PCDS Yearbook 2011

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The Phoenician 1961Âť>2011

Then & Now 50 Years of Excellence

Phoenix Country Day School 3901 E. Stanford Drive :: Paradise Valley, Arizona 85253 :: 602.955.8200 :: www.pcds.org

Message From the Head T o T h e S en ior Class o f 2011 and all Eagles: It has been a special h o n o r to s erve as In terim H ead o f S ch o o l during P h o e n ix C ou n try D a y S c h o o l’s 5 0 th C elebration , as P C D S marks its distinguished con tribu tion to youth, to the nation, and to the n o b le cause o f educational excellen ce.

It is sobering to con tem p late the fact that 5 0 years fro m n o w w h e n the Eagles celebrate ou r 1 0 0 th anniversary, the distinguished m em bers o f ou r current senior class w ill be alm ost 7 0 years old ! M ea n w h ile, this Class o f 2011 — a group I ’v e c o m e to d ee p ly adm ire and sin cerely appreciate — h a ve h alf a cen tu ry o f p rodu ctive, fulfillin g, excitin g tim es ahead. T h e best a d vice I k n o w to o ffe r them com es from M ahatm a G andi o f India w h o appealed “ to m ankind to strive to a vo id : w ealth w ith ou t w o rk ; politics w ith ou t principle; pleasure w ith ou t con scien ce; k n o w led g e w ith ou t character; com m erce w ith ou t m orality; w o rsh ip w ith ou t sacrifice; and science w ith ou t hum anity.”

Sin cere best w ish es fo r the future, W . L e e P ierson Interim H ead o f S ch ool

Welcome to PCDS

An Education for Life

1. D.J. H aubcn b o ld ly show s o ff her P C D S spirit. 2. D an iel G om ez, Isabella Jost, and som e friends w a lk across the bridge w h ile socializing. 3. Lindsay M erh ege, R ach el Epstein, and Sybil R ose all lo o k so classy in th eir dresses b efo re the First Friday Celebration. 4. C arolin e Purtill, G e o rg e K roeger, H a iley D em ark, and D evyn Thu rbon are o b v io u s ly excited b y the assembly. 5. M s. M itch ell, M r. Dukehart, and Sophia K irk la n d -L op ez smile as th ey c o lle c t turkeys fo r St. M ary's F ood Bank. 6. T h e entire sch ool gathers to represent P C D S s 50th A n n iversary. 7. S om e m em bers o f the U pper S ch ool V arsity Jazz Band p erform in the U p p er S ch ool quad. 8. S taley Lan e h appily w alks to the podium to recite a poem .

50 Years of Excellence 1961 On


S eptem ber 12, the 2 0 -

1968 w as

P C D S purchased the second

acre campus open ed w ith 93

com p o sed o f 16 seniors. In 2011,

h alf o f ou r current 4 0 -a c re

students in grades 3 through

57 seniors w ill w e a r the classic



cap and g o w n . S in ce 1965, 47

enou gh

classes h ave graduated.

fields, a gym , pools, and an



sch ool


w e re ro ya l blue and w h ite. The

sch ool

w as


first graduating


origin a lly

T h e re ro o m

w as

fo r



U p p er S ch o o l campus. T his

nam ed T a lle y A c a d e m y but w as later changed to P C D S .



togeth er


students celebrate

cam e the

T h e sch ool got its first com puter.

sch ool's 25th birthday and to

Im agin e

w ish

com parison



successful years.

T h is

25 year


how to



w as








G arden

h ave

p ictured).

M ich ael w as

S cien ce



M adden H all w as

also m arked the com p letion

three com pu ter labs, and m any

also com p leted w ith state-of-

o f the music com plex.


the-art science labs.

ÂŁ3 vm




1973 The


C enter h ave


Y e llo tt

open ed . been



The splash


A qu a

T h e buildings on the east side o f

T h e school changed its colors

p ools


to blue and gold, and the first


w ash

w e re


T h ese

additions included the gym and


since! T h e y are used fo r P.E.


celebrated. W e still celebrate

classes and s w im and d ivin g

bridge w as built o v e r the w ash


to jo in the L o w e r S ch ool and

in -sch ool

M id d le S ch o o l w ith the U pper

music, foo d , and firew orks at

S ch o o l and the gym .


com petitions. mm

â– H H m L -

U p p er

S ch ool





G o ld

D ay

com plete

w as w ith




T h e Burke Center at the L o w e r T h e M id d le S ch ool addition,

S ch ool

including an art studio and a


m odern

b io lo g y


w as

com pleted. T h e lab had lab stations,


m icroscopes.



open ed


classroom s courtyard.

fo r


en jo yed and

T his




n ew


transform ed the entrance to the P C D S campus.


T o d a y , PC D S celebrates its 50th Anniversary w ith many exciting events to honor 5 0 years o f providing


w ith an education for life.




“ Find ecstasy in life; the m ere sense o f liv in g is jo y enou gh .” —E m ily D ickin son

Sarah D risco ll is the true em b od im en t o f this qu ote b y her hero because she n ot o n ly finds jo y in the e v e ry d a y but also spreads this jo y to e v e ry o n e she encounters. W h e th e r during a class discussion about H e m in g w a y o r through a fe w w o rd s shared in the quad, Ms. D riscoll's w a rm sm ile and inherent jo y spread lik e w ild fire to those around





w ith


com fortin g



in fectious laugh, and h er w is e w o rd s o f ad vice. M s. D riscoll's lo v e o f w h a t she d oes—as a teacher, m entor, and frien d —spreads her zest fo r life w h e re v e r she goes. M s. D riscoll's lo v e o f her students is o n ly m atched b y our lo v e fo r her. She is fie rc e ly d ev o te d to her jo b —n ot just to teach us about various w o rk s but to instill in us an appreciation and understanding o f literature that w ill stay w ith us throughout our lives. She is P h o e n ix C oun try D ay S c h o o l’s unsung hero. A lth ou gh w e all appreciate her, fe w students realize just h o w hard she w o rk s as n ot o n ly an excellen t teacher but also as a graduate student. Just as her junior students are often stressed and sleep -d ep rived , Ms. D ris co ll’s plate is alw ays full, and she usually runs on caffeine. Y e t she alw ays manages to greet her class w ith a sm ile on her face and boundless enthusiasm. Ms. D riscoll has m astered the art o f con n ecting w ith her students w h ile com m anding respect; she w ill crack som e classic Puritan jokes o n e m inute and g iv e


a d vice


next. T h e


com m unity, and

esp ecially the class o f 2011, has ben efited im m en sely from her expertise, dedication, and joyfullness.

W e cou ldn ’t h ave made it

this far w ith ou t her. W e lo v e you, Ms. D riscoll! -Class o f 2011

Make a Difference Day In h on or o f the N ational M ake a D ifferen ce D ay and P C D S ’ s 50th Celebration, w e decided to put on this even t in order to bring the w h o le school together to m ake a p ositive change in the com m unity. T h e A ll-S c h o o l M ake a D ifferen ce D ay is a com m u n ity-w id e o n - and off-cam pus even t com posed o f service projects and discussions. T h e goal is to p rom ote PCD S's 5 0 years o f excellen ce in the com m unity and to instill in students a life -lo n g dedication to helping others. In addition to serving a va riety o f organizations around the V a lle y , w e h ope to begin a traditior o f the entire school com ing togethe: to make a difference w ithin PCDS and throughout our com m unity.

-E ven t Planners: Arianne P rice and R achel Chanen (pictured)

1. K en dall W o o d a rd , H elen D ailey, Stenson Hamann, and M addie Stern m ake PB&J sandw iches fo r A n d re H ouse and W a s te N ot. 2. R yan Pitt helps B ryce Bzdak and B ailey Butterfield make "I Spy" bottle games fo r the children at P h oen ix Children s Hospital. I

A le x Blanford and Lauren G arvin make a blanket fo r Friends o f the

I Orphans in Guatemala. |4. An ita Sheih and Anna R ankine w rite cards for our soldiers overseas. p. A id a Duarte and R oh it Kothur help C aroline Purtill, H ailey DeM ark, and L illy R obin son decorate p illo w cases for the P h oen ix Children's Hospital.

Community Outreach

1. R ose Larkin and M s. B ro w n c o lle c t m o n ey fo r the H elp for H aiti M ixer. 2. Sophia K irk la n d -L o p ez donates a turkey to help a fam ily. 3. Brenna D ugel, C arolin e W ittek in d , and Brent Stein help with Sharing T re e gifts fo r the S alvation A rm y. 4. Suzette Guzm an and C am eron N ajafi m ake blankets fo r the Nuestros P equ en os H erm anos orphanage in Guatem ala and R yan House. 5. Catherine S w ett helps Samantha Stein and A lexan dra Ashner m ake film b ow s fo r Free Arts o f Arizona.

Project Excellence

1. M r. C alleroz W h ite and several P ro ject Excellence students participate in fun activities. 2. N orm a Gutierrez shows h o w she has made friends through Project Excellence. 3. Carlos A lvarad o shows some excitem ent during a fun activity. 4. Students show o ff their baseball skills at the P ro ject E xcellence Carnival. 5. V aleria Cano volunteers to help



out w ith the activities at a


P roject E xcellence event.


\ \ j

Life at PCDS

L K assidy T s e and Chris Puglisi sh ow that close friendships d evelo p at PCDS. 2. H a ile y D eM ark, A n n e Buskirk, A le x Goldstein, and L illy Robinson strike d iva poses! 3. K en dall R eeves, A m elia M eyer, and Sarah Petrides sh ow that there is alw ays tim e fo r a go o d laugh at PCDS. 4. H ilary T u ck er uses the hula h oop like a pro! 5. Students dem onstrate the con n ection b etw een the U pper School and the L o w e r School. 6. A liy a O renstein and D.J. Hauben take a break from their busy 5th grade schedules. 7. Jasmyn L oelk e, Sonya Barkdull, and Jade Lo elk e show o ff their adorable, toothless smiles. 8. T h ese seventh graders p rove that they have the most school spirit. 9. E m ily T en aglia pauses for a photo before diving into the pool. 10. S om e senior girls treasure their last Blue and G old D ay at PCDS. 11.

M elissa G reenberg impresses the cro w d w ith her singing.

1. T h e entire student b o d y gathers in the gym to kick o ff an oth er sch ool year. 2 & 3. A teacher addresses the students in 1980; sim ilarly, In terim H ead o f S ch o o l W . L e e P ierson w e lc o m e s students to a n e w y e a r at P C D S . 4. Ms. Edwards leads h er class to the assem bly. 5. T h e re are big sm iles o n Ciara R eth ore, G reta B in dley, and A le x a Flader's faces as th ey return to class. 6. Seniors N a b eer Khan and R achael L o p e z p ose w ith B ry ce Cussler in the traditional sen ior-kindergarten w alk. 7. Seniors A s h ley S ylvester and N ith in Pusapati prepare to lead their kindergarten buddy A id an M ille r to the festivities. r d



Blue & Gold Day 1. H en ry G rid ley is w h e e le d across the gym flo o r b y A le x a n d er Ashm an. 2. Jackson M u rp h y and A le x H osm ar r o w their boat to v ic to r y in the annual Blue and G o ld D ay B oat Regatta. 3. C arolin e C ohen, M acken zie Cantor, and Stephanie L iu e n jo y the festivities in the gym 4. K y lie Sm ith and K eara D ean s h o w o ff their sch ool spirit in P C D S w ear. & 6. T h e P C D S eagle greets n e w students in 1994. Student B o d y President, Jerem y A b d o , and the P C D S eagle dem onstrate h o w the kindergarten-senior scooter race w orks. W o w , the eagle has gotten a m a k eo ver since back then!

Board of Trustees Beverly B. Ax, President Larry P. Clemmensen, VP Finance &

Investments/Treasurer Susan M. Garrity, VP Strategic Planning Samuel S. Garvin, VP Advancement vvj


Tracy D. Schwimmer, VP Buildings &

Grounds/VP Trusteeship Morrie Aaron Nicholas S. Firestone Adam Goodman

t \


l ft

Larraine N. Ho Dr. Kwang-Wu Kim Leonard H. Lillard Jude Miller-Burke

r f/






Jahm Najafi Jonah Shacknai Chida Tse Charlene Whitfill

W . Lee Pierson, Head o f the School Mitzi R. Krockover, President, Parents'

Association Laurie W ray '80, President, Alumni


Advisory Trustees Susan J. Bansak

Frederick M. Pakis

Daniel J. Donahoe III

Bernard G. Rethore

Bennett Dorrance

Nicholas J. Sakellariadis '69

Donald R. Loback

Shoshana B. Tancer

Herbert J. Louis

Garth W ieger

Nan P. Miller

Gay F. W ray

Ellie B. Nolan

Senora Gilbert and Dr. Allison enjoy their long足

Mr. Eriksen uses his green thumb to care for the

standing tradition o f having lunch together.

beautiful middle school plants. Always ready for a quick nap: Mr. Fielder and

Mr. Phillips is on his w ay to teach a class. There's always time for a quick photo; Ms. Decker and Mr. Martin pose in the quad.

Mr. McKean. The tw o college counselors, Mr. Schweikher and

Mr. Alcott and Mr. W ilkins go for a stroll.

Mr. McHonett, display their artistic side.

T o prepare for a herd o f hungry students, Ms. Petz

Ms. Sheridan reads a story to her young students.

stocks the Upper School Cafe. Nurse Marti teaches a student how to use a stethoscope.

N o challenge is too big for Ms. Treadway, w ho is always available for help in the Computer L a b . fl

Faculty & Staff Kimberly Abbott Cort Alcott Becky Allison

Randy Allmon Hilario Alvarez Robin Anderson

Linda Barnes Julie Barrasso Kristie Berg

Duane Bergstrom Stacey Berklan Rebecca Bernhardt Marie Bippus Carelie Bisinger

Mr. Coon relaxes outside his classroom back in 1988.

Back in the day... Becky Allison, 1997 Marie Bippus, 1993 Georgia Buelow, 1989 Cliff Carlson, 1994 Jenny Cherilla, 1994

"My hair was so big because it was full of grammar." -Dr. Allison

Adrienne Bonnet Gina Bridgeman Cheryl Brown Ellen Brown Karen Bruntz

Georgia Buelow Lee Buettner Keith Bums Kelly Butler Barb Bzdak

James Calleroz White Jose Calvo CJ Carlson

Cliff Carlson Eduardo Caro Isabel Castro

Ms. Mitchell and Mrs. W illiam s take a break from discussing classroom strategies.

"Wow, I miss those luscious locks!" -Mr. Crahb Lance Coon, 1983 John Crabb, 1994 Cindy Davis, 1994 Lee Edwards, 1997 Brian Ellinsson, 1989


Faculty & Staff Clemente Chavez fenny Cherilla Kevin Cherilla Jerry Cook Lance Coon

Donna Corbett Carla Cose-Giallella John Crabb Dan Crowley Cindy Davis

Andrea Decker Linda Ding Linda Drate

Sarah Driscoll Mort Dukehart David Dummer

Mr. Crabb displays his amazing hat back in 1997.

"At least you found a photo in which

Back in the day... John Fielder, 1997 Peter Flanagan-Hyde, 1995 Matt Guthrie, 1999 Bob Kosower, 1980 Jackie Lee, 1996

myhairwastiedback''‘Mr' Guthrie

Lee Edwards Brian Ellingson Kathy Ellis

Karin Epstein Chris Eriksen Sadie Etheridge

John Fielder John Flanagan Peter Flanagan-Hyde Mo Fleming Cindy Fowler

Valeska French Sarah Gaumer Susan Gerhard Yolanda Gilbert Janet Green

Ms. Milne shows o ff her teddy bear.

"Conibs were bigger back then!' -Mr. Martin

Danny Majeski, 1983 Dave Martin, 1995 Judy Mitchell, 1983 Eric Neufer, 1993 Liz Olson, 1988


Facility & Staff Jim Greenlee Michelle Gurnee Matt Guthrie

Toni Hall Chris Hatton Bob Hendrickson

Andrew Huff Michele Huskey Diane Ingold Jaki Ivins Marilyn Jacobo

Leticia Jacquez Bethany Kiltz Bob Kosower Jackie Lee Shane Lewis

Ms. Sterling models a sombrero for her Spanish class.

Back in the day. Chris Palmer, David Rowe, Melanie Sainz, Brenda Schertenlieb, Paul Schweikher,

1999 1988 1996 1991 1994

"I didn’t start the fire. My glasses did." - Mr. Schweikher

Ilene Manna Sheila Marks Dave Martin

Sue Mazzolini Paul McAdam Judy McAdams

Patrick McHonett Andy McKean Katie McKean

Mr. Schweikher finishes a long day o f college counseling in 1980.

"This picture was taken before my love of fire turned my hair to the colour of ash." -Mr. Wilkins Mike Swingler, 1993 Tom Sylvester, 1999 Sharon Thompson, 1999 Jenny Treadway, 1987 Dean Wilkins, 1996


Faculty Mary Kay Meyers Laurence Mills Leslie Milne Bobby Mirzaie Judy Mitchell

Jesse Munch Kimberly Nadler Maria Nava Kelsey Neal Eric Neufer

Jill Niemczura Jesse North Liz Olson Lorrie Olson Desiree Ong

Sandy Orrick Chris Palmer Luis Pastor Blanca Patino Brandon Perry

Michael Pesselato Kathy Peters Janet Petz Jack Phillips W . Lee Pierson

Yolanda Prisco Gabi Ragsdale Pedro Ramos-Gonzalez Lisa Reid Karen Roberts


David Rowe Melanie Sainz Kimberly Saur Brenda Schertenlieb Paul Schweikher

Cecilia Sheppard-Downey Jaime Sheridan Terrance Sheridan Eliseo Silverio Marti Skloven

Catherine Smith Bob Spaziani Jennifer Sterling Shirley Stiles Dan Strickland

Tracy Sucato Linda Surdakowski Mike Swingler Tom Sylvester Barbara Thommen

Ken Thommen Carl Thompson Sharon Thompson Trudy Tom Teeraya Tomlin

Jenny Treadway Dean Wilkins Molly Williams Richard Zielenkiewicz Katie Zink

Not pictured: Maria Nolasco

Message From the Lower School Head Poet Laureate Billie Collins points to the passing o f time, the longing for what is not, and the appreciation for what is.

Now and Then by Billie Collins This poet o f the Song Dynasty is so miserable. The wind sighs, a single swan passes overhead. And he is alone on the water in his skiff. If only he appreciated life in 11th century China as much as I do. N o loud cartoons on television, N o music from the ice cream truck. Just the calls o f many birds and the steady flow o f the water clock. PCDS can only be what it is N O W because of what is was THEN. W e are grateful for what transpired in the fifty years before our time to bring us to our celebration o f N O W . 50 years o f Excellence in Education. E m m

-Barbara Thommen

m w

a a m


Pre-Kindergarten Lucas Albuquerque Isabella Beninato Luciano Beninato

Michael Beninato Grant Burnham Natalie Capri

Tabitha Cohen Alexander Conomos Mariah Lountain

"I like recess because I play superheroes with the boys like Lava Girl." - Isabelle Tillman A lth ou gh the cars h ave changed since Ms. M iln e w as in P re -K , the kids still lo o k the same!

Isabelle Tillman Jake Timone Addisen Werner Harrison Whitfill Mikayla Yue

"The thing I look most forward to doing in first grade is learning harder math." - Grant Burnham

Kindergarten_________ _ Parker Allen-Cooper Abigail Bockrath Brando Borletti Bowen Burke Bailey Butterfield

Bryce Bzdak Jordan Cole Evan Connor Bryce Cussler Andrew Ebner

Maxwell Ebner Weston Eby fayce Huskey Owen Lambert Ellie Lewis

Owen Lewis Evan Maffi Aiden Miller Jordyn Oppenheim McKinley Paltzik

"I’m excited for the field trips we will get to take this year!" - McKinley Paltzik Ms. Sheridan looks so happy because she is daydream ing about b ecom in g a teacher!

Miles Sabeeh Jessica Schuchman Maxfield Shacknai Kayla Singer Savannah Smith

Cyrus Symington Tyler Tam Makayla Thoits Hilary Tucker Natalie Vu

Aaron Wang Grace Whalen Olivia Williams

Grant Withee Nathan Yelton

"I love kindergarten because we get to go outside and play puppies and borses." - Grace Wbalen

First Grade Saif Agha Alexander Ashman Sabrina Bailey Sonya Barkdull Julien Berman

Charlotte Bishov Diana Briguglio

Bianca Burke W ill Burnham

"My favorite part about first grade is that the teacbers are so nice!" - Alex Goldstein Ms. T h o m m en didn't suspect she'd be o ve rs ee in g the P C D S L o w e r S ch ool at age 7!

Anna Buskirk Natalie Conomos Tommy Conomos

Harrison Culverhouse Keara Dean Hailey Demark

Mikayla Drewitz Etienne Dunoyer Stella Ebner Elliott Emster Alexandria Goldstein

“My goal tliis year is to learn lots of math!" - Anna Buskirk

First Grade Speed Gregory Emme Kate Hackett Olivia Hoang

Isabelle Hogan Elsa Jackson Sedona Korzay

George Kroeger Jade Loelke Jasmyn Loelke Clark Louis Abigael Marquez

"What I look forward to most ahout this year is the end of the year party!" - Caroline Purtill M r. M ajeski e n jo y e d o u td oor activities long b efo re he began teaching P.E.!

Renat Robinson Kirtana Roopan Maxwell Rubin Ashton Simons Ally Smith

Kylie Smith Daytona Taylor Devyn Thurbon Michael Vinson Madison Williams

"My favorite class is reading "because it’s fun! I love to read in my free time." - Etienne Dunoyer

Second. Grade Jewel Abdo Samantha Ashner Greta Bindley

Gwen Bindley Luca Borletti Aaron Bracher

- 'm

Kyndall Cole Andrew Conomos

M in

Rachel Cooper Lauren Cussler Hannah Drewitz


â– 4*1

L k


"My favorite thing about second grade was our trip to the Deer Valley Rock Art Center. We made our own rock art!" M in u * * Spencer McKee M s. In go ld w as such a studious a


second grader w h e n she w as young.

Max Goldstein Talia Goodman

Jaden Grossman Darwin Harriss

"I’m looking forward to learning multiplication this year, hut I ’m scared to learn division!" - Talia Goodman

Second. Grade Collin Hodge Jason Kim Ethan Lambert

Matthew Linhart Ella Maffi Spencer Mckee

Justine Money Victoria Moreno Anika Patel

"I really like art class because I get to paint." - Jewel Abdo Mrs. M ac bundles up on a c o ld w in ter day -u n lik e anything w e exp erien ce here!

Annabel Symington Kiran Tub Olivia Vu Ava Williams Alexandra Xanthos

Karsen Yue

"My favorite part of the school day is recess because I get to play with my friends, and everyone is really nice." - Olivia Hoang Is this Ms. D avis as a second grader o r Sh irley T em p le?

Third Grade Alexandra Ashner Erik Barkdull Luke Briguglio

Christopher Buskirk Anna Defilippis Dylan Defilippis

Allison Dever Chaya Feng Annabel Firestone

"I love learning new subjects that we didn’t | learn last year." - Myla Hill

Daniel Gomez Myla Hill Zain Jakwani

Isabella Jost Indy Kwatra Tyler Lodato

Katherine Lynch Gabrielle Mathews John Moore

"I’m looking forward to fourth, grade because I will gain privileges, such as using the big salad bar." - Chaya Feng Ms. Saur w as a v e ry cute you n g student!

Third. Grade GiGe Neck Jared Novoa Theodore Peles Alexander Petrides Annelise Prusak

David Richmann

Joel Rubin

"I love reading because I can do it really quickly!" - Somya Swarup Ms. French w as a cute c o w g irl in third grade!

Grace Schlenker Madelyn Schwartz Zachary Singer Aari Sivakumar Lauren Stein

Samantha Stein Shray Swarup Somya Swarup Emily Tenaglia Nicole Thoits

Luca Walsh Brierly Wand Kevin Wang Benjamin Williams Brendan Zuieback

Fourth. Grade Azin Askari Andrew Bivens Gage Bradford

Morgan Bradford Simon Cantor Emma Cronin

Isabella de Roos Tatum Dial Fiona Donovan Brenna Dugel W ill Ellegard


"My favorite activity in fourth grade is reading because I like stories and having the chance to use my M r. M cK ea n spent his tim e ou tdoors b efore he d isco vered his lo v e o f com puters!

im a g in a tio n ."

- T y

M in O P

Jakob Feng Alison Garvin Lauren Garvin

Clifford Guziak Avery Hodge Ida Jackson

Allyson Kim Zachary Linhart T y Minor


"I think that 50 years ago, PCDS was the same except there were no computers, and Mr. Fielder was younger." - Sophia Najafi.

Fourth Grade Maxwell Montrose Sophia Najafi Audrey Novoa

Ashley Ong Matthew Peterson Justin Racine

Henri Richardson Samuel Roland Michael Rosenthal

"PCDS is awesome!" - Morgan Bradford

Zach Sarver Phocland Siu Ariana Isabel Sokolov Brent Stein Alexander Tam

Charles Towle Phillip W est Olivia W itt

Caroline Wittekind Shannon Zhao Nicole Zuniga

"My favorite sport is soccer "because we get to run around a lot." - Michael Rosenthal Ms. M anna had quite the m ischievous grin as a fourth grader.

Lower School Academics

1. A lly son K im and M r. F ielder lo o k o v e r math h o m ew o rk . 2 .T a a ra Shastri and A le x a n d er C o n o m o s pose fo r a picture after reading tim e. 3. E ve ryo n e in Ms. Drate's class is excited to begin another day at PC D S. 4. Students are eager to an sw er questions in class.

1. Jordan C ole, Savannah Smith, and Evan M affi practice good listening skills. I 2. A ll P C D S students e n jo y spending their tim e curled up w ith a good book. 3. A form er P C D S teacher uses a chalkboard to teach mathem atics back in 1983. 4. N o w teachers like Ms. Bonnett use SmartBoards!

I •


Lower School Art

1. A n n a b el S ym in gton and A n d re w C on om os bond during art _ class. 2. L o o k at these colorfu l, hand-painted animals. 3. It look s as if Zach ary Singer is inspired b y A n d y W a rh o l. 4. Zach ary Linhart and G age Bradford s h o w o ff th eir painting skills. 5. D arw in Harriss and Luca B orletti d ecid e w h a t to create next in art class. 6.

A P C D S student plays p e e k -a -b o o during art class in 1987.

Lower School Music

1. Clark Louis sets up his instrument in anticipation o f making beautiful music. 2. A le x Conom os, Harrison W h itfill, and Luke H ogan learn to dance to the beat. 3. A lly Smith, M ikayla D rew itz, and A b iga el M arquez clap to the rhythm o f the music. 4. & 5. T h e PC D S Children's Choir rehearses for a perform ance similar to that o f the lo w e r school students back in 1990!

Lower School Life



A group o f girls pass around the soccer ball at recess.

& 3. A v a G o o d m a n rides h er b ike around the playground. A p p aren tly the bikes h aven 't changed since 1989! 4. G race W h a le n lo o k s so happy, but her pum pkin looks so scary! 5. T a lia G o o d m a n and O liv ia V u h ave a jum ping contest,

a & 7. Emma K ate H ackett, M ax Rubin, H arry Culverhouse, A lly Sm ith h a ve fun o n the swings. T h e swings are m o re ad van ced than the tire sw in g o f 1989! 8. Jew el A b d o and A le x X anthos discuss the second grade drama. 9. M a x w e ll Ebner sh ow s his funny side. 10.

Isab elle H ogan chants, "C in derella, dressed in y e llo w ..." w h ile she jum p ropes.

Then & Now 1 & 2. B oys w ill be boys; th e y 'll fo rm strong friendships w h e th e r it's 1987 o r 2011! 3, 4, 5. In 1983, kids fou nd entertainm ent in running across a log. In 1987, th ey ad van ced to p layin g o n an o ld fashioned slide. N o w students are o n ly satisfied b y the sophisticated ju n glegym equipm ent! 6. & 7. N o m atter i f it's 1987 o r 2011, girls w ill alw ays stick to geth er during recess. G irl p o w e r!

Lower School Events

1. M akayla T h oits carves her pumpkin for H allow een . 2. A N a tiv e A m erican dancer entertains the lo w e r sch ool students at the annual Gratitude Gathering. 3. First graders perform at the L o w e r School Grandparents' and Special Friends' D ay Program . 4. A b o y brought his turtle to school in 1992 on Bring a P et to S ch ool Day. 5. Emma Cronin, C aroline W ittek in d, and Brent Stein transport the Sharing T re e gifts to the Salvation A rm y. 6. Speed G rego ry taps out the beat for his fe llo w classmates. 7. Cyrus Sym ington and B ryce Cussler lo o k adorable w h ile perform ing a song. 8. P r e -K students perform for the first tim e ever! 9. Justin R acine spends tim e w ith his friend on Grandparents' and Special Friends' Day. 10.

G race W h a le n gives her m om a hug as they both carve a design into the pumpkin.

Swim Exhibition

1. S om e sw im m ers take a group shot after their big race. 2. T h is group sh ow s o ff som e team spirit at the end o f their intense race. 3. R ea d y, set, G O ! T h ese P C D S students h ave great form ! 4. Josh P eterson shares his speed y sw im m in g secret: goggles! 5 & 6. T h e sw im m ers back in 1998 needed boats to cross the p oo l, but n o w w e use our superhuman strength.

Track & Field

1. M ich ael Beninato runs his fastest in the race! 2. O w e n L ew is, Brando Borletti, and N atalie V u help their class w in the tu g-o f-w ar. 3. W ill Ellegard and Sim on Cantor jump as high as they can in the hurdle race. 4. T his lo w e r school student show s o ff his 1987 basketball fashion! 5. S om e students w atch in anticipation to see w h o w ill w in the race! 6. L o o k at that strong arm!

Message From the Middle School Head Someone visiting the newly created Phoenix Country Day School in 1961 would not recognize our present school. W e now use bridges to cross what was once a temperamental and tempestuous wash. The buildings that now make up our strikingly beautiful campus were then merely part o f a vision. From what was a dream o f a small group o f visionary people, a very fine school has emerged 50 years later as a beacon o f excellent education in Phoenix and in the state o f Arizona. From my vantage point in this, the year of our 50th anniversary, I see a vibrant, evolving Middle School brimming with energy in its struggle to meet the needs o f a 21st century education for 10-14 year olds. W e speak often o f lifelong learning, rigorous academics, respect, integrity, and the joy of learning. As w e celebrate what PCDS has become, can w e dare to dream what the next 50 years w ill bring us? I think w e can. -Mort Dukehart

Fifth. Grade Louis Aaron Gonzalo Alvarado

Angela Anaeme Sophie Ax

Sophia Bailey Jacqueline Bertault Alexander Bryan Nicola Buskirk Raquel Chavez

Lindsey Cherilla Carter Clemmensen Halle Cohen Eric Cole Samantha Collins

"I’d like to share these wise words of Aristotle’s with my fellow fifth-graders: 'Law is reason free from passion.'" - Rose Larkin

Karli Davis Katherine Dean Olivia Ellegard Asad Farooqui Griffin Fletcher

Grant Gaylord Noah Gilson Ryan Goodman Andrew Hanneman Deborah Hauben

Carina Ho Sophia Kirkland-Lopez

Rose Larkin Ivy Leibner

"When I imagine myself in 50 years, I think of myself coming hack to PCDS to he a teacher." - Nikasha Patel M r. Eriksen lo v e d goin g to sch ool in 5th grade just as much as he lo v e s teaching it!

Fifth. Grade Christopher Montooth

Jennifer Moore

Matthew Reed Myers Cameron Najafi Olivia Najafi Anson Naumann Avery Oberfield

Julia Odden Aliya Orenstein Nikasha Patel Nirvaan Reddy Michael Richmann

"Mr. Phillips is a fun teacher. I enjoy learning in his class."i - Alex Roland M r. Cherilla's hair w as so huge it cou ldn 't fit in the picture!

Aldous Roidl Alexander Roland Harrison Rooney Anika Sanghvi }ake Sarver

David Schwartz Bennett Steiner Reed Steiner Jacob Stern Rhea Tuli

Thomas Walton Ryan Wang Nicholas Watson

Addison Wessel Nicholas Zhao

"My favorite aspect of PCDS Middle School is that we don’t only do work here,hut we also have fun!" - Jacqueline Bertault

Sixth Grade Daniel Aklog David Anaeme Roberto Aponte Katie Birzon Daniel Blecker

Tristan Blick Andri Bonadurcr Annalise Bracher Madison Bradford Walter Brown

Emilie Canulla

Rica Noelle Chan

"Go eagles!!!" - Daniel Aklog Ms. H u skey w as eager to learn in sixth grade.

Adam Cherilla Curtis Clemmensen

Matthew Corsillo Nicholas Currault

Madison Dever William Donovan David Farca Marc Fuller E.K. Gaylord

E.L. Gaylord Gwyneth Giller Meredith Grehan Alexandra Grounds Mahmeer Halepota

"I like art a lot, probably because of Ms. Gaumer. I like ber a lot too." - Annalise Bracber

Sixth Grade Calvin Hamilton

Maxwell Johnson

Kylie Kowalske Blake Lavin Janae Lewis Gabrielle Loeff Grant Logan

Curt Louis W esley Malone Celeste Martinez Shelby Mcdermott Nicholas Meath

"Ms. Butler is a really nice teacher; that’s why I enjoy her class the most." - Grant Logan M r. Dukehart practices his batting skills back w h e n he w as in sixth grade.

Alexandra Thoits William Towle Grace Tuton A'lira Underwood Brittanie Underwood

Kobe Walker Spencer Wand Madeleine West Kaitlyn White Parker Whitfdl

"Pali Mountain is my favorite memory of sixth grade so far. It’s my first year at PCDS, and I love it!" - Wesley Malone

Seventh. Grade Iya Agha Sophie Arregoces Jacob Bain Mala Bansal Sabrina Barkdull

Daniel Bashir Carson Bishov Alexandra Botto Dominic Briguglio Eric Bryan

Mackenzie Cantor

Leah Chanen

"The best thing about PCDS teachers is that they’re nice and fun, and they truly care about your success." - Tiana Siragusa

Caroline Cohen Jamie Cohen Natalie Cohen

Natalie Cooper Wyatt Dial Tara Dugel

â– Adriana Dunlap Alex Edson Samuel Evans Abraham Farooqui Sam Garvin

Jillian Gilbume Alexandra Goldberg Mollie Goldfarb Jason Greenfield Andrew Hosmar

"The most memorable thing this year was going to the the Grand Canyon. It was beautiful, and we had so much fun!" Mia Oberfield Mr. C ook had an e v il grin even w h en he w as a seventh-grader!

Seventh Grade Sarah Humphrey Aaron Jost Kira Kirby

Raagini Kothur Philip Lewis Joshua Lindley

Stephanie Liu Cameron Mayhew Amara Miller

Yash Muley Gabriel Murray Alexa Nino Mia Oberfield Isa Pesqueira

"Did people see in "black and white 50 years ago?" - Michael Rohacz Ms. M cK ea n lo o k e d lik e such an in n ocent seventh grader!

Natalie Prieb Anna Rankine

Bernard Rethore Michael Rohacz

Matthew Rosenthal Max Sarver Ethan Schnaid Ethan Shacknai Anita Sheih

Jess Sherman Tiana Siragusa Braxton Underwood Gabriela Walton Carissa Wang

"In 50 years, students will probably get around campus using their own Segways." - Yash Muley

Eighth Grade Rae Aaron Sofia Aklog

Carlos Alvarado Meryl Ax

Steven Bolden Dean Boyle Mackenzie Bradford Shannon Burke Caroline Cogliani

Kyah Cohen W esley Curci Adam Davis Peter Firestone Grace Gilberg

"Catalina Island was the best thing ever; it was like Hava Java hut better." - Wynston Hamman w w. , „ Ms. M itch ell w as stylish even back in m iddle school.

Fallon Leyba Daniel Matloff Bond McGillivray

Amelia Meyer Daniel Minard Kyle Money

"I can’t decide what my favorite thing ahout PCDS is; there are too many great things! Can you get hack to me later?� - Ben Whitmore

Eighth. Grade Amelia Montooth Paulina Moreno Willliam Morey Joshua Munoz Claire Myers

Lexi Nelson Emma Newton Phoebe Newton Lance Nino Andrew Novoa

Sarah Petrides Sreya Ravi Kendall Reaves

Nihaal Reddy Morgan Richman Bryeson Rodgers

Just lik e P C D S

"PCDS has amazing academics, so many leadership ] opportunities, and teachers that are very motivating." j 8th-graders, Ms. M arks w o r e “ CarlOS .AlvaradO j

a w h ite dress fo r her 8th grade graduation.

Andre Roidl Cassidy Server Bradley Sheffield Nicholas Shein Yohan Sivakumar

Mariel Francesca Sokolov Bryce Stockslager Hunter Vandolah Emma Watson Sabrina Whitfill

Ben Whitmore

Tyler W itt

"Mrs. Cherilla is such, a nice teacher. Everyone should have the opportunity to he one of her students." - Bryeson Rodgers

Middle School Academics

1. Iv y Leibn er, A n d re w Hannem an, and N ic o la Buskirk w o rk togeth er on a project.

2. N a talie

Cohen, N atalie C ooper,

and Sam Evans take careful notes during class. 3. M ad die W e s t carefu lly measures out the liquid in her beaker. 4. Julia G rehan spends lunch tim e reading.

1. Alexan dra Grounds show s o ff her colorfu l experim ent results. 2. A student uses a v e ry p rim itive com puter in 1983. 3. Louis A aron looks at the screen as G on zalo A lvarado uses a laptop, w h ich is v e ry advanced com pared to the ancient m achine used in 1983! 4 .S reya R a vi and B ryce Stockslager pay close attention during math class.

Middle School Art


Sabrina Barkdull sh ow s her future b o w l to the cam era.


S even th graders are am azed b y Ms. G aum er's clay-cu ttin g skills.


Jamie C oh en pauses in the m id dle o f an artistic inspiration to sm ile fo r the cam era.


S om e m iddle sch ool students con n ect w ith the landscape back in 1998.


Fifth graders begin brainstorm ing for a n e w art project.


Fifth graders' m ost recen t creations are on display fo r the M id d le School.

Middle School Music

1. Louis A a ron and N ickolas Zhao fo llo w the band conductor intently. 2. Ph illip L ew is plays his saxophone w ith skill. 3. Seventh and eighth graders prepare to sing a song in choir. 4. D aniel M a tlo ff show s his expertise with his violin . 5. This P C D S student in 1990 demonstrates that throughout the years m any things h ave changed, but the trom bone has been a classic since it was invented. 6. Nathan Rubin contributes to the orchestra w ith his precision and focus.

1. R aqu el C havez, A n ik a Sanghvi, Jem Stern, and Ben S tein er


socialize during recess. 2. N a talie C oop er, A m ara M iller, and Carissa W a n g talk about girl stuff. 3. M att R osenthal, Jacob Bain, and Sam G a rvin m odel. 4. Fifth and sixth graders p lay a gam e o f teth er ball at lunch.


5. C hristopher M o n to o th and a fifth grader plan th eir next m o v e in a gam e o f chess. 6. K y le M o n e y , Carson Krause, Lin a Khan, D an iel M atloff, L e x i N elson , and D ean B o y le strike a c o o l pose fo r the cam era. 7. A group o f eighth grade friends get a d v ice from a senior about m id dle school.


8. M ad elein e W e s t and K atie Birzon sm ile during snack break. ^ 9. A sixth grade girl jumps fo r jo y . 10. M id d le sch ool students p layed outside m ore in 1991 because the air w as fresher back then. 11. P ie rc e S w anson w in d s up fo r a d eep th row .


Middle School Life

1. O liv ia Ellegard and Carina H o show o ff th eir dancing skills during recess. 2. G o n zalo A lv a ra d o poses w ith a tennis ball. 3. Y o u n g lo v e — h o w sw eet! M organ G onzales and B ryce Stockslager spend th eir free tim e togeth er on a bench. 4. G ab rielle L o e ff and S h elby M cD erm o tt dem onstrate their best d iva looks. 5. T h e T h re e M usketeers, Ethan Shacknai, Iy a Agha, and Alexandra B otto, hang ou t at lunchtim e.

Then & Now

6 & 7. T eth e r ball is popular w h eth er it's 1987 o r 2011. 8 & 9. M id d le sch ool students w e re g o o fy in 1991, and th ey still are. 10 & 11. T h e m iddle sch ool boys Jake M o re y and N icholas Shein h ave advanced from playing w ith classic m on key bars—as students on ce did in 1987—to m odern lacrosse sticks.

Middle School Electives

L R ica Chan, Chris M on too th , and N o a h G ilson s h o w o ff the p roject that th ey created in Ms. O lson 's elec tiv e.

2 . Liam R eth ore, Josh L in d ley, M ich ael R oh acz, and Jason G reen field h ave fun in the arch ery e lec tiv e. R ea d y, aim, fire! 3. S h elb y M cD e rm o tt tries to start the n e w trend o f m agn ification goggles as she learns about m edical careers. 4. S om e m iddle sch ool boys prepare fo r frisbee w arfare. 5. A group o f sixth graders p rotect th em selves from cooties. 6 & 7. D avid Sch w artz w o rk s d iligen tly on his rock et in anticipation o f the big launch. S om e 1989 P C D S students h ave reached that excitin g day, and th ey prepare fo r the tak e-off.


A m elia M on to o th takes a break to pose w h ile her friends continue to dance in the Zum ba e lective.

9. Julia G rehan and G abriela W a lto n chat as th ey m ake p ottery in Ms. G aum er's e lective.


A fte r a tiring Friday, Carina H o and S oph ie A x relax b y doing som e crafts in the "C reS iv e" e lective.

Middle School Fashion

1. A group o f m id dle sch ool b oys dem onstrate th eir best m o d el poses w ith som e fierc e attitude. 2.

L illy G ille r and M ered ith G rehan p ro v e that girly and sporty can coexist.

3. R ica Chan show s the m eaning o f A n ik a Sanghvi's t-shirt w ith a big sm ile and peace sign. 4. W o w ! L o o k at the v a rie ty o f h igh -fash ion sneakers sported on the m id dle sch ool campus. 5. T h ese sixth grade girls are "p retty in pink." 6. A drianna Dunlap and Sarah H u m ph rey laugh that th ey k n o w h o w to pull o ff com fo rt in style. 7. Is that a bear on top o f K ira K irb y's head? 8. P eter Firestone and B ryeson R od gers sure k n o w h o w to w o rk the cam era! 9. S om e eighth graders fashion ably jum p fo r jo y. 10. L o o k at that b o y w o rk those short shorts in 1980!

Middle School Class Trips

1. W o w , lo o k at all those fifth graders learning about nature. 2. A d d iso n W e i S i l and Carina H o bond b y having a thumb w a r on the Fifth G rade k in d n e s s R etreat. 3. S om e fifth graders do a p ro ject at Arcosarlti. 4. M id d le sch ool students lo o k fo r shells on the beach in 1984.

1. S om e sixth graders p lay fo llo w the leader on their hike at P ali M ountain. 2. Ms. Huskfey hangs lik e a m o n k ey in the ropes course! 3. Students try to lK ’eate a raft out o f o n ly pipes and rope.

1. T h e seventh graders are so excited to go rafting on the C olorad o R iver! 2. M r. C ook points to rocks as he gives a lesson about geology. 3. T h e students are at one with nature on their campsite. 4. Anna Rankine, Ethan Shacknai, and Sam Evans show o ff their landscape painting o f the Grand Canyon.

1. S om e eighth grade girls bond w ith senior counselors at Catalina Island. 2. Kendall R eaves and Am elia M eye r have fun in their pajamas in the cabin. 3. T h e eighth graders can't w ait to put on those wetsuits in order to start snorkeling! 4. Som e eighth graders show their bravery in the ropes course.

Middle School Events

1. K arli D avis and Ms. D avis e n jo y M oth er's D ay: a day w h e re m others can exp erien ce th eir child's sch ool life and d aily activities. 2. Jennifer M o o re and Sophia K irk la n d -L o p ez participate in the W a lk fo r a W e ll, w h ic h raised m o n ey to build w e lls in A frica. 3. P rofession al dragon dancers help the M id d le S ch o o l celebrate the Lunar N e w Year. 4. A m elia M on too th , C arolin e C ogliani, Ms. B row n , and Ms. M cK ea n w o rk at the fundraiser th ey planned to help H a itL 5. Ms. Louis and Curt Lou is h ave fun b etw e en his classes on M oth er's D ay.



6. M idd le school students learn about different ethnicities w ith delicious fo o d during the D iw ali celebration. 7. Students celebrate unity at M in itow n : an over-n igh t even t w h ere students bond w h ile learning about diversity and leadership. 8. Ethan Schnaid tries to w rite Chinese calligraphy. 9. L o o k at all the backpacks the students filled w ith supplies for the earthquake victim s in Haiti! 10. T w o m iddle school students celebrate "Proud to be an Am erican D ay" in 1973.

Boy and. Girl Scouts

Boys’ Lacrosse Boys' Lacrosse (Left): Coach Perry, W ill T o w le , T y le r W itt, Coach Gray, Liam R ethore, W a lly Brow n, M atth ew G o vig , Carson Krause, G abe H am ilton, N ick Shein, Abraham Farooqui, Adam Cherilla, Coach Litka, Nathan Rubin, A n d re w N o v o a , Jason G reen field, M ax Johnson, Parker W h itfill, Scott M acM illan, Edward G aylord, M ich ael Rohacz, W e s le y Curci 1. In 2 0 0 0 , the lacrosse players tucked their t-shirts into their shorts!

Flag Football

5th and 6th G rade (L e ft U p p e r): Carter I C lem m ensen, A lex a n d er Bryan, W a lly B row n , M arc Fuller, Curtis Clem m ense M a x Johnson, B ryton N eck , Parker W h itfill, P ie rc e Swanson, A a ro n Ossia: A d am Cherilla, N ic k M eath, W ill T o w ll




G riffin Fletcher, Jake Sarver, D aniel A k lo g , R o b e rto A p o n te, R ee d M yers, N irva a n R ed d y 7th and 8th G rade (L e ft L o w e r ): Yash M u ley, Ethan Shacknai, N ih aal R eddy, D ean B o yle, W illia m M o rey , P eter Firestone, W e s le y Curci, W y a tt Dial, B ryeson R odgers, P h ilip L ew is, K y le M o n e y , D ylan Langerm an, Bradley Sh effield, C am eron M a y h e w , M atth ew R osenthal, Eric Bryan, A n d re w Hosma? S teven B olden, N ic k Briguglio, A n d rew N o v o a , A d am D avis 1. T h e foo tb a ll players at P C D S have gotten tou gher since 1990!


illth and 6th Grade (T op Left): A lly Th oits, Nikasha Patel, aMeredith Grehan, G w y n e th G iller, L in dsey Cherilla, Sophie ij\x, Brittanie U n d erw o o d , M adison Bradford, K y lie iCowalske, Emma Sheridan, A lexan d ra Grounds, Karli D avis

I'th and 8th Grade (T op Right): M organ Richman, Sreya Ravi, K ira K irb y, C oach B ridgett King, Isa Pesqueira, Leah Chanen, M ala Bansal, M ariel S o k o lo v, M ia O b erfield , G race G ilberg, L e x i N elson , Julia G rehan, S oph ie A rregoces, M ery l nx, Shannon Burke . L o o k at those shorts! T hat's the '8 0 s fo r you !

Boys’ Basketball 5th and 6th Grade (U pper Left): C oach T y , A le x R ea ves, M ah m eer H alepota, Curtis Clem m ensen, Brighten N eck , W e s le y M alon e, R ee d M eyers, Eric C ole, N irvaa n R ed d y , D an iel A k lo g

7th and 8th Grade (L o w er Left): C oach Sterling, A d a m D avis, B ryeson R odgers, D ean B oyle, N ih aal R ed d y , Jacob Bain, Sam G arvin , Coach T y , K y le M o n e y , S teven Bolden, A n d re w N o v o a 1. W e had a v e r y sm all basketball team in 1997!

P h o l^ b y W a |c y Gterse

Girls’ Basketball

5th and 6th Grade (A bove Left): K atie W h ite , M eredith Grehan, Coach N ew la n d , K o b e W a lk er, Emma Sheridan, K y lie K ow alsk i

7th and 8th Grade (A bove M iddle): E llie M iraglia, Sreya R avi, G racie G ilberg, L e x i N elson , Coach King, P h o e b e N e w to n , N atalie Cohen, Tian a Siragusa 1. A p p aren tly som e basketball players forget their shorts in 1996!

Boys’ Baseball

5th and 6th G rade (T o p L e ft): Coach S ylvester, A a ro n Ossias, D avid Farca, B ryton N eck , E.L. G aylord , W ill D o n ova n , S pen cer W a n d , W ill T o w le , N ic k M eath, N o a h G ilson, Cam eron Najafi, A d am Cherilla, Nathan Rubin, M ich ael R ichm ann 7th and 8th G rade (T o p R ig h t): P h ilip L e w is , M a tth ew Rosenthal, Liam R eth ore, G ab riel H am ilton, M ich ael R ohacz, Carlos A lva ra d o, Coach Bratton, D anny M inard, Jason G reen field , A le x Edson, A n d re w H osm ar 1. P C D S pitchers used perfect form in 1973, and th ey still d o today!

Girls’ Softball SB

5th and 6th Grade (T op Left): Karli D avis, Lin dsey Cherilla, O liv ia N ajafi, H alle Cohen, A n ika Sanghvi, M adison Bradford, Jennifer M oo re, Samantha Collins, O liv ia Ellegard, A v e r y O b erfield , N ic o la Buskirk

7th and 8th Grade (T op Right): Tian a Siragusa, Soph ie Arregoces, C laire M yers, G racie G ilberg, M acken zie Bradford, Sarah Petrides, An ita Sheih, C aroline Cohen, N atalie Cohen, Jessica Sherman, Cassidy S erver 1. Ap p aren tly the m iddle school softball team from 1991 w as confused; they w e re playing softball on the soccer field!

Boys’ Soccer

5th and 6th Grade (T o p Left): C oach S ylvester, N ic k M eath, A a ro n Ossias, N ich ola s Zhao, Carter Clem m ensen, Spencer W a n d , E.K. G aylord , W ill D on ovan , Asad Farooqui, C hristopher M on too th , Grant G aylord , R yan G oodm an , G o n zalo A lvarez, H arrison R o o n e y , A d d ison W es s el, Jake Sarver, R o b e rto A p o n te, A ld ou s R oid l, D avid Schw artz

7th and 8th Grade (T op Right): Joshua M unoz, Yash M u ley, B radley Sheffield, C am eron M a y h e w , W y a tt Dial, Brandon Lee, A n d re R o id l, Carlos A lva rez, Ethan Schnaid, Ben W h itm o re , Ethan Shacknai, M ax Sarver, N ic k Briguglio 1. W o w ! P C D S athletes back in 1991 really k n e w h o w to d iv e fo r the ball! P h o to by N ancy Crasej

5th and 6th Grade (T op Left): A liy a O renstein, L illy G iller, Brittanie U n d erw o o d , L in d sey C herilla, S oph ie A x , Coach M cK ea n , C eleste M artinez, M adison D e ve r, A n ik a Sanghvi, M ad die W e s t, K atie Birzon

7th and 8th Grade (T op Right): Julia Grehan, A m elia M on tooth , G ab y W a lto n , C oach M cK ean , Carson B ishov, Adrianna Dunlap, Jamie C oh en 1. Back in 1983, w e had a coed soccer team.

Message From the Upper School Head

In the 1995 movie, Now and Then, the character Samantha wisely says, "But it's only when you embrace your past that you truly move forward." This year Phoenix Country Day School has embraced the past 5 0 years as the school moved forward into the 21st century. Seniors, best of luck to you as you reflect on your past here. Embrace the memories, lessons, friendships, and challenges and move confidently into your future. -Sharon Thompson

Freshmen Jonathan Abdo Raghav Agarwal

Dheeraj Atmakuri Mira Bansal

Isabelle Brothers Karen Catano Aaron Cohen Ana Corey Briana Ewart

Kristine Forster Keely Franklin Andrew Garner Grant Gordon Michelle Greenfield

"Mr. Dummer is my favorite teacher because we both relate really w e ll, and we are both kids at heart." - Tony Knudson

Nicholas Grounds Suzette Guzman Sophia Ho Samuel Jost Sidrah Khan

Anthony Knudson Tyler Kowalske Brennen Lee Sierra Lee Alexa Lewis

Lauren Lindley Craig Logan

Margaret Loncki Stephen Marquis

"Fifty years ago, instead of cars, they had horses. And instead of iPods, they had Dr. Allison’s singing." - Sydney Portigal Is this Dr. A llison as a freshman or A u drey Hepburn?

Freshmen Kalca Martin Christopher Mattinson Alexandra Melikian

Ashlynn Miller Blake Miller Jennelle Norem

Cory Pitt Sydney Portigal Saira Purewal Kenneth Racine Alex Rigberg

Jonathan Rooney Nikhita Sachdeva Clarisse Salazar Aashay Sanghvi Morgan Schwartz

"Madame Mills is awesome! I learn so much, in her class." - Lauren Lindley T h is picture is a happy m em o ry o f the first tim e Ms. Sm ith e v e r studied b iolo gy.

Gabriele Shacknai Cole Shepard Adam Sidi

Rachael Stottlemyre Robert Swanson Emily Taracena

Summer Travis Emily Wendt Katherine Werth Madeleine Withee Jacqueline Wright

Chelsea Wu Alice Zhao

"I have a lot more freedom, more opportunities, and more of a chance to do what I like to do." - Michelle Greenfield In high school, M r. Pesselato expressed h im self through his use o f stylish glasses.

Sophomores Gian-Reto Bonadurer

Jaimic Bryan

Valeria Cano Megan Cathey Derek Chan Hannah Cianci Dominique Clancy

Jessica Cohen Jordan Cohen Melanie Cohen Justin Corsillo April Curci

"Fifty years ago, dinosaurs probably roamed the quad." - Jacob Feder j

Katharine Currault Helen Dailey Whitney Fahnbulleh Jacob Feder Bransen Gates

Dalia Grado India Grasso Melissa Greenberg Stenson Hamann Lauren Hanneman

Alex Hosmar Tyler Humphrey Selena Jacquez Trevor Kent Arielle Lee

Karen Lin Alison Loretta Madeline Louis Scott Minard Taylor Money

"The thing I like most about sophomore year is not being at the bottom of the food chain." - Hannah Cianci Mr Alcott was sucha charm er back in high school!

Sophomores__________ Jackson Murphy Jazmin Nido Edgar Ocampo

Emma Pappas Olivia Pearson Nicolas Peterson

Kate Pokorski Christopher Puglisi Brandon Purcell

Mariclare Rethore Breana Roberts Garron Rodgers Patrick Rody Philip Rody

"My favorite class is Mandarin because Ms. Lin not only teaches me the language but also immerses me into the culture." - Kassidy Tse

Claire Rose Natascha Schippel Emily Schron Sarah Scott Taylor Shannon

Pauline Shongov Colton Siddle Angelica Sisson Kaddie Stephens Madeline Stern

Melike Surmen Jack Swett Alex Sylvester Micah Travis Kassidy Tse

Walker Tuton Pallavi Wakharkar Kendall Woodard Zachary Wright Pengpeng Ye

"One of my favorite classes is English class because Ms. Decker constantly makes me laugh!" - Garron Rodgers Ms. D eck er acts like a typical sophom ore; she is upset her m om is taking a picture o f her b efore prom!

You Want a Piece of Me?

You Want a Piece of Me?

Juniors Mahira Abd El Ghany Amy Aube

James Barranco Nicole Bassoff

Maxwell Baum Dakota Bennett Jehan Bista Nicole Burke Lauren Chanen

Lindsay Coda Maxwell Creamer Alessandra Dagirmanjian Natalie Davenport Jeffrey Dempsey

"The hardest part of junior year is balancing real life with school life." - Nicole Burke

Aida Duarte Rachael Franks Clare Fuller Alexander Garner Elliot Goldberg

Katherine Gonzales Norma Gutierrez Kevin Heath Allyn Hess James Hobin

Devra Hock Samantha Kaplan Nimra Khan

Rohit Kothur Danielle Lee Megan Lehrer

"What do I like best about PCDS? I can’t tbink of one thing; it’s a combination of everything!" - Mahira Abd El Gbany Ms. D riscoll relaxed on the couch as a junior!

Juniors Sawyer Lincoln Moises Lopez Benjamin Mattinson Brandon Mayhew Frea Mehta

Nicholas Meyer fustin Morgan

Leah Motzkin Nathaniel Nearhood

Reid Price Kylie Prusak

M r. M cH o n ctt w as quite the athlete w h e n he w as in high sch ool!

"In 50 years, I will own a private island with Ryan Pitt as my co-captain, and we will he billionaires." - Dakota Bennett

Alexa Roeper Christine Rohacz Philipp Schnadhorst Alec Schnall Claire Schollaert

Joseph Schornak Jessica Segal Tianna Sheih Eric Showers Avery Silverman

Zoe Simon J. Stockslager Leah Stofko Catherine Swett Rachel Underhill

Harrison Vandolah Mikaela Verhein Konstantin Von Beringe

"I’m so excited to start the college process and to have the chance to visit colleges." - Frea Mehta Mr. T h om m en takes a break from his junior year to play in the snow.

Upper School Academics

1. O liv ia Pearson focuses during a class lesson. 2. P a lla vi D hadvai studies in the hall. 3. N ic o le Bassoff and Z o e Sim on hide behind their textbooks. 4. N a b eer Khan can focus better on his notes w h ile w earin g sunglasses. 5. Emma Pappas, A p ril Curci, and their fe llo w


students pay close attention to the math lesson.

1 & 2. Shannon M a n ley and Lauren Chanen play a gam e on an iPad. W o w , lo o k h o w far w e 'v e c om e since this rudim entary calculator used b y P C D S students in 1983! 3. R achael S tottlem yre d iligen tly takes notes in Dr. A llison 's English class. 4. Brandon M a y h e w w o rk s on a physics lab.

Upper School Art 1. R achel Epstein makes a m asterpiece out o f A s h ley S ylvester's jacket. 2 & 3. K assidy T s e uses the w h e e l to m ake p ottery just as a student did in 1994! 4. P h ilip R o d y snaps photos fo r his p hotograph y class. 5. A li Loretta d iligen tly w o rk s on her brigh tly c o lo re d landscape painting. 6. Zachary W rig h t prepares his cla y fo r the m old. 7. K ath y Zhang show s o ff her tin y pot.

Upper School Music

1. U p p er S ch o o l C h oir 2. U p p er S ch o o l Jazz Band 3. U p p er S ch ool W o o d W in d s 4. U p p er S ch ool Orchestra 5. T h e V arsity Jazz Band perform s som e soulful tunes at a concert. 6 & 7. Suzette Guzman gracefu lly plays her flute in W o o d W in d s w h ile a student in 1996 plays his trum pet w ith p o o r posture. 8. D alia G rado makes sure she plays her v io lin to the tem po o f the music.

1. Freshman S yd n ey Portigal bonds w ith her senior friend Arian n e P rice. 2. N ico la s M e y e r ices his arm in the Student Center after a hard gam e o f baseball. 3. T o m W a ll and K esh av A m la g iv e the cam era a thumbs up! 4. A group o f junior girls study on the grassy knoll for M r. M artin's test. W is h them luck! 5. N a b eer Khan entertains his sophom ore admirers. 6. M ad elein e W ith e e is ready fo r Dr. Caro's class. 7. U pper sch ool students sh o w that PC D S students k n o w h o w to h ave a go o d laugh. 8. Lauren Hanneman, T a y lo r Shannon, Hannah Cianci, and Bransen Gates take tim e out o f their lunch to study in the Student Center. 9. M elik e Surmen and K endall W o o d a rd have som e girl tim e during lunch. 10. A p p aren tly PC D S's w o rk lo a d w as exhausting even in 1996.

Upper School Life


T a y lo r M o n e y and K ate P ok o rsk i try to lo o k s w e et and in n ocen t during a free.


A lexan d ra M elikian , A le x Sw anson, and N ikh ita Sach deva colla b ora te on an assignment.


Liam D em p sey and Christine R oh a cz e n jo y the com fy chairs in the Student Center.


Stenson Ham ann en jo ys his caram el fon due in the Student Center. T h e profits o f the fon due ben efited R yan H ouse.

Then & Now

1 & 2. W h o is go o fier? C olton Siddle and Jeremy A b d o or the gu y picking his nose back in 1988? 3 & 4. High school students w e re over-d ram atic in 1991, and R achel Underhill, Sam Kaplan, and G ordon S ilverm an still are! 5 & 6. Selena Jacquez uses her lock er just as a PC O S student did in 1996. Lockers are just a classic part o f high school.


Upper School Fashion

1. H a ile y R o s e show s o ff her sailo r-style blazer w h ile A rian n e P ric e m odels her cute dress and boots. 2. A ash ay Sanghvi and Isabelle Brothers display th eir athletic looks and fierc e poses. 3. W a tc h out! Y o u m ight hurt y o u r eyes on D ylan M e Adam 's flu orescen t t-shirt. 4. Clare Fuller goes fo r a ro ck er chic lo o k w h ile K een an Sim on is east coast preppy, and N ic o le Burke look s indie and casual. 5. S oph ie S w anson d oes her m od el pout in her faux-fur lined coat.

Then & Now 1. N a b eer Khan and T o m W a ll lo o k French w ith their scarf and beret. 2. Ap p aren tly P C D S students in 1991 w o re outrageous prints! 3. T his picture show s w h at a hipster lo ok ed like back in 1989. 4. D o you think those boys can handle all o f that puff? T h o se are w h at the shoulders lo o k ed like on prom dresses in 1988. 5. W o w , lo o k at those high-w aisted jeans from 1991!

Clubs The goal o f Art Club is to incorporate art and

artistic expression into the I culture o f PCDS and the local community. It is a chapter o f the National Arts Honor Society. Zahid Pasha, Nabeer Khan, Garron Rodgers, Jaimie Bryan, Alex Blandford, Allison Puglisi, Chelsea W u, Lindsay Coda, Jeremy Abdo, Cindy Hwang, Pauline Shongov

Club Med, a club for ijg S i

students aspiring to have a career in the medical field, is also known for convening to watch episodes o f the medical drama House, because even young doctors need a break from their studies. Hailey Rose, Stenson Hamann, Ashley Barnhill Alex Blandford, Neha Ravi, Jaimie Bryan, Nimra Khan, Zahid Pasha, Kirea Mazzolini, Nithin Pusapati, Jack Guinan, Jeremy Abdo, Nabeer Khan

Green Team raises awareness for ivironmental events like America Recycles Day, and w e organize :omposting in the Upper


:hool and the Earth Day celebration. Colton Siddle, Zahid Pasha, Nabeer Khan, ndsay Merhege, Mikaela Verhein, Keshav Amla, Allison Puglisi, Norma Gutierrez, Ian Neufer, atina Vidolova, Stenson Hamann, Jeremy Abdo, zha Ravi, Cindy Hwang, Sophie Swanson

The Glee Club has handpicked the most talented male vocalists in the Upper School. This club performs beautiful songs for the PCDS community. Jeremy Abdo, Stenson Hamann, Nabeer Khan, Colton Siddle, Zahid Pasha, lan Neufer, Samuel Jost, Jonathan Abdo, Justin Corsillo

The Investment Club is an opportunity for students to learn about the stock market, economics, and business. Each member has a hands-on experience in researching and trading stocks. Keenan Simon, Alexander Garner, Leah Stofko, Brandon Mayhew, Nicole Bassoff, Liam Dempsey, Konstantin von Beringe, Nabeer Khan, Michael Young

fen> Clu

[mprov Club gets together every Monday at lunch to perform improvisational comedy. W e learn basic improv skills and play improv games. Zahid Pasha, Nabeer Khan, Ian Neufer, Tony Knudson, Quinn Lincoln, Briana Ewart, Madeleine Withee, Ana Corey, Megan Lehrer

Clubs Peer Advisor is an upperclassmen organization that sponsors activities meant to make freshmen and new students feel welcom e and to promote unity and bonding in the high school. Nimra Khan, Kate Gonzales, Rachel Chanen, Lindsay Merhege, Zoe Simon, Zahid Pasha, Tom W all, Nabeer Khan, Ian Neufer, Nithin Pusapati, Konstantin von Beringe, Nic Meyer, J.B. Stockslager

LAIRE (L ive Action Interactive Role-playing Explorers) has lasted far longer than anyone expected, and it wages hilarious mock battles with foam swords and cardboard shields. Edgar Ocampo, Samuel Jost, Danielle Marquis, Zahid Pasha, Natalie Davenport, James Hobin, Joe Schornak, Am y Aube, Helen Dailey, Jonathan Abdo, Aashay Sanghvi, Blake Miller, Jeremy Abdo, Nabeer Khan, Jace Knudson

TO M S Campus Club members amplify the messages o f conscious consumerism and helping children in need. Neha Ravi, Alex Blandford, A li Loretta, Lauren Hanneman, Stenson fiamann, Megan Lehrer, Arielle Lee, Emma Pappas, April Curci, Breana Roberts, Jaimie Bryan, Nabeer Khan, Zahid Pasha, Latina Vidolova, Allison Puglisi, Jeremy Abdo, Ian Neufer

Clare Fuller, Frea Mehta, Garron Rodgers, Bekki Matwijkow, A lex Hosmar, Keshav Amla, Jackson Murphy, Breana Roberts, Lauren Hanneman, Alex !Garner, April Curci, Allison Puglisi, Ian Neufer, Scott Minard, Kathie Zhang, Alex Blandford, Cindy Hwang, Megan Lehrer, Nicole Bassoff, Lindsay Coda, Christine Stockslager, ’ Stenson Hamann, Alex Kost, Zahid Pasha, Keenan Simon, ijerem y Abdo, Nabeer Khan, Leah Motzkin, Tom W all, i Lauren Chanen, Alessandra Oagirmanjian

Cultural Dance allows us to experiment with one of the richest parts o f a foreign culture— dance! It is a fun, hands-on w ay to learn about others. Norma Gutierrez, Rachael Lopez, Valeria Cano, Isabel Brothers, Leah Motzkin, Dakota Bennett, Nimra Khan, Danielle Lee, Nate Nearhood, Megan Lehrer, Briana Ewart, Sydney Portigal, Alec Schnall

ance Bj The )unior State of 3

America Club is a school

I chapter o f JSA, a national, ®

non-partisan, student-run, political awareness

|t organization. Members ®

attend conventions where

J they debate about current •- issues. Kevin Heath, Ashley ^ '

Sylvester, Rachel Chanen, Keenan Simon, Emily Schron, Nabeer Khan, Cindy Hwang, Jeremy Abdo, Stenson Hamann,

M i l l Arianne Price

Active Voice is one o f PCDS's student-run publications. The newspaper allows students to express what is on their mind, and it also provides the community with an engaging news source. A lex Blandford, Megan Lehrer, Zoe Simon, Leah Motzkin, Nimra Khan, Nithin Pusapati

The PCDS Senate meets every week to organize many events including school dances and talent shows. Nithin Pusapati, Alex Kost, Nabeer Khan, Jeremy Abdo, Rachel Chanen, Arianne Price, Nic Meyer, Nimra Khan, Leah Motzkin, Nicole Bassoff, J.B. Stockslager, Taylor Money, Pallavi Wakharkar, Alex Hosmar, Kate Pokorski, W alker Tuton, Michelle Greenfield, Aashay Sanghvi, Alice Zhao, Cory Pitt

Fall Play

1. Ian N e u fer and Bransen Gates h ave a discussion w h ile playin g the fa th e r-in -la w and son characters. 2. S op h om ore G arron R odgers designed this m odern lo g o fo r P C D S 's produ ction o f T h o rn ton W ild e r's





o w



3. M elissa G reen berg, M att Benson, and M egan Cathey w atch the w ed d in g in the play. 4. A le x Sw anson and M elissa G reen b erg relax backstage during a rehearsal. 5. In 1995, M r. Flan agan -H yd e played the tin man from O z. 6. Can't yo u see the chem istry b etw e en G e o rge and Em ily, tw o loveb ird s p layed b y Bransen Gates and A rian n e P rice? 7. T h e Stage M anager, p layed b y Latina V io d o lo v a , narrates the play.

Spring Musical




1. T h is poster w as designed b y soph om ore G arron Rodgers, and it w as inspired b y Charlie B row n's t-shirt. 2. T h e leads o f


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o o



a n




a r l i e


r o w



the title song o f the musical. 3. Lu cy, p layed by M addie Stern, has a crush on the pianist Schroeder, p layed b y Chris Puglisi. 4. Linus, played b y A le x Swanson, sings about his blanket as Sally, played b y M organ B row n, looks on. 5. Charlie B row n, played b y Justin Corsillo, looks sad as Lu cy, p layed b y M addie Stern, taunts him. 6. S n oopy, played b y Jeremy A b d o, relaxes on his dog house.


Men’s Soccer

Varsity (Above): C oach A n d y M cK ea n , A d am Sidi, M a x Baum, T y le r H um phrey, D ylan M cA d a m , Edgar O cam p o, A.J. Hess, N ic M eyer, N a te N ea rh o o d , A le x S ylvester, James Barranco, R yan Pitt, C oach Jen, Q u in n L in coln , H arrison V an D o lah , T a y lo r M o n e y, Liam D em psey, Brandon Pu rcell, Jordan C ohen, C o ry Pitt, A le x K ost, Jacob Feder

1. It look s as though the b oys w e r e m o re aggressive back in 1983.

Women’s Soccer

Varsity (A bove): Coach M ansoor, Catherine W erth , Sam Kaplan, M argaret Loncki, Kate Gonzales, S ybil R ose, K irea M azzolini, A sh ley Barnhill, Leah Stofko, Claire Rose, A sh ley S ylvester, Jennelle N orem , Coach M cKean, Christine Rohacz, Isabelle Brothers, Karen Catano, M ad elein e W ith e e, W a lk e r Tuton, K atherine Currault, Kendall W o o d a rd , Tianna Sheih 1. A P C D S athlete plays soccer in long, baggy shorts in 2 0 0 0 .

Men’s Basketball

Women’s Basketball Varsity (Left): Coach Lance, Coach King, M arcela N iem czyk , M egan Cathey, Oalia Grado, D om inique Clancy, Coach Ram er, A lliso n Puglisi, India Grasso, Selena Jacquez, R achel Epstein, R achel U nderhill, Jessica Cohen N o t Pictured: M elanie C ohen and O liv ia Pearson 1. O u r basketball players h ave gotten m ore graceful since 1983.

Men’s Lacrosse Varsity (Left): C oach G ray, N ich ola s Grounds, K eenan Sim on, R yan Pitt, C on or Cathy, Zahid Pasha, N ich olas EAGLES


Peterson , Harrison V an D o lah , }a ce Knudson, G o rd o n S ilverm an, P eter Firestone, A le c Schnall, C o lto n Siddle, N a b e er Khan, A le x Kost, Liam D em psey, Jerem y A b d o, A a ro n Cohen, C o re y Pitt, N ich olas Shein 1. T h is P C D S athlete screams fo r jo y during a gam e back in

2000 .

M il

Women’s Lacrosse Varsity and Junior Varsity (Right): Z o e Sim on, M argaret Lon ck i, T a y lo r Shannon, Sarah Scott, R achael S tottlem yre, R ach el Chanen, Jessica Segal, L iz R od ie, V a le ria Cano, M ira Bansal, S yd n ey Portigal, Saira P u rew a l, G ab riele Shacknai, M ad elin e W ith e e , A s h ley S ylvester, M ahira A b d El G hany, E m ily Schron, Isabelle Brothers, K a ty R ector, N ikh ita Sachdeva, R ach el Epstein, P a lla v i W akh arkar, Jessica C ohen, A id a Duarte, Arian n e P rice, Natascha Schippel 1. W o m e n 's lacrosse hasn't changed much since 2 0 0 0 ! T h e y still h a ve to w e a r the kilts that th ey lo v e so much!

Men’s Baseball Varsity (Left): C oach Huber, T y le r H um phrey, Edgar O cam p o, N ic M ey e r, A le x S ylvester, Jack S w ett, T a y lo r M o n e y , Craig Logan , Scott M inard, A le x H osm ar, Jordan C ohen

1. W o w , the baseball players w e r e m o re flex ib le in 1991! ;


Women’s Softball

Varsity (A bove): Coach L ew is, C laire R ose, A s h le y Barnhill, L e x ie L ew is, M egan Cathey, K ate G onzales, M ela n ie Cohen, M ariclare R eth ore, C oach S ch w eikh er, R achel Underhill, T ian n a Sheih, Selena Jacquez, K atherine Currault, Sidrah Khan, C laire Schollaert, K endall W o o d a rd , M ich e lle G reen field 1. O u r softball players h ave gotten m ore lad y­ lik e since 1991!

Volleyball Varsity (Left): Alexan dra M elikian , Natascha Schippel,

Lin dsay M erh ege, H a ile y R ose, ; K irea M azzolini, P a lla vi W akh ark ar, R ach el Epstein, R achael Lop ez, Z o e Sim on, Sofia M astikhina

Junior Varsity (B elow ): D evra H ock , Coach King, Claire Schollaert, Saira P u rew a l, R ach ael S tottlem yre, Selena Jacquez, Isabel Brothers, M ichell G reen field , M ira Bansal, A n a C o rey, G ab b y Shacknai 1. W o w , the shorts th ey w o re in 1991 w e r e con serva tive com pare to the ones w e w e a r tod ay!

Swim & Dive

iwim (Top Left): Brennan L ee, Paulin e S h on gov, Christine Rohacz, Lriel L ee, C oach M aczuga, Jonathon R o o n e y , Brandon M ayh ew , ackson M urphy, Craig Logan, E m ily W e n d t, John Sands, Iv a y lo lah tch evanov, M ich ael Kalam chi, K e v in Heath, M ad elein e W ith e e , ,iz R od ie, D an ielle L ee, Jaimie Bryan, R achel Chanen, Jessica Segal

)ive (T op Right): Briana Ewart, A rie l L ee, N im ra Khan, M addie item , S cott M inard . T h e re w e re fish out o f w a ter back in 1990!

Tennis M en 's T en n is (T o p L e ft): R agh av A g a rw a l, J.B. Stockslager, Brandon Pu rcell, N ith in Pusapati, Zachary W rig h t, C oach K e e v e r, D heeraj A tm akuri, Jacob Feder, Jehan Bista, A le x Sw anson, R o h it K oth u r

W o m e n 's T en n is (B e lo w ): A n a C orey, N ic o le Bassoff, Leah S tofko, P a lla vi D hadvai, M arcela N iem czyk , Coach K e e v e r, N o rm a Gutierrez, M ikaela V erh ein , Christine Stockslager, Nikita M okhashi, Alessandra Dagirm anjian 1. Back in 1992, the tennis players dressed in style.

Golf Varsity (Left): C oach H endrickson, R yan M iller, A lex a n d er Garner, R eid P rice, Konstantin v o n Beringe, A n d re w G arner, R yan Reism an, N ich olas Gibbs, M ich ael You n g, M oises L o p ez

1. O u r g o lf team is better tod ay than th ey w e r e in 2 0 0 0 . N o w w e a v o id the bushes!

Cheer Cheer (Left): Lauren L in d ley, Hannah Cianci, K ad d ie Stephens, Emma Pappas, A li Loretta, A n gelica Sisson, Briana Ewart, M egan Leh rer

1. W o w , th ey used huge p om -p om s in 1973!

Robotics & Debate Robotics (Left): James H obin, Jack Swett, Edgar O cam po, A v e r y Silverm an, R oh it Kothur, D an ielle M arquis, H elen D ailey, K e v in Heath, Chris Mattinson, Joe Schornak, Jonathan R o o n e y, Raghav A garw al, M oises Lopez, Dheeraj Atmakuri, Jacob Feder, Ben M attinson, Stephen Marquis, A m y A u be

Glass of SO 11

1. C o n o r Cathy signs out to le a v e cam pus—a p rivile g e reserved o n ly fo r the seniors. 2. Is M organ B ro w n a student o f P C D S o r H ogw arts? 3. A le x K ost and A d e la r Pesqu eira w a lk the halls w ith seniority. 4. N eh a R a v i, P a lla v i D hadvai, S oph ie Swanson, K irea M azzolini, H a ile y R ose, and Shannon M a n ley take a break fro m th eir lunchtim e gossiping to sm ile fo r the cam era. 5 & 6. R ach el Epstein is super excited as she leaves campus fo r lunch, just as this P C D S student from 1992 en jo ys his fo o d from K FC! 7. R achael L o p e z claim s h er parking spot the day b efo re sch ool starts. 8. R ach el Chanen and Arian n e P ric e e n jo y the Blue and G o ld D ay Boat Regatta.


...Then Can you tell who is who?

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Time Warps Jeremy Abdo sadly n e v e r a ch ieved his dreams o f superstardom and is n o w a trophy husband and staya t-h om e dad o f seven. H e en joys w atch ing soap operas and knitting sweaters for his m any cats.

Keshav Amla fights to elim in ate in com p eten ce through a series o f lectures and books, including the N

e w


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f f ?

Ivaylo Bahtchevanov has surpassed

Fabio in appearances on the c overs o f rom ance n ovels and “ I Can’t B e liev e It’ s N o t Butter” com m ercials. H o w e v e r, his career abruptly ended b y a sudden w e ig h t gain. Ashley Barnhill decided, after h e a v y recruitm ent fro m around Europe, to sign w ith M anchester U nited as their first fem ale “ fo o tb a ll” star. In h er spare tim e, she runs a free clinic that prom otes athleticism am ong the youth.

Matt Benson re c e iv e d international acclaim fo r


a l l



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e a n

i e ,

a v id e o gam e he designed about

navigating the w o rld o f the scarf-w earin g, Proust-reading, hipster set. H e spends his free tim e smoking his p ipe and reading leath er-bou n d classics. Alex Blandford w o n the O ’ H enry Short Story P rize during her freshm an yea r o f c o lle g e and has continu ed to re c e iv e international acclaim for her writing. She is currently planning her dream w ed d in g to a K orean film star. Morgan Brown has w ith stood accusations o f w itch craft (b y som eon e under the alias o f “ M a v e D artin’’) and has becom e a leading M anga critic. In h er spare tim e, she stars in Japanese dramas. Conor Cathey’s lo v e o f hunting and objection to recy clin g h a ve sin gle-h an d ed ly led to a w o rld d ev o id o f all natural resources and w ild life. H e w ou ld iirgu e (as he lo v e s to d o ) that this is m erely the result o f the D arw inian concept o f survival o f the fittest. Rachel Chanen and her husband Channing Chanen (fo rm e rly Channing F ry e) d ivid e their tim e b etw een P h o e n ix and her clinics in Sub-Saharan A frica. H er tw o greatest accom plishm ents have been eradicating malaria and com pilin g the w o r ld ’ s largest c ollectio n o f com bat boots. Pallavi Dhadvai has starred in o v e r tw e lv e B o lly w o o d film s under the nam e “ P a lly D ” after being scouted at a Garba fe s tiv a l. She is frequ en tly spotted in the stands o f Suns games supporting her husband, Coach Steve Nash. Ryan Dougherty has re ce iv ed

international acclaim

for his amazing feat o f successfully

com pletin g G uitar H e ro ’ s “ Th rou gh the Fire and Flam es” on expert w h ile blindfolded and on a roller coaster that he designed. Rachel Epstein has been sued o v e r seven teen times for her boundary-pushing T V program ,



c h

e l


e c e n

t l y


She and her miniature sidekick, LaMarshka, e n jo y long walks on the

beach at sunset and playing in a recreational softball league. Max Farrar has had his life im m ortalized in a blockbuster James C am eron film series





r o c r a s t i n

a t o r ,

fam ed fo r its tagline “ I ’ll be back—

later.” H e spends the m ajority o f his earnings on cars and w affles. Nick Gibbs opened his o w n auto b o d y shop and an academ y o f auto design. His students practice on his exten sive collection o f bright orange cars w ith m atching rims. Sara Goldsworthy lives in the P acific N orth w est and enjoys w earing L e v i’s. She spent a significant tim e overseas in the P ea ce Corps and published a photo docum entation o f her experiences. Henry Gridley w as hired straight out o f c o llege by the d evil him self as his official advocate, w h e re he has ach ieved im m ense success and managed to offend 23% o f the w o rld s population. H e ’ s used his earnings to buy a small Asian country. Jack Guinan suffered a highly ironic concussion after he w as hit by a m ysterious falling cocon ut w h ile inside his o w n chateau in the south o f France. H e currently holds the title for the W o r ld Cham pionship o f Ke$ha Lyric M em orization.

Cindy H w ang ach ieved international acclaim for her th ought-provokin g political posters and Urban Outfitters tee shirts. She frequen tly appears on the best-dressed list at W h ite House events and acts as

a p olitical and style advisor to President Sarah Palin. Michael Kalamchi recen tly celebrated the birth o f his son, Mufasa, in the international space station w h ere he lives and runs his neurosurgery p r a c t ic ^ ^ ^ In his spare tim e, he en joys inventing and pondering scenarios that w ill never, e ver happen.

Time Warps Nabeer Khan has just released his sixth album,






l t a n


I ,

under his ex tre m ely successful label, LM B

Entertainment. H e lives in a B ro o k lyn lo ft w ith his w ife , Selena G om ez, and th eir m iniature p on y, Jank.

Jace Knudson created a lin e o f stylish cloth in g and hats fo r m en and w ill soon debut a w id e ly anticipated com panion lin e o f fuzzy anim al hats. H e has a ch ieved fam e fo r his p ro v o c a tiv e docum entaries and quirky short film s. Alex Kost has been can onized as St. Sasha o f the A V B ooth due to his tireless efforts behindl the scenes.

H e leads a d ou ble life and answ ers questions about his career b y saying, “ L e t’ s just say B

v o rk at clin ic .” Rachael Lopez spends her tim e designing cock tail dresses and bedazzled volleyball) spandex fo r her cloth in g line, “ A ll D a y .”

She has b een spotted recen tly w ith rapper Drake, and wasi

rep orted ly the subject o f his n e w hit “ Y o u Da B etter Best.” Shannon Manley docum ented her w ed d in g tol foo tb a ller Christiano R en a ld o on h er w o rld -fa m o u s blog. She keeps busy w ith her b allroom competitions,, her retro -ch ic fashion line, her organic lin e o f tofu co o k ies and still manages to find tim e to study fo r her m any math tests. Danielle Marquis to o k steps to h er goal o f w o rld d om ination through her creation o f a fencing arm y o f robots. T h e y all w e a r k n ee-h igh C o n verse shoes. Sofia Mastikhina renounced her liberal beliefs and rebelliou s w a ys and is n o w the proud sta y -a t-h o m e m oth er o f three and w ife o f a Republican senator from Kansas. She d evo tes her tim e to croch etin g blankets fo r the Daughters o f the Am erican R e v o lu tio n and m aking bundt cakes. Bekki Matwijkow ro w e d her w a y to a 4th v ic to r y in the W o rld R o w in g Cham pionships and donated h er w in n in gs to A m n esty International. She sim ultaneously put D a v e M artin and M att G uthrie in th eir place, ending h er tirade w ith h er catchphrase “ T ru e D at.” Kirea

Mazzolini revo lu tio n ized the prosthetics industry w ith h er creation o f the w o r ld ’ s m ost advanced robotic knee brace, earning her the nicknam e “ Dr. B io n ic.” In her free tim e, she en jo ys petting puppies and kittens. Dylan McAdam has b eco m e in tern ation ally reco gn ized fo r his creation o f a syrup that is not sticky. H e has also been on both Best and W o r s t D ressed lists fo r his ex tre m ely bright tee shirts, which h ave been cited as actually causing c o lo r blindness. Michael Meath has recen tly purchased the w o rld ’s largest super-yacht, fam ous fo r its Form ula O n e R aces on the deck, earning it the nam e o f Grand P rix o f the Sea. H e is m arried to Bristol Palin, w h o m he m et w h ile 1on a dogsled tour in Alaska. Lindsay Merhege garnered record v iew in g s fo r her series o f





a c h

e l o

r e t t e

and m arried the w in n e r in a cou ntry-chic

cerem on y. T h e tw o liv e w ith their fou r sons in a spraw ling ranch outside o f Las Cruces, N e w M exico.

Ryan Miller is a top ad visor to the president in the areas o f m ilitary and political strategy. H e is also the highest ranked B o y Scout in the history o f the organization. Nikita Mokhashi, through a series o f ninja­ lik e coups, m anaged to secure con tro l o f the entire w o rld . U p orit ach ievin g com p lete dom ination, she qu ick ly o u tlaw ed hugs and all form s o f affection . She lives in a fortress defen ded b y p en cil-w ield in g guards. Ian Neufer put his im provisational skills to w o rk as a sidekick fo r G lenn Beck, causing ratings for the sh o w to soar. H e w o o e d his latest lo v e interest, Christine O ’ D on nell, w ith his soulful hit song, “ W itc h e s are P eo p le, T o o . ” Marcela Niemczyk open ed a bakery and sushi bar called M a rc y ’ s Munchies. She spends m ost o f her earnings on her support group fo r those suffering from chron ic lateness and is funding research fo r a cure. Zahid Pasha is a sw in gin g b achelor w h o designs vests and spends his nights tearing up the flo o r at the hottest clubs w ith his best friend, A ldous S n ow . H e in exp licably has a British accent. Adelar Pesqueira is an actual ninja. H e recen tly open ed his o w n d o jo and capoeira studio adjacent to his fa m ily ’s n o w w o rld -fa m o u s restaurant.

H e spends his free tim e on the arm o f a certain

Pakistani superstar. Ryan Pitt w as saddened upon realizing that he could not, in fact, m ake a livin g laxing

Where will they he in 50 years? w ith the bros. H e fo llo w e d in the footsteps o f his father and can be seen in a lab coat w ith a Bluetooth headset at all hours o f the day. Arianne Price has finally com e to terms w ith the fact that she and the rest o f the fem ale population h ave brains that are significantly sm aller than that o f the average m ale’s. She has ren ou n ced her fem inist w a ys and has m ade quite the livin g singing after a throat surgery. H er m om is proud that she can fin a lly carry a tune in a bucket. Matthew Prusak read everythin g e v e r published in the w o rld and n o w serves as head editor o f W ik ip ed ia . H e is also single-handedly responsible fo r resurgence in popularity o f the k effiyeh scarf. Allison Puglisi w e d A p o llo A n ton O n o in a carbon-neutral, organic c erem o n y in R w an da. T h e tw o liv e there and m anage an organization o f orphanages, w h ic h h ave spread throughout A frica. Nithin Pusapati w as cro w n ed Prin ce o f India after a m ysterious cou p overtu rn ed the cou n try’ s d em ocracy. H e funds the cou ntry w ith a series o f gift shops called “ N ith y ’ s K n ick Knacks." Neha Ravi w as recen tly treated fo r a severe case o f whiplash due to her frequent tren d y hair flip. H er d o cto r prescribed h ea vy doses o f Christmas music; this is obviou sly not a p rob lem fo r her. Ryan Reisman has b ecom e the N ation al R ifle A ssociation ’s ch ief lobbyist and is also the n e w ly appointed C E O o f Smith and W esson . H e en joys riding around in his pickup truck, in w h ich he has installed a perm anent hot tub. Liz Rodie recen tly announced the upcom ing release o f a n e w lin e o f tank tops as a com panion to her revolu tion ary spring-heel shoes.

She spends a surprising

am ount o f her reven u e at H ava Java. Sybil Rose becam e the o n ly fem ale m em ber o f T ech n9n e and currently lives on a horse ranch in Kansas City, M issouri. She has m o v ed past dom estic horses and n o w breeds centaurs.

Hailey Rose m o v ed back to the fam ily h om e in beautiful Talequah, Oklahom a,

and n o w is the m anager o f R ose Fam ily Furniture as w e ll as a pediatrician. She enjoys playing w ith | her m any rescue dogs and b o w lin g w ith her uncle. John Sands established an order o f bass-playing m onks in Seattle, w h e re he is chair o f the ph ilosoph y departm ent o f the U n iversity o f W ashington. H e returns to P h o e n ix regularly to hike C am elback and go to IH O P . Gordon Silverman took hom e the gold paedal in squash in the 2012 L on d on O lym pics. U p on being in terview ed after his w in, he was quoted as saying, “ H eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh e.” Keenan Simon becam e the n ew face o f C alvin K lein

and is in the process o f trade-m arking his signature e y e b ro w raise.

In his spare time, he runs a

Fortune 5 0 0 com pan y and recen tly m arried his you n g assistant. H e is obscen ely w ealth y. Christine

Stockslager m arried tennis star R afael Nadal and is a tenured professor o f tennis at the O h io State University. Sophie Swanson has been appointed M adam S ecretary G eneral o f the United Nations. She is married |to P rin ce W illia m o f W a le s and has already picked out a smashing dress and tiara for the

coronation. Ashley Sylvester is the w o rld expert on serial killers and chair o f the Forensics Science Department at Harvard. She teaches lacrosse clinics focused on her signature shovel shot. Latina Vidolova has mastered 18 languages and has managed to e ffe c tiv e ly define the meaning o f life in all o f them. S h eiliv es in a knee sock factory in the Harajuku district o f Japan. Thom as W a ll ow ns his o w n independent record label and perform s at children ’s parties dressed up as a dinosaur under the name, Thom asaurus R ex. H e still likes to dance around the fire; he also likes to jump and sing. M ichael

Young taught his dog h o w to play g o lf and subsequently created a foundation for therapy animals I specializing in the great sport. H e spends his tim e m eeting celebrities. Kathie Zhang has spent the last

five ||fears leading a cadre o f all-fem ale Chinese soldiers w h ich have risen to the top o f the P R C s m ilitary com plex. In her spare tim e she paints portraits o f Chairman M ao and her brother Mark.

Senior Bests Best Dressed

Most Likely to Fall Asleep in Class

Best Hair

N a b eer Khan & Shannon M a n ley

N a b e er Khan & M arcela N ie m c zyk

N eh a R a v i & T o m W a ll

Most Likely to be on SNL

Most Likely to Rule the World

Most Likely to be the Next Picasso

R yan R eism an & R achel Epstein

N ik ita M okhashi & M att Prusak

Matt Benson & Cindy Hwang

Most Athletic

Best Smile

Most Likely to be Protesting Something

R ach el Epstein & R ya n P itt

H a ile y R ose & G ord on S ilverm an

K esh av A m la & C indy H w an g

W orst Driver

Most Likely to be a Faculty Member at PCDS

Most Diva-esque

Jerem y A b d o & L iz R o d ie

C on or C athey & K irea M azzolini

Nithin Pusapati & Shannon M anley



Senior Bests Most Likely to be the Next Billionaire

Most Changed Since Freshman Year

Most Caffeinated Persor

K esh av A m la & N eh a R a v i

Zahid Pasha & P a lla v i D h advai

M att Benson & Shannon M anley

Best of the Best

Teacher's W orst Nightmare

Best Teacher's Pet

Shannon M a n ley & N a b e er Khan

Bekki M a tw ijk o w & A le x K ost

C o n o r Cathy & Latina V id o lo v a


Best Class Couple

Most Likely to be Caught Texting

Most School Spirited

H enry G rid ley & R ach el Chanen

R achael L o p e z & N a b eer Khan

Jeremy A b d o & R achel Epstein

W orst Case of Senioritis

M ost L ik ely to be





Best jW ingm an/W ingwoman Arian n e P ric e & Zahid Pasha

A m erica ’s N e x t T o p M od el S ofia M astikhina & N ick Gibbs

Iv a y lo B ahtchevanov & Lindsay M erhege

whole world blind. -Mahatma Gandhi

"In the end, nobody wins unless everybody wins..." -Bruce Springsteen__________

"Ohana" means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten -Lilo

Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah Zip-a-DeeDay my oh my what a wonderful day—James Baskett



Oompa Loom pa Doompa Dee Dah i f you are wise you'll listen to me—Oompa Loompas

"Hakuna Matata," it means no worries for the rest o f your days—Pumba

o on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven.” —Jimi Hendix

M ax Farrar The Great: "I will rise above all one day

"N o act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted" -Aesop's Fables

Peace cannot be kept by force. I t can only be acheived by understanding. -A lbert F.instein

"Som e things you do because you want to. Some things you do because o f the needs o f others in your fam ily." anonymous

"If you have built castles in the air, yoor work need not b e lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them." -Henry David Thoreau

"The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience." -Eleanor Roosevelt

"Experience is not what happens to you. ItJ is what you do with what happens to you. -Aldous Huxley

"I just lost the game." Anonymous "Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now." -Fred Rogers

"But how do the cones balance?" —A lex "Until they became conscious they w ill never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious." — George O rwell (1984) Look! He's on the T V color box! —Natalie


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E veryday is a new day Take i f from the top.


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|l said, h ey babel i Itcike a w a lk on l ^ j x ^ ^ H lh e wild side... X ^< v*>** V_______ 1

There is a place where the sidewalk ends And before the street begins. And there the grass grows soft and white,

And there the sun bums crimson bright, And there the moon-bird rests from his flight T o cool in the peppermint wind. shall wane with a walk thaUs measured and -1aw. An^w atch where the chalk-white arrow go T o the place wlMte the sid ew a lk ^ n c^ B

Y e s w e 'lf v yflk w ith a w a l that ifftnafisu red andj f w ^ B n d v^e'll g o w h e d m e

Let us leave this jlace where th^smoke blows black A And the dark.str et winds and bends. Past the p it j^ H \ the asph^t flowers grow...


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You are tearing me apart, Lisa! -Tommy Wiseau

rhe enemy o f art is tin absence o f limitation -Orson Welle

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"All endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time." - M itch Albom, The Five People You M eet in Heaven

"Forever is composed of nows." - E m ily Dickinson


"Everyone wants to walk in your shoes...You need to let hem know what size shoe you wear, not how much it hurts your feet. Let them walk in your shoes for a bit and they'll understand you. So, I challenge you next time someone who wants to understand you, let them walk in your shoes."-Collin Churchill

"Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." - Douglas Adams_____________

"God is a concept by which we measure our pain." - John Lennon

"Still round the comer there may wait A new road or a secret gate And though I oft have passed them by The day will come at last when I Shall take the hidden paths that run West of the Moon and East of the Sun." J.R.R. Tolkien

| "W e live and we learn Ito take lO n e step at a time ■There's no need to rush ■It's like learning to fly ■Or falling in love" l-Jordin Sparks-


Ctass of 2011

tisfjgs in aCCo f yourfuture. endeavorstWf^l

Prom the 2010 V 2 0 1 J^^ j 3 (Phoenix Country (Day SchooC (Patents’Association N o t Pictured: Laura Stocksfager

Sy b i l r o s e

You made it! Congratulations! (See... it wasn't that bad!) Love, M om and Claire

by Rita and Coapar

Congratulations Ashley!!! W e are so proud of you! May all your dreams come true.

Liz, To the best "Lifer" ever W e are so proud of you, your achievements, and who you have become. Congratulations on your fine record at PCDS. It is time to start another grand one. Your adventure is just beginning! Love, Mom and Dad

Congratulations! We love you Keen Bean... Love, Mom, Dad, Cezanne, and Zoe

(R jlC M E L C t f / L N E N Rachel , Every

moment with you is precious .

C o n g r a tu la tio n s o n y o u r g r a d u a tio n fro m P C D S Love , M o m , D a d , Lauren , Leah , G


& G


Allison Congratulations on an outstanding job! We love you! Mom, Dad, Chris, and Ellie

"They say you can't do it, but remember, that doesn't always work." -Casey Stengel

Sfianniestar. Time has passed so quickly. You are now a beautiful, young woman. We wish that w e could start from the beginning with you again and again; however, nothing we do will stop you from growing up!

It is such an honor to be your parents, a n d w e are so proud of you! Love always, Mom, Dad, Jessica, Rachel, and Michael


R yan We’re proud of you! Keep on

"G o co n fid en tly in th e d ire ctio n o f y o u r dream s. Live th e life you have im agined.� - H e n ry D avid T h o reau

enjoying every day!

Love, M om an d D ad

W e are v e ry proud o f you! Love, M o m , D ad, M egan

Congratulations Rachel~ We hope your dreams take you.... to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities & to the most special places your heart has ever known. W e are so very proud of you! All of our love, Dad, Mom & Ben

Michael Always Believe In Yourself & Follow Your Dream! We know that this new chapter in your life will be amazing, and we look forward to sharing in your joy and in your success! We are so proud of who you are, and we love you so very much!

Dear I am so glad that I got to fulfill my senior best for ‘most likely to become a PCDS faculty member’ with you. It was so much fun getting to know all of you. Congratulations!

Best, Class o f 2006 Yearbook Advisor - First Sem ester

C . m






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B u if iM

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S k y f in e s

S in c e

~ 3300 N.^Third Auenue,\Phoenix, Arizona 8 5 £ M ^ I I (602) 266.3600 offices ■ (oCz) 285.92f>8 fax ■ AA/w^ehanWh«©fnu

Editor-in-Chief Shannon Manley

Layout and Text Editors Lauren Chanen, Garron Rodgers

Photography Editor Kirea Mazzolini

Junior Staff Philip Rody, Leah Stofko Rachael Franks, Nicole Bassoff, Alison Loretta, Megan Lehrer, Breana Roberts, Melanie Cohen, Sara Goldsworthy, Bryeson Rodgers, Tom Wall

Yearbook Advisers Sandra Theis '0 6 , Desiree Ong, Jenny Treadway

Y e a r b o o k b y th e N u m b e rs

T o t a l H o u rs S pen t: 1,213

Special Thanks Katie Zink, Gina Bridgeman, Sharon Thompson, Jesse Munch, Andrea Decker, Cindy Hwang (Cover Design Artist), Staley Lane (50th Anniversary logo used as page numbers)

T o t a l E m ails S en t: 2,516 T o t a l P h o to s T a k e n : 6,181 T o t a l N u m b e r o f B la ck and W h it e P h o to s S can n ed : 306 T o t a l F rid ays S a c rifice d : 28 T o t a l A ll-N ig h te r s : 1

T o t a l N u m b e r o f Laughs: In fin ity

H o-n XF ih lG ll f k P h o e n ix C ou n try D a y S ch ool, W h e n all the editors first m et o n a h ot August aftern oon right b efo re the sch o o l y e a r started, w e did n ot k n o w w h a t w e w e r e d oin g o r w h o m w e w e r e go in g to w o rk w ith . E veryth in g w a s up in the air. W e did n ot k n o w ou r them e, w h o ou r facu lty ad viser w as, o r e v e n w h a t to d o next. H o w e v e r, so m uch can change o v e r a fe w months. N o w , as w e recall the w a y things w e r e back then w h e n w e first started this process, w e realize that it w a s a m uch m o re d ifficu lt jo b than w e had e v e r exp ected , y e t w e g o t m uch m o re satisfaction and en jo ym en t ou t o f it than w e had predicted. From sitting d o w n to m ake ou r first page to w o rk in g all night to submit ou r last, w e h a ve bon ded, gro w n , and learn ed to o v e rc o m e the obstacles o f the y e a rb o o k w o rld in o rd er to create som ething re a lly special. T o d a y , w e students and teachers are con stantly on the m o v e . W e n e v e r stop to breathe o r relax. W e alw ays lo o k fo rw a rd and n e v e r back. But after lo o k in g through m a n y o ld P C D S y e a rb o o k s to find the countless black and w h ite photos p laced throu ghou t the b ook , w e h ave c o m e to the con clusion that

t h

e n

is just as im portant as





Thus, w ith this y e a rb o o k m arking fifty years o f

e x c e llen c e at P h o e n ix C ou n try D a y S ch o o l, m ay this w h o le com m u n ity cherish the past and w o rk tow ard s a bright future because as this y e a rb o o k show s, so m uch can change in o n ly a m atter o f years.

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