children

Future Dodells

Did someone say food?

The Statue o f L ib e rty look

" S o , Mr. President, this is what you have done for your school"



"W here is the round-up?" D




iiAwel a m


l Af a I I a r ' a

an H

I s H m ft

"G o ahead and stick your finger in the socket. M a tt" " H i, there, big f e lla "

Those hairdressers a t Goldwaters sure work wonders. B elieve it or not, I was once 6 '7 "

"W here do you want me to put the science b u ild in g ? "

"Please put the science b uilding down Mr. Peterson"

r "So this is what it is like to be high."

"Where is the party?"

"There is pigeon droppings on my desk."

i A


Wanted by the F.B.I.



111 1111



M artin DeMarzo Am y Abraham

Rick Kaye M att Beardsley

Faith Wulson

Doug Dalgleish

J e ff Johnston Je ff M ille r


L a r a g e n e O liv e r

Lisa Rhind

M argie Peper

K im er Wadsworth

Cynthia Tancer


Theresa Bernard

C aroline Wurts B ill W rigley

V ic k i Horn

Carol Clendenin

Crystal Scurr

A lic e Haberman John Fisher

Susie Davison

Stan Casselman

Phil Steiner June Eng

Greg Hoffman



Laura Sandler

Roz Romney

Joan Sm ith Bobby Simonds

Farley Weiss E,,en S m ith

L iz Dashnaw

Krista Magnusson

Gordon Sutton

M ichael Morrison

B ill Kerrigan

Laurie Schoeffler

Stephanie Grady

Daryl M c C u llic k

K ati Lorant


Laura Levy, K arla Earnhardt, Cathy Best, J u lie Burgess

Shanna Moore

Robert Weigel

M alcolm Clendenin

B ija n Chowdhury

Lindsay Alspach

H olly Brown

John Boccaccio


L ibby Bean


Mark Adkins Ruth Barbey

James Perry

M ike Spangler

Rusty Jones

Bro Hayden

llg g I I Robin Friedman

John Spalding

Gay Donahoe M ichael L e v itz

ÂŤP0! I yj$%jh Barrie Dickerson

M r

v *


For a tim e we were in danger of becoming respectable-Keith Richard

I thought we stood for in fin ity -M ic k Jagger

I pray that it's a ll rig h t-M ic k Jagger A lta m on t '69 We any where m an-The R olling Stones '65 M ick Jagger, isn't he that m otorcycle rider? - Gerald Ford

I ca n 't get no sa tisfactio n-M ick Jagger & Keith Richard

And a t t h a t t i me s h a l l M i c h a e l s t a n d up3 t h e g r e a t p r i n c e whi ch s t a n d e t h f o r t h e c h i l d r e n o f thy p e o p l e : and t h e r e s h a l l he a t i me o f t r o u b l e 3 s uc h as n e v e r w a s . . .

• • •-'' 7 '} P

As /Z c /Z /z :; \



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Sabrina Espinoza Rex Morrison, Bret L an u ti, David Shapiro

•^/Bobby Pierce

Stacey R ichter, Sharon S teckl^r, Dana Cheshire

Je ff J o lie t, Greg Kretzer

Worth L a fin , Kent Stuart

Jennifer Beardsley, Ann Keefer

John T illo tso n

Greg Nelson

M ichael Bernstein, Robert Bernstein

L iz Reeves, M att Lofdahl, Robert Englund, Scott M ating, Janie Gould, Susan V pPitre


Eighth Grade

Tracy M cCollum

, / Val B o lin

Laurel Superfon

Eric Hagstrom

Je ff Zuchowski

Wesley Mason

B ill B o llin ge r

Mary Jane Kerrigan «■

Leela Chowdhury

Dean Paris, Bryant Stodola

Jenny Jensen, Dyann Fisher, Nancy R utila V

Cindy Cohen, Wendy Scurr is

John Pritchard

Mark Weiss, Steven Shapiro B ill Landis, W ill Kellogg

Diana H olt

Seventh Grade

Sean L ittle , Bryan Sandler, Rob Chamberlin



ijf f k

Geoff Bleak man, Goelet Reid K iffie Spangler, Cindy Boyton

K im Rossman, Tracy Hoffman Don Munson, T im Wray

Brian Moss

K im Southam

Mark Urban M ichael Myers, Carter Sweet

Adam B a rc la y -W h ite , Steven Cohen

I Sixth Grade


Wendy Pitre, John Mason, Carol Brown, Karen Pitre, Gia Lanuti.


Avery Crossman, Shannon Gray


WMStti.Hi 1

â–ş ILi*^

Danny Lesser Am y Lieberm an, Suzanne Peirce

Tom Cohen, Bert Getz

Lisa Firestone

David Mason, Richard Ebright

Karen Zuchowski, S a lly M ille r J e ff M aling, Chris Petersen

Robert Withers Deane Knauf


Robert Portnoy, John M a rca re lli, T aylor Driggs Kirsten Kulm er, Chris M cCollum



Greg Beaudin C liff W eigel Robert Kroger

Becky Jones, Jenny Koss, J u lie Hendin Scott Duff

Jenny Schoeffler

M ic h e lle Barker, Andrea Falconiere

Lower School

Fifth Grade

Rick Boynton, Chuck Superfon

Todd Barker, Bea Reid, Louis Comus


Natasha Hasse, Bea Reid

K im Kroger, Chris Weigel

Glen Levy, Beth Thomsen, Stuart G eigling, Jennifer Evarts

Am y Biggs, Je ff V e nd itti

Stacey Tarone Carey Marks

Nova Daley, E m ily Chrisman

Stuart G iegling M ichael Goldman

Todd Barker

M ichael Goldman

J e ff V enditt

Stacey Tarone Aaron Shepherd

Ruth Rablnowitz

Fourth Grade

David Friedman Lara Sosnow

M ichael Oberg

Stacey O'Donnell

. c . ... Jason Schoeffler

Jennifer Daly Alison L ille Seth Leibsohn

Evan G lttner

C ricke t Alexander

Nancy Schlucter


M ichael Goldman, Brian Adams

K im Kroger

L illia n Lanzetta, Ruth R abinowitz Chris W eigel, Stephen Scott

Brooke S terling, Beau Barton X

Jon Wechsler J u lie H o lt

Daniel Donahoe Lara Bryant, Catherine Baggott, Dana Slesfnger

Jon Cowen


Third Grade

Edith Reid

Anne Johnson Keith Hurley

Catherine Withers, M ichele Rice

Heather S ie lic k i

Baha Bahadir

Eleanora V in c i

Je ff Howard

\*sa !

_ Amanda Brown

Francis Kendrick Troy P hillip s

Heather Sandler

Dylan B ra g g io tti, M att Fleck

J u lie Shephard

Shauna Rabinowitz, K e lly Kinnear â– it


Apichai Wongsod


Drew Sided Francis Kendrick

Debbie Munson, Sean Alexander Garrett Kent, Stephen Guardino, Sharon Ligorsky, Diana W itt

Eric Ellsworth, Sara M cN eff

K e lly D uff

Second Grade

M atthew Houle Alan Takagi

Jennifer Durkin

H illa ry Hanlon

Justin Decker

T in a Urban

Scot Torrey

Chip O'Donnell

B enjam in Peterson

M ichael Moran

Graham Ragan Sarah Tim m ons

David Jarrat

H ali Young

Chris Blumenstein

T in a C ritc h fie ld , Kerston L in co ln

Jorge Alm ada Shane Gearty

ÂŤ n

Chris Chaffee W hitney Anthony


First Grade

Eve Lipson

Brooke Donahoe, Rob R utila , V incent Knowles

Bard Sterling

T y Wilson

Sean Brown, Karen Finley

John Jacobs, Kevin Ramsaur

Andrew Houle, M ichael Sklar

Chris Moore

Kevin Lanard


M att Short


Chad Newman, Jason Harris

H olly Hendin B illy DuMone

Absent: IMorman Todd, Andrew Honacker



J u lie Turpin Jonathan Peterson Aaron Schoeffler

Chandler Buss

Deborah Sklar

K eith Lundm ark, Hunter Duffy

G abriella Peers

K itty Brown

4 %

P olly Rassi

Rachel F latt, T ina M cNeff

Ben McLean

Haley Scott Salina Parks

Jonathan Z iglar Robert Cohen

K ristin Kinnear Absent Jason Ralphe


Aaron Lipson

Geoff Borger, Kevin Washington, Adam Fleck


Letter Club L to R Top: J u lia Haus, Elizabeth Dashnaw, B ill Leiber, Mark Three Stars, Stuart Frische, Gregory H offm an, Donald Singer, Barton Hechtman, Je ff Weiss, Matthew R. Gregory, David Hvidsten, Brent V ierck, Philippe S. Bonnefoy, Gregory T . Haus, Ginger Irw in , George Kokalis, Cathy Tancer, Herman K. Lew kow itz, Todd G ilm ore. Bottom : Cynthia Latish, Lynn D iethrich, F e lic ia Weiss, Mary Gleeson, Cynthia Tancer. Lowest Bottom : Evan Lewis.

Officers o f the L etter Club

The L etter Club has remained the most powerfulest club on campus. In a c tiv ity has remained the focus of attention this year. Everyday a c tiv itie s have included an A ll-M a le Fashion Show, A th le tic Banquet, how to spend our money, and the contem plation o f travel. These a c tiv itie s showed th a t when arroused our club is the most organized and responsible. U nlike a ll the other clubs on campus we are not open to anyone who wishes to jo in . Tremendous a th le tic achievem ent must be achieved before we consider selecting a candidate. A ll officers o f the club have lettered at least four tim es. Attendance in at least two practices o f any sport q ualifies candidates. In itia tio n s were dropped last year after several members com plained of sprained noses after pushing pennies down sidewalks.

L. to R: Herman K. Lew kow itz, Assistant D ictator (involved in power struggle) Philippe S. Bonnefoy, Swiss Financier, D irector of Extortion (now liv in g q u ie tly in South Am erica) Gregory T. Haus, A lm ig h ty D ictator (Swiss Bank Account number 10239) Matthew R. Gregory, Body Guard ((R iot Control) co ntrolling Mob interests) D irector o f Secret Police

Members o f the Letter Club have often been seen p a rticip a tin g in e xtra -cu rricu la r athletics. These include p articip a tion in the Special Olympics, jogging along canal banks, water balloon fights, and even throwing rocks at little children.

Food Club

L e ft to rig h t; K e lly Dutton, Elizabeth Dashnaw, Carolina Lopez V ic k i Horne, Herman Lew kow itz, Cathy Tancer, Ju lia Haus (w ith Missing face), Lynnie Getz, Bart Hecktman, Phil Bonnefoy, Lynne D iethrich, M att Gregory, Stuart Frische (extra head behind M att) Je ff M ille r (under Jack), Jack Barbey, Greg Haus (peaking between M att and Randy), Randy S teckler, K im Fowler (w ith missing face), Stan Casselman, Don Singer (growth on Stan's head), Lisa Jones, Robert D odell, K im er Wadsworth.

Mr. Raymond was unable to attend the taking o f this picture, he had to fly to Paris to give advice to the Cordon Bleu Cookery School on new recipes they were contem plating.

Advisory Board

fron t row, Bart Hechtman, Mr. James Roof, M alcolm Clendenin, Mrs. A rlette Hagstrom, Evan Lewis, Phil Bonnefoy, Mr. Harry Houle, M att Gregory, Mr. Chet Seroka, Mr. Donald Singer. Back row, Robert W eigel, V icki Horn, Stan Casselman, Stuart Frische. Absent, Todd G ilm ore, Mark Three Stars.

The Advisory Board made great steps forward this year in rooting out student apathy. A c tiv itie s this year included the firs t annual Advisory Board S oftball tournam ent along w ith various other events ca llin g for student p articip a tion . The Social and Restoration Com m ittees got into fu ll swing for the firs t tim e in P.C.D.S. history, the Ju dicial C om m ittee played a valuable role in student government, and the Advisory Board as a whole neared its fu ll p ote ntia l. I look to next years Advisory Board to come through w ith new ideas so that student involvem ent w ill not become just a passing phase. President Bart Hechtman



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This year Paul Schweikher directed New Horizons and headed the Shadow Program; Robert Wilson, the wilderness courses; James Bruning, the overseas tour to Spain and France; and James Roof, the on-campus classes.



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The Shadow Program provided students w ith opportunities to explore potential career interests or particip a te in com m unity service. The wilderness outings involved backpacking trips to C atalina Island and Canyonlands, Utah and a tour o f southwestern natural science exhibits. The Language Departm ent sponsored a tour o f Spain and France. On-campus courses ranged from Raku to research.

Paul Schwikher, Robert Wilson, James Roof, James Bruning.

you i

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New Horizons offers Upper School students a unique learning experience during the spring semester. The program focused on four areas the Shadow Program, wilderness outings, overseas tra v e l, and a va riety o f on-campus courses.



French Club

fron t row: Mary Gleason, Carolina Lopez, Roz Romney, Carol Clendenin, Mrs. Hagstrom, Glen Bean, back row: Laura Levy, Robin Friedm en, Crystal Scurr, L iz Dashnaw, A lic e Haberman, June Eng, Eric Felten, M alcolm Clendenin.

Societas Linquae Latinae

<7 r Front Row: Bartonus Hechtman, Gregorius Haus, Robertus K ratzet, Joannes Boccaccio, C arolina Wurts, Columbia Clendenin, C ynthia Tancer, Ju lia Haus, Robertus Ranucci. Back Row: B ritius B eirck, G ulielm us Leiber, Robertus D odell, Elizabeth Dashnaw, A lic ia Haberman, Cristala Scurr, M ichael DeMarzo, Martinus DeMarzo, Donaldus Singer, Henricus Houle. Absent: Susana Davison, G ulielm us Kerrigan, M ichael Morrison, Catarina Lorant, Bijanus Chouadhury


Spanish Club

Front Row L to R, M ike B o cchin i, John Fisher, Lynn D iethrich, J u lia Burgess, M ichele Norinsky, Karla Earnhardt, Evan Lewis, Kasey Dutton, Randy S teckler, Shanna Moore, Je ff Weiss, Phil Steiner, Stuart Frische, M att Gregory. Second Row, Laurie Wray, B ill W rigley, Leah Jacobson, Paralee Obele, Bobby Simmonds, Greg Hoffman, Susan L iv e ly , Nancy Best, David Hvidsten, M ike L e v itz , Rusty Jones, Jim m y Friend, Mark Adkins, John Spalding, Sandy Soucy, T hird Ro\y, Stan Casselman, Je ff M ille r, Scott Heid, Lindsay Alspach, K e lly Dutton, V ic k i Horn, Krista Magnusson, Ellen S m ith , Gay Donahoe, K im er Wadsworth Fourth Row, George "to o t a l l " Kokalis


C om puter Club

Front row, Candy Russell, Bro Hayden, Daryl M c C u llic k , Scott Shekels, Robert Ranucci. Back row, James Perry, B illy Leiber, M r, Singer, Don Singer, Robert Weigel



The Im portance Of Being Ernest By Oscar W ilde Cast John W orthing, J.P............................................................... , Algernon M on crie ff ............................................................ Rev. Canon Chausable, D .D ................................................ M errim an, Butler ..............................................................., Lane, Manservant ............................................................... Lady Bracknell .................................. ................................. Hon. Gwendolen Fairfax ................................................... C e cily Cardew .................................................................... Miss Prism, Governess ........................................................................................................... Ms. Faith Wulsin Directed by Mary DeMarzo Asst. Directors .................................................................... ...............................................................Lisa Jones Cindy Latish L ig h t Design ......................................................................................................................... Philippe Bonnefoy L ig h t Operation .......................................................................................................................... Todd G ilm ore Music ............................................................. ...............................................................................Ju lia Wendell Stage Design ........................... ................................................................................. ................. Tom Graham Costumes, Set Decoration ......................................................................................................... Don Hackling Charles T ipto n and Assoc. Construction ...................... Parent Representative ................................................................................................................ M axine Jones

W ild B ill H ickok ..............................................Evan Lewis T eskanjavila ......................................................Ju lia Haus Annie Oakley Cathy Tancer Cast Colonel Forsyth ............................................... Je ff B ailey Lieutenant Stuart Frische B uffalo B ill Rusty Jones Reporters M artin Qemarzo S ittin g B u ll ................................................. Bart Hechtman Bro Hayden M att Gregory Senator Logan ...................................... Various Indians ................................................... Je ff Weiss Senator Morgan-Dawes ...............................Todd Gilm ore Don Singer John Grass Mark Three Stars T im M a g ill Spotted T a il Herman Lew kow itz Grand Duke Alexis .............................. Philippe Bonnefoy Directed by Mary Demarzo Interpreter ..........................................................Laura Foist Ned B untline ................... M ichael DeMarzo Asst. Director .................................................. Cindy Latish Tech. D irector Laynne D ietrich W hite House Maid ................................... Lynne D iethrich L ig htin g Design Philippe Bonnefoy 01' T im e President .................................... Howdy Kratzet First Lady ........................................................ Ginger Irw in "IN D IA N S " by Arthur K opit


OUR TOWN By Thornton W ilder A P.C .D .S. STU D EN T-FA C U LTY PRODUCTION Cast Stage Manager .....................................................................................Mr. James Roof Dr. Gibbs .......................................................................................... Mr. Don H avkling Joe C row ell ......................................................................................... Mr. Evan Lewis Howie Newsome ................................................................................... Mr. Glen Bean Mrs. Gibbs Mrs. Carol S m ith George Gibbs .......................................................................... Mr. M atthew Beardsley Mrs. Webb Ms. Ginger Irw in Rebecca Gibbs ...............................................................................Ms. L iz z ie Reeves W a lly Webb ...............................................................................M r. Eric Hagstrom E m ily Webb ........................................................................................Ms. Cindy Latish Professor W illa rd ................................................................................. Mr. Harry Houle Mr. Webb ............................................ ...............................................M r. Steve Gerber Woman in the Audience ..............................................................Mrs. Vera Morrison Man in A u dito riu m ...........................................................................Mr. Tom Graham Lady in the Box ....................................................................... Mrs. A rle tte Hagstrom Sim on Simson ................................... Mr. Paul Schweikher Mrs. Soames ........... ...M s. A lic e Haberman Constable Warren ............................................................................... Mr. Joel M onell Si Crowell ....................................................................................... Mr. Todd G ilm ore Sam Craig ..................................................... ......... .................... Mr. Bart Hechtman Baseball players ................................ ...................................Mr. M ike Bocchini Mr. J e ff B a ile y Mr. Rusty Jonew Mr. M ichael DeMarzo Choir Ladies .................... ............................................................ Mrs. Fran Vierck Ms. M a rilyn Matuska Mrs. Joan O liver Mrs. Lorraine Peoples Mrs. Roberta Crane Mrs. Vera Morrison Mrs. L ovice Peterson Mrs. Ada Anderson Organist ...............................................................................................Mrs. Ruth Grove L ig htin g D irector ....................................................................Mr. Philippe Bonnefoy Asst. Lights D irector ...................................................................... Mr. Todd G ilm ore D irector ......................................................................................... Ms. Mary DeMarzo Asst. D irector .............................................................................. Ms. Lynne D iethrich

M o d e l U.N






jg b n d f

Once again PCDS was an a ctive p articip a nt in the A rizona Model United Nations Program. Twenty Five Students, Juniors and Seniors represented Delegates from the nations o f Uganda and Syria. These Third World Countries laid an a ctive base from which our students excelled. The intensity o f our involvem ent was e xem plified when members o f the P o litic a l C om m ittee drew up a resolution to expell Philippe Bonnefoy and M att Gregory, the Ugandan Delegation, from the m eeting.Philippe Bonnefoy and Mark Three Stars were voted Bloc Leaders. J e ff Weiss represented Syria on the Security C ouncil. Todd G ilm ore and Robert Dodell were Judges on the International Court o f Justice. Although once again we, by mistake, were not voted outstanding delegation, the e ffo rt was outstanding. Many o f those involved gained experience th a t they could never receive in a classroom. W ithout the assistance of Mr. Paul Schweikher and Mr. David Raymond they m ig ht not have had this opportunity.

Top Row, L to R: Je ff Weiss, Herman L ew kow itz, Gregory Haus, Douglas Dagleish, K im be rly Fowler, Cynthia Latish, F e lic ia Weiss, Ju lia Haus, Dianna Ziehm , C ynthia Tancer; Bottom Row; Lynn Getz, Robert Dodell, Todd G ilm ore, Don Singer, Lisa Rhind, W illia m Lieber, Barton Hechtman, Mark Three Stars, Steven M ille r, Philippe Bonnefoy, M atthew Gregory, Stuart Fische.



M usic


Mr. Donald H ackling Yearbook Advisor

Robert Adam Dodell Business Manager

Sandra Lynn Getz E d ito r-in -C h ie f Gregory Thomas Haus Assitant Editor

Elizabeth Blake Ryan Copy Editor Philippe Scott Bonnefoy L a y -o u t Editor Photography Editor

A Special Thanks For All Your Time And Effort. . .

M r. Raymond M r. W ilson M r. Gerber Mrs. M o rrison Mrs. W ood Mrs. M o b le y

Julia Haus Nancy Best Lina Weissman Lisa Rhind Elizabeth Dashnaw M ichael Levitz M ik e M orrison M ike Bocchini Susan Lively


Varsity Soccer

L to R, Front Row: Bart Hechtman, Philippe Bonnefoy, Evan Lewis, M att Gregory, John Fisher, Randy Friend, Phil Steiner; Back Row: M att Beardsley, Herman Lew kow itz, Steve M ille r, Stan Casselman, B illy Leiber, Je ff M ille r, Stuart Frische, Greg Haus, M ike B o cchini, Gordon Sutton.


vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs.

Verde V a lle y Chaparral Scottsdale Verde V a lle y Scottsdale Saguaro M ountain View Orme Mesa Judson Judson Orme Judson

(State Playoff) WT L 7 -5 -1


5-3 8-0 11-3 4-3 4-1 2-4 12-1 5-1 1-2 2-4 3-3 1-3 0-1


Back row: Laurie Wray, K im er Wadsworth, Laragene O liver, Theresa Bernard M iddle row: C ynthia Tancer, F e lic ia Weiss, Cindy Latish, Cathy Tancer, Lin a Weissman, Laurie Schoeffler, Eng Bottom row: Ginger Irw in , Lynn D ietrich

Boys' Varsity Basketball

fron t row, I to .r, John Boccaccio, Greg H offm an, Rusty Jones. Second row, Mark Three Stars, Todd Gilm ore George Kokalis, Stuart Frische, Greg Haus, T hird row, B ijan Chowdhury, M ichael DeMarzo, Stan Casselman, Herman L ew kow itz, M artin DeMarzo, Don Singer. Back row, Mr. Larry Borger, B ill Leiber.

Girls' Varsity Basketball

L to R, Front row: H olly Brown, Candy Russell, Mary Gleason, Cathy Tancer, F e licia Weiss; Back Row, Mr. Kosower, K im m er Wadsworth, L iz Dashnaw, Leah Jacobson, Cindy Latish, Lynne D iethrich, Laurie Wray.



J im m y Friend, Je ff Weiss, Farley Wiess, J e ff M ille r, Bobby Simonds

Varsity Baseball

Top Row, L to R: Mark Three Stars, M ike L e v itz , Bro Hayden, Greg Haus, Greg H offm an, Stan Casselman, John Fisher, Bobby Simmonds, John L e v itz , Mr. Donald Singer. Bottom Row, fa r le ft: Herman Lew kow itz; L to R: Don Singer, M att Gregory, Scott Heid, Bart Hechtman, Je ff Rollings, M itch W eigel, B illy Leiber, Evan Lewis, Randy S teckler, Steve M ille r, Todd G ilm ore, Stuart Frische.

Varsity Softball

Top Row, L to R: Ginger Irw in , Lynne D ieth rich , F e lic ia Weiss, K im Fowler, Cindy Latish, Lindsay Alspach, Shanna Moore; Bottom Row, L to R: Leah Jacobson, Cathy Tancer, Candy Russell, Mary Gleason, Lin a Weissman, J u lia Haus, Laragene O liver.



Krista Magnusson, Ju lia Haus, Susan L iv e ly , Ellen S m ith , V ic k i Horn, Sue Leard

Trap And Skeet

L . to R. top row: D. Hvidsten, J. L e v itz , B. Leiber, J. Bruning, S. Davison, S. Heid, S. Grady bottom row: M. Morrison, M. Gleason, J. Spalding

1978-79 saw the P.C.D.S. scattergunners particip a te in two high school tournaments, the W inter Chain shoots, the Arizona State shoot and the Spring Grand Am erican Tournament. The P.C.D.S. shooters averaged two practise sessions per month from September through March and shot at more than 12,000 clay targets. In fiv e years of organized shooting, the P.C.D.S. teams have won over 40 trophies in trap shooting com petition.

M.S. Boys Soccer

top; I to r: Wesley Mason, John Pritchard, John T illo ts o n , Worth L a flin , Eric Hagstrom, Bobby Peirce, Kent Stewart, T im Wray, m id dle ; L to R: Je ff J o lie t, Mark Weiss, Steven Shapiro, B ill B o llin g e r, Rex Morrison, Dav Shapiro, bottom ; I to r: M ichael Bernstein, Greg Nelson.

M.S. Girls Volleyball

L to R Jenny S choeffler, Jenny Jenson, Laurel Superfon, Elizabeth D algleish, Leela Chowdhury, K iffy Spangler, Susan Pitre, Jennifer Beardsley, Liesl Veazey, Dana Cheshire

M.S. Boy's Basketball

Top row; Eric Hagstrom, Kent Stewart, Coach Mark Lacy M iddle row; Rex Morrison, John T illis o n , Je ff J o lie t, Steven Shapiro, David Shapiro, Bottom row; Bobby Bernstien, Mark Weiss, Mark Urban, M ichael Bernstien

M.S. Girls Softball

Front row: Suzanne Peirce, Wendy Pitre, Avery Crossman, Deane Knauf, Sabrina Espinoza, Jenny Schoeffler, Cindy Cohen. Back row: Dana Cheshire, Diana H olt, Susan Pitre, Laurel Superfon, Janie Gould, Jenny Jensen, Sharon S teckler, K iffie Spangler, Leela Chowdhury, Karen Zuchowski, Carol Brown, Lisa Firestone.

M.S. Flag Football

First Row: Rex Morrison, Eric Hagstrom, Je ff J o lie t, Robert England, Bryant Studola, Worth L a flin , B rett Lan uti, Second Row: T im Wray, Donald Munson, Dean Paris, Steven Shapiro, Mr. Mark Lacy, David Shapiro, (M iddle Row): Kent Stewart T hird Row: Robert Bernstein, Wesley Mason.

M.S. " B " Flag Football

Coach Mr. Larry Borger Second Row: John M a rc a re lli, Tom Cohen, M ichael Goldman, Steven Scott, Robert Kroger, Rob Withers, Greg Beaudin, T im P h illips, John Dawson Mason, Bert Getz, Chuck Superfon First Row: C liff W eigel, ndy Shanken, Chris W eigel, David Mason, Aaron Shepard, S cott M ating, Mark Urban, Robert Portnoy, Bret Hopper.


We want to jo in the Frenching Club

Mush Head



Seniors a t play

Seniors at work

Kindergarten Joel K line First Grade Jim m y Matz Second Grade T im Daley Christy Koss Tara Kennedy Suzanne Sarphie Alyssa Wendt F ifth Grade Cynthia Clendenin-Absent Brenda Ligorsky-Absent Sixth Grade Jeany Pawlal Freshmen David Preiser Candy Russell Sophomores Frances Cole Je ff Rolings Juniors

" I f we Shadows have offended, T hin k but this-and a ll is mendedT ha t you have but slum ber'd here W hile these visions did appear. And this weak and id le them e, No more yie ld in g but a dream, Gentles, do not reprehend; I f you pardon, we w ill mend.

And, as I'm an honest Puck, I f we have unearned luck Now to 'scape the serpent's tongue, We w ill make amends ere long; Else the Puck a lia r c a ll: So, good n ig ht unto you a ll. Give me your hands, i f we be friends, And Robin shall restore am ends." W illia m Shakespeare

ADVERTISEMENTS CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SENIOR CLASS OF 1979 Dr. and Mrs. Robert Barnes M r. and Mrs. W illiam F. Foist M r. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gleason M r. and Mrs. Byron H unter M r. and Mrs. Gerald Latish M r. and Mrs. Richard S. Leard M r. and Mrs. Jerry Lewkowitz Harry T. and M arjorie M agill M r. and Mrs. Edward M . Obele, Sr. Mrs. LaVonne Three Stars Harry and Irene Weiss and Family

M y question still is, has the good w itch perhaps substituted a "s tic k b o y " fo r Todd?

To make no mistakes is not in the power o f man; but from th e ir errors and mistakes the wise and good learn wisdom fo r the future.


" L iv e fo r something. Do good, and leave behind you a monument o f virtue th a t the storms o f tim e can never destroy. W rite your name in kindness, love, and m ercy on the hearts of the people you contact, and you w ill never be forgotten. Your name and good deeds w ill shine as the stars."

Robert W illia n Chambers

"N o th in g in the world can take a place of persistence. T a le n t w ill not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men w ith talent. Genius w ill not: unrewarded genius is alm ost a proverb. Education w ill not: the world is fu ll of educated derelicts. Persistence and determ ination alone are om nipotent. The slogan 'Press On, 1 has solved and always w ill solve the problems o f the human ra c e ."

C alvin Coolidge

" I am not bound to w in, but I am bound to be true; I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to liv e by the lig h t that I have. I must stand w ith anybody that stands rig h t; stand w ith him w hile he is rig h t, and part w ith him when he goes w ro ng ."

Abraham Lin coln


from the


Congratulations to the Class of '79

It Was A Very Good Year

Phoenix C ountry Day School Parents' Association

An Evening of Shakespeare " A M id s u m m e r Night's D ream "

St. Laurent Rive Gauche Fashion Benefit

Holiday A u c tio n III

CPR Parent Seminar

PCDS C o o k b o o k

PCDS C ou n try Store

Special Congratulations

George Kokalis

Randy Friend

Steven M ille r

Todd Gilm ore

You M ade It A ll The Way! From Your Parents

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1979 Senior




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The Seagull slow ly turned in the air among the others that seemed to flo a t above the rocks She walked ca re fu lly across the jagged, wet rocks onto the sand. The seagulls in q u isitive , approached only to propel themselves into flig h t when she came near. Everything was grey, the sea and clouds blended into one another. The waves surged forward onto the sand, only to fa ll back again. She sat down on the sand the wetness of it soaked through her jeans. A c h ill spread through her, but the wool sweater kept out the cold, wet, salty w ind; it fe lt good against her skin. She thought about the future, what it held, what it would be lik e . Leaving this place would be d iffic u lt, so much tim e had been spent here. But, A ll things must change. She must greet the future w ith open hands, accept what happens, but by projecting herself in the rig h t direction. I t was going to be hard leaving. This is the end, It's tim e to leave. She looked once more; you should always have one last look, before you leave.



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