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Editorial : The Missing Benefit

By Paul Whitham LPSNZ

PAGE 46 OF this issue is devoted to the benefits of belonging to PSNZ. It has appeared in most editions of CameraTalk over the last two years. I wonder how many of you have taken the time to read it or have thought about what it contains.

Organisations like PSNZ are often very hard to describe to outsiders and even some members, in terms of what benefits you gain from them. I am sure that as subs come up for renewal a number of people do ponder this question before they renew or cancel.

If you look at the list, you will see that many of the items are opportunities to take part rather than concrete benefits given to all members. Only those who take part gain any benefit.

To me there is one benefit missing from the list, and that it is the opportunity offered via the close relationship that PSNZ has with our trade partners.

At the PSNZ national and some regional conventions, the trade stands have not only provided you with the opportunity to buy, but also to seriously try out camera gear before you make a decision.

For many members there are no other opportunities to do this, as specialist camera stores only exist in a small number of centres and even then, trying out gear can be limited to a quick demonstration in the shop.

Now, I am primarily a ‘people photographer’ and therefore you could assume that I would have no need for a wide angle lens. I also questioned whether I needed one and over the year have not allowed GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) to cause me to buy something I wouldn’t use.

That did not stop me trying them. At both the Auckland and Dunedin conventions I borrowed an 8-16mm f4 lens from Andrew Reid at Panasonic to put it through its paces while out on the fieldtrips. At the end of the day I handed it back.

Then, at last year’s Southern Regional, I was able to try out the Olympus 7-14mm f2.8 and absolutely loved the results. For anyone not familiar with the micro four-thirds system used by most Panasonic and Olympus cameras, this lens will work on either manufacturer’s cameras.

In total I probably spent the best part of four hours trying out these two lenses and by the time the convention was over, one of the lenses was definitely in my wish list. Over Christmas, as part of a combined present from my daughter (that included both Father’s Day and my birthday) and a very good Boxing Day deal, I now have that lens in my kit.

The next opportunity for this level of faceto-face examination and product trials, with the generosity of PSNZ trade partners, is at the National Convention in Christchurch this April. Single day registrations for the convention are now available.

I have longed to get shots like this. All four levels of the Emporium Mall in Melbourne

Want to join a print circle?

ONE WAY TO improve your photography is to critique other people’s photographs and to have others assess yours. You can do this by joining a print circle. Up to 10 photographers circulate their work by mail to other members who have a few days to make constructive comments on the work received, add a new print for others to view and post the bag to the next person on the list.

Each circle is monitored by a Secretary who sends out a roster of each round and ensures the circle is running smoothly. Members can expect the bag to arrive three or four times a year. People are encouraged to keep in touch by adding a short letter to each round, helping them to get to know other photographers and gain useful feedback on their work. One or two circles currently have vacancies. If you’d like to join, please contact Lindsay Stockbridge LPSNZ at dilinz@actrix.co.nz and we’ll happily settle you into a print circle!

Mark in your calendar: Saturday 25 th


Julieanne Kost

Cole Thompson

Karen Alsop

Convention one-day-ticket at only $145 allows you to attend inspiring presentations by three famous photographers and experts in their fields: JULIEANNE KOST, COLE THOMPSON & KAREN ALSOP

You also get to view the Sony PSNZ National Exhibition showcasing some of the best photography New Zealand has to offer. On your doorstep, this is fantastic value for money and a chance to have a full day to celebrate photography. More info: 2020chch.org.nz



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