1984 phoenician

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Dr. Joel C. Monell



The Class of 1984 is unique in many ways. You are, perhaps, the most significant link in a chain of events that connects our hopes for the future with our experiences of the past. In the midst of dramatic growth at P.C.D.S., you are the smallest graduating class in seven years. Some of your class members have been with us since Kindergarten, and one joined us this year. You are the first class to have experienced the revised Upper School Schedule, which we hope generated an atmosphere of freedom and flexibility in which you could pursue individual educational experiences and interest. Your pursuits have been many, and you have infused the new Upper School campus with your energy and your ideas.

Whitney Griswold, former President of Yale University, once observed that, "The only sure weapon against bad ideas is better ideas.� I have recently visited with each of you, and I am impressed with your ideas. As you leave us to take your place in various colleges and universities, may they continue to get better and better! Sincerely,

(\+e 6 yin**

Joel C. Monell Headmaster

Cheering our teams to victory, listening to the Police, or just being with friends; The time slips away so quickly, it seems as though the year passes so swiftly. For these reasons we have memories.

Through these memories, we recall the school year of 1984.

The bizarre mini-skirts, those mirrored eyes, or the array of "Funky Do's," Again taking our brush, we begin to paint a scene - one depicting change of '84. The trends shifted, hemlines were raised, pant legs pegged, and the world of fashion at P.C.D.S. becam e a test of individuality.


Color and style varied with the mood of the day. So we review our scene - color, fashion, and change creating a picture of styles and fads of 1984.


The excitement of the carnival, plays, clubs, and all the victorious games - like an artist with his oils we take these memories and paint a colorful scene of 1984. The senior prank - what will it b e? The juniors working hard on the prom to make a memorable event. All these things and more add to the unity and spirit of P.C.D.S.


Jan Anderson

G eorge Baker

G rade O ne

Middle School Dean Health Program

Susan Bookspan

Martha Bonacich

Middle School English

Middle School Spanish

Ramil Biggs G rade Five

James Bruning

Linda Bryant

Chairman Foreign Language Upper School Spanish

Middle School Art

Bruce Canade Upper School English Junior Class Advisor

Pat Adank-Canade Middle School History

Georgia Buelow Middle and Upper School P.E

Betty Jo Cheaney

Toni Clark

G rade Three


James Cook

Chairman English Department Upper School English Sophomore Class Advisor

Lance Coon Chairman Art Department, Art, Yearbook Advisor

Joyce Cone Middle School Math Middle School Science

Roberta Crane

Carol Dalton

Lower School Spanish


Christine English Judy Dering

Upper School History Freshman Class Advisor

Middle School Music

Rodney Dashnaw Middle School English

Lester Felten Jr.

Susan Funkhouser

Co-Chairman Music Department Middle And Upper School Band

Grade Five

Ruth Grove

Cathy Hansen

Lower School Dean Co-Chairman Music Department

Upper School Spanish

Thomas Graham Middle School Math Middle School Science

Judy Havens

Judy Hoblit

G rade Two

Middle School Social Studies

Arlette Jacques Jan Jennings

Middle and Upper School French

Lower School Computer

Harry Houle Librarian, Upper School Latin

Karen Johnson

William Keller

G rade Four

Middle school English

Sheila Kendall

Sally Klein

Strings, Guitar And Music

Lower School School Science

Edith Kelly Middle and Upper School Chorus


Lorraine Peoples

Lovice Peterson

G rade O ne


David Raymond Chairman Science Department Grade Five Senior Advisor Upper School Science & Math

G ary Quick Upper School Science Sophomore Advisor

Erna Pitts Grade Two


Paul Schweikher U.S. History Director of College Counseling Junior Advisor

Don Singer Chairman Computer Science Upper & Middle School Computer

Jeff Stokes

Mary Swiess

Chairman History Department Upper School History

Lower School P.E.

Chuck Toll

Fran Vierck

Upper School English Upper School Dean

Grade Four

Mary Lu Syllaba Kindergarten

Bob Wilson Chairman Math Department Upper School Science Upper & Middle School Math Senior Advisor

Bob Wolpert Upper & Middle School Math

Barbara Whiter Middle School Math & Science

Paul Yardley Upper & Middle School P.E.


Caroline Borger

Judy Dering

Grades O ne & Two


Peg Smith

Karen Taylor

Music Department

Art Department

Barbara Kendell Grades O ne & Two



Stephen Littell

Steve G erber

Business Manager

Director of Development

Kim Hawthorne

Karen Wood



Donna Rankin Registrar





Front Row: Shawn Dyer, Rodney Molten, Jodi Hutchinson, Sarah Matz, Matthew Blumenstein, Sonia Ghaswala Middle Row: Douglas Teitel, Leslie Blank, Lindsay Ferland, Katherine Haley, Jennifer Bachus, Kate Stockwell Back Row: Mrs. Dalton, Mary Frances Scott, Adrian Dahlstedt, Keith Scharfman, Michael Sendrow, Jason Grovert, Bruce Vinci, Mrs. Peterson

Front Row: Summer Marshall, Becky Van Sickle, Jennifer Kirkwood, Bobby Sullivan, Douglas Wiesen.-Todd, Charles Givve Middle Row: Sarah Duncan, Linnea Gillett, Frankie Stubbs, Kimberly Huber, David Pillsbury Back Row: Heather Klinefelter, Natan Jacobs, Brian Bates, Lily Dunlap, Jordon Spack, Konrad Lee, Top Row: Mrs. Syllaba, Mrs. Dering, Mrs. Clark


Front Row: Tanya Kuhn, Jennifer Sapin, Hollye Schumacher, Honey Jo Sheridan, Kyle Lipton, Aran Bercu, Jennifer Wilhelmy Middle Row: Hallie Jacobson, Benji Moretsky, Tatum Shears, Melissa Lewis, Erik Koep, Mark Leibow, Matt Torel Back Row: Mrs. Borger, Brad Durchslag, Ravi Bisla, Whitney Symington, Michael Stent, Olivia Hearley, Corey Binns, Mrs. Peoples

Front Row: Kristin McNeill, Neil Tang, Paige Durkin, Stuart Hackett, Jennifer Harris, Melissa Cucher, Katie O'Driscoll Middle Row: Mrs. Anderson, Andy Altman, Brienna Balmer, J.P. Evarts, Benjy Finberg, Karin Lefeber, Frances Wellings, Mrs. Kendall Back Row: Zachary Thomas, Ashley Dorrance, Rusty Silverstein, Stephani Wolfswinkel, Stacy Piccinati, Heath Lipson, Evan Schoninger


Front Row: Mrs. Havens, Neeka Najmi, Brooke Schumacher, April Levy, Wendy Kraus, Josh Moya, Lisa Harney Middle Row: Michael Webster, Irene Trevor, Amanda Blum, Gwynne Sullivan, Karen Pettitt, Geoff Wilhelmy, Brian Vance Back Row: Brett Maas, Teddy Rice, Sarah Woods, Alex Koep, G retchen Wagner, Brian Cornwell, Alex Sample

Front Row: Jason Collins, Lindsay Timmerman, Julian Jacobs, Helen Craft, Becky Sullivan, Cindy Bochna, Brent Huber Middle Row: Mrs. Pitts, Jimmy Gard, Marie Cohen, Brett Davis, Kara Rassi, Ellen Rand, Mini Cove Back Row: Jens Ploughmann, Scott Goetze, Vicki Lang, Emma Dane, Scott Turpin, Edward Drewery, Heather MacLean


Front Row: Mrs. Cheaney, Scott Pettitt, Mandana Najmi, Brooke Toll, Rochelle Mollen, Jenny Burt, Steven Stadel Middle Row: Lindsay Piccinati, Bethany Matia, Karl Kendall, Cara O'Driscoll, Austin Hackett, Carter Liptori, Aron Fischer, Back Row: Cal Newman, Kim Levine, Ryan Hart, Brad Huber, David Lyne, Valeska French, Mark White

Front Row: Eric Shears, Benjamin Bachus, Rachel Lyons, Tiffany Peers, James Todd, Andrea Crimmins, Adam Flick Middle Row: Mrs. Oliver, Aubrey Joy Corcoran, Karen Bisla, Patrick Lewis, Eric Timmerman, Dierks Bentley, Jacob Shephard Back Row: Matthew Weinberg, Jason McCullough, Jason Fox, Amanda Drewery, Jordan Sterling, Frazier Bain (not pictured: Breeley Benn)


Front Row: Brill Moya, Aaron Matz, Lisa Williams, Justin Einhorn, Joshua Plosker, Eliza Dodge Middle Row: Mrs. Johnson, Sophie Trevor, Randy Saria, Brian Hoblit, Mike Chernoff, Adam Cohen, Todd Plone, Randy Ho Back Row: Becky Dicken, Jon Teitel, Mike Ramsaur, Mark Southwell, Wendy Rice, Hilary Robinson, Gabriella Peers

Front Row: Michael Enriquez, Ryan Dyer, G len Torhjelm, Jeff Collins, Gregg Dessen, Paula Occhino Middle Row: Stephan Sweet, Andy Cracchiolo, Charlie Blumenstein, Aysia Harri足 son, Lindsay Rovick, Debbie Ligorsky, Mrs. Vierck Back Row: Kyle Hirsch, Jamie Wagner, Robert Lyne, Lance Due, Rob VanSickle, Carrie Blum, Stephi Bates, (not pictured: Eric Ramsaur)


Front Row: Mandi Matz, Polly Rassi, Kaine Stathakis, Rob Cohen, Ricky Daley, Tina McNetf, Courtney Cooper Middle Row: Kim Engdahl, Lisa Brook, Brandon Wilson, Danielle Gordon, Wendy Wanner, Spencer Patterson, Mrs. Funkhouser Back Row: Justin Matlick, Hunter Duffy, G reg Horvath, Andrew Mellor, Judith Wieringa, Bill Pettitt, David Foster

Front Row: John Jacobs, Debbie Sklar, Jonathan Jacobs, Salina Parks, Scott Sendrow, Audra Smith, Jennifer Swartz Middle Row: Ramil Biggs, Jason Ralphe, Adam Fleck, Cara Breese, Rajiv Chandasekaran, Shannon Lindner, Peter Pillsbury Back Row: Hilary Barnard, Evan Lipton, Aaron Schoeffler, Geoff Borger, Ashley Conquest, Michael Betz, Julie Turpin






Front Row: Ari Plosker, Bard Sterling, Jill Krafts, Maia Cryns, Doug Matia Middle Row: Mrs Bookspan, Carter Richardson, Joel Superfon, Holly Hendin, Gerard Sample Back Row: Andrew Honacker, Eve Lipson, Debbie Plone, Jodi Low, Brent Eubanks, (not pictured: Brooke Donahoe)

Front Row: Adrienne Ditchey, Richard Sloane, Shelby Jordan, Jessica Numkena, Jeff Stern Middle Row: Ms. Hoblit, Laurel Sparks, C.B. Wetmore, Cristi Dyer, Billy Dumone, Kevin Ramsaur Back Row: Fred Ferguson, Mark Liden, Ashleigh Cooper, Bryce Leckie, Keith Gordon

Front Row: Danny Lewis, Karen Finley, Aaron Lieberman, Caleb Reese, Diane Goetze Middle Row: Mrs. Bonacich, Janelle Torhjelm, Mamie Janis, Nancy Halabi, Amanda Hart, David Lee Back Row: Scott Woods, Sean Kerrigan, Tracy Weiss, Jason Harris, Rob Rutila

Front Row: Blake Caldwell, Francine Enriquez, Whitney Bartlett, Mike Sklar, Ty Wilson Middle Row: Mrs. Bryant, Wendy Rector, Jason Greenbaum, Norman Todd, Jimmy Matz, Brek Eaton Back Row: Margaret Madison, Holly Dunlap, Karen Takagi, Jeff Huber, Toni Hyatt

Front Row: Hari Raya, Graham Rawak, Roz Bolger, Ian Hackett, Jason Cohen Middle Row: Mr. Wolpert, Robert Wallack, Brennan Lindner, Michelle Cove, Hillary Smith, Chris Chaffee Back Row: G regg Bookspan, Allyson Harwood, Trisha Folk, Kelly Quick, Mary Beth Warner, Alan Takagi

Front Row: Ricky Lewis, Erica Bookbinder, Brette Dixon, Charles Hessel, Kirsty Hamilton Middle Row: Mrs. Smith,, Jonathan Portnoy, Daniel Durschlag, Ashly Young, Tina Critchfield, Bennett Dorrance Back Row: Carter Dicken, Mike Moran, Sargent Pillsbury, Debbie Gilbert, Daryl Sparks


Front Row: Josh Weinrach, Enda Hu, Lisa Rand, Jodi Sherman, Derek Gordon Middle Row: Mrs. Cone, Vanessa Bentley, Caryn Capozza, Tim Daley, Mike McClanahan, Scot Torrey Back Row: Michelle Rotman, Sarah Timmons, Tracy Taylor, G reg Anderson (not pictured: Dino Stathakis)

Front Row: Brian Weiss, Brian Bienstock, David Kaufman, Daniel Pinney Middle Row: Alissa Brodie-Bodell, Whitney Anthony, Kerstan Lincoln, Matt Nicely, Lisa Lincoln, Mr. Keller Back Row: Katie Cesal, Miko McGinty, Marianne Cracchiolo, Jason Harris, Chris Blumenstein (not pictured: Chris Comus)



Front Row: Lori Hendin, Keith Hurley, Arthur Craft, John Dwyer, Joanna Josephson Middle Row: Dr. Adank-Canade, Sharon Ligorsky, Mark Chmoff, Hedi Sielicki Back Row: Amanda Brown, Melanie Townsend, Jason Hackett, Kent Bertrand (not pictured: Francis Kendrick, Maggie Wieringa, Jeff Taylor)

Front Row: Jeff Jacobs, Rami Lipson, Stefanie Moore, Matt Fleck, Anne Johnson Middle Row: Mr. Graham, Eddie Harris, Stephen Roseman, Amy Pollard, Francisco Quinonez, Drew Sidell Back Row: Nan Corradini, Scott Allen, Daphne Madison, Craig Jarvis (not pictured: Alyse Aiello)

Front Row: Garret Kent, Sara McNeff, Cindy Havens, Hallie Loveridge, Bennett Hopper Middle Row: Mr. Dashnaw, Karl Hirsch, Baha Bahadir, Dillan Braggiotti, Drew Spangler, Julie Ketover Back Row: Tom Baird, Troy Phillips, Leanne Leckie, Ellie Vinci, Julia Diddy

Front Row: Adam Cherrill, Matt Kraus, Judy Henry, Stephanie Lantz, Barry Liden Middle Row: Ms. Whiter, David Van Sickle, Brendan Eaton, Will Duffy, Evelyn Trevor, Shana Fischer Back Row: Heather Sandler, Julie Shephard, Holly Borger, Matt Rigberg, Peter Spiegel




Top Row: Mr. Kosower, G. Kent, W. Duffy, M. Chernoff, J. Taylor, M. Kraus, T. Baird, J. Hackett, B. Verbout, T. Phillips, D. Braggiotti, F. Kendrick, C. Jarvis, D. Spangler Front Row: C. Chaffee, J. Cohen, D. Stathakis, M. Fleck, K. Hurley, B. Hopper, B. Eaton

"B Team" Front Row: A. Honacker, T. Wilson, J. Matz, R. Rutila, J. Superfon, K. Ramsar, S. Kerrigan, B. Caldwell, A. Lieberman, C. Richardson, B. Eaton, J. Greenbaum, D. Matia, J. Huber Back Row: D. Kaufman, C. Blumenstein, R. Wallack, B. Weiss, D. Durschlag, I. Hackett, A. Takagi, B. Bienstock, T. Daley, J. Harris, S. Torrey, M. Nicely, B. Sterling, N. Todd, Mr. Baker


"A Team" Back Row: Ms. Swiess, D. Goetze, M. Madison, N. Halabi, M. Janis Middle Row: K. Takagi, A. Cooper, M. Cove, M. Cracchiolo, M.B. W arner, L. Hendin Front Row: H. Dunlap, C. Havens, J. Ketover, J. Shephard, H. Borger Seated: M. Rotman, A. Young, K. Quick, L. Rand


S. Ligorsky, E. Trevor, N. Corradini, A. Pollard, S. Lantz, J. Henry, L. Sparks, T. Folk, C. Dyer


"A Team" Back Row: P. Spiegel, J. Taylor, T. Phillips, G . Jarvis, M. Rigberg, Mr. Baker Front Row: E. Harris, K. Hurley, A. Sherril, B. Eaton

“B Team" Back Row: B. Sterling, S. Woods, J. Greenbaum, M. Morant, R. Rutilla, C.B. Whetmore, K. Ramsar, A. Honaker, Ms. Swiess Front Row: J. Stern, R. Sloan, J. Potnoy, A. Lieberman, B. Dumone, S. Kerrigan, C. Reese, D. Durchslag


"A Team" Back Row: J. Ketover, M. Townsend, H. Sielecki, H. Borger C. Havens, J. Leckie, E. Vinci, J. Shephard, M. Rotman, M. Wieringa, M. Cove, Mr. Yardley Front Row: L. Hendin, A. Aiello, K. Quick, M. Cracchiolo, A. Young, L. Rand, B. Donahoe, S. McNetf

“B Team" Back Row: D. Plone, M.B. Warner, M. Cracchiolo, G . Rawak, K. Quick, M. Rotman, A. Young, L. Rand, M. Cove, Ms. Buelow Front Row: A. Cooper, K. Takagi, H. Dunlap, H. Hendin, W. Bartlett, M. Janis, N. Halabi, B. Dixon, B. Donahoe


"A Team” Back Row: P. Yardley, F. Kendrick, C. Jarvis, J. Taylor, T. Phillips, J. Hackett Middle Row: B. Hooper, B. Linden, A. Cherrill, D. VanSickle, M. Chernoff, D. Nowicz, M. McClanahan, K. Ramsar, R. Steward, I. Hackett, B. Dumone, B. Eaton, K. Hurley, E. Harris, M. Fleck

"B Team” Back Row: P. Yardley, B. Lindner, M. Nicely, S. Kerrigan, A. Honacker, K. Ramsar, D. Nowicz, M. McClanahan, J. Harris, C. B. Wetmore, B. Leckie, G. Anderson, J. Portnoy, I. Hackett, J. Greenbaum, M. Sklar, C. Richardson, B. Dumone, R. Steward, B. Caldwell, T. Wilson, B. Eaton, C. Reese


"A Team” Front Row: M. Cracchiolo, J. Henry, N. Coradini, A. Young, J. Shephard, S. McNeef Back Row: Mr. Majeski, M. Rotman, M. W arner, E. Vinci, A. Pollard, D. Gilber, Mrs. Bookspan

"B Team” Front Row: K. Kroger, B. Dixon, W. Bartlett, D. Goetze, G. Rawak Back Row: Mr. Majeski, E. Lipson, D. Plone, M. Cove, K. Quick, W. Anthony, T. Weiss, A. Bodell, Mrs. Bookspan


Front Row: J. Matz, C.B. Wetmore, J. Stern, I. Hackett, T. Daley, R. Stewart Middle Row: R. Rutila, D. Kaufman, C. Richardson, R. Wallach, J. Portnoy, J. Greenbaum, D. Pinny, T. Wilson Back Row: Mr. Wolpert, D. Nowicz, G. Anderson, D. Stathakis, S. Torrey, M. McClanahan, J. Cohen, B. Dumone, J. Harris, A. Honacker


E. Trevor, S. Ligorsky, J. Shephard, E. Vinci, A. Pollard




Jeff Jacobs, Daniel Durschlag, Jeanne Leckie, Hallie Loveridge Back Row: D. Spangler, M. Chernoff, J. Sherman, C. Comus, E. Harris, C. Chaffee, V. Bently, K. Quick, B. Donahoe, J. Huber, B. Leckie, R. Rutila, D. Mafia

A. Pollard, E. Trevor, J. Shepard, S. McNeff, S. Ligorsky, H. Loveridge, J. Stern, M. Sklar, J. Jacobs, K. Cesal, K. Fineley, C. Dyer


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Amy Dickerson

Robin Dunlap

Peggi Egnew

Karen Hader

Joella Harrison

David Friedman

Jim Vernon

Kevin Wernick

Benita W eber

Katie Woods

Jonathan Wechsler

Mamie Zang


Brian Adams, Vice President; Andy Shanken, Treasurer; Kirsten Cummins, Secretary; Brooke Sterling, President

Joe Alpert

Chuck Bain

Beth Anderson m

Michael Anand


Peter Bartlett

Kyle Baird

Amy Biggs Beau Barton



Lillian Lanzetta

Brenda Ligorsky

Nick McKay

Melissa Michaelsen

Carey Marks


Laurie Mittenthal

Andy Nicely

Louise Perry

Grant Pierce Sally Pechstein


Eric Ransbottom

Lisa Salvatore


John Schwarzmann

Andy Shanken

Tina Simonds

Brooke Sterling Tara Shire


Andrew Tennant

Joanna Westhater

Beth Thomsen




Kirsty Kulmer, Vice President; Lauren Up足 shaw, Treasurer; Cliff Smith, President


Laura Daley

Mark Fogelson

Sally Goldsmith Vaughn Eaton





)F 1984

Karen Loui Kari Miche

*rances :anucci

Douglas Allen Smith Kiffie Mary Pat Spanc Carter Choate Sweet Liesl Suzanne Veazey Paul Lars Weiss Tammy Lynne Ziehm

Karen Louise Bean If you can imagine, the. room inside me to be empty, dark, and lacking, how wrong you could so be. It is within you, that the darkness remains. And there beyond your image, a lacking of intensity, but not within me.

Under a toadstool crept a wee elf, out of the rain, to shelter himself. Under a toadstool sound asleep, â– Sat a big dormouse, all in a heap . .. Oliver Herford




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(E Bass)

\n C o p y r ig h t © 1 9 7 3 b y C O L G E M S - F .M I M U S I C I N C ., H o lly w o o d , C a lif o r n ia In te r n a tio n a l C o p y r ig h t S e c u r e d M a d e in U .S .A . A ll R ig h ts R e s e r v e d

I'■eti hv tiermisMtm


Neal Hait Bookspan


Cynthia Rector Boynton

My life without you, mom, dad and Rick, would not be as happy as it is now. I love and thank you with all my heart

The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner aspects of their lives, can change the outer aspects of their lives. William James

Friendship of a kind that cannot easily be reversed tomorrow must have it's roots in common interests and shared beliefs. Barbara W. Tuchman

Quand des etres vous manque, le monde est depeuple. -Lamartine-

The comfort of having a friend may be taken away, but not that of having had one. Seneca -meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are honest friends-

One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood. Seneca WHATEVER!

wrrarhrw iwniwrwrrn

"My parents think I'm crazy and they hate the things I do, I'm stupid and I'm lazy, If they only knew how Flaming Youth will set the world on fire . . . Flaming Youth our flag is flying higher and higher and higher!" KISS

"Free Unfettered Shriven FreeDream that what is dreamed will be: Hold eyes clasped shut until they see, And sing the silent prophecyAnd be Unfettered Shriven Free." The Illearth War

Stephanie Thill Enriquez

"The triangle and the circle . . . different shapes, materials, textures . . . They represent any two diverse things which come together to create truth or beauty." Spock


Deborah Friedman

If one advances confidently in the direction of his, dreams and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. . . . If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is why where they should be. Now put foundations under them. -Henry David Thoreau

Gregory Michael Grant


I have no fear of the future, Let us go forward into its mysteries, let us tear aside the veils which hide it from our eyes, and let us move onward with confidence and courage. Sir Winston S. Churchill September 29, 1943

Elizabeth Anne Holt

iiiiJu iirm m ~ n T M w rv m n ii— iMninB»Htiiwn»nnmn»»iMi i n w i


Coliri Lamar James

You're tearing me apart! You say one thing, she says another - And then you both switch back again! James Dean

Anything you can do, we can do better. - Pete and Dave "I don't feel tardy'' DLR You kill me! - Dave and Pete


hi i hhi h■

■ i»w » n m

Caren Chari Kelso Tonight, Gotta leave that 9 to 5 up on the shelf, and just enjoy yourself. GrooveLet the madness and the music get to you. Life ain't so bad at alb if you live it off the wall.

Pay the gate, don't be late. Its a date. Whatlay' know. If y'dig, then you'll dig it's a groove. Quite a groove, cause y't' move. Come in twos, pay your dues, what can you lose? Just your blues! So lose them! The band's swingin' one and all, and what a ball! Yeah! Music is good, music is better than good. Things are being like they should. Manhattan Transfer

Michael Jackson

How do you feel, Jane?

I'm in charge - and I'll be behind you. That way so when we turn around and run I'll be in front. Bill Cosby


Money is basically green. G reen is envy. Envy is headaches. Headaches are a drag. To me, poor is poor, rich is rich . . . so what? Cat Stevens

The road to excess leads to the palace of wisdom. - The Doors

Jane Frances Marks . . . my life has changed in all so many ways, my independence seems to vanish in the haze . . â– - The Beatles

.. . voices echo from the past, decisions made for you, trials they made to touch your heart never found their way. - Journey

Time, time . .. is on my side - The Rolling Stones

Come mothers & fathers throughout the land and don't criticize what you don't understand - Bob Dylan




Jay Christopher Davis Martin

Leaves are falling all around Time I was on my way. Thanks to you I'm much obliged Such a pleasant stay. But now it's time for me to go The autumn moon lights my way. And now I smell the rain, And with it takes And it's headed my way. Oh sometimes I grow so tired, But I know there's one thing I've got to do . . . Ramble on . . .

The most wasted of days is that in which one has not laughed.

Frederika Rita Ranucci

Tomorrow . . . or maybe the next day. . . I'm going to do something about my procrastination.. .

â– m u tT O w n

The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is | to go outside, somewhere where they can be cfuite alone with the heavens, nature and God. As long as this exists, and it certainly always will, I know that then there will always be comfort for every sorrow whatever the circumstances may be. Anne Frank

Joy Beth Schreiber

Cochav B'maarav Turning on the universe Reach the highest hights M.G. West Coast N.C.S.Y.


Sarah Elizabeth Shea



Douglas Allen Smith

. . . the Sweeter Peter

"Douggie Wouggie"

"OUR LADY OF BLESSED ACCELERATION, DON'T FAIL ME NOW!" -Elwood Blues "So let's hear it for our newest, bestest buddy, and big toe, Uncle Hulka!" -John Winger "Flonest, we were just talking!" -Anonymous


Kiffie Spangler There are no perfect people, only perfect moments.

Today seems sad, so much has changed.

Do you know, where you're going to, do you like the things that life is showing you, where are you going to, do you know? "Love has no age, love has no rules, love makes such fools of us all." Barnum


Carter Choate Sweet

Is a constant always the same? G.Kretzer Right is the opposite of left. Wrong is somewhere in between. Douglas A. Smith People can/will do some amazing things if they absolutely haye to (or are paid enough). A personal observation The early bird gets hepatitis. Anon.


Take a kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now, Thus much let me avow: You are not wrong, who deem That my days have been a dream; Yet if hope has flown away In a night, or in a day, In a vision, or in none, Is it therefore the less gone? All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream. Edgar Allan Poe

Liesl Suzanne Veazy

He who assigns the future to truth never sees the days of his dreams arrive. M.F.V.

Love, all alike, no season knows no clime, Nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time John Donne

After the tears and laughter you and I've been through How can you ask me what love is? Love is a chain just a chain reaction. O nce you break it you can't fake it. O nce you lose it or missuse it You can't hunt for ever and never find it. You come home broken like your soul' is black and blue, and then you ask me What love is. Love is a chain just a chain Reaction. Would I lie to you . .. Michael Franks

The bird called tentatively, whistled, called, Bubbled and whistled, so! Perplexed, still wet with sleep, affectionate, hungry and cold. So, so, O son of man, the ignorant night, the travail of early morning, the Mystery of beginning. Again and again, while History is unforgiven, - From "In the Naked B ed ", Delmore Schwartz


i may be different but i'm myselfi'm not acting or pretending. i may not always know where i am goingbut i have my dreams to guide me i may be silly but i have fun . . . a heart without a giggle is like a day without the sun. I may not always show it but i love all of you who have helped me realize this. tlz

. . . Circus life Under the big top world W e all need the clowns To make us smile . . . Journey

Tammy Lynne Ziehm Allow your happiness to be like a rose . . . Sometimes bursting forth with joy in full bloom, Sometimes subtle and soft and gently budding, But ever present with it's lingering sweet fragrance.




I, KAREN BEAN, b ein g of sound m ind and body, leave the following: To M adam e Jacq u es: a reco rd of broken accen ts. To Mr. Raym ond: a last a p p lica ­ tion and the last of us all. To Ms. E.: a list of p ro b ­ lems and a book of primary sources. To Mr. C anad e and D oc: a book of poem s an d short stories that is on it's way. To Mr. Jam es Bruning: a m essage from a friend, "H i," and som e old ran ch stories. To Mr. W ilson: a last try at the circuits. To Mr. Seroka: a big hug, hon. To Bonnie: a "H ow a re you doing to d ay ?" To Mr. Sch w eikh er: o n e last question. To Natasha H aase: a p ap er to read o v er and a list of /ocabulary words to quiz Nick on. To Lillian Lanzetta: my top locker. To David: a ton of books falling on your h ead. To Kim H oeye: a gum w rap­ p er and a horse conversation. To Mr. Q u ick : a list of the "o rg a n e le s" of the cell and five p ictures of your typical position. I, KARI M ICH ELLE BO O K BIN D ER , b ein g of Yidthanks to the following sp ecial p eo p le: To Mr. Ray­ m ond and Mr. W ilson for giving m e a b etter u n ­ derstanding of math and for helping m e p rep are for the d read ed SA T's. You h elp ed m e a great deal. To Mr. C oo n and Mr. C a n a d e for teach in g

b ein g my friend). To G r e g for always len d in g m e a helping hand. You are special. To Kirsten "G ray shus") for always asking about ”jota jo ta " and for caring. I'll miss you and our daily hugs. To C aren for sharing your music with m e. Y ou 've ad d ed a "refresh in g " spark to P .C .D .S . and I'm glad w e're friends. To Cindy: S y n ag o g u e explorations, hugs and caring. I h op e you find what y ou 're looking for. To Tammy for lau ghable m em ories, black watch bands, hairy hands, p e e r pressure and

"M R S " d eg ree-w h atever you do-I h op e you 're tru­ ly happyl To Tina and Audrey: Tuesday night math cram s, 7th hour gossip sessions, 3rd quad u nm en­ tionables and daily rem inders that "w e are o n e ." Shalom and the best of luck to you both. To Frederika for finally a ccep tin g m e, for always listening, for confiding in m e, and for b ein g th ere w hen I've n eed ed a shoulder to cry on or a friend to laugh with. W e are "Tw o of A K ind." I'll always b e your biggest fan! (and that ”B " is for beautiful) To Joy: W hat can I say to som eone as sp ecial as a S ch re ib e r? Y ou 've b e e n an important part of my



and help with my co lle g e en d eav o r (p.s.-thanks to "D o c " too). To Mr. C ook for brin gin g a little sp ice into my days through art. Its b e e n fun. To Mr. Seroka for your ev er present carin g and sw eetness. To S en ior Bruning: Para intersantes, diviertos y locos clases d e espanol y para su bond ad . To Ms. E. for your support, help, and thoughtfulness. To Mr. Toll for your support and understanding and for having faith in m e. And of co u rse to Mr. Schw eikher for so m uch: your helpful, m uch n e e d ­ ed co lle g e g u id an ce and ad vice, private talks and many laughs. I wish for you your very own catelog u e of Jewish populated co lleg es for the future S ch reib ers, Friedm ans, and Bookbinders. Thank you for b ein g understanding and supportive of m e and for the reassuring hugs and words. I'll always rem em ber you. To Neal, Rob, Sally, Tina and Nat­ alie: ihank you for doing the best jo b a student senate has d one in years (p.s.-Natalie, thanks for -


leart. To W endy and Erica: may you two have su ccess, strength , love and Judaism in your lives. I love you. Last and most importantly to my parents: I am grateful for so many things. Y ou've b e e n on my side always and have given me the strongest of wings . . . "w atch m e fly!" To P .C .D .S .: I wouldn't have wanted to spend my high school years anyw here else (excep t for L.A., m ay­ be). Thanks. P .S . to G eo ff, Stev e, Judy, Susan, Jason, O rly, Jen nifer and J.J.-D istance m akes the heart grow fonder. Thank you for your inspiration and for holding my hand across the miles. Your friendships are irrep laceable, you are priceless. I love you all. I, NEAL B O O K SP A N , b ein g o n e gnarly Van Halen fan, h ereby leave the following: To Chris: Mandy, Tubing, The Pointe, The worm, The group, My

Snakes, Pinetop-Tw ice, Lincoln Legs, M ich ael S ch e n k e r G ro u p , U F O , V an H alen, Labatts, parties with M ichael, aw som e w om en, cars, stereos and w eekends, C hris' D esert, m an, d u d e, d u d e, m an, dude, m an, the w aterhole-getting stuck, the A C /D C , B lack S a b b a th co n certs, the Yukon, Math Review, wall ball, school food-the n uggets, veggin g in our room s, the U .S ., Mr. C a n a d e 's classes, working out, Scottsd ale at 6 0 , H om ecom ing, the Bim m er, Just wait till co lle g e . To C olin: V an H alen forever!!! Bim m ers and C utlass', Eddie, A lex, D ave, M ichael, M ustangs, co n vertibles, Stanford, Pink Floyd, I, II, W o m en and C h ild ren First, Fair W arnarn ­ ing, Diver Down, 1984, a wild kind party, V an Van Halen co lleg e! To D ave: G BFY B FY H U T A W A W I-

you is not en ou g h . To Tammy: the co u ra g e to ditch class, long talks, you had the sam e p ro b lem ?, a new life at Redlands, Thank you for you and your valuable friendship. To D eb b ie: "Y om hu le det sa may a c h ," m em ories of 6 years at P .C .D .S ., the Su g ar Bowl, # 3 3 , Thank you and g ood luck. To Kari: Thanks for the lessons in Judaism , L.A ., J.J., you'll g o far, Thanks for everything. To Joy: "D elive ra n c e ,'' Red Hots, K osherness, the East, Palm Springs. To Tracy: T h e m em ory of S .M ., long valuab le talks, C alif., a b etter life at co lle g e , I'll miss you! To Doug: I ca n and always will g et w hatever I want, w h en ever I want!, W ed d in g Bells. To C olin: "H i C o lin " forever, the Tom C ru ise im age, Berkeley, FON D m em ories of J.M . To Sally: the Year-

drums, W O M EN , The Prom , T h e Z ebra co n cert. To John M.: V an H alen, C h in ese food, the golf cou rse. To Rob: California! Disneyland! M ickey M ouse! That weird girl at th e bu s station, the g a rb a g e we left at the hotel room , w hole pizzas, 2 0 M cN uggets, Rabbits, Bow ie, the Fixx, to finally d e cid e w h ere t o ' go to school, clothes, m oney, g ood h ealth ?, ch erry punch, Devil House, culture, sneak in g in and out of movies, P eop les and S esam e Inn, Student Sen a n s e n H IS! W ilson: The hiking trip, A d v an ced M ath, S en io r Class M eetings (sometimes), thanks for everything. To Eric R. (at school): S o m e guts, prid e and cour-

W hat You W an t." To Laura: Do you like what I know ?, a great S en io r year. To John: my yellow

I, CINDY BO Y N TO N , b ein g the proud ow ner of the "Fam ous Yellow S w eater," leave the following to trio following, lo x*roclor,iJc<3. Icloci vVoman, e v ­ erything that could only h ap p en to m e, p erfect children unlike m ine, th e Ston es co n ce rt and the ride hom e, our Favorite teach ers, All My C hild ren , our m any little secrets, T ico n d ero g a pen cils, my feet, P rinceton!, unforgettable conversations, a laugh a day, M ick Ja g g er, what will I do without you?, a hug for always, All the happiness you have right, U hannei , W ere you really 14 at the time.'', my GREEN car, FO N D m em ories of C .J., "th e D u d e," Rolling Stones everything, a letter a w eek for the rest of my life, Nights till 2 a.m .; tell m e w hen I should leave, L'chiam , F-nothing, E SP (not " e s p e ­ cially") of Friendship, M .C . forever, out of sight is Not out of mind, For all you have taught m e-thank

earlo b e, a wild S en io r year. To Rob: a spread in G .Q ., your sw eet arom a. To David: Latina sem per, Rush, Van H alen, your "g re a t g u itars," and a r e ­ cord in g contract. To P eter: Will you really grow up in the m orning?, 5 free hair cuts with the "h air sculpturist." To Ms. E.: our talks, p apers on time, best yet, For your understanding and caring-Thank you! To Mr. W ilson: Itzhak P erlm an's autograph, "B ooth , B ooth ," the fishing joke, an oth er w onder­ ful m e, Love Ya! To Mr. Houle: "M r. T h ornbird s," tests on M onday?, the u nconventional you having fun, Latin III with David. To Mr. C ook: Recovering F ro m T he Y earbook T ra u m a , g reat co ffee, clon e of my dad, thanks for everything. To Mr. o lleg e adv your help (collegew ise and academ ically). To Mr. Schw eikher: another great softball m anager, u p ­ front talks, Thanks. To A ngie: " a part of m e .fo r­ e v e r," the best five years of my life, our irrep lacea ­ ble friendship, "lo v e and astrology," S .P .W ., p o ­ licem en, "I feel like a P ep si," "le t's g o for a d riv e," a wealthy Italian, everything you ev er wanted in en cou rag em ent and for underst< You Always. To Scott: the Ultirr right girl for you, our special fr You. To Mom, Dad, and Rick: I I, CAPTAIN STEPHANI! Vulcan mind and philoso ■

lowing: Jen i (Henna) Sh o ecraft: C olorad o, RTBS!!, o n e cu cu m b er with w hipped cream , two free passes to W rath of Khan, the b ig o n e that got away, my crytals, a $ 1 0 certificate for Fred erik's, two wet speakers, blank tapes, fren ch fries for passing out, hikes, driving lessons with your dad, rats for psy­ chology experim ents and a clean bedroom . To Tom Schm idt: Jen i and Starfleet Battles (of w hich I never partook). To Mom and Dad Sh o ecraft: ch o co late pan cak es, trips to C olorad o, my love and thanks for your support, help, and love. To Lisa W olfe: our M aster of C erem o n ies, Zen, O M , the W hale Trip, and Kung Fu. To Louise Perry: lunch with Tom Baker, D EVO , B -52's, David Bow ie, this year's Freshm en whom you may torture, flannels, orange m ilanos, 15 w eapons to d efen d yourself from Jam es and 42. To S h an n o n M cG ill: lengthy, kinky letters, t h a t raincoat, and a black fedora hat. To Mr. C a n a d e: O M , a free trip to the carw ash for all that icky white stuff, two volum es of A m erican literature, and lunch. To Doc: cats, U .S. History and my twisted personality w hich always sign ed " C a p ­ tain.'' To M adam e: 5 years oi F ren ch , Europe, wine, brie, and a little blu e b o x with a surprise. To Ms. E.: a battery pow ered broom , m ercantilism and the powers of the G rea t Pyram id. To Willy: a p ap er on n uclear en erg y . To S p eed y : thanks, whales, stars, dolphins, and hobbits. To Mr. Raym ond: life­ time supply of towels. To A dele: m any thanks, and a beautiful life and family. To Tammy: cow s and O ld New York. To C arter: a free trip to the p ro c ­ tologist. To Miss Sch oeffler: a K-Mart catalog u e from which to buy d ecen t clothes. To m any under classm en: a free labotom y. To M .S. D ean: "th e re o n ce was a young man nam ed Baker, who tried to sed u ce a young Q u ak er, and w hen he had d o n e it, she straightened h er bo n n et, and said, "I give thanks to my m aker." Thus have I, G o d , d e cre e d ,

I, DEBBIE FRIEDMAN, leav e the following to the following: To the Seniors: fun, happiness, and the best of luck in your future years. To Kari: in tellectu ­ al conversations over lunch, Sybil and your dog (how rude), the zoo (surprise) and a o n e way ticket to L.A. To Liesl: "I can 't m ake d ecisio n s," M usical Youth, Adult bookstores (whips and chains), "it's ;ien ce g oin g out with y ou ." To Salosh, Taste, my surprise party and a

fantastic S en ior year. To C indy: playing with my clothes, the year of 1980, English ditch days, senioritis and "w e n eed the a d ," (you B . . . ) . To Tammy: long live Booker T ee ("H e is w hite"), run­ ning from your Bio pit, pushing in the window (we are innocent), a day with Jam es and Joey, the p e r­ vert at the ic e skating rink, kidnapping m e, "W ell, there was an explosion and . . . Thousands of fantastic m em ories and a life long friendship. To Tina: from A lg ebra, to G eo m etry, to A dvanced Math . . . it's b e e n real, g ood luck n ext y ear . . . hope its a great one. To Lisa (my favorite sister): rides off cam pus, mid term exam s, swimming on the kitchen floor and K enny R ogers, my apologies for all the times I yelled at you, and thankx for the tennis shoes (I'm sorry I cou ld n 't stop laughing). To Kyle: my lo ck er to cultivate, freshm en to pick on, good luck in C alculus!! To Audrey: getting our ears p ierced , Farelles, b u b b les, thankx for the A.M. help, have a g reat n ext y ear and don't work too hard. To Frederika: W hat m akes P h o en ix run?, sleep overs at my house, a years supply of Rasburry Danish (with butter), All my ch ild ren, and a little irresponsibility. To Jan e: Pinball m achines (I'm fi­ nally learning), o n e night with n u m ber 3 3 , a mas­ sive party, 3% hour conversations on the phone, your cool im age, New Y ear's Eve 1983, a lunch with "M rs. F ," my d eep est apologies (if needed ), and the best of luck w herever you may en d up. To Joy: a rabbit farm, a life supply of tea, Basketball gam es, kidnapping m e (Buffalo chips), Don and his gorgeous body, sed u cin g young cu te guys, an un­ limited supply of food, a boy friend, th ree great years and a million m em ories. I love you. To all my teachers: all my resp ect, affection and admiration. To my family: thanks for everything, y ou 're the greatest, I love you all.

I, G R E G O R Y M ICH AEL GRA N T, who ch o se to m ove on early, b eq u eath the following: To "W illy": a most special thanks for b ein g the best teach er I've ev er had, and for providing m e with a solid foundation in Math, w hich undoubtly will last a lifetime, the best back p ack in g trip yet, and all the C o p en h ag en in the world. To Mr. Raymond: g e t­ ting "lo st" at G r e e r while fishing, o ran g e juice, sound ad vice and plenty of laughs. To Mr. Seroka, the world's best C hem istry teach er, a lifetime sup­ ply of questions. To Mr. C oon : thank G o d for your

S h ak esp h ere class. To Mr. Q u ick : a sp ecial thanks for everything, most of w hich is in exp ressible in words, and thef pizza you still ow e m e!!(To M adam e Arlette: a great trip to F ran ce. To Mr. Baker: a n ­ other tennis team like 1982's. To Jay in Philly: drive-in m ovies, B ig Surf, Devil House, jacuzzi h o p ­ ping at m idnight, New Y ear's Eve '82, and a plenti­ ful supply of blond es. To Neal: New Y ear's Eve '82, caterpillers, my C am py eq u ip p ed Masi and great parties. To C indy: con tinu ed com petition for grades. To Tammy: thanks for all your support and great advice. To Liesl: (I spelled it right), an oth er trip like Telluride, and the th ree brew s I ow e you. To Joy: m ore S h ak esp h ere m ovies and all the fun times we had. To C hris: the best party P aradise Valley has e v er seen . To C arter: Hitler's entire arsenal. To R ob P.: the 1984 C hristm as D ecoration Sale, a patent for your "c a rp e t ten nis,'' and best wishes with all of your goals. To Jen S. and C arey S.: unlimited nu m ber of shopping days in the year and F ren ch class. To all the TEA C H IN G STA FF and MR. TO LL: thanks for th e g reat edu ucation which has m ade it possible for m e to b e a seco n d sem ester co lle g e sophom ore b e fo re graduating from high school!!!!

I, TRA CY, leave to Amy: C am elb ack football play­ ers, "G o d , do you h ear those p eean s o u tsid e?" "W hat p an ts?!" up o n e slope, spying, Tom and Rich, a little mix up on your part on Prom night, pickles and Sch n ap p s, waiting at the jacuzzie, your pant leg that would not co m e down, and Amy, get a real dog . . . I Love You. To Doug: I'm sorry for everything. M eese has to b e the plural of m oose since G e e s e is the plural of goo se. I will miss you. To Sarah: The m an of your dream s, s m a r t and attractive, and all my love. To G re g g : Sorry for what I almost did to you w hen I was th ree. I'm glad I didn't go through with it b e ca u se I wouldn't want a sister. I love and resp ect you m ore than anything in the world. To C indy: L u nches and long talks. To Peter: Your velvety soft hair that I love to feel, and the wittiest personality around. To John: LO V E is an universal Item. To Mr. Bruning: If you stop wearing polyester, I'll do som ething about the way I dress. To Schw eik: My fantastic softball ability, picking out which teach ers used to b e freaks, and I finally understand your sense of humor. To Rob: "G o d , I wish it would just rain ," n ice Sunday

lunches, fun filled Saturday night dinners, and hey, let's g et our lives into p ersp ective, O K ? I love you. To Liesl: your co n vertible, kicking m e in the shins with your * @ :& saddle shoes and twelve years of a shakey but good friendship. To Larry: Thankx for all your love and support. I love you m ore than you'll ev er know. And to Mom: I leav e behind all of my early teen a g e years and give to you the prom ise of the beautiful stable years to co m e. I finally think of you as a friend, Step h . I love you. T O P .C .D .S .: I bid you "A d ie u ." I, C O LIN JA M ES, b ein g of w arped mind and body, h ereb y leave the following: Hayne: Sw itzer­ land, Sugarhill G a n g , "C o m e to think of it . . . " R em em ber man can 't live by bread alon e and Mick. C indy: a padlock for your yellow sw eater, a "N ight T rain" album . C arter: T h e lunatic of your dream s, H&K m esh bikini briefs, Pink Floyd and a haircut. Bug: The M oose is loose, som ething ior wifey, C harbroiled burgers, C ok e!!!, and a body by Nautilus. C aren : Mr. Felten, a n u g gie on your birthday, a M eso-lithic fishing village and a new hair style from m e. John M .: a big pair of Boots for conversation, "C o m e on B o y !" C indy, V .S., a tuna salad and a m ode. John S .: S q u e e z e Play, Funky Flelchin, L.H. and g ood luck. Throb: W om en, W TBFTBM H SLA P, A ch es in the m orning, a real car, a profile shot, a norm al w ardrobe and a long friendship. Pelvis: G rea t DLR imitations, a better ca r (Hah!), a S p ecto r Bass, a C hristie Brinkley with a mind (who cares!). Sally: An eight foot by 12 foot

learning to drive with both your hands and your feet. M ete: a fall on soft ground, a written en tra n ce exam for the mile high clu b, a d elu xe RCD, S and M, Naze that don't break, living up to your nam e. count at a drive through S . . . bank, a charvel or Kram er and bow tie. Trich: Trudi, my Van Halen Posters, N ick Rhoades, "O h my G o d , h e's so cu te ." Hugh: You must carry on my G uitar W izard Legacy! To my family, Ms. E., Mr. W ilson, Mr. Raymond: Thanks for all the en co u rag em en t and understanding, I'm going to miss you. I, CAREN K ELSO , bein g of sind m ound, leave the following: Laura: J a r s of TAB (TAB ATTACK), she

. . . sh e . . . ch u ck le (Snort) BAH!, Volleyball, S o c ­ c e r, Softball, RAAA!, Jarreau , Transfer, PYT-BLT, K Q -jam m in'!, kill the boy, hills, a million huggles, Saturdays, Ja n e 's house-a Sm ith, a M oose, my d ear Psycho-iatrist, Lots of Love, Hey Bud-Y 'all take ca re, I'll miss you. Jane: "W h e re 's the p arty ?'' a NY's resolution, stick y ch ew y ch o co late ring-adings, p o o d le ?1, "Y o u 're terrible!'' A rb y sT fried onion things, "I brok e my elbo w !'' Life w ould've b e e n dull without you, du de. Tracy: Junior year, let's Nosh, long drives-great tallks, "A1 Jarreau , Yo M om m a's a Ho!'' K eep warm, kiddo. Tina: NAU, "All The Natives Down In A frica W hat a palY ou’re crazy, k e e p it up. Fred erika: Hawaii, S O F T ­ BALL, Latin Lunches, Photohaha, S cis Q ui! Colin: Cotillion, N oogies, cre se n ts1, "H ip, hop, ahibbit . . . /' CUSHION, y ou 're a fantastic guy, Buckgk eep in touch! Jenny: S P O R T S ' Nautilus, late nights, g ra ce and style - B ab e, you've got it! M ar­ gie: W ashington, NO F ren ch onion soup, "D o n 't stall!" Y ou 're a sw eetheart! P eter C .: "L et's duke it out!" Cliff: Bugs forever (a C am aro ?), B en so n at 10, “VICIOUS” co k es and hugs. John M.: "B A H A " Arbys, T on e d an cin e (T one?) , "cu t it ooout, you g o o o b e rfa a a c e . . . " Doug: "Isn 't this F U N ?” Jan e's, a hill, a Daley, a M oose, plastic p ag -n e glasses, G re g , Jim V. Hugh: 7-11, ad d icted to C h eetos, W haling-good grief! My 3 loveable, biglittle bros-Y ou 're great! Java Jive! Tim R.: Ride 'em Cow boy! A ndrea: D eu ce! Ms) E: "T h e O ffic e ," an "I survived ( in the blank), laugh attacks-"K elso, I'll get you !" SILVER B U G S ! Varooom (sputter), an apology, you 're a little woman with a b ig heartthanks for caring. Jim and D ave R.: C on certs! Som eday I'll buy a ticket to yours. Willy: Horses, rocks, "rise and shine, daylight in the sw am p1" Little W oofie, " O boof, b o o f!" Novel Prize for F u n ­ ny. M agister Houle: stories, lunch, ”T e es bonissimus, M agister et A m icus!" Mr. C an ad e: "S tu ck betw een a flock. . . " Mr. Q u ick: w hales, a BIG hug. To EV ER YO N E: Best of luck and all my love! C o a ch , B, Papa C ov e, Sch w eik, and esp ecially LD, JM , Ms. E„ TH, TS, C J, JS, JM , M om, Dad, Thero n — I love you all. Juniors, it's yours! I, JANE M ARKS, having b e e n u nder the in flu en ce of A m ericans for the past two years, h ereb y wish to say: Cindy, "Ju sf’ O n c e ," whatever! Do you like -periods? "T w eed le Dum (b)!" Thanks for always be-

ing there at the right m om ent and your own strip show. Colin: You d eserve better; take ca re of your­ self, you 're o n e hell of a sp ecial person. Frederika: May you n ev er co m e across the words "fa il" and "u n h ap p in ess." Doug: Favors ow ed by sisters, "h ie !!!" Nosh, looks could kill, but m em ories will live; good luck. Hoffita: All the luck in the world and new vegetarian dishes. John M.: "H om e,by the S e a ," your guest house; I really was 14. . ., and a very special thank you. Laura: C hristopher Cross, M oose, pretzels, and an e v e r l a s t i n g friendship (no m ore wasted time); I'll miss you! Hugh: B e wise, you got a lot going for you. Tammy: W an na puff, huh?!!, Math Review and som eo n e's m ole. Peter: G o o d luck wise guy! C aren : Sorry, but thanks and "o n top of the w orld" sums it up. Rob: a fashion boutigue on Rodeo Drive, Boy G e o r g e as m an­ ag er, an everlasting friendship. Liesl: Sw ap broth­ ers, huh? C arter: A better co m p reh en sio n of my religion; then explain it to m e. D eb b ie: A Jaguar full of M exican s and balloons! Thank you, couldn't h ave m ade it without you. John: New drum sticks, Supertram p. Joy: Thanks for trying to understand me; I miss the old times, b eliev e it or not. Take care. Jim and Dave: B etter voices, C alifornia girls and great music careers. Sally: May you m eet Sting! and have no m ore boy problem s, plane tickets to Europe, various room s in your h o u se !. . . wuv you!!! Willy: B etter jokes and I reg ret not getting to know you sooner. Toll: G re a t I left; sham e you stayed and may I congratu late you on doing a fine jo b . . .w hatever it was! To P .C .D .S .: Thanks for two m em orable years. C heers! 1, C H RIS MARTIN, b ein g of talented body and dam aged mind, leave the following m em ories oi my three year sen ten ce at P .C .D .S .: To Neal, of whom my greatest ach ievem en ts have b e e n ao* com plished with: I leave the necessities; M S O , Y.J., L.BB.Ts, and those natural w onders of which we always participate in, "Stan d U p and Sh o u t!" and you'd better Let Those S leep in g Dogs Lie! Also a few profitable m om ents w/ M ike, although it was really just for fun. A long, loving relationship w/Nicky. Party-hom e etc. The 'C hris Martin desert' (the only spot to romp), the only party-pow ered van, AC/DC’ co n cert, Pinetop (both times) and, as for' the future. . .W e will have a great time! (U of A h ere we com e!) To the whole student body: Som e

m ore pride for your school and guts w hen it co m es to d efending it! To Mr. W ilson and Mr. Raym ond: A lot of thanks for your help and understanding. I don't think I could h ave m ade it without your friendships. And to finalize this w hole m ess, I would like to say my final g o o d b y e to P .C .D .S . as a whole: " G O O D B Y E ." I, FREDERIKA R A N U C C I, happily b e in g , leav e the following: To C indy: the g ood old days, "H ello this is . . . , " those lips, instructions on how to not lock yourself out of a ca b in , what a "m assive b a b e !" , the Stones '81, taking a ca b , tomato soup and frozen dinners, n ev er eat hot dogs at T& C , w h ere are those Prom p ictures?, A .M .C . O c c id e n ta l? ? , STA N FORD !, years of the best converstaions, p ro ­ crastination, a can of oil, all this cou ld only h ap p en to you! To Kari: B P B eautifu l!, B arbara!, J.J. and L.A. always, 12 dozen roses, # 1 tan, i t ' s their loss, Two of a Kind, H aagen Daaz, frustration!!, celeb ratio n !!, your w edding, surprise Birthday, W E DID IT!! To Jan e: O h , O h , h ere she co m es . . ., a “g reat perg reen , a ra ce ca r driver, and a "vita d o lc e " in M onaco! To C a ren : G au d eam u s Igitur. . . what we put up with, too m any softball bruises, G ran d m a's cookies and C olorado!! To Tammy: Beaw ulf, frying pan, m onster, e g g , our school of driving and p ark ­ ing! To Joy: A lack, a beautiful smile, what is your favorite body of water— W H Y ?, L.A ., pickles, D e­ liverance, and don't freeze y o u r off n ext year! To D eb b ie: Elmers, the zoo, running from strange cars-rem em b er?, C o m e on, let's g o to C a fe C asino or Sw ensen's, a surprise party, 6 :3 0 a.m. at your house, a b ag of potato chips! To Mr. Houle: Little Italy and am orem m eum sem per. To Ms. E.: S o much history, m ore lu nches and m ore tim e for yourself next year! To Schw eik: Art History (great stuff), seriously!, left field and thanks for all the help and encouragem ent! To Mr. W ilson: "n o limit" to the fun in math; thanks for b ein g a great advisor and friend. To Mr. C ook: a ch ick en and olive d in ­ ner, Hawaii if it floats your boat, 100 rolls of film, you're a terrific guy! To Robert: A gold chain, "W ell do ya . . . pri celess friendship. To Mom and Dad: All my love, I'm gon n a miss you! I, JO Y SCH REIBER, bein g , h ereby beq u eath the following to: D eb b ie F.: Sw en sen 's, Nosh, "I'm on a

d iet," K idnapping, a Jag u ar and a co n v ertib le, your F ren ch fry ate my onion ring, pickles, b a l­ loons, a bottle of Kahlua, lots of g oo d times and a friendship that will last forever. To Kari B.: T h e zoo, a train and helicop ter for us to ride in, Israel, your Judaism and a friendship that started way b a ck w hen and will n ev er en d. To Tammy: Freshm an year, pizza, kidnapping, B o o ker T., all the good times and a strong friendship. To Frederika: Looka-likes, the zoo, D eb b ie's house, lots of g ood times and good friends. To C indy: K idnapping, B-days, lots of good tim es and g oo d friends. To Jan e: T e le ­ p h one conversations, Nosh, Sw itzerland, a new re f­ e re e , a lasting friendship and g ood luck w herever. To W endy: a train and h elicopter, a Fabulous S e n ­ ior year. To Tina: N .C .S. Y. events, the academ y, shul, a great S en io r year. To A udrey: p ierced ears, the academ y, a fabulous S en io r year. To H enry and W alter: M oney to g o to M exico; an aw esom e S e n ­ ior year. To Liesl, Kiffie and C aren : A great b asket­ ball team , many good times. To Mr. C ook: My son, Jason, croissants and ch am p ag n e, red roses with a ring and m any thanks for giving m e a way to e x ­ press myself. To Ms. E.: Friday m orning, pizza, long talks and m any thanks for always b ein g th ere to listen and for putting up with m e. To Mr. Schw eikher: New co lleg es and m any thanks. To Mr. Q u ick: W ork squad and my Freshm an year. To Mr. Raymond, W ilson, Bruning, C a n a d e and C oon: M any thanks for prep aring m e for the next step in life. To P .C .D .S .: G o o d luck and good b y e. To Pam: The greatest sis in the world; I love you. To me, for all the love and strength you've given m e and for letting m e fulfill my potential. I love you! I, D O U G SM ITH, b ein g of a one-track mind and body by Nautilus, do h ereby will to the following: To Bru ce: A p h on e call a w eek for the next 5 0 years for as long as I live, boxin g lessons, M Y desert with 22 Russ Lyon signs, a lifetime supply of C oke! To Laura: A normal N ovem ber, cotillion, sham pagnee, o n e that you can 't lose, basketball gam es in the g reen car, long nights on the ph one, many laughs and good times and m ore to co m e and a lot of love . . . I'll miss you! To John: Y EA R B O O K !, nights, a friend who won't take your girl, "S a n ctu ­ ary for party g o ers!" G o o d luck next year! To C o-

lin: A new ca r every m onth, m ore Pink Floyd, a d ecision m aker, "H ey F a g ," k e e p in touch. To Jane: H eineken, a party at my house, S o c c e r practice, a trip to P h o en ix every now and then, G o o d luck and have FUN! To C arter: P u b day, a hair cut, the P ro sch e of your ch o ice , and a new trend to start. To P ete: A parachu te that will o p en in two feet. To C indy: A y earbook an d a yellow sw eater that stays on. To John S .: A cle a n reco rd , the book called "H ow to Drive S A F E L Y !" To Tracy: M eese and a friendship through thick and thin. To H ugh: A wild night out on the town and all the girls you love and vice-versa! To Ms. E.: Thanks again and again for all you have d o n e for m e an d all the fun w e've had W ed n esd ays 8th, lu n ch es, I'm looking forward to graduation night! To Mr. W ilson: B ack packing, M ule p ackin g , Y osem ite, any fishing trip we might take! Thank you for b e in g a very good friend through the years. To Mr. Raym ond: Thanks for all of your help, n on e of it g o es u nap p reciated ! To M am ie: Lifetim e supply of gum . To C a ren : C otillion, fun times in English and all other classes (Alumni) To H erb: "A Bitchin' B u ick ," a m em bership to th e Doors fan clu b , A com et. To Erik: U tah and a squaw. To Val: A nother c o lle g e party for you, m e and H erb, the co lle g e o r your ch o ice . To E r ic 'H .: M eese and a n ice-lookin g Frat house, "Beauty, e h ? " To P ete S.: A nother y ear of p eop lew atching. To Jim, Jen n ie, Cliff, Sally M ., Sally G ., Rob A., and Lisa: G o o d luck b ein g a S en io r and have fun! W ell, this is it; I m ade it! O h , and last but not least, to Mr. Toll: A perm an ent vacation. I, KIFFIE SPA N G LER , b ein g som etim es, som ehow , leave to Kos: our "b u sin ess," your d esk, my p h o n e, East Fork, all my love and thanks. To B.: 7 years, my gay jokes, volleyball, a new ca r and ch est (ha-ha), my love-that was som e VB party! To Yardley: an exp en sive ca r wash, thanks, b e in g "su ch a stu d ," and "h a p p y ." To Q u ick: physiology?, quiz?, carwash, yogurt, all my love. To B o n n ie: R om an ce ads, "H ave I got the m an for y ou !" m any thanks. To C ook: thanks for four great years-I love you! To Toll: my loyalty and resp ect. To Tammy: Stanley bud-you're so blon d e, stand-Nosh, Joh n's "I'm in lo v e," "C a n we talk," life after this, 7 years of an undying friendship, I love you! To C aren : four years, th ree sports, fester, NAU, Thyris/Corydon, new body, "party-w hat party? I d on't rem em b er a

party!" a ch an g in g friendship, love. To Tina: " you're so c u te !" Foot locker, my gay jokes-your stupid ones, a new chauffeur, m uch love sweetheart! To M el: free throws, private life, friendship, To Peter: our relationship, your Bday present, Margie, our family story-"the real truth," lots of love "little" (huh) brother! To Rob: C otillion, Bratz, Pride, a very sp-cial friendship. To Cliff: my love, friendship, Cotillion, new k nees, B-ball. To Kristamos: G eom etry, fingers, love! To Cathy: hugs, hugs, hugs, love. To Timmy: "th e Jo y ," G a ry e , a few m ore years left! To John: Tammy, love, one year. To J.W . Bratz, stats, love! To Mr. Raymond: thank you for a y ear of stability, m uch love. To Liesl: yogurt, diplom as?, m en, diesl, I love you! To G re g : stats, friendship, love, our talks, C athy, three m ore years. To Tim C .: no ex cu ses, "I ca n 't think, d ribble, a n d run at the sam e tim e," d in n er?, a state cham pionship, D eb b ie. To M om and Dad: for all your sacrifices-I'll always love you! To Villas: our relationship, shining, tim e to see, h orrible years to b e born in, "w hat a p la c e !" best friends, all my love and thanks, our times to co m e, "le t's do it!?" what lives, "it's a lovely th in g ," True, the future, "m u ch o in teleg en te," your apt., understanding. Hasta la by e-b y e y bu en o suerto mis am igos. I, CARTER SW EET, b ein g currently of stable mind and body, to h ereb y d ecla re this o b e my first will and testam ent. To C olin I leave a body, b a g e l runs, and a fish tank full of slugs. To Doug (not Elron) I leave Jerry Foster's jo b and a m etric case. To David R. I leave a Lotus, a hard-boiled e g g , and a waffle iron set on m edium . Jan e gets driving lessons and a golf cou rse, and I leav e to Tracy Nosh a d ate with David C . To C arey I leav e unlimited use of h er own car. To Mr. W ilson I leave four m ore years of G re g Kretzer and a variable constant. To Ms. E., all of my assignm ents on time. To Jam es I leav e a mutual understanding of Bro and heavy breath in g of North Koreans. A nd to Bro I leav e C am elb ack Mountain and a cu re for sm oking. To (almost) everyon e else, thank you for putting up with m e for 7 years, no m atter how I beh aved , I, LIESL VEAZEY, leave to few p eo p le m any things, To Matt: our childhood, frogs in the shower, hot cold factory, sharing a room , the big tree at G randm a's, my understanding, friendship, a real ca r (not

a truck) and ALL my love. You're still my closest friend. To Gal: sunsets, sunrise, Oreos (double stuff or what?) S.F., true love, romance and a happy ending, many great memories, there's only a year left and my love. To Debbie S.: the Tubes, a real date (with someone you really like), John E. (that would be fun), Flagstaff and friendship. To Kim: Chicken noodle soup, Utah, the van-'T think it's a forest of grass and we're tiny ants crawling in the rain," a red sweatshirt, a big bad bear, matches, the Biltmore, a flashing road sign, and my love. To Lauren: true social standing, your own Polo line, a red flag, and friendship. To Sara: "Gosh, I don't know," yogurt, a happy romance, USP, or wherever you want to go, pink, your own BMW (manual of course). To Tom: my gratitude for your understanding, friendship and patience, Oxford, punting, a job, you're a true friend. To "Star": Switzerland, the train, the Red Rose, what you didn't get and what you don't get enough of. Thanks for your understanding when I needed it, lunch somewhere besides the Teepee Tavern. To Paul: th library, Elvis Costello, computer, my friendship, a peer recommendation any time you need one, and some place to call home. To Jane:-a fan club, may reign wherever you are, Heineken, and Switzerland. To Tammy: 12 years, illustrations to your first book, and bruises from my Oxfords, and the bruises mine left. To Kiffie: yogurt, men and friend-. ship. To Grrma and Grrpa: ALL my love. You are two of the most wonderful people I know. To Nana: I love you. To Dad, Sally and Skip: My love, thanks for your support. To Mom: To whom I owe so much; may you one day have everything you every wanted. I love you. To P.C.D.S.: 12 years of my life, I, TAMMY LYNNE ZIEHM, being of small body and questionable mind, leave to the following: To Dianna: breaking barriers, slumber parties, "I'm wonderin'", boxing, many talks, best friends, Larry Young. To Debra: one bottle of Moosehead, Fur-

Tammy is my favorite Aunt (repeat . . . ). To Mom: foot rubs, late night talks, "all the way," thanks for the support and love. To Dad: MANY grandsons, hockey games, Pink Panther and war movie re­ runs, thanks and lots of love. To Liesl: 13 years!, sauerkraut, Oxfords and bruised shins. To Kiffie: a

raspberry freeze, MEN, bad jokes, hugs. To Joy Beth: be a stick, seduction on the trolly, ALAX!, the pyramids of Giza, a star. To Deborah May: ice skating, Mommie Dearest, Sophomore year, Tabatha, Booker T., tea parties, basketball, water balloons, the zoo, YOOHOO!! To Cindy: Middle School (ha, ha), lunches, "I love that man!" "whatever, ya know," vocab tests. To Frederika: no teeth?, giggling, Mythic Patterns, irresponsibility, To Kari: talks, a false dichotomy, "peer pressure," hairy hands. To Tracy: we made it!, slumber parties, (I'm sorry!), thanks. To Jane: Can I have a puff?, Math Review, I found my thrill, good luck, To Caren: Freshman year, Boom!, hard up?, Historical Problems, goobert, geekPgweeb. To Kelley: "cave man mom," a bite on the leg, thanks. To Spike: sticl stick shift driving lessons, Jesuit priests, a Spike: lifetimesup supply of "Hi Scott!" I'm weird, blue eyes. lifetime ToDan: Dan:Ed Ed. & Ex. (ugh!), don't tickle me, Genetics. To To Kyle: Kyle: CClub 33 etc. To Greg: cows!, hey gor­ To geous,thar thanks, love you lots. To Paul: words are the geous, basis for for <all communication, typing. To Rhett: basis quack, qua teachers:SiSee ads. To Beth: Soccer (ha!), jacussiing, teachers: all night night ggossip, thanks. To Stephanie: a lunch, all MEN, sunflower seeds, Best of Luck. To gossip, ME Kyle(agair (again): an identity crisis, geometry. To John Kyle P.:aanight night with me (ha, ha). To Peggy: a sparkling P.: attitude, vi volleyball. To Adele: a million hugs, thanks for for all the help. To Nel: Biking, many re­ thanks treats, catc catching up on all the gossip, snoring, treats, thanks.To To1Bruce and Gloria: thanks for everything, thanks. LOVE Y( YOU. To John: a comb, Bob's Big Boy, IILOVE Kurtis, The Kurtis, The Do Drop In, English papers, three con­ cussions,fiifirst fights, "you're gonna think I'm weird, cussions, but . .. .., " 1New Year's Eve, midnite movies, a pic­ nic,egos, egos,ca million, hugs, etc., I hate you! I swear nic, Llama, Brussel Sprout, Moo, Moo, remember . .... . Llama, meplease, please. Everyone else who I couldn't fit in here: me lotof oflov love and the best of luck! aalot


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T h e A rt D e p a r tm e n t s e e k s to p r o v id e s t u d e n t s w ith a b r o a d c u r r ic u lu m in tw o a n d th r e e d im e n s io n a l s tu d io c o u r s e s , a s w e ll a s A r t H is to r y . In d e p e n d e n t th in k in g , c r e a t iv e e x p r e s s io n , a n d a w illin g n e s s to e x p e r im e n t a r e e n c o u r a g e d . S ix P .C .D .S . s tu d e n ts r e c e iv e d U n ite d S ta te s N a tio n a l A rt A w a r d s g iv e n b y th e U n ite d S ta te s A c h ie v e m e n t A c a d e m y . R e c ip ie n ts w e r e L a u r ie M itte n th a l, M e lis s a M ic h a e ls o n , S a lly M ille r , M a r g ie W o o d s , F r e d e r ik a R a n u c c i, a n d Jo y S c h r e ib e r .










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MUSIC The Upper School Music Program consists of a jazz ensemble, a choir, strings, and guitar instruction. The various groups participate in many competitions and performances. All of the branches of the program are strong and concentrate on the basic skills as well as developed skills of the individual student.


ENGLISH _______ The English program in the upper school begins with the study of grammar, composition, and the literature of G reek mythology in the ninth grade. Tenth graders currently receive a survey of American literature, and juniors and seniors can choose either a survey of British literature or a wide variety of elective offerings in the areas of literature and writing.


HISTORY The History Department attempts to provide students with a broad historical perspective of the origins and development of western civilization from prehistory to the present. This is accomplished through a three year reguired sequence of courses, beginning with an introduction to Ancient and Medeivil History in the ninth grade, continuing on to a survey of Modern European History in the tenth grade and culminating in an examination of American History during the junior year. In addition, a wide variety of electives drawn from the arts, humanities, and social sciences are available to those students who wish to pursue their studies in greater depth. In addition to the aquisition of a systematic body of knowledge, students will also profit from the development of those basic analytical skills which are necessary for the orderly study of any future subject.

PCDS would like to extend a welcome to the new chairman of the Upper School History Department Citizen Jeffrey Stokes

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Understanding and appreciating cultures, other than our own, is an important feature of the foreign language program. W hen studying a language, the student becom es familiar with the art, religion, politics, geography, history and social issues of that country. Courses in French, Spanish, and Latin are offered.



"N eglect of Mathematics works injury to all knowledge, since he who is ignorant of it cannot know the other sciences of the things of this world.'' Roger Bacon The Mathematics Department seeks to avoid the neglect of which Bacon speaks by offering courses from Algebra I through The Calculus. In addition, it seeks to apply the knowledge gained to areas in scien ce and "th e things of this world.''


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"S c ie n ce is an essentially artistic enterprise stimulated largely by curiousity, served largely by disciplined imagination, and based largely on faith in the reasonableness, order and beauty of the universe of which man is a part." W . W eaver



The Computer Science Department uses Digital equipment VAX-730 to teach computer science skills to all students in the school. In the Upper School, programming courses in BASIC, Pascal, and COBOL are offered.


This year has been a turning point for the role of the Student Senate in the Upper School. In working and planning together, the five student members and two faculty members of the Senate have striven to generate enthusiasm and school spirit among the student body. Through sponsoring activities such as Spirit Week, food sales, and dances, the Student Senate has encouraged students to becom e involved in what is happening on campus and to take pride in their school.

Top Row: N. Bookspan, K. Bookbinder, Mr. Toll Bottom Row: R. Archbold, Ms. English, T. Simonds, N. Smith

CAST O F CHARACTERS Lisa Solheim Joan Solheim . Frank Solheim Teddy .............. Kim .................. Bill ....................... Marilyn .............. Tracy ................ Mike .................. Football Captain

. . . Sally Goldsmith : . Lauren Upshaw . . Walter Heimlich . . . . James Rigberg Caren Kelso John Snead Stephanie Enriquez Lainie Rosenbaum ..............G reg Janis . . . . . . . . Joe Alpert

Elaine ......... Kim's Parents Bill's Parents Alex .................. Marilyn's Parents Senior Directed By

Kari Bookbinder . Margie Woods . . . . Peter Cove , . Tammy Ziehm . . . . John Morey . David Rigberg . . . Liesl Veazey . Rob Archbold . . . Karen Bean . . . Lance Coon



CAST O F CHARACTERS G eorge ..........................John Marcarelli Loudspeaker Voice Cliff Smith Syme John Snead Parsons ...........................Margie Woods Winston Smith Robert Portnoy M essen ger Sally Goldsmith Coffee Vender Sally Goldsmith First G u ra d .............................. Cliff Smith Second Guard Danny Lesser O'Brien ....................... Jennie Schoeffler Julia ....................................... Laura Daley Gladys Sarah Woods L an d lad y............................ Jenny Matlick Martin ....................................... Cliff Smith Directed by Mr. Bruce Canade



Back Row: Mr. Schweiker, S. Spangler, M. Fogelson, J. Matlick, M. Bianco, C. Sweet, L. Rosenbaum, C. Newell, J. Schoeffler, Mr. Stokes Front Row: W. Heimlich, N. Harrison, C. Sweet, L. Daley, S. Goldsmith


Back Row: Mr. Toll, N. McKay, A. Tennant, R. Reese, N. Haase Front Row: L. Perry, P. Weiss, R. Portnoy, K. Spangler, S. Enriguez, D. Rigberg, N. Harrison, P. Bartlett, J. Harrison, K. Bean






Back Row: E. Ransbottom, J. Rigberg, Mr. Houle, R. Archbold, C. Smith, D. Rigberg, C. James Middle Row: J. Schoeffler, K. Higgins, L. Howard Front Row: K. Kaplan, S. Pechstein, F. Ranucci, C. Boynton, L. Rosembaum, C. Kelso

SPANISH CLUB Back Row: H. Sargent, C. Bain, D. Smith, S. Miller, J. Marks, M. Fried­ man, J. Schreiber, K. Bookbinder, J. Vernon, H. Daley, D. Friedman Mid­ dle Row: A. Nicely, Mr. Jim Bruning, D. Donahoe, K. Woods, C. Baggot, L. Salvatore, K. Cummings, K. Bowles, K. Hader, R. Portnoy, L. Da­ ley, G. Pierce, B. Adams, W. Book­ binder, K. Baird, B. Barton, T. Book­ span, B. Ligorsky, H. Ber, D. Lesser, P. Schmitt, S. Spangler Bottom Row: L. Beinstock, J. Cooper, R. Reese, A. Shipper, L. Lanzetta, N. Haase, L. Ling, A. Biggs, (Absent-J. Marcarp i


Back Row: C. Sweet, L. Perry, S. Goldsmith, M. Woods, J. Schoeffler Middle Row: C. Sweet, J. Snead, S. Enriguez, Mme. Jacques, N. Smith, A. Pillsbury Bottom Row: L. Mittenthal, T. Simons, J. Marks



FRONT ROW: A. Shanken, G. Janis, J. Schoeffler, A. Shipper, T. Richey, P. Cove, B. Shire, D. Friedman, H. Daley, M. Friedman, C. Webster BACK ROW: Mr. Yardley, K. Stathakis, J. Vernon, C. Bain, J. Snead, R. Portnoy, C. Sweet, D. Wechsler, K. Wernik, J. Morey, K. Baird, D. Rigberg The 1983 Varsity Soccer season began with thirty players involved in tryouts lor the team. After a week and a half of hard work, a squad was finally Selected. The players seemed to have great potential for the state championship, but an early setback was suffered when Rob Portnoy damaged ligaments just prior to the beginning of season play. The first three games did not really test the Eagles, lout they did show the strength and speed of Chuck Bain. After beginning the season with three straight victories, the first setback was a deieat at the hands of Valley Lutheran. But this was followed by seven victories concluding the regular season of play. The championship game was played against Valley Lutheran and despite dominating the first half, P.C.D.S. found itself losing at half-time. However, we drew level with a superb goal from Rob Portnoy, and leading scorer Chuck Bain scored to give the Eagles a well-deserved championship. Captain Pete Cove was the game's most valuable player. Special mention must be made of goalie John Wechsler, the defense of John Morey, Brett ShirerKyle Baird, and senior Carter Sweet. John Snead and Andy Shanken's running complimented the skills of Pete Cove. The future looks bright for next season. 152

10 WINS and 1 LOSS Eagles Eagles Eagles Eagles Eagles Eagles Eagles Eagles EaglesEagles Eagles Eagles Eagles

7 12 10 2 5 8* 3 7 5 2 2 4

Southwest Indian Arizona Lutheran Northwest Christian Valley Lutheran Landmark Christian Verde Valley Arizona Lutheran Landmark Christian Valley Lutheran Verde Valley ludson Southwest Indian

Independent State Championship Valley Lutheran 2

2 2 1 4 5 1 1 2 4 2 1 0 1



Front Row: P. Egnew, T. Ziehm, L. Daley, K. Spangler, M. Woods, T. Simonds Back Row: B. Thomsen, K. Meyer, C. Kelso, J. Schoeffler, K. Kulmer, T. Shire, L. Sosnow, Ms. Buelow

9 WINS AND 7 LOSSES Eagles Eagles Eagles Eagles Eagles Eagles Eagles Eagles


2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0

Cactus Shadows Valley Lutheran Landmark Christian Verde Valley Orme Judson Valley Lutheran Verde Valley

1 0 0 0 1 0 2 2

Eagles 0 Eagles 2 Eagles 0 Eagles 0 Eagles 2 Eagles 2 Eagles 0 Eagles 0

Judson Northwest Christian Arizona Lutheran Southwest Indian Verde Valley Orme Arizona Lutheran Orme

2 0 2 2 1 1 2 2

After an impressive start, 6 wins 0 losses, this year's varsity volleyball squad came upon hard times and lost 5 in a row. The jinx was finally broken with a tough victory over Verde Valley in the divisional playoffs. The first game of the State Tournament was against Orme. P.C.D.S. came up with a stunning two game victory over the eventual state champions. Seniors Caren Kelso and Kiffie Spangler and Freshman Lara Sosnow were top scores for this year's team. Exciting, power volleyball was the hallmark of this year's team. A tradition has begun.



Back Row: D. Friedman, H. Daley, D. Rigberg, J. Purdy, Mr. Fevere, C. Smith, M. Friedman, J. Rigberg, R. Portnoy Front Row: J. Schoeftler, E. Wernick, T. Richey, K. Wernick, J. Wechsler, C. Coy, A. Shipper, G. Janis

YOUNG TEAM GAINS VALUABLE EXPERIENCE During the 1983-84 season a young Eagle Basketball Team gained valuable experience for the future. Led by juniors Cliff Smith and Rob Portnoy the team showed definite improvement culminating with a 52-47 victory over Cactus Shadows. The Eagles are looking forward to the 1984-85 season.



26 25 13 19 32 37 36 38 37 f4 18 52 32 34 43

104 Orrne 60 P hxSchool /Deaf 82 Orem 57 Valley Lutheran 48 Cactus Shadows 70 Southwest Indian 88 Eastfork Landmark Christian • 67 39 NWChristian 74 Arizona Lutheran 54 Judson 45 Cactus Shadoes 40 Valley Lutheran 51 Eastfork 52 Judson




Back Row: Mr. Claus, K. Klaiber, L. Sosnow, K. Kulmer, A. Boltz, L. Upshaw, L. Veazy, J. Schoeffler, K. Kelso, M. Michaelson, T. Simonds, K. Spangler, B. Sterling The Lady Eagles finished the season with a victory over Judson to finish the regular season with 7 wins and 6 losses. Their overall record was 7 wins and 7 losses as they lost a pre-season game with Orme. The team was led by a strong defense, which kept them in most games, especially against the stronger teams in the league. They showed great improvement throughout the season and finished with two of their • best games of the season. With almost everybody returning we can be very optimistic about next season.




Back Row: Mr. Kosower, Mr. Claus, H. Daley, K. Wernick, J. Morey, T. Richey, E Ransbottom, C. Bain, C. Smith, R. Portnoy, Mr. Coon Front Row: E. Wernick, A Shipper, D. Friedman, K. Stathakis, G. Janis, N. McKay, J. W echsler, J. Schoeffler

Back Row: L. Upshaw, C. Kelso, T. Hoffman, Mr. Schweikher, K. Spangler, C. Sweet Front Row: C. Boynton, B. Manzer, L. Sosnow, F. Ranucci, L. Daley, J. Schoeffler, M. oods


Back Row: L. Sosnow, K. Kelso, M. Woods, J. Schoeffler, C . Sweet, S. Boskon, S. Miller, J. Marks, D. Friedman, P. Yardley Front Row: K. Hader, S. Goldsmith, K. Woods, K. Hessel, L. Daley, T. Ziehm, B. Anderson






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TO MR. RAYMOND A FRIEND: To: Ms. E- What can I say but thanks and I love you; Mr. Quick-Pooh, office problems, tootsie roles, thanks for always being there; Mr. Coon- BeowulfUGH! you're a great teacher; Mr. Bruning-Bruno, Zoom, Ducks, adios senor; Mr. Wilson-Dianna? That's Tammy, sir, much love; Mr. Raymond- a lifetime membership to Club 33, another Ziehm someday (ha, ha); Seroka lifetime supply of hugs and love; Schweik- Thanks. I love you all! Tammy L. Ziehm

There is no friend like an old friend, Who has shared our morning days. No greeting like his welcome, No homage like his praise. Fame is like the scentless flower, With gaudy crown of gold; But friendship is the breathing rose, With sweets in every fold.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Sir, I love and respect you with all of my heart. Tammy


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Congratulations Class of 1984

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Pals Comrades Dearest Schoolmates Joy Schreiber




Good Luck to the class of '84 The Bookbinder Family

We Wish The Class of 1984 Much Success and Happiness The Upper School Student Senate Kari, Neal, Rob Tina and Natalie

Good luck Jane, Cindy, Colin, Doug and Frederika Love you all Sally and Margie


Congratuions to the class of 1984 The Kelso Family

To three very special people; j i

Miss English, Mme. Jacques, and Sr. Bruning Thank You for all of your help, concern and time. You've all been a really great help; nothing went unappreciated. Thank You, Merci, and Muchas Gracias Jane, Jeanne y Juana


Doug Jane Tracy Colin Caren Sarah Cindy Frederika Carter Love you, miss you Laura and Jennie




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Mr. And Mrs. Dennis Shears Mr. And Mrs. Robert Salvatore Dr. Clark Jones Dr. And Mrs. Robert Lewis Pamela Sheridan C. Frances Eilers Dr. And Mrs. Hessel And Family Joyce And Jay Cooper Mr. And Mrs. Jack Henry Mrs. Kathleen Rector Mrs. Perkins




ra ti*

H r Sarah Schoenfelder Kindergarten

Heather Coldwell Young Grade Three

Lauren Durkin Grade Four

Reed Stewart Grade Six Marty Townsend G rade Four




Denver Nowicz Grade Seven

Dave Thompsen Grade Eight

Tammy McDonald Grade Eight

James Purdy Sophomore

Jacguelin Golz Senior

Dolores Pubnec Bookkeeper


Cindy B oyn ton ...............................................................................Editor Doug S m ith ........................................................................... Asst. Editor Frederika Ranucci Photo Editor Jane Marks Advertising Editor Sally Miller Layout Editor Margie W oods...........................................................Co-Layout Editor John M arcarelli..................................................................Copy Editor Debbie Fried m an ...............................................................Advertising

A successful yearbook should re足 flect upon all aspects of the school year. This year's staff, through hard work and dedication, has pro足 duced this yearbook for you, which we hope has captured valuable memories. In closing, I must com 足 mend my staff as together we have created the finest yearbook ever. Cindy Boynton Editor


The Yearbook Staff dedicates this page to MR. JAMES COOK Gentleman, Scholar and Creator

Because of all his dedication and support this Yearbook is a reality. THANK YOU, WE LOVE YOU!



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