01 WINTER 2013
cultivating community and downtown
a v i s i t w i t h l o ca l art i s t
s po t l i g h t o n
Chad, Patrick and I have been in the entertainment biz for over twenty-five years. We’ve learned a thing or two during our career. Most especially to listen to our advisors. In fact, our manager once said: “Don’t ever, ever, ever, ever publish anything!” On that note, we welcome you to ! c h a d tay l o r
y r k winter
c h a d tay l o r
chad gracey
Pa t r i c k D a h l h e i m e r
. introduction .
. contributors .
c h arl e s m e i e r
D e b ra L ac o pp o la
susanne cerha
e l i a s e e ly
Creative Director Director of Photography
Photographer Production Manager
Art Director Creative Designer
Writer Astrologer
Mister Rogers asked, “Who are the people in your neighborhood?” I love honoring this PA native’s request to know your neighbor. Finding new ways to create community makes life interesting. photoduo.com
My favorite Aunt Dot once called me the eternal optimist. I love using my camera to help people become aware of the possibilities within themselves. Capturing a subject’s inner radiance brings me joy! photoduo.com
I love walking out the door in the morning and going on an unplanned adventure. Preferably in my signal-orange kneehigh rain boots – such a conversation starter! That’s how you really get to know the world and the people in it. silo-design.com
My world community includes people and nature. I love to connect to the creatures wherever I am. Tarantulas and ravens in New Mexico, sea turtles and gold dust geckos in Maui, and gentle, velvety mule deer in Oregon. VerVitae.com
YRK LLC has made every attempt to insure that all information contained in this publication has been obtained from reliable sources, but all such information is provided “as is” with no guarantee of completeness or accuracy. The views of contributors do not necessarily reflect the views or polices of YRK LLC. YRK LLC can not be held for errors or omissions contained in, or reliance made upon the contents of, this publication. | Contact: info@yrkmagazine.com Copyright: YRK 2013 © YRK LLC. All rights reserved. Photography or page layout contained in YRK should not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the specific written permission of YRK LLC. All photography Copyright LaCoppola-Meier.
. F e at u r e s .
s a l va g i n g c r e a t i v i t y: T h e A r t i s t r y o f Pa t r i c k S e l l s
h o m e t o w n , r e -v i s i o n e d : C r e a t i n g t h e L i f e N e w: Y o r k C i t y L i v i n g
Storytelling with fire and steel: reclaiming the soul of salvage. Delighted with downtown: Hilary & Gregory Arthur celebrate their new life.
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2013 –
. spotlights .
K i ns l e y C ons t ruc t ion:
White Rose bar & grill:
think loud:
H o ly H o u n d :
power of the people
l o c a l f l av o r
a t h r i l l i ng c om b i nat ion
f o r wa r d t h i n k i n g ,
all beer, no bull
the green bean
CGA L aw:
LSC d e s i g n :
c o p p e r c r u s t c o m pa n y:
w o l f g a n g c a n d y:
adventure by design
ou t s ta n di ng n e w
the sweet life
ta l k i ng c u r e
community + commitment
r o a s t i n g c o m pa n y:
f o r wa r d m o t i o n
a rt h u r & daugh t e r s:
Social entrepreneur:
s ta r ry n ig h t
Evolution power Yoga:
pa s s i o n m e e t s
the long game
s ta r s c op e
sharing her light
– 2013
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Salvaging Creativity
Practical Magic:
The Artistry of Patrick Sells s a l va g i n g c r e a t i v i t y
York, Pennsylvania
Left: Historical Humor
Creative re-use of salvage provides fun and functional public art.
Right: 2 1 st C e n t u r y B l a c k s m i t h
Sells’ welding torch as modern-day fire in the forge.
Salvaging Creativity Patrick Sells is an alchemist: a collaborative visionary transforming the rubble of industry into re-imagined creations with both use and beauty. His passions include reclamation, history, and sustainability, three elements that make up quite a potent creative fire. A quest for materials brought him to York. “In one afternoon I had the sort of connective, inspiring ‘back stage’ kind of experience that I’d never had in {his native} Baltimore. I realized that there were so many interesting people here making something of this little town.” Sells trained as an engineer, but found the gritty three dimensional world of industry’s bits and pieces more satisfying. Working with salvage is a way to re-envision what once had function and structure,
and is now ready for a new chapter. “I’m a storyteller in a way, only the objects are in physical form.”
way. Give access to the kinds of space, materials, and tools that you just can’t have in a school metal shop or your garage.”
Collaboration and teaching also fuel Sells’ fire. Watching the evolution of an idea becoming whole with the vision and skills of others excites his imagination more than working on a solo vision. Sells and his business partner, Casey Tyrrell, work with architects, artists, makers, and clients to create inspired public art, furniture, fittings, lighting, and signage. Sell’s longterm vision for his work is to teach, and to create a space in York where the elements of his art can be practiced hands-on by both youth and adults. “We want to create an unconventional classroom, where learning happens in an experiential, exciting
York is the perfect environment for the practical magic of Sells’ artistry and the goals of Salvaging Creativity. “People are still making things here. York has something really unique. An identity and history that is still so real and intact.” The connection to the past, and also a commitment to the future are what compelled Sells to settle in York, and what encourages him to stay. FIND US HERE
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Kinsley Construction
Power of
the People kinsley construction
York, Pennsylvania
Kinsley Construction, 2700 Water Street, P.O. Box 2886 www.kinsleyconstruction.com 717-741-3841
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Copper Crust Company
Kinsley Construction is definitely about buildings – and roads, bridges, and complex commercial projects – and thrives whatever the weather through quality craftsmanship and employee dedication. And, underneath the impressive growth, diversification, and quality building awards are the people. The people: a loyal workforce of over 1,000. The people: apprentices and staff trained at the Kinsley Education Center. The people: local clients, many who come back again and again, because of the integrity with which they have been served. The people: Bob Kinsley, who founded his company with “a pick-up truck and one employee;” his five sons, all involved in the business; and his wife, Anne Kinsley, co-creator of the Kinsley Family Foundation. The Kinsley philosophy is a combination of industry savvy and human heart, with a full-spectrum of services for their clients and inspiring generosity to their community. Kinsley Construction is going strong: celebrating 50 years of powerful, people-driven excellence.
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Local Local flavor flavor PROFILE
White Rose Bar & Grill
White Rose Bar & Grill: pertaining to York City good life
white rose bar & grill
York, Pennsylvania
L u n ch a t t h e i r l o c a l
Casey & Erin enjoy the good life.
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Choices, Choices: Fresh and fabulous menu options.
local A “local” is the place where you go to eat, drink, and meet with friends that is as familiar as your own kitchen. A place where you can count on consistency of service, food, and atmosphere. A place to belong. White Rose Bar & Grill is local. Grown from a tiny bar and diner in 1933 to a full-service restaurant and catering business with three bars and multiple innovative menus, the White Rose has always been a family affair. Three generations
Pertaining to a city, town, or small district.
(Informal) a pub close to one’s home or place of work. serving up not only food and drink, but a sense of community as well. “Our customers are family too; we see many of them several times a week. The White Rose feels like a big comfortable house, where people are always coming and going,” says owner Tom Sibol. And he should know. Hands-on seven days a week, Tom lives and loves his restaurant business. His enthusiasm and commitment is reflected in great food, happy customers, and loyal staff.
White Rose Bar & Grill 48 North Beaver Street 717-848-5369 whiterosebarandgrill.com
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Strand-Capitol Performing Arts Center
Thrilling Combination Str a nd-Ca pitol per for ming a rts center
York, Pennsylvania
A u d i e n c e pa r t i c i pa t i o n loving the pre-show mingle in the Strand’s luxurious lobby.
Romantic first date: need low lights, sultry jazz. Special outing for Grandmother, Mom, and little ballerina: need sparkling lights and Russian Ballet. Girl’s night out: need pre-show drinks and spicy stand-up comedy. Fiftieth anniversary: need elegant dinner and YSO Pops. No trip to the big
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city required – Strand-Capitol Performing Arts Center has got it on the calendar. The Strand is serious about providing quality arts and entertainment to York’s diverse population. From youth symphony to classic rock and roll, British farce to New Age transcendent, jumpin’ jazz to classic cinema,
there really is something for everyone to enjoy. Carefully preserved historic buildings give a nod to the Strand’s colorful past, while innovative artistic vision and topnotch educational programming ensure not only a future of smiling, satisfied patrons, but an arts literate community as well.
Copper Crust Company
Strand-Capitol Performing Arts Center 50 North George Street 717-846-1111 mystrandcapitol.org
Sophisticated, sublime, scintillating, show-stopping.
Culture, Strand style.
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What happens when inspired development combines integrity, listening, skill, and foresight? This page: S ta n d i ng i n P u r e
think loud
York, Pennsylvania
“We see bricks and mortar as only a
David Taylor, President, Think Loud LLC at the company’s project, 210 York St.
Opposite page: M o v i n g F o r wa r d
Bill Hynes, CEO and Founder, Think Loud, LLC, taking steps at 210 York St.
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Think buildings that enhance culture, civic pride, and the built environment. How does development look when true client involvement, compassionate leadership, and high environmental standards are a part of the planning process?
Think sustainable projects that transform their neighborhoods. Who is using out-of-the-box development strategies to create growth opportunities for downtown communities?
shell to house the potential within.�
Forwar d thinking , forwar d motion . T h i n k Lo u d De v e l opm e n t, LLC .
Think Loud. Corporate development and adaptive re-use with respect for history and vision for the future. Committed to local progress created with local labor; committed to the positive expansion of York City.
Think Loud Development, LLC thinkloudllc.com facebook.com/ thinkloudPA
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Holy Hound Taproom
All Beer h o ly h o u n d ta p r o o m
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York, Pennsylvania
What do environmental geology, tax law, and craft beer have in common? You could think a while on that one, but let’s make it easy: Scott Eden, owner of Holy Hound Taproom.
Holy Hound 57 West Market Street 717-855-2410 holyhoundtaproom.com
Scott is a man with a love of beer—good beer, great beer—and it’s a passion he realized that he wanted to share. The practice of law didn’t suit him anymore, and in his travels he had visited and enjoyed many craft beer bars. The idea to own a bar took shape in his mind. Turns out it’s been a great life change. “I grew a beard, let my hair grow, and just became the person I really was all along.”
Holy Hound is a welcome addition to the downtown York landscape, as the crowds and empty kegs indicate. The beer selection is spectacular, and the simple, tasty food rounds out a perfect evening with friends over a pint (or two). “I wanted to go all in with craft beer with no bull.” No question. For Scott and York beer enthusiasts, Holy Hound is a dream come true.
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The Green Bean Roasting Company
feeling fine
Jennifer Schreiber knows first hand
the connective power of coffee-talk.
Roasting Enjoy ing the Buzz
Green Bean’s regulars, happy and caffeinated!
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There is a coffeehouse in York where everybody knows your name – and what you drink. A place where quality and commitment to product is enhanced by honest, familial warmth. A place to cozy up and watch the world go by, run in for the afternoon buzz, or make a new friend.
Jennifer Schreiber and Vanessa DiLisio began their friendship over coffee, and understand the value of providing a welcoming space that anchors the diverse downtown York community. Green Bean Coffee Roasting offers organic, house-roasted blends, loose-leaf teas, gourmet chai and hot chocolate, tantalizing sweets and sa-
+ Commitment t h e g r e e n b e a n r o a s t i n g c o m pa n y
York, Pennsylvania
The Green Bean Roasting Company
A Toast to the Roast
Vanessa DiLiso enjoys a cup of house organic brew.
Company vory treats, and a comfortable atmosphere to enjoy conversation and connection. Jen and Vanessa are professionals, with many years of marketing and customer service between them. Pursuit of excellence includes sustainable products and practices, and brisk wholesale and retail
trade of their beans. One look around the bustling shop suggests that these ladies know what they’re doing. One look at customers’ smiling faces suggests the two friends are sharing the love: love for what they do, for the community they serve, and, of course, for a mean cuppa joe.
The Green Bean Roasting Company 100 South Beaver Street 717-848-4070 greenbeanroasting.com
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CGA Law Firm
Talking To cure a problem,
To cure confusion,
To cure a lack of knowledge,
apply solutions.
apply clarity.
apply information.
CGA l aw f i r m
A n n e Z e r b e , Sh a r e h o l d e r
Applying her style to employment and health care law. Came to York with the help of a fox‌ a foxhunting expedition, that is.
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York, Pennsylvania
Summation: listen, ask questions and be creative. At CGA, we believe that the essence of serving our clients is to understand their situation, to present options, to take action. To pay attention to details, to care.
Fa c e s t o T r u s t CGA lawyers listening up.
A n d r e w Pa x t o n , shareholder
An ally for emerging businesses, technology, taxation, and intellectual property issues. Loves to hit the slopes for his r&r, or sharpen his reflexes with sporting clays.
R e e s G r i ff i t h s , Sh a r e h o l d e r
With over 30 years in practice, Rees is a dependable and experienced advocate in litigation and mediation. Free time finds him relaxing on the links.
CGA Law Firm
CGA Law Firm 135 North George St. 717-848-4900 cgalaw.com
CGA attorneys and legal staff are human and competent, offering progressive and accessible support regardless of the nature and scope of the issue. Business, family, employment law and more, CGA offers
J e ff R e h m e y e r II , p r e s i d e n t
Business, real estate, finance, tech… Jeff does it all. Weekends may find him on the back of his Harley Softail Classic, riding with family and friends, or organizing motorcycle rallies.
York an impeccable team of legal professionals. You talk, we’ll listen. And we’ll go from there. We’re here for you every step of the way.
C h r i s R e e d, a s s o c i at e
The perfect advocate for your business, or advisor in matters of property and estate planning. Chris loves a good run, a good meal, and catching the Revs at a home game.
“Every CGA attorney lives their case like it’s their own.”
Sh a r o n M y e r s , Sh a r e h o l d e r
Richly experienced, Sharon focuses her leadership and expertise in the areas of estate planning, municipal law, and real estate. Future dream: cruising around the world.
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Spotlight On Downtown Dwellings
Left: Dance for life
Hilary and Gregory Arthur love their “new” 200 year old house.
Right: Life is Good
Violet and Eleanor, right at home.
Hometown, Re-visioned:
Creating the Life New: York City Living
Hilary Arthur grew up in York, where childhood was summer days endless with play; a “safe, wonderfully unstructured life.” But any small town girl longs to try her wings, and Hilary’s flight landed her in New York City for college and then a great job, new husband Gregory, two daughters: a fabulous life. So, why leave? And why York? “Things changed when I became a mom. I loved living in Brooklyn, but life was incredibly hectic. It is amazing how Gregory and I can have a better work/life balance living in York, and own a house – which would have been much more difficult in Brooklyn. He was born and raised there, so leaving the city was an adventure. And my
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extended family is here; when we started looking at it, York just made sense.” The residents and businesses in central York posses a thriving sense of community. Grass roots groups are committed to the arts, to fostering entrepreneurship, to both preserving history and moving forward with innovation. Living downtown is the sustainable choice on many levels: adaptive re-use of buildings and land, opportunity for small businesses, and a walk-able lifestyle that offers daily interaction with neighbors. Hilary loves the accessibility of residing downtown. “We walk to the library, market, and restaurants. When I walk to those
places, people know me. And it’s a great way to teach my kids to be comfortable out in the world. In this really structured life of modern childhood – play dates, lessons, preschool – those kind of spontaneous social interactions are important.” Hilary and Gregory agree that York has much to offer young families. Housing is more affordable, and there is space to think outside the box professionally. Living downtown includes the best of both worlds: the buzz of life, change, and growth, yet a snug small town feeling and a solid connection to history. For the Arthurs, their new life makes them want to dance… or jump for joy.
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Copper Crust Company
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Spotlight On Downtown Dwellings
LSC Design Architect / Engineers
Adventure by design LSC d e s i g n a r c h i t e c t s / e n g i n e e r s
York, Pennsylvania
“We need to attract bright, innovative staff to keep up with growth. Having an office in downtown York is part of that.”
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Copper Crust Company
Rob Kinsley’s love of adventure racing stands him in good stead as President of LSC Design. The sport requires a love of challenge and the ability to work with a team. Guiding a multi-faceted business and multiple design projects requires much the same. Rob’s background is eclectic, like the jobs LSC takes on. The company will apVision in Progress
proach any kind of project, recognizing that what is learned with one type of building can be applied to another. LSC’s impressive portfolio keeps Rob engaged, listening and co-creating with clients and guiding his talented workforce. As the company expands, the most exciting plan in motion is a renovation of the Somerville Building
in downtown York for LSC’s future workspace. “York is great because it is a town, a community. Many places are so big, or transient, that you can’t be a part of things. With York, if you want to make an impact, you can actually do it.” An adventure worth having. FIND US HERE
Rob Kinsley at 320 Beaver St., the future workspace for LSC. Dreaming up His Next Adventure
Rob’s future corner office.
LSC Design Architects | Engineers 1110 East Princess Street 717-845-8383 www.lscdesign.com
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Copper Crust Company
202 1
2012 Downtown First Awards for Outstanding New Business
Sean and Nicole Austin *WINN
c o p p e r c r u s t c o M PA N Y
York, Pennsylvania
c o ff e e b r e a k
Tame mid-morning hunger pangs with a warm, sticky cinnamon bun, slice of milehigh and feather-light cake, or a traditional Danish bursting with luscious filling. Add a perfectly crafted espresso drink and enjoy!
Copper Crust Company The Central Market 34 W. Philadelphia Street 410-982-9890 thecoppercrust.com
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Copper Crust bakery offers customers a culinary experience that is rooted in artisanal European tradition and reflective of modern sensibilities and palates. Classically trained chefs Sean and Nicole have created a welcoming environment that caters to a busy professional’s morning breakfast on-the-go, a lazy girlfriends’ lunch, or an indulgent treat stop for families exploring historic downtown York. Copper Crust’s passion for presentation and flavor is apparent in their dizzying displays of pastry and tempting bagel fillings and combinations.
Sean and Nicole both share a commitment to food and community. Custom feasts of savories and sweets are hand-crafted from regionally sourced ingredients whenever possible, and creative catering menus emphasize a farmto-table experience. Like the city of York, Copper Crust’s offerings reflect respect for both tradition and innovation. The menu snaps with sophisticated flavor pairings and time-honored favorites that celebrate the best of local, seasonal foods.
Copper CopperCrust CrustCompany Company
A dizzying display of pastry.
Creative catering menus emphasize a farm-to-table experience. n o t j u s t pa s t r i e s
Savory cravings are easily satisfied by rustic mini-quiches or bagels stuffed with simple to sublime ingredients.
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The sweet
Life wolfgang candy
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y r k winter
York, Pennsylvania
Wolfgang Candy 50 East 4th Avenue 717-843-5536 wolfgangcandy.com
Copper Crust Company
It’s a sweet life, making chocolate and confectionery. Especially if in the process you get to be a part of community traditions, support regional and local organizations and causes, and continue a family legacy.
Wolfgang Candy
Wolfgang Candy Company offers over 92 years of expertise in making quality confectionery for fundraising purposes. Wolfgang has been an integral part of York County – and beyond – since Benjamin and Brad McGlaughlin’s great-grandparents’ time. The fundraising aspect of the business is strong and expanding – and Wolfgang is growing in other ways. Two exciting new lines of retail product are in the works: Special Reserve chocolate bars (think toffee, Kahlúa, sea salt) and Wolfgang Naturals. Both honor the same European old-world tradition of the company’s existing creations made in the U.S.A. “I like to call us a 92 year-old start up,” says Ben, President and CEO. “For years we did one thing really well. And now we have an opportunity to leverage our excellence in a different space. This business just has so much potential.”
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Wolfgang Candy: creating memories and opportunities. Sweet!
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Possibility Passion Meets PROFILE
Arthur & Daughters
Arthur & Daughters 49 N. Beaver Street arthuranddaughters.com
Equal parts natural evolution and unexpected dream-come-true, Arthur & Daughters is an example of the magic that can happen when you open yourself up to re-invention. A rt h u r & Daugh t e r s
York, Pennsylvania
Hilary Arthur didn’t plan on creating her professional ideal when she and her family decided to move to York from Brooklyn. In fact, Hilary wasn’t sure what she would do in her hometown, but she knew that she needed more time for her girls and a balance between career and home. Hilary’s passion for fashion wouldn’t stay dormant for long, and her blog Arthur & Daughters was born, expanding quickly into a website and an online boutique. Hilary’s next step – a bricks-and-mortar store – will be realized early in 2013. Located near the
Central Market, at 49 N. Beaver St., the store will be up and running by late February. The retail space will include vintage and consignment luxury fashion for women, new collections by emerging U.S. designers, and a line of locally produced dresses for girls. “It’s so amazing… coming to York has given me the freedom to be the involved mom I want to be and pursue what I am passionate about professionally.” “I love shopping for consignment and vintage clothing. Arthur & Daughters offers women easy access to special, one of a
kind items, which ensures that you won’t be wearing the same pieces as everyone else in town!” Hilary knows what she’s doing when it comes to women’s clothing: she left an impressive career in high fashion sales for the likes of Escada and Calvin Klein. Arthur & Daughters is an example – springing up all over York City – of passion meeting possibility, and is one of the things Hilary and her family love about their move to York. “There’s so much going on here, especially the downtown. It’s exciting to be a part of it.”
C l i c k t o C l o s e t Arthur & Daughters’ unique online offerings, hand-picked by Hilary.
Game The Long PR OF I L E
Copper Crust Company
social entrepreneur
York, Pennsylvania
“One of the most important parts of revitalization is having the arts aspect. If we can provide interesting and affordable space, then they will come.” Josh Hankey has his eye on the prize: a vibrant, re-vitalized York City. A place to live and work that supports and embraces community, history, sustainability, and the arts. A few years ago, Josh had the opportunity to purchase property downtown on King Street: mixed-use buildings – mostly vacant – that retained much of their historic character, but needed work. He recognized that by focusing on these properties, he could make an impact on the downtown rebirth.
“It really started clicking for me then that I wanted to be involved in York City and start making it better.” Josh’s goal was to attract tenants who would also want to constructively contribute to the city. His choice to keep the buildings in mixed-use was based on his love of the unique urban feel – part of the attraction of downtown living. As Josh watched King St. come alive, he became involved in a start-up arts collective that rented space on the street. The Parliament is now
working toward non-profit status and has had a huge impact on the neighborhood. Many of Josh’s projects involve additional investors, who are invaluable in supporting his vision for what York City can be. He looks to the long game, has the patience to plan far in the future, and the enthusiasm to see it through. “This has always been social entrepreneurship for me. Long-term thinking. How to positively affect the community, not just make money.”
S t e p p i n g U p Josh Hankey at The Parliament offices, where he is an active volunteer.
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Social Entrepreneur
Susquehanna Renovations Inc 717-849-2179 susrenovations.com Josh@susrenovations.com
starry night starscope B y V e lv e t
Greetings fellow travelers! Our keyword for the next three months is opportunity. We’ll all have unlooked for offerings coming our way, so make sure when the Cosmic waiter is passing the hors d’oeuvres tray you actually take what you want off of it. Eyes, ears, and psychic antennae open my dears – we’ve got to be paying attention. Aries
03.21: 04.20 I know you’re no navel-gazer at the best of times, but the next three months are going to require a bit of self-reflection, Aries. This relentless identity quest you are on is good for a few years yet, so meanwhile pay attention to dreams, the niggly bits in your brain, and dare I say it, your conscience and/or your gods. No one likes the good fight more than you, but make sure your battles are really worth waging. What the world needs now is your newly defined courage and passion. The Universe is also asking for a little sobriety on the career and reputation front – what plate do you need to step up to? Now might be the time to bust a very big move, one that may find you with some incredible new tribe. PS: the Cosmos is watching you – spiff yourself up a little! Tau ru s
04.21 : 05.20 No getting around it bulls, the heavens are probing your souls with fiery implements. You might feel a little like you are participating in an alien abduction, but I forsee new freedoms ahead if you are willing to surrender to the process of some soul stretching. It’s a great time to examine your beliefs, or
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even – shocking! In this great age of cynical atheism – get some? That’s the meta; in the everyday world you may be feeling your resources and ideas expanding and bringing in some dosh. Oh, and relationships? Keep trying… I know, I know… it’s time to feel your feelings and face your fears – not your favorite, but no one can endure the storms like you. Now is really not the time to stand stubbornly, all alone, in your field. Yield to your urge to merge, and do it responsibly, deeply, and well. G e m i n i
05.21 : 06.20 Gosh twins, 2012 was a busy little season, even for you. Are you fascinated enough? Stretched 99 ways? Feeling a little manic? As the Cosmos has been massaging your identity and squeezing the heck out of your magnificent brain, I wonder if some old patterns have gone by the way? Work is certainly looking like it needs a change, though it may not be quite clear yet how you are going to play it. We may be in one of those times, Gemini, where you must ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country… society needs your brains and your ability to multi-task right now. Opportunities will knock. In all areas of intimacy – be it money, sex, or your cozy relationship with the IRS – you need to be responsible and pay attention to the details.
06.21 : 07.22 Relationship rodeo! Now, I know you’d rather be in the stands with a cold beer and a hot dog than in the ring riding bulls, but that isn’t nearly as exciting as being down in the dirt and cow snot. Like it or not, dear little crab, the Universe has enrolled you in a course of relational physics that is going to be burbling away in your meta for some time. This is not to say that gloom and despair awaits you in the relationship world. Quite the contrary – I’d say odds are good for meeting some of the most spectacular karmic companions ever – but you’ve got to be a big boy/girl and get into the arena. Meanwhile, honor the creative juices that are flowing, even if you feel you don’t have time. The more you express your true self, the happier all of us will be. Leo
07.23 : 08.23 Yes, love, you are still fabulous. Yes your hair looks wonderful – and I love the outfit. Oh, I see some interesting opportunities for exploration in new social venues – perhaps some you’ve been considering for a while. My advice, pick the ones that speak most to your soul rather than your
fuzzy little ego. The Universe may be unexpectedly flinging you to far-away places, or maybe you want to get that master’s degree, finally. Well – get on with your bad self! Meanwhile, your inner emotional children may be rampaging; it’s time to get them settled down. Listen to your inner cubs. Don’t try to pretend they aren’t there, that’s not good for your health. Which brings me to how tired you are feeling. Sleep, supplements, exercise, and alone-time. Must do. And I predict you are about to get quite inspired in the bedroom – just start early so you can get your beauty sleep. Virgo
08.24 : 09.22 Honey, you aren’t ever going to get that novel written if you don’t get yourself some discipline. Let go of the details and let the magic flow. Your creative life is undergoing a serious make-over for the next several years, so pay attention to old ways that want to die and new ones that want to come forth. There really couldn’t be a better time to put your message out in the world, Virgo. Meanwhile, relationships are looking very interesting. We’ve got two energies at play: first, you might receive unlooked-for and totally unique opportunities for business partnering. Second, there’s plenty of energy for, hmmm, shall I say, imaginative friendships or affairs of
the heart, but keep your wits about you. Don’t put anyone on a pedestal – or get on one yourself. Use your impeccable discernment when it comes to the relational world, before you surrender to the love. Libra
09.23 : 10.23 Though you are no doubt feeling the relief of Saturn moving into Scorpio, I’d say you’re not out of the woods yet in terms of self-transformation, Libra. The Universe is very much asking you to decide who YOU want to be, as opposed to who anyone else might want you to be. No easy task – ‘cause I know you like to make others happy first – but really, love, it’s time. Feel your real feelings, suppress them… and ditch the troubling family of origin stuff that might still be plaguing you. Your soul is calling for freedom. Any relationships that don’t support who you are gonna have to change, honey. This is good news! (Though I hear you groaning out there.) Some new relational opportunities might be dropping in – try to enjoy without hanging onto them. They might be amazing teachers, and they may just be passing through. Scorpio
10.23 : 11.21 Life is getting so juicy Scorpio – and if you’re honest that’s just the way you like it! And though I know you like to focus on the intimate other, it might be to your benefit to take a look at yourself and how you relate to the world. All kinds of interesting ideas may be coming to you – maybe you’ve finally memorized the Kama Sutra, for example, and are enjoying contemplating your field of worthy players – but, we at the Universe
Intelligence Office would like to see you work on your personal boundaries a little, and just how you are playing with your power tools. Are you sharing with others, or being a little, um, dominating? It might be time to use all that juice to start a creative project – you’ve got a great window of opportunity to channel the muse and embark on a truly emotionally satisfying creative journey. S a g i t tarius
11.22 : 12.21 I know you love the far horizon, dear, but may I suggest that the territory under exploration be your own psyche? The Universe would love for you to look at how you may have been dodging your feelings in favor of adventuring. I realize you don’t like getting bogged down, but if it is Truth you are after – and you do like a good spot of Universal Truth – look within, dear Sag. The incentive: the more you surrender to feelings, intuition, and the Cosmic tides, the more clear, organized, and successful your work becomes! Inner clarity leads to outer strength, and I forsee amazing creative journeys ahead. Finances may have become tedious; yet all this emotional work really does help you define how you want to create and what your resources are. Great people are getting ready to enter your life – to inspire you with ideas and possibilities for partnerships. Capricorn
12.21 : 01.20 Good news, mountain ramblers! All this reformation of self is going to pay off. I realize you’d rather be leaping from crag to
crag rather than stuck on a ledge crying, “who am I?” All right, a little self-inquiry never hurt anyone; try to look at it as inner productivity, as opposed to wondering why nothing is getting done. Your inner authority and wisdom is so needed at the moment, and the good news – yes, I’m getting to it – is that inspired new ways to work in the world are arriving. Pay attention to opportunities for partnering with groups. If you wanted freedom from limiting beliefs that your family may have implanted you with, now is the time to recreate your inner landscape. You may actually develop a new relationship to sassy, dear goat; though life may be very serious at times, I forsee you kicking up your heels. Aqua r i us
01.21 : 02.18 Though you may want to sit on the porch and work out all the banjo songs you are channeling right now, the Universe wants you to sort out your work life. Though you may be the staunchest realist, you may find yourself with yearnings to become a psychic healer, to study crystals, or even astrology. The Cosmos wants you cosmic, baby, and it’s no use denying that your intuitive gifts may be the biggest resource you will have in the coming months (if you must work out the banjo tunes, make it profitable). You will find words coming out of your mouth where you say – Is that me? – and ideas popping into your head that are simply, truly inspired. It’s time to accept that there is more to heaven and earth, Aquarius, than you currently grok in your own philosophy. What Hamlet says: “And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.”
02.19 : 03.20 Don’t look now, but your ruler Neptune is in the house! Good thing you are so at home with the inspiring but oft murky realms of the Cosmic ocean, ‘cause y’all goin’ to be swimming. This loonnnggg visit by your ruler means a Divine retrofit is in store. Your whole psychic orientation is shifting, and I invite you to feel all the feelings that are coming through. I see quite an expansion of who you believe you are. Meanwhile, there will be a need for some boundaries out in the world, and despite your penchant for escapism when the stakes get too high, the Cosmic papa wants you to be responsible to yourself and others. No small feat in high seas, but if you lay your support network and external structures in place now, when the big waves come you will be sure of keeping your feet.
Elia Seely | Astrologer VerVitae.com VerVitae@gmail.com
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York, Pennsylvania
Evolution Power Yoga
Left: l i s a tay l o r
At ease with herself through the power of yoga.
Evolution Power Yoga 2093 Springwood Road 717-699-2000 evolutionpoweryoga.com
“Yoga is at its simplest great, fun exercise. Underneath that, it is an amazing way for a community to build itself around each member contributing their fullest and being seen as the unique and special contribution that they are.” Lisa Taylor, at her core, is a hometown girl. Lisa, at her core, is a world player, teaching her passion around the globe. Her practice is both personal and transpersonal: as the founder of Evolution Power Yoga – “one of the strongest yoga communities in the world” – she shares her gifts with her students as well as strengthening her Self every day. Her commitment to York is in her blood.
With connections to the earliest settlers of the area, Lisa has traveled widely but has chosen to live, work, and serve right where she grew up. Her loyalty to community is reflected by the strength of her business and the integrity of her teachers. “My vision is that Evolution become a uniting resource to the community of York.” Core commitment. Core power. Core truth.
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