PCDS Yearbook 1992

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Phoenix Country Day School 3901 East Stanford Drive Paradise Valley, Arizona 85253 955-8200


II r V dces C f The voices of P.C.D.S. What are we saying? What are we doing? This is the book!


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crds cf Wlsdern Wisdom is only one of the many things P.C.D.S. teachers have to offer. W hether outside of school, teaching in the classroom, or sim足 ply talking in the quad, the te a c h 足 ers becom e the most im portant aspect of the P.C.D.S. education. Some teachers are energetic, some are intimidating, and some intense, but all of them te a ch us in an individual way. W e learn more than what's just in the textbooks, w e learn what's in our minds. -Liz Bradley



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Time w ent by p re tty fast, it seems like. -Jessie Hinton, on his twentyseven years o f service to P.C.D.S.

Business and Administration: Back Row: Dolores Smith (Bookkeeper), Herman Beiinski (Business Manager), Jewell Nisbet (Nurse), Victor Weber (Director of Development), Lee Buettner (Secretary to the Head), Suzanne Davis (Upper School Secretary), Stephanie Fisher (Assoc. Director of Admissions). Front Row: Betty Rieff (Lower School Secretary), Karen Anderson (Development Secretary), Trudy Tom (Bookstore Manager), Shirley Boulter (Business Office Secretary), Carol Hook (Receptionist), Susan Strait (Admissions Secretary).

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Kifchen staff. Fronf Row. UndQ Wri ht Shjr| Hughes, Linda Goodin. Back Row: Kim Mehini Ron Wiggins (Manager), Karen Hillhouse.

■Head’s Message PHOENI X

CbuntryDay S C H O O L

The voice of a teacher presenting a universal concept,* the sound of a child's laughter? a question thoughtfully posed by a student; an expression of compassion for someone's hurt; an exclamation of sudden understanding? a greeting of friendship between students, between faculty, and between students and faculty; voices cheering on team members? voices raised in song all these and more can be heard in the Phoenix Country Day School community and represent the sense of caring and dedication to learning to which Phoenix Country Day School is committed.

Margaret J. Madden Head of the School




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The Class of 1992 would like to d e d ica te this yearbook to a man who has been a friend, a coach, a tea che r and a m entor to us all. Thank you, Mr. Hendrickson, for your advice, patience, understanding, and your everlasting humor. W e will miss you.

We the Seniors say "Mr. H really cares abo ut us. He always took the tim e to help me when I was sad." "Brilliant coach. He knows more abo ut basketball than anyone I've ever seen." "He's the bald big brother I never had ." "Mr. H is always there to lend a hand, and more im portantly to share a smile." "Mr. Hendrickson was my first friend when I cam e to PCDS in the middle of my sophomore year." "Nice man, goo d man. A worthy man. A manly m an." "He always has time to listen." "He m ay seem a stern disciplinarian, without hair, but once you g e t to know him, he's a big te d d y bea r."



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Did you just ask me what I am doing? I'm just hanging around.

Mrs. Alex McKinley, Head of the Lower School

Mrs. Mary Lu Syllaba, L.S. Instructional Con足 sultant

First Row: Mrs. Diana Ingold, Mark Fleischaker, Jacob Swartz, Caitlin Pereira, Morgan Weiser, Jeffrey DeSilvc M atthew Lyons, Chris McConnell, Mrs.Leslie Milne, Mrs. A nnette Canning. Second Row: Danielle Skloven, Sandi Dawson, Nicholas Kerstan, Paul Folson, Alexandra Heuser, M atthew Peairs, M atthew Kostrivas. Third Row: Laurel Hendricks, Brandon LaPrade, Emily Regan, Justine Positano, Tom Foglesong, Brianna Eller, Jesse Clark. Fourth Row Shannon Fish, Bryan McLaren, Randy Dhillon, Catrina McGrath.

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t Row: Mrs. Toni Clark, Mrs. Carol Dalton, Mark Semegen, Jack McCain, Tyrone Ray, Nicole Melde, Ashley Humes, Allison chtman. Second Row: Jennifer Lewkowitz, Eric Drootman, Brigit Donovan, Anna Marie Ward, Alexi Musdllam, Jonathan levy, Michael Vrla, Alisha Blischok. Third Row: Julie Johnson, Gregory McGrath, Adina Hirsch, Alexandra Gray, Elise Williams, sley Silverthorn, Elizabeth Reahard, Maggie Budzien. Forth Row: M attew LaPrade, Jessica Worthington, Aaron Bernard, ilerie Garagiola, Bridnna Elwell, Pdige Knappenberger, Douglas Devereaux, Sarah Spencer, Mrs. Elaine Heidler, Mrs. Annette arnick, Mrs.Lovice Peterson.

Thirty years ago I was being lazy and taking some music classes from U. of A. -Lovie Peterson

ey, maybe if I keep my eyes open, I won't fall asleep.




T h irty y e a rs ago I was a full time wife and mother. Eliza­ beth was born in '62 and Kate in '64 so I was busy with ba­ bies. -Barbara Searle

Joseph Yeargan has a quiet time with the blocks.

Barbara Searle Librarian

Deborah Schutza Art

First Row: Stephanie Yee, Eric Austin, Jared Creasy, Matthew Campo, Liz Foglesong, Adric Rukkila, Sean Beresini, Michel Hrudka, Lindsay Bodell, Jessica Green. Second Row: Mrs. Anderson, Derek Kravitz, Neil Smith, Nick DeAngelis, Ashlej Becker, Julie Garland, Tiffany Vail, John Haddock, Meghan McCain, Joseph Yeargan, Mrs. Personius. Third Row: Christid Lorentzen, Lauren Perlow, Brendan Selby, Becky McLaren, Sabrina Delafield, Blake McCay, Elizabeth Engle, Rebecd Dalton, Rachel Chase, Cory Westrope, Angela Connell, Mrs. Kendall. Fourth Row: Josh Soper, Adam Kopiec, Simi Dhillorj Michael Schneider, Alison Matthews, Sarah Scarborough, Reid Davis, Krishna Ramanujam, Elissa Eller, Brittany Davis, Austl Lee. ■

t Row: Lisa Kirkwood, Michael LaPrade, David Morrill, Edwin Barnes, Lindsay Tree, Brent Langellier, James Burnham, Adam Silva, Saranden Seip, Aaron Dawson. Second Row: Alexis Pasulka, Annie Wells, Jamika Byas, Adam Lewkowitz, Justin Creasy, son Bodell, Justin Flanagan-Hyde, Evan DeMark, Claire Schweikher, Jessica Bucon. Third Row: Alexis Gordon, Ben Williams, itherine Budzien, Hillary Schoninger, Natalie Fleischaker, PK Fisher, Colin Clark, Amyra Popich, Ashley Nemiro, Danny Lowe, rth Row: Elizabeth Balis, Caitlin Burke, David Cohen, Leore Arik, Michaela Skloven, Jason Platt, Christopher Segraves, Tommy lahard, Sally Semegen. Teachers: Mrs. Katy Fielder, Mrs. Cindy Davis.

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What I'd like to be is... a monkey so I could swing from trees. Amira Wylie


Jason Platt and Christoper Seagraves keep up the "golden" spirit on Blue and Gold Day.

Thirty years ago I was a junior in college and studying to be an ele足 mentary teacher. I at足 te n d e d Augustana College in Sioux Falls, S.D. -Karen Johnson

I want to be a law足 yer or an accoun足 tant because I like math.

Dan Majeski, P.E.

Mary Swiess, P.E.

Fourth Row: T.J. Blandford, Tom Symington, Katie Thompson, Casey Cornell, Lance Litwin, Shayne Griffith, Aurelia Michelle Duncan, Doug Loback. Third Row: Mrs. Swenson, Britnce Youngblood, Courtney Becker, Benjamin Be Michael Yurka, Melanie Deutsch, Jacquie Hrudka, Meredith Garagiola, Ashley Yeargan, Sarah Engle, Mrs. Jol Second Row: Bobby Brook, Erin Beresini, Brian Farrelly, Bryan Silverthorn, Clay Westrope, Chrissy Whitcomb, ! Feinman, Martin Ward, Kelly Devereaux. First Row: Mac McKinnon, Abigail Rethore, Kim Ruht, Eser Camoglu, J Skloven, Tatum Vail, Beri Golding, Scott Surdakowski.

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rst Row: Chris Strohm, Caroline Garretson, Maggee Byrd, Natalie Dulaney, Sarah Pachtman, Stephanie Sandor, Doran Arik, 5th Lewkowitz. Second Row: Catherine Yee, Sarah Donovan, Heath Packard, Michael Langellier, Andrew Selby, John Cox, ffany Westlie, Tricia VanTuyl, Daniel Eagleburger, Pier Fisher. Third Row: Judd Nemiro, Rebecca Reiman, Aubrey Knappenerger, Nick Deutsch, Jessica Campo, Robert Eacret, Jamie Dessen, Michael Rector, Maureen Scholl. Fourth Row: Scott ilbert, Sasha Pasulka, Clay Pell, Aniebiet Udofia, Hailey Harris, Courtney Berg, Brett Cavitt, Ted Atwood, Courtney Lewis, 5ndra Davis, Jessica Berch, Beau Roysden. Teachers: Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Vierck.

Thirty years ago I was five years old ’ and a gre a t fisherman living in" Casco, Wisconsin. -Dan Majeski e

If I could tell the Upper School some­ thing, I would tell them how easy and fun the Lower School is. Fourth graders pet an iguana at the "out of Africa'' Wildlife Park Courtney Lewis 27

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Jared Creasy and friend.

Neil Smith a t play.

Kindergartener Lisa Williams takes a turn with her friends

Christian Lorentzen is the captain of the ship.

Making funny faces - Natalie Fleischaker and Sarah Spen足 cer.

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1st Grade Brownie Troop

2nd Grade Brownie Troop

3rd Grade Brownie Troop

Brownies of the Future

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hior Andrea Crimmins helps Mrs. Barbara Henpkson with the Evening Eagles.

"Three little maids from school are we."

Aaron Bernard enjoys the slide. 31

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Back Row: Coach Majeski, P.M. Fisher, Justin Creasy, James Burnham, J.J. Blandford, John Cox, Seth Lewkowitz, Chris Strohm, Adam Lewkowitz, Front Row: Maureen Scholl, Lindsay Bodell, Catherine Yee, Natalie Dulaney, Pier Fisher, Sarah Pachtman, Lisa Kirkwood, Claire Schweikher, Maggie Byrd, Katie Byro, Ashley Popich

Jamika Byas goes off at the deep end.

The last thing he said was, "Isn't there supposed to be a pool down there?"

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ck Row: Coach Maczuga, Ashley Humes, Alexandra Gray, Jessica i, Derek Kravitz, Collin Clark, Saranrin Seip, Joshua Soper, John Haddo , Austin e, Ben Wiliams, Jared Creasy, Coach Majeski, Front Row: Jennifer L< Alexis Pachtman, Alexandra Gray, Julie Carland, Alisha Blischok, Sierra Si in, Claire Schweikher, Ashley Nemiro, Eiise Wiliams, Christian b entzen. 5 C. Ray

The pr nt e sa / s a m icrcphcre? Ar'd why

bw 1: Abigail Rethore, Tatum Vail, Catherine Yee, Scotjjsurda[wski, Bobby Brook. ROW 2: Michael Rector, Jessica pW 3: Robert Eacret

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Illy Devereaux, Tatum Vailkim f ^ h t ancfpler ^ |er attempt to match the volume 33



if II i 111* Jill Carland Cassie Correjo Peter Chiarelli Jamie Couche Harley Earl Kate Ferris

Barry Figgins Adam Fleischaker Christopher Frederick Katie Green Nell Haddock Wyatt Harris

Kristen Hendricks Todd Himelrick Natalie Hrudka Tamara Israel Jimmy Kaufman Kevin King

Brooke Lewis Cynthia Melde Roy Miele Rebecca Moretsky Ashley Morrill Joseph Musallam

I hope th a t people a p 足 pre cia te g e ttin g to g o to this school because some people d o n 't have this opportunity. Becky Moretsky Middle schoolers Ashley Popich, Whitney Pozgay and Jamie Plaza laugh hystfij ically at small fuzzy creatures. 36

th graders Jill Carland, Cynthia Melde and Amy Van Ars ale give big smiles for the cam* >ra.

Kate Ferris and Tina Wood chat about the day's events on their way to class.

Kelly Noble Lisa Pavese Catherine Pietzsch Christine Pietzsch Jamie Plaza Ashley Popich

Whitney Pozgay Christopher Rethore Joshua Royce Melanie Schoninger Jeffrey Surdakowski Aylin Tashman

Rebecca Teitel Meryl Thomas Amy Van Arsdale Eric Wassmann Cristina Wood

Fifth grade teachers Mrs. Bippus and Mr. Pettengill are the best teachers ever Joseph Musallam Catherine Pietzsch enjoys lunch period laughing with her friends.

i\tl 4 â– 11< Taking notes? You mean, like, write?

Daniel Abromovitz Kristin Altman Diana Bergren Lauren Bottner Emily Cook Reginald Cooper

Jon Ashley Corcoran Bryan Dawson Rocke DeMark Jeremy Figgins David French Jessie Gauntt

Pete Geantil Kevin Ghaswala Michael W.W. Hoesch Christopher Hoeye Christine Jacobson Jay Kahn Carolyn Karo Ryan Klinefelter Graham Kretchman Trisha Lampert Nina Latimer Alec Leshy

Noah Lewkowitz Devon Loback Jessica Lyons Quent Manika Randy Mata Tisa McCay

Kevin McReynolds Anamay Melmed Jennifer Noble Trey Packard Sarah Parry Janelle Plaza

John Randolph John Rector Joshua Reed Darren Ringel Christopher Sandor Lynn Seawell

Jonathan Sherman David Snyder Paul Surdakowski Richard Symington Melissa Tominac Lawson Tree

Jason Widoff Ryan Wilson

You seriously mean the bus will be broken for tw o-and-a-half hours?

e tc rtli i i 11ÂŤ Being in seventh grade is like being in sixth grade only you're a year older. Ezra Weiss

Kristin Abbate Laura Balis Nicolas Beabeau Aaron Bickell Guy Bowman Susan Bricker Katey Byrd Lena Cohen Stephanie Cohen Eric Cornwell Craig Couche Clemie Feau Matt Ferris Katherine FlanaganHyde Stephanie Fox Jill Galarneau Julie Geantil Jonathan Gimbel Peter Hahnloser Beale Harrison Tim Henward Denise Hrudka Candida Jacobs Emily Jeffries Ann Kaufman Jennifer Kniff Robert Kopiec Kristine Lehmann


Rachel Lowe Katherine Lyon Revan McKinnon Kimberly Melde Andrew Mendelson Jenny Mendelson Jerry Mischel Aria Nemiro Cara Palestine Nancy Perla Robby Pinnamaneni Zeb Portanova Alison Pulaski Christie Randt Michael Reilly Rebecca Rethore Viviane Safrin Erich Schweikher Jill Sherman Eric Shoemaker Brooke Silverstein Kristen Stamm Samantha Stoller Jennifer Sweet Jasmine Tashman Sarah Thompson Vanessa Van Tuyl Tracy Wanner Philip Weinmeister Ezra Weiss Katherine Welsh Alison Widroff Richard Williams Nicholas Wood

Peace, love, and Cornnuts! Candida Jacobs

At left: A group of seventh graders bond during their class trip. 41

rm already having nightmares about Mr. Martin's Civ. class! Anne Allison

Anne Allison Kacy Anderson Jonathan Ashley Seth Benton Leslie Blank Ryan Carroll

Meghan DeMark Sarah Duncan Shawn Dyer Katherine Earl Joel Feinman Nicole Felker

William French Laura Frieder Adam Garson Christina Gebert Sonia Ghaswala Thomas Harvey

Erin Hill Natan Jacobs Andrea Karo Heather Laabs Konrad Lee Ryan Leslie

Daniel Ling Leslie Litwin Kristopher Martin Rodney Molten Christina Pell Katherine Portanova

Kristen Radford Alexandra Rethore Sarah Schoenfelder Scott Schwartz Sarah Small Jessica Soper

Jordan Spack Jennifer Stern Ashley Waters Jordan Wynn

Left: Jordan Spack and Sonya Ghaswala laugh 'til their bellies hurt after having a small inconvenience with an ice cream cone.

el Feinman tries out new and are comfortable positions for ting in classroom desks.


Below: "And this is my mirror . . . " says Alex Rethore as she explains what every eigth grader must have in their lockers.

■ Deep Thought: Al­ ways stay in sight of an adult be­ ll cause you might I get eaten by a | mountain lion. Scott Schwartz


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A fiddler in the hallway.!

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Jill Carland, Cynthia Melde, and Amy VanArsdale show their smiles fc the camera.

"Well, I suppose I could play a little something for you," says Brooke Lew-

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Earth to Peter Geantil, come in Peter Geantil.

raise my hand maybe she won't call Ime," thinks Devon Loback.

The sixth grade girls gather together for a photo opportunity.

Lawson Tree, David French, and Gra足 ham Kretchman show off their new dance. 45

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"Please don't take my Tracy picture," pleads Lena Lehmann Cohen ing in the


nusketeers Clemie Feau, VI and Vanessa Van Tuyl $

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"And then he smiled a t m e." Candida • cobs tells Ann Kaufman. 1

The seventh grade shows their skill in a r c h ^ ^ ^ H by building a human pyramid.


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k Row: A. Rethore, K, le e , S, Schoenfelder, J Ashley, L. Litwin 0. ling, N, Jacobs, R. Carroll, T. Harvey; Row; A. Waters, A. Šarson. A, Allison, S. Ghaswala, E. Hill, S, Duncan; 3rd Row: S. Small, S, Dyer, R, Mollen, tack, H. laabs, K. Radford, K. Earl, J. Stern, N. Felker; 4th Row: J. Soper, S. Benton, C. Gebert, A, Karo, J. n, C. Pell, J, Feinman, L, Frieder, K. Martin

Leslie Litwin takes a drink during a tough game of flag football.

a hunk, a hunk of burnin' love," says JonaAshley Heather Laabs laughs as Leslie Blank does her impression of a chicken.

"I can't believe he likes that on his hot dog," thinks William French about Rodney Molten. 47

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Thirty years a g o .. so many parties, so little tim e .. ."-Joyce Cone

‘Thirty years ago I wish m y pa r e n ts had n't dressed me up in such ugly,, plaid, p o ly e s te r clothes!" - Brian Ellingson

John Crabb. Head of Middle School

Above: Ed Pettingill-Comp, Barbd Driggs-Span, Christine AndersC Span, Marie Bippus-5th Grade Linda Bryant, Art Georgia Buelow, PE Ginger Carter, Soc. St.


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Thirty years ago I1 was in the 11th grade in Michigan - Kae Robb

Joyce Cone Math 48

Rod Dashnow Soc. St.



Rock 'n Roller Ginger Carter

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Right: 7th & 8 th Grade Chorus. Below: V.S Band

Right: 6 th Grade Band and Chorus

Above: V.S. Strings Chorus at El Pedrigal

7th & 8 th Grade Band and V.S. String Orchestra

“A” Team: Third row - S. Banton, N. Beabeo

Molier, „ re^mani

Ferris, W. French. Second row - K. Lee, N. WO' Carroll, L. Litwen, R. Leslie. First row - E. Schwel ova, J. Wynn, J. Gimbel. Coach Ellingson.

Jacobs, c Cornwe ■ a Garsor-, I c

“ B" Team: Back row-C. Couche, G. Bowmai ________ Henward, A. Bickell, P. Weinmeister, J. Royo • From Mischel, K. McRenolds, C. Rethore, R. Miele, J. r^ahn. Head Coach - Robert Ellingson.

J Rector

"M iddlo School sports dr® fun b u t we t todhtain down thero ” Darren Pmgel



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"B" Team


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"B" Team

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We had a great season. We were unscored against.

Christy Pell

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Girls "A " Team Softball

Boys "A " Team Soccer

Boys "B" Team Soccer

.S. Student Council and Activities

Front row: (l-r) Kristin Altman, Ashley Waters, Jorcj Wynn, Erin Hill, Jon Gimbel Second row: (l-r) Jenny Men delson. Trey Packard, David Snyder, Paul Surdakowsli Darren Ringel, Nicholas Beabeau Third Row: (l-r) Trishj Lampert, Devon Loback, Jamie Plaza, Meryl Thomaj Rachel Lowe, Andy Mendelson Back Row: (l-r) Rya Klinefelter, Jordan Spack, Scott Schwartz, Alex Retlj ore, Vivian Safin, Brooke Silverstein, Tim Henward

Class officers: Kristin Altman(2nd V.P.), Ashley Waters(1rst V.P.), Jordy Wynn(President), Erin Hill(Secretary), and John Gimbel(Treasurer), To right Math Counts Team: Front: Advisor Joyce Cone, Rachel Lowe, Tracy Wanner, Ashley W a足 ters, Back: Rodney Mollen, Jordy Wynn, Laura Frieder, Katie Flanagan-Hyde.

I Have A Dream I have a dream That one day There will be no more wrong. Only Right. That the world will be a t pe ace . And there would be no more fights, There would be laughing and singing All over the land, If I could have my dream, Thats how it would be. There would be no guns, weapons, or wars. There would be no pollution or ga rba ge anymore. The air would always be clean And the grass always green. If I could have my dream, Thats how it would be. Blacks and Whites Jews and Christians A t p e a c e a t last, W e'd have a blast. There would be food and homes for everyone Beds, not benches to sleep on a t night. There would be no more darkness in the world. Only light. The stone shatter the still water, I Patterned rings slowly bridge the gap, | Between water and earth, A frog declares his arrival to a lily pad, J With slow, deep r-r-ribit. We used to play and laugh with the frogs and dragonflies. But now we only observe. From a distance, The smooth water, the graceful lilies, the everlasting stillness. And the warning sign -DANGER| CHEMICAL POLLUTION Many more ponds and rivers will be surrendered, I Before we ourselves are touched, and poisoned I By the growth, entreating menace. That our society has created.


- Katie Flanagan-Hyde

If I could have my dream, Thats how it would be. I know I'll have to w ait a while, Until my dream comes true. But I have faith and know it will One day, someday, com e true. - Lauren Bottner G rade 6 Age 11 59


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Bob Hendrickson Dean of Students

Above: Paul Schweikher offers a student! bit of college advice.

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Bob Kosower, Athletics Director

Above: The dean of students, Mr. Hendrickson, stops for a picture on the way to his office.

Anne Salzmann, Counselor

PCDS athletics gives everyone an opportunity to participate and ex足 perience what being on an athletic team means. At PCDS, about 75% of our students participate in the athle足 tic program. I believe it's a valuable part of their whole education. Bob Kosower

Paul Schweikher, College Counselor

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couldn't wait to get out of school so I could ride horseback in the country around Sedona. Here I am w e a rin g an a n tiq u e Czechoslovakian cos足 tume from my grand足 mother." -Anne Salzmann

Computers, CTlath, end

ames Anton Science Dept. Head

William Devine

Peter Flanagan-Hyde Math D.H.

Eric Neuter Computer Dept Head

Susan Kroning

Michael Swingler

Above: Mr. Neufer busy in class.

r. Devine gives Alex Simon help with I difficult anatomy question.

A bove: Mr. Swingler teaches an Algebra II class.

The human mind can help us travel into the past and project to the future. We can imagine life 30 years ago even if we weren't "around" then.

hat's a function? Calculus scholars, it is merely a cardboard box with my initials and some funny yellow squishy stuff on it that I to poke my pen in. I think it's something to do with equations too. Any other questions?" ^3

E i if iii

Above: Dr. Collins poses innocently with his humanities students be足 fore wildly blowing them away with his machine-podium.

Thirty years ago I played in a 6th grade basketball league on Saturday morning. There were so many players from my ele足 mentary school I had to play on the team of another school. But I didn't mind because it meant I could be a starter. Lance Coon

Above: Mr. Kidder attends an after school soccer game. 64



I I L I Jim Bruning - Foreign Language Dept. Head H. R. Houle - Librarian Barbara Page Ellen Scully

Thirty years ago I was a student teacher in a public high school in central Ohio. Jim Bruning

Above: Miss Scully tries to grasp the meaning.

Thirty years ago I was ^

teaching in Peru in 1961. Picture shows myself to the left with a colleague. Jeff i Fairfield, preparing to cross the Satipo River, a tributary of the Amazon, to the town of Satipo on the edge , of the Peruvian jungle. A -H R. Houle


Charles Flail Head History Dept

Above: Mr. Flail lectures to his psycholo足 gy students.

Dave Martin

Thirty years ago I think I was trying to learn how to skateboard on a primitive board that had no turning radius and I'm sure I wiped out tremendously many times. -Dave Martin




Dexter Morse Upper School Head

Above: Mr. Martin poses as he clothing from his new fall line.

it and Music

Above: Mr. Cook. Does he know something we don't? What evil lurks in the dark room? Susan Richter Music Dept. Head

Thirty years ago I was "FeelirV Groovey.",, -Beth Zink

Below: Mrs. Zink in Art Ex.

Beth Zink

James Cook Art Dept. Head

anda Schertenlieb

Alfred Bar once said that “ Creation of contemporary art is done by artists who are pioneers just as modern scientists, inventors, and explorers." This makes modern art both more difficult and often more exciting than the art we are used to. This is why I teach. Jim Cook, Chair of U.S. Art Dept. 67

iyirf II Up

Jeff Gimbel, Amy Zinman, and Joceyj Jacobs smile for the camera.

Being a Freshman a t P.C.D.S. is like a culture shock, you go from being the power holders of the Middle School to being the bottom scum of the Upper School. Rusty Silverstein

I wasn't even talking and he threw chalk at Freshmen class officers; Erin Loback, ne!" says Mark Leibow to Rebecca Brooks president; Camille Dunlap, secretary; after Mr. Martin's Civ. I class. and Zach Thomas, treasurer. Not Pic足 tured: Kristin Brook, vice president.

The Freshman show their spirit durirj their first class cheer.

'hristina Spetzler seems somewhat deached from her friends, Danielle Allen ind Jocelyn Jacobs

Michael Abrams

Danielle Allen

Casey Bergren

Tasha Bernard

Ravi Bisla

William Blakeney

I have a dream that all Upper Schoolers are created equal, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors; except for Freshmen who are the best. Chris Klock

Kristin Brook

Rebecca Brooks

Brent Fraser and Mike Abrams are caught hanging out in the art room.

Sarah Burnham

Carrie DeMark

Ashley Dorrance

Camille Dunlap Brad Durchslag Brad Foran arah Slavin explains to Ashley Dorrance bnd Seth Glogower how Michael Spiebel became a robot.


Brent Fraser Jeff Gimbel Zachary Gordon Matthew Gullen Stuart Hackett Jocelyn Jacobs

Hallie Jacobson Jeremy Joseph

Joshua Kanner

Christopher Klock

Eric Kaitz

Thomas Krause

Jeff Gimbel and Josh Kanner drink up as Jeremy Gimbel and Jocelyn Jacobs pretend not to notice.

Sonia Lancy

Karin Lefeber

Amanda Left

Mark Leibow j

Richelle Melde

Jenny Millinger

Jeremy Ringel

The Frosh lunch bunch crowd the halls of the quad.

Julie Levenberg

Erin Loback

Stuart Hackett is definitely not camera shy. 70

Leslie Roberts Elizabeth Royce Hollye Schumacher Robin Seder Brooke Sikora Jonathan Silverberg

I like the friendly atmosphere. Even during the first week of school lots of the upperclassmen and teachers, I don't even have, knew my name.

Rustin Silverstein

Erin Loback

Jessica Van Tuyl

Karl Weinmeister

Amy Zinman

Please, Oh Wonderful Seniors, will you buy us lunch? Sarah Burnham

Sarah Slavin, Jessica Van Tuyl, Richelle Melde, Sarah Burnham, Sonia Lancy, Carrie DeMark, discuss P.C.D.S. life dur足 ing a free.

Four little fresh足 men sitting in a row.

Sarah Slavin

Christina Spetzler

Michael Spiegel

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Robin von Hellens, Dawson Fearnow, and Meg Van Lith stop to speak of cloud formations.

Liesl Schneider studies for a big test Truly classy officers Brandi Johnson, Vice President, Shelly Edlund, Treasurer, Ellen Rand, Secretary, and Adam Schwartz, Presi足 dent.

Rebecca Chornenky acts as a queen in an aluri num foil kingdom.

I like Sophomore year be足 cause the work is easier than it was in Freshman year, and so I get the chance to m eet a lot of people who I missed last year. Brian Cornwell

Jessica Anson Carlos Armenta Johanna Brosie David Brown Rebecca Chornenky Marie Cohen


Jed Cook Jessica Cooper Brian Cornwell Brandi Cutler Erin Dulaney Trista Eaden

Shelly Edlund Dawson Fearnow Seth Glogower

Elizabeth Harvey Brandi Johnson Anthony Koppula

Life is better when you are wide awake, or so say David Brown and Terrence Riley.

School spirit shows its true colors when you are with Jessica Cooper, Brooke Schumacher, Danielle Nolan and Seth Glogower

This year I can drive, which is great, but I can't arrive late to classes with the excuse that I didn't know where to go! Then again, it's pretty scary to realize that half of the Freshpeople are taller than I am. Hedra Taylor

Trista Eaden and Katherine Walsh enjoy the bounties of a free period


Vicki Lang Ariel Levy Rebecca Lyons

Neeka Najmi Danielle Nolan

Well, let me tell you, honies, this has been quite an interesting year. I think that the most important thing that you have to remember is to not take any of this too seriously, or it will all come after you in the end. Brandi Johnson

David Spetzler studies the finer art of ingesting cu sine.

Ellen Rand Terrence Reilly Bryan Ringel Krista Rowlands Gideon Rubin Liesl Schneider

Meg van Lith, having finished a grinding test, takes a moment to smile after all of the stress is over.

Rebecca Lyons, Johanna Brosie and Erin Dulaney take advantage ol a free moment between classes to share a little gossip in the quad( 74

Brooke Schumacher Adam Schwartz Scott Shapiro

David Spetzler Hedra Taylor Meg Van Lith Robin von Hellens Katherine Walsh Jacqueline Weiner Daniel LaRue

All I can say is that it was fun to w atc h the Freshmen suffer through Civ. like we did last year. Carlos Armenta

Above Left- Tony Koppula enjoying the life of a Sophomore. Below- Elizabeth Harvey and Ariel Levy try to understand the meaning of lunch.


Below: Marla Meyer glances at Ken, Austin, Matt, Mukeesh. and T.J.

Above: Mukeesh prays for soccer prowess Below: Austin and Matt demonstrate one of the junior strengths, friendship

Turn the page for more of the best!

Above and Right: Ken and Mio (thoughtful, aren't they?)

Below: Tiffany demonstrates one of the junior's many talents, .gum sculpture

GOAT! Big Guy. Big Daddy. Little Mama. Puppy. HORNO! Simon. Little Friend. The roof is on fire. O Nellie. You think you're bad, but you ain't! You will do it now and you will like it. Do it up, Baby. Fight the power. One and one . . . The Junior Class


Frazil Bain

James Bojalad Chad Bonfiglio izabeth Bradley Betsy Brednich Aubrey Joy Corcoran

Claudia Bashore

Tanya Benetar

Valeska French §f Amanda ©ray

Patrick Kop

Matthew Rankin

rt IRoss Stuart

Mukesh Vidyasag

Marc Grayson

ustin Gr

Class o f 1992-



j y


_ m • r c d r i c r

Leadership, Football, Varsity Soccer, Intramurall B a s k e tb a ll

" S ta n d Ho! Shakespeare

"B.B. . . . YOU know what would happen? I'd get k ic k e d o u t of school and you w o u ld n 't w a n t that to happen now, would ya?l Would ya?l" -Ben (Biff) Slavin

"Clam it Clompy. Claborn


"What I do off campus is my business." -Benjy Brednich

"I'll have a Wooper Alex Simon


• • •

• • • • •

_ I



• • • •

• •

• •

• • • •

Honor Roll (Apollo High School), National Honor Society (Apollo High School), Member of Whos Who Among National Students, Model U.N., Mascot (Apollo High School), Freshman Wrestling (Apollo High School), Varsity Soccer, Volleyball Club (Apollo High School), Ski Club (Apollo High School)

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Academic Honors (4 years), Register (Editor-in-Chief), Student Sen­ ate, Model U.N., Varsity Baseball (captain), Varsity Soccer, Varsity Tennis, Neo-Conservative Physicists (founder), the mighty Horace Pinker, "Weird Al" fan club. Political Arch-Liberal (registered Demo­ crat)

"Goodbye, Blue Mon­ day!" -Kurt Vonnegut

"Viva Zapata!" Anonymous

"if a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured and far aw ay." -Henry David Thoreau

"Som e members of Congress appear to seek i m m o r t a l i t y through pork." -Lowi N. Ginsberg

Mr,T* Pizza “ The Second World War was over-and there I was a t high noon, crossing Times Square with a Purple Heart on." -Eliot Rosewater

Brian € . Hr I lit

Honors, University of Arizona President's Award, Wilson Scholarship Recipient, Presi­ dent (Junior and Senior Class), Treasurer (Sophomore Class), Varsity Soccer (Cap­ tain), Varsity Basketball, Varsity Baseball (MIP), Debate Club, Monty Python Club, Model U.N., Newspaper (News Editor), Neo-conservative Physicists (Chairman "Swingler for President" Committee)

“The best way to get rid of un­ wanted flying insects is to have bad body odor.”-Talk!ng Heads “If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane.“-JIm m y Buffett ’’His­ tory is bunk.”-Henry Ford “Work, work, work.”-Tom C h am b ers “You can get it if you really want it.”-JImmy Cliff “You can’t al­ ways get what you want.”-RollIng Stones “Life is hard but it's a

lot harderwhen you are stupid.’’Redd Foxx “Everybody’s got something to hide except for me and my monkey.”-The Beatles Tomorrow will be much worse... give up now.”-Gregg Dessen "Nice guys finish last.”-L eo Duocher "Always look on the bright side of life.”-Monty Python “When you ain’t got nothing, you got nothing to lose.”-Bob Dylan "Woke up this morning, I was feeling quite weird. Had flies in my beard. My toothpaste was smeared.”-The Byrds “You can’t beatwhatyou can't catch."-Kevin

Johnson “Everybody who is incapable of learn­ ing has taken to teaching.”-Oscar Wilde ”54°40' or fighf-Jam es Polk “Cowards die many times before theirdeaths”-Willlam Shakespaere “Great spirits have always encountered violent oppositionfrom mediocre minds.“-Albert E in stein "So it goes.”-K u rt Vonnegut “Oh I wish there were some words in the world that were not the words I always hear.”Albert “I can’t complain but sometimes I still do. Life's been good to me so far.”-Joe Walsh "Let’s rock.“-AI Bundy “I am no longer irratating”-Vlade Dlvac “I’d trade all my tomorrows for single yesterday.“-Janis Joplin “Life is like a sewer.

Donald Barthelme “Ignore the problem. It'll go away.”-Sam Malone “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.“Wllllam Henly “YessssF-Marv Whatyougetout of it depends on what you put into it.”-Tom Lehrer “I have to admit it’s getting bet­ ter. A little bet­ ter all the tirne.”The Beatles “I just want to cel­ ebrate another

day of living.“-Rare Earth “The ends justify the means.”-Nlcollo Machlavelli “That's the news folks and I am outta here!’’-Dennls Miller Thanks everyone

Eliza “ Peppy” 1 4 lj,«

Yearbook-layout editor; Varsity Basketball (3 years) co­ captain; Varsity Tennis; Key Club; Wilderness Ventures; Leadership; Community Service; Genders Issues; Prom Commitee; Ski Club; Model U.N.

"Must we always teach our children with books? Let them look at the mountains and the stars up above. Let them look a t the beauty of the waters and the trees and flowers on earth. They will then begin to think, and to think is the beginning of a real education." - David Polis

Senate Secretary; Varsity Cheer (captain); Varsity Tennis; Varsity Basketball.Newspaper; Leadership; Model UN; Community Service Gender Issues; Anytown; Dance; Hebrew High School; Key Club; Founder of School Constitution

W in

D a v is

"One recipe for friendship is the right mixture of commonality and difference. You've got to have enough in common so that you understand each other and enough difference so that there is something to exchange."


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Jill Duttcn


Senior Leader, Yearbook staff (Photo Editor), Newspaper staff, Community Service, Model UN, Gender Issues, Political Activist- * Abortion rights, Spain/Portugal Bicycle Trip, NISDA art courses,'! Tennis


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Newspaper, Close-Up, Model UN, Leadership, Varsi­ ty Tennis, Key Club, Scottsdale Mayor's Youth Council, Youth Town Hall, Teen Life Line

L iz a


■ S c H c lll


• mr

Honors, Community Service, Ballet, Modern Dance, New Day School and JB Sutton School Tutor, Mesa Espanola

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Honors, Newpaper (Photo Editor), National Honors Society, Hebrew High, Cast Member in A Midsummer Night's Dream and Take Her She's Mine, Daybreaks staff. Gender Issues, Valley Forge/Freedom Foundation Schol­ arship, University of Pennsylvania Book Award

Nadia I



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• • • • • • • • • • • • • Senior• Secretary; • •Varsity• Basketball • •(captain); • Baseball • manager; Swimming; Yearbook; Leadership; Model UN; "Our Town", "Midsummer Night's Dream", and "Take Her, She's Mine".

J e a rre I x h i t < u til

“ In physics she could use some help, but that's O.K. by me. I've told her once, I've told her twice, blonds c a n 't g e t more than VB '."—Mr. Beastly "There once was a boy named Frazier Bain. To the backs of my arms he caused much pain. He deserved to die. His flesh I'd fry. Then e a t it with lobster on the shores of Maine." -s- Alii Rainey

"Nobody's sick of me!" — Michaela The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Five-year plan, Guys lax team , Soccer (two years), Au pair Eur­ ope '89, Yearbook, French club. Model UN, S.A.D.D., Community service. Art, X-Benetton, EMP., Sailing, Florace Pinker, Arch-Liber­ al, VW's.

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B\ r~fcl'l~Al~l B\ r 'lllH 'â– \ e i l 1

1 I I

\C _ II I I I

Junior VP; Model UN; Valley Forge Essay Winner; Close-up; Varsity Cheer (co-captain); Basketball; Key Club; Strutters Tap Dance; Yearbook; Newsoaoer Newspaper Ed,; Ed,; Communitv Community Service; Service; LeadershiD: Leadership; Prorr Prom Committee; Anytown USA; Gender Issues Club; Ski Club

"Happiness seems made to be shared"

"In sunshine and shade Through smiles and tears W e made it as best friends Throughout these years"


M ictielle # ii i n

Junior Class Secretary; Newspaper; Varsity Basketball; Varsity Cheer; Community Service; Prom Committee

“You're a part of me. I'm a part of you, wherever we may trav­ el, whatever we go through, whatever time may take away, it cannot change the way we feel today" -Glenn Frey

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • J i m


High Honors, Nat'l Merit Scholarship Semifinalist, N a tl Latin Exam(pertect score), Xerox' Award, Bausch and Lomb Science Award, Harvard Book Award, Community Service Award, Citizen ®ee- F'S-A. and TEAMS competition, Pres. Community Service , Drama Club, Model U.N.,Co-Pres. Latin Society, Neo-Conservative Physicists(founder).

" . . . give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other." Reinhold Niebuhr

Thank you to all the teach­ ers who have inspired me: from Desert View, to Broadmor and McKemy, to PCDS, and beyond.

"The mathematician has reached the highest rung on the ladder of hu­ man thought." -Havelock Ellis

"Magna est Fama, Magna est Gloria et"

J e ff /fiatu ia

Varsity Basketball(2 years), Academic Honors, Neo­ conservative Physicists(founder), Co-President of Latin Society, Community Service, Ail around nice guy.

"I do not exist to impress the world. I exist to live my life in a way that will make me happy." Richard Bach

F ^ l g H H

H !

|gy& Rom anae e t Linguae R o m anae." -Lillian M. Hines

''Earvin 'M agic' Johnson - the g re a t­ est basketball player to ever play the g a m e ." -Dick Vitale


§ e a r f . Nolan

Honor Roll; Varsity Swimming, Captain, State Finalist; Varsity Golf, Captain; Newspaper,! Sports Editor; Model U.N., Security Council; S.M.Y.C.; 7th Grade Trip, Senior Leader;! Neoconservative Physicist, Founder Member; Hopi Indian Reservation Trip; Nemesis to; Administration: Hair Styles; Visual and Verbal Specialist, Varsity Basketball; Ski Club.


•n r


"The Meek m ay in­ herit the Earth, but they will never reach the green in tw o ." ty Arnold Palmer

"The only one who c a n te ll you you c a n 't, is you. And you d o n 't have to listen." -Nike "Those who live and die by the sword, b e t te r h a v e o n e damn go od sword." Arnold Palmer

tn TfiiiMne it>-menolan/AmmsTKA-nofS HAW WARS

Varsity Golf; Leadership; Swimming; Newspaper; Sender Issues.

"The ability to laugh at oneself can be the beginning of a lifetime of comedy." Brian H. Coulter Men for the Mountains

Cary E l l u l

"W hat is real?" asked the rabbit one day . .. "Does it all happen a t once, orbit by bit? "It doesn't happen all at once." said the Skin Horse. "You be­ come. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't often happen to peo­ ple who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand." Margery Williams The Velveteen Rabbit

"Twenty inches. That's al­ most a fo o t!!''

“ Man, these are the good times." J.J.F

A le* ยงimce


Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior years in Brazil; Varsity Tennis MVP and State Champion; Varsity Soccer

ite v e r lit i I l o

Honor Roll, Ski club. Weight-training club, Computer club, Monty Python club, JV Basketball, Varsity Tennis, Varsity Soccer, All-State Soccer.


Ben M i>h

Varsity Baseball, Model UN (nationals). Newspaper, Peer tutoring. Student congress. Debate, Leadership group. Freshman leader, National Merit Commendation.

Honors (4 yrs). Senior class VP. Newspaper (features Editor), City manager (Phoenix Youth Government Program). Phoenix Gazette (Teen Correspondent), Varsity Basketball (3 yrs). Neo-Conservative Physicists (founder), Monty Python club. Weight lifting club, Ski club. Weird Al fan club. Political Radical (registered Democrat).

Zachary Rubin

"And so on." — Kurt V o n n eg u t

"G e lb a u g h , m y plunger." Brian Hoblit

"Not!!!" — J.A.L

"Bad will alw ays win, b e c a u s e g o o d is d u m b ." — Dark Helm et

"Every passing hour brings the Solar System forty-three thousand miles closer to Globular Cluster M13 in Hercules-and still there are some misfits who insist that there is no such thing as progress." — Ransom K. Fern (as said to Kurt Vonnegut Jr.)


Cre^ciy I . Fiasei

Senate Constitution Founder, Honors (4 yrs.). Student Senate, The Regis-: ter, Leadership, Varsity Soccer (4 yrs,), JV basketball. Valley Forge Free­ dom Trip, Close Up Trip, Model UN (head delegate), Blue and Gold Key Club, Investment Club, Gender Issues, Ski Club

Faith is an island in the set­ ting sun -Paul Simon I don't want to repeat my innocence, I want the plea­ sure of losing it again. -F. Scott Fitzgerald We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.

The weather is here .. . I wish you were beautiful -Jimmy Buffett

Conscience is the inner voice which warns us that someone may be looking H.L. Mencken I know I don't understand much of whaf it is that fills me up. -David Byrne People remember you better if you always wear the same outfit - Byrne

Deep Thoughts: by James Anton If you asked a membrane. "Membrane, why do you exist?" .. what would he say?

I 1

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • High Honors, ASU Medallion of Merit, Student Senate President, Sophomore Class Pres., Soccer (Captain), Baseball (Captain), Basketball, The Register. Model UN, Investment Club, Gender Issues Club, Neo-Conservative Physi­ cists (Founder), Ski Club, Monty Python Club.

A l i m I . Spiegel

"I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception." -Groucho Marx "If you didn't see the gam e last night . . . you missed it," -B.Kosower

"Whoso would be a man must be a non-conformist." Ralph Waldo Emerson "Being a red photon would be very boring You wouldn't be able to tell yourself from "To b e g re a t is to b e misunderstood." -Ralph W aldo Emerson "No d a m n e d c a t, and no d a m n e d crad le!" Kurt V o nnegut "Such evil deeds could religion prompt." -Lucre­ tius “Lay on MacDuff, and damned be him that first cries, 'Hold, Enough!'" Shakespeare's MacBeth

"There was only one catch and that was Catch-22 -Joseph Heller "It is not desirable to acti­ vate a respect for the law, so much for the right." -Hen­ ry David Thoreau

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

4 n§ie lanlseisley

Varsity Diving, 4 years; Varsity Softball, 4 years; J.V. Cheer; Varsi-1 ty Cheer, 2 years: co-captain, 1 year; Varsity Basketball, Yearbook; Community Service, Animal Rights Club, Running Club; 3 Gender Issues, Environmental Club,

"When are we going to find a cure to the common war?"Benjamin Franklin 'Hawkeye' Pierce . . . "There is no logic here today. Do as you got to, go your own way. Time's short, your life's your own and in the end we are just dust 'n bones,"-Guns and Roses. , . "I'd never cry if I did find a blue whale I my soup, nor would I mind a porcupine inside a chicken coop. Yes, life is fine when things combine like ham in beef chow mein. But Lord, this time I think I mind they've put acid in the rain."-unknown . . , "I'm in a New York Stateof-mind."-Billy Joel . . . "If we weren't all crazy. W e would go insane."-unknown . . . "I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing. That it all started with a mouse."-Walt Disney . . . "Yesterday . . . cam e suddenly."-The Beatles . . . "For oak and elm have pleasant leaves that in the spring time shoot: But grim to see is the gallows tree, with its adder-bitten root, And, green or dry, a man must die before it bears its fruit!"- . . . "Like two doomed ships that pass in storm, W e crossed each other's way: But we made no sign, w e said no word, W e had no word to say. For we did not m eet in holy night, but in the shameful day."-Oscar Wilde . . . "Life is short. Play hard."-Reebok . . . "If only the young are free to believe, then let me be young forever."Jess Row . . . "Warm winds blowing, heating blue skies. And a road that goes forever . . . I'm goin' to Texas." -Chris Rea

I ? i :




• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Freshman Class President; Varsity swim; Assistant Manager Varsity Basketball; Manager Varsity Basketball; Newspaper; Yearbook; Ad Staff Editor; Trap and Skeet; Leadership; Counselor on 7th grade Trip; Scottsdale Mayor's Youth Council, 3 years, Vice Presi­ dent. President; Oliver: Midsummer Night's Dream: Take Her, She's Mine: R.I.P.: Ski Club; Community Service Club; Leadership.

“ Look people in the eye " . .. “ Buy great books even if you never read them" . .. "if in a fight, hit first, and hit hard" . .. “ Don't postpone joy" . .. “ Slow dance" ... “ Think big thoughts, relish small pleasures" ... “ Learn to listen. Opportunity sometimes knocks softly" ... “ Wear audacious underwear under the most solemn business attire" . .. "Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have" .., “ Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with the big dreams is more powerful than the one with all the facts" . .. “ Be romantic" . .. "Be insatiably curious. Ask 'why' a lo t" . . . "Become the most positive and enthu­ siastic person you know" . .. “ Don't forget, a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated" . . . “ Don't major in minor things" ... “ When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go" ... "Be willing to lose the battle to win the war" . .. “ Learn to show enthusiasm and cheerfulness, even when you don't feel like it" ... "Take good care of those you love" .., “ Keep it simple" . .. "Lie on your back and look a t the stars" . .. "Don't believe people when they ask you to be honest with them" . .. "Never underestimate the power of true love" . .. "Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein" i . .. "Live your life as an exclamation, not as an explanation." Every so often, push your luck" . .. "Reread your favorite book" ... "Never waste the opportunity to tell someone you love them" ... “ Take charge of your attitude. Don't let someone choose it for you" ... "Focus on making things better, not bigger" ... "Begin each day with your favorite music" ... “ Take care of your reputa­ tion. It's your most valuable asset" . . . " Make a list of 25 things to do before you die. Carry it in your wallet and refer to it often" ... "Laugh a lot. A good sense of humor cures almost all of life's ills" ... “ All for one and one for all together singing a song for love. You and I are none without the other singing a song for love."-Extreme . .. "More than Words."-Extreme . .. “ Sorry, Nadia."-Mike . .. I Love you, Brandi! . .. “ Thank you Mom and Dad and to the rest of my family, i LOVE YOU ALL1 BYE!"

Mictiael At I ate

W t W alter

Sophomore Class Secretary, Varsity Cheer (JV Cheer captain), Newspaper, Community Service, Yearbook, ’ I Gender Issues, Environmental-Animal Rights club, Key club I

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l i i

Varisty Swim, Trap and Skeet, Gender Issues, Newspaper, Model UN, Oklahoma Stage Crew, Makeup Oklahoma and Our Town. Hiking club, Co-Manager Men's Varsity Baseball, Senior Leadership, Community Service, International Relations, Assistant in 1st and 7th grade classes, political rights activist


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Jamie Wynn

Junior Class Treas.; Senate; Model U.N.; S.A.D.D.-V.P.; Anyone Club -Treas.; Newspaper; Senate Constitution Founder; Basket­ ball; Cheer; Tennis; Swimming; Leadership; Community Service; Prom Committee Chair; Gender Issues Club

"If there is anything better than to be loved, it is loving," -Anon.

“ Friendship improves happiness, and a b a te s misery, by doubling our joy, and dividing our grief.'' A d d is o n .

"Recollection is the only paradise from which w e cannot be turned o u t.'' -R ic h ­ te r.

Arizona Youth Hiking Club; Member of the National League of Poets

"Few people have the imagination for reality." Goethe

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"Real love begins where nothing is expected in re­ turn." -Antoine De Saint Exupery

” 1 can very well do without G od both in my life and in my painting, but I cannot do without something which is greater than I, which is my life - the pow er to c re a te .” -Van Gogh

"The three foundations of learning: seeing much, suffering much, and studying much." -Catherall

"S p e a k as m any, think as the fe w .” Latin Proverb tit


c v e fu l Vcice

the Editors: Inset: Poppy D odge (layout), Mrs. Kroning (advisor), Jill Dutton (photo), Valeska French (co p y), Mrs. Zink (advisor), Lindsay Piccinati (co-editor), Mike A b b a te (ads), Liz Bradley (co-editor).

Betsy Brednich seems to b e in shock c she looks a t her layouts.

Yearbook advisor Mrs. Kroning explains to Becky Dicken and Frazier Bain the importance of m eeting their deadlines. 114

y es| Schneider


g Š n f|y on her pages,


Nicolle Muschinski, Rachel Kopiec and E len Rand g e t excited over their ne< p a g e assignments.

ie Photo Staff: Rochelle Mollen, Vicki Lang, Patrick Koppula, Rachel Ko iec, Am anda Gray, Jill Dutton (editor), and Claudia Bashore.

he Ad Staff: Tiffany Peers, Mike A b b a te (editor), Ravi Bisla, Melanie fayani, and Kiran Bisla.

I [he Layout Staff: Laura Johnson, Liz Harvey, Ariel Levy, Poppy Dodge (editor), Lisa Flores, Betsy Brednich, and !Illen Rand

Rachel Kopiec plays "een y m eeny miny mo" with the Prom pictures.

Co-editors Liz Bradley and Lindsay Piccinati brief the staff on yearbook procedures.

The Copy Staff: Jeff Gimbel, Julie Levenberg, Jeanne Geantil, Frazier Bain, Christiane Wassmann, Valeska French (editor), Au足 brey Joy Corcoran, and Nicolle Muschinski. 115

Ttie Re^iitei Tellยง 411

Back Row: Marc Grayson, Ryan Hart, Jason Fox, Justin Guleserian, Austin Hackett, Mukesh Vidyasagar, Matt Philips, Zach Thomas, Rust Silverstein, Scott Shapiro. Middle Row: Mrs. Fisher, T.J. DeMark, Adam Schwartz, M att Rankin, Ariel Levy, Aubrey Joy Corcoran, Patrick Koppuld Hedra Taylor, Kiran Bisla, Sarah Slavin, Danielle Nolan, Frosh, Ms. Scully. Front Row: Nadia Lancy, Zach Rubin, Justin Greene, Gregg Dessen, Brid Hoblit, Sean Nolan.

From left: T.J. DeMark (Assistant Editor), Nadia Lancy (Photo Editor), Sean Nolan (Sports Editor), Gregg Dessen (Editor-in- Chief), Brian Hoblit (Features Editor), Zach Rubin (News Editor).

Above: Editor Gregg Dessen proudly checks out his finished product. Right: Matt, what are you writing now?!

Undercover journalist Kiran Bisla gets the facts from Julie Von Hellen

Students enjoy reading the Register so much, they just can't put; down!

The Country Day Players present:


Cast: Mr. Dexter Morse Jeanne Geantil Justin Freeman Nadia Lancy Brandi Cutler Karin Lefeber Ravi Bisla k Liz Royce Meg Van Lith â– M a t t Philips Karl Weinmeister Mark lelbow Karen Lefeber Frazier Bain Mlchaei Abbate Sonia Lancy Kiran Bisla Lance Coon

Principal Mollie Michaelson Frank Michaelson Anne Michaelson Liz Michaelson Airline Clerk Emmett Whitmeyer Adele McDougall Sarah Walker Donn Bowdry Freshman Richard Gluck Alfred Greiffinger Alex Loomis Mr. Whitmeyer

Crew: Stage Manager Lights Sound Stage Crew

Valeska French Erich Schweikher Heather Young Rachel Kopiec Lindsay Piccinati Johanna Brosie Hedra Taylor Claudia Bashore

Publicity Director: Technical Director

Mrs. Beth Zink Dr. John Collins Mr. Richard McKinley

Empress Teerself ir l e i k isl i| I'm going to have a good Leadership group tod ay because I'm good enough I'm smart enough And, doggone-it, people like me! — Stuart Smalley

Above: Kim Davis, Gregg Dessen, Becky Dicken, Karen Kahn, Michelle Zinman, Jill Dutton. Below: Poppy Dodge, Jamie Wynn, Greg Fraser, Gary Edlund, Ben Slavin, Adam Spiegel.

Seniors Michelle Zinman and Becky Dicken listen as Karen Kahn explains her theory on the importance of triangle breathing.

Above: Seniors Gary Edlund, Jamie Wynn, Ben Slavin and Gregg Dessen. Let Leadership Buddies-Juniors Christiane Wassmann and Rochelle Mollen.



^ li l« 11 Seriate I feel th a t the Senate is an im­ portant part of PCDS because it gets the student body as well as the faculty involved. — Rochelle Mollen

pck Row: Greg Fraser, Adam Spiegel (President), Mr. Morse, Lisa Flores, Rochelle j pllen, Robin Von Flellens, Tony Koppula, Mukesh Vidyasagar, Ravi Bisla, Rusty Silver( ein, Mr. Flendrickson, Jeremy Ringel. Front Row: Vicki Lang, Jamie Wynn, Kim Davis

oove: Senate Representatives, Robin Von Hellens, Lisa Flores, Rochelle Mollen, and Tony KopJla work hard for the benefit of the student body. Below: Head Honcho Mr. Morse advises the snators while trying to make the classroom desks look comfortable.

Above: Senate President Adam Spiegel organized the PCDS Constitution this year which will be in ef­ fect during the 1992-93 school year. Below: Greg Fraser looks over some information while Mukesh give a little wink of assurance.

©del United Naticns

Model U.N, provides an opportunity for students to improve their debating skills and to work on coalition building. Mr. David Martin


Back row from left: Greg Fraser, Sean Nolan, Ryan Hart, M att Wein­ berg, Rachel Kopiec, Kiran Bisla, M att Philips, Mukesh Vidyasagar, Jason Fox. Middle row from left: Club Sponsor Mr. Dave Martin, Justin Greene, Gregg Dessen, Adam Spie­ gel, Jackie Claborn, Brian Hoblit, Ben Slavin, M att Rankin, Jill Dutton, Eliza­ beth Keches, Austin Hackett, Tanya Benatar, Andrea Crimmins. Front row from left: Rebecca Dicken, Ja­ mie Wynn, Karen Kahn, Poppy Dodge, Kim Davis, Michelle Zinman

It is beneficial in helping us gain knowledge of interaction between countries. Jackie Claborn

cmmurity Icitice Club The Community Service club has been dedicated to having all the students complete their requirements. A dam L. Cohen.

And with the help of the lead­ ers of the Community Service Club, it is sure that the require­ ments will be filled with a sense of fun and an understanding of others in our community. One of the major and ongoing pro­ jects of the Community Ser­ vice Club is helping a t the St. Vincent de Paul's soup kitchen, where homeless people re­ ceive nourishing meals.

Above right: Sarah Fearnow helps the PCDS community by picking cans up from the bin. Below right: Valeska French, a tireless server of the community, stops to ta k e a break from all of her work.

jpack row from left: Paul Storer, Natasha Bernard, Ashley Dorrance, Kiran Bisla, Rachel Kopiec, Sarah Fearnow. Adam L Ifcohen. Front row from left: Karin Lefeber, Danielle Allen, Liz Royce.

Bide^y i ll I Back Row: Zach Thomas, M a tt G u l l e n , S a ra h Burnham, Brooke Sikora, Jenny Millinger, Paul Storer. Front Row: Becky Brooks, Amanda Left, Kristen Brook, Chris Klock, Advi足 sor Mr. Jim Anton.

I il ii j, ( II I Sarah Burnham, C a 足 mille Dunlap, Becky Dicken, Marie C o 足 hen, Advisor Mr. Mike Swingler.


trap ard Ifeeet Hedra Taylor, Brian Cornwell, Jamie Wynn, Marla Meyer, Brad Durchslag, Advisor Mr. Jim Bruning.

Ccmpitei Clib Advisor Mr. Eric Neuter, Zach Thomas, Karl Weinmeister, Matt Gullen, Stuart Hackett, David Spetzler, Chris Klock, Paul Storer, Mike Abrams, Tom Krause.


died Ccimmurity leiyice I've w orked a t the Girl's Club every week. W e help with art projects, w e advise the kids, w e clean up. It's fun. Jill Dutton

if # -

This year, preforming 10 hours per year of communify service was made a graduafion requirement. Meld Dayani and her mother hosted a party to collect Christmas Toys for Tots.

Above: Jake Weiner and (far right) Johanna Brosie help at a Head Start Snowdays party.

I volunteered a t my grandfa足 ther's nursing home. I work with patients who are with him. Betsy Brednich

S e r ic i Speeches

Jeff M atura speaks about phobias for his senior speech


He may not remember me, but I will never forget him. Benjy Brednich on his grandfather's Alzheimer's disease

Russian emigrant Helen Kopnina spoke movingly about her country Two years h ave passed since I em igrat­ ed to the United States from the Soviet Union. Two years of my new life. Now I can see my country, Russia - which I still call mine - from the distance of time and new approaches, making it possible for m e to o vercom e a strong emotional barrier which kept m e from understanding the reality of Communism before. As traditional Russian proverb says, “G o abroad if you w ant to hear news from hom e." My memories of Russia are the best mo­ ments, shared with my friends, and nature in Russia, which I love with all my soul. When thinking of Russia, I rem em ber a Northern b ay of the White Sea, where I was hiking with my friends. There was a cam p-fire on the lake's bank which I constantly miss in my dreams, the sound of guitar, a c c o m p a ­ nying the whisper of the wind. Every fa c e of those sitting close to the fire is very famil­ iar and very dear. When I listen to Tchai­ kovsky music. I'm very lonely again, looking in the everpeaceful mirror of the lake. Then I forget all the deceptions and cruelty, which are d e e p rooted in my motherland, and I forgive everything but my own flight. Yet I know the emigration was the only thing I could do to be free to choose for myself.

I'm into gardening for fame and fortune. Zach Rubin, who “c am e out of the closet" about his interest in horticulture.





Ni m








dleyfcaH - ja il's


Above: Jeanne Wilkins watches her serve hit right on the money.



Below: Valeska tattoos Mikasa on her hand once again.

"Low Five" after a good shot!

Varsity- Front Row: Christina Spetzler. Ariel Levy. Middle Row: C oach Georgia Buelow, Christianne Wassman, C o-C aptain Nicolle Muschinski, Liz Har­ vey, Melanie Dayani. Back Row: Tiffany Peers, C o-C aptain Liz Bradley, Valeska French, Jeanne Wilkins.

I want to say something positive, but there's always room to improve Nicolle Muschinski

Above: Paula Thompson says of the season, "It was fun, and thanks to Brandi our spirits w ere always uplifted."

Junior Varsity: Front Row: Richelle Melde, Brandi Johnson, jjecond Row: Coach Cindy Kappler, Leslie Roberts. Brooke Kchumacher, Betsy Brednich. Top Row: Captain Robin Von tJellens. Hollye Schumacher, Amy Zinman, Paula Thompson

Melanie Dayani, Valeska French, Christina Spetzler, and Tiffany Peers exalt in another victory for the Eagles.


11 t s i !

Top Row: Gideon Rubin, Brian Cornwell, Jeremy Ringel, Bryan Ringel, Scott Pettitt, David Spetzler, Michael Abatte, Justin Freeman, M atthew Philips, Angie Tankersley. Bottom Row: Julie vorfHellens, Catherine Walsh, Sarah Burnham, Sarah Slavin, Julie Levenberg, Jocelyn Jacobs, Lindsay Piccinafi, Danielle Nolan, Becky Dicken, Jessica Anson.

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Above: Catherine Walsh grabs a quick breath in the middle of her stroke.

Above: Angie Tankersley mentally critiques her last dive.

A bove and below: The eagles strive with all their might.

A victory smile from Joce lyn Jacobs.

I think the team's been really sweet this year, supportive of each other, more than in any other year. -Becky Dicken

Back row: Asst. Coach Bill Divine, Seth Glogower, Jonathan Silverberg, Stuart Hackett, Patrick Koppula, Brad Durchslag, Tony Koppula, Matt Gullen, Brent Fraser, Mike Trembley, Michael Spiegel, Coach Sanchez. Middle row: Marc Grayson, Jackie Clabom, Ken Allison, Mukesh Vidyasagar. Austin Hackett, Greg Fraser, Steve Trembley, Adam Schwartz. Manager Scott Shapiro. Front row: Matt Rankin, Brian Hoblit & Adam Spiegel (Co-captains), Gregg Dessen, Benjy Brednich, Alex Simon.

Left: Alex Simon shows his‘dribbling ability as he dances with the soccer ball. Center: A d a m . Schwartz, M arc Grayson, Brian Hoblit, and Benjy Brednich know the essentials of the g am e. Right: Marc Grayson gracefully flies through the air,


| IN U tj,ii

Front: Managing Staff: Tony Koppula, Mike Abbate, Sean Nolan, M att Philips. Second Row: T.J. DeMark, Marc Grayson, Frazier Bain, Jeff Matura, Zach Rubin, Brian Hoblit, Adam Spiegel, Matt Rankin. Back Row: Coach Bob Hendrickson, Jim Bojalad, Mukesh Vidyasagar, Raj Abyankher, Ryan Hart, Matt Weinberg, Jeremy Ringel, Asst. Coach Brian Ellingson.

" T h e players hav e worked hard in the sum足 mer league and all during the season to bring the best possible program to P.C.D.S. Their love of the game and willingness to work is very satisfying to me as a coach." Coach Hendrickson.

T.J. DeMark pops his famous pointer.

lam Spiegel, Brian Hoblit and Jim Bojalad listen carefully during a time out.

Jeff Matura goes for a score.

Junior Varsity team: Top Row: Tony Koppula(manager), John Silverburg, Terrance Reilly, lam Schwartz, Josh Kanner, Jeff Gimbel, Coach Brian Ellingson, Front row: Gideon Rubin, Brad chslag, Jeremy Ringel, Dave Brown, Carlos Armenta, Ravi Bisla, Scott Shapiro.

It's all in the rocker step, baby!

Iic o tilf Uccps

Women's Varsity: Top Row: Valeska French (stats). Elizabeth Bradley, Betsy Brednich, Sarah Burnham, Robin von Hellens, Carrie DeMark, Casey Bergren, Danielle Nolan, Tiffany Peers (m anager) Front Row: Danielle Nolan, Lindsay Piccinati, Lisa Plougmann (asst, coach), Coach Jim Cook, Jeanne Geantil, Christina Spetzier


beerfr^ U i II < blue fti I ^ 111

Rochelle Mollen reaches her full exte while cheering for the Eagles.

Kim Davis gives cheer advisor, Ms. Page, a hug of gratitude.

Becca Lyons, Jessica C ooper, Erin Dulaney, Brooke Sikora.

elf ill, will a In I swisti

I ick Row: Sean Nolan, Gary Edlund, TJ DeMark, Mukesh Vidyasagar, Jackie ClaI xn. Front Row: Ross Stuart, M a tt Gullen, Karl Weinmeister, Brent Fraser

Karl Weinmeister addresses the ball (even though there is no hole to aim for).

The golf team this year has a great deal more depth and ex足 perience than last year. Hopefully, we can turn these pluses into a strong run for the state championship. -Sean Nolan

-dry Edlund taking a little practice in pe quad.

Sean Nolan gets into the swing of things.

4 III ill Plays I ii II ill Right: C o ach Schweik down to C o ach B.


Kristin Heldt and others stretch out for the start of the season.

"Right here baby, right here," screams c a tc h 足 er Richelle M elde (a b o v e left) to pitcher Nicolle Muschinski (ab o ve ).

Richelle M elde shows the true meaning of follow through. 140

Strike a pose!

Melanie Dayani enjoys the w eath er a t softball practice.



Angie Tankersly waits and hopes to catch Tiffany Peers' aw esom e throw.

flristina Spetzler waits to throw that flrfec t pitch.

Tiy Zinman tries her hand a t pitching Tile Christina Spetzler looks on.

"Now who should we choose for the team?" the coaches confer on this important ques足 tion. 141

v ii s,ii j, Sir^lei

Front row: Michael Spiegel, John Silverburg, Josh Kanner, Brian Hoblit. Standing: Carlos Armenta, M a tt Rankin, | Mukesh Vidyasagar, M a tt Philips, Frazier Bain, Zach Thomas, Jeff Gimbel, A dam Schwartz, Brad Foran, Bryan Ringel, ; C had Bonfiglio, G reg g Dessen, A d am Spiegel


Although we lost a few crucial members from the team, those that are returning have significantly improved, and we have many newcomers who will definitely help the program. If we can pull everything together relatively early in the season, we should finish high in the final standings. After all, it is a simple game: you throw the ball, you hit the bail, you catch the ball.

Šmen’s tennis

Rochelle Mollen cheers on Christiane Wassmann as she a t tacks the ball.


Jamie Wynn finds that tennis rackets are good for swattirl those little bugs that fly by her head.

Kim Davis (above) and Liza Keches (below) on court.

Back Row: Mr. Flail, Jocelyn Jacobs, Shelly Edlund, Christiane Wassmann, Brandi Johns* Front Row: Liza Keches, Tanya Klock, Jamie Wynn, Ellen Rand, Rochelle Mollen, Kim Dal (Not Pictured: Kim C otton, Marie Cohen, Hollye Schumacher, Brooke Schumacher.)

hat form! What style! Shelly Edlund is definitely ready play some Tennis.

Ellen Rand practices her intimidating scowl as well as her forehand stroke.

State Champion Kim C otton

Below: Brandi Johnson, a.k.a Rambo, prepares to gun the ball to her opponent.

en’§ I m i is

Front: Paul Storer, Stuart H ackett, Michael Abrams, Zach Gordon, Chris Klock. Back: Seth Glogower, Alex Simon, Mr. Flail (co a ch ), Ryan Hart, Ken Allison, Jason Fox, Dawson Fearnow, Austin H ackett, Scott Shapiro, Tony Koppula

Left: Senior Alex Simon, last year's state champion, looks forward to this year's tennis season

Right: Dawson Fearnow, about to show the yearbook photographer just how hard he can swing his racket

With the return of most players from last year, including the current state champion, and the addition of some good players, I be足 lieve that the Men's Varsity team will again have a successful season under the coaching of Mr. Flail.

I^ustin e x p e r t ly *>ounces the ball.

Austin takes an expert stroke,

Austin fires the ball across the court, and

Austin! W hat are you doing?!? 147



With your great humor and many talents . . . look out world! Love, Mom, Dad, Krista, & Shelly

Ui« I « IU

We are proud of you and we love you! Congratula­ tions to you and the entire class of '92!

Mom, Dad, Amy and Mark 150

W m M& M/ Southwest

Labor has its own reward and nothing succeeds like success We love you and are so very proud of all your achievements.

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Love, Dad and Shani

To Anjy, Our bundle of energy

May you continue to be unfettered by conformity

Love, Mom, Dad, and Wade


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Ode to Terence Reilly At eleven months young, you said your first words, And more beautiful sounds I'd never heard.


Now I've often thought to change my name, No, not to someone who has great fame. "Mommy", "Daddy", "That" were the first words you uttered. Now when I hear "Mommy," I walk around and to myself mutter.

D eborah n e m ir q m .d . Obstetrics & Gynecology Women Caring For Women

Sixteen years later, your language is verbosity, And your use of the phone I view with animosity! If it's not Dawson, it's Dave, then Meg, and of course, Kim, All of these phone calls make me seem grim. Shakespeare I'm not, but your mother I am. That gives me the right to get even if I can. MOM 152

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K /T :

|E my gosh, it’s a girl! . . . Eliza Wellington . . . Let’s call her Poppy! . . . Freachie . 1David and Cotton . . . Bosch . . . "Watch out! She licks!" . . . Cincinnati . . . Looloo (/ Oliver . . . "L et’s Play Barbies" . . . Drake Road . . . Katie, Carrie, Olsie, Odd Job "On-a-Cuz!" Lawrence Welch . . . "OJ. slept with me!" Phoenix . . . All Saints . . The ugliest mountains in the whole wide world!" . . . Uniforms . . . Lisp . . . Zeph, ||nnie . . . Bonkers! Carpools, Braces . . . "I’m NEVER going to spell like everybody ?/". . . Brownie . . . Waldo . . . PCDS . . . Carrie, Sophie, Lauren, Lindsay . . . Flute . 20 Yard Dash . . , Sophie, Peep, Teddy, Tom . . . "I don’t want to be an opera ]ger!" . . . Soap Opera Writer . . . Upper School. . . B.F. . . . Whiner . . . Karen, Kim, ||tchell, "Oh . . . My-Gawd!" Curfew . . . "I’m covered with blue and gold paint!" . . . |


„ II

lif/ Kato . . . Puget Sound . . . "What’s a Panier?" . . . Bad Knees . . . Point Guard, \tree Way!" Jam ie . . . Alaska . . . "I’m spending the night at Kims" . . . House Sitter prema . . . Charlie Cheating. . . Little White Subaru . . . "Poogie" . . . Fastest Talker pie West . . . Mike . . . "We’ve got to have a talk about leadership" . . . Newport . . . U never going to drive again" . . . "DA-A-D!" . . . Proms . . . Drastic One Inch Hair Is . . . "I don’t do dishes" . . . S.A.T.S. . . "I wanta do it NAOW!" . . . Where did the \e go? C O N G R A






We’re so proud of all that you are! It’s going to be awfully quiet around here We love you, Mom and Dad!

Christy and Cathey:

Life is the only game you should not lose graciously.

Success is getting what you want. Happiness is liking what you get.





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£eanYou>klumld be ak plead o fHe, man you, kee, in He, ylakk ak me one o fyon. ft/e u/ikl you, alt He, (one, lappinekk and, kueeekk tfe tak H often. Lone,, Mom,, Dad,, Danielle, and Diadou/.

"Special J ” To our son Jeff "Special” in every way! We are so proud of you. Congratulations! LoveMom, Dad, Rob and Mik. 158

The Man In the Glass When you get what you want in your struggle for self And the world makes you king for a da Just go to a mirror and look at yourself] And see what THAT man has to say, ■ For it isn't your father or mother or wifel Whose judgment upon you must pass, ! The fellow whose verdict counts most Jrl your life Is the one staring back from the glass, j Some people might think you're a strain shootin' chum And call you a wonderful guy. But the man in the glass says you're onl| bum If you can't look him straight in the eye.i He's the fellow to please, never mind all the rest For he's with you clear to the end And you've passed your most dangerou test If the guy in the glass is your friend. You may fool the whole world down pa pathway of years And gets pats on the back as you pass) But your final reward will be heartache j and tears If you've cheated the man in the glass. I

I l < E o c s t o r C lu b c c m im e n d s i ll P Q ) S t o r M l t i l j, m < 1

ititte r ts I i^ l

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t o w a r d a c h i e v i n g II < ii $ c a l s

Congratulations and keep up the good work

Phoenix Country Day School Eagles

Congratulations to our special guya man who has always had both feet firmly planted on the ground.

Success and happiness in everything you do.

Love, Mom, Dad, Jamie, Bubby, and Pop

Jackie, Congratulations! Your inquisitiveness, intelligence and abil­ ity to achieve will open many doors for you. Your G od-given talents will help you reach any goals you set for yourself. W e are so proud of you. Never forget th a t w e have faith in you; but, most impor­ ta n t — w e will love you always. Dad, Mom and Jason


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" . . . it is only important to love the world, not to despise it, not for us to hate each other, but to be able to regard the world and ourselves and all beings with love, admiration and respect." - Herman Hesse


'Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen every day." '

Lifes Little Instruction Book by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Congratulations to th e class o f 1 9 9 2 A shley, D orrance and M iracle Lady High Point Jr. Champion Dressage Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show 1992

JAMIE This life. w ith


the beginning o f the re st of your P lease tak e our hopes and dream s you.

M ay you r sen sitiv ity co n tin u e to let you feel for and be touched by o th ers, but be tem pered to p ro te ct you from needless h u rt and p ain . M ay your those th at easily.

ch oices through out you r life be you will live with happily and

May you continue to find good friend s who ca re to m agnify your jo y s , d im inish your so rro w s, and will m ake you r life rich e r for h av in g th em . May you always know how very much we love you, how unconditional our love is, and how im m easu rab le the hap piness is th at you have brou ght to our lives. M ay



of your

dream s

com e

tru e!

Love, M om, Dad, & Jordy

B E S T O F L U C K T O T H E C L A SS O F 1992!


Still Crazy A fter A ll T h ese Years Sim on And G arfunkel

d iW H li

Love to A ll The Eighth G rade G raduates From the parents you have DRIVEN CRAZY!,,

Our Hats Off to P.C.D.S. From the Melde Family

Congratulations To The Class Of 1992 From The Student Senate

Congratulations on 30 wonderful years. We are proud to be part of the PCDS family! Ruthie and Ron Cohen Daniel and Brad

The Doors Are Swinging Open litr tlx /Miviier ofUtliiif’lon 'xline Goljimir, Scollxtliilc’xfonnnoxl soinva ofdixlinclitv golfuxxirfor men and immcn.

Ellington’s FINE G0I.FWEAR Scottsdale Seville 7001 Nnrth S n ttstb lr K<wd. Strttc 101 SaMsdalr, Ariwms 85250 G02/44.V.VH0

Best Wishes to the . men of "Saturday Night” basketball. We'll miss you! Mr. and Mrs. Nolan, Danielle—and of course, Shadow! Best of luck to the class of 1992 With Love, Bob, Jill, Rachel and Adam Schwartz

Congratulations Steven we are very proud of you! Always remember how important being together is and may your life be filled with happiness and success.

Benjy, j You’ve only just begun-Don’t forget j we’re proud of you i and always will be here for you. I Love, j Mom, Dad, Betsy, Brig, Burke and Brady. ^

( Z a tty i'a tu &


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P.&. *DS. 'K-X ^i€ulcozte<i

T& .& .& .S . yuve you you* otant. O u* 4eot cvioAeo to eucA o£ you.


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y o u * friie u c t& A ifid

n e v e * /b a n t

CmywtJJdtJmi cuU of Luck, tr Hue, C LaU of1992 u> He Phoenix,CouktiDay fchoo PiamU AuoddCm

1991-92 Parent Association Executive Board (Backrow 1-r) Becky Burnham, Stephanie Beresini, Barbara Henward, Ruthie Cohen, Laurie Ringel (front row 1-r) Jill Schwartz, Suzette Wynn, Traci Cornell, Judy Vail


Congratulations and the best of everything Always

Mom, Dad, Kristin, & Justin 172

less the beasts and the . For in this world have no voice, they no choice

SARAH Animal activist, tennis player, artist and schol足 ar, kind friend to one and all... We all love you! Congratulations! Mom, Dad, and Michelle

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLASS OF '92 AND TO ADAM . . . What con w e odd, you did ir oil! We're oil very, very proud of you! Love, The Spiegel Cion - Mom, Dad, Peter, and Michael

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HetK'booice*'*». j u.nior Coed,itors? "uwvTViursdUuf ortr ^SO'Cdftor’s Meeting, and ■ttvere’s a*f*W staH nweHnqEVcrMVJodn needs 10 tTe-tKTCf’ tMfrlfc'% A N ft IT, NtfcH ISTH^VeAPUME AfrAlN?S#TVU#W w nw o o M irrv aw © ocamcs w ice. ( f W r t r P .- W l n i l M M e t a c A u . ft\fr 6'P gA O U M E STfU A uIV T* j I t t ’tM S M A C T g t t » M JEJV ST ft*)?S O w e 1 TOPPvJ -c n e c « . 0 UT

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Firsts. I in the blanks)

First School

First Prom

First Teacher.

First Steady_______

First Kiss___

First Dissected Frog

First Football Game

First Car__________

First Date

First Bank

(without parents) _

fastInterstate Bank FIRSTINTERSTATE BANK OFARIZONA NA Member F.D.I.C. • Federal Reserve System Equal Opportunity Employer

Residence (002) 945-6337 Toll Free 18001347-5107 ROLAND W. BAGGOTT Vice President, Investments

DEAN WITTER REYNOLDS INC. 5225 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85250 (6021 945-4351

Jessica Kozinn K

David Owens K

Abby Zeitlin K

Spencer Owens 3

David Biel 3


Free D elive ry

DR Brothers Fam ous C a kes a nd B ake ry G oods

Je re m y R ingel

B rad D urchsiag


Alice Brown 6

Anais Torrijos 4

Lindsay Lewis 8

Addendum ■ m m mmm



Emily Bell 9


Brian Zemp 10

J O H N J. W E L L S , M .D . Ga st r o e n t e r o l o g y

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