PCDS Yearbook 2013

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i sssl

Phoenix Country Dav School Hfi M

.*. ; / 3901 E Stanford D rive


P a ra d ise

6 0 2 .9 5 5 .8 2 0 0


Valley, Arizona 85 25 3

] w w w .p c d s.o rg

I get asked all the time, g e n e ra lly from frie n d s and fam ily back east, w h a t I think of A riz o n a now tha t w e 'v e lived here fo r a couple years. The tru th is th a t I re a lly wasn t sure w h a t I was go in g to fina w nen w e m oved, as; I’d n e ve r b e en to A 'iz o n a before.

I gfcess I was fa ii% confident ike ff I’d love th e clim ate, a n d it d id n 't surprise m e th a t the Tsndfs.capetS a n d sunsets w e re so b e a u tify . C ertainty, the a b ility to sp e n d so much time ou tdoo rs had obvious a p p e a l.

But w h a t rea lly sets A rizo na ; a p a r t lo t rwais the p e c p .e --s p e cifically, the dive rsity o f exp erience a n d p e rs p e c tiv e th a t I see e ve ry day.


many o f us some from: so many d iffe re n t

cultures and walks -pf life makes liv in g h e re pro fo un dly mean* Wgfol, and alw a ys inferestlBS-

A n d it’s ao so io te ly the case a t PCDS. The uniqueness o f each of our students is sim ply e xtrao rdinary.

There’s nothing co o k-

ie -cutte r a b o u t those w h o w alk the stage as seniors a n d g ra d ­ uate out into the w o rld.

They're alt sm art a n d all determ ined

and all ca rin g —b u t each in his o r her © rn way.

I wish you, the Class of 2013, th e best of fortunes as you em­ b ra ce and ce le b ra te the challenges and o p p o rtu n itie s of your new adventures.

M a y you all eoffiftinue to explore your own

differences, and seek out the differences in others.

M r. Rodin H ead of School

2 Table o f C o nten ts

1. Are these high schoolers posing as a penny or the real Abe tin coin? 2. PCDS is such a small school that even the Seniors hang out with Kindergarteners! 3. Ali Loretta edits her papef with ;oy because she knows college is :£Sn the horizon. 4. Ava Goodm an turns tp listen to her teacher like any amazing student would do. 5. Lauren Garvin types up her vo­ cabulary and prepares to ace her quiz. 6. Some PCDS students are very intrigued with the sight of a yearbook photographer.


Life a t PC D S

tackles' ibn fb e reififtsS 'feld. I . "Or'anpe" p v -g la d i%er' :G jia d « a o


9. Rana Roudi can t help but smile as showstopper Kyie rtey %|rife#s te,feesi psse, 10. G a b b y Shacknai and Sydney Portigal prove that Junior year is full of happiness bul a playful Rachael SWtlgtnyps feegl fjs siiflsr. II. Aliya Orenstein and O livia Ellegard smile is ss muc h-. fiift, cr tnpybe # s (ttsf fim® for

bfe i®f PC3QS. p

Ben W hitm ore and Kyle Kinnie focus intent足 ly on their math books and recall information theyII need for their homework. 2. Sabrina Whitfill, Fgfllon Leyba, and B rianda G o d o y enjoy the beautiful grassy knoii while working, hard. 3. Pierce Swanson laughs to himself a fte r Ms. M a rk s tells a joke in Hisfory. 4. Eric C o le tries an "Uncle Drew" GoiSsoxer on his-classmates a t recess 5, O livia Vu paints a beautiful blue m asterpiece that even Van G o g h would b e impressed oy.


Life at PCDS

6. Lael HS and Justine M oney w®"fe


miw Q* props# during; ft*

K'>ngergarterv 4"b G rade playtime

7. He may

yo«ng bsiittte

lower-schooler sure knows how to faok cop) -w* is? "twstefc^d#'. §. Q a ? W iQlpizar and Lina Elt®t dp some work on M a ke A Difference Day 9 Taylor M oney and Kate gbkppfci pasSld flseir Qffrazing Igsitaft *3lifefce onto youngster Sam Nova! who cs.ugihf on xpttdnflp

Lif© o t


1. This face paint sure leeks g o a d b ut it’ll be hard to get oH the next STornirTgf! 2. Daniel Shuster, Karen Wfeiger, Lina Khan, and Aaron Cohen smile and bask in the be au ty of ph otog rap her Am elia M pn ta oth. 3, la t y Perry has nothing on ffe sŠ fireworks from Blue & G fild Nftght. 4. Rachel C o o p e r, Lexi Flader, Just'ne M o n e y, and C la u d e Sheridan take ad va n ta g e of the p e rfe ct lighting bom th e Irew o rks and stop ter a picture, 5. PCDS C h ee r must be Egyptians; they know how to make pyramids!

Blue & G o ld D a y

S, Seniors A lg f

-gr*^ Taylor M on -

^rssfeal the ifie w at Blue &CN&4 Dayr, JT. Lotion bfgfpneraort fisAs-Ahe--® iffi © Fgfran tent she's o n lf :Qping that fast, tb®A§ f© f w tis jp s R fe,?felts Strshai'ShijSfes&jjrf her b lu e fe S ftm th g rfe to a reffisshift@| ice treat, tr C O S C X T S CRAZY! 10 Theonnual SaECW V&- ’f e w ity Tigleyball g a m & f f l& f f f to an eswateftsi sfts*f'w#h cs CRMiSizy cheer.

make a difference day 1.. U p pe r School seniors look and listen to the interest­ ing facts from “Stop H ynger N o w


2. Kendall W o o d a rd and M a d d ie Stern organize foo d a t their fa vo rite fo o d bank, luckily remembering to bring sweatshirts because its chilly. 3. Taylor M o n e y flashes a thumbs-up to show his en­ thusiasm and long aw aited. Answ er fe

You lift bro? .

4. W alker V o n multi-tasks by texting & sorting fo o d at the same time

5. 7th graders rncke beautiful Va snt'nes cards with enough glitter to irnpress #ve^ KaSha. £}. Eve* young slud®*#? help to any way by miAtSg cords for US soldiers. 7

Es*iSt6 Cttsd the InsiiedfW® Hulk (Afex HsSSTflSP'l

move heavy bags of food into Burch ficjll 4or the sfey SOCtiytties; 8. Andie Lou Hayden puts her Picasso-esque talent to work in a mural for the food bank Sf. feihb@ ifS.srtd h s ir ts '*a k e

ViStrtfii HP isgwvd

10, Kather H acfett shows off a pillowcase he mfigjfe yriffrt his frtendl

o 5 rl% re h c e Cfey1

As freshman w e c£tn p ro b a b ly all pprpsfflfeer walking into t t e p iia d fer f f e fesf time and taking everything in all at once: the picnic tables, the loud students, and the intimidating teachers Then there w tii Stfcweik: th a t s lo t# man sporting a PCDS baseball cap w k a

to know just about everyang. M ost o f «s had

heard of him before, but he was somewhat of a mystery to us al We only really knew of him as the toqgjh College counselor, SdiWStk- is an incredible c a tlg je catffi&elor to' :sop fhe least, but he ^-s^im uch mac* than that. Schweik is hard O’ us. often tells . s w h a t w e d o not-want to hear and bring&

>back to rea.i'y

but th a t is p a rt of his charm His d o o r is always open and he is ready to talk to any of us about anything and everything;. W e hove all felt th a lfirm Scbwgm tendshqjsw and listened fd ©nft to o .many s f t e w e r f e lo s g

rarrts fh ro u g te u t high school but his wise words will remain w ith «s even a fte r w e i«ay«s Schweik is

compassionate, I ind, ortdearirtg, a n d funny but (hat dogs riot ©wen b e e p te cover ft. H i bfc impacted all of Us, even if sometimes w s dan t lile t e adm# it. Schweik, you are such an important figure on this, camp you. You serve Os

and w e d o tet'know # i a t w e wot i do without

ts committed college, iSs.Uiv.sfor, «n, «€& U B Q #g d fe a i coach

an u *© l® s fc k :

but most im portantly you serve as a needed friend to so many of us and for that we can never th a ri y® u.«ough The Clogs of

2013 would

like to dedicate this y g « r |*d k to pou.ln te n o r o f now r f t we

appreciate, respect, and admire you. We will never forget you. Schweik. and are truly grateful that « f have g # t« n the chance to krtdWsomeone as ln ® e # t e

Cheers, The Class of 2013

m ^ U . As you like to soy. ;you

truly CMT *fe»,

JM orris Aaron Taylor Burks


Larry P. Clsm m snssn


M ark D stm sr

Nicholas S. Firsstonel Sam.usi S. Garvin Adam Goodman Susan G rssnfisld G rant Hi El

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Larrains N. Hg M id r f lli H os mar M tz i Krockovi-.r ja hm Najafi

Andrew Radin W endy Selig Pried Chida Tse Charlene W hitfill

Advisory Trustees Beverly Ax Susan J. Bansak Daniel J. D onahoe III Bennett D orrance Susan G a rrity D onald R. Loback H erbert J. (Tim) Louis Nan P. M iller

14 B o a rd of Trustees

Ellie B. Nolan Frederick M . Pakis W. Lee Pierson Bernard G. Rethore N icholas J. Sakellariadis ‘69 Shoshana B. Tancer G a rth W ieger G a y F. W ray


t, Mrs. Fleming shows the. strings students how to w rite imisic art the white board. 2. M id d le S c te d Track & Field is not |ust for the kids, Ms. Sterling looks ne-vous tor her p a rt in the competition! 3, lo w e r School teachers proudly Stand by their students a t a morning meeting presentation. 4. Ms. Olson answers a Question from a thoughtful Sophia Bailey. 5. Senora G ilb ert and h e r self-proclaimed favorite student Wesley Curci pause and pose in the Student Center. 6. M r. C oon socializes in the quad with some of hts star students. 7. M r. W hite smiles because they have cfjpcolate chip cookies today in the dining hall! 8. Decker & Fitch or Abercrombie & M irzaie? Both sound suitable for this picture! 9. Mrs. Nelson shows these girls how to fi* up some deliciousness in her cooking elective.

16 Faculty & Staff Life

' Kimberly A b b o tt Becky Allison Randy Allm on Rhernda Anderson

I Robin Anderson



f Heather Arguello £d Arnold Tiffany Arrendondo Nicki Barber


Raul Calderon Raul Calderon* Jr. James Cdleroz W hite □ Carlson Cliff Carlson

Clemente Chavez Jenny Cherilla Jerry Cook , Lance Coon i

Kristie Ber Rebecca Bernhardl Marie Bippus Carelie Bisinger Gina Bridgem an

K a re rtB ru n tz te e B u e tttlir Keith Burns Kelly Butter Barb Bzdsk

f Da na a Corbett ' W tarktD rlisS

Carls Cbs ÂŤ~Gm Ia I:!fi


la t e Crabb

r Susan Crane D a ft C r a t s f i f

Jennifer ( u i\P i ( 11 t d y D a s is

Ip e u ifff '& S w ft J W

Dave D u m m e r Lee E dw ards B rian Ellingson Karin E pstein Chris Eriksen


K rf E theridg Sadie Etheridge Je nn ife r FÂŤ6 fis John F ie ld er Julie Fine

P ete r F t e n a g d n - F ^ Moe F l B r t f l p n d f P j& tA /fe r

V aieska Frandfl, M a k i F u lle rto n

jftffifitsJ r t a c f l l a n d W w H o lw p r ito

\fld fM s Huff B.F1S i r a p i d

Jftki Ivins R fW lo p e Bob H O sitiW


R te ip i K iu r a i


Judy McAdam Patrick M cH onet Andy McKean Katie Me Kean Brian Meftsrnger

M ary Kay Meyers i Laurence M ills Bobby M irzaie Judy M itcfiel . Hallie M ueller

■ iD M irst Or.g i Ssndy Or rick f A lv s fo G W a r a K a f i; ® s s j# f B f a y

Chris Palmer

V Brandon Perry M atty P tts rs Jack Phillips Shannon Pierson

Pedro Ramos Bethany Richardson ÂŁd Rizo A ndrew Rodin David Rowe


K im b e rly S a i Karl Schossov Paul S chw eikh e r Jiil S co tt Ian S harp

Jaime S heridan M a rti Ski oven Kyle Skolheid C a the rin e S m ith Jennifer S terlin g

I Carl Ttia rap son f Trudy TeIB T ttr s y o te ffillh

C la ir e T f M

I Q iS n'lM kihS *

M o l ly W i l i a m s

Stefan ¥aiin<p RfCf?s.Fd: 2 ® f l s t e w s

Kfftfe Zink ifi I f e f f I

This year has been one of incredible moments andTih'spirafioff, As I reflect back, I realize tha t our delightful hummingbirds have become' an integral p a rt of our Lower School community. W hen w e stop to notice the hummingbirds, outside o f the classrooms; and throughout the garden, w e see the b e au ty and the w o n d e r that a single mo­ ment can hold; These b ra ve little birds remind liS th a t size js net a measure of courage, and they em pow er us to take risks and follow our curiosities; They teach us to savor Out interactions w ith each oth­ er as they are fleeting, and most of all, they remind us to slow down so th a t w e notice the joy that life offers to ys ea ch and every day. I am grateful to the extraordinary teachers and students w h o have em braced and gu a rd e d these moments; t believe these interactions em body the philosophy of our Lower School, one in which w e value the education of the w h o le child, and I am so’ proud to be a p a rt of this wonderful community.

Ms. Ivins Head of Lower School

- *4 H fj !n il

Teachers’ Farewell M e ssa g e s ' Y T}/ I


To the classics 2C83...I wish you all the best as you move on to bigg er things! I can't thank you all enough for the frie n d ­


ships and smfes you have brought to me over the years, To t


of you that w ere around PCDS in the low er school.,..! I have you to thank for being the pioneers of the fourth gra de video production w o rld! iM o v ie m ade its first appe aran ce : in the la b tha t year, and you produced the inaugural docu-1

Thank You to th e Senior C lass’s

fjientaries aboitF Canyon de Chelly. I can honestly say, a f t e r !

Lower S chool Teachers

viewing 100's r f videos ab ou t N o rth ern A rizona since tha t 1 Karen Bruntz C a rla Cose-

yea r

yours w ere definitely.

the first!!!! Peace and harmony

my friendslKFist raised) - M r. M cKean

Q a te lla O n d y Davis Linda D ra fg Lee Edwtjrds

C ongratulations, Seniors! thg t w e

w ©b»

It seems like it was just yesterday

watching you perform in the Lower School Swim

Exhibition and Track and field d a y events. W e wish you the ‘

Sadie ith e rid i

best in you: college careers and hope you will visit us soon!

John, Fietitfer

- Mrs. Etheridge & M r. M ajeski:

D iane Ingold

As I sit and p o n d e r the history surrounding your class in fourth

Evelyne M acrodim itris

g ra de , I w onder, as I am sure wit i f us have, w here the time:

Danny Majesski

has gone. It seems like only yesterday w e w e re in the orig ­

D e a r Seniors,

inal ..ower School buildings w ith the fam ed “round building" planning our trip to Canyon de Chelly. W ith improvements On A n d y M cKean M a r y Kay M eyers Shirley Sti)es

campus, I have missed seeing you pass by your old classrooms pn your w a y to and from the dining hall. A n d now, suddenly, you are on your w a y to b igg er and be tte r things. I feel privile ge d to have been a p a rt of your growing years W hether you w e re new to PCDS in fourth g ra d e o r a “lifer" adjusting to the increased academ ic requirements, you per­ severed and did w h a t ne ed ed to be done to meet w ith suc­

The Senior C lass’s to w e r S chool M e m o ri es

cess. I remember some of you w ho w e re quiet but left your mark w ith your sparkling personalities. You w orked to take

Pre-K: Traveling to countries around the w o rld, bicycles and wagoifiS in the

leadership rales in small groups o r partnerships to achieve set

playground, nap time!

goals and had sensitivity and compqssion towards others on

Kindergarten: Field trip to the Phoenix 2b o, Animals A to Z Production, a

the playground and in the classroom, particularly speeches,

snack for each letter o f the alphabet, 100th D a y of School C e leb ratio n,

like, “How to M a k e a Bulletin Board," and long term projects

learning how to h o lff a pencil. M u d M a n ia Party, nap time!

w here you impersonated famous p e op le such as Susan B. An-

First G rade: Counting to 100, sat a t our own desks, ad dition and subtrac­

<fFij©ny th a t displayed your creativity and your desire to give it

tion, AlphaSmarts, TV carts

your all stand out. A nd now, you are assuming the leadership

Second Grade: Croakin' Cash, last year in the playground, C ijfu ra l Fair,

roles am ong your peers.

M o u n t W riting, multiplication, cursive

It has been a pleasure to w o rk w ith you, to see and hear

Third G rader Invention Fair, Earth D a y presentation, Flassayampa River

of your growth academically, socially, and em otionally, and

Preserve d a y trip, Kartchner Caverns d a y trip, G re e k M y th o lo g y projects,

to be asked to take p a rt in this, one of the last mementos of

Lego City, first year on the recess field, learning to play recorders in music

your life a t PCDS. I wish you Well in your future encounters,


w h ateve r they may be.

Fourth Grade: Canyon de C h e ly and Painted Desert trip, Canyon de

Best regards,

Chelly iM o v ie films, United States regions outlines and presentations, rea d­

Mrs. Stiles

ing Brian's Winter, Lily's Crossing, and Jeremy Thatcher, D ra go n H atcher 28

Senior Thank You

The Fourth G ra d e D edicates this Page to M rs. A rgue llo I wanted to d ^jicate this year's yearbssli to Mrs. Argueto because she always wtlitodands me. She never lei® me down and I cart always B&int on her, SH# makes gure we absolutely iirferstand anything she: feaches life She; Is ai ppsfc ppod te a ® e r- actual­ ly

shsifflVtvshg is a rectify great


■tascdhfiR 0E>uld rjgver get through 4th jp S ii& h rtta ljt her. f{#s ts orJy h ® 12nd and

ai d

like sbe bOs

hsr life bggausg;she

ft t s < B f iht? job. She fe a speQSi fSS&iHfl, ond Spt&Gtol tepcbsK Thanks, M r s Atgjaefe, ter making this y^jf-g rga t;]

-CSwSfi K r t d i^

1. The playground is a gre at place to make new friends, and these munchkins show dff their friendship w ith a hug. 2. Kirtana Rooper smiles as the camera cap足 tures her and her creative project. 3. Ms. Torrflfn shows her students a cool babble. 4.

Savannah Smith and Kayle Singer know

that every frien d needs a hug sometimes and proudly em brace one another. 5. Will Burnham gives a big smile for the cam足 era during his sciendp dfasS w ith MrS. Hall. 6. Aaron Bracher absorbes a lot of informa足 tion in Mrs. St|es class

i f Some children

te t e t e wates* more

safio uily e n d 9 0 panning, if t r jp & i in the A 'izo n a «cp48 . ALIENS HAVE INVADED THE CAMPUS k # SBttl®

think if & funny.

% Emma f e t e Hggekeift" c*t*u t Wjss but sfinile when sprne boys in her slosS tel: jdfeefc 10. Mrs. H a t is %utck fo help p a w hat ' ^ d i t t f c in file, rifjfi, difteirftOfi wffh their experiment, 11, AAiles Sabeeh is skilled with mogic m orlers and shows off his incredible drawings

1. Scissors are gre at for a rt prdjpC ti, but make sure not tgt run w ith them!

2. C harlotte's W eb is a phenom enal read, (ac­ cording to Ben Mulligans 3. Ella M a ffi practices her math facts w ith vib ra n t Bote cards. 4. Ms. Bruntz sfnows N a th a n N a ka ji w h a t to do on the laptops in 1st grade. 5. M r. Fielder’s 4th grade: class is a v e ry fecused ' and hard-w orking ge#t»p. 6. G reen is cle arly the new black.





7 . A studious look frpm Q iiv ig L eB law o'A o w * t h # s h o t s

working h q « i

8. Cameron O rteg a foeusc on the workbook problem*

9. To]h Redden love's ressqwhiog. o n te i@@Mp 10. W ho says fourth graders can t be into sppfiSfts? 11. M effh esr ljnh(srt and •Awsfen S as S tfi® take in fhe hsfh a ir

while doing math wot k in the Lower School Courtyard

A© sd#w1* * '■S3

1. Young artists a t s a rk , dein their thang. 2 . 1wish I could p lay w ith some pipecleaners right now! Don t be surprised if A larah Hochm an’s sculptures end up at the M e t! 3. Asa Silverman is having a p a rty w ith some blocks. He is on the road '6 eng'neering fame.

4 . Some

lovely, future W arhols in the making!

5. Looking fierce, ladies! W ork that artwork.

6. W hatever happened to mu#icol choirs?

7. Dr. d t a lf llq

really hokteg. that *:l«ss^# ^»© ts. Theyte©fclehtferest-

edl It must be tjgg class after lynch. S.

It's stnf-a-lang: tWSfe m music classtj&pg: it vifth m e n sw !

9. Dr. GfdWto

is dantfrg liks«n


10. Square-dancing is a ihrowback to the western roots of Arizona 11. These students are practicing a skill that they'll cherish forever k « i

Sf'ftke cursive!

?Tracf^E f c W


1. Ryle G rauer & Jaden Grossman p ÂŤ y their xylophones with confidence! 2.

lisabella M oreno looks adprable in her western get-up. 3. Alexander Ashamn Uses-s cane to get his 'old' body around the stage. 4. Nick G aylp r & "Matthew Linteirt show off thetr Amerfcan style.

5. Dr. G ialella conducts the children irilfe> tei perfect harmony. 6.

Sierra Goldstein Is excifad ts> ^ng her part 7.

Tafia G ooam an Is a natural with the microphone!


Lower schoolers b e lt it out!

9. Eric Emani focuses on fijs notes while Nick G ayicrd stays perfectly on b e a t 10. Addison Werner's talent is sprouting just like the flower on her headband.






Elliot Coher Musse deGuzman M organ Dollander Ella Feuer

Michael Golden N athan Hoang C hristina Keller Jonah Kotansky










Charlotte B itfrov Diana Brigugpfe

Blanca B u tte W ill






I Jewsl Abdo Gauri Agarwal


Sam antha Ashner Greta Bindley


Hannah D rew itz Emils Dunoyer Laursn Eby

Eric Emami Lexi Flader Nick Gaylord



r Darwin Harris-i David Kloeber O lio s Kwa Ethan

a m osri

F M a tth e w I in h a rt

Ella M afft

Spencer Me\<m W illM i rag Iia


Justine M ans

% tI3fia W#fen( Eesha N o rw w ii

Uieas: O f cions! Anika Pete N i l Patil


i C lS tv ffm g n Jacob S iB p f A rrn s M

S y m in g M P t

K ir速 Tuii

r D M g Vu A v a W iite m s

Alex ^a.nithas fe iin fy 速

I 1. Jaiden Ploerderl smiles at his autograph on the w elcom e sign. 2. Eesha N arw ani smifos and gives a warm hug to he r mom on this am azing day.

3. Josh Peterson g la d ly poses for the camera w ith his grandparents. 4. Everybody, including Arm aan N arw ani, has time to smile for the camera during this wonderful d a y of celebration of friendships.


G ra n d p a re n ts & S p e cia l Friends' D a y


Grandma or.d dod get a great axpianation from Asa

Silyerfflgn Aft Grandparents aqdfSpeeta) F riS tA Day 6 W ith two guests looking at his wort- Lucas A lbequque eyes The cookie tray qcross the room 7 Lexi Flader proudly shows off her writing assign moot and

etijoys the isstftpltrrierifssh? receives fes® her gse#i 8 , Ella M a f t and owapftfty h jfp p ty pe»s© dfiffMU fhsfc TftfE Id show the camera w hat a |oyous day they a ie having.

G ra rtd p fite B lS S & p # o « l Frti&hfili E id '


A fte r graduating from kinger-garden last year, these first graders took their "gardening" skills to a new level this year. They built and maintained their own garden w ith fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Hard work, ge ntle care, and a w hole lot of w atering led to a beautiful garden that the first graders and the rest of th e lo w e r school got to enjoy while a t recess. They also a p pre ciate the variety of tastes from their harvest.

6 0 Garde

1. Taylor M o n e y and Sam N o vak show off their J Crew-esque m odeling looks during a hangout. 2. G a rro n Rodgers, M a tte o Arm ato, and India G rasso show th a t no m atter your height, a smile s still big. 3. Trevor Kent and M elissa G re e n b e rg pose with youngster Aarush Atmakuri and his fa vo rite b o o k during story time. 4 Rylie Lloyds is aw estruck to be in the presence of Justin Bieber, but it's actually Scott M inard. 5. Katharine Currault and Q uincy Rodin dissect the novel G o n e W ith the W ind in the Upper School library. 6 . Justin Corsillo, his tie-d ye hat, Stephen Yuan, and Jaxson Bulloch keep warm in sweatshirts while shar足 ing a sw eet bonding moment.



Sc 100 W e often spec< of rhere being no PCDS

box’ 1o r

ty p e

th a t our

M id d le School students ha ve to fit into. W e hlgh'y value and en* courage difference in all th a t w e do and w h o w e a re /in each of1.our students. “ Be yourself and do your Individual be st” is the message sent to our students in the M id d le School. The result is a community rich in in de pen de nt thinkingjAinique, young p e o p le p re p a re d for the next step in their education and the ir lives.

As the class of 2017 moves on to the next level of their education, w e know they will continue this trek tow a rd being the thoughtful and discerning individuals w e have nurtured through their M id d le School years.

M r. D u keh crt H ead o f M id d le S cho ol


i- K m

Teachers’ Farewell M e ssa g e s C ongratulations to the fantastically talented, awesome, sm artl g© #d looking, funny, creative and original class of 2013! I’ll never forget you! I hope you dfi keep in touch w ith me on F aceb oo k and b e |f of luck on all your future adventures, love te you sill - M s. M a r ti de A nguera

Thank You to th e Senior C lass’s M id d le S chool Faculty

C ongratulations, Seniors! [You w e re a gre at gfass in fifth grade. You w ere creative, frien dly, and alw ays too chatty. W e had a gre at trip to "As-? trocam p” even though it was hard to get you to sleep a t night,: g irls I hope 1 have convinced you that “Books Can O pen D oors" and to stop and p o nd er once in a while “W ho Am I?" Be the best you can be and enjoy life's adventures. - Mrs. Bippus:

You guys rocked fifth g ra d e and have continued to do so. You w e re a class of mine tha t I will alw ays remember. You had and have such personality and creativity. W e had a blast a t Astro Cam p, lived through all the Lost a t Sea papers, met Preppy the Prepositional Squirrel, crafted an im aginative Shadow Ra­ d io Play, and survived and thrive d through the M ag azine Project!!!!! As you head off to college, please remember my d o o r is alw ays open to you. Bring coffee though! - M r. E

C ongratulations to the Class of 2013!

I have so many fond

memories of your 8th g ra d e year, such as my talks w ith my w onderful


India, M a ric la re ,

G a rro n ,


C olton and Zack; our fantastic trip to Catalina; G arron s w onderful H allow een costume that freaked me out w ith his

The Senior C lass’s M id d le S chool M e m o rie s

head in a glass bubble; and C olton s 5 0 s presentation as Elvis.

H ave a w onderful time in college and please come

Fifth G rade: The M a g a z in e Project, Extended Study Hall (ESH), Books Can

back and visit!

O p e n Doors project, Egyptian Unit In history, history dioramas, English

- Ms. M a rks

grammar posters, AstroCam p, M r. B's...., M r. C ook's Earth timeline, trip to Bank O n e Ballpark, reading R oll o f Thunder, H e a r M y C ry, Things N o t

Fall of your 6th g ra d e year: I remember sitting in a parking

Seen, B rid g e to Terabifhia, A W rinkle in Time

lot in Blythe, California, w aiting for a second bus to arrive.

Sixth Grade: English Circle Books, Dissecting a chicken wing, Chinese his­

W e ate, w e had a dance-off, w e w aited, w e ate more, we

tory and music w ith Ms. Li, B iology w ith Ms. deAnguera, Pal) M ountain,

sat in Jack in the Box. Finally, the second h a lf of the class

the bus ride back from Pali M ountain, winning Ms. Cone's Can of Beans,

ap pe ared , climbing off the bus through a tunnel of classmates

W orld History w ith M r. Alcott, limericks, reading The M ira c le W orker a n d

cheering and clapping. I like to remember your class a t just

A eso p 's Fables

that moment, welcoming each oth er back to the fold. Know

Seventh Grade: Disciplinary Referrals, D ali D ay, Race to the 2 0 0 8 Elec­

th a t w henever you return to PCDS, there may not be a tunnel

tion, last year of electives, Joshua Tree trip, G ra n d Canyon trip, w riting

of us there to meet you, but w e will w elcom e you back info the

obituaries, reading The Pearl, O u r Town, The Lottery, A M idsum m er N ig h t’s

fold just the same, cheering and applauding your accomplish­

Dream , A nim al Farm

ments. C ongratulations and g o o d luck!

Eighth G rade: Catalina, 8th G ra d e graduation, 8th G ra d e video, U M O M

- Ms. O lson

volunteering, watching Schindler's List, reading The C rucible, To K ill a M o c k ­ ingbird, Romeo a n d Juliet, The Cask o f A m on tilla do

64 MS Title

- C o n tin u e d on Page 2 5 4 -

The Eighth G ra d e D e d ica te s this Page to M r. C o o k “H e has a: .Si5t>l g o a te e and is a w eird teacher. ’ Gteorgi Pregulman

“I like M r. O bo k because he's funny and h # i really cool. Ifa S 'r ift re d ly an aduSh-hSEi Ik e a child tv an adult suit.”

-Ally Thetis T te SKifUr idlSS would afes* like to take this oppertunity to thank fbti fcf yettr dkrer-pniMBnt good humor, your genuine concern for you

ifodents and tar a fashion sense that is

clearly t&*pfilsSS, We feel truly fortunate to have had the Opportunity to be taw vast

I b f a ttscetar who showed us. how

r j world truly is-, but aiso gave us the insight into

hdSw traveling to ether

-ukfillItfgether. We will

siyvayi 'benefit Item yOltf tremendous dedication to yaur profession and from fheikind d rd .geneiSiis way in which ypu have share.c your fa- experiences with us. Thanks te you Are see the world not ©nty- thtssigh our mittdls:iiW>: with our hearts as. well.

- Ther Class of 2013

1. Justin Racine doesn't let anyone scope in his bouse, even during recess, 2. Ty M in o r, Blake B r速 n cw ,Ja ko b Feng, a n d M a lik Freeny share a moment w ith the camera even t f o - g r G a g e B rad足 ford is to o busy as- be detects f he sweet smell of learning in the PCSS Sir. 3. Adam Cherilla prepares to ascend th e tether ball pole, em bodying the same mountain-mastering e n erg y pf hfe father. 4. Zach Sarver kills tw o birds w ith tone stone by waving to the camera and shading his face from the sun. 5. Fallon Flaherty, Tatum Dial, Ali G arvfn, and Shannon Zhao have some fun in the M id d le School quad.

6 6 Life

& C o d y K ilt^ jife s ^ # w Hanneman, pfclt N a ta te MsaSitrf display their gftgpbacks ar|d Swagger!

7. A te thesafe PGD5:sixth g ra d ef* m' tfc® Lg%;Ara@#i®» Letters? 8. Aspen Pierson. Sophie Sells, and ISfShan shafftffiutusl ix e tte jp ^ it fo r .Ally1G&iBdsss fishis® 1fbl;®. s ie s ta f t L a w ® G p rw i, S h s w tift Zhtto , anc ' iannah AAiragjte are hied w ith ®sctteffTet't that' ft S 4*<8tf-w s ^S t^f. 10 M ere dith G rehan Kobe VValler, ®nd. Smilie C a n a i' t are at a loss tor

W o r d s w f o n t f e I s s S k c r t . ffo p tfn a tzs ii show .wp. 11 M ichael Rosenlhal ploys so t W fl

that ysgrtts Kyrril b&Sld ste fls @sn t sfep

1. Emma Sheridan inputs the q u a d ra tic formula into her TI-84. 2. M s. Sterling esta h a b la n d o a la cla se (is talking to th e class). 3. G ra h a m M e y e r an d Zach Linhart b e g in the ir exp erim e nt on a chicken wing. 4. Sammy D a d y fills out a study guide w ith ease. 5. M e re d ith G rehan contem plates the beneficial qualities of the fire extinguisher located next to her.

6 8 Academics

6 . Brent Stein takes perfect notes in his perfect notebook w ith his pe rfe ct pencil in m perfect school. 7. Tyler Lo dato reads "Roll of Thunder H ear M y C ry w ith gre@t focus

8 Sophia Sells a n d D a nie l Blecker are in trigu ed by Ms. Mark's, re^OWnt of her travels In jEoBOP* 9. M a tth e w Stein knows ge om e try like the back or his hcn.d!

10. Hannah M ira fiim PS««i fe# the

in he* p « p y

pink shirt. 11. Studying is fun com plete w ith music and games i6 M rs. B e rn h cra t's rfsss!

12. 7th

g ra d e rs le orn how to calculate the location SB an

e a rth q u a k e s e p ice n te r w ith M r 'Q jilfc .

1. A ria n a Bista knows th a t an artist needs publicity to sell their w ork so she pauses w orking and poses for the camera. 2. Young artists use colored pencils to show off their love for fashion design. 3. Tay Barron makes sure her w a te r-to -color ratio is correct before she begins creating her masterpiece. 4. Isabelle Partovi recreates a beautiful ora ng e flo w e r on her w a te rcolor p a p e r th a t will surely impresses Ms. Gaum er. 5. Ms. G aum er helps Jared N o voa navigate the internet for some inspiration.

7 0 I A rt


Jakob Feng reads his sheet- music ana plays his instrument perrecriy i^ ^ a s l

surrounded by other musical geniuses. 7. M ic h a e l Slate is very protective of his fcvon te instrument the base 8. G ra y Pierson and Nikasha Patel worm up before bond prqcjtee. 9. Ava Kossides makes sw e et music with W rjce llp gs Ms.. Fleming helps another s tu | 10. The tuba is an important piece of the bond and only M r Steiner could hOK&tSC a big responsibility. U. Hannah M iro g lie can t w aif to play the brand new music M s Fleming case her t learn for the upcoming concert. 12 Alex Tam reads his music very quickly and impresses his friends and M s Fleming

1. That ye fe w really complements the brass section! It brings out their talent. 2. M a lik Freeney is really excited. W ith a style like that, w ho wouldn't be? 3. N ike shoes rule the court. D on't ysu dare step on it w ithout them. 4. Audrey N ovoa g o t the pink nem o! W hoever first mixed red w ith w hite sure knew w h a t they were doing! 5. Bold patterns, bold attitudes.

72 Fashic

6. These boys aren't tarferigjony fehipft risfe—neutral gfey. "all ih.e way! 7. Why so felu©; Ttwirny W dM (sf 8 Jearffl andU®gs_ W;h at else w oijd you weC*f on a cold day? 9.

taofcs lite fihsjJ.N* yyclked < JM I« runwap of

Parts.: O r wwryfes. N t e York. IQ, Q d b rielb Is ® te. a fen of the boldly printed sgprf. W e < *& tool IT,M s, M f f e w 1 hb& Wore s1#0 fh*m pH


students fioiubtoi^s, T2, En’le Gafiulb + color blocking * fpshfon mogtc 11, ©13,. |0 L C i. TITTERING, 14. Is that a male model? Because this middle schooler knows how to impress o

1. Caroline W ittekind surveys the robotic e le ctive for a g o o d ye a rb o o k picture. 2. The kids aren't a fra id of getting messy in the baking elective! 3. Addison Wessel works his nimble fingers in the knitting elective. 4. G e o rg i Pregulman admires her beautiful snapshot in ye a rb o o k elective. 5. Lauren Kobley learns to master her gaming skills w ith M r. Erikson. 6 . G o n za lo A lv a ra d o carefully crafts his airpla ne for flight. 7. You can feel the energy in the air during this gam e of C apture the Flag. 8 . Ally G rounds has a g o o d time putting the pieces together in model building.

7A E lectives

9. Lilly Chiller and Spencer Wand are too busy studying to spare a moment with our dedicated photo staff. 10. The Walk and Talk elective getjcsff to a good start. 11. Julia O dden end Mis. Scctt put all their love into their baked .gCtods! 12. Arinaltse Brasher end Bed


ten intently to M r. Tamer in their elective. 13 Chris M Š ntp#h euft. crazy qprdboard hardfc v. 14. M r. Cook throws cn underhand pitch in his elective.

78 Sports

G irls ’ Tennis A ria na Bista, Bianca Partovi, A hi Sivakumar, Rhea Tuli, Rose Larkin, Jordan M e rke l, M a y a Abou-haidar, Kati Dean, Rica Chan, Coach Jerry

Cross C o u n try M ic h a e l Richman, Ben Steiner, Bryton Neck, Carson Roland, Jessie D a dy, Sammy D a d y, Zoe Casten, M a d d ie M ulligan

Boys' Tennis

Andrew Biven®, Hewtt Rich­ ardson Bobby Wendt. Ashcon %rte*vi, iajfetin RacinSifelis.Aai^n Hjich M l ken;,, Q m & ik J tr ty

5 /6 Flag Football M a c M a rk , KS^vin W ang, Ryan Deftlippis, Daniel G om ez, Brendan Zuieback-, Ben Williams, Semeon Afew ork, M ic h a e l


Slate, C oach Lee, Like Brigugiio, K aleab Afework, Jake Rodin, C oach M cH o ne tt, Ty Rodin, Jakob Feng, Zac Singer, Tyler Lodato, Joel Rubin, C oach N e w la nd , Louis Hulburd, Bobby W endt, Chris' Buskirk, Zach Sarver, Erik Barkdull, John M o o re , 9 •' iuten M illikan, G a g e B radford, M ic h a e l Rosenthal, M a tth e w I Peterson, Zach Linhart, Simon C antor

7 / 8 Flag Foo tba ll Cwrtf® Clemmensen, Aaron Ossias, Adam Cherilla, Nicholas


Z te o , C oach M cH oneH , E.L. G a y lo rd . Ryan W ang, D avid Anaem e, C o d y Kiltz, Austin M e rk e l, Spencer W and, Alex Reaves, Reed M yers, Daniel Oodney, C oach Lee, A ndrew Hannemdn, G ra n t Logan, Jake Sarver, C oach N ew land, Parker Whitfill, N oah Gilson, Jerry Hernandez, N irvaan Reddy, M a rc Fuller, Nick M e a th , W ally Brown, J Rosenthal, Joshua Lansky, Pierce Swanson, Bryton Neck, G riffin Fletcher, Harrison Rooney, Calvin Hamilton

5 / 6 Boys' B a s k e tb a i Coach Corliss, M ic h a e l Rosenthal, Zach Linhart, Jake Rodin, Tyler Barfield, Jacob Feng, Daniel G om ez, Chris Buskirk, Brendan Zuieback, Ty Rodin, Tyler Lodat®, Jared N o vsa

7 /8 Boys' B asketball M a h m e e r Halepota, Curtis Clemmensen, M a rc Fuller, C a rte r Clemmensen, Coach Lee, C o d y Kiltz, N irvaan Reddy, Jake Sarver, Efic C ole, Alex Reaves, Reed M yers

84 Team Photos

5 /6 G irls’ Volleyball A f t ia b ii Firelfcne, Kate Shein, B ffe rty V fefw , Sophia Najafi, QSach H olw erda, Shannon Zhao, Jenna Qwefss, Caroline V\SnS»»d,. C haya Feng, G ig e N|f£k, Cwfherine Humphrey, Bella deRolffi* ls a b s le Partovi

7 /8 G irls ’ Volieyba Lindsey Cperilla, M ere dith !3r§han1C2ivi<Mf'idjafi, Nikasha Patel, Emm® grouse* Im m a Sheridan, Kylie Fisher, N ia lfi Akhavon. Anikq -Sanghvi, Karli Davis, Abfegy WeilS

5 / 6 G irls ’ S occer Coach Jennifer, A nnabel Firestone, B rie rly W and, Ali Ashner, G ig e Neck, Ashley G rig, Ari Sokolov, Isabella Jost, Emily G o ld b e rg , Katherine Lynch, Sena Brenden, G a b b y Lee,

7 /8 G irls ’ S occer Coach Jennifer Hallas, M a llo ry Klinger, M a d d ie West, Emilie Canulla, Aspen Pierson, Emma Strouse, Lindsay Cherilla, Sophie Ax, A bb ey Weiss, Carina Ho, M e re d ith G rehan, Emma Sheridan, C a rly Davis

7 / 8 Boys B asketball Will Donovan. Adam Cherilla, Pierce Swanson, N icholas Zhao, C oach M a rk Corliss, Nick M e a th , Jerry Hernandez, Roberto A p o n te N o t Pictured: Ryan G oo d m a n

5 / 6 Boys' S occer C oach Jen, N o a h Kaplan, Zachary Linhart, Jake Rodin,


M ic h a e l Rosenthal, Jakob Feng, Phillip West, Ty Rodin, Tyler Lodato, Simon Cantor, Zac Singer, D ylan DeFilippis, Hampton Kohler, Luc Briguglio, Zach Sarver

7 /8 Boys’ S occer Tommy W alton, Jake Sarver, Harrison Rooney, Wes M a lo n e , Pierce Swanson, D a vid Farca, Calvin Hamilton, C o d y Kiltz, Jerry Hernandez, C oach B arber, G o n za lo A lva ra d o , Addisen Wessel, Roberto A po nte, G rey Pierson, M a tth e w Stein, Spencer W and, M a rc F uller/N ick M e a th , G ra n t Logan

Boys’ B aseball C oach Bratton, Joshua Lansky, Austin M e rk e l, Bryton Neck, Spencer W and, Jerry Hernandez, Jake Rodin, Bryce Faber, A ndrew Hanneman, Tyler Barfield, Brent Stein, Ty Rodin

8 6 Team Photos

5 /6 G irls’ Basketball Tay Barron, Jessie D ady, Sena Brenden, Kira Liljegren, Brierly

G a b rie lle M athew s. Katherine, Lynch, Chaya Feng. Izzy Partovi

7 / 8 G irls' Basketball

7 / 8 G irls ’ B asketb all M eredith Grehan, Niala Akhavan, Audrey Novoa, Samantha Collins, Gillian Barfield Emma Sheridan, Aspen Pierson N ot Pictured: Coach Newland

G irls ’ S o ftball Lindsey Cherilla, Cola Buskirk, Jennifer M o o re, Sofia Kirkland, Angie Anaeme, Coach Barber, Natalie Massimi, Karli Davis, Jordan M erkel, Sophia Bailey, Lilly Giller


CLASS OF 2 0 2 0

Indy K w atrg G ahrielle Lse

Kira U lje g rin

Tyler Lodato Katherine Lynch Gabrielis M athew s

CLASS OF 2 0 2 0








Ivy Leibner M ira M arw ah

(fetalis Mass m Jordan Merke

t C h ris to p h fr M ontooth J tn n ife f Moore Reed Myers Cameron Najafi O livia Najafi


M ich 'S fl Rich man n Atex Roland Harrison Rooney AJ Rosetlthal Anika Sanghvi

Jake Sarver David


Ben Steinsr Reed Steiner 98

Seventh G ra d e





Celeste M artinez Shelby M cD erm o tt Nick M eath Austin Merkel Bryton Neck i

Simon Olschansky Aaron Ossias Ashcon Partovi j Aspen Pierson i


W h a t a show! M ira c le in M u d ville was a w o n d e r­ ful production held by the middle school students of Phoenix C ountry Day. This p lay p o rtra y e d the lives of tw o simple youngsters in the town of M u d ­ ville; an a ve ra g e town, w ith a ve ra g e people, and an a ve ra g e environment. A fte r a re-occurrence of a deceased librarian, they tw isf time to go back and see their parents as kids w here they discov­ e r the truth behind all of their parents’ stories. I would describe this p la y as simple yet complete. N o t many props w ere used, and the stage set was just sufficient to com plete the p la y and to set the scene. The am azing actors, w ho set a picture in our minds of the a ve ra g e town, also show the kind of p e o p le tha t lived there. It was by far the best middle school production 1 have ever seen, these actors cle a rly p ra cticed a lot and d e d ica t­ ed a chunk of their fre e time into memorizing their lines and learning how to move ab ou t the stage. There wasn’t a single slip-up and they obviously knew w h a t they w ere doing and how to run the show. I was honestly am azed by this production and it m ade me hungry for more of the p la y once I learned it was over. I would definitely go see this p la y again, and I hope these students put on another production. Hands down 2 thumbs up!

W ritten by Pejmon Noghrehchi

104 Play

O n a scale of “Strike Out" to “Grand Slam , I would give A M ir acle In Mudville a “Home Run . The actors emitted an aura of happiness and the unmistakable energy of a PCDS student. Each actor Commits to his ar her role, and makes the play a huge suc­ cess, enjoyable by any generation from: Student to grandparent. Ashcon Partovi, who plays the character of Casey Banks, dots a phenomenal job of portraying the, Struggles of a child attempting to live up fb t o parents expectations. Along this journey he finds Out that his father, played by Luca Walsh, has reasons lor being the way he is. Towards the end of the play, Casey has an epiph­ any that, in fact, he wants nothing more than to be like his father. Ashley'© /% who plqys liabile, d o e s e m a p ic e n t fob of « n g exaggerated motions to add q certain amount of excitement to her character. Director Andrea D eiker does a ;antastic job of fielding a delightfU 'osier of players,-and is a a e ta f Ihem ratrncf the ifaoses. So go grab your peanuts and ball caps and sit down on the bench to watch this wonderful play unfold- it s a smash fe !

Written by Anna Bo4w#y

t. Efflffto Stacse loops |a<e!j»6and'

.vt'lkieSt" rif©ii3,<TtSiirt:

long |i,mp.

2. Bryten Nesk bses in 'Rock. ipgper, Scissors* ta wor1Wemou& Rycp G boctaiin in this first ever eafflpeti.IanOf T w d i& F W d DdfP 3. ferry Her nandez glides easily over fh f fear « 8 t fm p fg *se*#m Huskey. 4. M ichael Itehman uses his HefSlfes-like m usd® rbih®t-p«t and win poirityfor his Country. 5. S w e d e

has. a fla g . | d t t e , W & a n d lo ts of spir it w hich they Hops© will

h e lp th e m Win!

6. Ari Sakolesvndoes t e f best fo ie Jones imprgssfOfvfeut LowW 0a rv in is quickly gaining an her. 7 Ifeqfn Bpjf rounds'the .CDrftSf but ts nfljevfin in the picture fespi«ae these M iddle Schoolers qfe 'taB 'SpSedy fi. The first annual ir\dffl» te fa f rqae-woS’0 ,h ufft sucpasi * p d A t e « Fuller had the tirrje S# his Bfe9. Zach Sarver had a healthy serving of “hops" for breakfast and long jow p rlke a chomp. IB Chaya Feng winds up i w jcjvsfe throw.

T w k 4 f e w | 101

1. M ira M a rw a h and Sofia Kirkland set up ooxes so fneir classmates, can fill them w ith food. 2. Rose Larkin, M a y a A bo u-H aid ar, C a rte r Clemmensen, G arina Ho, and Ryan G o o d m a n “can" do it! 3.

M s. M cK ean and DJ Hauben team up to fight hunger.

4. St. M a ry s Food Bank was happy to have these seventh graders help and they w ere just as ha pp y to be there. 5. Kati D ean and Jennifer M o o re jet the smiles unfold a t the fo o d bank. 6.

Mrs. O n g and a group of girls smile w ith some self-encouragement.


arc il


f . Mrs.

?nd; Sophia Baila^Wfc

glad to betelp»gi€>ut * 3 1 a good SStfSe Eifid are definitely ej#S|#ig Ml®

fvstefaff■sen®®® srad f-fa®fssRve gear that goes ■ai©#*® with it. 8. Harrison Rooney wishes he were Santa Claus but settles for helping out the hungry and doing charity w ort 9 G riffin Fletcher carries enough food for an entire family while his friends cheer in the background.

Fb s 4 B p n t



U nnar UUCI I



c? n

r N W


P i w

I n I





As p a rt of my job, I get the o p p o rtu n ity to talk a b o u t PCDS w ith pe rspe ctive parents and students—a lot. O fte n the question arises; “W h a t makes PCDS diffe re nt?" O f course there a thousand easily id e n tifia b le traits th a t set this school a p a rt from the rest, but I find myself coming back to a single idea: PCDS cultivates and celeb rates the in d ivid u a l W e as a school are not trying to create a community of like-minded students w ith the same values, assets, o r w ardrobes. Instead, w e see each student as having a singular voice, and our job is to g ive th a t vo ice cla rity, strength, and confidence. In the end, I take g re a t satisfaction th a t this chorus of in dividu al voices inevita­ b ly finds a harmonious blen d as students w alk across the g ra d u a ­ tion stage in June.

C o n g ra tu la tio n s to all and to»the Ciass o* 2013 in particular.

M r. Phillips


A pril Curci will find any moment fo em brace Anhad Brar. 2. Saira Purewal enjoys the warmth

of her scarf, wh&ih qfes leaves Jade W right speechless. 3. Parisa N o g b re h tfj, Jacob Feder, and Cdlton Siddle em b race their stud足 ies, while A ndrew hfosmar embraces th e camera. 4. JSIian G Jburne, J a ra Dtagel, and Alex Edsofl enjoy a moment in the quad while A ri Bradshaw erf&ys supporting his friends. 5.

Tiana Siragusa shares 速|jr ap pre ci足 a t e . fo r th e coveted t&p lockers

w rti

Je B mm m im l mMM / 1Q i ™Jr




6. Caroline an d Natalie Prieb glam far the cam as SI© M t a s la

sN p p

•¥♦ bee fasfe fc f peace.

7. SeapfSS Affegoc©& Natetlgy and S®rals Mjmpsbrrey all sft outside--where FrfeAtfoen bgjoijg, 8. Yash

tikjl®/, d&aMhewRostnfhal, and 'fom

Ciafssn show s « S i

:FSI|?; L s r t

c a n ! help but stand oaf with htS~go®d ififiks.

$£.Melissa: GWenbdfSj 1ns>ttS5.,.4Sfa ”H®'® If*®®6 Wafkber a fla her bun. fCi Aw>® fksdngy, Stelef ban©, and Ailisain WirsW show Hi their favorite sleeves . 11. lya Agha shows Erica Samota why she won "Thf f&est SdeHugjOf t te % s r , and dur-phafa staff was there to capture the moment

1.. [jam Rethore is mesmerised by Ms. Smith s be au ti足 ful presentation in A dvanced Biology. 2.. Saira Purewal and Alex Rigberg smile and pose w ith more w ork during their relaxing junior year. 3. Jesse Edwards chucks up the deugsis in Hormel before Chemistry class. 4. A class of seniors is hard a t w ork so this must be first semester. 5. Katharine Currault happily fills out college apps.

114 Acad emics

6. .'Dylan Honcj^ Nihaal Reddy, and Josh M u ficc Sfflile in?fc>®twe#«' fefthing thWf^papIWi for Ms. Dedtaif, 7. Dar$>t Shpsfer angl Pj Nbfhrehchi are. hard at.work under M s .X tlfe c fe r'g guidance. 8,. |®ft|t ^yen 0jfe^r knows why he made this fac&. t o t e fecMS the answer to Ms. And«r* 388.11 s q u w ^ t o n in stflass

*3, ClcffiS M artin uses flashcards to asp Dr. AlliswrVfawoyf. <§stily quizzes,

1. Brass sure kno w s how to get a crowd into the: swing o f things. 2. Aashay Sanghvi hits th e low note on his trombone. 3. Chelsea Wu reads her music and plays along w ith intense focus during h e f solo. 4. Phoebe N ew ton knows she is the best saxophone playe r in th e w o rld and she shows it as she foms out at the Jaz? Band Concert.

5. Roe Aaron gets in touch with her nature side and paints a beautiful d eer with colorful antlers. 6. Kyle M oney gets deep into the dismantling of a laptop for his experi足 mental materials art project.

7. Dominique Clancy shows her talent to the world with only a piece of paper and charcoal. H M ariclare Rethore pays close attention to details in her paintings, 9. Remi Edward^ mixes the perfect color for the nest addition

to her projess!

A ft


1, Isa b e ls Brothers gives a cheerful lo o k to t i e p h o tog rap her in her spirit w e e k at<ire - w o rk tha t American flag, girl! 2. Kyle M o n e y and Am elia M o n to o th do a little modgwig themselves in be tw ee n taking bssjBtiful y e a rb o o k pictures. 3. Justin Corsillps ly e -d y e hat sure does teak groSvy, w e w o nd er if the has a lava lamp too! 4. O livia Pearson rocks her fuftky J ie a A ffiftd and big smile like its nobsdiy-s business 5. Carson Krause knows lis SoM is really mesmerizing;. ju:$t like his poses. 6 . Lauren Hannemon looks c o z y ‘in her blue beanie and PCDS sweatshirt. Seh<*fit Spirit is alw ays f t style! 7. Seoastian O ie a loves the spot light but he needs some O a kle y shades because the hot A rizona sun is


getting to him.


US Fashion


Emmet fldppas always sports the hottest fqtJHtatJi iis n New t%rck and fcirili

fy. Lauren Hanneman and Taylor C annon love t h # ::o»ifrsf^d bags and S u ng lass re a i^ ’fe "9®

tMffipU®' far *gtm® dsfeh


10. Q*i r s fa g Isi's haSi.-orw PWP at O;kfed bifl that tttfS^nafife Sw eafef really tops off f c fashionable •

-'.sembie and

o n e of PCD

s k ^ S H d te s e d . atwssrs.

cements him as

UT P®sh;fttn


A r t C lu b G a rro n Rodgers, Kalea M a rtift, Becka Troche, Palline Shongov, Chelsea Wu, Fallon Leyba, Staley Lane, Helen Dailey, Keely FranklR, N itya A gra w a l

T ee n a g e Republicans Cameron M a yh e w , Kyle Kinnie, Andew G a rn e r, G a rro n Rodgers, A ri Bradshaw, ! Daniel Bashir, Jackson M urphy, Henry Roden, Alex Hosmar, Anhad Brar, Robert Rezvani, John P Fernandez, Tyler Humphrey, Isabelle Brothers, Allison W inter, M o rg a n i G onzales, Lily Dashevsky, Claire Myers, Blake M ille r

D o rra n c e B o o th C lub Becka Troche, N icole Thumma, Johnathon Rooney, Sarah Dailey, O liv e r M arsden

124 Clubs

W o m e n ’s Forum H - ----------------------- -------------------------I . Alex Hosmar, Fallon Leyba, M o rg a n Richman, Rae Aaron, C h a rlo tte Aaron, M o rg a n Schwartz, G a b b y Shacknai, M a d d ie W ithee, Isabelle Brothers, Hannah Cianci, Sophie Hill, N itya A gra w a l, Sydney Portugal

The C re a tiv e W riting Club T y fe Hfimphrey, Anhad Brar, M a rie l Sokolov, Fallon Leyba, Taylor M oney, M org an Gonzales, Amelia M ontooth, N itya Agrawal, Sarah Dailey, Helen Dailey, Becka Troche, C labby Shacknai, M a d d ie W ithee

The French C lub Kyle Kinnie, Anhad Brar, Alex M ilikian, Suzette Guzman, M o rg a n Schwartz, Lexie Lewis, Lauren Lindley, Sarah Dailey, Suzette G uzm an, Sidrah Khan

G a y -S tra ig h t A lliance N a ta lie Prieb, John P Fernandez, Suzette Guzman, Sophie Hill, Clarisse S alazar, Lauren Lindley, M o rg a n Richman, Fallon Leyba, Sabrina Whitfill

Jewish C u ltura l C lub Kate Pokorski, Taylor M on ey, Sydney Portigal Kyle M o n e y, Daniel Shuster, Alex R ig b e rg ,, Lily Dashevsky, Anna Bodney, Sarah Pet rides. G a b b y Shacknai, C h a rlo tte Aaron, Sophie Hill, M ich e lle G reenfield, Jesse Edwards,


Remi Edwards, Rae Aaron, Isabelle Brothers,; M a d d ie W ithee, Jordan Cohen

The Investment C lub Sam Ax, Adam Jack Sidi, Hannah Cianci, Isabelle Brothers, Tyler Humphrey, Ben Whitmore, Aashay Sangvi, W alker Tuton

126 Clubs

The Pretentious Illiterates B o o k C lub

Helen Dailey, Kassidy Tse, M a ric la re Rethore, M a d d ie Stern, Angelica Sisson, Chris Puglisi, Daniel Bashir

B rid g e Club teg© Lewis, M f s W e ^ re e n fW d , Ja iie Wright, M o rg e n Shwartx, Lauren Lindley, Sidrah Khan, Chelsea Wu, The Venerable Co®n, Anhad Brar, S ts?#© G uzrrcn

Young D e m ocrats Alex M ilikian, Sophie Hill* C h arlo tte Aaron, |. M o rg a n Richman, Sarah Petrides, Rae Aaron, M a d d ie W ithee, Sabrina Whitfill, Fallon Leyba, Anna Bodney, Alex Swanson

Junior C lassical League Sreya Ravi, Alice Zhao, G ra ce G lib erg , M a tth e w W inter, Angelica Siss&n, Trevor Kent, M ich elle G reenfield, Tyler Humphrey, Jamie Bryan, M o rg a n G onzales, Bryeson Rodgers, Sam G arvin, N ihaal Recfej^, Lexie Lewis, Cassidy Server, SabrJfoa W hitfill, Fallon Leyba, Lina Khan, Lance Nino, Emily Torcena, Luce M a rtin e z, Pallavi W akharhor, B rc n c a G o d o y, Karen Catano, Jacob Bain, C h e k e a Wu, M ic h a e l Rohacz, Raagini Kothur, Yasn M ule, G a b y W alton, Robert Rezvani, j&son G reenfield, O liv e r M arsden, Je$#ÂŁg Sherman

In te rn a tio n a l Film C lub Helen Dailey, Jacie W right, Chelsea Wu, Pauline Shongov, N itya A gra w a l, Karen Catano, Emily Taracena, Clarisse Salazar, Keely Franklin, Kalea M a rtin

The A c tiv e Voice N e w s p a p e r Tyler Humphrey, Daniel Bashir, Aashay Sanghvi, Sam Ax, Henry Roden, Alex Hosmar, Katherine Currauft, Pallavi W akharkhar, Suzette Guzman, Rae Aaron, Sophie Hill, M a d d ie W ithee

128 Clubs

D a y b re a k s AAaddie W ithee, G a b b y Shacknai, Alex Swanson, Emily W endt, Sydney Portigal, Taylor I

Shannon, Pallavi W hakharkhar, Lina Khan, Suzetfe Guzm an, Kate W erth

S tage craft Jillian ©llbytTte, Jason G reenfield, Jonathan R e fin ^ , SfeSffti Ife jd b , © g rro n Rodgers, AAr. Bu'rrs, O f f e r MarsdesA, .Sarah Dailey, fofaMKSb Troch, NiCBle Therma, Sabrina W h itfil fe a h O w n e n , Atf Loretta, Sarah P etidiS , Andrea Houser, Fafcn ie y b a

The Disney C lub O liv e r AAarsden;, JasoS G reenfield, G a rro n Rodgers, Jessica Sherman, Liam Rethore, Sarah Dailey, Leah Chanen, Jillian G ilburne, G c b y Wa.ton, Ali Loretta, Sarah Petrides, Fallon Leyba, Sabrina Whitfil

U p p e r S ch ool A m b a ssa d o rs Trevor Kent, Alex Sylvester, G a rro n le d g e rs, Angelica Stsson, Alison Loretta, M ad di速 .Stefn, M e g a n Cathey, Patrick Rody

Anim e C lub D erek Chan, Helen Dailey, Edgar O cam po, Anhad Brahr, Rebecca Troch, A nd rea Houser,' Fallon Leyba

A sian C u ltura l C lub Alex Sylvester, Colton Siddle, Sydney Portigal, G arron Rodgers, W alker Tuton, Aashay Sanghvi, Jonathan A bd o, G a b b y Shacknai, Taylor Shannon, Tayi速r M on ey, Gian-Reto Bonadurer, Adam Sidi, Blake M iller, NIITjita Sachdeva, Anhad Brahr, Emily Schron, Kate Pokorski, Kyle M oney, Pallavi W akharkhar

130 Clubs

U p p e r S ch o o l S e n a te C olton Sidi, Trevor Kent, Sydney Portigal, Kyle M oney, Jonathan A bd o, Carissa W ang, J jfc n I G llbum e, M ich e lle G reenfield, Lina Khan, G a rro n Rodgers, M e la n ie Cohen, Sean Sve|dc

H ispanic H e rita g e Club Kate Pokorski Chris Puglisi, Phillip Rody, Jphn P. Fernandez, Steven Bolden, Walker Tuton, HsWiph CfeR'Ci Steven Yuan, Nitya Agrawal

The Business C lub Aaron Cohen, Jonathan A bd o, Anhad Brabr, Raghav A gra w h al, Alex Sylvester, Colton Siddle, Blake M ille r, D eg Atmakuri, Brennen Lee, Chris M attinson, Nikhita Sachdeva, Emma Pappas, Kate Pokorski, Adam S idt Brandon Purcell, Trevor Kent, Hannah Cianci

Walker Tuton, Sydney Portigal, Samuel Jost, Acshay Sanghvi, Tyler Humphrey, Steven Bolden

The W a te r B o ttle C lub Hannah Cianci, W alker Tufen, Kate Pokorski, Emma Pappas

Freshmen Year In itia tive f e t e Pokorski, Jackson M urp hy, Gidn-Reto Bonadurer, Colton Siddle, Scott M in ard, Leila Nogrechi, D alia G ra d o , Jessica Cohen; M a ric la re Rethore

The B a ld Eagle Kyle M oney, Katherine Currault, Taylor M o n e y

132 Clubs



iu iu

R obotics Sage Druch, Carlos, A .vara do, Sahii Rawal Stephen M arquis, Edgar O cam po, Jacob Feder, William Weiss, D ylan Hong, Jam athon Rooney, Ja<$t Swett, Chris M attinson, A n d re e a Hauser, N ic o le Thumma, Sarah Dailey, Daniel Shuster, Benjamin Lee Arron Jost, D erek Chan, Becca Troche, Helen D aiiey

D e b a te AAr G uthrie O liv e r^ a rs d e n , Sgrn Evans, Jill ion G tibu r ne Jason G reenfield Ari Bradshaw Daniel Bashir Kyle Kinme Sabrina Whitfill M W

M fp :

M e n 's Basketball Coach Lewis, C oach Ramer, Prescot Noghrehcbt, Zach Wright,] Jacob Bain, Alex Sylvester, Colton Siddle, C oach N ew land, Sam G a rvin , A nd rew Ekmark, Bryesotsi Rodgers, N ihaal Reddy, Yash M uley

M e n ’s JV B asketball Wesley Curci, Josh M u n o z, Bryce Stockslager, Cameron M ayh ew . C b a cM sle w la n d , Phillip Lewis, Ky'e M o n e y, Jorge M anzanares, Cesar Acosta, Sebastian O le a , Steven Bolden, A ndrew Novoa, Sam G arvin

M e n 's Lacrosse Coach Gorman-,. Brendan Buffee, Sam Ax, C ole Shepard, G iv e r M arsd en , Liam Rethore, Pierce Swanson, CMan Hong, Abraham F a ro o q i^W ill Bassoff, Carson Krause, M ic h a e l Rohacz, Jason G reenfield, C olton Siddle, Gian-Refo Bonadurer

M e n ’s Tennis Daniel Bashir, Anhad Brar, Sam Evans, Zach' W right, Brandon Purcell, Bryce Stockslager, Nihaal Reddy, Josh M unoz, Josh Lindley, Coach Jerry, Lance Nino, Ben Whitmore, C ole D ady, N athan DeRueda, Jacob Feder

148 Sports

W om en’s Basketba Coach Ramer, Coach Ramer, Elle M ira glia, Leite Noghrehchi, M e g a n Q gf hey, Jpalia © ra d o , C o ach M ill­ er, Parisa Noghrehchi, A ndreea Hauser, Selena Jacquez, M e la n ie Cohen, Claire Myers

A (® D W & , Q jrs o fl ICraus®, D a n ie S fw it# , M o rg a n Qrartzales, An­ drew G a rn e r, Henry Roden

W o m e n ’s Lacrosse i C oach Fullerton, Jcrr.ie Cohen, Caroline Cogliani, Am elia M eyer, G ra cie G ilb erg , N a ta lie C o op er, Saira Purewql, Alex A o b a te , M ira Bansal, M a d ie Seltzer, Coach M u e lle r, Sydney Portigal, Emily Slezak, Emily Schron, Jessica Cohen, Taylor Shannon, Emanuelle Hall

W om en's Tennis C oach Jerry,, A nd ree a Hauser, Alexa Nino, Sophie Hill, Rana Roudi, Staley Lane, Alice Zhao, Sreya Ravi, M a d d ie G ordo n, Raagini Kothur, Jessica Winssinger, Jacie Wright, Rae Aaron, C h arlo tte Aaron




Michael Rohacz M a tth e w Rosenthal Erica Sam ota A nita Sheih 152 Freshmen


Rae Aaron Cesar Acosta Carlos Alvarado Will Bassoff

Anna Bodney Stevsn B o ld in Anhad Brat Caroline Cot. an



v lm m



Reilly Frere Gracie Gilbert B riaiida Gcdoy lorgan Gonzales

Caddie Gordon W ynston Hamann Sophie Hill Bylan Hong

154 Sophomores

f lf i:


[ A m e lia M eyer D anny M inard Kyle M oney A m e lia M o n to o th

1 Paulina. M o re ft$ Josh M unoz Claire M ye rs P h o s b i N e w to n


Lance: Rfho P fjm a n M pghnhchi A w ife 速 NciVoa Ben O sfsm

Sarsti P f t n d i i S e iia tta p

Kendall RQ速#il Nihaal Reddy


K sfen Cat速 no A aron Cflhen ^ n a X ir e y

B rian a f i s s r t J

Krr&tiisd F B rS tlt* M s fly Frmnkhn A f td r e w f i& r n f f ; M ichelle GresrfFteld j




I am so proud of the w a y you have "d o n e ’’ school. Your hearts are full, your ta le n t is undeniable,; a nd yotir futures are w ide open. Know ‘ ha: you are alw ays welcome: tayretHtn a n d use PCDS*as your touchstone...it w ilhh elp remind you are ab ou t who,;you were', w h ere you came from and w here you can go! . - M s. Treadway

M y first PCDS ch a p te r is closing. M o s t of y o ^ w e re in 8 th g ra d e w hen I arrive d . M y first introduction - chaperoning C atalina and the LAX officer th a t returned Brea n a s purse. Then high school decisions - some eleventh hour, ahem, Sylvester. The rest of you a p p lie d fo r 9 th grade. W e met over a w kw a rd shadow days. W e survived freshman trip - even road rash frpm running, ra th e r sliding, to' r-ieip Stenson. You're fop class I know best,d'ye w a tch ed you gain confidence, kindness and more. M y wish for you - fdllow your dreams, kee p learning and grow ing and live a life to be proud of. M y wish for me - to hear ab o u t everything th a t happens beyond Pur quad. . •• M s. N e f i H

M r, G uthrie : The Road goes ever on and on D ow n from th e d o o r w h ere it began. N o w far ah ea d the Road has gone, A nd I .must follow, if I can, Pursuing it w ith e a g e r feet, Until it joins some la rg e r w a / W here many paths and errands meet. A n d w hither then? I cannot say -JRR Tolkien

M y fa v o rite student activities (in no p a rticular ord er) ha ve alw ays be en jazz, dram a, and sports, and the class of 2013 has given us all many m em orable moments as leaders in all these venues. I thank you for th e pleasure of watching you all displa y your p a rticular talents. - C olonel C oon

I will rem em ber the class of 2013 for many things, but w h a t stands out is the cre a tivity th a t flow ed through its collective veins, w h ethe r designing am azing H allow een costumes, w ritin g he art-w re nch­ ing poetry, dra w in g profoundly inspiring a rt works, dazzling the community on the stage, o r soloing in the smoky Jazz Cafe. - M r. M a rtin :

1. Serena J o a ^ e z and Kadqfe Stephens laugh because they get off-campus foo d and iffld e rd o ssm e fl dffin’t. 2. Lauren Hannemgo fin d Tapor Shannon balance sunglasses precariously on th fiff headte. 3. In # }. GrassoisnrfflBi' w ith S a fa Gftaqfc ’9'ho b p fS iid to be {S fe rfrffh e varsity basketball team. 4. « ltx

points to the ® m e ra a fte r t o Jpng-awaited sOftior speech.

5. M a d d fe Stern: Pnd M a rlfila re Rethore smile o f th® picnic table knowing they have ggWsgti Itfe cOilefge a n d their classmates mustf Sflill aw ait their letters. 6 . Zach W right is fc a lly spotted: smiling th e p re s e n # c | Tulane-re^ruit Brandon Purcell must be making him cffddy. 7. Aftpddi# S e rftj m b EKifiSO: pdRt% and JiStin Corsillo .ftffftH g # of grpss fco d tftoy o fe b s fc ® Iftg y poh off-campus privileges.

8 . T h i sun t j sfWiin^ pn Emms Pappas a n # A p ritC u rc i, but h a # no fear, they havM fashionable su nglasses to help! ¥ 4 Cotton Siddle, W alker lufon, Emily § chron,% tpire Rose, Kate Pokorski, and fc rm a r sophomore IffiSfWjj* ie a c h p f Q srt Afcott srttle for a ph oto ly

rylor AAeney eats a sandw ich fs e o o rfp y ■

1. Selena tecquez and N a ta s p fe S fhippel have tng frffn g fggg paint and hH M k>n-fte-hip* 2. Leila Noghrehchi and Jess Cohen Just can’t contain their laughter after Scott tells a funny jafce. 3. Alex S y te s te r and A p r ! G ild crpyph w ith M lc h a e la b ffp re this annufelj First Friday celebratipn. 4. O ld M a n Edgar needs a ia n e to get around a fte r: receiving h(s » n iD r g ift after the game. 5. Claire Rose and W alker Tuton take a fast ninja second to smile for the camera before devouring their deli­ cious LGO susfef.

6. Jacob Feder o r James Bond? f lie w orld will never knew W. Helen Dailey and T a ylfif Shannon: gpsod ta m e quality tim e wfth their favSrtfe€iftd® fi§9 rtener, 8. A rie lle Lee and Jamie Bfym* laugh sit i t e pecfSsnt taking! *3 ptafogT-gph 1®Fthese s^iwftiWg Superstars. 9. Selena Jacquez and Kassidy Tse love the lime they spend with their Kindergarten buddy. 10. Adam and his senior buddy Derefe O id tti differ in styfc fe # bo th

^h© e.t#fance8>.fhe gpn. w ith

similar vigor. 11. BEWARE: O nly seniors are allow ed tcj sff at th ff picnic tables in the .quad,

Lauren Hanneman, Pre-K Alex Hfejwnar, Pre-K M a ric la re Rethore, K Breana Roberts, Pre-K Jpj

G a rro n Rodgers, Pre-K

S lflK

Emily SeheiE, iPre-K


G jp fa tj Siddle, PreKaddie Stephens, t %



M a d d ie Stern, Pre-K '

Alex S ilvester, Pre-K W alker T lfcn, Pre-K

I. G a rro n Rodgers te c d ie s Breana Roberts and M a ric la re Rethore the a rt of designing sandcastles, 2. Mrs. Johnson loves remembering her time w ith the seniors back in 3rd G rade. 3. Emily Schron and Kaddie Stephens look like princesses being pulled qround in their wagon. 4. Emily Schron and Kaddie Stephens rejoice that nap time is next! 5. Mrs. M a c reads a story to the atten tive lifers. 6 . Winnie the Pooh teaches Alex Hosmar how to sound it out!

168 Lifers

7. T h s ltfe ti love

thsfr kindergarten roots.

8 Lqurerf Hanf^erpf© pv®S w b o p # Kt AAaddie Stern and M s ? teters1fe tfw e . #, Afe;%®?®Sfsr and Colter Sfddl'e hcMfe fun monkeying grejjMKL 50. Hip! Lifer#-®#§¥ ®n© final Ifosiffiaru AAct; M g p

S to ry w i t h f i t e l f


Nltya Agrawal entered' a ■ s h '^e K ^^^e l^c& ttS 'sh a rtly a fte r ||ig@o^p|5ig w h a t the real w o rld is like. Although she is still naturally aw kw ard and 'fre q u e n tly responds w ith the answer “. . . w h a t T a f f e ^ v i^ ^ u lit r o n , she-h a s proven to be successful*® India's am bassador and is happily living | w ith her husband, w h o Is a famous 8 p%WP:Pa acto r w ith tw o thumbs On one hand. UpdatS: She is Still legit-ya. Gian-Reto Bonadurer moved fe c k tp S w itzerland w here he becam e a fashion designer for a new typ e of pants. “ Dino-legs'' are b a g g y to they knee and then tight to the ankles, creating a sensation d tiny tegs, ofteft worn by G ia n during his ‘e e n c g e years. Jaimle Bryan has trouble keeping; her head up these days; due to: her neck being w e ig h e d dow n b y her 13 go ld medals from the 2 0 2 0 , 2024,1 and 2 0 2 8 O lym pic Games..She has settled do w n , m arried « merman arid now teaches w a fe r aerobics in Sun; C ity AZL M e g a n Cathey has: turned her b y e for cats and noil polish into a new tre n d -c g t nail-polish! The line e n title d “ Purrfect Paws” gives kittens a : chance to express themselves in their own ways and to c .orpir

w it’t their cute sw eaters

Derek Chan becam e tlfe Sunday-comics w rite r for the A few York fe fe s w ith his.two characters ' H e re k& D elen,”a seriesfollow ing the relationship of tw o higfrsehaa] best friends getting info trouble. Hannah G ancl changed her name to Hannah to fit in w ith th e European culture she is now surrounded by; She drives an Aston M a rtin Vantage and in her spare time, she's a w orld renowned stylist but still continues to own and run the biggest PR Fashion Label in Los Angeles. Dominique Clancy is w orld-renow ned for her new design feqks-shirts that look like pants and pants that look like shirts. The new line is taking ; off in Siberia and N ew Z ealand, coincidentally w here Dominique splits her time. She has tw o Chihuahuas named Cycy and Nini. Jessica Cohen m arried Scott M in a rd and thot s it She is new a w o rld class chicks have 12 children, 24

b re e d e r w ho goes by the name

Jss CoHen. She and Scott

grandchildfen, and ;48 happy years of m arriage. She also dye d h e r hair a brqnzespuburn.

Jordan Cohen is a successful do cto r and lives w ith his beautiful wife. M r. Cohen immediately made an im pact a t college, heading the Duke . Leadership G sjftW ttee, the Spirit Club of Duke, and the Duke- University M ove m en t for the Advancem ent of D uke Students. He currently lives if w ith his w ife (Duke University 18) and his tw o children, both of whom plan on attending Duke. M elan ie Cohen is the..world's best lifeguard w ho works on the Santa M on ica pier W hen she is not busy te'gehing a t UCLA on the a rt of score keeping, M e la n ie runs a rd&falt-breeding business tin Calabasas w ith her husband! Z ac Efron. Justin Corsillo was a platinum rap artist for many years until he de cid ed to cut his career short to pursue hfs lo ve of hair dye and tie-dye clothing. He has a line of hair salads—specicftiziftg in tie-d ye hair—in every m ajor city. April Curci is «@w in the 0uJnnes$ Book o f Worm Bocc>reJ$ a& the only living human w ho has b©fes.5 every bane in his o r her b o d y three times. ; She also gives out fre e ice cream from her vintage Asfroypn all over the United States to children w ith broken bones and broken hearts. Katharine Currault op ened up a bakery in G eo rg etow n, the same city v. cere she a tte n d e d business school, a fte r graduating college in only three years. She- m arried a businessman a n d had tw o kids, Kit & Kat. Helen Dailey is a ve ry successful paleontologist a n d is h a pp ily m arried to Benedict Cum berbatch. They live on their own private Island where Helen has successfully b rq u jjff back to life not only dinosaurs but also dragons whom she raises as her own babies in an attem pt to persuade them @1 fo c o n v e rifo .CJlfjf eating pasta, like she d o ® . Whitney Fahnbulleh moved t© San Francisco w here she opened a store specializing in wigs and Japanese foo d called “There’s Hair In M y Rice.” Her store recently won a 5-star rating from Zagat. She m arried fohg-time lover Jack Frost and is nowhere to be found. She is in the process of buying a mango and passion fruit plan ta tion an the beaches of paradise. Jaoob Feder channeled his fove for robotics and tennis jttfc a robo-tennis-instructor flam ed Better Than Feder. He also cured five forms of cancer before graduating medical school and lives in Hawaii with his three kids: Fault; Serve, and Jft, John P. Fernandes did not go on IS become the President of the United States, but did become regional m anager of Johnny Rockets and renamed it John s Rockets. He also joined a w orld class double dutch team that has gone on to claim five consecutive w o rld titles. Dalia G rad o becam e an anger-m anagem ent consultant for athletes and teaches them to channel their an ge r into Flamenco dancing, her second passion, She also coaches high-schodl girls basketball where her daughter is the All-State center currently being recruited to UConn. India Grasso is the reigning America's Next Top M o d e l: Petite Edition, which was coincidentally sponsored by Haagen-Dazs. She is also the face of Covergirl: Fun Size and hosts Extra! O n N B C w ith M a rio l©pez. India Grasso becam e an ultra sound technician until she met a very attractive male w ho took care of everything. W ith her new spare time she has become a w orld-know n model. Melissa Greenberg m arried a nice 4 fool 8 Jewish boy that she met a t a hospital during her 6 th year of college. They had tw o kids, and just ; opened a restaurant called Jew Chew which proudly sports a Jewish-friendly menu. 170 Time W arps

Lauren Hanneman m anaged to single-handedly become editor-in-chief of both Vog&s a t e In tifa jfa n a , b y p a s s fa n a d .fi'Ray's Tumblr fame, a nd ijre a te a family w if i the once-faWR>u8>fettK TorrflfiW®, "They l i e in th e b o ro u g h s ts W S S ffl w fftt fifa f' fare© dsfdren and §Ve w iener dogs. Alex Hosmar runs a school in Peru w here h e fp # te a c h e s a cfass on organization a M e a m p a ^ rts fo r th® Peruvian Republicans in p s spare time. He settled down w ith a waman named LalSkreedhBi A fter successfully navigating pjs w ay through buSfhspss s<po©l> Tyler Humphrey is a famousM##“styfcftha nksIpfas now -patented style: “The Flow”. His days consist of w orking in a hair salon perfecting “The Flow” on his customers and his 6 kids, Sam, Pam, Cam, Tam, M a ’am and Precious. Selena Jacquez lived w ith Claire M yers far a s®Iid -three years be fore the “b e # p -b e e p -b a t y b q » p-beep-lg»ep!" got to .her and $he was forced Up move into her “longtim e boyfriend Ryan ReytffiMsA ocean-side fncffBlfiW St th e last ffllsriht S te $WP stars in th® W fiffh revival o f T to ts So Raven and spends $pme days: grading U$ f fc to r y AP&, # r s s

h a t w TO*shi expertew&kswflffctrpapprse.

Trevor Kent now goes by the name Liikfe and was the first memtesr s» tfts dlHmple Packer srO JeerleadingSquad. f f e and longtime friend Ms. Andersen Sky p© frequ en tly reading a n c jfe p .in p a b o u t HJi Arielle Lee top ped the pop charts w ith

feat usfWg fa® opie-qnd-onty Jusffn Bibber. Her modeling career took off, and she

Is often referred to as a p a le r W f t f t o f Tyrur fc ffk g a strip G§ her pU fjdfefclff feffiidfc fa te & w n g lte opposite o f w hat she used to do in high school. She

All Loretta started a new trend w here

also met t e r husband itJffiSSi EffSfSSS w hifa studying c?f NYU cjng they nsswr live fft

vilfa in Tuscany,

Scott M inard works for t^ io n a !Q & o g r a p < ipb lS fc^ra |pter whose prim cfy subject i f pregnant mammals, fe the off seaSSn, he resorts to photographing d e o d o ra n t models from afar w ith his telephoto zoom lens. He also started a business that delivers food to wealthy private Nschoial: freshman in need ® r let# fe e d Taylor M o ney is the w orld's first Rabbi vgftt a Jew -fro,H e invented a COfflPKfer program in college and dropped out after selling it far 6 billion .dollars. H« « frre n % ' l i e s in

$ f t w ith his w ife and; t w i :W s Louie a n d Louis. H© Coaches M id d k -S o fto o l D o dg e b f ll at PS 67.

A fter being a w a rd e d f e prestigious Navf* CeoSfe Jackson Murphy is i w

th®.Chisf & c » t ExeroSve of Ih i? Boy Sssouts of Amertea and spends

[ his w eekends comping a n d teaching survVo skills to * • • scout. In the scoi;* he to skilled e tw u g l to

wOrlo, he has gained the sam e .reputofior' as Chuck Norris and

only 3 in d te to f dental floss a rid 'a ti St grape,

Jazmin Nido becam e the lavish C E O of a Korean-based jM M Q R B ® corporation that ;pfi5duc@» numerous fbte-playing games, many of whicl , h a w sepeiyed th e P lq ye rV C h o ice Awards. She now spends ite r time (ft Korea relaxing and is f repoently courted fay mpfty m ate Katean; mod®S ' w ho dance Csm bia; fa impress her, Leila Noghrehchi now gs©s b y le ila NofabfiiSSfts© after being underw ater for to o long, during the 2016 Riq O lym pics, she forgdf how to spell ; t « r last name. She aferScreated ® ftOW comb that straightens your hair as you comb through it. Edgar Ocampo and Sneok1 joined forces to Create the S n o o d ;: : Poof, currently being used by many moae>s on the runway and soccer players to head the ball w ith fe s te r COfitffif, A fter Ryan Seacrest checked himself into rehab for severe celebr t> obsession disorder. Emma Pappas toe I over a t El News as head brooccasie' and producer. She currently resides in A w ith

er roc*

* r husb

nd Joe Jonas while .iso having a sum er ftome in ">e countryside of Engicrd

where she brushes up on her cricket. Olivia Pearson took her creative m ind'to o new • vsi when she m erged w

a technology fashftSTi tarrtpgiiy a n d now sells d«esses. that pick up

brain signals and broadcast messages on your dress 11iat shows your true opinions. O h ho She Didn t! is now M a c y s best selling fashion line to date. Kate Pokorski moved to Hollywood o ffe r.e ollega fa

fo llo w

t e r dreams-of becoming fyr fsfen

Sheaurtently co-hosts a dayftpe c

. program called "M y Life Is A Dcncel Chris Puglisi m ade a name for tiim&elf #n Broadw ay but then decided fa fa k e his Ivfe in a different c fffitfiW * by


the U iifad

States. A fte r his inauguration, CJrrto renamed the country PuglisiO and StWSexed a llb f fejqifteast .Asfa Brandon Purcell fin e ly g o t his ctaince at Tufane after the other t w o I N N * j d M a p s p e a r e d .

Henow plays p r o f « t o r « i f a i U


p ie w ly relocated Scarsdole G ionts while still finding time to not wosh his Hummer. M arlclare Rethore owns a sushi re sta p p n t w#h her Japanese chef t e b a e d H if lt e b c a f e f "Extra G inger fle a s d T in th e M c p ta n a Si Penitentiary, She has tw o kids-, Hiftokire aftd MtSfjhofo. Breana Roberts took her love of cats to a new level when she a d o p le d a lion from the grasslands of Kenya. She and the lion fens ■.' hair and decided fa get the same ha ff c d fa f^ fie ry red, ’

A fter failing to become a big tlfae golfer Henry Roden decided to run fa r Senator of AliZona and Fferfda


support of retired people in both states due to his stance on free applesauce.

He has c

Time Warps | 1

G arron Rodgers is head m Im agineeffitg i | f Disney M o o n , the first extraterrestrial amusement park.

has also designed an oven for use in

space that bakes qnly RodgeixY DftokiSS. While studying astronomy a t the University q f Arizona, Patrick Rody was given th© op p o rtu n ity to be the first man to land on mars. He has since com pleted the# accomplishment and refuses lb Come baete d e w ri to his home plcMef, fiffb e ry SttefftptS hpve been made, but to d a te all have faffed. Philip Rody is aSOsSWSful ichthyologist w h o has recently found d wpftfiaft w h o sharfes th e so fti# passiprj' fer fish and aquatic plants as he doe|* bringteg his quest in life to a h a p p y ending. He hqs eyen o p tn « d , op an Indian; fbst fo o d rftain on the sfde irt o rd e r to support his obsession with: M a n g o lasSt. Q alre Rose gra d u a te d and moved to Denver, C o fo 'a d '

because she loves the high .altitude. She trains chill dogs and teaches them how to

ski and snow board on ihe d o u b le black dtotftsfid runs. Natascha Schippel became a famous d ifs t psychologist w he d e a lt With b rp fty kids w ho a ctu a lly thought they w ere in charge of their parents. She also invented a ■SIMtapS.dn th a t smash#® 4 starbufsts into one, which is the new p o p culture trend. Emily Schron grew three feet a fte r high school and was an All 9 o r in the W N B A for M seasons. She retired to Jamaica w here she continues to pursue her fe v e p f fashion and is in the midst of designing her first line called' It s Schron, M a n ." Taylor Shannon pub ished a b o o k ab o u t her dtet called The Fast Pood lifestyle. It has helped millions of starving children nourish their bodies back to health. Pauline Shongov is a famous artist w h o settled peacefully in a European city, w here she re g u la rly stands w ith her easel on the cobblestone streets, w earing a beret. She smites as she creates her beautiful pieces of a rt and her beau, M a tth e w M acF odyen, osmes to greet her. Ifi a technological breakthrough, Colton Siddle m erged ho M ustang an d his plan e into one vehicle He now drives and flies in the same vehicle while traveling betw een A rizona a n d his ntan-cave feSQrd m andatory) in M o n ta n a Angelica Sisson continues to study Latin every d a y of her life, though she was 'slightly disappointed when her hip-hop/traditiO nal G re e k dance fitness classes did n ’t take o ff the w ay she Wanted (Caddie Stephens and husband H a rry Styles cre a te d a new line of hair ties m ade out of genuine horse hair, redefining the w ord ‘pony tail.’ A decade ago, she tra ve le d to the land of the Fbuyhnhnms and, despite the desperate pleas of H a rry over the past years, she refuses to come back to the human world. M a d d ie Stern is busy perform ing th e toanic role pf the Phantom in The Phantom of the O p e ra . She m arried her understudy, Daniel Radcliffey because she cx»ld» t find aricsther human w ith the same passion for the Phantom. In her collaboration w ith John G reen, they both w ro te The Fawlj in Looking for Arizona, which won a Pullitzer a n d a N o be l Peace Prize, Jack Swett g o t injured in an off roading incident involving, the Nissan Xtera Club of C hernobyl but pulled through and gives m otivational’ speeches I j rjlsnfree time. His lifelong go a l erf being a millionaire is coming alon g with his new d e o d o ra n t “Jack D o n ’t Swett," slowly making its w ay to becoming FDA approved. Alex Sylvester became l i e only p la y e r in the history o f organized sports to be d ra fte d in four separate leagues - M a jo r League Baseball, M a jo r le a g u e Soccer, the N a tion al Basketball Association, and (in a surprising turn of events! M a jo r League Ping Pong. (He is currently the commissioner of a new sport, Q lia g h o fb a ll, a fOst-paited and extremely dangerous game. M icah Travis rap pe d his w ay to the la p of the Tunes charts where he fought Taylor S w ift .far the number one song of the year. A fte r she lost, she w ro te a critically acclaim ed album by the name of ’ C h e a te r C h safer.” Kassidy Tse spends most q f her days reenacting scenes from The Lord of the Rings. She, along w ith her personal M r. Darcy, often spends her time in the forest talking to ants and eating lambst. Walker Tuton enjoys spending time with her greyhounds while a b o a rd the G reyhound public transportation service. O n e d a y she decided that blueberries would lo o k w a y better red, and thus fruit-dying became a popular trend in the U$; Pallavi W akharkar is chief editor for The A tla n fft; under her control the magazine w rites only in Latin and most of the articles feature the adventures of a world-class Indian volleyball player. Kendall W oodard spends her time w ith her golden retriever, both iiv ng off the fortunes from her boutique “Urban D ogfitters,” which specializes in the knit dog sw eater and leash business. Zach Wright d ropped e®t of college to pursue hlS passion of whispering, which was cut off when Zach a p plied for an opening as an auctioneer. He now lurks in Las Vegas as a premier au ction ee r and m arried show-stopper Britney Spears a fte r she released her new hit single "O oops I think Zach talked again!” Steven Yuan is continuing to enjoy his time in the United States, and is constantly on the search for new “hot chicks". His innocent gang-like phrases haven t gotten him into trouble yet, but Ms. Ragsdale still) fears for the worst. He is currently taking Spanish lessons and has finally figured out that “casa” is not a b a d word.






E W * .J

y h


Teachers’ W orst N ig h tm a re Natascha Schippgl

&Stott Arand-f^

Best H air

M o s t A thletic

India ©rassw & Tyler Fltrnjpfirey

^Se)S Syfe®jttKT & S^fertq Jocquez

W orst D riv e r A rW e Lee; & Henry Roden

M o s t Likely to be a Best Smile M elanie Cohen & Gian-Reto Bonadurer

PCDS Faculty M e m b e r Alex Hosmar & Nitya Agrawal

S e n io r Bests

B ig g e st G ossip Katharine Q v fo u lt St firofR forr f tr o e f

B ig g e st Class Flirts

M o s t Likely to S ucceed

Alex Sylvester & M elissa G re e n b e rg

Katharine Curraul: & Jacob Feder

M o s t R esponsible M e la n ie Cohen & Jackson M u rp h y




M o s t Likely to b e

M o s t Likely to H a ve a

H e a rd Across the Q u a d

B ad H air D a y

Kassidy Tse & Cbtton Siddle

Breana Roberts & Justin Corsillo

T7A Senior Bests

M o s t Likely to Best D ressed

Fall Asl e e p in Class

Tyler Humphrey & Emily Sdhron

W t a G r ado- Is D e rek Chan

M o s t C h a n g e d Since Freshmen Year C laire Rose & TrSrisr Kent

M o s t Likely to b e Protesting Som ething

M o s t Likely to Rule the W o rld

O livia Pearson & G arron Rodgers

Zoch W right M Hbl速n 3速r|ey

M o s t Likely to be on S a tu rd a y N ig h t Live



M a d d ie Stern & Tayfor M o n e y

S e n io r


M o s t D iva -e sq u e ftra n d o g Purest! & Hannah Cianci

M o s t Likely to b e

M o s t Likely to b e th e N ext

th e N ext Picasso


Pauline Shongov & D a rre n Rodgers

Leila l^gjghrehchi & Taylor M o n e y

Best Class C o u p le D erek Chan & Helen D ailey

M o s t Likely to b e caught

*7 6

M o s t C a ffe in a te d

Texting in Class

Kate Pokorski & M ica h Travis

Scott M in a rd and Kaddie Stephens

Senior Bests

Class C low ns

M o s t Likely to Be President

Taylor M o n e y & Natascha Schippel

Alex HosmÂŽP;!& Kate Pokorski

C o u p le That N e v e r W as Zach W rignt & O livia fearson

M o s t Likely to b e on M o s t S ch ool S p irite d

A m e ric a ’s Next Top M o d e l

W hitney Fahnbulleh & Colton S'tdale

Chris Puglisi & Hannah Cianci

W orst C ase of Senioritis Natascoa Schippel & JustB CSRilla

S e n io r Bests

Bringing pip-squeak to w h o le new t e e t is A lb e rt Von-Guinea Pig, o r be tte r known as “That tiny chirping noise that is dis­ tracting me during my B iology test." W e all know A lb e rt should have won the M o s t C hanged Since- Freshmen Yedr, as he has matured isfe such a gentle-pig. He also would have be en v i­ ab le for the M o st Likely I f fee Having a Bad Hair D a y due to his unique rosette, which helped us in naming him a fte r A lb e rt Einstein. Through g o o d times onfe bad, A lb e rt has always been there fo rth e PCDS students w ith his squeaks of love. O v e r the past years w e 've all learned to lave A lb e rt and his hankering f# r silantro. W e've trained him to recognize the rustling of a grocery bag as fhe sound of fo o d —Pavlov would be proud to. christen flm- as Ihe first p f "Pavlov 8 G uinea Pigs. ’ -Aceor'dttg to a recent study, A lb ert has been named as The w orld's most well-fed guinea pig due to th e large num ber of times diffe r­

ent students decide to let him nibble on cherry tomatoes and lettuce. As a w onderfut gesture of kindness in return, A lb e rt has displayed his special acrobatic skilled p o o p n g in his foo d bowl, demonstrating an astounding ab ou t of flexibility and pre­ cision. Scientists have alrea dy heralded this action as the de ­ fining factor of the next evolutionary generation c ; guinea pigs. How great these four years have been for PCDS and w e plan to have many, many rraqre w ith the pet w h o has surpassed all others as the r e r f teacher's pet.

1. The rosette in A lb e r ts hair 51gS@mbl#s th e sam e ty p e of h tfir ftite n tis t A lb e r t Einstein one® h a d , w hich is w h e re our

high school p e t g o t his name; 2. AlbertJBCjnders th e true meaning- § f Itfe a n d I® purposes o r thl: p la n # ; 3. A lb e rt <33ftT bfe b o th e re d w ith b js y

- h e ’s to o


to d e c id e which

gsjne> firsfe Itm chickeft. &

the ©g§| 4. ittpl Ho! Hfel -Sahta Albert's cornin' to town with cilBfitro! 5. A lb e r t s t r i f e o- cute $©®e «?ith hi® foatrtit; Qfisl carW g Own­ er, M s. SfJlffbt 6. A is e f f !s usbd to th e constant

p sp a ra zzi' to#.ffw teaef to mSfifeil in IliS -BSW5<SS® S® !#.




.S IW M 6

Switzerland is a place where they don’t like to fight, so they get people to do their fighting for them while they ski and eat chocolate. -Larry David

My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.” - John Green



I t hacCthat fam idar conviction that Cife was beginning J 'e r again w ith the summer."-J. Scott. JitzgeraCd






“ I’m shinin’ hard, they be like ‘There he go!” ’ -ScHoolboy Q





flJ ^ ten ^ rep iu s faciiede ju^er^ddlesprit djjnhomineu '^ ^ ^ ^ ^ u e sti^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ sesjep ^ o n se^ ^ j^ j^ ^ t |JS iluQg^^iv.by/hisIquestion^ratherithan'nis.answers.^h P.VnltaireM

Itjd oes' not<^oTt^lea ve^alIiv ^ontou t ^ Âť y o ii^ c a l^ la ti^ s * it|^ u livg n e a rh irn . -J.R.R. Tolkien*alMP^aS

[oak who showed up at The BUM




‘I think if human beings had genuine courage, they’d wear their costumes every day of the year, not just on Halloween. Wouldn’t life be more interesting that way?” -Douglas Coupland



1 .1 3




D ynam ite comes in small packages


“She’s a dreamer, a doer, a thinker. She sees possibility everywhere.”


■ a® ■ j jBranBWB h

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! W hat a Ride!” - H unter S. Thom pson


“Oh well, I guess I’m not wearing any pants today!” - Spongebob Squarepants


lways bear in m ind that ur own resolution to suced is more im portant than other. braham Lincoln




m can hiss yourfamily andfriends good-6ye (put miles between you, but at the same time i carry them with you in your heart, your id, your stomach, becauseyou do notjust live i world but a world lives in you. ’



3 $





“Fairy Tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” -G.K. Chesterton L







fiatever you choose, how­ l e r many roads you tr a v L, I hope th a t you choose I t to be a lad y. I hope you 111 fin d some way to le a k th e r u le s and make a I t t l e tro u b le out th ere, id I a lso hope th a t you i l l choose to make some ’th a t tro u b le on b e h a lf r women. I_________ -Nora Enhron


l e il a


“*Be ca reju fo ftrying to jincCmeaning in something th a t cfoesn’t have any. ”


ih e e i*

( e a r r v f r o n t y e 'S ie r t /u y , /io e ^ fo r fo c /a y , o h e /o r fo n t o r r o to . �

- ^ ( /f ) e n ( S in s te in


“ G ive a g ir l th e r ig h t sh o es, a n d sh e c a n c o n q u e r th e w o r ld .� -- M a r ily n M o n ro e

“HumotfWjust another defenseagainst the universe” - Mel Brooks

“Hold fast to dreams, fo f if drear die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly” - Langston Hug]







"iKfcelLlgeKce Is tk« a b ility to adla.pt to ckaKge," -StepkeK Haw^klKg


X n Verdant, p a s tu r e s and th rough ifo r e s ts o f Jade, th ey g/ide in /nagesty. Xn S c h o o / s o f fri/HanCe, th ey danCe t o th e rhy th m s o f /iVey fringing p ea ce and ujonder t o a// coho feh o /d . lOithin t h is theater o f ooaterx th ere e x is t s a toor/d." —

James Michener

toe fg / lt. fc)e eVen S to p lut in th e end, fami/y is there." — Unknown

Aqua Design Amano

“May you grow up to be righteous, may you grow up to be true. May you always know the truth and see the lights surrounding you. May you always be courageous, stand upright and be strong. May you stay forever young.” Bob Dylan








“N erds like us are allowed to be unironically enthusiastic about stu ff... N erds are allowed to love stuff, like jum p-up-and-dow n-in-the-chair-can’t-co n tro l-y o u rself love it. H ank, w hen people call people nerds, m ostly wha they're saying is ‘you like s tu ff’ W hich is ju s t n o t a good insult at all. Like, ‘you are too enthusiastic about the miracle o f hum an consciousness’.” John G reen

EBBS “Adventure is worthwhile in itself. -Amelia Earhart










“We don’t make mistakes, we just have happy little accidents.” -Bob Ross



x / ic i/ h / to t/trn c e to tf/i a d e o il mmrwma*- (x ic /t


s o 's /ia /te /lif t ) o jf”- 0% ot*etic& + ^77te f/a c /n 'tie


ja .



My Famous Words: <f


(Zachary Wright)


The only m edicine for suffering, crime, and all the other woes o f m ankind, is wisdom, woes of m ankind, is wisdom.� -Thomas Huxley


If I have placed mi^ part well,

clap L^our kanas, ana aismiss me witk applause jrom the sta^e.� Augustus Caes,

( ÂŁ ) e a /ie d * bUe are so looking jo w arA to tke next act

Dafll, Mom, A hraham, anA Sophia

Congratulations} We ca n 't believe you're all g ro w n up and going to college! LU e a ll lo ve uou! Grandpa, Grandma, Aunt Jane, Aunt Jean, Uncle Wayne, Mom, Dad, Danielle, Brennen, Gabrielle, and Tatum

Christopher Congratulations on an outstanding job ! We love you ! Mom, Dad, Allison, and Ellie.

Let the rain kiss you.Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby. - Langston Hughes

Garron E. Rodgers Your loving h e a rt is w h a t p e o p le com e to kn o w a n d rem e m be r, a fte r your ta le n t a nd c re a tiv ity d ra w them to you.

W e lo ve you d e a rly a nd w e a re so excited to see you m ove into th e o p p o rtu n itie s you now ha ve before you.

Love, M o m , D a d , & Bryeson

Henry Jacob Roden We are so proud of you! Lots of Love, Dad, Mom, and H annah

m m g m n iia

7 hope your dream^takewou to the Sornerw M your smiles, to the h ig h i^ o fw m rfio p e s , to the windows o f your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known." - Author Unknown Love you! -M o m and Dad

N atascn a ^ c h ip p e l

O ur d a u g h te r , w h o

n e v e r o r d e r e d o f f t h e la d s ’ m enu

(“ M o w a re t h e m u sse ls t o d a y , w a ite r? ” ) a n d w h o c h a lle n g e d h e r f r ie n d s t o d o t h e sam e (“ N o , o r d e r th e lo b s t e r in s te a d !” ), w e lo v e a ll t h a t y o u a re : Y o u r in d e p e n d e n c e ( f ir s t s e n te n c e : “ I’ll d o it m y s e lf!” ) Y o u r s e n s e o f h u m o r ( s e n io r s p e e c h ) Y o u r p e r s is te n c e .,.y o u r k in d n e s s ...y o u r la u g h te r... a n d e v e n y o u r s n e e z e (“ te e e !” ) Y o u m ake us s o v e ry p r o u d ! Love, M o m m a a n d C )a d

Taylor Money You have astounded us all with your brilliance and wit. We know you will continue to impress no matter where you are. We love you! Mom, Dad, Justine, and Kyle




M l^


recK ncK ,

You a re a w onderful daughter. W e are so proud of your accomplishments and wtfQ you are as a person. It l i a joy to be your parents and; to be a p a rt of your Me. You are truly loviid by your family M a y all your dream s come true! L o ve

a li/ v & u s ,

M o m , D ad, Kyla, Roselle, and Jaclyn



2 4 -HOURS A DAY, 7 - DAYS A WEEK ^ ^ 1 .8 8 8 .9 8 8 .A D O C


A P O G E E D O C T O R O N C A L L .C O M

Hgh School Senior and Teen Portraiture

ChrisTammie largophotography.com find us on facebook. become a fan. facebook.com/largophotography

OFFICIAL EVENT PHOTOGRAPHERS OF PCDS S e n io r C fc s # f ig f r q ^ u r r i c u la r


Nitya Agrawal: ffeli%» D e ba te , Stocfett Senate, A e t f e lo iq p , D q y b re a k j I Gian-Reto Bonadurer: Soccer, lacnpssm Spirit Q u b . F t! I Jamie Bryan: Swim /Dive Team, M a D D „& n p ro v £ ju b I M e g a n Cathey: B ^ f e jb g ! , Theatre USA ITS. 5« ftb c I I Derek Chan: ff»eatr%, Rqfcotics, US


Qanci: C heer, D ive l a m , Vafeyball, T A fc Impfgv Club I Dominique Clancy: Umtown, JSA, TASS, M a D D , Agfive V o lw I. Jessloa Cohen: Bas­ ketball, Lacrosse, VPC, GSA, Crafts by Youth I Jordan Cohen: Soccer, Baseball A ctive Voice, En Este M om enta I M elanie Cohen: Basketball Softball, G reen TecSii, Theatre, ffw d e n t Senate I Helen Dailey: Robotics, IFC A ft Club, S e g K ra ft Anime Club I Whitney Fahnbulleh: Anim Club, G SA, Y&ung Dems, A rt C U s I Jacob Feder: Robotics, learns I John Fernandes:,Swim Team, Baseball, 'GSA, M S M , MaCMD, H H C I Dalia G rado: Basketball, Cultural D ance I India Grasso: f e s k e t M

Yearbook, M S M

Melissa Greenberg: GSA, Thewatr% Young Dem

Choir, A ctive Voice Lauren Hanneman: Improv Ciuo. Theatre : rosse M S M Rycn Hoc jn town M ichael Alex Hosmar: Active Baseball, Cross Country, JSA Tutoring I Tyler Humphrey: Baseball, Soccer, Fondue Club, JCL Pre-med Club ACC I Selena Jacquez: Volleybal Basketball, S o ftb q f I Trevor Kent: Baseball StB’d erjt Senate* Pre-med Club, JCL, USA I Arielle Lee: & vim /D ive Team, M q D D , Improv Club I Alison Loretta: C heer, Theatre, # C ,,G 5 A , USA I Scott Minard: Dive Team, Baseball VF’C l Taylor Money: Soccer, B a se ba ll Spin JPA, JCA I Jackson Murphy: Swim Team, Theatre, FYL TARS I Jazmin Nldo: H H C A r t Club, Antme Q tfc , IFC, Chesf- I Leila Noghrehchl: S Team, Basketball, Pfl, M a D O , Yearbook, Theatre, IFC I Edgar Ocampo: R sb o tto Socce- B q d « d M . Baseball C I Emma Pappas: C heer, Theatre I Olivia Pearson: Basketball Urfitowri Kate Pokorskl: Student Senate, M a D D , FYI I Chris Pugllsi: Tt Club, Book Club, HHC I Brandon Purcell: Soccer, Basketball Lacrosse, Baseball I M arlclare Rethore: Volleyball Softball A rt Club. FYI I Breana Roberts: TARS, JSA, Ryan House, M a D D , Diversity Leadership I Henry Rodent © o ft. Active Vote®, TASS I Garron Rodgers: Yearbook. <. Club, Disney Club, A rt C lu b Theatre, Viaeo Pfdduction Club, Student Senate, USA TARS I Patrick Rody: USA I Philip Rody: Y e q rb jo L HHC G a k e Rose: Soccer Softball I Natascha Schlppel: Is fe y b a ll fcscros®, GSA. M S M I Emily Schron: li O ^ s e , A f i t Ffe-med C lu b JSM Taylor Shannon: Lacrosse, GSA, AC C I Pauline Shongov: SWIm/Dive Team,, A rt Q eb. IFC; Daybrecms I Colton Slddle: Lacnaw*. I p W Club JA K E . L Team, Basketball, Soccer, Cross Country, O rchestra, Stucfent B@dy President I Angelica Sisson: C h e tr, JCL USA,.

<3ub I Kaddle Stephens:

C h ee r I M a d d le Stern: Dive Team, USA, Theatre, G reen Team, Book Club I Jack Swett: Robotics. Baseball I Alex Sylvester: B< Baseball, Spirit C lu b , f PC, USA I M lcah Travis: Theatre, ITS I Kassidy Tse: Beak C lu b A rt C fe k Arfime Club I Walker Tuton: 3 cer, M S M I Pallavl Wakharkar: Active Voice, Daybreaks, Volleyball, Lacrosse, JCL, M S M , Student Senate I Kendall Woodard: I Zachary Wright: Swim Team, Basketball, Tennis I Steven Yuan: Robotics, Yearbook, JSA, HHC


Legend: Asian Cultural Club IACCI. Freshman Year Initiative I. Gay-Straight Alliance (GSAI Hispanic Heritage < Film Club (IFC), International Thespian Society Junior CEO's of America (JCA). Junior Classical League (JCL/Latin Cub' Junic i Ficsi^e ' _ _ C America (JPA), Junior Statesman of America (JSA), Live Action Interactive Role-playing Explorers (LAIRE) M ake a Difference Day IM aD D die School Mentors (/ASM), Teenage Republicans (TARS), Upper School Ambassadors (USA) Video Production Club (VPC)


(Young Dems)


- C o ntinue d from Page 6 4 M r. Cook: Jaimie Bryan: Thanks fo r helping ff® K j w l chickenf! Derek Chan: Thanks for donating your mineral o


Dominique Clancy: There will never be another Joan D. M e la n ie Cohen: You ow e me a Subway sqndwitfch. A pril C u rd ' I am happy tttft'b fiQ f is off. India Grasso: !nd ia Grasso! Lauren Hanneman: The oWgiflol BtaeEyiS, Alex Ntatmar: D o no evil, Devil Boy, Selena Jacquez: M y favo rite form of gypsum. A rie lle Lee: Seismic Sally loves earthquake quizzes. O livia Pearson: The queen dfjSBrses, M a ric la re Rethore: Peac© Flower Child. Breana Roberts: A true Desert Rose. G a rro n Rodgers: A monster from my nightmares. Patrick Rody: G e t a haircut and a decent job. Philip Rody: Philip, the French exchange student Natascha Sqfsippel: As you wish, buttercup. Im ily Schrort S O D is not a h a p p y acronym. Colton Siddle: C®ltow Lcry H®o he we® ixaspy twp, Angelica SlSSfi: Aft Angelic child and dancer, Kaddie Stephens: The d a y birds ate horses! M a d d ie Stern: M ic a rocks! M ica h Trqvfs: i% f fa v o rite phyllosftoate Kassidy Tse: Z z z z z z & s s m z z z z z z W alker TWrsn: W squared, which is of cqyrae w e ird walker Pallavi W akharkar: A fetes!; syckift,g Vampire I have many, many mernqrtes o f this. laving class, but I have tw o words tha t realfy stand Out..,Joshua Tree. I loved this trip, and I am p ro b a b ly ‘one of only 'three @r four p e o p le w ho did. So mafry iu n ctftd ‘funny memories Came from tbS; w e e k in the desert heat of California. The “Tong hike", bpuldering, underground sea, rodfc climbing, A e p ir t g under a t a p {not a tent), infinite stars, dehydration, injuries, no running w ater, toilets, soap.Jife was simpie a n d g© odl "feu all studc it out {no pun intended, G arron) qnd 'w orked q£ a team. I w ss so proud sqf everyone. The g o a l w as to learn Now ta le a ve your comfort zone, and you all did ft w ith @ sense of empowerm ent! N ow ,

Colophon Hardware


off you go again, new adventures, new sticking points, and

2 0 ” iM a c , Early 2 0 0 8 ; 2 .6 6 'G H z Intel

G eosans Light (used for body, head­

new challenges to climb up and over. G o o d luck to each of

C ore 2 Duo; 2 G B R A M ;' 2 2 0 G B HD

lines, and jD ag e numbers)

you, leave your comfort zones and discover a life filled w ith

15" M a c B o o k Pro, Early 2011; 2.2

PanefresdM uled for p o rtra it names)


G H z Intel C ore i7; 16 G B. RAM ; 7 50

A a a rg h (used for senior p ag e head­

- Ms. M cK ean



Epson Stylus Photo 2 2 0 0 W ide-form at



Headlines: G eosans Light, 4 8 pt

The past 4 years have flown by. It just seems Iffee yesterday

Epson Perfection 3 2 0 0 Photo Scanner

Body: G eosans Light, 10 pt

w e were all Pt Catalina Island; I can still hear the complaints

Cameras & Lenses

Page Numbers and Section Headings:

about the cold water. Eight of you helped this year's group

C anon EOS Rebel T3i

G eosans Light. 10 pt

of 8th graders through their trip. M a n y of you w ere also ffl

C anon EFS 18-55 mm lens

Portrait Names: Panefresco, 12 pt

C anon 7 5 -3 0 0 mm lens

The Phoenician, 2013

my rocketry/snorkeling electives trying to b low up rockets out


8 4 0 copies

instead just’ losing them in the desert. I seem to remember a

A d o b e InDesign CS6

2 5 6 pages

small fire or tw o w e had to put out. A couple of you w ent on

A d o b e Photoshop CS6

8.5 x 11 Inch pages

one of my sailing trips. They were wonderful, such fun sailing

A d o b e Illustrator CS6

100 LB glossy p a p e r

and exploring the Apostle Islands. G o o d luck in college.


- M r. C ra bb

254 Yearbook

Editor-in-Chief ^G orron Rodgers

Layout Editor Kyle M o n e y

Photography Editors Philip Rcdy Am elia M o n to o th Caroline Cogliani .V

Text Editor Kyle M o n e y

Layout Staff Lina Khan; JeSsica WinsSinger, Andrew Novoa, Staley Lane, Rana Roud:, Sbphie Hill, Amelia M on to o fh , Bryeson Rodgers, A'ison Loretta, Wesley Curci

Photo Staff Sophia Ho, Staley Lane, Suzette Guzman, Leila Noghrehchi, Rana # lo u d i, A driana Dunlap, Anita Sheih, Raagini Kothur, Steven Yuan, Kyle M on ey Phoenix Country Day School

■Details he them e “different by design" vas chosen by the yearb p o k

3 9 0 ] E. Stanford D rive

Text Staff

, Paradise Valley, AZ

ta ff a fte r a survey of the FGDS

85253 ■

community. The cover was

6 0 2 .9 5 5 .8 2 0 0 . •

designed by G a rro n Rodgers


and is printed on white linen


material w ith a UV coating over

W alsworth Yearbooks

: Bryeson Rodgers, Wesley Curci, Lina Khan

Faculty Advisor Taylor Nelson

he text. The “worjd mosaics” were created w ith Tagxedo

Special Thanks

and the w ater color textures were scanned and a rran g e d in

Jenny Treadway, Jack Phillips, Liz Olson, Katie Zink, Andy McKean,

Adobe Photoshop CS6. Pages w ere submitted to W alsworth

G abi Ragsdale, Jesse Munch, Desiree Ong, Eric Neufer, Shane Lewis,

digita lly and proofs w ere sent

M a rt Dukehart, Andrew Rodin, Jakiy(vins, Kimberly Saur, Q ndy Fowler,

pack to PCDS for corrections.

M ichael Rodgers, |s a Rodgers, PCDS Security, Paradise Valley Police

8 4 0 copies of the b o o k w ere printed and m ade availa ble to

Department, Largo Photography, Phoenix Sports Photography

students, faculty, and staff.

m rn t

W a ls w o r th

Y e a rb o o k i *

As four long years of ye a rb o o k d ra w to a ciose, |a m left to reflect pn the people, the process and the products w e have produced. I have had rpy share of-late nights, last-minulp p h b h l shoots and hwh.dreds of hours in front of d com puter screen. Even though each year begins w ith a familiar challenge—to create a b o o k that the communify will chensfofor a lifetime, the tasks tha t fill the coming months are quite daunting—hundreds of pages to design. Like, many artists^ i see this, blank canvas as an inviting expanse an o p pcrtun ty to experim ent w ith creativity. Designing a ye a rb o o k is a difficult task that includes bringing together the im probable qualities o f creativity and timelineSs;|My crea tivity contends w ith rigid guidelines and a strict deadline^,AAy creative side wants to let layout ideas com e1through ra w inspiration, while my practical sense needs the pages done by Friday. These past four years I have le arn ed to ba la nce crea tivity w ith the discipline o f punctuality. I hope this year's edition contains the pe rfe ct balance of a rt a n d y fility ^ a y e a rb o o k th a t is beautiful, yet still fulfills its purpose of providing a snapshot of the 2012-2013 school years,for generations id come. I have w orked w ith four d iffe re n t ye a rb o o k staffs. Eacn One has been distinctly different, w ith its o\yn c h a ra cte r and vibe. The Editor-in^Chief has to w o rk w ith arid within th e personality of the'team as 0 w h oie k< eep:ng everyone organized and on Track. M o s t often, it is both exasperating and exhiiaratihg.-with lifefong memories created along the w ay,-from the ^spirited Emily M o ra z a n , to trie fashio.n-d va Shannon M an ie y. to the de d ica te d lauren Cha~en. f be ievc I have truly seen if d ll.ln Addition, w h en next August comes o fo u n c H a m cUrious to see w h a t m y-'label as-an*Editor-in-Chief will be! I would like to extend thanks td m y wpnderTuW e.afbook staff. This y e a rb o o k is an expression of their dedication. I am truly thankful for the am czing'y diverse collection of personalities and talents I have encountered this year. A Special thanks tovisy e M o n e y for his enthusiasm, zeal, and immense,commitment. M/e could not have produced this ye a rb o o k w ithout him. Next y e a r as he takes the reins, I am confident that jr e will create an outstanding, ye a rb o d k filled, with; humjor and beautiful people. !: has b e e n ’ a pleasure to go throughdhis arduous process w ith all of y o tt'-a process th a t includes creativity, focus, humor, loss of sleep, encounters w ith Paradise Valley Police, take-6ut foo d arid the giddiness th a t comes y*?Th la te night deadline a unches. As a reader of this b e a k ,C h a p e :yo'„ ettjpy and cherish tljgi memories CQntained Within for many years to come. Please find time

to appreciate all m e^hard worK'^vested In this y e a rb o o k Each staff member brsSght his or her own talents and creativity to th e protect. The b q c k wcs a b a te d 'By a team of unique indiwdualss A quote by Sam HcsKiris p e rfe ctly describes the feelings of any designer: ‘ A p h o to g ra p h e r w e fttd o a ,so cia lite -p a rty in N e w YorK. As he .entere d the fro n t d o o r, the host said, 1 fo y ® ’y o U r fo ic J iu f© s s th © y 'r e * w Q r id e r fu l;;’-y o u m u s t

have a fantastic cam era.’ He said nothing until dinner was

finished, th e ® 'That' was a wonderful dinner; you must h a ve a te rrific stove.'" As if4s wfth any Creative proces'sVil starts w ith the folents and gifts of individuals, w ith each person adding bis o r her own personal touch. J o q ls may make a job easier, but it is'the artist w ho makes a difference. C e le b ra te the artists you encounter jn your life. If you;do, I believe tw o lives w ill.be enriched. W ith these last t/vords, my jo y m e y b e re at Phoenix C ountry D ay School comes to a close. I would like to thank the school and the entire PCDS community for making the last 14 years absolutely amazing. As I now must say my official “goodbye," I do so w ith the hope th a t our friendships w ilija s t our w h ole lives through. Thank you. Sincerely,

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