1980 phoenician

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To the Class of 1980:

You will graduate into a new decade, one which will bring challenges to all of you. There are a plethora of problems demanding to be solved. You will need all of your energy and creativity to help us solve them . As you face this prospect, beware of sim plistic solutions and short cuts. The problems are complex and require clear thinking, hard work and patience. Hopefully, all of these qualities have been required of you during your years at Phoenix Country Day School.

Good luck and I look forward to seeing you at the Annual Alumni parties.


Joel C. Monell





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O . ^cxcymoodi

The tim e has come for closing books And long last looks must end, And as I leave I know that I Am leaving my best friend; A friend who taught me right from wrong, And weak from strong, that's a lot to learn. What can I give you in return? If you wanted the moon I would try To make a start, but I would rather give My heart “ To Sir, with love.” Those awkward years have hurried by. Why did they fly away? Why is it, Sir, children grow up To be people one day? What takes the place of climbing trees, And dirty knees in the world outside? What is there for you I could buy? If you wanted the world I’d surround it With a wall. I’d scrawl these words With letters ten feet tall, “ To Sir, with love.1




Mrs. Fran Vierck, Low er School M rs. Susan Bookspan, M iddle School Reading and Special Skills

M rs. Ramil Biggs, Lower School M r. Donald Singer, C h airm an of M ath D ept., U pper School M ath

M r. Robert Kosower, Athletic D irector

M r. Lester Felten, Jr., Band D irector & Co-Chair m an of Music Dept.

M rs. A rle tte H agstrom , M iddle & Upper School French

Mrs. Joyce Jensen, M iddle School M ath & Science

Mrs. Lovice Peterson, Low er School

Mrs. R oberta Crane, Lower School Spanish M r. Jam es Roof, Dean of U pper School, Dean of Faculty, and U pper School English T ea c h er

Mrs. M artha Bonacich, Student Teach er

M r. Paul Schw eikher, C hairm an of H istory D ept., D irector of College Counseling


M r. Donald Hackling, C h airm an of English D ept. & U pper School English T ea c h er Mrs. Joan Oliver, Lower School

Mrs. Janice Anderson, Low er School M rs. M arilyn Schaper, Low er School

Mrs. Susan Funkhouser, Lower School

Ms. M ary DeM arzo, Upper School English & Mid die & Upper School Dram a

M r. Tho m as G rah am , M iddle School M ath & Science

Ms. C hristine English, U pper School History

M r. G eorge Baker, M iddle School Social Studies

Miss Georgia Buelow, Physical Education T ea c h er

Ms. B arbera Kendall, Low er School


Mrs. M ary Lu Syllaba, Lower School

M r. G ary Quick, M iddle & Upper School M ath & Science

Miss M ary Swiess, Physical Education M r. M ark Lacy, Physical Education

A Mrs. Judy Stanley, Lower School

M r. F. Rodney Dashnaw, M iddle School English

Miss Janet Sm ith, M iddle School Spanish


V era M orrison, Nurse Ruth Grove, Lower School Dean and Co-Chairm an of Music Dept.





David Raym ond, C hairm an o f Science Dept, and Upper School M ath and Science

B arbara Searle, Low er School Science

Judy Hoblit, Low er School H a rry Houle, Librarian and U pper School Latin

Kathy Jam es, Low er School

C h ester Seroka, M iddle and U pper School M ath and Science

Jo Ann Sklar, Low er School

M arcia Mallin, Low er and M iddle School Art Larry Borger, Dean of M iddle School and Social Studies

Lorraine Peoples, Lower School

Sue Lynch, Lower School

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Carol S m ith, Low er and M iddle School Art

R o bert Wilson, U pper School M ath and Science J am es Cook, C h airm an of A rt Dept, and U pper School Art

Anderson, Vocal Music

Charles Tipton, Grounds

Superintend ent

of Building

Sheila Sheilds, G eneral Music and Strings

Bob Flanagan, Bill Searle, John Craig, Lyle Zielstorf, Luther Reynolds, Jessie Hinton, W alter Blunt, Ralph Phillips. Absent: Tex H eintzelm an



"W e cannot discover new oceans unless we have the courage to lose sight of the shore."

Amy Rebecca Abraham "Your days are short here. This is the last of your springs. And now, in the serenity and quiet of this lovely place, touch the depths of truth. Feel the hem. You w ill go away w ith old good friends. D on't forget, when you leave, why you came.

"True friends, like ivy and the wall Both stand together, and together fall."


W orkin' in the fields till you get your back burned, W orkin' 'neath the wheel till you get your facts learned, Baby, I get my facts learned real good right now, Poor wanna be rich, rich man wanna be king And a king ain't satisfied till he rules everythin'. I wanna go out tonight, I wanna find out what I got. Bruce Springstein

Jeffrey Patrick Bailey

TR-3's ru le th e road!

If I leave here tom orrow W ould you still remember me? For I must be traveling on now 'cause there's too many places I've got to see. But if I stayed here w ith you, girl W ell, things just couldn't be the same.

Thanks Schweik!

Thanks PCDS!


GLEN ATHERTON BEAN To a young man. I leave you a future to work with. Take care and watch with open eyes, opportunities come and go pick carefully. Rich Poor Common or uncommon whatever end you come out with you'll have something special. The future is unknown but you are in control. -Karen Bean Love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart. Shakespeare The beginning of all things are small. -Cicero

As any psychologist will tell you, the worst thing you can possibly do to a woman is to deprive her of a grievance Beverly Nichols

LajTSj^zne. OhVer I m ade it!

Our yesterdays follow us; they constitute our life and they give character and force and meaning to our present deeds. Joseph Parker

The road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, and I must follow, if I can, pursuing it with weary feet, until it joins some larger way, where many paths and errands meet, and whith足 er then? I cannot say. J.R.R. Tolkien We always like those who admire us, but we do not always like those whom we ad足 mire. Rochefoucald This is the excep足 tion. Thanks.

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Nancy Ruth Best

Nothing can be too great to overcome, nothing can be tqo small to overlook.

To Sundee, my beloved horse, I dedicate this page for she has been my dream come true.

Rebecca Rhea Blackmon </) H c O c </> 3 3 CD cd CO 7T 3; CD 3’ r-+- OQ Q> IX 3 (/>’ 3 " c/T 0) <✓) r^£ O 3 " c7> Q) *< O c o_ 3 O 0 0 r-tT 3 *< “O 3 ’ CD OQ 3 " r+ cd O 3 (/> c 3 c r QC CD D CO

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They say peace of mind exists somewhere, I just hope to God I find it someday.

Any path which narrows future possibili­ ties may become a lethal trap. Humans are not threading their ways through a maze; they scan a vast horizon filled with unique opportunities. The narrowing viewpoint of the maze should appeal only to creatures with their noses buried in the ground.

Douglas P. Dalgleish

Y abba Dabba Doo

Peace demands solutions, but we never reach living solutions; we only work towards them. A fixed solution is, by definition, a dead solution. The trouble with peace is th a t it tends to pun­ ish mistakes instead of rewarding brilliance.

JjSl: W

If you believe certain words, you believe their hidden arguments. When you believe some­ thing is right or wrong, true or false, you be­ lieve the assumptions in the a word which ex­ press the arguments. Such assumptions are often full of holes, but remain most precious to the convinced.

The strongest man is the one who stands most alone. Henrik Ibsen

Martin Gower DeMarzo

Optime olere occisum hostem. Olus Vitellius

Martin Fiero - explorer , Martin Fiero - basketball player


There’s a calm at the eye of every storm . -Dan Fogelberg

Kim berly Fowler

To Kimer and Ljsa j de rjver ^wjsts anc| turns, bending to become unified and whole. The uneasy sound of thunder, then a crack of light­ ning steals across the sky, and the river grows. Maturing and moving in many di-

| | | | | and then, the calm of a pool appears, followed by rapidly flowing wa­ ters. The river becomes a sea. A sea of time and substance, A sea of thought and concern A sea of understanding and A sea of life, to hold in our hearts always.

I watch the little children play, and I don’t want to say goodbye. Just for a m oment we hug, and tears well up in my eyes. Then they return to the sandbox, not knowing the sorrow in my heart. I understand the carefree world of little children, I slip away there myself. A place where time has no meaning, and you only exist between hellos and goodbyes. Now, as I turn and watch the faces, I know that I will miss the laughter. But, one day they will understand, why the tim e between goodbye and hello seems forever.

Though much is taken, m uch abides; and though WE are not now the strength which in old days Moved e a rth and heaven, th a t which we are, w e are; One equal te m p e r of heroic hearts, M ade w eak by tim e and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield. Lord Alfred Tennyson

But one creature said at last, ‘‘ I am tired of clinging. Though I cannot see it with my eyes, I trust that the current knows where it is going. I shall let go, and let it take me where it will Clinging I shall die of boredom. Richard Bach

Why is it that man’s mind Is driven by two powers, Motivated by contradicting forces, With perfection obtained only in their balance. From the Sixth Hour D.O.R.

Stuart Frische Walking side by side with death; The devil mocks their every step. The snow drives back the foot that's slow. The dogs of doom are howling more. J.P.J., J.P., R.P.

Something in the way she knows, And all I have to do is think of her. J.L.

Words are flowing out like endless rain into a pa­ per cup, they slither while they pass they slip away across the universe. Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my open mind, pos­ sessing and caressing me. J Ai Guru Dev A Om

Nothing's gonna change my world. J.L. & P.M.

The rational being questions The routine of existence, Asks the way, Queries the importance, Seeks some goal To life and understanding. D.O.R.

Matthew Robert Gregory Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from tim e to tim e that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. Oscar Wilde

A conspiracy of silence speaks louder than words. Dr. Winston O'Boogie

I find the three major adm inistrative problems on a campus are sex for the students, athletics for the alumni, and parking for the faculty. Clark Kerr

you can wear a mask and paint your face you can call yourself the human race you can wear a collar and a tie one thing you can’t hide is when you’re crippled inside. John Lennon

There’s no tim e to lose I heard her say. Catch your dreams before They slip away. Dying all the time Lose your dreams and you Will lose your mind. In life unkind. Jagger - Richard

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof. -Richard Bach

No one can do me any good by loving me; I have more love than I need, or could do any good with; but people do me good by making me love them-which isn’t easy. -John Ruskin I knew the mass of men concealed their thoughts, for fear that if revealed they would by other men be met with blank indifference, or with blame reproved; I knew they lived and moved Tricked in disguises, alien to the rest of men, and alien to them selves... -Mathew Arnold

There is no such thing as a problem w ithout a gift for you in it ’s hand. You seek problems because you need their gifts. -Richard Bach

Julia Elizabeth Haus

How can I express how much love I have for you? With grateful words, an appreciative smite, or a joyful tear? Saying goodbye seems so silly after all we've been through. Because no m atter how far away we are, I know somehow we'll stay near.

R e m e m b e r R 2B 2 M ark

Scott Howard Heid Thanks to my family for putting up with me, to my teachers for their advice, and my friends for the best of times.

R&R 4-ever!




don’t cry Don't raise your eye it ’s only tennage wasteland -Pete Townsend

Karyn Horne All progress has resulted from people who took un­ popular positions. .The feeling’s oh so strong. You are my love and my life Your are my inspiration

-Adlai Stevenson just remember it ’s a grand illusion deep inside we’re all the same. -Styx MikeSomeday you’re gonna make it. You're gonna be a super-dupper star. I love you.

“ The tim e has com e,” the Walrus said, “ To talk of many things: Of shoes-and ships-and sealing-waxOf cabbages-and kingsAnd why the sea is boiling hotAnd whether pigs have wings.” -Lewis Caroll-

WHEN SERPENTS BARGAIN FOR THE RIGHT TO SQUIRM when serpents bargain for the right to squirm and the sun strikes to gain a living wagewhen thorns regard their roses with alarm and rainbows are insured against old age when every thrush may sing no new moon in if all screech-owls have not okayed his voice -and any wave signs on the dotted line or else an ocean is compelled to close

“ If I am occasionally a little overdressed, I make- up fo r it by being immensely over­ educated.” -Oscar Wilde-

when the oak begs permission of the birch to make an acorn-valleys accuse their mountains of having altitude-and march denounces april as a saboteur then we’ll believe in the incredible unanimal mankind (and not until) -e.e. cummings-






as joe gould says in

who (at

is looking

his terrifyingly hu man man ner the only reason every wo­ man

her nons­ elf 's unself too -thfully lee -r-

old age sticks up Keep Off signs)&

bird:the turn ing;edge,of life (inquiry before snow

should go to college is so that she never can (kno­ wledge is po­ wer) say o

-e.e. cummingsif i ’d OH n lygawntueco

youth yanks them down(old age cries No

ing)can this plati -num floozey begin to(a

Tres)&(pas) youth laughs (sing old age

-Im -

ost)imagi -ne she is e.e. cummings

liege -e.e. cummingsThe tru th is rarely pure and never simple. Modern life would be very tedious if it were either, and modern literature a complete impossibtlity. Oscar Wilde

scolds Forbid den Stop Must n 't Don’t &)youth goes right on gr owing old e.e. cummings

Remember me when I am gone away, Gone far away into the silent land; When you can no more hold me by the hand, Nor I half turn to go, yet turning stay. Remember me when no more, day by day, You tell me of our future that you planned; Only remember me; you understand It will be late to counsel then or pray. Yet if you should forget me for a while And afterwards remember, do not grieve; For if the darkness and corruption leave A vestige of the thoughts that once I had, Better by far you should forget and smile Than that you should remember and be sad. Christina Rosetti

What can I say to someone who has meant so much? Someone who has shown the true meaning of respect, caring, and laughter. How a b o u t.. .1 love you, friend.

Lisa Kaye Jones Take the lilies and the Lace From the days of childhood All the willow winding paths Leading up and outward This is what I give This is what I ask you for Nothing more.

To M om and Dad: Joy, Sym pathy, Support, and A bundant Love. These are th e beautiful gifts you give, asking nothing in return. Though you can no longer p ro te c t me, please find c o m fo rt in th e knowledge th a t you have well p repared m e fo r w h at is y e t to com e. I am proud of you, I respect you, and I love you w ith all of m y being.

Life is a sweet and joyful thing

for one who has someone to love. Friendship is the com fort, the inexpressible com fort of feeling safe with a person. George Eliot

Robert Richard Kaye Jr. It won’t be lo n g ... It won’t be lo n g ... It won’t be lo n g ... It won’t be lo n g ... I forgot my lines!!! R.K. original

There is nothin’ better than takin’ a leek in the wilderness with the m ornin’ sun on your back and the dew nestlin' on the grass. Joe Hermit

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart. Shakespeare

I’m an optim ist. It does not seem too much use being anything else.

Mr. Universe 1963

“ Mr. P resident.. . ”

There are two more Hobbiton sayingsThey are for Glen for all time!!


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Twenty years ago they'd have said I was weird. Todd Rundgren

Robert Howell Kratzet Quis est qui non moveateur amore amicae

Canadian National Champion Stock Seat Eq. 1978

To Glen: Extra Sauce and fences forever

I dedicate this page to my parents, without whom I would be only a picture in Chaparral’s yearbook! Their help is infinitely appreciated My goal was riches in the uppermost strata Harry Nilsson

Goodbye PCDSM


See here how everything leads up to this day; and it’s just like any other day that's ever been. Grateful Dead

Keith Sabin Levenson New England has a harsh climate, a barren soil a rough and storm y coast, and yet we love it, even with a love passing that of dwellers in more favored regions. Henry Cabot Lodge

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day You fritte r and waste the hours in an off hand way Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town Waiting for some one or something to show you the way. Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain, You are young and life is long and there is tim e to kill today, And then one day you find 10 years have got behind you, No one told you to run, you missed the starting gun You were under the impression Pink Floyd That when you were walking forward You’d end up further onward But things ain’t quite that simple. Pete Townshend

Have faith in New England. Calvin Coolige

0 10=nothing at all Ian Anderson

HumP'*' Sw a m o sco tt


The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spirited inspiration that comes to one when he discovers th a t someone else believes in him and is willing to tru st him. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Susan Jo Lively

Why should we be in such desperate haste to succeed, and in such desperate enterprises? If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.

Along The Road Your Steps May Stumble Your Thoughts May Start To Stray But Through It All a Heart Held Humble Levels And Lights Your Way

Let him step to the noise which he hears, however measured or far way. Henery David Thoreau

-Dan Fogelbert-


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je ffre y s c o tt m iller

We're not prim arily put on this earth to see through one an­ other, but to see one another through. Peter Devries Come m others and fathers throughout the land and don't criticize what you don’t understand. Bob Dylan Not all those that wander are lost. J.R.R. Tolkein

If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere. Frank Clark If you’re late, don’t hurry, you’re already late. Algonkian Proverb You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm. Colette

I got by with a little help from my friends, thanks.

W hen I look up a t th e sky I w on der why It m akes m e so blue When I think of you.

Every a rtis t was once an a m a te u r. R.W. Em erson

have n ever m e t a person w ho has given m e as m uch tro ub le as m yself. D.C. M oody

Being is im p o rtan t. Being im p o rtan t is unim p ortan t. Anonymous

T h a t which is b itte r to end ure m ay be sw eet to re m e m b e r.

T ake w h at you can use and let th e rest go by. Ken Kesey

It's not the size of the ship, it ’s th e size of th e w ave. Little Richard

Live hard, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse. Hell's Angels

If y o u 're th e re b efore it's over, y o u 're on tim e. Jam es J. W alker

matthew beardsley

Margaret Elizabeth Peper

To Dianna, What made us friends in the long ago, when we first met? Well, I think I know. The best in me and the best in you hailed each other because they knew that always and always since life began, our being friends was part of God’s plan. -George Webster Douglas

One should always do the things which they fear most; eventually they will become fearless. -Edward Scates

Lisa You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however. -Richard Bach Every person, all the events of your life are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you. -Richard Bach

If you love something very, very much, let it go free. If it comes back to you, it’s yours forever. If it doesn’t, it was never yours to begin with. -Unknown T h a n k s .. .fo r being th e re .

Paige Rhind

High school isn’t a time and place, it’s a state of mind. -Frank Zappa

Exile O n M ain Street's a strange street to walk dow n. Let it Loose n o w mama, let it all hang d o w n , G im m e a little drink fro m your loving cup Shake your hips mama, keep m e all shook up. Feeling so doggone happy, like a natural child. H e lp m e do the boogie, all d ow n th e line. C o m e on Virginia, let's shoot som e D ice. M y Sw eet Black A ngel, D o nald James Singer Jr.

shine a little Light. M ic k Jagger courtesy of D r. T erre n c e H. "T e lly " Fone

A n d in th e e n d , the love you take is equal to the love you make. Lennon and M cC artn e y

D o n 't be dismayed at good-byes. A farew ell is necessary b e fo re you can m e e t again. A n d m eetin g again, a fter m om ents o r life 足 tim es, is certain for those w h o are friends.

randall ian steckler

Richard Bach

You are led throu gh your lifetim e by th e inn er learning creature, th e playful spiritual being, that is your real self. D o n 't turn away fro m possible futures b efo re y o u 're certain you d o n 't have anything to learn fro m th em . Y o u 're always fre e to change your m ind and choose a d iffe re n t future; or a d iffe re n t past.

O n c e in a vision I came on some woods A n d stood at a fork in the road M y choices w e re clear Yet I fro ze w ith fear O f not kno w ing w hich way to go O n e road was simple Acceptance of life The o th e r road offered sweet peace W h e n I made my decision M y vision becam e my release

Richard Bach -Illusions

A n d in th e end th e love you take is equal to the love you make. John Lennon & Paul M cC artn e y

Dan Fogelberg

Everybody has to find his ow n way to be free. Bob Dylan

I once had a girl or should I say she o nce had me. John Lennon & Paul M cC artn e y

It’s not that I’m afraid to try, it ’s that I’m afraid to try and fail. Franklin D. Roosevelt

What might have been is an abstraction Remaining a perpetural possibility Only in a world of speculation. What m ight have been and what has been Point to one end, which is always present. Footfalls echo in the memory Down the passage which we did not take Towards the door we never o pe ned... T.S. Eliot

Cynthia Louise Tancer “ Pooh, promise you won’t forget about me ever. Not even when I’m a hundred.” Pooh thought for a little. “ How old shall I be then?” “ Ninety-nine.” Pooh nodded. “ I prom ise,” he said. A.A. Milne

The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved, loved for ourselves or rather loved in spite of ourselves. -Victor Hugo

Thanks PCDS for everything, and thanks for teaching m e ... What we learn with pleasure we never forget. Alfred Mercier

JL a o . i i f l

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Money is basically green. Green is envy. Envy is headaches. Headaches are a drag. To me, poor is poor, rich is rich. So what? Cat Stevens

When you begin thinking you really are number one . .. th a t ’s when you be­ gin to go nowhere. Stevie Wonder

We’re captive on the carousel of tim e, can’t return, only look behind. Joni Mitchel

He who does not envy solitude

Grains of sand one by one Before you know it, all g o n e ... A lily of a day Is fairer far in May Although it fall and die that night It was the plant and flower of light In small proportions we just beauties see And in short measures life may perfect be.

T h e voice o f th e last cricket across th e firs t fro st is one kind of good-by. It is so thin a splinter o f singing. Carl Sandburg

Kimer Wadsworth

Through th e trials And tribulations I’ve n ever known How to say I love you And let m y feelings show So th a n k you For th e music T hank you fo r th e song Bless you fo r th e fre e d o m In knowing right fro m w rong T hank you fo r th e laughter T h e h ea rta c h e and th e tears It ’s a blessing to grow It's a goodness to be here You give m e w ant to be You give m e sym pathy You give m e w om en T hank you fo r loving m e And letting it show It's a pleasure to be here So bless us, everyone

Oh, God of dust and rainbows help us see th a t w ith o u t dust th e rainbow would not be Langston Hughes

We grew up tog eth er; now we m ust p artBut I'll always love you!

P S M § ] W here are th e eagles and th e trum pets? T.S. Eliot

The difference between failure and success is doing a thing nearly right and doing it exactly right! Edward Simmons

Jeff Weiss You are never given a wish w ithout also being given to power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however. Richard Bach

Every person, all the events of your life are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you. Richard Bach

In the sand at the shore in the sunshine I saw Some children constructing a castle. Its fortified turrets, its drawbridge and all Suggested a haven from hassles. Retreat to your castle, your magic sand castle, Where things that you wish will come true. Illusions and daydreams, pipe-dreams, and schemings The things that you wish, you can do. When things get too tough, and you’ve had just enough, And you think you can’t take one thing more, Just think of that day, that relaxed summer day In the sand in the sun at the shore. Anonymous

Laurie Wray

Faith Rydberg Wulsin

I do my thing and you do your thing, I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, it’s beautiful Frederick S. Peris

And in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter and the sharing of pleasures.

Love sees throu gh a telescop e not a m icroscope. -Anon

.. , ... -Kahlil Gibran

To believe in God is to trust His m ercy and wait.. .for wonderful surprises. -Anon

Be a rainbow Chaser.

I’m so far behind I think I’m first. -Anon

When you part from your friends, you grieve not; For that which you love most in him may be clearer in his absence, as the mountain to the climber is to the plain. -Kahlil Gibran

Dianna Susan Ziehm For without words, in friendship all thoughts, all desires, all expectations are born and shared with joy that is unacclaimed. -Kahlil Gibran

THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF THE SENIOR CLASS I, Amy Abraham, invite you to read a most bizarre work of art. To following people I leave the following things. Julia-Aren’t I gorgeous?, the S.M. and the S.W., H e llo ..., What?, many thursdays, long distance, and friendship in the future. Karyn- guzent-you, New York. Beth-Fiorucci’s, Buddy, G.S.H., J.W., whipped cream, cookies, gummy bears, Chicagofest, many more years of friendship, and a large dose of punk. G.T.H.-a goalpost, Foster’s, Camelback Mountain, Japs and Long Islanders, to be 21, a.m., and J.B., ten tons of T.P., shav ing cream, bad jokes, and a great friendship. G.S.H.-I leave you nothing because your ego is much to large already. Nancy-Winchells, numerous movies, lots of gossip, more cassettes, basketball games, and a life of meeting people as great as you. J.F. -Vitamins, #1, a loaf of bread, girlfriends, all the advice you'll ev er need. S .F .-100 koala bears. M.G.- lunch with Mick Jagger. D.D.- ‘‘no Sex” , vanilla pudding, weird faces, Pooh bear. Cynthia-tons of gossip, Pomona, colleges, ‘‘The Sound of Music” , morning romps, long nails, ‘‘Well Am, who do you like now?” , Massachusettes, a great life ahead of you. C.S.-Hawaii, Massachusettes, long distance, distance. L.O. -morning runs, semi-cooking for a semi-formal, depressing talks, ‘‘I hope he likes m e!” K.L.-Massachusettes, Dartmouth, blood tests. J.B.going down the river, hand signals, laughing attacks, T.P., baby voice, boom-bump!!, mutual friends. Schweikher- C.B.’s, a class that appreciates you, a year without colleges, a million thanks. R o o f-10 yrs. of essays, Alice, Pooh, all the thanks in the world. To Mom and Dad- Thanks for all the love you've put into my life. I, Jeff Bailey, being of questionable mind, hereby leave the following items: To Glen: an ounce, a case or two of whatever and a Z-28 that will outrun a 924 turbo. To Margie: a french vocabulary list, Jack-In-TheBox and Conrad Powell. To Julia: an on-time will and yearbook page. To Howdy: Ted Nugent and $, D & RR. To Matt: a working stereo, the Rolling Stones and a Lafayette generator. To Stuart: A working Coke machine and Arby’s. To Jeff Miller: Louvers that stay on. To Mr. Wilson: Beethoven, a thousand m ultitesters and a nuclear generating station of his very own. To Schweik: The U. of A., Model U.N., Richard Nixon, the Draft and the geopolitical problems of Mr. Goodwrench. To Jeff Weiss: a manual transmission and Wimbleton. To Rick: an oil business, the Falcon Club of America and a thousand guitars. To Mr. Hackling: Heathercliff and Sgt. Trotter. To Mrs. DeMarzo: a theater-in-the-round for a well rounded play. To Mrs. Hagstrom: Un bon chose pour votre maison et mon evaluations dans les classes francais. To Candy: the prom and glamour. And to everyone else, thanks. I, Glen Bean, will the following: To Matt Rollings: the thumbs up and a good joke. To Jeff Rollings: one 16 oz. Stout, an autom atic curve ball, ‘‘a pick fo ’ Keif” , a gold plated guitar, a porsche and cruisin' with it. To Jo Bo, the memories of Geometry and the knowledge that i, in fact, do know whose building project is on 44th st., also my thanks for not slashing my tires. I’ll beat you in ping-pong. To Rusty: Bo Derek, sleep at prom parties in your own room, shootin’ hoops and puns. To Michael: the ability to lead the 80-81 Hoops team undefeated! With a 42 pt. championship game. To Jacques: a never-ending hike in the Phoenix Mts., a lifetime supply of beer, poker lessons, Drag races, river trips, funny jokes, sister hasseling, getting tan, lost turtles,"dirt roads near the McDowell Mts., Edward Abbey and any arrows along with him, trips from Tucson, special talks, laughing beyond control and my lifelong friendship and admiration. To Laurie B., Fran, Rox and Lee: no group of girls is as specia; to me as you! To you I leav e a map to Verde Valley, the ability to jump safely off of the Cliffs in to the river, the award for loyalty to P.C.D.S. teams, the memories of French, jokes, laughter, funny stories, passing notes and so much more, but mostly my love and memories of you, thank you for everything. To June: a busride from Basketball games, a game of Uno, a Granada that everyone knows is yours, a quick grading English teacher, perfect score on your French paper, laughing and secret with absolute privacy. To the Dr.: a starting position in the NBA. To John Fisher, a “ fishbowl” with a string on it so it won’t get left at parties, catchin' ball practice, cracking up in English etc. and Champagne bottles. To Amy: great parties, a liver or kidney, whichever works! To Jeff B., a car that you know nothing about, a front end that doesn’t bend, the Ghost T/A, New Orleans, “ Gonna se d a . . . ’’ etc. To Howdy, God there is so many things to try and remember, this whole well could be filled with just you. Anyway for you, I leave: Extra Sause, of course, fences, Physic Papers, the word “ m ellow” , the worlds largest “ Tock-ing” session, and my friendship. To Doug an Immortalized VW, a salute, a hunting trip, our talk that was so very im portant to me on June 5th '79,. To Lisa, Kim, and Kimer, an endless sing-along, a 3-man basketball team, and a play. To Randy, a pair of Rotten old jeans and a T-shirt. To Matt G., a pair of tickets to any/all “ Stones” concert of his choice. To “ Short-stuff',~a roll of self developing film, a nickel?, a paint brush, a Stu-Buddy. To Matt, Jeff M. Brent, a hike at echo with brew! To Banks, the knowledge of what kind of superstar you are. To Cynthia, you know who, and a test you know you'll ace. To Don, thanks for showing me the “ Stones” , G-cart races, m otorcycle accidents, Pretty Baby etc., leaving you in parking ;ots, nailing Price, and kicking bac k, God we had fun. To Willy, The Virgin River Secret, and so many others, Edward Abbey, Intimidations, love and Bad Jokes. To DOR, a trip from Boston at 90 mph, special talks Hickory Farms Sausage, New Horizons trips, My love and affection for vou alwavs! I hope I’ve left everyone else with something.

To whom it may concern Matthew Beardsley, relinquishes To R.R.-F.C. To Jack-driving skills. To Dalgleish-The German Army and a new hairdo parted on the side. To Randythe nickel von lost in Willy’s office. To Brent- a pack of Virginia Slims so you can be cool too. To Evan- to be like ‘‘God” , super soccer player. To R.E.W.- Thanks for caring and being a friend plus Big Horns. To Fran-XOXO and a Dustin Hoffman doll. To K.F.-a six pack of coke and a thank you. To Keef- a full season of goalie and a membership to Je rry’c club. To Ian- The recipe to biscuits and pancakes, and how to tell the differ­ ence, plus treks in the middle of the night for wood. To "M onk” - A aaa... Cherie!! There’s too many things so I’ll just say- Thanks for what was once the best friendship of my life. -Thanks to the Yearbook for making this book possible. I, Nancy Best do hearby leave the following to the following. To C.B.-the dudie, all my tapes, talks in the bathroom, a chauffeur service, a tracking device, and a lot of friendship. To A.A.- the movies, quick runs for hot chocolate, coffee, an airfreshner for your car. To R.S., a night on the field, the Prom (you can have it!) Sorry about the necklace. To S.C.- the love affair we never had. To G.H.- silk pants, using to kinds gives 100%. To C.T.- a quick run. To Willie- An "A ” on a physics test. To M.D.- a tall joke, a Dancing date at a country Western Bar. To E.L.- a kiss I never gave you, Spanish II, a slap in the face. To L.S.- I’m going to tie your hands to your sides and make you talk. To J.B.- my leggs, Henry VIII, An Eraser, To R.K.- a physics class without questions. To R.J.- a tequnical foul, Spanish homework. To K.H.- an Olympic medal. To F.W.- a new horse trainer. To D.Z.- a slow typewriter. To K.L.- my Germs, your choice of a car, a successful life. To J.H.- An ID, A Blind Date (hubba, hubba) copyright 1980 all rights to this will reserved. I Douggie Doolittle Dalgleish, being of rotten and decaying mind, and body, leave to Evan Lewis, our "H erb Tape” and Tues. mornings at Coco's. To Mr. Raymond, A Rebel Without a Cause. To Mr. Wilson, my senior New Horizons tim e and Queen Elizabeth's flab. To Ms. E., a proud knight on 24 hour service call, an easy quiz, a dirty coffee maker and many thanks. To Mr. Bruning, the heart the tin man didn’t need. To Jeff J., a blond Lebonese girl and the destruction of disco forever! To Kim Fowler, the fourth of July, 1979, Dan Fogelberg music, and a rat fink! To Kimer W., shopping at Goldwater’s after sitting by a hidden canal on a hot summer day, "Earth to Kimer” , "I like mine plain” , a good cook as a backpacking partner, the eve of the Spanish III Exam and my first accident. To Jeff Miller, a secret room at the Roadway Inn "P o p!” , "Baja Bug!” , Miss France and an irritated sounding "W hat?!?” . To Lauribelle, Rudy Valentino, a "H orny Toad” , the drive back from Payson and the sunset that came with it, the perfect lover, Kimer’s strawberries, "If You Like Drinking Pina Coladas” ha! ha!, and the 500 pounds I have gained at your house. To Stuart, “ The Rock ’n’ Roll M uther!” , Westminster Abby 1990, 12 A.M., N.Y.D., eighth grade and a world full of peace. To Randy S., a "Touch Too Much” , empty Korbel bottles, a beautiful freshman summertime, “ Wizards” , a mate in the wrong hands, a green bee with a terrific sting and a buzzin’ jaybird. To Matheous Gregorias, a "little cat slatter” , my place in active duty, "You Idiot!” , Dancing in the rain, Yes Matt, plus the following fabulous prizes! All the trash in my car, left by you!, an ignition you can’t turn off, Miss Italy and a Happy 18th birthday. To Lisa J., an unbustable smoking area on campus, times of tears and joy, a clean flower bed and twelve years of lots of love. To Brent V., an oil well that feels like pumping a 10001 years, lots of ice cream, "O skar” , the trip from San Diego to Wickenburg, shooting lessons from .007, a new Camaro and a full wallet. To those not mentioned, "Hey, who loves you, baby?” . Goodbye. I, Kimberly Fowler, being me, leave the following: Lisa and Kimer; Water-bugs, late nights, 3 Musketeers, L.I.G., W.N.B., Spegetti, San Fransisco, Sodona, and ice cream, Pinkbellies, Flipping and Cops w /o u t shirts, Pussy Packs, Skunks, Tucson, dinners and movies, aren't we sneaky?, we lie good, "draw them cortains,” Tangled up puppets, my map reading ability, funny things, driving old ladies, singing and guitars, Eddie’s, trammas, snorts of happiness, Lisa; 3 speeding tickets because you deserve them, Dudepeudeuce Pass and Spaced-out bus driver, fron t seat on river trips, Sante Fe, B210’s, a ditch, "Jam es” , A sour grape, Tornadoes but when it's quietm AHH-garage door opener attacking, Willy’s, gross joke, pretty skis, banana splits for lunch, the fron t seat. Kimmer; Canyonlands and Stars, (Ready, Aim, Fire), Mug-A-Lunch, a speeding ticket talking on your driveway at 11 p.m., someone to tell you where you are, my accident, pizzas and broken toilets at 12 a.m., words aren’t needed, soda in your lap, Amittyville Horror, softball, a beater, the backseat. Stuart; “ Hey-Stewy baby” , snaps on all your shirts, messy brew, a suite, Silence is golden, Matt B.; a coke and a suite, an unanswered question, good feelings. Jeff M.; a battery for your laughing box, and a rainbow. Brent; someone to carry your pack for 14+ miles. Mr. Willy; your gross joke, someone to play bus game with,

snores, how to use kleenx, a tree of your own, Doug; Willy’s gross joke, a new pair of pants, Riopelle. Rusty; Mac and cheese made the right way, Gregg; Halloween, intim ate dinners, thanks. Schweik; 10 dollar pizza, honors my junior year, my college decision, the revealed me. Mr, Raymond; the dollar Phil took. Mr. Bruning; Kim, Kimer, and Doug clones, D.T.V.; a big scare. Lara; pancakes made the Laragene way. Jennifer; a ride home in a hailstorm. Lervery and Maxima; long talks, thanks, love and a second me. Kristin; a female cousin or sister. JNG; a bag of milkyways, BAB; confidence, CSF; a real guitar. CPD; another dimple. BTB; seriousness. MJF; the ability to be sly. SED; giggles. S.F. leaves to C.A.S.; “ This play is not run.” To R.E.W.; Bad gator zippers, nonfunctioning fingers, and 20 degrees below zero. To E.L.; a burnt pizza at a truck stop on October 7, 1982. To Chet and Luke; your own set of paint brushes and fewer buildings. To G.T.H.; J.D. and a pickle and other great memories. To S.M.; SMOORHS and a path. To D.D.; My appreciation for being around to straighten me out and Jan. 1, 1990 at M.L.’s grave. To Mike; One helluva senior year in basketball. To D.O.R.; Assuming that a man of your profession finds success in seeing his children grow to be successful; I should make it understood that knowing you has made me successful. I also leave you my respect and sentence structure. To J.M.; A clown suit and a mean bass for the show, a snow storm at echo canyon, and ‘coming down again.’ To JLS; “ Let’s do some living after we die.” To KKF; A dress and a white flower for your hair- or maybe just a cream. I also leave to you the Southwest corner of the L.R.C. building in the mornings of our sophomore year., To J.W.; One “ Aloha” to go. To M.G. a song and laughter because th a t’s what makes it. To M.E.M.; 5 /2 9 /7 6 , An apology, My pain and memory a kiss, and a goodbye to a person the world will never see again. To J.B.; My appreciation for seeing a smile whenever I needed it. To everyone else, I leave no explanation. I, Matt Gregory, being, do bestow upon the following the corresponding worldly, and non-worldly possessions. To J.B., a Triumph, and a parts list. To Howdy, greetings, and visine. To Scott, window pane, and any other serpents you can come up with. To K.F., a pied piper. To L.J., K.F., To BKV, an acre in the salt flats, a lime tree, some Golden Shrubs, and Jose; cross country spaghetti sauce, W-3, and 13 years. To DPD, psychiatric care, a sucrets box, loud noises, Halafen Dooglas, a mess on the floor, and the bed, and the wall, and the d e s k ..., W-3, wishing Mick Jagger were a lollipop so you c o u ld ..., ozium for the bug, floor it at all times, accepting peoples faults, New Year’s 1990, and all-the rest. To Keef, thanks Keith, your ability to head the ball, and the Rolling Dead. To RS, Jacuzz, el tipo sin las semillas, a medal for hand to hand com bat with razor blades, my frisbee skill, and 50 hong bits. To JM, white honey, a new set of fuses, THE WORLD'S GREATES ROCK 'N ROLL BAND, Claremont, lessons at the Wyman School of Bass, my rolling ability, and your rocking ability. To CT, my acceptance to Pomona, and 1000 pardons. To Banks, Being Experienced, oil, and a cabin somewhere. To JW, Born to be Wild, A Harley, Joy, a copy of my new pamphlet; “ 100 Sure Ways to Avoid the Draft” , Mrs. DeMarzo, and true intellect. To SC, Hiram Walker Peach, the Flumes, 3 in a Z, and 1 more year. To JF, Bonzai, contact, primary attacks, and a bottomless fishbowl. To FC, everything I tried to give you before. To SVF, porkchops, Moose, Greg and Fred?, the relevance of U.S. History, a mutual respect for Mrs. DeMarzo, psychological addiction, broken B's, the Nipponese piece Sticky Fingers, Shine a Light, new speakers, Washington, L.A.: ‘we should have it ready by tom orrow ', Lina’s party, Dodell's and Mick’s birthday bust: lives of crime, batting practice, Dot and the 2 dummies, the '72 Tour, nights in a tent, the ability to slam dunk under pressure, the danger of low flying aircraft, my drumming a b ility ,.. .To DOR, 14, the last of the Gregory's, blondes on 7th street, dinner, and thanks. To rew, a pacifier, the ability to retell a story, THE calculus, a laugh track, and any other questions, problems, corrections, or ommissions. I, Julia Elizabeth Haus, being of delinquent mind if not body do bequeath to the following honored people: To Susie (alias Tigger) the ASU men, Bavarian Mint Coffee, m&m's, many all night conversations, midnight make-up sessions, ping-pong games at 11 p.m., John Wayne movies at 1 a.m., card games at 3 a.m., attem pts at making a bed at 5 a.m., laughing fits at 6 a.m., and finally sleeping at 8 a.m., a fast olive slicer, many excellent memories, THANKS for being the best sister and friend some­ one could have, and always being there, I leave you all my love; To Beth, I leave PJ (squared) R oyer BJ, sneaking off campus, walks out of the wash, Elton John, Doug Barton, “ you wanna do something illegal” Thursdays, whipcream, and thanx for 6 years of an excellent friendship. To Amy, multitudes of handsignals, T.P.ing, whipcream with a cherry

on top, 9:30, the Heards Museum, Dear Amy, I woke u p . . . ” , a fish (bloop.bloop) and thanks. To Lisa (hey Rhino!!!) Kansas, Batman and Robin, central, Andy, Dave, a swing set, deep ohilosophical conversations, and obscene rock, pizzas, rollerskating, much strange crazy fun, and thanks for an excellent “ unsuperficial” friendship. To Jeff Johnston, I leave 50 ways to leave your lover, a shopping spree at Gucci’s, excellent times, weird profound sayings, thoughts for the day, and thanks. To Susan, Oceanside, a diet (here comes a tidal wave) a cute guy and much fun. To Tim, “ what can I say?” , I leave lustful and erotic handshakes, Legend City rides, a night w ithout time restrictions, my evil eyes, a chauffeured limosine to a drive-in movie, a fancy dinner in a tuxedo and jeans, many letters and cards, pre-marital chin kissing, taking care of peoples houses, a girlfriend (no m atter how many times we break up) always a friend, an unsuperficial relationship, thanks for everything, hugs and hickies, and all my love always. To lla “ Wow man th a t’s really cosm ic!” all my personalities, deep conversations, a sexy voice, and thanks for excellent times, To Kati, “ I really feel like aligned with your karm a” , a smile and much luck with your music career. To Nancy, atennis game and an apology, ( “ how could I do th a t? "). To Cynthia, apologies for the toothbrush, Latin, and the Smith rep. To Scott, Hey mellow space man!, much hasseling, and dirty strange looks. To Doug I leave the neighborhood. To Ja'ck, embalming, acid to preschoolers and a mutual friendship. To Schweik, hey cosmic bozo, a babysitter, C.B.’s, my freshman year (bubble gum, barfeet and bushes) much love and thanks for making PCDS bearable. To Mr. Roof, I leave a moody barefoot middle schooler to take my place, much thanks for teaching much more than academics but about life, all the respect in the world, my best wishes and my love for Maggie. To Ms. English, our procratinator club, many secrets, the disease, the best actress of the year award, the yearbook problems, much thanks for always caring and being there, you’ve helped me a lot, I leave you with the best of luck in future endeavors,and the hope that I can repay you for all that you have given me. To Mr. Wilson, a freshman year term paper, an on tim e yearbook, and thanks for all your help (on and outside of the yearbook) I couldn’t have made it w ithout you. To Mr. Raymond, long boring yearbook sessions, math review homework, and thanks for all your help and for putting up with me all these years. To Mom, a hit record, and thanks for all you have taught me, though it doesn't always look like it, I’ve learned what it really means to trust and care about someone, you’ve always stood behind me, I leave you all the respect and love in the world. To Dad, Boston, college applications, the true meaning of being Irish, and thanks for all you have done for me. To PCDS, it’s going to be hard but I finally leave. To Faith, a chance to yell as hard as you can, a ride in the desert, many great times, and hope for you to find happiness. I, Scott Heid, being of hazed mind do hereby leave the following to the following; To Willie, a small book to write off the cuff material, To Mr. Raymond, a pair of congruent triangles To Mr. Bruning, a Berfect Babil, To Doug, a swing at you know who. To Robert, 1 case of visine and 1 silver red and glossy, black item. To Lenny, my staff (really). To Glen, a pound of Oregon specials, To Kimer, a stone album. To the Echos goers, a thousand Doob’s, To Gregg, a pair of satin lined alp shorts and fawn eyes. To John B. my congratulations on a resolution, To C.F., the big rock at echo. To Brentan RM 125. To Matt, a mexican Peasanthood, To Nancy, an eternal ear. To Stew, 10 bags of Peanut M + M's, To Don, a pair of doglegs and liars. To Phil and Fish, The best S S in PCDS history, To Bill W, a stick of Adams, To Miss Dutton, a new horn. I, Lisa Jones, being of unsound mind (thank God!) leave the following: To Matt G., a new laugh, the stones, the M.U.N. secret room, dairy queen, and vize. To Jeff M., the prom, wippits, and knowledge that caring and listening really can help. To Brent, all nighters, B. runs, "heavy talks” , and the 4th of July, To Greg H., friday night practices, a bottle of gin, and the fact that we are no the only romantics left. To Doug, the guest house, the flower bed, Bacon at 3 a.m., the W.3.4. theme song, Raymond’s office at 4 a.m., getting busted freshman year, sex talks, and my love. To Stan, Amy’s party (I did not), chivas, S.N.L., an alarm clock that you can wake up to, a week without studying, and an “ I love you” . To Laurie San Fran, Irish coffee, the perfect guy, and Up in Smoke” ., To Matt B., the right girl. To Schweik, one last crisis, a big hug and thanks. To Ms. D., a new singer, an auditorium, and my love and thanks. To Mr. Raymond, Geometry, Math Rev., Bio-Ecology, and other harrowing experiences. Thanks for seeing me through. To Willy, assorted tearful episodes, birthdays at 5 a.m. and on live rabbit! To Mr. Roof, a smile. You always stuck by me through thick and thin. Thanks! To Stu, all of the feeling you would never let me give to you. To Kim, “ how do you read a map?” , "sure Kim” , car washes, games all nighters, a spagetti, dinner and a trash can to put it in, a balcony of which to fly tears, laughter, joy and all my love. To Lenny, snappers, growing pains, music, and my love. Thanks, Mom! To Kimer, m other problems guitar skills, a pink belly, laughing, loving, and a part of my heart to always keep with you; for there will always be a part of you with me. To Mom and Dad, thanks (see page for more). To Rusty, my thanks (you saved my buns many times) you’ll make it and make a damn good senior! To PCDS, (strange name for a school) after spending 13 years of my life here, I leave you, with best wishes for the future.

I, Rick Kaye, leave to the following; Lisa Rhind- A high paying job with few working hours and all my love; Mi­ chael Morrison,- the best of luck to you and L o r i... and your truck!; Pixie de Trenck- Her own fleet of rabbits; Susan Lively- easier courses in college and best of luck; Dianna Ziehm- An antique grand piano; Don Singer- A more powerful bass amp; Ms. E.- Mr. Wilson, and Mr. Raymond-good years to come and my lasting friendship; Mr. Roof- All of my “ A” Essays; Mr. Singer- break proof chalk; C.F. de Trenck- The Swiss Alps to ski down; M att Rollings- A million selling solo album; Lisa Jones- A good theatrical agent; Bill Wrigley- A tent full of girls; Greg Hoffman- A pair of unbreakable drum sticks; Rusty Jones- the Phoenix Suns; Jim m y Friend- A chance to play with Benny Goodman; Robin FriedmanA nice Jewish boy; Angie Jones- The Barbazon school of modeling; John Fisher- A brewery; Cathy Best A good work for me, huh?; John Boccaccio- The presidency of the senior class; Eric Bruning- A '61 Falcon 2 door; JacquesBarby- A stagecoach and a many to ride sot gun; Stan Casselman- Your ownclay studio Evan Lewis- Yourown chauffeur; Jeff Rollings- A years supply of guitar picks; Asron SchollA track team Bobby Simonds- Your own hair spray commercial; Phil Steiner- All the star trek shows seen bac kwards Lina Weissman- Crandell’s; Faith Wulsin- A quiet place; Amy Abraham A tape recording of her voice; Jeff Bailey- a good car stereo; Glen Bean- Party, Party, Party!; Matt BeardsleyThe Copenhagen Factory; Nancy Best-“ What can you give to the Best?” Doug Dalgleish- Scotland; Martin DeMarzo- Center position for the Phoenix Suns; Stuart Frische- A car that works; Matt Gregory- The Rolling Stones; Julia Haus- A week w ithout yearbook; Scott Heid- A year of Rand R.; Karyn Horne- An easy Schweikher test; Robert Kratzet- A different last name; Keith Levenson- The Boston Bruins; Margie PeperHer own band. I, Robert Howell Kratzet, do heretofore bequeath to the following people, the insueing memoirs: to Hlen, remember the Cub Scouts!, pounds forevers, Bote Bote Skitilly otan dotan, Scquaw Peak, Inkless Echos, the memories, the Tri-City tires, watch out for t h a t . .. wa;l!, HK 3500, the river trip we nev er took, the ski trip we probably never took, it's too late now, “ The Pong Game” , I only left one, the no-tres-passing sign, the ZZZZZZZZ’s that made sense!, your magnificent posters! the Bonzai Double!, -Eagle Twist, the p-p at ToBo’s, the puddle-jumping, the times we did party! late afternoon light exercises against G.H. & P,B. & H.L. etc. etc, the ‘bag’, and of course, “ THE EXTRA SAUCE SYNDROME” god forbid it’s contagious; To Scott Heid, never again shall Echo be populated like it has been!, The Park, The Party!, you’d better learn!, remember the girl with a dog? p-p at ToBo’s a tourney, 48 flagon? could i have done it? In years to come we'll be back! To M.G.: sorry I never had a joke book, but I'll keep on trying, who knows maybe I’ll get one. It was an honor to be a Comm. Student with you. To M.P.: New Horizons was fun, le t’s redo the party? To S.D. & C.S.: I bequeath to you the twins, with whom you will take Latin next year, ha ha ha, poor soals. Without you I don’t know what I would have done. To S. (I) F.: what a box (hsats)-enjoy it! To C.T.: how’s it like being the only girl in Ad. Bio.? To Jo Bo! I enjoyed the p-p and the frosted beaker. To B.B. & J.J.: how many times did we meet? was it coincedence? To S.C.: did the pie taste good? To G.H.: I leave the m em ory of D.D. I will make a T.D. weekend. To the Juniors- Party Down! I, Keith Levenson, being of sound mind and dead head, leave; Rick Kaye my space; to Glen Bean, an exact replica of my system; to Evan and Stuart a ride home; to Jeffy Miller an entire Dead catalogue and: Dead Heads: membership card; to C.F. and operative tape deck for Peter; to Rusty, a Laura Sandler dart board; to Laura, a Rusty Jones dart board and a sign language handbook; to Cynthia the “ TOP Female Bio Student Award” ; to Kim Fowler, sexlinked jeans; to Howdy Kratzet, quality jokes; to Lisa Jones, coffee so strong you can eat it with a fork; to Mafyew 64 lbs in your trunk; to Matt B., athletic support and burnt hair; to Willie “ Everything You always Wanted to know But Were Afraid to Ask” by Matt B., To Don, a 410, 4bbl, full blown, with headers and a 4 speed Muncie; to Brent a 1000 cc coffee mug; to BJB a friend; to Serok, a “ Boston Globe” ; To D.O.R., “ A guide to Historic Swampscott” to little bro; two more years, the left overs of my wardrobe, and my half of the Craig; and to everyone back home, 115 degree weather. I, Susan Lively leave to Lisa Rhind, the great conman in the parking lot, St. Luke's, rollerskating, “ Next time Julia goes over the wall” , yearbook meetings and a life time guarantee on your car. To Julia Haus: The Hay Ride, twinkies, and the Plumber’s place. To Mike Morrison: a map to cool water, the tree that ripped my coat, “ Thanks for helping me over” , a ton of moleskin and the best of luck. To Rick Kaye: an unlimited supply of fresh fruit, a Stutz-Bearcat, a pack of gum, a career to take you to the top, much love and many thanks. To Don Singer: a pinball machine and a chance to get back. To Diana Ziehm: the security man at Broadway, a Pot-Belly Bear, a chance to meet Brian, a poem that meant alot, a lifetime friendship. To Scott Heid: a mountain named after you, Geometry, your own sports car. To Cynthia Tancer: Our exciting evening with college guys, two extra large cokes, the pizza place. To Faith Wulsin: a mega­ phone, a doughnut, a trip for two to New Orleans, the

soccer coach. To RAD and PKW: memories, Thanx, love and best wishers. To Mr. Brunning: your support and extra time. To Mr. Wilson: Keep smiling, a bag of gorp, many thanks for your support on the yearbook and for being a great friend. To Mr. Raymond: the memories at Dead Horse Canyon and thanks for your support. To my family, the support and love you always gave me. Thank you so much for letting me come here. I Jeffrey (Monk) Miller, leave to Michael p . .. a few more great years, to Stan, Sunday afternoon homework, longer soccer season, box of whippets. Brent, my glasses, milk­ shakes, cheesecake, harrys, don 't borrow them from Beards its to small. Banks, pre-soccer games, the king still lives in our heads, “ tire tracks all across your back, I can see you have had your fun. To MFB, The chance you have been waiting for. To M.G. “ .. .and sym pathy” . Evna, some sun glasses, Spanish homework, pete’s. It’s over S.G.T.H. And C.Y.N.B.Y.M.F.M. To Willy, an office, A New clock, “ rosie” , Dishwasher, “ It’s a waste to m ix” . To L.J. a long talk, more of the dame. K.F. my thanks anyway, I still do and always will. To Jack, you can’t get much better. Doug dark windows, V, a bigger hook, 1000 degrees. Ian (pres), air tight car (put-put), “ May every song you sing be your favorite tune” , echo a small six. And to Beards, a few windy days, an other brother at home, the Bird of paradise, a new windshield, rear lights, no friction, pink paint, more golf courses and remember a bird in the hand is worth one hell of a lot, and one friend forever. I, Laragene Oliver Leave to Evan Lewis a personality, to Kimer love, friends and Mac&Cheese; to Lisa I leave you a fair game; to R.S. - What film? to Jeff R.-didya do your French: Ha! To Matt G.- I leave you some tact, lots of love and lyrics, to Lina- Taylor, Romantic? carrots, 2 plastic containers, Win the V.B. next year!! 9:00 PM Dragon Gate, “ Cinth it ’s tim e to wake up!” Just kidding, Nov. deadlines, le t’s have a party! Thanks!! To Amy- Morning Runs, icky fingers, look at all this food!! Thanks, we did it!! To M.D.- where have you been all my life? To R.J.- I leave you a big smile and a punch in the stomach! To John F.- a locker conversation; To J.J.- Saks, revenge, just poking back, a girl under your bed and a boogie man in your closet, rainy days and lots of love & a kiss! To S.F.- O.J. and Vz dozen donuts, Knock, Knock, “ It’s too dark I can’t hear!” spologies, strawberries and much success, to Cinth.- Are we organized? Chili again? did he go Choh!? Litt;e things, big dreams, pot bellied bears, carrots and creamy cucumber, wake up calls, a passenger, Love’s pickles and onion rings, a Taylor weekend, I promise I’ll write, are you gonna call? B.S.!, nails, hugs, Pow! Pop! Heya Cinth, my daddy wants to talk to ya! wicked, forests growing around your ankles not to m ention. . . Silent talks, Parental Guidance, the 32nd St. Jerks, I can't see! Glub on your bathroom floor, sad songs, surprise it’s 7:30, Good morning curie! Mocha Almond fudge, "Are we late” Mercy Buckup, Swoosh! YEA! rainbows, a twinkle in your eye, a meeting at Quincy market over the G.F., lots of memories and the bestest of friends! To Mr. Willy- can I have the keys please... Thanks, 1000 hourglasses, by cutie, lots and lots of love. To Ms. English- Choco;ate milk, motivation, a painless dentist, and thanks for listening. To Mr. Raymond 10 red carnations, lots of love, & Thanks for everything! To Mom & Dad-1 MADE IT!! Thanks for being there, I love you! Granny- Don’t worry! P.C.D.S.Thanks for good friends and great memories, I’ll miss you and love you! ByeBye! I Mar- gar-et Elizabeth am leaving, finally, to the following people, my friends, foes, lovers, and others, items of emence value. To Frank, alias Mr. Wonder-ful, I leave your wonders, the last ski trip w / all its w o n d e rs... (grannies cut for me) (a distant voice. I’m glad I brought my asprin) pots, (of gold), Jackson Brown, over and over, my ideas so you can change yours, friendship, confidence, God its been a long time! no yellow snow and lots of white dust. To Laurie, we are still friends? Amazing! notes, candy, sunflower seeds, track, Barbara and Jesse, Mr. Sutton, Speed ball, Mr. I forgot what his name is but you know, Paul (especially Paul), phone calls, Boys, thanks for calling Timmy, Hop scotch, 8th grade dances, ditch em, parties (the white truck), parties (Laurie, where was the party? What was his name? What kind of car was it?) (and all the answers forever and ever and ever.), lies my sister told me, I kept falling down and hurting my knee, river trips, long hair, braids Judy and June, brownies, the No-Name Saloon, things you didn't do, things you should have done, motorcycles, rollerskates, the gift to give m aturity, my love and all the luck and happiness this screwed up life can offer. To Phillip, my little brother, I am leaving a job that you can tolerate, many friends across the street, a car or two, money, truths, love and hugs, to Kirk, quotes, black hats, long talks, my shoulder and lots of love, also a tan. To Amy, a white truck, joints, drugs, laughs, and lots of love. To Brent, backpacking, cow or steer protector, beer and beer and beer for us, long talks, fights that were ridiculous and my love, thanks. To Banks, a sane plateau because crazy not the way to go. To Glen, Cork and Cleaver, drinks, lots of love. (I’m under pressure or I’d write more) To Caroline, lots of luck my friend, another year here, a voice, and the rest of the horse's body. To Julia I leave someone on time, thanks.

I, Don Singer leave the following: to Glenan indestructable Go-Kart, one on one football, beer drinkers hall of fame, a Dodge anything and the possible slow death by lack of Ford transportation, “ ya think so” , a lifetime supply of Taffy’s, to Scott- the Parks Stray Cat Blues, distractions extensive munchies, the Who. to John- seven-up, double stuffs, a mind of your own. to Susan- eight victories at pinball, to Rick- a ‘55 Ford pick-up trucks, two Cragars for the front, to Martin- three years of intensive Latin study, my skill in the art of tip-ins, the money shot, a loss in H-O-R-S-E, good luck to basketball stardom, to Flowdy- Jack attacks, to Jeff W.- dual-turbos, dual quads, dual humbucking pickups, dual everything, a checkered flag, a hemi 'cuda. to Lisa- co-members of a band that can harmonize perfectly, memories of old times, to Gregg- a voice that really sounds like Steven Tyler and Mick Jaggar, a ten foot basket, a new rug, “ a Southern rebow yeow” , not all drummers are shattered, to Jeff R.- high intensity (not to mention volume) jam sessions, a bass player that knows every song written, a Turbo 924 of your own, the knowledge of who’s the greatest R&B band of all time, bizzare music, scare sessions and backwards songs, a 1602, jar of peanut dust, my Stones bootlegs, and the ever accurate saying “ Keif, hasn’t got a pick, anyone got a pick for Keif, uh” . to Stuart- the spoken ease of slam dunking, hamilton soup, frozen toes, Sticky Fingers, a reliable car. to Jeff M- “ The Cadilacs” to Cynthia- thanks for Dead Flowers, (ask Matt), to Matt- accelerated math, “ cube root of the radical squared” , the quadratic formula, Mick and Keif, John and his Beatles, someone at college to accept your musical influence, the guitar talent it takes to be a Rolling Stone, “ You told me to watch the back, not the side.” , thanks for never being at a loss for a lyrical quote, I Dig a Pony, to Mom and Dad- thanks for always being there and guiding me on the right path. I, Randy Steckler being of questionable mind and body do hereby leave the following to the following: To L.J. a relationship, a thanks for everything, all those wonderful memories including that night in the Onion Field. To K.F. an everlasting supply of coke, and three more sisters. To J.M. an economy size bottle of Ozium, enough money to make your car “ perfect” , a pair of designer jeans, and a pair of front row seats to see the Bee Gees. To B.V. W-%, a beautiful day to spend anywhere, some Pepe Lopez, and a trip to the lowcost m arket for 7-up. To P.S. all my old CPS tests to put in the CPS hall of fame, and many thanks for assuring me of a place to go next year. To Altitude a pair of two inch stacks, an afro comb from my own personal collection, an alarm clock in case you ever fall asleep unexpectedly, a police band radio, and a fast car for those close calls. To D.O.R. all those great dinners, my old geometry book complete with obscene drawings, a Geometry class full of Dalgleish’s, and all the time and care that one gives to someone they love. To R.W. a carton of skittles from the floor of an Alpha Beta, a free period, the phone listing of all the unmarried women in Phoenix, and a pie in the face for every birthday to come. To J.C. a razor good enough to cut through that forrest on your chin. To L.W. whatever no one else leaves you and a great big pinch on the cheeks. To S.C. a river trip, a case of scotch, all the tim e your parents were gone, last summer, an excellent friendship, and enough Stones albums to keep you “ happy” . To E.L. Liz Brackin, and a Chinese restaurant to paint by yourself. To A.R. someone who will make you a bit useful. To the triplets something that will unglue the three of you. To M.G. some all purpose glue for those sudden periods of clumsyness, “ perfection” , a Ferrari, the complete Stones library, my stupidity, a scale, the many nights of mini-golf, a new p.p., a Fool to Cry, the good times to come and the best of luck. To Mr. Dalberg another Cal trip, a boot box big enough for any boot, another succrets box, a new seat cushion for the bac k seat of your car, a razor blade, a first aid kit, W-%, lunch at the Horny Toad, a fat idiot doll complete with pinsto stick it, free classes at the Schick Center, a crazy mama, and the woman of your dreams.


I, Cynthia Tancer being of fairly sound mind leave the following: Lina (my new found sister, we really do have a lot in common) any exciting news? Orme bus trips, carrots, diet Pepsi, a chance to drink the champagne we never had, talk sessions, Hebrew High, Chinese food, warm weather, and fun times, lots of love sis, take care, to Roz and Lee, my parking space to carry on the Tancer tradition, exciting dinner parties, and stairs I don’t fall down, to Jeff R. Happy Halloween for the next one hundred years in case I’m not around, a Porsche of your own, can I have a ride? and an English book big enough for two to see. to Amy, “ Ya wanna go?’ ’, The Sound of Music, pizza, clean up your room, college applications, football games, talks lots of them, Pomona all the way, Whats new with you ? yearbook meetings, kidney diseases, a lot of fun, and a good friendship thanks. To Kimer, cats I'm not allergic to, our New Year’s resolution that we didn't keep and a unique friendship, good luck always. Susan, Swensons, do you think he is okay? a car which is in perfect condition and always has a tank full of gas, movies, barrells of coke, tickets to a Dan Fogelberg concert, banana splits, history notes and a good friendship take care and thanks. Keith, unbreakable test tubes, “ I didn’t do it ” , Massachusetts, make a wish, Iwish you lots of happiness and success. Donald, jogging, latin classes, St. Lukes, the prom,a year full of fun and special times, thanks for everything, take care and good luck. Susie, french fry runs, Dan Fogelberg, Model UN, talks, thanks for your friendship, take care. Matt G., I leave you all the jokes we never shared but should have, ‘‘You got it all” , a heart a little closer to the surface, have fun at Pomona. Stuart, a 110% on a math test and a truce that lasts forever. Glen, lots of talks and thanks for all the confidence you gave me. Laragene, “ it’s wicked good” , chauffeur, it’s diet, yuck, we’re not getting enough protein, “ Lara my daddy wants to talk to you, pop” , a surprise, a piggy bank with an indefinite amount of funds, a lifetime supply of TAB, carrots, help your dog is attacking me, bus trips, cry laugh and talk sessions, onion rings and pickles, movies, semi-formal parties, hours of telephone conversations, I'm coming right over, basketball games, Let’s go, a ly for every adverb, incredible, mocha almond fudge milkshakes, I’m gonna hit you if you cry, be serious, thanks for everything, bestest buddies, I wish you the best of luck in everything you do and lots of love. Mr. Raymond, I didn’t hate the teacher, I hated Geometry, (I didn’t want to leave you with the wrong impression), a girl for next years bio class, food club, and thanks for everything you have done for me during my tim e at PCDS. Mr. Schweikher, “ Schweik” , Swaziland, CPS, US History, a history class that likes history, “ What should I do?” HELP, relax, Model UN, remember if you eat too much you know what to do!! a million thanks for everything (we almost did it!) Ms. English, cartons of chocolate milk, a new dentist, m otivation, “ how many more d a y s ... ?", talks, history classes, learn the next three pages for Monday, thanks for listening. Mr. Wilson, a copyright on “ Mr. Willy” , a dinner at Trader Vies my treat, yearbook meetings, dozens of maple crolliers, a lifetime supply of New York Times crossword puzzles, a new supply of jokes, and thanks for being such a great advisor. To my family, I leave lots of love, thanks for putting up with me, you have led me to the right road and I really appreciate it. Thanks again, I couldn’t have done it without you.

I, Brent Vierck of questionable mind and little time left to finish my will leave D.O.R. a life that is fair, a magazine that leaves enough on it to leave it up to your own imagination and many thanks for making my years at PCDS worthwhile. To Randy I leave the nickle dropped in Wilson's office, or was it a penny? To Doug I leave rich women, several more gold coins, the bayside, Coronado shore, cowboy boots and hats in California. A B. forever loaded with resin and another deal like that for 25$. To Jeff, free speeding tickets, J&B milkshakes, a new pair of loovers, the ability to get what you tried to get and all the money I owe you. To M att B. I leave someone who will when you want to and a normal left— that doesn’t hang. To Matt G. I leave Mick Jaggar. Ms. E., my many thanks, my attendance at morning meeting and advisory. Our Eutopia and it better be soon the way things are going. To Margie I leave a live performance at the next woodstock, a neck aching couch and spinning bathrooms. A functional backpack and on campus priviledges. To Glen I leave a few more at Cork & Cleaver, my dishes and down jacket. To Kim, a spare leg. To Jen I leave highs and helloes. To Bernstein, the ability to run quicker. To Keith, waith I don’t know you! To Willy I leave a trail to Mount Wilson, more Friday and Saturday night visitors. A Physics class with the roof tied down, and a few adventures with Edward A. I, Kimer Wadsworth, being of abused mind and damaged knees leave the following- Jennifer, book of life; new hat; that special someone; a big hug. Cynthia, “ Maybe this w eekend... or next"; “ Yes, we are” ; crank call. Laragene, your portion of choc, bar; spoon to lick. Scott, one last Camel; parking ticket, some special moments. Jeff M. punch for Kim; earthquake; open book. Stuart, slam-dunk; Greg H., special feeling. Brent, worn-in cowboy hat; summer visits (’79). Glen, ride through Glendale on floor of bus. Jeff L. Chinese dinners; American cigs; fire hydrant; my friendship! Doug, smoodhed V.W.; THE funeral;

“ Ich hore dich gerne deutsch sprechen!” (Goldwaters); our secret hideaway w /cham pagne; dancing; our ring; hugs; long talks; growing up together. Willie, Suddenly Spaghetti b-pack size; “ We’re almost th e re " - “ B.S., Willie!” ; sunsets; good joke; true friend. Raymond, “ Bet you can’t ” ; m artini & whip cream diet; private coffee pot; female root tip. Rusty, piano playing at 1 a.m.; cramped Chevette ride to hospital. Laurie, choc, chip/b utterscotch brownies; unbreakable sun glasses; red longjohns; new tennies; fun, San Fran visiting colleges (what colleges?!) Bruning, all the Spanish I don 't know - All of it!. J. Roof, wonderful dreams. Max, lifelong friend; all the corks from prom night; all my love. Mom, warm socks; blue jeans; TAB; cold plunge in Oak Cr; long rest stop in Cata; each other. Kim & Lisa, rides in white bomber; cat for each lap; gorp; Bird Man-San Fran.; ‘farting’ cars, Dairy Queen; topless swims at A.C.C; “ So Far Away” ; David-Flashing!; growing up is hard to do; “ I promise I w on't c ry!” ; Oak Creek, San Fran, Utah, Superstition, etc.- together; my messy room; endless days & endless nights filled with meaningful words & nonsense, cigarette & fireside ashes, wine in big goblets or paper cups; wasps, bats, skunks & fizzing- over soda. Kim, new buns; pink belly; perfect pitchhumor R.R; another date w / a garbage can; slip-slide in a muddy drive, 2 feet to balcony; real bear in night; special cry; swooshing between school signs; tip plays that work, my racquetball score; my nose; bottomless coke bottle; my broken alarm clock; my math skills; snow in Utah & singing when you feel like crying; jeans, cords - never a skirt (I like your style!); “ Sure, Kim!” Lisa, cute guys I never see; special talk (eddies); my buns, Ghiradelli hot fudge sundae; harmony - flat!; X-mas parties, Bozo!; Roopelle from the bar; “ Sad Lisa" - glad Lisa!; "B izarre” ; music - always music; “ Lisa, stand up straight!” ; B.S. abilities; soul searching; Pooh Bear hugs (when you need them !); whispers, secrets, memories, rainbows; broken glass at Oak Creek “ Oh, S . . . ” . I, Jeff Weiss, do hereby leave the following things to the following people: to M.G., an ice cream cone on the hill and a one way ticket to Canada, to D.S., dual quads and dual trubos, to S.F., a good starcruiser mechanic, to B.S., a dictatorship to rule, to H.K., a good joke, and to J.B. a T.A. of his own. I, Faith Wulsin, do leave to Laurie S., Men’s; to Jeff, delicious conversations, a huge box of pralines, and enough room to get in on the drivers side; to Cynthia, math, Spanish, and someone to watch the soaps; to Susan, Genetics, Physiology, advisers, some strange conversations, and whatever else she wants; to Lisa I leave an awful lot of math, some “ interesting” talks and some fast trips for food; to Dianna I leave the middle, M.E.H. and Britannia’s, someone to give our reports for us, a trip to New Orleans, a door that locks, dinner on the Natchez, secrets and dodging people; and to Julia I leave a ride on the desert (we wouldn’t have left w ithout you), a trip to Fifth Ave., a stuffed animal, a contest neither of us won, some long talks, some strange lunches, a horse show tan, a plan and a friend. I, Dianna Susan Ziehm, leave the following; to Faith, New Orleans, 3BIG DOUGHNUTS, Chuck in a tux, b-p’s, a megaphone, best wishes for the future; to Cynthia, SWAZILAND REIGNS, second grade, take it easy; to Joanne, New Orleans, the Natchez- hot date, the bionic woman, a cookie to crumble and throw in my face- what are friends for, right?, thanks, best, best wishes; to Lisa, Tontozona, Tenny, 3 BIG DOUGHNUTS?!, cuz, fickle, much more, love; to Julia B., a dinner at my house when I’m married (a stick of gum?), T.B., secrets, take care; to Matt R., Zelda- alias me, a chocolate candybar, a pat 9n the head, a hug, you’ve got a lot of talent- keep it up; to Vicki, a birthday party, a singing telegram, keep singin', K.T.F.!, have a fantastic senior year; to Ellen, I leave you all of my shoes, clothes, jewelry, make-up, and anything else falling into that category, have a great senior year; to Beau, little brother, imitations, keep smiling, thanks, have a fantastic senior year; to Ms. E., THANKS and take care; to Mr. Raymond, another Ziehm to go through, thanks a lot; to Mr. Wilson, “ dad” , someone to mess up your hair, thanks; to Stuart, SHRINK- NOW!, I know I'm a failure- that's because I’m a girl, Spanish IV, best wishes; to M att G., a supply of quarters to last a lifetime, a teddy bear, the Stones, the very best to you always; to Katherine and Vanessa, the ability to think and the B.O.T.Y. awards; to Susan, so much, the little girl across the street, the bullies, “ Let’s run away” , “ Raindrops keep failin’ . . . ” and “ Those were the d a y s . . . ” , 12 years, an apology for freshman year, lifetime buddy, a hug, thanks and much love; to Tam, boxing lessons, “ He hit m e!” , slumber parties, patience, a lot of love; to Deb, “ You’re under arrest” , “ This is a bust” , cold sausage, thank you, lots of love; to Mom and Dad, an apology, all the thanks in the world for always being there, more love than I could ever have, I love you; to God- nothing because everything I have and am is already yours. Goodbye!

This page is dedicated to a fine human being, a real humanitarian, a hell of a nice guy, one of the most wonderfully w itty, charming, incredibly attractive tasteful, brilliant, and extremely talented people alive. I, Jefferey A. John­ ston, being of demented mind and loose moral character do hereby be­ queath the following articles to the following individuals: to my servant Quigly, I leave a quart of chicken soup and a tootsie rool; to my dear wife Gurta, I leave a hickey in an unusual place and a snap shot of Woodrow Wilson; to Douglas I leave an eternal supply of gummy bears, a beach house in unreality, a certain coffee cup from Dunkin’ Donuts, a fireplace; To Beth, “ Oh, Wow!” , I leave Fiorucci’s (of course), New York City, pink feather boas, good times, fishnet stockings, safety jeans, FOOD (i.e. chocolate mousse, cheese souffle, and chocolate cake), lots of love and Guadalaharry’s; to Kimer I leave an “ Aquaman” glass, a herd of unicorns, love, champagne, credit cards and Cadillacs a kiss and a hug; to Mme. Arlette, I leave a jar of warm fuzzies, a bottomless kir, a herd of chocolate mousse, laughter, and Thursday afternoons; to Becky I leave lots of love, lots of laughter, and lost of licorice, hats, Quiche, E.C., and happiness; to Jules I leave a vacation from reality, excellent times, thanks, m oth ballsand shopping trips; to Aunt Agusta, alias the “ IR” , I leave the best of everything, a truck full of memories, Avanti’s, Trader Vic’s, La Chaumiere, and our table at the W. and C., thanks for all the love you have given me and much love in return, Sedona, something about a waffle, a good play and Laura; to Laura, I leave Ginger, the Mausoleum, the fruit stand, a hug and a kiss and a tentative luncheon engagement in June; to Faith I leave Soap operas and a kiss; to Ms. D. I leave much love, and many thanks for all you’ve done for me, “ a little of that thing” , our jacket, Godiava, well made plays and London; to Lisa J. I leave a man with a beard to kiss, music and good times,memories of all the plays we’ve done together, (what will the Drama Department do without us next year?), tickets to the best seats in the theater if I become a famous actor; to Laragene, (one of my best friends), Ileave sunshine and clear skies, love and pleasure in everything you ever do; to Amy, I leave a sparenostril,a Menage a trois, weekends in the sun, carbon dioxide, the letters A through K; to all the rest of my friends, who are too numerous to name (because my will is late and I have to turn it in), I leave love, thanks and fun.

I, Lisa Rhind, being of fair mind and body, leave the following: to Dianna, eight years of memories (Tenny, Tontozona, K.O., D.S., D.T., D.E., B.S., Kelly, Marks McClendon and Raffle, Leonard, Song Sung Blue, “ I hate her!” , the HOODED JET!, cousins, Rocky Point, “ a new one every week” , the ball box, band trips, Disneyland, Spaghetti din­ ners and family hockey nights, “ Shup” , the fair, Dan Fogelberg con­ cert, Joanne), eight years “ Thank You for Bein’ a Friend” ; to Julia, pizzas, Kansas, Batman and Robin, Pitzer and Tim, S.C. and midnight phone calls, O af Casino, rollerskating, Central, “ take a message, sweetie!” , our DEEP conversations about superficial things, blocking, “ Rhino” , “ Hey, Haus- b !” , ten minutes with Dave to say what you want, “ Alice” , your freshman year, thanks for putting up with me this last year-it sure has been interesting; to Sue, yearbook ads, Women class, Spanish class, rollerskating, the big broad, Lee, Ray, Chris, Butterscotch, Robert and Tucson, St. Luke’s Ball, Bert and Bob, Duck and Decanter, Muddy streams in the dark and a gallant KNIGHT to rescue you, an apology, thank you for your friendship; to Rick, a guitar, Chris’s car, CasaGrande, Christmas vacation “ 78” , my dogs, an un­ breakable but warm heart and a bike ride in the rain. Love ya and please take care; to Faith, horses (in general), a new voicebox (turned up a little), Ad. Math (Whew!), all of your brothers, New Orleans, Jessie, and a twenty year old beau; to Cynthia, APMEHQUIZZES, Colorado, David, Laragene, the Prom as Juniors and St. Luke's Ball; to Matt G., the Stones, Stu, Mr. Raymond, Greer '79 and '80, nasty names and a bank for yourself so you w on't have to “ borrow " from Dianna anymore; to Ms. E., eighth hour talks about everything in particular, the police, chocolate milk, lunches at North Bank, “ Viva the President of the procrastinators club!” , your own faculty lounge and a big THANKS for being there when I needed someone to talk with; to Willy, next year's yearbook staff, many more backpacking trips, donuts and good times, Dad; to Schweik, college bowl, college counseling, 'za, Model U.N., Tijuana Tech., cosmic bozo and bozito, CPS/CES, U.S. History, Boycotts and “ How to Meet Eligible Men in College” ; to Joanne, Ava and Wayne, Spying, Jan, “ Deeshen, Doshen, Doishen!” , Pearl Harbor, “ Gaag m e!” , Steve and Bruce (who's cuter?), cracks me up, “ The Bionic Woman Malfunctions” , Algebra, Geometry, Champagne on New Year’s, Passover and Manaschewitz and some sweet, foxy surfer. Go get 'em Officer Taylor!; to Dad, Mom, Pandi, Kevin, Brett, Brian, and the whole rest of the crew, my love always.

m m 84



To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you lived. This is to have succeeded. -Ralph Waldo Emerson




Fran Cole, Roz Rom ney

Phil S teiner, John Fisher

Laura Sandler Krista Magnusson

Jacques Barbey G reg Hoffm an

Crystal Scurr Daryl M cCullick

G ordon Sutton

Charles d eTrenck

Joan Sm ith Carol Clendenin

June Eng

Bill Wrigley

Kati Lorant Stan Casselm an

Guy Glaser

Jeff Rollings

Carolina Wurts



Karla E arnh ard t, Julia Burgess Carolina Lopez





if iiiiS


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i â– %jyy BaH gE P S M I

F a ff


Jam es Levenson Kasey Dutton

Pixie deTrenck

Lisa Forster, Kelly Dutton, Brad Davison

Lisa Forster, Rusty Jones

Shanna M oore

Lee R om ney

Robert Ranucci

Laurie Bienstock

I* 1

FRESHMAN gggllll

^Sf! 'SH Art Butler

M ichael B ernstien, G reg Nelson

Val Bolin

Wes Mason

Jenny Jensen

H r J ft 100

Larry Wolfe


Julia Quick, W endy Scurr

R obert Dees

Eric H agstro m , Sabrina Espinoza, Susan Hansen G ary Glaser

M a tt Rollings

“ I’m afraid to look!"

"T a k e m e. I'm y ou rs!”

"N o w , w atch a pro . . . "

Shhh . . . T h e y ’re just getting to th e good p art Can- can can you do th e can-can?

He m ust be kidding’.

"I saw th e w ay you looked a t h e r'.”

They w e n t th a t-a -w ay . C ute, real cute.

W om en are what?!?


D o n't bite the hand th a t feeds you.


‘All right, w ho stole th e tele p h o n e b oo th ?'

‘ Uh, oh. She found th e gum I put in h er reco rd er.



Vanessa Joaquim M ax C ohen Kiffie Spangler

M ich a e l M yers, Tim W ray

Tracy H offm an Sean Lille

G eorge Bureau

Karen Bean, Jenny Shoecraft

Lisa W o lfe

Kim Southam , Rob C ham berlin Kathy Chrism an, Liesl Veazey

Sean M cE lhen y, Shannon M cG ill

David Clark, Greg G rant


T a m m y Ziehm

M ike M yers, G eoff Bleakm an, Brian Moss

S teve Lockton

Debbie Friedm an


C a rte r Sw eet


mm â– Kirsten Stathakis, Kim Rossman



S tephanie Enriquez

Julie H e n d in , A m y Lieberm an, R ob W ith e rs

Bert G e tz, Taylor Driggs

Carey Sw eet

Chris M c C o llu m , M arg ie W oods, A ndrea Falconieri

Tom C o h en , Karen Zuchowski

John T revo r, Scott D u ff Jennie Schoeffler


John M arcarelli, Lisa Firestone

Becky Jones, Jenn ifer M atlick, Am y Lieberm an, Lisa Bienstock

Cliff Weigel, S co tt S titeler Karen Zuchowski, W endy Pitre, Susan Peirce, Carol Brown, Karen Pitre


John Dawson M ason, R o bert Kroger

Z ach ary Jones, David Mason, Shannon G ray, Kirsten Kulm er

Chicago Alien, R o bert P ortnoy Rick Ebright, Danny Lesser, Doug Spangler Sally M iller, Gia Lanutti


Tim Phillips, S tephen S co tt, B renda Ligorsky

B re tt H opper Rick B oynton C arey M arks


Karrie Kroger, S tacey Taron e

Aaron Shephard, Barbi DeCesari

Beau B arton, Brian Adam s

Brooke Sterling

Chad S te w a rt

N atasha Haase

Chuck Superfon

Chris Wiegle

Cathleen Lyne, Glenn Levy, Lee Stoetzel

Jenny Evarts

Lillian L an zetta, Beth Tho m sen, Louise P erry

M ichael G oldm an

J e ffre y V en ditti, Cynthia Clendenin, Nova Daly

| I

Louise Com us

Alan Einfeld Emily Chrism an



Shelly Brown, Phyllis Trevor, John Pent, M ichael O berg

Seth Leibsohn, Jonathan Cow en, Jennifer Daly, Lara Sosnow

Kris S tathakis, Jason Schoeffler, Evan G ittn er

Julie L ieberm an, Alyssa W endt, C ricket Alexander, Julie Cline

Maggie Roof, T ara Kennedy, Dana Slesinger

Jonathan W echsler, David Friedm an, Zak Lilly

Alison Lille, Julie Holt, Suzanne Sarphie, Melissa Alway


Kelly Duff, Jenn ifer Caslake, Brandi DeCesari Evelyn T revo r, Eleonora Vinci

M a tth e w Fleck, Baha Bahadir, Brian S m ith, Kevin Williams

G a rra tt K ent, Diana W itt

Hedi Sielicki, Lori Hendin, Drew Sidell

Holly Borger, Anne Johnson

Jeann e Leckie

Hallie Loveridge

Dylan Braggiotti

Sydney Fernandez, Sharon Ligorsky

Debbie M unson, Kelly Kinnear

Jim Ziglar, Will Duffy

Kyle W ashington, C ath e rin e W ithers, Sara M cN eff

Am anda Brown

Christine Sim okat

M ark C hernoff, T roy Phillips

Lanie Mason, Julie Shephard

H e a th e r Sandler




Kerstan Lincoln, Jason Lilly, K athy Kroger

Scot T o rrey, Chris Blum enstein, Keith Rowlands, David J a rra t

G raham Rawak, M ichelle Rotm an, M arianne Cracchiolo, Sarah Tim m ons

B rette Dixon, Jennifer Durkin, Daniel Durchslag

Lisa Lincoln, Brenden Shepard, Stephanie Golsner


M ichael M oran , K athy Kroger, Tim Daley

Justin Decker, Alan Takagi

Hali Young

W hitney Anthony, Chris Chaffee Jorge Alm ada, M ath ew Houle, M ichael M oran

Scot T o rrey, David J a rre t, Jason Harris


Eve Lipson, Jeff Stern

John Hedges, Holly Hendin, Billy Dum one

M a tt Sosnow, Bryce Leckie, Karen Finley

Jason Harris, Sean Brown

Trice B etts, Lisa Levitz


I 1

H I 9| | | | ‘N ■■■■ip

Bard Sterling, M ichael Sklar



a n piil1 1 I 4

la n Rob Rutila, Am anda H a rt

Cristi Dyer

Chad N ew m an , Kevin Ram saur, S c o tt Worsdell

M a tt S hort


Andrew H onacker, W endy R ector, Aaron Bayhon

Ty Wilson, Kevin Lanard B rooke Donahoe, Francine Enriquez

Jim m y M atz, S h erry Ballah

K aren Takagi

A ndrew Houle, N o rm an Todd, P e te r Cronk Chris M oore



Julie Turpin, Cynthia Sharpe

David Snodgrass

Evan Lipton, Julie Owens, Tina M cN eff Aaron Schoeffler, Haley Scott

Ben M cLean, Keith Lundm ark

Kristin Kinnear

Am y Mitchell

Jason Ralphe

Adam Fleck

G eoffrey Borger

Kevin Washington

Brandon Wilson, Polly Rassi

Audra Sm ith

133 Hu nter Duffy, Joel Cline

S p e n c e r P atterson

Jessica Cohen

Salina Beard

Andrew Karppinen, Jenn ifer C astrone Ricky Daley

Jenn ifer C astron e, R o b ert C ohen, Salina Beard

A ndrew M ellor, Jon Ziglar Gabriella Peers Debbie Sklar, Justin M atlick

KINDERGARTEN Ryan D yer, Cal N ew m an

Shane H am ilton

M ichael Enriquez

Sp encer S to etze l, Valerie Lane

Debbie Ligorsky, Aaron M atz Andy C racchiolo

Aaron Sodikoff, H ilary Robinson

Brill M oya, M ichael Enriquez

Lauren Durkin, Aude M ievelle

M ichael Ram saur Brad Lundm ark

I Aysia Harrison, Briana Ripley


! Jerry Bien-Willner M ichael Chernoff, Ryan Dyer, Erik Ramsaur

R obert C hew , Laura Levitz, Lisa Williams

Charlie Blum enstein Jon Kimball

Tiffany Peers, Karl Shields

Jody Swan, Sophia T revor

Robert Lyne, Randy Saria




igipMtflilMiMiMMl gprnmmmm


M r. Jam es Bruning, M r. R o bert Wilson, Susan Lively, Karla E arnh ard t, M a tt G regory, Jeff Weiss, Susan P itre, Robert Ranucci, Stuart Frische, and Stan Casselm an.

The Advisory Board opened an account thrugh the office, that any organization can contribute to. The money is being saved until enough is accumulated to finance a student lounge. It is hoped that clubs and classes will make an effort to raise extra money through their activities, and contribute to this account. The board is also continuing the traditional softball tournam ent in May. -Stuart Frische, student body president


THE FRENCH CLUB The French Club is a group of French Students who want to further their French education. This year the club sponsered Clash Day and other successful activities. Good Luck to the French Club next year. -Amy Abraham

back row; Lee Rom ney, Am y A braham , Art B utler, Glen Bean, Brad Davison, and Jeff Johnston, fro n t row; C athy Best, Robin Friedm an, Carolina Lopez, Mrs. H agstrom , Laura Levy, and Anne Reis.


LATIN SOCIETY Members: M ichael DeM arzo Keith Levenson Donald Singer Julia Haus Vladim ir Bolin Kati Lorant John Boccaccio Ed Sarphie M ark Weiss R o bert Ranucci M alcolm Clendenin R obert K ratzet Cynthia Tan cer Carol Clendenin M artin DeM arzo Will Kellogg Bill Bollinger L arry Wolfe M ichael Bernstein G reg K retze r Evan Dreyfuss




. . .

Faculty Advisor: H a rrV Houle

SPANISH CLUB M em bers: Karla Earnh ard t Julia Burgess John Fisher Phil Steiner Eric Bruning Bobby Sim onds Jenny Jensen T ra c y M cCollum Dyann Fisher M ike M orrison John Spalding Aaron Scholl Pixie D eTrenck Angie Jones W endy Scurr Bill Bollinger

The P.C.D.S. Spanish Club, consisting of Upper School students, has been instrumental in sponsoring the famous Taco Festival each spring and selecting the Taco Queen. The Spanish Club also sponsors a trip for members each year to a site of hispanic historic interest. Spanish Club members can be seen running about the campus throughout the year raising funds for their projects. The most recent of which was a candy sale for a trip to California. -James Bruning Faculty Advisor


COMPUTER CLUB M em bers: Bro Hayden G ary Glaser C andy Russell Donald Singer Jam es P erry S c o tt Shekels Daryl McCullick


The P.C.D.S. Computer Club consists of students dedicated to the prom otion of com puter programming at P.C.D.S. -Don Singer Faculty Advisor


Paul S ch w eikh er

During March of each year, Upper School students and faculty participate in the New Horizons program. New Horizons offers our students a unique two weeks. The program focuses on four areas- the Shadow Program of career internships and com m unity service, wilderness exploration, national and international travel, and a selection of alternative on-campus courses. New Horizons emphasizes learning-by-doing. The program seeks to enhance student’s self-esteem and self-confidence; increase their independence, responsibility, and motivation; and add to their awareness and appreciation of learning as a life long process. Paul Schweikher directs New Horizons and specifically m onitors the Shadow Program. Robert Wilson coordinates the wilderness outings. James Bruning plans the international travel, and James Roof oversees the on-campus courses. This year, New Horizons was highlighted by a one-week Congressional seminar in Washington D.C., backpacking the Grand Canyon and Bryce and Zion National Parks, a natural sciences tour of the west coast, and a museum tour from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Jam es Bruning

R o bert Wilson Jam es Roof



FOOD CLUB Ingredients: 20 students 2 advisors 2 cuisinarts 44 handsful of enthusiasm Mix thoroughly all ingredients in a medium sized apartment. Keep stirring during a free Sunday. Mix in recipes according to taste. Serves all those present. A particular asset of this recipe is the flexibility if offers.

M em bers: Am y Abraham Lisa Jones Julia Burgess K im er W adsw orth Carolina Lopez M a tt Gregory Julia Haus Sco tt Heid S tu art Frische Glen Bean Randy Steckler (backside showing) Bobby Sim onds Donald Singer Kim Fowler Stan Casselm an Laragene Oliver Cynthia T an cer



On top of th e w orld.

“ It's just around th e corner, gang!

I “ Do you have room for an extra sleeping b ag?"


“ T he latrine is over by th a t b u tte ." AAAHHH!

“ Let's see. Insert pole A into slot B .”

Lost?? No! T em po rarily m isplaced

? M aybe

fRAP AND SKEET The P.C.D.S. Trap and Skeet program was the first in the state of Arizona to be granted Varsity status. Since its inception in 1973, many P.C.D.S. students have been introduced to this popular lifetime sport. All participants must complete a firearms training program prior to entering form al com petition. P.C.D.S. shooters over the years have distinguished themselves in local, state and national com petition.

Members: John Spalding Bro Hayden Eric Bruning Aaron Scholl Chris G ray L arry Wolfe Eric Hagstrom M ike M orrison

Due to Uncooperative Sources, w e do not have any pictures for th e Trap and S keet Club.


MODEL UNITED NATIONS This year P.C.D.S. participated in the 18th annual Arizona Model United Nations session held on February 8th and 9th at the University of Arizona. The AMUN program is designed to provide a forum where students may experience international diplomacy through simulation, to increase awareness of other cultures and peoples, to better understand the foreign policy of our own government, to better understand the purposes, principles and functions of the United Nations, to provide experience in public speaking in an international political forum, and to provide an opportunity to meet students from other parts of Arizona in an intellectually, stimulating environment. Founded in 1963, the AMUN has provided a rewarding educational experience for thousands of high school delegates representing schools throughout the state. This year, twentytwo students represented Iran and India.

Paul Schw eikher Faculty Sponsor



Dianna Ziehm Jeff M iller Doug Dalgleish Stan Casselm an Kim Fowler Lina Weissman June Eng Don Singer M a tt Gregory Bobby Sim onds Susie Davison

S tu art Frische John Fisher Jeff Weiss Sco tt Heid Laurie Schoeffler Julia Haus Cynthia Tan cer Bill Wrigley Lisa Jones Jeff Bailey Phil Steiner


back row; M a tt Rollings, M r. Felten, Rick Kaye, Stephen W hyte, Jeff Rollings, Jenny Jensen, and Jim m y Friend, fro n t row; Greg K retze r, Chris G ray, M rs. S m ith, M argie Peper, Kati Lorant, Greg Hoffm an, and Candy Russel.


‘Androcles and th e Lion’

The sophomore class put on a play for the third traditional year. The main characters were played by; Rusty Jones, Michael DeMarzo, Jim m y Friend, Wendy Horwitch, Sandi Leard, Robert Ranucci, Brad Davison, Julia Burgess, and Kelly Dutton. The play was directed by Mr. Hackling, the sophomore class advisor.

T h e Lady is not for Burning' Cast: Mr. Roof, Mrs. Monell, Mr. Hackling, Mr. Schweikher, Mr. Grahm, Mrs. Steiner, Bill Wrigley, Laurie Wray, Howdy Kratzet, Phil Steiner, Sharon Steckler (flute), and Mrs. Demarzo (director)


Bill Wrigley

Gregg H offm an

Lisa Jones

Kim Fowler

Lauie W ray

Phil S teiner

Ellen Sm ith

M argie Peper

Doug Dalgleish

Bobby Sim onds

Banks Upshaw

Jeff Johnston

Roz Rom ney

Fran Cole

Guy Glaser

Jennifer Beardsley

R o bert K ratze t

M artin DeM arzo

Cast For Rivals Crew- Kimer Wadsworth John Spalding Kim Fowler Stuart Frische Cast- Kimer Wadsworth Kim Fowler Laragene Oliver Lisa Jones Phil Steiner Rusty Jones Michael DeMarzo Banks Upshaw Lisa Rhind Roz Romney Cathy Best Jeff Johnston Bobby Simonds John Fisher Bill Wrigley Music- Carol Clendenin Malcolm Clendenin

NEW HORIZONS PLAY: For New Horizons, a group of students got together and put on a dram atic production‘‘The Madwoman of Chaillot” - under the direction of Mary DeMarzo and Donald Hackling. Cast: Countess Aurelia, The M adw om an.....................................Lisa Rhind Irma the Waitress Joan Smith Pierre James Friend Gabrielle The Deafmute The Little Woman ................................................................. Julia Haus The Sewerman The Prospector ........................................................Michael DeMarzo The Ragpicker The Broker .........................................................................Bill Bollinger Dr. Jadin Madame Constance The P e d d le r........................................................................ Sandi Leard The P re s id e n t Rusty Jones Josephine The Juggler, Flower Girl Wendy Horwitch The Sargent The Baron Jeff Bailey The Presidents The Prospectors Rusty Jones The Press Men Michael DeMarzo The Strange Ladies Jeff Bailey The Adolphe Bertauts ...........................................................................






1 J11





li p i









Back row; S tu art Frische, M a tt G regory, M a tt Beardsley, B rent Vierck, Don Singer, Jeff M iller, Gordon Sutton, Banks Upshaw, (behind S c o tt’s h ea d ), Keith Levenson; Front row; S tephen W hyte, How dy K ratzet, Stan Casselm an, Phil Steiner, Glen Bean, John Fisher, S c o tt Heid, M ike Bernstein.

The soccer team began its season losing the first 2 out of 3 games. After having a change of coach, the team spirit seemed to hav diminished. The team went on to win its next six games in a row, under their new coach, Rolf Micola, and the rest of the season continued successfully, ending with an exceptional winning record. In post-season play, P.C.D.S. played Judson for the A.A.I.A. Championship, but lost 5-3. The supporters of the soccer team were greater in number, than ever before. -Stuart Frische

Coach: Rolf Micola Von Furstenricht



L to R, Back Row- Laurie Schoeffler, Lina W eissman, Dana Foist, Laurie W ray, Jennifer Beardsley, Kim er W adsw orth, Krista Magnusson, Laragene Oliver, Front Row- Laura Sandler, Theresa B ernard, June Eng, Cynthia T ancer, Absent- Brenda Beaudin

The Volleyball Team has become a group of talented girls with the help and support of Georgia Buelow. The team went to the championships with a 6 wins and 8 losses record. The girls spirit is shown on and off the court with a 110% effort (as Buelow would say). The senior class volleyball players wish the rest of the team “ good luck� and a possible championship without us! -Kimer Wadsworth

O il*


back' row: Don Singer, M artin D em arzo, John Boccaccio, M ichael D em arzo, S tu art Frische. fro n t row: Stan Casselm an, Rusty Jones, G ary Glaser, Glen Bean, R o bert Dees, Jeff Rollings, and R o bert Ranucci.




Ph o e n i x Co u n t r y Da y Sc h o o l


S c o R t



o a r



S tu art Frische Bobby Sim onds Donald Singer John Fisher Bill Wrigley M a tt Gregory Evan Lewis Stan Casselm an Glen Bean Randy S teckler Greg H offm an S c o tt Heid Rick Kaye Jeff Rollings M a tt Rollings Eric Bruning M artin DeM arzo M ichael D eM arzo M anager: Guy Glazer Coach: Donald Singer

After a short training session, the baseball team has started its sixteen game schedule. The first game’s results: P.C.D.S. 2 P.C.D.S. 7 Western Christian 3 Southwest Indian 9 The team appreciates the great support it received from students, faculty and parents. The team looks forward to a good turnout at all the future home games.





The Girls' Varsity Softball Team began their season with a come-from-behind victory against Western Christian. The final score was 22-17. Midway through the game, P.C.D.S. bats came alive while the defense made sterling plays in the field. Congratulations on a fine start!

Lindsay Alspach Lori Schoeffler Lina Wiessman Cynthia T an cer June Eng T eresa Bernard Carol Clendenin Sharon S teckler J ennifer Beardsley Jenny Jensen Julia Haase K im er W adsw orth Kim Fowler Laragene Oliver M anager: Rusty Jones


back row; M alcolm Clendenin, Farley Weiss, Jim m y Friend, and Jeff Weiss, m iddle row; Andy Dreyfuss, Evan Dreyfuss, M ark Weiss, M ike B ernstein, and Greg Nelson, fro n t row; Bill Bolinger, and R o bert Dees. Missing; Jeff M iller, and Robert Ranucci.


COACH: GEORGE BAKER back row; Sue P itre, Krista Magnusson, and Ellen Sm ith, m iddle row W endy Scurr and C athy Best, fro n t row; Carolina Lopez and Sabrina Espinoza. Missing: Am y A b raham , N ancy Best, Laurie Bienstock, Holly Brown, Fran Cole, Lee Rom ney, and Roz Rom ney.














In M em oriam CHRISTOPHER PAUL MOORE 1 9 7 2 -1 9 8 0 Grade Two Phoenix Country Day School

not by the years we live but how much we give


19-Photography Luigm ent and Binoculars r s l R C P 2 0 -R o d a g o n ■ M M , lens, m o tor base & f p H 6 k 2 0 iru r n s Call 948-

151 _____ ________

H 14mm sound projector, r ^ s ^ s , mlsc. LPHIC A rts Copy Camera & land , complete set-up & lore. Will sell to highest blo-

I a l l y ! j u n q U e e a JEp / ' 12 E, Santa Fe, Flagstaff, 772-4223 after 4:00pm. )AK Super 8 projector 8, iovie cam era, z o o m lens 150. 938-1264_____________ MIYA RB&7 - Xlnt cond, Jmm lense - 120 back TC. $700.978-0593_________ MIYA 445 - Xlnt cond - 45 im. 90mm, 150mm lenses, lo fo r d r iv e - c d s prism ider -X tra Inserts - auto (t set -filte rs - new over Sacrifice $1600. 978-

if §

o m ir n c o r o n a , s n iv s o w m . T im e clocks, sales 8. service IB M type e x e c u tiv e ,. $179.50 Copy Machine $89.50 up Large stock IB M selectrlcs W ord Processor, IBM D ick's 5238 N 43 Av 937-6894 Come anytim e we live here. SAVIN 215 Copier. F R E E . Only pay for paper, chem icals 8> maintenance a g re e m e n t. $525. Owner. 947-7854 SCULPTURED S te e l d e s k w / S ecre tary-L and cha ir Xlnt cond $600 979-6065. SCULPTURED S te e l D e s k w / Secretarial & C h a ir . X ln t Cond! $600. 979-6065.________ SEE US B EF O R E YOU BUY A N D SAVE M O N E Y ! N E W 8< USED DISCOUNT O FFIC E FU R N IT U R E 2905 N. 28th St. 956-1809 TYPEWRITERS cash reg calc Rentals-sales-frades-Service C lary Bus. M ach, 1499 E. Ind Sch 264-5585 USED DESKS 2 Ig w ood desks & 1 execu­ tive desk. 254-0089

/ ix i em i m y c


u lu u i

945-2563 _____ WOMEN'S wedding r in g set, r e c e n tly appraised $1575. Best offer. 867-7401.

554-Miscellaneous For


A A A CASH PAID A A A Sterling Silver 4780 N. Central 274-2646 About 1000 sheds @ whlse. Largest display & variety. 8'x8' de liv-floor $199.50 5'x4' to 20'x20'-276-2526 Phelps Storage Buildings ABSOLUTE fe n c in g bargains! Residential chain link fab ric 50' rolls only, 3'-$24, 4'-$32, 5 -$40, 6'-$4y, 6' cedar fence (post & rails Inc)-$1.49 per ft. Stuck Fence Co, Inc. 2019 W. Glendale Ave., 242-3435, 2799531. ___________ A Chambers Gas Stove Asking $500 246-6067 _______ ALL Sliver Coins Wanted U.S. Canadian & F o r e ig n . F o r Im m ediate Cash 964-1599. A L L TY P E S N EW & USED Ic e c r e a m c a b in e ts , ic e cream m akers, dell cases, w alk- in boxes. Ice m akerscube-cubelet & flatters, con­ d e n s in g u n it s , evaporator c o ils . B e c k D a ir y Supply 1030 N. 22nd Ave. 254-9221. ALMOST N e w Ice Cream fix ­ tures. M ust sell, See at 4502 E Thomas Rd. S25-S900 A L U M STORAGE SHEDS C LE A R A N C E SALE A A A 5202 N 22 Ave. 242-8134 ALWAYS paying highest cash prices fo r silver 8> gold coins. Call me before you sell. 9641599______ ________________

IVIE c a m e r a , S u p e r 8 bund, existing light, $150, lease call 582-3492.________ 'VIE Camera C a n o n 514 ow Ilghts/sound-Super 8 O u r warehouse is too full! sea once Boom m ike $350. F o r th e b e s t bargains In 18-3441 or 944-7041________ used office fu rniture, see us 1TAR F 5.6 300mm w /p o la rfirs t! Arizona Discount Desk er $200. F T D body only Co. 1401 N. 32nd St. 267-7512. (50 937-8130 WANTED S electrlcs-w rk or n o l- p a v cash-Also r e p a ir them -H ave 1 fo r sale-moon light job 268-5049.__________ ond Soppliw 1 s te e l d e s k , 6 0 '',x 3 0 ''/ 3 d raw ers each side, 1 center, OKS - I need paperbacks, $50. 252-5883 _____________ k>d condition 275-4865 jtflR m o d a lr c r a f t - 4 8 in 1250 LW M u ltillth Chain Excellent cond, 934-6441 Inospan, c o m p w / a l i acSss $50 U -control 936-2746 2 Desks, 2 office chairs, 1 stor. cab., 3 chairs, 1 ty p e w rite r, LIN E radio control never S200-S300 943-5656__________ sen a ir borne $250 Ken 957V inyl coated fence 2nd's 50' fi roils avail. 4" - $36.47; 6' 3 -M '2 0 9 ' a u to copying m a ­ $53.59; 7' - $62.22. Used posts c h in e w /supplies fo r 1000 Boot deep Ve® 40 w /K A B also avail, 2525 N. 27th Ave. copies. 200. 969-4414.________ S. exc cond $270 make 272-2333. _______________ m. 948-9092. 3 T O TA L E LEC TR O N IC CASH REGISTERS $345 A Simmons eJec HOSPITAL Copper State Cash Register B E D w /attachm e nt $425. 938-3864 Sales & Service ASSORTED restaurant e q u ip [A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 650 Royal E lectric ty p e w rite r, ment, for sale, 957-7946 tp rlv coll pays highest cash $125 253-5051. rtcas to r silver & gold coins 7-4686 ,A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ollector pays highest cash rices for silver 8. gold coins U n ifo rm s , e t c I h »748 WEDDING Dress, never worn, , US coins wanted A ready size 13, floor length. $40 253byer-call me last. Im m edl9291 or 279-9402 ie cash-971-6456. US s i l v e r c o lr is - a n y (nount-mk offer 992-4232 IfAVS paying highest cash aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [ices fo r stiver 8. gold coins, Will pay top cash fo r iw lry . all me before you sell. 964silv & gold coins, etc. Call w9 247- ‘ ETJON: Coin Collection-Old A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AAA fwelry-Sun. M a r 2, Noon, This p rlv coil pays highest pld $10, $5, 2ya. Quantity cash for slvr & gold coins p silver dots, Includes C.C iw lry & diamonds 991-6748. he, 1934-5, 1888-5 U n c i. A A A C A S H FO R SILV E R , (09 SVD B X F 10 oz. 999 G O LD, A N D DIAMONDS, brs. Seated coins. Gold nug. A N Y F*ORM. 242-7977 i f C.C. 2 ct. did. unc W.L. >!d pocket watches. 2 Org A A A CASH P AID A A A eGrazlas. 400 Lots, Terms. . Sterling Silver Ush only. T a ylor's 982-1784, 4780 N. Central 274-2646 scurity on premises. 2945 E T r a n s . R e b u ilt IcKelllps, Mesa. AARON Stevens w ill pay more AUTOMATIC $89.50 Including overhaul kit. f o r your diamonds & gold 1543 Grand Ave. 271-0556. je w e lr y . Imm ediate c a s h . 0 Collector w ill p a y to p 2 6 7-09 00, 3 8 t h S tr e e t 8. AZ H ig h w a y b a c k Issu e s pilar for all Gold 8. Silver Thomas. Schubach Jewelers, 1930's thru 1970's. 996-2277. plrts! Spot cash 4 Gold 8. Inside Tow er Plaza. ver scrap. 3/07 W Indian BABY C rib, great cond! $20, hool. 278-7242. A 8. F PAYS TOP CASH High chafr $15. Call before 6pm 279-7856 ask tor Liz F o r Diamonds & Antique 0 P rivate collector paying Jew elry Bhesl cash prices fo r your 3180 E Indian Sch 955-9770 »d; silver, & pre '64 U.S. pins. Free appraisal. 937- ALWAYS paying highest cash (89, 992-2533 LA R G E STOCK prices for silver & gold coins. 267-8621 274-6696 Call me before you sell. 9641599 BED 8. fra m e $45, Ice skates $15, window 2 5 " sq $15 A P rivate pa rty pays highest loveseat $20, 275-1114. cash dollar fo r you r gold & silver. Free appraisal In your BIKE $20 T rp w rtr $25 IB M $100 JE W E L BOX (34 YRS) home. 937-5689, 992-2533 s e le c t r ic $475,mower $30 1 North Central 252-5777 elec 8. gas $45 994-4088._____ AUCtlON: o ld iew elry, c o in auction. Sun. M a rch 2, 12 BUNKBED $50 Highboy chest of n o o n , 2945 E McKefllps, draw ers $30 A ut 22 L.R. $/0Mesa. T a ylor's 982-1784. 252-0167 O L D 8. SILVER in a n y BROKEN F E A T H E R M F G . (vllckel leaves, w h ile metal B C8.D SILVER CO ew elry, lighter cases, cata­ 202A N C a v e Creek Rd 30 gal glas w tr heater $94 95 log 22/5 W M ountain View In x 52 gal elect fro m $79.95 unit 13 997-1222.


[2-Hobbies, Books,


15-Coins, Stamps

551-Clothing 552-Jewelry

Attn: Bar Owners

Own your own cig, juke box, pool table & pin games. Maint. instr. & del. available. Replace your present equipment w /low 1 time prices.

For additional info on own your own equip­ m en t. C all C lark T. 258 8293

Beauty Equip’t





$125 y /ih p .j plant std metal, $15; 9S5-7M 9 ____________ HOT w a te r tank, elec. 52gal, g o o d cond, $50. Call eves. 977-9162.__ ________________ ICE Cube M a kers-R estaurant B ars-M otels-H otels Assoc Store E quip 257-9000 ICE M A K E R S New-Used-Sales- Rentals E D W AR D S CO. 994-4776 JOJOBA oil inventory sale. 1 oz botttes, bulk 959-9 i l l __ JUKEBOX W u rlitze r s te r e o , exc cond, $475. 995-9260, 246-4080__________ KENMORE D rye r ha s 6 m o s w a rra n ty. T a k e $78 o r $2 w kly. D ir. 805 S. Central. Til 2pm Sat til 5. clsd Sun KENMORE W a sh e r/D ry $175 A ls o , GE W asher, L o o k s neat. $100. 978-8839. KIMBALL organ $900, Desk & 3 office chairs $400 938-7044 LANOSCAPE B ark apprx. 7500 cu ft. $5 per pick up load, bring y o u r equip we w ill load. Also approx 1000 green plasflc flow er pots. M a ke a offer. Call P ereira A rabian Center 585-7000. LAPIDARY machine, grinder, sandpaper 8. polisher, 8 " , lik e n e w , $175, r o c k slab machine $75 267-1703. LIKE N e w W hirlpool Refrig, 14.2cu fro s t-fre e $175. 6 leg swingset heavy d u t y , lik e new $50. 971-2857 MAPLE liv rm $200 port color T V $100, king bed $125, car $400 997-5442 _____________

MARKET EQUIPMENT 2/12' freezer cases, 1/2-section 24' freezer case, 3 con­ d e n s in g u n its f o r a b o v e cases. Like new. Sell all or separate 272-4500. MEN'S 10 Speed $60. Duofone tab 15 $45, 19" B&W TV & stand w /te ls ta r g a m e unit $65 936-3952_______________ METAL detector. H unter a ll accessories incl. near ne w $100. 974-6128. MR. S le a m , s te a m cleaner $350. Vonschrader u p h o lstery cleaner $450. 835-0785. MUST Sell ice cream fixtures. See at 4502 E Thomas Rd. $25-1000 MUST sell, plastics engraver w /supplies, $1300. 866-9349 NEW c rib & baby c a rrie r. 9574930 9-5 o r 956-3377 eves. NEW M icro w ave antenna sell or trade Jim 947-8011_______ NEW Pool table w /accessories $425, 945-6785 OAK Lum ber $1.50 board ft, edar lum ber $1 board ft . cede 955--3682. ORGAN sngl keyboard w /ca ss e rte , gd c o n d , $850. Lg m acram e wallhanging $110. Patio door drapes $Z5. 2721506 _______________ OR IG IN AL E l v i s P r e s l e y Album s $5 e a , New Mens ~hoes Size 9 $10 pa ir 272Shoe 2987 —7 P A IN T IN G e q u ip m e n t, com pressor, guns, 2Vi gallon pot 8. Ladders 254-3912 PAU L P L E T K A P a in tin g 20"x26". Pvt p rty 991-1992 PICNIC ta b le , 6' redwood, bolted construction, 2 stock $65, 938-7173.______________ PIZZA O v e n , reach in b o x , m ixe r, misc equip. Call 9955066 o r 846-3406. POOL Tables New 8ft slate top, -slicks 8. balls, S670ea, also ynamo Foosball/Soc. table new $325 582-9458 ____


00715562 A pproxim ately $1800 w orth o f Belsaw sharpening, grin d­ ing equipment (3 machines) to be sold to the high bidder at approx. 8 O 'clock Thurs. 2/28. Phoenix Auction, 2633 E. Indian School R d ._______ QUEENSIZED Beautyrest M a t­ tress 8, Springs, good cond, $100 939-3532 a ft 5._________

U W H D T IS E M E N T §

WALLACE 86pc sterling silver j service f o r 12. New $8700 • Eves 5-7pm 941-1300_______ •' WATER distillers. Petersen'j. j 3418 N 24th St 955-4870

WESTERN FENCE CO. Big Savings on Chain Link Fence M aterials, barb w ire fencing, tee posts 8. d o g kennels. A ls o used steelposts & toprails, discon tinued flttin ^s & ^ m is fit gates. "D o -it-Y o u rs e tf" p ip e c o r ­ rals, no welding o r special tools required (oatent pend­ ing). Call fo r free estimates on m a t e r ia ls o n l y or in­ stalled, 224 s. 23rd st, P H X. 244-0368 1541 N. East S t. £lag. 77449 8 1 W HATNOTS FOR TOTS E veryth ing fo r baby. Nice as new. 2401 N. 32 St. 956-4396. WHEELCHAIR-deluxe high back recllner. Rolls brand. E xcel­ lent cond. $490. 249-0659 WHE&CHAIR Like n e w $150. Quad chair $15 269-8754

WHEELCHAIR MEDIUM SIZE $ 125 . 957-1329 W hirlpoolwashers. R e n ta l re ­ tu r n s . 2 y r w a rra n ty. $3. w kty EZ cre dit you can get it D ir. 805 S. Central Till 6pm Closed Sunday ________ WORKING V a n Equip, racks $25, safety cages $65, ladder rack $50, tool & storage bln $50, O livetti adding machine $60 ea., 600 lb ice machine f la k e r $775, 32c" freezer |700, '69 M e rc u ry $350. 993 10 M a r k IV c a n d y vending machines, one/alL $750 new, sacrifice $375ea/best offer 899-0384 ____________ lOOYds crp t, $250, arcadia drs, $70, F rig . $65, Honda 450, $400 931-6633. 10,000 g a l w a te r ta n k ^2600 per tank, like new 8' 0568. 1-44 M agnum $170. 30-06 rifle $225. H o n d a $300 & '7 1 Ranchero $500. 939-5006 15' A b o v e ground p o o l w / cleaner, pum p & filte r, xlnt deal $2^0 941-0162_______ 1959 F o r d V2 to n p ic k u p , $1195. 931-3110____________ 2 jukebox mechanisms, tape recorders, r e c o r d players, 100 w a tt stereo am p. cable, tube tester & misc. All $150, 966-0704. __________ _ 20 inch aDt size range, fully guar. Taxe $69 D ir 805 S Central t i l 2 p.m. S at 7-5, Sunday 12-5_______________ 3 Weil Sink, ice m a ker, 56cu. freezer & re frig, flavo r ra il & m ore, exc cona 894-0899 30001b bomb hoist $60, Elec m o tor 3hp $65, Light fixtures 4 tube $12.50 266-0760_______ 400YDS approx lu te & h a ir 50oz c o m m g r a d e carpet pad ng- new 50c yd §66-7386 75' of 6' wood fence .125 99I- 1058

555-Yard Sale

Carport, Garage, Patio

A A A h u g e sale, tocis, k id s clothes, m ls c , 1c-$50 S at. 8am 14210 N. 33 Dr.________ A Big vd sale. R efrig, arcadia drs, misc. 54 W. V irginia Sat 8am-? 50c-$300. A l l D a v W e d . 8. T h u rs . M otorcycles, pocket knives, bicycles, c lo th in g , m u c h misc. Corner of Roosevelt & 3rd St.____________________ A N e w w ate r P urifier, used W a te r still, antique d r u m ta b le & & a n k , furniture, Avon $1-$250. Call 846-1172 ANTIQUE P ic tu r e s , w a s h stand, glass, quilt, misc. 1102 E. Brow n, 944-5331

ADVERTISEMENTS CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SENIOR CLASS OF 1980 MR. AND Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fowler Mrs. T. Richard Gregory Mr. and Mrs. William C. Haus Marilyn and Don Heid Joan and Elliot Horne Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Lively Bob, Nan, and Sally Miller Burke D. Rhind Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Singer Dr. and Mrs. Howard Wulsin







ph°c“ s


Bobby Sim onds

I believe that every right implies a responsibility, every opportunity, and obligation, every possession, a duty. J.D. Rockefeller

To make no mistakes is not in the power of man; but from their errors and mistakes the wise and good learn wisdom for the future. PLUTARCH

Whatever else you do or forbear impose upon yourself the task of happiness; and now and then abandon yourself to the joy of laughter. M. Ehrmann

The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, someone to love, and something to hope for. Joseph Addison

“ To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you lived. This is to have succeeded.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best, knows in the end the trium ph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring gregtly, so that his place shall never be with those tim id souls who know neither victory or defeat. -Theodore Roosevelt


9 5 2 -1 1 8 7



Party Barn

944-5561 7104 N. 7 ST.



Camelback Village Center 5015 North 44th Street • Phoenix, Arizona 85018

The only sure w eapon against bad ideas is better ideas. The source of belter ideas is wisdom. The surest path to wisdom is a liberal education. A. W hitney Griswold

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discerning service with a smile CRANDALL’S CRANDALL'S PHARMACY 4832 N. 40 St.



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DONT IMPULSE BUY ENERGY. Send to A P S Energy Consum er’s Guide Station 1366, P.O . B ox 21666, Phoenix, A Z 85036

You’re the First Graduates of the1980’s. Congratulations. We hope you’ll always be First in whatever you do. Be First in your banking for a start. Open your First checking account with us. There is no service charge for Regular Checking if you keep a minimum monthly balance o f $200 in your account. Below that, the charge is just $3 per month. N o limit on the number o f checks written. Custom Checking is just 15C for each check you write, plus a 25C monthly ser­ vice fee. W rite your first check at T h e First. W e’ll be delighted to help you with the first loan, the first mortgage, and your first investment portfolio when the time comes. We really want you to be First.





GEMEINHARDT , . x iiiiiu







258-2467 1027 N. CENTRAL AV. I TO 3:30 MON.-SAT.





Best Wishes for Success to the Class of ’80 Th e Ta n c e rs


Congratulations SENIORS!

Utlum iliD 1617 E. HIGHLAND PHOENIX, AZ 85016

264-7774 (3 b lo c k s s o u th o f C A M E L B A C K )






drapery-carpet ■ a t n 's u S is a p

Congratulations Class '80!!


And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, Speak to us of Children. And he said: Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have thoughts of their own. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tom orrow, which you cannot visit, not even in

your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far. Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness; For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable. K. GIBRAN THE PROPHET


Pest Wishes to the Class of ’80

Phoen'uc Country X)ay School Parents’ Association






Village Cheese and Wine 5031 N. 44 ST. SJL LPR Special joys and special places, Special friends togetherThe moments pass so quickleyBut the memories are forever. G-W Douglas


‘Thanx” ‘dear”

Rhino Duck

To U. of A. A Friend

TO, Mr. Raymond and Willy: Know my love and Affections Will be with you ALWAYS! We have So many Secrets and Good Times To REMEMBER! They'll be with us FOREVER! Love, Glen 202


Kimmie, Trac, Lies Kima, Vern and Sid-Leaving this place will be so hard so much tim e has been spent here- together. Seven years for me and Trac. Sucha big part of my life is over and so much lies before me. It’s tim e for me to turn away and face the world and my life without you. I wish I could tell you how much gratitude and respect and how much love I feel toward you all and the memories are what's made it all worthwhile. I love you all! Cheers to friends and love and memories of the past and future.

Love Always, Kaff



Hey there, Good Times, take my hand!

CONGRATULATIONS SENIORS th e re ’s a rainbow over your shoulder

09'ereacS Sor i S &



(jfrru L S O ju

m jL


Love you!!!

/T Z c u y L o ju jl

cu a .c/


c u u q

_ 4 ?G. ^4.

v y


0 /7 'e s l i g h t tV>e c0 < 0 f m y m io ^

THANKS SCHWEIK (COSMIC BOZO) MS. E and WILLY for always caring. LOVE, Lisa (Rhino) and Julia (JUIes)


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