Final product (young workers)

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Y E K N E D L O G to open a better world prize

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…From Turkey… • Name: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk • Nationality: Turkish • Date of birth: 19th May 1881 • Place of birth: Thessaloniki • Date of death: 10th November 1938 • Place of death: Istanbul • Occupation: He was an Ottoman and Turkish army officer, revolutionary statesman, writer, and the first President of Turkey.

• Deeds: He launched a program of revolutionary social and political reform to modernize Turkey. These reforms included the emancipation of women and the introduction of Western legal codes, dress, calendar and alphabet, replacing the Arabic script with a Latin one.

…From Lithuania… • Name: Jonas Žemaitis • Nationality: Lithuanian • Date of birth: 15th March 1909 • Place of birth: Palanga (now Lithuania) • Date of death: 26th November 1954 • Place of death: Moscow • Occupation: He was one of the leaders of armed resistance against the Soviet occupation in Lithuania.

• Deeds: He was the responsible for the congress of Lithuanian partisans’ leaders and established a united resistance organization the Lithuanian Movement for Freedom (the LMF). J. Žemaitis was awarded the rank of General and he was elected the chairman of the Presidium of the Council, Movement of Struggle for Freedom of Lithuania.

…From Poland… • Name: Lech Wałęsa • Nationality: Polish • Date of birth: 29th Semptember 1943 • Place of birth: Popowo, Poland • Occupation: He is a Polish politician, trade-union organizer and human-rights activist.

• Deeds:. He is a humanitarian and a co founder of “Solidarity”, the Soviet’s bloc’s first independent union and was appointed its first chairman. The prime objective of the organization was to secure worker’s rights including the right to strike and to organize their own independent unions for which Walesa, along with this colleagues and co workers, organized and led the free noncommunist trade unions and gained support from across the country.

…From Czech Republic… • Name: Václav Havel • Nationality: Czech • Date of birth: 5th October 1936 • Place of birth: Prague • Date of death: 18th December 2011 • Place of death: Prague • Occupation: He was a Czech playwright, essayist, poet, dissident and politician.

• Deeds: He was the chair of the Human Rights Foundation’s International Council and a member of the International advisory council of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. There is a prize with his name, created by the New York-based Human Rights Foundation - Václav Havel Prize.

…From Italy… • Name: Giuseppe Garibaldi • Nationality: Italian • Date of birth: 4th July 1807 • Place of birth: Nice, France • Date of death: 2nd June 1882 • Place of death: Caprera, Italy • Occupation: He was an Italian general and a politician.

• Deeds: Garibaldi was the "creator" of Italy because he personally commanded and fought in many military campaigns that led to the Italy that we know today. He has been called the "Hero of Two Worlds" because of his military enterprises in South America and Europe. These earned him a considerable reputation in Italy and abroad, aided by an exceptional international media coverage at the time.

…From Spain… • Name: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santíssima Trindad Ruiz y Picasso • Nationality: Spanish • Date of birth: 25th October 1881 • Place of birth: Malaga, Spain • Date of death: 8th April 1973 • Place of death: Mougins, France • Occupation: He was a Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, and stage designer.

• Deeds: He was an active participant of the Peace Movement and he protested against American intervention in Korea and against the Soviet occupation of Hungary. The Paris World Peace Conference adopted a dove created by Pablo Picasso as the official symbol of many peace movements.

…From Portugal… • Name: Aristídes de Sousa Mendes do Amaral e Abranches • Nationality: Portuguese • Date of birth: 19th July 1885 • Place of birth: Cabanas de Viriato, Portugal • Date of death: 3rd April 1954 • Place of death: Lisbon, Portugal • Occupation: He was a Portuguese diplomat and a Portuguese consul in Bordeaux (France).

• Deeds: He was the responsible for the rescue of thousands of refugees, who were trying to leave France, in order to flee the Nazi regime. Aristides became a hero not only for having spent more than three thousand visas, even going against the orders of his superiors, but also for defending what he thought to be more correct, regardless of being able to be punished.

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Mustafa Atat ürk “Father of the Turks”

And why Atatürk? • We decided, by majority, that Atatürk would be chosen as the winner, because his deeds had a more direct impact on what is our routine today. • Furthermore, the delivery of the prize was also an act of solidarity towards Turkish women, whose emancipation depended on this great man.

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Thanks for watching!

Young Workers

…Links of the images… • Atatürk: – Slide 3 (acessed on the 17th November) : – Slide 4 (acessed on the 28th November) :

• Jonas Žemaitis: – Slide 5 (acessed on the 17th November) :

• Lech Wałęsa: – Slide 7 (acessed on the 17th November) : – Slide 8 (acessed on the 28th November) :

• Václav Havel: – Slide 9 (acessed on the 17th November) : – Slide 10 (acessed on the 28th November) :

• Giuseppe Garibaldi: – Slide 11 (acessed on the 17th November) : 012-a_sapri_si_celebra_giuseppe_garibaldi_alla_presenza_di_anita-14124.html – Slide 12 (acessed on the 28th November) :

• Pablo Picasso: – Slide 13 (acessed on the 17th November) : – Slide 14 (acessed on the 28th November) :

• Aristídes de Sousa Mendes: – Slide 15 (acessed on the 17th November) : – Slide 16 (acessed on the 28th November) :

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