Life in Balance issue 8

Page 1

life in balance

redefine your thinking – one person can make a difference Your free copY

i ssue 8 dece mb e r ‘ 09 / J a nu a r y ’ 10 - Hap py new Year!


news & innovations co nsi der us, o i l y i ssues, so l a r roa ds


design ex t ra o rdi na r y cha ndel i ers, g l a ss tem pl es


living special feature energ y ef f i ci ency i n t he ho m e, f reewheel i ng fest i va l


travel af r i ka Bur ns - t r ul y t i m e o ut


food & drink gua tem a l a n cof fee, veg gi e reci pes, chi l l i sa uce


products o ut-of-t he-box g i vi ng and give-aways galore


art & Books g l a ss a ct i o n, f ree e-bo o ks

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