PCDS Yearbook 1988

Page 1

to our pal willy

W e, the senior class, lovingly dedicate this creatively hum orous (?) yearbook to that paragon of wit and charm , M r. R obert "W illy " W ilson. W e can always count on W illy for a laugh, smile, insult, or perhaps even a bruise. Inside the classroom as well as out, he is our faithful m entor and trusted friend. Thanks for everything, W illy - W E LO V E Y O U !

"A giggle a day keeps the gloomies aw ay." "G o play in traffic." - R. W ilson


lampoon '88 contents

adm inistration & f a c u lty ...................................17 lower s c h o o l............................................................. 27 middle school ........................................................ 39 autographs

............................................................. 67

upper school ...........................................................69 activities


s p o rts ......................................................................... 147 head's message advertising



published by madden-zank enterprises, inc. creative consultant sharon thompson editor-in-chief ..................................... alyse aiello p h o to g rp a h y ................................... clarissa simek layout kathy wilson c o p y .................................................sharon ligorsky advertising ..................................... miko mcginty fundraising nikki schneider darkroom facilities furnished by kip boetel steve ticktin barry liden

fun with PCDS

upper left: "A in 't he sweet?" upper right: "B ut mom, everybody's doing it!" bottom left: The 1996 Olym pic team bottom right: Hey kids - not in the quad!


why are these people teaching our children?

Top left: The Godfather Top right: "So what's the radius of the inner circle?" Bottom left: "I need a vaca足 tion!" Bottom right: Avid fish imitator

studying at PCDS

of the

rich & unknown

Above: How to make the most of your free Left: The perfect guy - manly yet sensitive

the social scene Right: D on't mess with the juniorsBelow-

1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7:

Looking for a good time "H e had a hard night." W hat a stud! Do you use Vidal Sassoon? "So I lost m y off-campus, so w hat?" "H e's m y hero!" Couple of the year

social register

Left: Whose mom is driving to足 night? Below- 8: "And then what hap足 pened?" 9: Caught by surprise!

10: "Don't you think it's my best angle?" 11: "Which one of us do you think he's looking at?" 12: Smile pretty!

trends & style what can we say? PCDS has it all. . . Show your cool with the coveted M ac-Tonight sunglasses (M cD's, 99<t)

Lookin' good!

M en in uniform

Her again?! W ho's that dude?

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ustration & facility

Christine Anderson Jan Anderson James Anton

Jerrie Baber Marie Bippus Susan Bookspan

Jim Bruning Linda Bryant Georgia Buelow

Richard Chelpka Toni Clark Catherine Clauer


John Collins Joyce Cone Jim Cook

Lance Coon John Crabb Louise Crabtree

Carol Dalton Rod Dashnaw Cindy Davis

Pamela Driggs Brian Ellingson Charles Flail

Susan Funkhouser Susan Goldman Bob Hendrickson

Betty Hessel Glenn Hill Carl Holgerson

Harry Houle Arlette Jacques Karen Johnson

Sally Klein Bob Kosower Ann Lindner

Dan Majeski Dave Martin Alex McKinley

Joanne Menard Judy Mitchell Joan Oliver



Liz Olson Lovie Peterson Ed Pettengill

Gary Quick Alice Raynal Kae Robb

David Rowe Anne Salzmann Deborah Schutza

Paul Schweikher Barbara Searle Chet Seroka

Don Singer Christina Steffan Jeff Stokes

M y n a S tr o th M a r y S w ie ss M a r y Lu S y lla b a


Pat Tankersley Fran Vierck Barbara Whiter

Steve Windahl Bel Winemiller Jerry Zank

Rick Kidder Carol Wagner Carole Martin

Katie Schneider Betty Reiff Carol Hook

Lee Nickel Karen Anderson Herman Belinski

pcds deities-the people who our

Lennon lives!

College counselor harrassm ent


mold our futures and shape destinies

camping brownies-april

*All of the pictures on these two pages were taken by certified Brownie photographers.


Back row: M rs. Heidler, T iffan y W estlie, Heath Prachard, Ashley Grovert, Courtney Lewis, Jamie Dessen, Allison Fister, M rs. Clark Middle row: Emily M illm an, Beau Roysden, Jessica Campo, C.T. Tedrow, Christopher Chelpka, Paul Benedict Front row: Judd Nemiro, Bethany Bustamante, Sarah Pachtman, Jason Eisnberg, Alexis Garson N ot pictured: M rs. Menard, Brian Stokes

Back row: M rs. Peterson, Laura Tellier, Paul Berman, Courtney Berg, David Mumaw, Brandon Huber, M r^ D a to n M id d le row: Hailey Harris, Lance Litwin, Sarah Atwood, Aubrey Knappenberger, Katherine Lankford, Robert Eacret frontrow . Jason Suszko, Darlene Godek, Daniel Eagleburger, Cari Shiftm an, Leslie Clay, Aurelia Feau Not pictured: Joshua Rector


Back row: M rs. Anderson, Jam ie Couche, Jaim e Tirella, Rebecca Teitel, W yatt Harris, N ikki Traylor Knowles, Zackary Sakas Middle row: M elissa Fischer, Becky M oretsky, Meryl Thom as, Adam Fleishaker, Kimberly Kelly, Elias M allin Front row: Jeff Surdakowski, Catherine Pietzsch, W hitney Pozgay, Lisa Pavese, Marisa Chattman, Kristen Hendricks

Back row: M rs. Peoples, Meg Sample, Josh Royce, Eric Wassman, Melanie Schoninger, Christopher Steinle, B.J. Bergeron, Mrs. Kendall Middle row: Ling Vang, Aylin Tashman, Joseph Musallam, Jim m y Kaufman, Sarah Kidwell, Lindsey Feola, Brooke Lewis Front row: Harley Earl, Eatalie Hrudka. Ashley M orrill, Tiffany Litvine, Christine Pietzsch, Nicole Shiftman

second grade

Back row: Reginald Cooper, Daniel Reardon, Jonathan Sherman, Jon Ashley Corcoran, Ryan Klinefelter. Middle row: Kevin W icken, Joshua Finberg, Lauren Bottner, Emily Lyn Snyder, Christine Jacobson, Jack Stubbs, Richard Symington. Front row: Luke Lee, Daniel Cucher, Matthew Van Sickle, Brooke Lipton, Jennifer Marra, Jessie Gauntt, Roderick Stent, Noah Lewkowitz.

Back row: Christopher Hoeye, Graham Kretchman, M ark Zinman, Emily Cook, Kristopher Schatzberg, Lynn Seawell, Diana Bentley. Middle row: Austin Marshall, Kevin Ghaswala, Paul Surdakowski, Kristin Altman, Trey Packard. Front row: David French, Lou Crowder, Justin Suszko, Jeffrey Mallace, Ryan W olfswinkel, Jacquelyn Eisenberg.

third grade m

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Back row: Kristine Ingrassia, Jill Galarneau, Sara Johnson, Jennifer Sweet, Tim Henward, Eric Schwikher, Craig Couche, Mrs. Stroth Middle row: Robby Pinnam ennini, Denise Hrudka, Andrea Aiello, Josh Perlin, Guy Bowman, Candida Jacobs Front row: Alison W idoff, Alycesun Strupp, Aria Numiro, Tyler Stags, Jerry Michelle, Jeff Yang

Back row: Josh Caplan, Beale Harrison, Kristin Stamm, Hope Benedict, Eric Cornwell, Scott Wicken, Mrs, Oliver Middle rlw: Jill Sherman, Brian Maas, Stephanie Fox, Jasmine Tasman, Amber Martin, Bobby Sullivan Front row: Rachel Lowe, Clemen­ tine Feau, Nicholas Beabeau, Uri Litvine, Nancy, Godek, Tracy Wanner


fourth grade mL t'JSSBm. .



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M H H M I Back row: Adam Garson, Kate Stockwell, Becca Kidwell, Jason Grovert, Keith Scharfman, Brian Bates, Mrs. Vierck Middle row: Jennifer Stern, Frank Stubbs, Shawn Dyer, Heather Klinefelter, Doug W iesen-Todd, Summer M arshall Front row: Ryan Chirnomas, Joel Feinman, Kate Earl, Anne Allison, Sarah Matz, Katie Unferth

Back row: Geofffrey Bergeron, Natan Jacobs, Leslie Litwin, Stefani W olfswinkel, Sarah June Schoenfelder, Matt Torel, Jordan Spack, M rs. Johnson Middle row: Doug Teitel, Jennifer Bachus, Sarah Small, Sarah Duncan, Sonia Ghaswala, Brad Marra, Rodney M ollen Front row: Jennifer Kirkwood, Becky Van Sickle, Konrad Lee, Jordan W ynn, Charles Givre

lower school candids

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the future leaders of PCDS caught by surprise. . . lookin' 1 good guys!

the pcds super singers

Back row: Lovice Peterson, Sarah Matz, Heather Klinefelter, Denise Hrudka, Andrea Aiello, Bryan Maas, Jennifer Sweet, Kristin Stamm, Candida Jacobs, Hope Benedict, Alycesun Strupp, Frank Stubbs, Kate Stockwell, Summer Marshall. Middle row: Jennifer Stern, Bobby Sullivan, Shawn Dyer, Anne Allison, Josh Perlin, Scott Wicken, Stephanie Fox, Josh Caplan, Brad Marra, Natan Jacobs, Jennifer Bachus, Sarah June Schoenfelder, Brian Bates. Front row: Becky Van Sickle, Jordan Spack, Rachel Lowe, Alison Widoff, Jill Galarneau, Sara Johnson, Stefani Wolfswinkel, Tracy Wanner, Jennifer Kirkwood, Becca Kidswell, Sarah Small.

after school swim clubs

above: Back row: Brian Hoblit, Dierks Bentley, Jordan Ster足 ling, Carter Lipton, Jacob Shephard, Warren Cross, M att Philips. Next row: Stephan Sweet, Jon Teitel, Hunter Duffy, Teddy Rice, Matt Blecher, Patrick Koppula, M ark White, Katy French, PJ Nachman, Kyle Hirsch. Next row: Andy Altman, Stewart Hackett, Amanda Leff, Dana Blecher, Becky Sullivan, Poppy Dodge, Lauren Durkin. Front row: Rob Van Sickle, Greg Dessen, Christine Kunkel, Mandy Arthur, T iffa足 ny Peers, Valeska French.

Greg Dessen, Secretary; Mitch T im banard, V ice-President; Carter Lipton, Treasurer; PJ Nachman, Second Vice-Presi足 dent.

Co-Presidents: Lauren Durkin and Rob Van Sickle.

student council

middle school art

Danielle Allen Andy Altman Kris Baber Rick Barinbaum Paolo Bayless Tasha Bernard Ravi Bisla Kristen Brook Benjam in Cohen Melissa Cucher Ashley Dorrance Brad Durchslag Paige Durkin Benjamin Finberg Jeffrey Gimbel Stuart Hackett M ario Hunter M arie Jackson Jocelyn Jacobs Hallie Jacobson Jerem y Joseph Christopher Klock Erik Koep Benjam in Krysiak Karin Lefeberg Amanda Leff M ark Leibow Julie Levenberg M elissa Lewis Heath Lipson Kyle Lipton Oliver Little Celeste Main Eric Manch Ben M oretsky Edward Pavese Ben Perlin Stacey Piccinati Elizabeth Royce Even Schoninger Hollye Schumacher Brooke Sikora Jessi Jean Snyder M ichael Stent W hitney Symington Neil Tang Zachary Thomas Frances W ellings Natasha W hite Amy Zinman

I fifth grade

Oliver Beabeau Dana Blecher Cindy Bochna Robyn Bricker Marie Cohen Jessica Cooper Brian Cornwell Hillary Cox Emma Dane Brett Davis Sarah Eagleburger Jim m y Gard Gayor Geller Lygia Harkins Lisa Harney Alex Koep Tony Koppula V icki Lang April Levy Sarah Lewin

Brett Maas P.J. Nachman Jens Plougmann Daniel Posner Ellen Rand Teddy Rice Brian Ringel Brooke Schumacher Adam Schwartz Brad Shire Noah Stromer Becky Sullivan Gwynne Sullivan Lindsay Timmerman

Ken Allison Jay Almblad Mandy Arthur David Austin Ben Bachus Claudia Bashore Tanya Benatar Dierks Bentley Kiran Bisla Eric Block Chad Bonfiglio Richard Bores Elizabeth Bradley M icah Caplan Andrew Chasin Stephanie Chirnomas W ayne Cohen Aubrey Corcoran Andrea Crim mins W arren Cross Jason Fox Katy French Valeska French Jennifer Gilbert Evan Ginsburg T y Gosney Amanda Gray Marla Green Justin Greene Austin Hackett Ryan Hart M ischa Hepner Tanya Klock Patrick Koppula M elanie Krneta Kristine Kunkel A llison Laufer Carter Lipton Kate Losse Debra Maltenfort Amy May Kathleen M cN ulty Rochelle M ollen Jonathan Parker T iffan y Peers Matthew Philips Lindsay Piccinati Donyea Rochlin Jess Row Jacob Shepard Nelson So Rachel Stegman Jordan Sterling Ross Stuart Erin Timmerman Jill Tirella Julie Von Hellens Christine Wassmann Matthew W einberg M ark W hite Catherine Welhelm Heather Young

seventh grade Left: Band is fun Lower left: "This is going to ruin my nails." Lower right: "Look, guys, it's a substi足 tute!"

M ichael Abbate M ax Armstrong John Bauermeister Taj Bayless Matthew Blecher Carrie Blum Kelly Bores ouiHrrllt l

Myles Bowman Jesse Brown M ichael Chernoff Adam Cohen Adam L. Cohen Andy Cracchiolo Greg Dessen Becky Dicken Eliza Dodge Hunter D uffy Lauren Durkin Jill Dutton Ryan Dyer Justin Einhorn Carlyn Gleason Jonathan Goldstein Susie Hampton Aysia Harrison Kyle Hirsch Brian Hoblit Debbie Ligorsky Lome M altenfort Je ff Matura Aaron Matz Jessica N athan Lindsay Nye Paula Occhino Daniel Palestrant Wendy Patel Gabriella Peers M ichelle Perron Josh Plosker Gillian Price Allison Rainey Jill Reardon Anastasia Reiss Wendy Rice Randy Saria Marci Schwen Eric Shannon Lenny Speiser Stephan Sweet Jo n Teitel M itchell Timbanard M arti Townsend Rob Van Sickle Scott Warner Matthew Werner

eighth grade Top left: “I'm gonna kill him-" Below left: "I'd rather be . . . somewhere else!" Below right: Contemplating this weekend's social calendar

middle school clubs club med

the breakfast club

club sandwich

the ev mecham fan club

chorus connection

chorus connection- (left to right, back to front) Scott Warner, Taj Bayless, Josh Plosker, Max Armstrong, Kath足 leen McNulty, Julie Von Hellens, Au足 brey Joy Corcoran, Gillian Price, Susie Hampton, Jessica Nathan, Marci Schwenn, Paula Occhino, Heather Young, Donyea Rochlin, Mrs. Ericksen. general chorus- Back row: Mrs. Ericksen, Raj Abyanker, Rusty Knowler, Waren Cross, Ty Gosnay. Middle row: Tanya Klock, Tanya Benetar, Becky Sullivan, Vicky Lang, Anasta足 sia Reiss. Front row: Adam Cohen, Matt Weinberg, Evan Ginsburg, Wayne Cohen, Mitch Timbanard, Cindy Bochna, Robin Bricker. Not pictured: Michael Abbate, Andrea Crimmins, Jennifer Gilbert, Allison Laufer, Ellen Rand.

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beginning strings

Back row: Heath Lipson, Richard Chelpka (director), Brooke Sikora, Karin Lefeber, Stacey Piccinati, Tasha Bernard, Ben Perlin, Oliver Little. Front row: Celest Main, Mark Leibow, Amanda Jeff, Kristen Brook, Melissa Cucher, Jessi Jean Snyder, Neil Tang.


B a ck row : W h itn e y S y m in g to n , H a llie Ja c o b s o n , Ev an S c h o n in g e r, M e lissa L ew is, F ran ce s W e llin g s , M ich a e l S te n t, S tu a rt H a c k e tt, Je r e m y Jo s e p h , Z ach ary T h o m a s , R av i Bisla, E ric M a n c h , A n d y A ltm a n , R ic k B a rin b a u m , B e n ja m in F in b e rg , E rik K o e p , C h r isto p h e r K lo c k . M id d le row : D av id R ow e (d irector), M a rio H u n te r, Brad D u rc h sla g , A shley D o rra n c e , H o lly e S c h u m a c h e r , E liz a b e th R o y ce , B e n ja m in K ry sia k , Je f fr e y G im b e l, B e n ja m in C o h e n , D a n ie lle A lle n , K ris B ab e r. F ro n t row : Ju lie L ev en b erg , B e n ja m in M o re tsk y , N a ta sh a W h ite , M a rie Ja c k s o n , P aige D u rk in , A m y Z in m a n , Jo c e ly n Ja c o b s , K y le L ip to n , Edw ard Pavese.

B a ck row : P J N a ch m a n , D a n ie l P o sn e r, Jim m y G ard , R a n d y W illia m s , S a ta h Lew in , B ry a n R in g e l, A lex K oep , B ria n C o rn w ell, A d am Sch w artz, G re tc h e n W a g n e r, Je s sic a C ooper, T e d d y R ic e , L in d say T im m e rm a n , S c o tt T u rp in , Brad S h ire . F ro n t row : L ygia H a r k in s, H illa ry C ox , C in d y B o ch n a , A p ril Levy, M a rie C o h e n . B rett D a v is, Lisa H arn ey, Becky S u lliv a n , S arah E ag le b u rg e r, D a n a B le ch e r, D av id R ow e (director).


B ack row : Ju s t in G re e n e , J e f f M a tu ra , D a n ie l P a le s tra n t, M isc h a H e p n e r, C a th e rin e W ilh e lm , E ric B lo ck , Ja s o n Fox, M y le s B o w m an , Jo rd o n S te rlin g , A u stin H ack e tt. M id d le row: D av id R ow e (d irector), Je s s e B ro w n , A n d rew C h a sin , L o ren M a lte n fo r t, M a rla G re e n e , C h r istia n n e W a ss m a n , K ris tin e K u n k e l, D e b ra M a lte n fo rt, E rin T im m e rm a n , A m y M ay , R ich a r d B o res. F ro n t row : G a b rie lla P e e rs, B e th a n y M a tia , R o c h e lle M o lle n , M a n d y A rth u r, A ysia H a rriso n , C a rrie B lu m , J il l D u tto n . R a ch e l S te g m an .

B ack row : M a tth e w W e rn e r, M a rti T o w n s e n d , G re g g D e s se n , Jo n a th a n G o ld ste in , P a trick K op p u la, Ja c o b Sh e p h ard , M icah C ap lan , R o b V a n S ick le , R an d y Saria, C arter Lipton, K e n A lliso n , K y le H ir sc h , Ben B ach u s, D av id R ow e (director). M id d le row : L au ren D u rk in , L en n y S p eise r, L in d say P iccin a ti, A m anda G ray , T iffa n y P eers, C laudia B ash ore, Ju s tin E in h p rn , D ie r k s B e n tle y , V a te sk a F re n ch , M a rk W h ite , D av id A u stin . F ro n t row: A lliso n R a in e y , K e lle y B o re s, P oppy D odge, Jill R eard o n, M atth ew P h illip s, K aty Fren ch , M e la n ie K rn eta.



Coach Perry, Jeff Matura, Rob Van Sickle, Randy Saria, Hunter Duffy, Jon Goldstein, John Teitel. Front: Adam Co足 hen, Ryan Dyer, Carter Lipton, Mark White, Jacob Shep足 ard.


Mike Chernoff, Zach Rubin, Matt Werner, Warren Cross, Coach Dennis, Scott Warner, Stephan Sweet, Taj Bayless. Front: Dierks Bentley, Jordan Sterling, Ty Gosnay, Wayne Cohen, Austin Hackett, Matt Weinberg.

V team

Micah Caplan, Chad Bonfiglio, Brett Maas, Raj Abhyanker, Brad, Ken Allison, Matt Phillips, David Austin, P a t r i c k K o p p u l a , Mi s s Swiess. Front: Adam Schw artz, Brian Ringle, Gayor Geller, Teddy Rne, Ben Bachus, John Parker.

'b' team

volleyball Back row: Gabriella Pierce, Michelle Farron, Lindsay Pinimini, Velesca French, Lauren Durkin, Ms. Sweiss. Middle row: Asia Harrison, Paula Occhino, Carlyn Gleason, Jessi足 ca Nathan. Front row: Poppy Dodge, Tiffany Peers, Kate Lawsey.


Back row: Suzie Hampton, Marcie Schwinn, Kinn Bisla, Allison Rainey. Middle row: Lindsay Nigh, Carrie Blum, Becky Dicken, Marla Greene, Melanie Krenetta. Front row: Jull Dutton, Jennifer Gilbert, Gillian Price.

'a' team

Back row: Ellen Rand, Kara Rassi, Lisa Harney, Lindsay Timmerman, Coach. Middle row: Er i n T i m m e r m a n , Mandy Arthur, Christine Kunkel, Katherine Wilhelm, Brooke Schumacher, Jessica Cooper. Front row: Christ i a n n e W a s s m a n , Ka t y French, Becky Sullivan, Marie Cohen.

'b' team

soccer 'a' team

Back row: M s. Buelow , T iffa n y P ierce, V elesca French, M arcie Sch w in n , A lliso n R ainey, A nastasia R eiss M iddle row: J ill D u tto n , Asia H arrison, G illia n P rice, Susie H am pton , G abriella P ierce, Lauren D u rk in , C arrie B lum , Lindsay P iccin ati Front row: Poppy Dodge, Paula O cch in o , C arly n G leason , Jessica N athan , Lindsay N ye, B ecky D ick en

'b' team

Back row: M s. Buelow , H illary Cox, V ick i Lang, M arla G reene, M elan ie K renata, K irin Bisla, T anya Benatar, M r. M ajesk i M iddle row: D eborah M a ltin fo rt, Erin T im m erm an , M an dy A rthu r, C h ristin e K unkle, K atherine W ilh elm , Lindsay Tim m erm an, Brooke Schum acher F ront row: C h ristian e W assm an , K atie French, A pril Levy, Lisa H arney, A m y M ay

football ‘a


C oach P erry, Zach R u b in , K en A lliso n , M att P h ilip s, M ik e A bbate, H unter D u ffy , Jo n T eitel, T y G osnay, Jo h n Pancer. Front: Randy Saria, Ja co b Sh eph ard, W arren C ross, M ark W h ite, M att B lech er, C arter Lipton, R yan Dyer.

'b' team

E rik Koep, B rian Cornw ell, Scott T u rp in , B rett M aas, D ierk s Bentley, M icah Caplan, A ustin H ackett, M att W einberg, Brad Shire, Jordan S terling , Teddy Rice. Front: G ayor G eller, O livier Beabeau, Jim m y Gard, W ayne Cohen, Adam Schw artz, D aniel Posner.


Back row: Jess Ploughmann, Brian Cornwell, Alex Koep, Brett Maas, Teddy Rice, Daniel Posner, Gayor Geller, Coach. Front row: Tony Koppula, Adam Schwartz, Justin Greene, PJ Nauchman, Oliver Beabeau.

Back row: Coach Holgerson, Jason Fox, Matt Philips, Dierks Bentley, Hunter Duffy, Myles Bowman, Jon Bauermeister, Rob Van Sickle, Randy Saria, Jon Teitel, Brian Hoblit, Ryan Dyer, Ben Bachus. Front row: Eric Block, Warren Cross, Carter Lipton, Jordan Sterling, Austin Hackett, Matthew Weinburg, Jon Parker, Jacob Shephard, Gregg Dessen, Patrick Koppula.


Back row: Mr. Majeski, Carrie Blum, Jessica Cooper, Jennifer Gilbert, Lindsay Piccinati, Christiane Wassmann, Amy May, Lauren Durkin, Mrs. Bookspan. Front row: Mandy Arthur, Valeska French, Tiffany Peers, ppy Dodge.

Back row: Mr. Majeski, Tanya Klock, Tanya Benatar, Kate Losse, Ariel Levy, Katie French, Kristine Kunkel, Catherine Wilhelm, Liz Bradley, Marla Greene, Mrs. Bookspan. Front row: Debbie Maltenfort, Hillary Cox, April Levy, Lindsay Timmerman, Marie Cohen, Dana Blecher, Brett Davis.




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national inquirer

joan collins finds de-aging formula! Throw away all the Ponds and O il of Olay. Here is something that really works. Joan C ollins7 new de-aging cream has astounded the scientific community and here is the recipe so that you can make it yourself, right in the comfort and privacy of your own home. 1) Just combine 1 lb. of organic material with 3 drops of oil from

Evan Mecham's hair and the remains of Michael Jackson's 27 plastic surgery operations. 2) Cook this for 4 hours in a nuclear furnace. 3) Then rub it on your face. It's almost guaranteed to work, or else you'll stay looking old.

zank sees alien

steve sees elvis!

ghost the Steve tells his story. "It w as r e a lly in c r e d ib le . There I was, driving, when all of a sudden, in front of m y m oving car, there he w as- the King. He waved and said , " I 'm e v e ry ­ w here," and disappeared. It was really kind of ironic, though, because he w asn't there any m ore."

license plates of the stars! P H



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and Madam e

rocker hopper goes straight.

A fte r b e in g o n e o f th e m e m b e rs o f an o u tra g e o u sly o ffe n s iv e h eav y m etal b an d , B e n n e tt H o p p er decided to tu rn h im s e lf aro u n d . A fte r d ro p p in g o ut o f h ig h sc h o o l at an early age, he k n e w in h is h e a rt th a t he cou ld a c tu a lly do s o m e th in g p ro d u c足 tive w ith h im s e lf. W h e n he cam e to th is re v e la tio n , B e n n e tt proceeded to cu t h is h a ir and e sta b lish e d a new , m o re co n se rv a 足

tive w ard rob e. In th e m id st o f th is great tu rn -a ro u n d , B e n n e tt is n o w g rad u atin g fro m P h o e n ix C o u n try D a y h ig h sc h o o l w ith an e x ce p tio n a l g ra d e -p o in t average, w h ile the o th e r tw o m em b ers o f the b an d are serv in g tim e in p riso n fo r h o ld in g up record sh o p s.

beauvais men run wild at pcds TO M



marilyn reincarnated!

S c ie n tis ts h av e p ro o f th a t M a rily n M o n ro e h as co m e b a ck to life and is liv in g u n d er th e n am e Ju lia D id d y . E xp erts fro m C an ad a hav e p h o to g ra p h ic e v id en ce o f th e m iracle. W h a t do w e k n o w ab o u t Ju lia ? W h e re does sh e go in the a fte rn o o n ? D o e s sh e g o to A S U to le a rn , o r to s a tis fy h er fa s c in a tio n fo r in te lle c -

tu als? H as sh e m et P re sid en t R e a g a n ? T h e re are ju s t too m an y q u e stio n s w ith o u t an sw ers; s c ie n tists agree th at she m u st be h id in g s o m e t h i n g . H as M o n ro e retu rn ed ? W e ig h the evid ence and d ecide fo r y o u rself,

jim and tammy pray for rock band

freshmen As usual, along w ith the start of the 1987-1988 school year, cam e a "fresh " batch of 9th graders. T o the com m on public, they are know n as Freshm en. But the m ore experienced high school students refer to them as S.H .M .E.N . (Short, Helpless, M easley, Eager, N uisan ces). These inferior beings can easily be spotted in the quad, attem pt足 ing to wear the "in " clothes. T hey can also be seen hanging around upperclassm en, fight足

President: John Tower Vice President: Beth Flores Treasurer: Katie Lee

ing for the honor of acceptance. Although innocent to begin w ith, by the end of the year, they are experienced students who have earned their Fresh足 m an nam e. H opefully they will graduate from this lower level of hum an form into a higher level as they m ove closer to be足 com ing honored seniors. O n their four year journey uphill, we wish them well. Right: The Freshmen at their best.

Jennifer Bolyard Lisa Brook Kitty Brown Robert Cohen Courtney Cooper

Kimberley Cox Corisa Crowder Brandy Daley Richard Daley Natacha DeBeco

Beth Flores Brad Frith Ethan Gunning John Jacobs Ross Kilburn

Adi Krause Katie Lee Karen Levenberg Todd Levine Jafi Lipson

Evan Lipton Kerr Lordigyan Christopher Mang Kristina M cN eff Spencer Patterson

Bill Pettitt Matthew Richey Seth Row Eric Schaefer Lavina Schreuder

Timothy Small Kaine Stathakis Rachelle Stenhouse Jennifer Swartz Lara Tobias

Jonathan Tower Stephanie Vithoulkas Danielle Wallace Wendy Wanner


The sophom ores started out the 1987-1988 school year with high hopes - they were no long­ er freshm en. T hey didn't realize that sophom ores get less atten­ tion than any other grade in the upper school. In fact, sopho­ m ores get no attention at all. N obody cares about sopho­ m o res because th e y 're too

young to drive and have offcam pus like juniors, yet they're too old to be picked on and made fun of like freshm en. W e can only hope that they made the best of their year of ano­ nym ity. It looks like they came through just fine - right guys? Sophomore fun in the sun

Sonia Abhyanker Kristin Allison M ollie Anderson W hitney Barlett Stefanie Bashore

Robert Bernstein Andrew Bienstock Dina Brody Maia Cryns Melissa D-Amico

Shani Davis Laura Dingman Aron Drayer Billy DuMone Brek Eaton

Brent Eubanks Fred Ferguson Karen Finley Gregory Fraker Kendra Fraser

Paul Geantil Amanda Hart Holly Hendin Kathy Hollenberg Andrew Honacker

Marnie Janis Jill Krafts Jennifer Lewin Peggy Madison Doug Matia

Robert Matura Bobby Pinnamaneni Ari Plosker Joel Rainey Caleb Reese

Carter Richardson Pamela Schreiber Rachel Schwartz Janessa Shtabsky Stacey Sidles

Scott Small Laurel Sparks Jeffrey Stem Karen Takagi Pinar Tashman

Julianne Vithoulkas Brett Walton Tracy Weiss


T o think that the juniors ac­ tually looked forward to be­ com ing upperclassm en! G rant­ ed they were given the longawaited privileges of off-cam ­ pus and planning the Prom , but the question lies - was it w orth the wait? A long with the fun also cam e SA T's, Achievem ent tests, A P classes, and the dread­ ed M .W .S /s (M eetings W ith Schweik). The good tim es be­ came overshadowed by pres­

sure, depression, and m igraine headaches. But the junior class made it through the year! How? T hey were able to see through all the darkness a light at the end of the tunnel that became brighter as the year dragged on; soon they would become sen­ iors, and all of their worries would be over! Obviously these two haven't taken their SAT's yet.

Greg Anderson Kip Boetel Roz Bolger Alissa Brodie-Bodell Katie Cesal

Jason Cohen Jill Cooper Tim Daley Carter Dicken Bennett Dorrance

Daniel Durchslag K risten Gormly Christine Grau • lan Hackett Charles Hessel

Enda Hu David Jarrat Carrie Judd Teresa Kalloch Patsy Kauffman

Paul Kim David Landau Amy Levine Kerstan Lincoln Lisa Lincoln

M ichael M cClanahan M iko M cGinly Michael Moran Matthew Nicely Allison Parker

Sargent Pillsbury Daniel Pinney W illiam Ramsey Lisa Rand M ichelle Rotman

Brandon Semilof Jennifer Serlin Jodie Shtabsky Daryl Sparks

Dino Stathakis Amy Sussman Scot Torrey Lydia Wassmann Joshua Weinrach

Brian W eiss Jennifer W ilson Travis Wright Dan Vee



j. rami dov lipson

M i presidente de cualquier cosa.

T his is not a happy camp er.

They shall beat their swords into plow足 shares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn ________ war any more. -Isaiah

grant sterling mudge

"T hat's ju st the way it is Some things will never change That's ju st the way it is But don't you believe them ." Bruce Hornsby and The Range

"K ilim anjaro is a snow-covered mountain 19,710 feet high, and is said to be the highest mountain in Africa. Its Western summit is called the Masai 'N gaje Ngai', the House of God. Close to the Western summit there is the dried and frozen carcass of a leopard. No one has explained what the leopard was seeking at that altitude ." Ernest Hemingway, The Snows of Kilimanjaro

"1 had seen a herd of elephant traveling through dense native forest. . . pacing along as if they had an appointment at the end of the world." Out of Africa, Isak Dinesen

And I understand

1 can't deny it, with that smile on my face. It's not the kill it's the thrill of the chase. -Deep


these winds and tides this change of time won't drag you away. -U2

nelson speAR RYland

Walked out this morning don't believe what I saw A hundred billion bottles washed up on the shore Seems I'm not alone in being alone A hundred billion castaways looking for a home -The Police

colton christmas young gramm

mary ann driscoll

matthew fleck

nicole w schneider

C an m ile s tru ly sep arate y ou fr o m fr ie n d s? I f y o u w a n t to be w ith so m e o n e y o u lo v e, a r e n 't y ou alread y there.

A n d in th e m id d le o f h e re an d n o w d o n 't y o u t h in k w e m ig h t see each o th e r o n c e o r tw ice.

so I'm p a ck in g m y b ag s fo r the w este rn m o u n ta in s , w h ere the sp ir足 its g o n o w - over th e h ills w h ere the sp irits fly .

I'm sta n d in g o n a h ill, th e m o u n ta in o f d ream s, te llin g m y s e lf it's n o t as hard as it seem s.

T h e r e 's a fe e lin g I g et w h en I lo o k to the w est and m y sp irit is c r y in g fo r leav in g.

H ey y o u - d o n 't te ll m e th e re 's n o h o p e a t all to g e th er w e stand,

Y o u r frie n d s w ill k n o w you be tte r in th e fir st m in u te y ou meet

heather anne stocker

L earn to accep t y o u rse lf E n o u g h to acce p t th e fact T h a t o th e r s d o n 't alw ay s acce p t you.

T h e m a rk o f y o u r ig n o ra n c e is th e depth o f y o u r b e lie f in in ju s tic e an d tragedy.

T h e r e is n o su ch th in g as a p ro b le m w h an d s. Y o u seek p ro b le m s b e cau se y ou

th an y ou r a cq u a in ta n ce s w ill k n o w you in a th ou san d years.


anthony m inkoff

barry robert liden I learn ed th is , a t le ast, b y m y e x p e rim e n t: th at as o n e ad v an ces c o n fid e n tly in the d ire ctio n o f h is d ream s, and e n d eav ors to liv e th e life w h ich he h a s im a g in e d , he w ill m eet w ith a su cce s s u n ex p ected in c o m m o n h o u rs. H e w ill p u t so m e th in g s b e h in d , w ill p a ss an in v isib le b o u n d a ry ; n e w u n iv e rsal an d lib e ra l law s w ill b e g in to e sta b lish th e m se lv e s aro u n d and w ith in h im . . . T h e law s o f th e u n iv e rse w ill ap p ear le ss co m p le x , and so litu d e w ill n o t be so litu d e , n o r p o v e rty , po verty , n o r w e a k n e ss, w e ak n e ss. -H e n ry D av id T h o re a u - W a ld e n : or L ife in th e W o o d s


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oke 'oke

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Ind. Medley f l i p

If W e 'v e g ot to try to k e ep th e m fro m d a n c in g in the aisle s ' -u sh e r at th e B o b W e ir/ G o A head co n c e rt at C e le b r ity T h e a te :

S ta n d up T h e m o re y ou do it T h e le ss y o u fa ll d o w n



S tan d up P u t y o u r head in the clo u d s A nd y ou r feet o n the g ro u n d


eric raymond werner

Mr. Weller's knowledge of London was extensive and peculiar -Charles Dickens My solitude grew more and more obese, like a pig. -Mishima Yukio The Revolution is like Saturn- it eats its own children. -Georg Buchner

bennett randolph hopper Tormie. no h e r e

rye now,

all that whalebone from whales. J -Howard Nemerov j

R* Ammons


thomas kennedy baird

I'd nev er c ry i f I did fin d A b lu e w h ale in m y so u p N o r w o u ld I m in d a p o rcu p in e In s id e a c h ic k e n co o p . Y e s life is fin e w h e n th in g s c o m b in e , L ik e h a m in b e e f c h o w m e in B u t lo rd , th is tim e I t h in k I m in d T h e y 'v e p u t acid in th e ra in . -B .B .

It's no t how m u ch you haveIt's how m uch you en joy .

I saw a m an p u rsu in g th e h o rizo n ; R o u n d an d rou n d h e sped. 1 w as d istu rb e d a t th is; I a cco ste d th e m an . “ I t is fu tile ," I said , “Y o u ca n n e v er-' "Y o u lie ," h e cried , A n d ran on . Leaves are fa llin g a ll arou n d T im e I w as o n m y w ay. T h a n k s to y o u I'm m u ch o b lig ed fo r su ch a p le a sa n t stay . B u t n o w it 's tim e fo r m e to g o T h e a u tu m n m o o n lig h ts m y way. A n d n o w I sm e ll th e ra in . . . it 's tim e to ra m b le o n . -L .Z .

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greg boetel


alyse lorraine aiello


maria clarissa simek jp


exec on cuY\. HusJ have a. cede., T hat you c&n hy.

And S o -. . becu n -t yourstU , b eca u se -(Ju. •p&si is u til a , g o cd b y l. . . . T>oni you ju str c u t ■ihun u l u i U i^uM "wijf uou uou ioou lcl Oq. (bo u A i - M y ' a J O um 0/io/»SjW^., Cuna Kmno "Uujj U /c p u ,

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andrew gait spangler


The Drummer’s Drum

The very presehce of instability and plural­ ism is a challenge to many modes of legiti­ m acy/and lack of the latter will stimulate the former. M. Kammen

baha van bahadir

elizabeth d. simchak

The happiest two years of my life. "It is a funny thing about life: if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it." I know that nothing will ever be the same again . . . but let's be friends forever. -AHA I LOVE RONALD REAGAN


•W H I T E

* & *Y O U

jason c. hackett

I learn by going where I have to go.

forever, and forever; farewell, Cassius! If we do meet again, why, we shall sm ile; if not, why then this parting was well made. Shakespeare 110

matthew alan rigberg

francisco ricardo quinonez

Som etim es your tou ghest com petition is your足 self.

Vabba D abba Doo! W e have one and on ly one am bitio n, to be the best. W h at else is there?

-F. F lin ston e-

I'm craving for know ledge -V al-

It takes bo th su n sh in e and rain to m ake a rainbow .


jeffrey lee jacobs

Communism will win! -USSR

cp8,9Yer not saying that, it's just coming out of yer mouth. -J.B. & J.J.

I th in k that all rig h t th in k in g people in th is country are sick and tired o f bein g told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in th is country with being sick and tired. I am certain ly not, and I am sick and tired of bein g told that I am. -M o n ty Python

william charles duffy iii

“ . . . and Anon. “The best thing for distu rb ances of the sp irit/' replied M erly n n , b eg in n in g to puff and blow, “is to learn. That is the only thing that never fails. You m ay grow old in your anatom ies, you m ay lie awake at night listening to the disor­ der of your veins, you m ay miss your only love and lose your m oneys to m onster, you m ay see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honor trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then — to learn. Learn why the world wags and what wags it. That is the only thing which the poor mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting." T.H . W hite


julia anna diddy

A lw ays w h e n y o u 'r e c r y in g , y o u co u ld b e la u g h rig, y o u h a v e th e c h o ic e . C r a z y p e o p le k n o w ro w to d o th is b e s t b e c a u s e th e ir m in d s are o o se . -A n d y W a r h o l


gary michael linhart i "They're sharing a drink they call loneliness but it's better than drinking alone." Piano Man-Billy Joel

If I leave here tom orrow , W ou ld you still rem em ber me I m ust be travelling on now T h ere's ju s t too m any places I've got to see" Free B ird-Lynyrd Skyn yrd

Hey! Hey! You

"Y o u ca n 't alw ays get w hat you w ant But if you try som etim es you ju s t m ig h t find You get w hat you need." -R o llin g Sto nes

"Get up, Stand up Stand up for your right!" -Bob Marley & Peter Tosh

Stephen michael ticktin

If you want to leave, take good care hope you make a lot of nice friends out there, but just remember there's a lot of bad, and beware. -Cat Stevens

You! Get off of my page!

"Don't worry 'bout a thing, cause every little thing's gonna be all right." -Marley

"Time may change me, but I can't change time." -Bowie

It's a wild world and it's hard to get by just upon a smile. -Cat Stevens

katherine adams wilson

Sometimes Only sometimes I question everything And i’m the first to admit

If you catch me in a mood like this I can be tiring Even embarassing But you must Feel the same When you look around You can t tell me honestly You're happy with what you see Oh sometimes Only sometimes You must be... You must be... As embarassing as me Sometimes



Crazy French nights

USA - Coke and plastic plate;

peter howard spiegel

L ife is very sh o rt and th ere's no tim e fo r fu ssin g and fig h tin g , m y frien d. -L e n n o n & M cC a rtn e y

C o m p assio n is n o t w eakn ess, and co n cern for the u n fo rtu n a te is n o t socialism . -H u b ert H. H u m p h rey

W h e n com m ercial cap tial occup ies a p o sitio n o f u n qu estio n ed ascen d an cy , it everyw here co n stitu te s a sy stem o f plunder. -K a rl M arx


You've got to be very careful if you don't know w here you're g oin g because you m igh t not get there. -Y ogi Berra

thomas o. levenberg

meredith lee schneider

sharon alice ligorsky

T a k e your tim e, th in k a lot, th in k o f everything you've got, for you w ill still be here tom orrow , bu t you r dream s m ay not. - Cat Stevens

T h ere is no pleasure in having no th in g to do; the fu n is having lots to do and not doing it.

T h e m o m e n t m a y b e te m p o ra ry , b u t th e m e m o r y is fo re v e r

brett timothy groh

"L iv in g is easy w ith eyes closed, M isu nd erstan d in g all you see. It's g ettin g hard to be som eone, but it all w orks o u t." -T h e Beatles

"W ho is that man?" -C. Perry

"T h e tim e has com e for each o f us to decide to follow blin d ly or to step out o f lin e ." -M en W ith o u t Hats

We shall soon .. . start on our long journey, a journey from which some of us, or perhaps all of us, may never return. It is a solemn mo足 ment." -Thorin Oakenshield

"Fuda Shi" "I'm bad" -M .J.

E m m a n cipate y o u rse lf fro m m e n tal slav ery , n o n e bu t ou rse lv e s can free o u r m inds. Bo b M a rle y

"G o forth and search for w om en." -The Baghwan

edward david harris

"D o n 't change color to m atch the w alls. L ook lik e you belong and the w alls w ill change color to m atch y o u ." - T a ssle h o ff B u rn foot

I s h a ll b e t e llin g t h i s w ith a s ig h , so m ew h ere ag es an d ag es h en ce: T w o ro a d s d iv e rg e d in a w o o d , a n d I I t o o k t h e o n e le s s tra v e le d b y , A n d th a t h a s m a d e a ll th e d if f e r e n c e . - R o b e rt F ro st

sara greene m cneff

maria pallin T h ere is a road, no sim ple highw ay, betw een the dawn, and the dark of night. And if you go, no one m ay follow , that path is for your steps alone. - G ratefu l Dead

You gotta go where you w anna go, do w hat you w anna do, w ith whoever you w anna do it w ith- M am m as and the Papas

Life as I would say, life, as you would say, life, as I w ill tell you, life is great!


S isters and bro th ers, broth ers and sister: ain 't we everyone? -Free to be you and me

daphne lee madison

jeremy colpitts van voorhis

Back row: Mrs. Winemiller, End. Tracy, Amy, Laurel, Daryl. Front row: Jill, Karen, Marnie, Jafi.








Back row: Enda, Bill, Spencer, Ethan, Julianne. Front row: Mr. Anton, Tony, Paul, Doug, Rick, Jeff, Brent.

Back row: Tracy, Jennifer, Roz, Mr. Cook (what a pun). Front row: Holly, Laura, Wendy, Madame Jacques, Magali, Daphne.

Julianne, Sonja, Lindner, David.



B a ck : M a tt R ., Enda, C arte r. N e x t row : K im , T in a , L av in ia, R o s s , L au rel, L isa L., R o z , A n ­ d rew H . N e x t row : J o n T ., R o b , C h a rle s, M ik e , M a tt N ., D o u g , B illy , K a re n , B ry c e, J o n P ., A n ­ d rew B ., B r e tt, C h r is . N e x t row : B ah a, T im S ., B rad , D a n ie l, S c o tt, D a n , J il l, K a re n F., W h ite n y , P eg g y, M a ia . N e x t row: K ris te n , C h r is tin e , P a tsy , J e n ­ n ife r, M asad a , G A ry , E ric, A di, B e n n e tt, P in a r, A m y H ., S ta cy , D in a , R a ch e l, M a rn ie . N e x t r o w : J o d ie , A m y L ., J u lie , C o u rtn e y , C o riss a , K a re n L., L ara, Je n n y , C o u rtn e y , B e ck y , Laura, K a th y , J o n J ., W ill, S h a n i , K ir s t e n . N e x t ro w : D rew , B e n n e tt, T o m , P e te r, Ed­ d ie , Ja s o n , M a tt R .( B arry , N ik k i, M a tt F., A a ro n , Ia n , T im D ., D a ry l, D av id . -"Front row : H e a th e r, S a ra , Ja s o n .

B a ck , B rett, K ip , S co tt, Eddie, B rian , Steve, Eric W ., A aron, P in ar, G ary , Baha, M ik e . N ext row : Ja s o n , M ik o , K irsten , T a m m y , K a th y , S h a ro n , Stacy, D a ry l, E ric S., Enda. N ext row: M a ria n n e, Lisa, Laurel, J e n n i­ fer, A m y H ., K atie, M arn ie, R a ch el. N ext row: Jo d ie, Roz, M ic h elle, A m y L., D avid, Jill, D in a , Peter, P atsy , M o llie, Adi, F ran cisco. N ext row: Elizabeth, Ju lie , S h a n i, Lydia, A lissa , T e rr i, S te p h a n ie , C o u rtn ey , Ja fi. F ront: T o m .

B ack row : Eddie, Steve, G reg , K ip , B arry , D a n , D an iel, B ran d on , B ill, T ra v is. N ext row: C o l­ to n, T o m B., R a m i, T o m L., S ara, M arla, Enda. N ex t row : B rian , Lisa L., T im , M a tt R ., B rett, E ric W ., Ja so n H ., N elso n , Ja s o n C., B illy , S c o tt, C a rte r . N ex t row : W ill, S a r­ g en t, M e rry , Lisa R ., Lydia, K atie, K irsten , M asad a, G ary , B en n ett, F ra n cisco , P au l, M r. S to k e s, Je f f , M r. M a r­ tin . N ex t row : Jo d ie, D a v id . F r o n t r o w : D in o , J i l l , M ik o , K a th y , Patsy , N ik k i, A m y.

Back row: D oug, Billy. N ext row: K err, B ill, J ill, Jo e l, Stephanie. N ext row: Je n , M a­ sada, G ary, Eric W ., Eric S., Jo n , Je ff, Adi. N ext row: D a n ­ ielle, Ju lie, K aren, Lara, Jen n y , H olly, M rs. T ank ersley . N ext row: Drew, Bennett, T om , Pe­ ter, Eddie, Brett, R am i, Jason , Barry. Front: Jed.

1 j

Back row: Grant, Adi, Mr. Cook, Rami. Front row: Mr. Coon, Issa, Dan, Mollie.

Back row: Ari, Josh Front row: Jeff, Mi Coon, Evan.

Drew, Sharon, Tammy, Mat t , Kat hy, Tom, Anne, Peter, & Barry


This year, the Upper School Student Senate con足 tinued to fight the evils of bad business practices. O ur first attack was against the deficit. W e gave our strongest effort to put an end to any deficit spending by elim inating the debt left by our predecessors. Then, we scoured our governm ent to ensure that there would be no diversion of funds. As we expect足 ed, the Senate was clean. N o rebel uprisings were supported and all m oney was accounted for (aside from a small Swiss bank account). M ost im portant足 ly, we lowered taxes while increasing the am ount of welfare for the population. The Senate restrained fundraising and replaced it with welfare, in the form of services and events. Unlike other governm ents, the Senate is developing into a strong and healthy organization. P.S. - Death to com m unism ! -Jeff Jacobs Student Senate President



Back row: Karen, Billy, Katie, Tom, Gary. Front row: Tim, Jennifer, Doug, Paul, Kathy, Jennifer, Jeff.

PHOTO: Travis, (standing co-editor),

Fred, Daniel, Jed, Davi d in for Barry, Dino, & Jill.

LAYOUT: Miko, Karen, Kathy, Bennett, Karen, Maia, Kristin, & Amy.

Sharon, & Sonia

A D V ERTISIN G : Merry, Katie, Michelle, Lisa, & Dina.

FUNDRAISING: Kathy, Marla,

M David, Nikki, & Stacy.

Oklahoma! pa- cast of characters aunt eller .......................laura dingm an c u rly grant m udge l a u r e y .................................clarissa sim ek ike skidm ore ........................ rick daley s l i m /f r e d .............................. adam cohen will parker ........................... joel rainey jud f r y ..................................... greg boetel ado annie c a r n e s ................dina brody ali hakim ethan gu n nin g gertie cum m ings . . heather stocker andrew carnes jason hackett cord elam ............................ram i lipson dream laurey .................... daryl sparks fall d o w n m arie jackson pigtails .................... kathleen m cn u lty

above: The young lovers left: “Kansas City"

right: Uh-oh . . . big bad Jud con­ fronts dream-Laurey while Curl} looks on in anguish

the notables - 9


H B —

Laura, Melissa, Jenny, Dina, Tracy, Ross, Ethan, Rick, Ari, John, Kerri, & Paul

concert band

Back row: Spencer, Rob, Melissa, Billy, Jenny, Mr. Chelpka. Front: Greg, Carter, Lisa.

Back row: Carter, Alyse, Matt, Greg, Drew. Middle row: Fred, Andrew, Enda, Matt, Jeff, Mr. Chelpka. Front row: Eric, Jafi, Tina, Todd.

above: The irrepressible Tico & Fifi Muff Band- Matt, Alyse, Greg, Jafi, and Drew.



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GIRLS: Coach Flail, Tamara, Kristin, Natasha, Alison, Patsy, Tracy, Dina, Jill, Lisa, Rachel, Karen. GUYS: Coach Flail, Jed, Francisco, Matt, Gary, Caleb, Matt N., Doug, Todd, John, Andrew, Robert.______________________________________________

varsity tennis

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varsity golf

Back row: Brek, Eric, Coach Martin, Sargent. Front row: Jeff, Brett, David, Ari. Not pictured: Kip, Mr. Hendrickson.


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Back row: Karen, Marla, Jenny, Kristen. Middle row: Schweik, Lisa, Mamie, Issa, Michelle, Roz, Jennifer, Maeali, Maggie, Merry. Front: Sara.

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"I think the PCDS swim team can beat Brophy and Xavier this year." said Barry Liden, captain. And he was right, our swimmers broke every record in the state. "W e're A W ESO M E!" said Karyn, Drew com足 mented, "W e're out of control!" Daryl Sparks shattered Emily W olf's 100 breastroke record and won that event for six weeks straight. Greg broke Barry's freestyle record while Barry went on to place in the top six in the 100 breast at state. Karyn, M iko, Kristen and Julie set a new record in the 200 medley relay. Terri did a great job in the 500 freestyle, the longest event. But tne highlight of the season was when the boys relay shaved for state. Brandon, Barry, Greg and Drew whipped out the razors and shaved on down. The only casualty was Drew . . . McFLY! All in all it was a fun season (for everyone except M iko who got DQed in the 100 back at divisionals), lots of laughs and learning (except Brandon who could not stay on the blocks before the 100 fly). And one last plea from Barry: "Come out for the swim team next year . .. forget soccer and volleyball . . . swimming is sexier."

JED, honorary swim team member. Thanks for helping the team out!


Barry, men's captain, and M iko, women's captain.



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The Swim Team: back row, Ross Kilburn, Brandon Semilof, Greg Anderson, Kristen Allison, Patsy Kaufman, Drew Spangler; middle row, Stephanie Bashore, Holly Hendin, Julie Vithoulkas, Stacy Sidel, Bill Pettit; front row, Nelson Ryland, Terri Kalloch, Daryl Sparks, Miko McGinty, Chris Mang

soccer Cham ps or no cham ps, the var­ sity soccer team showed an im ­ pressive w inning record once again. M any returning varsity players gave this year's team backbone, while the new and younger players lent it an added strength. The com petition proved to be tougher than usual this year, but the Eagles hung in there and displayed their determ ination; continuing the PCD S tradition of excellence on the field. T hrough­ out all of the gam es, the Eagle team kept the fans jum ping out of their seats as the players soared to v ic to r y . S p e cia l r e c o g n itio n should go to the two team cap­ tains, Jason H ackett and Fran­ cisco Quinonez, for an excellent job in leading their team to victo­ ryThe Champs!


B a ck row : C o ach V e rm e n , M ik e M cC la n a h a n , A n d rew H o n a ck e r, Ja s o n H a c k e tt, A ro n D ray er, M att R ig b e rg , G a ry L in h art, Brad Frith. G r a n t M u d g e, C o ach H o lg e rso n , R ic k D a le y . M id d le row : Pau l G e a n til, Stev e T ic k t in , Ian H a c k e tt, F ran cisco Q u in o n e z , D av id Ja r rat, S c o tt T o rr e y , T im D a le y , B e n n e tt D o rra n ce. F ro n t row : Jo e l R a in e y , M a tt F le ck , C a rte r R ich a rd so n , D o u g M a tia , D a n ie l D u rsch lag , B illy D u M o n e , D in o S ta th a k is , M a tt R ich e y .

volleyball ■M M I

The volleyball team had a tough season this year, but they m anaged to pull through w ith a lot of hard w ork and high team spirit. There were m ore losses than there were w ins, but m ost of the gam es were close in score, and every one was filled with exciting rallies. Jennifer W ilson, a third year player, claim s that "w ith a little m ore practice, the team will be ready for a w inning season next fall." Because of the talent show n by the individual team m em bers, the fans and players will be looking forward to an even m ore successful future on the vol­ leyball court. Hopefully. If not, well, we love them anyway. T op : Je n n ife r W ilso n , H eather Sto ck er, M arnie Ja n is, M o llie A nd erson, M ich elle R otm an , K atie C esal. Bottom : M u ffin M ad ison , Lisa L incoln, D ap hne M ad ison , Ja n essa S h tab sk y , K erstan L in ­ co ln , Jod ie Sh ta b sk y .

Back: Janessa Shtabsky, Lavinia Schreuder, Kim Cox, Marla Pallin, Kir足 sten Gormly. Front: Lara Tobias, Jodie Shtabsky, Lisa Rand, Marnie Janis.

basketball The PCDS basketball teams played this season with style; however, win足 ning was not our style. The men' and womens' varsity teams totalled for only three victories, all by the men. Our style could be seen best in hair styles. Brett Groh, Greg Anderson, Brett Walton, Kip Boetel, and of course coach Bob Hendrickson all sported the "Doo" for the sport. There were a few bright points this year; 3 pointers from Marla, with ferocious intensity added by Clarissa, boosted the girls' team. The mens' varsity fin足 ished tied for last in their new league, * but with the inspired leadership of a dedicated coaching staff, the Eagles can change their band reputation. Any of the coaches would say that by "working the rock" and popping the J's", the Eagles can "drop the nuts" and "make gravy of the competition" next year.

Back row: Whitney, Jenny, Clarissa, Coach Heb, Magali, Marla, Adi, Tina. Front row: Julianne, Molly, Nikki.

V arsity: C oach E llin gston , Peter, Brett, Eric, Kip, Jed, A ro n , G reg, T o m , M att, Billy, M ike, Enda, C oach H endrickson.

Junior varsity: Spencer, Dave, Joel Brian, Scott, Greg, Eddie, Bennett, Doug, Brett, Matt, Coach Weise. ^


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My Prom: A Night Among the stars ★ The PCDS Prom alw ays is a dream y, precious night. In order to help you forever rem em ber this milestone in your life, the Phoenician staff has decided to include this d o-it-yourself Prom Memories '66 page!

My Date:_________ Dinner: We ate a t --------------------------and

I had ’J L f '

paste in

------------------------------------- —--------------------------------

Duke p ictu re (s)

We w ent to dinner w ith _____________________________ --------------------------and_________________________________ 1 / m y date paid for dinner with cred it card. We took a (circle one) limosine helicopter type of car:____________

here ★

P r o m : We got to prom and everyone else looked (circle one) w orse than b etter than the sam e as _________________ m y date and I. I voted for anc* ----------------------------------- for king and queen. — ---------------------------- a n d ---------------------------------- won. The band w a s ____________

for Girls:


for Guys

My dress cost...............................$ My shoes cost.............................. $ My hose cost................................ $ My purse co st...............................$. My jew elry co st.......................... $ My m an icu re/p ed icu re cost...I. My m akeover cost..................... $ The boutonniere cost............... My hairstyle cost....................... $

The tickets cost...........................$ Dinner cost....................................$ My tuxedo cost........................... $ The lim o/helicopter...................$. The corsage co st.........................$ Cost of working out a t $ Beauvais in hope th at some girl would be im pressed enough th at she'd go to prom with me.

Grand Total: $

Grand Total: $ _

head's message

To the Class of 1988: As individuals, each of you has shared your own talent and interests with the PCSD com m unity. In different but very im portant ways your class as a whole, as a force in itself, has led and influenced others by example, style and enthusiasm , volunteering time, effort and ideas toward such significant contributions as a very successful student orientation program , the newly styled newspaper, the w inning soccer team , and expanded com m unity service. Continue to be givers, wherever you go, and you will continue to be receivers. Use your positive experiences here to prepare for future challenges.

people who saved my life m aggie

the amazing artist- she de足 signed the cover.



-we never would have made the second deadline without you!



-this is all you get for that entire night you spent cutting apart fourth grade mug shots.


You did do something- kept me from taking this stupid book too seriously!

Our middle school contactwithout you none of the mid足 dle schoolers would have names.


Caption-writer in a pinchthanks for volunteering. You are a photo god, what more can I say??

thank y

without you guys i would've really stressed out.

we love vou. willie

and we miss vou

Congratulations and love HEATHER 'ishinp you the wisloru to reeoynize what is beautiful la fife,


the cwafuleuce topursue it, ami the cfooh fortune to aitaiu it.

Your Family

W e have been told that all paths lead to truth- you have your path as a H indu and som eone else, has his path as a C hristian and another as a M uslim , and they all meet at the same door- w hich is, w hen you look at it, so obviously absurd. T ruth has no path, and that is the beauty of truth, it is living. A dead thing has a path to it because it is static, but when you see that truth is som ething living, m oving, which has no resting place, which is in no tem ple, mosque or church, which no religion, no teacher, no philosopher, nobody can lead you to- then you will also see that this living thing is w hat you actually are- your anger, your brutality, your violence, your despair, the agony and sorrow you live in. In the understanding of all this is the truth, and you can understand it only if you know how to look at those things in your life. And you cannot look through an ideology, through a screen of words, through hopes and fears. So you see that you cannot depend upon anybody. There is no guide, no teacher, no authority. There is only you- your relationship with others and with the world- there is nothing else.

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Paul K im , G ary L in h art, W ill D u ffy , B rett G ro h , G ran t M udge, Steve T ic k tin , R am i L ipson, Ja fi Lipson, J J Jaco b s, Fred Ferguson, J e ff Jacobs, B rett W alto n . N o t pictured: K ip B oetel, A lyse A iello, Ed H arris, Jerry Zan k.

Special Thanks To: Jerry Jacobs, David Cesal, John Josephson, A ndy H urw ich, and of course our stockbroker.

B rett G ro h - fin a n cia l president W ill D u ffy - o rg anizatio n al president

Edward Yalowitz Senior V ice P resident Investm ents D rexel Burnham Lam bert •Incorporated East C am elback Road Su ite



Burnham Lambert


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PATRONS m illicent duffy mr. & mrs. robert levenberg mr. & mrs. tim othy m cginty mr. & mrs. martin levine


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JD u n en BILTMORE FASHION PARK 2566 East Camelback Road, Phoenix, Arizona 85016

Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Class of '88

From Peter's Proud Family Rick, Judy, Adam, and Michael Spiegel 6>


BEST WISHES De Stories 7-11 Store 3912 E. Camelback

Personalized Professional Travel services Cruises, Tours, Airline Tickets and Hotels Cam elback Village Center 4418 E. Camelback Red. Phoenix AZ. (602) 952-0480

Congratulations and Good Luck to the Class of 1988!! -Les and Susie Small Bruce, Scott, Tim, and Sarah

happy birthday issa!

continue to go your own way! m om , dad & ande

MIKO thank you so much for all your help and support,

Good Luck Next Year, and all summer i will pray for them to hire you a real advisor!!


TO THE CLASS OF 88 from the Coopers

Jay, Joyce Jenna, Jill, Jessica WE' RE NEVER WRECKLESS ! ! 1500 cars and trucks for parts.

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well done & good luck to alyse and the

Phoenician staff

the hessel family

^ >P

BRAVO! ,b * * 4 i> Q' Felicidades Again! TO FRANCISCO & JASON

and to all the champs of the soccer team of 1987 It was a real pleasure to watch you play and cheer for you!



FELICIDADES! to Francisco & Matt and to a special group of young men and women . . . The graduating class of 1988 Love from,


francisco "tu eres el arquitecto de tu propio destino." '



â– '


Iiw Mm

; ' '''' JfUBkr-

isggfaglp*'- '

Ahora que comienza en realidad tu vida de adulto, puedes ver hacia atras y sentirte orgulloso del hom bre en que te has convertido. Al volver a ver hacia adelante, veras el m aravilloso futuro que te espera gracias a tus esfuerzos del pasado. Felicidades hijo! Has sido un m agnifico arquitecto. Sigue adelante y recuerda que siempre contaras con el apoyo y el am or incondicional de tus padres. Que Dios te bendiga siempre y que tus pasos hacia una vida llena de dicha, de exito, de am or, y de paz.

Tus padres que to adoran.

Congratulations Class of 1988!

To thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. (Shakespeare)

We're proud of you, Tony, and we love you. Congratulations to you and the entire class of ' 88 . Mom, Dad and Ricki

SOAR CLASS of 88 Mary Ann Driscoll

Eric, adopted brothers, and Class of '88,

Laff every time you pheel tickled, and laff once in awhile enyhow. M atthew & Lou


1988 and to our

PCDS family

the Bennett Dorrance family

Dear Marla, You're a great sister and I'll miss you when you go to college

Love, Laura Marla,

Congratulations!!! love, D anny

Dear Marla,

We know the future holds only the best for you. It's what you deserve - so enjoy it!

Love, mom and dad


J. Rami Dov Lipson


Elizabeth Simchak

We Love You!

We are proud of you love, Mother and Dad

Babbo, M amma Jafi, Baffi, and Pixi

Crandall's Pharmacy 4832 N . 40th St. 955-3280

Crandall's Camelback Village Pharmacy 4416 E. Camelback Rd. 955-2880 "C om puterized Records for Incom e Tax & Insurance" Prescription D elivery Available Com plete C osm etics ’''Germaine M onteil*R ubinstein*N orell*G ivenchy*U ltim a II*G ucci* R ochas*N ina R icci* Yves St. Laurent


Education is an adm irable th in g, but it is well to rem em ber from tim e to tim e that n oth ing w orth learning can be taught. O scar W ilde

Congratulations to the class of

1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988

1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988

1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 19 88 1988

with our wishes for happiness and success in your futures, the pcds parent's association

Four down & four to go well done & good luck eagles of

1988 the robert gramm family



best wishes to the class of '8 8

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a . beaub^AtP vaorld .

R e c.keerj|ui .

S+riVc bo b e k a p p j /.

couple of the year!

best wishes

to merry and the class of '88

gail, ira, jon and buttons schneider


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what a wonderful thing is the end of a string (murmurs little you-i as the hill becomes nil) and will somebody tell me why people let go -e.e. cummings

you know . . . so are you happy from

blue took it my far beyond far and high beyond high bluer took it your but bluest took it our away beyond where

now? with


with a swoop and a dart out flew his wish (it dived like a fish) but it climbed like a dream) throbbing like a dream) throbbing like a heart singing like a flame

love, i think

o by the by has anybody seen little you-i who stood on a green hill and threw his wish at blue

who this is

for thomas kennedy baird


Adam Finberg, 3rd

Annie Kaufman. 3rd

Carla Eschenbrenner, 1st

Katie French, 7th

Brian Bienstock, 11th

Congratulations Best Wishes to the Class of

The Linhart Family

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