PhotoComment March 2009

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MARCH 2009 RSA R19.95

contents MARCH 2009

Editors Letter Readers Letters We want to hear from you

Scoop All about what is happening in the photographic world locally and internationally

Readers Portfolio Get your images published here. This months feature: Werner Strauss

Technique How to call your shots

Professional Portfolio More than just pictures. Find out about the motivational force behind Kevin Mark Pass

Student Portfolio If your portfolio is relevant, avant garde and inspirational we will publish it.

cover image Photographer : Kevin Mark Pass Model : Danielle Stylist : Izolina De Vasconcelos MakeUp : Desiree de Goede Taken with : D700, Nikon 24-70 2.8 F-stop: f/2.8 Exposure time: 1/50 sec. ISO speed: ISO-2500 Shot taken in doors with low light. Additional lighting for this image was from a standard 60 watt tungsten (regular wall fitting) bulb above the model's head. Camera was handheld and image shot as a JPEG with very little editing. Not only does this show off the D700's amazing low light ability but that you don't need much to get a top class shot.


elcome to


photographic news sites. Over


the past year we tested cameras,

you a taste of what to expect not

Magazine, the realization of a

reviewed exhibitions and books

only in our first issue but also

longstanding dream to establish

and hopefully brought some

hint as to what our regular

a platform for the return to a

different insight to your regular

features will be. As you read on

beautiful art. With that aim in

thoughts on local photography.

you will note the undertone for

mind we have geared up to

On the whole though, our site

each feature but as this is also

launch the first issue of

has been predominantly

your magazine we encourage

PhotoComment Magazine on

technically based and that was

your feedback. Send us a mail

March 1st 2009. For those of

never the intention.


you who have come across us

The inspiration for this

This preview edition will give

and share your thoughts. So without further ado,

through your interaction with

magazine was to step outside

the website,

the technical style that

welcome to the preview of, you

photographic magazines,

South Africa's newest

may already know a little about

websites and forums advocate

photographic magazine,

us. For those of you who aren't

and return to an era of the

published online by

familiar with the site a brief

enjoyment of photography by

background history follows.

everyone without getting caught

PhotoComment the website was

up and perhaps confused by the


launched in August 2007 as one

plethora of techno talk.

The Photocomment Team

of South Africa's first

Pleasant reading and best


Tristan Hall

Wilhelmus Moller

This is an exciting time for me.

I'm the proud owner of some

The feel of this magazine is

I started PhotoComment nearly

empty dark boxes with holes at

provided by Candice Hall, our

one and a half years ago

one end, (cameras-for the

graphic designer who is soon to

because I love photography and

uninitiated) that seem to

be joined by Greg Wrench as

felt the need for a project that

sometimes copy and other times

not only graphic designer but

local photographers could take

distort reality by the strange

our audiovisual guru too. This

part in and call their own. For

natural fluke of light's effect on

team forms PhotoComment

the last year I have dreamt of

photo chemical or photoelectric

Media, a division of

the site evolving to offer a local

surfaces. I have been

PhotoComment that not only

magazine and now my dream is

photographically active for the

builds this magazine but offers

coming true. Some say I was

better part of 8 years and

various other design and media

born with a camera in my hand

studied at the TUT photography


and certainly I have spent

school (Technikon Pretoria back

nearly every day since the age

in the day) My first venture into

Readers Letters

of 12 – when an aunt gave me

writing about photography was

my first camera – doing

an essay titled “Landscape

something photographically

photography and the

related. I hope that you'll enjoy

omnipresent threat of burger

this magazine and take interest

flipping” for an inspirational

in it, making it as much a part

lecturer at the photo school.

of your photographic

Thank you Harold! I haven't

experiences as it is a part of

looked back. We hope to


inspire, infuse, involve, and

We welcome feedback about what you think of PhotoComment Magazine. Your stories, experiences, questions, inspirations, are all welcome and can be sent to enter “Letters” as the subject. Each month we will publish some of your feedback and offer a prize for the letter of the month. So please read on, take a look through the rest of this preview edition and send us your thoughts.

Founder of PhotoComment and Assistant Editor.


ultimately change your life with this magazine.

Design Team


hotoComment aims to be the foremost

The topic on our agenda is fair and lively debate,

authority on the subject of the enjoyment and

compositional guidelines and optimal focus issues –

philosophy of photography in South Africa.

although relevant – will take a backseat to issues of

PhotoComment is a predominantly local magazine

artistry, quality and emotion. Sit back and read our

and we intend to make it yours by presenting it in a

preview. What are your thoughts and feelings? Do

unique South African manner. We welcome local

you have any suggestions? Why not change the

readers, students and professionals to submit their

world with what you have to say?

photographic portfolios, essays, letters and general

Take a bold step onto the podium of public

thoughts. We will also endeavor to bring you a taste

opinion. Leave your equipment woes behind and

of international work, movements and philosophies.

step into the realm of the beautiful art.

At PhotoComment we prescribe to a strict moral code of conduct to bring you the reader a family

Wilhelmus Moller – Editor

safe magazine, which welcomes submissions and healthy debate from students of photography, ardent amateur photographers and professionals. We promote and encourage a return to the enjoyment of photography. Gone are the days and gripes about pixels and bit depth. No more brand 'shoot outs' or post production discussions ad photography. Almost like a Sunday drive back in the days when petrol was one rand fifty cents per litre.


infinitum. Instead a healthy return to pure

photocomment Features

Readers Portfolio This is your chance to get your images published. For each issue we (the editors assisted by a panel of industry leading photographers) will choose a reader's portfolio that inspires and celebrates the art and craft of photography best for that month. You stand a chance to win a prize from our advertisers should your portfolio be published. Include a self-portrait accompanied with a brief introduction of yourself, your style and your In our first issue we review Werner Strauss' portfolio and explore the inner reaches of his mind. What makes him tick? Why does he shoot the way that he does? Where is he from and where is he going? What influences have shaped him? Send us no more than 10 of your best images with your contact details to enter “Readers Portfolio” as the subject. Make sure the images are in JPEG format and no larger than 640x480 (or closest too), we will contact you for larger files if needed. Needless to say that the standard will be high and uncompromising so please put your best foot forward.

Student portfolio Students why not get a head start on your peers and send us your portfolio. If your portfolio is relevant, avant-garde and inspirational it will get published. Has photography changed your perception of life love and everything else? Write us a short essay of your photographic philosophy, style and technique accompanied by a self-portrait. We as well as our readers want to know who the person is that accompanies the images. Send us no more than 10 of your best images with your contact details to enter “Student Portfolio” as the subject. Make sure the images are in JPEG format and no larger than 640x480 (or closest too), we will contact you for larger files if needed. Needless to say for this part of our magazine you really need to impress.



Professional portfolio This is a challenge to professional photographers. Share your life's work with others and pass the chalice of knowledge on to other hungry minds. Have your say to improve the photographic industry. Share your thoughts about your life as a photographer. Inspire our readers with your unique style and philosophy. We hope to feature a pro in every issue and endeavor to bring you the best of the best in the industry to showcase their portfolio and inspire and teach us all. In our March issue we feature Kevin Mark Pass, an up and coming people perceive photography, photographers and themselves? Does one's work define you as a human being or does one's humanity define your work? We also ask ten random questions about life, love and everything


young fashion photographer. We talk to him about perception. How do

else. Kevin shares his views about equipment need vs. equipment greed. Contact the editor directly at to arrange an interview.

Technique feature So you think you have seen it all? Think again. In our monthly technique feature we will show you how to produce winning images with the most basic of equipment and in the most limiting circumstances. If you have We are certain that not only will you learn something new but we will as well. If you have a tip or a trick of the trade that you wish to share with our readers please don't hesitate to send us a short proposal. We don't know everything but where we fall short, and you want to learn from the best, we will also recruit some of the best photographers in the industry to share their knowledge with you the reader.

Scoop We will be reviewing books, announcing exhibitions, reporting on trade shows, reviewing new and exciting products and cameras, bringing you the reader the latest industry news. We sat in on the judging of the Sony ProFoto awards recently and will bring you some insight into what judges look for in a winning image.


any questions send them in - surprise and challenge us.

Werner Strauss W

erner Strauss is 29 and an accomplished image-

maker. Werner holds a degree in photography from

Interview by Wilhelmus Moller

He sees photography as a relaxation aid and when he is

bored, annoyed or stressed, his motorcycle takes him to where

the Tshwane University of Technology (previously Technikon

the magic happens. He rides, searches and shoots what life

Pretoria). He started shooting at the age of 17 and has a

offers him. Werner shoots digital for the ease of use but also

particular interest in street scenes, landscapes and long

embraces a hybrid film to digital approach. He believes editing

exposure photography. His current project is long exposure

and post production are acceptable, as he feels that it is the

figure study.

final product that matters. >>

Readers Portfolio

Werner’s Tips for the Novice Photographer: ? Shoot with a camera that you are

comfortable with and shoot as many photos as possible. Do not delete anything as you will not learn from your mistakes. ? Photography should be fun. ? If you are shooting digital learn to

shoot with the preview screen off and don’t over think the image. It’s a gut feel at the end of the day. ? Look intently at other

photographers’ work, draw inspiration from masters of old as well as contemporary photographers. ? Don’t discriminate between good

and bad photography. Both are indispensable learning aids. ? Surf the following websites that

Werner recommends and notes as some of his influences:,,www.lostamer,, Q: Where are you from? A: Heidelberg Gauteng, a good example of what a small town can offer any photographer with an open mind. Q: What was your first camera? A: A Canon EOS 300. Q: What plans do you have for the Future? A: I want to own and manage my own photographic production company, catering to the needs of other photographers from location scouting right through to print. Q: What equipment do you currently own? A: A Canon Powershot G10 and a Horseman 6x9 field camera. Q: Your Dream Equipment? A: Anything that takes a picture will do. [o]

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