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FIAP News - 29th FIAP Colour Biennial Judging, France 2021
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic situation in France, the in-person judging of the 29th FIAP Colour Biennial, which was to have taken place on 27 March, is postponed until conditions allow it to proceed.
The judges were to travel to France from their respective countries, but it was not possible for this travel to be undertaken during March.
Operational Members (PSNZ) who have sent an entry to this Biennial will be kept informed regarding a new judging date when it is possible to reschedule it. (FIAP are now considering setting up for appropriate online judging.)
COVID-19: Exceptional Measures Regarding FIAP
The pandemic, with its mutations, has unfortunately rebounded. However, despite the different vaccines available worldwide, it will take a long time before we can recover our former way of life. FIAP is aware of the situation. Therefore, it is imperative to announce some more exceptional measures taken for our members – photographers.
1. Fees Reduction
• Fees for the first FIAP Photographers’ Card will be reduced from 50 to 25 euros for all applications submitted after 30 June 2021. This reduction will be valid untill 30 June 2023. After this date, fees for the first FIAP Photographers’ Card will be restored to the previous level of 50 euros.
• Fees for FIAP Distinctions will be reduced from 70 to 60 euros for all applications submitted after 30 June 2021. This reduction will be valid untill 30 June 2023. After this date, fees for FIAP Distinctions will be restored to the previous level of 70 euros.
Nature rules revised
2. FIAP Distinctions Regulations
• The proposals on the new FIAP Distinctions Regulations would have been presented during the Congress in India and, in any case, would not have been enforced before 1 January 2022. As the Congress in India has already been cancelled and the actual situation does not allow a Congress to take place during 2021, the new rules (DOC 31/2021) can no longer be applied on 1 January 2022, but can only be postponed after presentation at the future FIAP Congress.
• The temporary allowance for Distinctions Applications lodged in 2021, that there will be no requirement for acceptances in “print” salons, will be extended to Distinctions applications also lodged during 2022.
Finally, FIAP and PSA have been in collaboration over the current ‘Nature Rules’. This has allowed them to approve the revision of the common nature regulation that will soon be published.
Creative Focus - Digital Photography
Hi everyone!
It’s that time of year again, and time for all you creative people out there to show us what you can do. Entries open on 4 June.
This year’s subjects should produce a lot of fun. Get your imagination and photographic talents into action and start creating! Eerie, Whimsical, Manmade – and our open subject, Creative Focus.
Remember – these images don’t need to be created in Photoshop. Any creative ‘take’ on these subjects is acceptable. We look forward to seeing all your talented entries rolling in. Please don’t leave it until the last minute!
Regards Robin Short APSNZ
Creative Focus Committee
SUBJECTS: Creative Focus I Eerie I Man Mad I Whimsical
Opens 4th June 2021. Closes 30th June 2021. (Midnight NZ Time)
Supreme Award - Trophy + $ 500.00 2nd and 3rd Trophies
Email: karakakards@gmail.com Website: www.creative-focus.co.nz Entry fee - $ 20.00 for the first subject (up to 4 entriess) $ 15.00 for each additional subject (maximum 16 entries) Quality catalogue of winning images $ 48.00 (includes postage)