FIAP News - 29th FIAP Colour Biennial Judging, France 2021 By Ann Bastion Hon PSNZ FPSNZ EFIAP MFIAP
The FIAP Biennial is a competition organised by FIAP for all member countries. It alternates between a colour PI (Projected Image) salon (20 images) one year and a monochrome print salon (12 prints) the alternate year. Because of COVID-19, the 2020 monochrome print salon had to be cancelled. However, despite COVID restrictions this year, the 29th FIAP Colour Biennial salon has gone ahead and has finally been judged in France. The colour PI set consists of 20 images that are viewed in a single line but must also look balanced as a cohesive set. With so many terrific images entered for our selection (218, in fact), it was very difficult to select just 20 images that worked together to form a cohesive set. Selectors spent many hours shuffling images around to select the best set to work together and showcase New Zealand internationally. The final score is comprised of two parts: 1) The scoring of each image of the set, by three judges, each from different countries, each scoring from 1 to 5, making a total of a possible 15 score mark. 2) The global judgement of the set is scored on the set’s flow and cohesiveness. NZ topped the score for cohesiveness with 54 out of a possible 60. Both scores are combined for the final result and position. We gained 12th place from 42 countries. PSNZ also recognises the scores gained by the authors of our New Zealand set. • Bevan Tulett FPSNZ gained the highest (NZ) personal score for his image ‘The Colour of Cold’ • Helen McLeod FPSNZ GPSA ARPS and Stephanie Forrester APSNZ shared the 2nd highest (NZ) personal score. • Jan McPherson LPSNZ, Sarah Caldwell APSNZ, Graham Dainty FPSNZ and Stephanie Forrester all shared the 3rd highest (NZ) personal score. We thank everyone who submitted their images for consideration. Without your participation, none of this would be possible. I look forward to next year when there will be a monochrome salon, with the subject yet to be decided. You do not need to send prints, just PI, as we (PSNZ) print the final selection to send. Remember also that any image scoring 8 or more qualifies for an acceptance when applying for FIAP distinctions. I will be calling for entries in October/November this year for selection in January 2022. Find to see the top ten sets.