Changing Places on the Judge Accreditation Panel by Moira Blincoe LPSNZ, President
ON BEHALF OF the PSNZ Council I am delighted to advise members of some recent changes to the PSNZ Accreditation Panel. These changes became effective post the Annual General Meeting of 14 June 2020. Retiring after seven years of service to the panel is John Boyd Hon FPSNZ Hon PSNZ APSNZ. Also retiring after two years’ service is Julia Home APSNZ EFIAP AAPS GPSA PPSA. Chair of the Panel and a founding member of the programme, Shona Jaray APSNZ has retired from the Chair but will continue as a panel member for a further 12 months. Shona has indicated she will retire in 2021, having completed seven years on the panel. Stepping in to Chair the panel is Caroline Ludford LPSNZ LRPS. On behalf of the Society our thanks and deep appreciation go to John and Julia for your commitment and support to not only the programme but to all members who have participated and achieved accreditation. Joining the panel are two new members: Paul Byrne FPSNZ and John Reid APSNZ ANPSNZ AFIAP. Welcome to you both. We know your knowledge, skills and support to members will be greatly appreciated. The full judge accreditation panel is: Caroline Ludford, Shona Jaray, Paul Byrne, Newell Grenfell Hon PSNZ FPSNZ FNPSNZ, John Reid APSNZ ANPSNZ AFIAP and Jenny Dey APSNZ as Secretary. It is only thanks to members such as yourselves that PSNZ can offer the Judge Accreditation Programme which helps our members grow in their judging and own photography skills.