FIAP in 2022 Ann Bastion, Hon PSNZ FIAP Liaison Officer FPSNZ EFIAP MFIAP
FIAP Biennial Each year PSNZ puts in an entry for the FIAP biennial which alternates between 20 colour projected images one year and 12 monochrome prints the next year. Because of COVID, the 2022 biennial (which would have been monochrome prints) has been cancelled. The 2023 colour projected image salon will (at this stage) go ahead. We need to send our entry in January/February. I start calling for submissions at the end of 2022. We will then select the 20 images that best represent the theme we have chosen and send our PSNZ entry up to FIAP to be judged. This is free to enter and is eligible for FIAP acceptance points if the score of your image is above eight.
Entering International Salons if you would like to try your hand at entering international salons, you will find a list of FIAP sanctioned salons here patronages. There is a help sheet available on the PSNZ website called Working towards FIAP Distinctions. This will explain the process and give examples of how to go about this. Click on this link for access to the document: https:// At this stage (this could change and be extended), 2022 is the final year in which the old
regulations will apply. New regulations are set to apply in 2023 and will, in most cases, require a significant increase in numbers. You will find a document outlining these changes on the PSNZ website. Here is a link: nz/honours/fiap-and-fiap-distinctions/new-fiapregulations-after-2022/
Going for FIAP Distinctions If you have been gaining acceptances in international salons, and keeping track of them in your spreadsheet, you might be ready to apply for distinctions this year. I will be calling for your draft files at the end of May, just to check you are on the right track. It doesn't matter if you haven't reached the target yet as this is just a check, and a chance to correct any issues at this stage. I will be sending the completed applications on 1 September this year, earlier than in previous years. This is because I have arranged with FIAP that New Zealand applications all have their certificate dates set to 1 December each year. This means the applications have to be sent up three months prior to certificate date. See above for links to view these documents or go to the PSNZ website: nz/ and under the Honours tab, click on FIAP at the bottom where you will find all the related documents. As always, if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me at