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Cape Kidnappers workshop 2021 — Review
Go the Gannets!
Jane Muller
Twenty-two of us gathered for an interesting talk from workshop organiser Craig McKenzie on Friday night, and again on Saturday morning for more specific information about Cape Kidnappers and the gannets. In the afternoon we headed overland in buses, bound for the gannet sanctuary. It was a gorgeous Hawke’s Bay day: lovely to be in but not so lovely for taking photos. The tour leaders gave us useful information on the way and stopped for us to take photos of the cliffs at a lookout overlooking the sea.
Having arrived at the colony it’s only a three-metre, yes, three-metre, walk from the bus to the birds. With several good vantage spots, there was plenty of room for us all to stand or sit exactly where we wanted to, for as long as we wanted to.
We had hoped to stay for the nice light at the end of the day but a combination of the bus drivers wanting to get home for their dinner, and our dinner waiting for us at the tapas bar, meant that we had to leave before the golden hour. Still, some amazing shots appeared on Facebook in the days after the workshop.
As well as a great couple of days of photography it was such a pleasure to get to know some more PSNZ members, and we had a lot of fun together. Dinner at the tapas bar after the shoot was a happy, relaxed occasion and a great way to end the workshop. Thanks so much to Craig for his wealth of experience and his warm, relaxed teaching style.
Australasian Gannet - Craig McKenzie Cape Kidnappers - Jane Muller
Cape Kidnappers - Jane Muller Cape Kidnappers - Jane Muller