PCDS Yearbook 1986

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W hat a show! 1985-86 has m arked great grow th; the most d iversely populated student body in the history of Phoenix Country D ay School. The P.C.D. enrollm ent is the largest in its run of 24 years. With the influx of new blood form er ideas h ave been upstaged as the spot足 light shines upon current thought. A new Dean, n ew buildings, and new students h ave acted as

the essential ingredients of an active year. Stu足 dents d isplayed their talents in m any different theatres; academ ics, athletics, art, music, and exfra-curriculars. The ye ar won its best review s how ever, w ith the adam ant enthusiasm and spirit radiated throughout the cam pus. The cur足 tain has risen and fallen; the Eagle has given another heartfelt perform ance.

DIVERSE PLAYERS CREATE BOX OFFICE SMASH Looking bock of the m yriad of characters d eve lo p ed during the production of the 198586 school ye ar, one notes the great diversity am ong its players. Like the ju ggle r on the m id w ay each balances the roles of inventor, friend, athlete, scholar, politician, and m any other personalities w hich together form the P.C.D. student. The ye ar progressed at a rapid p ace as new friendships, concepts, and ab ili足 ties w ere develo p ed . It is now tim e to put dow n the pencils and paper, the bats and b alls, and the brushes and paints. As the ye ar ends, for som e it m eans accepting a role at one of m any playhouses, w hile to others this curtain ca ll leads to the prom ise of an encore.

A bove Left: Laura, Jeff, and Grant send a m essage to the world. Middle Left: Kim prepares her notes for next period's class. Below Left: Seniors gather together before venturing off cam pus for lunch. Below: Middle schooler exam ines the diverse collec足 tion of election posters. Bottom: Drew exhibits his talent on the drums.

A b o ve Right: Barry an d Cathy per足 form at cheer-leading tryouts. A b ove Left: Ana takes ad van tage of a free period to finish some work. Middle Right: Liz a n d Karen try to ke ep a straight face w hile studying history. Below Right: Andrea gets excited over P.C.D.S. life. Middle Left: Lisa and Marna .. . Back on the ranch!

Escaping from the pressures of the class足 room, m any students lounge during their free periods. Unlike m any schools, P.C.D. has incorporated at least one intermission into each student's d ay. These free periods not on ly g iv e students a needed break in a seem in gly endless schedule, but they also provide tim e to finish hom ew ork or quickly re vie w for a test. The juniors and seniors also use this tim e for off-campus priviledges, and one can usually find them pa足 tronizing the several neighboring eating establishm ents.

Laurie and Grant take a needed break from studying.


NEW BUILDINGS ON CAMPUS InnovQ tive-the new struc足 tures h ave enthralled the w h o le student population. From the sym phonic world of sound to the exciting w orld of spectator sports, these buildings are an idea turned into a tan gib le reali足 ty and are only a start of things to com e in P.C.D.S.' proposed 10 ye a r plan. Les' P alace, or so it has been called , w as com pleted in the interest of g ivin g the m usic departm ent their ow n space, both to create and perform. Constructed w ith a sou n d -m ixin g studio, this so u n d stage w a s a w e l足 com ed sight to a ll m usicians, both b e g in n e r an d a d 足 van ced.

If ''


Im p ressive-th is is a w ord w h ich co n o n ly d e scrib e o n e e d ific e : th e g y m n a s iu m . It h ou ses a b a s k e tb a ll/ v o lle y b a ll court, os w e ll os a w e ig h t room. Th e stud en t b o d y se e m s v e ry en th u siastic to w ard this n e w b u ild in g. E v e n the sp e c ta ­ tors h a v e b e co m e e a g e r p a r­ ticip an ts a s a result of this n e w " s ta d iu m ” . Doth th e m usic a n d ath le tic b u ild in gs h a v e b e co m e a vital part of stud en t life h e re at P.C.D.S., a n d after a taste of th ese ad d ition s m a n y students a re e a g e r to return to the o p ­ portunities afforded them b y th e se e x p a n sio n s.

Elaborate costum ing defined the m any personalities on our P.C.D. cam pus. Our players' styles, w hich ranged from the w ildest punk to the most conservative preppy, could be e a sily identified e ve n w ithout the help of a program . Those who dared to be different drew the ap p lau se, w h ile others w atched those w ho "d eviate d from the norm" and m ildly im itated their exam p le. From d ay-glo ye llo w to W all Street gray, the entire student body expressed their in divid u ality w ith the array of carefully chosen outfits. Not only did our students follow the latest fads, but they also set the new est trends.

Preppy? Lisa hits P.C.D.S., Gucci bag and all!

Laura varies from the norm with the punk look.

Sue is another exam ple of the varying styles at P.C.D.S.

COMIC RELIEF Life at P.C.D.S. can be ve ry serious, but o lot of the free tim e is spent jo kin g around with friends and being in vo lved in extro-curricuior activities. W hether it be sports, off-campus ad­ ventures, or on-cam pus antics, all of the stu­ dents seem to enjoy them selves and release their com edic em otions in varied forms. To some it m ay b e telling a jo ke, to others teasing a freshm an or a good friend. W hatever the situa­ tion, humor and good tim es are readily visible on cam pus. W hether the jokes are good or bad, the situation funny or not, the com edian Mr. Coon or Mr. W ilson, the students use their free tim e for more than just studying. The best hu­ mor u su ally com es extem poraneously, and to­ gether these jokes help to create the friendly atm osphere of P.C.D.S. The P.C.D. program dem ands a serious attitude both in the classroom and on the athletic field, but it is the comic m om ents w hich w ill be rem em bered by the entire student body. The school days have been fille d w ith humor, an added incentive to create success in a dem anding environm ent.

'Confucius Soy

"Turn it off!"

"And here w e hove .

Will the real Stevie please stand up?


Blue and Gold. Not only ore these the school's colors, but they ore also a codename for some­ thing which is resurfacing with great intensity: spirit. September 27, Blue and Gold Day, was o testament to the amount of spirit P.C.D.S. is capa­ ble of generating^ The colors were best displayed in the crozy costumes seen on campus. From painted faces to colored limbs, the students, facul­ ty, and administration, demonstrated great pride in our teams. The U.S. was given a free banquet at the com­ missary sponsored by the Student Senate. The 40 pizzas, soda, chips, and root beer floats, were devoured in less than 20 minutes. The remaining time was spent in the quad, introducing the var­ ious coaches and rallying the audience to an


even higher peak of enthusiasm. The women's varsity volleyball team played V alley Lutheran High School, as did the men's varsity soccer squad. The junior varsity volleyball team also displayed their talents in what proved to be one of several exciting contests. The many fans who supported our teams were a major contribution to the spirit of the day. After the games the barbeques were rolled out and the festivities began. Barbequed chicken (not Eagle!) was the main menu and the large turnout added to the evening's pleasure. The Help Team's balloons, the raffle, the band, featur­ ing Dave and Pete, and the dance, rounded out a fun-filled evening. It is not surprising that this long day of activities received rave reviews.



To the Closs of 1986: This is m y lost Phoenix Country D ay School dedication and I w rite it with fond m em ories of your class. O n ly one of you cam e to P.C.D.S. before m e, two others com e the sam e year (1976). W e h ove a ll shared such experiences os m oving into the new Upper School and the European band tour. I hove enjo yed w orking w ith you. Your doss is a talented one as evidenced by the results of the National Merit Scholarship Q u a lifyin g Test. In addition, it is an adventurous one. Several of you h ave been involved in sum m er foreign e xch an ge program s, others in special courses at institutions of higher education, and still others in interesting sum m er jobs. I trust that this w illingness to explore new horizons and to test yourselves in different settings w ill characterize your careers after you le a ve P.C.D.S. I w ish you the best of luck in your future endeavors and hope that you w ill look back on your P.C.D.S. years w ith pride and a sense of accom plishm ent. Sincerely,

C Joel C. M onell Headm aster


We lovingly dedicote this yearbook to tw o men who through their humor, teaching, guidance, and friendship hove been on inspiration to the Class of 1986.

JEFF STOKES and PAUL SCHWEIKHER With much gratitude. The Senior Class.


NEW DEAN POSES STIMULATING CHALLENGES Provocative, Confident, Energetic-Jerry Zonk has caught the Eagle Spirit; his blood runs blue and gold. A rriving from Elgin A cadem y, Illinois, W isconsin-born Zan k is im pressed w ith Phoenix Country D ay School. He is interested in m ain足 tain ing a strong academ ic program as w e ll as fin an cial stability and a sm all student-faculty ratio. Through future grow th in the student pop足 ulation he hopes to instill healthy com petition. He invisions a larger student body w ith the traditional sm all school atm osphere. A bove all he proposes to better the student-Dean relation足 ship. P.C.D.S. has gain ed a new friend!

JULIE ASTOR joins the Low er School kindergarten staff. Break o legl


MICHAEL BARTOSIK has joined the U.S. history staff this foil. He comes to P.C.D. after a tenure ot the Hoosoc School in New York.

New 6 C M



MARIA KORP has joined the U.S. Spanish Department. She most recently w as a correspondent for El Imparcial, the new spaper of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.

KATE O 'M ARA is the new Assistant Admissions and D evelopm ent Officer. She is also serving as liaison with the Parents' Association.

ANNE SALZMANN enters the P.C.D. forum as the new School Counselor. She has previously w orked in both school and hospital counseling programs.

VICTOR VERBALAITIS has joined the U.S. Art Department. He has served on the Az. Commission for the Arts as an Artistin-Residence. He is also the beloved advisor of the yearbook.

KAREN ZANZUCCHI joined the administrative staff as Registrar and Administrative Assistant. She formerly worked in the Isaac School District.

DIRECTORS Martha Bonacich 5th G rad e/6th G rad e Spanish

G eo rge Baker M iddle School D e a n /H e alth Ram il Biggs M.S. English

M arie Bippus 5th G rade

Ja n Anderson 1st G rad e

Linda Bryant M.S. Art

C aro lyn Borger 1st G rade/A fternoon Susan Dookspan M.S. English

Jim Druning Chairm an Foreign Lang./U .S. Spanish

G eorgia Buelow M.S./U.S. Physical Education

Rich Christensen 5th/6th G rade B egin n in g Band 4th & M.S. G en eral Music Bruce C a n ad e U.S. English

Jo yce Cone M.S. M ath/Science Toni Clark Kin d ergarten/ Afternoon

Jim Cook Chairm an Art Departm ent/U.S. Art

Corol Dalton Kin d ergarten/ Afternoon

Cin d y Davis 2nd G rade

Roberta Crane L.S. Spanish/G rades Kng-4th Lance Coon Chairm an English Departm ent/U.S. English

Rod D ash naw M.S. History

Ju d y Dering Kindergarten/ Morning


Tom G raham M.S. Math

Harry Houle Librarian/U.S. Latin

Les Felton Co-Chairm an Music Dept./M .S./U.S. Band

Ruth G rove L.S. D ean CoCh airm an Music Dept. Susan Funkhouser 5th G rade

Arlette Jacques 8th Grade/U.S. French


Karen Johnson 4th G rade

Dan M ajeski L.S./P.E. Sheila Ke nd all L.S./M .S./U.S. Strings

Dob Kosow er Athletic Director/ M.S. & U.S./P.E.

Bill Keller M.S. English S a lly Klein L.S. Science Grades 1-4


Ta m ea M ikesell L.S. Art/G rades KngJohn M ildrew U.S. M ath/Science

Joan O live r 3rd G rade

Lorraine Peoples Acting L.S. D e a n / 1st G rade

Lovice Peterson Kin d ergarten/ Morning

Ju d y Mitchell M.S. History

Ed Pettengill L.S./M.S. Com puter

Paul Schw eikher Director of C ollege Counseling/U.S. History

Erna Pitts 2nd Grade

Chairm an Science Dept./5th/7th Sci./ U.S. Math


Don Singer Chairm an Com puter Sd./M .S./U .S. Com puter Barbara Searle Ass't Librarian/L.S. Librarian

Ch et Seroka U.S. Science/U.S. Math

Lois Sikorski M.S./U.S. Chorus Jeff Stokes Chairm an History Dept./U.S. History Ja n e t Smith M.S. Spanish/G rades 7 & 8


Barbara Whiter M.S. M ath/Science

M yn a Stroth 3rd G rade M ary Lu S ylla b a L.S. Instructional Consultant M ary Sw iess L.S. Physical Education

Fran V ierck 4th G rade Bob Wilson Chairm an Math Dept./U.S. Math/ Science


Dob W olpert M.S./U.S. Math


Cin d y Pulliam U.S. Secretary Dr. Joel Monell Headm aster

Steve G erber Dir. of Admissions & D evelopm ent

San dy Singer Receptionist/Ass'f To Registrar



BUSINESS PERSONNEL K aran Wood Personnel Clerk, Secretary Dolores Smith Bookkeeper

Denise W ojtyner Purchasing A ge n t/ Bookstore

Stephen Littell Business M anager

Barbara Kendall G rades 1 & 2






Do these faces look fam iliar? These are m em bers of our belo ved faculty during som e of their m ore dram atic m om ents. Taking tim e out from teaching, they g ra n te d us e xclu sive photos of their off-stage antics. O n a more serious note, Phoenix Country . D a y School prides Itself on close student-faculty relations. In keep 足 in g w ith their reputation they ore 1 a lw a y s on-hand an d w illin g to help. Not surprisingly, our faculty re ceives consistent rave review s!





Dock Row: Toni Clark, Jon Ashley Corcoran, Richard Symington, Courtney Hamilton, Reggie Cooper, Boots Dunlop. Middle Row: Jackie Stubbs, Joshua Royce, Heather Breese, Jeff Ho, M atthew Ralphe, Daniel Reardon. Front Row: Julie Aster, Ryan Wolfswinkel, Renee Kuhn, Brooke Lipton, Justin Suszko, Kevin GhasW ala, Becky Moretsky, Emily Lyn Snyde, Judy Dering.

Back Row: Roderick Stent, Matthew V an Sickle, Graham Kretchman, Bente Shoen, Ryan Klinefelter, Christopher Hoeye. Middle Row: Josh Finberg, Kimberly. Morgan, Austin Marshall, Jennifer Marra, Crissy Jacobson, Kevin Wicken. Front Row: Carol Dalton, Rovi Chandrasekaran, Jonathan Sherman, Belinda Jacobs, Jason Widoff, Kristin Altm an, Luke Lee, Lovice Peterson.


Dock Row: Caroline Borger, Kristin Stamm, Kristine Ingrassia, Ryan Taylor, Eric Cornwell, Stephanie Fox, Craig Couche, Lorraine Peoples. Middle Row: Jennifer Sweet, Leslie Johnson, Jasm ine Tasmine, Ja ke Stango, Bryan Mass, Bobby Sullivan, Jon Balmer. Front Row: Jill Sherman, Tracy W anner, Nancy Godek, Kur Yang, Trey Packard, Candida Jacobs, Andrea Aiello.

Back Row: Scott Wicken, Sara Johnson, Beale Harrison, Hope Benedict, Carla Fischer, Darren Sucato, Eric Schweikher. Middle Row: W esley Huber, W esley Dickerson, Jill Galotneau, Casey Einhorn, Denise Hrudkaz, Matthew Blum, Jennifer Kirst. Front Row: Jan Anderson, Annie Kaufman, G uy Bowman, Clem ie Feau, Laurie Rauch, Kendra Baird, Alison Wedoff, Sheila Kendall.


Dock Row: Drion Botes, Richard Halabi, Jason Grovert, Lily Dunlop, Keith Scharfman, Becca Kidw ell, Matt Torel. Middle Row: David Pillsbury, Leslie Blank, Geoff Bergeron, Sonia Ghasw aia , Jim m y Kirst, Jordan Spack, Sarah Duncan. Front Row: Doug Wiesen-Todd, Jodi Hutchin足 son, Summer Marshall, Jennifer Kirkwood, Ryan Chirnomas, Becky Van Sickle, Cindy Davis.

Back Row: Brynn Freshley, Stefani Wolfswinkel, Kate Stockwell, Bruce Vinci, Douglas Teitel, Adam Garson, Sarah June Schoenfelder. Middle Row: Jennifer Bachus, Natan Jacobs, Konrad Lee, Katherine Haley, Frank Stubbs, Brad Marra, Heather Kleinfelter. Front Row: Erno Pitts, Charles Glvre, Rodney Mollen, Ryon Keeton, Sarah Mafz, Jennifer Stern, Shawn Dyer.


Back Row: Joan Oliver, Benjy Finberg, Ashley Dorronce, Heath Lipson, Evan Schoninger, Rovt Bisla, Stacey Piccinati. Middle Row; Kristen Brook, Hallie Jacobson, Tatum Shears, Mark Leibow , D anielle Allen, Corey Binns, Andy Altman. Front Row: Julie Levenberg, Jessi Jean Snyder, Tanya Kuhn, Edward Pavase, Hollye Schumacher, Kyle Upton, Oliver Little.

Back Row: Frances Wellings, Michael Stent, Whitney Symington, Karen Lefeber, O liver Hearley, Tasha Ruman, Gum by Bayless. Middle Row: Zachary Thomas, Erik Koep, Marie Jackson, Melissa Lewis, Benji Moretsky, Brad Durchslag, Elizabeth Royce. Front Row: M yna Stroth, Brie Baimer, Stewart Hackeft, Am anda Left, Paige Durkin, Neil Tang, Jocelyn Jacobs.


Back Row: Teddy Rice, Bret Mass, Edward Drewry, Gretchen W agner, Brian Cornwell, G w ynne Sullivan, Scott Goetze. Middle Row: Brent Huber, Brett Davis, Irene Trevor, Emma Dane, Daniel Posner, Todd Bender. Front Row: Karen Johnson, Sarah Eagleburger, Marie Cohen, Dana Blecher, Becky Sullivan, Sarah Lew in, Neeka Najmi. Not Pictured: Karen Pettitt.

Back Row: Jim m y Gard, Jens Plougmann, Sarah Woods, A lex Koep, Scott Turpin, A lex Sample, Vicki Lang. Middle Row: Ellen Rand, Tony Koppula, Cindy Bochna, Jessica Cooper, Kara Rassi, Shaw n McClure, Am anda Blum, Fran Vierck. Front Row: Hillary Cox, Lisa Harney, April Levy, Brooke Schumacher, Lindsay Timmerman, Julian Jacobs.


Dock Row: Matthew W einberg, Valeska French, Kiran Bisla, Jason Fox, Joy Collins, Frazier Bain. Middle Row: Aron Fischer, Adam Flick, Dierks Bentley, Jacob Shephard, Kate Losse, Erin Timmerman, Susan Funkhouser. Front Row: Jennifer Sioane, Tiffany Peers, Steven Stadel, Richard Bores, M andana Najmi, Jenny Burt. Not Pictured: Bethany Motia, Scott Pettitt.

Back Row: Brad Huber, Ryan Hart, David Lyne, Lindsay Piccinati, Am anda Drewery, Breeley Ben, Heather Young. Middle Row: Jason McCullough, Mark White, Jordan Sterling, Aubrey Joy Corcoran, Andrea Crimmins, Patrick Lewis, Eric Shears, Marie Bippus. Front Row: Ben Bachus, Rochelle Mollen, Rachel Lyons, Stephanie Chinomos, Carter Lipton, Austin Hacket.


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A b ove Left: Konrod and Charles get m entally prepared to swim. A b ove Center: Kate gets a new vie w of life. A b ove Right: Tatum, Ashley, and Kristen am use themselves during a break. Im m ediate Right: Ryan and Sarah-June express their creativity. Far Right: John-Ashley: Future Archaeologist.


Perseverance is Phoenix Country D ay's comm ittm ent, and our rehearsal schedule b egins w ith the first act; our cast of w e e ones. Our future firem en, ballerinas, and as足 tronauts are just beginning to exp erien ce the excite足 m ent of learning. From the alp h ab e t to "D ick an d Ja n e " to long division, the low er schoolers are learning how to interact w ith the world around them . W orking hard at both academ ics and p lay, they are building initial rela足 tionships w ith both students an d faculty w hich m ake school life so special.


Sixth graders e a g e r to do their hom ework.

M ax Armstrong Rollie Armstrong

Stephanie Dotes John Douermeister

Taj Dayiess Matthew Dlecher Carrie Blum K e lle y Bores M yles Bowman Mike Chernoff

Adam Cohen Karina Collins Andy Cracchiolo G regg Dessen Becky Dicken Poppy Dodge

Lance Due Lauren Durkin Jill Dutton Ryan Dyer Justin Einhorn Jon Goldstein


A y sia Harrison K y le Hlrsch R a n d y Ho Brian Hoblif Rusty Know ler Deb b ie Llgorsky

A d am Lim m er Robert Lyn e A aron M atz Jessica Nathan Paula Occhino M ichael O 'H ara

G ab rie lla Peers Todd Plone Josh Plosker G illian Price Erik Ram saur Mike Ram saur

Jill Reardon A nastasia Reiss W en d y Rice Lindsay Rovick Naom i Sanders R an d y Saria

Marci Schw enn Nancy Sterrett K e vin Stockton Stephan Sw eet Jon Teitel Mitchell Tim bonard

Marty Townsend Sophia Trevor Rob V a n Sickle Jam ie W agner Scott W arner Marthew Werner



Seventh graders ta ke in the sun at the sw im m eet.

M ichael Betz C ara Breese Lisa Brook Kitty Brown Rajiv Ch and rasekaran

Jon ath an Cohen Rob Cohen A sh le y Conquest Courtney Cooper Kim Co x Corisa Crow der

Re b e cca Crow e R icky D a ley A d am Fleck D avid Foster A m y French R e n e e G eorge

R y a n G iass D an ie lle Gordon Ethan G unning G reg Horvath John Jacobs Jonathan Jacobs


Noel Jury Sara Kalish John Karadsheh Ross Kilburn Cynthia Kitchel Adi Krause

Druce Krysiak Sheri Lan tz Katie Lee Karen Levenburg M ichael Levin Todd Le vin e

T J . Liese Shannon Lindner Jafi Lipson Evan Lipton Mandi M atz Tina McNeff


An drew Mellor Alison Merkel Spencer Patterson Dill Pettit Peter Pillsbury Jason Ralphe

Polly Rassi M arlee Ravenscroft Eric Schaefer Aaron Schoeffler Heidi Sherman Ka in e Stathakis

A le x Summer Jennifer Sw artz Lara Tobias Julie Turpin Danielle W allace W endy W anner

Friendships: A

Kristin Allison W h itn ey Dartlett Robert Bernstein A n d re w Bienstock A n n Black Eric Chiu

M oia Cryns Kira D ale A d rien n e Ditchey Brooke Donahoe Billy Dum one Elsie D ye

Cristi Dyer Brek Eaton Brent Eubanks Fred Ferguson Kare n Finley D ian e G oetze

Keith Gordon Jason G reenbaum N ancy Halabi Jason Harris A m a n d a Hart Holly Hendin


A n drew Honacker Jeff Huber M am ie Janls Shelby Jordan Sean Kerrigan Jill Krafts

Dryce Leckie D avid Le e Jennifer Lew in D an n y Lew is Mark Liden Aaron Lieberm an

Eve Lipson M argaret Madison Doug M afia Jim m y Motz D ebbie Plone Ari Piosker

K e vin Ram saur W endy Rector C a le b Reese Carter Richardson Rob Rutila Gerard Sam ple

Janessa Shtabsky Richard Sloane Laurel Sparks Lauren Stegm an Dard Sterling Jeff Stern

Reed Stewart Karen Takagi Ari W eber Tracy Weiss Paul W ernick C.D. Wetmore




HiJMt Reboot ^^Ifl

ABO VE LEFT: Jafi and Kitty enjoy their ice-cream snock. ABO VE CENTER: Eve and Kristen "pass the buck." IMMEDIATE RIGHT: Becky prepares for a dive at a P.C.D.S. swim meet. ABOVE RIGHT: Mr. Keller aids a calligraphy student. MIDDLE RIGHT: Kevin lets Mitchell bum a ride. FAR RIGHT: Basketball drills at Middle School practice.

A ctive bodies ond minds in足 habited the M iddle School this ye ar, adding much enthusiasm to the student body. Com prised of grades six, seven , and eight, the e a ge r contributers perform ed on m any stages, from sports and music, to arts and academ ics. The eighth graders successfully headed the M iddle School, arid they are looking forw ard to the tim e w hen they too w ill becom e in te gra l parts of the Upper School. The M iddle School as a group has exhibited m aturity and has proven itself to be a vital act in the P.C.D. production.


Kira Dale, Rob Rutila, Douglas Matia, Eric Schaefer, Ron Van Sickle.


Front Row: Jonathon Jacobs, Tina McNeff, Cindy Kitchel, Heidi Shermon, Jaffi Lipson. Middle Row: Doug Motio, Jim Motz, Lisa Brook, Rob Von Sickle, Aoron Matz, Ryon Dyer, G regg Dessen, Evon Lipton, Julie Turpin, Eric Romsaur, Kyle Hirsh. Bock Row: K elly Bores, Andrew Honocker, Lonce Due, Ashley Conquest, Brooke Donahoe, Kiro Dale, Eslie Dye, Jeff Huber, Rob Rutilo, Kevin Ramsaur, Brice Leckie, Aoron Schoeffler, Aaron Miller.



Front Row: Ann Block, Trocy Weiss, Donny Lewis, Ari Plosker, Jeff Stern, Dilly Du Mone. Middle Row: Ann Block, Trocy Weiss, Donny Lewis, Ari Plosker, Jeff Stern, Billy Du Mone. Middle Row: Jenny Lew in, Holly Hendin, Madome Arlette, Brooke Donohoe. Bock Row: J en ny Lew in, Holly Hendin, M adam e Arlette, Brooke Donohoe. Back Row: Rob Rutilla, Ann Lieberm an, Eric Lipsen, Kevin Ramsaur, W endy Rector, Andrew Honocker.

Tracy Weiss, and Billy Du Mone 9 et *nf ° fhe true French Club spirit.


Front Row: Justin Einhorn, Jonathon Jacobs, Koine Stothokis, Cynthia Kitchel, Alison Merkel. Back Row: Mr. Baker, Rijiv Chondrosekoron, Spencer Patterson, Bill Pettit, Evan Upton. Jaffi Lipson, Adi Krause.

Jaffi Lipson and Cindy Kitchel work intently on an article for the Eagles Ego. 51


Morlee Ravenscroft, Tracy Weiss, and Ann Black rehearse for their musical performance.

Left: Tracy Weiss, Ann Black, Shelby Jordan, Laurel Sparks, Holly Hendin, Kira Dale. Right: Maia Cryns, C.B. Wetmore-White, Ari Plosker, Mike Levin, John Jacobs, Mrs. Sikorski.


Opus, an indespensable m em ber of the M.S. Strings.


Front Row: Naomi Sanders, Rebecca Dicken, Jam ie Wagner. Middle Row: Courtney Cooper, Todd Plone, Carter Dicken, W endy Wanner, Karen Finley. Back Row: Eric Chiu, Adrienne Ditchey, Muffin Madison, David Lee, Danielle Gordon, W endy Rector, Wen­ dy Rice, Sheila Kendall.


First Row: Randy Ho, Myles Dowmon, Jonathan Teitel, Lauren Durkin, Carrie Dlum, Poppy Dodge. Middle Row: Sophie Trevor, Justin Einhorn, G regg Dessen, Jon Goldstein, Rob Van Sickle, K yle Hirsh, Adam Limmer, Debbie Ligorsky, Kelly Dores, Gabriella Pierce. Dock Row: Mr. Felton, Marti Townsend, Randy Saria, Robert Lyne, Lance Due, Mike Ramsaur, Mr. Rich Christensen.

Matt Werner, tipping to a funel


I Front Row: Drooke Donohoe, Louren Stegmon, Kristin Allison, Koleb Reese, Andrew j Honocker, Jonathan Cohen. Middle Row: Spencer Patterson, Julie Turpin, Jennifer Swortz, Polly Rossi, Jeff Huber, Erin Liebermon, Kevin Romsaur. Dock Row: Gerord Sample, Rojiv Chondrosekoran, Jaffi Lipson, Tina McNeff, Todd Levine, Jason Harris, Jeff Stern, Dill Pettit, Rob Rutila, Fred Furgeson, Mr. Felten, Aaron Schoeffler, Drice I Leckie.

Jaffi Lipson, pleased with her per足 formance ot the M.S. Dand con足 cert. 53


Rob V on Sickle gives Kyle Hirsch som e helpful golfing tips.

Front Row: Mott Werner, Ari Plosker, Jeff Stern, Eric Chiu. Bock Row: Michoel Levin, Brek Eoton, Andrew Mellor, Ricky Daley.


Pom-Poms take a rest after a long. hord practice.


Front Row: Kara Breese, Coriso Crowder, Cristi Dyer. Middle Row: Lisa Brook, Wendy W anner, Jennifer Swartz, Courtney Cooper, Julie Turpin, Marlee Rovenscroft. Back Row: Danielle W allace, Katie Lee.


Back Row: Mr. Curtis Perry, J. Huber, A. Schoeffler, C.B. Wetmore, S. Kerrigan, K. Romsour, B. Du Mone, A. Honocker. Middle Row: B. Leckie, J. Greenbaum , J. Matz, B. Sterling, R. Rutilo, P. Wernick, D. Lee. Front Row: A. W eber, R. Stewart, A. Mellor, K. Gordon, C. Richardson, C. Reese


Back Row: Mr. G eorge Baker, M. Bowman, J. Bauermeister, G. Horuath, B. Krysiak, P. Pillsbury. Middle Row: B. Hoblit, R. Dyer, R. Glass, R. Van Sickle, S. Warner, D. Foster. Front Row: A. Cohen, M. Betz, E. Lipton, M. Ramsaur.


Back Row: K. Cox, M. Madison, N. Halabi, K. Dole, K. Allison, E. Dye, K. Takagi, D. Plone, T. Weiss. Front Row: D. G oetze, J. Shtobsky, L. Sparks, J. Krafts, A. Hart, M. Jonis, J. Lewin, K. Finley, W. Bartlett.


Back Row: G. Peers, D. Ligorsky, N. Sterret, S. Linder, A. Conquest, M. Schwenn, S. Lontz, T. McNeff, C. Kitchel, Mrs. Susan Bookspan. Middle Row: G. Price, B. Dicken, S. Bates, K. Collins, J. Wagner, R. George, S. Trevor. Front Row: L. Durkin, P. Dodge. P. Occhino, J. Dutton.


Back Row: J. Huber, R. Rutila, B. Leckie, P. Wernick, S. Kerrigan, B. Dumone, R. Stewart, D. Lee, A. Webber, S. Weiss, C.B. Whitmore, and Coach Yardley. Front Row: M. Liden, B. Sterling, D. Motia, R. Bernstein, C. Reese, J. Greenbaum , J. Motz.


Back Row: D. Foster, A. Fleck, P. Pillsbury, A. Schoeffler, A. Mellor, G. Horvath, M. Betz, B. Krysiok, Middle Row: E. Lipson, L. Due, R. Daley, E. Ramsaur, R. Gloss, R. Cohen, Coach Yordley. Front Row: K. Stathakis, J. Bauermeister, R. Dyer, M. Ramsaur, R. VanSickle, J. Koradsheh, A. Matz, M. Chernoff, J. Einhorn.



Back Row: J. Shtobsky, J. Krafts, A. Brook, Coach Buelow, B. Donahoe, D. Plone, J. Lewin. Middle Row: A. Ditchey, H. Hendor, A. Hart, M. Janis, N. Halabi. Front Row: W. Bartlett, D. Goetze, S. Jordan, L. Sparks.


Back Row: M. Schwenn, Coach Buelow, K. Collins, S. Bates. Middle Row: R. George, A. Harrison, C. Blum, L. Durkin, P. Occhino, G. Floren, N. Sanders. Front Row: D. Ligorsky, S. Trevor, N. Jury, P. Dodge, B. Dicken, W. Rice, N. Starrett.

Back Row: Cooch Baker, B. Dumone, D. Lee, C.B. Wetmore, L. Romsour, S. Kerrigan, B. Leckie, J. Huber, R. Rutilla, A. Wernick, A. Honacker. Front Row: B. Krysiok, B. Sterling, G. Horvath, R. Stewart, C. Reese, D. Motia.


Back Row: P. Pillsbury, M. Betz, E. Lipson, L. Due, J. Bouermeister, E. Romsour. Front Row: A. Fleck, E. Werner, A. Cohen, R. Dyer, S. Sweet.


Back Row: Coach Majeski, E. Dye, K. Takagi, K. Dale, D. Plone, B. Donohoe, E. Lipson, N. Halabi, H. Hendin, Mrs. Bookspan. Front Row: M. Cryns, M. Janis, A. Hart, J. Shtabsky, W. Bartlett, J. Lewin, D. Goetze, J. Krafts.


Back Row: Coach Majeski, P. Rassi, J. Turpin, A. Conquest, G. Peers, D. Ligorsky, N. Starrett, Mrs. Bookspan. Middle Row: N. Sanders, M. Schwenn, W. Rice, K. Cox, S. Bates, K, Collins. Front Row: B. Dicken, A. Merkel, P. Occhino, G. Floren, L. Kurkin, N. Jury, T. McNeff, J. Schwartz, J. Wagner.


Dock Row: D. Lee, B. Leckie, S. Kerrigan, K. Ramsaur, R. Rutila, J. Huber, P. Wernick, A. Honacker. Front Row: C. Richardson, A. Weber, R. Stewart, D. Mafia, C.B. Wetmore, B. Dumone, J. Greenboum, J. Stern.


Bock Row: Cooch Perry, R. Doley, E. Ramsaur, P. Pillsbury, M. Betz, A. Miller, R. Chondrosekaran, J. Bauermeister, M. Ramsaur, R. Ho, R. Lyne. Middle Row: L. Due. A. Fleck, R. Dyer, J. Cohen, E. Lipson, E. Werner. Front Row: S. Sweet, G. Horvath, A. Cohen.



Back Row: H. Hendin, T. Weiss, E. Dye, K. Dole, K. Tokogi, K. Allison, B. Donahoe, N. Holobi, A. Hort, P. Madison, Cooch Buelow. Front Row: J. Lewin, J. Krafts, A. Block, W. Bartlett, J. Shtabsky, M. Cryns, M. Janis, D. G oetze, K. Finley. Not Pictured: D. Plone, S. Jordan.


N. Sanders, S. Bates, M. Schwenn, N. Sferrett, S. Lindner, A. Conquest, L. Brook, J. Turpin, D. Ligorsky, C. Bloom, Coach Buelow. Front Row: M. Ravenscrift, B. Embry, T. McNeff, J. Schwartz, J. Trice, L. Durkin, A. Harrison, P. Occhino, J. Reardon. Not Pictured: Becky Crow.




s s ii! WmB m

FROSH CLASS "Digger and Defter" is the sign the freshmen doss carry upon en­ tering the Upper School for the first time. Their new faces domi­ nate the set as they bring truth to their slogan. These new additions did not only break all records as the biggest freshmen class in P.C.D. history, but they also ad­ ded an essential log onto the ever-grow ing fire that w e call Ea­ g le Spirit. This renewed enthusi­ asm w as the needed incentive to reignite the embers which hod

EVER: died out over the summer. This initial spark successfully launched P.C.D.S. into a year of renewed vigor , The freshmen class officers served as the driving force be­ hind this mass of frosh, rousingl that school spirit when it was needed most.,'They helped their; class to contribute to the success of the school year. This class leaves carrying a new sign, "Let's Keep It Up!" 1



President Dino Stothokis V ice President Roz Dolger Treasurer Katie Cesal

Greg Anderson

Alissa Bodell

Kip Boefel

Erica Bookbinder

Gordon Burger

Chris Choffe

Jason Cohen

JiH Cooper

Tim D aley

Carter Dicken

Bennett Dorrence

Daniel Durchslag

I 111I Brian Felker Miko mistakes Jennifer for her art project.

Brennan referees o wres足 tling match.

Derek Gordon

Christine Grau

Enda Hu

Teresa Kalloch

Ian Hackeft

Kari Hubbard

A m y Levine

Kristy Hamilton

Charles Hessel

David Jarrat

Carrie Judd

Ricky Lewis

Kerstan Lincoln

Matt drinks from the foun足 tain of youth.

Lisa Lincoln

Mike M cLanahan


Miko McGinty

Drennan Lindner

Mike Moran

Matt Nicely

Scott Pezil

Sargent Pillsbury

Daniel Pinney

Jonathan Portnoy

K elly Quick

Lisa Rand

Chance Redor

Heather Reed

M ichelle Rotman

Brandon Semilof

Jodie Shtabsky

M asada Siegal

Daryl Sparks

A lan Takagi

Sarah Timmons

Scot Torrey

Josh Weinrach

Brian Weiss

Jennifer Wilson

Travis Wright

Dan Y e e Kari and Kristy take a needed locker break.

SOPHOMORE S GET INVOLVED Returning for their encore per­ form ance, the sophom ore class entered the ye a r w ith o sense of confidence. No longer strangers to the stage, they q u ickly set out to prove that they w ere more than just "not freshm en a n y ­ m ore. This inspiration resulted in w idespread involvem ent and h elped to create a h igh ly com­ petitive atm osphere from d ay one, as the sophom ore class can­ didates an d their supporters lit­ tered the cam pus w ith cam paign

posters and stickers. The persis­ tent attitude exhibited by the class w as also carried onto the athletic field, proving this sopho­ more class to be one of the most in vo lved . Their insatiable appe­ tite for kno w led ge w as never co m p letely satisfied, as one could see that each new day brought a renew ed hunger for kno w led ge. The ye ar culm inated in an expression of jo y for all re­ a lize d that they w ould now be­ com e upperclassm en.


President Barry Liden V ice President Bennett Hopper Treasurer G ary Linhart


AlysŠ Aiello

Mott Fleck

Baha Bohodir

Colton Gramm

Tom Baird

Brett Croh

M. Bionconiello

Eddie Harris

Cindy Havens

Joanna Josephson

Sonya Hess

Lydia Kinney

Karl Hirsch

Nicole LaFleur

Jeff Jacobs

Tom Levenberg

Sharon Ligorsky Sara and Marla confer in the hall.

en v iro n m en t.

Neil Michaelsen

Tony Minkoff

Grant M udge

Maria Pullin

Nelson Ryland

Hedi Sielieki

Peter Spiegel

Heather Stocker

Jeff Taylor

David Thompsen

Jed VonVoorhis

Andrew Victor


Clarissa Simek

Drew Spangler

Nelson's tuned-out buddy tunes in to education.

Eric Werner

Kathy Wilsor


JUNIOR'S INHERIT NEW STATUS Eager is a good word to de­ scribe this ye ar's junior class. Their relentless enthusiasm w as constantly exhibited both in and out of the classroom . To m any, this ye a r w as one of new free­ dom , including off-cam pus (not new to som e!!), driving a car, plan nin g the Prom, and b egin ­ ning the co llege process. Each of these n ew experiences w as m et w ith vigo r as these new juniors g a in e d their respect as venerat­ ed upperclassm en. Their e a ge r­

ness in accepting these new ch allen ge s, shone on the rest of the student body, and much of their excitem ent m otivated oth­ ers. Lead by their class officers, the junior class seem s to be ea­ ge rly anticipating their next rite: becom ing seniors. The ye ar '85'86 w as a great one, and with the em ergence of these students as the new school leaders, next ye ar prom ises to be an equally successful production.


President D avid Friedm an V ice President Jason Schoeffler Treasurer A pachai Shipper

n^\y-. ■ WMmm

Dobby Allen

Catherine Daggott

Nicole Blaustein

Kirby Bowles

Valeria Castillo

Da v Id Cesa I

Jen no Cooper

Chris Coy

Hugh D aley

P e g g y Egnew

fB jB H v CCV^*>| II

Elizabeth Hays Natalie, Emily, and Ann goof around before class m eeting.

O sa Erickson

Karen Hader


David Friedman, a born leader.

Karen Hessel

Kim Hoeye

Greg Janis

John Josephson

Karen Kaplan

Christine Lan e

Elizabeth Ling

David M cClanahan

Kelly Meyer

John Pent

Ann Pillsbury

Steve O zer

Ana Quinonez

W hy is there a lw a ys a question?

SELMER Brian Winthrop Adam s

The Universe according to R.E.W: e + 1 = 0

"Things will happen w hile they can" -Alphaville



Never Q u ite . . .

Some fools never learn gonna get burned- it's return . . . Som ew here and he's lonely like me ly he'll hove that look

to play with the fire and you’re only love w hen your loved in in the city tonight there's a guy he'll be easy to see and natural­ in his eyes . . . -S.M.

e W ander lost through the streets of the city- looking for a face yo u've seen before- w onder along the a v e ­ nues of fortune and see the blank stare of eyes met there. For you g a ze upon lost people who w ander more lost than you. -D.O. Raymond The child is grown the dream is gone and I h ave becom e comfortably numb. -Floyd


Feel the wind blow ing in your hairw e're finally free to do as w e please- but is it that easy? -J.R.

I'm a high night flyer and o rainbow rider a straight (sorta) shootin' son of a gun- but do you really know me? -Axton

Elisabeth A nne Anderson

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r inolly I understand the feellgs of the few ashes and iamonds foe and friend w e /ere all equal in the end. -Pink Floyd

Elizabeth Stuart Thomsen And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you m ake-The Beatles


Time can run a w a y see it in the children people of tomorrow living for today-Paul M cCartney/Richard Starkey

It’s alright, it's okay Proms are g a y anyway!!! -Kim Klaiber From the Original Motion Pic­ ture Soundtrack of ’The V



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K yle Douglas Baird Rem em ber Kids: He w ho lives upon Hope, dies farting. -Ben Franklin

Taoism + Dokonism = Tocoism Do not try to understand the dynam ic TACO -it is useless. (excerpt from The K y le Line) and of course a special thanks to Mom and Dad

Anything's ironic if you think about it.


Andrew Leigh Tennant The old m an said to m e, Said don't a lw a y s take life j so seriously. Ploy the flute an d dance a n d sing your song. Try an d enjoy the here and now, B the future w ill ta ke care of itself som ehow . The grass is never green er o ver there. V

I got o Caribbean soul I can b a re ly control A nd som e Colorado here in m y heart Jim m y Buffett

Todd Michael Bookspan




People tell me I h a ven ’t changed at all — but I don't feel the sam e And I bet you've had that feeling too .. . You just can't laugh all the time. -Duran Duran-

Susan Helanna Doskon

Don't you look back, don't you look back . . . don't you look back. Som ebody cry, som ebody cry . . . som ebody cried Well I can't see w hy and w hat for w hat for? -U2-

The longer you d w e ll The m ore It's like hell you sit b y the w e ll just m akin g a w ish . . . It w ould be a sham e to take too much b lam e W e're all the sam e It's on ly a g a m e -The English Beat-

Live life like a diamond ring. -Frankie-

Are w e yet?

having fun

r W e n ever know how high w e ore Till w e are called to rise, Then if w e are true to plan Our statures touch the skies.


The heroism w e recite W ould be a d a ily thing, Did not ourselves the cubits w arp For fear to be a king.


-Em ily Dickinson

Dawn Rachelle Clark

Bless the beasts and the chil足 dren. For in this w orld they h ave no voice, they h ave no choice. -Carpenters

Soil on Silver Girl, Soil on by Your tim e has come to shine a ll your dream s ore on their w a y. -Simon & Garfunkel


If a task is once begun never le av e it till it's done De the labor great or small. Do it w ell or not at all.

t Morris Friedman



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It's tough to be a 'hell of a guy'. -Mr. Robert Wilson

There is perhaps no surer m ark of folly than to at足 tem pt to correct the natural infirmities of those w e love. The finest composition of hum an nature, a s w e ll as the finest china, m a y h a ve a flow in it; an d this, I am afraid, in either case, is e q u a lly incurable; though nevertheless, the pattern m a y rem ain of the highest valu e. -Henry Fielding

'Tis the begin n ing of o n ew d a y . I h ove been g iven this d a y to use as I w ill. I con w aste it or use it for the good, but w hot I do today is important because I am e xch a n g in g a d a y of m y life for it. W hen tomorrow com es this d a y w ill b e gon e, forever le a v in g in its p lace som ething I h a ve traded for it. I w an t it to be a gain an d not a loss, good an d not e vil, success an d not failure, so I shall not regret the price I h a ve paid for it.

Say nothing, imply everything. -Haose's motto.

Natasha Felicia Haase It's just a little planet but how beautiful it is.

To share with a friend is to see twice the beauty.

I'd rather w ear out than rust out. -George Whitefield

Eric William Jackson


iO Q - L f lL / W \

He who praises everybody praises nobody -Samuel Johnson

You ain't heard nothin' yet folks â– Al Jolson

Kim berly Suzanne Klaiber Voici mon secret II est tres simple: On ne voit bien q u 'a ve c le coeur. L'essentiel est invisble Pour les yeux. -Antoine de St. Exupery Le Petit Prince, 1943

Our tragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that w e can even bear it. There are no longer problems of the spirit. There is only the question: When will I be blown up? -William Faulkner, 1950

Brenda Ligorsky

I know there's things that I'm longing to find. I know that they'll turn up in time. And w hen they do they'll be mine. Think of the times you have sat by your足 self and wondered, just w hat it w as that com pelled you to be w hat you are. -Jefferson Starship

Wd've, Moue. awM |eH- ofcow*-

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„ „ ^w!> »g C , GEORGE WINSTON

W m tco ^ ?

I do not think there is a n y thrill that can go through the human like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the unfolding to success . . . Such emotions m ake a man forget sleep, friends, love, everything. -Nikola

heart brain food, Tesla 1896

W hy put off now what you can a lw a ys put off later? -Anon.

No not this confused again, no not the sa m e m istakes again. m—

j*.â– r

Andrew Abbott Nicely

Show me a barroom With a good lookin' w om an Then just get out of my w ay Turn on the music I'll show you a song you should play Sooner or later A few shots of bourbon I'll think of something to say .. . -Kenny Rogers

Louise Patricio Condoce Perry Do You Com e From A Land Down-Under?

I'll be brilliant one d ay

Grasshopper, how do you account for this strange behavior? -Master Po

Peace and Tranquillity Live Long and Prosper Know ing others is wisdom; Know ing the self is enlightenment. Mastering others requires force; Mastering the self needs strength.


He w ho knows he has enough is rich. Perseverance is o sign of power. He w ho stays w here he is endures. To die but not to perish is to be eternally present. -Loo Tsu

\ I a r c h ? h r o it

Inti-nuclear group I don't know whether I w ant white American to remember or to forget that Jesus Christ w as the first nonviolent revolutionary. Dig it. -Stephen Stills

Leaders to Wrap Up Summit With a Joint Ceremony Grant Pierce

W HY?'

Star W ars’ Advances: |The Plan vs. the Reality H ilf p p :


Mankind has gotten a her

age protest in city Take you a glass of w ater m ake it against the law see how good the w ater tastes w hen you can't have an y at all. -Creedence Clearw ater Revival

Jeffrey J. Dutton

Botha pledges not to repeal apartheid law Calls Reagan hypocritical, says West asks too much

Earth "A planet doesn't explode of itself," said the Martian as足 tronomer drily, gazin g off into the air- "That they were able to do it is proof that highly intelligent beings must have lived there." -John Hall Weelock

Hstart on road to nuclear war


^ \ \

Youth is like early spring, like the rising sun, like trees and grass in bud, like a n e w ly sharpened blade. It is the most valuable period of life. The function of youth in society is the sam e as that of a fresh and vital cell in the human body. -Chen Duxiu

Lisa Salvatore

Definitely G.Q.

Julie Lynn Schaefer My fullest expression of myself is in my reaching out to others.

Reach up to the sky, and open up your eyes, and let your troubles fade away. Dream those dreams today, and melt your cores ow oy, and open up your heart and sing. Live your life for everyday. The old d ay is gone so don’t let this one slip ow oy.

A professional is some足 one w ho does the things he doesn't like as w ell or better than the things he likes to do. -Vice Admiral Kinnaird R. McKee, USN Im ages or sorrow, pictures of delightThings are going to m oke up o life. Endless days of summer, long nights of gloom Just w aiting for the morning light. Scenes of unimportance, like all those in a frameThings ore going to m ake up o life. -Genesis

I shall be telling this with a sigh Som ehw ere a ge s and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and II took the one less traveled by. And that has m ade all the difference. -Robert Frost

John Robert Schworzmonn G ive e very man thy ear, but few thy voice; Take each m an's censure, but reserve thy judge足 ment. -Polonius, Homlet

Sarcastic tendencies m ine boil a n d surge M y em bosure quivers Doom- I offend, oh w ell! O ut like quicksilver Words that d elive r No sudden im pact os such But after on hour A bite a n d o show er The sour inside her burns.

Andy Michael Shanken

If there is a w ar betw een the sexes, there won't be nobody left. -Joe Jackson

HAVERFORD Cadaverous enam elling Bantering jubilee A paradox is bellowing

The sun he comes the world to soften up. Rejoice, rejoice, w e h ave no choice but to carry on. -Stephen Stills

If you had just a minute to breathe And they granted you one final wish Would you ask for something, like another chance? -Steve Winwood/Jim Capaldi

Out of a life gravid with hate. Obsequies sedate In a sepulchral ensem ble Of a trite funeral crusade Songs too sardonic Make it ironic That this is someone's oaken fate. 123

All m y love to my fam ily and friends . . . Thanks for everything! Kristina Michelle Simonds

. . . tomorrow w e will run faster, stretch out our arms farther . . . So w e beat on, boats against the current . . . F. Scott FitzGerald

The first problem for all of us, men and womerl is not to learn but unlearn. Gloria Steinem, Smith 195ÂŤ


Lillian Vicki Timpano

AMOR VTNC1T OMNIA. "Love. conqueAA

AMORE PER TUTTE "Love io n a t t ."

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1986 PORSCHE 935 DP2 Turb<

Elliot Hartley Wernick


C&H&P: "Strohs"

Ellie: ''Where ore you Mountain Music?"

Me: Rollin' down the bockwood



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High on life. Seniors take full a d va n ta g e of their offcam pus privilege w hen fre­ quenting the m any eating establishm ents in the area. W hile Taste and Nosh re­ main the favorites, the Boulangerie and Pete's h ave also becom e lunch-time hot spots. More than anything lunch provides time for friends to get together and relax, eas­ ing the pressures of "college-application" life. With­ out fail 5th and 6th periods are over in the midst of som eone's turkey hoagie or MONSTER BURGER. Pete and D ave stealing fries, Andrea m ooching for bites, Marna's mysterious snack supply, straw p o p p in g, ketchup m essages, and Larry's ob­ noxious laugh are all fond memories of our Senior year. So how about lunch?

UPPER LEFT: Seniors satisfy their munchies during their lunch hour ot Taste. FAR LEFT: Seniors prepare to troupe into their favorite lunch spot, A Taste of Philadelphia. CENTER LEFT: John and Nick dine "the French w a y " at La Petite Doulangerie. UPPER RIGHT: Joe and Beth cruise up to Pete's. BOTTOM RIGHT: "And visions of but­ tered bagels danced through Jeff's head


I, Brian Winthrop Adam s, Being of possibly re v iv a b le syche and som a, do h ereb y le a v e the follow ing in no order w hatsoever: To Morris, I le o v e "H om bre", A TLN 6:00 o.m . of Little Am erica, w iki-w iki, "W hat are you w e a rin g ? ” , a superb G .Q . photographer, an unlim ited gift certificate at a n y store, an d m a n y other m em ories of Les typ e an d other . . . I lo ve you Larry. To Laurie, I le a v e bones, an unfinished book of lists, Ghostbusters, "I'm w a v in g " , W indham Hill, A yacht, 1 or 2 phone calls, 10 seconds, Phil Collins, EM, red things, b ad tim ing an d irony, "R ea ch w a y dow n Bri” , Understanding m yself, good pain, sparkling a p p le cider, e ve ryth in g else I forgot, a n d an insaciable love. To K yle , sim ilar e xpe rien ces, a sense of friendship that is strangely ap p e a lin g, a n d nerds. To Brooke, I le a v e Frog, an o xy g e n bottle, long talks and good times,- to a fantastic friend, w e all m issed you. To Sarah, a Freshm an infatuation, understanding, can you relate? W ill it e ve r get better so w e can g e t crazy?, short good-byes and a wild-fun coupon. To Tina, I le a v e a g re at friendship, scant of sight but strong in nature, the Les trips that w ould h a v e n eve r b een the sam e without you, an d m y first taste of "the good life” . To A n d y, a cool friendship, fad-gam e skills, an e xce lle n t athlete, an d m ore respect than I g a v e you. To Kirsten (Kah z-tah n ). dolor en espanol, "Com e here” , long help-talks, the High School music scene, roller-coasters, an d a v e ry special friendship. To Jo an na, I le a v e the Honeys '84, 9 months an d a bad ending. To Lisa, I le a v e a couple of rides, good looking clothes, an d a big sm ile a lw a y s. To Peter, I le a v e . Coinciding brain w a v e s in Europe, the urge to jam , a n d life in a fe w words. To Mr. Wilson, the best teacher a n d the most fascinating adult I'v e e v e r met. To Mr. Raym ond, Everything I forgot. To Mom & Dad, a ll the lo ve a n d understanding it takes to put a cra zy kid through High School. To P.C.D.S., 9 years an d a n e xp e n siv e education, I lo ve it all. I, Elisabeth A n n e Anderson, b ein g of insane m ind a n d body, do h ereb y le a v e to: Cat: a scorpions ticket, a ye ar's fist, a lasting relation­ ship, a trip to Disneyland, a n d a car of your choice w /n o dents. To Tom: B.B.R.W ., a Karm e n g ia , "history repeating itself", a trip to Sham y's, G reer & San Pueblo, no WWII problem s. To W estie: a red porsche (yo u rs)-new legs, breakfasts, cla y class an d all those plans that never w orked; To Grant: 5th periods. Echo- a picnic, the first ticket to Woodstock, clim bing, one free-trip to the library (I'm lost!) To Jeff: 2nd periods, a car no one w ould borrow, a m illion talks (Photo, guitar, an d M.R. class) a d ance, echo, a n d the 2nd ticket to Woodstock. To Yose: a sailing permit, one tickle fight, a detention in the science building, a n d a norm al bio-pit. To C.J.- our traditions an d reputations a n d lots of luck, a house closer than East L.A . a n d all those times "off". To B.L.: 7th hour, Saguaro (etc.). Rockers?, a g u y (not D a v e -m a yb e Joe), an adm ittance to Y a le . To C.B.: a n e w kn e e, a m idnight talk, b eing one of the only w itnesses (both tim es), a y e a r w / o g iv in g " a n y b o d y " rides home, and thanks for b ein g there a t that party an d for caring- To Ms. E: 4 "old b re ed " (C a re y J., Gordon B., Mark Z., & Laurel S.) T h e y've been taught w e ll- also a fox a n d a b ear an d a m essage to Toll. To Mr. Raym ond: "To Sir w ith lo v e ", a co lle ge a d vise e w h o does applications on time and m uch thanks a n d love- you're the Best advisor e ve r (oh ye a h , and m a n y trips to G reer w ithout a n y problem s). To The Varsity Soccer Team : a n e w m a n a g e r w h o doesn't n eed help carrying, a lot of good times. Thanks guys-1 had a blast- Here's to the England trip. To all the teachers w h o h a ve had to d e a l with m y lateness, ditching and chaos- I hope after 4 ye ars you can look b ack a n d laugh-or a t least sm ile- 'cause I've b ee n , (right speed y? Right Trouble spook). To m y parents: Also thanks for putting up w ith m y changes, grades, abusing, an d all- I lo ve you lots. To G reg: I hope you survive the next 3 years- I lo ye you but you n eed to learn to treat p eo ple like people an d rem em ber you're not a lw a y s right; learn respect. I, Chuck Bain, b ein g of a 1 track m ind an d a sound body, le a v e the follow in g: To Jim Purdy (Shorts G od) an unlim ited supply of Shorts, a case w h ip p e d cream an d cigars, a n e w Shorts bucket an d glass. Q u ail hunting w ith killer rattle snakes, a free course on d efensive driving, a pum pkin-proof w indshield, a real m ustache, a book on proper table m anners, a n d most of all V.E. Good luck in the futurel Tim Richey: a C elebrity that w ill knock out g a rb a g e cans at 70 mph an d not le a v e a scratch (on the car that is) pillow s an d blankets from H em m in gw ay, a locker that w on't break, m y A la b a m a collection, and no stick shoes. To a good friend, good luck. To Chris Coy: I le a v e K.H., a good la w ye r, and a cork to k e e p your mouth shut w h e n yo u 'v e had too much. To Kris S.: I left the bill w h ere e ve r w e ate at, the fishing trip, a "re a l" Blazer, a book on 4 w h e e l driving, a n unlim ited supply of "N e w Lim es" to throw, an d m y luck in soccer next y e ar. To K e vin W., a Jam m in Jim m y with training w h e els, the office C.B. book on four w h e el driving an d one more y e a r with Paul. To Kirby Bowles: a free trip to Arizona S&N. To PCDS I le a v e m y dirt road in front of school, mud an d oil stairs in m y


p arking space, A KNIX sticker in m y locker an d m any good times with good friends. Good bye. Methinks that K Y LE BAIRD is som ew hat of a real sa y in life as a w hole. Furthermore, I b e lie v e that I h a ve som e of the best friends in the w orld (or at least north of the border). Strangely enough, pretty much e ve ry o n e Is cool around here. W ell let's g et on with it, shall w e? TO: A n drew , Irony; 4w d ; p aper airplanes; Reality Mode; an d of course, a gold en sho vel containing m alapropos m egapoop. You can h ave, for ounce, m y chick, ERIC: Johnny A p pleseed , archives, w e e k e n d shirts, h e a v y BS a n d PHVS joke s (w hich Hertz); m ental rape; car convos; bicepts; T cup; the h and shake; m anifications; an d m y trip to Africa (U2R the on ly 1s). You 're a godl Tell your w ife about m e som etim e. Jim: O ver 12 years of friendshipl W ow , thats a long time, Jim bo. Here's to little birthday parties; som e ultim ate soccer seasons (Energy!); RC Flying; and w orkin' out. Here's to your future of diciplined fun, an d an appreciation of m isunderstandings. Sa y, w h at about those clouds! I'm proud to know you. Elliot: Thanks m an. I'll rem em ber youl Good deal, huh? Brian: some startling observations- (I w onder if these things happen to real people); a n d a fe w denderfication Pills. Laurie: a night in Sydney. A na: you're a g re a t kid, I lo ve y a alot. G reg: A n e w back an d a success story. Tara: Yosem ite, San Fran., an d a "cu te" squirrel. Todd: one great chick. V __________ with m e an d EJ (just kidding, Mom). Kirsten: a no th er24 Krt. Ferrari. Joe: Bang! an d a m p le supplies of Peptobismol —just in case . . . John S.: i'll g e t the d evil a w a y from you; Cat's Cradle. John J.: m y stud locker. Jo an n a: see y a niebll Grant? Jeff? BANGI Gotcha, little brother. D aw n : the Monk. John P.: the g u m m y one. A n d y S: here's to Phillyl Y o u 'v e got som e real virtues m an, you'll g o a long w a ys. Tom: I'm sym b o lically takin g the remote a w a y , so g o for it dudel Et al: you're a g re at bunch! Good luck, kids. Adios Ju evos Rancherosl I. Peter Bartlett, b ein g of hedonistic outlook an d fully functional body, b eq u e ath the follow ing to the follow ing: To D ave: Santa Barbara, Steve Lukather, M ichael Ten by, e ight an d three quarters, a red bow tie. Lorry Carlton, Le e Sklar, Pat M etheny, G ow an , Marillion. Watch the Lizard, Tubes, O n e heck of a sum m er, AWESOME!)! Syd n e y Sheldon, Perform ance Guitars. Thanks for e veryth ing. TO Jen n a: The Breakfast Club, T o ga Party, A n e w k e y ring. Duck, Cat Stevens, Dire Straits, Beatles, Hank, The Purd, G reen pants (h ow b a d ly do you w h at them?), See you soon. To Jim : B asketball, the Bronco, Hank, let's g et fire-brewed, Jim m y Buffett, p laid shirts, q u ad d iving, G eorgl Glouchkov, another Saturday night a n d i ain't got nobody, an d 7 inches x so you can dunk. To Nick: "It's so funny that you should sa y that.", nursing an e g g o v e r at the h a n g e ry . The Elliot W ernick jo ke book. To Grant: An off-white ’63 M ercedes convertible an d a monster of a bloody nose. To Brian: "you h a v e forgotten the history of our country.", D O , Eric's face w hen he p la y s bass. To Tim: 20 ye a r old__________ , the clubhouse roof, fishing for moose. To Chuck: A la b a m a , Jim m y Buffett, slipping out the w indow . To K e vin : Physics, e gg w h ites, property of neatness, "I can't sa y that." To Elizabeth: "Th e 5 ", straight hair. To Hugh: a golf b all washer. Monte Carlo night n e xt ye ar. To G rant M: M ay you be written up one d a y in the a n a ls of Sports History. To Catherine: a voice synthesizer. To those w h o w e re left out: Sorry. I probably spaced out because I wrote this w h ile I w a s sitting n ext to D a v e an d Mr. Coon in A.P. English, pretend­ ing to be v e ry excited about A le xa n d e r Pope's "R a p e of the Lock". Bliss. I, A n drea Boltz, b ein g of m y ow n mind and body, w ill to the follow ­ ing (alth ou gh I'm not d ead yet. If so then let this stand) Beebs: YubboDubba-Doo Lib b y: Deutshland an d PLYMUTH, A n n a Puta (fellow speed­ ster): Talkin g in the country, on a m ountain quenching ap ple s white w atch in g pink e lephants p la y futball in Jam aica. Jell-o, b anan as airline pilots, a n d ribbons. Friday night drive-ins an d W ednesday night slam d ancing. BU n ext year? W e'll see- rem em ber w e can a lw a y s take a fug boat to Spain for $149. Grunt: a lifetim e supply of prewritten essays. AFS, Pepperm int Lou n ge an d silk ties, latenlght e xa m cram m ing, " . . . to sound ones nose . . . " a n d Turkey an d all if has to offer. Buena Suerte. I lo ve Yo u . Sarah: first, I can't ta ke the credit for transforming you, you m a n a g e d quite successfully, goin g incognito in Spain, N train & 20th a v e ., the EGG project, "Le t m e hear y a talk", Underground's trendies, an d fram ing affairs"Hoping for the best but expectin g the worst, a re you gon na drop the bom b or not?" Marna (w art w om an): w h a t p eo ple never do, boobs in the fridge, raw e g g bombs, crest soap, bicycle collisions, m en chasing with the car, The Crack & Dunkin Doughnuts, w h a t can I sa y you m ade It the best. Larry: dim es, tennis matches, a n d fighting. B agels an d Lox? Rem em ber an d don't forget, girls w ill a lw a y s h a v e to w ait for boys.- I Love You. Laurie: fin ally a normal conversation. South Phoenix, outside bathrooms, and Spiritual but not Physical. Dona: "A m erica's Best", cruzin', a moo-moo, negatlvite, and echo can yon . Jim Purdy little gu y : People lights. Echo an d the mountain.

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o pair of socks a n d a n endless lust. John M: EEE EEE haunting you. Oh, splderm an w ill a lw a y s overcom e the shocker. Karen H: a n o lga sports bra. Le n n y Rueben, a n d blzarrlty. A n d y S: future luck with the dissi­ dents. K e vin W: Echo a n d m y sunglasses, I le a v e Jed: fifty cents Lisa S: You m a y ask yourself. Josh a n d the Exxon m an are w aitin g an d some tennis m atches. J.D.: Pachebels Kannon Stokes: the hair you lost helping m e find m y w a y to co llege. Thanx. A nd now for Darbs, Kels, Karl, and Christine: I lo ve you all, you re ally m ade everyth in g possible, I w ill n e v e r forget the good times. To e ve ry b o d y else If I forgot you, I'm sorry, if not, you know w h y . A n d so I ce ase to exist here, Tschub. l, Todd Bookspan, b ein g of phantasm agoricol mind, an d partially dep ilated body, h ereby bequeath the follow ing to the follow ing: To I Tara: THE v o lle y b a ll g a m e , a spaghetti dinner, Kool an d the G an g, arm I w restling, mushrooms, m ovies, the drive-in, " S a v a g e Streets", "W e | lo ve it", dinners, St. Lukes, RICH lobster, 20 dollars on N ew Years, get out a n d push, blrkenstocks, little black shorts, "Steve, do you sh ave your legs, too?", a va n , "w in g s of a d o v e ", California, M agic Mountain, ski trips, blackjack, shifting e ye s, Safford, a buttermilk bar, Japan e se foods. Pops, long distance calls until 3 a.m ., "b e e p , b e e p ", how 's the river?, a n d of course, a n everlastin g friendship. To Andrew : the w h a le trip, " w e like u gly w o m e n ", blue light special. Batm an and Robin, the Datcave, a sombrero, a girl from Sea World, a five hour drive, driving lessons, co lle ge fours. M adness a n d the Specials, M ickey Mouse, "13", ( a t 2 else to touch. To Lara: som eone to h ang around with besides Catherine, "h o w 's E la in e", a n d a supply of hair d ye . To Tim: Latin class with M a w a w e e . To D a v e C.: un accento m exicano. To John P.: a good bike, or at least one that you can ride. To Julie: painting, aren't w e talented?, m atching little red cars, b y the w a y . I'm not Oscar the Grouch. To John S.: a bicycle repair m anual, an d I hope you find your obo so you're no obolus. To Eric: another car, an d a bed in San Francisco. | To Kirsten: Taste, straw w ars, McD's, the Evil Dead, w atch out for those trees, "a re you getting taller, shrimp?" To Nick: your ow n n ew pap er w ith peo ple w ho w ill write articles an d a d ean -sm ellin g house. To D a v e R.: a p rivate m eeting with Dr. Ruth. To Morris: a b ike race, a toga,

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a poker g a m e , b ow ling, a drive on M cDonald Dr., more hair on your chest for you know w ho. To M am a: the w h a le trip, laughs in Spanish class, an d ice fights a t Taste. To A n a Pullana: a y e a r of P.E., w hales, and "our” mom. To A n d y: je a n s w ith out-side buttons, an d a sports column. To A ndrea: the W ho with Anders a n d tw o years of b eing neighbors. To I Peter: a Durkino Fasian accent for Model U.N. an d som e other girl to I tease. To Mr. Cook: a n ew bike, a lunch date that you m ight keep, E som e artistic talent, an d your ow n w hite Vuarnets. To W illy: the m ule pack, four years of ad vice , m y generator, an d m any m any thanks for a ll of your help. To J.D.: a private desert, your ow n mountain, and m a n y thanks. To Mr. C an ad e : m y English career, m y great ability to p la y fictionary, an d a ll of m y essays. To El Senor: m y Spanish accent, our gre at class, an d m uchas gra d as. To Mr. Stokes an d Shw eik: m y college applications a n d m y SAT scores. To Mr. Q uick: the w h a le trip, an d m y gen es. To Mr. Coon: m y fam ilies w recklessness, m y vocab u lary quizzes, a beard twister. To Serok: Sam and Jake , an d a life without grandkids. To a n y o n e an d e ve ry o n e I forgot: I'm sorry, but thanks for the m em o­ ries. To Mom an d Dad: thanks for everyth ing. I love you a lot. I, Susan, "S u e " Boskon, le a v e the follow ing m em ories to som e m em orable people in m y life. To Kari; Tom Petty, Metro, Cam bria — you a lw a y s w ill be with m el To Kim ; distance but a special friendship, Phx, A lb, a n d "La s V e g a s " "Y u m " & " O w w l" To Jo anne; a laugh, 10K's " w e h a ve got to do som thing" jo g g in g — ? hal L.O.M. talks. Lots of love an d luckl To Le x! a n d Heldl diets? W ho needs them? aerobics, retreats, eatin g p izz a in dark busses. "I'm ke e p in g a lookout" jo g gin g at "5 " in the a.m . Birthdays G .O .Y .A ., Don't ch an ge a thing! Luv y a g u ysl To Calif Pals; San Louis, Castle, farm ers m arket. Tortilla Flats, beaches, sunsets, talks a n d m aturing experiences. To Kirsty; "Big K " m any memories, Ze p , Honeydrippers, Frankie, CheapTrick, Cotillions, Fair, C. mountain dancing. 20 hr. car rides. "TAW O f" "W O W " "W hat guys?" "b e e fca ke ". Dream s into action. Picking up hitchhikers. M agic Carpet, beach, m opeds, jetskln g shops, a station w agon , m y intuition, in d edd veness. "I don’t know , w hich Scott do you w ant?" Blast, "Darnsey-W arnsey". MOM, I'm N O T goin g a n y w h e re without Suel Straw berry 20/20. I don’t know , w h at do you w an t to do? "That's the w a y you do itl" reunions, ja cu zzie s. N ew Years, 'serious' talks — right? Sum fun, a good frienshlp, lots of lu v a n d understanding. " . . . A nd now I'm h avin g FUN BA B YII" Su zy Q . To A n a - Basketball, photo, etc . . . . To Apt- basketball, a sm ile an d luck To Jim H.- Honeydrippers, Jr. winter vacations, occasional talks, lots of lo ve an d luck. To K a re n 2- talks, som e fun memories. To AndreaDuran Duran concert "In the m ens room" (ha ha) benchw arm ers unitel To M am a; band, lunch? math re vie w . To Joanna; blazer, kickers, some fun. To Kim K.- Model U.N. success an d a smile. To Issa- a boyfriend w ho

lo v e s to drive, m a n y talks, a good stereo and lots of luck. To Rob; a special friendship, a shoulder to le an on an d a hug. To SfcoW/Tahoe, Phx, "sta rs"-"m a n " an d good times. To a n y 7iR(/f friends at P.C.D.S., If there is such a thing, I le a v e m y lo ve an d best wishes-To the rest, I le a v e the classic quote from, you guessed it, Duran Duran; "Friends of m ine, they said they w e re friends of m ine, said they w e re passing time . . . more like a w a ste of tim e." To the P.C.D.5. faculty, thanks for your time and support. To m y fam ily; I le a v e m y Thanks, lo ve an d appreciation. I, D a w n Clark, like to g iv e two-thirds as much as I receive. I le a v e the follow in g m em ories a n d concrete items to friends of m ine. To Beth Thom sen: sp e a kin g of concrete, I le a v e you with parking lot m edians plus a lot of lo ve an d thanks for talks, laughs, understanding, an d dear m em ories of friendship. To M ax: as m a n y balls an d bones as he w ants, m y permission to sle ep in Beth's bed. To Patricia Rother: you're crazy, " T a x i" , m achu picchu, "stop follow ing us", "y im m y ” , you can't swim a n y w a y , it w a s a blast, let's do it a ga in - lo ve y a ' so much. To "you 're so cu te" D.R.: it should h a ve lasted, missing you. To Beth A: it w a s a lw a y s a laugh, thanks. Nicole: or is it N-i-c-o-l-e (sorry), partners in grim es, fries, w e lllll. To Brenda: "I w on't m ention It". To Kim: yogurt, the Italian Stallion. To Cindy: I don't w a n n a , either. It's a ll so strange to b e le avin g you. Mr. Schw eikher: thank you for everyth ing, you know . If e ve r I can, I w ill g iv e you the Hershey's chocolate com pany. Mr. Coon: a n introduc­ tion to literature that I'v e n eve r had, it really m eans a lot. Mr. Stokes: I don't know , just for b ein g you I guess. — I know I h a ve missed a great m a n y but in the immortal words of the Mad Hatter "No Room ": Finally a n d most im portantly, m y fam ily: I w ould do an ything for you. Thank yous are not enough but they w ill h a ve to do. Don't stop. I le a v e you e ve ryth in g I h a v e a n d am - definitely not the profit m otive. I lo ve you. I'll be back. I, Kirsten Cum m ings, b ein g of exhausted yet very gratified mind and body h ereb y bequeath the follow ing: Tara: Grundies, BMB, Chineese, (D ouble Ch eese Burger, Please) 2-twice! Lots of love, Che Che. Todd: Taste, your "th in g " an d its convultions w hen flooring it. Thanks for the fun times, lo ve a lw a y s . Shrimp. (P.S.- /h a ve grow nl). ErlcJ.: W hale trips, vuarnets. H appy B-Day, brol Love a lw a y s from your younger sis of 7 hours. K y le : 1 ch im ichonga-w hale trip. Gold Ferrari, car running, too rich that I got in the AFTERNOON! I'll miss the laughsl Ju lie S.: Greer. Row your boat in rounds, stealing towels, trip proofs & Mel Gibson, ye llo w a n d a liv e , g re en obnoxious moods, long pottie. Thanks for a lw a y s caring-m y lo ve forever! Sarah C: sixth hour talks w here no hom ework w a s done-but w e got in touch morel I'll miss that-love a lw ay s. Lisa S.: "je a n n ie " pants, Bariahnikou, RELAXI Hal, Taste, understanding, hugs, a n d the sm iles you a lw a y s brought out! Thanks for your caring, kindness a n d listening. A ll m y lo ve foreverll XO . Morris: Sm oking breadstiks at NAU, 60 lb. snow balls, "I hate that . . . ", Taste an d straw wars. Thanks for a ll the laughsl M am a: breakfasts. Note from Eggery, b-day card, ice coffee, NAU & SF, thank you for listening, understanding an d putting up with m e. Lo ve you alw ays-Rais! X O . Laurie: Carm el, The w a ves, stairs that took you around the block, rearranging nose, harm onizing-Lionel. Scritti, an d Uretha. Thanks for your w e a ry ear from listening, your in v a lu a b le ad vice , for understanding m e w hen I m yself couldn't under­ stand. I lo ve youl X O I Brian A .: Brah-yahn, computer m essages, Billy a n d Karry, sm oking breadsticks, NAU, Frisco, D avid hissing car, octopus, superballs-Lizard w om an , YOGURT-prom ise, Bri? Straw wars, Scritti, rem ixes-w e can be onel No Hay d e Q ue? Did they cook 'em? The laughs, talks, an d your priceless ad vice, Gracias Gringo-for a lw a y s being there a n d kn o w in g w h a t to sa yl — Te A m o Siem pre — XO. Jim : 2 years of unforgettable memories: California, "m y song", over spraying, per­ fum e, e xp a n d in g m y kn ow led ge, listening, accepting, and understand­ ing m y ideas an d feelings, and b eing more caring than I could h ave e ve r hoped for. S a yin g thank you sim ply isn't enough. You m ean more to m e than you could e ve r know an d I love you very muchl X O X O . Mr. Schw eikher. Mr. Quick, a n d Mr. Raym ond: Thanks for listening and a lw a y s g iv in g the "w ords of w isdom " an d support that w as needed! I'll miss y a v e ry m uchl M y Fam ily: m y gratitude is beyond words — your support an d faith In m e m eant so much — I love you V e ry Muchl XO XO . I, Sarah Cum mins, being of independent mind and body le a v e the follow ing to the follow ing: Lisa S: a color-coded filing cabinet for your purses, som e m utual amours, lunches, our band of turban friends, an unexp ected but sp e cia l friendship, an endless bus ride from Tucson. Kirsten (Raisin): O ur driver's LICENSES, A 6th-period Friendship — thanks for a ll the convos — seriously. Peter: the Riviera Hotel, and the strength to re v e a l yourself. Andrea: O u r city. High-tech M ex (?). Washington Square Park, the futon, train le v y , an d a friendship which has seen us through m ultiple selves. Laurie: "W h y is it that w hat you just said strikes m e as a m assive rationalization?" "H ey, don't knock rationalization, w h ere w ould w e be without It? I don't know a n yo n e w ho could get


through the d a y w ithout 2 or 3 ju icy rationalizations. They're more im portant than se x ." "W ait, nothing Is more important than sex." "H o ve you e ve r gon e a w e e k without a rationalization?" -THE DIG CHILL, a mirror to see m yself in, hot air balloons, our com m une, am bi­ ence, m utual encou ragem ent (for better or for w orse), picnics, bow ling, the ducks at Me. Ranch, W indham Hill, the rabbit's fur, a n ew definition of the w ord friend. I lo ve you in a w a y that i don't lo ve a n yo n e else. S a lly P: The night before Spain, our Dig Chill W eekend, "nob od y says that". Ja y . incredible respect b love; I'v e missed you! Europe ’86 Brian: unspoken com m unication, a shared "p a in ", a m utual love, Sw ensen's ice cream , w ild or not I w ouldn't trade our times for an ything so you hold it a n d I'll lau gh. John M: An appreciation for m akin g m e feel "n o rm a l” , a constant understanding, a n enorm ous phone bill. Pecan sandies, "W an n a sim ulate a breath?", an d a lo ve that runs deep. A m y (Doop): your lost room m ate; thank-you for m akin g Taft so special. Our N .Y.C. apt. (w a s it 63rd or 64th st. a n d Park?), an invitation to visit with no expiration date. Grant; The Pepperm int Lounge, the Dead, and grafitti. To lo ve a b le Larry; I'll miss your laugh. Thanks for m aking highschool fun. Tara: Model U.N. an d the sw a p m eet. Marna: scooter rides, driving o ve r the p arking block, don't e ve r stop b ein g crazyl A n drew ; M y chauffeur service. Lisa D: Spain (?), Neil Yo u n g, Dire Straits, the p e a ce p ip e on the m ountain, a ll those nights a t your house, "C a n I p le a se spread the cream ch eese on your b a ge l? " To the P.C.D. faculty: you are the most fantastic group of adults I've e ve r met. You are w h at m a kes P.C.D. special. I LO V E you all (that's you too Senorl) Mom and Joe: I lo ve you more than you know . Thank-you for a lw a y s supporting m e. I prom ise to try to learn how to load a dishw asher at college. I Jeff J. Dutton, b ein g of unsound mind, an d body, le a v e the follow ing items, id eas an d m em ories to certain people. To Grantski: another trip to Turkey, a rattlesnake in the desert, a red light (b e lie v e it) on Scottsdale road, plen ty of tim e for Peter, Paul an d Mary, another e n gin e for Dessie, an e m p ty bottle in Grinnell, firsts at Coe but I g o first next time, a sober life (som ething you m a y n eve r kn ow ) vitam in A. To Deth A.: a w a ll, a n e w table to re la x at, lunch at Ja ck in the Dox, a locker that works, a n e w bum per, a slice of A m erican pie, one w h ole ye ar a n d a true fist. To Deth T.: a rooftop in San. Fran., a streetcorner in Chinatow n, the dark side of the moon (no you'll h a ve to split it with Anderson). To Joe P.: a real French teacher, a Gibson hollow body. O h b y the w a y , Dangl Yo u 're d ead, a n oran ge pen, Johnny the punk. To Mr. Druning: a backw ards, one fingered p e a ce sign, a life full of chicken feet, a real president. To our b elo ved Dean Zonk: a clean quad, a lunch in the quad. To Ms. E.: m a n y uneventful years (n ow that w e are gone). To K y le : Dang I shot youl To Chuck; A Neil Yo u n g song, a .357 under the front seat. To D a v e R: a n air guitar lesson. To W illie; som e p eace and q uiet (som ething you 'll n eve r g e t here). To Jim P: Kant. To Mr. Cook: a norm al dinner at Lil' Joes. To Christine (D.T.): a real snow fall. I, Marno Friedm an, h ereb y le a v e the follow ing people the follow ing things. Lisa; best w ishes in N.J., both Johns, Disneyland, laughing, clo g gin g up toilets, nails done, dogs an d cats, an d a g re at friendship. Raisen: hope you d e v e lo p into a g rap e. J.H., cheeseburgers, Drandy's, e a rly breakfasts an d fun, bard trips, thanks for being there w h en I n ee d e d you. Karen; Ja n e Fonda, g re at shape, m en, night out on the tow n, good luck n ext ye ar. Julie: w h a le trip, counselor, shopping, and Dram a class. Tina: Malto M eal, Pee W ee Herman, band trips, talks about N.H., rides on the scooter, an d parrots an d puppies. Sharon L. thanks for putting up with m e in Spanish, m y life savior. Sarah M. Spanish, Dino soccer, an d stay sm all an d cute. Heather; w h a le trip, k e e p your sw e e t personality, an d stay pretty. Laurie: sand island, PW's, count dow ns, getting lost, pinching an d lust for D.S. Sarah C.: rides on the scooter. N ew Y e a r's Eve, Jason, n e w clothes, all the night clubs, a career on stage or on T.V. Drea: G erm any, borrowing things, "h o w rude", M exico, green M&M's. Pasta; fish fingers. M adonna w a n n a be, 711 before m eetings, pop tarts, K.S. an d keys. Jenna; partying and h a vin g a good time. M ichelle; band, H.D., an d e xch a n g e students in the future. .Drian: m ooning, blond se x y hairs, band trips, "look up ", coming over, G Q . Nelson: b all of cla y. DArry: ice coffee. Grant: b a b y sham poo, chocolate m ilk, an d red high tops. K yle : gotcha, w e igh t lifting and sherrif. Nick: boss, parties, an d being serious. Kris S. w h a le trip, throwing rocks at our car, a n d h a vin g fun, "ta ke picture". Kris, Dino, Kaine; h e a v y m etal, m ovies, gross habits, an d w om en. Love you all. Todd D: w h a le trip, "m u y bien Mr. Druning", an d b ike riding. Tim R: "take picture", vid eo gam e s, food, burping, b aseb all, "w h a t chu s a y " , pull­ ing on your shirt an d m akin g m e laugh. UR great, w h a le trip, cards, horse radish. Purdy: M enlow , sleeping in your truck. Plaid flannel shirts, Deing Human, one w a y street, Chinese restaurant. Andrew : w h a le trip, sombreros, sherrif, g re at sense of humor. Ann Salzm on: thanks for all you h a ve done, "yo u 're g re at". Mr. Q uick: thanks for the great trip last


ye a r an d your comments. Cindy: thanks for all m y posses! Sandy and Karen a n d the rest of the peo ple in the m ain office: thanks for putting up w ith m e. I e n jo ye d w orking with you all. I w an t to le a v e the Juniors: Taste, Nosh, Nicolli's, V illa g e W ine b Cheese, and 7-11. Last but most im portantly, m y fa m ily. I lo ve you all very much, thanks for everything, I couldn't survive without you. I, Morris (a lia s "La rry ") Friedm an, le a v e the follow ing to the follow­ ing: To David: The car, car chases, hot signs, things to try, Tres Hombres, ski trip, left side of the room. I'll miss you, an d lots of love. To M am a: Life su p p ly of perfum e, a gallon of G el, the sm ell of D.A. w here e ve r you go. A d ve n tu re Trip, A larm Clock, good luck In the future and all m y love. To Drian (hom bre): NAU Sarah, Huge snow ball, things to try, bread sticks. A ll nighters, H aw aii, a life w ith a TLN, Photo sessions, "you r thing is up . . . ", "sm okers m a y b e e a te n ", no entry sign, Dreakfast at Swensens, shopping (for girlsl), "I don't w a n n a . . . ", herbal tea, a lifetime of nights filled with HDO enjoym ent, lunch at Taste, Dowling, Nerds, a special friendship a n d a ll the luck in the future. To Tim: ski trips. Ski Lift Line Dlues, tuna (charly, best in the w est). Library, bondage m an. Tape Lifting, Food Fights at Durger King, ride in rental car, car chases, dep charges, Yosem ite, C.C.'s, caca boletos, qu ad w restling, turkey sand­ w ich, N 0 2 , "yo u n e g a tive out". To Chuck: ski trips, a fight with Marna a n d a ski poll, old ladies, g a rb a g e cans. Tem ple of Doom. To Toph: car chases, stealin g signs, d ep charges, 4 w h e e lin g in the rental, Dowling, b o n d ag e m an, ski trip, P izza at 3:00 a.m ., Sw ensens, Ystsoom ah, "you n e g a tiv e out". To Hugh: another trip to Scripps, a w e e k e n d at Granies, The Morris Friedm an guild to " c le a n " sports. Q u a d Wrestling, an d car chase. To A pichai: A Dlowoff Senior Ye ar, anti-cram p cream , a few hours a t the Friedm an fun farm. A nd good luck in the future. To Jim: Shorts, Cigars, Q u a d W restling, Q u a d Diving, Q u a d Football — Hell, I le a v e you the Q u ad. To A n dy: A good Friendship an d Good Luck. To Grant: Tennis Tournam ent, 7-11 = Dock Pack = Dud, "H ey boy you burning S . . . p a p e r” , an d X-m as cards. To Sam: Tennis Tournaments, d eco y a t 7-11, fighting w h ile under the influence, "ta ke m e out to the b a ll g a m e " , a moon, an d Lox an d Dagels. To Lisa: Full time membership to the Friedm an Fam ily, Toy Store, an d m y lo ve an d luck in the future. To Laurie: Lunch at Taste in our booth, m essy e g g salad sandwich, A line that nobody crossed before, hands are faster than the hands, m y arm to w rite on, " . . . sorry . . . ” Prom, and all m y love. To Sarah: A ticket to D roadw ay, all the good times, A glass of w ater on Prom Night, lots of lo ve an d good luck. To Kirsten: Dand trips, gift certificate to Durger Kin g a n d 2 full moons. Todd and Tara: ski trips. Poker, good lunches, hairy chest (Tara). To Peter S.: The nam e "The Hack" an d a bow l of chicken soup. To m y teachers: all m y thanks. To Seniors: the best of luck in the future. To m y M om m y an d Daddy: all m y lo ve an d thanks. I. Natasha Haase, b ein g of sound body an d m isplaced mind, hereby beq u eath the follow ing. To Lillian: The great state of Durkina Faso, m ovies, trivia, Latin (la le n gu a de Dios), Chem istry, hangm an, Hemm in g w a y , science fiction (ie. PCDS), putting people through classes, "el presed en te". 7-11. Haase an d Tim pano deliver (30 minutes or its free), the M___________ m entality (proper noun, fill in the b lank), ice cream concessions. Prom comm ittees, lunch at Ed D eb evecks’?? Mr. Quick: sle ep in g on the job, one w h a le of a trip that I'll n eve r forget, Herbert, sub-atom ic particles, dream s. You 're a heck of a g u y . Ms. E.: Friday the 13th, w h a le s, "our favorite Freshm an", Heinlein, paths that cross again. Louise: Doctor Who, "H elp m e, Spockl". "stuffed" (Dritish style), Shake­ speare. life after PCDS, Drian: Calculus (W e took it to the limit). Debug. Drenda: Greer, your cooking, boyfriends, Nick: The "Did you know . . . ?" that n e ve r w as. Minutes that turned into hours. Eric: W hales, tea le a v e s, "It must be the operator." Eddie: Daybreaks, C-Compiler, a certain seditor's "hot d a te ” . Neil b Jed: M agister Houling, Caesar. Ma­ sada: "M athem atics is not a spectator sport". Tina: Dolphins. Senor Druning: Pichones a su entera satisfacion, una biblioteca llena de los libros de A n g e l del Rio, " L a V id a es Sueno", todo el suerte en el mundo. W illie: Calculus II, the equation of the universe, getting off on a tangent, enthusiasm . W illie, Mr. Raym ond, b Greer counselors: Thonks for two incredible years (despite the little brats.) Mr. Stokes: "This is true, now scholars . . . ", political jokes, p eer tutoring. Mr. Schweikher: 1904 — the ye ar, the class, the book, the m ovie, deflated egos, m y college future, Mr. Houle: Gratis tibi a g o duos annos sum m ae scientiae; (S I C S T U I). Mr. C an ad e : Science fiction, chess, 4 star vocob. words. Mr. Singer: "M a y b e w e could work a little harder next sem ester". The Smithsonian: Antique dust from m y locker. Mom b Dad: Thank you for everything. I lo ve you. A nd to all the p eo ple w ho m ade m e laugh, listened. Inspired, taught, cared, or in countless w a y s touched m y life positively; To thank you in words w ould lessen the gift. I hope I did the sam e for you. Adios, hasta la b ye-b ye . I, Jam es Q uinn Hornaday, hereby le a v e the follow ing to: Nick: the

perfect girlfriend, q n e w DMW, a n d the n ew sp ap er debt p a ye d offl Everything else you a lre a d y h a ve . California surfing, "Is that her b oy­ friend!?” #@ !$?*I, "D on't touch m y house!” . M ay you ge t a radiocontrolled autom atic shaver; D a ve : "W as your surfsuit tight in the crotch?” . How about your trip to Cal?, your n e w guitar an d all of Steve Luhather's licks, scotchguard, "It's that big!?” , "W ill i t ___________ on me?” ; Kirsten: " L O V E ” , an yth in g you con think of, a w arm sand y beach with a good sw e ll, a n e w car, private tim e and open conversations. Thanks for everything!,* K yle : From 1st grad e through 12th, our basket­ b all team , our soccer team s. North Mountain with the sailplanes, Pitts an d Xtn Ea g le , "W he n do you learn to drive?” ; Eric W.: I le a v e you all of m y Latin hom ew ork . . . right here!; Mr. Wilson: Thanks!! Rem em ber me w h e n e v e r you hit som eone. I, Eric W. Jackson, b ein g of stable m ind an d body, do h ereby le a v e the follow ing. To K y le (Kilfred): a Ram bo car — can vas. Patios I, II, III, FF., The Dent Penny Club, McDonalds, an d e ve ryth ing else I can't think of right now . To Jim V.: a real stereo. V a n Duren, ASU gam es, a new necking knob, your house, ESP, CheapTrick, A la b a m a , Pink Floyd, m y skis, Lori, Debbie, an d those lo nely knights w atching Dobie Gillis. To A ndrew : Basketball practice, electronics. Slim Jim Contours, w ater b al­ loons, an d b y all m eans, patience is a virtue. To Hugh: Tex, "Dench w arm ers” an d a cold "y e s, fa ce ” . To Tina: A clear m em ory of Henri, a com plete kn o w le d g e of geom etry an d A d v. Math, a n ew g o cart, m y Corvette, a n e xtre m ly stunning future to go with your outstanding past, m y Rabbit, San Francisco, an d most of all I'd like to g iv e you m y love an d sa y thanks. To Jim P.: a strong dose of pow er. To A n na R.: thanks for your friendship a n d em otional b ackin g. To John: Macio, Phil Collins, your diesel Rabbit an d the lost SAT's, and the bent penny club. To John P.: Chem istry, an d a n ew Cherokee Chief. To Tara: thanks for the card and for b ein g so nice. To Kirsten: a h a p p y birthday an d a n ew pair of sun glasses. To Nicole an d her g a n g : 7-11, ice cream , cookies, and m y b a d g e . To Mom a n d Dad: thank you for e ve ryth ing an d I love you both very m uch. To those of you I forgot. I'm sorry, but you try writing one of these. Later d a ys PCDS. I, Kim Klaiber, le a v e the follow ing w ishes, hopes an d memories, to: Marissa an d Ryan : a life of laughter and love, with g in gerb read houses a n d chocolate rivers and a ll things bright an d beautiful. You deserve a w orld infinitely kinder an d gentler. Mue and V a e : Fur alles, danke. Ich liebe euch. Lauren: the sam e you left m e, plus a roast b ee f and avo cad o sandw ich an d a Y u p p ie husband! Kirsten: Ranney! "The p e a ce of Saturn,” N ew Jersey beaches, crisis calls, tears an d laughter an d lots of love, no Jim s an d Johns an d Rons, lots of babies. Go-go bars, flow ers for Neal; ke e p dream ing an d "don't stop b e lie v in g .” Jennifer: the official volum e of the 70's greatest hits, a wardrobe an d coif to m atch, "right there . . . by that hole in the w a ll,” a shiny blue tent and a high fence, "I just forget to e a t . . . ” Breakfast at Tiffaney's and that poor cat. La Posada (the roof) an d the honked horn, staking out "En ig­ m a ” , "C a ffe in e ” (if you ge t that published . . . ), " a certain person,” incrim inating pictures, "Nothing w ill shock m e after you telling m e that . . . ” , and, of course, all m y love an d respect; you h a ve fin ally found all the happiness you deserve. Deth: 70 s haircuts, tucking hair behind ears, "skin n y” catalogs, fallin g off the rope tow, a Herb (of G y m 'n ” Sw im ) look-alike, concert shirts an d tails, Dilly Joel, Cars, Journey, Deach Boys an d the Fair, co-ordinated outfits and earrings, the definitive book of quotations, San Francisco or a sim ilar playgound, "Look out- the helicopter!” a second hole. Red Robin. Som eday, so m ew ay, all very soon, you 'll e n d long nights chasin' the moon . . . you know the rest. M ary a n d Kathy: Fahrt, "I must s a y ,” A sgar and his fam ed ad vice, "Le Lapin V ert,” "M onsieur, vos lum ieres . . . ” ditching Mike an d Lisa, "I'm so e m b arassed ,” big John G ibble, locked out in Luzern, scream ed at by a nun, Annette and m emories of the best summer. Karen: thanx for your honesty an d sincerity. You're a good critic and a caring person. Get organized! A nd stay h app y. A lyse: recognition of your incredible talent a n d all-too-rare decency -you're one of a kind. Thanx for the "it could be w orse” note! D aw n: "Y o u m ean three can fit?” Blaine and/or Lance, a lifetim e supply of yogurt, the freedom to never h ave to b ab ysit a ga in . You 're unique. Marie et Phillipe: Je vous remercie pour le m eilleur ete- Vous m e m anquez. I, Brenda Ligorsky, do le a v e the follow ing to the follow ing people: To Kim : "for a ll intents an d purposes,” A.P. U.S., "I think not,” "h o w very sad ” , Bruce, the J.S. National Park and Picnic Ground, yogurt, a Europe­ an vacation, e xch a n g e students, 2000 m ovies w e never saw , bare feet. Model U.N., e a rly action, an Italian Stallion, razor stubble, and Russian history. To D aw n: the Unm entionable, a ticket to Peru, 4000 sw eaters, yogurt, with yogurt chips. Globe, and a fun-filled ye ar of Physics! To Beth T.: 10 years at P.C.D.S., 7th hour, 35th St., Nosh, 7-11, long talks an d kicking back, the table, an d finally, an understanding

a n d friendship. To Deth A.: 7th hour, 35th St. Nosh, 7-11, the table, A C / DC, C at Stevens, Sham m y's, the one heck of a driver aw ard , and a special thanks for a lw a y s listening. To Jeff: the table, 1964, listening to J.G . in Basic, a sem ester of 'learn ing' Shakespeare, several p la ys full of notes, a n d a notebook of quotes. To Brian: 9 years of Spanish, English, a n d m ath classes. G eom etry (help!?!), Brennan, Physics, 2 volum es of b ad jokes, Europe trips, Model U.N., the Calculus I, an d the nightm are continues, m a n y phone calls, an d a special friendship that just w on't "g o a w a y ” . To Mr. Wilson: a book of m ultiple choice, an u n breakable m eter stick, "I don't understand” , an integral that doesn't "g o a w a y ” , an d a special thanks for all of your help. To Schw eik: a college ap plica­ tion with no d eadlines, students that appreciate you an d 2 more Ligorskys. Thank you for a lw a y s being there an d caring. To Senor: a class w ho appreciates Spanish literature, Brennan, a report card that com putes it's ow n G.P.A., "estoy can sa d a ” , y muchlsm as gracias para todo! To Sharon: DBG, your ow n phone, "Hi, hon” , the (finally!!), Haw aii, a n d pandas. To Debbie: dram a, tennis trophies. Dill Cosby, Rick, a future DBG, an d Don Jovi. To Mom and Dad: thank you for a lw a y s putting up w ith m y moods, a n d a lw a y s caring no m atter w h at I did. I lo ve you! To Ro, Rhonda, Debbie, C laudia, A n dy, Ron, and e ve ryo n e else from DDYO: see you at Life. I, Nick M cKay, h a vin g a m ind (no com m ent) and a body (no com­ m ent), le a v e the follow ing to: To Jim: Three trips around the Diltmore bridge an d a ride hom e for four, the store w here one can find some of those "A w e so m e Shades” , m a n y trips to S ylva n for you know w hat, N.D.'s phone num ber from 7-11, a n autom atic fountain cleaner, a boogie-board an d som e b i g __________ (for more information see W illy's d esk), an d a rib dinner com plete with St. Elmo's fire. To D ave: M any scraps of Ilford M ultigrade, e v e ry published version of The Upper School Bulletin, a certain Sony disc p la ye r (hint), a boom y car stereo, a front right w h e e l that works, a gerbil with ABB's body, an d an unused dead cat. To Pete: a good typew riter for your life story, a profound phrase — "H e's letting h is __________ do the ta lkin g ” , G.A.T. (preferably to Dad­ d y's), a legitim ate course in Pascal, an d m a n y issues of The D a y Star q II featuring Mr. Toll. To Julie: som e anti-itch spray for the legs, fun with Cannonvision 5, som e fettucini, the night of Jose, a useful tie, and a real horse that m oves an d everyth ing. To all D.S. Editors: three boxes of green-bar, a n e w ab sen ce policy, m a n y thanks, and some ad vice — w h y w ork so hard? To a ll future D.S. Editors: som e advice- work hard. To Elliot: a Radio-Shack soundsystem with 12 Zi speakers for your mudbuster. To J.D.: m y A d va n ce d Math notebook for e xam p le s in future courses. To Mr. Singer: a C-Compiler. To W illie: Thanks for your help e v e n in, uh, another course. To Mr. Zan k: Relaxed? Sure I'm relaxed. It's so funny that you a sk that. To m y Dad: Thanks untouchable in words. To PCDS: a n ew s — m a g a zin e an d the best of luck. I, Laurie Mittenthal, being of overtaxed mind an d unrespected body h ereb y le a v e the follow ing to: A le x o : trying everything once, all our "firsts” , our "trip” , a cookie, ballet shoes, a playgirl and a place in m y heart forever. Although time steals from us, you w ill a lw a y s be inside of m e as one of the most important people in m y life. S.S. forever and ever . . . I lo ve you a lw a y s . Brian: A clock that never m oves — a night that n eve r ends, W indham Hill, ch am p agn e by the pool, a starry night in the quad, an d a w orld that revolves around two people. I know that world exists for us som ew here. Here's to the three beautiful years I've spent with you — y o u 'v e b een everyth ing to me. And here's to that yacht in the Carribean. Decem ber, side two. I w ill love you a lw a y s Dri. Red and w hite carnations forever . . . Sarah: a night with a red moon, a fur rug, an d our silver friend, the red book, the Mountain ("th e burps are com ing!” , "W ho eats Mint Milanos . . . ?” ), the Com m une and the fire hydrant, everyth ing I should h a ve said one particular night, the lake, muffins at m idnight, the "thing with m y m om ” and the "O hio incident” , the best conversations, all the W indham Hill album s you can't buy, and the one thing I perhaps don't sa y often enough: I love you Sarah. I will a lw a y s love you. You h a ve g iv e n me so much. Here's to us (a single identity?) forever. Kirsten: all the reassurance w e a lw a y s seem ed to be looking for, graphic details. Dr. Epstein, a d a y at the ocean, a moth on the w a ll, a n a p o lo g y for junior ye a r but a celebration for our senior one — I'm so g la d w e cam e back together. Yo u 'v e been wonderful. Love to you a lw a y s. G oodbye, hello, goodbye, yes, thank you, goodbye. Lisa: the W hale Trip!, a se xy bare foot, flying over the w a ves, tears in Encenada, Chris 6 Phil, ("W h at do I do with it?” ). That w as the best! Thanks for everyth ing Lis. Grant: an a p ology for w hat happened but a rem em brance of the good. Rem em ber the foundation. Morris: our table, e v e ry line you w eren't supposed to cross but did a n y w a y , hands that are quicker than mine, a free pass to see "Country” with Jessica Lange, an d the time w e never had. Good luck to you Morris. A ndrea: a yearbo ok without pictures, a conversation without yearbook, a flooded


darkroom , ("Lo o k ot the LIN O LEU M I'). South Phoenix, an d all the times w e n e v e r h ad that w eren 't related to yearbook. I'm sorry if w a s that w a y b ecau se I think it could h a ve b een different. Tina: A wish that so m e d a y w e m ight connect on comm on ground. M am a: Ensenada, a lifetim e su p p ly of silver rings, "W ho tee-peed the house?", a pinch in the . . . . lots of w rinkles, a n d m y best w ishes for you a lw a y s . To Enus m y lo v e : trenchcoats, boots an d a b ike ride to Scottsdale, a m an that w ill talk, an erotic e xp e rien ce, an d a thank-you for w elcom ing m e to this foreign place. Tara: our cuddly b Physiological love, a d a y at the s w a p m eet, no put dow ns, an d all the dem onstrative affection you desire. Todd: M y " S e k ia k i" bike, physics, Hunan's, an d a conversation that w a s lost som ew here. A n d y: Sophom ore year? Laura: "A re you n e w ?" — "Is this geom etry?", long hair, beads, b a p eace sign, all the liberalness that d efied our differences. Thank you for a lw a y s b eing so lo vin g a n d supportive. Em ily: Our potential. Mr. Stokes: a cup full of gratitude. Mr. Coon: Thanks for being not on ly a n understanding advisor but a friend as w e ll. Mr. Schw eikher: A b ackp ackin g trip across Europe. Mr. Cook: appreciation for three artistic years at PCDS. Thank you for h elping m e grow . M ada m e A rlette (m om ): merci pour ton am itie. Mr. C a n a d e: Yo u h a v e been one of the most energetic an d inspiring English teachers I h a v e e ve r had. I respect you gre atly. Mom: You h a ve never stopped b ein g a beautiful mother an d friend to me. Thank you for all the lo ve a n d support you a lw a y s g iv e . I could not h a ve m ode it without you. I lo ve you. P apa: You 're the best there is. M ay Hummin' Hal Heppindorf. Carstoirs Cut-one, an d Barry Brown-nose live on in infam y. Thank you for all you h a ve done for m e Pap a, I lo ve you a lw a y s . To A rizo n a a s a w h ole: I can now truly love an d appreciate all you h a ve to offer. Thank you for becom ing a home. I, G rant Pierce, b ein g of p eaceful mind an d body do w ill the follow ­ ing to: Morris: a b a ckp ack, a g e ta w a y car, a n accom plice, an d a tennis tournam ent, a p iece of ad vice: be careful with m atches, w h at you burn w ith them , an d w here. Natalie: A n " A " in a d va n ce d math, a leading role in a p la y , a sm ile, a candle, peace, love, an d happiness. Mark: A tie d y e a n d a D ead shirt, m a n y more psychedelic sunrises, a 2 lb. b uddy, Ja m es Taylor, a n ew sprinkler system , an d a tow out of a w ash. Laurie: a n em p ty ch a m p a gn e bottle a n d a d ead flow er. Tum ay: A p la n e ticket to the U.S., a tour, an d an e xplanatio n for all the crazy things you m a y encounter. K yle : Bang A w ater fight on the acropolis, a n e w car ja ck, a n d a Ms. E class. Beth T.: a brand n ew table w h erever you w a n t it. Pink Floyd a n d echo can yon . Beth A.: A trip to the library. Pink Floyd, an d echo can yon . Hey. thanks for b eing there. Mike A.: a case, a h e a v ily g uarde d ja c u zzi overflow ing with bubbles, an d a rem em berance of a ll the things w e got a w a y with, e ve n the things w e didn't g e t a w a y with. You w e re a g re at friend-good luck in the m a­ rines. A le x : Long- lasting life out of a w e ll earned b aja bug, em pty pockets, onion rings an d a coke, g u m b y on a fence, an d endless hours of Pink Floyd an d Led Ze p pe lin . Andrea: an essa y writing m achine, a toilet in an a lle y in dow ntow n Phoenix, an anchor, a b u zz in english, a hallucination, an d more cut-up levis. Morrisa: Even though I didn't know w h a t to le a v e you at the tim e I w rote this, I didn't w a n t you to be left out so I w ill w ish you luck iq. your upcom ing ye a r of lunacy as a Senior. Joe: a trip b ack through tim e to the 70's to follow a Led Zep pelin tour, a guitar gift certificate good for a n y guitar of your choice, a Ferrari, a ride in a cop car. thanks for the help at Phil Collins, you're a great friend. Gordon a n d the rest: much luck in your upcom ing years of lunacy. Jeff: a roadtrip to a D ead show, a trip back through time with m e to Woodstock, a Phi K a p p a Tau party them e- "W e can share the w om en "- G.D.. m a n y psychodelic sunrises, a tie-dye, a 2 lb. bud, a suspicious cop to follow you e ve ry w h e re , more guitar lessons, Creedence Clearw ater R e v iv a l, an d a G.D. pin. Parents an d school: I'm sorry for all the bad things I'v e done, let's just rem em ber the good times. I'd like to sum up m y years here by quoting the Greatful Dead- "W hat a long strange trip it's b ee n ." I, Joseph Pullaro, le a v e the follow ing to the follow ing in the follow ­ ing, To Jeff Dutton: I le a v e a '59 Gibson Leo Paul. K e e p practicing . . . Here's to skiing (cheers.). W e'll do it a g a in I'm sure. I also le a v e 'A all royalties from our hit single. I le a v e to A ndrea (Hosette): 1 pum pernick­ el b a g e l w /cre a m cheese, an d a check worth about $70. To Mike A.: Sum m er school with Serok, -w hat a scream ., here's to feelin g like "e sca p e d convicts" an d to the opening night of our p lay, "I w ould like . . . to b u y . . . som e . . . b ean s". I le a v e the m em ories of our entire freshm an an d sophom ore years. No mo BUETS . . . P.E. . . . C A R "5 " . . . Ms. E's class, an d all the cool times . . . w e 'v e been through a lot from Bio pits to clea n in g out Art rooms . . . Hey Hey K yle : I hereby dub the cham pion m orksm an of P.C.D.S. and w h e n e ver you feel dehydrated, think of m e, okay?. To Joonna (Bud): I le a v e to you one sailboat, a limo, an d a copy of a song b y the Power Station. To Beth Thomsen: God.


w h e re do I start? The times w e spent together are very speciol to me. these m em ories I w ill hold forever. By the w a y - Let's go bow lin' . . . then to lunch . . . then to the la ke . . . To Beth Anderson: Let's hope the tab le n eve r talks, b ecau se If it could . . . Th an x for prom (a story within itself). I le a v e you three things: A Jorking locker, duplicates of m y car keys, a n d a v e ry large hug. Hang loose . . . To A lyse an d Issa: I leave you both a special book entitled, "101 w a y s to w in at Sherades". Sounds like bike? To D aw n Clark: For you I le a v e a big hug, a dress (that I n e ve r sa w ), a n d a g re at room with a fireplace (to curl up to). Take care. A n d to G rant (Evan , Leandro, Nicholas, Jack, Earnest): To you I le a v e , I guess w h a t you w ould call a past, a present, an d a future. A past: m em ories like car "5 ", sitting in Toll's office, our special prepara­ tion for a U.S. history e xam , Bessy & Christine, a sword fight with Various chase scenes, R aym ond's classes, a n d m a n y cool w eekends. By the present i m ean here an d now - our last sem ester here. A nd last but not least, I le a v e you the future- more things to com e AFTER w e graduate. These last couple years h a ve been unforgetable. I'm sure there w ill be more . . . I, Jim Purdy, b ein g of deshorts m ind and body, hereby le a v e : To Chuck: the com bined 11, a w in n e b e g o party. Tim: the ultimate celebri­ ty, fun in England, a ll the shm unda you can eat. To Peter: the Bulgarian national anthem , the pink condo . . . the w a y it used to be. To Kevin: the bronco . . . if you can k e e p it right side up, qu ad wrestling. To Hugh: bottle caps to pick up, m etaphysics in south Phoenix, Big Red on your w a te r hose. To Chris: Scones, all m y palid shirts. To Toph: depth charg­ ing, Faces of Death. To Bobby: a trip to Las V e ga s, a scholarship to J.P.U. To Morris, M am a, an d Kirby: M enlo excitem ent, Vince, strawberry daqu eries . . . virgin, trips to S.F., thanks for the fun. To Dino: a w a lk on the golf course, lots of quarters at a good m ovie house. To Jenna: the old Hank. To M agic: the force, a n e w Le Car, To Andrew : a loop. To Louuuu: glasses. To Tina: a Su n day ski trip, dim es an d donuts. To Eric: m y Latin hom ew ork. To Jed: driving lessons. A nd last but not least, to John: a lifetim e subscription to U.S.A. Today, a shell that looks like the real thing. G O O D B YE EVERYONE. I, A n n a Marie, of absolute abnorm ality, w ill m y entire high school career to a n y o n e dum b enough to take it. To Boltz: babysitting at the drive-in, lunch at Scott's, Christmas shopping- how much w as that? V ikin g quarters, a future in Boston, being in the ju n gle, vacations on the M ountains of Jam aica , a career as an athletic supporter, a date with Ken, the V a lle y Art Theater (I'v e got the K a ys), a n invitation to a PCDS party, a room organizer. W elfare food, THE city, an d things yet to h a p p e n . . . To Shad a n d his kind: a d ozen b a ge ls (th ey are disposable, a n d don't g e t re v e n g e ). To 'Cole: No more sick affairs, lots of muscles, a n d the perfect m ole specim en. To Marna: a n ew pin, "i g iv e up", my w a n n a b e bracelet, a n d a d a y b ein g normal. To Toph: trivial pursuit an d a p lace to spend the night. To Ke ll Bell: another box of macaroni a n d cheese, m y apartm ent w h e ne ver, a black crayon and Christmas cookies. To Dino: a charbroiled nugget, year-old ketchup and a p a ge in G Q . To Em an d Ann: m a n y h a p p y returns, an d laughter from the loonland. To T: a m em ory of Latin (so you can talk to God w h en you die) a n d a m ajor pity party. To Nat: not too m a n y depression sessions, insence, p e a ce an d gin sen g sm okes. To Eric: — "W an ta Dym acol?” , a cor for m e to drive, an d death to the TW O FACES. To Grunt: a few words to your co lle ge adm issions administrator, a license to kill (a certain som eone), n ew Turkey pants. To Sue: a few more bruises, something le g a l to do on the w eeken d s, a w e e k e n d "d u b in g " in California. To A n d y: there w a s som ething I w onted to K e e p (an d thus g iv e to you) but it got lost one w e e k . To K yle : a w hole n ew thing of ammunition, an d a body in the refrigerator. To Mr. Hoolito: m any more students who don't ch a n ge the subject all of the time. To J.D.: you're as normal as the rest of us. To the Man with the M andate: more organization than I had. a n d no m ore cousins to terrorize you. To Mom & Dad: no pink frills, no gold en curls, no perfection, no last laugh. I, Tim Richey, b ein g of a n unsound mind, le a v e the follow ing: To K.W .: Baseball, w hoo, woo, whoo, stop studying, cooler, Serok, Petes, Back-in-Black, R a is in ' suntan, rolling Jim m y. To C.B.: hunting, Yosem ite, Sw a llo w in g , Rad Blazer, A la b a m a. 4 w h e elin g, beginner skier, better batting a v e ra g e , Cautiously. . . . Indy entered the Tem ple of Doom, L.A. bus station. D ixieland Delight, deer paw s. Exorcist, dip. To K.S.: w h a le trip, a n ew w a ll. N ew Times, D a ve Pratt, KUPD, Pizza at 3 a.m ., Jen n a's car. SMD. bow ling, 90 m.p.h., g a rb a g e cans, put it in a b a g an d bring it over, crank calls, lights, law n jobs, firecrackers. Rock - - - (bare), b reak stands, burping. To J.P.: shorts, God, Bronco, 12th ave. Hatcher, vid eo gam es, parties, e n e rg y projects, V.E. at graduation, qu ad w restling, ditch d ay, B-ball, Porsche 944. To S.M.: McGruff. Dino, Howard Jones, 4th period, 7-11, brodies, plugs, learning to drive, Span­ ish, talkin g sick, old friends, bite of m y w ater. To D.S.: Sara, Nick's party,

b reakdow n, golf course, n e w music, shom oonda. To H.D.: Phil Collins, p izza , Rush'n Attack, Tasty Duds, O n e of the woods, Jim m y Duffet, ride in the Supra. To P.D.: clubhouse roof, w ild turkey, golf parties, Kirby's party. To K.H.: North Dank, rag sessions, sailing, J.V . party, Cam elb ack Mountain, b asketb all gam e s, strip D.S., rumors, quarters. To J.C.: a new car, throw ing e g g s at priests. To D.A.: a n ew je e p , Porsche, Sara, shorts, parties. To M.F.: Dondage m an, library, fires, drones getting chased, poker, talk w ith J.D., ski lift blues, dents In the Honda, nerds. To D.F.: signs, lots of food, turkey sard x nicks, Dallas, blinkers, b ad manners. W illy: b a ckp a ck in g, your apartm ent, w e e k e n d stories, bow ling club, new jokes, a w ife, thanks for b ein g a great friend. To M.F.*. Spanish class, Durger Kin g, food fights, bus ride, lau ghin g. To J.V.: 4 w h eelin g, rabbit hunting, getting stuck, sw itching cars on Cam elb ack, Rice Krispies, gla ss of m ilk, ice cream scoop, rear tail light. To Api: break dancing, M iami Vice, Thai sticks, soccer, M ichael Jackson. To J.D.: red pin, broom. To M.R.: Tara, m agic fond mem ories, soccer stud, learn to ski. TO P.C.D.S.: sunflow er seed shells. I, D a v e Rigberg, b eing of ad eq u ate mind an d more than pragm atic body, beq u eath the follow ing to the follow ing: To Pete: Mike Tenby's social life, Larry Carlton, G ow an , rulers ("som e girls out here w an t to see y o u ” ), D a v e Pouches accent (fully!). Grahm Donnet's voice, and a girlfriend that's NEVER HEARD O F SPAIN. To Nick: the stereo from m y SAAD, 200 points for your English SAT, a photographer with no excuses, a shotgun to protect yourself a t Taste, and a girl w ho looks a lot like Donna Dixon with Kath leen Turner's legs. To Jim H.: a black perfor­ m ance with Kahler, EMG, and a silver pick guard, Stevie V a i's guitar pick (not the one I got), a p lan e that re a lly gets off the ground, an d I'm sure you could find a girl w ithout m e le a v in g you one. To the Purd: a spot on the NDA team of your choice, an d an all e xp e n se paid trip to N ogales. To Drian: an apprenticeship with Darry Dlack, and a contract with Dill Druford. To Tara an d Todd: Nick's best wishes. To Sarah: m y senior w ill (w h o cares if it's late?) To Laurie: the n ew w ardrobe you asked for. To Kevin : your mom, a tan, an d a shavin g razor. To Andy: a fifty point g a m e , an d success at Haverford. To Elliot: a car that Kevin Can't drive! To D aw n: a date with the deaf, albino, m idget of your choice. To Dino an d Daniel: Dio Rob Halford's pass. To Hugh an d Steve: the ugliest sounding guitars m ade to an no y a certain som eone w hen I le a v e . To Daggot: a better laugh. To Mr. Stokes: a vocal spot on Richard Thom pson's next LP a n d a sanitation engineer's pension. To Schw eik: a headm aster's job at a n all girl's school for political activists in Darbados. To Mr. Coon: an a d vise e as fantastic an d talented as I am . To Mr. Wolpert: a 60% on a test (4 * 4 = 1 2 ). To Cindy: a typew riter that never breaks dow n an d a non-travelling jo b for Ja y . To Matt: My m usical taste an d an yth in g from m y room w h en I take off (ye s e ve n the stereo). And to e ve ryo n e I didn't m ention, it's because I wrote this w h ile sitting next to Mr. Coon during A.P. English class an d I had to look like I w a s p a yin g attention. A n y w a y , I le a v e you all a copy of Eddie Jobsons ZINC album a n d a n y alb u m b y Rush, S aga, Yes, G enesis, Jethro Tull, Toto, or Marillion. See m e for substitutes. I, Lisa Salvatore, le a v e the follow ing m em ories to: Marna: Kirsten's bathroom in Payson, na-na, micca, sophomore ski trip (the uncomfort­ a b le chair), a license to , divin e ice cream , Lunt A v e ., "Did you feel it?” , sailin g at McCormick Ranch, " p la y in g ” tennis, m arvy, "you're soooo tan ” , the best w h a le trip (I'm only tw e lve ), and m any more things. You 're the best of friends, thanks, love y a . To Drea: and you m a y ask yourself, a date w /Josh, how ruuuude, K.S.'s red bug, tennis w /D aker, bendejos. To Laurie: a life's supply of bandaids. The Prince in Shining Armour, our 8:00 p.m. appointm ents, tan feet, French IV, the back to the future laugh, Ensenada, "I m ade in m y pants” , "Did I do it o kay?” , 69, your hilarious faces. To Morris: hey bro, the kids in the biltmore, "do you w a n n a p la y doctor” , m atches, breaking out the car, toys in freshm an civ. To Todd: The "H” word, your Thing, - - - - POKER, sophom ore ski trip, Doy Wonder, I'll be looking for you at the Olym pics. To Tara: so w h en's the wedding?, chorus, the Supremes, a carton of buttons, Mel's car at UA5, sophomore ski trip talking about the "G ” m an. The Api: free dancing lessons, a ticket to e ve ry p la y on Droadw a y . To Kirsten: bow dancing, Todd's Thing, sun dried raisins, "Tell me b a b y w h at it is you n ee d ” , ge n ie pants and weird moods, Fridays in A lg e b ra I, the m a n y talks, nu-uh, the perfect g u y. To David: here's to b eing twins, w ill you lend m e som e m oney w hen you becom e rich?, I wish you the best Senior year. To the future Meryl Streep (Sarah): to a re n ew ed closer friendship, studying for the China e xam , an affair w /?, the tapes you h a ve to come watch, a lint brush, the rude ladies at Nosh, hand b ags (lots of 'em ). To Drian: lunches at Taste, aim ing w /straw paper. Cotillion '84, Frankie concert, 8th grade grad party, Spanish V (ha-ha), the m ovie at Kirsten's house in Payson. To Julie: photography a n d China, m y w eird moods, sanctuary from? To Debbie 8 Robin:

sw im m in g on the kitchen floor. M am a's an d m y w eird moods, 7-11, N ew Y e a r's Eve, 2 of the best sisters. To John: w h en the red red robin, girl's w inter coat, d ancin g in the rain, Hunans and Protocol, better luck at Derkely. To Druce: Kant m oove dis finger no m ow, Hunans and Protocol (w h at's a ?), "Did you sh a ve today?” , ice for your leg. To Fransisco & A n a: the fun times at your house, m eeting after 9 years, the best of luck in the future. To Jed: an A in Chem istry, 7th period frees, entrance to U of H. To Andrew : Datman, w h a le .35. To Schw eik: the boy orator, thanks for the great co llege counseling 6 the friendship. To M adam e: thanks for a lw a y s listening, le petit Napoleon, a warm smile. To Cook: fun times in your classes. Son. Fran. & e xch a n g in g recipes (I fin a lly m ade it). To the rest of the faculty: thanks for 4 of the best years. I'll a lw a y s rem em ber you. To m y parents: thank you for all the love, support, a n d the opportunity to stay at the sam e school for 4 years, I LO V E YO U . To m y classm ates: a toast to a bright an d prosperous future for us all. I, Ju lie Schaefer, h a vin g survived a tw o ye a r m em bership at the P.C.D.S. Country C lub do h ereby le a v e the follow ing to m y fam ily and fello w Club m em bers: To Mel: pepper an d salt, our ow n wim pie-heftie Com m ercials, d e e p talks at Ed's, seat belts for you Denz, romance scenes w /R o b Low e, USC m en, m any visitors to Chicago 17, pink 6 green , "the Salvatore zoo” , your short term sister, the real Madonna, kniche 6 b a ge l runs, an d an invitation to visit w h enever. To Tam m y: Your ow n stars an d m ountains, our yogurt shop, the covers of all big n am e m a ga zin e s, an d lots of future visits to Scripps. To Kirsten: Dratsl, the trig, proofs and Mel Gibson, ye llo w , Greer-row your boat, Tara's tow el, long pottie?, an d lots of love (an d hugs). To Tara: "b ig and u g ly ” , cookie dough syndrom e, safari undies, Greer '85, a short bike ride, and our future at Scrippsl To Todd: red CRX's, Malcolm X, boy wonder imitations, an d your spot in the Olym pics. To Tina: Deaufords, pottie-not w h e e d le , u n read ab le writing, an d tastyl To Eric J.: Diffy 6 Duffy, the other Eric, Mr. Dill, a perm anent escort, and your confused hormones. To A n drea: your ow n brow nie pan. To Kim & Mindy: long distance friend­ ships re ally do last! To Sarah an d Laurie: yearbook deadlines. To Peter D.: drought, fam ine, and Durkino Faso. To Kyle: perfect SAT's, "M eow Z e d o n g ” , a n d a g re at future. To M arna: horse-back riding, non stop shopping (alo n e), an d your endless laughs. To Mr. Cook: m y watches, m ore clothes an d colored top-siders, another art room, your future in H aw aii, an d much lo ve an d respect. To Mr. Stokes: the chorus teacher, decisions, a thank you for everyth ing — I'd never be at peace without your advice! To all m y teachers: a big thank you for all the help in the past tw o years. To Eric: a ripless blue blan kie, a Lam borghini countach for your sixteenth, five more wonderful years at P.C.D.S., an d lots of hugs a n d kisses. Finally, to Mom an d Dad: you're the best! I lo ve you!! I, John Schw arzm ann, being of sound m ind but small body, bequeath the follow ing unto the follow ing: To Eric: lunch at Mc's, your Le Car and a fixed-up Godrini, Macro class with and w / o typing students (w hich do you like better?), car conversation. C h eap Trick's "Voices” , weird dream s, Freshm an w h a le trip (Cedros Island), a real photo session for your Senior portrait, "H ow 's it going, EH?” , a brenda-fest, and a fantastic friendship; Good Luck! To K yle : Quintessential Deef (Q u e e f for short), Your side of the quad. Your dom ain dow n THERE, "O n e chim ichanga . . . ” , a girl of your choice, C e za n n e and other intelligent Physics discussions-the best of luck to you. To Elliot: Porsches (928-959), Lamborghinis, Ferraris (your choice), com paring grades, a 4.0 forever, the autobahn, "a w e so m e ” , early-m orning yearbook sessions, video gam e s, an d free m ovies for the rest of your life- yo u 've been a great friend-good luck to you! To Drian: Com puter classes (e sp ecially macro), Spanish (e sp e cia lly Spanish V), "Chihuahua- Vam os a morir” , video­ g a m e ja m m in g sessions at Sopla Afuero, y o u 'v e been a great friend, let's do it a g a in som etim e. Kirsten: Spanish ii-V, A d van ced Dio- "Can I ask you a Q uick questions?” , a brenda-fest, "H ow 's it going, EH?” , and a ll the good times together, yo u 've been a kind and understanding friend. To D aw n: Phil Collins' Concert, Phu-including your friends. Physics an d Calculus- It's been fun. To Todd: OTC and w inning the Tour de France. To Nick: Editing, a com petent 4-person layout team , Phil Collins, Ms. E's AMC, an d e xam sessions for math classes. To A n dy N.: CCom piler class an d tw o peer recommendations. To Cindy: Spain, the other drumstick, m y humor (b a d or good), lots of love, and a friendship which w ill last forever. To Heather: Spain, a return trip, bicycling, m y grades, trendies, mods, much love and a strong friendship. To Tom: trips to 7-11, a black-glossy Lam borghini, and a bruise on your left leg. To Joan na J.: Nosh, an interior designer job, and an all- expen se paid trip to g o skiing. To Kristy Hamilton: our Macro class (b ad jokes and all) and 3 more years of typ in g class. To Liesel: Everything good I've never said about you and much love. To Mom and Dad: Thanks for being good friends, not just great parents. I Love you!


I. A n d y Shanken, being of w an d erin g mind an d e y e s an d 100% Playdoe body, le a v e m y lungs, kidn eys an d heart to the science deport­ m ent for research. I le a v e m y e y e s to the "w a tch er in the sky " w ho surely know s th e y h a v e seen too much, i le a v e m y sincere optomism althou gh tainted b y sarcasm , to the abolishm ent of the injustices and closed-m indedness presented b y our conservative society. To PCDS students I le a v e the kn o w le d g e that the faculty are tops as teachers, but e sp e cia lly as peo ple; Schw eik-I'm off learning Art Histoy and Com ­ m unism a t Haverford, thanks. Mr. Coon-I enjoyed our frequent chats, often the only w orthw hile part of m y school d a y. Mr. Quick-! truly adm ire your character don't ch a n ge. M adam e, tu m e m anquerai beaucoup. Mr. W ilson-you are m y idea of w h at teaching is about. Mr. Can ad e-th an ks for an Inspired introduction to Poe an d all things super­ natural. To Mr. Zan k-th e opportunity to be the faculty advisor of the Dissident Club. To Cin d y P.-a couple more hands an d more recognition for your w ork with com m unity service. To Mr. Raym ond-the n ew job as "w a tch e r in the s k y ". To m y friends in gen e ral, I le a v e the e n e rg y to try an d understand m e. To Nick I le a v e a looser tie. To Drian, 4 a ll e xp e n se p aid yours to Juliard. To K y le , endless fun and friendship in Philadel­ phia. Peter, a fetish for a brunette, for once. D avid, tw eezers an d an electron microscope. A ndrea, a tie for the socialite a w a rd with me. I le a v e m y sarcasm to D aw n . To Morris, one lousy go al, a couple more brothers a n d sisters an d m y vote for the e a g le a w ard . To Marna, the job of o rg a n izin g us all for reunions. To Jim P., a V -shaped basket for stuffing his b a ll info. To Anna-M arie, a more consistant an d understanding friend than I w as. To Tina, a o n e -w a y mirror — I'm sorry again, Tina. To e ve ry o n e rem em ber, ke e p in touch . . . To Eddie I le a v e only the future an d m y confidence that an yth in g worth w h ile Produces the most pro­ fuse sw e at. A n d also a hug. oh no, erase that) To Mom, cut the Ministers, Shm endricks an d C ow b oys an d I le a v e you the Statue of Liverty. I. Tara Shire, le a v e the follow ing to: Todd: SOPH. — Madness, the thing, shared secrets. "W e're just friends", that Thursday at the can ­ celled V -b a ll g a m e , Berkenstocksl, "yo u sh a ve your legs!", m any m any m ovies, ski trip ,__________ poker, som eone's crying attack, "stop look­ in g ", JUNIOR: — Drive-in, crimes of passion, s e w a g e streets, CRX — SI, ski trip, driving, St. Lukes. A rby's, m agic fingers, prom, coronado, spiderm an glasses, our long talk, "W hat if?", phone bills, Mrs. Fields, SENIOR: — M aybe, "Le t's not talk about it", I miss you, biking, safford, holding hands, m y u g ly shorts, our surprises, California, bum per cars, BEEP BEEP, the river, safari underw ear, your m y best friend never forget that!! M imi: "Stop la u g h in g ", V o lle yb a ll, ski trip, blackjack, "M arna doesn't h a v e a p illow !", sle ep in g w ith Lisa, Todds birthday party. "O K , w ho didn't p a y ?", "Kiss w ho?", m y tips! Lisa: The big H i one of the tw o J's, chorus, big an d u gly , "W h y do fools fall in lo ve ", a quick m akeu p ch a n g e , the G m an, ski trip. D rew zie ; lunch at your club Coronado, spiderm an glasses, Christy, "ta ke a w a lk on the w ild side". K y le : Yosem ite, "I w a n t to hug a b ea r", an im al crackers, K yle K y le Crocodile, jin g le earrings, y e llo w glasses an d sailor caps, Chinese gardens. Dri: an A + on a history paper, no children that e ve r resem ble Drieser, Milk — it does your body good, Greer, "M am a had a b a b y . . . ", our leon-to. Chi C hi Num Num : Piedon, Fontong, B eadza, D w ay, Y e n zin g, personal talks, b ein g raped b y a tree, "Double, Double . . . Please" twice, lots of grundies an d a BMB. Laurie: A.S. -our true lo ve (h oi) physiological or cuddling, s w a p m eet shopping, Kirsten's party, Jules: Scripps!Greer, the cookie dough syndrom e, shopping, safari pants, b iking-"you're a w h im p ". Big a n d Ugly. Sarah: Shakespeare, U.N. — gross food, dud peo ple, but lots of fun, sw a p m eet shopping. Tina: T, V-ball, all-state, state tournam ent, the right side of the court, you rag, Rapunzil. Eric: Artichokes, lunches out, w a lk backw ards in San Fran. David: a more accurate tap e m easure, a set of soup spoons. Nick: W e love your couch. Morris: m y ex-hu b b y, m y cheating, "Hi, m y nam 's ch u b b y", ski trip, e g g in g dauras. M am a's driving. Peter: a night with the exotic dancer, AP English Attacks. Heather: V o lle yb a ll, bench warm ers, Todd's dogzooooom l a private couch outside the girls bathroom, Johnl A na: A na Putana Christina A la n a , Sushi! Christmas cookies, G regl Greg: A lot of trash cans a n d physical abuse. Lara: V-ball, State, boxers, colored hair. Mrs. D.: You rag, you're the best, ke e p your pants on! Mr. Cook: Thonks for e ve ryth ing, San Fran, w a s the best! Mel: "G etting tired", jackrabbits, an d rattlers, ski trip, that certain perfum e, Coronadol, shopping, your a super friend. W illie Jo e Dob: you're a super teacher, thanks! M adam e a n d Mr. Schw eihker: You w ere both super advisors an d great teachersl Thonks to all the faculty! To m y parents and brothers, thanks for all the lo ve an d support! I, Tina Simonds, le a v e the follow ing; To Heather R.: a certain . . . "H ill", C a m e lb ack Mountain, b a llo o n s__________ you know w ho w ants a party? . . . uugghh, tasty-McDLT’s forever, a spirited New Years, m y


sophisticated conditions- your laugh, can tabs, too much fun- remember w h a t friends are for, i'll miss youl!! I lo ve you X O X O . To Brian; Tom Scott goofy glasses, Felton’s Follies, m ilk an d a carrot, bow ling- enlarged finger shadow s, NAU . . . ja z z , the tim e w e spent together . . . I love you. To Brooke: pooch, snug, hallo, "re a lly I do . . ." , a special friend^rip, I love yo u l To Laurie: C a m elb ack Mountain, beef w/broccoli, 'jio e y got flushed . . . " , frantic french fits to the library with Sarah and m e, a sim ilar co lle ge — good luck. Love you. To Sarah: morning beagtols, french excursions, com m unity service- all m y love. To Eric J.: " . . . w hich car", freddie’s re ven ge- a fun night. Boxers-1 never got, go carts, sim ilar a p p e a ra n ce - opposite taste buds, m y math tutor, you m ean alot to m e- Love a lw a y s . To Dino an d Kain e: firecrackers and ants, late nights, rockets, g o carting, fiero- P.O.S. as of June 9th- sorry. I love you!) Tg Kris: your fa m ily an d beautiful e yes, " . . . I gotta go . . . "-stayrrjemories, good times, a ll m y love! To Marna: I think I need som e more "M alt O ' M e al", mopeds? ice blocking, overnight slum ber parties — S w en sen 's at w h at time? Dim ples in the midst of performances, our m a n y jokes- better yet, w e a lw a y s laugh, long conversations on the beach about . . . life, you 're special. I lo ve you! To Kirsten C.: raisens, b an d trips, M cDonalds, your party- M arna's problem . . . . A lgeb ra- "do you h a ve a pen I can borrow?", Lots of luv! To Tim R.: I'm at Toph's, don't d rive vast, lo ve y a . To Lisa: coincident fam ily birthdays. San Fran., a p re p p y look, Tita. To A n d y S.: a Philosophical out look on life. To Julie S.: beaufords, 7th hour- com e on . . . ready, San Fran., intimate convoit's none of her business. Diet Coke-Coke-chips. I'll miss you. Todd: Take core of yourself a n d "T ". I lo ve you. To Natasha: a collection of memo­ ries an d a fantastic future. No hard feelings. To K yle : Your ow n badge an d T.V. crim e show , a great future. To Andrew : tire tracks. A lg eb ra II, a gre at sense of humor. To Morris: d apper outfits, Brooke an d your lap for a bed, b and trips, b reakin ' w a v e s- before m eals, a 4X4 ice ball, staying up a ll night. A ll m y love. To Kim K.: teddy bear keych ain , geom etry. How ab ou t lunch? The Boss, a love for art. To Jim H.: Let's go skiing! To Chuck: b ein g hum an, tobacco, country life . . . To Jim P: Snowbowl, b ein g hum an, lots of love. To Elliot: m y robot wotch, french class and a Porsche. To D a v e R.: a one track mind, m any "interesting" talks- Ha­ w a ii- the beach , I really don't h a ve a problem?, Girbaud Jeans, musicalThe Dregs, d a y — glo, an d all m y love. To Peter B.: w h at is right?, the G olden Bear I n eve r had. To Andrea: bathroom talks . . . I don't really do this . . . . centipede, "Y o u w en t to K iv a " . . . sorry, basketball, -SET UPi I'll miss you. To A n n a Banna: fulm on pulsit it . . . an d others, pity parties forever, w h ere do you g et your hair cut . . . M argareta? Girbaud Pants . . . cool! A Brouche, Latin- w h o cares . . . I'm retarded. Lu vya. To Joan na: Nick's party,- "W ell it's about tim e . . . " To Nick: Aldofu Suits, your parties an d a ski trip. To Lara: Heck flounder, band trips- Hawaii, the D ecendants, Latin, v o lle y b a ll victory, bump, set, spike, softball and soccer! Run fate e run . . . p le ase pass the butter! A great Senior year- I’ll miss you. To Catherine: Esprit, band- good luck!!! To A n ne and Natalie: lots of m en, A nne: "C om e here I h a ve to tell you . . . " To Emily: Nick’s Parties, WHAM RAP, b asketball, an d a bruise, take care. To Greg and A n a: A h a p p y life, I lo ve you both! To A pi-apple: one more dance with you- a g re at Senior ye ar. The Stathakis': Thank you- I LO VE YOU ALL. Much lo ve a n d thanks to a ll the faculty: "B " — I'll miss m y decorated locker, bruised knees, an d all your support- I'll be alright!! Love you. To Cin d y (m y sister): Le Frog, the stupeds, Baham a M am a. A ll m y love and thanks to m y fam ily. Mom and Dad- I LO V E YOUli! I, A n drew Tenant, b ein g of inscrutible mind and indefatiquable body, do h ereb y bequeath the follow ing items to m y fellow colleagues and acquaintances. To Brian: Ice blocking, R e g g a e . To Todd: The trip to Cal., "13", Sham oo, Madness, the Specials, "5 hrs.", Mrs. Smith's, Batman a n d Robin a n d the w hales, a pail an d shovel, Ensenada and sombreros, K-Marf blue light specials, Cro-K an d Hopscotch Club. To Nick: "H ey Hey, Tippie Turtle", "N icely, shut up!", "Y o u 're the kind of pedestrian To A ndrea: "Hello, how ah y a " , good times with J.D., and Bob Marley. To Lisa: Prom, photography and a lg e b ra I. To Anna: "H ey 50!". To Jim bo: "Loop!", a short cut from McDonalds. To Grant: Late night poker g am e s an d frisbee w ars. To Marna: " Y a . . . Y a . . . Y a . . . Y a " and the w h a le trip. To Sarah: My w ill and your untiring sm ile that brightened m a n y m ornings, J.T., and Cat Stevens. To Morris "D e p ity": B-Bali with Curtis. "Y o u dip?", "Y a 'II e ve r been ta Cripple Creek?". To Apachai: A d va n ce d Com p., basketball. To Jim: M any unsuccessful flying days an d e ve n in g s spent ram p aging Phoenix with w ater balloons, the Blockey team . To Tara: Todd an d all the happiness in the world, Coronado, the Del, W endy's, lunch ot the Club, St. Lukes and TC, C om p arative System s, Yosem ite, Merced Grove and Hetch Hetchey. To Natalie: A w hite V.W ., m y brother, geom etry, long conversations. To K yle : D.C., 8 Vi by 11, Yosem ite's w aterfall's, the land over yonder called Theory, Oh Well!, Idiot do Idiot Follow, Irony, ELBOWING, "Too

m any turns!", Dusses, A y e llo w piece of rope, " . . . Y o ain 't in 4 w h eel drive . . ." , Pathos an d its ramifications. Sq u aw Peak, G-od Calls, Dad Calls, Flying, Crashing, Surprise attacks, D avid Letterm an, an d HYPER­ SPACE. Heather: The D eb Dali an d a w a lk in the garden. Sunsets off Daja, Stevie, J.T., Low Trees (Just Kidding), the Ski Trip, "H ey Dubbai", and all the m em ories. Sara M.: Dino, " . . . tie m e to a tree Nichole: Early breakfasts, UD-40, 7-11, Basketball, Genetics, Late Night Phone Calls, The Library, M onogram , an d 15 cases of an im a l crackers without Hippos. Schw eik: Late Applications, a distinctive bottle of Bran­ dy, an d m a n y thanks. Mr. Q uick: A ll the classes in which you got stuck with me. G rey w h ales, an d Todos Santos. Cindy: Rare late arrivals to school, concise schedules for years to com e. Mr. Cook: Art Exploration, Photography, a n d pink Oxfords with blue je an s, top siders, an d argyles. A nd fin ally to the fearless Editor of this publication, Ms. Mittenthal: Classes with Mr. Coon, "Inflection", My Senior Page, Drive in Movies, Am erican Pie an d Cat Stevens. To e ve ryo n e that didn't m a ke the cut, I am despondent, a s are you, ye t you a p p e a r here in spirit nonetheless. I, Beth Thom sen, send with you, the follow ing as w e each go our ow n w a y . Beth (Duck): seve n years . . . both good an d bad, Yosem ite, October 13th, California, an d all the other za n y things, but mostly a friendship . . . th an x-G O O D LUCK! Kim : phone calls, Nb ackyard campouts, long talks, diets a n d an Italian Stallion w ho understands youthanx for a lw a y s b ein g there! Jennifer: w h at could I possibly le a v e youbesides a quieter M ercedesl See y a ' next ye arl Thanks for the Freud sessions! D aw n: with you I send a lifelong supply of ice cream and the keys to the Datmobile- k e e p your chin upl Joe: I send with you lunch time chats, a solar oven, a n overhaul for Christine, an d a rem inder to coll w h e n you g et to S.D. Grant: thanks, although w e m a y not h ave a lw a y s understood each other, it w asn 't too bad, w a s it? Here's to Yosem itel Jeff: . . . w ate r balloons, sailing, rooftops an d chats, the Roger W aters concert, an d thank you (you know w h y ). To O sa and Kim : I le a v e a lifelong sup p ly of cute trendy clothes an d GUYS! To Lara: lots of luck, you're a unique individual- no one could le a v e you a n y better, but guts to stay that w a y! Uncle Pete: I w on't le a v e words for you to contradict- thank you! Mom an d Dad: to you I g iv e more than thanks, for b ein g there an d caring I hope som ed ay your hopes and dream s com e true, together, you deserve it. I LO V E YOU! M ax and Charlie: I lo ve you, now go find your ow n beds! Finally to P.C.D.S: I le a v e ten years, thanks for offering your all. To Mr. Cook, Mr. Raym ond, W illie, an d Mr. Q uick: I le a v e special thanks for being w ho you are. To those I did not mention: Thanks for g e in g part of m y life. I, Lillian V icki Tim pano, being of sound mind an d body, hereby le a v e the follow ing. To Sandy: three years of fond m em ories and an extra set of hands to accom plish a ll the work that needs to be done. Para Senor Druning: Mi gratitud, cuatros anos de Espanol y mis libros del A n ge l del Rio para incendiar y discutir. Por M agister Haulius: duo anni memoriarium et aluis annus cum Neilio et Jedo. To Mr. Q uick: four years of putting up with m e an d m y appreciation to a great advisor. To Mr. Raym ond: m y gratitude for b eing so helpful an d patient. To Mr. Coon: a continual good sense of humor an d m y deep est appreciation for inspiring within m e a true love of reading an d English. To Mr. Wilson: a reprise of Calc. I juniors in Calc. II an d m y thanks for all your success in m aking math a jo y to learn. To Mr. Schw eikher: relief from m y co llege counseling, a book of Maoist philosophy an d hope that your true jo y of teaching will a lw a y s be a s e vid e n t in your classes. To Louise: an autographed picture of D avid Carradine, m astery of the V u lcan la n g u a g e , m emories of some w ild times an d m y best w ishes. To Natasha: a hearty "W e never get things m ixe d up.", your Spanish notes, fifty more college applications, sum m ertim e romps, m y best w ishes for the future and m y love to a very d ear friend. To Aunt Rose: m y sincerest thanks for g iv in g me the opportunity to build a future, without you it w ouln't h a ve been possi­ ble; a n d as a lw a y s m y deepest love. To Noni and Popi: m y love, devotion an d appreciation for your generosity, understanding an d faith in m e. Without you m y life w ould never h a ve been as happ y and fulfilled a s you h a ve m ade it. I'll lo ve an d rem em ber you both forever. Last, but far from least; To Mom and Dad: I can never tell you in a few words how much you m ean to m e; your love, guidance, and sacrifice e n a b led m e to blossom. Y o u 'v e g iv e n m e the foundation now watch m e build a p a la ce of gold. I lo ve you both so much!!! I, Elliot W ernick, being of C an ad ian mind and body, hereby le a v e the follow ing to the follow ing: To Brian: college essays, Shakespeare, and m any English essays over the phone. To Kyle: Suns gam es, w orking out (6 Ib s./ye ar), an d off-road tires. To Todd: calculus, freshman ye ar mule pack trip (a burnt oven mit), and black exhaust on your car. To Sarah O : e arly morning yearbook, an d the ability to e asily understand A dv. Math. To Nick: French, new spaper, and your w arped sense of humor. To Tim R.: bronc riding (on mules), late night T.P. raids, and a rubber arm.

To Tara S.: French, studying for Schw eik e xam s, and a years supply of paper. To D a v e R.: a n audition for RUSH, "study parties", hockey parties, a successful co llege career, take hom e tests, an d fixing the stereo in m y Jim m y (m ine w a s better). O iler victories in the rem aining Stan ley Cups, an d discussions about you know w ho. To John S.: Chopparal S p e e d w a y , b ow ling, lunches, Rush'n Attack, 0-60 discussions, car review s, m a n y classes together, lots of luck in the future, and a PORSCHE 935 DP2 TURBO (w ith 600 bhp.). To Tina: French achievem ent test, a n d a "re a l" car. To D a v e C.: basketball (practice those layups), test drives, min. golf, Tony (the salesm an), Russian Attack, a subscrip­ tion to Ram bo Am erican Fan Club. To Api: learning educational Thai phrases. A d v. Biology, a n d a group of people to support your comm u­ nist regim e in Thailand. To K e v.: a truck of your ow n to roll, an d m any good times- good luck as a senior. To Rhett: w allb all, Peter Piper, classic film festival. A w e so m e Kong I, II, & III, a pair of off road tires, Dallas victories forever, tickets to a H.L. an d the N ew s concert, wrestling, "h a n d s on pudding testing", an d a safe room on the first floor, (I hope you w in a Countach, but can't drive it because of only two doors). To Stevie: a fast car, w restling, more Chuck Norris m ovies, Hebrew High School, lacrosse. A w e so m e Kong III, lunch discussions, an d a fastball that doesn't tail out, an d one more g a m e of M arble Madness. To Laurie M.: a lifetim e supply of notebook paper. To Pete S.: "Hi Pete", ye ar­ book, an d b a se b a ll. "S a n " (Francisco): calculus, and m any interesting discussions. To M adam e: 5 years of "m y " French. To Kos: a n ew hat collection, an d a season with a healthy team . To Mr. Raym ond: lots of respect. Schw eik: classes a n d college applications- w h at a load off of m y mind. To Mr. Stokes: a jo b in Toronto, a m em bership to the 'I hate D a n n y A in g e ' fan club, classic film festivals, Celtics victories, an d a lot of fun in class. To W illy: a d vise e sessions, jokes, m ule pack trips, and help in certain subjects, to you I le a v e much respect. To Serok: Bruin victories, m a n y interesting stories, an d som eone to talk sports with, after I'm go n e. To Mr. Dartosik: a full tank of gas. To Mr. Quick: A d v. Dio. and freshm an Sci. class (the e xact answ ers), lots of interesting "class discus­ sions", an d cadavers. To Mr. Cook: lots of luck in the future (esp ecially w ith the Celtics- they'll need it). To Mom an d Dad: thanks for e v e ry ­ thing, e sp e cially putting up with m y "co llege antics" this past year, I lo ve you. To e ve ryo n e I've forgotten: THANKS FOR EVERYTHING. I, Jo a n n a W esthafer, h a vin g one hot tem pered, out-going personality a n d no com m ent about the rest, w ill the follow ing: To The Psychic (I'm o n ly friends with you b ecause you live near m e): Varsity Soccer, "Blazer-there is no substitute" alm ost hitting Richey, "I don't care an yth in g about . . . " , g u ys w ho aren't blond and blue e ye d , "Is that your best line?" credit card, arguing about terrorism, "Yo u 're the reason God created O k la h o m a", K a m a k a zi, running over the Kirb, Geom etry, A la b a m a at 6:03, space case, 36-D, hangers. Flagstaff, O ze r skipping rocks at Tim's, an d "Yo u r car's fine, you didn't put it in park!" Well, don't kill Charles an d don't read this just because you are on Yearbook! To Charles: G erb and good luck w h en sis gets m ad. Ha! To A lyse: G eom e­ try, A d v. Math, H e m in g w a y — "W hat did w e learn?", the dance, "hom ew ork?", soccer, p la y practice, an d howl! To Chuck: soccer, "The red Porsche", g a s m oney, M ugullon Rim, the dent, an d the rare times w h e n you w e re nice. To Dethie: a car without sm oke, Snow bow l and delight, Tennessee River, inspirational trust, softball, soccer, "I'm not g oin g to kill us, this is not m y car", your shocked face w hen w e beat the system . Sophomore year, red card, PDAP, sober, K a m akazi, listening to KNIX, an d liking it, and good luck-take care. To Ellie: Prom, softball, a '75 boyish blazer, donuts, rom ping, and that d a y w e nearly died laughing To Jo e : Prom, Physics, Chet. To Tim: Skiing, donuts, snow w alking, Yosem ite, Liz, p la y rehearsal, romping, an d w hen w e got Jim 's truck stuck in the mud. To Karen: Good luck w h en Karen gets mad, Wes, Mods, you stupid jerk! To TW, AS, LR: 96th and Shea. To Tina S.: Nick's party, talkin g, friends. To H a p p y Cam pers: Lots of love, good luck and success in the future. Take care. O h ye ah , and To Isso: Belem y Brothers, "I'm so fat", an d Nicholas N ickleby. Oh! Yes an d Brian: The Honeys '64! Thanks for all the fun!




BACK ROW: D. Spangler, M. Friedman, T. Simonds, Mr. R. Wilson, D. Rigberg, R. Reese, D. Cesal. FRONT ROW: N. Michaelsen, D. Durchslag, T. Daley.



— —

The Senate has been very active again this year. This w as due in part to help from the student body and a very hardworking group of representa­ tives. The Senate has grow n rem arkably in the past two years. It is now an important contributer to the functioning of the Upper School. From orientation to the school p izza party, the Senate's activities h ave been very successful. Next year's Senate should be just as strong! I h ave enjoyed m y two years as Student Senate President and wish good luck to the Senate's future. - DAVID RIGBERG, PRESIDENT

1985-1986 body and the entire PCDS faculty. Work does not end here how ever. The m ailing staff's responsibility is to m ake 500 issues of T h e D a y S ta r a p ­ pear at the doorstep of all PCDS' parents, which in­ volves verifying addresses, stuffing, labeling, and bun­ dling m agazin es — all to take place within 2 days of the issue's release. T h e D a y S ta r has become an integral part of the PCDS community providing up-tothe-minute coverage school new s, and it will continue to do so in the future.

CK ROW: J. Schworzm ann, A. Rice, D. Rigberg, E. Hoyes, P. Bartlett, E. Wernick, T. okspan, N. M cKay, D. Clark, J. Pent, K. Klaiber, N. Haase, 1. Schoeffler. FRONT ROW: R. ese, P. Spiegel, H. Sielieki, M. Siegel, A. Brodie Bodell, R. Lewis, B. Allen, J. Cooper, K. HTernick. NOT SHOWN: D. Thompsen.

T h e D a y S ta r is the official

News M agazine of Phoenix Country D ay School, pro­ duced entirely by Upper School students. Throughout the years, it has progressed from a 1 p a g e newsletter. T h e U p p e r S c h o o l B u lle tin , to a 24 p a g e professionally printed m agazin e. Similarly, its staff has grow n from 9 stu­ dents four years ago to 36 students currently, about 1/ 5 of the Upper School stu­ dent body. T h e D a y S ta r is published 6 times e v e ry school year. Writers are g iv e n three w e eks to submit their article in written form to their divi­ sional editor (i.e. News edi­ tor, features editor). It is re­ turned to them 1 d ay later.

g ivin g them 4 days to enter it into PCDS' computer. Work for all editors height­ ens the follow ing w eek, w here corrections are m ade b y divisional and overall editors. Mr. Lance Coon and Mr. Je rry Z a n k re ce iv e "co p y” 1 d ay before The D a y S ta r's editing deadline and m ake the necessary cor­ rections. Work begins for the la y ­ out staff the follow ing w e e k ­ end, w here an yw here from 16 to 20 hours are spent planning, organizing, and layin g out T h e D a y Sta r. After the final touches are m ade, the issue spends from 3 to 4 days being printed, after which it is distributed to the Upper School student

The D ay Star Editor Nick M cKay

After several months of intensive preparation, a delegation of 26 PCDS students descended on Tucson for the annual Arizona Model United Notions session. The group, largest in PCDS histo­ ry, w a s led by legen d ary co-sponsors Jeff Stokes and Paul Schweikher. Dob Wilson drove the bus and D ove R a y­ mond w as along to enforce discipline an d provide spiritual guidance. The group represented four countries: Cuba, Hungary, Burkina Faso and Ja m ai­ ca. Tw o delegates, Natasha Haase and Lillian Tim pano, participated in the d e­ liberations of the elite Security Council. Sleep w a s in short supply, and the w ork­ ings of the Model U.N. w ere often os ponderous os those of the actual organi­ zation itself. Still, most agreed that the w e e k e n d w as both interesting and infor­ m ative, and virtually all of the juniors vo w e d to return for next year's 25th anniversary celebration! And now for som e final thoughts from the sponsors: Paul: "So Jeff, w hot ore your thoughts on Model U.N.?" Jeff: "I hove no thoughts.” Paul: "W ell how do you think our kids w ere prepared dow n there?” Jeff: "Considering you w ere involved poorly." Paul: "But look ot w hot w e did with so little! Isn't that o credit to our leadership abilities?” Jeff: "It m a y be thus.” Paul: "Considering that I w as the found­ ing father of Model U.N. and you are the current spiritual le a d e r .. Jeff: "I think w e're just about out of time here."


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â– wrtlk w e vŠ got it under control


Wild Kingdom

THE MAIN ATTRACTION The social scene - one of the m any scenes that m ake up the PCDS production - is enhanced b y the various on-campus clubs. Whether it be tutoring other students, sponsoring a toy drive, or going bow ling on Saturdays, PCDS clubs give students an opportunity to enjoy one another in a variety of settings. The Help Team, Communi足 ty Service and Peer Tutoring are all clubs devoted to helping others. The Help Team has sponsored several retreats this ye ar which h ave provided, not just a relaxing break from academ ic school life, but a chance for students to relate to one another in an open and supportive atm osphere as w ell. For the people searching for excitem ent on Saturday nights, the Dowling Club has been the answ er. As the most popular club, this one has attracted students from all grades and w alks of life. Mr. Wilson has graciously attended all the official club meetings. The Help Team and the Dowling Club are only several of the popular and active clubs at Phoenix Country D ay School. All the critics agree: Clubs provide a fun backdrop to the PCDS dram a.


Dock Row: M. Friedman, D. Friedman, K. Doird, N. Rylond, F. Quinonez, A. Q uinonez, G. Jonis, D. M cClanahan, A. Shanken. Front Row: T. Simonds, E. Wolf, A. Pillsbury, A. Rice, P. Spiegel, D. Clark, T. Levenberg.


Back Row: J. Josephson, M. Friedman, D. Friedman, A. Shipper, J. Pent, D. Pinney, G. Anderson, M. Moran, C. Dicken, Ms. Solzm ann. Front Row: E. Harris, B. Thomsen, H. Sielicki, L. Kinney, L. Rond, D. Thompson, D. Cesal, A. Bodell, D. Clark, L. Salvatore, A. Quinonez, B. Anderson, J. Westhafer.


Back Row: Mr. Stokes, D. Cesal, K. Wernick, E. Wernick, T. Bookspan, M. Rigberg, A. Tennant. Middle Row: N. Balustein, D. Clark, J. Westhafer, A. Quinonez, T. Shire, J. Schaefer, K. Klaiber, K. Lincoln. Front Row: B. Ligorsky, L. Lanzetta, N. Haase, M. Moran, J. Dwyer.


Dock Row: J. Pent, D. Stothokis, K. Stothokis, C. Bain, L. Werner, T. Richey, D. Friedman, J. Purdy, K. Wernick, J. Vernon, B. Allen. Middle Row: Mr. Wilson, S. Cummins, B. Adams, J. Wesfhofer, M. Pallin, E. Jackson, D. Rigberg, S. McNeff, H. Daley, R. Reese, M. Rotman, T. Bookspon, T. Shire, A. Tennant, H. Stocker, T. Simonds, A. Rice, K. Baird. Front Row: M. Friedman, A. Boltz, M. Friedman.



Back Row: G. Anderson, J. Westhafer, L. Werner, J. Pent, A. Nicely, W. Duffy. Front Row: T. Daley, J. Taylor, C. Boin, J. Prudy, H. Doley, Mr. Bruning.


Back Row: K. Hamilton, S. McNeff, R. Bolger. Middle Row: T. MacDonald, H. Stocker. Front Row: C. Judd, A. Levine, C. Hubbord. Not Pictured: J. Shtobsky, M. Pallin.


Back Row: P. Egnew , J. Westhafer, B. Anderson, K. Bowles. Middle Row: S. McNeff, M. Rotmon, T. Simonds, K. Koplan, A. Aiello, S. Boskon. Front Row: L. Rand, E. Bookbinder, A. Boltz, K. Hessel, C. Lone.


Just before le a v in g for Algiers with o friend, Oscar W ilde granted an inter­ v ie w to a reporter from the St. Ja m e s G a z e tte w h ile T h e Im p o rta n c e o f B e ­ in g E a rn e s t w a s still in rehearsal. "Do you think the critics w ill un­ derstand your n ew p lay?" "I hope not." "W hat sort of p la y are w e to e x ­ pect?" "It is exq u isitely trivial, a delicate bubble of fancy, and it has a philos­ o p h y." "Its philosophy?" "That w e should treat all the triv­ ial things of life seriously, an d all the serious things of life with sincere and studied triviality.”







Rigberg. Middle Row: Mr. Felten, M. Nicely, D. Friedman, A. Victor, G. Anderson. Front Row: M. Friedman, C. Lane, 0. Adams, T. Slmonds, L. Sosnow, N. Dloustein, K. Cummings.



i. i



Dock Row : P. Dartletr, C. Baggot, D. Friedm an, D. Adam s, T. Simonds. Front Row : S. O zer, K. Cum m ings.





D. Spangler, D. Dorrance, A. Aiello, S. Ligorsky. ill




Jta .



Row: S. Torrey, S. Ligorsky, S. Hess, M. Rotman, S. Timmons, M. Friedm an, H. Doley, J. Portnoy. Front Row: D. Landau, A. Aiello.

N othing but ro v e re v ie w s w e re h e o rd os th e m usic d e p o rtm e n t closed its b ig g e s t y e a r in PCDS history. The m ost h e ra ld e d h a p p e n in g of the y e a r w a s the co m p letio n of the n e w m usic b u ild in g . It w a s os if the M usic d e p a rt­ m e n t ho d m o v e d from sm all theatres on d ork a lle y streets to the neon lights of B ro a d w a y . M usicians from oil o v e r A riz o n a c o m e to a d m ire our n e w fa cili­ ty. E v e n the w orld fa m o u s C la rk Terry, w h o p a rticip a te d in the h ig h ly su ccess­ ful 6th A n n u a l PCDS J a z z Fe stiva l, w a s im p resse d . O u r n e w e d ifice w a s not the o n ly reason that the crow ds w e re y e llin g , "B ra v o !" A t the NAU J a z z Festi­ v a l PCDS b e a t a ll other b a n d s in their d ivisio n . Th e ju d g e s , u n a b le to d e cid e w h ich of our tw o b o n d s d e se rv e d the 1st p la c e a w a rd , g a v e it to both! O n e of the m ost successful e x p e ri­ m ents this y e a r in the PCDS b a n d pro­ g ra m w a s the D ix ie B and. C o m b in in g m a tch le ss m u sical ta le n t w ith im provisa tio n a l c h o re o g ra p h y , this 8 person c re w c a m e a w a y from the J a z z Festi­ v a l w ith Superior honors. A lth o u g h a tour of Florida during N e w Horizons w a s c a n c e lle d , PCDS took their tra v e lin g e n to u ra g e to such p la c e s a s Fla gsta ff a n d Pine Top, Ari­ z o n a a n d e v e n C alifo rn ia 's S e a W orld. W ith the success of the m usic d e p art­ m e n t this y e a r, w e a re looking forw ard to a n e v e n b ig g e r blockbuster of a s e a ­ son n e x t y e a r.



BACK ROW : A. Shonken, D. Friedman, D. Rigberg, K. Wernick, H. Daley, C. Bain, T. Richey, M. Friedman, B. Adams, J. Hornaday, P. Bartlett, M. M cClanahan, J. Purdy, Mr. Paul Yardley. Front Row: G. Mudge, A. Shipper, D. Stathakis, K. Stathakis, D. Durchslag, J. Taylor, G. Janis, C. Chaffee, K. Baird.

The P.C.D.S. varsity soccer team won it's third consecutive Independent State Cham 足 pionship, beating Verde V a lle y school by a score of 3-0. Having won the leagu e cham pionship with d record of seven victo足 ries an d one defeat, the ea sily defeated Southwest Indian school in the semi-final, before ad van cin g to the Finals. O verall, the team w on e le ven matches, and lost three, scoring 53 goals in the process, with Chuck Bain being the top scorer with 26 goals. Eleven other players got their nam e on the score sheet throughout the season, and go alkeep er Tim Richey recorded six clean sheets. Am ongst the outstanding players for the team w ere K y le Baird, Kris Stathakis, Hugh D aley, Apichai Shipper, and Kevin Wer足 nick.



■jst '

JUNIOR VARSITY: Back Row: D. Jerret, M. McClonohon, B. Bohodir, G. Boetel, J. V an Vorrhis, N. Rylond, B. Allen, Mr. Mike Borfosik Front Row: G. Burger, C. Hessel, J. Portnoy, S. Torrey, D. McClonohon, I. Hockett, F. Q uinonez


3 3 2 1 2 3 8 2 5 5 4 4











BACK ROW: Ms. G. Buelow, K. Meyer, K. Bowles, H. Stocker, M. Friedman, T. Shire, Y. Richter, L. Sosnow, J. Westhofer, J. Cooper. FRONT ROW: J. Wilson, N. Smith, T. Simonds, P. Egnew , S. Hess.

This year's vo lle yb a ll team finished with a 10-7 w inning record, but the w in/loss column does not tell the w hole story. Starting strong, the girls p layed impres­ sive vo lle yb a ll a t the beginning of the sea­ son. There w a s a k e y injury to K e lly M eyer which could h ave devastated the team, but new com er Y vette Richter, w ho had never seen a vo lle yb a ll before arriving at P.C.D.S., stepped into K e lly's position with skill an d poise to help the team into the State Tournament. Outstanding p la y b y Lara Sosnow, Peggi Egnew , Tina Simonds, Tara Shire, and an excellen t bench squad lead b y Natalie Smith, Heather Stocker, and freshman Jen­ nifer Wilson, got the team through a mid­ season slump.

Going into the State Tournament seeded fourth, and then going all of the w a y through the losers bracket to get into the championship match, was a great accom­ plishment to end a fine season.

JUNIOR VARSITY FRONT ROW: M. Rofman, L. Rond, L. Lincoln, BACK ROW: K. Lincoln, K. Quick, M. Pollin, N. LoFleur, A. Bodell, C. Grou, N. Dlaustein.



2 2 2 0 0


1 2 2 2 0 2 0 0

CACTUS SHADOWS n o r th w e st






0 2 2 1



Dock Row: A. Boltz, A. Rice, K. Hoder, E. Ling, T. Kalloch, G. Anderson, D. Sparks, Mr. Bruce Conode, B. Semilof, D. Spangler, L. Kinney, M. Fleck, M. M oczuga, J. D. Mildrew. Front Row: A. Pillsbury, E. Wolf, J. Dutton, G. Pierce, B. Linner, M. McGinty, B. Liden.


Phoenix Country Day School's nascent swim program established itself during its first competitive season as. a future power to be - ! reckoned with jn Skyline Division athletics. Beginning in Septem ber^ with a small but dedicated core of young men and women, the program grew steadily throughout the season. The team competed against public high schools with established programs and large enrollments, and the men’s squad defeated two valley teams w h ile ), the women's squad earned three victories. The P.C.D.S. swimmers were also w ell represented at the Skyline Divisional Championship Swim Meet, an annual contest in which only the strongest divisional swimmers are allowed to compete. All the Country Day swimmers' performances improved consistent', ly, and while the strength of seniors Ana Rice, Andrea Boltz, and Grant Pierce wilt be missed, the mostly young men’s and women's teams can look forward to many returning lettermen next fall. .Toi|gjj scorers this season for the men were sophomores Barry Liden and Drew Spangler; top scorers for the women were freshman M ikoS McGinty and senior Andrea Boltz. The coaches, Mr. Canade and Mr. Mildrew, are very proud to h a v e s worked With ail the swimmers this year. Given the dedicqtioJji| determination, and enthusiasm shown by the squad members, they are looking forward to an exciting and successful future for the Country D ay swim program. 158




um with a victorious gam e Curtis Perry is the n ew nam e in against Judson. The well-earned Phoenix Country D ay basketball. victory w as televised on channel As a Suns veteran, he has 3, alerting the community to the brought on oir of professionalism initial step in the projected devel< to our form ally am ateur stage. opm ent of the P.C.D.S. athletic Promoting a "team concept" Cur足 department. The facilities mei tis sought to gain a sense of unity universal acceptance and Coach am ong his players. By establish足 Perry w ent so far as to commeni ing Seniors as role models for the that the gym nasium has " a bet team , Curtis encouraged the ter floor than a lot of the NB/i younger m em bers to return and facilities." inherit next year's leading roles. Curtis is heartily anticipating c Devoted to their art, this year's successful 1986-67 season. He i: players met great success. Their expecting a big contribution frorr work and determination earned next year's returning players, E them a third place in the Arizona Independent Athletic Association State Indepen- W erner, D. Friedman, K. Doetel, and G. Janis, a: dent League. A ndy Shanken, Jim Purdy, Apichai w e ll as the incom ing freshman. Let's go Eagles! Shipper, and Lou W erner gain ed star player sta足 tus, as the PCDS stands roared their support. Eagles' Basketball broke in the new gym nasi足

Varsity Basketball: Back Row: Coach Perry, H. Daley, D. Rigberg, L. Werner, A. Tennant, T. Baird, G. Anderson, J. Purdy, P. Bartlett. Front Row: E. Jackson, A. Shipper, G. Janis, K. Boetel, E. Werner, D. Friedman, A. Shanken.

Tw ine time!

P.C.D.S. P.C.D.S. P.C.D.S. P.C.D.S. P.C.D.S. P.C.D.S. P.C.D.S. P.C.D.S. P.CD .S. P.C.D.S. P.C.D.S. P.C.D.S. P.C D .S. P.C.D.S. P.C.D.S. P.CD .S. P.C.D.S. P.C.D.S.

41 32 35 42 41 45 46 45 63 55 63 45 52 54 52 59 63 23

P .C D .S. P.C.D.S.

33 64

Phoenix School for the Deaf W estern Christian Cactus Shadow Cactus Shadow Phoenix School for the Deaf W estern Christian South W est Indian East Fork Northwest Christian V a lle y Lutheran Southw est Indian Judson Orm e Northwest Christian V a lle y Lutheran East Fork Judson Orm e

33 63 50 43 50 59 49 64 61 62 77 53 69 63 56 56 59 74

STATE TOURNAMENT V o lle y Lutheran Southwest Indian

76 72

Junior Varsity Basketball: Dock Row: Coach Craig M. McClana h an, G. Linhart. B. Bahadir, G. Boetel, M. Rigberg, A. Victor, M. Moran, Front Row : B. Weiss, D. Jarrat, E. Harris, P. Spiegel, G. M udge, J. VanVoorhls, I. Hackett.


GIRLS' TEAM GIVES IT THEIR ALL 3 £ P h o e n ix C o u n t r y D a y School's Girls' Varsity Basket­ ball had a very challenging season with only three return­ ing players to this year's team: Tina Simonds, Andrea Boltz, and Sue Boskon. Although the team w a s inexperienced, its m em bers struggled through the season with undaunted spirit. The girls' coach this ye ar w a s Tam i Sonmor w ho prov id e d in sp ira tio n for the young team . Tami is optimistic in her c o a ch in g an d f e e ls th a t w ith a lit t le hard work, next year's rec­ ord should show an im provem ent. The highlight of the season w as the victorious g a m e again st Northwest Christian which P.C.D.S. w on by ten points. The girls' team un­

fortunately w as defeated in the first confrontation with N.W. Christian, losing by a score of 25-26, yet the P.D.C.S. team had only five players that even in g, showing their in­ credible hustle and determ ina­ tion. The season w as a se­ quence of such near-wins, al­ luding to the potential of next year's squad. Girls' Basketball is looking forward to practicing and p lay­ ing in the new gym nasium . The team w as fortunate to h ave one gam e and one prac­ tice in the facility this year which w ill serve as an addi­ tional a d va n ta g e to the returning team . While unsuccessful on paper, the girls learned m any useful skills, and m ayb e most importantly, had quite a bit of fun in the process!


neH tO JA


P.CD .S. P.C.D.S. P.C.D.S. P.C.D.S. P.CD .S. P.CD .S. P .C D .S. P .C D .S. P.CD .S. P.CD .S. P.C.D.S. P .C D .S. P.CD .S. P.CD .S. P.CD .S. P.CD .S. P.CD .S.

22 21 23 12 31 4 26 10 27 20 40 16 41 17 25 32 23

Phoenix School for the Deaf 29 W estern Christian 31 Cactus Shadow s 35 Cactus Shadow s 43 Phoenix School for the Deaf 46 W estern Christian 34 Southwest Indian 57 East Fork 53 Northwest Christian 26 V a lle y Lutheran 27 Southw est Indian 46 Judson 41 Northwest Christian 28 V a lle y Lutheran 44 East Fork 64 Judson 46 O rme 54




Varsity Basketball: Back Row: Coach Sonmor, S. Boskon, A. Boltz, K. Hader, H. Reed, Y. Richter. Front Row: A. Rice, T. Simonds, E. Wolf, M. Rotman, C. Simek.



Back Row: D. Durchslog, G. Jonis, A. Shipper, Middle Row: Coach Kosower, E. Wernick, A. Shanken, M. Friedman, J. Cohen, C. Coy, P. Spiegel, Coach LeFevers. Front Row: C. Stathokis, P. Bartlett, N. McKoy, J. Prudy, K. Wernick, C. Boin, T. Richey.

Thinking of spring conjures up thoughts of blooming flow 足 e rs, risin g th e rm o m e te rs, Shakespeare in the park, and of course the national pastime, baseball. The spring of '86 w asn't a n y different. With the sm ells of o ran ge blossoms cam e the familiar sounds of bats m eeting balls and Kos' in足 cessant instructions. As the Eagles reacquainted them selves on that first d a y of spring training one could see, e v e n then, the m akings of a superior ball club. The returning veterans w elcom ed a few new faces which rounded out the team for a successful season. Coach Kosower and Assistant Coach LeFevers took a great pride in their season.


Dock Row: Coach Schweikher, S. Boskon, J. Wilson, H. Stocker, A. Rice, K. Bowles, K. Hader, Cooch Buelow. Front Row: M. Bionconiello, C. Boggot, C. Simek, M. Rotman, T. Simonds, M. Friedman.

At first glan ce the 1986 V a rs ity so ftb a ll tea m looks promising. It is a sol足 id blend of returning lette rm e n a n d first-ye a r players. Pitching and de足 fense hold the key to a successful season. A Junior Varsity squad has been organ ized for the first time, providing a real op足 portunity to develop a strong Varsity program in th e y e a r s to co m e . Coaches Paul Schweikher and Georgia Duelow look forward to im proving on the team 's exciting thirdplace finish in last year's play-off tournament.


G. Linhart, M. Rigberg, T. Levenberg, C. Gramm, J. VanVoorhis, F. Quinonez, M. Nicely. Not Pictured: R. Reese, D. Rigberg, S. Ozer.

Back Row: Coach Machynski, A. Boltz, T. MacDonald, M. Duncan. Front Row: E. Hays, L. Salvatore, E. Wolf.

Varsity tennis was centerstage this spring under the coaching of Vince Machynski, Being a traditionally popular Valley sport, tennis had a large turnout and, not surprisingly, generated m any outstanding players. Elizabeth Hays, Marissa Duncan, Andrea Boltz, and Lisa Salvatore led the women's squad, while David Rigberg and

Tom Leven b erg dom inated the men's. The teams were able to practice twice a w eek at Loews Paradise Valley Resort and played the majority of their home gam es at Foothills. Fans await our expected victory over rival Orme, as the Varsity teams make , their w ay to the State Championship in May,

g lH ffi .




Lou Crowder Kindergarten


Jim m y Miller Grade 1

Kenneth Allison Grade 5

Goyor Gellor Grade 4

I Patrick Koppula Grade 5

Brandy D aley Grade 7

Decky Embry Grade 7

Kerr Lordigyan Grade 7

Rachel Schwartz Grade 8

Mary Ann Cash Grade 9

Jason Hackett Grade 10

Marissa Duncan Grade 11


David Landau Grade 9 168

Lydia W assmann Grade 9



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JULIE Yeors of memories, laughter and tearsWhere have they gone, those tender years? Dollies, toys, and dresses of pinh. G iggles and smiles from your Daddy's winks. Full of fun at the a g e of ten. Girl Scouts, pizza, "Barbie and Ken!� Seasons changed, how fast they did seem. Another birthday, w e had a teen! The greatest of memories; our happy home. Yes indeed, precious years have flown. To our daughter . . . beautiful in every w ay. Congratulations and Love on your Graduation Day!

MOM, DAD, AND ERIC CONGRATULATIONS and Best Wishes to the Graduating Class of '86

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Congratulations Class of '86 and Marna, Tina, Chuck Morris, Tim The Stathakis Family

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CONGRATULATIONS and Best Wishes to the Class of '86 Ruthie and Ron Cohen Daniel and Brad

Best Wishes to the Class of 1986

From the Parent's Association

All the Best

to the

Class of 1966

10240 North 31st Avenue, Suite 201, Phoenix, Arizona 85051 U.SA*(602) 997-1515

Best Wishes to the Closs of '86

Congratulations to you, Elliot, and the Senior Class of '86. Best of luck in your future endeavors. The Wernick Family

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Best Wishes to the Class of '86. David Van Sickle

Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Class of 1986 Mr. and Mrs. John Schwarzmann

Best Wishes to Tara and

the Class of 1986. The Shire Family


SOPHOMORE REPRESENTATIVES: Neil Michaelsen Drew Spangler



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Jim, We hope you and your classmates continue to soar. The Hornadays







With Love, Mr. Wilson







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re a r

Thank you Mom and Dod for oil the sacrifices you've mode for me these post four years ond especially for your limitless love I LOVE YOU BOTH VERY MUCH XOXOXO kirsten





Editor Laurie Mittenthal (" Y " ) C opy Editor ..........................................................Sarah Cummins (” E") C o p y ......................................................................... Peter Spiegel (" A " ) Copy Elliot Wernick (” R") Layout ...................................................................... Karen Hessel Photo Morris Friedman ("B ") Photo E d ito r............................................................. Andrea Boltz ("0 ") Advertising Marna Friedman ("o ") Advertising ........................................................Nicole Blaustein (" K " ) Layout ....................................................................Julie Schaefer ("S ") Photo .......................................................................Beth Thomsen ("T ” ) Advertising Editor .................................................. Nick M cKay (" A " ) Advertising Lisa Salvatore (” F") Photo ........................................................................ Grant Pierce ("F ") Layout ..........................................................John Schwartzm ann (" I” )



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