1987 phoenician

Page 1


THROUGH THE YEARS 1966-1971 Kennedy was President, Maris hit 61, and ground was being turned for a new school in the east valley - Talley Acade­ my, In the past 25 years, the school, now known to us as Phoenix Country Day, has exploded into what we see to­ day. From its modest beginnings - a cou­ ple of classrooms and an auditorium/ cafeteria named after a Mr. Clayton B. Burch - PCDS had increased six fold in enrollment to become one of the finest school in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Granted, it was not an easy road. From zoning restriction squabbles to enormous debts, PCDS had its share of troubles. But the school, as the motto goes, Perservered, and now we reap the rewards of the blood, sweat, and tears of the past. In the following pages, we will take a look back, as well as a look ahead, to what PCDS was, is, and might be.

1961-1966 From the Bay of Pigs to the start of Vietnam, the early sixties was a rocky road for the United States as well as for PCDS. The first few years of the school’s existence were characterized by deficit financing and small enroll­ ment. But, as in all things, with the bad, came the good. The deficit was conve­ niently taken care of annually by two or three “ angels” on the Board of Trust­ ees, and enrollment steadily increased over the five year period. As John, Paul, Ringo, and George hit the top of the charts, PCDS’ football team was hitting the gridiron. Football team? Yes, PCDS had a full-fledged, and completely awful, football team in the early sixties. The school also was devel­ oping a drama program which, under the leadership of one David O. Raymond, performed much more impressively than the football team did. As this period in PCDS history came to an end, Lyndon Johnson and Chet Seroka had already completed two years of service in their respective posi­ tions.

Upper Right: The Not-So-Fab Four - Da­ vid, Rhett, Hugh, and Bob (George, Ringo, Paul, and John) Right: The PCDS Football Team (dark jerseys) runs to a 0-6-1 record in 1968.

An age of miracles. The Apollo pro­ gram, led by Neil Armstrong, set man on the moon; The New York Mets, led by Tom Seaver, won the World Series; and PCDS, led by John I. Yellott, quadrupled from its original size. In addition to a new science building came three new classrooms, a boy’s locker room, a wrestling room (the old band room), and in 1971, PCDS received a grant for the John I. Yellott Aquacenter. These years of PCDS history were not only characterized by growth, but by the personality of Headmaster Yellott. Be­ hind his leadership, we turned around financially and enrollment increased to almost 400 students. During these five years, Nixon, Bruning, Houle, and Singer arrive on the scene.

Left: It ain’t Iwo Jima

Below: Mr. Jam es C. R oof PC D S Upper School Dean 1973-1981 Left: Mr. John I. Yellott - PCDS Headmaster 1966-1972

AND SO ON 1972-1976 A time o f changes. While the fash­ ion world was taking a turn for the w orse, PCDS was m aking som e monumental changes for the better. N ot only were there new buildings (the completion o f the Aquacenter and four new tennis courts) but there were changes in the curricu­ lum. The computer became part o f our program. Pursuit o f Perspec­ tives (now New Horizons) was ad­ ded. The football team was dropped for good, and a concrete foundation for a financially successful future

was laid. W e saw a new headmaster, Mr. Robert Pierce, and a new Upper School Dean, Mr. James Roof. A new Director o f C ollege Counseling was found in J976 in Mr. Paul Schweikher, and Madame Arlette Jacques, Mr. Robert Wilson, and Mr. Les Felton, Jr. jumped on the PCDS band wagon.

1977-1986 This decade in PCDS history saw us truly becom e the fine institution we are today. Buildings sprung up

from every where (The Peter S, Fire­ stone Memorial Upper School builds ing. The Gymnasium, and the music building, to name a few ). Enrollment grew to an all time high, and PCDS was accepted into the prestigious Cum Laude Society. Dr. Joel C. Monell was the PCDS headmaster for these ten years, and led the school to times o f financial stability and prosperity. In closing the book o f the past, we take a sentimental sigh, and look towards the future. . .





¥ 1 7 ow! What a year! It was a W year o f excitem ent and spirit. With a new Head of School to lead us, PCDS rede­ fined the word learning. Whether it was in the classroom or on the sports field all the students, from Lower School to Upper School, could be seen having a blast.

A s we proceed into our sec­ ond 25 years, w e can only imag­ ine where PCDS is heading. We have our Ten Year Plan, of course, but that doesn’t tell all. For all we know, PCDS could becom e a nationally ranked bas­ ketball power or Mr, Bruning could quit teaching to run for president. Anticipation. . .

Below: PCDS’ Ten Year Plan

Right: Three, three stooges.




Riding the pipe.


ating lunch w a s a contro­ versial subject at Phoenix Country Day. Y ou either liked what you ate or you ate it with­ out a choice. The Low er and M id­ dle S ch o o ls seem ed to be quite content, w ith their w e e k ly menjjs at the cafeteria. A nd, ex­ cept f ° r the p^jseraple two w eek s in O ctober, the Seniors I’ll have the Filet Mignon, please. were satisfied with their off cam ­ pus lunch excursions, especially There w a s a group of unsung when Toph w a s buying. They heroes, however, who had to roam ed freely from Pete’s to m ake the daily pilgrim age to the Taste. The Juniors, when they dreaded lunch truck. These low ­ finally got the all-mighty O ff er classm en survived and you C am pu s Privilege, rejoiced in could alw ay s find at least som e­ their newly found freedom . one on a diet.



Left: How ’bout that apple

Below: Septem ber 26, 1986 - Seniors R o m p .. . Pay Price

‘‘M m m m m !

lo o o o v e Truck!!”

Left: “ Do you mind. . .I’m eating!”

A bove: Your friend and mine. Ramada






Gimme a P. . .C.

SH Connect the d o ts . . .

Spirit, w hat d oes that word m ean? W ell, if you d on’t know, all you had to do w a s to take a look at the P C D S cam pus during the 1986-87 school year. From the start, our first pep rally coup­ led with blue and gold w eek, our spirit has, as the cliche goes, soared. W ith D ave and D ave leading the charge, w e s a w the E agle Spirit increase 10 fold, enough to hold us over the sum m er.

W here’ s Y O tIR blue and gold ?!?

A b o ve: “ S h e’s not with m e. . Right: The Merry Middle Schoolers




Left: Enjoy it while it lasts

Ralph’s Rap


TEACHERS Below : “ N ow I think that it needs m ore co n tra st. . . ”

A b o v e: M e and Mr. D

A b ove: H ere’ s the $500 for m y ‘ A ’ Mr. Coon. Right: The crowd is tense. . .




IT’S A LIVING J 1 ' rying to describe the typi1 cal school life o f a P C D S student in one w ord w ould be like trying to eat spaghetti with chop-sticks. The P C D S student body is an extrem ely varied one, and to each, his own. W hat w e do during our frees, lunch, our cla sse s vary from c la ss to class, period to period, and person to person. S o m e study, so m e sleep, som e play Q u a d Football, or Lecture Hall T V T a g , w hat­ ever it is w e enjoy it to the fullest!

High ho, high ho. . Right: M y m om dressed m e this morning


Below: The Low er School - the hard life

Right: Eenie, m oe. .




Below: If w e sit here long enough, w e’ll be in the shade!

A bove: How can I tell her that the pink sweater doesn’t match the wall? Left: Future paratroopers?


HEAD’S MESSAGE T o the C la s s o f 1987: Y ou all, with your tw o D avids at the helm, have provided a spirited positive tone for the school year. I am grateful to you, my first Senior C lass at P C D S , for your leadership and great enthusiasm . You are a group with diverse talents and interests now, and I urge you to remain alw ay s interested enthusiastic individuals. Your academ ic, extracurricular and personal exper­ iences at P C D S will be part o f you alw ays. You will look back on these years with an ever changing per­ spective. Rem em ber us and return.

M argret J. M adden H ead of the School

We, the class of 1987, dedicate this yearbook to you, Mr. Seroka, because we love you when. . . you teach. . . d an ce...


and just are.

A Memorial to Victor Verbalaitis (Verb)

We miss him. . .

Som etim es I forget you’re gone I just expect to see your face and see your smile It hits m e like the wind strikes before a storm the leaves violently swaying almost hysterically Reach realities confrontation. You are gone from m e and my world. To, I hope, A place all your own. A place that holds you in such esteem A s I did A place that acknowledges your ability To give and give and give. . . Som etim es, I’ll speak out inside, Turning quickly to see your look of recognition. Seeing an emptiness where you should be Som etim es all I can do is focus on everything that should be and isn’t. It’s a frustration like none I’ve never felt before. I feel helpless I feel lost I m iss you. Natalie Smith






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TEACHING IS PROBABLY THE SINGLE MOST Jan Anderson First Grade George Baker MS Head/Social Studies/Health Marie Bippus Fifth Grade Martha Bonacich Spanish/5th and 6th Grade Susan Bookspan MS English Jim Bruning Chairman Foreign Lan. Dept. (IS Spanish Linda Bryant MS Art Georgia Buelow MS/CIS Physical Education

NOW & THEN... "Here I am in Rabat, Morocco in May, 1961. When I stepped off, I got a pungent souvenir on my shoe!" -Mrs. Smith (Above)


Right: Mr. Lance Coon (Chairman English Dept./US English) in July of 1953 at the age of two years and ten months.

REWARDING JOB ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH.' Jerry Zank OS Head/US English Toni Clark Kindergarten/Afternoon Catherine Claver Second Grade John Collins OS English/Drama

Joyce Cone MS Math Jim Cook Chairman Art Dept./CS Art Lance Coon Chairman English Dept. US English John Crabb MS/US Math Louise Crabtree MS English Roberta Crane LS Spanish Carol Dalton Kindergarten/Afternoon Rod Dashnaw MS Social Studies

Cindy Davis Second Grade Judy Dering Kindergarten/Morning Brian Ellingson MS/GS Physical Education Sarah Ericksen General Music MS/OS Chorus Les Felton Chairman Music Dept. MS/GS Band Charles Flail Chairman History Dept. US History Susan Funkhouser Fifth Grade Susan Goldman OS Art






Left: The lunch truckers 1 Marcella Norman, and I Van Richards

Below: Mrs. Barbra 1 Kendall (Grades 1 & 2), I then Miss Glover, at the 1 age of 9 years.

Above: Mr. Richard Chelpka (Music Department), then a Senior at Camelback High School at the age of 18. Ray Worthington LS Head Tracy Healy MS/CIS Spanish Ruth Henke US English/Yearbook Advisor Harry Houle Librarian/OS Latin

Jenny Sacca M S Science Arlette Jacques MS/US French Karen Johnson Fourth Grade Bill Keller MS English

i H p T ^ ’v '





Sally Klein LS Science Bob Kosower Athletic Director MS Physical Education Jeff Stokes US Dean of Students US History Dan Majeski LS Physical Education David Martin US History John Mildrew US Science Judy Mitchell MS Social Studies Joan Oliver Third Grade

Lorraine Peoples First Grade Lovice Peterson Kindergarten/Morning Ed Pettengill LS/MS Computer Gary Quick US Science

Alice Raynal School Nurse Mary Syllaba MS Science Anne Salzmann School Counselor Deborah Shurtza LS Art

Paul Schweikher Dir. College Counseling US History Barbra Searle LS Librarian Chet Seroka US Science Don Singer Chairman Computer Dept.

Richard Chelpka Instramental M usic/Strings Th om as Graham M S Math V icki Jackie M S Math Jennifer Sacca M S Science

Janet Sm ith M S Spanish Christina Steffan M S General Music Myna Stroth Third Grade Mary Sw iess L S Physical Education

Fran Vierck Fourth Grade Barbara Whiter M S M ath/Science Bob Wilson Chairman Math Dept U S Math Bob W oipert US Math

John Crabb M S/U S Math S teve Gerber Director o f D evelopm ent K ate O ’Mara Assistan t Director o f A dm issions Sandy Singer LS / M S Registrar/Secretary

Karen Zanzucchi Secretary to the Head o f the School Catherine Schneider US Secretary Terry DeCroes Business Manager Dolores Smith B ookkeeper



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w assi

Gene Wojtynek A cting Director o f Physical Plant Day Crew top: Lyle Zielstorf, Ray Smith, Kem McFarland, Cliff Carlson, Doug Smith, Phil Lichtenberger Night Crew bottom : Riko Contorno, Jessie Hinton, Luther Reynolds, Harlan Rankin _ Denise Wojtynek Purchasing Agent/ Bookstore Manager Karan Wood Business O ffice Secretary Carolyn Borger Grades 1 & 2 Elaine Heidler Kindergarten

Beth Zink MS A rt Aide Barbara Kendall Grades 1 & 2 Resource Center Patricia TanKersley




Below: Counselor counselee.


Below Left: Mesdames Jaques and Hayes



IS a ,ace like

Below: Friends forever

and heeeeere's Davey... Left: Gentleman's Quarterly


STARTING AT THE VERY BEGINNING Below : Socializing in the halls

Fun and excitem ent were tw o prom inent features in the L ow er Sch ool this year. A s a new com er to P C D S , D ean W orthington noticed the stu d en ts’ enthusiasm right aw ay , “ M y first im pres­ sion w a s the w illingness of the students to try new learn­ ing e x p e rie n r'-- ” The stu­

dents show ed their eager­ n ess and enthusiasm in ev­ erything they did, from their w o rk in the classroom to their play on the playground. Through both academ ics and activities, the Lower Sch o o lers m ade the m ost of their P C D S experience.

“ On your m arks

“ En guarde!” Right: “ Peek ab oo!” 34

Right: It’s lonely at the top

Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tire .. . Right: “ S o w hat’s your opinion on tax re­ fo rm ? ”


Back row: Mrs. Dering, Rebecca Teitel, Jam ie Couche, Christopher Steinle, Nikki Traylor-Knowles, Peter Gresser, Ms. Heidler M iddle row: Jodi Gerber, Eric Wassmann, M elissa Fischer, Kate M cLoone, Ling Yang, A m y Van A rsdale, K im berley K elly Front row: Meghan Valentine, M eryl Thom as, Tiffany Mack, Lindsey Feola, A ylin Tasm an, N icole Shiffm an

Back row: Melanie Schoninger, W yatt Harris, B.J. Bergeron, Zachary Sakas, M olly Ferland, Mrs. Peterson M iddle row: M eg Sam ple, Tiffany Litvine, Natalie Hrudka, Whitney Pozgay, A sh ley Morrill, Lisa Pavese, J eff Surdakow ski Front row: Michael Scherzer, Sarah Kidwell, Jessica Campo, Marisa Chattman, Kristen Hen38

dricks, Brooke Lew is


Back row: Mrs. Kendall, Graham Kretchman, Reginald Cooper, Larry Lesser, Boots Dunlap, Emily Lyn Snyder, Mrs. Anderson Middle row: Jennifer Marra, Kevin Wicken, Matt Van Sickle, Crissy Jacobson, Heather Breese, Kimberly Morgan, Josh Finberg Front row: Justin Suszko, David French, Jack Stubbs, Ryan W olfswinkel, Jacque Eisenberg, Jonathan Sherman, Trey Packard

Back row: Mrs. Peoples, Jon Ashley Corcoran, Daniel Reardon, Richard Symington, Bente Shoen, Ryan Klinefelter, Adam Due, Mrs. Borger Middle row: Renee Kuhn, Jason Widoff, Kristin Altman, Kendra Baird, Becky Moretsky, Brooke Lipton, Kevin Ghaswala Front row: Luke Lee, Roderick Stent, Joshua Royce, Lou Crowder. Austin Marshall, Paul Surdakowski, Ravi Chandrasekaran


â– H I Back row: Craig Couche, Sara Johnson, Stephanie Fox, Joshua Caplan, Kristine Ingrassia, Jasm ine Tasman, Bryan M aas, Jill Galarneau, Mrs. Davis, Erich Schweikher Front row: Guy Bowman, Bobby Sullivan, Shane Chavis, J.D. Miller, N icolas Beabeau, Clem ie Feau, Jill Sherman, Tracy Wanner, Rachel Low e N ot pictured: Robby Pinnamaneni, Laurie Rauch


Back row: Hope Benedict, Kristin Stam m , Eric Cornwell, Beale Harrison, Mrs. Clauer, Darren Sucato, Scott W icken, C asey Einhorn Middle row: Candida Jacobs, Jennifer Sw eet, Nancy Godek, Kristin Dorn, Leslie Johnson, Kur Yang, W esley Dickerson Front row: Tim Henward, Annie Kaufman, Alison W idoff, Denise Hrudka, Andrea A iello, Matthew Blum N ot Pictured: Jake Stango


Back row: Keith Scharfman, Lily Dunlap, Jason Grovert, Becca Kidwell, Mrs. Stroth, Stefani Wolfswinkei, Brian Bates, M att Torel, Adam Garson, Jordan Spack Middle row: Anne Allison, Heather Klinefelter, Shawn Dyer, Katie Unferth, Ryan Chirnomas, Rodney Mollen Front row: Sonia Ghaswala, Sarah Duncan, Konrad Lee, Becky Van Sickle, Charles Givre

Back row: Kate Stockw ell, Richard Halabi, Bruce Vinci, Sarah June Schoenfelder, Katherine Haley, Doug Teitel, Doug Weisen-Todd, Natan Jacobs, Mrs. Oliver Middle row: G eoff Bergeron, Brad Marra, Frank Stubbs, David Pillsbury, Sarah Small, Jennifer Bachus, Summer Marshall, Sarah Matz Front row: Ryan Keeton, Leslie Blank, Jennifer Stern, Jennifer Kirkwood


Back row : P a olo B ayless, S ta cey Piccinati, Evan Schoninger, Zachary Thom as, Ravi Bisla, Benjy Krysiak, Mrs. Vierck M iddle row: Karin Lefeber, Heath Lipson, M elissa Lewis, Brad Durchslag, Elizabeth R oyce, Mark Leibow , Frances W ellin gs Front row: Chris K lock, Benjy Finberg, Paige Durkin, K yle Lipton, H ollye Schu足 macher, Julie Levenberg, Tanya Kuhn

Back row: Michael Stent, Tasha Bernard, A n dy Altm an, Kristen Brook, Danielle Allen, Ashley Dorrance, Whitney Sym ington, Erik Koep, Mrs. Johnson Middle row: Jocelyn Jacobs, Hallie Jacobson, Benji M oretsky, Stuart Hackett, Tatum Shears Front row: Am anda Leff, Mario Hunter, O liver Little, Neil Tang, Ed Pavese Not pictured: N eil Tang, Jessi Jean Snyder


Back row: Gretchen Wagner, Brian Cornwell, Brett Maas, Sarah Woods, Gwynne Sullivan, Daniel Posner, Scott Goetze, Todd Bender, Jessica Cooper, Karen Pettitt, Mrs. Funkhouser Front row: Irene Trevor, Vicki Lang, Kara Rassi, N eeka Najmi, Ellen Rand, April Levy, A lex Sample, O liver Beabeau, Jens Plougmann, Marie Cohen

Back row: A lex Koep, Edward Drewery, Scott Turpin, Jim m y Gard, Brett Davis, Adam Schwartz, Gayor Geller, Hillary Cox, Brooke Schumacher, Mrs. Bippus Middle row: Becky Sullivan, Emma Dane, Cindy Bochna, Tony Koppula, Amanda Blum, Sarah Lewin, Dana Blecher, Lindsay Timmerman Front row: Lisa Harney, Sarah Eagleburger Not pictured: Teddy Rice

Below: Rush Hour

B elow : B ook report due tom orrow

THE MIDDLEMEN The M iddle School w a s full of active, eager, and grow ing students. T h an k s to the facul­ ty, the atm osphere w a s one in which they learned and had fun at the sam e time. The stu­ dents strived for excellence in not only their academ ic stud­ ies, but also in their sports ac­ tivities and in their electives. The M iddle School stressed w ork before play, but encour­ age d both for the students. T eachers w ere friends, and al­ w a y s w ere available to the students for help, advice, or just to jok e around with. This added to the personable and friendly feeling generated in the M iddle School. These qua­ lities are w hat m ak es the P C D S M iddle School a special place to be.

In the eye o f the beholder 49



Raj Abhyanker Ken Allison Mandy Arthur Ben Bachus Frazier Bain

Tanya Benatar Dierks Bentley Kiran Bisla Richard Bores Elizabeth Bradley

Jenny Burt Micah Caplan Andrew Chasin Stephanie Chirnomas W ayne Cohen

Aubrey J oy Corcoran Andrea Crimmins Warren Cross Am anda Drewery Jason Fox

Damian Frank K aty French Valeska French Evan Ginsburg Eric Block 52

T y Gosnay Amanda Gray Justin Greene Austin Hackett Ryan Hart

Mischa Hepner Tanya Klock Melanie Krneta Patrick Koppula Kristine Kunkel

Patrick Lewis Carter Lipton Kate Losse David Lyne Bethany Matia

A m y May Jason McCullough Rochelle Mollen Mandana Najmi Tiffany Peers

Scott Pettitt Matthew Philips Lindsay Piccinati Eric Shears Jacob Shephard

Nelson So Rachel Stegman Jordan Sterling Ross Stuart Erin Timmerman

Christiane Wassmann Matthew Weinberg Mark White Catherine Wilhelm Heather Young



H ey! L ook at that brick!

M ax A rm strong R ollie A rm strong Stephanie Bates John Bauerm eister Taj B ayless

M atthew Blecher Carrie Blum K elley Bores M yles Bowman M ike Chernoff

A dam Cohen A ndy Cracchiolo G regg Dessen B ecky Dicken Poppy D odge

Lance Due Hunter Duffy Lauren Durkin Jill Dutton Ryan Dyer 54

Justin Einhorn Jonathon Goldstein Susie Hampton A ysia Harrison K yle Hirsch

Brian Hoblit Rusty Knowler Debbie Ligorsky A dam Limmer Aaron Matz

Jessica Nathan Lindsay Nye Paula Occhino Daniel Palestrant Gabriella Peers

Josh Plosker Gillian Price Erik Ramsaur Mike Ramsaur Jill Reardon

Anastasia Reiss Wendy Rice Randy Saria Marci Schwenn Lenny Speiser

Kevin Stockton Stephan Sweet Jon Teitel Mitchell Timbanard Marty Townsend

Sophia Trevor Rob Van Sickle Scott Warner Matthew Werner



Michael Betz Lisa Brook K itty Brown Rajiv Chandrasekaran Jonathan Cohen

Rob Cohen A sh ley Conquest Courtney Cooper K im C ox Corisa Crowder

Rebecca Crowe Brandy Daley R icky Daley B ecky Embry A dam Fleck

David Foster A m y French Brad Frith Ryan Glass Danielle Gordon

K ellie Gorm ly Ethan Gunning John Jacobs N oel Jury R oss Kilburn

Cynthia Kitchal A di Krause Bruce Krysiak Sheri Lantz Katie Lee

Karen Levenberg Michael Levin Todd Levine Shannon Lindner Jafi Lipson

Evan Lipton Kerr Lordigyan Chris Mang Mandi Matz Tina M cN eff

Andrew Mellor Alison Merkel Spencer Patterson Bill Pettitt Peter Pillsbury

Polly Rassi Eric Schaefer Aaron Schoeffler Heidi Sherman Tim othy Small

No Photo Available

Kaine Stathakis A lex Summer Jennifer Swartz Lara Tobias Jonathan Tower

Julie Turpin Stephanie Vithoulkas Danielle Wallace Wendy Wanner






B ack ro w : M. R am sau r, M. L evin , E. S h ea rs, E. S ch a efer, J. M cC u llough , E. Lipton , A . H ack ett, D. B en tley, C. Lipton, K . L even berg, I J u ry. C. C row der, D. F o s te r, H. S h erm an . C. K itch el, J . Lip son , A . D rew ery. T . P eers, S . C h ison om es, E. Tim m erm an , V. French Front ro w : B. C ro w e, J . S w a rtz, A . C on qu est, J . T e ite l. J . Tarpin, K . H irsch, B. H obbit, S . Lindner, M. Blecher, P . R ossi, J. Einhorn, M. Tinbanand. G. P ee rs , D. L ig o rs k y , L. Durkin

Back row: E. Gunning, S. Patterson, R. Chandraskaran Front row: E. Lipton, B. Matiz, J. Lipson, E. Tim m erm an 58


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h i; S. Patterson, A . Mellur, P. Pillsbury, E. Schaefer, D. Foster, J. Cohen, L. Tobias, D. Wallsce ’ •v..




ffliM l m -

\ a g n g fg k t

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Back: S. Vithouklas, M. Hepner, W. Wanner Seated: A . Gray 59



Back row: E. Gunning, A . Conquest, A . French, B. Krysiak, A . Schoeffler, A . Mellon, E. Schaefer Front row: T. Sm all, L. Brook, S. Lindner, J. Swartz, S. Vithoulkas

B. Hoblitt, R. Stuart, E. Lipton 60




Back row: A . Krause, P. Rassi, J. Swartz, E. Lipton Front row: M. Betz, B. Pettitt, J. Jacobs, A . Fleck, J. Cohen

J. Teitel, B. Krysiak, E. Lipton, A. Cohen, M. Blecher 61

MUSIC j r«p £ £:f ^ r i ft?—ir 1 P f

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B ack row : M arti T ow n se n d , J ason F o x , H eath er Y o u n g, M isch a Hepner, P atrick K oppula, Benjamin Bachus, Ken A lliso n , C arter Lipton, K atie Lee, R yan D yer Third R o w : J ason M cC u llough , Jordan S terlin g, D ierks B en tley, V a lesk a French, S c o tt P ettitt, D avid Austin, D avid Lyne, M ark W hite, Eric S h ears, M att W erner, R yan H art S eco n d row : T iffa n y P eers, A m an da Gray, Au stin H ack ett, R ick y Bores, Lindsay N ye, Erin T im m erm an , Lindsay P iccin ate, K ristin e K un kel Front row : Carrie Blum, Jill D utton, N o el Jury, H eidi Sherm an, Courtney C ooper, B ethany M atia, R och elle M ollen, K aty French, M elanie K rn eta N o t pictured: J a c o b Shepard, A m an da D rew ery, R ick y D aley, Stephanie Chirnom as


Back row: Lara Tobias, Catherine Wilhelm, Micah Caplan, Jon Cohen, M yles Bowman Middle row: Mr. Felten, Becky Embry, Kim Cox, Andrew Chasin, M att Blecher, Lennie Spiser, Karen Levenburg, Cynthia Mitchel, Christiane Wassman, Patrick Lew is Front row: Rachel Stegm an, Gabriella Peers, Mandy Arthur, A ysia Harrison, Matt Philips, A m y French, K itty Brown, Corisa Crowder


Top row: K yle Hirsh, David Foster Back row: Randy Saria, Rob Cohen, Adam Fleck, Shannon Lindneiz, Jon Goldstein, Rob Van Sickle, Bill Pettitt, G regg Dessen, Justin Einhorn Middle row: Jajiv Chandrasekaran, Jafi Lipson, Tina McNeff, Todd Levine, Debbie Ligorsky Front row: Eric Schaefer, Erik Ramsaur, Peter Pillsbury, Jennifer Schwartz, Rebecca Crowe, Polly Rassi, Lauren Durkin, Sophia Trevor Seated: Spencer Patterson, Ashley Conquest, Julie Turpin, Jill Reardon, Stephanie Bates


Back row: Rajiv Chandrasekaran, Debbie Ligorsk y, Eric Schaefer Middle row: Jafi Lipson, Tina N cN eff Front row: Tod d Levine


Spencer Patterson, A sh ley Conquest, Julie Turpin, Jafi Lipson



Back row: Max Arm strong, Kerr Lordigyan, Ethan Gunning, Scott Warner, Taj Bayless, Mike Levin Third row: Ross Kilburn, T y Gosnay, John Jacobs, Danielle Wallace, Jessica Nathan, Susie Hampton, Marci Schween Second row: Gillian Price, Am anda Drewery, Matt Weinberg, Raj Abhyanker, Paula Occhino, Aubrey J oy Corcoran Front row: Jenny Burt, Kevin Stockton, Mitch Timbinard, Adam Limmer, Josh Plosker


Back row: Mike Levin, Ethan Gunning, Danielle Wallace, Gillian Price, Max Arm strong Front row: Ross Kilburn, John Jacobs, Josh Plosker, Scott Warner, Adam Limmer, Kerr Lordigyan


Back row: M. Betz, P. Pillsbury, A . M ellor, A . Schoeffler, C. Mang, B. Krysiac, R. Cohen, J. Tow er Middle row: R. Chandrasekaran, M. Bowman, L. Due, J. Baurmeister, A . Cracchiolo, B. Hoblit, Coach Ellingson Front row: A . Fleck, R. Glass, R. V anSickle, E. Lipton, H. Duffy, R. Dyer


Back row: D. Lyne, J. Shephard, D. Bently, J. McCullough, E. Block, R. Hart, M. Weinberg, Coach Ellingson Middle row: B. Bachus, C. Lipson, A . Hackett, J. Sterling Front row: K. Allison, E. Shears, E. Ginsburg, J. Einhorn, M. White

GIRLS’ VOLLEYBALL CYA TEAM Back row: Ms. Sw iess, B. Crowe, 5. Lindner, K. C ox, A . Conquest, S. Lantz Front row: A . Merkel, J. Turpin, L. Brook, T. M cN eff, J. Swartz, B. Embry, Coach Heberling

A TEAM Back row: D. Ligorsky, S. Bates, A . Harrison, P. Occhino, M. Schwenn, G. Peers Front row: L. Durkin, K. Levenberg, A . French, C. Crowder

B TEAM Back row: G. Price, S. Hampton, J. Dutton, B. Dicken, C. Blum, J. Reardon, S. Trevor, E. Tim m er­ man, P. D odge Front row: L. Nye, M. Najmi, K. Bisla, L. Bradley, T. Peers, L. Piccinati, A . Corcoran, A . May

BOYS’ FLAG FOOTBALL CYA TEAM Back row: J. Tow er, B. Krysiak, R. Daley, P. Pillsbury, C. Mang, A . Schoeffler, B. Frith, D. Foster Front row : L. Due, E. Ramsaur, E. Lipton, M. Betz, A . Fleck, R. Dyer, T. Sm all, M. Ramsaur, H. Duffy, R. Cohen

A TEAM Back row: Coach Curtis Perry, R. Glass, L. Due, J. Goldstein, E. Ram saur Middle row: G. Dessen, J. Bauerm eister, R. Knowler, M. Bowm an, T . B ayless Front row: K. Stockton, R. Van Sickle, M. Chernov, S. Warner, A . Cohen K neeling: R. Dyer, B. Hoblit

B TEAM Back row: Coach Ellingson, M. W einberg, M. Caplan, J. Sterling, R. Hart, D. Lyne, F. Bain Middle row: K. Allison, J. McCullough, D. Bentley, J. Shephard, M. Shite, A . H ackett Front row: C. Lopton, P. Lewis, E. Ginsburg, W. Cohen


Back row: Debbie Ligorsky, Paula Occhino, Lauren Durkin, Gabriella Peers, Becky Dicken, Ms. Buelow Middle row: Corisa Crowder, Julie Turpin, Lisa Brook, Becky Crowe, Courtney Cooper Front row: Kitty Brown, Becky Embry, Noel Jury, Tina M cN eff, Shannon Lindner, Polly Rassi


Back row: Stephanie Bates, Marci Schwenn, Lindsay Nye, Carrie Blum, Jill Dutton, Jessica Nathan, Susi Hampton, Gillian Price, A m y May Front row: Lindsay Piccinati, Tiffany Peers, Erin Timmerman, Jill Reardon, Mandana Najmi, Kiran Bisla, Valeska French, Coach Majeski

BOYS’ BASKETBALL CYA TEAM Back row: M ike Betz, M ike Ramsaur, Lance Due, Bruce Krysiak, Chris Mang, Andrew Meilor, A ar­ on Schoeffler, Peter Pillsbury, Jon Goldstein Front row: Eric Ram saur, Brian H oblit, Tim Sm all, Rob Cohen

A TEAM Back row: R icky Daley, A dam Cohen, Rob V anSyckle, M yles Bowm an, Jon Bauerm eister, Taj B ayless, A d a m F leck , Ryan Glass Middle row: Evan Lipton, M att Werner Front: Curtis Perry

B TEAM Back row: Austin Hackett, Dierks Bentley, Jacob Shephard, Carter Lipton, Warren Cross, Jordan Sterling, Matthew W einberg, Ken A llison, T y Gosnay, Ryan Hart Kneeling: Patrick Kopula, Wayne Cohen, Raj Abhyanker


GIRLS’ BASKETBALL CYA TEAM Back (L ) P. Rassi, C. Crowder, C. Kitchell, L. Brook, (R ) Front (L ) B. Daley, J. Swartz, S. Lindner, J. Tur­ pin, C. Cooper (R )

A TEAM Back (L ) P. Occhino, A . Harrison, S. Hampton, L. N y e , M. Schwenes, (R ) Front (L ) G. Price, D. Ligorsky, B. Dicken, L. Durkin (R )

B TEAM A . Jay Corcoran, A . Drewery, T. Peers, V. French, A . Gray


BOYS’ SOFT/BASEBALL CYA TEAM Back row: R. Cohen, B. Frith, P. Pillsbury, A . Schoeffler, C. Mang, B. Krysiak, T. Sm all Front row: T. B ayless, S . Warner, M. Werner, R. Van Sickle, J. Goldstein, A. Fleck, R. Daley, J. Cohen

A TEAM Back row: T . Sm all, A . Fleck, R. Cohen, P. Pillsbury, A. S choeffler, C. Mang, B. Krysiak Front row: A . Cohen, L. Due, E. Ramsaur, B. Hoblit, R. Chandasekaran. Dyer, M. Betz, M. Ram ­ saur, H. Duffy, E, Lipton, B. Frith, D. Bently

B TEAM Back row: J. Greene, R. Hart, D. Bentley, J. Shephard, A . Hackett, J. McCallough, C. Lipton, E, Block, M. W einberg, K. Allison Front row: D. Lyne, E. Shears, M. Phillips, W. Cohen, P. Koppula, S. Pettitt, M. Caplan


Back row: Mrs. Bookspan, Jafi Lipson, Polly Rassi, Becky Crowe, Jennifer Schwartz, Lisa Brook, Cynthia Kitchel, Mr. Majeski Front row: Shannon Lindner, Noel Jury, Heidi Sherman, A m y French, Sheri Lantz


Back row: Mrs. Bookspan, Debbie Ligorsky, Lauren Durkin, Becky Dicken, Gabriella Peers, Valeska French, Tiffany Peers, Mr. Majeski Front row: Steffi Bates, Jill Reardon, Jenica Nathan, Lindsay Piccinati, Erin Timmer­ man, Mandy Arthur

Right: Rhett R eese, The Earl o f Litterdom ! Below : Ho ho ha ha hee hee ha ha . . .

Below: “ I don’t usually eat here

Below: Out to lunch . . .

AT THE TOP From rowdy seniors to “ little freshm en” , the Upper School has grow n into a place that the students can be proud to be a part of. The spirit days, the lunches in the quad, the intramu­ ral com petitions, and many more activities have all helped to add to the rising spirit and the sense of community in the Up­ per School. This sense of com ­ munity is felt throughout the faculty as well as the students. These special student-teacher relationships help add to a re­ la x e d and en jo y a b le a tm o ­ sphere. P C D S , with its already well-established reputation for academic excellence, can be ex­ pecting great things coming up in the future. 77

Right: “ I hope I g et a top locker next yea r!”


Is she alive . . . or M em orex? Right: Harsh winter hits Phoenix.


“ I don’t know who he is, do you ?”




When it’s time to relax .. . Left: “ Can you keep a secret?”


FRESHMEN et another record setting F resh m en C la s s ! The C la s s o f ’90 is the big gest c la ss to hit the P C D S Upper School. W hile this class w a s an energetic bunch, they were, to put it delicately, Freshm en, and with Freshm en com e all those w onderful things that Freshm en are prone to do. This c la ss w a s no exception to the rule, but, in the end, they did leave the rest of the school with the feeling that they had the potential to be­ com e real contributors in the U pper School. If they survive the sum m er, this m a ss of Frosh m ay even turn into Sophom ores!


Candids (c lo c k w is e from upper right) 1. That all-too-famiiiar sight 2. The On-Campus Privilege 3. Friends forever 4. What am I doing surrounded by all these Freshm en? 5. “ What es s a y ? ”

Robert Rutila President

Jennifer Lewin Vice President

Karen Finley Treasurer

“ I feel that this year’s Freshmen C lass played an important part in adding to the excitement of the year. In becoming Sophom ores, we will continue to prove that we belong in the Upper School and that we play a vital role in the P C D S w ay of life.”

Kristin Allison

Robert Bernstein

A ndrew Bienstock

Maia Cryns

M elissa D ’A m ico

Shani Davis

Laura Dingman

W hitney Bartlett

Dina Brody

Stephanie Bashore

Kristen Clark

Ah one . . . Ah tw o . . . Ah one, two, three, four

Brooke Donahoe

Billy Dumone

Help! The killer desk has m y leg!

No Photo Available

Elsie Dye

Jason Eaton

Brent Eubanks

Keir Fowler

Kendra Fraser

Paul Geantil

Nancy Halabi

Amanda Hart

Holly Hendin

Kathy Hollenberg

Andrew Honacker

Fred Ferguson


M am ie Janis

Sarah Judd

Jill Krafts

Bryce Leckie

P a g g y Madison

Douglas Matia

Peter Michaelsen

Christine Mitchell


Bobby Pinnamaneni

Debbie Plone

Ari Plosker

Kevin Ramsaur

4 Caleb R eese

Carter Richardson

The Lunch Truckers

Pam ela Schreiber

Laurel Sparks

G eoffrey Trachtenberg

Paul Wernick

Rachel Schwartz

Janessa Shtabsky

Scott Small

Jeffrey Stern

Karen Takagi

Pinar Tashman

Ralph Glee

Julianne Vithoulkas

Tracy Weiss

Charles Wetmore-White

Brett Walton

SOPHOMORES inally not Freshm en any­ m ore, the c lass o f ’89 be­ gan to gain a little respect. W hether it w a s on the sports field or in the classroom , this y ear’s So p h o m o res started taking roles a s leaders. They began to do things right, prov­ ing that, next year, they w ould be worthy o f becom ing U pper­ classm en. They also proved them selves to be the m ost di­ v erse c la s s in the U pper School. From the start o f this class to the ‘E nda’ it, each in­ dividual could be found doing his ow n thing. Sk aters, intel­ lectuals, rockers, jocks, m usi­ cians . . . you nam e it, and this c la ss had it. The year end­ ed with visions of off-cam pus privileges, English III, and all those other things associated with becom ing a m em ber of the few , the proud, the U pper­ classm en.


Captions (clo ck w ise from upper left) 1. “ s o I put them in the air, and they just stuck this w a y !” 2. R ockin’ Ram ada 3. M om , can you com e pick m e up? 4. “ I’ m only borrowing her book. . . ” 5. “ Carter! The C oke machine is em p ty!”

Tim Daley President

Sargent Pillsbury Vice President

David Landau Treasurer

“ This year w as the best year this class will ever have! Our ski trip w as a blast and we saved some money to start building on for Prom .�



A lissa Bodell

R oz B olger

Beach B oys??

Jason Cohen

Carter Dicken

Daniel Durschlag

K irsten G o rm ly

K risty Hamilton

Kari Hubbard

Paul Kim

David Jarrat

A m y Levine

Christine G rau

Charles Hessel

Ian H ackett

Enda Hu

Carrie Judd

Teresa Kalloch

Ricky Lewis

Kerstan Lincoln


Lisa Lincoln

M atthew N icely

Michael McClanahan

M iko McGinty

Daniel Pinney

W illiam Ram sey

Michael Moran

Lisa Rand

Shannon Robinson

No Photo Available


Hey, look over there!

Michelle Rotman

Brandon S em ilo f

Dino Stathakis

Lydia Wassmann

* Jodie Shtabsky

Masada Siegel

Daryl Sparks

Sm ile!!

Alan Takagi

Joshua Weinrach

Sarah Tim m ons

Brian Weiss

Travis Wright

Jennifer Wilson

Dan Yee

Scot Torrey

JUNIORS hange - that one w ord de­ s c r ib e s p e rfe c tly the 1986-1987 school year a s it pertained to the C la ss of ’88. O ff-C am p u s adventures, driv­ ing a car, college anticipation and preparation, and the plan­ ning o f The Prom w ere just a few o f the m any new responsi­ bilities the Juniors undertook, and the c la ss undertook them in stride. From the car w ash to college nights to T o k y o E x­ press and back again, the Ju­ niors went “ full steam ah ead ” into w hat ever they did. In oth­ er w o rd s, the class set the pace and dared the rest o f the school to try and follow . With Seniorhood right around the corner, these new “ leaders and sh ap ers” should m ake the 1987-1988 school year at least a s fun, exciting, and suc­ cessful a s this year w as.


Captions (clo ck w ise from upper left) 1. “ Y o u ’re under arrest, put your hands behind your head.” 2. “ The L o o k ” 3. Breaking and Entering 4. “ What are you lookin’ a t? ” 5. “ O ne m ore m ove and I breaka your face.”

Eric Werner President

Tom Levenberg V ice President

Neil Michaelsen Treasurer

“ It w a s a tough year, to say the least. It w asn ’t easy to raise all that money for The Prom and still have a good time, but we did. W e ’re all looking forward, with nervous anticipation, to our final year at P C D S .”



u >

Bennett, a true R o m e o .

Greg Boetel

Julia Diddy

T o m B aird

Mary Ann Driscoll

M a g g ie B iancaniello

Will Duffy

nAw rtt 94

M atthew Fleck

Colton Gramm

Brett Groh

Jason H ackett

R om eo and Juliet.

Eddie Harris

Karl Hirsch

Lydia Kinney

Barry Liden

Bennett Hopper

Sharon Ligorsky

J eff Jacobs

Gary Linhart


Daphne Madison

Sara M cN eff

Studying, PC D S style!


Ton y M in koff

M atthew Rigberg

a m


Grant Mudge

Marla Pallin

Francisco Quinonez

Nelson Ryland

Meredith Schneider

N icole Schneider

Elizabeth Sim chak

Heather Stocker

Clarissa Sim ek

Drew Spangler

Stephen Ticktin

Jed Van Voorhis

W ow, I could’ve had a V-8!

Peter Spiegel

Katherine Wilson

Below: PC D S Class o f 1987

Below : “ Harvard, Princeton, or Y a le ? ”


A b o ve: H ow it’s rea lly done A b o v e Right: PC D S ’ first graduating class - 1965 Right: “ Hi! I’ m Gopher, your ship’s purser.”

“ M r. V ern on , y o u ’re w a y out o f line!”

“ Wanna sip?”

THE CLASS OF ’87 T hey’re history. The P C D S class of 1987 has said its final goodbye to the white stuccoed w alls of Phoenix Country Day. N o longer will Dave & D ave hu­ m or us at morning meeting. G o n e are the d a y s w hen “ T oph’s buying.” A fter thirteen years at P C D S , lifers Lara Sosnow and Catherine B aggott are gone, too. N o more Rhett, Emi­ ly, John, and Kevin w ho suc­ ceeded with flying colors in their pursuit in becom ing Nick M cK ay disciples. A ll of them are off to becom e the low men on the totem poles - Freshmen once again. O ff to colleges and universities in all corners of the United States. With all this in mind, the P C D S Upper School bids a very, very fond farewell, know­ ing and hoping that you’ll come visit us som etim e very, very soon. W e ’ll all m iss you a whole lot.

Back row: Kelly Meyer, Apichai Shipper, Mrs. Reese, Lara Sosnow, John Pent, Ana Quinonez, Jason Schoeffler, Mr. Quick, David Friedman, Rhett Reese Middle Row: Benita Weber, Nicole Blaustein, Karen Hessel, Ana Tia, Mr. Wolpert, Front Row: Christine Lane, P eggi Egnew, Hari all together on the tenth grade camping trip. 99

Perhaps it’s only a coincidence but m an’s best friends can’t talk. -Anonym ous

A ll m y best thoughts w ere stolen by the ancients. -Citizen Schw eikher

Should I abide by the rules until th ey’re changed, or should I help speed the change by breaking them. -Anonymous

Robert Andrew Allen Y esterd ay upon the stair, I saw a man who w asn’t there. He w asn’t there again today, I wish that he would g o away. B. Stam p

For ever, and forever, farewell, Cassius! If we do m eet again, why, w e shall smile; If not, why then this parting was well made. -William Shakespeare

If a little know ledge is dangerous, where is the man who knows so much as to be out o f danger. -T. Huxley


“ O ne Father is m ore than a hundred school-m asters.” (G eo rge Herbert)

“ K eep ’em out o f trouble and sisters are the cutest and loyalest friends you ’ll ever find.” (D .C .)

D avid S h a Cesal

“ Behind every successful man there is a w om an.” Anonym ous “ Th ose who place them selves in the care o f God experience the peace o f G od.” Anonym ous

“ W here’ s the clutch?”

“ I can rem em ber w ay back when a liberal w as one who w as generous with his own m oney.” (W ill R o gers)

“ Com m on men can not shirk world politics and at the sam e tim e enjoy private freedom !” (H.G. W eils) “ . . . And this is m y partner D ave.”

“ Let us permit Communism to exist in only one place, a history book will su ffice.” (D .C.) “ The business o f A m er­ ica is business.” (Calvin C oolid ge)


Nicole Roni Blaustein

W h at through the radiance which w a s o n ce s o bright, be now forever taken from m y sight. T h ou gh nothing can bring back the hour o f splendor in the grass, o f g lo ry in the flow er; W e w ill g rie v e not, rather find, stren gth in w h at rem ains behind. -W ordsworth


Jennifer Rachel Cooper

“Lean on me! 14

“ S o m any faces in and out o f m y life. S om e will last, som e will just be now and then. Life is a series o f hellos and good b yes. I’m afraid it’s tim e for good b ye again.” Billy Joe)

Kirby Elizabeth Bowles


O s a Erickson Shall I stay here at the zoo O r should I g o and change m y point o f view Forever I’ m guessing. -Alphaville



“ Style can be a real bum m er!”

Kevin W illiam Victor Fowler




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“ I som etim es feel 1 should just g o home, but I feel it with a m em ory that never forgets.” ■ Pete T ow nsend “ I have it in m y head. . .1 just can’t get it out.” -Honorable Donald R. DeWitt

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S o m any fa c e s in and out o f m y life som e w ill last s o m e w ill ju st be n ow and then. ■ B illy J o el L ife is a series o f h ello s and good-b yes, I’ m afraid it’ s tim e for good-b ye again.

Elizabeth M ead H ays

Love is Cruel Love is cruel, A n event easy to forsee. A n d even though you see it com e It runs through your soul so wild and uncontrollably. A feeling that should never have to end. But when it’s over You g o turning to see, A n d a sk for help from inside of thee, You find yourself hoping to forsee H o w love left you so cold and easily. • Scott Stuart Cam eron, 1985


Light as a treat that’ s free from care — Light as a tress o f W aving hair

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education M ark Twain

Steven Ozer S lo w

d o w n y o u c ra zy ch ild, ta k e the

p h on e o f f th e h o o k and d is a p p e a r fo r a w h ile it ’ s all rig h t y o u can a ffo rd to lo s e a d a y or tw o . -B illy J o e l

I’m not here on business I’m only here for fun. -Bruce Springsteen

I r e a lly h a v e e n jo y e d m y s ta y . B u t I m u s t b e m o v in g on . -S u p e rtra m p


Exhilaration is that feeling you g et just after a great idea hits you, and just before you realize w hat’s w rong with it. — Unknown

John Lorenz Josephson

If only God would g ive me a clear sign! Like m aking a large deposit in m y name at a Sw iss bank. — W oody Allen

Blondes have more fun! Be happy are. -Mom


Som etim es you gotta say . . .!

The whole gang

Go Blue!



W here’s the party???

David Friedman Som e men see things as they are and ask ‘w hy?’ I dream o f things that never were and say why not.” Robert Kennedy

Give o f yourself, give as much as you can! And you can always, always give something, even if it is only kindness! If everyone were to do this and not be as mean with a kindly word, then there would be much more justice and love in the world. Give and you shall receive, much more than you would have ever thought possible. Give, g ive again and again, don’t lose courage. Keep it up and go on giving! No one has ever becom e poor from giving! -Anne Frank

Panic breeds brillance. H. Daley


Kelly Catherine M eyer

A w o m a n ’ s reach should e x c e ed her gra sp ■ o r w h a t’ s a heaven fo r? -anonym ous

Whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion o f life keep peace with your soul. With all its shame, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. -Desiderata


“ My heroes have alw ays been cow boys and they still are it seem s, sadly in search o f and one step in back o f them selves and their slow m oving dream s.” -Willie Nelson

Gregory Richard Janis “ M y papa was around and he taught me right all about the women and the Satur­ day night . . . I’m a little bit crazy but I’m all right I am m y father’s son, a little bit crazy . . . livin’ everyday like Saturday night. Mama don’t like it but she under­ stands It ain’t how you run it’s the fact that you ran . . . ” -Eddy Raven

“ Ju st live and let liv e by the G olden Rule N o w d on ’t that just hit the spot G ive m e the country side o f life.” -Alabam a

I lo v e four w h eelin ’ up into the mountains I lik e the qu iet w aters o f m other nature’ s fountains I like the high places without the traces o f the n oise and the s m o k e and the factories M y kind o f action is country relaxin g.” -Hank W illiam s



Karen Eve Kaplan

It w a s the b es t o f tim es, it w a s the w o rs t o f tim es, it w a s th e a g e o f w is d om , it w a s the a g e o f fo o l足 ishn ess, it w a s th e epoch o f be足 lief, it w a s the ep 足 och o f incredu足 lity , it w a s the sea son o f L igh t, is w a s th e season o f D arkn ess, it w a s the sprin g o f h ope, it w a s the w in ter o f despair, w e had eve ryth in g b efore us, w e had nothing b efo re us, w e w e re all go in g d irect to H eaven , w e w ere all go in g d irect the o th er w a y . . . - D icken s



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A sense o f humor will see you through.

Christine Louise Lane

H o w w ere you to k n ow that you w ould be the lucky one; ain ’ t it funny h ow tim e flies when the best is y e t to co m e. - Bryan A d a m s

If you have to lo o k for the e d ge g iv e it up.

Let the g o o d tim es roll. - Cars

L ife m o ves pretty fast. If you don ’ t s low down and take a look, it m ight pass you by. Ferris Bueller


This is the time to rem em ber, cause it will not last forever. . . â– Billy Joel

Rhett R eese

W hen I w a s young, w e didn’t have M T V instead w e had to take drugs and go to concerts. -Doug Ferrari It’s hard to do jo k es when everything m ust be clean. M ae W est

David Christopher McClanahan

Dream On In Am erica you can al­ w ays find a party, in Rus­ sia the Party alw ays finds you! -Yakov Smirnov 125

Jason A n d rew Schoeffler Y ou can ’t a lw a y s get w hat you want. But if you try som etim e, Y o u might find, You get w hat you need. -Rolling Stones

Tim e w aits for no one. A n d it w o n ’t wait for me. -Rolling Stones

Apichai W . Shipper

“ N oth in g is hard in this w orld if you dare to sca le the h eigh ts.” -M ao Z edon g


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Enjoy the spring tim e ta k e th ose first flow ers . . . - O vid

“ If I k eep on thinking lik e this I’ ll be a C om ­ m unist . . . By God. I am a C om m u nist!” - M iss J ay Davidm an

-H U H


Lara Yardley Sosnow

John David Pent

T o find one’ s work in the world and do it honorably, to keep one’s record clean so that nothing clandestine, furtive, surrepetitous can ever leap out upon one from ambush and spoil one’ s life, to be able, therefore, unafraid to look the world in the face, to live honorably also with one’s own soul because one keeps there no secret place like the bloody closet in Bluebeard’s palace where the dead things hang, to w alk life’s journey unhaunted by the ghosts o f people from whose ruin one has stolen pleasure, and so at last to be a gentleman, one. that is who puts a little more into life than one takes out- gather up the significance o f such character, forty years old. sixty years old, eighty years old - one m ay well celebrate the solid satisfactions o f such a life. -Harry Emerson Fosdick, D.D.

I sold the m em ories o f m y lo v e life to P ark er B rothers and they are g o in g to m a k e a ga m e out o f it. W o o d y A llen

I’ d rather entrust the go vern m en t o f th e United S ta te s to the first four hundred p eo p le listed in the B oston teleph on e d irectory than to the facu lty o f Harvard U n iversity.-W illiam F. B u ckley, Jr.

T h e man w ho w a lk s alon e is soon trailed by the FBI - W righ t M orris

G ood hum or is on e o f the best articles o f dress one can w ear in society. -Thackery Im a ges o f sorrow , pictures o f d eligh t, things that g o to m ake up a life. - G enesis A c tio n s and decision s are reversible; tim e is but once.-Anon

T h ere is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is having lots to do and not d oin g it. -John W . Raper V o ic e s raised in an ger, they don ’ t h ave the answer.-Level 42 Turn o ff your mind, relax and row dow nstream .-Phil Collins G ood w ord s alone do not result in go o d actions. -Anon

It is when the g o d s hate a man with uncom m on abhorrence that they drive him into the profession o f a schoolm aster. - Seneca



If you have lost faith in you rself just go out and get acquainted with a small child. Win his love and your faith will com e stealing back to you before you know it. ■Nick Kenney

Anne White Pillsbury /our friends will know you better in the First minute you m eet than your acquaint­ ances will know you in a thousand years.

Life is not an an­ swer — it is a question.

Don’t be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting Again, after moments certain for those who are friends. 131


Jam es Thom as Vernon If life w as meant to be an adventure, then the biggest crime must be not to have enjoyed the trip. -Annon

I often think o f the immortal words o f Socra­ tes who said, “ I drank w hat?!” -Chirs Knight Please remember: You can always retake a class, but you can never relive a weekend. Sigm a Nu

Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis a folly to be w ise. If you wish to m ake an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. ■ Carl Sagan The only things worth doing are those which can be done by shortcut. ■ Rem ington S teele

E. Louis Werner, III

Tell them 1 don’t care what they think! - S tokes


There has been nothing which I have found to require a greater effort o f patience than to hear the criticism o f the ign ora n t. J e ffe rs o n D avis

b e tte r t b a tv -ff

Scream to see the light form ing figures fast behind you, lay the past in the wind to spin and your fate will sail beyond the open plains. - Q ueensryche

Kris Stathakis

Bob and Ray

P ig le t slided up to Pooh from behind “ P o o h ” he w hispered “ Y e s P ig le t? ” “ N oth in g,” said P ig le t taking P o o h ’s paw “ I just wanted to be sure o f yo u ” • A .A . Milne D on’t m ake m e sad talking about tom orrow It’ s not so bad Y o u ’ll m ove on up, yo u ’ll m ove out and you w on ’t cry ’Cause our am ateur days are over. - J o e Jackson

Emily Beth W olf

Natalie Inez Smith U>K.V


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“ Say Cheese!”




Back row: D. Matia, L. Werner, P. Sp iegel, B. Dumone Front row: Mr. Zank, K. Cesal, A . Quinonez, D. Ce­ sal, D. Durchslag, Mr. S tok es Not pictured: D. Friedman, D. Spangler

“ This has been the best Senate in recent P C D S his­ tory. Each and every re­ presentative played a part in m aking the 1986-87 school year both fun and spirit filled ” -Peter Spiegel, Senate Treasurer David Cesal and David Friedman Student Senate Co-Presidents


This y ear’s Student Senate served as the driving force be­ hind everything in the school. W hether it be Pep Rallies, Okto b e rfe s ts , D a n c e s , Spirit D ays, or anything else, the Senators a lw ay s put on a class act. Led by Co-Presidents David Friedman and D a­ vid C esal (the im fam ous “ D

sq u ared ” ), this organization of representatives from each class w a s one m ajor reason that the 1986-87 school year turned out the w ay it did. W e all ow e a great big “ thank yo u ” to the entire Senate for m aking this past year a great one.


Back row: Rhett Reese, Kevin W ernick, Francisco Quinonez, Lou Werner, Hugh Daley, Eric Werner, S teve Ozer, John Josephson, Tom Baird Front row: Mr. Schweikher, J e ff Jacobs, Mr. Flail, Mr. Martin, Mr. Stokes, Matt R igberg, Karen Hader, Kevin Fowler, Apichai Shipper, Catherine B aggot, Bobby Allen, Ana Quinonez, John Pent, Neil Michaelson, Kathy Wilson, Natalie Smith. Emily W olf, Elizabeth Ling, Brett Groh, David Cesal, Eddie Harris, Gary Linhart, Sharon Ligorsky, Will Duffy, Bennett Hopper Kneeling: Anne Pillsbury, Jena Cooper


Back row: S. Ozer, K. W ernick, T. Levenberg, N. Ryland, B. Allen, P. Spiegel, C. Gramm, B. Hopper, J. VanVoorhis, K. Hirsch, E. Werner Front row: J. Stern, M. Biancaniello, R. R eese, J. Cohen, K. Ramsaur, A . Brodie-Bodell, D. McClana­ han, A . Shipper, M. S iegel, J. Cooper, E. W olf, J. Pent, G. Linhart, 1. Sim ek, E. Harris, K. Wilson, Mr. Coon

Rhett Reese, Editor The Day Star, PC D S official Upper S ch ool news publication, has gained much respectability am ong its readers since its beginnings 5 years ago. Each 20 page issue o f the 1986-87 school year proved inform ative, entertaining, and stim ulating. W hile the finished product m ay be am azing, the w ork that went into it can-


not be appreciated. A fte r reporters w rote their articles (requiring tw o w eek s o f in vestigatin g, researching and writ­ in g) the stories w ere then subjugated to a grueling editing process. The editors w ere R hett R eese, Editor; Em ily W olf, M anaging Editor; Peter S p iegel, N ew s Editor; T o m Levenberg, Features Editor; K evin W ernick, S p orts Editor; S teve O zer, C opy Editor; and Mr. Coon, A d v i­ sor. W hile they w ere all hard at work John Pent, A d vertisin g Editor; Clarissa S im ek, Ph oto Editor; and Eddie Harris, Technical Editor w ere out collecting ads, taking photos, and handling the com puters. Editing efforts culm inated in m onthly layout sessions. The sessions, lasting over 10 hours on a Saturday, often found the layout sta ff w ading in piles o f com puter copy, X-acto knives, and spray glue. Much tribute is deserved on the part o f those select few who broke their backs laying out “ just one m ore page” . When the issues finally rolled o ff the presses, they instilled the entire sta ff

Em ily W olf, M anaging Editor with a sense o f pride. The Day Star is a m ethod by which students can be in­ vo lved in the school, express their ideas, and, m ost im portantly, be heard. It is an extrem ely im portant part o f the com m u­ nity, and, with continued student in­ volvem en t, should see further success in the future.


Back row: D. McClanahan, A . Brodie-Bodell, T. Baird, F. Quinonez, B. DuMone, E. Werner, B. Groh, W. Duffy, J. Wilson Middle row: David Cesal, J. Krafts, M. Cryns, A . Hart, T. Kalloch, M. Janis, A . Shipper, J. Pent, E. Wolf, R. Lipson, M. Rotman, M. Schneider, L. Wassmann, K. Lincoln, L. Lincoln, K. Wilson, C. Gramm Front row: A. Quinonez, J. Josephson, C. Lane, A . A iello


Back row: M. Moran, E. Harris, N. Blaustein, A . A iello Front row: A . Brodie-Bodell, A. Quinonez, S. Ligorsky, K. Wilson, N. Michaelsen



Back row: S. Pillsbury, E. W olf, K. Wilson, S. Ligorsky, D. Jarrat Front Row: M. Siegel, L. Wassman, A . A iello


Back row: J. Josephson, B. Groh, G. Linhart Front row: J. Jacobs, D. Cesal, A . A iello, W. Duffy, G. Mudge



Back row: Senor Bruning, B. W eiss, M. McClanahan, C. Dicken, I. Hackett, M. Nicely Middle row: C. Hessel, J. Weinrach, R. Lewis, B. Dorrance, K. Lincoln, J. Shtabsky, A . Brodie-Bodell, Senorita Healy, E. Hu Front row: K. Hamilton, L. Rand, R. Bolger, S. Ligorsky


Back row: F. Quinonez, B. Groh, S. Ligorsky, S. Pillsbury, K. Wilson, W. Duffy, E. Harris Middle row: D. Jarrat, T. Wright, J. Wilson, J. Josephson, L. Lincoln, M. Siegel, C. Sim ek Front row: M. Schneider, C. Lane, A. Quinonez, V. Castillo


Back row: B. Liden, T. McDonald, H. Stocker, I. Sim ek, S. Ligorsky, K. Wilson, D. Spangler, M. Rigberg, Ms. Salzmann, Front Row : L. Kinney, T. Levenberg, M. Pallin, P. Spiegel


Back row: P. S piegel, J. Schoeffler, Com m issioner R. Reese, Front row: J. Josephson, B. Hopper, S. Ozer, K Wernick


Back row: T. Minkoff, E. Hu, G. Trachtenberg Front row: Mr. Singer, D. McCIanahan, P. Geantil


Back row: Mr. Bruning, J. Hackett, B. Dorrance, B. Weiss, G. Anderson, T. Daley Front row: M. Nicely, C. Dicken, J. Pent, W. Duffy, I. Hackett



YEARBOOK “ I can’t believe w e made it.” -Karen Hessel, Editor

Karen Hessel, Editor

Layout Staff: Maia Cryns, Kathy Wilson, Mike McGinty

Photo Staff: Photo Editor Karen Hader, Gary Linhart, A lyse Aiello, Rami Lipson, Fred Ferguson Copy Staff: Charles Hessel, Copy Editor Peter Spie­ gel, David Cesal, Sharon Ligorsky Advertising Staff: A d­ vertising Editors Da­ vid Friedman and Ni­ chole Blaustein, Trav­ is Wright, John Josephson. Ana Quin­ onez, Karen Kaplan

NOTES ON MUSIC: This year the P C D S music p rogram w a s bigger and better than ever before. The new music building w a s an inspiration for all, and Mr. Les Felton, Jr. w a s the driving force behind many ch an ges in the program . For the first time w e had a concert band, a guitar class, as well as the Jazz Ensem ble and Dixieland Band. The choir w a s the best

w e ’ve had in a long time. N ew com binations w ere everywhere this year, including the N A G mix of jazz and chorus, the dueling banjos, and the R agtim e Duet. Hari and the K rishnas exploded into the P C D S m usic scene, too. A ll in all, the m usic program seem s to be following its tradi­ tional pattern of excellence and innovation.

A pair o f floutists

“ H O N K !!” 154

“ Does he re a lly expect us to play this?”

“ W e’re just a couple o f wild and crazy musicians!” 155

Right: Guitar: T. M inkoff, V. Castillo, Mr. Chelpka, K. Kaplan, K. Hirsch Below : Dixieland Band: T o p row: H. Daley, S. Ozer, A . A iello, R. Rutila, F. Ferguson, D. Spangler, C. B aggott B ottom t o w :

Concert Band: Top row: C. Reese, C. Dicken, P. Geantil, A Levine, C. Richardson, Mr. Chelpka Front row: J. Lewin, S. Bashore, S. Tim m ons, K. M eyer, R. Bernstein, M. Janis, N. Halabi



Jazz Ensemble: Back row: S. Ozer, H. Daley, A . A iello, M. Rigberg, D. Spangler, Mr. Felten Third row: B. Donahoe, A . Honacker, C. B aggott, M. Fleck Second row: J. Stern, M. Nicely, G. Anderson Front row: F. Ferguson, R. Rutila, C. Lane, N. Blaustein

A bove: Chorus: Back row: P. Kim, A. Plosker, Front row: Ms. Ericksen, D. Brodie, T. Weiss, Left: The Dueling Banjoes: Hugh Daley and Steve Ozer

VARSITY GOLF Extrem ely respectable - two w o rd s that best describe the V arsi­ ty G olf Team . Under the leadership of C oach es Mr. D ash n aw and Mr. Martin as w ell as Captain Lou W erner, the E agle golfers com piled a respectable record while com pet­ ing against schools that were, in som e instances, 15 tim es our size. O ver the course o f the season, Lou w a s the m edalist (lo w scorer o f the entire m atch) 3 tim es and Fresh­ m an Brett W alton accom plished the feat once. The team, while hav­ ing a great year, also has a bright future. With Seniors Eric Werner, Gary Linhart, Bennett Hopper, and Peter Sp iegel leading the way, next y ear’s team will have 7 of 8 players returning. Fore!



Back row: J. Stern, R. Rutilla, B. Walton, E. Werner, G. Linhart Front row: L, Werner, B. H opper - N ot pictured: P. Spiegel

B a c k ro w : H. S to c k e r, K. Finley, A . Levine M iddle row : S . R obin son , R. B o lger Front: K risty H am ilton

J.V. Cheer: C. Judd, M. Schneider, P. Tishman, Jody Schtabsky

VAR SITY CH EERLEADERS For the second year in a row, the P C D S Cheer­ leaders helped to boost the spirit and excitement at the E agle’s gam es. Their enthusiasm and skill helped performing team s to defeat opponents. This year, for the first time, there were two cheerleading squads. There w as a Varsity Team (captained by Heather Stocker) and a Junior Varsity Team (captained by Carrie Judd). The cheerleaders practiced three times a week, which definitely paid off. With the success they have had, the team, first organized in 1985, will continue to grow and to last. One o f these things is not like the other



Back row: N. Ryland, J. Schoeffler, A . Tak a gi, K. Fow ler, G. Anderson, J. Cohen, B. Sem ilof, B. Liden Mid足 dle row: Coach M aczuga, L. Kinney, K. Hollenberg, E. Ling, S. Judd, M. S iegel, K. Allison, K. Takagi, D. S pangler, Coach M ildrew Front R ow : J. Lewin, J. Krafts, D. Sparks, E. W olf, M. McGinty, T. Kalloch



VARSITY SOCCER The 1986 Phoenix Country Day School Varsity Soccer Team had a m agnificent year. Being the state cham pions for three previous consecu­ tive years, the soccer team proved once again they had the potential, al­ though they w ere not in a league. A s o f O ctober 28, the Varsity Soccer team had a record o f 10-0 and tying in tw o gam es. A place in the play-offs would have m ost certainly been guaranteed with such respectable showings. H ow ­ ever, the team ’ s perform ance did not g o unnoticed as it clinched the Chal­ lenge Cup against Judson School in three straight victories. O verall, the entire team put out 100% effort. H ow ever, several m em ­ bers d ese rv e sp ecial recogn ition . Jason H ackett showed excellent athle­ tic abilities by building up plays for the offen se and adding a couple o f goa ls to

help balance the attack. Kris Stathakis displayed great skills and leadership as the captain. Kevin Wernick, John Josephson, and Hugh Daley all re­ mained solid defensem en. Apichai Shipper and Greg Janis should be noted for their abilities to hustle about in the foward position. Finally, Billy Dumone w as a rem arkable player who alw ays seem ed to have foiled the oppo­ nent’ s defense by scoring 23 o f the team ’s 57 points in the season. There is no secret to w hy the soccer team perform ed so well. One man must be given credit for its success, S ole Antonijevic. He stressed coopera­ tion and team w ork am ong players. He also shared many tips from his profes­ sional soccer career. The 1986 Varsity Soccer Team w ill alw ays be a team to be rem em bered. Right: “ Out o f m y w a y !”

B ack row : F. Q uin on ez, A . S h ipper, K. Ram saur. S. T orrey , J. Vernon, J. H ack ett, K. S ta th ak is, K. W ernick, H. D aley, G. M udge, J. Josep hson , J. Von V oo rh is. D. Friedm an, M. M cClanahan, Coach A n ton ijevic Front row : D. C esal, D. Jarret, B. DuM one, T . D aley, D. M cClanahan, G. Janis, D. Durschlag, D. S ta th ak is, I. H ack ett

o i—

V alley Lutheran Desert Hills Judson Greenfields V alley Christian Fenster Desert Hills Judson V alley Lutheran Greenfields

t\J O

Eagles Eagles Eagles

4 9 2 5 8 6 12 3 2 2


Eagles Eagles Eagles Eagles Eagles Eagles Eagles



Junior Varsity Soccer: Back row: Coach Ellingson, B. Dorrance, A. Honacker, S. Tictin, K. Fowler, R. (llee, P. Wernick, K. Botell Front row: D. Matia, C. Hessel, C. Reese, R. Bernstein, C. Richardson, D. Landau


VARSITY VOLLEYBALL This year w a s a year of ‘firsts’ for the V arsity V olley­ ball T eam . First year in the C la s s C Division; first year of play in the gym nasium ; first year o f evening gam es; and m any m ore ‘firsts’ that are too num erous to mention. It w a s also a very difficult year. A fter losing four of six starters from last y ear’s team, w e began the p rocess o f re­ building. M oving into a new, and m uch tougher, league m ade the p rocess even m ore

SCORECARD A z . Lutheran A z . Lutheran C actu s S h a d o w s PD SD PD SD

2 2 2 2 2

E a g le s E a gles E a gles E a g le s E a gles

1 1 1 0 0

E a g le s , C actu s S h a d o w s Judson

2 2 2

V a lle y Lutheran E a g le s E a gles

0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

M ayer M a yer O rm e S a lo m e S a lo m e

2 2 2 2 2

E a g le s E a g le s E a gles E a g le s E a gles

NW CC NW CC E a gles W estern Christian

2 2 2 2

E a gles 1 E a gles 1 W estern Christian 1 E a gles 0

C on feren ce R ecord: 1-11 O v era ll R eco rd : 2-15

Left: Back row: K. M eyer, K. Bow les, L. Sosnow , H. Stocker, D. Madison, M. Biancaniello Front row: Coach Buelow, J. W ilson, K. Cesal, L. Rand, M. Rotman Kneeling: P, Madison

difficult. W e lost eight gam es by three points or less. W e lost three m atches by two points each. It w a s an exciting year in m any aspects. If you w ere in the crow d at the m atches, you w itnessed som e great volley­ ball!! The m ost exciting ‘first’ is the first P C D S student to be

h on ored by the C la s s C L eague. Lara S o sn o w w as honored with A ll State Sec­ ond T eam for 1986. Congratu­ lations!! N ext y ear’s team faces an even big ger challenge. W e m ove up to the C la ss A Divi­ sion. Below : V arsity V olleyball Seniors: Bow les, Sosnow , and M eyer

Junior Varsity: Back row: M. Janis, N. Halabi, T. Weiss, A . Brodie-Bodell, L. Lincoln, H. Hendin, L. Dingman, E. Dye, Coach G. Scott, Front Row: K. Lincoln, A , Hart, W. Bartlett, J. Slitabsky, J. E. Shtabsky, M. Cryns.


In early N ovem ber, the M en’s Varsity and Junior V arsity B a s ­ ketball team s started practicing for w hat they hoped to be a very successful season. With Coach Curtis Perry at the helm, The V arsity team bolted out to two consecutive victories in the new C la s s ‘C ’ League. This w a s not, unfortunately, a foreshadow ing o f w hat w a s to com e, however, because the E agles w ould pro­ ceed to win only one o f their re­ m aining gam es. Led by co-captains Lou W erner and Apichai Shipper, the team , however, hung tough in alm ost every gam e, losing num erous close

gam es. The Junior V arsity team, in sharp contrast, although falling one gam e short o f a winning re­ cord (7-8), com piled the best re­ cord o f any J V basketball team in P C D S history, an im pressive feat considering that they also had the largest schedule of any J V team . The team w a s spiri­ tually led by Peter ^ S le e p y ” Sp iegel and Bennett “ Brickster” H opper, while G ary Linhart and Brett Groh led the team on the court. In addition, Coach Brian Ellingson served as an inspira­ tion to the entire team. Right: A p i in the key.

Back row: H. Daley, Coach Perry, G. Anderson, B. Bahadir, K. Boetel, J. Van Voorhis, T. Baird, B. Leckie Front row: D. Friedman, R. Rutilla, J. Cohen, E. Werner, B. DuMone, A. Shipper, L. Werner, M. Rigberg, Coach Ellingson, Mgr. M. Moran

J.V. Basketball: Back row: D. Matia, P. Wernick, B. Groh, K. Hirsch, G. I Boetel, G. Nudge, G. Linhart, Coach Ellingson Front row: S. Small, B. I Sem iloff, P. Spiegel, B. Hopper, D. Jarratt, E. Harris


W O M EN’S VARSITY BASKETBALL S tru ggle. That one w ord best describes the year the W om en s V arsity B ask etball team exper­ ienced in 1987. The spirited team , with rookies abound, struggled through the year with a losing record, but not a loosing attitude. The team and its coach, the patient and know l­ ed geab le M s. Linda Heberling, although disappointed with the

past, are excited about the fu­ ture. With m any players return­ ing, the team plans to turn around its losing w ay s, and be­ com e the first w o m en ’s bask et­

ball team in P C D S history to enc the season with a winning re cord. The future looks bright. V arsity w om en battle in the gym.

Back row: J. Wilson, L. Sosnow , K. Takagi, B. Donahoe, Coach Heberling Front row: K. Meyer, 1. Sim ek, M. Pallin, V. Castillo

Having a ball!

The women practice high-fives before a game.


TENNIS The 1986, E agle Tennis team s were, once again, on the top o f the State Independent League. Both the b o y s ’ and the girls’ team s achieved im pressive tournament wins. This year, the E agles, w ho will have both a Varsity and Junior V arsity team , are looking forward to the C lass “ A ” Leagu e Com petition during the com ing season.

M ens’ V arsity: Back row: C. Gramm, F. Quinonez, T. Levenberg, G. Linhart, R. Reese Front row: N. Ryland, J. Van Voorhis, M. Fleck, S. Ozer

W om ens’ Varsity: Back row: E. W olf, T. McDonald, M. Duncnan, B. Donahoe, S. Ligorsky, K. A llison Front row: J. Cooper, E. Hayes, L. Dingman


W om ens’ J.V. Tennis Back row: C. Mitchell, L. Wassman, L. Lincoln, L. Kinney, C. Judd, K. Clark, H. Hendin Front row: K. Hollenberg, S. Davis, R. Schwartz, S. Judd, Coach Ellingson Laying down: W. Bartlett


BASEBALL & SOFTBALL A s the 1987 M ens’ Varsity Baseball team heads into the 1987 season, w e look back to 1986. Th e 1986 season saw the Eagles defeat the Judson Cougars for the S tate Independant Baseball Champion­ ship. The team w as led by the strong pitching arm s o f Seniors Elliot Wernick and All-Stater Tim Richey as w ell as AllS tate catcher Greg Janis. Outstanding de­ fense w as provided by Kevin Wernick. Kris Stathakis, with a big bat and glove, w as named the S tate Tournam ent’s M ost Valuable Player. Going into 1987, the Ea­ gles past successes have earned them a Pre-Season ranking by The Arizona Re­

public o f fourth in the state. The team will depend on the leadership o f their Tri-Cap­ tains Kevin Wernick, Greg Janis, and Kris Stathakis. Looking back at 1986, the W om ens’ V arsity Softball team won the State Independent Championship. Behind the pitching o f Jennefer Wilson and the leadership o f Tina Sim onds, the Eagles won their first Independent soft­ ball title. Blending together tim ely hitting and excellent defense, the Eagles were clearly the class o f the league. That sam e excitem ent and energy should be w it­ nessed throughout the entire 1987 W om ­ ens’ V arsity Softball season.

Varsity: Back row: K. Wernick, K. Stathakis, H. Daley, J. Vernon, M. McMlanahan, C. Coy, T. Baird, D. Friedman, L. Werner Front row: G. Janis, D. Durschlag, J. Cohen, P. Spiegel, A . Shipper, R. Rutilla, B. DuMone, Coach Kosow er 174


JV: Back row: T. W eiss, D. Sparks, K. Lincoln, N. Halabi Front row: M. Cryns, K. Cesal, K. Frazier, K. Hamilton

JV: Back row: Coach Ellingson, S. Torrey, P. Wernick, K. Ramsaur, W. Duffy, B. Bahadir Middle row: I. Hackett, D. Jarratt, C. Hessel, J. Weinrach, J. Hackett, E. Werner Front row: D. Spangler, D. Stath akis, T. Daley, B. Dorrance, B. Walton


V arsity: Back row: I. S im ek, L. S osn ow . H. Stocker, K. Bow les. S. M cN eff, M. Pallin M iddle row: M. Bianchanello, K. Hubbard, J. W ilson, K. Hader, Coach Beulow Front row: M. Janis, C. B a ggo tt, R. B olger, K. T a k a gi, K. M eyer


ADVERTISEMENTS PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. Levine Mr. and Mrs. Donahoe

Mr. and Mrs. VanSickle Mr. and Mrs. Zank

The Yearbook staff would like to thank all the people w ho helped m ake it possible.

Ana, Tu vida ya empieza y te deseo lo mejor. Lo mejor com o hermano pero m as como un am igo. (In am igo que no solo te dara una sonrisa en tiem pos tristes o una mano en tiem pos duros pero tambien uno que te dara su confianza y apoyo siem pre. S e que seras un exito donde quieras que vays. Pero eso no es suficiente. N ecesitas tener te ten ti m ism a. Confia en tus instintos y si tom as unos chances aslo con seguridad y nunca veas para atraz. Te deseo m ucha suerte en los anos que vienen y en toda tu vida. M e haras mucha falta. Nunca olvides que pase lo que pase te quiero m as que a nadie.


\Conq roruJcuti o ns

and best wishes to the Class of ’87 from the Reeses

Two peanuts were walking down the road one w a s asalted.


T li F T



' 87:

O 0 N O R /VT U D/\T I O N S cSc


—Y O U R







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Thank you Ms. Henke

Lots of Love, Karen Hessel and Staff

H A Y S G R A D U A T E S !! ( S O D O E S B O W L E S !!) T h e y had th eir p rio ritie s ; th e y s e t th eir g o a ls . I f th e y think s tr u g g le is w h a t th e y had . . . J u s t a s k th eir te a c h e rs , m o m and dad. “ C u r le y ” lo v e s M r. C o o k and C la y , In te re s t, H a rd w o rk - a t la s t an “ A ” ! S e n o r, Y o q u iero a S p a in o n c e m o re B o ra k , m y “ b e s t frie n d ” and T U b ig , y o a m o r D e a re s t M is te r s S E R O K A and Q U IC K , Y o u r c o u r s e s a re h-a-r-d, th e y m a d e her sic k . But, w h a le (a n d m e n ) w a tc h in g , sh e p a ss ed th at te s t W o w ! E d u ca tion a t it s ’ w ild e s t b est. S C H W E IK and S T O K E S and G-P-A- . . . “ D u m b b e lls ” fa v o r ite c la s s is c la y . In H is to r y ; to s p e a k , to e v e n try — In fro n t o f W e rn er!! S h e ’d lik e to die. H o w a b ou t H a w a ii fo r 10 lo n g d a y s ? It’ s y o u rs , if “ U o f A ” fo r H a y s . H A R I, te ll us, y o u ’ re no fo o l, C ou ld y o u d o A l-ge-b ra in s c h o o l? Q u o te s fro m W IL S O N and R A Y M O N D y e a rs , S till hum s w e e tly in her ea rs. “ K id s , w h en tired , it ’ s “ c o o l” to s le e p — M y w o rd s a re g o ld e n , but t h e y ’ ll k e e p .” A rare d is tin c tio n H a y s co u ld cla im , “ W a rn in g ” “ p ro b a tio n ” b y her n am e. T h e o n ly a d v is e e W ils o n had T o be th a t fla k y , to be th at bad. B e lo v e d te a c h e rs —

E liza b eth s frien d s.

It c a n ’ t be to o la te to m a k e a m en d s. S h e th a n k s! S h e ’ s g ra te fu l! fo r all y o u did. S h e h o p e s y o u ’ ll sa y , “ W e ’ ll m is s you k id .” W ritte n b y M o m m a : A p p r o v e d b y D ad M o re “ p a rty tim e ” fo r our g irl grad .

3 2 n d St. A n d C a m e lb a c k Rd.

Best Wishes to the Class of ’87! From the KW kid, her MEGA MA + PA, and her GIGA BRATS

J lc l

h q A m tlG j* .






Congratulations Class of


David Van Sickle

Hp Generic 5


firsts. (fill in the blanks)

iH ll £

First School____________ ja lS First Prom First Teacher

w* First Steady

First Kiss_____________________hirst Dissected Frog ,

/ & % V* £

-v /

First Football G am e_____ d£“ 5i First Car First Date

(without p a r e n ts )_______________________________________ —

w .

First Bank



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“ C om puterized Records For Incom e Tax & Insurance' C om plete Cosmetics •G E R M A IN E M O N TEIL*RU BINSTEIN •N O R E LL*G IV E N C H Y » U LT IM A 1I*GUCCI •R O C H A S *N IN A RICCI-YVES ST. LAURENT







To Ana, Christine, Alyse, Karen x2. K el’s and Issa (O O P S ! I for­ got Kristen (the little child) Thanx all of you for being such fabulous friends. I love all of you, and will m iss you. Good luck in the future to you and our entire class. You are all the best people I could have ever wanted to spend my high school years with.


Love, Nicole

T R A V E L S E R V IC E S C A M E L B A C K V IL LA G E C E N T E R 4 4 1 4 E. C A M E L B A C K R D . P H O E N IX , A Z .

(6 0 2 )9 5 2 -0 4 8 0

Congratulations Adi and best wishes loving Mom Dad and Jonathon




2542 East Camelback Road Phoenix, Arizona 85016 602/956-6661








— V - i / j ’' ______ 4227 E. Camelback Rd. Phoenix, Arizona 85018

Camelback Florist "Cheating u/ith




A N A CRISTINA Felicidades hija! Q u e Dios te bendiga siempre y te conceda la dicha que m ereces por ser una estudiante ejemplar, una mujercita muy especial y una hija tan maravillosa Recibe todo el amor de tus padres que son, sin duda, los m as dichosos y orgullosos del mundo.







C H U CK LESSER Designated Broker Sales • Rentals • Property Managem ent

8096 N . 85th W ay Suite 101

Bus: 991-5830

M cC orm ick Ranch Scottsdale, A Z 85258

Res: 991-0555

MOLLY’S SHOES We Have “Constructed” The Perfect Pair

FASHION a n d FOOTW EAR DESIGNER FA B R IC S at A F F O R D A B L E PRICES also custom Furniture & Bedspreads

Interior F a b ric s 44th SI. at Camelbock Rd. (***» mo cww) • 10-5


M e r c e d e s & A d r ie n n e

J o a n & D a v id

N a n c y H e lle r

C h a r le s J o u r d a n

M a r y A n n R e s t iv o

A n n e K lein

A le x is Kirk

X a v ie r D a n a u d

M i c h a e l Kors

Y v e s St. L a u r e n t

L a is e A d z e r

P e rry Ellis

S u s ie H a y w a r d

M a r io Bruni

Please Stop In To See Molly’s Fall Collection BILTMORE FASHION PARK

24th Street & East C a m e lb a c k Phoenix, A rizona 85016

VALERIA Felicidades mi querida hija y gracias a ti y tus padres por estos dos anos tan maravillosos que has compartido con nosotros.

Todo el amor de tu otra mama Ana Cristina


Congratulations JDino’s H a ir D esign H air to Toe and 9 5 2 -0 5 7 5 9 5 2 -0 5 7 6

504 3 N. 44TH S T R E E T PH O E N IX . A R IZ O N A 8 5 0 1 8

Best Wishes


To the

to the C lass of

Class o f 87

1987 The Lesser Family

The Blausteins


m TTTl

De Stories 7-11 Store 3912 E. Camelback

e nL H d JkaJ J JL/

T li £

The A b e Friedman Family

“ To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of a false friend; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeem ed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you lived. This is to have succeeded.” -Ralph W aldo Em erson T o m ake no m istakes is not in the pow er o f man; but from their errors and m istakes the w ise and the good learn w isdom for the future. -Plutarch I believe that every right implies a responsibility, every opportunity an obligation, every p ossession a duty. -.D. Rockefeller -You have the constitutional right to be wrong. -The C alculus is really the limit. -A gig g le a day keeps the gloom ies aw ay.

Love, Mr. Wilson 192




Catherine Boggott

Hugh We’re proud of you! Love from, Mom, Dad, Laura, Tim, and Rick



the Class of ’87

Remember the good times and laugh.

Eric & Matthew 195

Lou, you’ve taken the first step. . G o d ’s blessings and our love will alw ays be with you the rest of the way.

Love, Mom and Dad

Compliments Congratulations of To The

Malcom and Paul Class of ’87 Bowman The Shipper Family

Myles and Guy

Congratulations Class of 1987 The Josepha Family

Best Wishes To The

Judith B. Belk-Rauch Ph.D CCC-Speech Pathology CCC-Audiology Oral Facial M yology

3639 East Stanford Drive Paradise Valley, Az. 85253 (602) 956-1685

Class of 1987 197

D elegate authority-even if you have none.


P. M adden

W ell as you m ay have gu essed, the year has ended and w e have graduated beyond the sta­ tus o f the low ly high school senior and into the sophisticated college freshm an league. With this rise in status I took it upon m yself to issue som e w o rd s o f advice I’ve accum ulated over the years. A ll original, really!!! S A T ’s are only as hard as you m ake them. -Any high school stress counselor O f course this m eans nothing now that y o u ’ll never have to take them again. Be honest-at least when you have to. R.M . Nixon Be an optimist-live for the w eekend. H ugh Daley H ave faith, sh e ’s free. P. Robertson

Congratulations to you, Kevin, and the Senior Class of ’87. Best of luck in your future endeavors.

The Wernick Family


Beat me, Beat me! Leave your private life out o f this. N o, that’s whip me, beat me. P. Schweikher J. Stokes

Live it to the limit-of course y o u ’ll have to figure out w hat “ it” is. T hou gh these m ay not be o f too much assis­ tance in your post high school life, they might help you stay out o f trouble or stray into trou­ ble.

Adios amigosTll miss you.


Congratulations and Best Wishes to the C LA S S O F 1987. Doctor and Mrs. David Pent

Jenna Go, my child And find your w ay Though I would rather Have you stay Take now your chance To reach for more Than ever I have known Before A d d not your tears To those men cried In mourning For their dream s that died Look back, but now and then To tell O f where you go And are you well This thought to warm you ’gainst the chill I love you now And ever will

Mom, Dad, Jill and Jessica

Best Wishes, Good Luck and Success to Christine and the Class of 1987 Management-Rick’s Cafe

Our thanks to a wonderful Kindergarten Staff Judy and Bill Gresser

A s you teach children to love the world, teach them to love themselves because that is where loving begins. Congratulations to Anne and

The Class of 1987 from

Mom, Dad, Sargent, Peter, and David


"If your best friend smokes, he needs your help."

y 'M


â– â– I Lpu t0~

1 Cigarettes aren't good for your friends. Adopt a friend who smokes and help 'em out today. You'll both be glad tomorrow.

J p jfifc iL :





m i



m if *






f i 'm

"Good friends don't let good friends smoke cigarettes.". i

“ Success nourishes them. They can because they think they can.” -— Vergil Congratulations to our wonderful daughter and the class of ’87. The Kaplans

Congratulations and Good Luck to the

Class of ’87 Ruthie and Ron Cohen Daniel and Brad


Best Wishes to the Class of 1987

From the Parent’s Association 203


and Best Wishes from the P.C.D.S. Booster Club

BENED ICT C O N T R A C T O R S, INC. General Contractors AR IZO N A /N E V A D A PETER A . BENEDICT (602) 840-4250 License B050685 4250 E. C A M E L B A C K R O A D / S U IT E 130-K/PH O ENIX. A Z . 85018

a dermatology John N. Stathakis, D.O., P.C.





w. Glendale

Ave. #109

mom 4600 E. Indian School Rd. Phoenix. Arizona 85018 (602) 840-1750


Jb 206


I k


1 1 1

Austral la, mate




m m


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