PCDS Yearbook 2012

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Phoenix C ountry Day School

The Phoenician

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o e n b ^ o u n try s D a y School 101 E. StanforchD rive I P a ra d is e V alley, A rizo n a 8 5 2 5 ? ^ 6 02 .9 5 5 .8 2 0 0 I w w w .p c d s .o rg

To th e Senior Class o f 2012 and all Eagles: As I arrived a t m y office fo r m y very firs t day a t PCDS, I noticed a decal th a t had been affixed to th e glass o f th e fro n t door. On th e decal w as a Chinese character, and below it w as an e xp lanation o f its s ig n ifi足 cance: "This sym bol m eans cham eleon, it repre足 se n ts both change and ease. For change to be easy, it m u s t be em braced, as th e cham eleon does. Celebrate change." I've chosen to leave th e decal on m y door because I th in k it's a nice re m in de r a b o u t how we should approach one o f th e n a tu 足 ral rh y th m s o f life: change. M uch as I have s ta rte d a new phase o f m y life here a t Phoenix C ountry Day School, fifty -e ig h t o f you w ill soon s ta rt a new phase of yours in college. I w ish you th e best o f fo rtu n e s as you em brace and celebrate th e challenges of yo u r new a d ventures. M ay you all be as adaptable as th e cham eleon. Sincerely, A ndrew M. Rodin Head o f School



1(1) Mr. Calleroz White's pearly whites are on display after falling into the dunk tank at Blue and Gold Night. (2) The PCDS [com m unity gathers to bury the tim e capsule. (3) Mr. Newland beats his students at basketball during lunch. (4) Check out the annual fireworks show at the Blue and Gold Night Picnic, (5) Carson Krause welcomes the audience to the Red iRocks Concert. (6) The Lower School students enjoy the dragon at the Chinese New Year celebration. (7) Mala Bansal and Raagini Kothur pose w ith Mr. Rodin for the Diwali Celebration. (8) Mr. Dukehart looks dapper in his tux while host足 ing the Middle School Spelling Bee. (9) Mr. and Mrs. Pierson show off their eagle-pride at Blue and Gold Night. (10) Girl Scouts pose for the picture before selling their famous Thin Mints. (11) Bryeson Rodgers, Reilly Freret, Wesley Curd and Danny Minard race majestically through the pool on their dolphins. (12) The fourth-grade Webelos are on a hike at the IPhoenix Mountain Preserve. (13) Look at all of the activities at the Blue and Gold Night Carnival. (14) The time capsule is ready to be sealed. (15) Isabelle Brothers does a charcoal portrait. (16) Look at the cute smiles on the Garvin twins. (17) Melissa Greenberg, Rachel Underhill, Samantha Kaplan, Colton Siddle, and Nicole Burke play music during the MLK Day celebration. (18) Head-for-the-day Grant Gaylord shakes hands in the morning. (19) Albert the Guinea Pig enjoys the PCDS Open House.

The th e m e o f th e f if t y - f ir s t vo lu m e o f The P hoenician is "A d ­ ju s t A c c o rd in g ly ” because th e 2 0 1 1 -2 0 1 2 school ye ar has been one o f a d ju s tm e n t and change. We, th e s tu d e n ts , a tte n d e d th e F irs t F riday A s s e m b ly — w h ich w a s n o t on F riday th is ye a r b u t ra th e r on Thursday-— to be g re eted w ith a speech fro m a sm ilin g , u n fa m ilia r face: th e new head of school, A n d re w Rodin. In th e U pper School, w e s a t d o w n in D orrance A u d ito riu m fo r a m o rn in g m e e tin g led by th e n e w head o f th e U pper School, Jack P hillip s. We w e n t to lunch on th e fir s t day o f school, on ly to d isco ve r a re m odeled c a fe te ria w ith a c o m p le te ly new m enu. The U pper and M iddle School s tu ­ d e n ts learned to expand th e ir a tte n tio n spa ns fo r s e v e n ty -fiv e m in y te classes w h ile te a c h e rs explored n ew fo rm a ts of te a c h ­ ing. We also s w itc h e d to a s e v e n -d a y ro ta tio n , and a lth o u g h bo th s tu d e n ts and te a c h e rs w ere ve ry co nfuse d a b o u t w h ich classes th e y had on a given day fo r th e fir s t fe w m o n th s , th e y e v e n tu a lly learned h o w to ca lcu la te th e ir sch edu les and a d ju s t according ly. In a d d itio n to th e s e m a jo r changes, w e also faced a m u lti­ tu d e o f sm a ll changes. Ms. D ecker dyed her hair. Ms. T re a d w a y g o t se vera l b irds as p e ts fo r th e c o m p u te r lab. Mr. S ch w e ikh e r's car re tu rn e d to n o rm a l a fte r its "5 0 th A n n iv e rs a ry C e le b ra tio n " m a ke ­ over. A pipe broke in th e U pper School quad, and s tu d e n ts learned to ta k e a d iffe re n t ro u te to class in o rd e r to avoid th e e v e r-g ro w in g tre n c h in th e sid e w a lk. Grass w a s p la n te d on th e "b ro w n sp o t" b e tw e e n th e M iddle S chool and th e L o w e r School, and it has now becom e th e green sp o t. Books have begun to m y s te rio u s ly d is a p ­ pear fro m th e U pper School quad w h ile p a n in i m ake rs and to a s te rs m y s te rio u s ly a ppeared in th e s tu d e n t ce n ter. B u t w ith all o f th e s e n u m e ro u s changes, PCDS re ta in e d its essence and th e h e a rt o f w h a t gives us an e d u ca tio n fo r life. The s tu d e n t body and fa c u lty alike n o t on ly a d ju s te d to th e changes b u t m e t th e m w ith open a rm s, and th e PCDS c o m m u n ity is even b e tte r because o f it. Likew ise, th e ye a rb o o k has im p ro ve d due to changes, e sp e cia lly te c h ­ www.pcds.org/yearbook/2012/spring2012.html nological a d v a n c e m e n ts . For e xam ple, w e have included a QR code on th is page (see rig ht), and w h e n you scan it w ith y o u r s m a rt phone, you w ill be d ire cte d to w a rd s a link th a t fe a tu re s d ig ita l ye a rb o o k pages W ith th e s p irit o f o ur th e m e in m ind, w e hope th a t you e njoy th e "a d ju s te d " la y o u t and style o f th is PCDS yearbook. w w w .p cd s.o rg /y e a rb o o k /2 0 1 2 /sp rin g 2 0 1 2 .h tm l


(1) Director of PCDS Project Excellence, Mr. Calleroz White, enjoys one of his carefully planned events. (2) Students learn about electronics in a hands-on way. (3) M ost stu足 dents focus intently on their laptops and the lesson, but several are distracted by the camera! (A) Children enjoy the balloon art and other festivites at the annual Proj足 ect Excellence Picnic. (5) Project Excellence participants enjoy each other's company at the picnic. (6) The oldest students bond after years of being in Project Excellence together. (7) A fter a long day of learning, students rest in a pile of pillows and bean bag chairs. (8) All ages of students come together for a big group photo. Cheese!


Our beloved Ms, Treadway is truly an example for all of us here at PCDS. Despite her battle with cancer in 2009, she still comes to school every day with a smile on her face and a laugh that resonates through the quad, From morning meetings to conversations in passing, she is a ubiquitous force of loving guidance and joy. Whether its helping us fix our computers or monitoring the computer lab to make sure that no mischief occurs, she s our go-to gal for all of our problems. When we need a shoulder to cry on, Ms. Treadway does not judge and can always spare a moment for advice, She closes our lockers for us when we 'forget' to and reminds us how to line up for bus and fire drills through her oh-so snazzy Powerpoint presentations. Of course, every Southern girl has a fun side; brave and audacious Ms. Treadway tackled parachuting this past year, probably while listening to country music and grabbing a deal on _ GroupOn on her iPhone. Ms. Treadway brings this vibrant enthusiasm to every club, activity, and conversation she's involved in, acting as a personal cheerleader to all, PCDS would feel empty without her blue and gold spirit and bottom less dedication. Everyone, especially this senior class, has been touched by her presence on campus, so we dedicate this yearbook to her in appreciation of all she does. The Class of 2012 thanks you and loves you, Ms. Treadway!

(1) Garron Rodgers, Megan Cathey, and Selena Jacquez paint a mural a t an underpriveleged school. (2) A group of seventh grade girls assemble bags of pet food. (3) Lindsay Coda pres­ ents the veterans of the faculty w ith flowers and handmade poppy pins, which she sold to benefit the Veterans Founda­ tion, (4) Jesmina deGuzman is hard a t work on a fleece blan­ ket. (5) Lower school students look a t the impressive am ount of toys they donated for the Salvation Arm y Sharing Tree drive. (6) Middle school students rest after a long run a t the Walk for a Well event. (7) Michael Rosenthal and his post­ ers teach people about w ater shortages in other countries. (8) Aaron Ossiasjosh Lansky, Pierce Swanson, and Simon Olshansky load up the pet food to be donated to animals.

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(1) Carlos Alvarado helps Julia Hanson make one of 171 l-Spy bottles for Phoe足 nix Head Start. (2) Eden Shuster, Megan Cathey, and other high school students help plant a garden. (3) Rana Roudi, Madison Williams, and Devyn Thurbon decorate pillow cases; 240 of them were donated to the Balsz School District. (4) Alexander Garner helps middle schoolers make 80 fleece blankets for un足 derprivileged children. (5) Lauren Lindley teaches kids how to draw rainbows on H their pillowcases. (6) Middle schoolers and high schoolers make a mess while I assembling over 2000 PB&J sandwiches for homeless people. (7) W hat a cute I card a lower school student make for a veteran! (8) Celeste Martinez, Amanda J| Slate, and Shelby McDermott make sure th a t 200 children at the Phoenix Children's Hospital get hand-decorated candy ja g s , (9) ren Chanen, Leah Motzkin, and Zoe Simon worked alongside faculty and fellow i leader Dominique Clancy to plan the all-schoo: com m unity service day.

(1) Rachel Rummel and Justin Morgan lead th e ir kindergarten buddy, Emilia Safir, in to th e assem bly. (2) Lupe M artinez, Leila Noghrehchi, and Kyle Kinnie perform in th e Upper School Choir. (3) S tu d e n t Body President, JB Stockslager, w elcom es the school to a new year. (A) M em bers of th e Board of Trustees laugh a m o n g st th e stu d e n ts. (5) Mr. Calleroz W hite sm iles as I he th in k s o f th e year to come. (6) Jake Hanson reads a poem to fe llo w stu d e n ts. (7) The seniors all sit to g e th e r during th e firs t ' w eek o f th e ir la st year a t PCDS. (8) The s tu d e n t body stan ds fo r th e N ational A nthe m . (9) More stu d e n ts p articip a te in th e ; tra d itio n a l s e n io r-k in d e rg a rte n e r w alk. 4

(1) Briana Ew art and Kendall Reaves are lifted by the cheer team . (2) The eagles d e m o n stra te th e annual scooter race. (3) Konstantin von Beringe prepares Issabella Moreno and Grant Burnham fo r th e big race. (A) Liam Dempsey and Nate Nearhood w ill do a n ythin g to w in th e B oat Regatta, (5) Nimra Khan, Danielle Lee, and Jessica Segal show o ff th e ir hom em ade blue and gold day jerseys. (6) Some fo u rth grade girls laugh and joke around w ith eagle sp irit! (7) M iddle school boys display jtheir handmade blue and gold outfits, complete w ith jeyewearand head accessories.

M orris A aron B svsrly Ax Larry P. C lsm m enssn Nicholas S. F irssto n s

Samuel S. Garvin Adam Goodm an G rant Hill Larraine N. Ho

M ichelle H osm ar Chevy H um phrey Dr. K w ang-W u Kim M itzi R. Krockover

Jahm Najafi A n d re w Rodin Tracy D. S ch w im m e r W endy S elig-Prieb

Jonah Shacknai ChidaTse Charlene W h itfill Laurie W ray

2 0 1 1 -2 0 1 2 A d v is o ry Trustees Susan J. Bansak D an iel D o n a h o e III B en nett D o rra n c e Susan M. G arrity


D o n a ld R. L o b a c k H erb e rt J. Louis N a n P. Miller Ellie B. N o lan

Frederick M. Pakis W. Lee Pierson Bernard G. R ethore N icholas J. Sakellariadis

S hoshana Tancer G a rth W ie g e r G a y F. W ray

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(1) Mr. Eriksen loves reading so much th a t he takes a reading break while walking across the campus. (2) Mr, Rowe and his goatee pose for a new profile picture. (3) Ms. Malone helps a student w ith long division. (4) Is Mr. Garrett working or taking a picture on P hotobooth?(5) Uh-oh! Mr. Dummer is caught w ith his hand in the candy jar. (6) Mr. Coon has fun participating in a drum circle on the grassy knoll. (7) It's no wonder the students love Ms. Ivins so much! She walks hand in hand w ith one of her students. (8) Even the teachers enjoy Crazy Sock Day! (9) Ms. Anderson shows off her toga and Latin Club booth at the Clubs Fair. (10) Watch out for Mr. McHonett's iron fist and vicious w ater gun.


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"If nothing ever changed, there'd be no bu tte rflies." -A u th o r U nknow n As I w ander thro u g h th e Low er School classroom s and w itn e ss the trem en d o u s changes in th e children each year, I m arvel a t w h a t takes place. From barely holding a pencil in p re-kindergarten to form ing paragraphs and essays in fo u rth grade, th e developm ent of read­ ing and w ritin g skills happens a t a phenom enal rate. The physical education teachers can a tte s t to the leap in m o to r skills and g row th of coordination during th is tim e period. A rtistic expres­ sion, fro m sim ple draw ings to in trica te planned sculptures and painting, skyrockets as our stu d e n ts gain confidence and use th e ir im aginations. Singing sim ple nursery songs evolves into note-reading, and perform ances bring jo y * , and life to th e Low er School com m unity. In every subject each year, we "a d ju st accordingly" ^ to th e challenges in th e curriculum . N urturing 1 1 H I the child until he or she is ready to spread its L J rH ^ H I w ings is w h a t we do so well in th e Low er g fA y y la S ^ H ^ . School. I am g rateful fo r th e incredibly ta l- /, ented and caring fa cu lty w ho make sure th a t our budding b u tte rflie s take flig h t *1 ^ ^ each year, spreading th e ir w ings to M r . fly and share th e ir natural beauty - \ i, w ith the w orld. |||§ Ms. Thom m en, Head of the Lower School




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PCDS sdm ;agle mascots!" ~ ) wF * " — % j( l McKinleyPaltzikpoints G w '^ - ^ 7 jf l 3ut to her friends. (2) Carter iimons strikes a pose on the 1 ence. (3) Ava Goodman pushes a J 1 senior during the annual relay race. (4) —J J lulia Lotz and Simone Zurawski show off iheir beautiful smiles! (5) Lael Hill enjoys her ^ ^ ■■u | h M | H H M i y H g | H H Dike ride around school. (6) Jenna Powell makes sure there is a perfect amount of sand on her beautiful ^P aS H y f il Drange block. (7) Katie Sodja and Rylie Lloyds hug and smile during their recess. (8) Camaraderie is on display as Anika Pa^ eI, Jewel Abdo.Talia Goodman, and Jaden Grossman smile with joy. 9) Kirtana Roopan, Bianca Burke, and Jade Loelke show off their crazy iats. (10) Grant Withee, Parker Allen-Cooper, and Nathan Yelton make funiy faces. (11) Evan Maffi and Weston Eby focus on a good book. (12) Jake Yelton shows off his motorcycle. (13) Mikayla Yue and Winter Rafal stick out their color:ul tongues after some delicious popcicles. (14) First graders run towards the camera. ~ A/atch out for the stampede! (15) Elliott Ernster, Lilly Robinson, and other second graders :rowd around the mystery man. (15) Lelia Symington shows off her one-handed cycling skills. 17) The first, second, and thrid graders pass the time as they wait for an assembly to begin.

(1) Carter Simons and Nate Williams are careful to color inside the lines. (2) Hilary Tucker, Noah Sucato, and Jayce Huskey put their guards up while they take a spell足 ing test. (3) SomyaSwarup is clearly doing som ething very interesting on her laptop. (4) Shray Swarup drops everything ana reads during DEAR time. (5) Miles Sabeeh is on track to be the next champion cup stacker! (6) Notice th a t look of determ ination as Connor Lloyds takes a m ath test. (7) Although Gabrielle Mathews hurt her arm, her mind is actively at work on a quiz. (8) Lael Hill and Tessa Buskirk are experts at doing crafts while trying not to make a mess. (9) Matteo Armato can't even take a break to look a t the camera because he w ants a perfectly straight line. Nice work! (10) Adam Bedier and Jesmina deGuzman discuss how to build the best city out of blocks. (11) Evan Kobley's facial expression shows how much he loves w riting essays! (12) Ms. Jacobo uses a game to teach Sierra Goldstein, (13) Jared Novoa writes intensely about the im portance of recess. (14) Natalie Vu and Bowen Burke teach a student visitor how things are done in the first grade, (15) Annabel Firestone puts her knowledge to the test. Get it? (16) Max Goldstein learns about architecture while drawing his dream castle,

(1) Hilary Tucker and Sabrina Bailey's hair accessories are just as artsy as their paintings, (2) Grant Burnham is careful not to get any fingerpamt on his favorite shirt. (3) The black background on Abby Bockrath's artwork makes her neon butterfly fly off the page, (A) Alex Goldstein goes postmodern and sports a clay mustache. (5) Chloe Demark's artwork is pretty in pink. (6)Tyler Smith and AlexandraSheesleyget their hands dirty with some plaster of Paris, (7) The pretty flowers on Jenny Pasternack's painting match her dress! (8) Andrew Conomos proudly displays his clay figurine for the camera.

(1 j Aon SK/okumar is in a zen state of mind while playing the glockenspiel, (2) Sebastian Reddy focuses as he keeps the entire class on beat. (3) Nicole Thorts keeps her eyes on the conductor while playing the recorder. (A) Even while playing music, Lower School students are extremely fashionable, (5) First graders are a triple threat: they sing, dance, and play instru足 ments! (6) Katie Sodja does hand gestures along with the song's lyrics. (7) Even with an injured arm, Anana Bista keeps the rnythm perfectly, (8) Hampton Kohler skillfully plays a giant xylophone. (9) Zack Beraznik can play even with his eyes off his instrument! (10) Aiden Miller and fellow classmates all hold their mallets with perfect form.







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1) Fourth grade stu d e n ts load presents into the Salvation A rm y ans a fte r th e Low er School Sharing Tree assem bly. (2) MikaylaYue ionds w ith her m om a t th e K indergarten P um pking Carving. (3) )iana Briguglio, Elsa Jackson, and Jade Loelke w ork on an im p o rta n t econd grade project. (4) Lucas Albuquerque hones his a rts and ra fts skills. (5) Justine Money, th e leopard, plays "sw eet" games in Halloween. (6) Ms. Gurnee's kindergarten a rt class observes the lesert p la nt life a t th e B otanical Garden. (7) The stu d e n ts enjoy the Arizona sun as th e y learn about th e plants. (8) Madison Williams md Renat Robinson learn m a th in a fun w ay a t the Second Grade pumpkin M a th Event. (9) Serena Fetchmeyer focuses in te n tly on her > sdible architecture. (10) Natalie Capri gets ready to put the gum drop I shingles on her gingerbread m ansion, (11) Check out the Lego city hat th e th ird graders built! (12) Bryce Bzdak fends o ff alien in v a d e rs ] in Halloween. (13) Gabby Mathews, Ardeshir Irani, and David RichI jhann give g ifts to kids in need out of the goodness of th e ir hearts. 14) Harrison Whitfill and his pum pkin show o ff th e ir m atching .miles. (15) Owen Lam bert w alks like Frankenstein at recess.

(1) Ms. Etheridge congratulates the first graders on completing their race. (2) McKin足 ley Paltzik used all of her energy swimm ing and has to m uster up the strength to get out of the pool, (3) Nick Gaylord shows a look of exhaustion after swimm ing at full speed. (4) Owen Lambert watches his fellow classmates swim as he wishes th a t he were in the pool as well. (5) Lucas Olshansky appears to be a future Olympic swimmer, (6) After the race in the pool, the second graders all race out of the pool. (7) Victoria Moreno waits in anticipation for the whistle to blow. (8) Aiden Miller climbs out o f the pool w ith pride as he catches his breath. (9) Although they are tied and the race is intense, Evan Maffi and Noah Sucato pursue victory w ith honor. (10) Renat Robinson is surveying his competi足 tion before the race. (11) After the race, first graders jum p for joy and give high-fives all around,

(1) Mr. Majeski gives first qraders a pep talk before the relay race. (2) Bryce Bzdak prepares to get some serious air on his hurdles. (3) Chaya Feng and GiGe Neck help stretch each other out before the big race, g Kindergarteners do the Pledge of Allegiance before the day’s festivi­ ties. (5) Is Erik Barkdull making tha t expression because he's pulling so hard or because he's getting rope-burn?]6) Aarush Atmakuri demon­ strates impressive form as he swings his arms for momentum. (7) The Pre-K students have a quick huddle before the sprint, (8) First grade boys tug with all their might! (9) Jack Elarao and Lelia Symington are neck and neck; it’s a photo finish! (10) Sophia Nistor waits patiently for her turn in the relay as fellow first graders cheer.



(1) Grant Burnham and Nathan Nakaji are sporty casual while Kylee Sutton and Alexandra Sheesley are girly chic. (2) Ally Smith, Alex Goldstein, and Mikayla Drewitz show off the perfect accessory to any outfit: a great smile. (3) Alex Petrides and David Richmann's playful spirits match their playful ensembles. (4) Taara Shastri displays her love for New York while Winter Ratal's tie-dye reveals her hippie side. (5) Luc Beninato's gray and yellow stripes match the gray and yellow tractor! (6) Katie Hendrickson displays her sweet smile and sweet style. (7) Kayla Singer and Julia Hanson know th a t being com fortable never goes out of style. (8) Two sets of fashion足 able best friends (Josh Hanson, Paolo Borletti, Alarah Hochman, and Ellie Robinson) smile proudly. (9) Jake Tucker's deep blue eyes accen足 tuate his blue stripes. (10) Second grade girls take risks w ith bold ac足 cessories such as a fu r coat and colored hair attachm ents. (11) The three amigos (Speed Gregory, George Kroeger, and Will Burnham) rock th e ir athletic gear a t recess. (12) W ith a w hite denim jacket and a w hite knitted shrug, Kimmy Pasternack and Sierra Goldstein pull o ff wearing w hite after Labor Day. (13) Alexander Ashman, Madison Williams, Jasmyn Loelke, and Renat Robinson prove th a t no m atter w h a t PCDS lower school students wear, they look great!

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As we e n te r our second h alf cen tury as a school of high d istinction, Phoenix Country Day School is poised to m ove ahead as a leader in 2 1 st century education locally and nationally. In th e M iddle School we are continually con fron tin g the com plex challenges of adolescent education th a t were unim agined 50 years ago. This year w ith our d ra m a tica lly d iffe re n t schedule and our new school leadership, we hope w e have taken a n o th e r strong step in creating th e fo u n d a tio n fo r your fu tu re education in th e w orld you w ill enter, a w orld w hich w ill require your best as a PCDS "Cagle." Cighth graders, we will- m iss you as you have proven yourselves to be a w o n d e rfu l class, excellent in both character and achievem ent. "W ith the Desert W inds upon your backs,� we know a bright fu tu re a w a its you in all your endeavors. Mr. Dukehart, Head of M iddle S ch o o ls


(1) Morgan Bradford, Hannah Miraglia, and Shannon Zhao ars so excited fo r lunchtim e! (2) Ida Jackson, Shea Tomlin, and Steffy Klinger play hopscotch during break. (3) Erica Samota and Caroline Cohen enjoy socializing on the picnic tables. (4) Jason Greenfield and Oliver Marsden s w o rd fig h t in th e Upper School quad. (5) You can find Tatum Dial proudly w earing her PCDS a th le tic clothing a t any tim e. (6) Ali Garvin and Brenna Dugel are happy to be th e "freshm en" of the Middle School. (7) Meredith Grehan and Ally Grounds help each o th e r w ith hom ew ork. W hat g reat friends! (8) Mackenzie Cantor poses like a m o d e i(9 ) A pp arently Sophia Najafi w a n ts to be a model, too! (10) Sam Collins and Cola Buskirk enjoy reading during th e ir freetim e. (11) Janae Lewis pauses on th e bridge fo r a photo op. (12) Lexi Ham and Carson Bishov display th e ir great frie n d sh ip w ith a piggyback ride. (13) Max Sarver sm iles as he can barely w a it fo r class to begin. (14) Check o u t Charlie Towle's great fashion sense! (15) Tristanne Dechoux and Jenna Owens show how spacious th e ir lockers are. (16) Bianca Partovi, Carina Ho, and Julia Odden love to spend tim e outside in the great Phoenix w e a th e r dur足 ing break. (17) lya Agha and Jillian Gilburne love being in th e oldest grade of the Middle School. (18) Michael Richmann, Cameron Najafi, and Ben Davies pose like th e male Charlie's Angels.




(1) Carina Ho and Sophie Ax take notes in science class. (2) David Farca has his high-tech calculator at hand during a math test. (3) Justin Racine acts out a scene in English class. (A) Grant Logan and Kobe Walker work together on an in-class group assignment. (5) Sofia Kirklandmakes a presentation using the Sm art Board, (6) Wes Malone smiles fo r a picture during class. (7) Kylie Fisher and Sophia Bailey present their research to the class. (8) Matthew Stein and Max Johnson enjoy reading about American history. (9) Ashcon Partovi and Madison Dever construct a poster in class. (10) Jake Sarver does research in the com puter lab, also known as the Nest. (11) Seventh graders socialize as they walk back from their classes in the Upper School. (12) Mahmeer Halepota reads vigorously in English class. (13) Sam Collins and Cola Buskirk look a t their finished paper w ith pride! (1A) Ally Grounds and Emilie Canulla pay close attention to their worksheet. (15) Simon Olshansky ana Josh Lansky learn how to research on the inter足 net. They better use credible sources, not Wikipedia! (16) Algebra requires the students' complete attention. (17) Oivia Ellegard is working very hard in class. W hat an ideal student! (18) Cameron Mayhew does his best Zoolander impression in Mr. Crabb's class.

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(1) Hannah Miraglia giggles as she feels the w e t clay in her hands. (2) Adriana Dunlap surrounds herself w ith her color足 ful pencils. (3) Griffin Fletcher and Daniel Bodney w o rk to g e th e r to create a project out of m etallic foil. (A) Ari Bradshaw care足 fu lly replicates a w e ll-kn o w n piece of a rt fo r his assignm ent. (5) Maya Abou-Haidar sm iles in fro n t of th e a rtw o rk on display in th e Middle School. (6) David Anaeme has a m o m e n t of inspiration and cannot take his eyes o ff of his artw ork. (7) Sophia Najafi can barely contain her excitem ent because she loves a rt so much! (8) Bella de Roos sm iles w ith pride as she ob足 serves her m asterpiece.

(1) Lindsey Cherilla and other sixth graders focus intently on their sheet music. (2) Jacqueline Bertault looks as graceful as the music sounds. (3) The fifth grade trom bone players struggle to reach seventh position. (4) RheaTuli plays a masterpiece on her stringed instrum ent. (5) AiexTam proudly hits the high A sharp! (6) Jus­ tin Racine enjoys playing the tro m ­ bone but isn’t so fond of wearing a tie (7) Sophia Kirkland sings along w ith the middle school chorus. (8) Tara Dugel is on her w ay to becoming the best fla u tis t in the country or a t least the school. (9) The fifth grade band enjoys playing in th e ir firs t concert.


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1) Julia Odden, Jacqueline Bertault, and Ms. Niemczura have fun vith th e ir m ys te ry bags. (2) Sixth grade girls enjoy th e ir gam e of Jno. (3) Ashley Ong cares fo r her prized p la n t in th e Garden Elecive. (4) Las chicas estan m uy felices con sus pihatas. (5) Daniel Jashir ponders his d o m in a tio n o f th e chess board in th e Games Jective. (6) Ethan Shacknai w a tch e s Ethan Schnaid and Cameron /layhew do a ce le b ra to ry sh o u ld e r-b u m p . (7) The girls w ith th e ireen th u m b s show m o th e r n a tu re w ho's boss. (8) Ms. Hall and :ighth graders m odel fo r th e ir profile pictures. (9) Ally Grounds, /lr. Cook, and Mallory Klinger practice m agic in th e Lord o f th e Jings Elective. (10) Max Sarver w o w s th e ladies w ith his pitching kills. (11) Alicia Wu u n w in d s w ith her ta p e stry. (12) Some e ig h th irade girls becom e one w ith th e ir chi during th e ir Tae Kwon Do ilective. (13) Basil show s o ff her leaves and hopes to be picked by he a no nym ou s hand and used in a nice pesto dish. (14) Bianca ’artovi and Ms. Hoagland sh o w o ff th e ir m asterpiece. (15) Quack, |uack, quack! Did Stephanie Liu and Braxton Underwood say duct ape?! (16) S tu d e n ts relax in Ms. Mitchell’s elective. (17) Jason ireenfield ta ke s a break to check o u t th e new s during th e P inata ilective (18) Grant Gaylord acknow ledges th e cam era w hile the est o f his frie n d s are w ired in. (19) Elle Miraglia, Freya Irani, and essica Sherm an sh o w o ff th e ir c ra ft supplies.


(1) Zachary Linhart, M att Corsillo, and Nicho­ las Zhao play music during the MLK Day celebration. (2) Amanda Slate spells her heart out. (3) Parents serve food at the Diwali Fes­ tival. (4) Jake Rodin, Zach Sarver, and Sophia Najafi show o ff the ir artw ork w ith a smirk. (5) Mala Bansal and Raagini Kothur pose for a picture in cultural outfits. (6) Jenna Owens sprints around the field during Walk for a Well. (7) Fifth graders ask questions during a presentation from a guest speaker. (8) Georgi Pregulman and Emma Strouse show us their m ake-a-difference smiles during Make A Difference Day. (9) Meredith Grehan and Ally Grounds smile for the camera as their hair defies gravity. (10) Some students and teach­ ers do their best Tyra Banks impression while displaying their cool hats.(11) Mr. Rowe con­ ducts the 5th grade band. (12) Middle school­ ers run to support Walk for a Well in order to build wells in Africa. (1 i f Rhea Tuli plays the violin. (14) Erica Samota concentrates, and the triangle finally get some credit. (15) Ms. Ong and Ashley Ong pose during lunch on Halloween.(15) Sophie Arregoces balances an eqq in her m outh during a relay race. >5= IN

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Cast (Below): Carissa Wang, Janae Lewis, A m ara Miller, Oliver M arsden, Ms. Decker, Jillian Gilburne, Luis , Tano, Kira Kirby, Isa Pesqueira, Tiana Siragusa, Mackenzie Cantor, Raagini Kothur, Leah Chanen, A nita Sheih, Ashcon Partovi, Claire Hayden, A driana Dunlap, | Max M ontrose, Rica Chan, Kobe Walker, A m y Bedeir, Jason Greenfield, Breanna Price, Cm m a Sucato, Anika A Sanghvi, Andie Lou Hayden, Jordan Merkel, Natalie Cohen, Ben Steiner, Blake Brennan, Anson Naum ann, | Divya Agrawal, Nick W atson, Ashley Ong, Azin Askari, J Isabella de Roos, Chloe Chodorow, Sophia Bailey, Ariana Sokolov

It took a lot of pacing back and fo rth in my bedroom on Friday night before I could will m y­ self to sit down and w rite th is review. Why was I pacing back and forth? I was doing so because of the pressure to w rite a review th a t would do this show and the people th a t were in it justice. This eccentric show, Death to the Drama Club, is centered around a school board th at, because o f budget restraints, m ust find a school club to cut. The villanious and crazy tem porary principal, Ms. Grackle (played by Jillian Gilburne), decides th a t the club she w a n ts to cut is the Drama Club, led by the fairly insane, yet caring Ms. Goldberg (played by Kira Kirby). The rest of the school board seems to agree w ith Ms, Grackle's decision until th e y see the determ in atio n of Ms. Gold­ berg's dram a club m em bers to save th e ir club. The president of the club, Heidi (played by Claire Hayden) and the falsely accused prankster and talented w rite r, Vincent (played by Oliver M arsden) take the lead in trying to save the club. Much to Ms. Grackle's surprise, the school board decides to give the dram a club one week to put on th e ir own production of The Wizard ofOz. Like th e classic version th a t we all know and love, th is production includes such charac­ te rs as D orothy (played by Adriana Dunlap), the Scarecrow (played by Leah Chanen), the Tin Man (played by Carissa Wang), and the Lion (played by Rica Chan).However, unlike the original produc­ tion, these beloved characters do not act exactly as th e y did in the 1939 movie. In addition, there are some guest appearances from iconic charac­ te rs such as Mary from "M ary Had a Little L a m b ", Edgar Allan Poe, Juliet Capulet, Captain Ahab, and Scarlett O'Hara. The acting in th is show com pletely exceeded m y expectations in every way, shape, and form . I also enjoyed the costum e choices and the m ake­ up design. The stage crew, which included N ata­ lie Cohen, Jason Greenfield, Divya Agrawal, Amy Bedeir, Jordan Merkel, Anson Naum ann and Isa Pesquiera, could definitely be considered visionar­ ies in my opinion. The set, props, and everything else they contributed to this fabulous show were astounding. Finally, I w a n t to recognize the one and only Ms. Decker, the director of this comedy. If you came to this show, you would have seen th a t all the hard w ork she put into it definitely paid off. By Natalie Prieb 0^

LU __ I O Q

(1) Scarves and boots are totally in style, and lya Agha knows it! (2) Ava Rossides manages to tie some school colors into her fashionable look. (3) Azin Askari takes a break from intense learning to strike a pose. (4) Brent Stein looks super classy in his Lacoste jacket. (5) Falan Alpert and Niala Akhavan are tw ins w ith their matching stripes. (6) Raquel Chavez is America's Next Top Model! (7) With green pants and a blue vest, Ad足 dison Wessel goes along w ith the latest trend: color blocking. (8) Ethan Shacknai and Blake Brennan study while looking classy yet comfortable. (9) Andrew Hanneman and Carter Clemmensen show off their sporty shoes, not to mention their toned legs. (10) Oliver Marsden displays his dashing red hair. (11) Jakob Feng and Charlie Towle show some profile picture expressions while Zachary Linhart enjoys his reflection in the lense. (12) Luis Tano and Kira Kirby flaunt their casual, yet stylish swag足 ger, (13) David Farca better not wear his hat in the classroom! (14) Vans dom inate the scene, but those toes are really enjoying freedom. (15) Natalie Prieb wears her favorite colors proudly. (15) Lexi Ham pretends she is holding up the sky because she is a fashion diva. (17) Ida Jackson, Ava Rossides, Steffy Klinger, and Veronica Giraudo share a friendly mo足 m ent in the fifth grade hallways. (18) The sixth grade boys display the popular brands of the day w ith their logo t-shirts. 0^

7th and 8th Grade (Right): M atthew Rosenthal, Austin Merkel, Wally Brown, Nick Briguglio, Camer足 on Mayhew, Philip Lewis, Bryton Neck, Luis Tano, Jacob Bain, Yash Muiey, Coach McHonnet, Nick Meath, Marc Fuller, Pierce Swanson, Will Towle, Josh Lanksy, Adam Cherilla, Jerry Hernandez,: Daniel Aklog, Max Sarver, Ethan Shacknai, Drew H os mar, Sam Garvi n 5th and 6th Grade (Below): Coach McHonnet, Reed Myers, Ryan Wang, Andrew Hanneman, Alex Roland, Grant Gaylord, Noah Gilson,Grant Bren足 nan, Ryan Goodman, Jake Sarver, Nicholas Zhao, Louis Aaron, Carter Clemmensen, Sky Travis, Grif足 fin Fletcher, Zach Unhart, Anson Naumann, Justin Racine, Hal Owens, Phillip West, Coach Newland, Harrison Rooney, Gray Pierson, Jakob Feng, M a t足 thew Peterson, Zach Sarver, David Schwartz, Charlie Towle, Michael Rosenthal, Simon Cantor

5th and 6th Grade (Above): Coach King, Sophie Ax, Kylie Fisher, Lindsey Cherilla, Nikasha Patel, Olivia Najafi, Ca足 rina Ho, Sophia Najafi, Niala Akhavan, Avery Oberfieid, Carolina W ittekind, H an足 nah Miraglia, Bianca Partovi, Bella de Roos, Anika Sanghvi, E m m a Sucato, Lauren Garvin, Ali Garvin 7th and 8th Grade (Left): Coach King, Isa Pesqueira, 贈lle Miraglia, Em m a Strouse, Kira Kirby, M eredith Grehan, Lilly Giller, M ala Bansal, Kylie Kowalske, Aspen Pierson, Stephanie Liu, Mia Ober足 fieid, Em m a Sheridan, Ally Grounds, Madi Bradford, Leah Chanen, Sophie Arregoces

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5th and 6th Grade (Above Left): Coach Jen, Gonzalo Alvarado, Anson N aum ann, M ichael R ose n thal/Z a ch­ ary Lm hart, Harrison Rooney, Nicholas Zhao, Philip W est, Jakob Feng, T om m y W alton, Michael Richm ann, Addison Wessel, Jake Sarver, Gray Pierson, Zach Sarver Charlie Towle, Bryce Faber, Sim on Cantor, Ty Rodin 7th and 8th Grade (Above Right): Coach Barber, Ethan Shacknai, Ethan Schnaid, Cameron M ayhew, Drew Hosm ar, Yash Muley, Jacob Bain, M a tth e w Rosenthal, Luis Tano, Sam Garvin, Jerry Hernandez, Max Sarver, G rant Logan, Nick Briguglio, Simon Olschansky, Spen­ cer W and, W esley M alone, Justin Tee

7th and 8th Grade (Right); As­ pen Pierson, M eredith Grehan, i £lle Miraglia, Maddie West, | Emiiie Canuilla, Gaby W alton, h A nita Sheih, Coach Jen, Celeste M artinez, Caroline Cohen, Kyiie Kowalske, M allory Klinger, Em m a Sheridan 5th and 6th Grade (Below): Jenna Owens, Karii Davis, Falan Alps it Sophie Ax, Olivia Najafi, Sophia I- Najafi, Lindsey Cherilla, Niala : Akhavan, Carina Ho, Coach Jen Hannah Miraglia, Fiona Donovan, Olivia Ellegard, Ali Garvin, Lauren Garvin, D.J. Hauben, Avery OberI field, T atum Dial

Luis Tano, M a tth e w R osenthal, Philip Lewis, M ichael Rohacz, Liam Rethore, David Farca, B ryton Neck, Drew H asm ar, A ustin Merkel, Nick M eath, Joshua Lansky, Pierce Swanson, Will Donovan, N athan Rubin, Spencer W and

Coach Diane, A nita Sheih, Natalie Cohen, Lindsey Cherilla, Jessica Sherman, Olivia Najafi, Tiana Siragusa . Sophie Arregoces, Caroline Cohen, Jorden Merkel Sophia Bailey, Jennifer Moore, Adriana Dunlap

7th and 8th Grade (Above Left): Coach David, Mahmeer Hale pota, Alex Reaves, Jacob I Bain, Philip Lewis, Curtis Clemmensen, Yash Muley, M atthew Rosenthal, Marc Fuller, Drew Hosmar, Daniel Aklog, Sam Garvin 5th and 6th Grade (Above Right): Coach Amp, Louis Aaron, Ryan Goodman, Carter Clemmensen, Andrew Hanneman, Jake Sarver, Jakob Feng, Michael Rosenthal, Reed Myers, Charlie Towle

7th and 8th Grade (Right): Brittanie Underwood, Tiana Siragusa, Carissa Wang, Aspen Pierson, Meredith Grehan, Georgi Prequlman, Natalie Cohen, Kobe Walker, Emilie Camilla, KyTie Kowalske, Cm ma Sheridan, Alexa Portiqal (Not Pictured: Caroline Cohen) 5th and 6th Grade (Lower Right): Hannah Miraglia, Niala Akhavan, Samantha Collins, Caroline Wittekind, Karli Davis, Audrey Novoa, Jenna Owens, Bianca Partovi. Sophia Kirk足 land, Lauren Garvin, Steffy Klinger, Ariana Sokolov

Congratulations to these Middle School sports team s for winning th e championships within their leagues! 5th and 5 th Grade Football 7 th and 8 th Grade Football 5th and 6th Grade Boys B asketball 5th and 6 th Grade Girls Soccer 6th, 7th, and 8 th Grade S oftball

Also, these Middle School sports team s are the runner-ups of their leagues and deserved to be commended for their great effort. 7 th and 8 th Grade Girls Soccer 7 th and 8 th Grade Boys Basketball

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To PCDS Upper Schoolers and th e Class o f 201 2 As th e year com es to a close, look fo n d ly on these pages. For as soon as you place th is book on your shelf, you w ill have begun to change, to grow, to move fo rw ard fro m th e person w hose photograph appears by your name. W hile th e fu tu re can make us pause w ith appre足 hension, I urge you to take th e firs t step to w a rd it w ith courjg r age and resolve, fo r you have friends, fam ily, and teachers by your side. | R em em ber th a t w ho you have been w ill alw ays be a p art o f you are. Mr. Phillips Head o f Upper School


(i) Freshmen smile and try to impress the up足 perclassmen. (2) Quinn Lincoln strum s his guitar. (3) Melissa Greenberg memorizes the imfamous chemistry pink sheet. (4) Max Baum returns from 7-11 w ith a Big Gulp and a big smile. (5) Michelle Greenfield and Frea Mehta show off their spirit. (6) Leah Stofko and Walker Tuton enjoy the cool Phoenix winter. (7) Megan Lehrer poses in the art room. (8) Bernardo Fonseca ponders life up in a tree. (9) Angelica Sis足 son and Jaimie Bryan toga their way through JCL. (10) Nihaal Reddy, Max Baum, Steven Bolden, Rachel Underhill, and Katherine Currault smile for a non-posed picture in the quad. (11) Norma Gutier足 rez and Justin Morgan smile for a picture. (12) Senior swag is on display in the quad. (13) Harrison VanDolah decides which snack to eat. (14) Mr. Martin proves to everyone th at he loves freshmen, but Anhad Brar has sc thoughts. (15) Selena Jacquez and Dalia Grado show off their sweet smiles around the quad. (16) Freshman and senic Cla(i)res strike a pose. (17) Colton Siddle hugs India Grasso w ith his Incredible Hulk-like muscles. (18) James Barranco an Claire Rose huddle to g e th e r fo r a photo. (19) Kyah Cohen, Kendall Reaves,and NimraKhan share a smile togethe

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) Lauren Lindley show s o ff her stylish chem istry goggles (2) Scott linard stresses over the infam ous ID paper. (3) Alec Schnall takes a hysics test. (4) Nihaal Reddy helps Will Bassoff w ith group w ork in ass. (5) Alex Swanson uses th e Bunsen burner. (6) Jesse Edwards rabs some books fro m her locker. {7) Kate Gonzales pays close a tjn tio n to th e teacher in class. (8) Emily Schron is crum biling under 1 stress of ju n io r year! (9) Kyle Money has trouble understanding his Igebra 2/T rig, m aybe because his book is upside down. (10) Moises opez opens up his locker, but do seniors really need books? (11) SteB Bolden show s o ff his Advanced Biology binder w ith a pouty face. 2) Suzette Guzman checks on her science project. (13) Mr. Pierson ictures his m a th class. (14) Claire Schollaert w orks hard in the quad uring her free. (15) Ms. Smith teaches a concept on the w hiteboard fhile AJ Hess takes notes. (16) Megan Lehrer signs o u t w ith her seior privileges. (17) Nate Nearhood asks a quick question in class. (18) arson Krause cram s fo r a quiz during break. (19) Breana Roberts uses er pink calculator on a m ath test. (20) A stu d e n t reads th e New York mes in the library during her early m orning free. (21) Flavia Pajaroin de Stadt takes notes in Mr. M artin's history class.


(1) NikhitaSachdeva skillfully th ro w s a pot on the wheel. (2) Remi Edwards happily adm ires the progress she has made on her se lf-po rtra it. (3) Rachel Rummel wears a sm ock in the hopes of avoiding ruining her artsy tig h ts while p ain t足 ing a wild anim al. (4) Margaret Loncki puts all of her strength into m olding her clay. (5) Emma Watson uses a straightedge and pays careful a tte n tio n to detail. (6) Eden Shuster uses a com plicated tool, the negative enlarger, in photography class. (7) Sarah Petrides gets into her 'a rt zone" by listenm q to music on her iPod. (8) Look at all of those intricate designs on Alex Swanson's artw ork. (9) Kendall Woodard uses vibrant hues on h e rw a te rco lo r painting.

Ben Whjtmore, Nihaal Reddy, and â– iua Munoz rock out in the percussection. (2) Wynston Hamann, ... .na Gutierrez, and Carson Krause have their eyes on the sheet music the strings concert. (3) Mr. Garrison id the chorus sing the PCDS Alma ater at an assembly, (4) Sofia Aklog takes a break and a deep breath in preparation for a sax sofo. (5) Leila irehchi and Kyle Kinnie sing at -irst Friday assembly. (6) Bnanda Godoy strum s her guitar. Girl power! 7 ) Bryce Stockslager and Morgan Richman rehearse tirelessly in prepa­ ration for their concert, (8) Lupe Marz rings her handbells to the beat. | 11 . he Junior Varsity Jazz Band jam s at the 40th Street Jazz Concert.


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Male Version: Justin Cor s 11to, Alex Swanson, Am elia Meyer, India Grasso, Chris Puglisi, Derek Chan, Micah T ravis, Scott M inard Female Version: Nicole Burke, Megan Cathey, Lau ren Hannem an, Maddie Louis, Madeleine W ithee, April Curd, John Fernandes Chris Puglisi, Laura Sam ota, Em m a Pappas, Megan Lehrer

< 112

[last: Jillian Gilburne, M elissa Green足 berg, Derek Chan, W ynston Ham ann, AJex Swanson, Jackson Murphy, Chris Puglisi, Kira Kirby, Justin Corsitlo, Garron Rodgers, Leah M otzkin, Devra Hock, Laura Samota, Leila Noghrehchi, Lauren Lindley, A m elia Meyer, Leah Chanen, Sophie Hill, Isa Pesqueira, Natalie Prieb, Freya Irani, Larissa Wang, Adriana Dunlap, Rica Lhan, M ona Shahid, Mariel Sokolov, Raagini Kothur, A nita Sheih, Sean Svejda, Ari Bradshaw


(1) Laura Sam ota, Briana Ewart, and Sum m er Travis sh ow o ff th e ir personal styles: girly, edgy, and casual chic. (2) Alex Hosm ar and Morgan Gonzales look preppy and poised. (3) Max Baum displays his sk a te r style in th e library. (4) Kate Pokorski w o rks th e in n o ce n t "girl n ext door" look. (5) Kaddie Stephens pulls o ff a maxi dress w ith grace. (6) Katharine Currault and Cole Shepard are c o m fo rta b le ye t stylish in th e ir slippers and sneakers, (7) Is Clare Fuller a h ip ste r or ju s t indie? (8) Amelia M ontooth has q uite a w h im sic a l style, w hich is very tre n d y rig h t now. (9) Jonathan Rooney rocks a classical look. The strip e d s w e a te r w ill never go o u t o f style. (10) Sam Jost goes fo r a m ore daring "to ug h guy" look. (11) Pallavi W akharkar m ixes a trib a l p rin t w ith c o m b a t boots. G reat com bo! icole Burke show s o ff her eclectic style w ith her unique B


Lauren Chanen, Suze tte Guzman, Zoe Simon, Colton Siddle, Leah M otzkin, M e足 lissa Greenberg, Alex Swanson, Lindsay Coda, Megan Lehrer, M ichelle Greenfield

Ashlynn Miller, Frea M ehta, Suzette Guz足 man, Alex Melikian, Sidrah Khan, Raghav Agarwal, Alex Sw an足 son, M ona Shahid, Saira Purewal, Mira Bansal, Sydney Portigal, Megan Lehrer


Kevin Heath, Chelsea Wu, Sarah Petrides, Sabrina W hitfill, Mr. Guthrie, Eric Show足 ers, R ohit Kothur, Frea M ehta, Megan Lehrer, M organ Richman

Fallon Leyba, Rachel Rummel, Sean Svejda, John Fernandes, Lily Dashevsky, S cott M inard, Caro­ line Cogliani, A m elia M o ntooth, Micah Travis, Clare Fuller, : Nicole Burke, Brianda Godoy, Ali Loretta, Dalia Grado, Maddie Gordon

Dr. Caro, M ira Bansal, Leila Noghrehchi;, Em ­ ily Tarecena, Jade W right, Kalea M artin, Keely Franklin, Pau­ line Shongov, Helen Dailey, Karen Catano, Clarisse Salazar

Reilly Freret, S cott M inard, Wesley Curci, Bryeson Rodgers, Ali Loretta, Garron Rod­ gers, Jessica Cohen, Kate Pokorski, Lau­ ren Lindley, Carlos Alvarado, Em m a Pappas, Megan Cathey, Max Baum, Danny M inard, Pauline Shongov, Morgan Schwartz, Lexie Lewis, Lauren Hannem an

M ira Bansal, Staley Lane, Em m a W a t足 son, Kyah Cohen, Sophie Hill, Jordan Cohen,Tyler H um 足 phrey, Taylor Money, Brandon Purcell, Colton Siddle, Emily Schron, Anhad Brar, Saira Purewal, Dalia Grado, jaim ie Bryan, Kalea M artin, Carlos Alvarado, Rachel Underhill, N im ra Khan, A shlynn Miller, M organ Richman

A m y Aube, Madame Mills, Flavia Pajarovan de Stadt, Devra Hock, Catherine S w ett, Frea Mehta, Helen Dailey, Clarisse Salazar, Jacie Wright, Chelsea Wu, Lindsay Coda, Tianna Sheih, Megan Lehrer

N itya Agrawal, Justin Corsillo, Trevor Kent, Kate Pokorski, Leah M otzkin, J.B. Stockslager, Zoe Simon, Nicole Bassoff, Jona足 th a n Abdo, Michelle Greenfield, Kyle Money, Sreya Ravi, Lina Khan

Colton Siddle, N ikhita Sachdeva, Megan Lehrer, April Curd, Em m a Pappas, M el足 anie Cohen, Lauren Hannem an, M ona Shahid, W ynston H am ann, Sophie Hill, N ikhita Sachdeva, Maddie Stern, Kate Pokorski, Ali Loretta, Lauren H annem an

N orm a Gutierrez, Zoe Simon, Reid Price, Brandon M ayhew, Moises Lopez, Nicole Bassoff, Leah Stofko, Nicole Burke, Max Baum, Nic Meyer

Dalia Grado, Ol足 ivia Pearson, Lauren Chanen, Domique Clancy, P a lla v B W akharkar, Megan Cathey, Em m a Pap足 pas, M elanie Cohen, Lauren Hannem an


K ristine Forster, Kalea M artin, Keely Franklin, Karen Catano, Garron Rodgers, Lindsay Coda, M arid are Rethore, Jaimie Bryan, Helen Dailey, Adam Sidi, Pauline Shongov, Kassidy Tse

c l

LjJ o





A m y Aube, Nicole Bassoff, Ms. M azzolim, Devra Flock, Lexie Lewis, M or足 gan Schwartz, Mr. Coon.Tianna Sheih, Michelle Greenfield, Jacie W right

Petrides, Lauren Hannem an, Em m a Pappas, April Curci, Liam Dempsey, A ashay Sanghvi, Colton Siddle, Kyle Money, M ona Shahid, Garron Rodgers, Chris Puglisi, Max Baum, Rachael S tottlem yre, M argaret Loncki, Ashlynn Miller, M addie Louis, Justin Corsillo, N im ra Khan, Danielle Lee, Emily Schron, N ikhita Sachdeva, M ira Bansal, Kate Pokorski, Taylor Shannon Jazm int\lido, W hitney Fahnbulleh, Rae Aaron, Sophie Hill, Jaimie Bryan, Arielle Lee, Aida Duarte, Syd足 ney Portiqal, Megan Lehrer, M addie Stern, Kassidy Tse, W ynston Ham ann Alex Swanson, Henry Roden, Lauren Chanen, Gabby Shacknai, Breana Roberts, Alexander Garner, Dominique Clancy, Jordan Cohen, Emm a Pappas, April Curci, W hitney Fahnbulleh, Steven Yuan, Kevin Heath, Emily Schron, Megan Lehrer, Alex Hosmar, M ona Shahid, Lily Dashevsky, John Fernandes Jesse Edwards, Sophie Hill, Lily Da足 shevsky, Sarah Petrides, Kyah Cohen, Kyle Money, M arga足 ret Loncki, Rachael S tottlem yre, M elanie Cohen, Rae Aaron, Remi Edwards, Sydney Portigal, M ona Shahid, M e足 gan Lehrer, N ikhita Sachdeva, Melissa Greenberg, Michelle Greenfield, Morgan Schwartz

Megan Lehrer, Monc Shahid, Dalia Grado, Leah M otzkin, M e­ lissa Greenberg

Leah M otzkin, M e­ gan Lehrer, Zoe Simon, Colton Siddle Suzette Guzman, Alex Swanson, Lau­ ren Chanen





§ :Q

Emily W endt, Colton Siddle, Leah M o tz­ kin, Suzette Guz­ man, Alex Swanson, Lauren Chanen, N ikhita Sachdeva, M ira Bansal

Kevin Heath, Lexie Lewis, Cassidy Server, Jonathan Rooney, Ste­ phen Marquis, Karen Catano, Sreya Ravi, Emily Taracena, Sarah Petrides, Alice Zhao, Pallavi W akharkar, Angelica Sisson, Jaimie Bryan, Lindsay Coda, Gracie Gilberg, Lina Khan, Trevor Kent, Fallon Leyba, Kendall Reaves, Tyler H um ­ phrey, Sabrina W hitfill, Melanie Cohen, Lance Nino, Alessandro Dagirm anjian, Chel­ sea Wu, Frea M ehta, Michelle Greenfield

April Curci, Andrew Garner, Morgan Gon­ zales, Garron R o d g jji ers, Lily Dashevsky, Gracie Gilberg, Blake Miller, Henry Roden, Alex Hosmar, Lindsay Coda, Alexander Gar­ ner, Nicole Bassoff, Kyle Kinnie, Ales­ sandro Dagirmanjian, Jackson Murphy, Breana Roberts, Bran­ don Mayhew, Reid Price, J.B. Stockslager, Em m a Pappas, Lau­ ren Hannem an Liam Dempsey, Colton Siddle, Jes­ sica Segal, Melanie Cohen, Dalia Grado, M ona Shahid, Alex Swanson, N im ra Khan, Danielle Lee, Mr. Pierson, Devra Hock, Claire Schollaert, Dominique Clancy, Micki Verhein, Leah M otzkin, M addie Stern


Men's Basketball Desert Classic Cham pions Holiday T o urn am e nt Cham pions AIA Division I S tate Cham pions AJ Hess AZ Republic All Arizona 1s t Team AZ Republic Division ยง 1 s t team ABCA Player o f th e Year ABCA Division 4 1st te am ABCA Senior All S tar player Division 4 Player o f the Year Division 4 1st Team All State Division 4 1st Team All Section Nate Nearhood AZ Republic Division 4 1 s t team ABCA Division 1 1 s t team ABCA Senior AH S tar player Division 4 2nd Team All s ta te Division 4 1st Team All Section Nic M eyer AZ Republic Division 4 Honorable M ention Division 4 Honorable M ention Alex Sylvester AZ Republic Division 4 Honorable M ention I Division 4 Honorable M ention

Women's Basketball : Claire Myers AZ Republic Division 4 Honorable Mention Division 4 Honorable Mention Rachel Underhill Division 4 Honorable Mention Men's Soccer I James Baranco: AIA 1st Team All Region, 1st Team All Division, If. AZ Rep 1st Team All AZ Small Schools Alex Sylvester: AIA 1st Team All Region, IstT e a m All Division, AZ Rep Honorable Mention All Az Small Schools Nic Meyer: AIA Is tT e a m All Region,2nd Team All Division I Cory Pitt: AIA Is tT e a m All Region, 2nd Team All Division Women's Soccer . Leah Stofko: AIA 1st Team All Region, 1st Team All Division, 2nd Team All AZ Small Schools. Saira Purewal: AIA 2nd Team All Region, AZ Rep Honorable Mention All AZ Small Schools

Swim and Dive 4A Girls Diving State Meet Emma Watson 7th (Dive) Madie Stern 8th (Dive) Women's Team 1A-3A CHAMPIONS Danielle Lee: State Qualifier 200 Freestyle Danielle Lee: State Qualifier 100 Butterfly Arielle Lee: State Qualifier 100 Backstroke jaimie Bryan: State Qualifier 200IM Jaimie Bryan:State Qualifier 100 Breastrstroke Women's 200 Medley Relay: 1st State Qualifier Arielle Lee, Jamie Bryan, Danielle Lee, Jessica Segal Women's 400 Freestyle Relay: 1st State Qualifier Arielle Lee, Jamie Bryan, Danielle Lee, Jessica Segal Jessica Segal: State Qualifier 50 Freestyle Arielle Lee: State Qualifier 100 Freestyle Jessica Segal: State Qualifier 100 Freestyle Women's 200 Freestyle Relay State Qualifiers Leila Noghrehchi, Christine Rohacz Brennen Lee: State Qualifier 200 IM Kevin Heath: State Qualifier 100 Butterly Kevin Heath: Qualified for 4A State Men's:Top 5 of the 3A school Champions 4A Champions: Danielle Lee: 200 Freestyle Danielle Lee: 100 Backstroke Jaimie Bryan:200 IM Jaimie Bryan: 100 Breaststroke (2nd Place) Girls 200 Medley Relay: 3rd Place Arielle Lee, Jamie Bryan, Danielle Lee, Jessica Segal Girls 400 Freestyle Relay 5th Place Arielle Lee, Jamie Bryan, Danielle Lee, Jessica Segal

Coach McKean, Avery Racine, Harrison VanDolah, Ryan L evinthalJam es Barranco, Edgar Ocampo, Nic Meyer, Bernardo Fonseca, Tyler Hum phrey, Max Baum, B ran足 don Purcell, Coach Jen, Cory Pitt, Nate Nearhood, Cesar Acosta, Alec Schnall, Quinn Lincoln, Taylor Money, Sam Ax, Liam Dempsey, Alex Sylvester, Adam Sidi, Jorge M anzanares, Carlos Alvarado, Zachary Hart, Jordan Cohen, Gian-Reto Bonadurer, Reilly F re ret

Coach Nick, M adeleine W ithee, Am elia M onto o th , Sierra Treim an, M argaret Loncki, Leah Stofko, W alker Tuton, Claire Rose, Kate Gonza足 les, Coach Aimee, Karen Catano, Katharine Currault, Christine Rohacz, Saira Purewal, Tianna Sheih, S um m er Travis, Isabelle Brothers, Coach McKean, Kendall W oodard, Remi Edwards, Jacie W right, Jesse Edwards

Junior Varsity (Left): Tyler Kowalske, Colton Siddle, Kyle Money, Bryeson Rodgers, Cory Pitt, Brandon Purcell, Zachary W right, Steven Bolden, Joshua Munoz, Car足 son Krause, Nihaal Reddy, Wesley Curd A ndrew Novoa Varsity (Below): Coach David, Coach Newland, Nic Meyer,JjB. S tockslager, AJ Hess, James Barranco, Bryeson Rodg足 ers, H arrison VanDolah, Coach Ramer, Coach Lewis, Alex Sylvester, Cory P itt, Nate Nearhood, Alec Schnall, Elliot Goldberg, Nihaal Reddy

Coach Amp, M organ Richm an,Sreya Ravi, Dalia Grado, Megan Cathey, M ona Shahid, Coach Lance, Coach Ramer, M elanie Cohen, Selena Jacquez, Rachel U n d e rhill Claire Myers, Phoebe N ew ton

Jonathan Abdo, Sam Ax, Will Bassoff, Max Baum, G ian-Reto Bonadurer, Aaron Cohen, W esley Curd, Jeffrey Dempsey, Jake D isarufino, Reilly Freret, Zachary Hart, Carson Krause, Quinn Lincoln, Jorge M a n zanares, A ndrew No/oa, Cory P itt, Avery Ra足 cine, Alex Rigberg, Cole Shepard, Colton Siddle, Harrison VanDolah, Aaron W itt/T y le r W itt

Junior Varsity (Above): Stephanie Liu, Phoebe Newton, Sophie Arregoces, Isa Pesquiera, Erica Samota, Sophie Hill, Sreya Ravi, Jamie Cohen, Natalie Cooper, Natalie K w asniak, Claire Sand足 ers, Emily Slezak, Mira Bansal, Megan Markee, Madie Seltzer, Raagini Kothur, Caroline Cogliani, Alex Abbate Varsity (Left): Coach Nolan, Sydney Portigal, Taylor Shannon, Izzy Disarufino, Jessica Segal, Zoe Simon, Saira Purewal, Madeleine Withee, Coach Wright, Grade Gilberg, Jessica Cohen, Emily Schron, Aida Duarte, Pallavi Wakharkar, Emily Slezak

Craig Logan, Edgar Ocampo, Nic Meyer, jack S w e tt Alex Sylvester, Bernardo Fonseca, Blake Miller, Scott M inard, Danny M inard, Carlos Alvarado, Tay足 lor M oney,Jordan Cohen, Tyler Fium phrey

Kendall Woodard, Melanie Cohen, Alex Melikian, Lexie Lewis, Kate Gonzales, Claire Rose, Rachael S tottlem yer, Rachel Underhill, Mariclare Rethore, Coach Diane, Coach Schweikher, Michelle Geenfield, Selena Jacquez, I Sid rah Khan, Katharine Currault, Claire Sehollaert, i Sarah Petrides, Christine Rohacz.TtannaSheth


Junior Varsity (Above): Mariel Sokolov, Clarisse Salazar, Dalia Grado, Sreya Ravi, Coach King, Lupe Martinez, So足 phie Hill, Caroline Cogliani Varsity (Left): Coach Kat, Gabby Shacknai, Alex Melikian, Claire Schollaert, Saira Purewal, Hannah Cianci, Nataschi Schippel, Rachael Stottlem yre, Coach Hull, Morgan Richman, Nicole Bassoff, Selena Jacquez, Pallavi Wakharkar, Michelle Greenfield, Gracie Gilberg, Devra Hock

Swim (Above): Jaimie Bryan, Jackson Murphy, Leila Noghrehchi, Colton Siddle, Coach Mike, Craig Logan, Jona足 th a n Rooney, Jessica Segal, Danielle Lee, Kevin Heath, John Fernandes, Brennen Lee, Emily W endt, Sofia Aklog, Jacie W right, W ynston Ham ann, Arielle Lee, Christine Rohacz Dive (Top Left): S cott M inard, N im ra Khan, Kendall Reaves, Phoebe Newton, Kyah Cohen, Maddie Stern, Em m a W atson

Men's (Bottom Left): Bran­ don Purcell, Kyle Money, Bryce StockslagerJ.B. Stockslager, Raghav Agarwal, Zachary W right, Joshua Munoz, Coach Keever, jehan Bista, Alex Swan­ son, Jacob Feder, Bond McGillivray, Cesar Acosta, DheeraJ Atm akuri Women’s (Bottom Right): Sam Kaplan, Maddie Gordon, Alice Zhao, Leah Stofko, Rana Roudi, Staley Lane, Sofia Aklog, Micki Verhein, Coach Keever, Lily Dashevsky, Alessandra Dagirmanjian, Jessica Winssmger, Norm a Gutierrez, Rae Aaron, Nicole Bassoff

Golf: Henry Roden; K onstantin von Bennge, A ndrew Garner, Alexander Garner, Lance Nino, M organ Gonzales, Carson Krause, Reid Price, Moises Lopez

Cheer: Kendall Reaves, A n足 gelica Sisson, Em m a Pap足 pas, Lauren Lindiey, Hannah uanci, Kaddie Stephens, Briana Ewart, Ali Loretta

Debate (Left): Nitya Agrawal, Fal足 lon Leyba, Sabrina W hitfill, jehan Bista, Eric Showers, Frea Mehta, Kyle Kinnie

Robotics (Above): Natalie Daven足 port, Joe Schornak, Avery Silver足 man, James Hobin, Edgar Ocampo, jack Swett, Bryce Stockslager, Kevin Heath, Derek Chan, Jonathan Rooney, Rohit Kothur, Stephen Marquis, Chris Mattinson, Helen Dailey, Amy Aube, Alex Roeper, Carlos Alvarado, Jacob Feder, Ben M attin足 son, Steven Yuan

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Listen to th e M u stn 'ts, child. Listen to th e Don'ts. Listen to th e Shouldn'ts, the Im possibles, th e W on'ts. Listen to the Never Haves. Then listen close to me. A nything can happen, child. A nything can be. -Shel Silverstein

(1) Megan Lehrer loves clim bing trees during her spore tim e. (2) Jehan Bista, J.B. Stockslager, and Rachel Underhill are the Three M usketeers of the senior class. (3) Danielle Lee and Brandon M ayhew enjoy th e ir last Blue and Gold Day. (4) Alexander Garner laughs a t a joke about the South. (5) Nimra Khan, Zoe Simon, and Aida Duarte make underclassm en jealous w ith th e ir coffee and o th e r o ff-ca m p u s trea ts. (6) Rachel Rummel and Eden Shuster show o ff th e ir senior stares to scare away freshm en. (7) A fter 14 years a t PCDS, Nate Nearhood w alks through the parking lot as though he ow ns the place. (8) Alex Roeper and Natalie Davenport are scared th a t som eone w ill steal th e ir prized back row of the com puter lab. (9) Alec Schnall and AJ Hess play around w ith the balloons fro m senior speeches. (10) Liam Dempsey congratulates th e V arsity Men's Basketball team on th e ir recent state cham 足 pionship victory. (11) Nicole Burke enjoys a gourm et beverage while reading poetry, as always. (12) Nic Meyer looks a t his fa 足 vorite food, raisins, w ith adoration. (13) Ben Mattinson hangs out in the parking lot before he goes to get some lunch w ith friends. (14) Devra Hock strikes a model pose in the quad. (15) Aida Du足 arte, Zoe Simon, Reid Price, and Nicole Bassoff claim th eir park足 ing spots on Senior Chalk Day. (16) Joe Schornak signs out w ith a giant pen; he is clearly very excited about his off-cam pus senior privileges! (17) Leah Motzkin, Leah Stofko, and Lauren Chanen are the Charlie's Angels of PCDS.

Lifers: Alex Roeper, El足 liot Goldberg, Reid Price, James Barranco, Nate Nearhood, Kate Gonzales, Max Baum, Amy Aube

(1) Max Baum and Sam Kaplan snjoy lis足 tening to th e ir iPods in the coveted corner of th e S tudent Center. (2) Jehan Bista and J.B. Stockslager in tim ida te the freshm en w ith th e ir senior swag, (3) Konstantin von Beringe and Reid Price show o ff th eir muscles; th e y w ill fit right in at ASU! (A) TiannaSheih loves peace and happiness. (5) Liam Dempsey rides his scooter around cam pus w hile refusing to grow up! (6) Ra足 chel Underhill, Nicole Burke, Quinn Lincoln, and Ryan Levinthal enjoy th e ir fancy Hava Java drinks. (7) Lauren Chanen and Leah Stofko rem em ber th e ir childhood days on the playground. (8) Look a t the best class couple: Norma Gutierrez and Justin Morgan.


a 'fo u r - y jg \n t'r'6 ic eno\N

Best Class C o u p le

Teacher's Worst N igh tm are

Most Likely to b e Protesting

N orm a G utierrez & Justin M organ

Alex Roeper & E lio t Goldberg

Nicole Burke & Eric Showers

Eric Showers & Leah M otzkin

Alexander Garner & N im ra Khan

Devra Hock & Eden S huster

M ost Likely to W ork a t PCDS

Teacher's Favorite

Best Hair

Best Dressed

Worst Driver

Next Picasso

Lauren Chanen & B randon M ayhew

Quinn Lincoln & Megan Lehrer

Lindsay C oda& Reid Price

Max Baum & T ia n n a Sheih

Best Smile

Most A thletic Leah Stofko & Nic M eyer

Most Likely to b e Smiling M oises Lopez & H a n n a Sheih

Worst C a se of Senioritis Quinn Lincoln & Alex Roeper

Kylie Prusak & Nate Nearhood

James Barranco & Kate Gonzales

Nicole B assoff & R ohit K othur

Most Likely to B eco m e a M o d e l

M ost Likely to b e Texting in Class

Most Likely to Succeed

Most Likely to b e Millionaires K onstantin von Beringe & Nicole B assoff

Avery Silverm an & Lauren Chanen

C o u p le That N ever Was

Most O p in io n a ted Eric Showers & Lauren Chanen

Most School Spirited Leah M otzkin & J.B. Stockslager

Sam Kaplan & Liam Dempsey

Joe Schornak & Zoe Simon

Class Clow n

Most C h a n g e d During High Schoo

Amy Aube

Am y Elizabeth Aube


James Henry Barranco

Nicole W est Bassoff 166


Maxwell Kent Baum m


Nicole Irene Burke

Lauren Francine Chanen

Life's not the breath you take, but the moments that take your breath away --George Strait

Lindsay Eve Coda

Alessandra Mascaro Dagirm anjian

"L ess a d d ictive than T V tro p e s!" -M in e cra ft title screen

"W e all o n ly live once. So w e are o b lig a te d to m ake good use of th e tim e th a t w e have and to do so m e 足 thing th a t is m e anin gfu l and sa tisfyin g ." -Julian A ssa n g e

"I aim to m isbe h ave " -M a lco m R eynolds, F ire fly "D o you pine fo r the days w hen m en w ere m en and w ro te th e ir ow n d e vice drivers?" -Lin u s T o rva ld s

Natalie Sallen Davenport

Jeffrey Liam Dempsey

Aida Duarte

Clare Catherine Fuller 176



Alexander C. Garner

1 7 8

Elliott M itchell Goldberg â– ^ S ii^

Katherine Marie Gonzales

Norm a Jaqueline Gutierrez 180

Kevin N. Heath

AJ Hess 182


James Keat Hobin

Devra Grace Hock 184

Sam antha Ellen Kaplan

Nim ra Shakeela Khan

Rohit Reddy Kothur ^ m

Danielle M inna Lee 188

'Mu) M otb© r 0 a u © M© a

coM 'pl©t©lu) p r ic e le s s lif© .' -“E d ith 'B o u u i© r “B © a l©

"x d o n 't Knovxi 'o jb a t'5 going t o b a p p © o t o m ©, b u t X do hno<oj x ’m going t o b© a g o o d p e r s o n 'oJbo c a r© s a b o u t p © o p l© .’ -"Eric H a ttb © v jJ 5, ’’Bou) H © © ts \ji)orld’

" H u m a n ity is th e c u lm in a tio n o f m illio n s o f y e a r s o f e v o lu tio n . W h y c a n 't w e a c t lik e it?"

Ryan Keva Levinthal

Freshman SoDhmore

Favorite quotes: ~ "I aim to misbehave."--Captain Malcome Reynolds

"Life is far too important to be taken seriously" --Oscar Wilde

IF YOU KILL ME IM O U N A BE DEAD!!!! I-------------------------------- Tobuscus

Admiral Ackbar

Sawyer Quinn Lincoln

Moises I. Lopez 192

Benjamin I. M attinson w @) *ÂŤ=

Brandon Thom as M ayhew 194





Frea M ehta

Nicholas Randall Meyer 196


Whatever it is t(t>u 7)6 in life, fust premise that you will he happy. V*u kau ffit kta tk “tht

and3 ka

Justin Alan Morgan

0^ @)

Leah Sara Herszkorn M otzkin 198

Nathaniel Richard Nearhood

Reid Michael Price

Kylie Elizabeth Prusak



Tfie wore fie tries to fix we, tfie wore <d I becowe, Lad\A Gaaa

Alexa Noelle Roeper

m m

T(o?re are twd^gws to Itverfbwr life. Ov\e Is c notfiIng Is a miracle, Tfie o t ^ ls as tfbwgfi e v e r tin g ll'a miracle - Albert Einstein.

TkMoffifm B M s beev\ rocfy Wswe

feels gopafome, m o & lf y r m

Christine Marcella Rohacz


Rachel Claire Rummel

Alec Jordan Schnall (s^O

Claire L. Schollaert 206

Joseph G. Schornak Š (s^O

Jessica Hanna Segal




There are more ideas on earth than intellectuals imagine. And these ideas are more active, stronger, more resistant, more passionate than politicians think. W e have to be there at the birth of ideas, the bursting outward of their force: not in books. - Michel Foucault

W hat passes for hip cynical transcendence of sentiment is really some kind of fear of being really human, since to be really human is probably to be unavoidably sentimental and na ve and goo-prone and generally pathetic. --David Foster W allace In fin ite J e s t a p t#

Eric M a tth e w Showers

Eden Shuster

"This is the gift of your species and this is the danger, because you do not choose to control your imaginings. You imagine wonderful things and you imagine terrible things, and you take no responsibility fo r the choice. You say you have inside you both the power of good and the power of evil, the angel and the devil, but in truth you have just one thing inside you - the ability to imagine." ,Michael Crichton

'Tacts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.� ■John Adams\

Avery G. Silverman

Zoe Ashton Simon

J. Bcirrett Stockslager 214

Leah Cameron Stofko

Catherine Christine Verena S w ett

Sierra Madison Treiman __________________________



Rachel Jessi Underhill 218

Harrison James VanDolah IV

Mikaela Verhein

Konstantin von Beringe



(BestkvisHes in aCto f yourfuture endeavors!


T w i the 2011-z$j}12 ipfioenvt Country (DaySchoo


AssTicj&iipni I

i^ C o u n t ]

Congratulations on your graduation from PCDS A ll O u r L o ve , M om , D ud R a c h e l Sc Leah. G ra n d m a be G ra n d p a

Class o f 2012

C o n g r a tu la tio n s A le s s a n d ra ! Believe in yourself and you can do anything Punkster Chicky Punky Pibby Pickle Pibble Pubbly-Poo ChickleAli D A I BellaAlex(notl) W e are very proud of you!

Samantha Kaplan You were bom with, so many gifts that will help you in all ofyourjuture endeavors!!

d o n ^ ra tu lc tÂŁ !o n 5 fifid o te. B>O.SSof-F

And the. ClaSS o f

A Great Sense of Humor!

Academic Perseverance!


Most Importantly, a Kind Heart!

I ’m so p ro u d o f you. Love, M om

C O N G R A T U LA T IO N S KATE! Little by little, one travels far. -J.R.R. Tolkien If you dare to dream it you can do it. - W alt Disney Be true to your dreams and reach for the stars. W e love you, Mom, Dad and Alex

TYIoka, “Q A -d. CezAnne. And Ke&nAn

- J U S T IN C O N G R A T S !! W e are so very proud of you! This is such an exciting time! So, grab the tiger by the tail and hang on, it’s going to be a great ride! Love you to the moon and back! XO , Mom & Dad

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The meaning of life is to find your gift...the purpose of life is to give it away. ~ Joy J. Golliver

Eric, The days o f our “threesome” will soon be over. You will go alone to take your “Ring to Mordor.” You will succeed; of that, we are sure! We are so proud of the person you’ve become! This now “twosome” will always be there for you. We are so proud of you, Love, Mom and Dad

Dad, Nick, Allison,




i i % High SchoolJBenjor and Teen Portraiture





find us on facebook. becom e a fan. facebook.com /largophotography


Iffiia c /iu jc < J jh o rts

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Congratulations, P C D S sports teams, on your many accomplishments throughout this school year. I wish you luck in the coming sports seasons and beyond.

Mike - Team Photographer mikebonilla@cox.net




W e greatly appreciate all of your help and support throughout this pro足 cess. W e know that you were only here for the beginning, but congratu足 lations on your new beginning. W e wish the best of the luck to you and your beautiful daughter, Aurelia. Love, The Yearbook Staff


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V )e ale so glateful that you allowed us to use uoul camela whenever we needed it. y d Iso, thank you f f l taking photos and alwaus heinq thele with a smile. -She Vealhook S ta ff

T h a n k you fo r all of your help throug l o u t th e year, From changing t n e in k in th e p rin ter t any o th e rte c h nical problem s w e had, you w ere alwc ys th e re fo r us. Sincerely, T h e Yearbook S t a ^ l

E d it o r - in - C h ie f Lauren Chanen

L a y o u t E d ito r Garron Rodgers

P h o to g r a p h y E d ito r Leah Stofko

T e x t E d ito r Kyle M oney

L a y o u t S ta ff Caroline Cogliani, M elanie Cohen, Michelle Greenfield, Megan Lehrer, Ali Loretta, Kyle Money, Am elia M o n to o th , Leila Noghrehchi, Breana Roberts, Bryeson Rodgers

P h o to S t a f f Lindsay Coda, Caroline Cogliani, Katharine Currault, Scott Minard, Kyle Money, Am elia M o n to o th , Sydney Portigal, Bryeson Rodgers, Philip Rody, Tianna Sheih, Steven Yuan

F a c u lty A d v is o r s Taylor Nelson and Jenny Treadw ay

S p e c ia l T h a n k s Kim berly Saur, Liz Olson, Andy McKean, Gabi Ragsdale, Jesse Munch, Jack Phillips, Desiree Ong, Brie Neufer, Michael Rodgers, Largo Photography, Phoenix Sports P hotography, and m any others

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