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Pictures of professionals, as they and all their secrets.

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INDEX: Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………page: 3 History of the first digital chambers 4 Geographic Photo Contest 2013: Winners (PHOTOS) …………..…………………………….page: 5 Photography Academies …………………………………………………….…………………………… 6 Photo shoot in our event space ………………………………………………………………………….page: 8 Noa’s photography................................................................................................ page: 9 Top 10 international photographers ……………………………………………………………….. page:11 Photo Contest ………………………………………………………………………………………………….page:16 Photography School …………………………………………………………………………………………page: 17 Camera and the influence of digital technology………………………………………………. page: 18 Tips and tricks to get stunning landscape photography ……………………………………page: 20 Types of photography ………………………………………………………………………………………page: 25 Digital Professional photography………………………………………………………………………page: 26 Advertising Photography ………………………………………………………………………………… Digital Cameras Announcements …………………………………………………………………… 29 Photo DNG Contest ………………………………………………………………………………………….page: 34 Adobe Digital Classroom Multimedia & Graphispag Digital Sonimagfoto 37 Sonimagphoto awards prizes to the best wedding photos…………………………………page:38 Privacy …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 39 Sony World Photography Awards 2013 Announcement of Open category winners, Young and 3D…………………………………………………………………………………………………. page: 40 Canon enhances beta version of Project 1709………………………………………………… page: 43 Ricardo Miras in the exhibition "20 years of LUX Awards" ……………………………….page: 44 Renaissance Photography Prize………………………………………………………………………. page: 46


Authors: Andrea Santiago, Siham Rotbi and Laura PĂŠrez. Month: May Year: 2013

Introduction: In this photographic magazine we will explain many photographic things to you. We will inform you for several contests that will be carried out during this month and the academies on the photography.

Now we will do an introduction on the photographic world: The first digital chamber appeared in 1975. It had the size of a toaster and was late 23 seconds in guarding every photography. Today the digital chambers are in them cellular, computers, in simple presentations and very small , or professionals. " The digital images have entered strongly our company. Nowadays to do a digital photography is within reach of anyone ", says the text The digital photography, of the collection Computer and IT Web for All. Due to the importance that has acquired the digital photography – “it continues the text - it is important to be able to transfer these photographys to the computer to store them or retouch them ". It is for it that the new volume of the collection details in five units the whole theory related to the world of the digital photography.


History of the first digital chambers

In addition at a previous entry it(he,she) brings over of laevolución of the chambers(cameras) réflex, this article tratasobre the history of the modern cámarasdigitales, so many réflex since(as,like) you compact, haciendohincapié in his(her,your) more determinant moments. The history of the digital chamber(camera) goes back to losaños 80, though the used technology parafabricarlas is previous enough. It(he,she) dates back, concretely, of 1969. This year, the laboratoriosBell in the United States invented the CCD odispositivo of interconnected loads(charges) ( Charged - Coupled Device), capable of transmitting cargaseléctricas for the surface of a semiconductor. Soon, the devices CCD were studied decara to his(her,your) application in other areas and sedescubrió his(her,your) aptitude to be loaded medianteimpulsos light, which, in consequence, could create images.


National Geographic Photo Contest 2013: Winners (PHOTOS) The winning photo of the National Geographic Photo Contest 2012 is impressive: a tiger shaking in Thailand. Busaba is called and is in the Khao Kheow zoo in Thailand. The picture is of Ashley Vincent, who has won her a prize of $ 10,000 and a trip to the center of the magazine in Washington. The rest of the photos selected and awarded not wasted. According to National Geographic, have received 22 000 photos of photographers from at least 150 countries.

And the rest of the photos are this.


Photography Academies In this article we will provide you all sorts of information and contacts about some academies of photography in Spain.

In this academy there are a lot of workshops to those who you can enroll:          

Color management Travel photography documentary Black and white conversion Introduction to studio lighting Visual project Visual narrative Photographic Materials Fashion photography Flash SLR Documentary reportage

There are also specializations for most demanding photographers: Documentary press: Daily, editorial and documentary press. Landscape: Check in every landscape a world of perceptions. Portrait: learn to exercise your vision before the portrait as a language of their own.

fashion, beauty and lifestyle:


work in fashion magazines and interior design.



Photo shoot in our event space If you are a professional or amateur photographer and want to set up a photo shoot in the center of Madrid , we recommend the best professionals. On the Street View River Lower, 6 and in the street of the Ram, No. 10, low, in the neighborhood of La Latina, in the most noble and authentic Villa y Corte, is your complete disposal two sets of photography in Madrid. These studies Madrid Holiday offer you the best rates for you not shoot your budget and final work is spectacular and above all profitable. Background Events you rent this large space of light , also bathed by a magnificent natural light, facilitate capture the best shots. If you prefer to work at night or without sunlight, they offer a professional lighting equipment for portraits and perched under floodlights. It is an ideal place for fashion photos, fashion books, photographic portraits, montages for magazines. Since the company dealing with all the paperwork absolutely: organize props, mounting sets, locations, permits, transport, catering, etc. They are also responsible for managing the casting, hiring assistants, models, actors, makeup artists and stylists. As a finishing touch, have experts in digital retouching to improve your snapshots.


Noa’s photography On the street Verdaguer, Noa'sphotography find the new academy. It is open to anyone with an age over 23 years and has some basic professional photographic world. It's done every Monday and Wednesday from 16:00 to 18:00. The price is 60 euros for month. I

do not have to lose is a very economical price. Once signed up you must bring the following materials for the class: - Can interchangeable objectives, one objective, different accessories for the maintenance of the camera and tripod but is small.


In Desigual there are a new collection Spring-summer clothing. Do not miss it!


Top 10 international photographers 1. Steve Winter It requires enormous patience to find the right moment to photograph properly these animals. Winter takes this style to a step above, capturing expressions and moments even rare in this type of photography.

2. Declan McCullagh His photos have appeared in publications such as The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, GQ, Scientific American, Business 2.0 Magazine, Gear Magazine, Premiere magazine, and tens. They have also been chosen for annual reports, CD covers, book covers, and have been shown on television.

3. Trey Ratcliff Trey combines multiple photos with different exposure times in order to highlight all the lights and shadows, expanding the dynamic range. His work is very unique and has traveled all over the world.


4. Damon Winter This photographer, who works for the New York Times, has won the award for best press photographer 2011 and a Pulitzer Prize in 2009.

5. Scott Stulberg Scott has a photography website worth watching. It's not often criticize specific site design, but I would say that this is one of the best examples of what should be a good gallery. The only problem is that this site is highly optimized for the search engines, which is not very easy to find.

6. Toby Keller Keller specializes in night photography, long exposure. They are especially known his marine pictures because can reproduce very rich and vibrant colors. Toby is an incredibly creative artist and his travel photo book is awesome.


7. David Pullum His photographs tell a story beyond the visible, able to transmit a burst of magic and happiness. If you are looking for a different version of the typical conventions of this kind of photos, this is your photographer. Their website is undoubtedly one of the best in terms of quality of their photo galleries .

8. Mike Murphy One of the specialties is photography Mike high speed in the water and macro photography. It is also a digital artist.

9. GMB Akas It focuses on the people living within their societies: It reflects their expressions, their lives and their environment. It has a way of communicating the experiences so that change our own reality, making your images into works of art that touch your soul.


10. Nick Brandt This incredible wildlife photographer black and white mostly used telephoto and wide angle lenses.We could describe her photographs as mysterious, powerful, intimate, epic and exciting.


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Photo Contest This contest will be held in Barcelona (Plaza of Spain) on June 7, 2013. This can be anyone who meets these conditions: 18 to +60, the subject of the photo must be the infinite, the photograph must be submitted one week before setting out the works and should be delivered in a plain name (the name should come included on the envelope in a separate paper. It's incredible and very creative. In addition there will be many gifts. The gifts are:

A 30% discount A Nikon A gorilla A sheath with sunscreen included.




Splau. 500 tripod.

Photography School From 12â‚Ź each EFTI three monts!!

PHOTOGRAPHIES was born in 1987. It has his headquarters in the street FuentebarrabĂ­a of Madrid with moret han 3.000 m. Destined in sole right to the photography, with the intention of creating an alive space, where the education combines with a place dedicated to exhibitions and to multiple activities related to the photographic image.

(without knowledge) (medium knowledge) (advanced knowledge) In this academy you will learn a lot about photography and you will become agreat artist! Subscribe now! Tlf. 933456789


Camera and the influence of digital technology

In the study of the camera, digital technology influence comes from a variety of different sources to give rise to modern digital photographic capabilities. Some of these technologies are then advanced in special niches to create new advances in science. One of the best examples of this exchange of digital technology is the CCD or Charge-coupled device. This is the digital technology breakthrough that made the digital camera possible.

When building a highly specialized camera, digital technology such as this opens new doors which are not possible with film based technology.


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Tips and tricks to get stunning landscape photography.

1. Use a wide-angle lens By capturing a photo of a natural landscape framing normally seek the widest possible. For this you will need to work with small focal length lenses, something between 16mm and 24mm would be fine. Other focal lower or higher can also give you a good result, but ideally you to move in that range.

2. Use small diaphragm openings Sometimes in portrait photography or objects we like to focus on the subject and blur the background. In landscape photography is not. We are interested in the whole picture uniformly focused. To achieve this we have to use relatively small apertures diaphragm. You know that the higher the value f / smaller the opening. I recommend you to always use landscapes f/11 or more openings. Beware, if you have the camera f/3.5 or f/1.4 the result will be rather disastrous.


3. Use a tripod If you follow my advice above to use small apertures (f/11 or more value) as unwanted side effect will have less light the camera, so the picture will be too dark. To avoid this you need to use speed a bit slow opening, which will make the picture a little move you out and blurry. So it will be essential to use a tripod with you will ensure your camera all the stability that the situation requires.

4. Find a point of prominence The landscape can be stunningly beautiful but it can be a protagonist throughout the landscape. Any successful landscape photo contains some element protagonist, something that people consciously or fixing insconscient looking at the picture. If you want your landscape to be interesting do have some element of role: it can be a tree, a building, a silhouette, horizon itself if interesting enough...

5. Apply the rule of thirds. This famous rule is that, when fix the landscape, avoid placing the horizon line right in the middle of the frame. Instead it should be set or a little above or a little below. In other words: you have to dominate the landscape or land or sky. They can’t both share the photo surface equally. According to artistic composition basics horizon crossing photo just half the normally becomes a boring photo.


6. Caution with sky The sky is an element that must always be careful. Following the above advice of the rule of thirds, if one day we find a cloudless blue sky, cloudless and boring, it is best that we reduce the amount of sky visible in the photo and subtracting prominence. But for those days when the sky is an interesting blend and contrast of blue sky and white clouds, or when it is full of drama and color, then yes we should cede more than half of the photo.

7. Looking drama, movement and strength We tend to think that landscape photography is the epitome of calm, peace and serenity. And it's true, but we forget that natural landscapes also sometimes express movement, anger and strength. If you want to get original photos and striking recommend you start working this aspect also. Keep calm photographing landscapes but occasionally tries to capture this movement I say. There are several ways to capture: the wind in the trees, ocean waves, a waterfall or clouds moving, etc. 8 - Do not be fooled by the weatherman The weather forecast announces a beautiful and sunny weekend, not a cloud in the sky. Yeah yeah, to go to the park or have a few beers with friends is great, but do not think that the longer the day is sunny and cloudless sky landscape photos best you will get. Like I said above about Lienas, landscapes need that heaven has a bit of "life", some spice, some contrast. And why are the clouds. Similarly do not get discouraged by a cloudy day it looks like rain. Sometimes a dramatic clouds, the sun is trying to break through a gray sky, or even a sudden rainbow you can give your best landscape photography, when you least expect it.


9 - Enjoy the morning and afternoon No, you can laze the weekend mornings rubbing the pillow, richly curled up under the duvet until 11 am and then complain about not being able to take good pictures of landscapes. The sunrise and sunset are two times of day in the color of the light, its softness and its angle will help you produce stunning photographs. Think for a moment, how many pictures of sunrises and sunsets have captivated not? 10 - Ready for a trip? Do not expect to find the best natural places to roadside. If that is you're wasting your time. Average portray that never get splendid countryside looking. Usually the best landscapes are often further away from the road, so that they can achieve so you have to be prepared to make a short trip. You can start your journey but from a given point is recommended to park the car and into the nature walk, equipped with a map, GPS, or a reference to help you explore the place. Although do not go according to a particular point often end up discovering a magnificent landscape that no one before had portrayed.

11 - Use "Viewpoints" creative If you find that your photos are very monotonous landscapes, the reason may be the point of view or perspective from which normally shoot. Generally we tend to always shoot from the same perspective, and that is a habit that needs to be changed but NOW. In your next session please try change of perspective points and shooting from angles you had not previously experienced, for example from the ground that usually gives good results.


Go to the nearest store and purchase this new product as spectacular. Try it. 24

Types of photography By the late nineteenth century photography and played an important role in astronomy. Since then they have developed many special photographic techniques, which are important tools in a number of scientific and technological areas. Art Photography The pioneering work of Daguerre and Talbot led to two different types of photography. The daguerreotype positive, appreciated for their clarity and detail, was used especially for family portraits as a substitute for more expensive portrait painted. Later, the daguerreotype was supplanted in popularity by the carte de visit, which used glass plates instead of iron sheets. Furthermore, the procedure of Talbot's collotype was less accurate in the details, but had the advantage of producing a negative that could get the number of copies. Although the collotype was initially associated with landscape photography, from 1843-1848 this technique was used by the Scottish painter David Octavius Hill and Robert Adamson photographic collab orator for portraits.


Digital Professional photography He learns the technologies of the digital photography and dominates the visual language. It completes your formation(training) and knows the keys to turn into a professional photographer. With the accomplishment of this course you will be able: 路 To control the measures of lighting and the forms of composition adapted for every image. 路 To edit, to compose and to retouch photographies across Photoshop. 路 To ectracr the maximum profit to your camera, obtaining images of high quality. The program of the course(year) you allows you to enter of practical form in each of the processes, programs and essential tools to dominate the digital photography.

NOW! -30% Of discount in this course Register already


Advertising Photography

In the public photography, the wide one is in use drama of technical specialists in order which the images will be attractive for the consumer, and this way to be a minor's element influence on the television viewer. The photography serves as inspiration and influences the political and social ideas of the people. By them about 1920 was started using as one more component of the advertising.

The advertising photography differs from the rest of the photographic kinds for several motives. His functionality demands an adaptability from him to the commercial interests that take as a purpose the increase of the sales or services.

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Digital Cameras Announcements In this article will find the best cameras for the best price!

Capture all those magic moments you do not want to lose with Cyber-shot ™, the most intelligent and elegant range of compact digital cameras that give life to beautiful pictures and Full HD video. Types:   

Professional compact Performance Portable and powerful


Professional compact

Every detail, captured perfectly in 24.3 megapixels. Learn more world and watch it more light. Learn more world and watch it more light. Find quick proper fit.

324€ RX100 Compact Digital Camera Advanced Cyber-shot ™. Camera with large sensor and high quality lens fantastic. Exmor ™ CMOS Sensor 20.2 1.0 1.0 megapixel type, F1.8 lens, 3.6x optical zoom, Full HD/50p, LCD 7.5 cm (3 ")

632€ RX1 Compact Digital Camera. Professional level DSLR quality, you can take everywhere. Full frame sensor of 24.3 MP, Carl Zeiss ® lens F2.0, BIONZ ™ processor, user settings, in a compact corp.


Perfomance: Get closer to the high-power zoom. See every detail in up to 18.2 megapixels. Better chance to photograph in low light. Exceptional cinematic Full HD Video. Expand your point of view. Creativity without limits.

399€ H200 digital camera. An exceptional zoom without changing lens. 20.1 MP, 26x optical zoom, HD, Intelligent Auto Mode, LCD 7.5 cm (3.0 ") with picture effects.

405€ HX300 digital camera Shoot like a pro with the most powerful zoom. 20.4 megapixel Exmor R ™ CMOS, 50x optical zoom, 7.5 cm LCD (3.0 ") Full HD, Intelligent Auto Mode, with Manual Control.


Portable and powerful: It is the smallest and lightest zoom in the world: * 10x zoom. Images with maximum detail up to 18.2 megapixels. Clearer pictures in low light. Videos stable and clearer sound. Simple artistic effects. It covers more people in the picture.

169€ WX60 digital camera. Professional image quality easily. Exmor R ™ CMOS Sensor 16.2 MP, 8x optical zoom, Full HD, Intelligent Auto Mode and image effects.

130€ W730 digital camera. Take the picture forever without problems. 16.1 MP, 8x Optical Zoom, HD, Intelligent Auto Mode, LCD 6.7 cm (2.7 "), picture effects and advanced flash.


New pack, takes advantage of the offer! Nikon D3200 Camera, tripod, two objectives, 4GB SD card, case for the camera and sun shield. For only 1,200 â‚Ź! (Regular price +2000â‚Ź) Come to our stores Media Markt and take advantage of this offer. (Offer available one week later date after publication of the notice).


Photo DNG Contest

The jury of the seventh edition Photo DNG Contest was composed of: ·Miguel Ángel Alonso. ·Ignacio Pulido. ·José Luis Guardia.

First Prize. Miriam Carrasco Mohino with the work "In the limit”.


Second Prize. Pedro DĂ­az Molins with the play "Geometry".


Third Prize. Luis DĂ­ez Moreno with the play "Walk with rain".


Adobe Digital Classroom Multimedia & Graphispag Digital Sonimagfoto 2013

Adobe in collaboration with the Centre de la Imatge i la Tecnologia Multimèdia of UPC, will be present at Sonimagfoto Multimedia & Digital Graphispag 2013 to be held from 17th to 20th April in the Gran Vía de la Fira Barcelona. Adobe have the "Digital Classroom", an exclusive space where there will be theoretical and practical sessions on the latest digital trends in the treatment and image editing for all types of media, creating websites without code and creating affordable apps worldwide.

Hand in hand with several experts in the industry and with the collaboration of CITM, Digital Classroom Adobe will show the new software included in Adobe Creative Cloud and the tricks and techniques to help innovate creative and go a step further there.

The sessions will be held on 18 and April 19 all day, registration is free but places are limited. Registration also includes access to the classroom both salons, after registering at meetings of Adobe Digital Classroom attendees will receive a coupon code to register for the fair cost.


Sonimagphoto awards prizes to the best wedding photos

Social photography is a specialty in which thousands of professionals. Their work in capturing the happiest moments and the festive atmosphere of a wedding is increasingly appreciated. World Awards Wedding Photo-to be delivered tomorrow Friday, April 19 at the Hall SonimagFoto & Multimedia Fira de Barcelona, precisely recognize the good work of photographers at parties and ceremonies that take place worldwide.

Wedding Photo category World Winner for Best Cinematography for the ceremony. Celebrating oliver Lluis who have married. In this first edition of the event, which were presented 150 images from 6 countries have been granted 9 awards and 10 honorable mentions. The jury was chaired by Juan de la Cruz MegĂ­as, photographer and author of "A social portrait from 50 weddings" and composed of Bernat Camps, photojournalist and winner of the Ortega y Gasset Prize for Digital Journalism in 2011 and Ignasi Vich, Veredictas CEO International, organizer of the contest.



"Intimacy", a project in Tokyo From March 13 to April 4 at MONDO GALLERY

Intimacy is the second exhibition in Madrid Cesar Ordonez. A photographic and video project held in Tokyo between 2010 and 2011, which reflects on the value of privacy. Defining "privacy" as the private space of each person from a physical, emotional and spiritual. And, beyond what the laws say, mutual respect for that "space" is made possible in a society that perceives it as a common good.


Sony World Photography Awards 2013 Announcement of Open category winners, Young and 3D

Posted on March 26, 2013

Berta Vicente, Spain, Winner, Portraits, Youth Award 2013

The World Photography Organisation announces today the winners of the categories Open, Young 3D Sony World Photography Awards 2013. With photographers Arising from as far away as Chile and Vietnam, the winning images captured in a single take a variety of reasons, from the time before the wedding of a couple against the night sky Mangystau Province in Kazakhstan or dance fire dragon 'Shun Fung' in southern China, among many others.


Open category winners

Evaluated by a single image taken by an amateur photographer, the 10 Open category winners, selected from 55,000 participants are:

Architecture - Martina Biccheri, Italy Arts and Culture - Gilbert Yu, Hong Kong Enhanced - Hoang Hiep Nguyen, Vietnam Penumbra - Elmar Akhmetov, Kazakhstan Nature and Wildlife - Krasimir Matarov, Bulgaria Panoramic - Yeow Kwang Yeo, Singapore People - Hisatomi Tadahiko, Japan Smiles - Mac Kwan (关 明晖), China Split second - Matías Gálvez, Chile Travel - Manny Fajutag, Philippines

Ten Open category winners will now compete for the title Sony World Photography Awards Open Photographer of the Year. The overall winner's name will be revealed at the gala ceremony April 25, who also receive a prize of $ 5,000 (USD).


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Canon enhances beta version of Project 1709

Canon has updated the beta version of its Project 1709, the new platform for image management, whose version 1.1 offers users the option of full integration into Flickr, and new management and organizational characteristics.

The 1709 Project Version 1.1 now lets post pictures and comments directly to Flickr from within the Project 1709 interface and importing images previously stored on Flickr, which enables users to enjoy their photos from a number of social networks wide.

They have also been added a number of features and improved management tools, which offer greater flexibility for managing and organizing images. The Project 1709 now includes the ability to change the names of files, rotate, and delete images and create albums, plus enhanced search function, which allows users to filter images by labels of "All" and "any ".

These new features and functions have been added to the Project 1709 thanks to suggestions and comments from photography enthusiasts who have already joined the beta program after its launch in the latest edition of Photokina, held last September . 43

Canon will continue to develop this service until there is final release to the general public during 2013.

Ricardo Miras in the exhibition "20 years of LUX Awards"

The renowned photographer Richard Miras is present in the exhibition organized by the Association of Professional Photographers of Spain (AFP) which shows a selection of the winning photographs from the last 20 editions of the LUX Prize concerning professional photography.

The exhibition is called "LUX Prize 20 years. A look at the professional photography "teaches the evolution of custom professional photography and shows the wide variety of styles and trends of the group of professional photographers, as well as the transition from analog to digital photography. The sample, whose commissioners Michele Curel, Xavi Crafty and Joan Roig, you can visit until next April 28, 2013, on the first floor of the Palau Robert in Barcelona.


Ricardo Miras has been awarded in different years with Gold LUX which includes "Portrait" by Albert snapshots performed Cruells, Boris Izaguirre ... in "Fashion" and, among others, on "Advertising" with a photograph of the actress Rossy de Palma in a job for Roca.

In total, Ricardo Miras participates in the exhibition with 8 winning photographs that are part of the careful selection has been done to show the evolution of photography through the works.


Renaissance Photography Prize

Sixth year of the Renaissance Photography Prize.

By participating, photographers have the opportunity to have their work reviewed by some of the most important figures in the industry, to exhibit at a prestigious London gallery, and win prizes worth up to ÂŁ 5,000. The winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony in the fall of 2013.


Participants can register individual images (in the categories Expression, Ordinary and In Between) or a series of works in the open category. The competition is open to all types of participants and inscriptions are welcome from all countries. You can register from just ÂŁ 15, and the funds collected will be donated to the Lavender Trust at Breast Cancer Care, UK. In the five years since its inception, Renaissance has donated nearly ÂŁ 200,000 to this cause.


Your photography magazine now in your staff. For more information go to the website: Or dial the phone for you listed below: 665604039 Or at: 902343534


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Create a flipbook
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