3 minute read
Speaker profile – Peter Rees
We want you to join us... Off the Beaten Track
Moira Blincoe LPSNZ
PSNZ National Convention Update
Here’s a brief update on progress for the 69th PSNZ National Convention scheduled for Rotorua, April 7 – 10, 2022. As members can imagine planning any event in this current, precarious climate is fraught with angst and a little frustration just for good measure. However, rest assured the organising committee is doing their utmost to complete the final programme details so the website can be launched later this month.
Registrations will open in early February 2022 with the following registration fee structure available:
PSNZ members – full registration including CR Kennedy Honours Banquet PSNZ members – full registration without CR Kennedy Honours Banquet Affiliated Club members and NZIPP members – full registration incl. banquet Affiliated Club members and NZIPP members without banquet Non-member, full registration incl. CR Kennedy Honours Banquet Non-member, full registration without CR Kennedy banquet CR Kennedy Honours Banquet only $ 420.00 $ 350.00 $ 470.00 $ 400.00 $ 520.00 $ 450.00 $ 105.00
As highlighted in the October issue of CameraTalk, the keynote speakers include award winning photographers specialising in a range of genres including: Graeme Murray — adventure sports; Simon Runting — nature and birds; Birgit Krippner — documentary and low light, Pete Rees — landscape photography, and travel photographer Tracey Scott FPSNZ NZIPP Master Dist.4 AFIAP
The traditional "workshop" experiences as we have known them at previous national conventions will be replaced by more of a seminar style presentation which won’t include "hands-on" photography for delegates. These will be pure learning where you will increase your knowledge and understanding of the genre or topic, or it will be a pre-requisite for a field trip.
Six seminars take place on Friday morning, April 8th, and include glamour portraiture with Michelle Cutelli; conceptual portrait photography (part I) with Tracey Scott; nature and bird photography with Simon Runting; focus stacking for floral art with Annette Johnstone; Photoshop layers, masks and blends with Charlotte Johnson and Licentiate Honour walk with Bruce Girdwood FPSNZ.
A further six seminars will be presented on the Friday afternoon and will cover: fine art printing with Brett Fordyce; IT solutions and protecting your photography with Mark Smith; conceptual portrait photography (part II) with Tracey Scott and advanced Photoshop to achieve the "painterly" look with Charlotte Johnson; preparing yourself for bugs and fungi with Bryce McQuillan – this is a prerequisite for the bug walk; and lastly the Association and Fellowship Honours walk with Bruce Girdwood.
Naturally there are field trips planned for the Saturday afternoon, off-site in and around Rotorua, and we will bring you more information on these very soon. Full descriptions will be available on the website which will be live by the end of December. A highlight of any convention is the CR Kennedy Honours Banquet which will be held on Saturday, April 10th, in the ballroom at the Novotel Hotel.
The organising committee values the assistance given by members of the Rotorua Camera Club and without volunteers stepping forward to assist during the four-day event, we couldn’t offer as much as what will be available.
If you are wanting to take advantage of the many activities available in the region and plan to arrive early, or stay later after the convention, we have included links and information on the website. Rotorua offers an abundance of leisure activities including hiking, mountain biking, golf, white water rafting and much more. All you must do is book and explore!