PCDS Yearbook 2017

Page 1


The Phoenician

Phoenix Country Day School 3 9 0 1 E. S ta n fo rd Dr. | P a ra d is e V alley, A rizo n a 8 5 2 5 3 6 0 2 - 9 5 5 - 8 2 0 0 | w w w .p cd s.o rg |

What is a Passport? In the tru e st sense of the word, it is a n official docum ent th a t you need to show to en ter a foreign country. It provides you w ith the ability to explore other cultures, m eet other people, and broaden y o u r perspective of w hat it m eans to be a citizen of the world. In th e Upper School, we have had num erous passport tra v e l experiences. We have visited Costa Rica, Germany, China, Fiji, India, Cuba, Cambodia, and Vietnam. E very PCDS tra v e le r who has handed th e ir p assp o rt to officials in these countries h as come back a different person. They have appreciated w hat th ey have, have learned how happiness is not w hat you have but who you are, and have vowed to fill th e ir passports w ith stam ps th a t tak e them to m any new places. In an o th er sense, education is a passport. Education enables you to b etter yourself. It opens doors for you and allows you to pursue yo u r dream s. It is a p assp o rt to all things possible. It provides you w ith knowledge and p rep ares you for fu tu re journeys. The p assp o rt of education opens m inds and subsequently doors of opportunity. W hatever m eaning a p assp o rt has for you, tak e advantage of using it. Use it to trav el, to learn, to explore, to discover, and to help others. As Diane Von F urstenberg once said, “You a re th e one th a t possesses the keys to your being. You c a rry the p assp o rt to your own hap p in ess.� -Ms. Treadw ay Dean of Upper School Students 2

Them e

Table of Contents Dedication


Middle School

Faculty &? Staff p. 12

A ctivities 8c A thletics 5 th G rade 6 th G rade 7 th G rade 8 th G rade


Upper School

Blue &? Gold

Lower School Activities Pre-K Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade


p.22 p.34 p.36 p.38 p.40 p.42 p.44

p.46 p .48 p .76 p .80 p .84 p .88

p .92 p .94

A ctivities 8c A th letics 9 th G rade 1 0 th G rade 1 1 th G rade

p. 116 p . 132 p. 144

p. 150


p. 156 p. 160 p . 164 p .2 3 0

S enior B ests Tim e W arps S enior P ages S enior Ads

Colophon The Phoenician: 840 copies 2 4 0 pages 8.5:-by-l 1 inch pages 100-lh glossy paper


Edche American Typewriter Times


Canon Rebel T3I Canon Rebel XS


Adobe InDeSign CS6 Adobe Photoshop CS6 Walsworth Online Design Program

Designated &? Submitted: Phoenix Country Day School 3901 E. Stanford Drive Paradise Valley, AZ 85253 602.955.8200 www.pcds.org

Publisher: Walsworth Yearbooks 306 N. Kansas Avenue Marceline, MO 64658 Table o f Contents

Thank you, H r. Coon! If you have ever had the pleasure of speaking to Mr. Coon, you would be able to catch a glimmer of something unique about his character. Within him lies a special admiration for the wonders to be found in the world around him. It seems as though each facet of beauty bestowed upon the Earth has caught the detailed eye of "Coon." He observes the goodness in nature through hiking in the White Mountains and his love of all things Greer. When he delves into lands kept in the ink on dog-eared pages, he will scour each sentence until he discovers any hidden intricacies to be found and breathes new meaning into old words as he relates them to himself and others. Mr. Coon also sees and illuminates the good in our PCDS community — always showing his vibrant personality in the quad when he speaks to his students, rings the bell, or yells “homina homina homina” to some scattered freshmen or unhurried seniors trying to be on time for class. No matter what, Mr. Coon will always be echoing with you at PCDS. But most of all, Mr. Coon has a keen ability to see the potential for greatness within each person who passes through his classroom door. There is something about him that emanates warmth, excitement, and a dedication to the well-being of others. He displays a large capacity for compassion and can find what state of mind you’re in by simply making eye-contact. He also constantly relates to you on your writing and experiences, making it clear that he really does care. Through this, he seems to be softly urging that you matter and are of some immeasurable worth. With such dedication to the wellness of others, Mr. Coon has been a magnificent leader to all who have known him. As he leaves this spring, those staying behind who watch him go will see the spot he filled and understand baet wses god cyning. Sincerely, Iris Druch and the Class of 2017





Beard e l Trustees

to p row, left to right: Lou W ern er, T racy B re n n a n , N icholas F irestone, Tim Louis, A dam G oodm an, D avid Lewis Middle row, left to right: A ndrew Rodin*, C harlene W hitfill, C harles Shields, ;Paulette Dodson, M ichelle H o sm ar, J o r d a n Rose Bottom row, left to right: A ugustine Gomez*, T racy Schw im m er, T aylor B urke [P resident), M olly DeFilippis*, M arg au x R osen, D onna J o h n s o n Not Pictured: Don D ady [Ex officio

Board o f Trustees


Parents' Association

Members: Jen Swisher, Erin Ashby, Stephanie Ashm an, Farnaz Halepota, Molly DeFilippis, Robin Sewell, Tracy Hott, Laurie Wang, Yasm in Madi and Jeannie Lloyds

Alumni Board

The Board of the Phoenix Country Day School Alum ni Association congratulates the Class of 2017! We extend a warm welcome to our new est alumni! Members: Greg Haus, Carolina Lopez, Nicole Blaustein Spracale, Clarissa Simek Robinson, Sarah Vieh Dworkin, Augus:ne Gomez, Ayliri Tashman Kim, Gilbert Armenta, Tiffany Westlie Pondelik, Ali Hicks LeClair, Elizabeth Reahard Oviedo, Alex Ashby, Bryan McLaren, Ben McRae, Caitlin Wilenchik, Eric Fram, Sophia Boyer, Adam Sidi Parents' A ssociation & Alumni Board

!Letter From Mr. Rodin "hough I can’t count m yself am ong the throng of loyal Chicago Cubs fans, I must idmit th at I w as rooting for them to w in the World Series. Actually, what I really vanted w as for them to w in LAST year—in 2 0 1 5 . Certainly, breaking the m assive ham pionship drought—since 1908!—w as a m otivating factor; after all, who wants o see a fan base suffer that long. But w hat had me stirred up w as the possibility that Marty McFly might have been >ight. With help from Doc Brown and the flux capacitor, Marty travels back in time n the 1989 flick B ack to th e Future: P a rt II and discovers, among other things, that he Cubs have done the impossible: th e y ’ve finally won the World Series. Best of dl, the m ovie predicts that it happens in 2 0 1 5 —26 years after the movie was nade. That th ey w ere only one y ea r off is amazing. "he notion of tim e travel has been appealing to audiences—and the general public— or ages. The ability to escape the every-day and m ove forward or backward in lime allows us to ponder the larger questions of "What I f? " and "What Might B e? " It opens up to u s the world of possibilities and lets us dream big. )ne thing that im presses me so m uch about PCDS students is their desire to break lown barriers and understand the world in profound w ays. They have no fear of eaving their own com fort zone, as their quests m ay turn up answ ers for them to ihallenges th at need exploration and travel for solutions. It’s the reason so many if our students take part in our travel abroad program s, and also w hy the vast najority of our graduates choose colleges far from home. Please take the tim e to enjoy another delightful yearbook, full of m em ories that take you back in time—and predictions that w ill push you forward. And if yearbook travel doesn’t suit you, I think I might know where to find a DeLorean and 1.21 gigawatts of power to get things off the ground. Andrew M. Rodin Head of School

Letter from the Head o f School

B lue 6 Gold Day


Blue & Gold

B lue & G old N ight I 11®, M W W i


Blue & Gold


Blue & Gold

Faculty C S taff Loreta Aguirre Sarah Aguirre Becky Allison Robin Anderson

Heather Arguello Andrea Avery Nicki Barber Kristie Berg

Rebecca Bernhardt Betty Bienert Lynetta Binger Kelly Blackson

Joe Boehle Alii Booth Karen Bruntz Keith Burns


Faculty & Staff


Kat Burrell Kelly Butler Barb Bzdak Kaitlan Cady

Raul Calderon Raul Calderon Jr. Jose Calvo Linares C. J. Carlson

Cliff Carlson Katie Charles Jenny Cherilla Kevin Cliff

Ivan Contreras Lance Coon Donna Corbett Carla Co'se-Giallella

Lisa Culbertson Jennifer Cunningham Cindy Davis Nichole Dawson

Faculty & Staff


Linda Drate Shawn Ducusin Anne Duffy Sasha Eden

Brian Ellingson Karin Epstein Chris Eriksen Kai Etheridge

Sadie Etheridge Leslie Feldman Julie Fine Melinda Flores

Steve Fox John Freeland Duane Freeman Maki Fullerton

Pam Gagner Sarah Gaumer Yolanda Gilbert Brett Girod


Faculty & Staff

Jacqui Goertz Ricardo Gonzalez Michael GordonSmith M ichelle Gurnee

M att Guthrie Toni Hall Katharine Halsey Meg Hathaway

Jeanel Hoagland Blake Howard Andrew Huff M ichele Huskey

Diane Ingold JakiIvins Jamol James David Kdye

Nick Klemp Kelsey Knutson Bob Kosower Kavita Kukunoor

Faculty & Staff

Robyn Kunze Julie Larrea Jackie Lee Nathan Lewis

Shane Lewis Richard Lopez Mikenna Mack Evelyne Macrodimitris

Danny Majeski Sheila Marks Dave Martin Sue Mazzolini

Daniel McGill Patrick McHonett Andy McKean Katie McKean

Stephanie M cLachlan Brian M ensinger Mary Kay Meyers Laurence Mills


Faculty & Staff

Hallie Mueller Jesse Munch Luann Murray Taylor Nelson

Eric Neufer Sean Newland Kelli Newsome Liz Olson

Desiree Ong Alvaro Otalora Patty Pang Brandon Perry

Tina Pitts Tony Ploog Suzi Pressley Yolanda Prisco De Calderon

Kristin Pruett Lynn Quartermaine Gabi Ragsdale Pedro Ramos

Faculty & Staff


Richard Rende Colin Reynolds Meily Riehle Lydia Rodin

Brent Root David Rowe Jeff Sachs Gina Saltonstall

Kimberly Saur Rachel Scarpone I Karl Schossow Jim Sexton

Ian Sharpe â– Jaime Sheridan Marti Skloven Kyle Skolfield

Lauren Strohacker I Tracy Sucato I Ben Sullivan Mike Swingler

Faculty & Staff

Ken Thommen Lisa Tolentino Teeraya Tomlin Jenny Treadway

Claire Tyra Jim W aller Kim Wass Molly Williams

Hannah Willis Joanna W isniewska Debra Wood Stefan Youngs

Richard Zielenkiewicz Lisa Zima

Faculty & Staff



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Introduction to the Low er School

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I In the Lower School we teach you to think deeply, read | carefully, write thoughtfully, and work to solve all types jof problems. Beyond this though, we hope to inspire you to value the wonder that you are, and have the courage to move towards your dreams with the confidence that the | journey will be beautiful. “Sail aw ay...” With love, Ms. Jacqueline Ivins

Introduction to the Lower School


Lower School Life

Lower School Life


Lower School Life

Kindergarten Buddies

Kindergarten Buddies

Lower School Art

Lower School Music

Special Friends

Fall Concert

Track C Field

â– N M n

P re-K in d e rg a rten Rishi Andalkar Reagan Brenner Cooper Brown Aiden Charous Luke Conti I

Rhys Darcy Jenna El Masry Colette Fournier Jim Gard Beckett Karr

Ronan Kieran Cassel Layton Leif Le M ia Mamolen Michael McDermott

Benjamin Paltzik Cassandra Pondelik Lennik Rempe Michael Shoen Diana Sullivan



Vivienne Taylor Alice Templeton Reid Thomas Zachary Thomas Mateo Varon

Catherine W aller



K in d erg arten Helen Afework Bennett Ashby Danny Berger I Boden Bindley Coco Bliss

Ronan Brown | Cate Cashman Violett D'Annibale Alex Ekpo Ella Ellegard

Riley Freed Izzy Garcia Ali Leinbach Maeve M arguerite Lily M cDonough


Leighton M cNicholas Ann Nichols I Valentino Ori I Bries Palmer Lillian Petermann I



Alexandra Rosetti Rollin Sabeeh Neriah Safir Reagan Saur Benjamin Schaub

Liam Shay Sienna Shuster Stella Silk Evie Souccar Dylan Tedesco

Jake Umar Alexis Vella Gaby W agner Bella Warren M ila Warren

John White



1st G rade Mya Abraham Oscar Albuquerque Zachary Andersen Giulia Armato Valentina Bakay

Aiden Banks Mira Baraff Annabelle Bohl Minty deGuzman Tessie deGuzman

Annika Etheridge Gianna Fransway Eden Gibb Mitchell GordonSmith Max Haerter

Kaia Hochman Cruz Hope Julian Katz Alaia Lalji Harlow Levy


l st Grade

Madison Mamolen Blake McDermott Michael Murphy Jyothi Patil Connor Perry

Isabel Pires Brianna Ploederl Beatrice Poole Shan Rishi Jacey Sellers

Zain Shah Jax Smith Siena Steams Raya Stem Kayla Swanson

Kingston Swisher Louis W emer Sara White

1st Grade


2n d G rade Camila Acharya Jadd Agha Tea Alvarenga Alex Andersen Emery Arkeveld

Turner Ashby Reid Bock Allegra Borletti Chiara Borletti Bo Brigham

Liliana Chaidez Juliana Crisalli Ellie Dahl Morgan DeMark Soren Etheridge

Tara Ghafouri Blake Huskey Alaina Kieran Jayla Knapp Abby Lavelle


2nd Grade

Rachael Long Ella McNicholas Isabella Melikian Kavin Mutyala Mady Nakaji

Elle Palmer Fletch Palmer Madalyn Paltzik Niyam Patel Danielle Pollack


Gavin Reddy Carson Rose Maxwell Safir Braden Shuster Mimi Siroky

Siduri Sloan George Souccar Stone Swisher Reid Umdr Brooke Vella

2nd Grade



3 rd G rade Maximus Andersen Cassidy Angst Sarah Bendok Kaylee Berg-Brady Finley Bockrath

M aeve Brown Taylor Bulloch Jayden Caldwell Zara Campbell Rachel Caplan

Shankar Chawla Elliot Cohen Addison Davies Musse deGuzman Adelle Ekpo

Aya El Masry Jazi Fletcher Madison Gordon Rainey Hackett Diego Hernandez


3rd Grade

Alexis Hernandez Delgado Samantha Horlick Christina Keller Amogh Madala Lila Marguerite

Jack Moriarty | Caden Nakaji Ethan Ortega Jaiden Ploederl Lhuillier Poole

Josie Robinson Gabriel Rosen Ben Sabol Evelyn Sandoval Hunter Sansone

Laney Sellers Zara Shah Talullah Sullivan Dari an Te'desco Elsa Termansen

Siddharth Vadnerkar Payton W oker

3rd Grade



4th G rade Ahmed A1 Saedi Matteo Armato Charlotte Ashman Aarush Atmakuri Fabriz Bakay

Paolo Borletti Jaxson Bulloch Remy Burke Audrey Cabbil Scarlett D'Annibale

Jesmina deGuzman Megan Eckerman Linus Gino-Griffiths Jake Gregory Dylan Grossman

David Haerter Gabrielle Hayden Alarah Hochman Allison Isgar Caroline Isgar


4th Grade

Carter Kroeger Rylie Lloyds Julia Lotz Morgan Mamolen Jiya Mutyala

Sam Novak Zoe Oland M ichaela Paltzik Jack Perry Gabriela Radic

Ellie Robinson Quincy Rodin Logan Rose Lauren Russo Simone Sabeeh

Emanuele Saladini Lara Shennib Katie Sodja Deepal Takhar Jake Tucker

Emery Voss Benjamin W ellnitz Jack Whalen Nate Williams

4th Grade



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Introduction to the M iddle School

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Dear Students, I write this letter in early November. We have had a wonderful start to the 2016-17 school year. Recently, PCDS held its annual Open House, which was very well attended. The energy and enthusiasm around our campus has been outstanding! The yearbook staff has informed me that this year’s theme is "passports." I feel that I could take this idea in a number of different directions, but what immediately comes to mind are travel and trips. In the past few weeks, our 5th, 6th, and 8th grade students have had incredible off-campus adventures to the Biosphere, Prescott, AZ, and Catalina Island, CA, respectively. The 7th grade will take their trip to Boston, MA, at year’s end. These trips are invaluable; they bring to life so much information that is learned in the classroom, while also allowing students to bond in a more natural setting. As I reflect on my time as a middle school student, I vividly pmember the class trips to local museums and the end-of-year excursion to an amusement [ark. Those were enjoyable times. The trips that my family took were also impactful. I pcall when all six Sullivans - my parents and all four of us children - piled into our red Ford Escort Wagon and drove from New York to Arizona during winter break when I was 10 ears old. Through blinding snowstorms, mechanical problems, and car sickness, we made it p the warm winter paradise of Phoenix, AZ, for a week-long vacation. [here is no substitute for travel. Yes, you can watch a documentary about the Grand Canyon |n television, but nothing compares to standing at the edge and peering over rocks. Hearing pe roaring Colorado River when you reach the canyon floor is a life-changing experience. [encourage all of you to soak in the travel experiences that we provide at PCDS and to enjoy [our family trips. I feel very fortunate to be part of such a wonderful learning environment tere at PCDS and look forward to forging memories with all of you in the years to come. Best of Luck, Mr. Sullivan Head of Middle School

Introduction to the M iddle School


Middle School Life

M iddle School Life


Middle School Life

M iddle School Life


Middle School Art


M iddle School Art

M iddle School Music

Eagle Stories


M iddle School Play

M iddle School Play


Middle School Trips

Girls' Basketball |e----------


â– c _


5 /6 Girls Blue Basketball Roster: Julia Black, Isabella Brenes, Niamh Campbell, Mariana Deignan, Kathleen Eckerman, Tatum Horton, Elle Mullard, Teagan Redden, Natalie Vu

5 /6 Girls Gold Basketball Roster: Tabitha Cohen, Ava Goodman, Manya Madala, Jahanvi Mittal, Isabelle Tillman, Mikayla Yue

7/8 Girls Blue Basketball Roster: Greta Bindley, Gwen Bindley, Niamh Campbell, Rachel Cooper Emily Deignan, Mariana Deignan, Mikayla Drewitz, Emme Kate Hackett, Noemi Hernandez, Sanya Mittal, Eesha Narwani, Sadie Rosenthal, Leah Schroeder

Girls' Basketball

Girls' Basketball


Boys' Basketball 5 /6 B oys Blue B asketball: X

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David Abero, RSHfflolaji Arm entaM BowenBuTKeT^Syai'Esrtft Lewis, Ay denkMadif»^yd^p^Miller , iffim afti Narwani, M iles Sal^efe^^ylnr S n Jji, *D ylan i U qtsS^4


5 /6 Boys Gold B asketball: S k y lar Florey, K a th e r H ackett, A u stin H inkson, J a y c e H uskey, Isa ia h Lieberm an, Connor Lloyds, W arrg n M urff, B ennett R usso

7 /8 B oys Blue B asketball: J a k o b L am ber, J o s h u a L am ber, M atth ew L in h a rt, A rm a n M adi, B enjam in M arsd en , Will M iraglia, S antino Ori, Sam uel S tein er, K iahn T eh ran ch i, Elliot W essel, D aniel W hite, K a rse n Yue


Boys' Basketball

7 /8 Boys Gold. B ask etb all M ic h a e l Bendok, J u s tin H orlick, Hkyle Odden, J o s h u a P eterso n , Eli I S ilverin^n, Y ash W adw ekar


6 /7 /8 Boys Baseball: Elliott E rn s te r, D arw in H a rriss, W ade H u n te r, B enjam in Lewis, M atth ew L in h a rt, T im othy M o ria rty , George N a ssa r, Kyle Odden, S antino Ori, J o s h u a P e terso n , Cole Sorosky, S am uel S tein er, D aniel W hite



6 /7 /8 Girls Softball: S a b rin a B ailey, A bigail B o c k rath , K a th e rin e H en d rick so n , S ien a ^ L ilje g re n , Elle M u llard , B rigidelle Ori, S a v a n n a h S m ith, A ^ielle T roadec, H ila ry Tuefeer, N atalie Vu, G rade W h alen



Flag Football 5 /6 F lag Football: David Abero, Parker Allen-Cooper, Nicholas Armenta, August Brenden, Grant Burnham, Niamh Campbell, Nicholas Dahl, Carson Flader, Kather Hackett, Arjun Hemmady, Austin Hinkson, Jayce Huskey, Benjamin Lewis, Isaiah Lieberman/Connor Lloyds, Ayden Madi, Aiden Miller, Parker Milhken, Timothy Moriarty, Warren Murff, Camden Ortega, Ari Ross, Asa Silverman, Tyler Smith, Harrison Steiner, Banks Voss

7 /8 Flag Football: M ichael Bendok, V ish ru t C h au rasia, D rew Gines, Kyle H arriso n , J u s tin H orlick, K ellan House, Ja k o b Lam ber, J o s h u a L am ber, M atthew L in h art, Will M iraglia, Kyle Odden, Santino Ori, Neil A ry a n Patil, J o s h u a P eterso n , B enjam in R ichardson, S am uel S teiner, H ector T orres, R y an Vakil, Elliot W essel, K a rse n Yue

Flag Football

Girls' G Boys' Soccer

5/6 Boys Blue Soccer Roster: David Abero, Lorenzo Acharya, Bowen Burke, Adam Burns, Maxwell GordonSmith, Jayce Huskey, Benjamin Lewis, Connor Lloyds, Maximillian McCavitt, Parker Milliken, Alexander Sondergaard, Esben Sorensen, Tyler Tam, Banks Voss 7/8 Boys Soccer: Saif Agha, Devin Bansal, Ely Brayboy, Richard Burnham, Jacob Davis, Speed Gregory, Kyle Harrison, David Kloeber, Matthew Linhart, Clark Louis, Benjamin Marsden, Chase Mullard, Santino Ori, Sven August Riester, Robert Schrott, Ryan Vakil, Karsen Yue 5/6 Girls Soccer: Madison Angst, Abigail Bockrath, Niamh Campbell, Tabitha Cohen, Jordan Cole, Sophia Crisalli, Chloe DeMark, Ava Goodman, Elle Mullard, Brigidelle Ori, Siena Rosen, Anna Sabol, Emilia Safir, Kayla Singer, Charlotte Spetzler, Arielle Troadec, Hilary Tucker, Addisen Werner 7/8 Girls Soccer Roster: Jewel Abdo, Greta Bindley, Gwen Bindley, Diana Briguglio, Emily Deignan, Gabriella Fried, Johanna Gonzalez-Coachi, Emme Kate Hackett, Noemi Hernandez, Justine Money, Victoria Moreno, Caroline Purtill, Ciara Rethore, Sadie Rosenthal, Charlotte Sevrain, Claudia Sheridan 66

Girls' & Boys' Soccer


5/6 Boys Gold Soccer Roster: Baqer A1 Saedi, Devan Amin, Nicholas Armenta, August Brenden, Grant Burnham, Carson Flader, Kather Hackett, Isaiah Lieberman, Warren Murff, Ari Ross, Tyler Smith


Girls' & Boys' Soccer


Swim 6 Dive Roster: P a rk er A llen-C ooper, M aya A llm en d in ger, H arper A lt, S arai A rk ev eld , R em in gton B e r n a ta v ic iu s, B rando B orletti, S eb a stia n B righ am , J o r d a n Cole, F in n D ow dall, G abriella Fried, J a x o n G onzales, A u stin H in k son , K ellan H ou se, R ohin K um ar, S ien a L iljegren, M in Lim, H a iley M oran, Sop h ia N istor, L ucas Oland, B rigid elle Ori, S im on O ssias, J e n n a P ow ell, K a y la P ow ell, W inter R afal, Tajh R edden, Miles S ab eeh , E m ilia S afir, A u d rey Schaub, J a k e S eitz, Eli S ilv erm a n , C harlotte S p etzler, A n n a b el S ym in gton , C harlize S zeto, H ilary T ucker, O livia Vu, Grace W halen, A n n ab elle W in ssin g er


Swim & Dive

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Swim & Dive

Golf 6> Tennis Golf Team : L orenzo A ch ary a, D avid K loeber, B enjam in M arsd en , S eb astian Reddy, T yler Tam , A a ro n W ang, D ylan Wong

T ennis Team : Gauri Agarwal, Alexander Ashman, Sonya Barkdull, Nicholas Dahl, Eric Emami, Alexa Flader, Jaden Grossman, Arjun Hemmady, Katherine Hendrickson, Elsa Jackson, Ashton Kroeger, Rohin Kumar, Many a Madala, Jah an v i Mittal, Sanya Mittal, Camden Ortega, Jen n a Powell, Lilly Robinson, K irtana Roopan, Jacques Sevrain, H arrison Steiner, Tyler Tam, K iran Tuli, Mikayla Yue


G olf & Tennis

Cross Country C ross C o u n try Team : Devin Bansal, Ely Brayboy, Isabella Brenes, Rachel Cooper, Jack Dahl, M ariana Deignan, Maxwell GordonSmith, Speed Gregory, Tatum Horton, Jayce Huskey, Rohin K um ar, Min Lim, Reagan Long, Evan Maffi, Chase Mullard, Emory Murff, Eesha Narwani, Alexander Nistor, Sophia Nistor, Kimberly Pasternack, W inter Rafal, Teagan Redden, Esben Sorensen, H arrison Whitfill


5 /6 G irls Blue Volleyball: Tabitha Cohen, A rianne de Trenck, Chloe DeMark, Serena Fechtmeyer, Katherine Hendrickson, Manya Madala, Jah an v i Mittal, Jordyn Oppenheim, Anaiya Patel, Siena Rosen, Audrey Schaub, Charlotte Spetzler, Isabelle Tillman, Mikayla Yue.

Ju lia Black, Abigail Bockrath, Niamh Campbell, Jo rd a n Cole, Sophia Crisalli, Sierra Goldstein, Elle Mullard, Brigidelle Ori, Nina Rawal, Ava Shields, Kayla Singer, Sonia Singh, Savannah Smith, Arielle Troadec, H ilary Tucker.

(Camera Shy)

7 /8 Girls Blue Volleyball: Ella Cabbil, Kyndall Cole, Hannah Drewitz, Alexandria Goldstein, Elsa Jackson, Justine Money, Ciara Rethore, Lilly Robinson, Ally Smith, Alexandra Xanthos, Lauren Yeung. 72


7 / 8 G irls Gold V olleyball: Jew el Abdo, Sabrina Bailey, Sonya Barkdull, Gwen Bindley, Diana Briguglio, Bianca Burke, Hailey DeMark, Emme Kate Hackett, Aleah Hale, Noem! Hernandez, Sadie Rosenthal, Sai V adnerkar, Sophia Zarrillo.

Track & Field

Track & Field

5th G rade Edu Abero Lorenzo Acharya Baqer A1 Saedi Lucas Albuquerque

Harper Alt Madison Angst Mateo Brenes Grant Burnham

Tabitha Cohen Sophia Crisalli Nicholas Dahl Chloe DeMark

Serena Fechtmeyer Carson Flader Sierra Goldstein Ava Goodman


5th Grade

Presley Grauer Kather Hackett Arjun Hemmady Katherine Hendrickson

Cameron Herst Austin Hinkson Roxanne Katz Rohin Kumar

Oliver Lehmann Isaiah Lieberman Reagan Long M anya M adala


Ayden Madi Maximillian McCavitt Jahanvi Mittal Issabella Moreno

W arren M urff David Ocampo Brigidelle Ori Camden Ortega

5th Grade

Tea Pagano Nora Palermo Kimberly Pasternack Anaiya Patel

Jenna Powell f Kayla Powell j W inter Rafal Phoebe Razar

Siena Rosen Ari Ross I Bennett Russo Anna Sabol

Emilia Safir I Audrey Schaub I Lanae Schroeder Jacques Sevrain

Asa Silverman Sonia Singh Tyler Smith Charlotte Spetzler


5th Grade

Harrison Steiner Isabelle Tillman Addisen W erner Harrison Whitfill

M ikayla Yue

5th Grade


Parker Allen-Cooper Maya Allmendinger Devan Amin Sarai Arkeveld

Nicholas Armenta Patrog Azadfekr I Julia Black Abigail Bockrath

Brando Borletti I August Brenden Isabella Brenes Sebastian Brigham

Bowen Burke I Adam Bums I Bryce Bzdak | Niamh Campbell

Abigail Caplan Jordan Cole Arianne De Trenck Mariana Deignan

Kathleen Eckerman Skylar Florey Ryan Fujii M isha Ghafouri

M axwell GordonSmith Tatum Horton Jayce Huskey Owen Lambert

Benjamin Lewis Min Lim Connor Lloyds Evan Maffi

Aiden M iller Parker Milliken Timothy Moriarty Elle Mullard

6th Grade


Armaan Narwani Sophia Nistor Jordyn Oppenheim Mckinley Paltzik


Aidan Perry I Nina Rawal I Teagan Redden I Sebastian Reddy

Miles Sabeeh Jake Seitz Milan Sewell Ava Shields

Kayla Singer Savannah Smith Alexander Sondergaard Emma Sorensen

Esben Sorensen Tyler Tam Arielle Troadec Hilary Tucker

Banks Voss Natalie Vu Aaron Wang Grace Whalen

Annabelle W inssinger Dylan Wong

6th Grade


7th G rade Saif Agha Alexander Ashman Sabrina Bailey Devin Bansal

Sonya Barkdull Ujji Bathla Remington Bematavicius Mirabel Bienert

Ely Brayboy Tristan Brigham Diana Briguglio Bianca Burke

Richard Burnham Ella Cabbil Grace Anne Cem ak Vishrut Chaurasia


7th Grade

Jack Dahl Keara Dean Emily Deignan Hailey DeMark

M ikayla Drewitz Elliott Em ster Paris Fransway Gabriella Fried

Nancy Genson Drew Gines Alex Goldstein Speed Gregory

Emme Kate Hackett Aleah Hale Justin Horlick W ade Hunter

Elsa Jackson Ashton Kroeger Josh Lamber Elle Lazarski

7th Grade


Siena Liljegren Clark Louis Arman Madi Abby Meng

Hailey Moran Chase Mullard Charlie Nassar Alexander Nistor

Kyle Odden Lucas Oland Santino Ori Simon Ossias

Joshua Peterson Ted Pham Caroline Purtill Sven August Riester

Lilly Robinson Kirtana Roopan Robby Schrott Charlotte Sevrain


7th Grade

Cloe Short Ally Smith Cole Sorosky Charlize Szeto

Kiahn Tehranchi Hector Torres Sai Vadnerkar Yash W adwekar

Elliot Wessel M adison Williams Lauren Yeung Sophia Zarrillo

7th Grade


8th G rade Jewel Abdo Gauri Agarwal Nina Amin Michael Bendok

Greta Bindley Gwen Bindley Xander Black Luca Borletti

Aaron Bracher m m m Kyndall Cole Rachel Cooper Jacob Davis

Finn Dowdall Hannah Drewitz Eric Emami Alexa Flader


8th Grade

Pierce Florey Max Goldstein Jaxon Gonzales Johanna Gonzalez Coachi

Talia Goodman Riley Grauer Jaden Grossman Kyle Harrison

Darwin Harriss Noemi Hernandez Kellan House David Kloeber

Chloe Kwa Jakob Lamber Ethan Lambert Calin Lane

Jessica Larrea-betz M atthew Linhart Ella Maffi Benjamin Marsden

8th Grade


Will Miraglia Sanya Mittal Justine Money Bennett Montrose

Victoria Moreno I Emory M urff Eesha Narwani George Nassar

Anika Patel Neil Aryan Patil Tajh Redden Ciara Rethore

Benjamin Richardson Sadie Rosenthal Leah Schroeder Glaudia Sheridan

Eli Silverman Jacob Singer Samuel Steiner Annabel Symington


8th Grade


Ava Todd Samuel Travis Kiran Tuli Ryan Vakil

Olivia Vu Ella W anebo Daniel White Alexandra Xanthos

Karsen Yue

8th Grade


Dear Upper School, I remember the first time I got a passport. My awkward photo made more awkward by lamination was followed by blank pages. This was like my permission slip ready to be signed by all the stamps and visas I would receive as I entered and exited new places. When I pull out my passport, I eiyoy flipping through the used pages. Each stamp tells a story — of that time when I encountered a strange animal or when I learned something lew about myself or when I stood in awe of nature or when I marveled at humanity. I hope these photos serve as your itamps, snapshots that tell stories of your experience this past >^ear — of that time you laughed so hard you couldn’t breathe )r when your friend comforted you or when you learned iomething that changed you. Enjoy the trip! - Lisa Culbertson Head of the Upper School Introduction to the Upper School


Upper School Life

Upper School Life



Upper School Art

Upper School Music

Upper School Music

Lady Dracula

The Little Mermaid

Clubs Red Cross Club R enee G range, S a ra h Salam a, G race S alto n stall, Alicia Wu, S hea Tom lin, Ice S ak u lb u n p an ich , Momo Siu, Ilia n a R ende, C h arlo tte Rohbins, A shley Ong

Classic Men & Women's Club B rent Stein, Zach S a rv e r, M ichael Slate

Ballroom Dancing Club B ianca P arto v i, Sally Tepper, J e m S tern , M ehek K handelw al, Catie M eng, J u lia Odden, Celia McNally, J e n n a M oore

Diversity &? Inclusivity Club

j Dodson, Grant Logan, David , Anika Sanghvi, Olivia Najafi, Max Johnson, Jordon Wong, Justin Tee, Maddie Cook, Jordan Merkel, Jem Stern, Meyla Milian-Sanchez, Lexi Portigal, Alana Francis-Crow, Tisa Tehranchi, Sophia Kirkland, Phillip Glascock, Uiala Akhavan, Ashley Ong, Rhea Tuli, Sophia Libby Williamson, Coco De Marneffe, Sofia Ahmed, Angie Anaeme, Emma Herold, Bre Price, Hannah Miller, Mina Rodriguez, Daisey Martinez, Olea Lezama, Mary Dover, Fofo De Marneffe

Vegetarian/Vegan Club MEaddie Cook, Lexi Portigal, bodson, Jo rd an Merkel, Max Johson, Tisa Tehranchi, Grace Saltonstall, H annah Miller, Carolina Olea Lezama, Meyla kilian-Sanchez, Mina Rodriguez, Sofia Ahmed, Alana Francis-Crow

The Quill Cici L a ra A nguiano, J o rd a n aM erkel, H u n te r F reed m an , Tisa _ jT eh ran ch i, J a n a e Lewis, M ax 1 ^Johnson, J u lia Odden, N ikasha Patel, Sofia A hm ed, M eyla iM ilian-S anchez, R hea Tuli, lA lana Francis-C row , Grace jS altonstall, Sophia K irkland, lAlicia Wu, A nnalise B rach er, (JlA sh c o n P a rto v i


Clubs Robotics Team K evin K irsch, Alex R eaves, A rm ando Mdo, Edison Siu, Nicholas C urrault, D avid M achbitz, E th an Cohen, E th an Rosenfeld, David Schw artz, Ben S teiner, Reed Steiner, Sam Roland, Dom inik Deciga, K aleab A few ork, A m ir M 1ssad, N ath an Lewis

Pre-Med Club S hea Tom lin, Cici L a ra A nguiano, J o r d a n M erkel, G ra n t Logan, A n n alise B racher, A rth i M acherla, Ja c o b K oster, jKira Liljegren, S ophia Kirkland, M ina R odriguez, C arolina Olea JL ezam a, D aisey M artin ez, Lexi (jjP o r tig a l, Angie A naem e, Phillip iG lasco ck , M addie Cook, Ju liu s iDodson Not Pictured: H a n a a K h an

One Drop at a Time Club

Ilian a Rende, Zoe B ienert, Chloe Chodorow, Renee G range, Alicia Wu, A shley Ong, S a ra h Salam a, C harlotte Robbins, Momo Siu



Math Club A lex R eaves, Nicholas C u rrau lt, C aden M ikkelsen, Ben S teiner, A aro n Ossias, K elly C ulpepper, Momo Siu

SEDS N icholas C u rra u lt, J u lia Odden, B en S tein er, M ason F ritz, A n n alise B ra c h e r, A lex R eaves, E th a n Cohen, G reyson H utchinson, A aro n O ssias, E th a n R osenfeld, D avid M achbitz, Reed S tein er

Environmental Club B erkeley Lock, H alle Troadec, N atalie Lewis, A ria n a B ista



Clubs Bridge Club H a rris o n Rooney, Lance Coon, Celia M cNally, Sue M azzolini, Catie M eng

Jewish/Israel Club B radley G reenberg, N irv a a n Reddy, Cody Kiltz, B re n n a n F reret, J o s h Sidi, R yan Goodman, J a k e S arv er, Decker F re re t, Zach S arv er, H an n ah M iller, Lexi Portigal, Tisa T ehranchi, Sofia A hm ed, Sophie Ax

SLAB Club S pencer W and, J o s h Sidi, D ecker F re re t, Cody Kiltz, B re n n a n F re re t, R y an G oodm an, B re n t Stein, Zach S a rv e r, K a s s ra T eh ran ch i, M ahi H alepota, A u stin Merkel, Sim on O lschansky, S pencer T hom pson, A n d ri B o n ad u rer, J a k e S a rv e r, N irv a a n Reddy, C alvin H am ilton, Sam Damore, Sam Lett, J e r r y H ern an d ez

Key Club Officers: A va R ossides, B radley G reenberg, A zin A sk ari, Ja m ie Campbell, Sam Lett, A iden C lark Not Pictured: Chloe Chodorow, Erik Dahl, Coco De Marneffe, Fofo De Marneffe, Anna Defilippis, Sarah Lett, GiGe Neck, Kassra Tehranchi, Renee Grange, Andie Lou Hayden, Julia Hekimian, Ida Jackson, Jake Rodin, Hannah Miraglia, Gabe Korer, Adam Cherilla, Ella Longo, Natahe Lewis, Caroline Moriarty, Audrey Novoa, Daisey Martinez, Xitlalic Lara Anguiano, Bianca Partovi, Ashley Ong, Riana Rende, Ellie Rink, Charloote Robbins, Sarah Salama, Momo Siu, Shea Tomlin, Lanie Walkenbach, Ryan Wang, Libby Williamson, Alicia Wu

International Thespian I Society [Rhea Tuli, S am m y D ady, A m an d a felate, B ianca P a rto v i, M att r Corsillo, Sally T epper, G race Elsie, Sofia A hm ed, J e m S tern , k e ith B u rn s, H a rris o n R ooney, H u n ter F reed m a n , T isa te h ra n c h i, M adison D ever, Sophia 3ailey, Olivia B oscardin, K ira iljegren, B rie rly W and, S ydney 3ott, A shcon P a rto v i

Ultimate Frisbee vyw Pj

C l u b ^ ? ^ * ' r>

Sofia Ahmed, Libby, Williamsprf, Alex> ’flEaves, Lara Gemar, Sophia f Kirklaild, Sam Roland, Max Lerner, | Jqhn Moore^Justin Racine ^Heptfi J Richardson; David Faroa, Ty Minor, S S|jencer Wand, Austin Merkel, Oliver j|jR.osenberg£ Clmis Montooth, Noah I Kaplan,, J$rdon Wong[, Griffin Freret, Ryan RgflHick^ Semeoh Afework, MacMj^CookMeyla Milian-Sanchez, ‘If^nnah Miller, Emma Herold, Sam Lett, Simopt^Olschansky, Calvin Hanyiltoiu/Sam Damore, Jerry Herh^ndez, Aiden Clark Clubs


Clubs Involve Now Club Fofo De M arneffe, Phillip Glascock, Coco De M arneffe, J o rd a n M erkel

Poker Club H en ri R ich ard so n , M ax Jo h n so n , B ik ra m T a k h a r, B lake B re n n a n , Sam Roland, M att Corsillo, K evin K irsch

Women's Empowerment Club Sophia K irkland, Celia McNally, Libby W illiamson, H an aa K han, Sophia C asten, Zoe C asten, Shea Tomlin, Ice S akulbunpanich, Grace S altonstall, Sky Richm ond




Bikram Takhar, Jake Rodin, Blake Brennan, Henri Richardson, Max kontrose, Spencer Wand, Aaron Issias, Sam Roland, Nicholas Currault, Ryan Wang, Mason Fritz, Alex Reaves, J-iGe Neck, Semeon Afework, Dylan itringer, Kaleab Afework, Alex Tam, Ireyson Hutchinson, Madison jltringer, Nirvaan Reddy, Phillip [â– lascock, Maya Ahou-Haidar, Ty lodin, Azin Askari, Ava Rossides, Fofo be Marneffe, Hannah Lane, Alicia Wu, slate Cereghini, Katie Dean, Annalise bracher, Bryce Faber, Hampton Itohler

Photoshop Club E rik D ahl, K aleab A fework, E th a n R osenfeld, David M achbitz, B en S teiner, A lain K ouchica, M att Corsillo, E th an Cohen, In d y K w atra, Reed S tein er, D om inik Deciga, Caden M ikkelsen

FORK Club ly a n H orlick, A lex R oland, Ifyan Goodm an, A J R o sen th al, |r e n n a n P re re t, J o s h Sidi, jbecker P re re t, C hris ikontooth, A ndrew W inssinger, Aavid S chw artz, D aniel lodney, D ara Z ayanderoudi, jkichael G ordon-Sm ith, tlam brie Gines, A liya |r e n s te in , Sophia Ho, L indsey g a rris o n , Sophie Ax, Olivia '[.Regard, A iden C lark Clubs


Clubs Senate

Freshmen: Willo Wass, Sydney Hott, Halle Troadec, ‘Pietro Ori Sophomores: Lanie Walkenhach, Max Montrose, K assra Tehranchi, Bella De Roos Juniors: M kasha Patel, Daniel Bodney, Sammy Dady Seniors: Libby Williamson, Lexi Portigal, Alex Reaves, Kevin SKirsch Student Body President: Sam Lett

USA Gonzo A lvarado, Ben D avies, R yan Goodman, C hris n M ontooth, A nika Sanghvi, pi Raquel Chavez, Sophia Bailey, p C arohna Olea-Lezama Not Pictured: C arin a Ho

FYI S pencer T hom pson, A ndri B o n ad u rer, J u h u s Dodson, Miles K ohler, A aro n Ossias, N icholas C u rra u lt, E m m a S h erid an , M addie Cook, Jam ie Cam pbell, T isa T ehranchi, A m an d a Slate, Olivia Z im m erm an

TiTiWll'BWHPiiil'i^ii |H | \



Yearbook Club D avid F arca, Willo W ass, B rie rly W and, A rth i M acherla, Olivia E llegard, Sophia Ax, Olivia Zim m erm an,; C aitlyn Brow n, Lexi P ortigal

Hispanic Cultural Club Sofia A hm ed, E m m a Herold, D aisey M artin ez, Libby W illiam son, G reyson H utchinson, M ina Rodriguez, J e m S tern , C arolina Olea L ezam a, M eyla M ilianSanchez, X itlalic L a ra A nguiano

Unitown f Rhea Tuli, Emma Herold, Daisey Martinez, Libby Williamson, Xitlalic Lara Angaiano, Michael Rosenthal, Julius Dodson, Justin Tee, Grant Logan, Alana FrancisCrow, Max Johnson, Kevin Kirsch, Sofia Ahmed, Sally Tepper, Mina Rodriguez, Jem Stern, Maddie Cook, Meyla Millian-Sanchez, Carolina OleaLezama, Tisa Tehranchi, Olivia Zimmerman, Madison Dever, Bianca Partovi, Niala Akhavan, Kira Liljegren Clubs



cmmiff • f j i

Bil 1 pi


R o ster Gillian Barfield, Caitlyn Brown, Mira Kaibara, Audrey LeClair, Natalie Lewis, Hannah Miraglia, Audrey Novoa, Saira Puri, Grace Saltonstall, and Emma Sheridan 116


w i -- -

R o ste r - V a rs ity

R o ste r - J u n io r V a rsity

pakob Feng, Daniel Gomez, Ryan Goodman, pahmeer Halepota, Ben Lassetter, Nirvaan Reddy, Tyler Rodin, Jake Sarver, Spencer rhompson, Phillip West, and Jordon Wong

Semeon Afework, Malik Freeny, Griffin Freret, Cameron Miller, Maxwell Montrose, Justin Racine, Mattia Saladini, Zach Sarver, Michael Slate, Kassra Tehranchi, and Kaelan Wong Basketball


Baseball R oster: Daniel Bodney , Dylan DeFilippis, Bryce Faber, Malik Freeny , Daniel Gomez, Gabriel Korer, Austin Merkel, Brett Miketinac, Cameron Miller, Alexander Petrides, Justin Racine, Branch Williamson, Samuel Yuh, and Dara Zayanderoudi



R o ster: Sophia Bailey, Lindsey Cherilla, Allison Hunter , Mira Kaibara, Audrey LeClair, Natalie Lewis, p ra Liljegren, Daisey Martinez, r[Tordan Merkel,’ Caroline Moriarty, Carolina Olea Lezama, Libby Williamson, and Madeline Wi'lmink Softball



Roster: B row n, E th a n Cohen, N icholas C u rrau lt, N oah K aplan, In d ra K w atra, F inn R iester, M ichael R osenthal, Ice S akulbunpanich, B ik ram T ak h a r, J o rd o n Wong, an d K aelan Wong

Tennis R oster: Maya Abou-Haidar, Mala Akhavan, Gillian Barfield, Andri Bonadurer, Annalise Bracher, Elena D'Avanzo, Francesca de Marneffe, Katherine Dean, Julius Dodson, David Farca, Cristina Glascock, Phillip Glascock, Bradley Greenberg, Calvin Hamilton, Jerry Hernandez, Kevin Kirsch, Arthi Macherla, Celia McNally, Oscar McNally, Hannah Miraglia, Aliya Orenstein, Charlotte Robbins, Samuel Roland, Mattia Saladini, Alexander Tam, Kassra Tehranchi, Spencer Wand, and James Wendt

' fill*

Speech 6> Debate

R o ste r Sofia Ahmed, Parker Whitfill, William Porter, Janae Lewis, Matthew Corsillo, Samantha Dady, Rhea Tuli, Olivia Najafi, Caroline de Marneffe, AJ Rosenthal, Sophia Casten, Ben Steiner, Reed Steiner, Anika Sanghvi, Sophia Corridan, Isabella de Roos, Max Montrose, Kaleab Aferwork, Kassra Tehranchi, Ava Rossides, Erik Dahl, Grace Elsie, Bianca Partovi, Ryan Horlick, Momo Shi, Ethan Cohen, Bikram Takhar, Caroline Moriarty, Alex Tam, Pietro Ori, Alain Kouchica, Gabe Korer, Kira Liljegren, Olivia Boscardin, Arthi Macherla, Caden Mikkelsen, Mira Kaibara, Saira Puri, Decker Freret, Dominik Deciga, Jessie Dady, Niala Akhavan, Sophie Ax, and Willo Wass 122

Speech & Debate


R o ste r [Nicholas Currault, Kevin Kirsch, Edison Siu, Armando Nido, Alex Reaves, Mina Rodriguez, David Schwartz, Ben Steiner, Reed Steiner, Kaleab Afework, Sam Roland, Blake Brennan, Amir M'saad, Ethan Rosenfeld, Ethan Cohen, David Machbitz, Dominik Deciga, Finn feiester, and Mira Kaibara




R o ste r Noah Kaplan, Ryan Horlick, Nirvaan Reddy, Ty Rodin, Michael Rosenthal, Griffin Preret, Dylan DiFilippis, Decker Preret, Tommy Walton, Ryan Goodman, Jerry Hernandez, Cody Kiltz, Jordon Wong, Alex Haberman, Jared Novoa, Spencer Wand, and Hutch Milliken 124


R o ster Mala Akhavan, Sophie Ax, Sena Brenden, Kathleen Cereghini, Lindsey Cherilla, Allison Dever, Cambrie Gines, Renee Grange, Lindsay Harrison, Deborah Hauben, Daisey Martinez, Aliya Orenstein, Sonnet Richmond, Ava Rossides, Ice Sakulbunpanich, Maddie West, and Maddie Wilmink

Swim 6 Dive

R o ster Tyler Barfield, Blake Brennan, Maddie Cook, Sam Damore, Brennan Freret, Lara Gemar, Cambrie Gines, Carina Ho, liana Hoffer, Sydney Hott (dive), Audrey LeClair, Max Lerner, Grant Logan, Jordan Merkel (dive), Brett Miketinac, Hannah Miller, Max: Montrose, John Moore, Jennifer Moore, Ashley Ong, Matthew Peterson (dive), Evan Pittman (dive), Will Porter, Alex Reaves (dive and swim), Henri Richardson, Sonnet Richmond, Jake Rodin, Harrison Rooney, Oliver Rosenberg, Ava Rossides, Ice Sakulbunpanich, Sarah Salama, Samantha Stein (dive), Jem Stern (dive), Tisa Tehranchi, Ryan Wang, Kevin Wang, Willo Wass, James Wendt, Libby Williamson (dive), and Dara Zayanderoudi


R o ste r Azin Askari, Gillian Barfield, Wynne Beyersdorfer, Lindsey Cherilla, Payton Darago, Kylie Fisher, Emma Herold, Celia McNalley, Isabelle Partovi, Nikasha Patel, Alexa Portigal, and Elbe Rink 128


Cheer R o ster Jackie Ayers, Kiara Carswell-Kudlo, Raquel Chavez, Maddie Cook, Chaya Feng, Cristina Glascock, Hannah Lane, Berkeley Lock, Shelby McDermott, Meyla Milian-Sanchez, Carolina Olea Lezama, Alexa Portigal, Bre Price, Mina Rodriguez, Amanda Slate, Libby Williamson, and Olivia Zimmerman

Upper School Families

the Svejda twins

the Siu family the Stein family

the Wang brothers

the Novoa family

the Kohler brothers

the Sarver brothers

the Partovi siblings

the Rodin brothers

the Steiner twins

the West family

the Peng family

the Casten sisters

the Wong brothers

the Roland brothers 130

Upper School Families

the Afework brothers

the Glascocks the Lett family

the Devers

M the Stringer family

the McNallys the Zimmermans jflSHHBI ■—— the Dady sisters

the Anaemes


the Cherillas

the Merkel family

the Richmonds

the Neck family

the Williamsons the Slate family

the Tehranchis

the Barfields

the Frerets + Josh Sidi

the Bienerts

the DeFilippis1 the Wand family

the De Marneffe twins

Cambrie Gines Upper School Families

9 th G ra d e

Class Motto:

"Glad to be h ere." - B lu e A n g e ls P ilo t G ro u p


Introduction to the Class o f 2020

born outisde

of Arizona born outside

of the US

5 0 + fsT3

student athletes

fresh m en have p a r t tim e jobs

mus: m usicians

of freshm en own a passport



of fre s h m e n

have traveled abroad

favorite cafeteria foods: pasta + m eatballs

favorite subject! lunch

breaM ast for lunch


ham burger + hot dog

m ath



m ost memorable moment of 2016:

the presidential election

“som etim es th e m ost o rd in ary things can be m ade e x tra o rd in a ry simply by doing th em w ith th e rig h t people�

- Nicholas Sparks

freshmen own their own business

Introduction to the Class o f 2020

Freshm en Semeon Afework Jaewon Ahn Jiwhan Ahn Taylor Barron

Ariana Bista Olivia Boscardin Quanah Brayboy Sena Brenden

Kate Cereghini Ethan Cohen Elena D'avanzo Jessie Dady

Dominik Deciga Anna Defilippis Dylan Defilippis Allie Dever


9th Gr

Chaya Feng Griffin Freret Cristina Glascock Daniel Gomez

Alex Haberman Ryan Horlick Sydney Flott Louis Hulburd

M ira Kaibara Noah Kaplan Kenya Kieler Hampton Kohler

Jacob Koster Alain Kouchica Indra Kwatra Eric Leber

Sarah Lett Natalie Lewis Kira Liljegren Berkeley Lock

9th Grade

Amir M'saad David Machbitz Arthi Macherla Oscar McNally

Brett Miketinac Caden Mikkelsen Cameron Miller Hutch Milliken

John Moore Caroline Moriarty GiGe Neck Jared Novoa

Pietro Ori Isabelle Partovi Alex Petrides Saira Puri

Finn Riester Ellie Rink Ethan Rosenfeld Mattia Saladini


9th Grade

Camille Sevrain Samantha Stein Dylan Stringer Halle Troadec

Luca Walsh Brierly Wand Kevin Wang W illo Wass

Kaelan Wong Ethan Zimmerman

9th Grade


1 0 th G ra d e


â– N N H R l

Class Motto:

" That' s a neck." (We don't get it either - ask the Class of 2019) 138

Introduction to the Class of 2019


born outisde


of Arizona


born outside


o' .


^CO +

of the US



'fif W

of sophomores own a passport r





of sophomores

v * r:> ? x

have traveled abroad

* favorite cafeteria foods: pasta + m eatballs tacos + fajitas sloppy joes I other


favorite trend of 2016:

+ hd o

sophomores are vegetarian




hJ i—>•



sophomores are vegan

CD I—'• p

“my closest friends are from my high school days”

th e dab A

student athletes

sophom ores have p a r t tim e jobs

Introduction to the Class o f 2019


Sophom ores Kaleab Afework Azin Askari Jackie Ayers Tyler Barfield

Zoe Bienert Blake Brennan Zoe Casten Chloe Chodorow

Sophia Corridan Kelly Culpepper Erik Dahl Payton Darago

Bella de Roos Brenna Dugel Bryce Faber Jakob Feng


10th Grade

Malik Freeny Renee Grange Bradley Greenberg Clifford Guziak

Julia Hekimian Allison Hunter Ida Jackson Gabe Korer

Hannah Lane Xitlalic Lara Anguiano James Lassetter Audrey LeClair

Maximus Lem er Ella Longo Ty Minor Hannah M iraglia

M axwell Montrose Audrey Novoa Ashley Ong M atthew Peterson

10th Grade

Justin Racine Henri Richardson Skye Richmond Sonnet Richmond

Charlotte Robbins Jake Rodin Ty Rodin Samuel Roland

Oliver Rosenberg Michael Rosenthal Ava Rossides Ice Sakulbunpanich

Sarah Salama Grace Saltonstall Zach Sarver Caden Short

Momo Siu Michael Slate Brent Stein Bikramjit Takhar


10th Grade

Alexander Tam Kassra Tehranchi Shea Tomlin Sky Travis

Lanie W alkenbach James W endt Phillip W est M adeline W ilmink

Alicia Wu Edward Youn Samuel Yuh

10th Grade


11th G ra d e

Class Motto: "We a r e n o t n o w t h a t s tr e n g t h w h ic h in old d a y s M oved e a r t h a n d h e a v e n , t h a t w h ic h w e a r e , w e a re ; One e q u a l te m p e r o f h e ro ic h e a r t s , M ade w e a k b y tim e a n d fa te , b u t s tr o n g in w ill To s tr iv e , to se e k , to fin d , a n d n o t to y i e l d ." - A lfred, Lord T e n n y so n 's "U lysses" 144

Introduction to the Class of 2 0 18


born outisde



of Arizona


I— '«


born outside

of the US

favorite subjects: english 21 %


i juniors are vegetarian

science 2 2 %

juniors are vegan

history 1 9 %

“how could I possibly be expected to handle school on a day like th is ” - F e r r is B u eller



of juniors

own a passport


have traveled abroad

of juniors

have traveled to 5+ countries

. I

of juniors

have traveled to 1 country

student athletes

of juniors

have traveled outside of AZ

m usicians

ju n io rs th a t hav e one

fa v o rite tren d sibling hlvep^t o f 2016: tim e jo b s

y i


Introduction to the Class o f 2018


Maya Abou-Haidar Niala Akhavan Gonzo Alvarado Angela Anaeme

Sophie Ax Sophia Bailey Samuel Baker Wynne Beyersdorfer

Daniel Bodney Kiara Carswell-kudlo Sophia Casten Raquel Chavez

Lindsey Cherilla Ryan Chung Sammy Dady Benjamin Davies


11 th Grade

Coco de Marneffe Fofo de Marneffe Katherine Dean Mary Dover

Olivia Ellegard Grace Elsie Kylie Fisher Hunter Freedman

Brennan Freret Decker Freret Cambrie Gines Phillip Glascock

Ryan Goodman Lindsay Harrison DJ Hauben Andie Lou Hayden

Carina Ho liana Hoffer M ehek Khandelwal Cody Kiltz

11 th Grade


Sophia Kirkland Ivy Leibner Mira Marwah Celia McNally

Catherine Meng Jordan Merkel Christopher Montooth Jennifer Moore

Julia Odden Carolina Olea Lezama Aliya Orenstein Bianca Partovi

Nikasha Patel I Breanna Price | Nirvaan Reddy Iliana Rende

Alexander Roland I Harrison Rooney I AJ Rosenthal I Anika Sanghvi


11th Grade

Jake Sarver David Schwartz Joshua Sidi Bennett Steiner

| Reed Steiner Jacob Stem M adison Stringer Sally Landon Tepper

Rhea Tuli Thomas Walton Ryan W ang Addison W essel

Andrew W inssinger Dara Zayanderoudi

11th Grade


C o n g ra tu la tio n s , Class o f 2 0 1 7 !

"vnoh *znj 09

Class Motto: All th a t is gold does n o t g litter, n o t all th o se w ho w a n d e r a re lost; The old th a t is stro n g does n o t w ith e r, deep ro o ts a re n o t re a c h e d b y th e frost. From th e ash es a fire sh all be w oken, a light fro m th e shadow s sh a ll spring; Renew ed sh all be blade th a t w as b ro k en , th e crow nless ag ain sh a ll be king.


Introduction to the Class of 2 0 17


4 (0;

born outisde

of Arizona born outside

w m w m n

of the US of seniors

own a passport


of seniors

have traveled abroad

of seniors

+ of seniors

have traveled to 5+ countries


of seniors own 8 pets

student athletes

seniors own theirom n business

dMr Jlr

favorite off-campus lunch: flower child cane’s 1: LGO


11 91

seniors are vegan + vegetarian “you r tim e is lim ited, so don't w a ste it living som eone else's life.”

sen io rs h av e p a r t tim e jobs

m usicians

seniors that have one sibling: seniors that have two siblings:

other Introduction to the Class o f 2017



Adam Cherilla

Nick Meath

Max Johnson

Parker Whitfill

Alexa Portigal

David Parca

Madison Dever

Emma Sheridan

Spencer Wand

Wally Brown Lifers

Senior Life

Senior Bests! Most Fashionable

Biggest Flirts

Meyla Milian-Sanchez + Parker WhitfUl

Maddie Cook + Calvin Hamilton

Most Likely to he a Billionaire ------./ ■V. •-/-

Most likely to talk their way out of a ticket

Ashcon Partovi + Annalise Bracher

Shelby McDermott + Nick Meath

Most Changed Since Freshman Year

Most Caffeinated

Most Likely to be a Rockstar

Spencer Thompson + Maddie West

Lara Qemar + Max Johnson

Jamie Campbell + Simon Olschansky

Senior Bests!

Tlie Real MVP

Biggest Foodie

Most Spirited

Z E B IV E . Emma “Koala” Sheridan + Calvin Hamilton

Grant Logan + Meyla Milian-Sanchez

Alex Reaves + Libby Williamson

Senior Bests! Most Likely to Ride the World

Most Likely to be Models

Most Contagious Laugh

Kevin Kirsch + Daisey Martinez

Maddie West + Calvin Hamilton

Grant Logan + Emma Herold

Worst Driver

Forever Young

Most Likely to be a Professional Athlete

Jerry Hernandez + Sofia Ahmed

Jordon Wong + Olivia Zimmerman

Gillian Barfield + Austin Merkel

Senior Bests! Most Likely to be Famous

Most Likely to Write a Best Seller

Amanda Slate + Ashcon Partovi

Mason Fritz + Iris Druch

Most Likely to Win an Oscar

Talks the Least but Says the Most

Ashcon Partovi + Madison Dever

Edison Siu + Alex Willett

Most Likely to Text in Class

Most Likely to be PCDS Faculty

Aaron Ossias + Lara Gemar

Will Porter + Libby Williamson Senior Bests

Time Warps Sofia Ahmed is a youn<* cosmopolitan who has been traveling the world, spreading diversity/inclusivity awareness. In between her trips, she resides in D.C, a perfect home for her and her hubby (who makes excellent curry) and her three children, who are all speech and debate stars. She is able to attend many protests and marches. David Anaeme becomes an animator at Anaemators Studio, a prestigious entertainm ent firm that he founded one day from winning a radio contest. His fat dog Duffy got bit by a radioactive onion and grew to the size of a horse. David rides Duffy every day to work at his underground animation studio, which he can never leave until he has drawn 1,000 pictures due to a spell from a frog witch. Gillian Barfield married the 7'2" love o f her life Dragan Bender straight out of her extremely successful college basketball career. They now live in the Hamptons with their twins boys who are 5' 11" at age 10. Gillian and Dragan enjoy long walks on their private beach with their lovable but aggressive beagle Swish. Andri Bonadurer lives in Boukoumbe, Togo, where he is a professional sea turtle breeder. He's ranked #17 in the world for sea turtle breeding. He drives a quad-turbocharged 1998 Fiat M ultipla. He also has the world's most extensive collection of microwave ovens. Ask him any question about the history o f m icrowaves and he can answer it honestly and politely. After a long and successful career as both a doctor and a world-fam ous violinist, Annalise A Bracher retired to New Zealand and lived in a Hobbit hole well past her eleventy-first birthday with 74 cats to start ! cat colony, teaching them to speak in Klingon. She was then hired by James T. Kirk to work on the USS Enterprise to take over the world. Caitlyn Brown becomes a very successful architect and graphic designer. Eventually, she designs the new Phoenix Mercury arena and becomes the team m anager for the M ercury. Caitlyn enjoys spending her time with a large ice tea while driving her favorite vintage cars. She still sports the all-black couture, and finally got the puppy she has always wanted. Wally Brown has become the god-em peror o f an underground drag-racing empire. He used the proceeds to start a clothing line that specializes in diam ond-encrusted pocket squares. After Jamie Campbell's successful rock band performed at Rock Fest for the 6th time, she decided to retire her keytar and pursue music management. She heads a big-time record label, where she also met her husband, an intense metalhead. After retreating to the forest to live amongst nature and to further exercise his 2nd am endm ent rights, Adam Cherilla pursues his passion as a Metal God worshipper. He sits around a campfire each night, dressed in all black clothing, singing his favorite Norwegian black metal songs. A fter numerous com plaints o f "mysterious screaming" from surrounding villages, he is forced to go back to his normal life o f intim idating his opponents on the lacrosse field, attending local metal concerts, and tending to his sacred beard. Aidan Clark was named "laziest man in the world" and won six food eating competitions. He is currently using his outside-the-box thinking to run numerous companies and rowing teams. Maddie Cook lives a fabulous life. She is an incredibly successful plastic surgeon, operating on only the most famous celebrities and does PT for all the athletes. She lives in New York in a high rise apartment on the Upper East side with her husband and kids. She spends her days shopping and eating at amazing restaurants. On the side, she runs her own local coffee shop and bakes sweets for her family. Matt Corsillo created his own show on Cartoon Network and lives happily with his 30 dogs. He used his money, earned from his show, to find his own botanical gardens to supply him self with flowers for his hair. Nicholas Currault’s program m ing skills finally got the better of him when he accidentally created the w orld’s first A.I. Thankfully, the A.I. spared its creator (although not the rest of the Earth), and Nicholas now travels happily with his ever-expanding T-shirt collection on the Hitchhiker s Guide to the Galaxy’s Heart of Gold space ship. Amelia D ’Avanzo is the leader o f a traveling dance group consisting entirely of dogs. She tours around Europe, perform ing for monarchs and royalty for a hefty price. She used the money to buy a castle, and spends her free time turning down suitors for marriage. Sam Damore drove his hybrid version 1997 Dodge Neon to the Niger River Delta, and later opened his own store that sells books on how to live adventurous lives. He is widely known for his awesome trick o f jum ping from tree to tree that are 50 feet apart using windmills and a cactus. He has a curly-haired son who is quite a daredevil like his father and is trying to create his own signature move. Madison Dever lives in Dallas with her husband, the new quarterback from the Cowboys. Madison spends her days shopping at W hole Foods and feeding her two children non-GM O foods. She is an amazing vocal teacher with her own voice company; she trained the newest Broadway star who will be performing in Lin Manuel Miranda's newest production. Julius Dodson finally found his backpack after years of 160

Time Warps

parching the globe; he is now able to complete his Calculus homework and can graduate high school. After this U jor achievement, he goes on to cure many genetic diseases, and raises 4 children who become squash stars. In pdition, Julius finally gave up on his hairline and shaved it all off. After graduating high school, Iris Druch went on I be an English m a t t and became a secluded novelist - Salinger style. In 2036, in a freak attack by a tiger released rom the C i n c m ^ ^ ^ ^ s h e fortunately survived. This made the headlines, and she was famous for her survival, ecause of th n L h ^ ^ ip ^ ik b e c a m e the most critically acclajrqed literary works of this century, and she became the perary spent three years with thg^f^tce^Corp in Tanzania before becoming the new lead p o t o ^ ^ h e r a i ^ a ^ ^ i l X ^ ^ a p h i c . In his spare tim ^/D avid playscftta recreational frisbee team. Alana Francisj ^ w i s n o ^ f i ^ ^ p ^ ^ ^ ^ v and sea life co n sem U o h ist who s p b im ^ e r time scuba diving off the coast of a&fomia. ($ 1 to her French heHt^W, she runs a French fry shop known for its innovative uta&i fri|s c O t t ^ ^ ^ p ^ T ^ z teaches philosophyTo all^hbse who p a sf by his humble farm. He has legally p a n g ^ h i ^ a n % t ^ " i * f f l ^ K s ''^ j ^ s the first n o n -E n g lish rh ^ ffe^ e knighted by the Queen. He leads a commune lon't w c * ry ,^ s ifora cuiwKpi liJk^-minded "intellectuals" and mamfains h isfarm using nothing but his bare hands, is farm alfia doubles jnra'n o sp ital where he perform s brain s u rg e rie s ^ i^ /s researching for a cure for the new spread f Hawkitis rrat is n d ^ p re v a le n t. Lara Gemar lives in Boston, finally accustomed to the cold East Coast weather, ith her five cats^md husband. In her free time, she(bnjoys growing peppers in her pepper garden. After attending harvard Law School, she is incredibly successfuFworking as a representative at the UN, spending her days as a hero tlving problems worldwide. Mahi Halepota started hi^ own clothing line where he sells sweatpants that are slightly to short. This company was revolutionary, and he is currently in Paris for fashion week. He will probably show up te to his own show with Starbucks from his mom. Later, in an effort to make the loudest POP ever, he assembled te largest group o f people willing to PO P in public and created an earthquake that sh o o k th e country of Djibouti, alvin Hamilton finally had his big break and was signed on to the modeling co m p ap ^ C av e Creek Roads. He lives i the Philippines with his wife Ily where they conduct M inecraft case studies onl-Ke minds ®f models. Jerry ernandez is the successful ow ner of a beard trim m ing shop. A fter experienem gan unfortupttte ‘wake up call in high :hool, he was inspired to help other teens with their unfortunate scruff. He still diets on^enly iq ig q cheese and licken nuggets, and is still Planet Fitness's #1 customer. One day while doing y ^ ^ th n a r^ u n c q ft), Emma Herold Tiieved spiritual enlightenment. She now lives peacefully as the first fem ale m o n K i^ In d ia^ ^ d y irff' under her role Lodels, deep within the preserves meditating, hiking and doing yoga. She still gets ceui^iSed b^ herV w n'jpkes, but is f lovable and kind as it gets. A nd her beautiful smile and kind personality that her high% nool friend^Tfbved so much bve stayed with her through the trials o f adulthood. Greyson Hutchinson eventually succum bed to the temptation to pgin his own cult dedicated to wholesom e memes. He could not bear to part with M iles, and the two still meet up yice a year on the summer and w inter solstices for duels to satiate th e ip ^ m ^ f llt^ ^ ^ ic ie s toward each other, freyson, of course, insists on hugging it out afterward despite M iles’9ya£gresgjve re^sqm ce. Max Johnson forgot to ve his life. Had he rem em bered todive a life he would have cured cJn£e%.%a%ed th e w orld’s most fashionable ien’s clothing line, and programmecbfhe w orld’s first sentient A I.^ ra ^ n s'^ a d ,'^ Ia x sjemt his days asleep with his at Tigger wondering if he had something that he was supposed to successful fashion designer, [he has innovated a new line of makeup foundations that use high-tech pigHjejlfctecM^lj^y that matches exactly to the ient's skin tone, making her a pioneer for inclusivity within the beauty commum'tyT'She is also an acclaimed doctor who blunteers her time with several charitable organizations. Kevin Kirsch conquered the world by monopolizing the food iarket and offering food for free in exchange for positions of power. This has ended world hunger. He also has destroyed le U.S. System of measurement, implemented 1 unit of currency, and offgrs-firee education for all that teach primarily 1 nguage such that the whole world can communicate. Everyone is-happy, andnipbody died to achieve world peace under evin. Miles Kohler has constructed a large labyrinth for Greysonjtoilive in as ha hides from law enforcement. The two re still best friends. Sam Lett successfully launched a troll hunting business. After he retired from the difficult, strenuous usiness, Sam relocated to Greer in order to relax and further studyVhe art of troll snapsterpieces. Janae Le^l^feqbTffitgs [e best United States Ambassador to China that this country has ever seen, She\spends her summers in Beijing andnt?r% [inters in Phoenix, AZ. In her free time, she teaches Chinese at HarvatcBand runs hef own book club about Cbqtroversi^m blitical novels. Grant Logan’s multiculturalism and fluency in MancUriq have djlo^ed him to become an internationally [nowned businessman. He is known in the business industry for his calm yet stern^l^get it done” demeanor;. Grant is^jteq^ hown as a generous philanthropist, advancing many social causes. He mames-a'Sweet woman he met on his travels tpp7 ast Asia and they have three beautiful children who inherit Grant's contagious nervous laugh. Soon anijrgwBtas&Sn, Time W arps


Daisey Martinez begins her master plan to take over the world. Once she takes over the world, dictator M artinez rules using sass and minions, but is still loved by all. During the 2036 election, Shelby McDermott, as the youngest president-elect ever, was in a tight race against Tomi Lahren. Days before the vote, she released all the animals from the Cincinnati Zoo and won over the support of vegans (who now make up 97% of the population), which secured her seat in the oval office. After graduating ASU, Nicky Meath pursues a life of the finer things, but finds himself having a mid-life crisis at the age of 30. He decides to move to Qatar, where he spends his days racing fast cars and lounoin^ by the pool with models. By the time he is 80, he settles down with his best friend Adam, never realizing that his true love was right in front of him the entire time. After successfully swatting away the thousands of males that attempt to steal his lovely blonde locks, Austin Merkel will be inducted into the Baseball Hall o f Fame as the tallest player to ever roam the field. At this point, he will have most likely reached the 9-foot m ark (although, it is possible that the number could be much higher). On his Hall o f Fame plaque, it will read that he has earned the highest standing record of penalties. These penalties will not be as a result of purposely exerting brute force over those weaker than him, but rather for accidentally stepping on the tiniest of his opponents as they attem pt to run the bases and get past him. Nevertheless, his picture will shine proudly for all to see. Meyla Milian-Sanchez owns a famous vegan blog and loves to fight for animal rights. You can also see her at every protest in the city fighting for her own rights. She is a frequent shopper at W hole Foods and knows everyone there on a first name basis. She has a serious case of wanderlust and wants to visit as many countries as she can. To unwind, she does yoga and drinks a lot of La Croix. Hannah Miller will be working to help educate other stress-runners like herself on how to balance their stress through the consumption of her relaxing 7-layer bars, which has turned into a m ulti-billion dollar company. Bryton Neck became LSU's official sport groupie and won the world record o f wearing the same colors, purple and gold, for 20 years. He is part of the Homeowner's Association so that he can legally paint his house purple and gold. He religiously watches all of the LSU football games and if he can find the time, he will occasionally watch the Superbowl. Armando Nido designs a turtle and snail video game that becomes a w orldwide hit. He takes up his robotics hobby and creates time consuming inventions. He also dedicates a portion o f his day to practice getting on his treadmill. After high school, Simon Olschansky became a successful chem ical engineer living in Boston. During college he worked part-time as a retail agent at J Crew until he finished his engineering degree. His daytim e hobbies include running with his husky and playing in a rock band at a bar with a group o f college friends. However, his guilty pleasure is knitting booties for his cat family of seven and growing. Aaron Ossias revolutionized science when he began his own engineering company dedicated to building spaceships with warp drive that could travel to distant galaxies. Soon bored with all the fame and glory, he quit to becom e the supreme overlord o f dank memes. After his winning streak of three Academy Awards for his breakout role in D irty Dancing: The Sequel, Ashcon Partovi is living large with his family o f seven. In his spare time, he has made a lot o f technological advances, including freezing ice to ensure that penguins are living safely and evolving the hover board. Evan Pittman, to the shock of classics scholars everywhere, was revealed to be the reincarnate o f Hercules him self—proof that Greek "myths" aren't mythological at all. His unique combination of record strength and violin proficiency led to a lot of broken violins, which inspired him to start a company called “W orld’s Strongest Violins" and later won an award for best self-defense weapon. In his vast trove of medals and trophies rests the award he is m ost proud of: the "victim's choice" ribbon granted to him by the Photoshop Club. William Porter went on to get a law degree and then decided to try his luck in politics after disliking the direction the country was going in. In 2036 he ran for President to make his role model Frank Underwood proud. President Porter's 2 terms were the most prosperous in Am erican History, although some found his abolition of the 8th amendment questionable. Alexa Portigal is living in the U pper East side. Her blog has taken off, and as a benefit, she gets free m erchandise from high end boutiques. She ju st opened her new boutique in Soho right by Kylie Jenner's new pop-up shop. She lives with her hunk o f a husband with two dogs that each have their own Instagram followers. Finally fed up with getting called out by Ms. M azz in calculus class, Alex Reaves invented his own math, appropriately named Alex Math. W hen, to his dismay, Alex M ath didn’t get very far in the world of academia, he moved on to create an entire business o f selling inflatable yellow ducks; however, this couldn t support his family, so he branched out to include a whole array of other birds: pelicans, spoonbills, storks, you name it. He is most known lor his best-selling design, the blue-footed boobie. He donates 10% profits toward nature conservation. M ina R odriguez manages to be acquainted with Drake and is invited to go to all his tours and concerts with him. By day, she achieves her dreams of helping and giving back to her community. By night, she is Drake's beloved backup singer. She starts a girl's rapper group called M W A (M ina W ith Attitude). 162

Time W arps

Emma Sheridan becom es an Instagram fitness star during college, and everyone follow s her on Snapchat so that they can partake in her w orkouts. E m m a also runs her ow n spin and fitness studio in Santa Barbara. She is married to a Silicon V alley super star, and is on his app design team . H er latest art exhibit is currently being displayed at T he M et, and is being m oved to the Louvre next m onth. She has one daughter nam ed G illian, after iier best friend, and tw o tw in m iniature golden doodles nam ed C innam on and N utm eg. A fter a successful career ^s an engineer, Edison Siu traveled the country displaying his passion for balancing things on top o f other jhings. H e now lives in a house he 3D -printed for h im self and w orks as a doorm an. A fter graduating PCD S, Vmanda Slate becam e a prosperous self-help w riter. She achieved great fam e in the literary w orld, but still felt ihe could do m ore. She jo in e d B roadw ay and becam e an internationally renow ned perform er. A fter her singing Career, A m anda decided to dedicate the rest o f her life to saving bees — w hich she did successfully. A m anda is now a C IA agent and uses her youthful and innocent looks to infiltrate and destroy enem ies o f the U .S. M ax Svejda m oved to the U kraine to live peacefully as a coal m iner. H e believes his tw in is happier than he is as a politician. O h w ait, I m ean Sam . Sam Svejda has becom e a senator and is a pow er player in the governm ent. He pelieves his tw in is happier than he is as a coal m iner. O h w ait, I m ean M ax. Justin Tee becom es a senator so he fcan create a bill that prisoners are able to have com puters, T V s, and video gam e consoles. H e then com m its a trim e so that he is put in prison so he d o e sn ’t have to talk to anyone ev er again. Tisa Tehranchi is an acclaim ed rogi, w hose students adore her. W hen not doing yoga, she m akes short film s that have even been screened at Sundance. T isa w as also the first person to find evidence that the m oon landing w as fake, exposing the truth behind A pollo 11. Spenny Thom pson is recovering from y et another injury. (H e tends to rotate betw een fingers rnd ankles.) H e started a m otivational speaker series called M ong N ation w here he inspires young injured ithletes and w ill later lead a w orldw ide to u r about the im portance o f gingerism . H e w ill be living w ith his 5 bugs w hile m aintaining a steady diet o f oreos and protein to m aintain those #gains. Spencer W and is a stand up p m e d ia n at the local C huck E. C heeses. H e is also know n as the face o f Spam and w orks part-tim e as a m otivational speaker at elem entary schools. M addie W est w ill be living in Texas w ith h er husband, w ho she n e t after nursing him back to health. A fter they go t m arried ,.sh e gave up nursing and pursued her passion by ppening a restaurant called M W ’s because she w as appalled by the lack o f iced tea and frosted cookies in Fort w orth. She later buys an A J's Fine Foods establishm ent in order to have a lifetim e access to free passion fruit (ced teas. Parker W hitfill becom es the president o f the U nited States o f A m erica. N ot only will this happen, but lie w ill go dow n as the best president A m erica has ever seen, pushing idealistic philosophy through C ongress in brder to create a b etter w orld. A fter finishing 2 term s, he becom es a ju d g e on the Suprem e C ourt, w here he lives his dream o f having a career w here he sits in a room and thinks about things. Alex W illett defied all odds and became the loudest person to ev er live. A fter surgically im planting antlers on h er head, selling her com ic book p m p a n y fo r a buttload o f m oney, and m oving to a secluded com m unity aw ay from literally everyone in the vorld, she decided to spend her days scream ing at the top o f her lungs. N o one know s w here she lives, m uch to ter satisfaction, but legend has it that you can hear h er from hundreds o f m iles aw ay. Libby W illiamson was a contestant on the 5th season o f the C anadian B achelor and won! She is now living h er dream w ith her C anadian iusband in M ontreal w ith h er three children. She opened h er ow n bakery called Libby's L ove and sells baked toods internationally. In fact, the w onderful Q ueen E lizabeth II had a batch o f cookies and lived to be 120. \.fter finishing high school, Branch W illiam son decided to open his ow n gym . The gym is open 24 hours, has 10 cardio (because cardio kills gains) and is called G ain Train. W hile w orking out, B ranch m eets a gorgeous nsta-fitness girl nam ed Rose. T hey get m arried and have tw o kids, T h o m and Leaf. Jordon W ong w onged his pay through college. A fter college he had an extrem ely successful career as a physicist, but w as still struggling p find the love o f his life. H is dear friends E m m a and G illian sent his application in for season 20 o f Bachelor \n P aradise, w here he is currently w ith a sw eetheart during the final w eek. Olivia Zim merman is now a food blogger and rom -com m ovie director w ho lives in a fancy apartm ent in N ew Y ork. H er latest m ovie was a musical tribute to G ilm ore G irls, and her latest blog post was titled "Eating M y W ay Through NYC: The 50 pest C ookies I Found in N ew Y ork." H er only regret in life is approving all o f K evin's edgy tim e warps for the high school yearbook. Time W aips



W9 m IT T '




Sofia Ahmed 164

Senior Pages

If a man does not have the sauce, then he is lost. But the same man can be lost in the sauce. ~ Gucci Mane

David Anaeme Senior Pages



Gillian Barfield 166

Senior Pages

I w o u ld ra th e r have questions th a t c a n 't be answ ered than answers w h ich c a n 't be questioned.

-Richard Feynman

Annalise Bracher 168

Senior Pages

Caitlyn Brown Senior Pages



W aste io more time arguing about what a qO ^H k^l!iKhou1c6ยงy3e one.

ally Brown Senior Pages

i "Qkamelimeb yau galla f a ll lefo-ie yaa fly*

- & leefiin£ milk &iienb / (✓

Jam ie Campbell Senior Pages


Every great idea starts out as blasphemy. If there is resistance, it means that the direction is right. -Nergal

Adam Cherilla 172

Senior Pages

"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." Bertrand Russell

Aidan Clark Senior Pages


mission in life is n ot meietij to sitioioe, l a t to ttuioe; ana to do so rnitti some tiassiotij some comjiassion, some h u m o i, a n d some state!' -'Jdlaija S d n ^ e to a

Maddie Cook 174

Senior Pages

Matt Corsillo Senior Pages



is n t t h e w orst ;'


r a n d a ll m u nr o e , xk cd

Nicholas Currault 176

Senior Pages

"God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to tell the difference." ~ SlaugberhouseFive, Kurt Vonnegut

Amelia D'Avanzo Senior Pages


Sam Damore 178

Senior Pages

"G uess w h a t. I h a v e flaw s. W hat a r e th e y ? . Oh, I [don't know . I sin g in th e sh o w er. Som etim es I spend too m u ch tim e v o lu n teerin g . O ccasionally I'll h it som ebody w ith m y car. So sue m e!.. No, d o n 't su e m e. T h a t's th e opposite of th e p o in t th a t I a m try in g to m a k e ." -M ichael Scott

Madison Dever


Julius Dodson 180

Senior Pages

â– B il

"I could hear the human noise we sat there making, not one of us moving, not even when the room went dark." -Raymond Carver

Iris Druch Senior Pages


David Farca Cruz 182

Senior Pages

Alana Francis-Crow Senior Pages


"Relations between things are more important than the things themselves."-Ezra Pound

Mason Fritz 184

Senior Pages

Y ou c a n n e v e r be o v e rd re s s e d o r o v e re d u c a te d .11 -O scar W ilde

Lara Gemar Senior Pages


Mahmeer Halepota 186

Senior Pages

Calvin Hamilton Senior Pages



Jerry Hernandez 188

Senior Pages

Emma Herold Senior Pages


Greyson Hutchinson 190

Senior Pages

L is when you can start to get things done." -Justin Tee

Max Johnson Senior Pages


"If one comes across sometimes as being cold or brusque, it's simply because I'm striving for the best." - Anna Wintour

Hanaa Khan 192

Senior Pages

Kevin Kirsch Senior Pages


It's easy enough to be pleasant, when life hums along like a song. But the man worthwhile, is the man who can smile, when everything goes dead wrong.

Miles Kohler iy4

Senior Pages

Just play. Have Fun. Enjoy the Game. - Michael Jordan

Sam Lett Senior Pages


"You can cut all the flowers, but you cannot keep Spring from com ing.11 -Pablo N eruda

Janae Lewis 196

Senior Pages

Grant Logan Senior Pages


Daisey Martinez 198

Senior Pages

You will rue the day -Nevel Papperman

Shelby McDermott Senior Pages


Nick Meath 200

Senior Pages

Reach for the stars so if you fall you land on a cloud. ~ Kanye West

Austin Merkel

"There are no rules, no regulations, no frontiers that a woman cannot reach or surmount." — Oscar de la Renta

Meyla Milian-Sanchez 202

Senior Pages

"Hannah get in the w a te r." Mike Maczuga

Hannah Miller Senior Pages


Bryton Neck 204

Senior Pages

The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. - Robert Frost

Armando Nido Senior Pages


There are two m eans of refuge from the m isery of life — m usic and cats. - Albert Schw eitzer

Simon Olschansky 206

Senior Pages



When you think of the sheer size of creation, there's really no excuse left to ever be bored or mean or sad, ever. Let's be honest, not really. E xurbla

Aaron Ossias Senior Pages


Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish. - Steve Jobs

Ashcon Partovi 208

Senior Pages





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B& l#ig


Service to others is the rent you pay fo r your room here on earth Muhammad A li

Evan Pittman swf*fcwSZSgF Senior Pages


William Porter 210

Senior Pages

"I feel like I'm too busy writing history to read it." -Kanye West

Alexa Portigal Senior Pages


"Paddle Your Own Canoe" - Nick Qfferman

Alex Reaves 212

Senior Pages

Mina Rodriguez Senior Pages


Emma Sheridan 214

Senior Pages

Edison Siii Senior Pages


K~Gkeie i& calmne&d la a life lined in ziatilude a duiel jau -Sftaljili SBlam


Amanda Slate 216

Senior Pages


" Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced." - Soren Kierkegaard

I have spent my life judging the distance between American reality and the American Dream. -Bruce Springsteen

Sam Svejda 218

Senior Pages


Justin Tee Senior Pages


"T i s a , j u s t i n G E N E 1A L GET Y O U 1 L IF E TO G ETH ER" -

M o m :

Tisa Tehranchi 220

Senior Pages

Spencer Thompson Senior Pages



"Be yourself; everybody else is already ta k e n ." -Oscar Wilde

Spencer Wand 222

Senior Pages

Madeleine West Senior Pages

Alex Willett Senior Pages


It' s not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog. - Mark Twain

Branch Williamson 226

Senior Pages

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.-E.E. Cummings

Libby Williamson Senior Pages


"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do" -Isaac Asimov

Jordon Wong 228

Senior Pages

"People can live a hundred years without really living for a minute" - Gilmore Girls

Olivia Zimmerman Senior Pages


/o le c o n tin u e d ...

l{/k a ,

IU /bwimmotvt/umJoMormv/ Mo/m m dcSi/ww/ Congratulations to our sweet cEmms. W e couldnot 6e more p ro u d o f your David,

k in d Heart, your integrity a n d determination, a n d the soft, carefuC w ay t f a t you move tfrougf t fe world.

With an o u r lo v e a n d b e s t w ishes o n this cloy a n d ev ery d a y .


Dad, Mom and Angie


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B e . u n st o ppa f*A FORCE OF NATURE

they c lo tty o f 20171

Congratulations! As you look towards a bright future, w e want you to know that you have made us and will always m ake us proud. Love you always, Mom, Dad, and Noemi.

Senior Ads


OwdeTwe one io fm u d orf t&e deanii^d ifon*? ta d y ^ cpu fo o t fax/me. ty u are dticfdt. taiented. fc n e w e e l and &utd, cjoui deant and ed^je qom the moon and daerf

m w % g ■■ V-f i i i li B V ll ll M

Congratulations Mahi! W e are so proud o f you, Alpha!

#YOA #YFN #WYB #TheFuture

The strength with which y your own pa aretruly aw We love you andarefilled as you start of your life.


Senior Ads

"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go,

Congratulations Miles!

instead, where there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

We Love You! Mom. Dad ÂŁ Hampton

Congratulations, Max! Love, Mom & Dad

Senior Ads


r “Take pride in how far you've come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don't forget to enjoy the journey.”-^ ^ ^ - Michael Josephson

Congratulations Spencer! We are very proud of you. Love, Dad, Brierly, Bradaigh, & Bagel

from. pcixS ts quite au. accomplishment, and ( am very'proud o f y o u . for stay tug the course. I loote forward to watch tug your couttrtued upward growth throughout - college aud your Life. v>o what you love; work ■ hard; help others; create value aud gattvs wt.ll f o l l o w . t h e leader yoi to g ra d u a te

commitment has far excee4e4 my expedatior in 4 I'm so very prou4 o your achievements. YOU, my son, ate a superstar! ■


Senior Ads

Congratulations Spencer! "There Is nothing in the world so Irresistibly contagious as laughter and geed humor." -Charles Dickens

We are so very proud of you! love, Mom and Brierly

Dearest Tisa, We are so proud of w h o y o u 'v e b e co m e a nd c a n ’t w a it to see w h at's a h e ad. Lots o f love. M om , Dad, Kassra, a n d Kiahn

‘A (ex as you Have a (ways said “idobody can imagine wha t 1 wi((

do when 1 am odder because it das not been invented yet.” We

“OnCyfrom the Heart can you toucH the sky. ’’-dfumi

(eree you ana cannot wait to see what you do.

Love, “M om S t D a d

“There/ are/ only two- layting- bequests- we/ c a n h o p e /to g iv e o u r children-. One/of

"The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between." -Wolfgang Amadeus M ozart

th ese iy rooty, the/other, wingy.” -W. Hodding- Carter, II

Bryton/, Please/ know t h a t being/ in d e p en d en t doey n o t m ea n you/ m ay n o t ever need/ someone. Ifyou/ n e e d /th a t h an d, w e wM/lift you/. Spread yo u r wingy and/ keep soarin g/yet always- rem em ber yo u r roots-are firmly planted. Love, Mom, Dad, and/GjiGje... Gjeawc/TLgeryl

Congratulations to our lovely and graceful daughter Annalise Rose

Senior Ads


Amanda, Congratulations f t \ a^ 0j2 f[


Vou made it! W e ate so plnud o f you and nts

we ate excite“M a 'l that your

W hat lies behind us and w h at lies before us are tin y m atters com pared to r

'We love you to the moon and hack... 2)addy, Tflommy, W ickael and Puffy 236

Senior Ads

All o ur Love, D ad, M om, an d Elena

Gillian If a daughter had been created, from scratch, We could not have dream t of one that w ould be your match.


You amaze us each and every day, J H S W ith your hard w ork and kind way. ' ; j 'â–

We haVe watched y o u grow, and find your place, Now all w ill see your determ ination and grace. W ith all our love

We're so proud o f the man you've become. Looking forw ard to seeing you continue to soar! Love you, Mom, Harry, Craig, Gramma and Grandpa

Congratulations Kevin! Your spirit and enthusiasm are evident at school and in life. We will miss your spark and humor around the house next year! You have so much to be proud of! You are the sunshine of our lives. We love you!

We are so proud of you! We lovqyoul. Dad, Mom, and Ethan

xoxo, Mom, Dad & Sydney

Senior Ads


"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. '-Plato

Sigue tus suenos y ama lo cjue haces. feliadades por esfe logro. Siempre

and we are so grateful. Congratulations on your graduation! Love, Mom, Dad & Simon

Libby, Congratulations^ fau are our sunshinj Mommy and

: Evan, Thankyoufor bringing so much JO Y into our lives. Congratulations, Mom and Dad 238

Senior Ads


“Twenty from now you w i l l e more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than t A h e ones you .did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away f r o £ h e safe harbor.” W m r sun­ screen. B rin jy A e K n d while you’re at it, g ra m m e vest so your parents d ^ w w o rry ! W e love you to the moon and back Sam. YouvCTnade us all proud to be your family. Love, Mom, Carl, Dad, Beverly, Hana, Sara, Hannah,Adam & Molly

daughter wf® exemplifies devotion and love. you set a goal, you are Go for your dreams! making them happen. Love Mom and Dad

Branch, Congratulations! We love you to the moon and back! Mommy and Daddy

“Go confidently in th e direction o f your dreams! Live th e Life yo u ’ve imagined." ~Thoreau fllexa, we are all so proud o f you. Love Dad, Lisa and Sydney

Senior Ads


Matt, I Wishing I you the ! best on 1your future I computer I animation I endeavors! - your ! loving and 3 very proud | family

Sharp, strongThjnd, articulate. meuriaf, and wise \6eyondyour years. 'You are a \truefriend and protector o f

and an monor to watch you graduate, it is much more so to he your

vWith steadfast, uncondttionaf

< Dad, Mom, Cjahe, and‘Tanner

A Thank You From Usl Thank y o u so m uch to everyon e who h as contributed to th e yearbook! We w ould not have been able to com plete th is w ithout you. We w ant to .thank our w onderful advisor, Ms. H athaw ay, for her dedication, loyalty, and calm dem eanor throughout the year. She h as alw ays been able to keep th e team relaxed w ith h er fabulous sen se of hum or and the sta sh es of candy in her office. We also w an t to give a special th an k y o u to all of the faculty, esp ecially Ms. Ong, w ho h a v e sen t us photos. Trying to fill 2 4 0 pages to capture all of the m em ories of 2 0 1 6 -2 0 1 7 h as not been easy. We hope ev ery single stu den t appreciates all of the hard work th at th e team h as put into th is book, and w h en you look back at all of th ese pictures, th at you w ill rem em ber th e am azing tim es you had in the PCDS com m unity. Thank you so m uch for an am azing year! Left to right: Ms. Hathaway (Advisor), Caitlyn Brown, Olivia Zimmerman, Lexi Portigal (CoEditors-in-Chief) 240

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Love, The Yearbook Team

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